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  • 8/13/2019 ZetCode Ruby GTK Tutorial


    ZetCode Ruby GTK tutorial

    This is Ruby GTK tutorial. In this tutorial, you will learn the basics of GUI programming

    with GTK in Ruby language. The tutorial is suitable for beginners and intermediate



    The GTK is a library for creating graphical user interfaces. The library is created in C

    programming language. The GTK library is also called the GIM Tool!it. "riginally, the

    library was created while de#eloping the GIM image manipulation program. $ince then, the

    GTK became one of the most popular tool!its under %inu& and '$( Uni&. Today, most of

    the GUI software in the open source world is created in )t or in GTK. %anguage bindings

    e&ist for C**, ython, erl, +a#a, C, +a#a$cript, - and other programming languages.

    Introduction to Ruby GTK

    In this part of the Ruby GTK programming tutorial, we will introduce the GTK library and

    create our first programs using the Ruby programming language.

    The purpose of this tutorial is to get you started with the GTK and Ruby. Images for the

    ibbles game can be downloaded here.


    GTK is one of the leading tool!its for creating graphical user interfaces. Ruby is a popular

    scripting language.

    Simple example

    In the first e&ample, we create a simple window. The window is centered on the screen.


    # ZetCode Ruby GTK tutorial

    ## This program centers a window on# the screen## author: jan bodnar# website: wwwetcodecom# last modi"ied: pril $%%&

    re'uire (gt)$(

    class Rubypp * Gt)::+indow

    de" initialie

    superset,title -Center-


  • 8/13/2019 ZetCode Ruby GTK Tutorial


    signal,connect -destroy- doGt)main,'uit


    set,de"ault,sie $.% $%% set,window,position Gt)::+indow::012,C34T3R

    show endend

    Gt)init window 5 RubyppnewGt)main

    This e&ample shows a 012&022 p& window in the centre of the screen.

    re'uire (gt)$(

    The re'uire!eyword imports necessery types that we will use in the application.

    class Rubypp * Gt)::+indow

    The e&ample inherits from a +indow. The 3indow is a tople#el container.

    set,title -Center-

    3e set a title for the window.

    signal,connect -destroy- doGt)main,'uit


    The destroye#ent is triggered, when we clic! on the close button in the titlebar. "r press 4lt

    * 56. The method main,'uit7uits the application for good.

    set,de"ault,sie $.% $%%

    3e set a default si8e for the application window.

    set,window,position Gt)::+indow::012,C34T3R

    This line centers the window on the screen.


    3hen e#erything is ready, we show the window on the screen.

    Gt)init window 5 RubyppnewGt)main

    These three lines set up the application.


  • 8/13/2019 ZetCode Ruby GTK Tutorial


    Creating a Tooltip

    The second e&ample will show a tooltip. 4 tooltip is a small rectangular window, which gi#es

    a brief information about an ob9ect. It is usually a GUI component. It is part of the help

    system of the application.


    # ZetCode Ruby GTK tutorial## This code shows a tooltip on# a window and a button## author: jan bodnar# website: wwwetcodecom# last modi"ied: 6une $%%&

    re'uire (gt)$(

    class Rubypp * Gt)::+indow

    de" initialie super

    set,title -Tooltips- signal,connect -destroy- do


    "i7ed 5 Gt)::8i7ednew

    add "i7ed

    button 5 Gt)::9uttonnew -9utton-

    buttonset,sie,re'uest % ;.buttonset,tooltip,te7t -9utton widget-

    "i7edput button .% .%

    set,tooltip,te7t -+indow widget- set,de"ault,sie $.% $%% set,window,position Gt)::+indow::012,C34T3R



    Gt)init window 5 RubyppnewGt)main

    The e&ample creates a window. If we ho#er a mouse pointer o#er the area of the window, a

    tooltip pops up.

    buttonset,tooltip,te7t -9utton widget-

    3e set a tooltip with the set,tooltip,te7t method.


  • 8/13/2019 ZetCode Ruby GTK Tutorial


    5igure; Tooltip

    Quit button

    In the last e&ample of this section, we will create a 7uit button. 3hen we press this button,

    the application terminates.


    # ZetCode Ruby GTK tutorial## This program creates a 'uit# button +hen we press the button# the application terminates## author: jan bodnar

    # website: wwwetcodecom# last modi"ied: 6une $%%&

    re'uire (gt)$(

    class Rubypp * Gt)::+indow

    de" initialie super

    set,title -

  • 8/13/2019 ZetCode Ruby GTK Tutorial



    "i7edput button .% .%

    set,de"ault,sie $.% $%%

    set,window,position Gt)::+indow::012,C34T3R endend

    Gt)init window 5 RubyppnewGt)main

    3e use a 9uttonwidget. This is a #ery common widget. It shows a te&t label, image or both.


    3e delegate the creation of the user interface to the init,uimethod.


    3e ha#e two options.

  • 8/13/2019 ZetCode Ruby GTK Tutorial


    5igure; )uit button

    This section was an introduction to the GTK library with the Ruby language.

    Layout management

    In this chapter we will show how to lay out our widgets in windows or dialogs.

    3hen we design the GUI of our application, we decide what widgets we will use and how we

    will organi8e those widgets in the application. To organi8e our widgets, we use speciali8ed

    non #isible widgets called layout containers. In this chapter, we will mention lignment,

    8i7ed, =9o7and Table.


    The 8i7edcontainer places child widgets at fi&ed positions and with fi&ed si8es. This

    container performs no automatic layout management. In most applications, we don>t use this

    container. There are some speciali8ed areas, where we use it. 5or e&ample games, speciali8ed

    applications that wor! with diagrams, resi8able components that can be mo#ed ?li!e a chart in

    a spreadsheet application@, small educational e&amples.


    # ZetCode Ruby GTK tutorial

    ## >n this program we lay out widgets# using absolute positioning## author: jan bodnar# website: wwwetcodecom# last modi"ied: 6une $%%&

    re'uire (gt)$(

    class Rubypp * Gt)::+indow

    de" initialie super


  • 8/13/2019 ZetCode Ruby GTK Tutorial


    set,title -8i7ed- signal,connect -destroy- do



    set,de"ault,sie ;%% $% set,window,position Gt)::+indow::012,C34T3R

    show,all end

    de" init,ui

    modi"y,bg Gt)::2TT3,41R?@ Gd)::ColornewAB%% B%% B%D

    beginbardejoE 5 Gd)::0i7bu"new -bardejoEjpg-

    rotunda 5 Gd)::0i7bu"new -rotundajpg- mincol 5 Gd)::0i7bu"new -mincoljpg- rescue >13rror 5F e puts e puts -cannot load images- e7it end

    image 5 Gt)::>magenew bardejoE image$ 5 Gt)::>magenew rotunda image; 5 Gt)::>magenew mincol

    "i7ed 5 Gt)::8i7ednew

    "i7edput image $% $% "i7edput image$ % B% "i7edput image; H% .%

    add "i7ed


    Gt)init window 5 RubyppnewGt)main

    In our e&ample, we show three small images on the window. 3e e&plicitely specify the &, y

    coordinates, where we place these images.

    modi"y,bg Gt)::2TT3,41R?@ Gd)::ColornewAB%% B%% B%D

    5or better #isual e&perience, we change the bac!ground color to dar! gray.

    bardejoE 5 Gd)::0i7bu"new -bardejoEjpg-

    3e load the image from the dis! to the 0i7bu"ob9ect.

    image 5 Gt)::>magenew bardejoEimage$ 5 Gt)::>magenew rotunda


  • 8/13/2019 ZetCode Ruby GTK Tutorial


    image; 5 Gt)::>magenew mincol

    The >mageis a widget, that is used to display images. It ta!es 0i7bu"ob9ect in the


    "i7ed 5 Gt)::8i7ednew

    3e create the 8i7edcontainer.

    "i7edput image $% $%

    3e place the first image at &=02, y=02 coordinates.

    add "i7ed

    5inally, we add the 8i7edcontainer to the 3indow.

    5igure; 5i&ed


    The lignmentcontainer controls the alignment and the si8e of its child widget.


    # ZetCode Ruby GTK tutorial## >n this program we position two buttons# in the bottom right corner o" the window# +e use horiontal and Eertical bo7es## author: jan bodnar# website: wwwetcodecom# last modi"ied: 6une $%%&

    re'uire (gt)$(

  • 8/13/2019 ZetCode Ruby GTK Tutorial


    class Rubypp * Gt)::+indow

    de" initialie super

    set,title -9uttons- signal,connect -destroy- do



    set,de"ault,sie $B% .% set,window,position Gt)::+indow::012,C34T3R

    show,all end

    de" init,ui

    Ebo7 5 Gt)::=9o7new "alse . hbo7 5 Gt)::I9o7new true ;

    Ealign 5 Gt)::lignmentnew % % % Ebo7pac),start Ealign

    o) 5 Gt)::9uttonnew -1K- o)set,sie,re'uest H% ;% close 5 Gt)::9uttonnew -Close-

    hbo7add o) hbo7add close

    halign 5 Gt)::lignmentnew % % % halignadd hbo7

    Ebo7pac),start halign "alse "alse ;

    add Ebo7 endend

    Gt)init window 5 RubyppnewGt)main

    In the code e&ample, we place two buttons into the right bottom corner of the window. To

    accomplish this, we use one hori8ontal bo& and one #ertical bo& and two alignment


    Ealign 5 Gt)::lignmentnew % % %

    This will put the child widget to the bottom.

