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Page 1: You are insured by Generali , Hungary’s  leading insurance company. Your  insurance includes:
Page 2: You are insured by Generali , Hungary’s  leading insurance company. Your  insurance includes:

You are insured by Generali,Hungary’s leading insurance company.

Your insurance includes: health insurance, in case you are sick travel insurance, when you travel in Europe accident insurance, in case you have an accident

 In Hungary, the health institutions are mostly run by the State (public system).Your insurance provides you a supreme private clinic service during the day and on weekends. In case of emergency, you will be transfered to the public system.

Medicover, the private clinic which will treat you,is located in 2 central places in Budapest.

Page 3: You are insured by Generali , Hungary’s  leading insurance company. Your  insurance includes:
Page 4: You are insured by Generali , Hungary’s  leading insurance company. Your  insurance includes:

Your health insurance 

a. coversI. the cure of any disease, which began in HungaryII. the treatment after any accidents, that happened in

HungaryIII. dental-care up to a limit (in acute cases)IV. medicines and medical supplies up to a limit

 b. does not cover

V. the cure of the disease that you had already before you arrived

VI. when you risk your health, physical well-being by your own decision (e.g. alcohol, drugs, dangerous sports)

VII. treatment of psychological problems (homesickness, depression)

VIII.treatments reffering to reproduction (contraception, abortion)

IX. rehabilitation (physiotherapy)

Page 5: You are insured by Generali , Hungary’s  leading insurance company. Your  insurance includes:

So ……. If,  

a. you have fever,b. suffer from indigestion,c. have been having a headache for 2 days,d. suffer from toothache,e. have a flue

Page 6: You are insured by Generali , Hungary’s  leading insurance company. Your  insurance includes:


+36 1 465 3166

Page 7: You are insured by Generali , Hungary’s  leading insurance company. Your  insurance includes:



Page 8: You are insured by Generali , Hungary’s  leading insurance company. Your  insurance includes:

On the phone

At the other end of the line there will be an English-speaking, graduated health specialists, who is there to help you.

Tell them:

a. who you areb. your date of birthc. your insurance card number (e.g.: 1248)d. what your problem is.

Page 9: You are insured by Generali , Hungary’s  leading insurance company. Your  insurance includes:

What happens?

The Medicover specialist, based on the information you gave and taking in account the professional reasons,will decide which of the following alternatives is the best solution:

a. giving you advice on what can you do on your own, at home (e.g.: how to relieve fever,  nausea, or what to do when you have diarrhea)

b. in case you need a doctor, they arrange an appointment for youc. in case of emergency, they direct you to the hospital on dutyd. in case your life is in danger, they will insist on calling

the English-speaking ambulance via 112

Page 10: You are insured by Generali , Hungary’s  leading insurance company. Your  insurance includes:


a. provides you English-speaking telephone-assistance 24/7b. arranges the medical treatment for youc. provides you the medical treatment on their clinics 

Please note that your insurance works properly only in case of calling the

Generali Medical Hotline

Via +36 1 465 3166indicated on your card!

Page 11: You are insured by Generali , Hungary’s  leading insurance company. Your  insurance includes:

Some IMPORTANT rules:

a. Always call the Generali Medical Hotline via +36 1 465 3166!b. Call right after realizing your symptoms, and think over what you

will sayto the MediCover when calling them!

c. Describe your symptoms in details and provide Medicover with all the relevant and important information!

d. In case you don’t understand what Medicover tells you, please don’t hang up but ask back as many times as it is necessary for you to understand the instructions!

e. RespectI. the doctor,II. the institution,III. the instructions and recommendations!

Page 12: You are insured by Generali , Hungary’s  leading insurance company. Your  insurance includes:


a. You already arranged an appointment via Generali Medical Hotline hotline for the clinics’ opening hours (weekdays 07.00-20.00, in special cases weekends also).

b. In case you provided your Hungarian mobile phone number, you will receive important information regarding the place and time of the examination in msg.

c. Arrive on time, 5 minutes before your appointment (in case your delay is more than 10 minutes, the clinics cannot provide you treatment in the previously arranged appointment, so you have to book a new one).

d. In case you want to cancel or modify the date/time of your appointment, you have to indicate it 24 hours before.

e. You will receive the best service in high standard environment provided by highly qualified English-speaking doctors.

f. Please prepare yourself for the examination both mentally and physically.

g. Follow the doctor’s instructions, to make sure you get better as soon as possible.

Page 13: You are insured by Generali , Hungary’s  leading insurance company. Your  insurance includes:

When and in what cases are you NOT treatedat Medicover Clinics? a. If you were examined by Medicover and your further

treatment requires hospital treatment, e.g.:I.  you receive an appointment for a specialist,

II.   you receive an appointment for a special examination (CT, MRI),

III.   your condition requires immediate intervention, so Medicover

b. provides transport for you from the clinics by ambulance.If you need immediate medical treatment out of the opening hours based on the Generali Medical Hotline’s instructions

I.  in this case you’re always directed to the hospital on duty.

c. In case your condition is so serious that you have to call the ambulance right away.In case you arrived to the hospital by ambulance, please inform the Generali Medical Hotline as soon as possible.

Page 14: You are insured by Generali , Hungary’s  leading insurance company. Your  insurance includes:

The public healthcare system is

a. highly professional, well-equipped,

b. treats the entire Hungarian population,

c. the order of treatments is determined by

the severity of the cases

you should count with

waiting time

d. most of the doctors speak English

e. requires immediate cash payment from


Page 15: You are insured by Generali , Hungary’s  leading insurance company. Your  insurance includes:


a. at the Medicover clinic you never have to pay (if the treatment is covered by the insurance)

b. at the public healthcare system (due to the severity of the financial system) you have to pre-finance the care

NOTE:if the treatment is covered by the insurance, GENERALI will transfer you the money

Page 16: You are insured by Generali , Hungary’s  leading insurance company. Your  insurance includes:

In order to get the compensation of your medical treatment, please prepare the following documents:

the original invoices - that has your name and address on it -, the copy of all the medical documents that you get from the doctor, the completed and signed invoice sheet your Hungarian bank account number

(to which the compensation will be transferred).In case you dont have a bank account number, please check whether you have any trustable mentors or friends, whose account you could use for that purpose.Put these documents into an envelope and send them to this address via post:Generali Biztosító Zrt., Mrs Mária Kelemenné Somogyi,4025 Debrecen, Piac u. 49-51.(Before sending, please make sure that you have the copies of these documents.)After sending the documents, you will get a reply in 18 days.

Page 17: You are insured by Generali , Hungary’s  leading insurance company. Your  insurance includes:


a. in order to recieve effective help, we need you to comunivate continuously with Generali Medical Hotline

b. if you face any difficulties, call immediately the Generali Medical Hotline(e.g. if you are at the hospital and get lost, or have language difficulties etc.)

Page 18: You are insured by Generali , Hungary’s  leading insurance company. Your  insurance includes:

Outside of Budapest

a. at the local care facilities you get the same service as in Budapestb. you need to do the same things as listed above

(call the Generali Medical Hotline)

Page 19: You are insured by Generali , Hungary’s  leading insurance company. Your  insurance includes:


- In Hungary always CALL GENERALI MEDICAL HOTLINE: +36 1 465 3166!- Think about what you will say!- Call as soon as possible, do not wait for days!- Do not wait for the weekend,evening or night!- Prepare for pre-financing!- store you medical card in a safe place where you will easily find it ! 

If you follow the rules, you can be sure that you get the best possible

health service!

Page 20: You are insured by Generali , Hungary’s  leading insurance company. Your  insurance includes:

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