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Page 1: Yes, Russians did hack - part 1: Freedom to Love · Yes Virginia, the Russians did 'hack' into the environment of the 2016 U.S. Presidential Election. And they did so in a powerfully

Yes, Russians did hack - part 1: Freedom to Love by Rolf Witzsche

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Yes... the Russians did hack

Swan Lake and The Nutcracker

- an epix video divided into 8-parts

Freedom to Love (1)

Promise of Swan Lake (2)

Nutcracker Revolution (3)

Page 2: Yes, Russians did hack - part 1: Freedom to Love · Yes Virginia, the Russians did 'hack' into the environment of the 2016 U.S. Presidential Election. And they did so in a powerfully

In an Ice Planet World (4)

2016 G20 2017 Incomparable (5)

Civilization Is Freedom (6)

I Can! (7)

Princes who are Free (8)

Part 1 - Freedom to Love

Page 3: Yes, Russians did hack - part 1: Freedom to Love · Yes Virginia, the Russians did 'hack' into the environment of the 2016 U.S. Presidential Election. And they did so in a powerfully

Yes Virginia, the Russians did 'hack' into the environment of the 2016 U.S.

Presidential Election. And they did so in a powerfully uplifting manner.

President Putin had addressed humanity via a world historic event that had brought

an entire symphony orchestra into a previous war zone, into the very place where

mass executions had been carried out prior to the liberation of the area from the

murderous scourge of universal terrorism.

Page 4: Yes, Russians did hack - part 1: Freedom to Love · Yes Virginia, the Russians did 'hack' into the environment of the 2016 U.S. Presidential Election. And they did so in a powerfully

President Putin spoke to the assembled audience of that world event via a television

address, saying in essence: "I see this as remembrance for all victims of terror no

matter the place of crimes against humanity, and, of course of hope not just for

the revival of Palmyra as a cultural asset of the whole of humanity, but for modern

civilization, from this horrible fate of international terrorism." With these words,

President Putin voiced aloud what was already in most everyone's heart. He spoke

the obvious. He said in essence that humanity is living out a fairy tale dream in

believing that terrorism cannot be purged from the landscape of human


Page 5: Yes, Russians did hack - part 1: Freedom to Love · Yes Virginia, the Russians did 'hack' into the environment of the 2016 U.S. Presidential Election. And they did so in a powerfully

The concert became acknowledged in many parts of the world as a milestone

towards the wider liberation of humanity as a whole from state sponsored terror,

the perpetual war policies, perpetual regime change ideology, perpetual domination

practice, and submission to perpetual aggression, perpetual hate, perpetual

inhumanity. The milestone event and what it signified did indeed change the world.

Russia had injected a spark of cultural optimism into a dark world. It had hacked

into the myth that darkness is power.

Page 7: Yes, Russians did hack - part 1: Freedom to Love · Yes Virginia, the Russians did 'hack' into the environment of the 2016 U.S. Presidential Election. And they did so in a powerfully

In a world awash with refugees from countries affected by the evils of terror,

domination, war, destruction, inhumanity, the demonstrated commitment by Russia,

to actively work for the revival of civilization, had affected the world, and had

affected it in a big way.

Russia's commitment to the beauty and dignity of human civilization, had elevated

the entire world in many respects. It had brought a measure of light into the


In doing so, it also affected the U.S. political environment. Russia's spark of light

had hacked into it, and had injected a measure of sanity into a political vacuum

without hope.

In this manner, Russia had a quiet, intangible effect. That's what the political

masters had ignored as being impossible. It came as a surprise. Everyone was

surprised by the outcome of the U.S. Presidential election. The masters were

surprised, because they believed that they had stomped out the light of sanity and

civilization in the world. Suddenly, there it was again. Naturally, it had affected

quite a few people.

Page 8: Yes, Russians did hack - part 1: Freedom to Love · Yes Virginia, the Russians did 'hack' into the environment of the 2016 U.S. Presidential Election. And they did so in a powerfully

Russia had brought a sense of cultural optimism back onto the political scene that

seemed almost dead in the West, in the long dark night that had covered so much

of the world with war, terror, poverty, and more war.

Yes, Russia played a frontline part in the transformation of the political landscape

of the world. It played a part by hacking into this landscape of despair, injecting

into it its new paradigm that, yes, it is possible for humanity to have a future that

inspires joy.

This, all by itself, is worthy a celebration. It was celebrated in Palmyra. It was also

noted in America. It uplifted its political dynamics.

The resulting new wave of cultural optimism apparently affected more than is being

acknowledged or even recognized.

Page 9: Yes, Russians did hack - part 1: Freedom to Love · Yes Virginia, the Russians did 'hack' into the environment of the 2016 U.S. Presidential Election. And they did so in a powerfully

It appears to have inspired some people, and probably quite a few in America, to

recognize that there exists an alternative to having to bow to the Deep State

apparatus that has imprisoned much of the West with deep corruption, deep

hatred, deep lust for war and destruction, and a deep fear of human development,

cultural development, economic development, and universal sovereignty.

Page 10: Yes, Russians did hack - part 1: Freedom to Love · Yes Virginia, the Russians did 'hack' into the environment of the 2016 U.S. Presidential Election. And they did so in a powerfully

The Deep State, that one hears being referred to, increasingly, is not a

government, or any government, but is a hidden force of oligarchic powers, some

call it empire, some call it the invisible hand, the one that has no face, that

operates deeply hidden and controls the government of nations with war and money

and directs the thinking of society with its private ownership of the media. It

furnishes society's opinions, whom to love, whom to hate, and what to accept as the

truth. And it furnishes your wars.

Page 11: Yes, Russians did hack - part 1: Freedom to Love · Yes Virginia, the Russians did 'hack' into the environment of the 2016 U.S. Presidential Election. And they did so in a powerfully

As the old saying goes, the first casualty in any war is the truth. Then keep in mind

that the Deep State is at war with humanity, and has been at war with it for a long

time, both for the Deep State's survival and for its profits.

Page 12: Yes, Russians did hack - part 1: Freedom to Love · Yes Virginia, the Russians did 'hack' into the environment of the 2016 U.S. Presidential Election. And they did so in a powerfully

“The Earth has cancer

and the cancer is Man."

- Club of Rome (1974)

The controlled mass depopulation of the planet is one of the Deep State's

cherished goals, for which humanity is said to be a cancer on the Earth, and a

climate villain under the modern Global Warming doctrine, or is defined as basically

evil, as Thomas Hobbes had described humanity during the Dark Ages of the early

1600s in order to justify the 30 Years War.

The Deep State system had become a psychological war machine against humanity,

and, Yes, the Deep state is a cancer in the fabric of civilization. But this is fading.

The healing of civilization has begun,

Page 13: Yes, Russians did hack - part 1: Freedom to Love · Yes Virginia, the Russians did 'hack' into the environment of the 2016 U.S. Presidential Election. And they did so in a powerfully

Mankind is at the Turning Point

Beyond the Deep State system

Humanity is in the process of healing its wound. Mankind is at a turning point,

towards a world free of Deep State cancers. China is already past that point.

China has begun to succeed where the historic Swan Lake story tragically fails.

In the Swan Lake story the union of humanity and civilization in a bond of universal

love, is not achieved. It stands as an ideal, too great to come true. Thus, the story

still illustrates the western world. Evil prevails; humanity dies; civilization remains

out of reach.

Page 15: Yes, Russians did hack - part 1: Freedom to Love · Yes Virginia, the Russians did 'hack' into the environment of the 2016 U.S. Presidential Election. And they did so in a powerfully

China had placed itself with this achievement in its pocket, onto the world stage on

September 4–5 at the 2016 G20 Summit that it had hosted in its historic city,


Also, so that nobody would miss the message, a medley of the Swan Lake dancing to

Tchaikovsky's music was performed. It was performed with the dancers dancing on

the surface of a lake, dancing on the water as it were.

Page 17: Yes, Russians did hack - part 1: Freedom to Love · Yes Virginia, the Russians did 'hack' into the environment of the 2016 U.S. Presidential Election. And they did so in a powerfully

It demonstrated that the wind has turned into a new direction, a profoundly

humanist direction. The new wind, combined with the change in climate in Palmyra,

by Russia, had evidently cleared some of the dense political smog that hung over

the American election, which had obscured society's vision.

Some people, seeing past the smog, may have asked themselves in America during

the Presidential election in 2016, who needs policies of perpetual wars? Who needs

dreams of perpetual enemies, who needs killing and maiming of people for regime


Page 18: Yes, Russians did hack - part 1: Freedom to Love · Yes Virginia, the Russians did 'hack' into the environment of the 2016 U.S. Presidential Election. And they did so in a powerfully

People had asked themselves those questions back in the mid 1600s. The outcome

was the Peace of Westphalia in 1648, based on a higher sense of humanity and a

commitment to support one another, instead of tearing one-another down. The

commitment ended the 30 Years War and established a new platform for


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Wars for Profit

The First Opium War, 1839–1842- The Second Opium War 1856–1860

History also tells us that the peace didn't last. New forms of the Deep State

system emerged that created new wars, new forms of terror, and new ideologies

for hatred and depravity. The new wars were evermore openly, wars for private

profits, and to destroy nations for profit. The opium wars against China were but an

example. They forced the liberal looting of China and wide narcotics decimation

from within, which nearly destroyed China.

