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Queensland Young Labor – 2012 Conference Policy Document

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‘Home Grown Music In Need of Home Grown Support’

Moved: Ashley Nielson

Seconded: Christopher Rhodes Preamble: The Australian music industry has taken a hit in over the past decade from international music exports that get constant playback on Australia’s mainstream radio stations. Radio playback is a key factor in the success of musicians in Australia however very few radio stations support home grown musicians and our home grown musicians are barely able to make enough money due to the lack of opportunity to gain some attention. Current rules created by Commercial Radio Australia (the governing body for commercial radio) force radio stations to play between 5-25% Australian music. This quota is far below a number of other western countries such as Norway who give great support to their home grown musicians by forcing radio stations to play 70% of home grown music. Commercial Radio Australia have also recently stated that they are considering scrapping the quota and allowing for radio stations to play whatever mainstream music they wish. Australian musicians have very little support, and a number of home grown artists move out of the country to other countries like Japan, Germany and the US that give better support to their home grown musicians as well as international artists. The government needs to give more support to Australian music to strengthen the great music culture that we have. Australian musicians shouldn’t have to only rely on Triple J to attempt to get any opportunity at gaining attention. Motion: That Queensland Young Labor writes to the Australian Minister for the Arts in support of the Australian music industry and in support of keeping and increasing the quota for Australian music playback on commercial radio stations. http://www.adelaidenow.com.au/will-commerical-radio-kill-our-pop-stars/story-e6frea6u-



‘Enduring Peace and Stability in the Occupied Territories’

Moved: James Butchers

Seconded: Siobhan Doogan Preamble: The conflict in the Occupied Territories of Palestine represents one of the most significant and troubling human rights concerns of the 21st Century. Severe human rights violations have been committed by the Government of Israel, as well as by various Palestinian Authorities. Chief amongst these include:

The construction of Israeli settler communities on Palestinian Land which has resulted in Palestinian homes being demolished in favour of settler developments

The construction of a 760km exclusion barrier/wall which has effectively annexed over 12% of the West Bank from Palestine, including many dams and much of Palestine's most fertile farm land.

The maintenance of Israeli Defence Forces checkpoints on Palestinian Territory which is a barrier to the free movement of Palestinian people in their own cities.

Currently, the Palestinians are a stateless people, enjoying neither political representation within Israel, nor absolute sovereignty over their own territory. The people of Palestine, including most of Palestine's political leaders support the creation of a stable and independent Palestinian state to exist alongside present-day Israel and based upon borders resulting from the 1967 Six-Day War. A Palestinian State based upon these borders is an international consensus supported by, amongst others, US President Barack Obama. The most recent polling of Australian voter sentiment regarding Palestine in November 2011 showed that three in five voters support an independent Palestinian state. Motion: Queensland Young Labor rejects human rights abuses by both Israel and by Palestinians. Queensland Young Labor supports continued efforts for peace to resolve conflict between Israelis and Palestinians. Queensland Young Labor is committed to support for a two state solution which recognises both the right of Israel to exist and the right to self-determination of the Palestinians. The Queensland Young Labor President will write to the Australian Foreign Minister to encourage him to take all possible opportunities to follow the ALP National Platform in supporting a two-state solution and an end to human rights abuses against Palestinians by Israel.

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Queensland Young Labor – 2012 Conference Policy Document

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‘Israel-Palestinian Wall’

Moved: Kerrie Kahlon

Seconded: Rhianna Benjamin

Preamble: The Israel-Palestinian Wall which was erected by the Israel Government is illegal under International law and this is evidences in the Advisory Opinion of the International Court of Justice entitled Legal Consequences of the Construction of a Wall in the Occupied Palestinian Territory, 9 July 2004. Breach of International Law

Israel has breached the Fourth Geneva Convention Article 49 (6), in which it clearly makes the point that an occupying powers is not lawfully allowed to deport of move its own civilian population into the occupied territory. However Israel since 1977 has systematically developed practices and policies of establishing its own civilian population in Occupied Palestinian Territory.

Israel by constructing its wall has amounted to destruction or requisition of properties in circumstances which breach Article 46 and 52 of The Hague Conventions of 1907 and Article 53 of the Fourth Geneva Convention.

Furthermore Article 53 of the Fourth Geneva Convention and Article 12 of the Covenant of Civil and Political Rights is breached, by the fact the wall places on the inhabitants in Occupied Palestinian territory in a situation which impedes their right to liberty of movement. This is evident by the fact the wall only allows access through certain areas and the opening hours of this access is restricted and unpredictable.

Furthermore Israel is in breach of the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights and the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child. This is created by the fact the wall has negative impacts on Palestinians agricultural production and business and rights to work, to heath, to education and an adequate standard of living. It is apparent that Israel has breached several international law rules.

Israel’s Security Concerns

The ICJ did pay sufficient attention Israel’s legitimate security concerns.

The ICJ took into account the exception to the United Nations Charter in Article 51 and Israel’s argument to the state of necessity which precludes the wrongfulness of the construction of the wall. The ICJ explicitly states that the Israeli States does face “indiscriminate and deadly acts of violence against its civilian population”, which showcases the ICJ did contend the terrorist acts Israel faces and as the ICJ established Israel does have a “right and duty to protect its citizens”

However in each instance the ICJ’s argument against Israel’s claims was justified. It is clear that Israel’s argument of a state of necessity does not suffice, because there are other avenues which Israel could take to protect its security concerns.

In addition the human rights standards established through the conventions should not be overturned when applying the test of proportionality. It is evident as established Israel does face terrorist attacks. However the wall on Occupied Palestinian Territory clearly is in breach of copious human rights and humanitarian rights laws, which cannot be given up unless in exceptional circumstances. The Israel’s have not proven this to be an exceptional circumstance; clearly other states face terrorist attack, but clearly this does not excuse them from following international law.

In order for a two-state solution to occur, Israel must follow International Law and immediately bring down the wall. Motion: QYL encourage its members to lobby for the removal of the Israel-Palestinian Wall.

‘Safe exportation of uranium resources’

Moved: Reece Pianta

Seconded: James Stedman Preamble: No treaty, however much it may be to the advantage of all, however tightly it may be worded, can provide absolute security against the risks of deception and evasion. But it can, if it is sufficiently effective in its enforcement, and it is sufficiently in the interests of its signers, offer far more security and far fewer risks than an unabated, uncontrolled, unpredictable arms race. JFK American University Commencement Address June 1963 In December 2011 Labor National Conference voted to alter the party’s platform to enable the export of Uranium to India for domestic power purposes at the instigation of the Federal Labor Government. This places Australia in contravention of the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT) in the same manner that China’s export of reactors to Pakistan places it in contravention of the NPT. While these arrangements occurred under an umbrella of domestic power generation and peaceful civilian use there is capacity for these exports in extraordinary circumstances to be deployed for non-civilian use. The larger scope concern is the degradation of a long-standing treaty arrangement. While this decision is conceivably in the Nation’s economic interest, the wider implications of the sale of uranium to India are a net negative one to the broader National Interest.

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‘Safe exportation of uranium resources’ (continued from previous page) Motion: Queensland Young Labor expresses its concern at the decision of National Conference to overturn the party’s previously held position on exportation of Uranium to countries not signatories to the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty. Conference calls on the incoming QYL State Secretary to write to the Prime Minister’s office to congratulate the Prime Minister on allowing a free and open debate on the issue and express our concerns about the broader implications to the National Interest of this neglect of a treaty obligation.

The era of Silvio Berlusconi

Moved: Sam Catanzariti-Smith

Seconded: Dylon Moyle Preamble: Silvio Berlusconi was a landmark for Italian Prime Ministers. Berlusconi’s time in office should be seen as a golden time for Italy. Berlusconi maintained healthy relations with the Mafia as well as finding new ways to bring down his political opponents. Berlusconi is known for his charm and the adoration women had for him, he was a revolutionary and this should be recognised worldwide.

Motion: That this QYL conference commend Silvio Berlusconi’s service to Italy and his hallmark time in office through the upkeep of Mafia-Governmental Relations and his charm and appeal to women.

Uranium Mining to India

Moved: Kerrie Kahlon

Seconded: Oscar Schlamowitz Preamble: QYL congratulate the Federal Government’s decision to export uranium to India. India is one of Australia’s key allies in the Asia-Pacific Region. The previous decision to ban uranium exports to India had a major impact on our political, economic and social relationship with one of key allies and the world’s largest democracy. Uranium will help bring power to millions of Indians, including those who currently do not have a power source or one which is consistently unreliable. Further the Uranium industry provides 4200 jobs in largely isolated areas and the industry is worth $750 million, therefore creating much needed jobs and revenue (Gemma Jones, The Daily Telegraph, http://www.dailytelegraph.com.au/news/national/julia-gillards-policy-backflip-on-uranium-exports-to-india/story-e6freuzr-1226195001377). Motion: QYL Congratulate the Federal Government for its policy decision to sell uranium exports to India.

‘Abolishing Youth Wages’

Moved: James Butchers

Seconded: Preamble: The Fair Work Act 2009 and many Modern Awards contain provisions for a lower rate to be paid to those under the age of 21. As an example, the Fast Food Industry Award 2010 provides that workers are paid the following as a percentage of the weekly wages of their older co-workers:

Age % of weekly wage

Under 16 years of age 40

16 years of age 50

17 years of age 60

18 years of age 70

19 years of age 80

20 years of age 90

The result of this is that a 15 year old worker in the fast food industry can be paid as little as $6.81 per hour of work performed. This is repeated in the retail and hospitality sectors as well as others. Many young workers are in the workforce at the age of 15 and work alongside adults. They may perform the same work and even supervise staff that are older than they are. Like their older counterparts, they may have responsibilities to support themselves or their families financially. Youth Wages are a discriminatory barrier for young workers in this regard.

