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MAY 13, 2020 Virtual Celebration



C e n t e r f o r D i v e r s i t y & E n r i c h m e n t

Graduation Reception  

Master of Ceremonies 






Keynote Speakers 




Presentation of Dean’s        

Achievement Awards 


Presentation of  

Distinguished Educator Award 



Presentation of Student         

Leadership Awards   

Recognition of Graduates  

Open Mic Sharing   

Closing Remarks 

Special thanks to: 


Sarah Lambert 

Academic Coach, Center for Diversity &


Dr. Nadine Petty 

Executive Director of the Center for Diversity

& Enrichment

Dr. Tawanda Carson Owens 

Alum Keynote Speaker

Mikhayla Hughes‐Shaw

Graduating Student Keynote Speaker

Dean’s Achievement Awards 

Presenters:  Gordon Louie &  

Charles Martin‐Stanley II 

Awardee:  Dr. Sherry Watt 

Student Leadership Awards




Dr. Nadine Petty 

Executive Director of the Center for Diversity

& Enrichment

Hands Up Communications  


Dr. Tawanda Carson Owens is a self‐made, self‐proclaimed star. She is a former

ward of the courts, student‐athlete and an East coast na ve with great passion

for forward thinking and transforma onal interac ons amongst people. She

serves as an advocate, educator, mentor and sponsor of students helping to

honor their best selves. She is a cri cal thinker and problem solver who works

well with inten onal interac ons and purposeful development.

A 2015, Ph.D. alumnus of University of Iowa, she has worked as a senior

administrator at the University of Colorado Boulder and University of Utah. She

has more than two decades of student‐centered development work and is

commi ed to the professional and personal growth of others as well as herself.

She aspires to one day become a university president and/or key administra ve

leader in the educa on sector for the success and be erment of students.

Currently she and her family reside in sunny Salt Lake City, Utah.



Keynote  Speaker  

Dr. Tawanda 

Carson Owens 


Mikhayla Hughes‐Shaw is currently a fourth year student at the University of Iowa pursuing a bachelor of arts degree in Journalism and Mass Communica on with a cer ficate in Cri cal Cultural Competence. In the summer, she will serve as a News 21 inves ga ve repor ng Fellow through Arizona State University examining and audi ng the US juvenile jus ce system. In June 2018, Mikhayla earned the tle of Miss Iowa 2018 under the Miss Iowa Scholarship Program. She competed for Miss America 2019 in Atlan c City, New Jersey. During her me at Iowa, Mikhayla served as the Vice President of Public Rela ons and the President of the Iowa Edge Student Organiza on. She was an On Iowa! Leader and Captain, an Iowa Summer Journalism camp counselor and a School of Journalism and Mass Communica on Peer Mentor. Mikhayla served as the Senior Assistant Editor of LOVE Girls Magazine from 2014‐2018, which gave her a pla orm to speak to young women about learning to love themselves. She now co‐hosts LOVE Girls the Podcast with magazine founder Jasmine Babers, which can be heard on podcast pla orms everywhere.



Keynote  Speaker  

Mikhayla Hughes‐Shaw 


Dr. Sherry K. Wa , professor, joined University of Iowa’s Higher Educa on and Student Affairs faculty as an assistant professor in August 2000. Sherry previously worked as an assistant professor in Student Affairs Administra on at Radford University. Prior to becoming a faculty member, she worked as a residence life director and a career counselor at the University of North Carolina at Greensboro, North Carolina State University and Shaw University. She earned a bachelor’s degree in Communica on Studies from University of North Carolina at Greensboro and masters and doctoral degrees in Counselor Educa on, with an emphasis in student affairs, from North Carolina State University.

Dr. Wa ’s research focuses on the iden ty development of college students. Currently, she inves gates par cipant reac ons to difficult dialogues on race, sexual orienta on, and disability. A recipient of several teaching awards, Dr. Wa ’s research and teaching interests include environmental assessment, mul culturalism, psychosocial and iden ty theory, and spirituality in student affairs prac ce.

 Dis t ingu i shed    Educator  Award  

Dr. Sherry Watt 


Dean’s  Achievement  Awards  Annually, the deans for each of the eleven colleges at the University of Iowa are asked to select outstanding underrepresented students for this award who have exemplified, promoted, or contributed to diversity at the University of Iowa. Students receive a certificate designating them as a Dean’s Achievement Award recipient.

Henry B. Tippie College of Business

Anibal Mares Marquez is graduating with a BBA in Accounting and a certificate in International Business. Anibal grew up in Mexico and immigrated ten years ago to Rock Valley, IA. He served as an inaugural mentor for the BizEdge program, resident mentor for the Gateway Program, peer mentor for the Tippie Direct Admit seminar, and peer leader for the Iowa Edge program. He studied abroad in northern Italy with the CIMBA program. After completing a summer internship at PricewaterhouseCoopers, he was offered and accepted a full-time position as a risk assurance associate.

College of Dentistry Ruchira T. Laroia is a senior student in the College of Dentistry who grew up in Iowa City, IA. As a dental student at the UI, she served as the Iowa American Student Dental Association Legislative Liaison and Legislative Grassroots Network representative. She is a Dean’s Student Leadership Award Recipient and an advocate at the American Dental Association’s Dentist and Student Lobby Day in Washington, D.C. She is a member of the Dental Counseling Office Student Advisory Board and participated in multiple Iowa Mission of Mercy dental events. Ruchira plans to pursue a career in private practice as a General Dentist.


