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  • 7/28/2019 Your New Home/Su Casa Nueva


    NOW is the best timeto buy your new

    home in El Paso!

    Ahora es eltiempo para

    compraruna casa nuevaen El Paso!


    New Home BuyersGuide in English & Spanish

    Your New Home

    Su Casa Nueva

    El Paso Association of Builders

    Su gua completapara construir ycomprar una casanueva en El Paso

  • 7/28/2019 Your New Home/Su Casa Nueva


  • 7/28/2019 Your New Home/Su Casa Nueva


    I ExEcutivE OFFicERSGreg Bowlg, PresdeTropicana HomesDel H, ve PresdeCardel Design GroupFrak Arroyos, Sereary/treasrerCisco HomesEr Loweberg, Assoaes colEmser Tile & StoneKelly Soreso, iedae Pas PresdeVision ConsultantsRay Adao, Eee ve PresdeEl Paso Association of Builders

    I cOunciL/cOmmittEE cHAiRSAffordable Blders colBobby Bowling IVBld PAc El PasoRandy BowlingDeser Gree Bldg colJavier RuizGoere Affars colPat Woodsidsry ProoosKelly SorensonLad use colLinda TroncosoSal Masoud

    Adas Pro Am coeeDavid BogasYog Desger AwardJohn Chaneycode coeeKelly OLearyHoe ShowSam ShallenbergerReodelorsMiguel Herreramebershp DreMike SantamariaFae coeeKathy CarilloEdao coeeFrank Spencer

    I ADviSORY tO tHE BOARDJ. Crawford Kerr, Attorney, Firth, Johnson

    & Martinez

    I BOARD OF DiREctORSDanny Andrus, Trinity HomesJohn Arranda, Southwest Securities Bank, FSBJoe Bernal, Joe Bernal InsuranceDavid Bogas, EPT Land CommunitiesDoug Borrett, Karam Co.Sergio Cuartas, BIC HomesEdmundo Dena, Accent HomesTed Escobedo, Snappy PublishingArt Garcia, El Paso DoorJuanita Garcia, ICON Custom Home Builder,LLCDanny Gerard, Desert Agave Builders, LLCMiguel Herrera,Simply the Best Custom HomesLorraine Huit, Cardel Design GroupWalter Lujan, Dawco Home BuildersBruce Meyer, JDW InsuranceRobert Najera, Joseph HomesJose Ortiz, Foxworth-Galbraith Lumber

    Kathy Parry, Hunt CommunitiesBob Paschich, Oeste HomesKathy Rose, Builders SourceRegina Sanchez, Compass BankSam Shallenberger, Western WholesaleFrank Torres, GMF HomesJavier Veloz, Zia HomesPaul Zacour, Zacour & Associates

    I tAB StAtE DiREctORS ALtERnAtESDoug Borrett, Karam Co.Randy Bowling, Tropicana Homes

    I nAtiOnAL DiREctORSBobby Bowling IV.Demetrio Jimenez

    Your New Home/Su Casa Nuevais published annually for the El Paso Association of Builders by Snappy Publishing. All real estate advertising hsubject to the Federal Fair Housing Act, which makes it illegal to advertise any preference, limitation or discrimination based on race, color, relighandicap, familial status, or national origin, or intention to make any such preference, limitation or discrimination. Snappy Publishing assumes no sibility and shall have no liability whatsoever for errors, including without limitation, typographical errors or omissions in Your New Home/Su Casa

    Publisher reserves the right to edit or refuse any advertising submitted.

    2011 Snappy Publishing. All rights reserved. No part of any article or photograph contained in this magazine may be reproduced in any way without the written consent of PPublisher assumes no responsibility whatsoever for errors, including without limitation, typographical errors or omissions. Editorial or advertising content in Your New Home/S

    Nuevadoes not necessarily reflect the opinions of publisher or the El Paso Association of Builders and should not be considered an endorsement. Publisher assumes no responsthe products or services advertised in this magazine. Publisher reserves the right to edit or refuse any advertising or editorial submitted.

    2011 Volume

    in this issue:

    Why now is the time to buy a new house in El Paso

    Applying for a mortgage

    Mortgage Glossary

    Home buying terms

    En esta edicin:

    Ahora es el tiempo para comprar una casa nueva en El Paso

    Solicitando una hipoteca

    Glosario de hipotecas

    Trminos de Bienes Races

    Su Casa NuevaYour New Home

  • 7/28/2019 Your New Home/Su Casa Nueva


    by Ray Adauto

    translation by

    Ivan Torres

    While the traditional reason to buy ahome is to start creating long term wealththere are some factors that make buying ahome in El Paso an even better decision.First and foremost is the affordabilityfactor. El Paso offers new homes from the$80s to the $million or more. While thatseems to contradict affordability when youlook closer you understand it better.Traditional El Paso homes have offeredmore for less according to home buyers,especially those coming from other partsof the country.

