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Zombie invasion preparedness plan


Preparing for tomorrow’s zombie apocalypse…today!

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Page 2: Zombie invasion preparedness plan

So…zombies have invaded your town

The Zombie Apocalypse can

affect anyone. Being prepared is the best

way to ensure survival.

While it is certainly true that no one wants to deal with a Zombie Apocalypse (Z.A.), a well prepared blue-blood American is ready for anything.

Fortunately, you are not alone in your time of zombie-infested crisis. The Z.I.P.P. is your personalized guide to surviving theZ.A. and being there to see ‘the day after tomorrow’.

In this plan you will find….• A primer of zombie ecology.

• A self-evaluation guide to help establish your useful skills.

• Help creating a list of the 25 essential items to survival.

• A selection of possible Zombie Shelters in your local area

• A guideline for creating survival plans for Food, Energy, Waste and Defense of your Zombie Shelter

• Assistance creating an evacuation plan (just in case this plan doesn’t work out).

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The Three M’s of the Zombie


While a zombie can take a number of various shambling, corpse-driven forms, in the interests of survival it is best to prepare the worst. In this regard, your typical zombie will present a formidable foe.

The cause of zombification is not well documented. Origins range from infection, magic, government conspiracy and more. However, in a worst-case scenario it should be expected that the zombie will be a driven hunter-seeker trying to fulfill an unquenchable desire for living flesh. Expect

your average zombie to be capable of equivalent living motor functions. This includes running and jumping. No serious zombie survivalist should ever believe the Z.A. will feature

‘shambler’ zombies.MetabolismThough there is constant debate as to ‘why’,

what is known for certain about zombies is that they have a savage appetite for living creatures. A zombie is somewhat more pliant once it has recently fed and will stop to fully gorge upon any potential meal before moving onto the next prey. Most tragically, whatever curse or infection a zombie suffers under is transferred to those bitten by a zombie leading to complete zombification in 6-12 hours.


Zombies are without a moral conscious and are incapable of free will. Attempts to reason with, bribe or otherwise influence zombie behavior will only encourage a quicker end. Likewise, it is unwise to linger over moralistic questions about the zombie’s former living identity. Zombies are no longer people but rather shells filled with savage rage and bloodlust.

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General aptitude and skills Summary[G.A.S.S.]

Directions: Self Evaluation is a critical tool of the zombie survivalist. Please fill out the chart below with all pertinent facts and information you are willing to share concerning your general aptitudes and skills.

Height Weight Gender Blood Type This Space For Official Use Only

Physical Aptitude--------Skills and talents requiring physical strength, fine motor skills and/or overall physical health

Intellectual Aptitude--------Skills and talents requiring mental acumen, cognitive reasoning and learning ability

InterpersonalAptitude--------Skills and talents requiring mental acumen, cognitive reasoning and learning ability

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Essential Materials for Survival

[E.M.S.]There is no clear way to determine what sort of needs you will have in your attempt to survive a Z.A. Below you will find space for you to create a list of items you will take with you as you seek out shelter from the zombie threat. Be sure each of these items is ALREADY in your household's (the physical structure you reside in) possession. Item #













Item #













Item #


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Zombie Shelter Selection

Z.S. Rating Definitions

All Zombie Shelter (Z.S.) options below have been rated on several categories on a range from (low) to

(high). Please make your selection from among the available options.

Security: This is a rating of the defensive potential of the location. When zombies come knocking at the door, a high security rating is essential to survival.

Sustainability: This is a rating of how easy or difficult it will be to meet basic needs of food and water from this location. You might be secure in a structure, but starvation will take you down just as certainly as a zombie will.

Ease of Entry and Exit: Assuming your home is not an ideal Z.S. (good assumption), you will have to get to your chosen location. Once there, you will eventually have to get your self out as well. if word arrives that governmental officials are engaging in a sweep and clear event.

Distractibility: You might be in your shelter for a long time. The ability of a shelter to offer distractions (ie – options for entertainment) is not to be overlooked. Sitting in a basement for several months eating can goods and waiting for the zombies to come is hardly a good time. If you don’t give your mind some release from the stress of the Apocalypse, you are likely to suffer severe negative effects.

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Zombie Shelter Selection

Option 1: SWR High School

All Zombie Shelter (Z.S.) options below have been rated on several categories on a range from (low) to

(high). Please make your selection from among the available options.

Security:. -Have you seen the high school? Huge glass windows, multiple exits and entrances. You aren’t safe here.

Sustainability: -Backup generators ensure basic electricity.There is a good amount of food in the cafeteria but it will eventually run out. Failing that, there is always the hot dog truck…

Ease of Entry and Exit: - Relatively easy to get to. Its located on a major road, can be reached on foot from multiple angles and has multiple potential entrances and exits. The lack of residences nearby mean that zombies are unlikely to congregate in the vicinity.

Distractibility:. - While not exactly Toys R’ Us, there is quite a bit of entertainment potential at the High School. Between sporting equipment, power tools and easy access to chemicals there are tons of ways to get yourself in trouble and keep your mind off the zombies.

Select this Option?


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Zombie Shelter SelectionOption 2: Tesla Complex

Security:. -Complete with perimeter fence, thick brickwalls, boarded up entrances and unknownelectrical gizmos that have the potential to beweaponized.

Sustainability: -Unlikely to have operational power or running water.Only food source is what the Zombie Survivalist brings with them.

Ease of Entry and Exit: - The very elements that make complex ideal for defense also make it difficult to gain entrance too. The inability to drive a car directly up to the locale makes it difficult to come and go from the location without attracting unwanted zombie attention..

Distractibility:. - Though it lacks the options of the high school, there should be enough strange electronic tech on site to keep a Zombie Survivalist reasonably occupied during down times in the survival period.

Select this Option?


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Zombie Shelter SelectionOption 3: King Kullen

Security:. -Floor to ceiling plate glass windows makethis location one of the least secure possible.

Sustainability: -It’s a supermarket….what else do you needto know?

Ease of Entry and Exit: - Wide open spaces surround this location with a rooftop egress possible. Located on a major road with a large assortment of transportation methods available…if you can avoid the zombies.

Distractibility:. - This location should provide numerous opportunities for distraction. From freezing loaves of bread to use a makeshift footballs to locking fellow Zombie Survivalists in the meat freezer for a cheap laugh, there should be things to do in the five minutes before the zombies break through the windows and start eating everyone.

Select this Option?


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Zombie Shelter SelectionOption 4: Crazy Uncle Karl’s*Crazy Uncle Karl’s represents the slightly nutcase relative or neighbor who always boasts about being ‘prepared for the end’.Security:. -From floor to ceiling, expect C.U.K’s to bewell stocked with weapons and ammunition. APanic Room is another distinct possibility.Combine with the façade of a typical suburban home for a real security advantage.

Sustainability: -Expect C.U.K to have stockpiled a decent amount of canned goods and water. He is, after all, crazy.

Ease of Entry and Exit: - Unfortunately, the same sort of paranoia that led a typical suburban to create a small zombie proof home is likely to encourage C.U.K to assume that any humanoids seen walking during a Z.A. are already zombies. Expect to have to fight and/or cleverly negotiate your way into C.U.K.’s

Distractibility:. - C.U.K is likely to be a very focused individual….focused on weapons, ammunition and reserves. Expect little long term entertainment value.

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Zombie Shelter SelectionOption 5: The East Wind Catering Hall

Security:. -Though it is a large structure with lots of ground to cover, it does over good sightlines over the nearby manicured gardens/parking lots.

Sustainability: -The East Wind, being a catering hall, will likely be well supplied with food. However, the potential fora many residents of the area to congregate here creates the potential for these supplied to be consumed quickly.

Ease of Entry and Exit: - Relative isolation from the majority of Shoreham-Wading River makes entry a long and dangerous process. Likewise, lack of proximity to likely government designated gathering points makes exit equally dangerous.

Distractibility:. - With its many rooms, spa, gym and pool, it should offer sufficient opportunities for entertainment to avoid mental deterioration.

Select this Option?


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Zombie Apocalypse

Survival Plan[z.A.S.p.]

Directions:Your Zombie Apocalypse Survival Plan

(Z.A.S.P) must be a written document of four sections. Each section should be several paragraphs. Each section should be between 400-500 words. It must be typed. It should be written in the context of the Z.S. you have chosen and the items you have decided to bring with you from your E.M.S.

The sections are:

A) Defense

- Explain how you intend to defend your chosen Z.S.

B) Food and Water Acquisition

- Explain how you intend to meet your basic nutritional needs given your chosen Z.S.

C) Energy

- Explain how you intend to acquire and use energy in the event of a loss of electricity. This includes heat (zombies could attack in the winter you know…)

D) Waste

- Explain how you intend to ensure sanitary conditions within your Z.S. by disposing of your garbage and waste.

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Evacuation Plan[E.p.]


Well…you know…Zombie Apocalypses are unpredictable things. You better be ready to abandon your Z.S. just in case it all goes bad fast. Your Evacuation Plan (E.P.) must be a written plan of no less than 500 words that addresses the following:

A) You must reach the LILCO Nuclear Plant.

- The plant is the best location in the area for the military to engage in wholesale community evacuation because of its wide open areas and proximity to water.

B) Mode of Transportation

- How will you move yourself from your Z.S. to the Power Plant?

C) Zombies in the Streets

- How will you avoid/overcome contact with roving bands of zombies that may be in the area?

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