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Page 1: Your Work is Distinctive, What about Your Name?

orcid.org Contact Info: p. +1-301-922-9062 a. 10411 Motor City Drive, Suite 750, Bethesda, MD 20817 USA

Your Work is Distinctive, What About Your Name? HKU ORCID Workshop, Hong Kong, 27 October 2014

Laurel L. Haak, PhD Executive Director, ORCID

[email protected] http://orcid.org/0000-0001-5109-3700

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Digital scholarly communications requires information that is machine readable


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What do PIDs do, exactly?

①  Enable machine readability ②  Disambiguate and enforce uniqueness ③  Enable linking and data integration

Persistent identifiers provide a

simple basis for digital data governance

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Authoring workflow

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Manuscript Submission

Manuscript Acceptance

Published Article

…where do identifiers fit in?

Publishing a research paper

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Authoring with IDs

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Manuscript Submission

Manuscript Acceptance

Published Article

ORCID iD? Contributor type? Dataset? Organization iD? Funder ID? Grant ID? Co-Author information

Selection and acknowledgement of reviewers

Article metadata submitted to CrossRef (including all identifiers)

Update ORCID record Update institutional repositories (via ORCID) Open Access

Research activity

•  Grant •  Dataset •  Meeting •  Presentation •  Collaboration •  ETC.

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Name ambiguity is a problem

•  Different versions (full name vs. initials) •  Shared names •  Transliteration

“Estimates by China's Ministry of Public Security suggest that more than 1.1 billion people — around 85% of China's population — share just 129 surnames. Problems with abbreviations, ordering of given names and surnames and inconsistent journal practices heighten the confusion.” http://www.nature.com/news/2008/080213/full/451766a.html

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Name ambiguity is a problem

•  Accents and other ALT characters •  Name changes •  Multiple family names

J. Å. S. Sørensen

J. Aa. S. Sørensen

J. Åge S. Sørensen

J. Aage S. Sørensen

J. Åge Smærup Sørensen

J. Aage Smaerup Sørensen

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Higher Education

and Employers

Professional Associations

Other person



ORCID is a hub

ISNI Researcher ID Scopus Author ID Internal identifiers

FundRefID GrantID

ISNI Ringgold ID

Member ID Abstract ID



ORCID enables machine-readable connections between iD and: •  works •  organizations •  other IDs

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ORCID is a registry

•  Free, non-proprietary registry of persistent unique public identifiers for researchers

•  Community-led initiative supported by member fees

•  Open data and software

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Adoption by researchers

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ORCID is on track to reach 1 million issued iDs in October 2014.












Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May June July Aug Sept

Member created

Direct via orcid.org

Via member integration

2012 2013 2014

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Integration in research systems

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EMEA 35%

Americas 50%

AsiaPac 15%

Over 160 members, from every region and sector of the international research


Publishing 25%

Universities & Research Orgs


Funders 7%

Associations 12%

Repositories & Profile Sys


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Use is International

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•  Usage is international; 54 countries with over 10,000 users; 100 with at least 1000 users. Hong Kong is among the top 30 countries and territories, and China is in the top 5.

•  ORCID Website is available in several languages; Japanese, Russian, and Portuguese coming soon

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Connecting an ORCID iD

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The authenticated iD becomes a part of the paper

The author can pre-populate form fields: preferred name, affiliation, funding

Upon publication, the iD is indexed by CrossRef, Scopus, Web of Science, and other services.

Information flows to ORCID and linked platforms

Journals are asking authors for their ORCID iD at time of manuscript submission.

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Identifiers are being embedded in articles

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•  Over 130,000 articles have been submitted to CrossRef with an associated ORCID iD

•  These will start to flow into the ORCID registry before the end of the year

•  Researchers who use their ORCID iD when they publish will not need to manually update their record

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Publishers can make using an identifier easy for researchers by:

•  Collecting identifiers during submission and review (using authenticated login, not typing!) AND autofilling forms

•  Publishing identifiers in reviews, meetings, and manuscripts

•  Updating author and reviewer ORCID records

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Publishers can help

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v How can researchers be reliably connected to their contributions?

v Can we expand our view of what is considered a contribution?

v How do we track research activities across a career? Databases? Organizations?

v How can we measure the impact of a training program? Funding program? Department? Project?

