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…Yet, I will trust Him

The Power of Yet!

1PET 1:8 Whom having not seen, ye love; in whom, though now ye see

him not, yet believing, ye rejoice with joy unspeakable and

full of glory:

The definition of “yet”: nevertheless; notwithstanding; however; in spite of; without regard

to; all the same; in any event; still!

…Yet, I will praise Him

This is a life of faith, not sight. That's why you're able to praise Me

for things you haven't seen yet. With faith, time is irrelevant. You

have the assurance that sooner or later I'm going to do everything

that I've said I would, and that's worth praising for.

To meet any situation without praise is to overlook My presence in it.


…Yet, I will rejoice in the Lord

A good role model to follow in learning contentment is the prophet Habak-

kuk, who could say:

HAB.3:17 Although the fig tree shall not blossom, neither shall fruit be in the

vines; the labour of the olive shall fail, and the fields shall yield no meat; the

flock shall be cut off from the fold, and there shall be no herd in the stalls:

HAB.3:18 Yet I will rejoice in the LORD, I will joy in the God of my salva-


HAB.3:19 The LORD God is my strength, and he will make my feet like hinds' feet, and he will make me to walk upon mine high places.

“Praise is a key that unleashes an ocean of My spiritual power which

can engulf and wash away any of the enemy’s obstacles”


These are certainly not the words of a man who allows negative circumstances in life to spoil his personal happiness. When the worst happens in our lives, while we do our best to cling to our faith, it’s easy to question God. “Keep your eyes off yourself and your situation and on Me and the keys. Praise me even when you don’t feel like it, and I will take care of the situation and bring about Romans 8:28evenfrom the most trying circumstances.”

Habakkuk... wrote this prophecy at a time when he and God’s people were asking the same questions. The Babylonians were preparing to invade Judah where the rem-nant of God’s people remained. This was a direct judgment from the Lord, for they had experienced rapid moral and spiritual decline. Habakkuk complains against God, not understanding how he could use a downright wicked nation in Babylon to judge a less wicked one in Judah. But, we know that God’s ways are not our ways. (Isaiah 55:8-9) The Lord answers Habakkuk and reminds him that He is a God of justice and mercy and we, the righteous, have to trust him and live by faith.(2:4)No matter what comes, Habakkuk chooses to praise Him and trust Him. Though

the world seems to crumble, yet he will rejoice in the Lord.

“The keys of faith can give you My perspective to help you see things as I see them, to understand why I have brought them to pass and to know that it will work together for your good.”

James... The Book of James urges us to reframe our thinking this way: "Count it all

joy when ye fall into diverse temptations!" That seems illogical. Why should

we be happy about hard times? "Knowing this, that the trying of your faith

worketh patience. But let patience have her perfect work, that ye may be per-

fect and entire, wanting (lacking) nothing" (James 1:2-4).

“The battle rages and the fight is on, but the power of the keys will see

us through the darkest night and into the brightest day.”

And 2Corinthians 4:7-9 emphasizes it again: "But we have this treasure in earthen vessels that the excellency of the power may be of God, and not of us. We are troubled on every side, yet not distressed; we are perplexed, but not in despair; persecuted, but not forsaken; cast down, but not destroyed."

Matthew Henry… says: When we see a day of trouble approach, it concerns us to prepare.

Habakkuk resolved to delight and triumph in the Lord; for when all is gone,

his God is not gone. Destroy the vines and the fig trees, and you make all

mirth of a carnal heart to cease. But those who, when full, enjoyed God in all,

when emptied and poor, can enjoy all in God. They can sit down upon the

heap of the ruins of their creature-comforts, and even then praise the Lord, as

the God of their salvation, the salvation of the soul, and rejoice in Him as

such, in their greatest distresses. Joy in the Lord is especially seasonable when

we meet with losses and crosses in the world. Even when provisions are cut

off, to make it appear that man lives not by bread alone, we may be supplied

by the graces and comforts of God’s spirit.

“The spirit world is our wilderness and the keys open the way!”

Then we shall be strong for spiritual warfare and work, and with enlargement

of heart may run the way of his commandments, and outrun our troubles.

