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Page 1: ZING Systematic State Space Exploration of Concurrent Software Jakob Rehof Microsoft Research rehof .

ZING Systematic State Space

Exploration of Concurrent Software

Jakob RehofMicrosoft Research


Joint work withTony Andrews (MS)Shaz Qadeer (MSR)

Sriram K. Rajamani (MSR)

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Lecture I : Outline

• Software Model Checking

• Overview of ZING

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Software Validation

• Large scale reliable software is hard to build and test.

• Different groups of programmers write different components.

• Integration testing is a nightmare.

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Property Checking

• Programmer provides redundant partial specifications

• Code is automatically checked for consistency

• Different from proving whole program correctness – Specifications are not complete

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Interface Usage Rules

•Rules in documentation–Incomplete, unenforced, wordy

–Order of operations & data access

–Resource management

•Disobeying rules causes bad behavior

–System crash or deadlock

–Unexpected exceptions

–Failed runtime checks

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Does a given usage rule hold?

• Checking this is computationally impossible!

• Equivalent to solving Turing’s halting problem (undecidable)

• Even restricted computable versions of the problem (finite state programs) are prohibitively expensive

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Why bother?

Just because a problem is undecidable, it doesn’t go away!

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Automatic property checking = Study of tradeoffs

• Soundness vs completeness – Missing errors vs reporting false alarms

• Annotation burden on the programmer

• Complexity of the analysis– Local vs Global– Precision vs Efficiency– Space vs Time

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Broad classification

• Underapproximations– Testing

• After passing testing, a program may still violate a given property

• Overapproximations– Type checking

• Even if a program satisfies a property, the type checker for the property could still reject it

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Current trend

• Confluence of techniques from different fields:– Model checking– Automatic theorem proving– Program analysis

• Significant emphasis on practicality

• Several new projects in academia and industry

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Model Checking• Algorithmic exploration of state space of the


• Several advances in the past decade: – symbolic model checking– symmetry reductions– partial order reductions– compositional model checking– bounded model checking using SAT solvers

• Most hardware companies use a model checker in the validation cycle

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enum {N, T, C} state[1..2]

int turn


state[1] = N; state[2] = N

turn = 0


state[i]= N & turn = 0 -> state[i] = T; turn = i

state[i] = N & turn !=0 -> state[i] = T

state[i] = T & turn = i -> state[i] = C

state[i] = C & state[2-i+1] = N -> state[i] = N

state[i] = C & state[2-i+1] != N -> state[i] = N; turn = 2-i+1

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N = noncritical, T = trying, C = critical

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Model Checking• Strengths

– Fully automatic (when it works)– Computes inductive invariants

• I such that F(I) I

– Provides error traces

• Weaknesses– Scale– Operates only on models

• How do you get from the program to the model?

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Theorem proving– Early theorem provers were proof checkers

• They were built to support assertional reasoning in the Hoare style

• Cumbersome and hard to use

– Greg Nelson’s thesis in early 80s paved the way for automatic theorem provers• Theory of equality with uninterpreted functions• Theory of lists• Theory of linear arithmetic• Combination of the above !

– Automatic theorem provers based on Nelson-Oppen method are widely used• ESC• Proof Carrying Code

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Theory of Equality. • Symbols: =, , f, g, …• Axiomatically defined:

E = E

E2 = E1

E1 = E2

E1 = E2 E2 = E3

E1 = E3

E1 = E2

f(E1) = f(E2)

• Example of a satisfiability problem: g(g(g(x)) = x g(g(g(g(g(x))))) = x g(x) x

• Satisfiability problem decidable in O(n log n)

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a : array [1..len] of int;

int max := -MAXINT;i := 1;{ 1 j i. a[j] max}while (i len)

if( a[i] > max) max := a[i];

i := i+1;endwhile{ 1 j len. a[j] max}

( 1 j i. a[j] max) ( i > len)

( 1 j len. a[j]


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Automatic theorem proving

• Strengths– Handles unbounded domains naturally– Good implementations for

• equality with uninterpreted functions• linear inequalities• combination of theories

• Weaknesses– Hard to compute fixpoints– Requires inductive invariants

• Pre and post conditions• Loop invariants

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Program analysis

• Originated in optimizing compilers– constant propagation– live variable analysis– dead code elimination– loop index optimization

• Type systems use similar analysis• Are the type annotations consistent?

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Program analysis• Strengths

– Works on code – Pointer aware– Integrated into compilers– Precision efficiency tradeoffs well studied

• flow (in)sensitive• context (in)sensitive

• Weakenesses– Abstraction is hardwired and done by the

designer of the analysis– Not targeted at property checking


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Model Checking, Theorem Proving and Program Analysis

• Very related to each other

• Different histories– different emphasis– different tradeoffs

• Complementary, in some ways

• Combination can be extremely powerful

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What is the key design challenge in a model checker for software?