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We all have questions:

Beyond Publishing

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•  Publishers •  Research Funders •  Professional Associations •  Universities and Research Organizations •  Repositories and Research Information Systems •  Research Metrics Providers

The entire research community is engaging with ORCID

For a list of organizations and integrations see http://orcid.org/organizations/integrators

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University Integration

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How are Universities Integrating?


For more on university integrators see http://orcid.org/organizations/researchorganizations

•  Get an ORCID iD and insert it in LDAP system, CRIS, dissertation thesis, or personnel directory

•  Get Data from an ORCID Record and export into a CRIS or update a repository

•  Enable exchange of information between CRIS and ORCID

•  Link to local person identifiers •  Create an iD for faculty, staff, and students and

pre-populate with affiliation and works information

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Funderß àORCID Options

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•  Push validated award information (Grant#, FunderID) to ORCID

•  Push validated review acknowledgement to ORCID

•  Pull publications, datasets, and other works from ORCID record

•  Get applicant ORCID iD, attach to application and store in Grant database

•  Get reviewer ORCID iD

•  Capture information from ORCID record (name, bio, affiliation, publications)


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Repoß àORCID Options

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•  PUSH validated dataset information (DOI) to ORCID

•  RECEIVE notification from ORCID call-back API

•  GET publications, datasets, and other works from ORCID record

•  GET researcher ORCID iD, attach to dataset and/or local researcher profile

•  GET information from ORCID record (name, bio, affiliation, publications)

•  REQUEST permission to write to ORCID record and read limited data

•  PUSH validated organization identifier information into ORCID


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Repositories: DSpace


The DSpace 5 core supports ORCID. DSpace will release patches for versions 3 and 4. Supported ORCID functionality:

•  ORCID lookup during manual submission of new publications

•  ORCID lookup for edit operations on already accepted/published items in DSpace

•  Batch adding of ORCID metadata using the DSpace metadata CSV upload facilities.

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National Approach

Some countries are taking a national approach to ORCID integration, with universities, the national library, and funders coordinating efforts to develop a national CRIS/IR fed by data from ORCID: •  Denmark: launched September 2014 •  Portugal: launched November 2013 •  Sweden: National recommendation 2013 •  UK: Jisc / ARMA Pilot Project

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①  Integrate data fields for persistent identifiers for people, places, and things into your systems

②  Collect persistent identifiers during transactions (using authenticated login, not typing!) AND use APIs to help autofill forms

③  Incorporate identifiers into published metadata

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Adoption “To-Do” List

Integrators Researchers ①  Register for an


②  Use it when submitting papers, applying for grants, depositing datasets, etc.

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•  Take 30 seconds to register at http://orcid.org/register

•  Free to researchers

•  Individual owns the record and controls privacy settings

•  Works on laptops, tablets, and phones

•  Available in multiple languages

Register for your

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Distinguish yourself

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Getting started Use free tools to connect your ORCID identifier to your name variations, affiliations, and your existing works and funding

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Link to existing works


Connect your ORCID iD to existing works by using tools in ORCID interface or in external platforms

Researchers can connect to existing works and push ORCID iD into indexes including Web of Science, Scopus, and Europe PubMedCentral

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Link to awarded projects

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Researchers can connect to existing projects

Funders can embed ORCID during the grant application workflow

ORCID record includes, funder name, grant number, source, other provenance

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Link to organization

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•  List autopopulates based on type-ahead

•  All organizations have unique iD

•  University or employer can pre-populate and validate association

•  Can associate with multiple organizations

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Thank you!

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