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Page 2: Yoga Tree Magazine November 2010

90 minute Hot Yoga Classes 7 days a week

Additional 7:15PM classes being added week of November 8th!

954-C Laval Crescent (Right beside Cliffside

Climbing Gym)


Yoga Tree MagazineWellness, Health, Spirituality, Healing,

Yoga, Pilates, Dance, Fitness, Workshops, Events, Classes,

Community Connection, Personal Transformation

Yoga Instructor, Katrina Arielenjoys autumn in the moun-tains at Sun Peaks. Katrinateaches yoga, yoga fitnessbootcamp and private yogatherapy at Let’s Move Studiowww.yogawithkatrina.comwwwletsmovestudio.com

One Month of Unlimited Hot Yoga Classes

For Only $50.00!Check out the Yoga Tree Coupons section to clip

and save!

· New teachers starting in November· Several styles of Hot Yoga are offered· All styles offer beginning postures for new people



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Issue #17

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November - December, 2010

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In a harmonious state,

humans live in close

contact with the ele-

ments of the natural

world. In such a state,

we may notice within

ourselves the changing of

the seasons. For example,

our bodies crave more sleep

in the long, dark hours of

winter, and we are far more

active during the longer days of


Five Elements Theory ex-

pands on yin/yang philos-

ophy to express our

cyclical journey through

peaks of high activity, de-

creasing activity, deep rest

and receptivity, and gradual

reawakening into high activity

once again. Accepting these cycli-

cal rhythms allows for the letting

go of ideas that we are not doing enough

in mid-winter, for example.

Fire, Earth, Metal, Water and Wood are the Five Elements of Tra-

ditional Chinese Medicine and each is associated with a particular

season, a specific pair of bodily organs or functions, emotional

states, and more. Winter is the season of the Water Element, which

corresponds to the Bladder and Kidney organ meridians, pathways

involved in maintaining the body’s fluid level and regulating salt-

water balance. Kidney also influences all life processes and con-

nects us to the teachings of our ancestors.

The Water Element houses will and ambition, rules the spinal col-

umn, bones, teeth and marrow, governs sexual drive and reserve

energy, and strives to harmonize the emotions of fear and trust. The

associated sense organs are the ears. Imbalance in this element may

manifest as back pain, sciatica, fatigue, ear problems, headaches,

phobia, extreme emotional states, low sexual drive, and memory


Activities to nourish the Water Element include enjoying rest and

introspection, spending time near water, completing projects to

strengthen will, quieting fearful thoughts, caring for the back, and

embracing a spiritual path to build trust (Arnold Porter, 1991). Rec-

ommended foods include beans, dates, fish, chicken, root vegeta-

bles, leeks, seaweed, ginger, and flax seed. This winter, enter the

depths of the Water Element, release fear and have trust in what is

discovered therein!

Michele Botel has worked as a Registered Jin Shin Do® Acupressure Therapist

since 2006, after achieving a Diploma of Acupressure with Outstanding Achieve-

ment from the Canadian Acupressure College in Victoria, B.C. You can reach

Michele at [email protected] for information and booking or through the Let’s Move












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~ By Michele Botel

Ancient Wisdom, Modern Lifestyles

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Issue #17

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Our valley is experiencing a wonder of nature as we have millions

of sockeye salmon returning home to the Adams River spawning

grounds. Mother Earth has provided us with a superb example of

abundance. These fish will feed the bear, fox, coyote, eagle and so

many other animals that we share our land with.

On a recent trip to visit the spawning grounds, my friends and I

were also delighted by the number of Eagles we saw. There must

have been 40 or more flying and sitting in trees surveying the valley

with their pensive looks. For me, eagles are a symbol of seeing our

world from a different perceptual state which allows us to see our

world from a different vantage point.

We can become preoccupied in our life with so many external dis-

tractions, television, world affairs, concern over family and friends,

and life in general, that we miss the seasons and the gifts from na-

ture that are being presented right on our doorstep. It is important

to notice what is showing up upon the land we live on, and to con-

nect to the messages that may be there for us. We are connected to

this magnificent Mother Earth and she is the most benevolent

provider for all of the necessities of life. She literally provides us

with the food we eat, the clothes we wear and homes we live in; all

of this is a part of the abundance that is Mother Earth.

A few years ago, I had the privilege of traveling to Peru where I

studied with the medicine men and women there. In this ancient

culture, the name for Mother Earth is “Pacha Mama”, and every-

where you go there is a reminder of the connection to this great

provider. It is evident in their spirituality and jewelry; their textiles

have stories of the connection to Pacha Mama woven into them,

and the weavings tell stories of the Mountains or “Apu’s” as they

call them. They also create beauty in their weavings about the star

constellations in the sky at night, including the Southern Cross, and

Milky Way. In this way, there is a constant reminder of our connec-

tion to the Mother Earth. There are also amazing ceremonies that

are performed to honor the connection to the world that supports

us as we live this journey of life.

This spring I had the experience of visiting Stonehenge on the Sal-

isbury Plain at sun rise. Standing among these magnificent stones

gave me time to ponder how these gigantic stones came to be in

this place and how they were transported there. Traveling is a won-

derful way to explore the world and to expand our minds and sense

of wonder; it also has helped me to appreciate what we have in our

own magnificent valley here in Kamloops.

The water ways of the Fraser River, Kamloops Lake, South Thomp-

son River, Shuswap Lake, Adams River and Adams Lake are to be

held in gratitude that they can support the journey of all of these

sockeye salmon. Without the clean clear waters to swim in, these

creatures of nature would not be able to complete their life cycle.

The sockeye are a wonder of nature and a symbol for me of perse-

verance and a reminder to not give up. They provide a wonderful

example of trusting in intuition and knowing, as they swim their

way home. We too can access our intuition as we journey through

our lives, and this can help us to access our inner wisdom.

In a time when we may be tempted to be worried about our future

and the economy, I would suggest we take a moment to observe

that before us is a grand example of abundance. To see the millions

of fish that our valley has been gifted with should give us pause to

be grateful and trust in the Universal Abundance that is there for


It will be interesting what comes forth for us in 2011, but as we

move into this New Year, it may serve us to be grateful for the abun-

dance Mother Earth has shared with us in 2010.

Workshops, Meditation CD’s Private Consultations

250-578-8437 www.crystalclearinsights.ca

Accepting Abundance!By Therese Dorer

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November - December, 2010

6 www.yogatreebc.com

Health today is often about looking younger and more beautiful. There can

even be societal pressures for beauty expectations that may be unrealistic

to live up to. Initially this may be what motivates some people to pursue a

Facial Rejuvenation Program, but the effects will be far more profound than

simply improving one's appearance. Natural beauty radiates when the body

and mind are healthy and balanced. In order to change one’s physical ap-

pearance, the body needs to be treated as a whole, from the inside out.

Acupuncture has many health promoting whole body effects. To correct

signs of aging, Facial Rejuvenation Acupuncture treats both local, and un-

derlying root imbalances of each individual’s health and aging process.

What is Facial Rejuvenation Acupuncture?

Facial Rejuvenation Acupuncture, also called Cosmetic Acupuncture, is a

safe, non-surgical method effective in reducing the signs of aging. Hair-thin

acupuncture needles are inserted in specific locations on the face, neck,

ears, hands, and feet based on the principles of Chinese Medicine. Single

use, disposable needles are placed in energy pathways (or meridians) that

either begin, or end on the face, and work to balance the energy flow of a

person’s body. A Certified Practitioner of Facial Rejuvenation Acupuncture

understands how to influence the signs of aging on the face, while also

treating the underlying factors that contribute to the aging process. The

treatments will improve your overall appearance and help bring forth your

inner radiance.

Acupuncture helps resolve blockages in the meridians so energy (qi) is free

to move. Blood and qi will then have a better flow to the face to properly hy-

drate, nourish, and tone the skin while diminishing fine lines. Facial Rejuve-

nation Acupuncture can erase 5-10 years from your face, with results

apparent after just a few treatments.

Facial Rejuvenation with acupuncture helps to naturally improve the Qi cir-

culation of the whole body. Therefore nutrition and oxygen are able to reach

the skin to eliminate and remove unwanted toxins.

While the face is focused on in these treatments, it is important to under-

stand that the whole being is addressed for balanced body, mind, and spirit


Jennifer Larsen has completed modules 1 and 2 of a certification series in Advanced

Constitutional Facial Renewal. She became certified through Chi-Akra Center in New

York with founder Mary Elizabeth Wakefield www.chiakra.com

**Get a coupon for facial acupuncture! See page 29 in the coupon section**

Facial Rejuvenation Acupuncture

Look and feel years younger


Benefits of Facial Rejuvenation Treatments


• Improves acne (caused by hormonal imbalance)

• Helps menopause, perimenopause, PMS and other

GYN issues

• Helps sinus congestion and headache

• Improves hyper- and hypothyroidism

• Reduces symptoms of toothache, TMJ, trigeminal

neuralgia, and Bell's palsy

• Helps headaches (except severe migraine)

• Treats diarrhea and constipation (most digestive is-


• Helps to eliminate edema and puffiness

• Benefits eyes, ears and brain

• Can help insomnia and dizziness

• Helps depression and aids self-esteem


• Improves collagen production and muscle tone

• Helps reduce bags and sagging tendencies

• Helps eliminate fine lines and diminish larger wrinkles

• Helps reduce double chin and lift drooping eyelids

• Improves metabolism

• Tightens pores and brightens eyes

• Increases local blood and lymph circulation

• Improves facial color

• Reduces stress and promotes total health and well-


By Jennifer Larsen

Page 7: Yoga Tree Magazine November 2010

Issue #17




Counselling and Training C


e LYNN AYLWARD 250.554.6707

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Fall is here and it's Melissa's favourite season. She is looking forward

to trying new homemade soup and baking recipes enjoying time

outdoors. Dr. Bradwell can be reached at 250-374-9700.