College of Education Celine Fender will complete her master’s degree in Higher Education and Student Affairs (HESA) this spring. Originally from New York City, Celine grew up primarily in North Liberty, IA. Celine has been a leader with student athlete academic services, Iowa REACH program, and in the College of Business. She is active on Dr. Watt’s Multicultural Initiatives Research Team. Celine advocates for equity for all students and particularly, student athletes with minoritized identities at the University of Iowa. She has been awarded an ACT fellowship and the Jones and Hemphill Scholarship. Celine will pursue her PhD in HESA beginning this summer.

College of Engineering Russell Martin, senior in the Roy J. Carver Department of Biomedical Engineering, has worked as an undergraduate researcher and received many national awards. Russell has worked with high school students as an undergraduate research mentor and as a research ambassador. In St. Lucia, he worked with first-grade students as an early childhood education volunteer and was team leader on the Hawkeye Service Teams service-learning experience in Kansas City. His volunteer work has addressed youth education inequality, and his mentoring of UI students helped first-year chemistry students develop study skills and engineering students improve written work and job application materials.

College of Law Daisy Cruz is a J.D. candidate in the College of Law from Los Angeles, CA. She was a member of the Hispanic/Latino Law Student Association, Iowa Law’s Diversity Committee, the Graduate and Professional Student Committee on Diversity, Equity and Inclusion, and the University-wide Latinx Council. She was elected and served as Editor-in-Chief of the Journal of Gender, Race & Justice, Volume 23. Daisy has volunteered at the Women’s Resource and Action Center and served as a volunteer mentor at the Latino and Native American Cultural Center. After graduation, Daisy will return to Southern California and represent migrant farmworker communities.


College of Liberal Arts & Sciences Tobías García Vega, of Ames, IA, graduates with a BA with Honors in Philosophy and a Spanish minor. His honors thesis is titled Saving Rawlsian Selfhood. He was an editor of Labyrinth and a member of Minorities and Philosophy. He earned the national distinctions of Phi Beta Kappa and the Hispanic Scholarship Fund Award. He is also a Rhodes Dunlap Scholar, a UI Advantage Iowa Scholar, and has repeatedly appeared on the President’s and Dean’s List. Tobías volunteered and translated at the Center for Worker Justice in Iowa City. After graduation, he plans to pursue a Ph.D. in Philosophy.

Isabella Senno, from Evanston, IL, will graduate with a BS degree in Anthropology, a BA degree in Psychology, and a minor in Spanish. Senno is a University Honors student and Phi Beta Kappa member, also earning Honors in the Major in Anthropology. Her many merit scholarships include National Scholars, Advantage Iowa, and Rhodes Dunlap. She currently works at the Women’s Resource and Action Center and serves as the president of the UI Anthropology Club and Student Advocates for Planned Parenthood. After graduation, Senno will continue working to support womxn and Latinx communities and eventually pursue a graduate degree.

Roy J. and Lucille A. Carver College of Medicine

Nouran Felo is graduating with her medical degree from the Carver College of Medicine. She is a first-generation college graduate who was born in Damascus, Syria and grew up in North Hollywood, CA. Nouran has been extremely involved in diversity, equity, and inclusion efforts at the CCOM. She has served in leadership for the Student National Medical Association, as well as the Chair of Diversity for CCOM’s Student Government. She has served as a mentor and support for numerous graduate and undergraduate students. Nouran has matched in Internal Medicine at Mayo Clinic, Rochester, MN, and will start there this summer.


College of Nursing From Carol Stream, IL, Shruti Naik will earn her Bachelor of Science in Nursing degree from the UI College of Nursing. Shruti is on the Dean’s List and helped early admission and pre-nursing underrepresented and first-generation students through her work as a College of Nursing Supplemental Instructor and Tutor in Animal Biology and Human Anatomy. Shruti’s senior community health project was with Fifth Ward Saints North, whose mission is to provide at-risk youth social and emotional training/support via educational programs that inspire healthy choices. After graduation, Shruti will work at NICU2 at the University of Iowa Stead Family Children's Hospital.

College of Pharmacy Eesha Patel, BA (‘15), is a Doctor of Pharmacy candidate from Osceola, IA, and was raised in Kenya before immigrating to the U.S. in 2002. Eesha has excelled as a student leader at the university. She has served the University of Iowa Hospitals and Clinics through research and volunteerism related to pharmacy practice by ensuring patients had accurate medication histories upon admission to UIHC. She organized educational events and competitions, promoted organ donation awareness, and coordinated speakers and health screenings related to chronic kidney disease. Following graduation, Eesha will complete pharmacy residency training with MercyOne Medical Center in Waterloo, Iowa.

College of Public Health Darian Thompson, from Cedar Rapids, IA, is graduating with a Bachelor of Science in Public Health degree and a certificate in cultural competency. Darian was a Senator with UI Student Government and served on the DEI and Sustainability Committees. He was Treasurer for the Minority Association of Pre-Medicine Students (MAPS), and a Hawkeye Service Team Leader. As an intern for the Commission of Public Health Systems, Darian advocated for marginalized, vulnerable, and uninsured populations in New York. Upon graduation, Darian plans to continue work to address systematic injustices and health equity and is applying for a position with AmeriCorps.


