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  • 8/3/2019 Yogananda - EastWet soct33


    Realizing W orld Unity 'Through the Art of L iving

    -+-Physical and Astral Sounds


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    -~~tt" Meditations for OctoberOctober 1. I live, move, and have my Being in Spirit, as a fish lives inthe water and a bird in the air. I will consciously draw strength, health,and happiness from this all-enveloping Presence.October' 2. Spirit is all that is. This includes me. Therefore, every

    cell of my body sings with vitality, youth, and beauty. '\October 3. I am made of God substance, since that is 'the only sub-

    stance which exists. Therefore I am Health; I am Success; I am Peace.October 4. The perfect pattern was set in me inrhe beginri}ng when

    man. was made after the image of God, as the perfect plan of the plant isenclosed in the tiny seed. I shall let go of all thoughts and influenceswhieh obstruct the perfect development of this Divine plan for me by free-ing' myself, from anger, jealousy, criticism, envy, fear, and all negativethoughts and emotions, and instead filling my mind with love, understand-ing, and praise.October 5. Because God is ~1l p;)wer, and because I am His child, I

    have the power and the intelligence to overcome any seeming diff1.culty.October 6. There is aright solution 'to ev~ryproblem. Ihave~ithin

    me the wisdom and intelligence to' see this solution an d th, courage andenergy to carry it through. .' . 'October 7. Each difficulty met on the path of life is),~ test to"show

    you how far you have progressed. Recognize each" e~perlri:'C-e"a~'such.Look at it impersonally and walk through it triumphantly. The strengthand the wisdom are within you. 'October 8. Instead of being overcome and discouraged when con-

    fronted with what you think is trouble, thank the Father for offering youthe opportunity to see where you are, and to develop the strength andwisdom to overcome it.October 9. It is only to the wise and the strong that great tests come,

    and it is to them that greater power is given. Consider the supreme testswith which Jesus was faced, and recall in what manner He met them andwhat tremendous power and understanding He released.October 10. All power and wisdom are within you. Each experience

    is but a call for you to release that which you already possess. The morepower you release, the more you will have at your command.October 11. At any given moment you have all the courage, strength,

    and intelligence necessary to overcome any seeming difficulty. Get your-self still, mentally and physically. Retire to your center of poise withinyour spiritual home, and commune with your Father there. He will showyou the way.October 12. Remember that He is always beside you, always guiding

    and encouraging you. Learn to listen inwardly, all through the day, to,g this guiding Voice. & )fir.- October 13. No matter what you are doing, if work seems exhausting, fl~ confusing; or impossible, just say within: "Father, this also is your work.~~~ Willingly I give myself to serve You." Immediately all tension will beQ"" relaxed and the task will seem easy./i!)L~ (Continued on Page 20) ~' ~ . 8 J ~ ~ s . s s s s s E ~ ~ ~ 6 .

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    Master Minds of the East and the wes t are contributing their best effortsto this maga%ine, dedicated to the super,art of living.

    Copyright, 1933,All Rights Reserved.Published monthly by Yogoda Sat-Sanga Society, 3880San Rafael Ave., Los Angeles, California. SwamiYogananda, President. Entered as second-class postal matter, January 11th, 1933,at the Post Office inLos Angeles, California, under the Act of March 3, 1879.VOL. 5 Printed in U. S. A. No. 12

    CONTENTSMeditations for October Cover 2Elsinore, My Paradise Mignon Splane . . . . . . . . . . .. 2RealizingWorld Unity through the Art of Living ,............ 3To Those Who Suffer JamesM. Warnack 4THE SECOND COMING OF CHRIST-

    Steps Toward the Attaining of the Con-sciousness which was in Christ Jesus 5

    Never-Failing Prosperity Mary Lake Rose.......... 7Physical and Astral Sounds 9Trouble in Paradise Commodore David Mackay .. 10Scientific Digest ..................................................... 12Health, Intellectual and Spiritual Recipes-

    Onions Baked With Cheese ...................................... 13Savory Vegetable Soup 13'. ,~Creating Happiness " 13

    Lemuria and Atlantis Lauri Pratt. . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 14Godis "The Meaning of Things" Louis E. Van Norman 16The Philosophy of Hope B. N erode . . . . . . . .. 17The Awakening L Mildred Kyle 19

    All unsigned articles by S. Yogananda.Yearly subscription, $2.50;Canada, $2.75;Foreign, $3.00. Single copies, 25c.Manuscripts should be addressed to "The Editors," not to individuals. Please enclose a stampedreturn envelope.EASTWEST is the official organ of the Self-Realisation Fellowship of America, founded in 19~ bySwami Yogananda, A. B. Published Monthly by the YogodaSat.Sanga Society, 3880San Rafael Ave.,Los Angeles, Calif.Change of address should be sent to EASTWEST two weeks before the date it is to go into effect.Both the old and new addresses should be sent. We cannot be responsible for copies lost due to the sub-scriber's failure to notify us in time of his or her new address.

    October; 1933 Page One

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    Elsinorel M y Paradise. ' B y Mignon 'SpliweMountains both East and West wending,With their rugged sky-line bare,Morning sunrisesevening sunset,Paints a picture, pleasing, rare.

    Mild, caressing, soothing waters...Lave the bathers o'er and o'er,' .Or the white-caps.spray their' facesIn our Beauteous Elsinore.

    Walnuts, olives, shrubs, acacias, .Circle round with cooling 'shade,Gracious host and loving hostess,With God's hand a welcome made;

    Silently, amidst scented breezesWe partake of God's rapture there, .Meditating 'neath the olives,We His inspiration share. .

    ]ust beyond the steps descending,Down the path unto the shore,With its softened waters blending, .Lies the Peaceful Elsinore.

    Meditation, praise; and blessings,Hearts enthralled throughout the dayGive such soulful, peaceful longingFor SweetElsinore alway.Every morning, every evening,May mySpirit in prayer arise,.To reflect back the blessingsOf Elsinore, my Paradise.

    Morning ResolveI will this day try to live a simple, sincere,and' serene life, repelling promptly everythought of discontent, anxiety, discourage-ment, impurity, and self-seeking; cultivating

    cheerfulness, magnanimity, charity, and thehabit of holy silence; exercisingeconomy inexpenditure, carefulness. in conversation,diligence in appointed service, fidelity toevery trust, and a child-like trust in God.-By John H. Vincent.

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    R ea lizin g W o rld . U n ity Thro ugh theA rt o f L ivin g

    (Swami Yogananda's Speech Before the World Congress of Religions)Diversity and UnityDVERSITY is the Law of Nature.Unity is the way that leads to the In-finite. By discord and diversity, the worldis thrown into. the boiling pot of sorrow,wars, and death. Uniting Souls with Truthby ideal living is the way to happiness,peace, and immortality.

    Purpose in Nature and ManThe entire process of evolution in Natureand Man seems to suggest the necessity ofremoving the storm of ignorance in orderto effect the union of delusion-projectedwaves of life with the One Ocean of Spirit.Contribution of Science and ReligionScientists, politicians, business men, andsocial workers by limited, specificmethodsunconsciously and indirectly try to pave thepath to World Unity. The exponents ofscientificreligions, philosophy, and ethics of

    _human conduct try to consciouslygarner thepicked blossoms of Truth from the gardensof all forms of wisdom, and try to decor-ate human Souls with a floral costume ofsuper-qualities which may directly qualifythem to enter the Paradise of all-freeingultimate wisdom.Cause of Wodd Disintegration

    Through individual, industrial, and politi-cal selfishness, explosives of the feeling ofrace superiority, and by the excluding com-.mercialism of dogma, entrenched religionshave kept races divided and shattered bysocial, industrial, political, religious, andfinancial wars, resulting in depressions,ignorance, and mass misery.All Science Must Cooperate To MakeModel CitizensIn order to bring all humanity into themansion of union and universal happiness,science,politics, social and individual ethics,international industries, and the science ofinternational laws of living, all universally

    October, 1933

    useful moral and religious sciences, shouldoffer ideal standards of the internationallaws of hygiene, peace, prosperity, educa-tion, moral codes, and applied psychologicaland spiritual laws, which would make eachof the fifteen hundred million human in-habitants of this earth an all-round, perfectworld.citizen.Then each Soul would be able to say:"Down through the window of Memory Ilooked. I recall the early hours of mychildhood, when the sun of my conscious-ness first began to appear. As it slowlyrose out of the darkness of the unconsciousmind, it dimly lighted only one part of my'little mental horizon that lay encompass-ing my mother, playthings, and a fewmulti-colored desires. Later, as my consciousnessgrew brighter, a great part of my mentalhorizon was illumined. I sawin it not a fewthings only, but many things-my friends,

    relations, neighbors, country-all thesewere revealed and included. Now, as I lookwithin, on the mental sky, the sun of myconsciousness seems to be shining brighterthan ever in its supreme power. It no longerlights one direction only, or only one por~tion of my mental horizon; or only a fewfriends or relatives, or one nation, but allnations, nay, all creatures and Nature, allplanets, all stars, all shining electrons, allUniverses, and all Space are included. I didnot know that out of the inky darkness ofmy mind I would discover the Sun of Cos-mic Consciousness."How T O o Build World Unity By BridgingScience and ReligionScience is directly helping man with ma-terial comforts through her golden inven-tions. The same science, indirectly, is help-ing man to be the reformer of dogmatic re-ligions and to explain many miracles foundin Nature and spoken of in religion. Science

    (Continued on Page 28)Page Three '

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    T o T h o s e W h o S u f f e rBy James M. WarnackTo you, of you, for you, and about youI am singing this song of triumph,And the song is true, with no false note in it,And it concerns myself as well as you,And it echoes backward through all time,And vibrates forward into endlessness.