“Each of My children has the power to connect to this key that un-

locks the treasures of Heaven, the jewels from beyond, My words and

the wonderful mysteries of the spirit. All they have to do is ask.”

And we shall be successful in spiritual undertakings. Thus the prophet, who

began his prayer with fear and trembling, ends it with joy and triumph. And

thus faith in Christ prepares for every event. The name of Jesus, when we

speak of Him as ours, is a balm for every wound, a cordial for every care. It is

an ointment poured forth, shedding fragrance through the whole soul. In the

hope of an heavenly crown, let us sit loose to earthly possessions and com-

forts, and cheerfully bear under crosses.

Yet a little while, and he that shall come will come, and will not

tarry; and where He is, we shall be also.

…Yet, Jesus is in everything

let my trembling soul be still,

And wait thy wise, thy holy will.

I cannot, Lord, thy purpose see,

Yet all is well since ruled by Thee


...Yet, faith is the victory

You see, you are My spiritual warriors upon the Earth, and what you do each time you see an evil event‚ or each time something seemingly "bad" or discouraging happens, is to turn it for good by laying hold on it with a positive attitude of praise and a positive action of putting it into My hands, knowing that I will turn it to good somehow, some way. This is the victory which overcomes the world--your faith! And faith is hanging on to the fact that I will turn each and every circumstance to

good, no matter how it looks to you. That is faith‚ and faith always results in victory. It's as simple as that. That is why you need to hang on to a positive attitude and fight for it, and claim it in the face of every event, because you are spiritual warriors whose job it is to help Me bring in My Spirit upon the Earth until it floods the Earth and overwhelms the Enemy's spirits and destroys and defeats them!--Until that day when the meek shall inherit the Earth, and the lion shall lie down with the lamb, and shall not be at odds with each other anymore (Mat.5:5; Isa.11:6). That day is coming. My Word says it clearly. And you, My Endtime warri-ors, must remain full of faith and hold tightly to the heavenly vision in your hearts and minds‚ not letting anything displace it. Eventually you will see that all Hell cannot stand against that attitude in your heart‚ because the power there is stronger than any power that could confront you (1Jn.4:4). For the power in this attitude of faith is Me.

I am reigning in your hearts, and as you believe Me and let Me more and more into your thoughts and actions and attitudes, responding with My attitudes, you will be strengthened and will become more stable and firm, like a rock that cannot be moved.

…Yet, My spirit will reign through you

This is one very strong reason why it is important to practice praise,

and loving Me, and unity, and using the weapon of brotherhood, and

using the keys to fight with, and using all of the spiritual weapons in your

life--because you become a stronger person as you do so, less vulnerable

to being tossed about by every wind of the Enemy, more stable in the

face of his breath‚ able to defeat his ploys and destroy his efforts and kick

him out of the spiritual and physical places that you inhabit. And as you

do, you are taking them over for My Spirit to reign there. My Spirit is

reigning through you, My loves.

David Berg...

…Yet, the Lord is greater

If you ever feel like the tests, trials and battles are more than you can

bear and you just can’t make it, remember, the Lord is greater than they are!

Take them to Him!

…Yet, you will soar

Life is born of struggle. To enter this world, a baby must leave the comfort

and security of the womb and make a difficult and perilous passage through

the narrow birth canal. Before an eagle can soar to the heavens, it must push

and peck its way out of the egg. Before a butterfly can delight us with its col-

ors and grace, it must escape from its cocoon.

Ella Wheeler Wilcox...

…Yet, I shall see the greater gain

I will not doubt, though all my ships at sea Come drifting home with broken mast and sails; I shall believe the Hand which never fails, From seeming evil worketh good to me; And, though I weep because those sails are battered, Still will I cry, while my best hopes lie shattered, “I trust in Thee.” I will not doubt, though sorrows fall like rain, And troubles swarm like bees about a hive; I shall believe the heights for which I strive, Are only reached by anguish and by pain;

And, though I groan and tremble with my crosses, I yet shall see, through my severest losses, The greater gain.

