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Page 1: Yard Sales: The sociological treasures within another person's trash by Paris Daniell

Yard Sale

The sociological treasures within another person's trash by Paris Daniell

Why do people go to yard sales? This is the question I asked

myself after hearing that my father in-law was planning on

having one. With this in mind I observed the yard sale from a

reclining lawn chair and waited for people to arrive. Wave after

wave of yard sale visitors began to reveal patterns, and eventually

led to the identification of various yard sale persona’s and

behavioral differences. After two days of fieldwork; my

understanding of these flash social marketplaces which we call

the yard sale had completely changed.

Page 2: Yard Sales: The sociological treasures within another person's trash by Paris Daniell


Why do people go to yard sales? This is the question I asked myself after hearing that my father in-law was planning on having one. With this in mind I observed the yard sale from a reclining lawn chair and waited for people to arrive. Wave after wave of yard sale visitors began to reveal patterns, and eventually led to the identification of various yard sale persona’s and behavioral differences. After two days of fieldwork; my understanding of these flash social marketplaces which we call the yard sale had completely changed.

My first pre-conceived ideas were that yard sales were part storefront, part social interaction. According to Wandrey and Meierling, two graduate design researchers, “one reason why the cultural practice of garage sales continues to grow is because it is an unregulated economy that generates somewhere between $600 million to $1 billion per year.” (The Things We Sell, presented at the 12th Annual Chicago Ethnography Conference)My understanding of yard sales was also very similar to Helen Sheumaker and Shirly T. Wajda’s description, “Also called curb, driveway, estate, garage, jumble, moving, porch, rummage, or yard sales are informal temporary venues in which homeowners or neighborhoods offer for public sale used household goods. Often held on weekends or holidays in the spring, summer, and fall when housecleaning and good weather coincide, yard sales are popularly viewed as a means to rid themselves of “clutter” and for consumers to find bargains.” (Material Culture in America: Understanding Everyday Life p.483) Despite it being thought of and described as a booming economic supplement for the nation, I had a hunch there was more to these flash social marketplaces. I wanted to know many things, but specifically I sought the answers to these questions:

• Why do people go to yard sales?• What are the need states that yard sale goers have?• Are there shibboleths or a secret code to yard sale goers?• How do people become aware of yard sales?• What are the social connections established during a yard sale?• How do people interact with each other at yard sales?• How does the urban environment affect the vitality of yard sales?• What are the cultural differences between different yard sale goers?• Can archetypal patterns be found amongst the group of people visiting?

Armed with questions, I was certain that my fieldwork would provide sufficient data to make observations and conclusions about yard sales. Answering these questions would require observation and natural conversation. I did not directly take notes in the field – instead I took short trips inside the house to jot thoughts down, and after the yard sale I extensively wrote notes from memory while the experience was fresh. This removal of the field site notebook was done in order to remove any intimidation of my presence.


My plan was to observe a yard sale in Benicia, California over the course of two days with the intention of identifying different nuances in the interaction and personalities between attendee’s. The location was at my father-in-law’s house, as he was moving onto a boat and wanted to hold a massive yard sale. I wasn’t participating in the sale directly, but instead observing from a distance. My role in the yard sale was simply to people watch, as it would (hopefully) discourage theft. I was close enough to hear conversation and ask questions, but not in the way of people.

Methodologies of research and analysis The type of field research I did is considered Participant Observation, a method that many sociologists and anthropologists use everyday in their studies. Bernard, an anthropologist known for his Participant Observation methods, writes, “Participant observation can involve an array of data collection methods. These include observation, natural conversations, various kinds of interviews (structured, semi structured, and unstructured), checklists, questionnaires, and unobtrusive methods. “ (H. Russell Bernard, Qualitative and Quantitative Approaches - Chapter 7 p.137). There were three other people working at the sale, so I knew that my presence wouldn’t be a bother, as it is (apparently) common for there to be an observer at yard sales in order to keep an eye on everyone/thing. Bernard writes later on in his book, “Unless you are a full participant in the culture you’re studying, being a participant observer makes you a freak.“ (H. Russell Bernard, Qualitative and Quantitative Approaches - Chapter 7 p.145). In this case I removed the “freak” title by playing a small part in the yard sale, and it was ideal for observation because the attendees expected my presence. I was considered a social norm.