Page 8: Yoga Tree Magazine November 2010

November - December, 2010

8 www.yogatreebc.com

Wellness is more than simply physical health and the absence of disease. An easy way to realize this is to imagine a wheel of life,

with spokes dividing it into sections. Dividing this Wellness Wheel into individual categories and assessing your level of wellness

in each area, allows you to see exactly where improvements or interventions are needed. Most doctors, if not all doctors, today rec-

ognize that stress is the cause of many illnesses, and a contributor to even genetic illness. (Read the book, “The Biology of Belief”

by Dr. Bruce Lipton for more information on how even your genes are affected by stress and your beliefs.) The Wellness Wheel is

a useful way to assess the diverse aspects of your life and to find ways to bring any areas of deficiency into a more optimal level.

Let’s imagine a wheel divided into categories:

This Wellness Wheel is an excellent tool to show just where wellness

habits are causing problems. Take a look at the example below:

The second wheel is nowhere near round. Again, if you can

imagine the Wellness Wheel as a wheel of life, turning throughout

the days, it is easy to see that this person has a very bumpy ride. It

is also very easy to see where improvements need to be made (where

the lowest levels of the color are). In this example, we can see that this

is a person who has challenges with flexibility, pain, posture, and tension

As well, stress and hydration are also areas that could use improvement.

From the groupings of areas which need improvement, you can also tell which modalities might be most useful in helping this

person improve their health. Without knowing why this person is in pain, you can see that posture and flexibility are also very low.

It could be that yoga therapy, with its emphasis on aligning the body correctly, would be very useful for this person; perhaps along

with some relaxation techniques to improve the tension score. Feldenkrais classes might also be useful. The energy score is also

low, although food choices, breathing, weight, and cardio vascular fitness (which all affect energy) are at acceptable or good levels.

You can then begin to look for reasons why the energy level scored so low; it may simply be that so much effort is going into

holding off pain that no energy is left, or energy might be being drained by poor posture or stress. Stress management classes might

also be helpful in improving energy.

The Wellness Wheel is more than a simple assessment. It is a powerful tool to show where improvement is most needed.

Cara has developed course and programs such as the Anxiety Protocol, Stress Resiliency, and Clearing the Way to Your Divinity, published several books, such as Making Powerful Choices

and From Stress to Success and continues to work with client s who desire relief from inner turmoil along with increased performance. Although Cara is not a clinical counsellor, she has

years of training in working with the meridian system of the body, and a number of variations of Energy Psychology, and is an ordained minister. Her approach reflects both her spirituality

and understanding of the energy systems of the body, along with a total acceptance of the reality of a clients emotions.

For a complementary wellness assessment, call The Let’s Move Studio Wellness Centre for your own Wellness Wheel and then book a complementary consultation

with Cara to see how you might be able to easily improve your wellness. 250-372-9642

is like a WheelBy Cara Beckett




Cardio-vascular Fitness

Food Choices

Freedom from Pain







Anxiety & Worry


The Future








Mental Habits

Fulfilling Days








FlexibilityFreedom from Pain

Cardio-vascular Fitness





Food Choices

The FutureTension


Anxiety & Worry

Mental Habits





Fulfilling Connections

Fulfilling Days

Page 9: Yoga Tree Magazine November 2010

Issue #17

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Stress Management Weekly Class:

Mondays 5 - 6:30pm

Explore Your Past Lives

Thursday, Nov. 18, 7:30-9pm

Self Acupressure:

Sat. Nov 20, 9:30am - 6pm

Crystal Bowl Full Moon

Meditation: Nov 19, Dec 17

Knowing & Working with Your Spirit Guides

Saturday, November 27, 10:00 to 2pm

Meditation with Ajahn Sona:

Nov 28, Dec 19 9:30am -12

Sacred Sound Meditation/Healing

Sunday, Nov 21, Dec.12 11am -12pm

Stone Therapy Certification

Intensive: December 3 - 5

Practical Help for Anxiety, Stress & Self Esteem

Saturday, December 4, 12:00 to 5pm

Core Connexion Movement Workshop:

Friday, December 10th 6:45 - 9:45pm


Treatment Availability Schedule

Practitioners, Services and rates

Acupressure Therapy with Michele BotelAcupressure Facial 1st session $65 -

Jin Shin Do $75/session

Neck and Shoulder Release 1st session $10 -

Deep Breathing Release 1st session $50 -

Holistic Massage and Reiki

with ReAnne Johnson $50/hr

Wellness and Life Coaching

with Cara BeckettAssisted Meditation for Stress, Anxiety and Relaxation

Mondays 5-6:30PM $15/ group session

Life Coaching, Emotional Cleanse, Emotional Freedom

Technique $90/90 minutes, 6 sessions/$500

Personalized Stress and Self-Esteem Programs

6 sessions of 90 minutes each/$500

Spiritual mentoring $50/session

Whole-Life Wellness Assessments: Complementary

Reiki with Kim Jensen Usui & Karuna Reiki

Master Practitioner & Teacher, Celtic Reiki Practitioner


Registered Massage Therapist Jenn Johnson 30 minutes - $50

45 minutes - $75, 60 minutes - $90

Reflexology, Bodytalk & Holistic Massage

with Terez Laforge $1 minute/30 minute min.

Yoga Therapy with Katrina Ariel$100/session

Acutonics/vibrational acupressure

with Karen Houghton $40/30min session

Healing Pathway

with Leanne Desmond-Coster by donation

Touch for Health with Lee Clearwatersby donation

Holistic Massage with Shirley Bradley$60/hr

Holsitic Massage, Reiki, Reflexology

with Alexa Pongracz Holistic Massage $60/hr, Reiki $45/hr

Reflexology $45 for 45 minutes to an hr

Herbal Consultations $30 for 30 min; $60 for 90 min

Intuitive Reading with Michele MorrisonIntuitive reading 1/2 hour session: $40/ 1 hr: $80

Intuitive reading & healing 2 hr: $100

Consultation & Deep Healing 2 hr: $100

Reiki session, chakra bablancing 1/2 hr: $30 1hr $60

Infrared SaunaBenefits

Relieves pain

(joint pain, sore muscles, arthritis)

Improves your immune system

Detoxifies your body and your skin

Improves your strength and vitality

Introductory Special:

$10 drop in


$50 for a 10 x pass

ONLY $5 per session

(up to 60 minutes!)

Call to book your session

the sauna fits 2 people


Complimentary Whole Life Wellness AssessmentDrop into the studio and mention this ad to receive a

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday

10:30am -5 pm


Kim Jensen

9am - 12:00pm




Karen Houghton

9am - 12:00pm




Alexa Pongracz

9am - 12:00pm

Reiki &

Holistic Massage

ReAnne Johnson

9am - 10:00am



Acupressure)Karen Houghton

5 - 7:00 pm




Cara Beckett

10am -1:00 pm

Jin Shin Do



Michele Botel

10am -2:00 pm

Jin Shin Do



Michele Botel

Other Practitioners and services

available by appointment.


(See page 29 for our coupon for discount on other services)

Page 10: Yoga Tree Magazine November 2010

10 www.yogatreebc.com

November - December, 2010

, then

-Remember your intention.



First, center in and set your intention;


Connect To Your Core

Page 11: Yoga Tree Magazine November 2010

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Issue #17

Something in me has changed. I don’t usually look forward to the hol-

idays, but this year I am. I think the biggest difference is that I’ve

learned how to take care of myself and simplify my life to the point

that I’m welcoming the pretty lights and gatherings of good people

this time of the year brings, without any of the usual stress.

“How do you get yourself in that frame of mind?” you might ask.

Well, here are some suggestions:

1. Don’t Wait Till New Years To Start Your Resolution. You want to

get in better shape, eat well, do more yoga, learn how to knit – what-

ever it is, don’t put it off until the New Year. You’re a lot more likely

to actually make the changes you want if you start now and get into

the habit. That way when the end of January rolls around and most

people have already abandoned their resolutions, you’ll still be moti-

vated and follow through because you’ve made it a part of your life.

So whatever you want in your life, take a step RIGHT NOW to make

it happen. Enroll in a yoga or fitness class. Dust off your guitar. Carve

out the time for yourself and keep at it. You’ll feel better immedi-


2. Simplify Your Schedule. Rather than commit to every event you’re

invited to, only go to the ones that matter. Book yourself time off at

least once a week. Write it on your calendar, and dedicate that day to

something that feeds your soul and nourishes your body.

3. Stick To Your Practice. If there’s one thing I’ve learned, it’s that

skipping my yoga practice is a bad idea. I get irritable, uncomfortable

in my body, and life in general becomes more difficult. Practicing

yoga and working out clear your mind and keep your body happy.

When you simplify your schedule, as above, make sure you block off

time for yoga class or your personal practice. You’ll be much happier,

and a lot more fun to be around.

4. Get Over The Gifts. My mother-in-law starts shopping for Christ-

mas gifts in June. In a way, she’s smart because she spreads it out and

doesn’t have to worry the week before. Personally, I don’t jive with

the feeling of obligation and the corresponding stress that the tradition

of gift giving has created in our society.