Graduate College Moala Bannavti is graduating with her master’s in Sustainable Water Development and plans to obtain her Ph.D. She is a graduate research assistant in Hydroscience and Engineering. Moala, raised in a New Jersey suburb, is a first-generation immigrant from Cameroon who has dedicated her research and personal efforts to various diversity, equity and inclusion initiatives across campus. She serves as the DEI Chair for GPSG, member of the GRAD-DEI Advisory Board and worked with the college of engineering diversity committee to establish the first Celebrating Diversity in Engineering conference and is working with DRT to establish additional DEI training. Guadalupe Muñoz Rocha, a master’s candidate in Civil & Environmental Engineering originally from Leon, Guanajuato, Mexico and raised in Chicago, IL, has been involved in many diversity, equity, and inclusion efforts across campus. She worked closely with the diversity committee in the college of engineering to plan the first Celebrating Diversity in Engineering conference. She is also an active member of GPSG, Society of Hispanic Professional Engineers (SHPE), UI Latinx Council and has used her networks with Latinx professionals at Collins Aerospace to provide workshops and volunteering opportunities for SHPE members and increased the chapter’s Latinx graduate membership by 33%.


Srilekhya Akkina is graduating with a BBA in Management. Srilekhya has promoted diversity, inclusion, and student success in several roles at the Tippie College of Business, including serving as a direct admit peer mentor, a global ambassador, and a member of the Tippie team in the Leeds Diversity and Business Ethics Case Competition, where her team won first place. Srilekhya has also served as vice president of philanthropy and director of social media for the South Asian Student Alliance. Students who met her in these various capacities note that she encouraged them to get involved on campus, connecting them with student orgs that made them feel at home. Srilekhya is currently considering several promising career paths. Tartil Ali is graduating with a BS in Psychology. Tartil has served as vice president and treasurer in the Iowa Students for Refugees organization, where she helped to organize programs raising awareness of the challenges that refugees face, and has also served as the president and social chair of Women in Science and Engineering (WiSE). Tartil is also involved in the local community. As a pre-medical student, she has volunteered in several positions at free clinics, including serving as a translator and patient guide. She also volunteers as a tutor as part of West High’s Backpack Project. Tartil plans to pursue a master’s degree and attend medical school. Madhuri Belkale is graduating with a BS in Political Science and Psychology. Madhuri has championed diversity, equity, and inclusion in many roles, including when she served as the undergraduate representative on the Presidential Charter Committee on Diversity at Iowa, as a senator in UISG, as a president and chair of public relations in the pre-law fraternity Phi Alpha Delta, as the assistant multicultural initiatives director in the Homecoming executive council, and in several leadership positions in the Indian Student Alliance. Madhuri also co-founded Iowa City Red, an organization that promotes inclusion and acceptance of those with HIV/AIDS by raising awareness and educating people about HIV/AIDS. She plans to attend law school.

This award recognizes individuals who have made meaningful and significant contributions to the University of Iowa or surrounding communities through their vision and action; their sense of responsibility, devotion, and diligence; and through their inspiration, good judgment, and will. Students receive a certificate designating them as a Student Leadership Award recipient.

Student  Leadership  Awards  


Anamar Blanes Diaz is graduating with a BS in Chemistry. As an undergraduate research assistant, Anamar has contributed to several projects associated with the remediation of uranium from the environment, and has been a coauthor on two publications in peer-reviewed journals. She has also made numerous presentations at local, regional, and national meetings. Anamar has mentored new undergraduate researchers in the lab and in the Iowa Biosciences Academy by offering laboratory shadowing, sitting on panels, and talking to students about research. This semester, she is also working with the IBA’s director to develop curriculum on effective undergraduate mentoring based upon evidence-based best practices. Anamar plans to attend graduate school at Georgetown University. Erick Calma is graduating with a BSE in Mechanical Engineering. In his time at UI, Erick has focused his energy on making engineering and STEM more inclusive environments for students. Erick has served as the president and fundraising chair of Theta Tau, has promoted STEM involvement among underrepresented minority students through his work as an inclusion agent, serves as a lead tutor for the MESA tutoring program, and has provided guidance to engineering students as a peer advisor. Erick has also involved himself with several K-12 outreach efforts, including the pen pal program, Noche de Ciencias, and Black Girls Do Science. Devonte Chism is graduating with a BA in Global Health Studies. His colleagues in the Orientation Services office credit him with playing a key role in making their programming as inclusive of all UI students as possible in a time of significant transition, and describe him as a strong advocate for his fellow students. They also note that he has been heavily involved in researching best practices for serving incoming students in light of the COVID-19 pandemic. Devonte has also been a leader in Dance Marathon, Homecoming Council, and Alpha Sigma Phi, where he is a founding member and has served as president.


Andrea Courtney is graduating with an MA in Clinical Mental Health Counseling. In her time at the University of Iowa, she has spent several years advocating for moving Student Disability Services (SDS) out of the basement of Burge Residence Hall. The SDS office is now scheduled to relocate to the first floor of the University Capitol Centre. In her role as UISDAA president, Andrea helped carry out a wide variety of disability awareness events, advocated for disabled students in many venues across campus, and has worked with several university departments to plan and fund UI’s first ever disability graduation ceremony for 2020. She has also been a member of the University Counseling Service Student Advisory Board since the fall of 2018. She plans to specialize in providing psychotherapy to people with disabilities and chronic illnesses. Shemaa Dafalla is graduating with a BS in Global Health Studies on the Pre-Medicine track. Shemaa has served in several positions in the Walk It Out Multicultural Organization, including the president, working to provide a space for students from 7 underrepresented communities to share their talents, fashion, culture, and pride. Shemaa led an organization of more than two hundred students in putting on a show in the fall and spring semesters. For the 2019 show, Shemaa organized to have HIV testing available at the show and helped to raise money for the Johnson County HIV Clinic. Shemaa has also held several other roles on campus, including serving as a Resident Assistant to over 120 first-year students and president of the Hillcrest and Mayflower residence hall councils. Isabela Flores is graduating with a BA in Secondary Education with a minor in Latino/a/x Studies and a certificate in Critical Cultural Competence. As the student lead at the Latino Native American Cultural Center, as the Director of Justice and Equity in UISG, and as the president of the Association of Latinos Moving Ahead, Isabela has demonstrated leadership and a commitment to justice in her time at UI. Isabela was also a cofounder of the Womxn’s Day Summit, served on two search committees for essential Student Life positions in 2019, and has volunteered for too many programs to list.


