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Your Active Lifestyle

Part 1- How much exercising do we need?

Part 4- Your active lifestyle program

Part 2- Do you really need a membership?

Part 3- Staying fit at your desk


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Trends in the US

2Part 1- How much exercising do we need?

* 64% of adults are overweight in the U.S. * Approximately 30% of adults are obese. * 17 % of children ages 6-18 are overweight. * Obesity is the second leading cause of unnecessary deaths. * Consumers spend $33 billion a year on the diet industry. * Every year, about 8 million Americans sign up for weight loss programs that offer a quick fix. (Source: Bill Byron, HealthTrust, New Hampshire) * 80% of the population will experience some form of back pain at some point during their lifetime

3Part 1- How much exercising do we need?

Let's define "Physical fitness"Source: US Government

Physical Fitness Skills

Physiological Health-Related Skill-Related Sports

Metabolic Body Composition Agility Team

Morphological Cardiovascular Fitness Balance Individual

Bone Integrity Flexibility Coordination Lifetime

Muscular Endurance Power

Muscle Strength Speed

Reaction Time

4Part 1- How much exercising do we need?

Benefits of physical activities:

* Helps people achieve and maintain a healthy weight* Reduces feelings of stress, anxiety & depression* Builds and maintains healthy bones, muscles & joints* Boosts energy level Improves quality of sleep

Physical ActivityReduces the risk of:

* Dying from heart disease or stroke* Developing high blood pressure, cholesterol & diabetes* Developing obesity* Developing osteoporosis – exercise builds strong bones & muscles

What we all need, everyday

5Part 1- How much exercising do we need?

* Minimum of 30 minutes* Moderate-intense physical activity* Most days of the week.

Recommendation by U.S. Surgeon General, CDCP, American College of Sports Medicine

Make sure that you consult your physician before starting any new exercise program, especially if you have been inactive or are recovering from surgery

Sound fitness principles

6Part 1- How much exercising do we need?

Progression: stress the body in increasing amounts from workout to workout.

Variety: once the body is repeatedly exposed to the same stress, it ceases to adapt to that stress.

Adaptation: this occurs when we combine appropriate work loads with appropriate recovery.

3- Active lifestyle

7Part 2- Do you really need a membership?

2- The fitness visitor

1- Inactive & sedentary

What is your lifestyle?

Active lifestyle

8Part 2- Do you really need a membership?

The fitness visitor

1- Inactive & sedentary

* Little to no physical activity* BMI typically above 30: obese or more,...

What is your lifestyle?

Active lifestyle

9Part 2- Do you really need a membership?

2- The fitness visitor

Inactive & sedentary

* Some visits to the gym: once a week or less, often irregular

* Fitness is seasonal or tied to vacation time

* Sedentary lifestyle: work, couch, more driving than walking, ...

* BMI typically above 25: overweight or obese

What is your lifestyle?

3- Active lifestyle

10Part 2- Do you really need a membership?

The fitness visitor

Inactive & sedentary

* Approximately 1 hour of day of physical exercise: walking, gardening, fitness, swimming, hiking, biking, ...* Fitness is an integrated part of your lifestyle: during work days, with your children, with your pets, ...* BMI typically below 25

In summary, what we all need, everyday

11Part 2- Do you really need a membership?

* You can get a good workout with very little equipment.

* Just be consistent in your work habits!

* Vary what you do from day to day

* Daily walks, rubber-band exercises

Get support from your manager

12Part 3- Staying fit at your desk

* Encourage your management to dedicate regular breaks to stretching or team game like soccer, basketball, ...* Ask employees to track their stretching sessions* Develop a buddy system so co-workers keep each other motivated* Give incentives for employee participation * Give incentives to team leaders or managers with the highest employee participation

Get organized, exercise


13Part 3- Staying fit at your desk

* When stretching, move just to the point of tension, stop, and hold that position* Stretching should not be painful—it should make you feel relaxed and refreshed* Keep good form for the best possible effect and to avoid potential injuries* Relax and continue breathing while you stretch* Set specific time(s) during the day for stretching, like 1pm and 5pm.* Add recurring appointments with alarm in your calendar.

14Part 3- Staying fit at your desk

Head tilt Chin tuck Shoulder pull

Back scratch Shoulder Back stretch

Hand press Side bendsQuad stretch

Indicative only: please consult a detailed guide or video to perform the movements correctly

Watch your posture !

15Part 3- Staying fit at your desk

A bad posture or repeated "bad backmovements" can lead to:

* a curved spine, or scoliosis* a "sway back" posture, or lumbar lordosis* Even worse, degenerated or herniated disks

Bottom-line: some risk factors for back problems are non-modifiable (family history or age), some are under our control: our posture, the lack of physical activity, bad movements

A good standing posture

16Part 3- Staying fit at your desk

* Head centered - chin level* Chest high - not strained* Shoulders down and back* Abdomen flat ("suck and tuck")* Knees straightand relaxed* Feet parallel andweight balanced

Start your new planby identifying your obstacles to fitness

17Part 4- Designing your active lifestyle program

* Is your schedule too busy for physical activity?

* The next next fitness center or pool is too far away?

* Your motivation lasts for a couple of months and fades away very quickly

* Any other obstacles in the way?

Physical Activity & Busy Adults, Dept. of Public Health Sciences, Clemson University

18Part 4- Designing your active lifestyle program

6 tips to personalize your fitness program,make it fit your strengths, your agenda and your wallet !


#1- How do you address the obstacles identified in the previous slide? Like lack of time => smaller segments throughout the week, no gym => go for an active lifestyle, motivation => can you join a group, team up with a friend#2- Throw out the "all or nothing" approach. Small daily regular exercises have more impact than irregular painful efforts.#3- Choose a physical activity you enjoy#4- Reserve time in your agenda. Every week. And turn your small exercises into daily habits: stretching, yoga, walking, gardening, running, swimming, ...#5- Mix up moderate and vigorous fitness#6- Explore a new activity every month: badminton, kayak,

Part 4- Designing your active lifestyle program

* wikipedia.com* Jacilyn Olson, FITTING FITNESS INTO A BUSY SCHEDULE, Instructor of Health and Human Performance,Certified Health Fitness Specialist* Benson, Herbert. The Relaxation Response.* Burns, David. The Feeling Good Handbook.* Carlson, Richard. Don’t Sweat the Small Stuff Workbook.* Emmett, Rita. The Procrastinator’s Handbook: Mastering the Art of Doing It Now.* Seaward, Brian. The Art of Calm: Relaxation Through the Five Senses.* Tubesing, Donald, & Tubesing, Nancy. Seeking Your Healthy Balance: A Do-it-yourself Guide to Whole Person Well-being.* http://skinnybulkup.com/six-fundamentals-of-fitness-training* http://www.fitness.gov* www.menshealth.com/mhlists/100-best-fitness-tips* www.webmd.com/fitness-exercise* www.self.com/about/fitness-tips* www.active.com/fitness.htm * http://www.healthpromotion.ie/* http://ec.europa.eu/health-eu/health_in_the_eu/prevention_and_promotion

Sources and References 20

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