My research online before entering the field revealed other people’s observations about yard sales on blog’s and e-publications. There was a peculiar commonality between many of the authors of these papers; they were natives in their field. Being highly involved in the sale of personal items, or in contrast highly engaged with the items being sold at other yard sales adds a large obstacle - and I was planning on avoiding that pitfall. This is considered an Etic position, versus an Emic one. Wikipedia explains the

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differences of Emic and Etic perspectives in relation to social and behavioral sciences, stating “An ‘Emic’ account is a description of behavior or a belief in terms meaningful (consciously or unconsciously) to the actor; that is, an Emic account comes from a person within the culture. Almost anything from within a culture can provide an Emic account. An “Etic” account is a description of a behavior or belief by an observer, in terms that can be applied to other cultures; that is, an Etic account attempts to be ‘culturally neutral’.” (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Emic_and_etic). The way I planned for neutrality was to not sell or buy anything, as I would most likely be distracted and essentially be joining the ‘tribe’ I am studying. Without this distraction I was able to focus my energy on the interactions and characteristics of the people within this group.

The methodology of my analysis involves several aspects. One of the sociological methods I have adopted is Symbolic Interactionism, which is explained in detail by sociologist Kathy Stolley. She states, “Symbolic interactionism is the prevailing micro-theoretical framework in sociological theory. As a micro level perspective, symbolic interactionism focuses on patterns of individual interactions. Although sociologists working in this tradition recognize that larger social structures exist and are important in shaping our lives, they point out that society is actually created by people interacting together on a daily basis. It is these smaller interactions that actually make up the larger social structures that are of the focus of functionalists and conflict theorists” (The Basics of Sociology, p. 27, Kathy S. Stolley) Using this method to analyze the data I collected would aid in the creation of different symbols and persona’s observed in a field site. I’m standing upon the shoulders of a founding father; Max Weber. I felt more confident entering the field with the ability to observe in a different way. Kathy Stolley also writes of the source of this method of analysis, “Symbolic Interactionism is based partly on the writings of German sociologist Max Weber (1864-1920). Unlike other sociologists who had focused only on large structural relationships, Weber was also interested in how individuals interact.” (The Basics of Sociology, p. 28, Kathy S. Stolley)

Sociological and anthropological focus

A yard sale is nothing without people, and I wanted to know who these people were. How people were becoming aware the yard sale was another interest of mine. The media used to advertise the sale consisted of four elements. The local newspaper was the first method. The classifieds ad said that it was a moving sale, would be held rain or shine, and the address you could find it at. The second media used was an ad in the ‘for sale’ section on craigslist.org, which included a phone number and pictures of all the stuff laid out at the sale. The third media was signs posted on the street. Miniature billboards that were placed on nearby streets, all of them fitted with arrows pointing in the right direction. Our fourth means of advertising was initially un-known but became obvious later on, word of mouth. Yard sale attendee’s talk at other yard sales, and soon enough word travels about your sale throughout the town. There were several times people gave compliments about a specific element, perhaps the Craigslist ad, or in another

instance they heard good things through a friend. Another factor that should be considered is organic visitors, who acted on a whim and had no plan to stop at a yard sale. There were over 100 people that visited the two-day yard sale, and I feel these four advertising components had a lot to do with its success.

The days that I spent at the yard sale were fascinating. Sitting in a reclining chair on the lawn, I watched the different people arrive in front of the house. If I were the only one available, I would greet the person as they entered the driveway lined with tables and boxes. A wide array of people visited the yard sale, and soon patterns arose. Taking note of the many details of our conversations, what they bought, and even how they looked allowed many different dots to be connected. Ultimately what arose from my participant observation was the discovery of archetypes one finds at a yard sale. This segment presents what I observed throughout the yard sale experience. Informants are the people that are a part of the cultural even under investigation. These people are critical to understanding the yard sale environment. This information about yard sale community takes shape in a catalogue format, which includes characterizations of what the people look like, what they purchase, how they behave and interact. The examples used are the best of the best out of many similar ones; I have removed their names in order to maintain anonymity.

Yard SalePersonas

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Early BirdsThese are the re-seller and antiquers of the yard sale scene. You will find them waiting for you outside as you open the garage door and begin to prepare for the day. The main interest for antiquers is the first pick on unique items. Dealers are mostly interested in brand name or brand new. Wielding a list in one hand and cash in the other - they dig through boxes with a keen eye. True value is seen by this group - but don’t expect to make a profit.

Example: Older man and woman that arrive in a large truck. They are friendly and upon being greeted begin asking about specific items. The woman asks about the fine art in the back of the garage, particularly interested in the frames.Items Bought: Ornamental Christmas snowman, Pottery Barn shadow box

The Lonely OnesSpotting a lonely is easy, they often arrive alone. These quiet folk have a greater need for human interaction over material needs. After probing the environment for friendliness, they will eagerly engage in conversation. After a semi-involved conversation, the lonely ones will typically purchase a small item. This purchase is an offering for your time. If you do not greet or engage a lonely, they will probably not purchase anything. Some of the lonely ones are new to the neighborhood, others are resident yard sale visitors.

Example: Middle aged male who browsed slowly and talked often. Discussion ranged from politics to the weather - brought up how he had no wife or kids. Older female who recently moved from Berkeley, CA.

Items Bought: Old screws, flower pots, exercise bicycle

New to the Neighborhood’sThis couple arrives with a social and material mission. One partner may begin browsing for their functional needs, i.e, patio furniture, and the other will begin in social interaction. This combination of needs is brought into conversation depending on the reception of their arrival. A Yard Sale is a social network.

Example: A middle aged couple who were happy to meet us. The woman was especially interested in the patio furniture, and the man curious to meet those at the yard sale. The woman left to withdraw money for the furniture, and the man (and self-proclaimed actor) stayed to talk - mentioning that he and his wife had just move in down the block.

Items Bought: Patio Furniture, Coffee table book, pots and pans,

The BraggersBraggers can be spotted after some initial conversation. Leisurely browsing, they will bring up something of importance in their day. Maybe they recently bought a new car, or in one case; directed a commercial. Don’t count on selling much to them, as they are more curious about your reaction to their big day.

Example: A middle aged man who introduced himself by his first and last name. Shortly after the introduction, he brought up how he had just finished directing a commercial for a local hotel. He was looking for a bunk bed, which we didn’t have. He then began to explain how the beds would be for his sons kids, whom he was meeting for dinner.Items Bought: Nothing.

The JealousiesThis group is a lively one, and highly engaged in the art of a bargain. Looking for the perfect find, they browse the many items at the sale, including the ones others have already picked up. Conversation involved other yard sale goers and the ones running the sale, comparing prices and at times becoming aggravated about the deals others were receiving. Yard sales are filled with one of a kind items, and this group always wants to know if there are more in stock.

Example: Two women who both were interested in the many items, particularly clothing. Digging through the boxes, they would throw items of interest in a pile. There was noticeable tension and eventually one of the women began making a ruckus about other people taking “too many items”. There were also many statements about the regret of ‘missing’ an item before it was sold.Items Bought: Clothing, belts, purse, and perhaps more if they had seen a couple items before they were sold to someone else.

The EntertainersFollow the laughter and you will find this group of yard sale visitors. This personality thives on the crowd, and seeks their attention. Interests and personal stories are shared by these people, and enjoy sharing with others. They seem familiar with yard sales and will wisely select an item of interest and ask about the price. There may be a purchase as an offering for the venue provided, but often not.

Example: Two younger men and women pulled up in their car, honking a after-market old fashioned horn. After exiting the car, you could almost see the charisma radiating from these people. Walking around with presence, one of the men would begin to tell jokes and make commentary about various items for sale.Items Bought: Nothing.

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Drive-By’sBe alert or you may miss this group. Within the safe confines of their automobile, they slowly drive by and scout out the sale street side. Driving (or parking) on the wrong side of the road isn't un-common. Drive-by’s are potentially persuaded to park with a happy hello or wave.

Example: A younger man, in a red pick-up. Driving by slowly, he shouts out of his window; asking about the price of the dresser. After replying, he states he’ll “be back after work.” The people working the sale replied “if it’s here”. The drive-by man never returned for the dresser.Items Bought: Nothing

Remote shoppersThese people were observed always in pairs. Generally husband and wife would park and one of them would walk and browse the sale while the other stayed in the car. The one shopping would ask about items and then go and check with their partner. After returning from the car the verdict would vary, either it was too expensive or they received approval. Occasionally the pair would switch, and the one waiting in the car would go to investigate the item in question. A yard sale is a scouting mission.

Example: A older woman who was petite and quiet visited the sale both days. She would arrive with her husband and she would pick through items while he awaited her return in the car. There were numerous times in which he returned from the car saying she was unable to buy an item.

KleptomaniacsThere were only a small amount of people who fit into this category. It is to be noted that this persona is highly conversational and sought to distract the ones working the yard sale. They had an eye for value and would gravitate towards those items. The offense is hardly worth prosecuting, but it seems a yard sale is an easy get away.

Example: An older man who arrived alone. Initially was friendly and at times flattering. After he continued browsing and accumulated items, he began to stir up commotion. Stating others were “practically stealing items” because they were getting them so cheap - and creating focus on other areas of the sale. His swipe was never actually witnessed, but the items he was holding were un-accounted for and missing after he disappeared.Items Stolen: Vintage necklace, Vintage Loony-Tunes Christmas light set

The VoyeurThis group is highly engaged in the items on display and the people who once owned them. Looking at everything around they touched almost every item around. They were interested in the person holding the sale, and asked many questions. Seeing what is typically hidden behind closed doors is the drive behind their visit.

Example: A middle-aged man who was friendly and spent quite some time browsing the sale, despite the temporary rain-shower. He was curious about the details of the move, who had lived in the house, and why we were moving. He was alone, but spoke about his friends and others around him.Items Bought: Nothing

Adopting Cultural IdentityThis yard sale goer is commonly foreign and interested in American culture. You will often find this group picking through items pertaining to holidays, cities, or popular culture.They aren’t as interested in conversation, but more so curious to what a true ‘American’ resident typically has hidden in their house. A yard sale is a cultural shadow box.

Example: A mother and her daughter quietly picked through various cultural items. The daughter gravitated towards the stuffed animals, and eventually claimed a Mickey Mouse plush as her own. The mother was more interested in decoration, and items for the house. Both were engaged in observation of others and very much so interested in the sale.Items Bought: Mickey Mouse plush, folding Christmas tree, Christmas lights

Necessity seekersThese people come to a yard sale for a reason - they need something. For them, moving sales are a more attractive venue at times as you are more likely to find appliances and items of utility. Price is a driving factor, and like-new products are always of interest. This need state can be found in other yard sale persona’s as well, i.e, new to the neighborhood’s.

Example: A younger girl that recently moved from Boston to California on her own. She arrived at the yard sale with a specific question, “do you have any kitchen appliances?” Given that this yard sale was for a major move, she had a large selection to choose from. She walked away with a kitchen full of like-new appliances and items at a low price.Items Bought: Complete set of dishes, Blender, Football chip dip bowl

Low-budget shop-o-holic’sThis trend in personality encompasses a large amount of other persona's found at a yard sale, but there are extremes as well. This group is highly communicative and will speak about their desire for an item, despite not needing it. Verbalizing their love to shop, and will stop anywhere just to do so. Haggling prices from .50 cents to .25 isn’t uncommon, and at times will set items down after holding them throughout the visit.

Example: An older woman who enjoyed having conversations with others while at the sale. She would speak openly about her love for shopping and would “stop anywhere just to get some shopping in”. She was interested in little things, claiming “most of it would go right into storage anyways”.Items Bought: Assorted books and novels, glass figurine, shrub clippers, framed artwork, stapler

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Comparative behavior analysisAfter compiling this list of thirteen different personas, several behavioral categories began to take shape. Looking at yard sales and how the people interact using pattern-based characterizations provides insight previously un-obtainable. Sorting and organizing information lead to better understanding. Here are a few things we can learn using the data.

Desiring social interaction1. Lonely ones2. New to the neighborhoods3. Braggers4. Entertainers5. Voyeurs

I need ______________ .1. Necessity seekers

2. New to the neighborhoods3. Early birds 4. Jealousies

5. Kleptomaniacs

Going to talk you down from .50¢ to .25¢1. Shop-o-holic’s2. Remote Shoppers3. Jealousies4. Necessity seekers5. Cultural identity adoptees

Likely to park on the wrong side of the street or double park:1. Entertainers

2. Remote Shoppers3. Shop-o-holic’s

4. Early Birds5. Drive-by

Big items buyers1. New to the neighborhoods2. Early Birds3. Necessity seekers4. Jealousies5. Shop-o-holics

Trinket seekers1. Shop-o-holics

2. Lonely ones3. Cultural identity adoptees

4. Remote shoppers5. Voyeurs

ConclusionAfter submerging myself in the culture of yard sales, observing the many different people who attend them, and presenting the data collected through field research, I have gained a new understanding of this social marketplace. Much of my primary discovery involves the social intricacies of a yard sale. These personas and fine characteristics are not exclusive to yard sales but instead can often be found throughout any community. It is the concentration of these specific people that is interesting, how they quickly gather in one location and then disperse just as fast. Deciphering the soup of personalities that visit a yard sale reveals the true ingredients and ultimate recipe for urban interaction. In conclusion, a yard sale is an urban phenomenon, which creates an environment that nurtures both social interaction and material exchange.

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Works Cited

Bernard, H. Russell. “7.” Social research methods: qualitative and quantitative approaches.

Thousand Oaks, Calif.: Sage Publications, 2000. 137, 145. Print.

Meierling, Chris. “The $1 Billion Garage Sale Market | Tag Sell It.” tagsellit. N.p., 26 Jan. 2011. Web.

20 Mar. 2011. <http://www.tagsellit.com/article/1-billion-garage-sale-market-0>.

Sheumaker, Helen, and Shirley Teresa Wajda. “4.” Material culture in America: understanding

everyday life. Santa Barbara, Calif.: ABC-CLIO, 2008. 483. Print.Stolley, Kathy S.. “1.” The basics of sociology . Westport, Conn.: Greenwood Press, 2005. 28. Print.

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