If you really WANT to give someone a gift, do so. If it’s going to

strain your budget, do up a hand-made card, invite them for a potluck,

or just tell the person how much they mean to you. If you don’t want

to (or are not in the position to) give gifts, then don’t. It’s the gen-

erosity that counts, and that has to come from the heart and can be

expressed in many ways.

5. Eat Things That Nourish You. Make sure that the majority of your

diet consists of nutrient rich foods that provide your body what you

need to stay healthy and energetic. Keep in mind that sugar and alco-

hol do not help your immune system, and make your body work a lot

harder. Over eating will likely make you feel pretty lousy. You know

this already, so make a commitment to yourself to act accordingly.

Don’t deprive yourself, but don’t binge either. Indulge in moderation.

6. Pamper Yourself. Some ideas: Take a bath, light some candles, put

on soothing music, get a massage, curl up with a book and a cup of

tea, or go to a Restorative Yoga class… Take care of yourself by

bringing into your life more of the things that make you feel good and

help you rest.

7. Connect To Your Core. There are so many things pulling at us that

sometimes it’s easy to forget your own truth. Connecting to your core

happens on every level – body, mind, and heart. Yoga and working

out help you stay strong in your physical core, and also calm your

mind and can bring you back to your heart if done with awareness.

Meditation is one of the best practices to keep you sane and serene.

Even a few minutes makes a big difference.

These suggestions can make a world of difference when you weave

them into your life. Just be consistent, and keep coming back to your

breath. It will guide you back to your heart. Then everyone will be

wondering how you stay so happy and peaceful amidst the festive

frenzy. When they ask, just smile and invite them to your yoga class

to see for themselves.

As a licensed Anusara-Inspired yoga teacher Katrina Ariel teaches profoundly playful

yoga with therapeutic alignment. She is the dancing, laughing force behind the Yoga

Fitness Boot Camp for Women, and also specializes in Yoga Therapy. Visit her blog at


“Empowering, playful, and profound!”

www.Yoga With Katrina.com

MONDAY MORNING9:00-10:15am - Deep Healing Restorative Yoga

TUESDAY NIGHT 6:15-7:30pm - Anusara-Inspired™ Yoga

WEDNESDAY MORNING9:00-10:15am - Anusara-Inspired Yoga

ALL levels welcome!

How To Keep Your Sanity And Health Through The Holiday SeasonBy Katrina Ariel

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November - December, 2010

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Issue #17

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November - December, 2010

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ATTUNEMENT: A Sacred Healing Art and Spiritual Practice

By Marylin Manderson


Marilyn Manderson(250) 579-9444

[email protected]

The practitioner uses his or her sensitivity to energetically work with

the vibrational field of the client to assist in activating a free flow of

life energy between physical and spiritual dimensions.

The endocrine system of seven ductless glands is given specific em-

phasis. (Attunement notes the relationship between endocrine glands

and the energy centers known as chakras.) Balancing the energy flow

through these gateways, organs, body systems and energy meridians

helps to bring health and well-being on very deep and fundamental


A practitioner may use Attunement in conjunction with other com-

plementary modalities to support a client's experience.

Living in Attunement

The more attunement is experienced, the more it is lived. A person's

consciousness becomes more highly attuned to an inner wellspring,

a healthful radiance. The actions of daily living spring more naturally

from deeper, life-affirming rhythms of the Self. The hands of the prac-

titioner are doing more than simply balancing energy; they are the

hands of love, guiding one through the internal landscape to a still

place, an inner sanctuary, where the Authentic Self may safely grow,

flourish and manifest in living.

What will I feel?

An attunement session lasts from 20 minutes to one hour, with the re-

cipient either seated or lying down.

Most people report feeling relaxed, at peace, and at ease. They also

have a sense of being more in touch with themselves than usual. A

range of perceptions and sensations may be experienced, e.g. falling

into a state of deep relaxation, seeing colors, feeling heat/cold, tin-

gling. As Attunement works on subtle energy levels, its effects may

be felt in the hours and days following a session

To summarize, Attunement:

deeply relaxes and renews

supports a healing process

nurtures life transitions and change

deepens your connection with Spirit or Source

enfolds a person or situation about which you care

allows you to let go more fully to the life current

"The purpose of attunement is to establish alignment in the body mind

and heart with the natural forces of being - alignment in the body with

the forces of life from Source." Lloyd A. Meeker, Founder of Attune-

ment. For more info see ad below:

Overview: Attunement is a sacred

practice that increases one's experience

of the Source within. It sees the human

body as a dynamic, self-healing ex-

pression of a deeper spiritual Self.

Attunement acknowledges that each of us is a combination of Human,

physical substance drawn from the earth, and Being, an invisible, an-

imating life force. Inherent in Being is a wellspring of energy and

specific purpose, yet the connection with our Beingness has been

clouded by various experiences, including stress, conflict and disease.

Attunement is a process of clarifying and deepening our connection

with Being, so that a more vivid experience of wholeness, peace and

abundant personal power is known.

The practice of attunement enhances the experience of oneness and

coherence, and gives rise to a sense that all of one's disparate parts

are integrated into one vital Whole.

Technique: The core technique of attunement is the sharing of a radi-

ant energy current through the hands of the attunement practitioner.

During an attunement the hands of the practitioner are held over areas

of the body.

Change the way you work out!



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*When purchasing certain packages.

Please inquire for details.

Page 15: Yoga Tree Magazine November 2010

Issue #17

www.yogatreebc.com 15

Can we create our own heaven on Earth right here, right now? If so,

how do we do that? Well, one giant step would be to honour all people

and their chosen faiths. If we can appreciate that there is only One

Universal Presence and many paths to this Divinity, then we will have

truly taken that step in the direction of Heaven on Earth. Does heaven

on earth come from love, peace and honour? I think so!

We can promote universal awareness of Life by acknowledging that

all people and all faiths, come from the One, which we call Spirit or

God or Allah or myriad other names for the Divine. It is this funda-

mental truth, the unifying nature of all Religious thought and experi-

ence, which we honour.

There are many other paths to the Divine. Do they all run parallel

and have the same destination ? Nothing is askew in the Universe.

There is a reason for everything and it is all right and all good. Why

should we demean the dignity of noble and beautiful souls, all cre-

ations of The One? There will only be deep peace between all of us,

when our dialogue is inclusive and our hearts are open to the Truth

with a capital “T”. We are all one as we make our way on our own

unique paths. When we reach out with love and honour, our path be-

comes smoother and a little bit closer to heaven on earth.

Lana Graham, President

Centre for Spiritual Living Kamloops

Heaven on EarthHonoring all Paths...

By Lana Graham

- We pay respect to the Tao, honouring the universal path

of harmony and equilibrium, The Natural Way

- We pay tribute to the Shamanic Traditions, honouring

the beliefs and practices of all indigenous peo

ples; the way of Primal Spirituality.

- We respect Hinduism, honouring the path of knowl

edge, action, and devotion.

- We honour Judaism, honouring the ethical path of living

by sacred Law.

- We pay tribute to all forms of Buddhism, honouring the

Four Noble Truths and the path of compassion.

- We revere all forms of Christianity, honouring the

Christ Consciousness as the path of love.

- We have reverence for all forms of Islam, honouring

the path of submission to the will of God as the

highest calling.

- We honour all forms of New Thought, the metaphysical

path of mental healing through the practice of

universal spiritual principles.

Page 16: Yoga Tree Magazine November 2010

November - December, 2010

16 www.yogatreebc.com

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday

5:45 - 6:45 am Monday - Friday Yoga Fitness Bootcamp for Women

Pre-register: www.yogawithkatrina.com Nov 29 - Dec 17

9:00 - 10:15 am




9:00 - 10:30 am


All Levels: Flow


9:00 - 10:15 am




9:00 - 10:30 am


All Levels: Flow


9:00 - 10:30 am


All Levels


11:00 - 12:00 pmAwareness Through



10:30 - 11:30 am


All Levels


12:00 - 1:00 pm




12:00 - 1:00 pm


American Tribal


12:00 - 1:00 pm




5:30 - 6:30 pm

Core & More

MonicaPlease Pre-register

1:15 - 2:30 pm

Parent and Baby

Yoga - All Levels


4:30 - 6:00 pm


All Levels


5:00 - 6:00 pm


All Levels: Flow


5:00 - 6:30 pm




5:00 - 6:30 pm




6:00 - 7:00 pm




6:15 - 7:30 pm


Anusara Inspired


6:30 - 7:30 pm

Core & More

MonicaPlease Pre-register

6:30 - 7:30 pm

Power Yoga

All Levels


7:00 - 8:00 pm


All Levels


60 minute classes Drop in $10

$37/ 4 week session

$72/ 8 week session

$105/ 12 week session

$136/ 16 week session

5x Punchcard $48.75

10x Punchcard $95

90+ minute classes Drop in $15

$50/ 4 week session

$96/ 8 week session

$138/ 12 week session

$176/ 16 week session

5x Punchcard $70

10x Punchcard $130

Classes are open for drop in

and for beginners ANYTIME

Class Prices

Studio Class Schedule November- December, 2010

clip the coupon on page 29

of this issue to receive your

first class free!

FREE CLASS1:00 - 2:30 pm

Prenatal Yoga



Yoga Classes with

ElizabethOwner and Director of Let’s Move Studio and Publisher of

Yoga Tree Magazine, Elizabeth teaches a

style of yoga certain to energize,

strengthen and refresh you! Originally

trained in Classical Yoga in India, Eliza-

beth now studies Vinyasa: Prana Flow Yoga

with world-renowned teacher, Shiva Rea.

All classes are fun and beginner friendly.

