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How to YouTube Channels New basic branding features

How-to Guides – Aug. 2010

Page 2: Youtube Channel: Creation & Customization

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Fish where the fish are •  If you have video assets, YouTube is the

logical place to expose them

•  YouTube has 448 Million Visitors daily

•  YouTube has more than 2 billion video views daily

•  YouTube is the 2nd Search engine in the world (after Google)

•  5% of the time spent on the internet is spent on YouTube

•  Users can learn about your brand by watching your videos. You can learn about your users from their comments and video submissions.

In the video area, YouTube is the place to be !

Source: 1Nielsen NetRatings December 2008, 2comScore Video Metrix, December 2008

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Reminder: YouTube Channel functionnalities

Areas Characteristics User Channel

YouTube Channels Custom Channel 1 Custom Channel 2

Features Autoplay Yes Yes Yes Yes

Features Channel Page Header Banner No Yes Yes Yes

Features Side Column Branding Box No Yes (during whitelist)

Yes Yes

Features 1 MB Background Image No Yes Yes Yes

Feature Image Mapped External Links No Yes Yes Yes

Features YouTube gadget support No No Yes (Templates only) Yes (Contest & custom gadgets supported)

Features Watch Page Banner No Yes Yes Yes

Features Length of Videos <15 Mins <15 Mins >15 Mins Can be enabled if necessary

>15 Mins Can be enabled if necessary

Tracking Remarketing from Channel No Yes (TBC) Yes Yes

Tracking Analytics Integration No Yes Yes Yes

Tracking 3PAS 1x1 Tracking Tag No No Yes Yes

Tracking Simple 1x1 Tracking URL No Yes (during whitelist)

Yes Yes

Tracking Geo Restrict Redirect No Yes (during whitelist)

Yes Yes

Costing Advertising spend commitment None None (whitelist) €/£25K Min Spend From €/£40K Min Send

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The new basic branding features explained:


Benefits of adding these features?

1. Branding: Better customization of your channel with top and side banner, and extended images.

2. Direct Response: Redirect users to relevant pages on your website from the top and side banners for easy conversion.

3. Remarketing: Install the Google AdWords remarketing script on your channel and set up new campaigns targeting people who visited your channel when they are on other pages on YouTube or the Google Display Network.

What changed?

Free branding and tracking functionalities added to your YouTube channel for better customization, tracking and performances.

For examples of advertisers’ channels go to http://www.youtube.com/channels?s=mv&t=m&g=6

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Branding basic features on your Channel

Banner image

Branding box

Other Channels

Side column image

Back end features

•  Extended background image up to 1MB

•  Remarketing: place the Google AdWords remarketing script on your channel to show ads to visitors on YouTube or GDN

•  Google Analytics tracking

•  Location and Demographic gating: show your channel only to users in a specific demographic group or area

•  Tracking pixel/image URL

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This is the result you want to achieve

Customize your YouTube Channel

Further customize the appearance of your existing channel with advanced design and

new branding features (top banner, side banner, remarketing…).

Connect with your audience: subscribers are

notified whenever you add new videos to your channel, auto-share function enables

you to tie your channel with your Twitter and Facebook accounts.

YouTube and Your Brand Create Your Own Video Hub

Deep link from your Channel Banner

Autoplay video

Organise your videos in playlists

Branding box: tell user about yourself

Full sized background image

Link from your side column image

A branded video hub Inform, Entertain and Educate

Use a YouTube channel as a ‘corner shop’ on the world’s largest video site. Drive

greater brand awareness and engage your customers using the worlds most powerful

video platform: you bring the personality, we bring the audience!

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Check list ü

Chose   Channel  name  www.youtube.com/myfabulousbrand  

Create  &  Upload  

Profile  Icon  88x88  

Background  image  2000x2000  (opEonal)  

Header  banner  960x150  (opEonal)  

Side  banner  300x250  (opEonal)  

Watch  page  banner  170x25  (opEonal)  

Describe  Channel  Title  (opEonal)  

Channel  descripEon  (opEonal)  

Channel  tags  (opEonal)  

Define  Which  modules  you  want  to  use    

Comments  moderaEon  levels  

Organize  Modules  placement  within  the  channel  

Videos  &  playlists  within  the  player  

Implement   Tracking  and  remarkeEng  

ü Advertiser Check list

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About accounts, channels and videos on YouTube

1  YouTube  account  =  1  YouTube  channel  CreaEng  a  YouTube  account  is  the  same  as  creaEng  a  YouTube  channel  

Account  name  =  Channel  name  www.youtube.com/mygreatproduct  

Each  video  belongs  to  only  1  account  You  cannot  «  transfer  »  videos  from  one  channel  to  another  

Each  account  can  have  several  videos  

Video  plays  and  channels  are  unrelated  An  uploaded  video  may  not  appear  on  the  channel  it  belongs  to.  