    And this is the song I sing, and I knowyou will hear it,And one day you will believe it, and knowit, and 'live it:

    You are forever and ever the triumphantOne;Forever you are the master of love and oflife;Eternally you are the beauty that inspiresyou;Always and always you are the joy you areseeking.If, for a little time, you seem lost from yourSelf,Remember, lovers of mine, that it is not

    forever.Remember that you have only invited theshadowsTo prove to yourself the living light of yourSpirit.At this moment I offer you no medicine orhealing;I give you no potion to drown your painor your sorrow,But I tell you this: that one day you shallawakenAnd find the great Peace that even nowhovers about you.

    Not THROUGH pain but IN pam shallyou discover this solace;And in that moment when you shall comeinto your own,

    You shall not care whether your eyes arebandaged,Or whether you see with the vision of othermortals;You shall not care whether your body be

    chainedOr whether you roam the mountains andmeadows in freedom;It shall make no difference whether youburn with fever,.Or whether your brow and your blood be

    calm as the twilight,For in that moment you shall have foundthe wonder of living,And you shall have known the perfection ofyour own existence.You shall smile through the flames or thedarkness that may surround you;You shall dance, unafraid, through the val-leys of torture and terror;You shall sing on the bed of pain; you shalllaugh on the pillow of sorrow;You shall be the triumphant One foreverand ever!

    And then, Oh, then, you shall rise (and Ishall be with you),And, leaving the grave that you made in anhour of forgetting,Shall calmly ascend to the heaven withinyour ownBeing,To shine evermore in the sky of yourglorious Selfhood.

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    THE SECOND COMING OF CHRISTSteps Toward the Attaining of the Consciousness Which was

    in Christ JesusINTRODUCTIONIntuitionally Perceived Spiritual Inter-pretation of Words Spoken byJesus Christ

    (To be studiedeveryday conscientiouslyandmeditatedupon by true Christians, true devo-tees of God, and Yogodans. These truths arefound .inmeditation and those who want toperceive the Second Coming of Christ mustmeditate upon thern.)Universal Christ-Consciousness appearedin (he vehicle of Jesus, and now throughYogoda Self-Realization, and these intui-tionally received interpretations of theScriptures, the Christ-Consciousness is com-ing a second time to manifest through theconsciousness of every true Yogodan. "Allthose who received Him, to them gave Hetrhepower to become the Sons of God."As a small cup cannot hold an oceanwithin it, no matter how willing it may beto do so, likewise the cup of material humanconsciousness cannot grasp the universalChrist-Consciousness, no matter how de-sirous it is, but when the student,. by theyogoda method of Meditation and Con-centration, enlarges -the caliber of his con-sciousness to Omniscience, he can hold theuniversal consciousness in all atoms (Christ-Consciousness) within his own. This iswhat is meant by "Received Him." Thus,according to Jesus, all souls who can actu-ally find their souls one with Christ-Con-sciousness, by intuitive Self-Realization,canbe called the "Sons of God."October, 1933

    Threefold Meaning of the Hindu andChristian BiblesAll Oriental Scriptures,' such as theBhagavad Gita, or the Hindu Bible, andthe Christian Bible, have a threefold mean-ing. In other words, the Scriptures dealwith the three factors of human beings,namely, the material, the mental and thespiritual. Hence, all true Scriptures have

    been so written that they serve to be bene-ficial to the body, mind, and soul of man.True Scriptures are like the wells of Divinewaters, which can quench the threefoldmaterial, mental, and spiritual thirsts ofman. In addition, the Scriptures, in orderto be worth while, shoul~ really help thebusiness man, the mental man, and thespiritual man. Although both the materialand the psychological interpretations of theScriptures are necessary, it should beremembered that the scriptural authorsundertook with great pains to point outto man that the spiritual interpretations areof supreme importance to him.A material or intellectually successfulman may not be the truly, scientifically suc-cessful man who makes a perfect success oflife; whereas, a spiritual man is the haVVY"all-round" man, who is healthy, intel-lectual, contented, and truly prosperous,with all-satisfying wisdom. Since by intu-ition the spiritual authors first sought tomake man primarily spiritual, I give thespiritual interpretation with the psycho-

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    logical and the material interpretationsinterwoven. These interpretations will helpalike the spiritual aspirant, the intelectualman, and the business man.(Reprinted from June, 1932, issue ofEast-West)

    (Continued from Last Issue.)"T HEN said the Jews: 'Forty and sixyears was this temple in building, andwilt Thou rear it up in three days?' ButHe spake of the temple of His body. When,therefore, He was risen from the dead, Hisdisciples remembered that He had said thisunto them; and they believed the Scripture,and the word which Jesus had said.Now, when he twas in Jerusalem at thePassover, on the feast day, many believedin His name, when they saw the miracleswhich He did. But Jesus did not commitHimself unto them, because He knew allmen, and needed not that any should 'testifyof man, for He knew what was in man.There was a man of the Pharisees, namedNicodemus, a ruler of the Jews. The samecame to Jesus by night, and said unto him:'Rabbi,we know that Thou art a teachercome from God; for no man can do thesemiracles that Thou doest, except God bewith him.' Jesus answered and said untohim: 'VERILY, VERILY, I SAY UNTOTHEE, EXCEPT A MAN BE BORNAGAIN, HE CANNOT SEE THE KING-

    DOM OF GOD.'Nicodemus saith unto him: 'How can aman be born when he is old? Can he en-ter the second time into his mother's womb,and be born?' Jesus answered: 'Verily,verily, I say unto thee, except a man beborn of water and of the Spirit, he cannotenter into the Kingdom of God. Thatwhich is born of the flesh is flesh; and thatwhich is born of the Spirit is Spirit. Marvelnot that I said unto thee, ye must be bornagain. The wind bloweth where it listeth,and thou hearest the sound thereof, butcanst not tell whence it cometh, and whither

    it goeth: so is everyone that is born of theSpirit." -("Walks and Words of Jesus," by Rev.M. N. Olmsted.)The Jews misinterpreted the saying ofJesus about raising the temple in three days.Naturally they wondered how Jesus couldrebuild: the temple of Jerusalem in threedays ifit were destroyed, when it took forty-


    six years to build it the first time. Hisraising the body after death wasmuch morewonderful than rebuilding a broken templein three days would have been.At the Passover many believed in Jesusbecause of His miracles, but Jesus did notcount upon man's testimony for the spreadof His message. He went on preaching Hisgospel, being impelled by His InfiniteForce.Nicodemus visited Jesus secretly in thenight, for he was afraid of social criticism.Yet it took a lot of courage, faith, and sin-

    cere curiosity for him to seek Jesus. Uponmeeting, he declared that only Divine Be-ings, who had actual God-contact, couldwork the super-lawswhich govern the innerfife of all Beings and things.Jesus, in his answer to Nicodemus in thefollowing way: "VERILY, VERILY, I SAYUNTO THEE, EXCEPT A MAN BEBORN AGAIN, HE CANNOT SEE THEKINGDOM OF GOD," suggests the wayin which we can contact God and the wayin which Jesus contacted God. Jesus meantthat only super-Beingswho contact God canperform miracles, and that anyone can con-tact God and can perform miracles if he isborn a second time.

    The Hindu Is Twice-BornIn the Hindu Scriptures the newly bornchild is called Kayastha, which means "bodybound." The two physical eyes in the childare given by its physical parents to look intoalluring matter, but when the child growsolder, and at the age of seven, or later, isinitiated, his Spiritual Eye is opened by hisSpiritual father, or Preceptor. Through thehelp of his Preceptor, the initiate can usethis telescopic eye 0 see Spirit, and thenhe is called Dwija, or the twice-born, or theBrahmin, or the one who knows Brahmaor Spirit.Alas, even in India this initiation fromthe body consciousness to the Spiritual con-sciousness has become just a formal cere-mony performed by the priests, who onlybaptize the body in water, but great Hindu

    Masters baptize the body in Spirit. Johnthe Baptist also said that he baptized withwater, but that Jesus was to baptize withSpirit.Jesus meant that the ordinary conscious-ness is tied to the flesh, and that throughthe two physical eyes and senses, with theirlimited powers of _perception, man can see

    (Continued on-Page 21)East-West

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    Never -Failing ProsperityBy Mary Lake Rose

    WOULD you be prosperous, never ex-periencing the slightest need even intimes.of so-called economic depression, suchas the world is experiencing today? Are youaware of the fact that there are at least a fewof God's children who have experienced thatconscious AT-ONE-MENT with the ALLLIFE so that they positively know' no lackat any time? Would you be interested inknowing some of these Universal Laws ofAbundance which, through exact application,givenot only to a few but to one and all whoobey them, that LIFE. ABUNDANT? Ifso, then your attention .isinvited to the care-ful consideration of the following:

    Divine AbundanceThat individual who would align himselfwith God's all-abundance must eradicate for-ever from his mind all thought of lack orpoverty. Universal mind isperfect; it knowsno lack, and he who would align himselfwith that never-failing Supply House, mustcreate the consciousness of Abundance, evenif he does not know where his next meal is

    to come from.Think of Divine Ab'unla~~i~s a mightyrefreshing rain; whatever receptacle is athand receives it; it falls upon the just andthe unjust. If one holds up it tin cupvonereceives only that quantity; if one holds upa barrel, that is filled. What kind of .vesselare YOU holding up to the Divine Abun-dance? Perhaps the vessel which you wishto put forth is faulty; if not, it must be re-paired and made ready before it can receivethe Divine Abundance. So it is with man. 'If the vessel which you are putting fortheach day into God's Kingdom of Abundance

    is faulty, it must be repaired and made readybefore it can receive His bountiful blessings.That vessel must be repaired by casting out.all fear, doubt, envy, and hate, and then becleansed by the purifying waters of peace,tranquility, devotion, and Divine Love. He'who fails to equip himsel(w'ith the tools ofDivinity must forever be among "The hewersof wood and the drawers of water."October, 1933

    PurposeAn important part of man's equipment isthat of his Life's purpose. The wholeworldstands aside for the person who knows wherehe is going.. Purpose augments P?weritherefore, one must swing one's life about' apurpose. There are no' vacation~in the Lawof Purpose; it I S like an iron string that con-tinues like the quiet flowing stream.