Weekly classes: open for drop In or pre-register

Tuesday 9-10:30am & 5-6pm All Levels

Thursday 9-10:30am All Levels

Thursday 12-1pm Beginners

Thursday 5-6pm **this class is held at an

alternate location - please call for details

[email protected]

Page 17: Yoga Tree Magazine November 2010

Issue #17

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Page 18: Yoga Tree Magazine November 2010

November - December, 2010

18 www.yogatreebc.com


5:45 - 645 am Monday - Friday


Katrina @ Let’s Move Studio Pre-Register!

9:00 - 10:30 am Yoga: All Levels

Elizabeth @ Let’s Move Studio

5:45 - 645 am Monday - Friday


Katrina @ Let’s Move Studio Pre-Register!

9:00 - 10:15 am Deep Healing Restorative Yoga: All Levels

Katrina @ Let’s Move Studio

12:05 - 12:55 pm Lunch Hour Yoga

Christine S. @ The Mind Body Connection

9:00 - 10:15 am Anusara-Inspired Yoga: All Levels

Katrina @ Let’s Move Studio

10:00 - 11:00 a mPilates: Beginner Mat Class

Christine W @ Body Control Pilates

12:00 - 1:00 pm Bellydance

Lucille @ Let’s Move Studio

11:00 am - 12:00 pmAwareness Through Movement: All Levels

Susinn @ Let’s Move Studio

12:30 pm Tuesdays & ThursdaysAi Chi: Beginners

1st class free: Audrey @ CB Wellness Centre

12:00 - 1:00pmPilates: Mat Pilates for Well-Backs

Cassie @ EVOLVE Pilates Studio

12:00 am - 1:00 pmParent and Baby Yoga: All Levels

Tania @ Let’s Move Studio

12:15 - 1:15 pmPilates: Beginner Mat Class

Christine W @ Body Control Pilates

1:15 pm - 2:30 pmYoga: Beginners

Tania @ Let’s Move Studio

5:00 - 6:00 pm Yoga: All Levels

Elizabeth @ Let’s Move Studio

12:30 pm Mondays & WednesdaysAi Chi: Advanced

Audrey @ CB Wellness Centre

5:00 - 6:30 pm Releasing Stress & Meditation

Cara @ Let’s Move Studio (Wellness Room)

5:00 - 6:30 pm Yoga: All Levels

Christine S. @ The Mind Body Connection

4:30 - 6:00 pm Bellydance: All Levels

Shirley @ Let’s Move Studio

5:30 - 6:30 pm Nia

Natasha @ St. Paul’s Hall

5:30 – 6:30pmCore Power Yoga

Natalie @ Nuance Dance Studio

5:00 - 6:30 pm Belly Dance: Beginners

Rosi @ Let’s Move Studio

5:30 – 6:40 pmPower Yoga

Amber H. @ St Andrews

6:15 - 7:30 pm Anusara-Inspired Yoga All Levels

Katrina @ Let’s Move Studio

7:00 - 8:30 pm Ashtanga Yoga: All Levels

Colleen @ St. Paul’s Hall

7:15 - 8:15 pm Awareness Through Movement

Susinn @ Nuance Dance Studio

7:00 – 8:10 pmPower Yoga

Amber @ St Andrews

7:00 – 8:00 pmNia

Natasha @ Let’s Move Studio

7:00 - 8:30 pmPrenatal Yoga

Samantha @ The Mind-Body Connection

7:00 - 8:00 pm Feldenkrais: Awareness Through Movement

Colleen @ St. Paul’s Hall

Let’s Move Studio 925 McGill Place 250-372-9642 www.letsmovestudio.comNuance Dance Studio 253 Victoria St. 2nd FloorSt. Andrews 159 Seymour St.St. Paul’s Church Hall 360 Nicola St.The Mind Body Connection 253 Victoria St. 250-374-2748/ 250-374-5421 YM/YWCA: Downtown 400 Battle St. 250-372-7725


Body Control Pilates 142 Victoria 250-320-BODY www.pilateskamloops.comCentennial Building Wellness Centre 153 Seymour 250-374-7383 www.cbwellnesscentre.com

EVOLVE Pilates Studio 1361 McGill 250-372-7237 www.evolvepilatesstudio.com

Hands On Health 103-1315 Summit Drive 250-377-7675 www.sacredbody.net

KSOC: Kamloops Sport & Orthopedic Clinic 200 -1201 Summit Dr

Page 19: Yoga Tree Magazine November 2010

Issue #17

www.yogatreebc.com 19


9:00 - 10:00 am Meditation: by donation

Christine S. @ The Mind Body Connection

9:00 - 10:30 am Yoga: All Levels

Marcia @ Let’s Move Studio

10:15 amPilates: All-Levels Mat Class

Amber D. @ EVOLVE Pilates Studio

9:00 - 10:00 amFeldenkrais: Awareness Through Movement

Colleen @ St. Paul’s Hall

9:00 - 10:10 am Power Yoga

Amber H. @ Downtown Kamloops Y

11:00 am - 12:00 noon Nia

Natasha @ The YM/YWCA

9:00 - 10:30 am Yoga: All Levels

Elizabeth @ Let’s Move Studio

10:30 am - 11:30 amNia

Natasha @ Let’s Move Studio


12:00 - 1:00 pm Yoga: Beginners

Elizabeth @ Let’s Move Studio

1:00 pm - 2:30 pmPrenatal Yoga: All Levels

Tania @ Let’s Move Studio

12:00 - 1:30 pm Yoga 50+

Christine S. @ The Mind Body Connection

7:00 - 9:00 pm Body, Breath & Bowls ($30)

Must pre register by 3 pm Audrey @ CBWC

5:00 - 6:00 pm Yoga: All Levels

Elizabeth @ KSOC

5:00 - 6:30 pm Yoga: All Levels

Christine S. @ The Mind Body ConnectionWORKSHOPS

5:00 - 6:30 pm Belly Dance: Advanced

Rosi @ Let’s Move Studio

Sundays 9:30 - 12 Nov 28 & Dec 19

Meditation with Ajahn Sona Let’s Move Studio: By Donation

5:30 - 6:30 pm Woga (Water Yoga)

Starting Sept 21 Tuesdays & Thursdays Audrey @ CB Wellness Centre

8:00 - 10:00 pm , Nov 19, Dec 17Crystal Bowl Meditations

Terez Laforge @ Let’s Move Studio

6:00 – 7:30 pmTheraputic Yoga

Brian @ Hands On Health

6:30 – 7:30 pmCore Power Yoga: All Levels

Natalie @ Let’s Move Studio

Alma 250-372-7237 [email protected]

Amber D. 250-372-7237 [email protected]

Amber H. 250-318-5370 [email protected]

Audrey/Alex 250-374-7383 www.cbwellnesscentre.com

Brian 250-377-7675 [email protected]

Cassie 250-372-7237 [email protected]

Christine S. 250-374-5421 [email protected]

Christine W. 250-320-2639 [email protected]

Colleen 250-377-7203 [email protected]

Elizabeth 250-371-1938 [email protected]

Katrina 250-374-6493 www.YogaWithKatrina.com

Lucille 250-571-4090 [email protected]

Natalie 250-574-3477 [email protected]

Natasha 250-374-5644 [email protected]

Rosi 250-372-9642 [email protected]

Samantha 250-318-2223 breatheintobeing.net

Susinn 250-572-1887 [email protected]

Tyson 1-250-265-3827 [email protected]


Awareness Through Movement:

Yoga with Tyson

Saturday, November 271:00 - 3:00 pm and/or 3:00 - 5:00 pm

By Donation (Dana)Tyson Bartel @ St Paul's Hall

Page 20: Yoga Tree Magazine November 2010

November - December, 2010

20 www.yogatreebc.com

Meditation with Michele Gieselman









g nis tlaS

laitne lbals am


Available at the office & at all workshops# 2-231 Victoria Street


Michele’s IntuitiveHealing & Massage

[email protected] www.intuitivehealer.ca

Meditation Nightson the North Shore6 - 7:30 pm November 23, December 7Cost $15.00 drop in#204-535 Tranquille Phone # 250-851-0966

Take a moment and listen to your self talk. What are the words you

are saying to yourself inside your head? Do you offer yourself en-

couragement? Do you offer yourself support? Or do you offer your-

self criticisms and doubts? Many people walk through their lives

giving themselves a constant running commentary of negative self

talk. You may have some favorite phrases that go through your head

such as: it’s too late; what would people think; it is too hard; I’m not

good enough; I’m not smart enough; things never go my way; it’s all

their fault; they don’t understand etc. Right now is the perfect time

to start noticing exactly what it is you are saying to yourself.

Your thoughts are the most powerful thing that you have

and are truly the only thing in this

world that you have con-

trol over. When you re-

ally understand this, you

can begin the amazing

journey of directing your

life in any way that you


If right now you believe that

life is always going against

you, that you never get what

you want, you’re right. You

will not get what you want.

You can feel powerless like you

are being tossed in the waves

and never able to reach the

shore. Resentments, criticism,

guilt and fear are some of the

biggest reasons that hold people

back from reaching their highest

potential. We are excellent at self-criticism, when what we need to

be is excellent at is self love and appreciation.

If you believe that your life is joyous, it will be joyous and you will

attract more joy. If you believe that your life is full of love, it will

be full of love and you will attract even more love. No matter what

you desire, your thoughts hold the key to reaching your goals.

The great news is that no matter where you are at, it is the perfect

place to start tuning into your thoughts and guiding them in the di-

rection you want to go in. Each and every day is the perfect place to

start changing your thoughts and reaching for more positive thoughts.