Taha Gesalla is graduating with a BS in Biomedical Sciences. After transferring from Des Moines Area Community College (DMACC) in 2017, Taha quickly took on a leadership role at UI, serving as president of the Minority Association of Pre-Health Students (MAPS). His peers credit him with helping to rapidly grow the organization’s active membership. He maintains an active interest in DMACC, where he still visits regularly, working to connect students there with valuable resources and programs, including in his role as an ambassador for the Summer Health Professional Education Program (SHPEP). He also volunteers at Mercy Hospital and the UI Mobile Clinic, providing translation and various other services, and in the local community, where he helps to plan and execute local events. Taha plans to attend medical school. Alvin Jones is graduating with a BA in African American Studies and Communication Studies. As a member of the Alpha Theta chapter of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity Inc., Alvin coordinated volunteer and mentoring opportunities with Ronald McDonald House and West High, as well as campus events focusing on mental health. As comedy chair for the Campus Activities Board, Alvin helped to organize programming that would interest and serve Black students. He is also the secretary of the UI Black Student Union, and during his time studying abroad in Australia, Alvin helped to found the first black student association at the University of Newcastle. He plans to continue his studies at the University of Central Florida, where he will pursue an MA in Communications. Jaskiran Kaur is graduating with a BBA in Marketing Management. In her time at UI, Jaskiran has worked hard to promote diversity, equity, and inclusion at the Tippie College of Business. As the first vice president for diversity, equity, and inclusion in the Tippie Senate, she planned the first Diwali event for the college, which also led to further inclusive programming. She also served as the vice president of marketing for the Multicultural Business Student Association, where she has used her marketing skills to promote their work. Jaskiran has also impacted her fellow students by serving as a Tippie Biz Edge mentor. She plans to do a summer internship while searching for a job in the field of marketing.


Raymond Khothisen is graduating with a BA in Interdepartmental Studies - Applied Human Services, with an emphasis in community-based services. His efforts on campus have shown a dedication to supporting incoming students and helping them thrive at UI. He has served as an Iowa Edge peer leader, a resident assistant, and a center programming assistant at the Asian Pacific American Cultural Center, as well as holding roles of increasing responsibility in Orientation Services, including, most recently, membership in the executive team, where he has served as a role model for new staff, creating training materials and facilitating sessions including diversity, equity, and inclusion issues. Ray also served as VP of media relations in the Higher Education Student Organization. He plans to pursue a master’s degree in higher education and student affairs. Jeremiah Moody is graduating with a BA in Philosophy and Sport & Recreation Management. In his time at UI, Jeremiah has volunteered both on and off campus, serving at the Stead Family Children’s Hospital and helping to create a haunted house at a local community center, among other efforts. He also represented the wrestling team at the Multicultural Focus Group, promoting campus initiatives, bringing in speakers on social justice topics, and providing networking opportunities for student-athletes. Jeremiah plans to compete for the Hawkeye Wrestling Club. Maliya Rattliffe is a 2020 JD graduate of the University of Iowa College of Law. She has worked diligently throughout her law school tenure to advance diversity, equity, and inclusion at the College of Law, the campus community, and the legal profession as a whole. Maliya served as 1L representative, Vice President, and treasurer of the Black Law Students Association (BLSA). She also served as a facilitator in BSLA’s Street Law program. Additionally, Maliya was a dedicated member of the law school’s DEI committee. As a member of Phi Alpha Delta Law Fraternity, International, Maliya served as two term Vice President. To culminate her experience at the College of Law, Maliya was elected by her classmates to serve as Graduation Chair of the Iowa Student Bar Association, where she led the planning and execution of commencement activities. Upon graduation, Maliya will relocate to Minneapolis, MN where she will work as a litigation associate at Fox Rothschild, LLP.


Recipients for the Student Leadership Awards are chosen through a

compe ve process. Congratula ons to the other nominees!

Jose Duran

Ashley Morrow

Mikhayla Hughes-Shaw

Joshua Yem

Alexia Sanchez is graduating with a BA in Political Science and Social Justice, as well as a minor in Philosophy and Latina/o Studies. In her roles as an at-large senator for UI Student Government, as the UISG student life committee chair, and as a residence hall assistant, she has overseen many student life initiatives, including co-chairing the 2019 “I’m the First” First Generation Summit and the creation of the Latinx Living Learning Community, UNIDOS. She also served as the undergraduate representative for the charter committee on diversity, equity, and inclusion; as an Iowa Edge peer leader; and as a regular participant in recruitment and retention programs. Alexia currently serves as the President of the Council 308 of the League of United Latin American Citizens, and interns with the UI Center for Human Rights. She will be working for Schabel Solutions in Des Moines.