Page 21: Yes, Russians did hack - part 1: Freedom to Love · Yes Virginia, the Russians did 'hack' into the environment of the 2016 U.S. Presidential Election. And they did so in a powerfully

In this modern arena, aiming for the revival of civilization, Russia intervened and

demonstrated to the world that terror can be defeated, and war can be put aside

with cooperation. It hacked into the old mentality of submission and hopelessness

with a new vision for a human future.

By Russia providing such answers with hope, more than a few people in the West

may have inspired themselves to walk away from the Deep state of degeneracy that

had come to rule the political parties. Those who begun to awaken may have changed

ranks. They may have switched parties when they saw the faintest light at the end

of the tunnel for America to have a future again and likewise the world.

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This type of awaking tends to happen especially during election when the Deep Mire

on the political landscape inspires despair in society. People become tired of seeing

no hope, but seeing the stench praised as the pinnacle of civilization.

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Then, someone comes along and says to the electorate, I can make America normal

again; I can make it greatly respected in the world again; I can make America to

become loved by Americans again by rebuilding the country for everyone to be

proud of it again.

Such speeches would have sounded like Lincoln speaking, , or Franklin Roosevelt, or

John Kennedy. Anyone standing for election to become President on this type of

platform, standing against the Deep Mire of the Deep State, could have won. A

dentist could have won if he had the financial resources to wage a campaign. Power

lay in the street.

Page 25: Yes, Russians did hack - part 1: Freedom to Love · Yes Virginia, the Russians did 'hack' into the environment of the 2016 U.S. Presidential Election. And they did so in a powerfully

The Deep State is evidently so deeply rotten on the whole scene that the stench

tends to leak out through the corroded walls of the private clubs of the party

machines, or is being leaked out for political games.

The political parties have been declared by the Supreme Court of the USA to be

private clubs.

When something leaks out through the closed doors of the clubs, few people are

surprised by the smell. The stench is expected, especially during election time. The

stench, therefore, doesn't alter elections.

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Cultural optimism that the Moon landing project had sparked around the world, was

begun to be murdered with the assassination of President Kennedy and was

subsequently drowned in the gore of the Vietnam War.

President Putin evidently 'hacked' into the conscience of America by illustrating

that there is an alternative to being drowned to death in the Deep State, like

America has evidently been that has been so impoverished from within that it can

no longer access the International Space Station that it had helped to build.

America's poverty has become so deep that it must in consequence break its own

law, which prohibits cooperating with Russia, 'begging' Russia to carry its

astronauts to the space station that it can no longer do itself.

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The deep-reaching dismantling of NASA and its historic achievements had been a

weighty campaign issue in the 2016 U.S. election. NASA was once synonymous with

national pride in technological achievements, and with a vision for a bright future.

Some of this has been so deeply buried that society is being induced to believe it

was never real. Russia now carries the leading torch on this vital front.

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Russia carries the leading torch in the world, because the Deep State had

effectively buried America's space capability as an evil demon, which it had

pioneered, which the Deep State says is too expensive in money and not worth the


Page 30: Yes, Russians did hack - part 1: Freedom to Love · Yes Virginia, the Russians did 'hack' into the environment of the 2016 U.S. Presidential Election. And they did so in a powerfully

Russia's future-oriented paradigm had evidently 'hacked' into America's depressed

state of thinking, suggesting that the potential still exists for America to snap out

of its slumber and become a great nation again.

Actually, it isn't a hard challenge for America to become great again. Any President

who picks up power in the street and follows the historic course that had made

America great in the past, is assured the status of greatness for simply repairing

America's decaying transportation infrastructure, and for restoring sanity into the

banking system as did Franklin Roosevelt with the Glass Steagall act. It doesn't

take a genius for a President to be great when the course is already laid out in

history. But it takes courage and wisdom to carry that torch. Weather or not, what

is required, will be achieved, remains yet to be seen.

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He might even be aware that China's achievement could serve as a model for the

fulfillment of his hopes.

However, it also appears that President Trump is unaware of the greatly advanced

cultural background in China that had made the economic achievements possible,

which Tchaikovsky's Swan Lake ballet does illustrate.

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Tchaikovsky, Swan Lake ballet, composed in 1875/76

Very few people are aware of the historic connection.

And fewer still are aware that the Swan Lake composition by Tchaikovsky in

1875/76, shares a common cultural background with the political founding of Canada

as a Dominion of the British Empire in 1867.

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While the past is history, the cultural growing up that the past has set into motion

evidently still continues. It continues with new questions and remains a force that

shapes the future.

What is Canada?

What is a nation?

Is it a land?

Is it a dominion?

Is it a property?

Is it a heritage of history?

Is it a people?

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Is it a cultural identity?

Is it a home?

Is it a bastion of freedom?

So the question needs to be asked, What is Freedom? And it needs to be asked for

the sake of the future.

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