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Your Purpose Driven Life?How To Go From Surviving To Thriving With

These 3 Essential WorkLife Balance Tips

Lets do some Housekeeping

Shut off any and all distractions like Facebook and email, take this

time to invest in yourself.

Who this is for

– If you’ve ever been afraid to start your own business – If you’ve ever lived in fear of losing everything – If you have ever felt anxious, unhappy, or depressed

then this for you – If you’re tired of not having enough time in your

daily life – If you have trouble staying on task or keeping your

calendar up to date – If you’ve ever struggled with maintaining a healthy

daily regimen then this is for you

This training is for you…

– if you are an Professional, Start-up, or an Entrepreneur, and you want more ease, relaxation, and stability in your life

– if you want to stop living in fear of taking the wrong step or having a lack of confidence then this is for you

You will learn:

• what is Surviving and Thriving and how it effects all areas of your life (and even keeps you living in fear of losing everything).

• how to lay the foundation for more success in your life(so you can start feeling more confident, relieve anxiety, and start making more money).

• the 3 blindspots that most us avoid keeping us overwhelmed, underpaid, and unconsciously playing it safe

• Learn that life purpose is not reaching an end result, but living in the now.

• Discover that having a sense of purpose in life may help you live longer now matter what your age.

You Will Also Learn:

• How some of you will have the opportunity to dive deeper with me…

What’s Your Purpose in Life?

• Imagine how you would feel if you could relax and trust the universe.

What’s Your Purpose?

• Imagine how you would feel if you could let go of your fear of failure, limiting beliefs about money, and stubbornness.

What’s Your Purpose?

• What if you could find a second career or start a business that would allow you the freedom to travel and enjoy life the way you always wanted.

What’s Your Purpose?

• What if you could start spending more time with your children/family without the fear of losing everything.

What’s Your Purpose?

• Imagine how you would feel if you could let go of your inner critic, quit playing it safe, and start trusting that you no longer have to do this alone.


-Spent My Life Working Forestry Jobs for $15 Dollars an hour -No real plan, just living payday to payday -I was on a self destructive path, smoking and drinking -I would isolate myself not wanting to face my reality -I was living in depression all the time to the point of barely being able to crawl out of bed -Really just unhappy with the life I had created


-Then in 2012 Someone really close to me passed away(mother figure) -That was the moment my life changed -I Mean I literally changed everything, quit smoking after 20 years(wow) -I stopped drinking and got a gym membership -I told myself that I was no longer just going to blindly go through life harming myself and those that I care about the most -Started facing my FEARS -I started training as a dancer and have been in a couple of dance performances -I changed the way I think, talk, and act, living life with purpose and clarity


-Was introduced to a group of awesome human beings that showed me a better way -Today I am doing the inner work and letting go of the resentments and regrets -I am running my own business and also partner with another healer -I have more time for my son/family -Can let go of having to be in control and know that everything will be as it is supposed to -Now attend as many trainings and events as I can to be in service of others, and really put myself out there.

Did You Know…

Feeling that you have a sense of purpose in life may help you live longer, no matter what your age, according to research published in (Psychological Science).

“Our findings point to the fact that finding a direction for life, and setting overarching goals for what you want to achieve can help you actually live longer, regardless of when you find your purpose.”

Clarity = Definable Goals

Hazy purpose or no purpose → Hazy, random goals → Hazy, random action plans → Hazy, random daily actions or constantly busy with others’ agendas or

Clear purpose → Clear long-term goals → Clear short-term goals → Clear action plans → Clear daily actions ✓


What’s Your Purpose?

(Surveylum) Did a survey of 1400 people of all ages about the purpose of life.

What’s Your Purpose?

The reality is that nobody achieves success or realizes their life purpose by themselves. It's a process that requires and demands a team of mentors providing guidance. (Entrepreneur Magazine)

You Might be Thinking…

life purpose is a calling in life or for a special class of person.

• Purpose is not about a title, it is more about the way in which you choose to live.

• It’s not a job description or task in life. • It’s making a commitment to the way we think, speak,

and interact.

You Might be Thinking…

Life Purpose is religious or requires sacrifice.

• Purpose is certainly not exclusive to religion, it’s more about living a life which makes a positive contribution to society.

• Purpose is about awareness and making a commitment to yourself.

• The only sacrifice is letting go of the things in life which you no longer need.

The Biggest Mistake I See…

• Lack of clarity, without it you’re all over the place.

The Biggest Mistake I See…

• Lack of clarity, without it you’re all over the place.

Purpose helps you to determine which tasks/activities you need to get done and which you have to let go of.

What’s Your Purpose?

The 3 reasons why your “ego” is controlling your life & what to do about


Tip #1

Defensiveness- When someone questions you, puts you on the spot, or touches on a core issue we unknowingly become defensive.

Tip #1

Defensiveness- When someone questions you, puts you on the spot, or touches on a core issue we unknowingly become defensive.

This is your Ego.

Tip #1

When You are defending you are in reaction, Which comes from pain,

fear of loss, or a lack of self worth.

Tip #2

Attachments- We are attached to outcomes and expectations

Tip #2

Attachments- We are attached to outcomes and expectations

When we can live in “detachment” we can learn to make choices instead of decisions

Tip #2

Decision- A reaction based out of fear or urgency Choice-Is made from the heart

Tip #3

Attention- Where are attention goes is where our mind is at. When someone or something is interesting or important.