Graduates  2019 ‐2020  Undergraduate December 2019 Garcia‐Galvan, Bran‐

don BA

George, Kazia BBA

Gill, Shehzad BA

Gonzalez, Juan BA

Gonzalez, Nathaly BA

Gu errez, Miguel BS

Hafeez, Huma BA

Hang, Zheyue BS

Hanjra, Harmeet BBA

Hassan, Sara BA

Hatch, Victoria BA

Hayle , Bianca BS

Hays, Michaela BA

Helton, Amber BA

Hernandez, Alicia BA

Herrera, Samantha BS

Hill, Darrell BA

Hlas, Arman BS

Hoff, Emily BBA

Hoffman, Brian BA

Houngblame, Koffi BLS

Huang, Minyao BBA

Huang, Wei BBA

Huang, Wentao BBA

Huerta, Trey BS

Ibarra, Jocelyn BA

Ikuta, Karina BSN

Jaime, Jasmine BA

Kalinin, Nicholas BA

Kasun, Salina BA

Khan, Tashmit BA

Kieger, Ty BSE

Kim, Jessica BA

Kolusu, Ramya BA

Bunn, Anna BBA

Cabrera Razo, Fa ma BA

Cao, Yunhao BSE

Cardenas, Henry BA

Cardoza, Jus ce BSE

Chen, Kevin BS

Chenoweth, Jordan BA

Chin, Kevin BA

Chon, Lily BS

Ciesla, Rebecca BA

Clay, Rachel BSN

Concha, Jarod BSE

Cullen, Brian BA

Das, Dibakar BBA

Davila, Ellie BBA

Davis, Tyease BAS

Dennis, Keara BA

Diaz, Dylan BA

D'Mello, Mark BS

Dok, Anger BA

Elgaali, Abdalrhman BSE

Eom, Jooyoung BBA

Evans, Jerry BA

Farrand, Callie BA

Fernandez, Gabriela BA

Fisher, Mia BA

Flores‐Carr, Ophelia BA

Ford, Andrea BA

Franks, Hayden BA

Galicia, Adrian BA

Gallardo, Ryan BBA

Garcia, Gabrielle BSN

Garcia‐Buenrostro, Margarita


Abbaraju, Sairohit BA

Adams, Britney BA

Aguilar, Omar BA

Alhaj, Wael BS

Almendariz, Jose BA

Alvarado, Benjamin BSE

Andrews, Sadie BBA

Aparicio Ruiz, Monica BA

Apodaca, Roberto BA

Arguello, Dante BSE

Assem, Eunice BSN

A enza, Chiara BA

Aviles, Ryan BBA

Ayala, Evelyn BA

Baldwin, Haley BBA

Bazelais, Car na BA

Bechtel, Drake BS

Bell, Martell BSE

Benedict, Emilee BA

Benitez, Josalyn BA

Berger, Tristan BA

Bhoja, Parth BBA

Birtles, Andrea BSE

Bonzani, Joseph BSN

Boonyong, Katherine BBA

Boysen, Abby BA

Braasch, Molly BS

Brems, Andrew BA

Brown, Brianna BS

Brown, Morgan BS

Buchanan, Maya BA

Budach, Dominique BSN

Budd, Alexis BBA


Sarkar, Cameron BA

Savala, Samantha BA

Schick, Thomas BBA

Sellers, Kyle BBA

Seyam, Woel BS

Sherwani, Suman BSE

Sierra, Anna BA

Sims, Brandon BA

Simusa, Stephen BLS

Smith, Caleb BA

Smyka, Colin BA

Speltz, Sydney BA

Sprock, Cameron BA

Stalkfleet, Joshua BA

Stannis, Chantel BA

Stockfish, Audrey Jo BA

Storm, Alexis BA

Stra ord, Charles BA

Talley, Tiffany BSN

Taylor, Jus n BA

Tebbu , Hailey BSE

Thachil, Ann Clare BSN

Thoreson, Kyle BA

Tian, John BA

Torres, Tiger BFA

Trasowech, William BSE

Urizar Gromsch, Oscar BLS

Vo, Nina BA

Wang, Chenlin BBA

Webb, Lauren BA

Webster, Kimberly BSN

Welcher, Brennan BA

West, Blythe BSN

Wright, Tellisa BA

Zhang, Kaiqiang BSE

Lamas Meza, Virginia BS

Larson, Shaunna BLS

Le, Cuong BS

Le, Jus n BA

Le, Quynh BS

Lee, Starr BA

Leuang, Kody BA

Leveille, Danielle BA

Liu, Yuyan BA

Long, Hailey BS

Lopez, Benjamin BA

Lopez, Daniel BBA

Lozano Flores, Alejandra BSE

Macalindong, Julian BS

Mankin, Emma BS

Mann, Yashdeep BS

Mar n, Kimberly BA

Mar nez, Leslie BA

McDonald, Andrew BM/BA

McFarlane, Hanah BA

McIlhon, Thomas BA

McKeen, Andrew BS

McMahon, Jack BBA

Meeks, Jadan BBA

Meier, Mariah BSN

Mich, Gregory BS

Midwig, Jessica BA

Milton, William BLS

Molinski, Nathan BA

Momodu, Faye BSE

Mora, Teresa BA

Mujica, Rebecca BS

Nelson, Logan BA

Nguyen, Lynn BSN

Nguyen, Thao BS

Nguyen, Vinh BBA

Ni, Nicholas BSE

Nieves, Oscar BA

Norena, Chris an BSE

Ochoa, Isaac BA

Oliver, Morgan BS

Pacheco, Daniela BBA

Pandya, Sanjana BA

Pasha, Nabeeha BA

Patel, Bhavik BA

Patel, Harsh BSE

Pegues, Ashle BA

Pena, Andre BA

