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Yu Yu Hakusho

Yu Yu Hakusho By Zachary Buchanan

My AdaptationThe media that I am adapting is a anime called Yu Yu Hakusho, where its about a teenage spirit detective called Yusuke who died when trying to save a little kid. The arc that Im adapting is the Dark Tournament, when Yusuke is forced into a tournament to save his family and friends and defeat the re-occurring villain Toguro.

Genre/ NarrativeWith Yu Yu Hakusho it fits into the action and supernatural aspect due to the main cast entering the Demon World where there are multiple types of hybrids and creatures that they have to defeat, and with the fighting and the different amount of abilities stretches this into supernatural action.Yu Yu Hakusho isthe mangaI decided to adapt into a movie, in a homage to the legacy of Yoshirio Togashi and is impact in the world of manga and anime. Within Dark Tournament Saga,its the Toguros (Previous sagas antagonists)attempt of bringing Yusuke (The Main antagonists) to his true form by making him stronger by taking his Family and friendship hostage who Yusukecares for to much, who are justmaking him weak. The tournament is Yusuke and co trying to defeat every monster and demon in their way and finally put a end to Toguro and protect those he loves.

BudgetWith Yu Yu will need a budget between 30 - 50 million, this is due to the movie having loads of fight scenes where the characters have loads of special moves like blue aura and having over exaggerated moments. An example of this is the last fight where Yusuke unlocks his potential, there are is a out burst of aura that travels around the area. With the extra characters in this theyll need to be designed as monsters since that the main characters are the only ones who are human in the whole movie.

Target AudienceThe audience would be vary from 15- 29 males, not to be sexist however the large majority of Shounen fans are from the male gender and would have a mass interests with manga and anime that they have years of experience with and invest a fair bit of life/time into, which links with in to their lifestyle which is mostly young in school who are fans of cartoons and have been viewing it for several years and talks about their spending power due to their collection of DVD purchases, within the main target audience theyre fans whom purchase their products

Opportunities With this show there are tons of different species andhybrids of animals and humans within Yu Yu Hakusho especially in this ark so with that being said, with a large enough budget and the right technology and software we could make a massive impact on scientific characters in film with high quality face paint/ and make up. Another thing that is important is CGI due to the unrealistic fight scenes within this movies especially with the characters powers and appearances that Togashi has created. With the CGI its key to capturing the fight style and is key to capturing certain transformations and movies. Another opportunity is with this type of this movie it helps studios gain a better understanding on how to improve the quality of a fight using modern technology similar to Man of Steel where it captured a similar fighting style to Animes like Dragonball Z and Yu Yu Hakusho, so with that being said the technology available to the production crew.

Cinematic IdeasWith Yu Yu Hakusho it is a very creative medium where the creator Togashi has incorporated various types on non-fiction clichs and themes into his story. So with this being included there are a lots of cinematic ideas that come to mind when adapting Yu Yu Hakusho, one is CGI in fight scenes and finding the perfect balance between hand to hand combat and CGI editing to ensure it looks more realistic. Furthermore another cinematic idea is bringing back make up and using practical special effects, where hybrids and demons will be created by the special effects crew instead of using CGI which might make them look cheap.

Feasibility This adaptation would be easy to make with the correct budget, there are various movies that have achieved a similar types of effects in action scenes where the main characters have used elements as attacks. Excluding the actual plot, Avatar the Last Air bender has a great amount of special effects that the audience appreciated.

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