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  • 8/12/2019 Youth Green Anti-Racist Bulletin


    Youth GreensAnt i -Rac is t Bu l ie t inKKK Ge ts 42% in Lou i s i an

    KANSAS CITY, MO.David Duke may have lost the votecount last week, but in all other respects hisLouisiana senate campaign was victorious. Inaccordance with his long-term strategy, Mr.Duke has taken another giant step towardmoving white supremacy off the margin andinto the mainstream of American politics.While Louisiana's reputation foranything-goes politics is well deserved, Mr.Duke has done more than appeal to fickle orf r us t ra t ed v o t e rs . H e has es t ab l i s hedcampaign themes, an organization and politicalbase that can be duplicated in other areas.Communities like Vineland, In southern NewJersey, or even central Tennesse immediatelysuggest themselves as future targets forwhite supremists.Mr. Duke carried almost 60 percent ofthe white vote, extending his powerbasebeyond its existing blue collar ranks.Duke's campaign themes echoed thoseof George Wallace in his 1968 Presidentialb id : rac ism combined w i th a resen tment o fwhite elites. But David Duke is not GeorgeW a l l a c e .Mr. Wallace was following votersentiment when he began his career as asegregationist. Mr. Duke, on the other hand,is creating a racist movement. He pioneeredthe "new" mediagenic Klan of the 70's andsearched throughout the 80*s for a vehicle tospark a white racist movement across thecount ry . He has found that vehic le incampaign politics.

    Mr. Duke has successfully raciaLouisiana politics. He may have used words about affirmative action and weBut it was a code everyone understoodtherefore, a code no longer. That significant victory for white supremseeking to change the political discourse.In three short years, David Dukemanaged to place himself squarely inmainstream of Louisiana politics. He ilonger seen as the kook In a Klan cosdespite leading a white power marcForsyth County, Ga. in 1987, selling neo-literature from his state legislative offic1989 and continuing to espouse Nazi-eugenics theories.

    H e has m ar r i ed h i s ow n wsupremist ideology to the "southern stratof the Republican Party. Already, todismay of national G.O.P. officials, oracists are seeking to imitate his succtrying to claim the future of the RepublParty. One of them Mr. Duke's campmanager in 1988, a former leader ofAmerican Nazi Party named Ralph Forreceived 46 percent of the vote in Arkansas Republican primary for lieute

    H E

  • 8/12/2019 Youth Green Anti-Racist Bulletin


  • 8/12/2019 Youth Green Anti-Racist Bulletin


    Domestic Colonialism, Racism, and PrisonAs of 1980, by the governments own

    statistics, African Americans comprised 11percent of the overall U.S. population, whilethe black proportion was 44 percent, andrising. By 1990, the proportion is over 50percent and still rising. At the present rate ofi n ca r ce ra t i on - wh i ch i s s i x t imes t he r a tefor whites- one in every four Afro-Americanmales will go to prison at least once during hislife. A black male in America is presentlytwice as likely to go to prison as he would beif he were living under aparthied in SouthA f r i c a . if the present upward trend holds, asit has for 60 years {23 percent of the prisonpopulation was black in 1930), half of all blackmales in the U.S. will go to jail by the end ofthe present decade. For American Indian men,the rate Is already two in every seven, andalso rising. Latinos currently fill prison cellsat a rate double their proportion in society asa who le , and the i r ra te o f incarcera t ion i sincreasing steadily.Increasingly, the status quo hasmaintained Itself at home primarily at theexpense of "internal colonies" of non-whitesin precisely the same fashion as it hasmaintained itself through neocolonialexploitation of the Third Worid elsewhere.Needless to say, the domestic "natives" growincreasingly more restless at the burdensplaced on them; the pattern, however, is onet h e U . S . e l i t e h a s l i t t l e a l t e r n a t i v e b u t t oc o n t i n u e i f i t i s t o s u r v i v e a s a d o m i n a n tw o r i d f o r c e .The relationship between this imperialdynamic and the projected demography of U.S.prisons Is plain. It has long been axiomaticthat conditions of Impoverishment imposed bythe U.S. in the Third World naturally generatesattempts by the victimized non-white peopleto engage in such "criminal" activities asat tempt ing to feed themselves or the i rfamilies with food they don't "own." Suchbehavior among the oppressed being

    understood as integral to any colonial sit is anticipated and planned for.Self-evidently, the infrastructprecisely this sort of social order ha

    erected and is now being rapidly exw i t h i n t h e U . S . i t s e l f . T h e c ugovernment campaign known as the "drugs" or the "war on crime" was creathe political/ideological battering raexpansion of this repressive apClearly, state planners expect thingsalot worse in this country over the long run.The state is preparing for wperceives must lie ahead. For the mothe opposition Is not. To the cofrighteningly large numbers of progrhave lately taken to embracing policeas a means of curbing "the drug epideour Inner cities," as if the allocationsinto amassing that very power werthemselves sufficient to begin to offs

    vile conditions spawning the epidemicfirst place. Too many supposedly enligpeople In this coluntry have joined the demanding more prison space to "streets of predators," as if the very to be sunk into concrete and steel couused to quell the honest rage leading inet o v i o l e n c e .This embrace of repression Isreminiscent of the non-fascist Gacquiescent to nazism as a solution nation's problems In 1932. People wthey want social progress have got to cgrips with who and what the enemy is.

  • 8/12/2019 Youth Green Anti-Racist Bulletin


    A L E R TGIMAN STREET CLUB An a l ternat ivem u s i c s c e n e a n d a n t l - r a c l s t c l u b f o ry o u t h .AMERICAN FRONT One of the manyw h i t e s u p r e m l s t g r o u p s t h a t b e a tpeople of color, gays and lesbians,Jewish people, and whoever seemse a s i l y v i c t i m i z e d .

    M a y 2 6 , 1 9 9 0 B E R K E L E Y . O A28 Amer ican F ron t (AF) thugsattacked two black security guards at GilmanSt. Club, shouting, "rm gonna kill you, nigger,I'm gonna kill you " One guard was stabbed inthe hand and hit on the head with a steeringwheel lock (a heavy metal pipe.)

    Only four neo-Nazis were arrested;only one, William Bennet, is being tried forfelony assault, not for a hate crime and notfor attempted murder.August 21, 1990 SACRAMENTO. CA

    Twenty AFers at tack two SHARP(Skinheads Against Racial Prejudice)members, both were hospitalized and one died.Only one arrest was made of the 20 AFers.

    n G H T

    S k i n h e a d s S t a b , BH o m e l e s s M a n

    NEWTON, Patrick Vertorano, a homelestrying to get to a shelter, was stabbtimes and severly beaten at a metro sweek by at least two skinheads.

    The victim was white, howeskinheads are known to police assupremists who have tatoos of swastiother anti-Semetic symbols on theia n d w h o w e a r s t e e l - t o e d c o m b a t b oblack leather jackets and tout Nazi ideo"We can't figure out why thehere. You'd usually find this elemebigger city," said a cop.

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