If you are not sure what to reach for, start with gratitude. By taking

a few moments to think about what you are grateful for, you can turn

even the worst day into something so much better. The first thing

that you should be grateful for is you! You are a beautiful and mirac-

ulous human being. You are perfect, whole and complete. You are

full of power, intelligence, wisdom and intuition.

“The universe is constantly expanding” is a theory explained by the

scientist Edwin Hubble. This the-

ory is also true for you. Not only

do you have the ability to con-

stantly expand your own per-

sonal universe, but you also

have the ability to benefit from

a constantly expanding source

of abundance, love and joy.

By asking for something, you

are not taking away from

someone else because there is

a never ending, inexhaustible

supply in the Universe. So

long as we sweetly guide

our thoughts, more and

more of what we wish will

appear. We can begin to

experience life as we

imagine it. The universe

is here to support you and

truly wants you to succeed.

So what thoughts and beliefs are limiting you? Are you willing to

continue to allow those thoughts and beliefs to hold you back from

living your best life? Each of us has so much to offer and so many

gifts to share.There are endless possibilities and ways for each of us

to do this in the world. Start with you. Start with your thoughts.

Close your eyes and sit for a moment and imagine a warm glow in

your heart. Visualize and feel the warmth of this glow as you allow

it to spread through your entire body. Allow this feeling to begin to

change the way you think and the words that you use when you talk

to yourself. You are a beautiful, powerful and miraculous being!

Michelle Morrison 250-682-8176 or email [email protected]


Meditation Morningsat Let’s Move Studio11am - 12 noon November 16 & 30, December 7Cost $10.00 drop in925 McGill placePhone # 250-372-9642

Page 21: Yoga Tree Magazine November 2010

Issue #17

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Direct From



“The Original Hot Yoga in Kamloops”“The Original Hot Yoga in Kamloops”KAMLOOPS, BC

w bikramkamloops.com








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340 Victoria St, Downstairs from Boston Pizza 250-314-3636

Page 22: Yoga Tree Magazine November 2010

November - December, 2010

22 www.yogatreebc.com

Healing & Wellness Directory

Breath Integration CounsellingLynn Aylward 250-319-7364Breath Integration, Counselling, Bodywork [email protected]

Vital Point Acupuncture Jennifer Larsen, R.Ac. #102-1120 8th Street 250-376-3070 www.vitalpoint.ca

Centennial Building Wellness CentreFreeing the body in water: Aquatonics,WATSU, AI CHI, WOGA, AQUA JOGGING

www.cbwellnesscentre.com 250-374-7383

COUNSELLING HEALTH BY DESIGN Certified NutritionistMelanie Pouliot, CNC 250-571-1932Individualized Nutri-Body® AssessmentsCertified Advanced PSYCH-K® [email protected] www.nutritionmel.com


Body In Balance: ReAnne JohnsonReiki: Usui System of Natural HealingRelaxation & Healing Massage/Bodyworkby appointment at the Let’s Move Wellness Centre 250-372-9642

In-Home Service 250-573-1035 [email protected]

Emotional Cleanse - Detox Your Emotions! Deal with anger, fear, unwanted memories, romantic baggage and more Cara 250-554-7902 [email protected]

When you think books…think second first! At Second Glance Books 448 Victoria St across from the Library- Downtown

250-377-8411 [email protected]



Wild Roots Traditional Chinese Medicine and Acupuncture Clinic Dr. Andrea HansenWomen's Health, infertility, and pre and post-natalsupport, "Natural Fertility Awareness" [email protected] 250-682-7289

Mystic Dreams: Your North Shore Metaphysical Store!

Books, Tarot cards, crystals, jewelery, clothing,CDs, buddhas, statues, incense, candles & more!Tranquille Rd. Near Cowboy Coffee, North Shorewww.mysticdreams.weebly.com

Acupressure Therapy: Michele Botel

Registered Jin Shin Do Acupressure Therapist, ShiatsuMassage Practitioner, Usui Reiki MasterIndividual Sessions, Workshops, Guest Speakinge-mail: [email protected] website: http://www.jinshindo.orgPhone Let's Move Studio to book 250-372-9642


Lighten up with Shades Brighter!Cosmetic Teeth Whitening.2-6 Shades Brighter, guaranteed.250-828-0758 www.shadesbrighter.com

Home Stretch Fitness 250.319.7890

Wendy Peterson Owner & Certified FitnessProfessional: Your success is my passion! [email protected]


Crystalline Heart of AkashaTools and Attunements to Manifest HigherFrequencies in Light of the Evolutionary As-cension Process [email protected]/ACTIVEWEAR

Downward Dog Fashions & Activewear

BC made active wear from Skyler and KarmaAthletics. Host a home party! Paula [email protected] 250-377-3821

Dilpreet T, Heart Love Energy HealingYuen Method (tm) Practitioner - in KamloopsQuantum Energy Healer1-604-996-8255 [email protected]

Innovative Changes - Kim JensenUsui & Karuna Reiki Master Practitioner & TeacherCeltic Reiki Practitionerinnovativechanges.com 250-376-6676

Alexa Pongracz CH: Frog Spirit Holistic Enterprses: Reflexology, Reiki, Chair Massage,Herbal Consultations, Intuitive Readings

250-376-5124 or 250-318-0735www.frogspirit.ca Because Life....is a Leap of Faith



Inner Balance: Kevin J.E. Knight: Swedish Massage *Reflexology * Usui & Karuna * Reiki250-320-4273

Page 23: Yoga Tree Magazine November 2010

Issue #17

www.yogatreebc.com 23

One-On-One Fitness and MassageChristine Karl: Personal Trainer Ortho-Bionomy, Shiatsu, Reiki Master. 250-320-9960

Sagesong HealingLeanne Fisher, BSc. IEHPIntegrative Energy Healing Practitioner 250-320-3695 [email protected]

Terez Laforge Yuen practitioner, certified Bodytalker, reflexologist and keeper of crystal bowls.778-471-5598 or [email protected]


Michele’s Intuitive Healing and MassageWorkshops, Meditation, Healing bath salts & essential oils #2 - 231 Victoria Street Michele Gieselman [email protected] www.intuitive healer.ca

Marilyn Manderson, Attunement Practitioner

A sacred healing art & spiritual practiceDeepen your connection with Spirit or [email protected] 250-

Michelle Morrison: Soul Spa InsightsIntuitive Readings and Energetic HealingUsui Reiki Master and Shamanic Practitioner250-682-8176 [email protected]


Centennial Building Wellness CentreFreeing the body in water: Aquatonics,WATSU, AI CHI, WOGA, AQUA JOGGING

www.cbwellnesscentre.com 250-374-7383

Relax - Release Stress - Reduce Pain - Receive PleasureFully-clothed acupressure massage 'Yoga for Lazy People'

Kamloops Sessions By [email protected] 1-250-265-3827

Hands On Homeopathy: Constitutional approach for acute and chronic concerns. With manual chi gong for maximum benefit. Brian Scrivener, Hands On Health,Tudor Vil-lage 250-377-7675 www.sacredbody.net


Intuitive Interiors Design: Leah Zachariascolor consultations, redesign/renovations, new homedesigns, complete project management, professional &reliable Phone: 250-376-8029 Cell: 250-572-1871email: [email protected]


Therese Dorer Crystal Clear InsightsSpiritual Consultant - Private Consultations250-578-8437www.crystalclearinsights.ca

Thai Massage, Feldenkrais & Yoga with Tyson

Let’s Move Studio Wellness CentreEFT, Coaching, Infrared Sauna, Massage, Psych-K, Reflexology, Reiki, Weightloss, StressManagement, Yoga Therapy & morewww.letsmovestudio.com 250-372-9642

Hands On Health: Therapeutic Yoga Classes

Small group classes and 1-on-1 sessions Customized for you by a yoga therapist and a physiotherapist. 250-377-7675 www.sacredbody.net

RADIO SHOW: Wellness CoachesWith Audrey and Cara: Thursdays at 2PMListen in to Kamloops' newest radio show onHolistic Health & Wellness! 92.5 FM The X


Cara Beckett: Wellness & Life CoachUpcoming wellness program for chronic pain.Weight management and stress managementclasses at Let's Move Mondays & Wednesdays 250-554-7902 [email protected]

Beyond The Box Solutions...experience last-ing change: Powerful processes for alligningyou with your deepest desires Brenda Falk: Cer-tified Visionary Coach: [email protected] & Group Presentations 250-852-1012

Body Mind Spirit Coaching: Marlena Field, PCC, CPCC Professional Certified Coach: Learn to trust your body'swisdom as you face challenges and make deci-sions. [email protected] 250-851-0145

Suki Fox: Energy WorkerResonance Repatterning and Energy Work.Shift energy around any issue for individualsand groups. Quantum change made easy.Suki Fox (250)[email protected]/suki

Wellness Practitioners Needed!For the Let’s Move Studio Wellness CentreCall for more information: 250-372-9642email: [email protected] workshop space available at veryreasonable rentCall for more information – 250-372-9642

Advertise Here: Yoga Tree MagazineKamloops’ favourite resource for wellness!250-371-1938 www.yogatreebc.com

Page 24: Yoga Tree Magazine November 2010

November - December, 2010

24 www.yogatreebc.com

Body Control Pilates 250.320.BODY (2639)

Christine Waterman: Building strength from the inside out. Mat & re-former classes, privates and semi-privates.#202-142 Victoria St. www.pilateskamloops.com



Kamloops Momma MagazineThe free magazine for local moms…and dads too! [email protected] www.kamloopsmomma.com


Dr. Melissa Bradwell, ND Full Naturopathic services: Acupuncture andIV Therapy 735 Victoria Street 250-374-9700 www.naturopathkamloops.com


Highridge Health & WellnessFocusing on Regenerative Nutrition,Healthy Aging and Peak Performance.Kenna & Geoff McKenna-Andrew 250-573-2533www.geoffmckennaandrew.myunivera.com


Mighty Oak Midwifery CarePersonal, professional, woman-centered maternity care.250-377-8611 www.mightyoakmidwifery.ca


Crystal Bowl Meditation with Terez Laforge: Friday evenings closest to the Full Moon at Let’s Move Studio Contact Terez for info 778-471-5598


EVOLVE Pilates Studio 250-372-7237Cassie Marchuk: Change the way you workout! Achieve improved posture, balance &strength. Reformer/mat, Personal Training/post rehab #201-1361 McGill Rd www.evolvepilatesstudio.com

Experience the Benefits of Meditation! Comeand learn or practice with us. Shambhala Medi-tation Group of Kamloops 433b Lansdowne St.(above Frankly Coffee). Free. Meditation in-struction offered. Thursdays 7:00 pm & Satur-

days drop-in 12:00-1:00pm www.kamloops.shambhala.orgor phone Evelyn 573-5519 or Liz 376-4224.


