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Climate Change

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Source: http://tunza.eco-generation.org/resourcesView.jsp?boardID=climateChange&viewID=827 


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Responsible Steps taken by India: 

  Prepared National Action Plan on Climate Change + State-wise Plan


Energy efficiency + Sustaining Himalayan Ecosystem + Forests + Water &

Air + Strategic Knowledge build-up for Climate change

  Target of generating 20,000 MW of solar power by 2020 out of which

achieved almost about 1200 mw

  Voluntary commitment of reducing emission intensity of GDP by 20-25%

by 2020

  Adaptive Mechanism: Agriculture (Organic Farming + Watershed

management)  BEE Ratings: For electrical appliances- To understand the increase in the

bill and thus, buy less energy consuming appliances

  Bharat IV Emissions + Wind energy generation- Govt. offers concessions

to companies who establish wind farms

  Set up of largest Solar pond- Bhuj, Rajasthan

  Experimental ‘Ocean Thermal Energy Conversion’ (OTEC) Plant- Kerela

  National Biofuel Policy- Biofuels will be grown on non-agricultural land

using ‘Jatropha’  

  National Clean Energy Fund (NCEF): India has taken a number of

concrete steps to enable the transition towards a cleaner environment

and NCEF is one of the major initiatives taken, to provide an impetus for

the development of clean energy Introduced in the 2010-2011 budget

Objective: ‘Funding research and innovative projects in clean energy


  National Mission for Enhanced Energy Efficiency (NMEEE)— The key

focus for government action for energy efficiency and is divided into four


  Perform, Achieve and Trade (PAT): A scheme for trading in energy

efficiency certificates; mandatory for all large industrial units and

facilities in thermal power, aluminum, cement, fertilizers, chlor-alkali,

steel, paper and pulp, and textiles

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Source: www.climateeye.com 

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Increase its share in renewable energy

To 40% in installed capacity by 2030

  For socio-economic development and economic growth

  Definite Correlation: Access to energy on one hand and educational attainment and

literacy on the other

  Renewable Energy- Mainstay of an effective Climate change Mitigation Strategy


  Lays special emphasis on energy efficiency & renewable energy

  Goal of 15% of total electricity to come from renewable energy by 2020

  Solar and Wind energy will increase from current 4060 MW and 23.76 GW in 2015 to

100 GW and 60 GW by 2022 respectively and an increase even after that.  It is envisaged to increase biomass installed capacity to 10 GW by 2022 from current

capacity of 4.4 GW.

  Special programmes to promote small and mini hydel projects, new and efficient

designs of water mills have been introduced for electrification of remote villages and

will continue to be promoted.

  Nuclear energy will be promoted from the current capacity of 5780 MW to 63 GW

installed capacity by the year 2032, if supply of fuel is ensured.


Clean coal will be promoted by increasing the efficiency standards and old inefficient

thermal stations will be assigned mandatory targets for improving energy efficiency

Courtesy- https://factly.in/understanding-india-climate-change-national-action-plan-indc/   

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Climate Change & Equity

Geopolitics of Climate Change

Developed Countries:

  Biggest emitters of CO2

  Come under the Common but Differentiated principle (CBDR)- Possesses a larger

responsibility for responsible action to allow developing countries to:

  Improve energy access

  Grow economically and sustainably

Developing Countries:

  Possesses poor technologies Burning of fuel inefficiently

  Blamed for climate impacts and pushed for tougher climate action

  Eg: United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) report in 2002 highlighted

about "Asian brown cloud"

(Conspiracy to shift blames; later termed as ‘Atmospheric Brown Cloud’) 

  Pollutants and particles from biomass burning and industrial emissions had

formed a three-kilometre-thick brownish layer over many regions in Asia

  Pollution build-up and disruption in rainfall and wind pattern


10 per cent reduction in solar energy causing a corresponding decrease in theevaporation of moisture that controls summer rainfall

Emission Reduction:

Needs to be taken seriously-

  Will lead to abrupt patterns of rainfall and drought

  Agriculture & livelihood of people will suffer

  More poverty traps & difficulty in eradication of the same  Stand to lose

developmental gains

Limited Carbon Space

  Will get exhausted if used at the present rate by countries like USA and China

  Post 2030, if it continues, developing countries might not get enough time to

leverage their economic standing and might have to go for emergency cutting of


  Widened the Trust-gap

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The Carbon Budget Aproach

Idea- Treating the Earth as 'Global Commons' (in terms of carbon)

Calculation of Cumulative emissions of relevant quality- Provides insights into how much

emission is globally allowed

Depends-  On the probability that the given quantum of cumulative emissions would not

lead to a temperature increase exceeding 2 deg Celsius (limit of the world as a whole)

INDC/Country- A claim on the remaining carbon budget

Need for a long-term goal (INDC)- Will not have an adequate carbon budget available in the

near future; Over-occupation of carbon space by the developed countries might leave no

space for the developing countries


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Climate Change & Agriculture 

Agriculture represents a core part of the Indian economy and provides food and livelihood

activities to much of the Indian population. While the magnitude of impact varies greatly by

region, climate change is expected to impact on agricultural productivity and shifting crop


One of the main driving forces in gas emissions and land use effects; contributes to

greenhouse gas increases through land use in different ways:

  CO2 emissions linked to deforestation in temperate regions: where forests and

woodlands are cleared to make room for fields and pastures.


Methane emissions from rice cultivation and enteric fermentation in cattle  Nitrous oxide emissions from fertilizer applications

Predicted effects of climate change on agriculture over the next 50 years

Climatic element Expected changes by



in prediction Effects on agriculture 


Increase from 360 ppm to

450 - 600 ppm (2005 levelsnow at 379 ppm)

Very high

Good for crops: increased

photosynthesis; reducedwater use

Sea level rise

Rise by 10 -15 cm

Increased in south and

offset in north by natural


Very high

Loss of land, coastal

erosion, flooding,

salinisation of groundwater


Rise by 1-2oC. Winters

warming more than

summers. Increased

frequency of heat waves


Faster, shorter, earlier

growing seasons, range

moving north and to higher

altitudes, heat stress risk,


Precipitation Seasonal changes by ± 10% Low

Impacts on drought risk'

soil workability, water

logging irrigation supply,



Increased wind speeds,

especially in north. More

intense rainfall events.

Very low

Lodging, soil erosion,

reduced infiltration of


Variability Increases across mostclimatic variables.

Very low Changing risk of damagingevents (heat waves, frost,

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Predictions uncertain droughts floods) which

effect crops and timing of

farm operations

Source: Climate change and Agriculture, MAFF (2000)

Observed Impacts— 

  Kharif crops to be impacted more by rainfall variability while rabi crops by minimum


  Wheat is likely to be negatively impacted in rabi due to terminal heat stress

  Rice in the IGP to be impacted both by temperature and water availability


Legume crops like soybean and groundnut are likely to be benefited due to increased

temperature/CO2 if water availability is not limited

  Milk yield in livestock to be impacted during heat waves

  Changes in breeding season in marine fisheries with shift in seasonal catch

  Significant negative impact on commercial poultry due to heat stress

  More opportunities for rain water harvesting due to high intensity rainfall but

greater loss of top soil due to erosion

Models used to predict climate change impacts on agriculture 

  INFOCROP-  A generic growth model for various crops was developed by IARI for

optimal resource and agronomic management options

  INFOCANE-  A simple sugarcane growth model, was developed by IARI to measure

effects on cane yield

  Simple tea and coconut models were developed for tropical India and Sri Lanka

  Pest damage mechanisms were coupled with INFOCROP for simulating the effect of

pests (impact of climate change and its variability on incidence of pests for various


  Interaction effects of climate changes  (temperature rise, rainfall and radiation

changes), with irrigation and nitrogen amounts, and agronomic management

practices were established for various agro-ecologies- Used to calculate the actual

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impact of climate change on agricultural production as well for suggesting agro- and

resource management options for sustaining production in India

Policy implications of these predictions

The policy implications for climate change impacts in agriculture are multi-disciplinary, and

include possible adaptations to:

Food security policy:  To account for changing crop yields (increasing in some areas and

decreasing in others) as well as shifting boundaries for crops, and the impact that this can

have on food supply

Trade policy: Changes in certain crops can affect imports/exports, depending on the crop

Livelihoods:  With agriculture contributing significantly to GNP, it is critical that policy


  Issues of loss of livelihood  with changes in crops,

  The need to shift some regions to new crops, and

  The associated skills training required.