It is the model!

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Model Checking Hardware

Primitive values are booleans

States are boolean vectors of fixed size

Models are finite state machines !!

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Characteristics of Software

Primitive values are more complicated– Pointers– Objects

Control flow (transition relation) is more complicated– Functions– Function pointers– Exceptions

States are more complicated – Unbounded graphs over values

Variables are scoped– Locals– Shared scopes

Much richer modularity constructs– Functions– Classes

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When I use a model checker, it runs and runs for ever and never comes back… when I use a static analysis tool, it comes back immediately and says “I don’t know”

- Patrick Cousot

Computing power doubles every 18 months

-Gordon Moore

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• Check if programs written in common programming languages (C, C++, C#, Java) satisfy certain safety properties

• Examples of properties:– API usage rules – ordering of calls– Absence of races– Absence of deadlocks– Protocol (state machines) on objects– Language-based safety properties

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Approach• Extract abstract “model” from the program that

captures all “relevant” portions of the program with respect to property of interest

• Systematically explore the state space of the extracted model.

• Example: SLAM– Check if a sequential C program uses an interface

“correctly” as specified by a safety property, using boolean program models

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Sequential C program

Finite state machines

Source code



Traditional approach

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Sequential program in rich programming language (eg. C)

Finite state machines

Source code




C data structures, pointers,procedure calls, parameter passing,scoping,control flow

Software model checking

Boolean program

Data flow analysis implemented using BDDs


Push down model

Related work: BLAST, MAGIC,…

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Source code




Rich control constructs: thread creation, function call, exception, objects, dynamic allocation

Model checking is undecidable!

Device driver (taking concurrency into account), web services code, transaction management system (2pc)

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Source code




3 core constructs:

1. Procedure calls with call-stack

2. Objects with dynamic allocation

3. Threads with dynamic creation

Inter-process communication:

1. Shared memory

2. Channels with blocking-receives, non-blocking sends, FIFO

Concurrent program in rich programming language

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Lecture I : Outline

• Software Model Checking

• Overview of ZING

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Zing: Challenges and Approach

• Handling programming language features– Compile Zing to an intermediate “object

model” (ZOM)– Build model checker on top of ZOM

• State explosion– Expose program structure in ZOM– Exploit program structure to do efficient model


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Heap: complex types




Zing Object Model: Internal StateView

Globals: simple types & refs




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Zing Object Model: External State View

• Simplified view to query and update state– How many processes?– Is process(i) runnable?– Are two states equal?– Execute process(i) for one atomic step

• Can write simple DFS search in 10 lines

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private void doDfs(){ while(stateStack.Count > 0){

State s = (State) stateStack.Peek(); bool foundSuccessor = false;

// find the next process to execute and execute it for (int p = s.LastProcessExplored + 1; p < s.NumProcesses; p++) {

if(s.RunnableProcesses[p] {

State newS = s.Execute(p); if (!stateHash.contains(newS)){ stateHash.add(newS);

stateStack.push(newS); foundSuccessor = true;

break; }

} } if(!foundSuccessor) stateStack.Pop(); }}



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Optimizations to make model checking scale

• Exploring states efficiently – Finger-printing– State-delta– Parallel model checking with multiple nodes

• Exploring fewer states (using mathematical properties)– Reduction– Summarization– Symbolic execution– Iterative Refinement– Compositional conformance checking

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Saving storage

• Only states on the checkers stack are stored

• For states not on the stack only a fingerprint is stored

• Store only “deltas” from previous states

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State reduction• Abstract notion of

equality between states• Avoid exploring “similar”

states several times• Exploit structure and do

this fully automatically while computing the fingerprint:

s1 s2 f(s1) = f(s2)




b 0



b 0






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Architecture & Communication





Reachablestates Frontier




ed S




tier S




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Optimizations to make model checking scale

• Exploring states efficiently – Finger-printing– State-delta– Parallel model checking with multiple nodes

• Exploring fewer states (using mathematical properties)– Reduction– Summarization– Symbolic execution– Iterative Refinement– Compositional conformance checking

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Racy program: need to explore all interleavings!

local int y = 0; x := x + 1; x := x + 1; x := x + 1; x := x +1;

assert(x div 4);

y = y+1;y = y+1;

//initialize int x :=0;

local int z = 0; x := x + 1; x := x + 1; x := x + 1; x := x +1;

assert(x div 4);

z = z+1;z = z+1;

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Race-free program: need to explore two interleavings!

local int y;acquire (m); x := x + 1; x := x + 1; x := x + 1; x := x +1;

assert(x div 4);release (m);

y = y+1;y = y+1;

//initialize int x :=0;mutex m;

local int z;acquire (m); x := x + 1; x := x + 1; x := x + 1; x := x +1;

assert(x div 4);release (m);

z = z+1;z = z+1;

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Four atomicitiesS0 S1 S2

acq(this) x

S0 T1 S2

x acq(this)


rel(this) z



S2 S3 S4

r=bal y

S2 T3 S4


S2 T3 S4

r=bal x

S2 S3 S4


• R: right movers– lock acquire

• L: left movers– lock release

• B: both right + left movers– variable access holding

lock• N: non-movers

– access unprotected variable

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S0. S5

R* N L*x Y. . .