    The median new home price in El Paso

    is around $130,000 for a homeapproximately 1600 square feet. Thatmeans that many of our homes are pricedbelow $100 per square foot, somethingthat is unheard of in many othercommunities. Why is this so and whatbenefits does that offer you? First andforemost is the willingness of the homebuilder industry to provide affordablehousing. That means that your new homewill have features that make it energyefficient, comfortable and affordable.

    Secondly the area has not seen the

    spike of speculation that has hauntedmany other locations, meaning that mostof our homeowners actually live in them.This brings stability to the neighborhoodsand communities around them. Its notunusual to see homeowners staying intheir homes longer than the nationalaverage of 5-7 years. When ahomeowner decides to move it opens upadditional opportunities for those buyerslooking for a more establishedneighborhood or an older home. Its thisflexibility in housing that makes El Pasounique among other cities.

    El Pasos standing as one of thenations safest cities also has some greatpoints. This attracts many people to livehere from areas that perhaps are achallenge to safety including peopledeciding to move here from south of theborder. Larger metropolitan areas arealso generally much more denselypopulated. El Pasos wide open spacesmeans that you have much more room tolive in, plan activities to and enjoy.

    El Paso is also the home to Fort Bliss,Texas, the premiere military post in the

    free world. Fort Bliss adds tens ofthousands of people to the populatioEl Paso. It also employs many of ourcitizens in the private as well as pubsector. Fort Bliss will continue to growunder the Base Realignment Act for foreseeable future. Studies indicate tEl Paso will grow to nearly 1,000,000people by 2025 or just beyond. Thosstudies also indicate that about 90,00new jobs will be created here in the ndecade. Combine those two statisticand you see that El Pasos future indlooks bright.

    Buying a new home in El Paso is awise decision and one you should taadvantage of now. As the city grows require more businesses to be growmore education needed and ideas ohow to manage the larger populationThese challenges are big but the focEl Pasoans is to be ready for that. Ba new home now guarantees you theopportunity to be a part of this great world we call home at an affordable



    Affordability, flexibility add value to El Pa

  • 7/28/2019 Your New Home/Su Casa Nueva


    Mientras que la razn ms comn paraomprar una casa sigue siendo crear un

    patrimonio a largo plazo, existen algunosactores que hacen que al comprar una casan El Paso sea una decisin aun mejor. En

    primer lugar est la accesibilidad en cuantoa precio. El Paso ofrece casas nuevasesde $80,000 hasta 1 milln o ms delares. Tal vez esto suene contradictorio,

    pero cuando esto se examinaetenidamente, se puede comprender mejor.

    Las casas tradicionales de El Paso ofrecenms por menos de acuerdo a losompradores, especialmente aquellos queienen de otras partes del pas.El precio promedio de una casa nueva en

    El Paso de aproximadamente 1,600 piesuadrados es de alrededor de $130,000.

    Esto significa que muchas de las casas

    enen precios por debajo de los $100 porpie cuadrado, algo que no es comn enmuchas otras comunidades. Por quucede esto y cuales son los beneficios paral comprador? Principalmente se debe a laisponibilidad de la industria constructora

    para proveer viviendas accesibles. Estosignifica que una casa

    nueva tendr

    caractersticas que la hagan ahorrar energa,y que sea cmoda y accesible. En segundolugar, el rea de El Paso no haexperimentado la especulacin que haatormentado a muchos otros lugares, lo cual

    significa que la mayoria de nuestros dueosde casas realmente las habitan. Estoproporciona estabilidad a las zonasresidenciales y comunidades que lasrodean. No es extrao que los dueospermanezcan en sus casas por ms tiempoque el tiempo promedio nacional, que es de5 a 7 aos. Cuando el dueo de una casadecide mudarse, se abren oportunidadesadicionales para aquellos compradores quebuscan una zona residencial mejorestablecida o una casa seminueva. Es estaflexibilidad en viviendas lo que hace que ElPaso sea una ciudad nica entre muchas

    otras ciudades.El lugar que ocupa El Paso como una de

    las ciudades ms seguras del pas tambintiene varias ventajas. Esto atrae a muchaspersonas a venir a vivir aqu de reas quequizs son inseguras, incluyendo a personasque se mudan a El Paso del otro lado de lafrontera. Asimismo, las reas metropolitanasgrandes tienden a tener una poblacin msdensa. Los amplios espacios de El Paso dancomo resultado ms lugar donde ustedpuede vivir, planear actividades ydisfrutarlas.