    ServiceWhen one has resolved definitely upon apurpose in life, then one must serve thatpurpose. Work is not a curse, as- all human-ity 'realizes today as never before. Work isbringing forth what is in one; it is the tree oflife. Work in the nth degree is pouring outoneself to the purpose one has chosen. Getout and work from 7 a.m.-all day. Givemore of your service, more strength, moreeffort, more time, more love than you everexpect to receive in return. The DivineAbundance follows the Law. of Service.Serve, and then try to forget completely

    what you are going to receive for it. "Dowith a might what your hands find to do,"and in these distressing days give your serv-ice to somebody. If you have not definitechannel through which to serve, make one.There are plenty of Missions in Los Angelesand throughout the world!in which you canplace your services.If each day-presents no better opportunity,lend a helping hand to that decrepit old ladyor man. .trying to make way through thetraffic; speak a cheery word to the down-cast.There' are a thousand ways for the. one who wills so to do. "Cast thy breadupon the water; and thou shalt find it after

    manyvdays," for God's laws are unfailing.Learn to coordinate with the indwellingpower-c-giveand receive, but GIVE FIRST.. "Give of your best to the Master. Give ofthe strength of 'your life."

    ReciprocityTh~ supreme acid test of gIvmg to onefrom whom you never expect to receive, is

    Rage, SIll'.el!

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    love, which is the greatest thing in the world.Give in generosity and peace if no morethan the widow's mite. Through the lawsof giving and of tithing, generosity is ere-ared. If "one wants something, one mustmake a pathway for it. GIVE and thenreceive. "Give to the world the best thatyou have and the best will come back toyou."By way of illustrating this law of serviceand love-giving with no thought of receiv-ing-you will please pardon a personal ref-erence." During my early apprenticeship inreligious work, at least three years of lovingservice were given cheerfully and freely onbehalf of those in actual need. Food, cloth-ing, reading matter, and flowers were de-livered in LosAngeles to Catholic, Jew, andGentile alike, and lengthy trips were alsomade to many o~ the neighboring cities, tothe County Hospital, and evento the CountyPoor Farm-all in behalf of those in dire"

    circumstances.It took a great deal of time, effort, gaso-line, and LOVE. It was giving a cup ofcold water in the name of Jesus the Christ.And you ask me: "Was it worth while?" towhich I unhesitatingly reply:" "A thousandfold." That experience was the Soul's

    Awakening, the true revealer of the purposeof life.Try something of a similar nature foryourself, and just see what it will do foryour life and its needs. It will heal many awound and soothe many a heartache. It willlift you, personally, entirely out 'Ofthat in-significant realm of materiality and selfish-ness into that {of the UNIVERSAL," andwhen one is consciously aligned with theUniversal every need of one's life is fulfilled.Since gratitude is one of the most powerfulagents of attraction, have faith and givethanks before you receive, then MEDITATEupon the Universal abundance.

    Procedure-Take this simple outline and pin it up onthe curtain over your work table, or give ita prominent place on your office desk.Make a definite resolve that you are going

    to live out daily the factors involved there-in. Test and prove Universal Law to yourown satisfaction, as I have done, and I canassure you that you will know no lack. .The simple outline referred to involves thefollowing factors: 1, faith; 2, pUrpose;.3,preparation; 4, service; 5, gratitude; 6;medi-ration,

    Who You Are-I K now NotWho you are, I know not, but I have itbefore me that you shall know.For a certainty, you are not greater orless than me. I neither look upon you withenvy nor with pity, with deference, nor withcontempt.Endowments and dignities, and accom-plishments, are of no account whatever; buthonesty, and to stand in time under thegreat law of Equality-after which you willbe satisfied and joy will take possession ofyou.Until then, farewell. Do not follow me,but go your own way voyaging-and thenhaply some time we shall meet.

    Edward Carpenter.

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    Physical and Astral SoundsInterpretation of the Bhagavad Gita

    C h a p t e r I , S t a n z a X IVTatah sankhascha BhaijarshchaPana-

    banaka Gomukhah Sahasaibavhyahanyantasah shabdastumulobhabat Tatah (them);sankhascha (conch shells and); bhaijarscha(kettle drums) ; panabanaka gomukah(trumpets, tabors, and cow horns); sahasaaba (most suddenly); abhyahanyanta (blewforth); sah 'shabdastumulobhabat (thatsound was tremendous).In the 12th and 13th Stanzas we sawhowthe Ego consciousness revives material de-sire and the senses by disrupting the calmbreath. The four factors of mind breath. ' ,vital essence,and body are ever .inrerrelated.When any, one of the four factors is dis-turbed, the other three automatically be-come disturbed too.Hence, the devotee who aspires to de-~elop uniformly and steadily in spiritual-Ity must alwayscalm the mind withthe prac-tice of concentration, keep the breath quietby proper breathing exercises preserve thevital essence by self-control a~d good com-pany, and keep the body quiet and not inperpetual motion and restlessness.~he~ Ego' disturbs the breath after deepmeditation, the Soul again tries to' revive itsintuitive consciousness by the revivai ofAstral vibrations. As Prince Soul returnsto his spiritual kingdom in meditation, he

    passes from the flesh consciousness throughthe Astral Kingdom. The way of the Soulfrom the body to superconsciousness liesthrough the Astral Kingdom. The AstralKingdom constitutes the vita-electrical sys-te.m o! the body. As the body is wovenWIthtissues of flesh, so the Astral body, iswoven with filaments of the electrical LifeForce.October, 1933



    By S. Y.The circulation, pumping of the heart,and movement of breathing in the physicalbody all emanate physical sounds. TheSoul hears these sounds when it is concen-trated on the inside of the body. When

    the Soul, as Ego, concentrates upon the out-s~debody, it hears the sounds of the phy-sical world, but as the Soul, inmeditation,passes from the phyiscalsounds of matterand the droning sounds of circulation, andthe thump of the heart, it begins to hearthe various vibratory sounds of the Astralvital forces, like the blowingof conch shells,or round, full, rolling vibrations.In the battle between the Ego, and thesenses pulling towards the body, and theSoul moving towards 'the Astral, thedevotee hears the roaring sound of thebreath when he becomes identified with the

    body, but listens to the Astral bells andmusic of the spheres when he approachesthe Soul through the Astral Kingdom.Stanza 12 specially describes thoseug;lr vibrations of the ,senses (Kurus),~hlch keep the devotee's a(tention upon theinternal physical body. These sounds,emanating from the vibrations of the senses,are shrill and disturbing like the cowhorns,tabors, and kettle drums.~atah swataihairyukta mahati shyandanasthitou Madhabah Pandabaschaiba dibboushankhou pradathmatuh. Tatah (after

    then); swataihai (with milk-white steeds);yukta [yoked}; mahati shyandana (in thegrand chariot); sthitou (seated); Madhabah(Krishna); cha Pandaba (and Arjuna);dibbou (celestial); shankhou' (conchshells); pradathmatuh (blew splendrdly).Then, also, Madhabah and Pandabahseated in their grand chariot, pulled b;(Continued on Page 27)

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    Tro uble In P a ra d is eBy Commodore David MackayIWAS just the title of a song comingover the radio that gave birth to theidea which created the thoughts, and towhich meditation furnished the wings bywhich they may be carried into the con-sciousness of others whose Paradise has

    gone awry.Paradisesymbolizes happiness or heaven,

    and heaven's first law is harmony of oppo-site polarities "in corresponding vibrationsunder the rule of love and brotherhood, orinfluence of Venus; andwheri we speak ofVenus, you must understand that we d~not simply mean that focal center awayoff in space that appears as a star to ourphysical eyes in the firmament of heaven;'that is merely an optical illusion. Venus,like radio, knows no space; like prosperity,it, is just around the corner, or more cor-rectly, it is ever-present and availableWHEN we harmonize our scattered forcesand manifest polarity in our ownlittle uni-verses.Let this truth possess you: that 'God isthe Whole, the All, whose great existencesurpasseth the grandest thoughts of men orgods-that He is ominpresent. So all theplanets of our Solar System are, in likemanner, parts' of a perfect harmoniousWhole. They are interpenetrated by eachother, even as the juice of, an' 'Orangeinter-

    penetrates the pulp or' envelops the seedwithin the pulp, or the germ' within theseed.According to the Ancient Wisdom,asinterpreted by the Sages of India, we arenow in the third century of the Bronze Ageof an ascending Dwapara Yuga. Bronze isruled by Venus. This item of knowledgesignifies much of interest to the deep .stu-dent, of .mysticism.The fact that our planet, after aeons andages of wanderings farafi~ld through darkand' dismal swamps in the underworld ofdtn~etnatter, has returned~nce mor~ intothe light and benign influence of Universal

    Love, to arise into a new vibration underthe Mistress of the Electric Age, shouldbring abounding joy to the consciousnessof all faithful watchers upon the Towersof Light within the Temple Court. Yea,verily, it should, and for this specific rea-son: It was in the realm of Venus, whereEden's bowers,bloomed and Paradise pre-vailed in love and brotherhood, that thetragedy of the Ages-the Fall-took place.From Venus we' fell, to Venus we mustarrse,The trouble in Paradise originated be-cause of the Creator's gift of free-will toman. Man chose to break the Law.of Polar-ity and scattered the Life Forces, throughwhich he became buried in the grave ofmatter and compassed with sorrow and suf-fering. Whirling in chaos, and not know-ing just what had caused the trouble or thereason for the suffering, he finds himselfalone and separated from his parts, subjectto disintegration and death.The fact of man's free-will and libertyto choose his own line of action settlesforever the question of personal responsi-bility and fixes it squarely where it belongs.Let no one pl;esumeto shift that burdenfrom his shoulders in an effort to evadethe responsibility or avoid the consequences,for in so doing he only delays his redemp-tion and consigns himself to' prolonged suf-fering in the prison-house of dense matter,to remain in isolation and in bondage .roinharmonious chaotic forces. for anotherprolonged cycleb~fore conditions"fa~orabl~to emancipation and the restor~tion of har-mony.again present themselves.Nevertheless" notwithstanding that thereis doubtless a vast multitude of indifferentSouls, who are lagging behind and missingthe present great Cosmic urge towards ex-pansion' of consciousness and the gatheringtogether arid fusing ,of the scattered LifeFortes: in that", harmonious, equilibriumwhich Venus typifies, stilLthere prevails amighty movement toward Self Realization