Pena, Jorge BSN

Peralta, Brian Casimir BLS

Phosy, Emily BA

Pineda, Jacob BBA

Plum, Abigail BS

Porrez, Madelyn BA

Pugh, Chanel BA

Punyawai, Sireethorn BSN

Reaves, Michael BS

Recinos, Miguel BA

Richter, Sarah BS

Roberts, Olivia BA

Rocha, MiaGabrielle BA

Rodriguez, Andrea BBA

Rose, Jalen BBA

Rowell, Jus n BA

Rubin, Alexi BSN

Salazar, Rosa BA

Saleh, Elsadig BA

Sambrano, Dylan BBA

Sampson, Selena BSN

Sanchez, Mackenzie BA

Undergraduate December 2019


Ahmed, Ikran BA

Akinbo, Olumayokun BS

Akinbo, Oluwatayo BS

Akinribade, Toks BA

Akkina, Srilekhya BBA

Akurathi, Abhigna BSE

Al‐Amin, Takayla BS

Alanis, Mariel BA

Alfaro, Andres BA

Alger, Elijah BBA

Ali, Omnia BA

Alizo, Vanessa BS

Allen, Ma hew BS

Almanza, Jacob BS

Almonor, Jean BSE

Alonso, Aleena BBA

Alonso, Noah BA

Alpan, Nicole BA

Alston, Benjamin BS

Amin, Roshan BBA

Anand, Pallav BS

Anderson, Sheene BA

Andino, Alina BA

Antuna, Alfredo BA

Apple, Kyle BA/BBA

Arco, Taylor BA

Arias, Ariana BA

Arizmendi, Angel BA

Arjona, Nolan BBA

Arnal, Paul BS

Arroyo, Nicole BA

Arteaga, Jessica BA

Asama, Thomas BS

A enza, Ca a BA

Ayoki‐Davis, Tamia BS

Undergraduate May 2020

Zhang, Lian BBA/BA

Zhang, Zhaoyang BA

Zhang, Zilin BA

Zhou, Brandon BA

Zuniga, Jordan BA

Olalde, Francisco MS

Permeswaran, Yashila MS

Portero Paff, Christopher MPA

Ramos, Royce MS

Rassoolkhani, Alan PHD

Reuter, Christopher MS

Rieken, Autumn MCA

Sarathy, Sujatha MS

Shrestha, Arwin MS

Singh, Gurjap PHD

Singh, Harpreet MBA

Strachan, Taimyr PHD

Swaroop, Kalyan MS

Thenuwara, Sahan MS

Tongg, Philip MPA

Vanavasam, Sreenivasa MBA

Webb, Danielle MS

Wise, Tyja MAC

Wu, Wenyan MBA

Xiao, Chenyang MS

Zhang, Yuan MS

Zhang, Ziyi MS

Zheng, Chao MBA

Graduate/Professional December 2019

Aggarwal, Vandana MS

Benzo, Roberto PHD

Bernabe, Hernan MS

Bha , Ravi MS

Bright, Franklin PHD

Brown, Natalie MFA

Carvalho Neto, Eduardo MBA

Casares, Sabrina DPT

Cheatem, Naya MA

Chen, Yarong MS

Delgado, Josie MPA

Dominguez, Nicole DPT

Elsheikh, Alzuebeir MS

Ferreira Pacheco, Diego MBA

Francis, Sachin MBA

Garcia, Jorge MS

Hong, YooJung MFA

Huffman, Kris na MA

Jones, Jennifer MPA

Kelling, Haley DPT

Khan, Adil MBA

Lynch, Logan DPT

Mathanasekaran, Navani MBA

Mera, Calvin MS

Mishra, Akshay MBA

Morabe, Maria Liana PHD

Mosqueda, Kyle MS

Munjal, Ananya MCA

Abangan, Philip BSE

Abascal, Juan Pablo BBA

Abell, Emily BA

Aboagye, Jude BA

Acevedo, Evgueni BSE

Acevedo, Ezequiel BA

Aguek, Ashol BA

Aguilera, Gustavo BS

Aguirre, Alexandria BA


Baccam, Katerina BBA

Baccam, Muiel BBA

Baccam, Tyler BS

Baez Strawhacker, Hannah BA

Bai, John BSE

Baldwin, David BBA

Balicki, Joshua BA

Bannavong, Khetlhamany BA

Barcia, Julia BBA

Barker, Maya BA

Barnes, Skyler BA

Barrera Granillo, Anna BBA

Bassuk, Leela BA

Basulto, Cris a BA

Bechen, Kendyl BSN

Becker, Kai Le BSE

Belcher, Bryant BS/BA

Belkale, Madhuri BS

Benbow, Regan BS

Benne , Nicole BA

Berger, Michael BS

Beston, Jack BBA

Beteta, Ashley BA

Beube, Haley BBA

Blain, Autumn BSN

Blanes Diaz, Anamar BS

Boddie, Quenton BSE

Bojar, Haylee BA

Bonder, Anna BM

Boucher, Natalie BA

Boyd‐Wong, Ella BA

Bozikis, Madison BS

Brandner, Lukas BSE

Brenner, Freeman BA

Brickley, Abigail BS/BA

Chinchilla, Jheison BS

Chism, Devonte BA

Choi, Derek BSE/BA

Christensen, Nathaniel BBA

Clay, Ian BS

Clemmons, Simone BA

Cohen, Chelsea BS

Coleman, Dayo BA

Coleman, Dominique BA/BFA

Coleman, Marcus BA

Collins, Brenda BA

Collins, Tess BA

Contreras, Alex BBA

Contreras, Marisa BSN

Cook, Kennedy BA

Cook, Mia BS

Cooper, Sha ana BA

