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Page 1: Zast Addendum - The Zephiloyd site for tinnitus and SCENAR

© Zephiloyd 2009


ZAST Addendum


I am a little embarrassed to admit that until I have overlooked something which could be important,

particularly to those who found the treatment, specifically Z2 treatment to be painful. I suppose

“you can’t see the wood for the trees” might be appropriate here. Several people have given up with

this due to issues with pain, this could well overcome that issue.

There is a setting on your device called “damping” (Dmp or Dmpf on some devices). Damping

takes the edge off the signal, it removes the sharpness. You can choose Sk1, Sk2, Sk3, Sk4 or Var.

Don’t use Var (variable) as it won’t be suitable here. On some devices it is Sc not Sk.

I have connected a scenar to an oscilloscope; an oscilloscope is a device that allows signal voltages

to be viewed as a graph. The basic signal component of scenar is a bipolar impulse, consisting of a

negative square-wave followed by a positive saw-tooth, starting and finishing at zero. You can see

this in the image below. The voltage is shown on the Y axis (up/down), positive from middle up

and negative from middle down. Time is shown on the X axis (positive time travelling to the right).

My oscilloscope is old and I cannot produce its image on any other device so a photo of the screen

is the best I can do right now.

Note: all of the images of waveforms in this file are when the device is not in contact with the skin.

Normally the waveform of one impluse looks like this.

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© Zephiloyd 2009


If you change Dmpf=0ff to Dmpf=Sk1, the resultant signal is as follows

increase again and it damps further until Sk4:

If you are having problems with pain, add damping and try again. Sk1 should be enough, but feel

free to try Sk2, 3 or 4. But the greater the damping the greater the impact is compromised, so find a

balance that is right for you. Adding damping should allow you to increase the energy further, and

generate more zeffles!

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© Zephiloyd 2009


Impulse, Frequency, Intensity and Gap

Here I am going to show you the scenar waveform and its relationship with frequency, intensity and

gap. You will have used frequency but maybe not intensity and gap.


Normally the waveform of one impluse looks like this.

The setting on the oscillioscope is 0.2ms/div (0.2 milliseconds per division) Each division is the

width of one black square. You can see that if the impulse begins at A and ends roughly at B, it

covers about 5 squares, therefore if one division is 0.2ms, 5 divisions is 1ms, so therefore the

impulse is 1ms long (or 0.001 seconds).

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© Zephiloyd 2009



I have now changed the oscilloscope to view the image of the waveform at 1ms/div. This means

that the image of the wave has been compacted 5 times from the previous image, which is why they

look like straight lines. Here is the result, it shows 4 impulses. The vertical lines are actually 4 of

the impulses of the previous image. You can see the impulses repeating at regular intervals. You are

looking at what’s happening in one fraction of a second in time.

Knowing the setting is 1ms/div, you can estimate the frequency at which the scenar is operating.

Here is how:

I estimate that the gap between C and D to be 3.2 divisions, of course I could choose any of the

three visible gaps.

If the oscilloscope is displaying at 1ms/div, the gap between impulses is 3.2ms, this is called the

period of the wave

Frequency is the reciprocal of the period, ie. Frequency = 1 divided by the period

Therefore apparent frequency of scenar is 1 / 3.2ms = 312.5Hz (Hz =1/s). The actual frequency on

the device was 321Hz, so not far off!

So what this means is that at 321Hz, there are 321 impulses occurring in one second.

OK so far? If not read this again until you are, otherwise the rest won’t make sense either.

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© Zephiloyd 2009


Intensity and Gap

If you increase intensity (Int on the device) from 1 to 2 you are adding another impulse (exactly the

same as the other impulses). Only impulses C and D would appear if the intensity was 1 (like the

previous image), but as the intensity has been increased to 2, additional impulses E and F are

observed almost immediately after the first impulse. The distance between these impulses is defined

by the gap (reffered to as Z on some devices), and is much smaller than that defined by the

frequency. Knowing the setting on the oscilloscope we can not only estimate the frequency but also

the pulse repetition frequency (PRF). The PRF is the frequency defined by the gap between the

impulses in a batch, ie. between C and E (or D and F for that matter), where a batch is the number

of impulses defined by the intensity setting, so in this case there is 2 in the batch.