    E a s t - W e s t

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    of that Paradise where Love will again betheir ruler and Brotherhood their law-thelost ideal which timeless memory recallsfrom a dim and distant past, and towardwhich the Sons of God look through eyeswhich once were dull, seeing, as through aglass, darkly, the glories of Paradise re-stored under the same realm of Venuswhere it was lost, and they shout for joy inchorus with the song of the morning starsand sweetmusic of the spheres.Just what does this restoration mean? Itmeans a returning from chaos and a verycircumscribed and limited human conscious-ness to Divine and infinite Cosmic Con-sciousness. It means an awakening frommaterial coma, in the .sleep of ignorance,like that which fell upon Adam, into anewness of life more abundant. Paradisedeparted and chaos came upon our racethrough yielding to the subtle serpent ofphysical sensation, which culminates in thescattering of the Life Force, which leadsto disintegration and death. Thus was thedelusion of physical birth and death ush-ered into the fallen depolarized state orlowered vibration of dense matter in Earth.Periodically, as comes the Dawn of a newCosmic Day, the opportunity presents it-self through favorable conditions, whenAdam' and Eve may return to Paradise, and

    the fallen gods regain their lost estate.Such a time is the present Bronze Age, un-der the favorable influence of Venus, spon-

    sor of Universal Brotherhood, and Goddessof Love.The Master Minds of India" throughthe science of Yogoda, a scientifictechnique of salvation and a spiritual tech-

    nique of Self Realization, teach that theDIVINE PURPOSE OF MARRIAGE isthat the mates shall help each other to re-gain that lost Paradise, and not that theyshall continue to DISSIPATE THE LIFEFORCE in the procreation of more bodiesunder the Fall.Yogoda teaches the specificway and man-ner of OVERCOMING THE FLESH withits affections and lusts, in order that thephysical and spiritual forces may be fusedin harmonious polarity, whereby they maybecome CREATORS OF THEMSELVESand be verily born again, through regenera-

    tion, "not of the will of the flesh," but bythe spiritual will of God in immortality-fully redeemed from sin, sickness, anddeath into Paradise regained.Because we possess' the power of FreeWill, we little dream of our capacities andpowers which lie latent within us, Onlyslight glimpses of phenomenal achieve-ments in the realm of Earth reach our lim-ited consciousness from time to time, but ithas not entered into the heart of man toconceive of the heights of creative powerto which the Spiritual Will of man mayreach. Think on these things and securewings for your thoughts in meditation.

    October, 1933 Page Eleven

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    S cie n tific D ige s tM o d e l H om e

    In the model homes section at the Centuryof Progress Exposition in Chicago there isexhibited a modernistic brick house which isplanned to resist fire, storm, and earth-quakes. It is a six-sided structure of threestories, with striking conveniencesand attrac-tiveness. It is b~ick inside and out, withpainted interior brick walls, polished brickfloors, unpainted brick ceilings, brick roof,brick stairs, and brick porches. In otherwords, it is a house of brick, reinforced withsteel rods.The house has a combined living and din-ing room, kitchen, two bedrooms, bathroom,roof sundeck, entrance hall, and furnaceroom. The doors, windows,and door framesare metal, painted on the outside with silverliquid metal paint and on the inside withbronze. The windowsopen in sections. Theinside screens roll up like a window shade.The first floor of the house comprises an en-trance hall and a big room housing the fur-nace and air-conditioning units.The combined living and dining room haswalls of cool reddish brick, laid in a basket-weave pattern, and waxed terrazzo floors.The ceiling is coated with cream-coloredasphalt paint. Adjacent to the fireplace arebuilt-in brick book shelves. The kitchen haswalls paneled with white, cloudy glass tileand a blue ceiling.On the third floor are the bedrooms. Thebrick walls of one are painted in horizontalstripes of four shades of gray. The ceilingsare grayish green and the floor is black. Thesecond bedroom is the only room not having

    brick-finished walls. Instead, the walls andceiling are covered with plaster board. Thewalls are bright blue and the ceiling is white.The green-and-white bathroom is paneled inglass tile.

    Era of All-Metal HomesPreparing for an era of all-metal homes,~e Mellon Institute of Pittsburgh arinounces

    Page Twelve

    a newmarble-surface steel. The marble ef-fect is imitation, made by a laminated resinsurface woven inseparably. with the steel.Any other finish made with the new lami-nated resins can be added. In this mannersteel can be either paper-coated or cloth-covered. It can also be made to imitatewood.Decorative finishes already are applied to.steel by other methods, the Institute an-

    nounces, but this is the first process to makethe surfaces such an integral part of steel.The adhesive is an alloy, such as tin or zinc,which fuses with both the steel and thecovering. The process is a development ofthe felt-lined steel produced by the Instituteabout a year ago. By the newmethod, steelcan be substituted for most of the layers offabric or paper now required. Only a verythin layer of surface veneer is needed. Itis attached by one pressing operation."A sheet of steel may be produced," theInstitute further explains, "having designsranging from any textile pattern throughimitation marble, wood, and so forth. The

    steel with these decorative resin surfaces is apotential material for construction for wains-coting in hotels and officebuildings, as wellas a wall material for kitchens and bath-rooms, and in other rooms when the steelhouse comes into common use. Doors andinterior trim for buildings alsomay bemadefrom this constructional material, as well ascertain forms of steel furniture and novel-ties."

    N o w I s T h e T im e"If we are ever to enjoy life, now is thetime, not tomorrow, nor next year, nor insome future life after we have died. The

    best preparation for a better life next yearis a full, complete, harmonious, joyous lifethis year. Our beliefs in a rich future lifeare of little importance unless we coin theminto a rich present life. Today should al-waysbe our most wonderful day."-Anon.

    East Westi

    - J,

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    Health, andntellectual SpiritualRecipesONIONS BAKED WITH CHEESESlice 2 pounds of white onions into thin

    rings, then cook in boiling salted water untiltender. Put 4 slices of toast in the bottomof a baking dish. Arrange on them a layerof the onion rings, then a layer of grated orsifted American cheese. Repeat, using 4slices of toast again, the rest of the onions,and the rest of the cheese. You will needfor this recipe Y 4 pound of the cheese, and8 slicesof buttered toast. Grated cheese cannow be bought in packages..Beat 2 eggs slightly, add 2 cupfulls ofmilk, Y z teaspoonful of salt, and Y s tea-spoonful of pepper. Pour this over the mix-ture in the dish. Dot with one tablespoon-ful of butter, and sprinkle with paprika ifyou wish. Bake in a moderate oven (350degrees F.,) for about 40 minutes. Thiswill serve 8 persons.

    SAVORY VEGETABLE SOUPCook 2 tablespoonfuls of barley until ten-der. Chop one onion, 2 carrots, and 6 whitepotatoes, and add them to one can of to-matoes and one chopped red pepper. Cook-for 2 hours, then add one chopped head ofcelery, one tablespoonful of oil, and salt to

    taste. Now add the cooked barley and putall the ingredients through a colender. Addone bay leaf 15minutes before serving. Fiveminutes before serving add a little finelychopped parsley.

    DELICIOUS DESSERTTwo cups Delicious apples (with peelsleft on), measured after grinding; Y z pintbottle Maraschino Cherries, juice included;Y z cup Pistachio Nuts. Send all throughchopper then add cup sugar. Serve withwhipped cream with a . few ground pistachionuts. Serve four.

    October, 1933

    Creating HappinessByS. Y.

    HAPPINESS comes, not by helplesslywishing for it, but by dreaming,thinking, and living it in all the moodsand actions of life. No matter what youare doing, keep the under-current of hap-piness, the secret river of joy, flowing be-neath the sands of various thoughts androcky soils of hard trials. .Some people smile most of the time, whilebeneath the mask of laughter they hide asorrow-corroded heart. Such people slowly

    pine away beneath the shadows of mean-ingless smiles. There are other peoplewho smile once in a while, and they mayalso be very serious at times, yei: beneaththe beautiful rocky appearance there maybe gurgling a million Fountains of laughingpeace.Learn to be secretly happy within your

    heart in spite of all circumstances, and sayto yourself: "Happiness is ~he greatest Di-vine birthright-the buried treasure of mySoul. I have found that at last I shallsecretly be rich beyond the dream of Kings."After bathing yourself in the Ocean of

    Peace in the dreamland, as you awake withhappiness, say: "In the sleepland I foundmyself free from mortal worries. I was aKing of Peace. Now, as I work in the day-time and carryon my diurnal battles ofduties, I will no longer be defeated by in-surgent worries of the kingdom of wakeful-ness. I am a King of Peace in the sleep-land, and I shall continue' to be such aKing in the land of wakefulness. As Icome out of my Kingdom of Peace in thesleepland, I will spread that same peace inmy land of wakeful dreams.

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    Lemuria and A tlantisBy Laurie Pratt

    A STRIKING proof of the truth of thecyclic nature of man's progress anddecadence, and of the presence on thisearth of high civilizations tens of thousandsof years ago, has been offered during recentyears by geological and archaeological evi-dence of the existence and culture of thesunken continents of Lemuria and Atlantis.Colonel James Churchward's t h r e escholarly books on Mu (Lemuria) pointout that Lemuria was the "mother of theworld" and that her civilization was vastlymore ancient than that of. Atlantis. Thelatter was colonized by emigrants fromLemuria.Churchward advances many interesting

    reasons to support his belief that Lemuriansbrought their civilization to ancient Egypt,Greece and other parts of the world. TheEgyptian Book of the Dead is a sacredmemorial to the Lemurian forefathers ofthe Egyptians who perished when Mu sankunder the blue waters of the Pacific.Churchward translates the Egyptian hiero-glyphic name of this book, Per-m-hru, as"Muhas gone forth from the day." Therelation of the ancient Greeks. to Mu isshown forth by the construction of theGreek alphabet which, as Churchwardproves, "is composed of Cara-Maya vocablesforming an epic that relates the destructionof Mu."This theory, that colonists from Lemuria,

    and later from Atlantis, spread their civili-zation all over the ancient world, is not ac-cepted by many scholars, but it must beadmitted that it is the only explanationthat satisfactorily accounts for the other-wise puzzling similarities to be found in theancient architecture, art, language, religion,traditions and customs of widely separatedlands, such as Central America and Mexicoon one side of the world, and Egypt andBabylonia on the other.