    El Paso tambin es el hogar de Fort Bliss,

    Texas, uno de los principales puestosmilitares del mundo. Fort Bliss agrega milesde personas a la poblacin de El Paso.Tambin proporciona empleo a muchos de

    nuestros residentes tanto en el sectorpblico como en el privado. Fort

    Bliss seguir creciendobajo el Acta de

    Reajuste deBases


    Realignment Act) en el futuro. Algunosestudios indican que el nmero dehabitantes de El Paso aumentar aaproximadamente 1 milln para el ao 2Estos estudios tambin indican que cerc

    90,000 nuevos empleos sern creados eprxima dcada. Al combinar ambasestadsticas, se puede apreciar que el fude El Paso en verdad se ve bastanteprometedor.

    El comprar una casa nueva en El Pasouna decisin sabia de la cual usted debetomar ventaja ahora mismo. A medida quciudad crezca, necesitar que ms negosean creados, as como ms educacin ideas de cmo organizar la crecientepoblacin. Estos retos son grandes, peroenfoque de los Paseos debe estar listopara ello. El comprar una casa nueva ah

    le garantiza a usted la oportunidad de separte de este nuevo mundo al que llamahogar a un precio accesible.

    La accesibilidad y flexibilidad agreganvalor a las viviendas de El Paso

  • 7/28/2019 Your New Home/Su Casa Nueva


  • 7/28/2019 Your New Home/Su Casa Nueva


    Lista de Artculos Para Solicitud dePrstamo HipotecarioDespus de escoger su casa, necesitar asegurar los fondos para hacer la

    compra. El lema de los boy-scouts, siempre listos, le ayudar con el proceso

    de solicitud de un crdito hipotecario. Usted necesitar proporcionar informa-cin detallada acerca de su situacin financiera. Asegrese de llevar consigo

    los siguientes documentos cuando solicite un crdito hipotecario, ya que elloagilizar el proceso.

    Contrato Descripcin Legal de la Propiedad Precio

    Informacin Personal Nmero de seguro social y licencia de-

    conducir de todas las personas inclu-idas en la solicitud

    Direcciones de domicilio de los ltimosdos aos

    Acta de divorcio y acuerdo desepa-racin, si estos fueran pertinentesa susituacin

    Ingresos Talones de cheque de nmina ms re-

    cientes Documentacin de cualquier tipo de in-

    gresos adicionales: bonos, comisiones Nombres, direcciones y nmeros tele-

    fnicos de todos sus patrones de losltimos dos aos

    Formularios de pago de impuestos W-

    2 de los ltimos dos aos

    Si usted es su propio patrn o trabajabajo,comisin, necesita copias de susdeclaraciones fiscales de los ltimos

    dos aos con todas sus programa-

    ciones y una declaracin actualizadade ganancias o prdidas del ao en

    curso. Lo anterior deber ser avaladopor la firma de un contador.

    Documentacin de pagos de pensin

    alimenticia o manutencin, en caso deque dichos ingresos fueran a ser

    Otros bienes races de los que ustedsea dueo

    Nombres, direcciones, nmeros tele-fnicos y nmeros de cuenta de todos

    las entidades de crdito hipotecario yarrendadores de los ltimos siete aos

    Copias de contratos de renta y de-claraciones fiscales de todas las

    propiedades de renta

    Evalo de las propiedades

    Lquido Activo(disponibilidad de dinero en efectivo) Nombres completos, direcciones,

    nmeros telefnicos y nmeros decuenta de todas las cuentas bancarias

    Copias de saldos de todas las cuentas

    bancarias de los ltimos tres meses Copias de todas las cuentas por cobrar

    Valor de otros bienes como: automvil,artculos del hogar y artculos de colec-

    cin Valor en efectivo de plizas de seguros

    de vida

    Derechos adquiridos en fondos dejubi-lacin como fondos IRA

    Deudas Nombres y nmeros de cuenta de

    todas las tarjetas de crdito, in-cluyendo el saldo y el pago mensual

    de cada una de las cuentas Nombres, direcciones, nmeros tele-

    fnicos y nmeros de cuenta de todas

    sus deudas a largo plazo, saldo aproxi-

    mado y la cantidad que usted pagamensualmente a cada cuenta

    Pagos por pensin alimenticia o manu-


    Nombres, direcciones, nmeros tele-fnicos y nmeros de cuenta de crdi-

    tos que hayan sido recientementesaldados, si stos fueron usados para

    establecer crdito

    The information in this article

    is provided in English on thenext page

  • 7/28/2019 Your New Home/Su Casa Nueva


    Whether you are buying your first

    home or a move-up house, the

    process of financing this important

    purchase can be the most

    intimidating part of the process.

    Understanding financial terminology

    and good preparation can take some

    of the sting out of the process.