Firstly you can estimate the frequency:

Again the oscilloscope is displaying at 1ms/div.

So calculating the frequency at which the scenar is operating:

Remember we are measuring the distance (in time) between the first impulses in each batch,

I estimate that the gap between each C and D (or E and F for that matter) to be 5.8 divisions

If the oscilloscope is displaying at 1ms/div, the gap between first impulses is 5.8ms

Therefore Frequency of scenar is 1 / 5.8ms = 172Hz.

The actual frequency on the device was 181Hz, so again, not far off.

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© Zephiloyd 2009


Now estimating the PRF:

I estimate that the gap between C and E to be 0.9 divisions

If the oscilloscope is displaying at 1ms/div, the gap between impulses is 0.9ms

Therefore the apparent PRF of scenar is 1 / 0.9ms = 1.11KHz.

The actual PRF is not displayed on the device; however it can be simply calculated using an


We know that “Gap” on the device (Z on some devices) is a number representing this gap. I know

this relationship to the actual gap is 20µs x Gap, that is 20 microseconds x Gap. I know that the gap

on the device was set at 40, so actual gap is 20µs x 40 = 800µs.

This is nearly the answer but not quite! A small factor needs to be included here

The energy level has a slight influence upon the PRF.

This shows the negative square wave of the very beginning of the impulse, as energy is increased on

the device, the square wave gets larger and the gap between G and H increases. Consequently this

pushes each impulse further away from each other. The effect on frequency is negligible but is

worthy of consideration when calculating the PRF. The factor is an addition of (2µs x energy), this

is an approximation, but is good enough.

Therefore: PRF = 1 / ((20µs x Gap) + (2µs x energy))

My energy level was set at 50

So in my example PRF = 1 / (800µs + 100µs) = 1 / 900µs = 1.11KHz, which is exactly what was


I acquired this equation from Dr Hans Bruendler

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© Zephiloyd 2009


I can reinforce this notion further:

Here is part of the manual for the Scenar NT

So to confirm the equation is correct, we insert the values to check it

PRF = 1 / ((20µs x Gap) + (2µs x energy))

Maximum energy = 250

Maximum Z = 80

PRF = 1 / ((20µs x 80) + (2µs x 250)) = 476Hz,

This is quite a way off the stated 540Hz, however, notice that if maximum energy = 125

PRF = 1 / ((20µs x 80) + (2µs x 125)) = 540Hz, which is exact!

The use of energy 125 might be an error in the manual, or maybe they thought 250 energy was just

way too high!

Lets try the next one

PRF = 1 / ((20µs x Gap) + (2µs x energy))

Lowest energy = 1

Lowest Z = 10

PRF = 1 / ((20µs x 10) + (2µs x 1)) = 4950Hz

This is quite a way off the stated 4500Hz, however, notice that if minimum energy = 10

PRF = 1 / ((20µs x 10) + (2µs x 10)) = 4545Hz or 4.5Kz which is exact!

The lowest energy level on the 97.4 scenar is 10, so it is probably based on that value.

What I found reassuring was that as I reduced the gap, the pitch of the sound from the device

increased. Try this yourself at a high energy value, so it is audible.

I acquired the following table from Professor Revenko’s wife Galina, the readings of which

correspond exactly with the equation:

PRF = 1 / ((20µs x Gap) + (2µs x energy))

Try some of the values yourself

A is energy level.

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© Zephiloyd 2009



Z = 80 - const А=10




≈ 617

≈ 588

≈ 555

≈ 476

Z = 70 - const А=10








Z = 60 - const A = 10

A = 50

A = 100

A = 250

≈ 820

≈ 769

≈ 714

≈ 588

Z = 50 - const A = 10

A = 50

A = 100

A = 250





Z = 40 - const A = 10

A = 50

A = 100

A = 250

≈ 1220

≈ 1110

≈ 1000

≈ 770

Z = 30 - const A = 10

A = 50

A = 100

A = 250





Z = 20 – const

A = 10

A = 50

A = 100

A = 250

≈ 2380

≈ 2000

≈ 1667

≈ 1110

Z = 10 - const A = 10

A = 50

A = 100

A = 250

≈ 4545

≈ 3333

≈ 2500

≈ 1333

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© Zephiloyd 2009


As a further demonstration the following shows the device set at Intensity 7, frequency 181Hz and

gap is 25. This is an example of the device at its limit.

There is a cut off point where the gap between final impulse in batch and first impulse in next batch

( ie. between J and K) can not fall below a certain distance value. This means that in this instance,

although the intensity on the device can go up to 8, you cannot increase to 8 here, without reducing

the gap or frequency. J and K are as close together as they can be. However, if you reduce

frequency or gap, J and K will move further apart leaving room for impulse number 8 if required.

So at least it seems clear that that is how to calculate the PRF.

So what? How does this help?

My theory is that the in the Z2 position the signal travels around the inner/middle ear area and in

particular stimulates the cochlea. The device is operating at a particular frequency, and it seems that

that frequency refers to a position inside the cochlea. This idea is reinforced by the resultant zeffles,

which I believe are the hair cells being stimulated. The frequency on the device goes to 351Hz ( or

354Hz, depending on the model). My theory is that this refers to a position somewhere in the

cochlea, but as yet we don’t know where. Also this frequency will relate to a frequency on the audio

scale, for example 351Hz on scenar might refer to around 14KHz on the audio scale. So if your

damaged hair cells are in an area that is above this range then we need to look at how to get the

scenar to emit a frequency above 351Hz.

Using intensity and gap seems like the way to do it, but also it is not 100% clear.

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© Zephiloyd 2009


Some have said that a higher frequency can be achieved by simply increasing intensity, they think it

doubles the frequency. So at 351Hz and intensity 2, the resultant frequency is 702Hz. I do not

believe this is correct. The image on page 5 is an example of this setting. Although there may be

702 impulses in one second, each impulse is not at the same regular interval, therefore this cannot

be the frequency. I believe that it simply does not have a simple resultant frequency, it is more

complicated than that. This view may have come about because it simply hasn’t been explored

because it hasn’t been necessary to do this in their application of the device, perhaps an assumption.

Look at the image on page 9, it is quite clear that the more dominant effect is actually the PRF;

although it is not completely regular, it is regular for 7 instances until the gap between J and K, after

which it repeats. Neither can you calculate the frequency between J and K, and work out an average

with that and the PRF. It would make things simple if that was possible but unfortunately it doesn’t

work like that.

So what I can suggest is that you use PRF as the dominating influence at high intensity settings, and

change the settings as per the table on page 8, when you wish to apply a signal above 351Hz.

The table shows that the lowest PRF is 476Hz, however this is at energy 250, which is too high to

cope with, so really the lowest manageable PRF is about 588Hz, at that level you need the energy at

50 which is quite high but not too bad for most.

There is another problem however, what about apply a frequency between 351Hz and 588Hz?

The new models allow frequency, intensity and gap to be changed together. On the old models if

frequency is anything other than default, as soon as intensity is used, the frequency returns to

default. Although this is not a major issue, the newer models allow you to achieve the following.

To get a frequency up to 372 as defined by gap E to D on the image on page 5, apply the following

Int Frequency on device Z F defined by gap E to D

2 329 13 360

2 329 15 366

2 321 21 372

You will see that if you increase Z any more Int returns to 1, as the settings are at their limit. I have

tried other settings but to no avail, I always get stuck with the limitations of the device. So applying

between 372Hz and 588Hz seems not to be possible. I just hope that the other settings are enough to



Try adding damping as discussed on pages 1-2. As you are familiar with the ZAST procedure using

these principles, try the following. To apply a frequency above 351Hz, first apply the values in the

small table on this page (above), increase to a comfortable energy level and apply Z2 treatment, if

no zeffles are felt after a few minutes, go to the next value. Once completed, return values to

default. Then increase the Gap (Z) to 80, increase Int to its maximum, it will be 6 if your default

frequency is 90.7Hz or 8 if it is 59.3Hz, the higher the Int the better. Increase to a comfortable

energy level and apply Z2 treatment. If no zeffles are felt after a few minutes, reduce Gap to 79, and

repeat until you reach Gap =10. As the gap is reduced the pulse repetition frequency is increased.

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