    Plato's Writings on AtlantisThe story of Atlantis is better known,

    because more recent, than that of Lemuria.The famous Republic of Plato was largelyPage Fourteen

    inspired by Greek traditions founded onmemories of the great civilization of Atlan-tis, and in two other books, the Timaeusand (;_ritias,Plato gives vivid descriptions ofthe lost continent and its people. Otherancient Greeks wrote about Atlantis as the"blessed," "happy" or "fortunate" land,the Edenic garden of the world in a long-past Golden Age, remote even to the Greeksof Plato's time. Roman writers of the sameperiod referred to the vast sea betweenEurope and America as Maris Atlantici, theAtlantic Ocean, thus indicating their beliefthat these waters covered the Atlanteancontinent.The Atlanteans are described by Plato

    and others as having been in possession ofmarvelous scientific knowledge and power.Particularly notable was their conquest ofspace by the use of airplanes! and throughtelevision. Churchward believes that theLemurians and Atlanteans spread the knowl-edge of aerial travel over all the ancientworld. He writes, in his fascinating book,The Children of Mu:

    Ancient Knowledge of Airplanes"These are the most detailed accounts I

    have found about the airships of the Hin-dus 15,000 to 20,000 years ago, except onewhich is a drawing and instructions for theconstruction of the airship and her machin-ery, power, engine, etc. The power is takenfrom the atmosphere in a very simple inex-pensive manner. The engine is somewhatlike our present-day turbine in that it worksfrom one chamber into another until finallyexhausted. When the engine is once startedit never stops until turned off. It will con-tinue on if allowed to do so until the bear-ings are worn out. These ships could keepcircling around the earth without ever oncecoming down until the machinery wore out.The power is unlimited, or rather limitedonly by what metals will stand. I findvari-l.It is an interesting "coincidence" that Atlanta,

    in Georgia, the only city in the United Stateswhich bears the memorial name of the sunkencontinent, is the chief airport center of the South.East-West


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    From "The Children of Mu;" by James ChurchwardThe Oldest Known Bronze Sculpture In the WorId, of Lemurian Workmanship

    ous. flights spoken of which according to ourmaps would run from 1000 to 3000 miles.All records relating to these airships dis-tinctly state that they were self-moving,they propelled themselves; in other words,they generated their own power as they flewalong. They were independent of all fueL~t Seems to me, in the face of this, and withall our boasting, we are about 15,000 to20,000 years 'behind the times . . . ThereOaober; "1933

    are many Chinese records of about the samedate regarding these ancient flyingmachines." It is noteworthy that recentexcavations in Crete have brought to lightrecords which mention Cretan airplanes,

    King Chronos orAtlantisv. Y fThough Plato's account of Atlantis met

    with slight credence from scientists up unttl(Continued on Page' 22)" ...:' __

    ' P a g e ' F l t e e 'A ~

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    G o d is liThe M eaning o f ThingsllBy Louis E. Van NormanIWE SEEK, with patience, throughoutour lives, the good, the true, and thebeautiful, we are told that we shall be ableto realize God, for God is Goodness. Heis Beauty. He is Truth. And of all these :attributes, Truth is to us the most mean-ingful. .

    But just because He is the SupremeTruth, God is also the inner meaning ofthings, the reason for life, the explanationof the Cosmos. To find out God, we muststudy His universe, particularly its most inti-mate manifestation-our own Spirit, ourown Ego, our own Soul. This means havingthe consciousness of God with us everyday, every moment.Laws, said some wiseman, are not made.They are discovered. The orderly processin accordance with which what we call Na-ture carries out her plans and programs-in modern American terms, the businessmanagement of the Cosmos-has alwaysbeen a mystery, a miracle, if you will, toman until he has found 'out just how the"wheels go round," Then it ceases to be a

    miracle. When a so-called miracle has beenexplained, science claims it for her own.There is, in fact, nothing to which sciencelays such insistent claim as what might becalled the "de-miracleized" fact-the dis-covered law.All the progress of the race has beenbased on the discovery of law, in both thespiritual and the material worlds, and, witheach advance, our conception of God hasbecomemore exalted, our understanding ofthe purpose of Divinity more clear. One byone miracles have been "disproven." This

    does not mean that they were not per-formed. It means that we have discoveredthe laws which made them possible. Theyhave now become commonplace.If anyone had told Solomon the Wisethat some daymankind would rush over the

    land, soar.into the air, skim the surface ofthe water and dive into its depths, heat,Page Sixteen

    light, and cool his home, cook his meals,and listen to voicesand musical sounds pro-duced thousands of miles away by meansof a force which even today we know onlyby its manifestations, he would-well, wordsare not adequate to describe his inability tofind words to express what he thought.Yet, the attributes and performances ofelectricity are today among the most widely

    accepted facts of science, of every-day ex-perience. No one thinks of referring toelectricity as a miracle. It is amazing howthe labors of modern scientists are discredit-ing the old time materialism and restoringthe dignity of a spiritual interpretation ofthe universe.The real things are those we do not seewith our physical eyes, or hear, or touch, ortaste with our other physical organs, butwhich underlie these. The realities are thethings of the. Spirit. Only the .other day

    an eminent psychologist of the ultra-mod-ern school publicly admitted that Shakes-peare was literally correct when he said:"We are such stuff as dreams are made of,and our little life is rounded with a sleep."Between us and reality there stands an in-surmountable barrier beyond which our hu-man knowledge and consciousness maynever pass. What we see, hear, touch,smell, taste, feel, think or know, are merelyshadows, symbols of objects, not the objectsthemselves-"such stuff as dreams are madeof". Until we know God, we know nothingreal. It is to attain to a knowledge of thisreality that we strive and meditate.All our lives we are met by man-madeuntruths, direct falsehoods, half-truths, dis-tortions. Wise and happy indeed is he whocan see clearly through this web of unreal-ity to the reality beneath. Between plausi-ble advertising, propaganda, social hypoc-risy, and the results of crowd psychology,our lives are ever be~et with the unreal.The seek~r after God is, first of .all, a

    (Continued on Page 18) .East-West

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    : : : : : : : : ; = = c ::::Ie = = c := : = ::::c ::xc :::c ==r::;

    T h e P h il o s o p h y of HopeBy B.Nerode

    Do you ever pause to think that this world is a Paradisemade of the molten heart of God to give joy to thosewhohave the capacity to enjoy the blessingsof Life?

    Do you know.that this world is the VISIonand dream ofGod woven out of His Infinite Love?

    Have you yet. discovered that this world is the Garden ofBrahma, where He has sown the Divine Seed to grow, and thatyou are that Divine Seed?

    Do you ever dream that in you God has hidden the essenceof His Beauty, Joy, Life, Activity, and Truth in the expectationthat your Self Realization will abundantly enrich the world andyour growth will profusely scatter the happy fragrance of Hisfulfilled hope?

    Hide not your face behind the dark douds of Despair.Break asunder the thick darkness of the tearful night andemerge as a shooting ray from the beaming bosom of HisDivine Flame.

    Above you is Light; below you is Light; around you isLight. Eternity around, Eternity above, Eternity below.

    i!Behind you spread the golden smiles of Day. In front ofyou stretches the glory of another dawn.

    Traveler, fear not: march an from the joy of one day tothe laughter of another dawn.

    Remember how the twilight sings of Hope in the songs ofthe birds; roses breathe of Hope in the breath of perfume; rain-bows smile of Hope in the dance of colors; the earth tremblesthe joy of Hope in the greenness of the grass.

    So, let your heart dance the dance of Hope in the rhythmof Light and the shade of the Eternal Life.

    ::::c: ::c -::c: : : : # : : : : : : : : :October, .1933

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    God is "The Meaningof Things"(Continued from Page 16)

    seeker after Truth. "Seek the Truth, andthe Truth shalt' make you free." "What isTruth?" asked Pilate. Jesus had said: "Iam the Way, the Truth, and the Life. Noman cometh to the Father but by me." Bythis the Founder of the Christian faith didnot mean to imply that he, the physicalman, Jesus, ..was to be the sole gateway to. God. He meant by "I," each man, eachhuman being who in himself has the meansto salvation. "The Kingdom of Heaven iswithin you."Truth, said some truly wise man, lies at

    the bottom of the well, not on the glitteringsllrface. It is so easy to accept as valid theappealing superficiality. But, if beauty isonly skin-deep and goodness comes fromthe heart, then Truth is also to be foundonly after prayerful." often tearful, search.'~Whatsoever . the .Facts," said another wisethan, "this is the Truth-e-the underlyingR,eality." .... . ..! It is to discovei, to realize this under-lying Truth; that we devote our lives, andojily insofar as we . do realize it, will be4appy. All human experience teaches thatthe more W e learn~bput :ReaHty, the hap-pier we are, be~ause _the more we under-4and the workings '6f the laws of the un i-v[..e.rse,nd :~ct in accordance with them,tJJe fewer mistakes we make, the less suf-Jring we are called upon to endure, andtlie more fit we become to "survivecomfort-ably in our environment." Nothing couldbe truer than the observation: "If youknock your iheadjagainst a. stone wall, yourhead, not the wall; will be hurt.".' The denial of Reality to material things,which is ~opllzzling to non-spiritually

    minded folk, is expressed dearly andstrongly by Swami Paramananda in histranslation of the Bhagavad Gita. In Verse16 of the Second Chapter the Blessed LordKrishna says to Sanjaya: "There is no exist-ence for the unreal, and the real can neverbe non-existent. The Seers of Truth knowthe nature and final ends of both." "Trueknowledge," said the Chinese sage, Con-fucius, "consists in knowing that we knowand that we do not know that which we donot kno~." "The true life of mankind,';:'said Tolstoy, "arises outside of space andtime.""Until we have seen, and associated with

    those who have seen, felt, and realized re-"ligion in their lives," says Swami Y oga- :nanda in his 'Science of Religion,' "we can-not fully know what it is and in what its'universality and necessity lie. Everybodyin the world is a seeker after Truth. Thespirit of inquiry is in us all, but it is dulled;and the willingness to know the Truth is.dampened because distractions are many,tendencies are, or grow to be, perverse, and'monsters of the world are also numerous.""Seek, and ye :shall find. Knock, and it

    shall be opened unto you," says the Chris-tain Scriptures. Seek to realize Truth.When' we have realized Truth, we shall haveseen God.How wonderful the reward of the dis-

    cipline which enables us finally to see therealities 6f life, the' higher implications ofexistence."The lonely path in the lowland hath little

    of grand or new, .But a toilsome ascent leads on to a grand

    and glorious view.Peopled and warm is the valley, lonely and

    chill the height;But the peak that is nearer the storm-

    cloud is nearer the stars of light."

    ! -.- .- _" " . - _ - . ._" .~.-,- .

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    Th~ AwakeningBy suu-, Kyle

    A GES ago, when the world was young,and the Sons of God sang togetherfor joy in their working, the King andQueen of the Light Spaces sent their young-est Son -on a long journey into the realmsof that dark and sorrowful planet, calledEarth, that he might seek out and win forhimself a rare gem, said to be possessed ofmystical powers, and to be found only inthe treasure house of matter.The Queen Mother made for Her Sona garment of Light, and she wove it out of

    substance drawn from the power house ofEternal Radiance. In its weaving was se-creted the name of the Father and theMother, so that the Son would never forgetthat he was the child of a King and aQueen. Its Radiance would prove to be alamp unto his feet and would guide himthrough the dark and devious paths ofmatter.The Son set out on his journey with all

    the joy of thoughtless youth, full of con-fidence in his own powers, and with thethrill of adventure, such as is felt by ayouth when leaving the parental shelter forthe first time, in order to try his wings innewer, even though lesser, worlds. He hadheard vague rumors of dark secrets heldby the Spirits of Earth; of mighty dragonsthat devoured all those who_approachedtoo near their habitation.Of all these things the Son had heard,and had been warned to beware of thepowers of darkness and the Soul-destroy-

    ing demons that l

    the Son. With five windowsthey fashioned.it, each window giving a different vision.From one window he could see objects ofearth, from another he could feel the ob-jects of earth, from another he could hearthe sounds, from another he could taste the-flavor of things, and from still another hecould smell the odors of Earth. He hadno understanding of the meaning of all thethings these five windows revealed to him,so he became bewildered and confused andlost his perspective, until he no longerknew the real from the unreal.The Spirits of the Earth made friendswith the Son and welcomed him to theirfeasts. They brewed_-he Spirit of the

    (Continued on Page 25)Page- Nineteen

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    Meditations ForOctober(Continued from Inside Front Cover)

    -So E. M.

    October 22. Every pain that befallethlife adds solid understanding and power ofcharacter. May I accept all inevitable hap-penings of life as gracious benedictionsfrom Thy hands, Oh Lord.October 23. A perfect pattern of life is

    found only in the Eternal. Make me a dis-ciple of the Infinite.October 24. May my reason ripen into

    intuition and my knowledge into love. Mayall my philosophy and religion end in thefruition of Self Realization.October 25. Mayall my hopes and fears

    be dedicated to the intense activity of ajoyous surrender to His will.October 26. Life is a struggle of joy all

    along the way. May I battle on the veryspot where I am now.October 27. I will transform all condi-

    tions, good or bad, into the veritable in-struments of success. Before a conqueringSoul, even dangers 100m as benedictionsfrom God.October 28. May I discipline myself so

    that I shall never begin my day withoutconcentration and L meditation upon theSupreme.October 29. Every object in Nature IS

    an idea expressed in form. May I gatherall the hidden ideas out of all forms andstring them. into One Universal Idea ofLove.October 30. In coordinating the triuneprinciple of head, hand, and heart, life findsits ultimate fulfillment. May the. trinity ofwisdom, activity, and devotion grow in thetree of my life before my earthly season isover.October 31. I will concentrate on the

    Eternal Principle of Life. When everythingelse is swallowed up by death, it alonestands unscathed on the sands of Time.


    October 14. Do not forget when youmeet Beauty, beauty of every kind-the gor-geous color of the sunset, the music of birds,the glistening water, the rustling trees, thesoft breeze on your face, the warm sun, thejoy of love and friendship-to speak yourgratitude to the Father within for surround-ing you with so much wonder and beauty,and for opening your eyes that you mightsee and enjoy it.October 15. Ask only for wisdom and

    understanding, so that you may go throughwith the business of life intelligently andjoyously; Open your eyes and see the gloryand beauty with ~hich the Lord has sur-rounded you. .

    October 16. Every atom of matter;every speck of space; every moment of time;and every drop of thought is born of Godand is moving with His flame. May I per-ceive His warmth everywhere.October 17. The moment I am agitated,

    restless, or disturbed in mind, I will retireto silence, discrimination, and concentra-tion, until calmness is restored to my un-happy mind.October 18. May I consecrate my life as

    a love-offering to the service of humanity.October 19. Oh God, Thou art to me a

    conscious force, concentrated in the focalcenter of my Being. Be Thou the point ofradiation in my life.October 20. At times my Soul cries

    aloud with an unutterable pain. Oh God,may I wash my pangs with Thy contempla-tion.October 21. Whenever one christens his

    heart with love and chastens himself tohumble surrender, God speaks through hisevery expression. May I lose myself inThee, 0Lord.

    Rage Twenty East-West

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    T he S e co n d C o m in g o f C hris t(Continued from Page 6)

    only into the tiny playhouse of this earth.When a person is flying in an airplane,he sees no walls, but only the vastness oflimitless space and free skies, but if he issuddenly locked up in a little cage sur-rounded by walls he loses sight of all thevision of vast space.Likewise,when man's Soul is thrown outof the vast eternal Spirit into the little bod-ily cage, he beholds nothing but the limita-tions of matter and' the little earth experi-ences. So, Jesus said, with the modernscientists, that wecan see and knowasmuchas our i limited power of the' senses allow.Just as, by a two-inch telescope, the detailsof the distant stars cannot be seen, so Jesussaid that man cannot know anything aboutthe Astral world by using only the limitedpower of his senses.Scientists tell us that if the powers of thesenseswere expanded, the earth would lookmuch more beautiful and would be full ofcolors and blinding lights of glow-worm-likeatoms. The modern microscope can mag-nify bacteria only 17,000 times, but it isnecessary to magnify much more beforemany persons can see bacteria or particlesof matter made of electrons and atoms.Jesus said that after man's Soul, is bornin water or protoplasm, and then by self-development' is born again through theawakening of the sixth sense, intuition, andthe opening of the Spiritual Eye, his illum-ined Soul goes out of the body and can thenenter into the Kingdom of God.Just as, by a ZOO-inchtelescope, a mancan enter into the vast region of star-peopled space, so by developing the intui-tional sense through meditation he can enterthe Kingdom of God and behold the birth-place of thoughts, stars, and Souls.Jesus meant that body-bound Souls cansee nothing but limited matter through thesmall outer windows of their senses. It isonly when Soul opens the inner window ofOneness with the Spirit by meditation thathe can enter into the perception of the vast-ness of omnipresent Spirit.Jesus said' that the body born of flesh has

    the limitations of the flesh,whereas the Soul,born of the Spirit, has potentially limitlesspowers, The ordinary man knows himselfas so many pounds of flesh. Such a per-son, being born of flesh, sees nothing butfleshor matter in and around him but whenby meditation, the Soul's mind is trans~ferred from the body to the invisiblepower-ful presence'of the Soul, then it realizes itsOneness with the eternal Spirit and not withthe limited body. Jesus said, as the HinduMasters have said, that man has to be bornin body and in Spirit in order to knowGod.Nicodemus could not see how a Soulcould be born twice, so he asked Jesus ifHe meant that old men could reincarnatein t?eir mother's bodies and become youngagam. Jesus was not talking of reincarna-tion; that is, of a second birth after onebirth and death. He was explaining how a~oul in one life could be born entangledm the flesh and sense limitations and thenby meditation could acquire a n:w birth inCosmic Consciousness.The matter-bound Soul, lifted into theSpirit by God-contact, is born a second timein Spirit. Here the body remains the same,only the Soul's consciousness, instead ofroaming on the material plane, enters intothe eternally joyous Kingdom of the Spirit.Jesus was describing a metaphysical lawof pneumena (substance or cause) andphenomena (the appearances of substancesor effect) when He compared the Spirit,and the Souls emerging from it, with the~nvisible wind and its presence, declared, byits sound. Just as the source of the windis hidden, and is known by its sound so theSpirit substance is invisible, hidden beyondthe grasp of human senses, and the birth ofSouls from the Spirit is the visible phenom-ena. By the sound, the invisible wind isknown. By the birth of intelligent Soulsthe invisible Spirit is manifest. 'Jesus was only stating that, as it is diffi-cult to find the source of the wind, so it isdifficult to find the Spirit source from whichall things come. Jesus said that all Soulsborn of Spirit are known by their existence,but very few'knowall about the Spirit sourcefrom which they come.

    (To be Continued.)