S0. S5

R* N L*x Y. . .

Other threads need not be scheduled in the middle of a transaction

Lipton ‘75: any sequence (R+B)*; (N+) ; (L+B)* is a transaction

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Recall example:each thread has one transaction!

local int y;acquire (m); x := x + 1; x := x + 1; x := x + 1; x := x +1;

assert(x div 4);release (m);

y = y+1;y = y+1;

//initialize int x :=0;mutex m;

local int z;acquire (m); x := x + 1; x := x + 1; x := x + 1; x := x +1;

assert(x div 4);release (m);

z = z+1;z = z+1;

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Transaction-based reduction

• ZOM extended to expose “mover-ness” of each action

• Model checker maintains a state machine to track the “phase” of each transaction

• Continues scheduling one thread as long as it is inside a transaction!

• Current implementation:– Classifies all heap accesses as non-movers

– Can improve the scalability using better analysis (ownership?)

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Optimizations to make model checking scale

• Exploring states efficiently – Finger-printing– State-delta– Parallel model checking with multiple nodes

• Exploring fewer states (using mathematical properties)– Reduction– Summarization– Symbolic execution– Iterative Refinement– Compositional conformance checking

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Summarization for sequential programs

• Procedure summarization (Sharir-Pnueli 81, Reps-Horwitz-Sagiv 95) is the key to efficiency

int x;

void incr_by_2() { x++; x++;}

void main() { … x = 0; incr_by_2(); … x = 0; incr_by_2(); …}

• Bebop, ESP, Moped, MC, Prefix, …

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What is a summary in sequential programs?

• Summary of a procedure P =

Set of all (pre-state post-state) pairs obtained by invocations of P

int x;

void incr_by_2() { x++; x++;}

void main() { … x = 0; incr_by_2(); … x = 0; incr_by_2(); … x = 1; incr_by_2(); …}

x x’

0 21 3

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Assertion checking for sequential programs

• Boolean program with:– g = number of global vars– m = max. number of local vars in any scope– k = size of the CFG of the program

• Complexity is O( k 2 O(g+m)

), linear in the size of CFG

• Summarization enables termination in the presence of recursion

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Assertion checking for concurrent programs

There is no algorithm for assertion checking of concurrent boolean programs, even with only two threads [Ramalingam 00]

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Our approach

• Precise semi-algorithm for verifying properties of concurrent programs– based on model checking– procedure summarization for efficiency

• Termination for a large class of concurrent programs with recursion and shared variables

• Generalization of precise interprocedural dataflow analysis for sequential programs

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What is a summary in concurrent programs?

• Unarticulated so far• Naïve extension of summaries for sequential

programs do not work• [Qadeer, Rajamani, Rehof. POPL 2004]

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Optimizations to make model checking scale

• Exploring states efficiently – Finger-printing– State-delta– Parallel model checking with multiple nodes

• Exploring fewer states (using mathematical properties)– Reduction– Summarization– Symbolic execution– Iterative Refinement– Compositional conformance checking

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Symbolic execution• Go from “closed” to “open” programs• Can think about this as “delayed case-split”• Integrating Zing’s state exploration engine with Zap

theorem prover from TVM group• States are now extended to have a concrete part and

symbolic part– Concrete part is fingerprinted– Symbolic part is manipulated by theorem prover

• How do we handle symbolic references (pointers)?

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Iterative refinement, ala SLAM

#include <ntddk.h>

C2BPpredicate abstraction










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Iterative refinement in Zing






Zingprogram +



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Optimizations to make model checking scale

• Exploring states efficiently – Finger-printing– State-delta– Parallel model checking with multiple nodes

• Exploring fewer states (using mathematical properties)– Reduction– Summarization– Symbolic execution– Iterative Refinement– Compositional conformance checking

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• Conformance theory– P < Q? Does one model (P, implementation) conform

to another (Q, specification)?

• Compositional– P < Q => C[P] < C[Q]

• Theory developed for CCS – [Fournet, Rajamani, Hoare, Rehof. CAV 2004]

• Implemented modularly on top of ZING (ZOM)• Used in integrated checker for message-passing


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Context-bounded model checking

• Motivation: Many concurrency bugs manifest within relatively few context switches (5-10)

• If we bound the number of context switches, we can explore (unbounded) concurrent stack machines completely, up to the bound

• [Qadeer, Rehof. TACAS 2005]

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