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“Do not let your heart be troubled. You believe in God. Believe also in me.” – John 14:1

These words spoken by Jesus so long ago mean as much today as they did then. We need to hear them again. Go ahead, read that verse above one more time! Good job!

Later editors added themes to the chapters in the bible. John 14’s themes begin with the subtitle: “Jesus comforts his disciples.” Comforting others is one of the many great things about Christ. We need His comfort more than ever. Receive the comfort He gives today, in the words spoken above, in His simple presence through the Holy Spirit, and in His enduring love. Then in turn, comfort another.

I came across this amazing poem some time ago. It was written by Linda Mae Richardson, Assistant Director of Victory in the Valley

When I Was Diagnosed With Cancer: My first friend came and expressed his shock by saying, "I can’t believe that you have cancer. I always thought you were so active and healthy." He left and I felt alienated and somehow very different.

My second friend came and brought me information about different treatments being used for cancer. He said, "Whatever you do, don’t take chemotherapy. It’s a poison!" He left and I felt scared and confused.

My third friend came and tried to answer my "whys?" with the statement, "Perhaps God is disciplining you for some sin in your life?" He left and I felt guilty.

My fourth friend came and told me, "If your faith is just great enough God will heal you." He left and I felt my faith must be inadequate.

My fifth friend came and told me to remember that, "All things work together for good." He left and I felt angry.

My sixth friend never came at all. I felt sad and alone.

My seventh friend came and held my hand and said, "I care, I’m here, I want to help you through this." He left and I felt LOVED!

Be there for someone, in whatever way you can, in person, on the phone, on Skype or Facetime, by email or text, or even in a card. Social distancing doesn’t mean that we need to stop caring. Paul reminds us: “Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of compassion and the God of all comfort, who comforts us in all our troubles, so that we can comfort those in any trouble with the comfort we ourselves receive from God” (2 Corinthians 1:3-4).


***You may send your monetary donations for COME through the church.***

Director of Christian Education Kary McAtee


**Children’s Church and Sunday School will only be meeting when regular church services are held again. **

This month in Children’s Church and Sunday School, we will be learning though Bible stories, service learning, science activities, arts and crafts, animated video storytelling, and active games what it means to celebrate the resurrection in community.

Bible Memory Verse – “Hosanna! Blessings on the one who comes in the name of the Lord!” (Mark 11:9)

April 5th – Palm Sunday (Mark 11:1-11) April 12th – Easter (Luke 24:1-12) April 19th – Emmaus (Luke 24:13-35) April 26th – Thomas Believes (John 20:24-31)

CONFIRMATION SUNDAY TO BE RESCHEDULED **Confirmation class is currently “on hold” until it is safe for us to meet in person again.** As soon as we are able, we will be celebrating our 2020 Confirmation Class

during an 11:00 worship service. The United Methodist Women will still be hosting a light reception in the Family Life Center for the congregation to attend and congratulate our students at that time.

SPECIAL NEEDS EASTER EGG HUNT CANCELLED Due to the spread of COVID-19, we feel it is best to protect this vulnerable group of children and cancel this event. All donations that have been received at this point will be saved and used for Children’s Church. Thank you all for your support of this event!

AFTER PROM TENTATIVE **At this point, we are planning this event as if it is still happening. Updates

will come as decisions are made.** On Saturday, April 25th our church will be hosting the After Prom Party Lock-

in for Elkins High School Students! We are in the midst of working with the school and local businesses and organizations to make this event safe and successful. Monetary donations are always appreciated and will be used to purchase door prizes, rent games, and

provide food. Thank you for your continued support of this worthwhile outreach.

VACATION BIBLE SCHOOL We are still planning for VBS to be held Sunday, July 19th through Thursday, July

23rd at our church! Normally our planning meetings would be starting now, but since that is not advised at this point Kary will be personally contacting individuals who have helped in the past to help again this year. If you would like to volunteer please contact Kary at 304-642-0518.

Music Ministries

It has been a difficult time for us all these last few weeks and one that we will not

forget. But I want to share a statement that I have personally reminded myself of

daily and it goes like this:

“Feed your faith Susan, so that your fears will starve”

For me feeding my faith comes in various forms. Reading scripture and speaking

it daily, praying (specifically for others) or maybe crying out to God with my

deepest pain, reaching out to family, friends and neighbors, and listening to

Christian music that will uplift and feed my soul.

I have been reminded of the song “Seek Ye First” based on this scripture:

“But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and His righteousness;

and all these things shall be added unto you.”

Matthew 6:33 (KJV)

What a beautiful song and a wonderful reminder to not only put God first, but to

seek Him first in all circumstances. For when we do our fears will starve and the

peace that passes all understanding will be upon our hearts, our souls and our


It is no accident that Brian’s sermon series has been called “The windows to the

soul.” When we feed our faith and starve our fears, we open the window to our

soul and he pours in everything we need and more.

With the hope of Christ who lives in us,


PS – Keep practicing your cantata music. I wait in great anticipation to see how God

may use this in the weeks to come. Most importantly, keep meditating on the title

“You Thought of Us.”

Thank you to all of the men and women of the congregation for their understanding and support of the UM Men's Pancake and Sausage Feed.

A special thanks to Vic Simmons, Bob Jones, John Wilson, Jimmy Poyner, Jeff Trulik, Charlie Friddle, and Mike Hinchman for preparing, planning, and organizing this successful event. Dick Hamrick, Acting President

The Men are continuing to plan ahead… Save the date!! The United Methodist Men will host a church picnic on

Sunday, June 14, in the Family Life Center. Come join us for an afternoon of fellowship, BBQ Chicken, and other great food.

News From the First United Methodist Women

Church Women United Meet at FUMC

FUMC hosted Church Women United for lunch followed by a meeting and program on March 6 with 31 women in attendance. Jerri Snyder does an exceptional job as liaison to this group from our Executive Board. The FLC tables were decorated in a spring theme. By the calendar it was a little early, but a little cheer with flowers and colorful place settings gave an uplifting appearance. Thanks for all who showed hospitality to our guests.

A Tribute to Our Friend and Mentor Norma Moore

It was a pleasure for FUMC women to serve a dinner for family and friends of Norma Moore following her funeral. For many years Norma dedicated herself to organizing and preparing these dinner for others. Now it was our turn to honor her. Her son, Paul, related that he enjoyed the fact that Norma's signature meatloaf was part of the menu. Women who were present to honor Norma and serve the lunch were: Jerri Snyder, Donna Trulik, Carolyn Channell, Mary Rowan, Gail Poe, Penny Friddle, Lorrayne Corley and Bobbi Trulik (not pictured). Thanks always goes to Jeff Trulik who comes to help with the heavy lifting.

Future Events We cannot be sure what the next weeks or months may bring, the FUMC women are planning to host a church wide reception for the young people who will be confirmed as members of our church when the time comes, but the Holy Week services and Lenten Lunches from April 7-10 has been cancelled along with our spring bazaar on May 7. Prayers for good health for those in our church and community.


Thanks to all our church family for doing so much to ease our heartache and fill our bellies as we rejoiced in the fact that Tharon had moved to heaven to

be with God. The service was beautiful and the meal was delicious. I know many were

involved in making the celebration day so special and I thank you all from the bottom of my heart.

Over 80 years we were active church members and Tharon was so proud to be an active part of First Church. I won’t forget all the kindness you have

shown our family.

Love in God, Sharon Jack McQuain


Operation Christmas Child will be organizing a volunteer team for The First United Methodist Church. Plans are to meet once a month after the “Stay at Home Order” by the Governor has been lifted in order to reach our goal of 1,250 gift filled shoeboxes. Team members’ responsibilities will include: Attending Monthly Planning Meetings. Participate in work sessions as needed, Participate in 2 Packing Parties. Please sign and mail or place in mail slot at the church.

Signature _______________________________________ For more information contact Bob Cowgill Phone: 304-636-6367 e-mail: [email protected]


Our Lenten journey began studying two weeks about the

disciples. We then progressed to Jesus ministry on the Mount of

Olives and Beatitudes. We did not know what a wonderful

lesson this was for the children to learn as the school closing

began. Our journey was taking us to teach the Lord’s Prayer but

unfortunately, we canceled Pioneer due to the concerns with the

CovID-19. It is very difficult to cancel as we have but we

continue to pray for the children.

Thank you for Lorrayne Corley and Kit Phillips helping to serve

the children and their families a wonderful meal. Each week we

are blessed to serve a warm meal. Our volunteers spend many hours preparing for the weekly

ministry whether it is food, lessons, games and crafts.

We are all very concerned for the children and pray for them during this very uncertain time.

We know it can be scary for a child not knowing what is happening and concerned where their

meals are coming from. As Christians we know not to fear and to trust God. We know some of

the children are just learning about Jesus and his unconditional and amazing Love. We ask you to

pray for the children, their families, the Pioneer ministry, the church, our community and state. Pray for

the health workers and how God is using their gifts and calling to serve so many in need.

There are beautiful blessings happening all around us, we are taking time to pray for each other,

caring for our neighbors and we are able to enjoy the sermons online (what a blessing that is to

stay in the word). The call to be at home we are slowing down, taking time to think about each

other and remembering what is really important in our lives. Joshua 1:9 Have I not commanded

you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be frightened, and do not be dismayed, for

the LORD your God is with you wherever you go.”

God Loves you and so do I,



10 am Bible Study on April 1 Holy Week Services with Lenten Lunches hosted by Church Women United, April 6-10 Maundy Service on April 9 at 7 pm but will be live-streamed on YouTube - FUMC, Elkins (Please prepare to partake in communion.)


14 Pam Douglas-Isner 30 Dana Carpenter

15 Lois Kessler 30 Kelly Lang

1 Cindy Huffman 15 Austen Westfall 30 Cortney Crosston

1 Dylan Basil 16 Denise Kramer

2 Catherine Wenzell 16 Mike Jones APRIL ANNIVERSARIES

2 Lisa Stalnaker 16 Hunter Poe 4 Chuck & Pam Keller

2 Madison Basil 17 James Davis 5 Mike & Vicki Fisher

2 Walt King 17 Jason Reed 6 Don & Carrie Wetsch

3 George Cook 17 Ingrid Heinke 11 Lloyd & Sharon Teter

3 Alex Tomblyn 17 Megan Sponaugle 16 Casey & Denise Wallace

4 Lorrayne Corley 18 Sean Conklin 23 Phil & Karen Tomblyn

4 Bill Hartman 19 Mark Tomblyn 25 P.J. & Terry Harmon

4 Janet Stalnaker 19 Eli Higgins 26 Robert & Cathy Jones

4 Shannon Straley 21 Laura Ferguson 28 Jim & Patty McCloud

4 Emily Conrad 21 Vic Simmons 5 Andy Montgomery 21 Leia Herron

5 Scott Harris 21 Josie Biller

6 Mary Jo McClure 22 Clifton Hyre

6 Dave Davis 22 Heather Barkley

6 Kendra Schwartzmiller 22 Kayla Harris

6 Erin Quint 23 Jim Sayres Jr.

6 Josh Lambert 23 Jan Lang

8 Nora Benavides 25 Dick Hamrick

8 Patty McCloud 25 Stephanie White

8 Leon Mallow 25 Jonathon Compton

9 Tabitha Richardson 25 Nate Marstiller

9 Rebecca Earl 25 Sadie Marstiller

10 Sandi Golden 26 Clair Carowick Sr.

10 Jerry Jerow 26 Barbara Mergenthaler

10 Markia Hepler 26 Craig Hyre

10 Garrett Stalnaker 26 Todd Cotgreave

11 Dick Marstiller 26 David Davis

11 Jamie Friend 27 Ashley Sitton

11 Braxton Kenney 28 Trisha Kelly

12 Ruth Schoonover 29 Lee Connolly

12 Jon Basil 29 Jim Teter

12 Ann Urban 29 Ellen Spears

12 Ava Barger 29 Doris Wirth

13 Robert Oldaker 29 Robbie Morris Jr.

14 Bronwen Hamilton 29 Tristan Croson

14 Bill Patterson 30 William Umbright

Maundy Thursday Service will be held via live-stream on YouTube

First United Methodist Church, Elkins

on April 9, 2020 at 7:00 pm.





The Circuit Rider ELKINS, WV

April 2020 PERMIT NO. 14


Monday-Thursday 8:30 AM – 3 PM / Friday 8:30 AM – 12-noon PH: 304-636-0660

Pastor: Brian Seders (304-636-0406 Home)

[email protected]

Office Manager/Treasurer: Rhonda Elmer

[email protected]

Director of Church School of Ministries: Kary McAtee

[email protected]

Financial Secretary: Julie Civiello

Music Director: Susan Seders

Organist/Handbell Choir Director: Scott Green Custodian: Angela Kisner

Pastor Emeritus: Basil Hensley Nursery Worker: TBA

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