Marla Ronnquist, Black Creek RanchBeef with no hormones, no additives, and a stress-free lifestyle. Locally grown for the 100 Mile Diet250-376-6643 #6-177 Tranquille Rd [email protected]

Hands On Health Clinic: Spirited, manuallyoriented, professional care for your healthconcerns. Physiotherapy, massage therapy,homeopathy, therapeutic yoga. Tudor Village,Kamloops 250-377-7675www.sacredbody.net

Meditation from the Birken Forest Monasterywith Head Abbot Ajhan Sona at Let’s Move StudioMeditation, potluck and Q&A Sundays: Sept 19, Oct 24 Nov, 28 9:30am-12:00info: [email protected] 250-314-9550

Focus on Health Physiotherapy Erna Stassen BSc. PT. Registered PhysiotherapistAdvanced PSYCH-K™ facilitator, Balance Mind, Body

& Emotion. Pool therapy and home

visitswww.focusonhealthbc.com 250-682-4477

Musings and Mud Coaching StudioCreate the thoughts and actions that get youwhere you want to be. Janet L. Whitehead, Certified Professional Life Coach 250 [email protected] www.musingsandmud.com

Family Guidance System : Gerrianne Clare MNNavigate through the chaos of raising kids whiledoing everything else 250-434-5132gclare@familyguidancesystem.comwww.familyguidancesystem.com

BALANCED HEALING - offering: ChakraHealing & Balancing - Susan Chambers 250-392-3850 home 778-961-1000 [email protected]

Vera Stark: Certified Emotional Life Coach,Transformational Healer, EFT Practitioner, Heart Resonance Therapy Practitionerwww.emotionallifecoaching.comvera@emotionallifecoaching.com 250-375-2307


Norm Eisler, Registered Massage TherapistHands on Health 250-377-7675Tudor Village, Clock Tower, # 103 - 1315 Summit Dr., Kamloops [email protected]

Jenn Johnson, Registered Massage Therapist

Pain management, stress reduction, injuryprevention and rehabilitationColumbia St, Kamloops 250-374-6178www.JennJohnsonRMT.com

Darlene Fair, RMT, RYT: Cranial Sacral, Vis-ceral Massage, Energetic Healing, Myofascial Re-lease and Unwinding. Aberdeen Chiropractic Clinic372-2002 #202-1150 Hillside Dr. www.acckamloops.ca

Heartland Quality Foods Co-opLocal! Eggs, cheeses and naturally raised beef,lamb & pork, vegetables, fruits, pastas & breads.Drop ins Welcome - #6-177 Tranquille Rd250-376-6643 [email protected]


Page 25: Yoga Tree Magazine November 2010

Issue #17

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Spirit Doll Wisdom: Join us for this transforma-tional Spirit Doll workshop and feel the Spirit ofyour business, relationships or life flow throughyou with new clarity and power. 250-851-0145

www.SpiritDollWisdom.com [email protected]

Acutonics, Sound Bath, Watsu with TibetanBowl Harmonicswww.cbWellnessCentre.com 250-374-7383 Audrey Meuse

ACUTONICS TUNING FORKSApplied to acupuncture points for vibrations of well-ness for physical, emotional, mental and spiritual Self. Trinity Sound Therapy Karen Houghton, BSW* Certified Acutonics Instructor 250.280.4285

Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Kamloops Freedom of religious thoughtSunday services, Children's programs, Socialand Environmental Projectswww.uukam.bc.ca


Ordinary Miracle: A Sunday Service for All10:00 am Nov 14, 28# 204 - 535 Tranquille Road 250-554-6707Evening Candlelight Service 7:00 pm December 19th

Centre for Spiritual LivingChange Your Thinking...Change Your LifeSundays: Meditation 10:00 am Celebration 10:30 am

540 Seymour Street 250-314-2028www.cslkamloops.org


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Lynne Kraushar, Certified Rolfer#6-231 Victoria St.250-851-8675 www.rolf.org


Rolf Method of Structural IntegrationTamara D. Duncan, Certified Practitioner250-819-9300 [email protected]

Helping You Make Healthy Moves Theresa Takacs - Century 21 Desert Hills Realty Ltd. 867 Victoria Street [email protected] www.theresatakacs.com


Explore Your Past Lives with Alexa Pongratz Have you lived before? Explore your pastlives and bring that experience forward tobenefit the life that you are in now. $25.00 Thursday, Nov. 18, 7:30-9pm at Let’s Move

Knowing and Working with Your Spirit GuidesBecome aware of your spirit guides.Saturday November 27th, 2010at Let’s Move in the Wellness Room 10am to 2pm. $65 with Michelle Morrison(250)682-8176 [email protected]


Full Moon Group Meditations with Crystal Bowlsat Let’s Move Studio. Fridays: 8-10pmNov 19, Dec 17 $10 admission

Meditation in Daily Life With Head AbbotAjhan Sona from the Birken ForestMonastery: Meditation, potluck and Q&A Sundays: Nov, 28, Dec 19 @ Let’s move Studio9:30am-12:00 BY DONATION 250-314-9550info: [email protected]

Sacred Sound Meditation & Healingwith Audrey Meuse & Friends: Tibetan Bowls, Crystal Bowls, Harp, Gongs, Toning & more Sundays: 11am -12 $15. Nov 21, Dec.12 @let’s move studio

Stone Therapy Certification Intensive December 3 - 5. 2010 @let’s move studioThe Original Stone Therapy Certification coursein BC since 1999 in Hot Stone Massage Training.Designed for massage therapists, SPA profes-

sionals & energy workers. Stone Therapy is a type of thermother-apy, using deep penetrating heat from smooth basalt rocks andalternating cold from marble stones.www.stonetherapyschool.com Nina Gart 778-355-5440

Fundamentals of Self-Acupressure: WorkshopLearn a 25-point self-acupressure pattern to relieve tension from headaches, sore back, neck & shoulder pain, and more!Includes learning materials, fun, interactive setting, potluck. Sat, Nov 20, 9:30 am - 6:00 pm, Let's Move Studio Wellness$125/person. Please pre-register by Nov 13th. [email protected] book appointments or register for workshop: 250-372-9642

Awareness Through Movement: Yoga with TysonSaturday, Nov 27 1-3pm and/or 3-5pm Attend one orboth classes by Donation (Dana) 1-250-226-68261-250-265-3827 [email protected] St. Paul's Hall.

Yoga Boot Camp Food Bank Fundraiser:@Let’s Move Studio

Sat, Nov. 13 10-11:15am All levels welcome, no yoga experi-ence necessary. Non-perishable food items (including pet food) and/ormonetary donations are much appreciated!

Sunshine Sunday Yoga with Katrina: Sunday, Nov. 14 9:30-11:30am. Sunshine Sundays are a full spectrum practice, including playful asana,restorative yoga, meditation and breath work. $20 advance, $25 @ the door

Practical Help for Anxiety, Stress & Self Esteemwith Cara Beckett at Let’s Move: Practical waysto reduce stress and anxiety while improvingself-esteem. Pre-registration is preferred tosave your spot. Call 250-372-9642 to register.$47. Saturday December 4, [email protected]

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November - December, 2010

26 www.yogatreebc.com

Yuen Energetics™ Comes to Kamloops

Yuen Energetics™ technologies are the cutting edge of non-traditional medicine,involving non-medical corrections, hands-off therapy with rapid helpful results.This therapy works harmoniously with Western medicine.

Yuen Energetics™ works on the premise that our physical bodies are a complexnetwork of interwoven energy fields and circuitry. Yuen Energetics finds the weak-nesses that cause energy blockages, deficiencies and excesses and correctsthem. Corrections can be in the areas of health, learning, wealth, work, communi-cations and peak performance.

When you see a Yuen Energetics practitioner, he/she will be looking for all the areasof weakness that cause your difficulty.  These weak areas are corrected, and oftenstrengthened on the spot in the session.  Because Yuen Energetics deals with lim-itless concepts {all of the causes of weakness or disease} it achieves results veryquickly.

How does this possibly happen you might ask? For demonstration purposes wewould use muscle testing to detect where the weakness is and then energeticallycall in the correction. Yuen Energetics does distance work over the phone. In factthis is the common practice these days.