A  channel  can  showcase  vides  that  belong  to  other  users.  

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Create a new account to create a new channel

Tip When creating your username, remember this will be your channel URL, so choose wisely (e.g. your brand name, something meaningful for users…)

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Customize your Profile Icon

Tip Use an icon that represents your brand and your channel. This is the icon that will come up in the search results and browse pages.

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Customize colors and background

In the “settings” tab

•  Click ‘Show Advanced Options’ to create a new color theme •  Match color scheme to your website to create consistent brand image

Best Practice Create a background image to brand the background of the channel and upload it

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Create and upload your banners


Tip Use image mapping to dee-link to different pages of your website, facebook account and twitter.

In the “Branding Options” tab

•  Upload your top and side banners, from the « banner and image maps » section •  Indicate a destination URL for the banner or image map your banner

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Branding basic features on your Watch pages

Tip Use the watch page banner to get visibility on your video’s watch pages. A click on your watch page banner redirects the user to your channel.

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Customize your Settings

Under the “settings” tab •  Add your business name as the ‘Title’ to enable users to immediately understand your channel

•  Add relevant keywords as channel tags to enable organic search discovery

Tip Make channel invisible while you work on it, then make it visible when it’s ready for the world to see

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Customize your Profile

Click “edit” in the Profile box •  Add your companies website URL

•  Choose to show or don’t show personal information such as ‘age, hobbies and music’

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Activate the module that you want


Tip You will be able to organize

some of the modules in your channel by dragging

and dropping them.

From the “Modules” tab •  Pick the modules to be displayed on your channel •  Don’t forget to activate the banner image and side column image or your banners won’t show !

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Pick you comment moderation level


In the comments module •  If you want users to comment on your channel, make sure that you activate the comment module. •  Pick the level of moderation that suits you but remember that you want to engage the conversation with your audience.

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Upload your videos on YouTube

In the top menu, click on “upload” •  Upload your companies videos to the channel

•  Provide meaningful title, categorization and tags for your video. This will help discovery through organic search.

Tip Upload at least 3 videos. If you do not have at least 3 uploaded videos, your channel will not appear in the YouTube search results.


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Enable easy discovery of your videos


In the menu, “my video” then “edit” •  Modify your video title, description and tags •  Pick your video thumbnail. This is the image that user will see when your video appears in search results.

•  Chose your video privacy options. Your video will appear in search results only if you make it public

•  Chose engagement settings for your video.

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Create playlists to organize your Content

Group your content together around a theme or brand. You can also add 3rd party videos to these playlists.


2 3


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In the “Videos and Playlists” tab: •  Chose the content to showcase in the video module. •  Feature specific videos to highlight new and popular inventory.

•  Display playlists to allow for easy navigation in your channel.

•  Display favorites to showcase content from other users.

Rotate and promote video content:


Tip Autoplay your videos for instant engagement.

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Monitor activity on your Channel:


In the “Branding Options” tab: •  Go to the “tracking and redirects” section •  Implement your own tracking pixel to track traffic to your channel.

•  Redirects users or block users depending on geographic location.

•  Use Google Analytics to track performance and usage of your channel.

Tip For more insights on your channel use and users’ interactions with your content, check out your YouTube Insights data.

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Retarget your channel community


In AdWords: •  generate a remarketing tag from your AdWords account •  Extract the remarketing URL. It should look like this “http://www.googleadservices.com/pagead/conversion/1070355544/?label=oqsmCM7GygEQ2Kix_gM&guid=ON&script=0”.

In YouTube: •  Paste this URL in the the “tracking Image URL field” on the Branding Option Tab.

Tip Use remarket ing to offer re levant information to your YouTube community: more similar information on your website, a special YouTube discount, etc…

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Now you should have something like this

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1 Why should I create a YouTube channel?

2 How do I create and customize a channel?

3 What metrics are available for my channel?

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What is YouTube Insight?

YouTube Insight is YouTube's external facing analytics and reporting product. YouTube Insight enables anyone with a YouTube account to view detailed statistics about the videos that they upload to the site. YouTube Insight provides video-level data about who, what, when, where and how people came to watch your video.

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Monitor Channel and Video Views

The Views page shows both a graphical trend line of video views and a heat map of where those views came from. You can adjust the period of time displayed and the continent or country

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Analyze Discovery paths

Understanding how people discovered your video is almost as valuable as getting your video viewed. You can see specifically which search terms on YouTube or Google led the user to your video, which related videos led to your discovery, which websites embed your videos and how many views were generated by ads!

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Get to know your audience

See the age and gender of your audience; again you can adjust time and geographical data to explore how your audience differs before, during or after specific initiatives or in specific regions.

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Get the data to improve your videos

Hot Spots tells you which parts of your video are hot and which are cold, but looking at bounce and rewind rate to videos of a similar length. At any time in the video you can see if more or less viewers are dropping off than on average.

Tip You need to chose a specific v ideo to see Insights data at the video level.

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Enjoy your channel! Please check the addendum for extra features

and tips on your channel.

How-to Guides – Aug. 2010

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FAQ and Best Practices

User engagement modules

Embedded video player

Reminder about video specs.

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Best Practices

Upload Videos Regularly: take advantage of subscriptions and entertain/inform your community

Allow sharing functions: Embedding, Comments, Ratings. The YouTube community is very familiar with these tools and will help you virally grow your video views and audience.

Respond to your community: Upload videos appealing to their interests, send e-mails, write messages in your branding box. This is an opportunity for you to have a 2-way relationship.

Utilize the full suite of YouTube products: Features such as Insight and Annotations help you understand, and interact with, your users in a greater capacity.

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More Best Practices

Uploading Video •  Don’t upload your videos all at once, encourage viewership over time

•  Optimize your video uploads by using the right formats for YouTube


•  Don’t be afraid to participate! Comment, favorite, share other users videos

•  Find other videos and users interested in your subject and friend them


•  Embed your videos and/or channel on your website

•  Link to your videos on other social networks and let them spread

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Common Channel Questions

Can I remove comments from my videos? •  Yes, simply login and click ‘Remove’ next to the unwanted comment How do I upload a background image to my channel?

•  Yes, simply login, go to your channel and click ‘Themes and Colors’ Can I delete a user who has subscribed to my channel?

•  Yes, you can ‘unsubscribe’ users who have subscribed to your channel

How do I track viewership on my channel?

•  YouTube Insight allows you to track metrics about your videos

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FAQ and Best Practices

User engagement modules

Embedded video player

Reminder about video specs.

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Subscribers get updates from your Channel

Subscriptions box on homepage •  Continually updated with newest additions •  Only for logged in users Subscription email •  Email with details of new videos uploaded on subscribed channels •  Sent weekly Bulletins •  Engage and keep your friends updated by posting a bulletin, include a video for them to watch. •  Bulletins appear on your subscribers’ homepage and on your channel.

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Encourage interaction with Moderator:

38 http://www.youtube.com/TeamFlightBrothers

Tip Use Moderator to invite discussion and submissions from your fans via your channel.

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Make your video interactive with Annotations

Add annotations to your video either under Uploaded videos or on your video watch page when you are logged in. Annotations can increase views on other videos, make content more interesting & create interactivity for users.

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FAQ and Best Practices

User engagement modules

Embedded video player

Reminder about video specs.

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Embedding a YouTube Video or Playlist

Embedding is free, with no bandwidth/storage costs for you. And all views track back to the original video files, which increases your videos’ rankings. You choose to allow this functionality or not.

Embed a Video •  Embed code if found next to

the video on the Watch page or under My Videos

Embed a Playlist •  Embed code is found next to

the playlist on the Playlist page

RTP Portugal

Embed a Channel •  Embed code is found on the channel page Connect box

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Custom Video Player

Create a custom embeddable player or playlist for your website (Under Account → Custom video players)

•  Name & describe your player

•  Choose color or theme

•  Choose player with/without thumbnails

•  Choose videos to be displayed in the custom player

•  Under embedded code see code to copy & paste

•  Your players can be saved

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FAQ and Best Practices

Basic generic modules

User engagement modules

Embedded video player

Reminder about video specs.

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Best Video Specs

File format: YouTube prefers the original HD broadcast format that you have in your digital content library, as well as DVD-compliant MPEG-2 program streams saved with a .MPG extension. If you cannot submit videos in MPEG-2 format, then MPEG-4 is the preferred format, though we accept several other kinds as well. The following specifications provide optimal playback: MPEG-2 •  Audio codec: MPEG Layer II or Dolby AC-3 •  Audio bitrate: 128 kbps or better MPEG-4 •  Video codec: H.264 •  Audio codec: AAC •  Audio bitrate: 128 kbps or better

Frame rate: Videos should be in their native frame rates without re-sampling. For film sources, a 24fps or 25fps progressive master yields the best results. Typically, frame rates are set at 24, 25 or 30 frames per second. Aspect ratio: Videos should be in their native aspect ratios, and uploaded videos should never include letterboxing or pillarboxing bars. The YouTube player automatically frames videos to ensure that they are displayed correctly, without cropping or stretching, regardless of the size of the video or player. The player frames 4:3 videos with vertical bars (pillarboxing) when those videos are played in the widescreen YouTube player.

Note: HD & HQ video should be automatically triggered if you upload as

recommended; in most cases users have to opt-in to view content in HQ or HD

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