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YEAR 5 Week 9 English Overview

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday

Lesson Objective/Learning Goal

To answer questions on a


To develop cohesion in a paragraph

To uplevel Varjak Paw To revise punctuation and grammar

To plan and write a multiple-choice essay.

Activity Answer set Comprehension questions (Varjak Paw) Girls to read through the passage, highlighting and defining any challenging words. Live 30 minute ‘taught’ introduction/model answer from 9.10-9.40 for Task 2 and 9.45 – 10.15 for Task 3. We will read through the text and define any tricky words and discuss/make notes for questions. We will attempt half the final question as a model/shared answer; the girls will then have a go at attempting the rest, sharing ideas as they go. Task 1 girls: group with Mrs Watson.

Girls to extend and develop paragraphs. Read through PPT and listen to audio introduction. a) All Tasks: develop ideas within the paragraph. This will include some listing, one sentence per idea or big jumps, which aren’t fully explained. b) Tasks 2 and 3: continue the writing, taking care to link and develop ideas fully. I will available to answer questions live from 9.30-10.00am. Please dial in so I can answer those queries in person!

To respond to marking (Varjak Paw) Girls to re-read the text and listen to audio introduction. 1) Read through questions and answers which have been marked. Uplevel any questions they got wrong in full and in green. 2) Answer this opinion question. Remember to refer closely to the text: Would you like to read on? Explain why, referring closely to the passage. Live 30 minute ‘taught’ introduction/model answer from 9.00-9.30 for Tasks 2 and 3. We will read through the text and define any tricky words and discuss/make notes for questions.

To revise key grammar terminology Girls to work through the PPT. Please record your answers as you go on paper. I will available to answer questions live from 9.30-10.00am. Please dial in so I can answer those queries in person!

To choose one of the writing tasks from Varjak Paw. Girls to read over PPT which contains Success Criteria for all tasks. In live session, discuss the pros and cons of both. Pre-written beginning of antimodel answer for Winter; in the live session. How could we uplevel this? Girls to write totally independently. Spend no longer than 40minutes n this. Live 20 minute introduction/shared write from 8.45-9.10 for Task 2 and 9.15 – 9.40 for Task 3. Task 1 girls: group with Mrs Watson.

Task 1 girls: group with Mrs Watson.

Resources you will need

Varjak Paw Comprehension/PPT.

PPT PPT/Varjak Paw PPT

Paper/pen/computer, PPT.

Tips, clues or things to help

• Underline the key words in the questions and texts.

Look at the marks available per question and ring them.

Join the live sessions for help understanding the text and with the final, tricky question!

•• Read your work out loud, pausing for punctuation. Is it in the right place? • Check you’ve covered all the points from the PPT in your uplevel • Check commas are being used correctly; if two sentences make sense by themselves, there should be either a connective, full stop, colon or semi –colon, not a comma.

• Join the live session for discussions and model answers. Use the mark scheme to help you uplevel.

Look up any terminology you’ve forgotten – or use your Guide to Grammar!

Opening/closing sentences need to be ‘killer’ and hook the reader instantly.

5Ws need to be covered.

Make sure you follow the Success Criteria when writing and check your work against it afterwards.

Develop each idea in detail over 2/3 sentences, rather than listing.

Writing needs to be at least a page long.

Want to check? Send your work to Mrs Belshaw so that she can give you feedback.

Send your work to Mrs Belshaw so that she can give you feedback.

Send your work to Mrs Belshaw so that she can give you feedback.

Send your work to Mrs Belshaw so that she can give you feedback.

Send your work to Mrs Belshaw so that she can give you feedback.

Additional activities Can you write your own questions on Varjak Paw?

Rewrite the paragraph from a different perspective

Add a page on modal verbs to your Guide to Grammar from last term.

Can you edit and uplevel your own work thoroughly before sending it to Mrs Belshaw? Build in those checking skills!

*Challenge 1 Write a precis on a passage of your choice. ** Challenge 2 Can you produce a descriptive paragraph on a subject of your choice, a range of punctuation, used accurately? *** Challenge 3 Write a set of instructions for your favourite hobby, using modal verbs.

YEAR 5 Week 9 Maths Overview

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday

Lesson Objective/Learning Goal

To introduce the concept of Percentages.

To be able to build on knowledge of equivalent fractions to find percentages.

To experience an 11+ practice paper and have a go at the questions.

To be able to calculate percentages of an amount (50% and 25%).

To be able to calculate percentages of an amount (multiples of 10%)

Activity 5 a day with video answers LIVE sessions (various times) *Nugget on Century ‘Introduction to percentages’, ‘Finding percentages 1’

5 a day with video answers LIVE sessions (various times) *Nugget on Century ‘Finding percentages 2’ **MNP Chapter 8 Worksheet 2 ‘Finding percentages’ Pg 39-41

5 a day with video answers LIVE sessions (various times) * Selection of questions from ISEB 11+ practice paper. To be completed ahead of a LIVE answer session on Monday afternoon 2.30-3.00

5 a day with video answers LIVE sessions (various times) * Worksheet on finding percentages.

5 a day with video answers LIVE sessions (various times) *Scaffolded worksheet on finding multiples of 10% **Percentages dot to dot

Resources you will need

5-a-day sheet iPad or computer Link on TEAMS to your task on Century

5-a-day sheet iPad or computer MNP workbook/access to worksheet (you do not need to print it out)

5-a-day sheet iPad or computer 11+ practice questions

5-a-day sheet iPad or computer Access to worksheet (you do not need to print it out)

5-a-day sheet iPad or computer Worksheets

Tips, clues or things to help

Miss Baker will be checking in with individual groups between 11-12 make sure you know your time. This will be on recapping equivalent fractions and linking this to percentages

Miss Baker will be checking in with individual groups between 11-12 make sure you know your time. This will be continuing to practice equivalent fractions to percentages.

Miss Baker will be checking in with individual groups between 11-12 make sure you know your time. We will be looking at the really tricky questions during this session

Miss Baker will be checking in with individual groups between 11-12 make sure you know your time. This will be on finding 10%, 25% and 50% of a number using bubbles.

Miss Baker will be checking in with individual groups between 11-12 make sure you know your time. This will be on using 10% to find other multiples of 10%

Want to check? Have a look at your attainment and completion results. How did you do?

We will go through the answers during our call. Have you remembered your units?

We will go through the hard questions during our call. Have you completed all of the questions that you can?

We will go through the answers during our call. Have you remembered your units?

We will go through the answers during our call. Can you explain what is happening?

Additional activities

***Firefly challenge **Can you remember the work we did on place value? Make a piccolage of the key facts.

.*** You have new Mathletics tasks!

**Complete 11+ paper

**Complete 11+ paper

*Challenge 1- Firefly challenge ** Challenge 2- Mathletics tasks *** Challenge 3- Piccolage to remember previous topics

YEAR 5 Week 3 Specialist Lessons Overview

Science Art French Music Week 6 PE Computing Drama

Lesson Objective/Learning Goal

LO: learn about the contributions made by Mary Anning

Exploring perspective (extension – multiple perspectives)

To give your opinions about sport using ‘parce que’

Learn a new song

Recap Lisa jane

words and build new

rhythm skills .

To participate in Whole School Vitual Sports Day

LO: Block coding on code.org.

To explore characters and scripts in radio plays

Activity Live Lesson: 1.45pm - 2.15 pm 15th June 2020 We are looking at the life of Mary Anning and how her contributions enabled us to understand how life on Earth has changed. Assignment – create a habitat for a fossil by looking at the clues on the animal.

‘Take A Seat’ activity inspired by David Hockney

Listen to the video and repeat the words to help with the pronunciation. Complete the word document and write 6 sentences

Sing 4 verses then solfeg version of

Lisa Jane. Introduction to Rhythm reading

using Beethoven. Learn Indian Lullaby

in a minor key (ostinato option)

recap Rhythm reading Games

Record a chosen song and rhythm

piece for me.

Follow the slides presentation as a guide for taking part in Sports Day. There are 5 Events in Total: Speed Bounce 2 Footed Jump Vertical Jump Target Throw Sprint You must upload your results into firefly by 12.00pm on Friday 19th June.

We are going to be using a new coding website called Code.org You have been given your login details in the assignment. Follow the instructions I have given you. Complete as much as you can this week.

Look at the

Powerpoint for

more information.

Read a radio script,

using 3 different

characters that

sounds very


Resources you will need

If you cannot make the lesson please look at the Powerpoint, and look at the separate assignment. There is a link on the Powerpoint about a film on the life of Mary Anning.

IPad for taking


A4 / A3 paper


Sharp pencil

Coloured pencils /

paint (optional)

Computer, I pad, pens, pencil...

Power point Words audio

Follow the link to the slides document in seesaw

Your login details. You may use the website on the iPad or laptop

Voice and material to create sound effects (optional). Voice memo or similar voice recording app

Tips, clues or things to help

Look at the link to the film I have included on the Powerpoint

Read the instructions provided and look at the examples before starting Join the ‘live’ lesson at 1.45-2.30pm on Thursday

Remember to use the connective words that we have learnt previously.

Always LISTEN FIRST!!! Listen carefully to the song first and sing along later. follow the rhythm


Introduction to

solfege notes and



Watch the videos in slides if you can not remember how to take part in the activities.

There are tutorials available on each lesson. Please use if necessary.

Think about how you can change your voice to make it completely different for each character, as if there were three actors speaking.

Want to check?

Take a photo of your drawing and send back your assignment to me on TEAMS.

Upload your work to TEAMs for feedback

Thursday lesson we

will go through this

in class and practise

the songs with

clapping so you can

be sure of it before

doing any


Message Mrs Wheeler on Teams chat if you have any questions.

I can see your progress on the webiste.

Record an audio of your script and submit on Teams

Additional activities

Go to the Natural History Museum Website and take a look at the virtual

This activity can be completed using one of the

Practise sport on Lingascope www.linguascope.com

There will still be 15 minute movement

There are additional challenges you may wish to complete at

Can you add sound effects to your script?

tour of the Mary Anning fossils.

following: photography a single perspective drawing / colour study a multiple perspective study (in the style of Hockney) If you complete one, why not have a go at another?

Practise your song

or piece for the

concert. Rhythm reading


activities each day if you are keen to do more.

the end of every lesson.

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