    Most people look to their bank to

    borrow the funds for their mortgage.

    While this is a logical choice, it is

    important home buyers know there

    are other lenders available. Mortgage

    companies, savings and loan

    associations, credit unions, mortgage

    brokers and commercial banks all

    make home loans. Special assistance

    is available for people in low- to

    moderate-income levels. Many

    people who never dreamed they

    could own a home are pleasantly

    surprised to learn they qualify for help

    with down payments and credit

    counseling. Three organizations who

    provide this type of assistance have

    toll-free numbers: Consumer Credit

    Counseling Services, Housing

    Counseling Clearinghouse, and

    Fannie Mae.

    To begin your home buying

    process, you need to determine the

    price range you should explore. One

    of the most effective ways to

    determine your price range is by pre-

    qualifying. When you pre-qualify, your

    financial situation is reviewed to

    determine how much money you

    borrow. It does not mean you are

    approved for a loan, but you will

    a good idea about the price range

    homes you can buy. Your Realtor

    financial institution can help you p


    After you choose your home, y

    will need to secure the funds to m

    the purchase. The boy scout mot

    always be prepared, will help yo

    through the loan application proc

    You will be required to disclose

    detailed information about your

    financial situation. Having the

    following documents with you wh

    you apply for your mortgage will

    speed up the process.

    Home Mortgage Loan Tips:

    How to Simplify theProcess

  • 7/28/2019 Your New Home/Su Casa Nueva



    Legal description of the property


    Personal Information

    Social Security number and drivers

    license for all borrowers

    Home addresses for the last two years

    Divorce decree and separationagreement, if applicable


    Most recent pay stubs

    Documentation on any supplemental

    income: bonuses, commissions

    Names, addresses and phone numbers

    of all employers for the last two years

    W-2s for the last two years

    If self-employed or commissioned sales,

    copies of last two years tax returns with

    all schedules and year-to-date profit and

    loss for current year, signed by an

    accountantDocumentation of alimony or child

    support, if such income is to be

    considered for the loan

    Real Estate Owned

    Names, addresses, phone numbers and

    account numbers of all mortgage lenders

    and landlords for the last seven years

    Copies of leases and two years tax

    returns for any rental property

    Market value estimate

    Liquid Assets

    Complete names, addresses, phonenumbers and account numbers for all


    Copies of the last three months

    statements for all bank accounts

    Copies of any notes receivable

    Value of other assets (auto, household

    goods and collectibles)

    Cash value of life insurance policies

    Vested interest in retirement funds, IRAs


    Names and account numbers for all

    revolving charge cards; balance and

    current monthly payment amount foreach

    Names, addresses, phone numbers and

    account numbers for all installment debt;

    approximate balance and monthly

    payment for each

    Alimony or child support payments

    Names, addresses, phone numbers and

    account numbers of accounts recently

    paid off, if used to establish credit

    When you choose GECU for your home financing, youll

    unlock the power of an experienced and responsive

    mortgage loan staff that understands the needs of

    your family.

    At GECU, we can help you with:

    Conventional, FHA & VA loans Competitive rates

    Lower closing costs

    Fast approvals

    Helping you feel comfortable buying your new home is a

    key part of our service to you. Call us at 774.6081, orvisit our Home Buying Center at www.gecu-ep.org today.

    Loans subject to approval. Anyone living or working in El Paso County or in DoaAna County not more than 25 miles

    from our 1500 North Resler office is eligible for membership at GECU your Greater El Pasos Credit Union.

  • 7/28/2019 Your New Home/Su Casa Nueva



    Adjustable-rate loans, also kno

    asvariable-rate loans, usually offlower initial interest rate than fixe

    loans. The interest rate fluctuatethe life of the loan based on marconditions, but the loan agreeme

    generally sets maximum and mirates. When interest rates rise,

    generally so do your loan paymeand when interest ratesfall, your

    monthly payments maybe lower

    Annual percentage rate (APR)

    thecost of credit expressed as arate. The APR includes the inter

    points, broker fees, and certain o

    credit charges that the borrowerrequired to pay.

    Conventional loans are mortga

    loans other than those insured oguaranteed by a government ag

    such as the FHA (Federal HousiAdministration), the VA (Veteran

    Administration), or the RuralDevelopment Services(formerly as Farmers Home Administratio


    Escrow is the holding of moneydocuments by a neutral third par

    to closing. It can also be an accoheld by the lender(or servicer) inwhich a homeowner pays mone

    taxes and insurance.