Coria, Araceli BA

Coria, Camila BA

Coronel, Giovanni BA

Corral, Abel BA

Cortesi, Robert BS

Co on, Delayna BS

Couch, Andrew BBA

Cox, Abigail BA/BS

Craff, Marrissa BA/BBA

Crocke , Jus n BA

Da Silva, Sasia BA

Dafalla, Shemaa BS

Dang, Brian BSE

Dang, Michelle BA

Dansou, Alda BA

Dao, Quynh Heather BSE

Davis, Cheyenne BA

Davis, Jazmine BA

Brown, Alexandra BA

Brown, China‐Lee BA

Brown, Sarah BS

Brown‐Rodriguez, Victor BA

Buford, Brenden BA

Bui, Emily BS

Burleson, Daniel BBA

Burns, Lorenzo BA

Burrel, Erianna BA

Burt, Isaiah BA

Byrd, Ariana BA

Cabrera, Jerilyn BA

Caldwell, Danielle BAS

Cale‐Finnegan, Alice BBA

Calma, Erick James BSE

Calvello, Tyler BBA

Calvillo, Xitlali BA

Camfield, Natasia BA

Campbell, Heather BA

Cannida, Ma hew BBA

Cao, Shixin BSE/BS

Carmona, Sarah BA

Carr, Jacey BA

Carson, Raevyn BA

Casarrubias, Daniela BA

Castaneda, Emalyn BBA

Castano, Mariem BA

Chahin, Vanessa BA

Chanchom, Jack BA

Chauhan, Yash BSE

Chavez‐Diaz, Leonardo BBA

Che, Elliot BA

Chen, Joshua BBA/BA

Chilukuri, Akanksha BS/BA

Undergraduate May 2020


Davis, Jessica BA

Davis, Keana BA

Day, Holden BA

De Sagun, Gabriel BS

DeBoer, Sydney BA

DeLanoit, Kirsten BSE

Demuth, Nina BA

Derr, Tyler BA

DeWi e, Caitlin BA

Dexter, Jack BBA

Diallo, Mariama BSE

Diekema, Karina BBA

Dizdarevic, Ajla BA

D'mello, Megan BS

Dong, Michael BA/BS

Dougherty, Charlsie BLS

Doxsee, Alec BA

Dreller, Derek BBA

Duarte, Bernardo BS

Duenas, Precious BA

Duran, Jose BBA

Dutra, Isabella BA

Eck, Samuel BA

Eckstein, Zoe BS

Edwards, Haley BA

Enchill, Makayla BA

Enis, Candace BA

Enriquez, Shania BA

Entereso, Michaela BA

Espinosa, Bianca BA

Everson, Paula BSN

Fan, Vincie BA

Fang, Jarjunn BSE

Fazio, Daniel BS

Fellows, Griffin BA/BS

Fernandez, Jiselle BBA

Fernandez, Kimberly Jean BA

Fernandez, Oscar BA

Fernandez, Sergio BFA

Fiegel, Olivia BA

Filali, Yassine BSE

Finch, Owen BA

Finn, Carmen BA

Fitch, Quadajiah BA

Fitzke, Breanna BA

Fitzwater, Kyle‐Leigh BA

Flores, Isabela BA

Flores, Megan BBA

Flores, Simona BA

Florian, Kelsey BA

Foens, Sydnei BA

Forgy, Alyssa BA

Fortunato, Isaac BA

Foster, Ryan BA

Francisco, Ryley BA

Frasher, Madeline BA

Frederick, Becca BM

Frye, Dejuan BS

Fu, Robert BA

Gaillard, Autumn BS

Galindo, Raelyn BS

Gallegos, Jeremy BSE

Garcia Vega, Tobias BA

Garcia, Alexis BA

Garcia, Jon‐Luc BSE

Garcia, Taylor BSE

Gaymont, Alexandra BS

Gaziano, Anthony BA

Gerdts, Kaylee BS

Gesalla, Taha BS

Gitlin, Chloe BA

Gomez, Delfino BBA

Gomez, Maggie BA

Gomez‐Long, Amina BA

Gonzalez, Andrew BA

Gonzalez, Gustavo BA

Gonzalez, Jonathan BSE

Gonzalez, Marilyn BS

Gonzalez, Ricardo BA

Gozali, Marc BS

Graham, Lidia BA

Guenther, Jacob BA

Guerra, Noemi BAS

Guizar, Johnathan BA

Guritz, Sarah BA

Gu errez, Marvin BA

Guzman, Serena BBA

Haider, Amna BA

Hameed, Adam BBA

Han, Andrew BBA

Han, Changze BS

Hansen, Gunther BA

Haque, Neha BA

Hardwick, Quamii BA

Harford, John BSE

Harkness, Garre BS

Harris, Frank BBA

Hart, Paige BSN

Harte, Haley BA

Harvey, Erika BA

Haysle , Ezekiel BA

Haysle , Tamarah BA

Hein, Alicia BA

Henry, Miranda BM

Undergraduate May 2020


Undergraduate May 2020

Herber, Victoria BA

Heredia‐Campos, Anaih BA

Heredia‐Pugh, Mason BS

Hernandez Garcia, Mayra BA

Hernandez, Axel BBA

Hernandez, Fa ma BBA

Hernandez‐Malizia, Ma hew


Hernandez‐Renfro, Ashleigh


Herrmann, Margit BA

Hetherington, Johanna BA

Hickey, McKinley BA

Hicks, Zoe BS

Hill, Grace BA

Hill, Maxwell BA/BS

Hishikawa, Arisa BA

Holm, Ryan BS

Hong, Dashom BA

Hongsakoul, Alena BA

Hoskins, Brady BS