    VOLTAIREVoltaire's, last words were these: "I' die,worshipping God, loving my friends, nothating my enemies, but detesting supersti-

    tion."-Voltaire.October, 1933 Page Twenty-one

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    L emu ria an d A tlan tis(Continued from Page 15)

    recent times, thediscoveries of Dr. HenrySchliernann, eminent archeologist, haveplaced the existence of that land beyonddoubt. "When in 1873,"writes Dr. Schlie-mann, "I made the excavation of the ruinsof Troy at Hissarlik and discovered in thesecond city the famous treasures of Priam,I found among that treasure a peculiarbronze vase of great size . . . engraved inPhoenician hieroglyphics with a sentencewhich reads: 'From the King Chronos ofAtlantis' . . . Among a collection of ob-jects from Tiahuanaco, South America, isanother vase identically the same as I foundamong the treast.res of Priam."The significanceof the Phoenician hiero-

    glyphics is explained by Professor NicolaRusso, in The Atlantis Quarterly: "ThePhoenician alphabet, which is the first ofall the European alphabets..is derived fromthe Atlantean alphabet, which was taughtto the Maya of Central America ... Atlan-tis was the home of the Aryan or Indo-European, and of the Semitic, not exclud-ing the Turanian, peoples . . . The maleand female divinities of the ancient Greeks,of the Phoenicians, of the Indians, and ofthe Scandinavians, were kings, queens andheroes of Atlantis, and the acts of heroismwhichmythology attributes to themare noneother than a confused record of historicalhappenings . . . Atlantis perished in a ter-rible convulsion of nature, in which the en-tire island was submerged, with the loss ofall the population. Those few who hadtime to escape from the general disaster onboats and on rafts carried the account ofthe event to the peoples who were in theEast and West-a tradition that has comedown to our days with the legend of theuniversal Deluge ... That Atlantis beforethe time of Plato was known in sacredtraditions and legends is proved by thefact that Homer and H.esiod were alreadyacquainted with. the legend of Atlas, con-demned by Jove. to bear the heavens onhis shoulders. Herodotus also, in the fourthbook of his History, mentions the Atlan-teans, and Diodorus, in his Library ofHistory, tells of the Atlanteans, a peoplemore civilized than the people of thesecountries, and inhabiting a rich land con-taining many cities."LewisSpence, the learned scientist whoseresearches have thrown important light on

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    the vanished civilizations of Atlantis andLemuria, points out that Suidas claimedthat both Homer and Hesiod were Atlan-teans. In the Homeric epics, the blind bard"sings of his country, the country of thegods, Atlantis".The vases found by Schliemann estab-lishes the fact that there was a KingChronus of Atlantis, and in this connectionit is of interest to note that the ancientGreeks preserved traditions of their GoldenAge, which they made coincident with thereign of a King Chronos, whomaywellhavebeen the ruler over the Atlantean fore-fathers of the Greeks.A group of survivors of the Atlanteancataclysm settled in northwest Africa, andwere known as "Atlanteans" to Greek andRoman writers,who named the Atlas Moun-

    tains, in that region, in their honor-Atlasbeing the Latin singular form of Atlantes.Scientists of the Carnegie Institution, re-cently excavating at Chichen Itza, in Yuca-tan, found, among the imposing ruins ofthe Pyramid of the Warriors, a Templededicated to the Atlanteans.Island Remnants of Atlantis

    The Antilles group of islands In theWest Indies, and the Azore and CanaryIslands off the northwest coast of Africa,are believed by competent scholars to con-stitute veritable remnants of Atlantis, andto indicate roughly the extent of her west-ern and eastern boundaries. All theseisland. groups are situated on an oceanridge which is subject to great earthquakes,and this region, according to Scott-Elliot,"has been the scene of volcanic distrubanceon a gigantic scale, and that within a quitemeasurable period of geologictime."An article in The Atlantis Quarterly forSeptember, 1932, refers to a recent discov-ery by the archeologist, Nicolas de Ascanio,on Teneriffe, largest island of the Canaries,of vases and pottery "of exquisite propor-tions and workmanship. . M. de As-canio does not hesitate to assert that the

    pottery and mortar in question are, 'withthe exception of arms, the most ancientproducts of human industry actuallyknown'. That we are here in the presenceof remains of an advanced civilization thatexisted long before the present race ofaboriginals inhabited the islands cannot bedoubted. The conclusion that thebeautiful examplesof ceramic art under dis-cussion are veritable relics of Atlantean


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    craftsmanship is, we think, established, andconstitutes one of themost remarkable cor-roborations of Plato's history of Atlantis."Professor. Russo, in an article in the sameissue of the magazine abo~e referred to,stresses the importance of the results ofa scientific expedition in the ship Meteoraround the Azores. "The mythical island,which has been the object of so many stu-dious investigations, according to the testi-mony of a recent German scientific expedi-tion, must have been located where theAzores now.lie, and the peaks of the Azoresmust be the tops of the mountains of the

    submerged Atlantis. . . The contour' ofthe upper submarine plane of the Azoressounded by the ship Meteor is indicated tous exactly by .the situation and the con-formation of Atlantis, in accordance withwhat is left to us in their writings by platoand, the, geographers of antiquity. This isthe reason why the learned Germans ,main;tain ,the submersion of Atlantis must becalculated as 9,500years B.C., a period dur-ing which the earth penetrated into themoorr't ray of' action. Under the magneticinfluence of this satellite, the waters of theocean rose to the point of overwhelmingAtlantis, so that only the tops of the high-est mountains remained, The communica-tions of these scholars come opportunely tothrow light upon the darkness of so 'manymysteries that enwrap the Edenic Islandthey serve as a Jlnk connecting Egypt andSouth America, and exhibit the similaritiesof the characteristics of their civilizations."

    Submergence About 9,500 B.C.Lewis Spence believes that continentalAtlantis' was destroyed at the end of theTertiary period (Miocene times), leavingtwo large islands. One .of these, the larg-est, was the only Atlantis with which theancient Greek and Roman writers were ac-quainted. Most of this island was finallysubmerged by ,a cataclysm of nature at adate which geological, historical and tradi-tional evidence agrees on as about 9,500

    B. C. 'Plutarch tells us that Solon, the Athenianlaw-giver and ancestor of Plato, visitedEgypt in 600 B. C., and that "Souchis apriest of Sais, and Psenophis, a priest' b E 'Heliopolis, told him that 9000 years before,the relations of the Egyptians with the landsof the west had been interrupted becauseof the mud which had made the sea im-passable after the destruction of Atlantis.""When Atlantis was first submerged,"

    Churchward writes, "she only went downdeep enough to be awash at low tide sothat at low tide mud banks appeared withmasses of seaweed'which' made the north-ern Atlantic impassable to shipping." Thiswas the real reason' why the ancient Greeksnever ventured to sail beyond the Pillarsof Hercules (Strait of Gibraltar). Lateron?Atlantis sank to her present depth, andships could move freely over her burialplace.Some ancient writers refer to Atlantis asPoseidon. "An Egyptian papyrus states thatPoseidon was thefirst king of Atlantis andthat he' was followed by a long line ofPoseidons, thus forming a Poseidon Dy -nasty" (Churchward).The' Platonic story tells us that "Atlantiswas the center of civilizationand conqueredthe whole world." Dr. Schliemann makesthe following observations on the connec-tion of Egypt with Atlantis: "In the Mu-seum at St. Petersburg, Russia, there is a :papyrus roll, one of the oldest known. Itwas written in the reign of Pharoah Sentof the Second Dynasty. The papyrusre-l~t~s that, 'Pharoah Sent sent out an expe-dition to the west in search of traces of theLand of Atlantis from whence, 3350 yearsb.efore, the ancestors of the Egyptians ar-rived, carrying with themselves all of the~isdom of their native land. The expedi-tron returned after fiveyears with the reportth~t they had found neither people norobjects which could give them a clue tothe vanished land.' 'Another papyrus int?e sa~e M~seu~ by.Manetho, the Egyp-nan priesr-historianygives areference of aperiod of 13,900years as the reign of theSages of,Atlantis. This papyrus places theheight of the civilization of Atlantis at thevery beginning of Egyptian history, ap-proximately 16,000years ago."Spence t~lls us' that the modern Basqueswho dwell'In the Pyrenees "have not hesi-tated to announce themselves as the last

    branch. of the Atlantean race-and perhapsnot WIthout reason, for it is within thebounds of probability that they are de-scended -from.the Cro-Magnon race whichwould seem to have reached Iberian soilfrom an oceanic area."

    ~wmology of "Atlantic"Brasseur de Bourbourg, a writer of thelast century, traced the etymology of the_wordAtlantic in the following way: The{words Atlas and Atlantic have no satisfac-'I tory etymology in any language known toEurope. They are not Greek, and cannot


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    be referred to any known' language of theOld World. But in the Nahu-atlan Ian-guage (peculiar to the Tolte~ tribes of an-cient Mexico) we find immediately theradical a, atl, which signifies water,' war;and the top of the head. From this comesa series of words, such as allan, or the bor-derof or amid the water; from which we.have the adjective Atlantic. A citynamed Atlanexisted when the continentwas discovered by Columbus, at the en-trance of the Gulf of Uraha." Anothercity, existing today, with a similar name, isMazatlan, on the west coast of Mexico. I~is an interesting fact, mentioned by someof the early European voyagers to thiscountry, that certain Indian tribes calledthe whole coritineritof America by the nameof Atlanta. The Nahuatlan language, as itsname implies, is similar to and derivedfrom the Atlantean language, for the an-cient Maya and Tolteccivilizations, so simi-lar in many ways to that of Egypt, werebrought to Mexico and Yucatan' from At-lantis, who in turn was a colony of Le-muria,"mother of the world.""I'he subject of Atlantis, her magnificentcivilization and her dramatic end, has ex-ercised a fascination for modern as well asancient authors. Besides the scholarlyworks, published in the last fifty years, bysuch scientists as Ignatius Donelly, Schlie-mann, Spence, Russo and Churchward,many imaginative novels have been writtenaround Atlantis. "A Dweller on TwoPlanets" by Phylos, is stimulating reading.A romance, "L'Atlantide," by Benoit, hasrecently been produced in France as a mo-tion picture. ,"The Coming Race" by Bul-wer-Lytton, very popular with a previousgeneration, was based on Atlantean tradi-tions. Recently two' French writers havecompiled a Bibliography of Atlantis, givingover 1700 references. "Societies for Atlan-tean Studies" now exist in France, Italy andother European lands. .Francis Bacon, "father of experimentalphilosophy," wrote a stirring book in the17th century, outlining a great plan for thedevelopment of scientific learning which

    was toremcild the institutions 'of the worldon a fairer basis. The founding of theRoyal Society of London in 1662 was adirect result of Lord Bacon's inspiringwork, which was named "The New Atlan-tis".

    Farew ell Banquet TenderedSw am i Y ogananda Before

    L ea vin g fo r Chica goW orld 's Fair'

    -A farewell banquet was tendered SwamiYogananda at_ Mt. Washington, Sundayevening, August 20th.Swami Yogananda's many friends at thebanquet were more than pleased with the

    splendid entertainment provided, includingan extremely interesting talk by the Swami,himself. 'The Swami left Tuesday, August 29th forthe World's Parliament of Religions nowbeing held at the Chicago World's Fair. Heis the only accredited delegate of theYogoda Religion from the United Statesat this World's Fellowship of Faiths andhas been scheduled to give several interest-ing talks during the coming month to thisgroup.During the course of the evening's enter-tainment the audience was very,delightfully

    entertained by Antonia Brico, prominentSymphony Orchestra conductor and two in-teresting motion pictures of India. .

    Y ogoda R adio BroadcastWe .are very pleased to announce that aregular Yogoda Program is being broad-cast over radio station WCDA of NewYork City every Monday, Wednesday andFriday at 10:30 a.m. Dr. F. E. Yasah is incharge of this program. We would bepleased to have all our Yogoda studentsand friends tune in on this 15-minute pro-gram and send in their comments.

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    The Awakening(Continued from Page 19)

    Earth from the grain and the vine andgave him to drink. They killed their flocksand gave him to eat. In gladness, theydrank, and ate, and laughed together untilthe Son forgot he was the child of a Kingand a Queen. He forgot his mission'to re-cover the gem, forgot the secret embroi-dered in his robe by the Queen Mother, andspent all his substance in riotous living,until his Light Power was gone and hishigh vision was lost, and only the dim lightof Earth remained for his guidance.Then the Spirits of Earth 'mocked theSon, and said: "Oh, Child of Light, whereare your vaunted powers? Where is yourFather? Where is your Mother? Whycame you among us?"The Son had no answer to their ques-tioning. He had forgotten his Father andMother, and could no longer rememberwhyhe had come,nor from whence. There-fore he was dumb before his tormenters.He sat in desolation, like an orphan lost ina strange land, like a bird from heavencaught and caged in matter. He was cheer-less and songless, for the music had goneout of him and the Rhythm of Life waslost.One day a Messenger from the Light

    Spaces passed through the realms of mat-ter and saw the.Son sitting in darkness, andheard him weeping aloud and saying: "Iam lost in a wilderness and know not whichway to go. The darkness overwhelms me.I am filled withfears of the unknown. I feelwithin me a power I cannot name, a hopeI cannot define, but I am told that this hopeis another of the great delusions of thisbadly tangled world." Thus moaned theSon in his sadness, and then became silent.Then, in a voice that was softer thansilence, the Messenger from the LightSpaces whispered and said: "Oh, Son of

    Light, know you not that you are the childof a King and a Queen, that by yourMother, the Queen, you were given theLight Robe by which you were to becomeinvulnerable and immortal? In that Robewas woven the secret name of the MostHigh. The Name, rightly uttered, willsummon to your aid the Rulers of the LightSpaces, be they at the end of the Universe.Awake, Oh Son, from the slumber of for-October, 1933

    getfulness imposed upon you by the Spiritsof Earth. Awake! Sleep no more."Then the Son awoke and remembered.Again he knew that he was the child of. a King, sent to Earth on an important mis-sion, which was as yet unfulfilled. Heturned his face to the Light and uttered theSecret Name, which was taken up by themusic of the Spheres and was carried tothe very Heart of Infinite Love.As the Rulers of the Light Spaces lis-tened, they heard the Son cry to them andsay: "Oh Light, I cry to Thee from thedarkness. It has swallowed me up, andthe terror of death is upon me. Send meThy Light Power to deliver me from thisworld,of chaos. I remember the King, myFather, and the Queen, my Mother, but Ihave lost the Light Robe given me by the

    Queen, my Mother, and I am no longerworthy to be called their Son. Let mereturn, I pray Thee, to be a servant inthe household of my Father and myMother."The King of the Light Spaces hearkenedto the cry of his Son, and sent his Messen-ger, with all speed, to give him aid andshow him the way home. JThen, said theMessenger to the' Son: "Oh Son, where isthe Light Power that was given thee atthe beginning of thy journey?"And the Son replied: "The Rulers of mat-

    ter, under whose domination I have so-journed, have stolen from me my LightPower. My strength they have taken away,and they have robbed me of my inheritance.I am lost, indeed.""Arise," commanded {he Messenger ofLight, "and put forth thy strength. Regainthe Light Power that was to be a pillar offire for thee during the long night of thyjourney through matter. When thou cansthold it against the forces of darkness, moreLight shall be given thee, for to him whoretaineth his Light, more Light shall begiven."Then the Son began the search for his 'lost Light. He turned his gaze within histemple and saw that the creative fires whichmen call sex had taken his Light Power,and he said: "Oh Fire, you have takenfrom me my Light Power; give it to meagain."The Creative Fire replied: "What islost, is lost. All my substance has been

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    wasted in the down-flowing stream thatpassed through thy temple, but I, who amever creating the new, can re-create thyLight Power. Lwill show thee the way.Hold me ever sacred within thy temple.Turn not the essence,of my Being to waterwhich flows outward in the down-goingchannel. Then; in thy temple, within itsholy of holies, I shall re-create thy Light.",The Son put forth his energies to retainthe creative fire within his, temple. Hechecked the down-flowing stream and heldit' as a sacred trust within his own temple.Then, the creative fire performed the mys-zery of its Being, and behold, a new Lightshone within him, bringing a power andinspiration hitherto unknown to him. Withthis new power surging through him; heturned again to the:'Light Spaces.'., "Oh, Infinite .Farher and Mother, I haveregained the Light' Power I' had lost, butthe forces of matter still hold me; I feeltheir hot breath still pursuing me. Saveme from their foUy. I am Thy child; for-sake me not, but let me return to Thee."" Again the Messenger of Light stood be-side him. "Son; that which thou hast re-gained is bitt a fragment of the Light withwhich ,thou wert,first endowed. The LightPower .was lost in many streams. GatheraU the broken fragments within thyself,then thou shalt become immortal.", The Son began anew his search for hislost Light. He looked outward and around,and saw that in his long sojourn throughmatter he had gathered, to himself manypossessions - lands, gold, silver, andprecious stones. These things the Son hadhugged tightly to his bosom, saying: "Theyare mine. I love .them. I own them. No'one can take them from me." He hadplaced them under- lock and key, to holdthem more securely .from all other Souls.With the new Light shining within him,he looked into his possessions and saw inthem the shining of his own Light Power."Oh, Possessions," said the Son, "I haveloved you as well as possessed you and yet

    you have robbed me,;of my Light Power.Give it back to me,". ','''We did not steal your Light Power,"answered the Spirit of Possession. "Youinvested us with it when you put into usthe love of your heart. We became yourtreasures by the. value which you placedupon Earth. We,.are, bound to each, otherPage.' Twenty-six.


    as long as you hold us to yourself againstaU other Souls. Release us from your de-sire and your Light Power will return toyou."Then the Son renounced aU desire pos-sessions which might not be held by aU-

    Souls equally. The Light Power thus re-leased from many possessions came stream-ing back to him, entered into his Being andmerged with the already .glowing Lightstream, which then shone forth withgreater beauty and splendor in the innerdepths of his heart. Made strong by thisnew power, the Son again turned his facetoward the region of Light."Oh Thou Eternal Radiance," he cried,"see, I have regained my Light Power fromworldly things. Give me, I pray Thee, ofThy greater Light, that I may enter intothe Kingdom of my Father.""I cannot see thy Light," answered the'Lord. "It is hidden under. a darkened re-flector. Make clean thy Lamp; so that' allmay seethe Light shining within thee."Looking within his temple, he saw thatthe Light was indeed shining dimly, so thatthe world saw it not. He cried aloud, to theworkers within the temple, and said tothem: "Why do you obscure the Lightshining within me? Clear away the' shadowsso that my lamp may be made clean.""We cannot create a better body templewith the food-you send to us for the build-

    ing,"the workers replied. ,"We are onlythe builders. Whether the walls of' yourtemple transmit the Light within.. or whetherthey shut it out from the beholder's eyes,depends uporrthe materials you give to usfor' the structure.""You have slaughtered God's youngerchildren, and sent their flesh and blood tobe built into the, structure c:>fyour. temple.Their cries of pain were worked into yourown flesh and blood, resulting in discordand hatred. You lusted for the taste ofblood; the burning of flesh was an incenseto your nostrils. The transmitter' of the.

    inner Light must not be built of the cast-off and decaying materials of other bodies.If you would have a perfect Lamp, sendus the finest of materials, in their purestessence,'taken from the storehouse of. Na-ture."You have taken the grain from the field,and distilled from it Soul-destroying intoxi-


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    cants with which to delight the palate, butthey have destroyed your vision, diminishedyour Light Power, and made you a prisonerin your temple. For the sake of sensationyou have inhaled perfidious fumes frompoisonous weeds, until all the workmen inyour temple are in a state of semi-slumberand can no longer build on rhythmic lines.Blame us not, Oh Son, that the temple ob-scures your Light. Blame yourself, thatyou have not heeded the law of the build-ing."Then the Son took thought to the build-ing of a strong, beautiful structure. H

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