…Yet, I will sustain you

Jesus... If you continue to keep your eyes fixed on Me, then all the things of this life will di-

minish. All the pressures that you feel, all the problems that surround you, all the attacks of the Enemy, things that the Devil tries to throw at you to hinder you will grow dim. And eventually they won't even be an issue because you know you can look to Me for the an-swers. You can look to Me for the strength that you need, the courage, the patience, or whatever you need to overcome these different obstacles. It will all be right there for you, and you'll know it. You won't worry and feel under pressure, because you know that you can take those burdens and pressures to Me and I will sustain you and give you the strength that you need.

…Yet, Jesus can help you triumph in your troubles

Apostle Paul...


What's needed is an inner attitude, an unshakable conviction that, re-gardless of the circumstances which life may send your way, with God's help you can triumph in your troubles, if not over them. To triumph in your troubles is really the only victory you need, "for great is your reward in Heaven" (Matthew 5:12). In the first century, the Apostle Paul demonstrated this principle. Here's what he wrote to his brethren in the city of Philippi: "I have learned, in whatsoever state I am, therewith to be content" (Philippians 4:11). And Paul had been in some miserable circumstances. On one occasion he was falsely accused, beaten and thrown into prison, where he was shackled hand and foot. He was put in the inner prison (which we'd call the maximum security cell). But at midnight, of all things, Paul was singing. And he wasn't wailing the words to "Nobody Knows the Trouble I've Seen" either. He was singing praises to God (see Acts 16:25)! What a fantastic attitude in such dire circumstances. But if your heart is right with God, circumstances just don't

count. Now, that may not sound very revolutionary the first time you hear it, but the idea grows on you. It suggests a truth that everyone has to wrestle with sooner or later: Until you're able to be happy in every situation, you can't really be happy in any situation. No matter how hard you try to convince yourself to the contrary, your happiness and satisfaction in life are not determined by your actual circumstances but by your attitude

...Yet, you can trust Me

Job... Think of Job when he was beset by his woes. He was in My will; he was

walking upright in My ways. But I still tested him and allowed calamity into

his life to prove his spirit of faith and endurance--and provide him with an

avenue for even greater success in the long run. Because he endured, because

he kept the faith, because he trusted how I was leading him, he gained the re-

ward for his faith (Job 42:12-17).

You too can gain the blessings of endurance, if you'll keep holding on despite

the setbacks or troubles. It's tough to keep holding on and looking for the

benefits and the blessings from the difficulties, but I proudly honor and bless

those who persevere.

Look for the possibility and the good in each of the difficulties you face as

you follow the path of My will for you. You'll find that a positive attitude will

keep your spirit buoyant during the stormy days or weeks. Stick close to Me

and turn to Me for the guidance and help that you need. Keep holding on

and let your spirit shine brightly despite the struggles.

Your confidence and trust in Me as you walk the path of My will is a beautiful

testament to others of your unshakable love and faith in Me. Because you

know I'm looking out for you, you can be confident that I want what's best

for you. You can trust Me and lean on My everlasting arms.

…Yet, Jesus chooses the weak things

Jesus… I have promised to not bring things your way that would be too hard for you

and Me to handle together. Yet I have also promised that I would continue

adding to your growth, your responsibility, your training, and your strengths.

And often those additions aren't things that are necessarily comfortable to

you initially, but because they come from Me, you can believe that they are

good things that will be good for you, and not too big for you and Me to


I know that you don't feel capable of doing this new thing. Well, that's a

good thing. I haven't asked you to be capable. All I've asked is that you be


You don't have to feel qualified for anything. You don't even need to feel

that you have the natural talents to take on what I bring your way. Your in-

capability won't stop Me from using you. Why? Because it's not in you, it's

not up to you, it's only in Me. It's up to Me whether you'll have the power or

not. It's up to Me whether you can do anything or not.

And in looking at My skill set and My power and My know-how, I don't feel

concerned or unsure. I have full faith that My power is able to meet the need.

I have full faith that My ability is great enough for the task at hand. I have full

faith that My keys have all the power to do a terrific job.