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‘Abolishing Youth Wages’ (continued from previous page) Youth Wages contravene the long-standing value of equal pay for equal work. An industrial relations system such as ours which is based upon fairness should not tolerate this inequality. It should be noted that Australian business groups tend to oppose the abolition of youth wages. Such opposition is usually founded upon the argument that to abolish youth wages would result in a rise in youth unemployment. This argument is based upon a number of flawed economic assumptions which do not have regard to real-world examples of the impacts of abolished youth wages. In 2001, the New Zealand Labor Government of Helen Clarke moved to abolish youth wages for Kiwi workers. This was decried by business as sure to result in unemployment. The real impact was that youth employment increased as young people had a greater incentive to enter the workforce. Additionally, a number of companies in Australia, such as Ikea have removed youth wages through enterprise bargaining negotiations. The fact that retailers have accepted this through enterprise bargaining suggests that warnings regarding job losses may be somewhat exaggerated. Motion:

Queensland Young Labor believes that youth wages are discriminatory and should have no place in Australia's industrial relations system.

Queensland Young Labor will campaign for the removal of youth wages in Australia.

Queensland Young Labor notes that New South Wales Young Labor is currently engaged in a campaign against youth wages. The Queensland Young Labor President will make contact with the New South Wales Young Labor President to discuss the campaign with a view to developing a national Young Labor campaign around abolishing youth wages. Such a campaign will have as one of its aims a change to the ALP National Platform to support the abolition of youth wages.

Queensland Young Labor will work with the Queensland Council of Unions to progress the campaign against youth wages.

ACTU - Secure Jobs Better Futures Campaign

Moved: Siobhan Doogan

Seconded: James Butchers Preamble: Secure Jobs. Better Future is a national campaign to improve the rights and working lives of the 40% of the Australian workforce employed in insecure work. The past few decades have witnessed a dramatic and disturbing growth of insecure jobs in Australia. More and more workers in Australia have jobs that have irregular and unpredictable working hours and pay, inferior rights and entitlements (including limited or no access to paid leave), and no job security. The campaign for secure jobs will include:

Bargaining for better wages and conditions of work, and more secure jobs

Securing better minimum standards through awards and legislation

Preventing the abuse of types of non-standard employment

Better enforcement of existing rights

Governments taking a leading role

Learning from other countries Motion

The 2012 young labor conference calls on the incoming president of Queensland young labor to write to the secretary of the ACTU to express its solidarity with the ACTU secure jobs campaign and offer assistance with any activities Queensland young labor is able to participate in to benefit this campaign.

Conference instructs the incoming executive put together a list of dates/activities that QYL members can participate in to contribute to this campaign.

Building a strong connection between Queensland Young Labor and the Union Movement

Moved: Siobhan Doogan

Seconded: Luke Moore Preamble: Unions are key and enduring institutions in our Nations story. Consistently they have been a voice for fairness in the working lives of Australians. In recent years unions and labour values have come under attack through such mechanisms as WorkChoices. These attacks have been successfully defended against however the Liberal party’s worst kept secret is they will once again seek to deregulate the employment market when they next get the opportunity. Young Labor as the youth wing of Australia’s party of fairness born of the union movement has a vested interest in ensuring young people rights at work are protected into the future. We can be part of ensuring an ongoing strong union movement and need to be proactive to this end. Part C3 section 4 d of Party Rules states that it is an expectation on party members to be part of their relevant trade union. Young Labor should take a lead on rebuilding the party’s relationship with unions in Queensland and offer our assistance in strengthening the Labour Movement more broadly particularly among the current generation of young people.

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Building a strong connection between Queensland Young Labor and the Union Movement (continued from previous page) Motion: This conference calls on the incoming executive to meet with affiliated unions to develop a strategy, that Queensland Young Labor will form a key part of, to increase union membership among young people. This conference also calls on the incoming secretary to write to all QYL members advising them of the expectation on all party members to be a member of their relevant trade union and provide information on how to join their relevant trade union (E.g. ACTU hotline number).

‘Labor: work your way’

Moved: Sam Catanzariti-Smith

Seconded: Dylon Moyle Preamble: The ALP was built on a core belief that in our great nation, if you work hard you get rewarded. Australia has always been known as the Land of a ‘Fair go’, in recent times this once prized idea is now a foreign concept of yesteryear. Gone are the days of the individual working hard to get ahead and earn an honest living. Many take for granted our Nation’s great prosperity and do not contribute to society. “Labor: work your way” is all about bringing about a return of the ideals that made this nation great. It will do this by providing positive incentives for individuals to work and live a healthier lifestyle, rather than waste away living off unnecessary welfare payments. Welfare was once a privilege now is it seen as a right “Labor: work your way”, will highlight that Welfare is not something that should be manipulated. An unknown fact; is that Australia has more jobs than jobseekers. These reforms will encourage and incentivise the individual to find work and contribute to our Nation’s strong economic growth and productivity. The high income taxes in Australia have meant that receiving welfare payments is seen as an alternative to working your way. Complacency has led to once productive employees falling in to this trap of Welfare dependency as many unemployed find they earn more on welfare payments than they do when employed. To solve this ‘Poverty Trap’, “Labor: work your way” will reduce the respective unemployment benefits that are not related to disabilities and other incapabilities. This would lower Government Spending and would allow the second phase of “Labor: work your way”, to come in to place. The second phase of “Labor: work your way” will see a raise in the Tax Free Threshold, which will highlight the benefits of an individual obtaining employment as they will have more money in their pockets than under a welfare scheme. This will bring about a fall in unemployment, which will increase foreign investment and economic stability. The main issue with Australia’s employment dilemma is the low skill of the workforce. “Labor: work your way”, seeks to reform Centrelink, in a way in which unemployed individuals will be given the opportunity to increase their employability and skill level through access to higher levels of subsidised education. “Labor: work your way”, is a return of the great history of Labor Economic reforms that have shaped our Nation. With a more active and productive workforce, “Labor: work your way”, will bring about a return of the ideal that ‘Hard work pays off’. Motion: That this QYL conference endorses the Labor: Work your way reform package and calls on the Federal Government to introduce this piece of economic reform.

More cracks less tax

Moved: Sam Catanzariti-Smith

Seconded: Dylon Moyle Preamble: In a nation in which hard work should be rewarded, Australia’s hardest workers are punished by the tax system. Individuals who are employed by more than one employer are not eligible for the PAYG Tax Free Threshold after applying it to their first job (www.auspayroll.com.au). This is a sad reflection on Australia, to think that our hardest workers are not being rewarded for the added productivity they provide to our economy. More cracks less tax, aims to reward our hardest workers by maintaining the tax free threshold in every job an individual obtains in tandem with another job. This will provide an incentive for Aussie battlers to work an extra, perhaps even part time job, to make ends meet. Productivity and hard work should never be discouraged. Motion: That this QYL conference calls on the Federal Government to ensure that individuals working more than one job, maintain the tax free threshold for all their income.

‘No return to the worst aspects of WorkChoices’

Moved: Siobhan Doogan

Seconded: James Butchers Preamble: Recently there has been some mainstream media debate about the relevance of weekend penalty rates in a modern economy. The basis of the argument is that many people in retail and service industries by the very nature of those industries work while other people are not. Penalty rates were designed in their introduction as a way of safeguarding regular working hours and incentivising out of hours work.

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‘No return to the worst aspects of WorkChoices’ (continued from the previous page) The retail industry has been publicly campaigning to enable the flexibility to abolish penalty rates claiming these rates are preventing business from operating on weekends and curtailing profits. This was a key element of WorkChoices and was resoundingly rejected by the Australian people in 2007. Business seeking to make profit by operating on weekends should ensure that their employees are provided reward for helping facilitate that profit. Removal of penalty rates will disproportionately affect young people who make up a large section of the retail and hospitality industry workforce. Motion: That the 2012 Queensland Young Labor Conference rejects any move to abolish penalty rates and commits to campaign against their removal. Queensland Young Labor conference instructs the incoming QYL Secretary to write to the Minister for Workplace Relations

expressing this view and notify the mover of this motion when it has been sent.

Penalty Rates – Fair Work Review Submission

Moved: James Butchers

Seconded: Siobhan Doogan Preamble: Fair Work Australia is currently undertaking a review into the impact of penalty rates within the Australian industrial relations system. Public submissions are open for interested parties to express a view on this matter. Submissions close on 4 June 2012, with a telephone conference with interested parties to be held on 18 June. Penalty rates are an important element of many young workers’ livelihood. Instead of spending time with their families, many young workers in the hospitality, retail and other industries work on weekends, public holidays and late at night. Penalty rates exist to compensate workers for this. Given the low wages in sectors which young people traditionally work - as well as the discriminatory practice of paying youth wages - many young workers rely upon penalty rates to get by. Currently, there are moves by business groups to remove penalty rates from modern awards. There has been a concerted campaign by employers to remove penalty rates. Such moves ought to be emphatically opposed. The hospitality and retail sectors complain that it is unfair for employers to have to pay higher rates on weekends and public holidays. In reality, it would be unfair for young people to have to work irregular hours and forgo valuable time which would usually be spent with family and friends without being compensated. As an organisation representing young workers who are politically active, Queensland Young Labor has a role in taking up this fight. Motion: Queensland Young Labor will make a submission to the Fair Work Australia review into penalty rates noting strong support for penalty rates by 4 June 2012. The views of Queensland Young Labor members affected by penalty rates will be sought for inclusion into the submission. The Queensland Young Labor President will issue a media release in support of the submission.

‘A Whole Generation of Renters’

Moved: Chris Gold

Seconded: Preamble: Negative gearing is a process whereby tax advantages can be obtained by borrowing significant capital when structuring a personal investment (i.e. a rental property which is not an individual’s primary residence). As defined in the glossary of the Henry Tax Review: “An asset is negatively geared when its interest payments on borrowings used to finance the asset exceed the income it generates, net of other expenses. Negative gearing commonly refers to the ability to deduct such a loss against another source of income, such as wages.” The review observes that the current arrangements for negative gearing and capital gains tax discounts create artificial demand for these investment vehicles which leads to increased volatility in the housing market. Further, from personal observation of the rental market, it appears that the assets used for this process could be described as being in the “first home-buyer” category ($250,000 to $600,000). In summary, it my interpretation from the Henry Tax Review that negative gearing creates artificial demand for entry level housing. The flow-on effect I believe is that many people in our generation may never realise the benefits of owning their main residence. To combat this, the Henry Tax Review has made the two following recommendations which are yet to be adopted by the Federal Government.

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‘A Whole Generation of Renters’ (continued from the previous page) Extract from the Henry Tax Review - Accessed 5 May 2012 http://taxreview.treasury.gov.au/content/FinalReport.aspx?doc=html/publications/papers/Final_Report_Part_1/chapter_12.htm Recommendation 14: Provide a 40 per cent savings income discount to individuals for non-business related: a) net interest income; b) net residential rental income (including related interest expenses); c) capital gains (and losses); and d) interest expenses related to listed shares held by individuals as non-business investments. In conjunction with introducing the discount further consideration should be given to how the boundaries between discounted and non-discounted amounts are best drawn to achieve certainty, reduce compliance costs, and prevent labour and other income being converted into discounted income. Further consideration should also be given to addressing existing tax law boundaries related to the treatment of individuals owning shares in order to address uncertainties about when the shares are held on capital account (and subject to capital gains tax) and on revenue account (and taxed as ordinary income). Recommendation 15: When the 40 per cent savings income discount is introduced a smooth transition should be provided to minimise any disruption that may arise. The transition to a savings income discount for net residential rental income should only be adopted following reforms to the supply of housing (Part Two Section E4 Housing affordability) and reforms to housing assistance (Section F5 Housing assistance). The effects of these recommendations are aimed to shift the focus of investors from capital growth to income yield. This will likely promote the construction of lower-cost, more desirable properties (lower cost due to the reduction in land usage, the traditional area of capital growth). It may also work to reduce demand and volatility in the “first home buyer” sector of the property market. Motion: That QYL call on the Federal Treasurer to implement recommendations 14 and 15 from the Henry Tax Review to combat the artificial price pressures put on entry level housing which will entrap many of our generation in the rental cycle and never realise the security of home ownership.

‘Don’t Ask Me! Empower yourself’

Moved: Chris Gold

Seconded: Preamble: Accounting Professionals /Students hate the conversation: “Oh, you’re an accountant... can you do my tax for me?” Not only is it a frustrating question but it shows a deeper problem, and that many Australians do not understand the basics of the Tax System which empowers them with their own tax affairs. The ATO published statistics for 2009/10 financial year showed that of the 12,380,028 returns they received 8,786,513 were prepared by tax agents (staggering 71 %!) meaning that people aren’t feeling up to completing their own return and shelling over upwards of $80 for the pleasure. Tax really isn’t that hard for most tax payers… Moves to increase the Tax Free threshold to take many low income earners out of the tax system entirely in my opinion is a good move, but the target of this (primarily young people) will not stay under this cap for long when they reach the adult workforce. I believe that tax literacy should be taught in the senior years of high-school. Motion: That QYL lobby the federal education minister to include basic tax literacy training for all senior high school students. Statistics from Page 12 http://www.ato.gov.au/download.asp?file=/content/downloads/cor00305922_2010TAXSTATS.pdf

‘Resources Super Profits Tax’

Moved: Giovanni Sottile

Seconded: Michael Nelson Preamble: The Federal Government has, since 2009, suggested two forms of federal taxation of mineral resources. The first was called the Resources Super Profits Tax, the second a Mineral Resources Rent Tax. Under the RSPT, all mining and petroleum companies - some 2500 - would have been subject to the tax on so-called super profits. The 40 per cent tax kicked in at profits which exceeded the 10-year government bond rate, which at the time was just over 5 per cent. The tax was payable on the realised value of resource deposits.

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‘Resources Super Profits Tax’ (continued from the previous page) The MRRT applies to limited iron ore and coal companies whose resource profits exceed $50 million per annum, and the current petroleum resource rent tax regime is extended to all onshore oil and gas projects, including coal seam gas. A 30 per cent tax kicks in at the long-term bond rate plus 7 per cent. This means significantly lower revenue for the community for the exploitation of non-renewable collectively-owned resources, and an increased profit to largely foreign financial interests. Motion: Queensland Young Labor will write to Minister Martin Ferguson and Prime Minister Julia Gillard urging them to return to the RSPT model for taxing mining revenue.

‘Robin Hood Tax’

Moved: Giovanni Sottile

Seconded: Siobhan Doogan Preamble: A financial transaction tax (also known as a Robin Hood Tax) is a low-rate tax on financial speculation by investment banks, hedge funds and other finance institutions that would raise billions to tackle poverty and climate change, in Australia and overseas. It can start as low as 0.005 per cent – and average 0.05 per cent. But when levied on the billions of dollars moving round the global finance system daily through transactions such as foreign exchange, derivatives and share deals, it could raise hundreds of billions of dollars annually. That can provide for vital investment in much needed and underfunded public services like health and education, resource efforts to conserve our environment, aid the fight against global poverty and climate change. This money can help shape the future of our world. The tax would not be levied on everyday banking transactions conducted by individuals. The Robin Hood tax has been supported by some 350 economists in a letter written to the G20, including Joseph Stiglitz and Jeffery Sachs. Politicians supporting the tax include Angela Merkel, Nicolas Sarkozy and Katsuya Okada, Japan's foreign minister. According to a press release by the lobbying organization, support has been forthcoming from the financial sector by prominent figures including George Soros, Warren Buffett and Lord Turner, chairman of the UK’s Financial Services Authority. Motion: The incoming Queensland Young Labor President will write to the Prime Minister, Federal Treasurer and Finance Minister calling on them to adopt a Robin Hood Tax. Queensland Young Labor will refer this motion to the Economic Management and Infrastructure Committee for consideration.

‘Small Business Grants’

Moved: Sam Catanzariti-Smith

Seconded: Dylon Moyle Preamble: In the current Global Economic Conditions, the owners of Small Businesses and the entrepreneurs who are contemplating buying or starting a small business are doing it tough. With big chain retail stores such as Coles and Woolworths monopolising the market, the days of competition bringing about lower prices have gone. Now is more important than ever to encourage Australians to start small businesses and compete with the Monopolies that are the direct result of higher prices in the supermarket aisle. There are very little incentives in place for the Small Business owner or the entrepreneur, even though we have incentives for first home owners and first car buyers. The ALP needs to stand up for Small Business owners and win back what was a former support base. Motion: That this QYL Conference calls upon the Federal Government and State Government to look at introducing small business grants for new businesses that are purchased. Such a grant could subsidise the cost of a business loan and restore confidence in the chances of the individual running a competitive small business.

‘The future of Australia’s manufacturing and farming Industries’

Moved: Sam Catanzariti-Smith

Seconded: Dylon Moyle Preamble: Since the Global Financial Crisis in 2008, the Volatility of Australia’s once prized manufacturing and farming industries have come to light. With 30% of the world’s products being produced in India and China (Snow 2010), the nations with the world’s most booming economies, it is evident that manufacturing and farming can no longer be taken lightly. Our current day Politicians describe our economy as “patchwork”, however they have taken no action to jump start the dying sectors of our economy, instead they remain fixated with reliance on the resources boom and a “clean energy future” (Morrisey 2011).

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‘The future of Australia’s manufacturing and farming Industries’ (continued from the previous page) Our manufacturers and Farmers have been doing it tough since the Drought and the Global Financial Crisis, Manufacturers continue to lay off workers and Farmers are unable to be competitive in the face of cheaper foreign products in our supermarkets. Economic Globalisation has proved to be a massive transformation of the Global Economy, Tariffs and Anti Free trade policies are not the way to make these industries more competitive (Emerson 2005). To once again bolster the stocks of our Farmers and Manufacturers, we need to examine the level of tax these industries are paying. In the current day both industries are paying the business tax of 30% of their gains/losses, this taxation rate on these sectors is affecting the competitiveness of our industries, the level of taxation must be reviewed for export reliant industries. Motion: That this QYL Conference calls upon the Federal Government to review the 30% flat rate of business tax for our struggling export reliant industries. For our Farmers and Manufacturers to be competitive in the Global Economy they must pay less tax and therefore this taxation rate must be reviewed by a Parliamentary Enquiry.

‘Education Funding – Gonski Report’

Moved: Kerrie Kahlon

Seconded: Shane Jury Preamble: Education is empowerment! As a Labor Government we must always seek to ensure that ALL children get access to a high quality education, to give them opportunities for the future. The Gonski Report was commissioned by the Federal Government to look at funding arrangements towards education. The report showcased the two-tier system in Australia between State and Non-State Schools. Gonski Report Outcomes:

The report outlined ‘There is also an unacceptable link between low levels of achievement and educational disadvantage, particularly among students from low socioeconomic and Indigenous backgrounds’ (Australian Government, Review of Funding for Schooling, Final Report, December 2011 <http://www.deewr.gov.au/Schooling/ReviewofFunding/Documents/Review-of-Funding-for-Schooling-Final-Report-Dec-2011.pdf> pg. XIII).

as addressed by the Article ‘Billions Needed to Address Tired System’ by Bianca Hall published in the Sydney Morning Herald <http://www.smh.com.au/national/education/billions-needed-to-address-tiered-system-20120220-1tjqe.html>: o ‘The report also showed that disadvantaged children were underperforming at schools to a greater degree than children

from privileged backgrounds, and were more likely to earn low incomes as adults.’

o ‘In 2009 the median weekly income for adults whose highest level of education was year 10 or below was $671. For those

with a graduate diploma, it was $1438.’

o ‘In 2009, 56 per cent of children from low socio-economic backgrounds completed year 12, compared with 75 per cent of

children from high socio-economic backgrounds.’

o ‘Almost 80 per cent of students in the lowest quarter of socio-economic disadvantage attend state schools, compared with

15 per cent who go to Catholic schools, and 6 per cent who go to independent schools.’

o ‘In both NAPLAN and PISA (the Program for International Student Assessment, used by the OECD) measures, children from

independent schools tended to have better results, followed by children from the Catholic sector and then government


Funding Considering the above facts it is critical that increased funding be put into the current education system.

As the report states $5 billion in annual recurrent funding is needed to address these concerns (pg. xvii of the Report)

As the vast majority of under-performing students attend State Schools funding arrangements must be significantly

directed at State Schools.

Motion: QYL should write to the Federal Education Minister and outline the need for implementing the Gonski Recommendations as a matter of priority

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‘Proper Funding for Tertiary Education’

Moved: Rosa Sottile

Seconded: Scarlett Squire Preamble: Since the election of a Federal Labor Government in 2007, a process of review and/or reform has been undertaken in every portfolio. This included 2 reviews of university funding, the 2008 Bradley review and the 2011 Base Funding Review. Both of these reviews acknowledge the underfunding of universities, and recommended that the funding be increased. The Base Funding Review also touched on issues around student fees, and the cost of education, and recommended scrapping the current system of differentiated HECS. The National Union of Students (NUS), while in support of free education, acknowledged that at this time it is unlikely, and therefore took the recommendation of a flat HECS scheme to the government. This is also the position of the Innovative Research Universities (IRU). Essentially this means that every student will pay the same HECS for their degree, regardless of what they study. NUS and the IRU believe this is the most equitable model of student fees. This is the way HECS was initially introduced. Motion:

1. That QYL supports increases to funding for universities as recommended in the Bradley and Base Funding reviews. 2. That QYL supports, as the most equitable alternative to free education, the introduction of a flat HECS system. 3. That the QYL president writes a letter expressing the views contained in this motion be sent to the relevant policy

committee. Bradley review: http://www.deewr.gov.au/highereducation/review/pages/reviewofaustralianhighereducationreport.aspx Base Funding Review: http://www.deewr.gov.au/HigherEducation/Policy/BaseReview/Pages/default.aspx

‘Motion to re-establish secular education in Queensland state schools’

Moved: Kurt Hopkins

Seconded: Cameron Barrie Preamble: From 1875-1910 Queensland had a secular state school system which was required under Section 5 of the Education Act 1875: “In State schools and provisional schools secular instruction only shall be given and no teacher shall give any other than secular instruction in any State school building.” This did not effect the operation of private religious schools – however religious groups such as the Bible Society lobbied the Queensland government to hold a referendum in 1910 that allowed religious instruction and Bible lessons in state schools. This referendum was opposed by leaders of the Catholic Church. (Results: Yes – 74,228/ No – 56,681/ Informal – 7,651) There are several problems with the current system:

The current system was pushed by Christian lobbyists in 1910 and allows religious favouritism in state system and does not reflect our secular and pluralist 21st century society.

About 80% of primary school children attend Christian RI while only 66.3% of Queenslanders adhere to some form of Christianity, 18.6% have no religion, 2.3% have non-Christian religions, and 12.4% refused to disclose their stance (Census 2006). By law children are not allowed to attend these classes without written parental consent however this is not strictly enforced.

Many religious instructors are volunteers are fundamentalist Christians. There is evidence that many of them discourage critical thinking, submission to authority and exclusion of different beliefs as well as teaching young children that Creationism and the Bible are scientific and historical fact. A NSW-based survey found that 70 per cent of scripture teachers thought children should be taught the Bible as historical fact.

Some children who opt out of religious instruction face ostracism from their peers. Rather than learning about different religions and ethics, RI is often a sales pitch from a representative of a religion to young, impressionable children.

Queensland Teachers Union president Steve Ryan said teachers were sometimes compelled to supervise the instructors "because of all the fire and brimstone stuff". Mr Ryan said Education Queensland had deemed RI a must-have, though teachers would prefer to spend the time on curriculum.

The Federation of Australian Scientific and Technological Societies says more emphasis needs to be placed on science and maths education after a worrying survey found 3 in 10 Australians believed dinosaurs and humans lived at the same time.

The threat to public education in Queensland is now greater than ever. The Newman Government has very concerning links to the religious right, who seek to use the state education system to spread their agenda. Tim Mander, the new Member for Everton and Assistant Minister for Sport and Racing is the former CEO of Scripture Union Queensland, an evangelical organisation responsible for supplying most of the state’s chaplains. Labor must defend the separation of church and state because the LNP will not. Further information about abuse of the current education system is available on the website of the Australian Secular Lobby’s ‘Back in the Act’ campaign: http://backintheact.com/index.html

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‘Motion to re-establish secular education in Queensland state schools’ (continued from the previous page) Motion: Queensland Young Labor supports the re-establishment of secular education in Queensland state schools and moves the following motions to the Labor State Conference:

The next Queensland Labor government shall amend education legislation to re-establish secular state school system as originally intended in the Education Act 1875, and shall;

Replace religious instruction in state schools with a comparative world religions and ethics course added to the social studies curriculum taught by regular teachers.

‘Supporting the SSAF’

Moved: Rosa Sottile

Seconded: Scarlett Squire Preamble: Last year, after a long battle in both houses of parliament, the Student Services and Amenities Fee (SSAF) Bill was passed. This bill is part of the Federal government’s implementation of the Bradley review, which included this fee as a recommendation. The revenue generated from this fee will be used for vital student support services that collapsed after the introduction of Voluntary Student Unionism. Services like academic advocacy, counselling, childcare, sports, affordable food, and many others collapsed at many campuses, or were taken over by universities. This particularly affected small and regional universities. The bill requires that universities consult with democratically elected student representatives, and publish how they are spending the money. Unfortunately, many universities are negotiating only tokenistically with student reps, and are not prioritizing student-run services. This goes against the spirit of the SSAF, and also is not in the best interests of students. Motion:

1. That QYL supports student control of student affairs. 2. That QYL supports independent, democratically elected student organisations in their push for SSAF funding for essential


‘Sustainability Education’

Moved: Giovanni Sottile

Seconded: Grace Johnston Preamble: Education for sustainability is globally recognised as a high priority for education. We are currently in the United Nations Decade of Education for Sustainable Development (2005- 2014) – where sustainability education is widely accepted as a prerequisite for building a sustainable future. In Australia there are a number of successful education for sustainability initiatives that already exist, run by various federal and state government departments. These include the Australian Sustainable Schools Initiative (AuSSI) which provides hands-on sustainability learning, and embedding sustainability into areas of States’ school curricula. Australia has also successfully used education for sustain- ability programs to shift community attitude and behaviour to improve water conservation and waste recycling in the last two decades. Australia currently lacks the vision and leadership to provide high quality and integrated education for sustainability through formal education and lifelong learning. QYL believes there are four key barriers to achieving this:

An overall lack of integration and cohesion of EfS initiatives.

A consistent lack of funding from both federal, state and territory governments for EfS initiatives.

A lack of government and public appreciation of the potential and value of EfS.

The low level prioritisation of EfS in the primary, secondary and tertiary curricula. Motion: The incoming executive of Queensland Young Labor will write to the relevant Labor State and Federal Ministers on the need to coordinate systematic development and accreditation of green skills required for industry in the growing new economy across a wide range of trades and professions. The incoming executive of Queensland Young Labor will write to the relevant Labor State and Federal Ministers regarding the need to support and facilitate all teachers within schools and their communities so they can more easily and effectively foster sustainability throughout all school education The incoming executive of Queensland Young Labor will write to the relevant Labor State and Federal Ministers on the need to enable tertiary education institutions to better equip students with the green skills needed to build a sustainable economy and to integrate sustainability principles across all disciplines and the practices of the institution.

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‘Tax deductible education’

Moved: Shane Jury

Seconded: Sam Catanzariti Preamble: In the post GFC world Australia has experienced fundamental structural changes in its economy. The lack of competitiveness of traditional industries such as manufacturing has been exposed by widespread redundancies, notwithstanding that some of these industries are already heavily subsidised. It is contended that this is systemic of a broad structural change in the Australian economy from manufacturing and retail based industries to tertiary, “knowledge based’ industries. Indeed, these changes led the Reserve Bank of Australia to remark in its September Quarter 2010 bulletin that: “Over time, the structure of the Australian economy has gradually shifted away from agriculture and manufacturing towards services…” (http://www.rba.gov.au/publications/bulletin/2010/sep/1.html) . In order to remain competitive in this emerging global order, it is essential that Australians are amongst the best educated in the developed world. Presently, ATO taxation ruling 98/9 restricts the deductibility of self-education expenses to those that have a relevant connection to the taxpayer’s current income-earning activities (http://law.ato.gov.au/atolaw/view.htm?docid=TXR%2FTR989%2Fnat%2Fato%2F00001). It is contended that this is unduly narrow and ought to be extended to self-education expenses that have a relevant connection to the taxpayer’s future income-earning activities. That is, when employment is obtained because of self-education, the tax deduction should still be available because the educational expense was necessary to obtain the employment. Introducing a broad regime of tax deductible higher education is proposed as a measure to address these changes in Australia's economy, and to ensure that all Australians are able to compete in a post GFC world. Motion: That QYL conference call on the Federal Government to introduce a broader regime of tax deductibility for higher education, in order to ensure that all Australians are equipped to compete in a “knowledge based” economy.

‘Electricity Demand Pricing not Carbon Pricing’

Moved: Sam Catanzariti-Smith

Seconded: Dylon Moyle Preamble: On July 1st this year, Australia will introduce the world’s first economy wide Carbon Tax. Much debate and controversy has been raised over the Carbon Tax. Many critics do not support the Carbon tax based on a belief that Climate Change does not exist. However the Carbon Tax should not be supported based on the fact that it is not the Labor way. Household electricity emissions produce 1% of Australia’s carbon footprint (Moran, Institute of Public Affairs) and yet the Government hopes that a tax, will change consumer behaviour and reduce electricity usage. The fact is working families and individuals need electricity, the price of electricity may rise but the usage and the demand will stay the same (Phipps 2001). The only way the Government can make a smooth transition to a Clean Energy Future is if the Carbon Pricing Scheme is replaced for an Electricity Demand Pricing Scheme. Electricity demand pricing would mean that the Government and Electricity companies would work together and provide subsidies to working families and individuals who can cut back their electricity usage. Electricity prices will continually rise, a tax will raise prices further, adding more pain than gain (Australian Productivity Commission). A subsidy would provide a usage saving mechanism that would give people a reason to cut back on their electricity usage. Not only will an Electricity Demand Pricing system pave the way for a smooth transition, further investment and research must be made in Nuclear and renewable energy sources to provide a long term replacement to Coal Power. Motion: That this QYL conference calls on the Federal Government to repeal their Carbon Tax Legislation and replace with an Electricity Demand Pricing System along with continued and increased funding in Nuclear and Renewable Energy sources.

‘Fiscal Surplus’ Moved: Mitchell Watt Seconded: Chris Gold Preamble: In the lead-up to the 2010 Federal Election, the Treasurer and Prime Minister promised a return to surplus in the 2012-2013 budget. In that budget, released this month, the Treasurer, the Hon Wayne Swan, forecast a surplus of $1.5 billion in the year’s budget, delivering on this vital policy objective. Motion: That QYL congratulate the Treasurer on the Government’s return to budget surplus and applaud the fiscal discipline undertaken to achieve this outcome.

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‘Because enough is enough’

Moved: Chris Gold

Seconded: Preamble: Over the past two QYL executive committees (i.e. 2010 and 2011) there have been at least four executive meetings dealing solely on the creation of new QYL structures and a large amount of time in other meetings. Those seeking to create these structures are advocating new "titles" for cronies which are not tied to results. Further, any results from these positions can be achieved without new committees and positions but with hard work. With a view to reducing the amount of time wasted of the executive committee this motion will put an embargo of 4 years on the creation of any new positions, committees or structures within QYL. Motion: That there be a hiatus of four years from the date of the 2012 conference on the creation of any new positions, committees or structures within QYL. This could only be revoked before the period by a vote at conference of greater than 90% of members present.

‘A Equal Voice for Regional Queensland Young Labor Members’

Moved: Billy Colless

Seconded: Kayannie Denigan Preamble: Queensland Young Labor in 2012 has made leaps and bounds in supporting the voices of regional members and this deserves congratulations. However it is evident that more support and reform is needed to ensure that our regional members are given a voice that has weight and ensures that Young Labor means something to regional branches and our regional party units. The reality is that there will always be a tyranny of geography, which is inevitable, however with innovation and regional backing our geography can play to our strengths. The notion that “The QYL Executive believes the current structure of our organisation has not effectively enabled Young Labor members in Regional and North Queensland to engage in the broader Young Labor movement” shows that we need to ensure that Young Labor in the North and in Regional Queensland needs the ability to have a say over its own appointed representatives. Regional Network Convenors where designed to provide new opportunity for increased participation and activism in Regional and North Queensland however the very roles where created with limited consultation with regional and north Queensland – and as such there is more to be done to ensure that the Regional Network Convenors have the backing of our regional members. Furthermore, the Regional Network Convenors where appointed by the QYL executive which itself outlined it held concerns over its own structure to represent its regional its voice yet proceeded to appoint the above positions. The positions in themselves are an assumption that giving regional members a voice surrounds events rather than substance and an equal voice within QYL. Motion:

1. That the QYL members within their respective region directly elect the Regional Network Convenors – Rather than QYL executive appointing the convenors.

2. That the topic of regional inclusion be included in the any discussions that QYL holds regarding restructure and renewal and that the regional convenors are consulted in this process.

3. That the QYL Executive and QLY President in conjunction with regional members, hold regional QYL forums to set the definition of the roles for Network Convenors.

4. That the elected Regional Network Convenors be invited to sit on QYL Executive as ex-officio members so that they have a voice.

5. That Queensland Young Labor pursues rules changes which would give Regional Network Convenors voting rights at QYL executive.

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‘Fixed Four Year Terms’

Moved: James Stedman

Seconded: Siobhan Doogan Preamble: Fixed four year terms were first introduced in Australia as a result of a New South Wales referendum in 1995. A majority of states and territories now operate using fixed four year terms. Former Premier Anna Bligh has previously indicated that such a move would be beneficial for Queensland. Fixed terms are an effective means of removing the politicisation of election timing. Fixed terms would make it easier to stagger elections for different levels of government, reducing voter fatigue. Extending the period between elections to four years encourages longer-term perspective in policy development and allows Governments to deliver more comprehensive and effective reforms. In recent years, the Labor Party has found it difficult to prepare for several elections simultaneously or in close succession. This has resulted in many seats having inadequate pre-selection processes or alternatively, candidates being selected too late. Longer terms would also allow more time to prepare for elections. This would result in more democratic pre-selections and candidates having a longer period in which to campaign. Action: The new Queensland Young Labor President will write to Annastacia Palaszczuk communicating Young Labor’s endorsement of this proposal and encouraging the Opposition to raise this matter in parliament.

‘Increasing democratic participation in Queensland Young Labor’

Moved: Reece Pianta

Seconded: Billy Colless Preamble: Currently the capacity to vote in ballots for elected Queensland Young Labor (QYL) positions requires the eligible QYL member to attend the annual young Labor conference and collect and cast their ballot in person. Self-evidently, this places considerable restrictions on QYL members who are located in Regional or Remote areas from being able to participate in the selection of QYL office bearers. Further, for those QYL members who work on Saturdays this process presents a barrier to their democratic participation as ballots are taken on the day in a window that does not extend across the whole day. Given the current need for the party of focus on growth and rebuilding, any barriers to participation in the processes of the party, any processes that make people feel cut off from the party should be reviewed. Old practices that might have once strengthened our party, or in this case increased participation on conference day, need to be re-assessed in light of declining participation. A postal ballot system would enable people to participate in selection of QYL office bearers. Obviously the policy debate of QYL conference is vitally important and regional QYL members and those who work on Saturday’s should still be able to contribute to the conduct of policy debate at conference itself. Motion: That 2012 Queensland Young Labor conference calls on the State Conference of Queensland Labor to amend Party Rules to enable postal ballots to occur for Queensland Young Labor positions. Additionally, this conference calls on the incoming executive to facilitate a timely special distribution of conference motion forms to all members who apply to cast their ballots by post to invite participation in policy process from those who cannot attend on the day. To further facilitate policy debate amongst those who cannot attend conference day Young Labor conference requests that the executive arrange a discussion time in the week leading up to conference based on the motions book that will go to the conference. This discussion should take place via Skype, teleconference or some other means and the outcomes of the discussion minuted to be presented to conference by the QYL Secretary or Assistant Secretary.


Moved: Lucas Bird

Seconded: Preface: QYL recognises that in recent times membership has reduced and engagement with the party process is lagging. QYL accepts a level of responsibility in building momentum in the push for greater membership and engagement with the Labor Party. The objective of this motion is to supply incentive to new and disengaged members in the goal to rebuild and renew. Motion: In an effort to rebuild and renew, Queensland Young Labor supports the establishment of a ‘sign up a friend policy’ as is being trialled in NSW Labor currently. That members of the Qld Labor Branch will endeavour to build membership with the $10 sign up and first year membership fee for new members to the party. This fee would be $15 for non-financial members wishing to reconnect with Labor values.

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‘Primary based pre-selections’

Moved: Shane Jury

Seconded: Sam Catanzariti Preamble: The devastating electoral rout in Queensland has given us cause to consider necessary reforms to our party. This should include the methods by which candidates are pre-selected. All too often candidates are jettisoned into safe seats - not because they are talented, not because they have strong community appeal, but because of factional deals. This is inherently open to abuse. Candidates become beholden to the party machine, rather than the constituents they are intended to represent. In order to overcome these problems, and to ensure that strong, consensus based candidates are chosen to represent our great party, it is proposed that the Labor party introduce a system of public primaries whereby candidates are chosen by a vote of the local communities that they represent. Motion: That this QYL conference call on the Queensland Labor Party to introduce a system of public primaries whereby a number of potential candidates are endorsed by branches, with the ultimate candidate chosen by a vote of the local communities that they represent.

‘QLD Young Labor Organiser of the Year’

Moved: Lucas Bird

Seconded: Preface: QYL is an important part of the Young Labor experience, far beyond simply socialising and mock parliament. It is an important time of empowerment and self-recognition of ideals and beliefs. It is important that in this time of renewal in the Qld Labor Party, QYL takes a strong role in rebuilding and recruiting new and disengaged members to the party. Motion: That QYL seek funding for a prize for the purpose of an ‘in house’ competition to build membership in the Labor Party, run by the Qld Young Labor Executive. Over 3 months individual members of QYL will be supplied with Membership Application Forms to recruit new and un-financial members, in the ultimate goal to be listed as the “Qld Young Labor Organiser of the year” for which there will also be an item/cash award. Following the 2012 competition a review will be held by the executive as to the continuation of the recruitment drive annually.

‘Party Reform’

Moved: James Stedman

Seconded: Reece Pianta Preamble: It has become clear that Labor will suffer if it chooses to ignore new ideas. Not only are the public returning conservative administrations across the country, but long-time ALP members are leaving in droves. On the 24th of March, the Labor Party in Queensland was reduced to seven seats. A loss of this scale cannot simply be explained by the longevity of government. Labor needs to re-engage with the community, re-define how it selects candidates and re-assess its values. After the 2010 federal election campaign, Steve Bracks, John Faulkner and Bob Carr conducted a comprehensive review of the way the Labor Party operates. Unfortunately, many of these recommendations fell on deaf ears and were not adopted by the 2011 National ALP Conference. The recommendations of this review included online branches, a National Director of Organising, direct election of National Conference delegates, a centralised resource pool for branches and a complete restructuring of influence in the way candidates for elections are selected. The 2012 state election campaign review is a good opportunity for these ideas to be revisited and members are encouraged to make submissions to the review. If the Labor Party does not address its fundamental problems now, the task that future Labor Party members and supporters face will become too burdensome. Motion:

Queensland Young Labor will champion party reform as its number one priority.

QYL will hold dedicated events and forums throughout the year to decide upon the future direction of the party.

State Conference delegates elected from this conference will promote a pro-reform agenda within their respective caucus rooms to ensure that this issue is not neglected.

Queensland delegates to Australian Young Labor conference will take motions to their caucus rooms supporting party reform.

QYL will pressure the ALP to trial community pre-selections for non-held federal seats later this year.

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‘English Courses for Refugees and New Immigrants’

Moved: Kerrie Kahlon

Seconded: Coddie Gippel Preamble: As a democratic nation individuals are allowed to and should pride themselves on their ability to speak a variety of languages. Though the inability to articulate English through either vocal or written communication, in Australia (as a predominately English-Speaking Nation) places individuals in a vulnerable position. This vulnerability can arise through simple tasks; for example filing out job applications, reading a bill, accessing public transport timetables or even communicating health concerns to medical practitioners. Refugees form some of the most vulnerable people in society, and as new immigrants from non-English speaking backgrounds, should have access to free English courses. Such engagement would assist immigrants with essential communication, facilitating the daunting process of Australian integration. Courses should be offered through a direct approach, incorporating formal classes and practical based learning. Alternatively, telephone or computer based programs should be made accessible to rural and regional students. New immigrants currently have access to telephone translation services as part of the post settlement process. However, this is implemented through an ad hoc approach, with limited access to free English courses. Non-governmental organisations do offer courses, however these are usually small and underfunded. Motion: QYL calls on the Federal Immigration Minister to implement an extensive free English Language Course for refugees and new immigrants

‘A way forward for Ayslum Seekers’ Moved: Sam Catanzariti-Smith Seconded: Shane Jury Preamble: In the last decade Australia has had an increase in Asylum seekers arriving by boat, our current and previous Governments have taken a harsh stance on Asylum seekers and used notorious detention centres to detain them whilst their Visa applications are processed. Australia’s detention centres are almost full, with capacities of only 2000 people, the detention centres are costing tax payers more than $1 billion a year to upkeep (Australian Federal Budged 2012/13). The idea of mandatory detention contradicts the fact that 98% of Asylum applications are accepted (Australian Immigration Department, White Paper 2009). This creates a situation in which innocent human beings are waiting in detention centres for periods of over year, which is known to cause mental conditions on the people fleeing their homelands (Red Cross organisation), thus rendering them helpless in starting over again in Australia. Australia is a nation built on immigration, our reputation on the world stage is damaged from our inhumane treatment of Asylum seekers and therefore a more humane Asylum seeker program must be established. The federal government should end the politicisation of Asylum seeker arrivals once and for all, by establishing an agreement with private sector agencies such as the Red Cross Foundation in which Asylum seekers will be housed in communities and given basic education and knowledge to assist in finding employment in Australia. This program would see a reduction in Government spending as the expensive detention centres would be closed down, it would also contribute towards economic productivity as Asylum seekers would find employment and make a fresh start to their lives in Australia. This program is a viable alternative to our current Asylum seeker policy of mandatory detention and therefore should be endorsed as Government policy. Motion: That this QYL conference calls upon the Federal Government to abandon their Mandatory detention policy and establish a new program with private agencies such as Red cross, which will see Asylum seekers housed in communities and given basic education, hence bringing an end to the politicisation of humanitarian refugees.

‘Domestic Violence’

Moved: Kerrie Kahlon

Seconded: Louise Scarce Preamble: Domestic violence against both women and men is still a prevalent part of Australian society. Many victims of domestic violence feel shame and isolation. However there is nothing to be ashamed off and there is support for victims out there. The Federal and State Governments must continue to work on implementing the recommendations in the Time for Action: The National Council’s Plan for Australia to Reduce Violence against Women and their Children, 2009-2021 (http://www.fahcsia.gov.au/sa/women/pubs/violence/np_time_for_action/national_plan/Pages/default.aspx). Further strategies including early intervention, assessing penalties and empowering women and involving men in the process must be taken. Motion: QYL affirms its commitment to ending domestic violence, and urges the State and Federal governments to continue to implement the National Council's recommendations.

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‘Australian Well-Being Index’

Moved: Mitchell Watt

Seconded: Kerrie Kahlon Preamble: It has long been clear that GDP alone is insufficient as a measure of the well-being of people in society. The objective of a Well-Being Index is to quantify the quality of life of people, taking into account not only wealth and employment, but also standards of education, health, community engagement and culture (among other things). There are two approaches to measuring well-being: the objective approach (which measures well-being based on standard indicators) and the subjective approach (which uses the results of well-being surveys to create an aggregate measurement). Many current indices (produced overseas) integrate both approaches. While there are several organisations that publish something like a well-being index for Australia, the Australian Bureau of Statistics has not yet responded to calls to create such a measure. It is important for an official index to be produced as a tool for policy-making, and to ensure that a fair procedure for measuring well-being is agreed upon by a government body. Motion: That the Australian Bureau of Statistics should commission an annual report to measure the well-being of Australians, which can be used to inform policy-making and to make regional and temporal comparisons of well-being. ‘Multicultural Australia’

Moved: Kerrie Kahlon

Seconded: Karl Winchester Preamble: Multiculturalism has helped shape our nation. As a nation built of immigrants the majority of Australians pride themselves on the principles of freedom, acceptance, cultural respect and understanding to create nation unified through diversity. With the rise of the far right in Europe, in which open Neo-Nazi members have been elected in parliament it is important Australia reaffirms its commitment to a Multicultural nation. Motion: QYL reaffirms its commitment to multiculturalism.

Marriage Equality

Moved: Kerrie Kahlon

Seconded: Mitchell Watt

Preamble: Our current Labor lead Federal Government continues to discriminate on the grounds of sexual orientation and denies people the ability to marry someone they love. Marriage is not about religion it is about love and commitment. As a secular society marriages occur between different faiths or no-faiths. Further marriage provides legal entitlements, health and security benefits. The facts are clear 62% of Australian’s believe in same-sex marriage (Australian Marriage Equality, The Case for Same-Sex Marriage http://www.australianmarriageequality.com/wp/wpcontent/uploads/2010/10/[email protected]) and at the 2011 National Conference the Labor Party Platform changed to support marriage equality. Therefore it is important that the Labor Government listens to the voice of the people and its Labor base and change the current discriminatory marriage legislation. Motion: That QYL lobby the Federal Government to ensure that the current marriage legislation is amended to allow marriage equality.

‘17 Year Olds and the Youth Justice System’ Moved: Paddy Keys-Macpherson


Preamble: Queensland remains the only state in Australia that continues to treat 17 year olds as adults within the criminal justice system. This means that 17 year-olds are automatically charged as adults, do not receive the same assistance for rehabilitation and reintegration into the community and can and do end up in adult prisons. This occurred despite numerous reports raising concerns over the continued treatment of 17 year olds as adults rather than juveniles, including the 1997 Australian Law Reform Commission Report, the 2002/03 Annual Report of the President of the Children’s Court, both the 2006 and 2010 Anti-Discrimination Commission Queensland recommendations and the Commissioner for Children and Young People and Child Guardian. Platform: In accordance with the existing policy platform Queensland Young Labor does not support the policy of treating 17 year olds as adults within the Queensland criminal justice system.

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‘17 Year Olds and the Youth Justice System’ (Continued from the previous page) Queensland Young Labor believes that all young people under the age of 18 years should fall within the jurisdiction of the Youth Justice Act 1992 and have access to the Charter of Youth Justice Principles. Queensland Young Labor recognises that this current policy is in breach of Australia’s international human rights obligations under the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child. Action: Queensland Young Labor calls on the Queensland Labor Opposition to commit to a policy, in line with the Party Platform, of transitioning 17 year olds into the youth justice system. Queensland Young Labor will become part of the Youth Affairs Network of Queensland campaign to change this policy.

‘Australian Poet Laureate’

Moved: Mitchell Watt

Seconded: Oscar Schlamowitz Preamble: Australia has a proud tradition of poetry. From the days of Henry Lawson and Banjo Patterson to more contemporary poets like Les Murray and Kenneth Slessor, Australia has produced some celebrated poetry with a uniquely Australian spirit. Australian poetry has seen some difficult times over the last few decades, however, perhaps reaching the low point earlier this year with Gina Rinehart’s poem, Our Future, described in the Telegraph (UK) as the “universe’s worst poem” (http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/worldnews/australiaandthepacific/australia/9085842/Gina-Rinehart-pens-universes-worst-poem.html). New Zealand, Canada, the UK and the US all officially appoint poet laureates. While the idea of a poet laureate sounds old fashioned, the position has been used successfully overseas to introduce modern, relevant poetry to young people. Australia needs a similar position, to keep the art of poetry alive, by producing poetry for a contemporary Australian audience. Motion: That QYL write a letter to the Minister for the Arts, Regional Australia, Regional Development and Local Government, the Hon. Simon Crean, expressing the need for a poet laureate in Australia, mentioning in particular the way in which such a position could inspire young people to become involved with poetry.

‘Cybercrime Legislation Amendment Bill’ Moved: Mitchell Watt Seconded: Preamble: An inquiry into the proposed Cybercrime Legislation Amendment Bill has recently been completed in the House of Representatives Selection Committee. The proposed bill, among other things, establishes processes whereby foreign governments may demand the preservation and jurisdiction of internet and telecommunications usage data relating to online crime. The bill is intended to enable Australia to accede to the European Convention on Cybercrime. Numerous submissions, including those of Civil Liberties Australia and the Queensland Council for Civil Liberties expressed opposition to the bill. Problems concerning the imprecise definition of cybercrime and the lack of dual criminality provisions were commonly expressed by these submissions. Motion:

1. That QYL oppose the sections of the Cybercrime Legislation Amendment Bill that impinge on Australians’ civil liberties, namely those that allow for Australian citizens to be investigated by foreign governments for matters that are not currently criminal in Australia.

2. That QYL write a letter to the relevant minister expressing our concerns regarding the encroachment of civil liberties present in this bill.

‘Reaffirming Commitments to Respect and Reconciliation’

Moved: Aimee Ballangarry

Seconded: Kayannie Denigan Preamble:

QYL recognizes the Northern Territory Intervention for its failures and perceived successes

QYL acknowledges the importance of reconciliation and respect for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples and affirms these as objectives of the Labor movement


QYL recognizes the value of well thought out policy and a diverse consultative process endorses increased discussion with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities to attain policy outcomes

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QYL encourages the ALP to develop stronger relationships based on respect and consultation and to address policy needs and objectives through this lens

QYL requests that the Federal Party pay greater attention to communities when implementing policies in communities ‘Gay Panic Defence Motion’


Seconded: Preamble: In 2008 a man named Wayne Ruks was bashed to death next to Father Paul Kelly’s Gympie Church. Father Kelly, who initiated an internet petition campaign recalled, "The reason given for the bashing was that the man had allegedly made a homosexual advance to one of the assailants and that they lost all sense of proportion and beat him” and that "he later died of his injuries and had been left lying there all night." Legal counsel for the perpetrators alleged that the attack was in response to the victim touching the crotch of one of the perpetrators. This legal defence saw that the perpetrators were convicted only for manslaughter, thereby evading Queensland’s mandatory life sentence for murder. In January, former Queensland Labor Attorney General, Paul Lucas spoke of an intention to legislate to remove the “gay panic defence”: and that the then Queensland Government “does not believe that anyone should be able to use a claim of non-violent homosexual advance to reduce a conviction from murder to manslaughter.” Father Kelly has urged Campbell Newman to at least match Labor’s commitment. www.abc.net.au/news/2012-01-11/petition-calls-for-end-to-gay-panic-defence/3767446 Motion: Queensland Young Labor calls the Queensland Legislative Assembly to amend the Queensland Criminal Code to ensure that an unwanted homosexual advance will no longer suffice to reduce a conviction from murder to manslaughter.



Seconded: Preamble: Political discussion in Australia has been plagued by divisive and narrow-minded arguments surrounding asylum seekers for the last ten years. Unfortunately, the ALP has contributed to this through weak opposition to the Howard Government and recently by their actions in Government. The Rudd Government’s “tough but humane” approach resulted in a stand-off over the Oceanic Viking, the suspension of processing applications from Sri Lankan and Afghani asylum seekers and the re-opening of Curtin Detention Centre. The Gillard Government then re-assured voters that they had legitimate concerns and announced a policy to process irregular boat arrivals in East Timor. On the 15th of December 2010, up to fifty asylum seekers were killed off the coast of Christmas Island. Liberal politicians subsequently criticised the Government’s decision to pay for asylum seekers to attend their relatives’ funerals in Sydney and Perth. Platform: Queensland Young Labor has been encouraged by the federal Government’s recent statements regarding multiculturalism and their response to the comments of Scott Morrison and Cory Bernardi. QYL hopes that is a sign that the ALP will defend the actions of those seeking asylum and engages in a rational debate based on facts. QYL believes in the need for greater public education through factual commentary on the reasons why people seek asylum from persecution.

‘Refugees’ (continued from the previous page) Action: This Conference calls on the ALP to;

not forgo Australia’s international obligations in providing assistance to those seeking asylum;

cease the current practice of off shore processing and ensure that processing relating to health and identity checks occur in processing centres for a maximum of twenty-one days. After this period, those seeking asylum may live in the community while their claims are assessed.

oppose the policy of automatically suspending the processing of applications based on race, religion or country of origin

ensure that there is ongoing support for claimants that have been granted refugee status The Queensland Young Labor President will write to the Minister for Immigration and Citizenship, outlining the previous action points.

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The Legalisation of Marijuana

Moved: Sam Catanzariti-Smith

Seconded: Dylon Moyle Preamble: Since the Melbourne Gangland War in the 90s, Drug based crime and conflict has become a big issue in not only Australia, but every other nation in the world. Marijuana, which is currently criminalised for the possession, use and sale, can’t be controlled or monitored unless it is legalised. The ALP needs to take the bold move of legalising the sale of Marijuana, as well as the Consumption for Medicinal Purposes. If such a move were made, the sky high prices of this drug would plummet, as trusted chemists could sell the drug at a reasonable price. Furthermore standards could be set to regulate the production of the drug, which would reduce the concerns of the adverse health effects Marijuana causes. This move would break the business model of the drug lords that are making millions buy exploiting the criminality of this drug on the black market; hence we would see a fall in drug related crime levels. The only way for our Nation to win the war against illegal drugs is to legalise it, so it can be regulated and sold on a safer level than it is currently on the black market. Motion: That this QYL Conference calls upon the Federal Government to legalise the sale and consumption of marijuana for medicinal purposes, in order to reduce the crime and black market association with the product, as well as regulate the adverse health effects caused by marijuana.

‘Australian health care made harder’

Moved: Sam Catanzariti-Smith

Seconded: Dylon Moyle Preamble: With the reduction of the Medicare levy from the Federal Government this year, Australians on a combined income of $150,000 a year will no longer qualify for the private health insurance rebate (Australian Federal Budged 2012/13). This move has been subjected to criticism, the fact remains that Australians that earn a combined income of $150,000 a year should not have their access to health care made more difficult for them. This decision by the Federal Government is a reason why the ALP is vastly losing its support base, hard workers should be rewarded and therefore if they can afford private health insurance the rebate should be used as a further incentive to have private health insurance. Without the Private Health Insurance rebate, Australians will be forced to join the Public Health System, thereby putting more pressure on our Public Hospitals that already have long waiting lists (Australian Medical Association). Aussie battlers should not have their lives made difficult, therefore the Private Health Insurance rebate should be made more accessible to Australians. Motion: That this QYL conference calls on the Federal Government to repeal its reduction in the eligibility for the Private Health Insurance Rebate, to ensure Australian’s are given a fairer, easier health system.

Dental Care and Medicare

Moved: Kerrie Kahlon

Seconded: Rhianna Benjamin Preamble: Medicare does not cover dental examinations or treatment, except in specified Chronic Disease Management cases (Australian Government: Department of Human Services, 2012, What does Medicare cover? http://www.medicareaustralia.gov.au/public/claims/what-cover.jsp). However dental care can be too expensive for many Australians and they are unable to go for regular check-ups and receive treatment. Meaning some are left to suffer with painful gum disease, tooth decay, mouth ulcers, root canal problems, etc. Further there is research that suggests dental health care is linked to overall healthcare particularly diabetes and heart disease. As some research suggests that as gum disease is an infection which can contribute to higher blood glucose levels and therefore the progression of diabetes (National Diabetes Services Scheme and Diabetes Australia http://www.diabetesaustralia.com.au/en/NDSS-Content/Resources/Diabetes-Information-Sheets/Oral-Health-and-Diabetes/ and the American Diabetes Association http://www.diabetes.org/living-with-diabetes/treatment-and-care/oral-health-and-hygiene/diabetes-and-oral.html). As the mouth is the pathway the body some research suggests that chronic

gum disease can lead to a higher risk for a heart attack. This is due to the fact ‘bacteria from infected gum can dislodge, enter the bloodstream, attach to blood vessels and increase clot formation.’ (Delta Dental http://www.deltadentalins.com/oral_health/heart.html) Therefore clots can cause heart attacks or other heart problems. Motion: That QYL lobbies for the inclusion of Dental Care as part of Medicare.

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‘Dignified Death the Queensland Perspective’

Moved: Luke Moore

Seconded: Raul Madden Preamble: In 1995 the Northern Territory Legislative Assembly under the guidance of Country Liberal government passed the Rights of the Terminally Ill Act legalizing physician-assisted suicide in the Northern Territory. This act was the first of its kind in the world (Euthanasia – the Australian Law in an International Context Part 2 http://www.aph.gov.au/About_Parliament/Parliamentary_Departments/Parliamentary_Library/pubs/rp/RP9697/97rp4) and after legal challenges within the NT Supreme Court was found to be within the power of a parliament within Australia. Voluntary Euthanasia is complex issue, which captured the passions of the public, religious and ethical organisations and the then Howard Liberal government. In 1997 the Euthanasia Laws Act passed the Federal Parliament banning all territories of the commonwealth from passing legislation that permitted Voluntary Euthanasia.

Queensland Labor has a proud history of passing legislation that may not fit within the conventional ideals of members of the religious and other conservative communities. The issue of euthanasia within the Queensland context is not a discussion of slippery slope arguments, which demonize this issue as being one step away from mandatory euthanasia. The issue for the Queensland Labor party is to respect the wishes of terminally ill and rational adults and to discuss amongst ourselves the most appropriate system for voluntary euthanasia in Queensland.

It must be understood that the provisions of the common law allow for legislation of this type to be made and there is no right to life established in case law, legislation or within the constitution(Christopher John Wake and Djiniyini Gondarra v. NT of Aust and the Hon. Keith John Austin Asche AC QC NTR 1 majority of judges could not establish these right http://www.supremecourt.nt.gov.au/archive/doc/sentencing_remarks/0/96/0/NS000210.htm). Whilst legislation and practice is to prolong life there is a sore need for voluntary euthanasia. Queenslanders have the right to an advanced health directive to which allows them to refuse life saving surgery and doctors are known to use knowingly administer medication to alleviate pain which has the side effect of ending a patient’s life.

Euthanasia is an issue which requires legislation to ensure that innocent people are not harmed through assisted suicides gone wrong, botched attempts at suicide or legal trouble for importing suicide medication. Labor is the party which listens to the cries of those which need compassion and consideration, as a movement we should adopt a legal framework with appropriate checks and balances which permits citizens a dignified option at the end.

Motion: Queensland Young Labor recognizes the legislative framework in place in the Netherlands (http://www.nvve.nl/assets/nvve/english/EuthanasiaLaw.pdf) and the success of the Oregon Death with Dignity Act(http://public.health.oregon.gov/ProviderPartnerResources/EvaluationResearch/DeathwithDignityAct/Pages/ors.aspx) and requests that the Australian Labor Party investigates respectful and balanced legislation for the Queensland context. We recognize the need for this legislation to:

be made with heavy consultation with the Queensland community

be weighed with checks and balances similar to the Northern Territory legislation to ensure no abuse of the legislation

decriminalize physician assisted suicide when followed through with the legislative framework and remove criminal penalties for these actions

Queensland Young Labor encourages level and educated discussion concerning the euthanasia issue and asks for respect throughout the debate. Legislation of this nature requires a robust consolation process however Queensland Young Labor recognizes that in this day and age legislation of this kind required.

Queensland Young Labor directs Queensland Labor to engage with members of all political parties to work towards a bipartisan model to ensure the rights of Queenslanders are upheld.

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‘The National Disability Insurance Scheme’

Moved: Chris Rhodes

Seconded: Preamble: The National Disability Insurance Scheme ("NDIS") is needed in Australia because people who have both a significant and permanent disability deserve the care they so richly need regardless of the circumstances that they got the disability. The National Disability Transition Agency funded by the Australian Government will be set up to operate the delivery of care and support to those people with a disability. From mid-2013, the NDIS will be rolled out and trialled in 4 locations around Australia, with sites determined in consultation with the states and territories with around 10,000 people with a disability benefiting from this support. This will rise to cover over 20,000 by mid-2014(Chapter 3 (3.5), (3.7) www.pc.gov.au/projects/inquiry/disability-support/report). The Federal Labor government will achieve this despite Queensland under the Newman LNP Government backing away from its shared responsibility to disability support care. Motion: The incoming QYL Executive reiterate Queensland Young Labor's support of the Gillard Governments' National Disability Insurance Scheme to the Federal Minister for Disability Reform Jenny Macklin and to also send a letter of thanks to the Federal Treasurer Wayne Swan for committing $1 billion (Budget Paper no.2, Budget Measures 2012-13, pp.142). to the implementation of the NDIS over 4 years as announced in the 2012/13 Budget Australians with a disability deserve to benefit from this groundbreaking reform just like those people who benefited from Medicare under Mr Whitlam.

Pregnancy Advice for Women

Moved: Kerrie Kahlon

Seconded: Louise Scarce Preamble: When women have an unwanted pregnancy it can be a highly stressful and daunting experience. It is important that women can receive counselling and advice on abortion, adoption and parenting issues. Therefore medical practitioners should have access to a list of registered counselling services that can provide the above advice to women who have fallen pregnant unexpectedly. It is critical that registered counsellors or counselling services do not have any agenda (for example religious groups who would push an anti-abortion agenda). Motion: QYL calls on the Federal Minister for Women to implement a registered counselling service which medical practitioners can access and give to patients who are experiencing an unwanted pregnancy.

‘Naval Acquisitions’

Moved: Oscar Schlamowitz

Seconded: Ganesh Jegatheesan Preamble: The issue of Australia's naval defence acquisitions has been keenly debated in the Australian security community in recent years. As acknowledged in the Rudd Government's 2009 Defence White Paper, naval realities in the Asia-Pacific region are being dramatically recast. Rapid economic growth in Thailand, Indonesia, Vietnam, India, and China has precipitated significant increases in the naval capabilities of these states, and has reshaped the strategic parameters facing Australian security planners. With this in mind, Australia should be turning its naval acquisitions energies toward the procurement of at least 18 conventionally-powered, short to medium range submarines. To ensure an affordable and on schedule delivery, these vessels ought to be constructed by submarine manufacturers in either the USA, Germany, or Japan. The insistence on the domestic design of Australia's submarines will be inordinately costly and will leave Australia inadequately equipped for decades. Motion: That this QYL conference affirm its support for the idea of Australian naval acquisitions being focused upon the procurement of 18 conventionally-powered, short to medium range submarines to be constructed in either the USA, Germany, or Japan.

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‘Motion to restore the Queensland Legislative Council’

Moved: Kurt Hopkins

Seconded: Louise Ryan Preamble: Queensland is the only Australian state with no upper house. The Queensland Legislative Council was abolished in 1920 by a ‘suicide squad’ of Labor appointees who sought to end the chamber’s obstruction of the Labor government’s agenda. Though reasonable at the time because it membership were appointed and hostile to Labor, Queensland has long suffered because the Legislative Council was abolished rather than democratised and reformed. The lack of a proper house of review to counter the will of the majority allowed the excesses of the Bjelke-Petersen era. The wipe-out election of the Newman LNP government demonstrates that Labor’s reform of the committee system were inadequate to keep governments accountable. Labor currently does not even have enough MPs for committee work. Without a proper house of review Queensland will maintain its culture of elected dictatorships where the majority in the Legislative Assembly can pass anything it wants without any meaningful scrutiny. An upper house similar to the Senate would also allow meaningful participation of minor parties. Motion: Queensland Young Labor supports re-establishing an upper house in Queensland and shall move the following at the next Labor state conference:

The next Queensland Labor government shall re-establish the Legislative Council as the upper house of the Queensland Parliament. Queensland voters shall vote as a single electorate for its membership (about 20-40 members) using proportional representation. The Legislative Council term shall be the same as the Legislative Assembly.

‘Motion to change the Queensland flag’

Moved: Kurt Hopkins

Seconded: Louise Ryan Preamble: The Queensland flag was approved by the British Admiralty in 1876. Their preferred design was a blue naval ensign with a picture of Queen Victoria’s face. The current design depicting a Maltese cross with a crown is the result of a compromise when the Queensland government told London that the Queen’s face was too hard to reproduce. The current Queensland flag has no symbolic relevance to Queensland, then or now. It is not an inspiring civic symbol nor is it widely recognised by ordinary Queenslanders. The design was largely imposed by the British government in the 19th century. The only Australian flags designed without preconditions dictated by the British government belong to the Northern Territory and the ACT (designed in the late 20th century). They have more creativity and relevance to Australia than any of state flag. A possible alternative Queensland flag that emulates the ACT and NT designs can be seen here: http://bc.id.au/flags/qld.html Motion: Queensland Young Labor supports changing the Queensland flag. It shall move at the next QLP state conference, a motion to make it Labor policy for the next Queensland Labor government to organise a public competition to design a new flag to be an inspiring symbol of the modern Queensland, and to hold a plebiscite for Queenslanders to decide the new flag from a list of finalists.

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