Water policy: Because impacts vary significantly according to whether crops are rain fed or

irrigated, water policy will need to consider the implications for water demand of

agricultural change due to climate change.

Adaptive measures: Need to consider adaptive measures to cope with changing agricultural

patterns. Certain measures may include:

  Introduction of the use of alternative crops,

  Changes to cropping patterns, and

  Promotion of water conservation and irrigation techniques

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Case Study: Heat Wave in AP,2003

Continuous higher temperatures during critical growth stages of rabi crops

reduced the crop yields considerably


  Heat wave led to a reduce in milk yield by 10‐30% in first lactation and 5‐20% in

second and third lactation periods in cattle and buffaloes

  Affects the growth , puberty and maturity of crossbreed of cows and buffaloes


  Mortality of fish in shallow water ponds

  Reduction in fish catch in the water bodies due to movement of fish into the deeper



  To safeguard and support the world’s agri-cultural heritage systems

  By: FAO in 2002

  Promotes  public understanding, awareness, national and international recognition

of Agricultural Heritage systems


Safeguard-  the social, cultural, economic and environmental goods and services

these provide to family farmers, smallholders, indigenous peoples and local


  Foster  an  integrated approach combining sustainable agriculture and rural


  Document indigenous knowledge

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Pokkali Rice-

  Synonymous with organic paddy

  Unique saline-tolerant rice variety organically cultivated in the water-logged coastal


  Regions: Alappuzha, Thrissur and Ernakulam districts of Kerala

  Had received a geographical indication registration in 2008

  Decline in acreage:

  High labour costs,

  Lack of suitable machinery available for farming due to heavy clay content,

  Heavy reliance on manual labour (costly as well as climate dependent)

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The Eight Millennium Development Goals (2000-2015) vs The Seventeen Sustainable

Development Goals (2015-2030)





1. Reduce extreme hunger and poverty 1. End Poverty

2. End hunger

2. Achieve universal primary education 4. Ensure inclusive and equitable quality


3. Promote gender equality and empower

women 5. Achieve gender equality

10. Reduce inequality within and among


4. reduce child mortality

5. Improve maternal health

6. Combat HIV/AIDS, malaria and other


3. Ensure healthy lives and promote well


7. Ensure environmental sustainability 6. Ensure availability and sustainable

management of water and sanitation for all

7. Ensure access to affordable, reliable,

sustainable and modern energy for all

8. Promote sustained, inclusive, and

sustainable economic growth, full and

productive employment, and decent work

for all

9. Build resilient infrastructure, promote

inclusive and sustainable industrialisation,

foster innovation

11. Make cities and human settlements

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inclusive, safe, resilient, and sustainable

12. Ensure sustainable consumption and

production patterns

13. take urgent action to combat climate

change and its impacts (taking note of

agreements made by the UNFCCC forum)

14. Conserve and sustainably use the oceans,

seas and marine resources for sustainable


15. Protect, restore and promote sustainable

use of terrestrial ecosystems, sustainably

manage forests, combat desertification andhalt and reverse land degradation and halt

biodiversity loss

8. Promote global partnership

16. Promote peaceful and inclusive societies

for sustainable development, provide access

to justice for all and build effective,

accountable and inclusive institutions at all


17. Strengthen the means of implementation

and revitalise the global partnership forsustainable development

What strategies can India adopt to insulate lives and livelihoods from the

adverse impact of unfavourable climate?

Adaptation Strategies

  Our strategy should be to maximise the production benefits of good monsoons and

minimise the adverse impact of climate change.

  The action plans for adaptation and mitigation have to be local.

  We will have to establish at the Panchayat level, Climate Risk Management Centres

and train a cadre of Community Climate Risk Managers.

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Energy Supply- 28%

Agriculture- 14%

Manufacturing- 12%

Land-Use Change and Forestry- 12%