My power is sure and complete and unchallenged. It is the best. It is every-

thing. It is the power of God! And so I don't need any of your abilities or

strengths or skills or natural talents to help Me to do anything or to add to

My power. All I need is your willingness to be used by My power. All I need is

your physical body, your willing spirit, your yielded mind, your believing

heart, and if I have that, then I have everything that I need to work with. Then

I can pour My power through you. I can give you the anointing. I can give

you the supernatural talents--but all of that must come from Me.

I don't want you to consider yourself when thinking about doing My will,

instead I want you to consider Me--My power, My ability, My will, My

strength, and My purpose. The answer lies in Me. I won't fail you.

I just need you to say, "I can do all things through Christ Who strengtheneth

me." That promise holds the key to your fulfilling My will.

David Berg... No matter how young you are, no matter how little you know, no matter

how few talents you have, or how poorly you speak, God can use you--In

1Cor.1:27* it says that God actually takes this kind of person to use.--The very

fact that you don't feel like you can do it and you feel so humble about it

and you don't feel capable of it is the best thing possible. Because then you

will seek the Lord, and God will manifest Himself!

*1COR.1:27 -- But God hath chosen the foolish things of the world to

confound the wise; and God hath chosen the weak things of the world to

confound the things which are mighty.

What you weren't able to do before is now possible through the power of

the keys!

…Yet, you will forget about the sacrifices

Jesus… If you ask Me to help you, and then fight to change your mindset, your

life will not be all sadness or trying to maintain or forget about the sacri-

fices involved. I will engineer things so that you will be very happy, you

will have your needs met, and I will even do extra things for you to re-

ward you. You will forget about the sacrifices, because I will pay you back

abundantly. And remember that when I pay you back to the point where

you don't feel that you've made a sacrifice, that's where it has only

reached one percent of your reward. My promise is to repay one

hundredfold, so there's much, much, much more yet to come! I love to

spoil My brides, those who give Me everything.

…Yet, I will transform you

Personal Prophecy...

December 04, 2020—Celeste—broadening the outlook

There’s quite a load on you my loves. Always remember that there is no

pressure, in a physical sense, from here. Pressure, stress and tension is a

fleshly compensation, spiritual pressure is far different than what one

feels when under pressure in a worldly sense. Take conviction and con-

demnation for example. Being convicted about making progress in your

spiritual life and being condemned about your mistakes and shortcom-

ings are shades of the same stepladder. Two climbers approach the task

with the same intention; to climb the ladder. However, the stimulus is

not the same.

Perform or transform is another perspective. The objective: to climb the

ladder, the goal: daily progress. That’s simple enough. The ladder is long,

but that doesn’t matter because your stimulus is other worldly. You are

on the ladder to be transformed not to perform. Let’s take a look at these

two words; it might help clarify your perception. To perform: complete,

accomplish, achieve. To transform: alter, change, a transformation.

There is one thing that definitely, absolutely, unquestionably, has to be

left at the bottom of this ladder; pride; the enemy of transformation.

Don’t worry, we all know how gummy that stuff is, so with the right per-

spective, each step you take up the ladder a little more of that sticky mud

falls off of the transforming man/woman. Of course it goes without say-

ing that I’m talking about a spiritual ladder of transformation not the

worldly ladder of success.

I’ve never been to earth but that doesn’t mean I don’t experience feelings

of pride. That spirit is part of God’s nature. However Godly pride and

earthly pride have two very different faces. One has the eyes of love and

outwardness and the other of self and inwardness. If you approach the

ladder with the eyes of love and outwardness you will most definitely be

transformed as you climb.

…Yet, I will transform you

…Yet, this I call to mind and therefore I have hope

Lamentations Chapter 3... 3:5 He has besieged me and surrounded me with bitterness and hard-


3:19 I remember my affliction and my wandering, the bitterness and the


3:20 I well remember them, and my soul is downcast within me.

3:21 Yet this I call to mind and therefore I have hope:

3:22 Because of the LORD’s great love we are not consumed, for his com-

passions never fail.

3:23 They are new every morning; great is your faithfulness.

3:24 I say to myself, “The LORD is my portion; therefore I will wait for


3:25 The LORD is good to those whose hope is in him, to the one who

seeks him;

3:26 it is good to wait quietly for the salvation of the LORD.

3:31 For men are not cast off by the Lord for ever.

3:32 Though he brings grief, he will show compassion, so great is his un-

failing love.

3:33 For he does not willingly bring affliction or grief to the children of


…Yet, cling to Me and fight on, no matter what!

Faith is persevering in My will, even when you don't see Me answering you.

Noah persevered for 120 years in building the Ark, sometimes wondering if

he'd gotten something wrong and was failing Me‚ and other times wondering

if maybe I'd changed My mind. But he just kept plugging along nevertheless,

keeping the faith. Faith was a key part of the witness that I needed him to give

to the wicked world. What greater testament of faith could he have than be-

ing determined to obey whether it seemed that I was fulfilling My side or


I've promised you that the keys will do amazing things. I've promised that

you will be a financial power. I've promised to carry you, My brides, in spite

of overwhelming tasks, and give you the strength to go on as you rest in Me,

feed on My Word, claim the keys, and place every task in My hands. But then,

when you obey, you don't always see the fruits immediately and it looks like

My promises have failed.

You pray desperately but there are still sicknesses, accidents, troubles, and

seeming failures. You place your families and flocks in My hands, trusting

that I will keep and prosper them, yet all doesn't always flow smoothly and

you are stretched to your limits and beyond. It looks like I have failed, or that

the keys haven't really got the power I say they have, or that My promises of

protection and provision aren't being fulfilled.

You don't have the visible fruits of everything going great and wonderful,

even though you have done what I asked. But think for a moment about No-

ah. It took great faith to face those crowds of scoffers after a hundred years of

telling them about the coming flood. He could easily have looked at the im-

possibility of the task before him and how long he was having to endure

without seeing results. He had to take the flood and the need for the Ark to-

tally by faith, since he only had My voice to go on.

Or look at Moses‚ after he'd been broken and humbled and learned to de-

pend utterly on Me. He goes before Pharaoh, trusting My promise to deliver

the children of Israel, and what happens? Pharaoh says no and makes the chil-

dren of Israel work even harder! Things looked like they were even worse than

before, and by every standard that the mind could grasp, they were! Had My

promises actually failed? Of course not. But in those times when to you they

seem to have failed, it can cause severe testing if you are looking to visible

results to "prove" their veracity.

Moses' trusting in My promises and obedience to My instructions looked like

a total failure. His people seemed worse off than ever! In fact, he had to go

back and face failure several more times before the victory finally came.

Do you think Moses was tempted to doubt, to wonder if what I'd said was re-

al? Do you think he felt like that was the end and that My power wasn't so

great after all? Of course he was tempted to doubt! Of course it seemed hope-

less. He battled fiercely! He was humiliated before the very people he was try-

ing so hard to help.

Many times you must step out on blind faith, even when it looks like I've

failed or My promises aren't real, or the keys aren't all I've said they were, or

My promises of power, protection, and supply aren't being fulfilled like you

thought they would be. No matter what things look like‚ you have to deter-

mine that you are going to obey and follow even when everything seems to

have gone wrong. That's the greatest testimony of faith that you can have.

Sometimes the periods when all seems to have failed are short‚ sometimes

they are long. Before I parted the Red Sea, it looked like all was lost. Pharaoh's

armies had the children of Israel surrounded and trapped. But without that

time of hopelessness, the miracle would not have been nearly as great a testi-


I said through your David that it takes an impossible situation for Me to do a

miracle. That means that you have to face situations that seem impossibly

difficult at times in order to see the miracle of My power bringing you

through to the victory.

I take you through those impossible situations, those times when it looks

completely hopeless, and when I require that you hang on for that extra

hour, that extra day, that extra period of time, in order to pull down the mir-

acles. That is part of your testimony.

When those who are watching see you claiming the keys, claiming My prom-

ises, claiming the victories, claiming that I will do the work and somehow

bring you through in spite of seeming failures and defeats, their faith is

strengthened. When they see you fall and struggle and you still fight on, de-

spite not seeing the proof with your eyes, knowing that I will fulfill My side,

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