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Page 1: Year 9 Parents’ Information Evening Welcome Please take a seat

Year 9 Parents’ Information Evening


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The presentation will start shortly

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Tonight’s Aims

For you to leave with a better understanding of:• Careers • 2012/13 results• Student Support, Care & Guidance• Key Stage 3 Ethos• Assessment, Recording & Reporting (ARR)• Rewards & Recognition

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Why do we need to think about careers in Year 9?

Most students do not know what they want to do

when they grow upWe want students to get their dream


Because this year is options year

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What careers advice will my child receive in Year 9 and when?

1. Where does my money go?

2. Jobs and qualifications I like

3. Careers action plan

4. Futurology

5. Options and careers

6. Careers interviews with Mark Anderson

7. Careers fair at Tomlinscote

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What careers advice will my child receive in future years?

• Y10 – Work Experience, starting to write a CV, looking at post-16 options, careers speed dating

• Y11 – 1:1 careers advice, making post-16 choices, developing CV’s and careers action plans

• Y12 – Work Experience, developing a personal brand, exploring post-18 options, careers speed dating

• Y13 – Making post-18 choices, CV writing, personal statements and cover letters and finance

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What can I do as a parent/guardian?

• Register for U-Explore: www.u-explore.com• Talk together about careers

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2012/13 Results

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42 43 42








97 97












2009 2010 2011 2012 2013

% G


s A

* - C

% A*-A 5+A*-C (inc. EM) 5+A*-C

GCSE Results

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A level Results

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A level Results

  Subject 1 Subject 2 Subject 3 Subject 4 Subject 5

Student 1 A* A* A    

Student 2 A* A* A    

Student 3 A* A A A A

Student 4 A* A A    

Student 5 A* A A B  

Student 6 A* A A    

Student 7 A* A B    

Student 8 A* A B B  

Student 9 A* A B B  

Student 10 A A A    

Student 11 A A A    

Student 12 A A A    

Student 13 A A B    

Student 14 A A B    

Student 15 A A B    

Student 16 A A B    

Student 17 A A B    

Student 18 A A B    

22% of entriesachieved at least AAB

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A level - Value Added

Over the last 3 years student progress (the distance

students have ‘travelled’) has been equivalent to the top

10% nationally.

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Key Stage 3

Student Support, Care and Guidance

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The Key Stage 3 Ethos

Enjoyment of learning



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Student Home

Helping students’ realise their

potential Learning

Student Support, Care & Guidance

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What level am I

working at?

How do I know?

What are my next steps?

The fundamental learning process at Gordon’s

Assessment events

Clear, specific targets related to students’ work


‘Position’ Statement

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• High quality teaching and enjoyable learning

- Lesson observations, student voice, data analysis• Regular ‘next steps’ advice in lessons

- Tri weekly feedback & termly ‘Key Assessments’• Department reviews

- Triennial • Work sampling

- Students’ books/ folders audited


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• Prep

- Weekly ‘mini audits’.

- Prep Timetable ‘on trial’ for 1 week


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• Assessment, Recording & Reporting (ARR)

- Statute• Gordon’s ARR Philosophy

- Little & Often

- Conversation is better than written dialogue

- Teacher’s judgement is valued


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• ARR Working Party

- Met three times in summer term

- Comprised of teachers & parents

- Lots of discussion about many aspects of the


- Main outcomes of ARR working party

- Modified effort grade criteria

- More context to KS3 NC levels


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• Effort Grades 2013 – 14

1 = Outstanding

2 = Very Good

3 = Good but occasionally inconsistent

4 = Cause for concern

5 = Unacceptable


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• Termly Reporting as follows:


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• Curriculum

- New school day this year

- More teaching time in almost all subjects

- Less duties for teachers

- Same prep timetable


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• Intervention

- Initially with subject teacher

- If no improvements then Head of House

• Study Skills (Miss Pierce)

- Creating Independent learners

- Details on the School web site

• Aspiration & Challenge (Miss Balla)

- Developing talent

- Building on the previous ‘Gifted & Talented’


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Behaviour Organisation

Courtesy Presentation of Work

Appearance Contribution

Prep Group Work

Attitude to Learning Focus

Key Competencies


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• There is no ‘magic dust’ at Gordon’s

• Those students who achieve great grades:

- work very hard

- prioritise their studies

- make sacrifices

- usually stay for prep.

- spend the right amount of time on prep.

- are resilient


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• Encourage students to give the new timetable a chance.

• Check exercise books for quality of work and marking.

• Regularly discuss school and specific subjects.

• Ensure students spend 30 minutes/subject/night on prep.*

• Reward/ sanction consistently and regularly (accountability)

• Think ahead to GCSES/ career aspirations including University and/ or employment. www.ucas.co.uk

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Rewards and RecognitionRewards and Recognition

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Thank you for listening


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