    Fixed-rate loans generally haverepayment terms of 15, 20, or 30

    Both the interest rate and the mopayments (for principal and interstay thesame during the life of th

    loan.The interest rate is the costborrowing money expressed as

    percentage rate. Interest rates cchange because of market cond

    Loan origination fees are feescharged by the lender for pro-ce

    the loan and are often expressepercentage of the loan amount

  • 7/28/2019 Your New Home/Su Casa Nueva


    Lock-in refers to a written agreementguaranteeing a home buyer a specific

    interest rate on a home loan provided

    that the loan is closed within a certainperiod of time, such as 60 or 90 days.Often the agreement also specifiesthe number of points to be paid at


    A mortgage is a document signed bya borrower when a home loan ismade

    that gives the lender aright to takepossession of the property if theborrower fails topay off on the loan.

    Overages are the difference between

    the lowest available price and anyhigher price that the homebuyer

    agrees to pay for the loan.Loanofficers and brokers are often allowedto keep some or all of this difference

    as extra compensation.

    Points are fees paid to the lender forthe loan. One point equals 1 percent

    of the loan amount. Points are usually

    paid in cash at closing. In somecases, the money needed to paypoints can be borrowed, but doing sowill increase the loan amount and the

    total costs.

    Private mortgage insurance

    (PMI)protects the lender against a

    loss if a borrower defaults on the loan.It is usually required for loans in whichthe down payment is less than 20

    percent of the sales price or, in arefinancing, when the amount

    financed is greater than 80 percent ofthe appraised value.

    Thrift institution is a general term forsavings banks and savings and loan


    Transaction, settlement, or closing

    costs may include application fees;

    title examination, abstract of title, title

    insurance, and property survey fees;fees for preparing deeds, mortgages,and settlement documents; attorneysfees; recording fees; and notary,

    appraisal, and credit report fees.

    Under the Real Estate Settlement

    Procedures Act, the borrower

    receives a good faith estimate ofclosing costs at the time of applicationor within three days of application.

    The good faith estimate lists eachexpected cost either as an amount or


  • 7/28/2019 Your New Home/Su Casa Nueva


  • 7/28/2019 Your New Home/Su Casa Nueva


  • 7/28/2019 Your New Home/Su Casa Nueva


    ArrasCantidad de dinero que entrega laparte compradora al vendedor comogaranta de que comprar la viviendaen un plazo determinado. Si laoperacin llega a buen trmino, lasarras son consideradas como pago lacuenta.

    AvalistaPersona que interviene como garanteen un prstamo y que asume las

    responsabilidades de pago en caso deque el prestatario no haga frente a ladeuda o a sus intereses.

    Cdula de habitabilidadDocumento que debe recoger si lafinca elegida es la idnea para el usoque se pretende dar a la vivienda.Debe elaborarse antes de laocupacin de una vivienda de nuevaconstruccin. Es imprescindible parala obtencin de una hipoteca.

    Comisin aperturaImporte que se paga al formalizar unprstamo, en contraprestacin a losgastos administrativos, informticos yde gestin que conlleva su apertura.Se paga por una sola vez y suele serun porcentaje sobre el capitalprestado.

    Costos del registro de la propiedadSon los que se derivan de lainscripcin de la hipoteca en el

    Registro de la Propiedad.

    CuotaImporte a pagar, en el cual se englobacapital ms intereses.

    Escritura pblicaEs el contrato definitivo de compra-ventaque se firma ante Notario y atribuye la

    propiedad al comprador, que resulta

    propietario de lo comprado.

    Gastos de gestinSon los producidos por la tramitac

    gestin en Notaria, Registro de laPropiedad y Administracin de

    Hacienda. Son efectuados porprofesionales de la entidad que

    concede la hipoteca.

    Gastos de notariaComprenden los honorarios y gastdel notario.

    Gastos de registroSon los gastos generados alinscribirse la hipoteca en el Registde la Propiedad. Estos gastos ser

    por cuenta del prestatario. La baseimponible es la "responsabilidad

    hipotecaria" y tambin se aplica untarifa porcentual establecida

    legalmente sobre esta base. A estaaden los aranceles registrales

    Glosario de trminos

  • 7/28/2019 Your New Home/Su Casa Nueva


    devengados por el asiento depresentacin y las notas marginales.

    Inters de demoraInters adicional que se cobra sobrelas cuotas impagadas de un prstamo.Se calcula en funcin de los das de

    retraso en el pago, son pactados a

    priori por la entidad financiera y elcliente.

    Inters fijoEl tipo de inters nominal permaneceinvariable a lo largo de la vida del

    prstamo con independencia de lasvariaciones del mercado hipotecario.

    Permite asegurar que aunque varenlos tipos de inters, no cambiarn las

    condiciones de su prstamo, y pagarsiempre lo mismo.