    Ebo7pac),start Ealign

    -ere we place the lignmentwidget into the #ertical bo&.


  • 8/13/2019 ZetCode Ruby GTK Tutorial


    hbo7 5 Gt)::I9o7new true ;o) 5 Gt)::9uttonnew -1K-o)set,sie,re'uest H% ;%close 5 Gt)::9uttonnew -Close-

    hbo7add o)hbo7add close

    3e create a hori8ontal bo& and put two buttons inside it.

    halign 5 Gt)::lignmentnew % % %halignadd hbo7

    Ebo7pac),start halign "alse "alse ;

    This will create an alignment container that will place its child widget to the right. 3e add

    the hori8ontal bo& into the alignment container and pac! the alignment container into the

    #ertical bo&. 3e must !eep in mind that the alignment container ta!es only one child widget.That>s why we must use bo&es.

    5igure; 'uttons

    Calculator skeleton

    The Tablewidget arranges widgets in rows and columns.


    # ZetCode Ruby GTK tutorial

    ## >n this program we create a s)eleton o"# a calculator +e use the Table widget## author: jan bodnar# website: wwwetcodecom# last modi"ied: 6une $%%&

    re'uire (gt)$(

    class Rubypp * Gt)::+indow

    de" initialie super


  • 8/13/2019 ZetCode Ruby GTK Tutorial


    set,title -Calculator- signal,connect -destroy- do



    set,de"ault,sie ;%% $.% set,window,position Gt)::+indow::012,C34T3R

    show,all end

    de" init,ui

    Ebo7 5 Gt)::=9o7new "alse $

    mb 5 Gt)::?enu9arnew "ilemenu 5 Gt)::?enunew

    "ile 5 Gt)::?enu>temnew -8ile- "ileset,submenu "ilemenu mbappend "ile

    Ebo7pac),start mb "alse "alse %

    table 5 Gt)::Tablenew . true

    tableattach Gt)::9uttonnewA-Cls-D % % tableattach Gt)::9uttonnewA-9c)-D $ % tableattach Gt)::@abelnew $ ; % tableattach Gt)::9uttonnewA-Close-D ; %

    tableattach Gt)::9uttonnewA-H-D % $ tableattach Gt)::9uttonnewA--D $ $ tableattach Gt)::9uttonnewA-&-D $ ; $ tableattach Gt)::9uttonnewA-/-D ; $

    tableattach Gt)::9uttonnewA--D % $ ; tableattach Gt)::9uttonnewA-.-D $ $ ; tableattach Gt)::9uttonnewA-B-D $ ; $ ; tableattach Gt)::9uttonnewA-J-D ; $ ;

    tableattach Gt)::9uttonnewA--D % ; tableattach Gt)::9uttonnewA-$-D $ ; tableattach Gt)::9uttonnewA-;-D $ ; ; tableattach Gt)::9uttonnewA--D ; ;

    tableattach Gt)::9uttonnewA-%-D % . tableattach Gt)::9uttonnewA--D $ . tableattach Gt)::9uttonnewA-5-D $ ; . tableattach Gt)::9uttonnewA-L-D ; .

    Ebo7pac),start Gt)::3ntrynew "alse "alse %

    Ebo7pac),end table true true %

    add Ebo7



  • 8/13/2019 ZetCode Ruby GTK Tutorial


    Gt)init window 5 RubyppnewGt)main

    3e use the Tablewidget to create a calculator s!eleton.

    table 5 Gt)::Tablenew . true

    3e create a table widget with 1 rows and 6 columns. The third parameter is the homogenous

    parameter. If set to true, all the widgets in the table are of same si8e. The si8e of all widgets is

    e7ual to the largest widget in the table container.

    tableattach Gt)::9uttonnewA-Cls-D % %

    3e attach a button to the table container. To the topEleft cell of the table. The first two

    parameters are the left and right sides of the cell, the last two parameters are the top and left

    sides of the cell.

    Ebo7pac),end table true true %

    3e pac! the table widget into the #ertical bo&.

    5igure; Calculator s!eleton


    e&t we will create a more ad#anced e&ample. 3e show a window, that can be found in the

    +(e#eloper I(

  • 8/13/2019 ZetCode Ruby GTK Tutorial


    # website: wwwetcodecom# last modi"ied: 6une $%%&

    re'uire (gt)$(

    class Rubypp * Gt)::+indow

    de" initialie super

    set,title -+indows- signal,connect -destroy- do



    set,de"ault,sie ;%% $.%

    set,window,position Gt)::+indow::012,C34T3Rshow,all


    de" init,ui

    set,border,width .

    table 5 Gt)::Tablenew "alse tableset,column,spacings ;

    title 5 Gt)::@abelnew -+indows-

    halign 5 Gt)::lignmentnew % % % % halignadd title

    tableattachAhalign % % Gt)::8>@@ Gt)::8>@@ % %D

    "rame 5 Gt)::8ramenew tableattachA"rame % $ ; Gt)::8>@@ M Gt)::3N04O Gt)::8>@@ M Gt)::3N04O D

    actiEate 5 Gt)::9uttonnew -ctiEate- actiEateset,sie,re'uest .% ;% tableattachAactiEate ; $ Gt)::8>@@ Gt)::2IR>4K D

    Ealign 5 Gt)::lignmentnew % % % % close 5 Gt)::9uttonnew -Close- closeset,sie,re'uest H% ;% Ealignadd close tableset,row,spacing ; tableattachAEalign ; $ ; Gt)::8>@@ Gt)::8>@@ M Gt)::3N04O D

    halign$ 5 Gt)::lignmentnew % % % help 5 Gt)::9uttonnew -Ielp- helpset,sie,re'uest H% ;% halign$add help tableset,row,spacing ; B


  • 8/13/2019 ZetCode Ruby GTK Tutorial


    tableattachAhalign$ % . Gt)::8>@@ Gt)::8>@@ % %D

    o) 5 Gt)::9uttonnew -1K- o)set,sie,re'uest H% ;% tableattachAo) ; . Gt)::8>@@

    Gt)::8>@@ % %Dadd table


    Gt)init window 5 RubyppnewGt)main

    The code e&ample shows, how we can create a similar window in Ruby GTK.

    table 5 Gt)::Tablenew "alsetableset,column,spacings ;

    The e&ample is based on the Tablecontainer. There will be :p& space between columns.

    title 5 Gt)::@abelnew -+indows-

    halign 5 Gt)::lignmentnew % % % %halignadd title

    tableattachAhalign % % Gt)::8>@@ Gt)::8>@@ % %D

    This code creates a label, that is aligned to the left. The label is placed in the first row of theTable container.

    "rame 5 Gt)::8ramenewtableattachA"rame % $ ; Gt)::8>@@ M Gt)::3N04O Gt)::8>@@ M Gt)::3N04O D

    The frame #iew widget spans two rows and two columns.

    Ealign 5 Gt)::lignmentnew % % % %close 5 Gt)::9uttonnew -Close-closeset,sie,re'uest H% ;%Ealignadd closetableset,row,spacing ;tableattachAEalign ; $ ; Gt)::8>@@ Gt)::8>@@ M Gt)::3N04O D

    3e put the close button ne&t to the frame widget into the fourth column. ?we count from

    8ero@ 3e add the button into the alignment widget, so that we can align it to the top.


  • 8/13/2019 ZetCode Ruby GTK Tutorial


    5igure; 3indows

    In this part of the Ruby GTK tutorial, we mentioned layout management of widgets.


    In this part of the Ruby GTK programming tutorial, we will introduce some widgets.

    3idgets are basic building bloc!s of a GUI application. "#er the years, se#eral widgets

    became a standard in all tool!its on all "$ platforms. 5or e&ample a button, a chec! bo& or a

    scroll bar. The GTK tool!it>s philosophy is to !eep the number of widgets at a minimumle#el. More speciali8ed widgets are created as custom GTK widgets.


    Chec)9uttonis a widget, that has two states. "n and "ff. The "n state is #isualised by a

    chec! mar!. It is used to denote some boolean property.


    # ZetCode Ruby GTK tutorial## This program toggles the title o" the# window with the Chec)9utton widget## author: jan bodnar# website: wwwetcodecom# last modi"ied: pril $%%&

    re'uire (gt)$(

    class Rubypp * Gt)::+indow de" initialie super

    set,title -Chec)9utton- signal,connect -destroy- do


  • 8/13/2019 ZetCode Ruby GTK Tutorial




    set,de"ault,sie $.% $%%

    set,window,position Gt)::+indow::012,C34T3R show,all end

    de" init,ui

    "i7ed 5 Gt)::8i7ednew add "i7ed

    cb 5 Gt)::Chec)9uttonnew -2how title- cbset,actiEe true cbset,can,"ocus "alse

    cbsignal,connectA-clic)ed-D do MwM on,clic)edAwD end

    "i7edput cb .% .%


    de" on,clic)ed sender

    i" senderactiEeP sel"set,title -Chec) 9utton- else

    sel"set,title -- end endend

    Gt)init window 5 RubyppnewGt)main

    3e will display a title in the titlebar of the window, depending on the state of the


    cb 5 Gt)::Chec)9uttonnew -2how title-

    Chec)9uttonwidget is created.

    cbset,actiEe true

    The title is #isible by default, so we chec! the chec! button by default.

    i" senderactiEeP sel"set,title -Chec) 9utton-else sel"set,title --



  • 8/13/2019 ZetCode Ruby GTK Tutorial


    3e show the title, if the button is chec!ed.

    5igure; Chec!'utton


    The @abelwidget shows te&t.


    # ZetCode Ruby GTK tutorial## This e7ample demonstrates the @abel widget## author: jan bodnar# website: wwwetcodecom# last modi"ied: 6une $%%&

    re'uire (gt)$(

    Qlyrics 5 S?eet you downstairs in the bar and heardyour rolled up sleeEes and your s)ull tshirtou say why did you do it with him todayPand sni"" me out li)e > was Tan'ueray

    cause you(re my "ella my guyhand me your stella and "lyby the time >(m out the dooryou tear men down li)e Roger ?oore

    > cheated mysel"li)e > )new > would> told ya > was troubleyou )now that >(m no goodU

    class Rubypp * Gt)::+indow

    de" initialie super

    set,title -ou )now >(m no Good- signal,connect -destroy- do



  • 8/13/2019 ZetCode Ruby GTK Tutorial




    set,de"ault,sie $.% $%% set,window,position Gt)::+indow::012,C34T3R

    show,all end

    de" init,ui

    set,border,width % label 5 Gt)::@abelnew Qlyrics add label


    Gt)init window 5 RubyppnewGt)main

    The code e&ample shows some lyrics on the window.

    Qlyrics 5 S?eet you downstairs in the bar and heardyour rolled up sleeEes and your s)ull tshirt

    3e create a multi line te&t.

    set,border,width %

    The @abelis surrounded by some empty space.

    label 5 Gt)::@abelnew Qlyricsadd label

    The @abelwidget is created and added to the window.


  • 8/13/2019 ZetCode Ruby GTK Tutorial


    5igure; %abel 3idget


    The 3ntryis a single line te&t entry field. This widget is used to enter te&tual data.


    # ZetCode Ruby GTK tutorial## This e7ample demonstrates the 3ntry widget## author: jan bodnar# website: wwwetcodecom# last modi"ied: 6une $%%&

    re'uire (gt)$(

    class Rubypp * Gt)::+indow

    de" initialie super

    set,title -3ntry- signal,connect -destroy- do



    set,de"ault,sie $.% $%% set,window,position Gt)::+indow::012,C34T3R

    show,all end

    de" init,ui

    "i7ed 5 Gt)::8i7ednew

    label 5 Gt)::@abelnew -- "i7edput label B% %

    entry 5 Gt)::3ntrynew "i7edput entry B% %%

    entrysignal,connect -)eyreleaseeEent- do Mw eM on,)ey,releaseAw e labelD end

    addA"i7edD end

    de" on,)ey,release sender eEent label labelset,te7t senderte7t end




  • 8/13/2019 ZetCode Ruby GTK Tutorial


    window 5 RubyppnewGt)main

    This e&ample shows an entry widget and a label. The te&t that we !ey in the entry is

    displayed immediately in the label widget.

    entry 5 Gt)::3ntrynew

    3ntrywidget is created.

    entrysignal,connect -)eyreleaseeEent- do Mw eM on,)ey,releaseAw e labelDend

    3e plug the on,)ey,releasemethod to the )eyreleaseeEentof the 3ntrywidget.

    de" on,)ey,release sender eEent label

    labelset,te7t senderte7tend

    3e get the te&t from the 3ntrywidget and set it to the label.

    5igure; magewidget shows an image.


    # ZetCode Ruby GTK tutorial## This e7ample demonstrates the >mage widget## author: jan bodnar# website: wwwetcodecom# last modi"ied: 6une $%%&

    re'uire (gt)$(


  • 8/13/2019 ZetCode Ruby GTK Tutorial


    class Rubypp * Gt)::+indow

    de" initialie super

    set,title -Red Roc)-

    signal,connect -destroy- doGt)main,'uitend


    set,de"ault,sie $.% $%% set,window,position Gt)::+indow::012,C34T3R

    show,all end

    de" init,ui

    set,border,width $

    begin image 5 Gt)::>magenew -redroc)png- rescue puts -cannot load image- e7it end

    add image end


    Gt)init window 5 RubyppnewGt)main

    In our e&ample, we show an image on the window.

    set,border,width $

    3e put some empty border around the image.

    begin image 5 Gt)::>magenew -redroc)png-rescue puts -cannot load image- e7itend

    The >magewidget is created. I" operations are error prone, so we handle the possible


    add image

    3idget is added to the container.


  • 8/13/2019 ZetCode Ruby GTK Tutorial


    5igure; Image widget


    Combo9o7is a widget that allows the user to choose from a list of options.


    # ZetCode Ruby GTK tutorial## This e7ample demonstrates the Combo9o7 widget#

    # author: jan bodnar# website: wwwetcodecom# last modi"ied: 6une $%%&

    re'uire (gt)$(

    class Rubypp * Gt)::+indow

    de" initialie super

    set,title -Combo9o7-

    signal,connect -destroy- doGt)main,'uitend


    set,de"ault,sie $.% $%% set,window,position Gt)::+indow::012,C34T3R

    show,all end

    de" init,ui

    "i7ed 5 Gt)::8i7ednew label 5 Gt)::@abelnew ((


  • 8/13/2019 ZetCode Ruby GTK Tutorial


    "i7edput label .% %

    cb 5 Gt)::Combo9o7new cbsignal,connect -changed- do Mw eM on,changedAw e labelD end

    cbappend,te7t (Vbuntu( cbappend,te7t (?andriEa( cbappend,te7t (Redhat( cbappend,te7t (Gento( cbappend,te7t (?int(

    "i7edput cb .% ;%

    add "i7ed


    de" on,changed sender eEent label labelset,label senderactiEe,te7t endend

    Gt)init window 5 RubyppnewGt)main

    The e&ample shows a combo bo& and a label. The combo bo& has a list of fi#e options. These

    are the names of %inu& (istros. The label widget shows the selected option from the combo


    cb 5 Gt)::Combo9o7new

    The Combo9o7widget is created.

    cbappend,te7t (Vbuntu(cbappend,te7t (?andriEa(cbappend,te7t (Redhat(cbappend,te7t (Gento(cbappend,te7t (?int(

    It is filled with data.

    de" on,changed sender eEent label labelset,label senderactiEe,te7tend

    Inside the on,changedmethod, we get the selected te&t out of the combo bo& and set it to the



  • 8/13/2019 ZetCode Ruby GTK Tutorial


    5igure; Combo'o&

    In this chapter of the Ruby GTK tutorial, we showed some basic widgets.

    Menus & toolbars

    In this part of the Ruby GTK programming tutorial, we will wor! with menus F toolbars.

    4 menubaris one of the most common parts of the GUI application. It is a group of

    commands located in #arious menus. 3hile in console applications you ha#e to remember all

    those arcane commands, here we ha#e most of the commands grouped into logical parts.

    These are accepted standards that further reduce the amount of time spending to learn a new


    Simple menu

    In our first e&ample, we will create a menubar with one file menu. The menu will ha#e only

    one menu item. 'y selecting the item the application 7uits.


    # ZetCode Ruby GTK tutorial## This e7ample shows a simple menu#

    # author: jan bodnar# website: wwwetcodecom# last modi"ied: 6une $%%&

    re'uire (gt)$(

    class Rubypp * Gt)::+indow

    de" initialie super

    set,title -2imple menu-

    signal,connect -destroy- doGt)main,'uit


  • 8/13/2019 ZetCode Ruby GTK Tutorial




    set,de"ault,sie $.% $%% set,window,position Gt)::+indow::012,C34T3R

    show,all end

    de" init,ui

    modi"y,bg Gt)::2TT3,41R?@ Gd)::ColornewAB%% B%% B%D

    mb 5 Gt)::?enu9arnew

    "ilemenu 5 Gt)::?enunew "ilem 5 Gt)::?enu>temnew -8ile- "ilemset,submenu "ilemenu

    e7it 5 Gt)::?enu>temnew -37it- e7itsignal,connect -actiEate- do Gt)main,'uit end

    "ilemenuappend e7it

    mbappend "ilem

    Ebo7 5 Gt)::=9o7new "alse $ Ebo7pac),start mb "alse "alse %

    add Ebo7 endend

    Gt)init window 5 RubyppnewGt)main

    This is a small e&ample with minimal menubar functionality.

    mb 5 Gt)::?enu9arnew

    ?enu9arwidget is created. This is a container for the menus.

    "ilemenu 5 Gt)::?enunew"ilem 5 Gt)::?enu>temnew -8ile-"ilemset,submenu "ilemenu

    Tople#el ?enu>temis created.

    e7it 5 Gt)::?enu>temnew -37it-e7itsignal,connect -actiEate- do Gt)main,'uitend

    "ilemenuappend e7it


  • 8/13/2019 ZetCode Ruby GTK Tutorial


    temis created and appended to the 5ile ?enu>tem.

    mbappend "ilem

    Tople#el ?enu>temis appended to the ?enu9arwidget.

    Ebo7 5 Gt)::=9o7new "alse $Ebo7pac),start mb "alse "alse %

    Unli!e in other tool!its, we ha#e to ta!e care of the layout management of the menubar

    oursel#es. 3e put the menubar into the #ertical bo&.

    5igure; $imple menu


    "ur final e&ample demonstrates how to create a submenu.


    # ZetCode Ruby GTK tutorial## This e7ample shows a submenu## author: jan bodnar# website: wwwetcodecom# last modi"ied: 6une $%%&

    re'uire (gt)$(

    class Rubypp * Gt)::+indow

    de" initialie super

    set,title -2ubmenu- signal,connect -destroy- do




  • 8/13/2019 ZetCode Ruby GTK Tutorial


    set,de"ault,sie $.% $%% set,window,position Gt)::+indow::012,C34T3R

    show,all end

    de" init,ui

    modi"y,bg Gt)::2TT3,41R?@ Gd)::ColornewAB%% B%% B%D

    mb 5 Gt)::?enu9arnew

    "ilemenu 5 Gt)::?enunew "ilem 5 Gt)::?enu>temnew -8ile- "ilemset,submenu "ilemenu

    mbappend "ilem

    imenu 5 Gt)::?enunew

    importm 5 Gt)::?enu>temnew ->mport- importmset,submenu imenu

    inews 5 Gt)::?enu>temnew ->mport news "eed- iboo)mar)s 5 Gt)::?enu>temnew ->mport boo)mar)s- imail 5 Gt)::?enu>temnew ->mport mail-

    imenuappend inews imenuappend iboo)mar)s imenuappend imail

    "ilemenuappend importme7it 5 Gt)::?enu>temnew -37it-

    e7itsignal,connect -actiEate- do Gt)main,'uit end

    "ilemenuappend e7it

    Ebo7 5 Gt)::=9o7new "alse $ Ebo7pac),start mb "alse "alse %

    add Ebo7 endend

    Gt)init window 5 RubyppnewGt)main

    $ubmenu creation.

    imenu 5 Gt)::?enunew

    4 submenu is a ?enu.

    importm 5 Gt)::?enu>temnew ->mport-importmset,submenu imenu


  • 8/13/2019 ZetCode Ruby GTK Tutorial


    It is a submenu of a menu item, which belogs to tople#el file menu.

    inews 5 Gt)::?enu>temnew ->mport news "eed-iboo)mar)s 5 Gt)::?enu>temnew ->mport boo)mar)s-imail 5 Gt)::?enu>temnew ->mport mail-

    imenuappend inewsimenuappend iboo)mar)simenuappend imail

    $ubmenu has its own menu items.

    5igure; $ubmenu

    #mage menu

    In the ne&t e&ample, we will further e&plore the menus. 3e will add images and accelerators

    to our menu items. Acceleratorsare !eyboard shortcuts for acti#ating a menu item.


    # ZetCode Ruby GTK tutorial## This e7ample shows a menu with# images accelerators and a separator## author: jan bodnar# website: wwwetcodecom

    # last modi"ied: 6une $%%&

    re'uire (gt)$(

    class Rubypp * Gt)::+indow

    de" initialie super

    set,title ->mage menu- signal,connect -destroy- do




  • 8/13/2019 ZetCode Ruby GTK Tutorial



    set,de"ault,sie $.% $%% set,window,position Gt)::+indow::012,C34T3R


    endde" init,ui

    modi"y,bg Gt)::2TT3,41R?@ Gd)::ColornewAB%% B%% B%D

    mb 5 Gt)::?enu9arnew

    "ilemenu 5 Gt)::?enunew "ilem 5 Gt)::?enu>temnew -8ile- "ilemset,submenu "ilemenu

    agr 5 Gt)::ccelGroupnew

    add,accel,group agr

    newi 5 Gt)::>mage?enu>temnew Gt)::2toc)::43+ agr )ey mod 5 Gt)::cceleratorparse -4- newiadd,acceleratorA-actiEate- agr )ey

    mod Gt)::CC3@,=>2>9@3D "ilemenuappend newi

    openm 5 Gt)::>mage?enu>temnew Gt)::2toc)::1034 agr )ey mod 5 Gt)::cceleratorparse -1- openmadd,acceleratorA-actiEate- agr )ey

    mod Gt)::CC3@,=>2>9@3D "ilemenuappend openm

    sep 5 Gt)::2eparator?enu>temnew "ilemenuappend sep

    e7it 5 Gt)::>mage?enu>temnew Gt)::2toc)::T agr )ey mod 5 Gt)::cceleratorparse -2>9@3D

    e7itsignal,connect -actiEate- do Gt)main,'uit end "ilemenuappend e7it

    mbappend "ilem

    Ebo7 5 Gt)::=9o7new "alse $ Ebo7pac),start mb "alse "alse %

    add Ebo7 endend

    Gt)init window 5 RubyppnewGt)main


  • 8/13/2019 ZetCode Ruby GTK Tutorial


    "ur e&ample shows a tople#el menu item with three suble#el menu items. mage?enu>temnew Gt)::2toc)::43+ agr)ey mod 5 Gt)::cceleratorparse -4-newiadd,acceleratorA-actiEate- agr )ey

    mod Gt)::CC3@,=>2>9@3D"ilemenuappend newi

    >mage?enu>temis created. The image comes from the stoc! of images. 3e create also a

    Ctrl* accelerator.

    sep 5 Gt)::2eparator?enu>temnew"ilemenuappend sep

    These lines create a separator. It is used to put menu items into logical groups.

    5igure; Image menu

    Menus group commands that we can use in application. Toolbars pro#ide a 7uic! access to

    the most fre7uently used commands.

    Simple toolbar

    e&t we create a simple toolbar.


    # ZetCode Ruby GTK tutorial## This e7ample shows a toolbar# widget#

    # author: jan bodnar# website: wwwetcodecom# last modi"ied: 6une $%%&


  • 8/13/2019 ZetCode Ruby GTK Tutorial


    re'uire (gt)$(

    class Rubypp * Gt)::+indow

    de" initialie super

    set,title -Toolbar- signal,connect -destroy- do



    set,de"ault,sie $.% $%% set,window,position Gt)::+indow::012,C34T3R

    show,all end

    de" init,ui

    toolbar 5 Gt)::Toolbarnew toolbarset,toolbar,style Gt)::Toolbar::2tyle::>C142

    newtb 5 Gt)::Tool9uttonnew Gt)::2toc)::43+ opentb 5 Gt)::Tool9uttonnew Gt)::2toc)::1034 saEetb 5 Gt)::Tool9uttonnew Gt)::2toc)::2=3 sep 5 Gt)::2eparatorTool>temnew 'uittb 5 Gt)::Tool9uttonnew Gt)::2toc)::T

    toolbarinsert % newtb toolbarinsert opentb toolbarinsert $ saEetb toolbarinsert ; sep toolbarinsert 'uittb

    'uittbsignal,connect -clic)ed- do Gt)main,'uit end

    Ebo7 5 Gt)::=9o7new "alse $ Ebo7pac),start toolbar "alse "alse %

    addAEbo7D endend

    Gt)init window 5 RubyppnewGt)main

    The e&ample shows a toolbar and four tool buttons.

    toolbar 5 Gt)::Toolbarnew

    4 Toolbarwidget is created.


  • 8/13/2019 ZetCode Ruby GTK Tutorial


    toolbarset,toolbar,style Gt)::Toolbar::2tyle::>C142

    "n toolbar, we show only icons. o te&t.

    newtb 5 Gt)::Tool9uttonnew Gt)::2toc)::43+

    4 Tool9uttonwith an image from stoc! is created. The image comes from the builtEin stoc!

    of images.

    sep 5 Gt)::2eparatorTool>temnew

    This is a separator. It can be used to put toolbar buttons into logical groups.

    toolbarinsert % newtbtoolbarinsert opentb

    Toolbar buttons are inserted into the toolbar widget.

    5igure; Toolbar

    $ndo redo

    The following e&ample demonstrates, how we can deacti#ate toolbar buttons on the toolbar.

    It is a common practise in GUI programming. 5or e&ample the sa#e button. If we sa#e all

    changes of our document to the dis!, the sa#e button is deacti#ated in most te&t editors. This

    way the application indicates to the user, that all changes are already sa#ed.


    # ZetCode Ruby GTK tutorial## This e7ample shows how to# actiEate/deactiEate a Tool9utton## author: jan bodnar# website: wwwetcodecom# last modi"ied: 6une $%%&

    re'uire (gt)$(


  • 8/13/2019 ZetCode Ruby GTK Tutorial


    class Rubypp * Gt)::+indow

    de" initialie


    set,title -Vndo redo- signal,connect -destroy- do


    Wcount 5 $


    set,de"ault,sie $.% $%% set,window,position Gt)::+indow::012,C34T3R

    show,all end

    de" init,ui

    toolbar 5 Gt)::Toolbarnew toolbarset,toolbar,style Gt)::Toolbar::2tyle::>C142

    Wundo 5 Gt)::Tool9uttonnew Gt)::2toc)::V4O1 Wredo 5 Gt)::Tool9uttonnew Gt)::2toc)::R3O1 sep 5 Gt)::2eparatorTool>temnew 'uit 5 Gt)::Tool9uttonnew Gt)::2toc)::T

    toolbarinsert % Wundo toolbarinsert Wredo toolbarinsert $ sep toolbarinsert ; 'uit

    Wundosignal,connect -clic)ed- do on,undo end

    Wredosignal,connect -clic)ed- do on,redo end

    'uitsignal,connect -clic)ed- do Gt)main,'uit end

    Ebo7 5 Gt)::=9o7new "alse $ Ebo7pac),start toolbar "alse "alse %

    sel"add Ebo7


    de" on,undo

    Wcount 5 Wcount

    i" Wcount *5 %


  • 8/13/2019 ZetCode Ruby GTK Tutorial


    Wundoset,sensitiEe "alse Wredoset,sensitiEe true end end

    de" on,redo Wcount 5 Wcount L

    i" Wcount F5 . Wredoset,sensitiEe "alse Wundoset,sensitiEe true end endend

    Gt)init window 5 RubyppnewGt)main

    "ur e&ample creates undo and redo buttons from the GTK stoc! resources. 4fter se#eral

    clic!s each of the buttons is deacti#ated. The buttons are grayed out.

    Wcount 5 $

    The Wcount#ariable decides, which button is acti#ated or deacti#ated.

    Wundo 5 Gt)::Tool9uttonnew Gt)::2toc)::V4O1Wredo 5 Gt)::Tool9uttonnew Gt)::2toc)::R3O1

    3e ha#e two tool buttons. Undo and redo tool buttons. Images come from the stoc!resources.

    Wundosignal,connect -clic)ed- do on,undoend

    Clic!ing on the undo button, we trigger the on,undomethod.

    i" Wcount *5 % Wundoset,sensitiEe "alse Wredoset,sensitiEe true


    To acti#ate or deacti#ate a widget, we use the set,sensitiEemethod


  • 8/13/2019 ZetCode Ruby GTK Tutorial


    5igure; Undo redo

    In this chapter of the Ruby GTK tutorial, we showed, how to wor! with menus F toolbars.


    In this part of the Ruby GTK programming tutorial, we will introduce dialogs.

    (ialog windows or dialogs are an indispensable part of most modern GUI applications. 4

    dialog is defined as a con#ersation between two or more persons. In a computer application a

    dialog is a window which is used to tal! to the application. 4 dialog is used to input data,

    modify data, change the application settings etc. (ialogs are important means of

    communication between a user and a computer program.

    %essage boxes

    Message dialogs are con#enient dialogs that pro#ide messages to the user of the application.

    The message consists of te&tual and image data.


    # ZetCode Ruby GTK tutorial## This e7ample shows message# dialogs

    ## author: jan bodnar# website: wwwetcodecom# last modi"ied: 6une $%%&

    re'uire (gt)$(

    class Rubypp * Gt)::+indow

    de" initialie super

    set,title -?essages- signal,connect -destroy- do


  • 8/13/2019 ZetCode Ruby GTK Tutorial




    set,de"ault,sie $.% %%

    set,window,position Gt)::+indow::012,C34T3Rshow,all


    de" init,ui

    table 5 Gt)::Tablenew $ $ true

    in"o 5 Gt)::9uttonnew ->n"ormation- warn 5 Gt)::9uttonnew -+arning- 'ues 5 Gt)::9uttonnew -TI,0R34T Gt)::?essageOialog::>481

    Gt)::?essageOialog::9VTT142,C@123 -Oownload completed-D mdrun mddestroy end

    de" on,erro md 5 Gt)::?essageOialognewAsel" Gt)::Oialog::?1O@ M Gt)::Oialog::O32TR1,+>TI,0R34T Gt)::?essageOialog::3RR1R

    Gt)::?essageOialog::9VTT142,C@123 -3rror loading "ile-D mdrun mddestroy end


  • 8/13/2019 ZetCode Ruby GTK Tutorial


    de" on,'ues md 5 Gt)::?essageOialognewAsel" Gt)::Oialog::O32TR1,+>TI,0R34T Gt)::?essageOialog::14

    Gt)::?essageOialog::9VTT142,C@123 -re you sure to 'uitP-D

    mdrun mddestroy end

    de" on,warn md 5 Gt)::?essageOialognewAsel" Gt)::Oialog::O32TR1,+>TI,0R34T Gt)::?essageOialog::+R4>4G

    Gt)::?essageOialog::9VTT142,C@123 -Vnallowed operation-D mdrun mddestroy endend

    Gt)init window 5 RubyppnewGt)main

    In our e&ample, we will show four !inds of message dialogs. Information, 3arning, )uestion


  • 8/13/2019 ZetCode Ruby GTK Tutorial



    The boutOialogdisplays information about the application. boutOialogcan display a

    logo, the name of the application, #ersion, copyright, website or licence information. It is also

    possible to gi#e credits to the authors, documenters, translators and artists.


    # ZetCode Ruby GTK tutorial## This e7ample demonstrates the# boutOialog dialog## author: jan bodnar# website: wwwetcodecom# last modi"ied: 6une $%%&

    re'uire (gt)$(

    class Rubypp * Gt)::+indow

    de" initialie super

    set,title -bout dialog- signal,connect -destroy- do



    set,de"ault,sie ;%% .% set,window,position Gt)::+indow::012,C34T3R

    show,all end


  • 8/13/2019 ZetCode Ruby GTK Tutorial


    de" init,ui

    button 5 Gt)::9uttonnew -bout-

    buttonset,sie,re'uest % ;%

    buttonsignal,connect -clic)ed- do on,clic)ed end

    "i7 5 Gt)::8i7ednew "i7put button $% $%

    add "i7


    de" on,clic)ed about 5 Gt)::boutOialognew

    aboutset,program,name -9attery- aboutset,Eersion -%- aboutset,copyright -AcD 6an 9odnar- aboutset,comments -9attery is a simple tool "or battery chec)ing- aboutset,website -http://wwwetcodecom- aboutset,logo Gd)::0i7bu"new -batterypng- aboutrun aboutdestroy endend

    Gt)init window 5 Rubyppnew


    The code e&ample uses a boutOialogwith some of its features.

    about 5 Gt)::boutOialognew

    3e create an boutOialog.

    aboutset,program,name -9attery-aboutset,Eersion -%-aboutset,copyright -AcD 6an 9odnar-

    -ere we specify the name, the #ersion and the copyright.

    aboutset,logo Gd)::0i7bu"new -batterypng-

    This line creates a logo.


  • 8/13/2019 ZetCode Ruby GTK Tutorial


    5igure; 4bout(ialog


    The 8ont2electionOialogis a dialog for selecting fonts. It is typically used in applications,

    that do some te&t editing or formatting.


    # ZetCode Ruby GTK tutorial## This e7ample wor)s with the# 8ont2electionOialog## author: jan bodnar# website: wwwetcodecom# last modi"ied: 6une $%%&

    re'uire (gt)$(

    class Rubypp * Gt)::+indow

    de" initialie super

    set,title -8ont2electionOialog- signal,connect -destroy- do



    set,de"ault,sie ;%% .% set,window,position Gt)::+indow::012,C34T3R

    show,all end

    de" init,ui

    set,border,width %

    Wlabel 5 Gt)::@abelnew -The only Eictory oEer loEe is "light- button 5 Gt)::9uttonnew -2elect "ont-


  • 8/13/2019 ZetCode Ruby GTK Tutorial


    buttonsignal,connect -clic)ed- do

    on,clic)ed end

    "i7 5 Gt)::8i7ednew

    "i7put button %% ;% "i7put Wlabel ;% &% add "i7


    de" on,clic)ed "dia 5 Gt)::8ont2electionOialognew -2elect "ont name- response 5 "diarun

    i" response 55 Gt)::Oialog::R3201423,1K "ont,desc 5 0ango::8ontOescriptionnew "dia"ont,name i" "ont,desc

    Wlabelmodi"y,"ont "ont,desc end end "diadestroy endend

    Gt)init window 5 RubyppnewGt)main

    In the code e&ample, we ha#e a button and a label. 3e show the 8ont2electionOialog by

    clic!ing on the button.

    "dia 5 Gt)::8ont2electionOialognew -2elect "ont name-

    3e create the 8ont2electionOialog.

    i" response 55 Gt)::Oialog::R3201423,1K "ont,desc 5 0ango::8ontOescriptionnew "dia"ont,name i" "ont,desc Wlabelmodi"y,"ont "ont,desc endend

    If we clic! on the "K button, the font of the label widget changes to the one, that we selected

    in the dialog.


  • 8/13/2019 ZetCode Ruby GTK Tutorial


    5igure; 5ont$election(ialog


    Color2electionOialog is a dialog for selecting a color.


    # ZetCode Ruby GTK tutorial## This e7ample wor)s with the# Color2electionOialog## author: jan bodnar# website: wwwetcodecom# last modi"ied: 6une $%%&

    re'uire (gt)$(

    class Rubypp * Gt)::+indow

    de" initialie super

    set,title -Color2electionOialog- signal,connect -destroy- do



    set,de"ault,sie ;.% .%

    set,window,position Gt)::+indow::012,C34T3R



  • 8/13/2019 ZetCode Ruby GTK Tutorial



    de" init,ui

    set,border,width % Wlabel 5 Gt)::@abelnew -The only Eictory oEer loEe is "light-

    button 5 Gt)::9uttonnew -2elect color-buttonsignal,connect -clic)ed- do

    on,clic)ed end

    "i7 5 Gt)::8i7ednew "i7put button %% ;% "i7put Wlabel ;% &% add "i7 end

    de" on,clic)ed

    cdia 5 Gt)::Color2electionOialognew -2elect color- response 5 cdiarun

    i" response 55 Gt)::Oialog::R3201423,1K colorsel 5 cdiacolorsel color 5 colorselcurrent,color Wlabelmodi"y,"g Gt)::2TT3,41R?@ color end

    cdiadestroy endend

    Gt)init window 5 RubyppnewGt)main

    The e&ample is #ery similar to the pre#ious one. This time we change the color of the label.

    cdia 5 Gt)::Color2electionOialognew -2elect color-

    3e create the Color2electionOialog .

    i" response 55 Gt)::Oialog::R3201423,1K colorsel 5 cdiacolorsel

    color 5 colorselcurrent,color Wlabelmodi"y,"g Gt)::2TT3,41R?@ colorend

    If the user pressed "K, we get the color #alue and modify the label>s color.


  • 8/13/2019 ZetCode Ruby GTK Tutorial


    5igure; Color$election(ialog

    In this part of the Ruby GTK tutorial, we presented dialogs.

    Painting it! Cairo

    In this part of the Ruby GTK tutorial, we will do some painting with the Cairo library.

    Cairois a library for creating 0( #ector graphics. 3e can use it to draw our own widgets,charts or #arious effects or animations.


    In the first e&ample, we will wor! with colors. 4 color is an ob9ect representing a

    combination of Red, Green, and 'lue ?RG'@ intensity #alues. Cairo #alid RG' #alues are in

    the range 2 to /.


    # ZetCode Ruby GTK tutorial## This program shows how to wor)# with colors in Cairo## author: jan bodnar# website: wwwetcodecom# last modi"ied: 6une $%%&

    re'uire (gt)$(

    class Rubypp * Gt)::+indow

    de" initialie super


  • 8/13/2019 ZetCode Ruby GTK Tutorial


    set,title -Colors-

    signal,connect -destroy- doGt)main,'uit



    set,de"ault,sie ;B% %% set,window,position Gt)::+indow::012,C34T3R

    show,all end

    de" init,ui

    Wdarea 5 Gt)::Orawingreanew

    Wdareasignal,connect -e7poseeEent- do

    on,e7pose end



    de" on,e7pose

    cr 5 Wdareawindowcreate,cairo,conte7tdraw,colors cr


    de" draw,colors cr

    crset,source,rgb %$ %$; %& crrectangle % . &% B% cr"ill

    crset,source,rgb %& % % crrectangle ;% . &% B% cr"ill

    crset,source,rgb % %& % crrectangle $.% . &% B% cr"ill endend

    Gt)init window 5 RubyppnewGt)main

    In our e&ample, we will draw three rectangles and fill them with three different colors.

    Wdarea 5 Gt)::Orawingreanew

    3e will be doing our drawing operations on the Orawingreawidget.

    Wdareasignal,connect -e7poseeEent- do


  • 8/13/2019 ZetCode Ruby GTK Tutorial



    3hen the window needs to be redrawn, the the e7poseeEentis triggered. In response to

    this e#ent, we call the on,e7posemethod.

    cr 5 Wdareawindowcreate,cairo,conte7t

    3e create the cairo conte&t ob9ect from the Gd)+indowof the drawing area. The conte&t is an

    ob9ect onto which we do all our drawings.

    draw,colors cr

    The actual drawing is delegated to the draw,colorsmethod.

    crset,source,rgb %$ %$; %&

    The set,source,rgbmethod sets a color for the cairo conte&t. The three parameters of the

    method are the color intensity #alues.

    crrectangle % . &% B%

    3e draw a rectangle. The first two parameters are the &, y coordinates of the top left corner

    of the rectangle. The last two parameters are the width and height of the rectangle.


    3e fill the inside of the rectangle with the current color.

    5igure; Colors

    Basic shapes

    The ne&t e&ample draws some basic shapes onto the window.


    # ZetCode Ruby GTK tutorial## This code e7ample draws basic shapes# with the Cairo library## author: jan bodnar# website: wwwetcodecom# last modi"ied: 6une $%%&


  • 8/13/2019 ZetCode Ruby GTK Tutorial


    re'uire (gt)$(

    class Rubypp * Gt)::+indow

    de" initialie

    superset,title -9asic shapes-

    signal,connect -destroy- doGt)main,'uit



    set,de"ault,sie ;&% $% set,window,position Gt)::+indow::012,C34T3R


    endde" init,ui

    Wdarea 5 Gt)::Orawingreanew

    Wdareasignal,connect -e7poseeEent- doon,e7pose


    addAWdareaD end

    de" on,e7posecr 5 Wdareawindowcreate,cairo,conte7tdraw,shapes cr


    de" draw,shapes cr

    crset,source,rgb %B %B %B

    crrectangle $% $% $% % crrectangle % $% % % cr"ill

    crarc ;;% B% % % $J?ath::0> cr"ill

    crarc &% B% % ?ath::0>/ ?ath::0> cr"ill

    crtranslate $$% % crscale %H crarc % % .% % $J?ath::0> cr"ill endend

    Gt)init window 5 Rubyppnew


  • 8/13/2019 ZetCode Ruby GTK Tutorial



    In this e&ample, we will create a rectangle, a s7uare, a circle, an arc and an ellipse. 3e draw

    outlines in blue color, insides in white.

    crrectangle $% $% $% %crrectangle % $% % %cr"ill

    These lines draw a rectangle and a s7uare.

    crarc ;;% B% % % $J?ath::0>cr"ill

    -ere the arcmethod draws a full circle.

    crtranslate $$% %

    crscale %Hcrarc % % .% % $J?ath::0>cr"ill

    The translatemethod mo#es the ob9ect to a specific point. If we want to draw an o#al, we

    do some scaling first. -ere the scalemethod shrin!s the y a&is.

    5igure; 'asic shapes

    Transparent rectangles

    Transparency is the 7uality of being able to see through a material. The easiest way to

    understand transparency is to imagine a piece of glass or water. Technically, the rays of light

    can go through the glass and this way we can see ob9ects behind the glass.

    In computer graphics, we can achie#e transparency effects using alpha compositing. 4lpha

    compositing is the process of combining an image with a bac!ground to create the

    appearance of partial transparency. The composition process uses an alpha channel.

    ?wi!ipedia.org, answers.com@


  • 8/13/2019 ZetCode Ruby GTK Tutorial



    # ZetCode Ruby GTK tutorial## This program shows transparent# rectangles using Cairo

    ## author: jan bodnar# website: wwwetcodecom# last modi"ied: 6une $%%&

    re'uire (gt)$(

    class Rubypp * Gt)::+indow

    de" initialie super

    set,title -Transparent rectangles- signal,connect -destroy- doGt)main,'uit



    set,de"ault,sie .&% &% set,window,position Gt)::+indow::012,C34T3R

    show,all end

    de" init,uiWdarea 5 Gt)::Orawingreanew

    Wdareasignal,connect -e7poseeEent- doon,e7pose




    de" on,e7pose

    cr 5 Wdareawindowcreate,cairo,conte7t

    "or i in A%D crset,source,rgba % % iJ% crrectangle .%Ji $% % % cr"ill end endend

    Gt)init window 5 RubyppnewGt)main

    In the e&ample we will draw ten rectangles with different le#els of transparency.


  • 8/13/2019 ZetCode Ruby GTK Tutorial


    crset,source,rgba % % iJ%

    The last parameter of the set,source,rgbamethod is the alpha transparency.

    5igure; Transparent rectangles


    In the following e&ample we create a comple& shape by rotating a bunch of ellipses.


    # ZetCode Ruby GTK tutorial## This program creates a donut# with Cairo library## author: jan bodnar# website: wwwetcodecom# last modi"ied: 6une $%%&

    re'uire (gt)$(

    class Rubypp * Gt)::+indow

    de" initialie super

    set,title -Oonut- signal,connect -destroy- do



    set,de"ault,sie ;.% $.% set,window,position Gt)::+indow::012,C34T3R

    show,all end

    de" init,ui

    Wdarea 5 Gt)::Orawingreanew

    Wdareasignal,connect -e7poseeEent- doon,e7pose




  • 8/13/2019 ZetCode Ruby GTK Tutorial



    de" on,e7pose

    cr 5 Wdareawindowcreate,cairo,conte7t

    crset,line,width %.

    w 5 allocationwidth h 5 allocationheight

    crtranslate w/$ h/$ crarc % % $% % $J?ath::0> crstro)e

    "or i in A;BD crsaEe crrotate iJ?ath::0>/;B crscale %;

    crarc % % $% % $J?ath::0> crrestore crstro)e end endend

    Gt)init window 5 RubyppnewGt)main

    In this e&ample, we create a donut. The shape resembles a coo!ie, hence the name donut.

    crtranslate w/$ h/$crarc % % $% % $J?ath::0>crstro)e

    In the beginning there is an ellipse.

    "or i in A;BD crsaEe crrotate iJ?ath::0>/;B crscale %; crarc % % $% % $J?ath::0> crrestore


    4fter se#eral rotations, there is a donut.


  • 8/13/2019 ZetCode Ruby GTK Tutorial


    5igure; (onut

    &rawing text

    In the ne&t e&ample, we draw some te&t on the window.


    # ZetCode Ruby GTK tutorial## This program draws te7t# using Cairo## author: jan bodnar# website: wwwetcodecom# last modi"ied: 6une $%%&

    re'uire (gt)$(

    class Rubypp * Gt)::+indow

    de" initialie super

    set,title -2oulmate-

    signal,connect -destroy- doGt)main,'uit



    set,de"ault,sie ;H% $% set,window,position Gt)::+indow::012,C34T3R

    show,all end

    de" init,ui

    Wdarea 5 Gt)::Orawingreanew


  • 8/13/2019 ZetCode Ruby GTK Tutorial


    Wdareasignal,connect -e7poseeEent- do

    on,e7pose end



    de" on,e7pose

    cr 5 Wdareawindowcreate,cairo,conte7t

    crset,source,rgb % % %

    crselect,"ont,"ace -0urisa- Cairo::814T,2@4T,41R?@Cairo::814T,+3>GIT,41R?@

    crset,"ont,sie ;

    crmoEe,to $% ;% crshow,te7t -?ost relationships seem so transitory- crmoEe,to $% B% crshow,te7t -They(re all good but not the permanent one- crmoEe,to $% $% crshow,te7t -+ho doesn(t long "or someone to hold- crmoEe,to $% .% crshow,te7t -+ho )nows how to loEe without being told- crmoEe,to $% % crshow,te7t -2omebody tell me why >(m on my own- crmoEe,to $% $% crshow,te7t ->" there(s a soulmate "or eEeryone- end


    Gt)init window 5 RubyppnewGt)main

    3e display part of the lyrics from the atasha 'edingfields $oulmate song.

    crselect,"ont,"ace -0urisa- Cairo::814T,2@4T,41R?@Cairo::814T,+3>GIT,41R?@

    -ere we specify the font, that we use. urisa normal.

    crset,"ont,sie ;

    3e specify the si8e of the font.

    crmoEe,to $% ;%

    3e mo#e to the point, where we will draw the te&t.

    crshow,te7t -?ost relationships seem so transitory-

    The show,te7tmethod draws te&t onto the window.


  • 8/13/2019 ZetCode Ruby GTK Tutorial


    5igure; $oulmate

    In this chapter of the Ruby GTK tutorial, we were painting with Cairo library.

    Custom idget

    Most tool!its usually pro#ide only the most common widgets li!e buttons, te&t widgets,

    sliders etc. o tool!it can pro#ide all possible widgets. rogrammers must create such

    widgets by themsel#es. They do it by using the drawing tools pro#ided by the tool!it. There

    are two possibilities. 4 programmer can modify or enhance an e&isting widget. "r he can

    create a custom widget from scratch.

    Burning widget

    This is an e&ample of a widget, that we create from scratch. This widget can be found in

    #arious media burning applications, li!e ero 'urning R"M.


    # ZetCode Ruby GTK tutorial#

    # This e7ample creates a burning# custom widget## author: jan bodnar# website: etcodecom# last edited: 6une $%%&

    re'uire (gt)$(

    class 9urning * Gt)::Orawingrea

    de" initialieAparentD Wparent 5 parent



  • 8/13/2019 ZetCode Ruby GTK Tutorial


    Wnum 5 X -H.- -.%- -$$.- -;%%-

    -;H.- -.%- -.$.- -B%%- -BH.- Y

    set,sie,re'uest ;% signal,connect -e7poseeEent- do

    e7pose end end

    de" e7pose

    cr 5 windowcreate,cairo,conte7t draw,widget cr


    de" draw,widget cr

    crset,line,width %

    crselect,"ont,"aceA-Courier-Cairo::814T,2@4T,41R?@ Cairo::814T,+3>GIT,41R?@D


    width 5 allocationwidth

    Wcur,width 5 Wparentget,cur,Ealue

    step 5 Awidth / %%Dround

    till 5 Awidth / H.%%D J Wcur,width "ull 5 Awidth / H.%%D J H%%

    i" Wcur,width F5 H%%

    crset,source,rgbA% % %H$D crrectangleA% % "ull ;%D crclip crpaint crreset,clip

    crset,source,rgbA% %B %BD crrectangleA"ull % till"ull ;%D crclip crpaint crreset,clip

    else crset,source,rgb % % %H$ crrectangle % % till ;% crclip crpaint crreset,clip end

    crset,source,rgbA%;. %; %$D

    "or i in AWnumlengthD


  • 8/13/2019 ZetCode Ruby GTK Tutorial


    crmoEe,to iJstep % crline,to iJstep . crstro)e

    te 5 crte7t,e7tents WnumXiY crmoEe,to iJsteptewidth/$ .

    crte7t,path WnumXiY crstro)e end


    class Rubypp * Gt)::+indow de" initialie super

    set,title -9urning- signal,connect -destroy- do


    set,sie,re'uest ;.% $%%set,window,position Gt)::+indow::012,C34T3R

    Wcur,Ealue 5 %

    Ebo7 5 Gt)::=9o7new "alse $

    scale 5 Gt)::I2calenew

    scaleset,range % H.% scaleset,digits %

    scaleset,sie,re'uest B% ;. scaleset,Ealue Wcur,Ealue

    scalesignal,connect -Ealuechanged- do MwM on,changedAwD end

    "i7 5 Gt)::8i7ednew "i7put scale .% .%

    Ebo7pac),start "i7

    Wburning 5 9urningnewAsel"D Ebo7pac),start Wburning "alse "alse %

    add Ebo7 show,all end

    de" on,changed widget

    Wcur,Ealue 5 widgetEalue Wburning'ueue,draw end

    de" get,cur,Ealue return Wcur,Ealue endend


  • 8/13/2019 ZetCode Ruby GTK Tutorial


    Gt)init window 5 RubyppnewGt)main

    3e put a Orawingreaon the bottom of the window and draw the entire widget manually.

    4ll the important code resides in the draw,widgetwhich is called from the e7posemethod

    of the 'urning class. This widget shows graphically the total capacity of a medium and the

    free space a#ailable to us. The widget is controlled by a scale widget. The minimum #alue of

    our custom widget is 2, the ma&imum is B12. If we reach #alue B22, we began drawing in red

    colour. This normally indicates o#erburning.

    Wnum 5 X -H.- -.%- -$$.- -;%%--;H.- -.%- -.$.- -B%%- -BH.- Y

    These numbers are shown on the burning widget. They show the capacity of the medium.

    Wcur,width 5 Wparentget,cur,Ealue

    5rom the parent widget, we get the current #alue of the scale widget.

    till 5 Awidth / H.%%D J Wcur,width"ull 5 Awidth / H.%%D J H%%

    3e use the width#ariable to do the transformations. 'etween the #alues of the scale and the

    custom widget>s measures. ote that we use floating point #alues. 3e get greater precision in

    drawing. The tillparameter determines the total si8e to be drawn. This #alue comes from

    the slider widget. It is a proportion of the whole area. The "ullparameter determines the

    point, where we begin to draw in red color.

    crset,source,rgbA% % %H$DcrrectangleA% % "ull ;%Dcrclipcrpaintcrreset,clip

    3e draw a yellow rectangle up to point, where the medium is full.

    te 5 crte7t,e7tents WnumXiYcrmoEe,to iJsteptewidth/$ .

    crte7t,path WnumXiYcrstro)e

    This code here draws the numbers on the burning widget. 3e calculate the te&t e&tents to

    position the te&t correctly.

    de" on,changed widget

    Wcur,Ealue 5 widgetEalue Wburning'ueue,drawend

    3e get the #alue from the scale widget, store it in the Wcur,Ealue#ariable for later use. 3eredraw the burning widget.


  • 8/13/2019 ZetCode Ruby GTK Tutorial


    5igure; 'urning widget

    In this chapter, we created a custom widget in GTK and Ruby programming language.


    In this part of the Ruby GTK programming tutorial, we will create a ibbles game clone.

    "ibblesis an older classic #ideo game. It was first created in late B2s. %ater it was brought to

    Cs. In this game the player controls a sna!e. The ob9ecti#e is to eat as many apples as


  • 8/13/2019 ZetCode Ruby GTK Tutorial


    init,game end

    de" on,timer

    i" WinGame

    chec),apple chec),collision moEe 'ueue,draw return true else return "alse end end

    de" init,game

    Wle"t 5 "alse

    Wright 5 true Wup 5 "alse Wdown 5 "alse WinGame 5 true Wdots 5 ;

    "or i in A%WdotsD Q7XiY 5 .% i J % QyXiY 5 .% end

    begin Wdot 5 Cairo::>mage2ur"ace"rom,png -dotpng-

    Whead 5 Cairo::>mage2ur"ace"rom,png -headpng- Wapple 5 Cairo::>mage2ur"ace"rom,png -applepng- rescue 37ception 5F e puts -cannot load images- e7it end

    locate,apple G@ib::TimeoutaddA%%D S on,timer U


    de" on,e7pose

    cr 5 windowcreate,cairo,conte7t

    i" WinGame draw,objects cr else game,oEer cr end


    de" draw,objects cr

    crset,source,rgb % % % crpaint


  • 8/13/2019 ZetCode Ruby GTK Tutorial


    crset,source Wapple Wapple,7 Wapple,y crpaint

    "or in A%WdotsD i" 55 %

    crset,source Whead Q7XY QyXY

    crpaint else crset,source Wdot Q7XY QyXY crpaint end

    end end

    de" game,oEer cr

    w 5 allocationwidth / $ h 5 allocationheight / $

    crset,"ont,sie . te 5 crte7t,e7tents -Game 1Eer-

    crset,source,rgb B..;. B..;. B..;.

    crmoEe,to w tewidth/$ h crshow,te7t -Game 1Eer-


    de" chec),apple

    i" Q7X%Y 55 Wapple,7 and QyX%Y 55 Wapple,yWdots 5 Wdots L locate,apple end end

    de" moEe

    5 Wdots

    while F % Q7XY 5 Q7XA DY QyXY 5 QyXA DY 5 end

    i" Wle"t Q7X%Y 5 O1T,2>Z3 end

    i" WrightQ7X%Y L5 O1T,2>Z3


    i" Wup QyX%Y 5 O1T,2>Z3 end

    i" Wdown


  • 8/13/2019 ZetCode Ruby GTK Tutorial


    QyX%Y L5 O1T,2>Z3 end


    de" chec),collision

    5 Wdots

    while F % i" F and Q7X%Y 55 Q7XY and QyX%Y 55 QyXY WinGame 5 "alse end 5 end

    i" QyX%Y F I3>GIT O1T,2>Z3 WinGame 5 "alse end

    i" QyX%Y * % WinGame 5 "alse end

    i" Q7X%Y F +>OTI O1T,2>Z3 WinGame 5 "alse end

    i" Q7X%Y * % WinGame 5 "alse end


    de" locate,apple

    r 5 randAR4O,012D Wapple,7 5 r J O1T,2>Z3 r 5 randAR4O,012D Wapple,y 5 r J O1T,2>Z3 end

    de" on,)ey,down eEent

    )ey 5 eEent)eyEal

    i" )ey 55 Gd)::KeyEal::GOK,@e"t and not Wright Wle"t 5 true Wup 5 "alse Wdown 5 "alse end

    i" )ey 55 Gd)::KeyEal::GOK,Right and not Wle"t Wright 5 true Wup 5 "alse Wdown 5 "alse end

    i" )ey 55 Gd)::KeyEal::GOK,Vp and not Wdown Wup 5 true Wright 5 "alse


  • 8/13/2019 ZetCode Ruby GTK Tutorial


    Wle"t 5 "alse end

    i" )ey 55 Gd)::KeyEal::GOK,Oown and not Wup Wdown 5 true Wright 5 "alse

    Wle"t 5 "alse end endend

    5irst we will define some globals used in our game.

    The 3I(T- and -

  • 8/13/2019 ZetCode Ruby GTK Tutorial


    de" chec),apple

    i" Q7X%Y 55 Wapple,7 and QyX%Y 55 Wapple,yWdots 5 Wdots L

    locate,apple end


    The chec),applemethod chec!s, if the sna!e has hit the apple ob9ect. If so, we add another

    sna!e 9oint and call the locate,applemethod, which randomly places a new apple ob9ect.

    In the moEemethod we ha#e the !ey algorithm of the game. To understand it, loo! at how the

    sna!e is mo#ing. Jou control the head of the sna!e. Jou can change its direction with the

    cursor !eys. The rest of the 9oints mo#e one position up the chain. The second 9oint mo#es

    where the first was, the third 9oint where the second was etc.

    while F %

    Q7XY 5 Q7XA DY QyXY 5 QyXA DY 5 end

    This code mo#es the 9oints up the chain.

    i" Wle"t Q7X%Y 5 O1T,2>Z3end

    Mo#e the head to the left.

    In the chec),collisionmethod, we determine if the sna!e has hit itself or one of the walls.

    while F % i" F and Q7X%Y 55 Q7XY and QyX%Y 55 QyXY WinGame 5 "alse end 5 end

    5inish the game, if the sna!e hits one of its 9oints with the head.

    i" QyX%Y F I3>GIT O1T,2>Z3 WinGame 5 "alseend

    5inish the game, if the sna!e hits the bottom of the 'oard.

    The locate,applemethod locates an apple randomly on the board.

    r 5 randAR4O,012D

    3e get a random number from 2 to R4(H"$ E /.

    Wapple,7 5 r J O1T,2>Z3


  • 8/13/2019 ZetCode Ruby GTK Tutorial


    Wapple,y 5 r J O1T,2>Z3

    These line set the &, y coordinates of the apple ob9ect.

    i" WinGame chec),apple chec),collision moEe 'ueue,draw return trueelse return "alseend

  • 8/13/2019 ZetCode Ruby GTK Tutorial


    add Wboard

    set,de"ault,sie ;%% $H% set,window,position Gt)::+indow::012,C34T3R show,all

    endde" on,)ey,down widget eEent

    )ey 5 eEent)eyEal Wboardon,)ey,down eEent endend

    Gt)init window 5 RubyppnewGt)main

    In this class, we set up the ibbles game.

    de" on,)ey,down widget eEent

    )ey 5 eEent)eyEal Wboardon,)ey,down eEentend

    In this class, we catch the !ey press e#ents. 4nd delegate the processing to the on,)ey,down

    method of the board class.

    5igure; ibbles

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