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Easy Call for Assistance


Single word voice command

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10:15 120m

10:17 310m

11:25 205m

Mobile App

The Community is Listening Helpers use mobile app to handle the requests

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Rate the Service Experience  

Supplied  by  Nina  Mönkkönen  h2p://www.phaopiskelijat.com/ole2assa/v/monkkonen_nina/02_large.jpg  

Rate the Service Experience

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Producing Better People

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You Are Not Alone

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Our  idea  is  to  help  people  with  vision  problems  enjoy  the  sights  of  a  new  city,  just  as  an  ordinary  person  would.  Even  though  technology  helps  us  stay  in  touch  with  those  far  away  from  us,  it  can  make  people  distant  from  their  own  neighbour..  we  may  see  a  neighbour  who  is  blind  but  we  are  lost  in  our  own  haze  of  Facebook.  And  this  happens  even  though  the  person  with  normal  sight  may  want  to  help  the  person  with  visual  difficulKes.    Now,  this  applicaKon  will  help  these  two  parKes  to  get  in  touch:  a  'visitor'  with  visual  difficulKes  who  is  sKll  trying  to  find  her  way  through  the  city's  maze  and  a  'guide'  who  wants  to  share  his  or  her  Kme  with  new  visitors  and  is  happy  to  help  others.  Who  knows  the  visitor  and  guide  may  find  interests  and  decide  to  meet  again!  Keeping  thing  simple,  we  plan  to  use  a  list  of  pre-­‐designed  "things  to  do"  for  the  visitor  to  scroll  through.  The  days,  meeKng  point  and  Kme  are  fixed.  The  visitor  has  an  opKon  to  suggest  his  own  idea  as  a  voice  message.  All  registered  guides  will  receive  a  noKficaKon  on  their  mobile  phone.  When  a  guide  receives  a  message,  he  can  choose  whether  to  go  to  spend  Kme  with  the  visitor.      The  visitor  receives  a  list  of  all  guides  who  have  offered  to  help.  He  or  she  swipes  the  screen  to  go  to  the  next  one.  The  visitor's  age,  sex  and  his  interests  as  recorded  in  the  profile  are  displayed.  When  he  finds  a  visitor  that  he  feels  would  be  a  right  choice  to  spend  an  evening  with,  he  sends  him  or  her  a  message.  The  two  parKes  then  meet  at  the  scheduled  Kme  and  place  in  the  real  world.  The  visitor  can  give  the  guest  a  raKng  based  on  his  or  her  experience.  

Story Script

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