On a personal note, I had a correction for snoring in April 2010 and it is still hold-ing.  In June I had a session for dry eyes, a medically diagnosed condition, andovernight my eyes re-established their normal fluids. My sessions were done overthe phone with practitioners in the prairie provinces because that was who wasavailable.

Yuen Energetics practitioners are available in Kamloops and across WesternCanada.  Sessions can be done in person or via the telephone.  Local practitionersare Christie Grant at 250-372-7381, Dilpreet T. at 604-996-8255 and ThereseLaforge  at 778-471-5598.

Therese wondered as a child about our power to regenerate our bodies. Now she pursues the

multiple paths of alternative energy medicine. Therese sees well timed, quick acting methods

available now to serve our needs for wellness and health. She challenges herself to let go of

limitations and trust that she is capable of so much more health on all levels.


Bikram Yoga The Hottest Yoga in Kamloops!250.819.yoga(9642) 340 Victoria St.www.bikramkamloops.com

Psoma Yoga Therapy: Donna Martin 635 Victoria St. 250-374-2514 [email protected] www.reflectivepresence.com www.donnamartin.net www.hakomi.ca

Let’s Move StudioYoga - Dance - Wellness 250-372-YOGA (9642)www.letsmovestudio.com

Kamloops Hot YogaYoga for your Whole Family954 C Laval Crescent (beside Cliffside Climbing Gym)

www.kamloopshotyoga.com 250-374-7426

Optimal Health with Optimal AlignmentKatrina Ariel ~ 250-374-6493Freedom from pain through empowerment.www.YogaWithKatrina.com [email protected]


Sacred Body Yoga Therapy for Body &Soul Explore your physical, emotional andspiritual issues. Certified Yoga TherapyPractitioner: Brian Scrivener, Hands OnHealth 250-377-7675 Tudor Village, Kamloops www.sacredbody.net

RADIO SHOW: Wellness CoachesWith Audrey and Cara: Thursdays at 2PMListen in to Kamloops' newest radio show onHolistic Health & Wellness! 92.5 FM The X

Grounded and Sound Yoga with Tania Mc-Cartney Pre/Post Natal and Beginner Hatha atLet's Move Studio Hatha Yoga for Every Body!250-572-1668 [email protected]

Core Connexion Movement Workshop With Cornelis Brink @let’s move studio$20 pre-register 778-472-3537come with a friend $25 for both of you!Friday, December 10th 6:45 - 9:45 pm

connect with our aliveness at the core! www.coreconnexion.net


Advertise Here: Yoga Tree MagazineKamloops’ favourite resource for wellness!250-371-1938 www.yogatreebc.com

Aromatherapy Blend for Stuffy Nose

Ingredients: 15 drops Eucalyptus Oil

13 drops Pine Oil

2 drops Peppermint OilDirections: Blend the oils together in a clean dark-colored glass container,

preferably one with a built-in dropper insert. Apply 2-3 drops to a cotton

ball and inhale occassionally to help clear a stuffy nose. If you have aller-

gies to Pine, substitute for either Ravensara or Cedarwood.

Room Diffuser: Use this blend when everyone in the household

seems to be coming down with something.

Ingredients: 15 drops Clove Bud Oil

15 drops Cinnamon Oil

10 drops Ravensara Oil

10 drops Rosemary OilDirections: Blend the oils together in a clean dark-coloured glass container

(5-10 ml size), preferably with an orifice reducer. Put 10-20 drops in a

diffuser or same amount in a mister with a spray pump.

Aromatherapy Bottles and spray bottles can be purchased at any health food store or through

Global Goddess Aromatherpy @www.globalgoddess.ca

Ellen Huggett [email protected] www.globalgoddess.ca B y Ellen Huggett

Aromatherapy Recipes

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Issue #17

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November - December, 2010

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Book Review:

Broken OpenHow Difficult Times Can Help Us to Grow

By Elizabeth Lesser

A few months ago, a friend loaned me “Broken Open”, saying, “I

think you’ll like this read!” and of course, she was right.

It was while visiting a small shop, many years ago, in Jerusalem, that

the author, Elizabeth Lesser’s

journey of self realization

began. In deep pain and

confusion over her crum-

bling marriage she had

ducked into a small

dusky shop, only to be

c o m p a s s i o n a t e l y

greeted by an elderly

Islamic man and his

son. Sensing her pain,

the older man lead her past a pile of

Persian rugs on the floor, to a small painting, of a

rosebud, hanging at the back of the shop. Beneath the lovely painting

were these words:

And the time came when the risk to remain tight in a bud

Was more painful than the risk it took to blossom.

The time had come for Elizabeth’s emergence into her own strength

and personhood. In the course of the book, she tells of her heart open-

ing, rewarded with the ensuing healing and feeling of self-empower-

ment. As the co-founder of Omega Institute, the world’s largest centre

for spiritual retreat and personal growth, she has been witness to the

circumstances of transition and change in many lives. The reader is

quickly drawn in to the beautifully documented stories of these lives.

Through Elizabeth’s humorous insight and wise guidance, one is of-

fered the tools needed to face the unexpected challenges that life pres-


This book is immensely readable. Her passages and stories about

children and parenting are down to earth and honest. Section titles in-

clude ‘The Call of the Soul’, ‘The Shaman Lover’, and ‘The River of

Change’. Birth and death are covered honestly and sensitively. Many

of the short chapters stand alone and don’t need to be read in se-

quence. She ends “Broken Open” with the appendix, entitled: Tool-

box. Within these pages she includes meditation instructions and

advice on working with therapists and healers.

“Broken Open”, is one of those comfortable, entertaining, and life

changing books that has us dipping into the lives of others and seeing

mirrored the richness of our own trials and adversities. Elizabeth

Lesser has gifted us with valuable keys to our own emergence as

strong, confident and vital human beings.

Arlene Soloman is an avid reader of books and magazines which raise the conscious-

ness of humankind. She is also a good friend of "The Yoga Tree". [email protected].

By Arlene Soloman



To facilitate individual and collective transformation, and to help bring forth

the reality of the divine on earth.


A transformation group is a group of individuals that meets regularly over a

period of a number of weeks with the shared purpose of accelerating individ-

ual and collective spiritual transformation. The magic of a transformation

group is a simple but powerful format, and its ability to establish and sustain

a strong covenant and culture of transformation based on the spirit of love.


The transformation groups meet once every two weeks, for 90 minutes or so.

The first half of the meeting is typically devoted to connection building using

an opening sanctification, a transformation check-in time, story telling and

appreciation time. Following this, there is a consideration of inspirational ma-

terial and/or an experiential exercise based on such material. In many locations

these groups go for a number of months, with some ongoing for years.


A key aspect of a transformation group is a basic covenant of transformation

entered into by the individuals in the group. This can be stated as a commit-

ment, intent or prayer to express the true character of love in one's living, no

matter what arises. This simple but powerful intent, however articulated by

the individuals, forms the foundational agreement and spirit of the transfor-

mation group. To personally hold the intent to express the truth of love no

matter what arises, is a powerful transformational act. To share and be true to

that intent together with others is an extraordinary act which favors Love's in-

crease on earth. Many have found the sharing and following through with

such a covenant of spirit and love thrilling and alive-changing. Would you be

interested in sharing this possibility?


You are welcome to join for one session, a few sessions, or to commit to par-

ticipate for a longer duration. The sessions will be held at the home of Marilyn

Manderson, 4985 Westsyde Road, beginning on Tuesday, January 11th. 2011

at 7:30 p.m. Phone: (250) 579-9444 or email [email protected].

The sessions will be every second Tuesday evening. Please feel free to contact

Marilyn by phone or email to register, or for further information.


These transformation groups are occurring in the context of a key premise:

that human beings are already perfect angelic beings whose outer capacities

may have fallen asleep, or may have been temporarily scarred in some way.

On that basis, spiritual transformation is the awakening and transformation

of the outer human capacities to accommodate the already present angelic

being. Thus, the transformation groups are dedicated to facilitate the coming

forth of the angel in each one. The end result will be Love's fuller emergence

on earth.

Group Coordinator: Marilyn Manderson is retired from nursing and has had

a keen interest in the process of Transformation, and in the practice of Attune-

ment, an energy healing modality, for over thirty years. She offers Attunement

at her home, and is a teacher of Attunement. She lives in a quiet country setting

which lends itself to a deepening connection with Source, and an appreciation

of the beauty of the natural world.

[email protected] and (250) 579-9444

Page 29: Yoga Tree Magazine November 2010

Issue #17

www.yogatreebc.com 29

Clip and Save: Yoga Tree Coupons!

One Month of Unlimited Hot Yoga Classes For Only $50.00!

Now is the time to start your Hot Yoga Practice with our Price Buster Pricing!

Must purchase this $50.00 Price Buster month by December 31st, 2010.$50.00 Price Buster pricing is available to New Customers only.$50.00 Price Buster month activates on your 1st class after purchase.$50.00 Price Buster month is not refundable or transferrable.

954-C Laval Crescent (Right beside Cliffside Climbing Gym)

90 minute Hot Yoga Classes 7 days a week


Let’s Move Studioyoga dance w ellness .


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FACEBOOK: Lets Move Studio

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Look and feel years younger!

Jennifer Larsen, R.Ac 250-376-3070

Many people have an affinity for willows. As a

name, Willow almost fills the mouth with winds and gentle rustlings. Who

could ever forget a summer leaning against the trunk of an ancient willow

tree and listening to the river’s song? As well, willow is almost synonymous

with water.