Htay, ChoCho BA

Hughes, Lexis BA

Hughes‐Shaw, Mikhayla BA

Hurnes, Moriah BA

Huston, Bridget BA

Ibeawuchi, Jude BS

Isley, Molly BA

Ito, Alexa BS

Ivy, Melvin BS

Iyer, Navin BS

Jacks, Micah BA

Jackson, Lauren BBA

Jaime, Camille BS

Jaimes, Marina BA

Jamison, Alexandria BA

Jammalamadaka, Amara BS

Jannusch, Hannah BA

Jasso, Arianna BA

Jiang, Alice BBA

Johnson, Bradley BA

Johnson, Christopher BA

Johnson, Delilah BA

Johnson, Derrick BBA

Johnson, Emily BA

Johnson, Tiara BA

Johnson, Ty aunna BA

Johnston, Desiree BA

Jones, Alvin BA

Jones, Christopher BA

Jones, Dallas BA

Jordan, Kalil BBA

Juan, Monica BA

Kabarame, Liliane BSN

Kabir, Afrasiab BBA

Kamalumpundi, Vi‐jayvardhan


Kaplan, Danielle BA

Kapoor, Sophia BA

Karafili, Elisabeth BA

Katschman, Sarah BA

Kaur, Jaskiran BBA

Kaur, Yashpreet BA

Kelley, Brooke BBA

Kelley, Travis BSE

Kelsay, Nathan BBA

Kemdirim, Eleanor BS

Keomanivong, Cameron BS

Kim, Allison BA

Kim, Carolyn BA

Kim, Joseph BSE

Kim, Leena BA

King, Al‐Johara BA

Knowling, Melinda BM

Koeppel, Eden BA

Kohl, Levi BBA

Kokjohn, Jessica BS

Kousheh, Hannah BSE/BA

Kuhrt, Makayla BA

Kysia, Idries BA

Lach, Callecka BSN

Lanier, Ross BA

Laser, Rikki BS

Lazzaro, Madison BA

Le, Phat BA

Le, Phuc BA

Le, Tyler BSE

Le, Vivian BA

Leal, Eugenia BS

Leanos, Christopher BS

Ledesma, Kristopher BBA

Lee, Alex BBA

Lee, Might BA

Leibold, Morgan BA

Leon Jaramillo, Judith BA

Lev, Adam BSE

Lewis, Reanna BA

Li Sun, Caren BA

Li, Linda BA

Li, Mary BS

Li, Yimai BA

Li, Yitong BS

Li, Zhirui BA/BS

Liang, Haochen BA

Liang, James BSE


Undergraduate May 2020

Lin, Harry BSE

Lin, Jennifer BA

Linares, Daniel BA

Lindell, Meghan BA/BS

Liu, Dana BBA

Liu, Yawen BBA

Liu, Yuelin BA

Liu, Yunlin BA

Lo, Carolyn BS

Loera, Cesar BA

Logan, Abigail BA

Logli, Abigail BA

Long, Ashley BA

Long, Madison BA

Lopez, Angie BA

Loreng, Anne BBA

Losnedahl, Maya BA

Lowenthal, Florencia BA

Lugo, Patricio BS

Luong, Brandon BBA

Ly, Khoa BBA

Ly, Tammy BBA

Macias, Alexandra BA

Maciel, Jose BA

Madrigal, Itzel BS

Mahajan, Maya BA

Maina, Vivica BS

Makky, Zainab BA

Malagon, Juan BBA

Maloloyon, Marsha BA

Maloney, Caitlin BA

Manivong, Calvin BA

Manzanares, Miroslava BSE

Manzanares, Yve e BA

Mao, Zexi BA/BS

Mares Marquez, Anibal BBA

Marks, Jonah BSE

Marquez, Lourdes BA

Marroquin, Naomi BA

Martel, Blake BBA

Mar n, Russell BSE

Mar nez, Alexandra BSE

Mar nez, Alyssa BA

Mar nez, Ashley BA

Mar nez, Eduardo BA

Mar nez, Lesly BA

Mar nez, Sidney BA

Mar nson, Natalie BA

Mayhew, DoniRae BA

McClinton, Brooklynn BA

McCracken, Rachel BA

McDermo , Allison BA

McGinnis, Jared BSE

McGuire, Kavrin BA

McKay, Alexander BA

McMahon, Alexander BA

McMurrin, Breanna BA

McNair, Kierra BS

Meade, John BA

Medrano, Jacqueline BA

Meeder, Melissa BA

Mendez, Kristen BA

Mendoza, Victoria BS

Merchan, David BA

Meriweather, Asya BS

Metelman, Mira BS

Meyer, Michael BA/BS

Miller, Rachel BSN

Miller, Willow BA

Mills, Noel BA

Mills, Ryan BA

Mitchell, Sabra BBA/BA

Mitra, Ariana BS

Modjeski, Marisa BS

Mohamed, Nmarig BS

Molina, Jose BA

Moody, Jeremiah BA/BS

Moore, Kris ne BLS

Moore, Rosemarie BS

Morales de los Rios, Clara BA/BM

Morales Jimenez, Anahi BA

Morales, Michael BBA

Moreno, Cur s BLS

Moreno, Noemi BA

Moreno, Sierra BA

Moriyama, Alexander BA

Muell, Carla BA

Mungai, Margaret BS

Munjal, Arshi BA

Murra, Alexandra BS

Naik, Shru BSN

Nathwani, Sheyna BS

Nedbalek, Chris na BS

Ne y, Alyson BS

Nevarez, Jacob BBA

Nguyen, Anna BA

Nguyen, Benson BA

Nguyen, Bri any BS

Nguyen, Henry BS

Nguyen, Hung BS

Nguyen, