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Page 1: Year 7 History Assessment Booklet - Ambarvale High School€¦ · 7 ASSESSMENT TASK NOTIFICATIONS TASK 1 Date of initial notification: Week 1, Term 1 Date of submission: Week 8, Term


Year 7 History


Assessment Booklet

Page 2: Year 7 History Assessment Booklet - Ambarvale High School€¦ · 7 ASSESSMENT TASK NOTIFICATIONS TASK 1 Date of initial notification: Week 1, Term 1 Date of submission: Week 8, Term


HSIE Staff Contact Emails Mr Aquilina: [email protected] Ms Dellow: [email protected] Mr Devlin: [email protected] Mrs Grasso: [email protected] Mrs Presland: [email protected] Ms Simpson: [email protected] Ms Sinclair: [email protected] Mr Sun: [email protected]

CONTENT PAGE Assessment Procedures in HSIE 3 Assessment Grid for History 5 Assessment Task Notifications 7

Page 3: Year 7 History Assessment Booklet - Ambarvale High School€¦ · 7 ASSESSMENT TASK NOTIFICATIONS TASK 1 Date of initial notification: Week 1, Term 1 Date of submission: Week 8, Term



The HSIE Faculty will follow the policy and procedures outlined in the AHS Assessment Policy and Procedures Booklet.

Please note in particular the following points;

• If you have a legitimate reason why you will be unable to achieve an assessment due date, you may be eligible for special consideration on your task. You should notify your teacher and negotiate this BEFORE the due date of your task. You may be asked to provide some supporting documentation, such as a note from home.

• All tasks should be submitted in PAPER form, NOT electronically, unless your task specifically states otherwise. Be organised.

• Be aware that computer or electronic failure are NOT considered to be a reason for a late or non-completion of assessment tasks. Always, always, always back up your work.

• Students are required to submit their tasks before the end of school day ON THE DUE DATE - ie all tasks must be received by 2.50pm.

• Failure to submit tasks on or before the due date will result in a deduction of marks. 20% will be deducted for each day that the task is late. After 5 school days, students will receive a zero mark and teachers may issue consequences.

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Exceptions include the following;

• ILLNESS or MISADVENTURE covered by a note from home and / or a doctor’s certificate / certificate from another professional. You must see your classroom teacher / Head Teacher HSIE and present your paperwork when you return to school.

Malpractice (Plagiarism & Cheating);

• Malpractice is a serious matter and includes plagiarism and cheating. In HSIE, there is a significant research component across our subjects and it is important to pay particular attention to plagiarism and accurate referencing. If your assessment has evidence of Malpractice, it can result in a ZERO mark, parental notification, possible disciplinary action and you may be required to resubmit the task.

For further information on Ambarvale High School Assessment requirements, please refer to your Assessment Booklet.

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HSIE FACULTY: Scope and Sequence STAGE 4 – Year 7 HISTORY

Unit Title Unit Length Basic Overview

Overview 1: The Ancient World

2 weeks Wk 1 – Wk 2 Term One

The overview examines the ‘out of Africa theory’, the emergence of key societies and the key features of ancient societies (this should be incorporated throughout).

Depth Study 1: Investigating the Ancient Past

6 weeks Wk 3 – Wk 8 Term One

Investigating the Ancient Past (including Ancient Australia). The topic introduces students to the study of History. It also focuses on the first Australians, their way of life and legacy to modern Australia.

Depth Study 2: The Mediterranean World

6 weeks Wk 9 T1- Week 3 T2

The topic focuses on the Ancient Egyptians covering a variety of topics, including: The importance of the Nile river, everyday life and a focus on funerary customs and death rituals.

Depth Study 3: The Asian World

6 weeks Wk 4 – Wk 9/10 T2

The depth study focuses on Ancient China. Topics for focus include terracotta warriors, early Chinese dynasties, the silk road and Ancient Chinese inventions and innovation

Overview 2: The Ancient to the Modern World

3 weeks Wk10 T2 – WK1 T3

In this unit students learn about the transformation of the Roman world and the spread of Christianity and Islam (this should be incorporated throughout).

Depth Study 4: The Western and Islamic World

6 weeks Wk 2 – Wk8 T3

The unit focuses on Medieval Europe. Topics include: The feudal system, the stages of Knighthood, everyday life and the crusades.

Depth Study 5: The Asia Pacific World

6 weeks Wk 9 T3 – Wk 3 T4

The topic focuses on Polynesian expansion across the Pacific with an emphasis on the Maori. The unit explores Polynesian migration theories, culture and navigation techniques.

Depth Study 6: Expanding Contacts

6 weeks Wk 4 – Wk 10 T4

Students learn about the nature of the interaction between the Spanish and the Indigenous populations, with a particular focus on the Aztecs. The topic covers Aztec everyday life, religion and culture.

Assessment Time / weighting Description of task

Task One Week 8, Term 1 (25%) Archaeological Report

Task Two Week 3, Term 2 (25%) Ancient Egypt Topic Test

Task Three Week 9, Term 3 (25%) Medieval Europe Assessment Task

Task Four Week 3, Term 4 (25%) History Skills Test

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Stage 4 History Outcomes: HT4-1 describes the nature of history and archaeology and explains their contribution to an understanding of the past

HT4-2 describes major periods of historical time and sequences events, people and societies from the past

HT4-3 describes and assesses the motives and actions of past individuals and groups in the context of past societies

HT4-4 describes and explains the causes and effects of events and developments of past societies over time

HT4-5 identifies the meaning, purpose and context of historical sources

HT4-6 uses evidence from sources to support historical narratives and explanations

HT4-7 identifies and describes different contexts, perspectives and interpretations of the past

HT4-8 locates, selects and organises information from sources to develop an historical inquiry

HT4-9 uses a range of historical terms and concepts when communicating an understanding of the past

HT4-10 selects and uses appropriate oral, written, visual and digital forms to communicate about the past

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Date of initial notification: Week 1, Term 1

Date of submission: Week 8, Term 1 (In class)

Weighting of task: 25%

Marks: /20

Course component/Focus area/Topic/Module:

Investigating the Ancient Past Should we be custodians of the Ancient Past?

Task Description: Archaeological discovery report As a journalist you have been given the assignment to create a report on an ancient (BC/BCE) archeological discovery (Troy OR Tomb of King Tutankhamen). Create a report/notes covering the following ….. The Site

• A detailed map of the site 2 marks • What was discovered? 2 marks • When and how it was discovered & by whom? 4 marks • The techniques and/or technology they employed to discover this site

3 marks • Include relevant images or artifacts 4 marks

Custodians of the past

• Why is this finding significant and deserved to be preserved? 5 marks

A template will be provided that you may use to help you organise and write your report

Outcomes assessed: HT4-1 describes the nature of history and archaeology and explains their contribution to an understanding of the past HT4-5 identifies the meaning, purpose and context of historical sources HT4-8 locates, selects and organises information from sources to develop an historical inquiry HT4-9 uses a range of historical terms and concepts when communicating an understanding of the past HT4-10 selects and uses appropriate oral, written, visual and digital forms to communicate about the past

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Mark Criteria A 17-20

• Creates a report that accurately describing the key areas of the site in detail with effective visual aids.

• Effectively and accurately outlines why we should preserve our ancient past

• Communicates information effectively and in the correct manner

B 13-16

• Creates a report that accurately describing the key areas with effective visual aids.

• Accurately outlines why we should preserve our ancient past • Communicates information in an effective manner

C 9-12

• Creates a report describing the key areas of the site with visual aids • Outlines why we should preserve our ancient past • Communicates information appropriately

D 5-8

• creates a report describing some key areas of the site with visual aids • Attempts to outline how the chosen why we should preserve our ancient

past • May communicate information appropriately

E 0-4

• Inadequately creates a report and pamphlet which may or may not include basic information on the site chosen

• Fails to communicate information in an appropriate manner

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TASK 2 Date of initial notification: Week 1, Term 1

Date of submission: Week 3, Term 2 (Your teacher will advise you of the day)

Time Allowed: 60 minutes

Weighting of task: 25%

Course component/Focus area/Topic/Module:

The Mediterranean World – Ancient Egypt

Task Description:

• Students have to complete an in-class topic test about Ancient Egypt.

• Questions will be testing student comprehension and knowledge and range from:

o Short answer o Stimulus / source analysis o Extended response

• The test will be completed in class during Week 3.

Outcomes assessed

HT4-2 describes major periods of historical time and sequences events, people and societies from the past HT4-3 describes and assesses the motives and actions of past individuals and groups in the context of past societies HT4-4 describes and explains the causes and effects of events and developments of past societies over time HT4-5 identifies the meaning, purpose and context of historical sources HT4-6 uses evidence from sources to support historical narratives and explanations

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Date of initial notification: Week 1, Term 1

Date of submission: Week 9, Term 3

Weighting of task: 25%

Course component/Focus area/Topic/Module:

Medieval Europe To what extent do you believe the Baqeux Tapestry OR the Schilling Chronicle to be a

reliable source?

Task Description: Bayeux Tapestry/ Schilling Chronicle – Bias and accurate presentation

-Students will be given a different scene from the Bayeux Tapestry or the Schilling Chronicle You will create a presentation – PowerPoint or Large Poster that;

• Describes the scene (what type of people are in the scene? what are they wearing? What are they doing? What does the scene represent?)

• Explains the historical accuracies/inaccuracies and Bias in your scene.

Task Criteria • Your work can be presented on a large poster OR in a PowerPoint

presentation • You will present your findings to your class in a brief 1-2 min

presentation. • You will be given 2 class lessons to work on the task • An alphabetical list of resources used must be included with the task

Outcomes assessed:

• HT4-6 uses evidence from sources to support historical narratives and explanations

• HT4-7 identifies and describes different contexts, perspectives and interpretations of the past

• HT4-8 locates, selects and organises information from sources to develop an historical inquiry

• HT4-9 uses a range of historical terms and concepts when communicating an understanding of the past

• HT4-10 selects and uses appropriate oral, written, visual and digital forms to communicate about the past

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Marking Criteria Grade • Draws conclusions about the Bayeux Tapestry or Schilling Chronicle based on

an understanding of the evidence • Analyses information and evidence to discuss bias and accuracies • Writes a detailed, well-structured and logical account of the Bayeux Tapestry • Presents with clear communication techniques– visual and audio


Evidence • Demonstrates understanding of the Bayeux Tapestry or Schilling Chronicle

based on the evidence • Makes links to evidence to discuss bias and accuracies • Writes a structured and relevant account of the Bayeux Tapestry • Presents to the class – visual and audio


Empathy • Describes aspects of the Bayeux Tapestry or Schilling Chronicle based on some

evidence • Describes bias and accuracies • Writes an account of the Bayeux Tapestry. • Presents to the class – visual OR audio


Communication • Gives a limited account of Bayeux Tapestry or Schilling Chronicle • Little or no mention of Bias or accuracies • Does not present findings to class • Writes a few points on of the Bayeux Tapestry


Teachers Comments ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

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TASK 4 Date of initial notification: Week 1, Term 1

Date of submission: Week 3, Term 4

Time Allowed: 60 minutes

Weighting of task: 25%

Course component/Focus area/Topic/Module:

Skills and Sources

Task Description:

• Students have to complete an in-class history skills and sources test.

• Questions will be testing student knowledge and ability to demonstrate historical skills and interpret primary and secondary sources. Sources will be drawn from a range of topics studied this year including;

o Ancient China o Medieval Europe

Outcomes assessed: • HT4-1 describes the nature of history and archaeology and explains their

contribution to an understanding of the past • HT4-5 identifies the meaning, purpose and context of historical sources • HT4-6 uses evidence from sources to support historical narratives and explanations • HT4-7 identifies and describes different contexts, perspectives and interpretations

of the past • HT4-9 uses a range of historical terms and concepts when communicating an

understanding of the past

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