Tip #3

Attention- Where are attention goes is where our mind is at. When someone or something is interesting or important.

Live with intention instead of attention

Tip #3

Intention- Ask and you will receive. Is your attention focused on things outside of yourself or are you coming from a place within where you can intend for something or someone to appear in your life.

I would like to take this moment…

…and have everyone slow down for a minute and take a deep


What’s Your Purpose?

Imagine if you could start manifesting what you want just by shifting your mind set.

What’s Your Purpose?

Imagine if you could if travel at the drop of a hat because you no longer let fear stand in your way

What’s Your Purpose?

How would it feel if you could start attracting more clients or customers

What’s Your Purpose?

What if you could learn to trust in yourself, release all those negative beliefs, and start living a freedom filled life.

You Have 3 Choices:

• 1. You do nothing and continue to struggle by not having this sorted out.

• 2. You can try to do it on your own. • 3. You can allow me to walk along side of

you to fast track.

What’s Your Purpose?

• How many of you know you are going to need some help with this?

SURVIVING vs THRIVINGThe Difference Between Not Right Now and A

Life Changing Experience

Surviving vs Thriving

Surviving vs Thriving- when you live your life in a place of chaos or in lack of self worth you will do crazy and out of control things.

Surviving vs Thriving

Is a 12 week Program designed to help you with

• Clarify your vision thru intention

• Applying the 90/10 rule (90% of success comes from the inner


• Forming a game plan and follow thru

• Making choices based on resolution

Inside This Program You’ll Discover

The 7 unique gifts that we all bring to world to share with others

Inside This Program You’ll Discover

The 7 unique gifts that we all bring to world to share with others The methodology we use to uncover your life purpose

Inside This Program You’ll Discover

The 7 unique gifts that we all bring to world to share with others The methodology we use to uncover your life purpose You’ll learn how to combine the gifts and your life purpose together

Inside This Program You’ll Discover

The 7 unique gifts that we all bring to world to share with others The methodology we use to uncover your life purpose You’ll learn how to combine the gifts and your life purpose together How together these are some of the most powerful tools for transformation

Inside This Program You’ll also Discover

The top 5 blocks that keep you stuck

Inside This Program You’ll also Discover

The top 5 blocks that keep you stuck A deep dive into the surviving vs thriving concept

Inside This Program You’ll also Discover

The top 5 blocks that keep you stuck A deep dive into the surviving vs thriving concept The reason,importance, and advantages of new daily practices

Inside This Program You’ll also Discover

The top 5 blocks that keep you stuck A deep dive into the surviving vs thriving concept The reason,importance, and advantages of new daily practices How to get crystal clear about your direction(vision)

To thrive is to live fully in the moment without being attached to outcome. “Knowing my divine gifts, has refined my ability to thrive, since it has brought me more awareness, and I recognize easier when I am out of integrity with myself and in survival thinking. When I am living in my heart, in flow, listening deeply, feeling love, embracing fear, enjoying my mind as my servant. I am fully experiencing my life. I have the ability to feel a deep inner peace no matter what external circumstances show up. And to me this is freedom." Warmly, Love Lottie Grant Cooper.

Surviving vs Thriving

• If you are someone who… • Would like to commit to a healthier lifestyle • Wants to start/grow a business or change

careers without the fear of losing everything

• Wants live in the flow and rhythm of life • Is ready to live from the heart and get


Do You Want Me To Teach You How To Implement This Step By Step?

If your answer is YES, I would like to invite you to apply to talk to me where I can give you a FREE plan on how to get this working for you.

I’m Opening Up Limited Spots THIS WEEK To Hop On A Complimentary Discovery

Session With Me Directly

Here’s How This Is Going To Work:

• We’ll hop on the phone and I’ll find out more about you and how I can help you.

• I’ll help you identify the fastest way to make this all happen and the order in which to do it in.

Complimentary Strategy Session:

• At the end of the call, one of two things will happen. We will either decide that we’re a fit to work together and I will invite you to join my program.

• This means I would personally help you to implement everything.

• If we are not a fit that is ok too as I have others applying to work with me and I only want to work with those I can truly help to fast track their results.


• Either way the call will leave you with greater CLARITY and a plan of your next steps.

Who I Can Help

• Before we go any further to qualify for a FREE Strategy Session you must be:

• An action taker, open, and coachable. • You are ready to make a change and you

want the fast track. • You must be financially capable and someone

who sees the value in investing in yourself. • You must be ready to get started NOW!

Here’s How This Is Going To Work

• All you need to do apply is go to: http://bit.ly/lifepupose to book in a time to claim your spot.

• I only have 11 spots available this week please do not hesitate getting in ASAP.

Here’s How This Is Going To Work

• You will receive a questionnaire where we will ask you a few simple questions about yourself and what you’re looking to do.

• Please complete the form carefully and don’t use one word answers please.

I invite you to take advantage of this special opportunity today.

I Look Forward To Connecting With You!

• My team and I will be in touch for your next steps.

• Thank you so much for joining us today. • http://bit.ly/lifepupose

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