Willow is a healer of the spirit, the soul and the body. To the ancient Druids,

willow was a sacred tree. It was also one of the seven sacred trees of the Irish

and is considered sacred to the White Goddess. For the Native American, the

willow tree supplied a medicine and a wood that was used for many purposes

including smoking salmon and drying meat. Old wood was used to start fires

and was even called the match wood. It is willow with its bendable qualities

that is used to make the child’s first dream catcher; bendable like children

are. Some Native tribes regard it as a Grandfather, an elder, someone to give

advice and be listened to. Throughout our history, willow has served a noble

purpose but perhaps its strongest and most auspicious strength is that of a


In 400 BC Hippocrates of Kos recommended a tea be made from the bark of

the willow tree for fever, pain, and labour. The active substance in this juice,

which does ease pain, is salicylic acid. Used for centuries, willow became

the aspirin we know today after Friedrich Bayer a weaver and a dyer who ac-

tually worked with the first coal tar dyes (before that they were always made

from organic sources) passed away. Bayer passed in 1880, and in 1897 Felix

Hoffmann, a chemist, was experimenting with a waste product of one of the

dye components to try and find relief for his father’s rheumatism. Hoffmann

ended up chemically synthesising a stable form of salicylic acid powder. This

compound became the active ingredient in Bayer’s pharmaceutical product

the aspirin. Thus, the benefits of willow are available in a small white pill or

from the strands of tree bark.

According to Culpepper’s Complete Herbal, the moon owns the willow tree.

The leaf, bark and seeds are used to stench the bleeding of wounds. Bruised

with pepper and drunk in wine leaves helps the wind-colic. Willow can be

used to stop a fever, although in certain cases children should not use willow

for that purpose. Willow is also wonderful for headaches; about a teaspoon

of the bark to a cup of water. Willow has been used to relieve toothaches,

cold, flu, fever and gout. It is also used to help with carpal tunnel syndrome

and to protect from heart attack, stroke, and colorectal cancer.

A lovely tea can easily be made using willow. (If you are, for some reason,

allergic to aspirin you may want to avoid this willow remedy. Also children

with fevers should not be given willow because it can yield consequences.

Instead try yarrow.) Willow is a tad bitter when brewed and you may need to

experiment to find the right taste for you. Where the tree is from, the amount

of water available, and the time of year willow is gathered can all have an ef-

fect on the strength and the taste of the tea. Also, stay away from trees which

have been treated with pesticides. One tea I like to make with willow is this:

Ginger – 1 tsp

Willow – 1 tsp

Lemon Balm – 1 tsp

Peppermint – 1 tspNever boil the mixture; just pour boiling water over the combined herbs, and enjoy.

This tea makes the best use of the willow without the overpowering taste.

Aspirin or its herbal equivalents should not be given to children with colds. When chil-

dren take aspirin like drugs for viral infections there is a chance they can develop

Reye’s syndrome, a potentially fatal condition that damages liver and brain. P.171 The

Green Pharmacy, James A. Duke PH.D.

Alexa Pongracz CH: Frog Spirit Holistic Enterprses

250-376-5124 or 250-318-0735www.frogspirit.ca


By Alexa Pongracz

925 McGill Place,

Kamloops V2C-6N9

[email protected]

On Any of the following Wellness Services: Emotional Freedom Technique with Cara, Reiki with Kim, Acutonics with KarenHoughton, Massage Therapy with Jenn Johnson, Herbal consultations, Reiki,chair massage and reflexology with Alexa Pongracz, Intuitive Reading or Heal-ing Session with Michelle Morrison, Healing Massage and Reiki with ReAnne,Acupressure with Michele Botel

Wellness CentreLet’s Move Studio

. .

25% off coupon


expires Dec 31, 2010

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www.pilateskamloops.com250.320.BODY (2639)Contact Christine for more information.

• We o� er small group mat and reformer classes, privates and semi privates• Quali� ed instructors will help you gain strength for life• Fun and relaxing but motivating atmosphere

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Issue #17

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For subscriptions, comments, advertising

opportunities, information or to contribute

articles contact us!

Kamloops’ FREE Yoga & Wellness Magazine Elizabeth Beeds, Publisher


[email protected]


Gavin Murgatroyd www.gavin3d.comWellness Directory

Cara Beckett [email protected] Editing

Leanne Fisher

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November - December, 2010

32 www.yogatreebc.com

Freeing the Body in WaterWatsu - Ai Chi - WogaAquatic Breath Integration

Far Infrared Sauna DetoxificationFriday Evening Wellness Programs


Centennial Building Wellness Centre

Reception 9:30 - 12:30 M-F

# 103-153 Seymour St.

250-374-7383SPECIAL: Get one week of Ai Chi

for just $1

Page 33: Yoga Tree Magazine November 2010

Issue #17

www.yogatreebc.com 33


Sunday Mornings with Ajahn Sona

SUNDAY 9:30 am – noon

: Sept 19, Oct 24 Nov, 28

LET’S MOVE STUDIO - 925 McGill Place s freely offered) will be gratefully accepted. Cheques should be made to “Birken”.

For more info: [email protected] or 250-314-9550

Craving more peace and less stress?

Stress management

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[email protected]:let


moc.gnitlusm oc.gnitlusno




NMNcSBe ralCennair

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November - December, 2010

Page 35: Yoga Tree Magazine November 2010

Ordinary Miracle

We welcome you to come and share

your Spirit with us in a service of cele-

bration! Join us for singing, readings

from A Course in Miracles and heartfelt

sharing of spiritual insights delivered by

speakers from all walks of life. Give

yourself this time for introspection

through prayer and meditation.

A Sunday Service for ALL

November 14 & 28

# 204 - 535 Tranquille Road


Sundays 10:00 am

Evening Candlelight Service 7:00 pm December 19th


5:30-6:30 PM Nuance Dance Studio

253 Victoria St


6:30-7:30 PM Let’s Move Studio

925 McGill Place

(below Ginseng Spa)

Core PowerYoga

A remarkable way to

strengthen the body &

relax the mind. With

emphasis on Ashtanga

yoga, Flow Yoga incor-

porates all aspects of

fitness to improve your

strength, flexibility, bal-

ance & coordination.

While you strengthen

and tone your body, let

go of stress and tension

as you focus on the

flow of the breath.



Kinesiologist & Certified Clinical Exercise Specialist


Phone: (250) 574-3477

Email: [email protected]


yoga mat,

water bottle,

and a smile!


Wellness centre




Infrared Sauna







Page 36: Yoga Tree Magazine November 2010

Yoga Dance Wellness. .

4 Week Sessions:

Nov 1-26, Nov 29 - Dec 24

Or choose ANY consecutive weeks!

Or buy a punchcard for flexibility in

ANY class - good for 1 year

60 minute classes Drop in $10

$37/ 4 week session

$72/ 8 week session

$105/ 12 week session

$136/ 16 week session

5x Punchcard $48.75

10x Punchcard $95

90+ minute classes Drop in $15

$50/ 4 week session

$96/ 8 week session

$138/ 12 week session

$176/ 16 week session

5x Punchcard $70

10x Punchcard $130

REGISTRATIONNovember- December, 2010

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday

5:45 - 6:45 am Monday - Friday Yoga Fitness Bootcamp for Women

Pre-register: www.yogawithkatrina.com Nov 29 - Dec 17

9:00 - 10:15 am




9:00 - 10:30 am


All Levels: Flow


9:00 - 10:15 am




9:00 - 10:30 am


All Levels: Flow


9:00 - 10:30 am


All Levels


11:00 - 12:00 pmAwareness Through



10:30 - 11:30 am


All Levels


12:00 - 1:00 pm




12:00 - 1:00 pm


American Tribal


12:00 - 1:00 pm




5:30 - 6:30 pm

Core & More

MonicaPlease Pre-register

1:15 - 2:30 pm

Parent and Baby

Yoga - All Levels


4:30 - 6:00 pm


All Levels


5:00 - 6:00 pm


All Levels: Flow


5:00 - 6:30 pm




5:00 - 6:30 pm




6:00 - 7:00 pm




6:15 - 7:30 pm


Anusara Inspired


6:30 - 7:30 pm

Core & More

MonicaPlease Pre-register

6:30 - 7:30 pm

Power Yoga

All Levels


7:00 - 8:00 pm


All Levels


Let’s Move Studio



1:00 - 2:30 pm

Prenatal Yoga


Classes are open for drop in

and for beginners ANYTIME


Wellness Infrared Sauna, Massage, Healing, Yoga Therapy,

Reiki, Reflexology, Physiotherapy, Coaching and more.Call to book an appointment. 250-372-9642

[email protected]


925 McGill Place, Kamloops

Sunmore SPA Building

FACEBOOK: Let’s Move Studio

Stress Management Weekly Class:

Mondays 5 - 6:30pm

Explore Your Past Lives

Thursday, Nov. 18, 7:30-9pm

Self Acupressure:

Sat. Nov 20, 9:30am - 6pm

Crystal Bowl Full Moon

Meditation: Nov 19, Dec 17

Knowing & Working with Your Spirit Guides

Saturday, November 27, 10:00 to 2pm

Meditation with Ajahn Sona:

Nov 28, Dec 19 9:30am -12

Sacred Sound Meditation/Healing


Nov 21, Dec.12 11am -12pm

Stone Therapy Certification

Intensive: December 3 - 5

Practical Help for Anxiety, Stress & Self Esteem

Saturday, December 4, 12:00 to 5pm

Core Connexion Movement Workshop:

Friday, December 10th 6:45 - 9:45pm

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