    Inters variableSe fija en relacin con un ndice de

    referencia, que evoluciona al alza o ala baja segn las oscilaciones del

    mercado, al que se suma un margen odiferencial, establecindose unarevisin peridica de actualizacin del

    ndice. En esta modalidad, el tipo deinters se revisa semestralmente, de

    modo que la cuota mensual se ajusta alas tendencias del mercado. En este

    caso, el plazo de su prstamo semantendr siempre fijo, variando

    peridicamente las cuotas mensuales

    IVAEn el caso de viviendas de primeramano. Grava la venta cuando el que

    vende es un empresario. Es el 7% delvalor de la vivienda.

    NotaraEl notario da fe pblica de la escritura,

    es decir, certifica la operacin y podrser elegido libremente por el solicitante

    de entre los que operen en la plaza

    NotarioProfesional con capacidad legal paradar fe pblica de los actos en los que


    PeriodicidadEs la frecuencia con la que pagar las

    cuotas del prstamo; por lo que lerecomendamos que coincida con laperiodicidad de sus ingresos.

    Plazo de amortizacinEs el periodo establecido en el

    prstamo para su total devolucin.Debe tener en cuenta que el plazo

    ms adecuado para usted debe seraquel que le permita pagar las cuotascmodamente. Por tanto, la eleccin

    del plazo de amortizacin deber

    hacerla siempre en funcin de sucapacidad de reembolso.

    Prstamo hipotecarioEs una operacin financiera por la cualse permite acceder a la vivienda que

    usted desea pudiendo obtener unosimportes de financiacin superiores, a

    unos tipos de inters bastante msreducidos que los concedidos en otro

    tipo de prstamos en los que elinmueble no queda hipotecado comogaranta del pago de la operacin tal y

    como ocurre en este tipo deprstamos. Se formaliza en documento

    pblico y sus derechos se constituyencon la inscripcin en el Registro de la


    PrestatarioPersona titular de un prstamo, queasume todas las obligaciones y

    adquiere todos los derechos delcontrato que firma con la entidad

    financiera prestamista.

    Responsabilidad hipotecariaEs la suma de todos los conceptos queson garantizados mediante la hipoteca

    ( el capital prestado, los interesesnormales y los intereses de demora,

    costas judiciales, gastos, etc.). Sobreesta cantidad es sobre la que se

    calculan los gastos de formalizacin ycancelacin de una hipoteca.

    Seguro de incendios para viviendasSegn la legislacin actual, esobligatoria la contratacin de un

    Seguro contra Incendios sobre lavivienda objeto del prstamo. Por ello,en el momento de obtener su crdito

    hipotecario, se le facilita su Seguro deIncendios a la medida. As se

    encontrar cubierto en los supuestosde: incendio, rayo, explosin,

    desescombro, medidas adoptadas porla autoridad, riesgos extraordinarios ycatastrficos, etc.

    Service & Quality is our

    number one goal.

    Expert Granite

    Counter Installation


    Showroom and

    Fabrication Facility at

    307 N. San Marcial,

    El Paso, TX 79905,


  • 7/28/2019 Your New Home/Su Casa Nueva


  • 7/28/2019 Your New Home/Su Casa Nueva


    Its a great time to buy a newhome in El Paso.

    The El Paso Association of Builders has been a part of the incredible growth of El Paso forover sixty five years.

    During that time, the housing market has seen a lot of changes.

    But never before has there been a better time to buy a new home in El Paso.

    Our builders offer El Pasoans value, variety and a vested interest in our community.If you are considering buying a new home, the time is now.


  • 7/28/2019 Your New Home/Su Casa Nueva


    Adjustable-rate mortgage (ARM) -Hipotecacon tasa de inters ajustable (ARM, siglas en

    ingls)Affordable housing - Viviendas a preciosrazonables

    Agreement of sale -Acuerdo de ventaAnnual percentage rate (APR) - TasaPorcentual Anual (APR, siglas en ingls)Appraisal contingency - Contingencia deavaluoAssessed value - Valor calculadoAssumable mortgage -Hipoteca asumibleAssume a mortgage - Tomar una hipotecaAverage payment -Pago promedio

    Back-end ratio -Porcentaje por reembolsoanticipado

    Balloon loan -Prstamo reembolsable alvencimiento

    Biweekly-payment mortgage -Hipoteca conpagos quincenales

    Borrower -PrestatarioBuilding code regulations -Reglamentacionesde los cdigos de construccin

    Building inspection services -Servicios deinspeccin de construccin

    Buy down -Reduccin de la tasa de inters porpago adicional

    Buyer's agent -Agente del compradorBuying power -Poder de compra

    Capital gains deferment -Aplazamiento deganancias de capital

    Closing costs - Costos de cierreCommitment letter - Carta de compromisoCommunity Home Buyer's Program (CHBP) -

    Programa Comunitario para Compradores deVivienda (CHBP, siglas en ingls)

    Construction loan -Prstamo paraconstruccin

    Contingency clause of sale - Clusula decontingencia de ventaConventional mortgage loan -Prstamo

    hipotecario convencionalCounteroffer - ContraofertaCredit rating - Calificacin crediticia

    Current monthly expenses - Gastos mactuales

    Deed -Escritura de propiedad inmobiDefault -Incumplimiento en el pago

    Disclosure -DivulgacinDiscretionary expenses - Gastos discrDown payment -Pago inicialDue date -Fecha de vencimiento

    Earnings - GananciasEasement -ServidumbreEqual Credit Opportunity Act (ECOA)-Ley de Igualdad de Oportunidades de (ECOA, siglas en ingls)Equity - Capital en la propiedadEscrow companies - Compaas de de


    Expenses; Fees; Costs (can be used

    interchangeably) - Gastos; Honorarios(pueden utilizarse indistintamente)

    Fair Credit Reporting Act -Ley de EqInformes de Crdito

    Fair Housing Act -Ley de Equidad deFederal Housing Administration loan loan) -Prstamo de la Administracinde Vivienda (prstamo de FHA)

    FHA Title 1 loan -Prstamo Ttulo 1 d

    Government-insured loans -Prstamoasegurados por el gobiernoGraduated-payment mortgage (GPM)

    Hipoteca con pago graduado (GPM, sigingls)

    Gross income -Ingreso brutoGuide to Homeownership - Gua sobre

    Propiedad de Vivienda

    Home-buying power-Poder de comprvivienda

    Home equity line -Lnea de crdito socapital en la propiedad

    Home inspector-Inspector de viviendHomeowner's insurance -Seguro del


    home buyingkey words

    Terminoscomprar c

    6440 Escondido El Paso, TX 79912








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    Housing expenses - Gastos de viviendaHousing providers -Proveedores de viviendas

    ncome -Ingresosnitial interest rate - Tasa de inters inicialnstallment debt -Deuda de cuotansurance coverage - Cobertura de seguro (verambin cobertura)nsurance policy -Pliza de seguronterest rate - Tasa de intersnvestment property -Propiedad de inversin

    Land contract - Contrato de compraventa deerrenos

    Lease with purchase option -Alquiler conpcin a compra

    Legal resident -Residente legalLending institution -Institucin de prstamos


    Lifetime cap -Lmite mximo de intersdurante la vida til de un prstamo

    Limited equity cooperative - Cooperativa deatrimonio limitado

    Loan-to-value ratio (LTV) -Relacin prstamovalor (LTV, siglas en ingls)

    Lock-in rate-

    Tasa de inters asegurada

    Low- and moderate-income home buyers -Compradores de vivienda de ingresos bajos ymoderados

    Maintenance costs - Costos de mantenimientoMarket price -Precio de mercadoMaximum mortgage amount -Monto mximode hipoteca

    Minority neighborhoods - Vecindarios deersonas pertenecientes a las minoras

    Monthly mortgage payment -Pago mensualde una hipoteca

    Mortgage financing -Financiacin

    ipotecariaMortgage loan application -Solicitud de un

    rstamo hipotecarioMortgage loan; Mortgage; Loan -Prstamo

    ipotecario; Hipoteca; Prstamo

    Mortgage note -Pagar hipotecarioMortgage term -Plazo de una hipoteca

    Negotiation -NegociacinNeighborhood - ColoniaNonprofit organizations - Organizaciones sinines de lucro

    Notice of default -Aviso de incumplimienton el pago

    Offer- Oferta, PropuestaOngoing costs - Costos continuosOwner-PropietarioOwner-occupied -Propiedad ocupada por el

    ropietarioOwner financing -Financiacin del


    Payment cap - Tope de pago de hipotecaPayment schedule -Plan de pagosPrepayment; Prepaid -Pago anticipado;Pagado por anticipado

    Prequalification - Calificacin previaPrice range -Nivel de preciosPrimary mortgage market -Mercado

    hipotecario principal

    Principal and interest (P&I) - Capital einters (P&I, siglas en ingls)Principal residence -Residencia principalProcessing time -Duracin del proceso detrmite

    Property taxes -Impuestos a la propiedadPublic assistance funds -Fondos de

    Asistencia Pblica

    Purchase price -Precio de compra

    Qualifying ratios -Porcentajes de calificacinQuote - Cotizar

    Real estate attorney -Abogado de bienesraces

    Real estate taxes -Impuestos a los bienesraces

    Refinance -RefinanciarRepayment period -Perodo de pagoReplacement value - Valor de reemplazoRider- Clusula adicional

    Sales contract - Contrato de ventaSecond mortgage -Hipoteca secundariaSecurities - Ttulos; ValoresSettlement - CierreShort-term -A corto plazoSingle-family home (1 - 4 units) - Viviendaunifamiliar (1 - 4 unidades)Stable housing costs - Gastos estables de

    viviendaSurvey of property -Estudio de la propiedad

    Tax -ImpuestosTenancy -Arrendamiento


    TtuloTitle search -Bsqueda de ttulos de


    Transfer- TransferenciaTruth-In-Lending Statement -Declaracin de

    veracidad en un prstamoTwo Step mortgage -Hipoteca en Dos Pasos

    Underwriting ratios -Porcentajes decalificacin usados al evaluar una solicitud de


    Underwriting; Mortgage underwriting -Proceso de evaluacin de la solicitud de un

    prstamo hipotecario; Avales hipotecariosUpfront costs - Costos inicialesUpkeep expenses - Gastos de mantenimientode la propiedad

    Valuation - ValuacionVeterans Administration loan (VA loan) -Administracin de Temas Relacionados con

    Veteranos (prstamo VA)

    W-2 Forms -Formularios W-2Waiver-ExencinWarranty - Garanta

  • 7/28/2019 Your New Home/Su Casa Nueva


    Beneficios impositivos. Si ustedconstruye, puede deducir los interesesy los puntos sobre los prstamos parael terreno y la construccin, as como

    cualquier impuesto predial que seapagadero.

    Financiamiento Flexible. Algunosbancos ofrecen opciones definanciamiento que le permiten incluirsu prstamo de construccin a una

    hipoteca tradicional, potencialmenteeliminando la necesidad de un cierre

    aparte y sus costos asociados.

    Eficiencia energtica. Una de lasmayores ventajas de construir una casaes que usted tiene control sobre el uso

    de las prcticas y los productos quepueden ahorrarle cientos de dlares en

    servicios pblicos cada ao.

    Escogiendo a sus vecinos. Unvecindario nuevo no ha tenido tiempo

    de convertirse en ampliamente diverso.

    As que si usted desea un vecincon bastantes nios, usted puedconstruir en un vecindario que sen nios.

    Ms espacio de estar y de clconstruir le da la opcin de comlote ms pequeo y construir un

    apegada a los lmites. As puedemaximizar su espacio para esta

    Seguridad. Las casas nuevasgeneral son ms seguras, ya qu

    alarmas de humo, aspersoresresidenciales contra incendios, a

    de monxido de carbono, y ventescape de fuego.

    Amenidades. Los nuevos vecfrecuentemente ofrecen amenid

    que los vecindarios ms antiguopodran no tener, como piscinas

    caminos para bicicletas, clubes de picnic.

    Beneficios de Comprar Viviend

    Las Ventajas de ConstruirCuando usted construye una casa nueva, usted no necesita ce

    cuanto al color de la pared o su seleccin de piso usted oexactamente lo que quiere. He aqu algunos de los benadicionales de construir:

  • 7/28/2019 Your New Home/Su Casa Nueva


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    1. Everything is new. When youdecide to build a home you know forsure that everything, inside and out, is

    going to be brand new. This is veryimportant to many people especiallythose who worry about being

    scammed. Sure, your builder maymake a mistake but in the long run you

    have a much better chance of getting ahome that is in tip-top shape.

    2. You choose the design. What doyou want your home to look like?

    When you build you can answer thisquestion along with the help of your

    builder. No matter what look you aregoing for, if you have enough money

    you can get it. Choosing the design ofyour home is one of the biggestbenefits of building.

    3. Choose the features, inside andout. The design is one thing, but youalso get to choose the features that go

    into making your home special. Thisincludes everything from the exteriormaterial to the flooring to the paint

    colors and much more. If you want aparticular feature you can get it, as

    long as you communicate with thebuilder.

    4. You choose the lot. There is moreto building a home than the actualstructure. When you build you also get

    to choose the lot. This allows you toget the best location, the best land foryou and your family, etc. It may be

    harder today to find the perfect lot, butif you keep an open mind you will

    definitely find something that you arehappy with.

    5. You are the first one in. Thismeans that you can take proper care

    of your home from the word go. Tomany, it is very important that they are

    the only one to have ever lived in thehome. The only way to get this is to

    have your home built from the groundup to your exact specifications. If youwant to be the first one in, build your

    home and then care for it the best wayyou know how.

    These five benefits of building should

    be taken into consideration whenmaking a final housing decision.

    There are many benefits of building a new home. If you are trying todecide between building and buying, you need to list out the pros and

    cons of both. Once you realize that building a home is beneficial inmany ways, there is a good chance that you will begin to consider thisas you move forward. Here are five benefits that you must take intoconsideration:

  • 7/28/2019 Your New Home/Su Casa Nueva














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