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Yarning KidsMatter Ways

Growing healthy minds



of country

Make safe …

Did ya know … the way we do things around here …

Customs, rituals, respect and predictability for adults and children

Taking care of yourself, each other and your community


Yarning Mental Health

In finding out about protocols, you also find out about: Country, Nation, Mobs, Community, Languages.

KidsMatter Ways: A commitment to bringing Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander perspectives and ways of doing to the KidsMatter Early Childhood initiative.

‘Conversations about family, kinship, culture and country are all part of a solid foundation of mental health and wellbeing.’

‘Communication is different for different people.’


Responsibilities come with



KidsMatter at Wynbring Jida – the beginning

#YarningwithKM GROW

What’s happened with KidsMatter at Wynbring Jida …


Wellbeing is for everybody


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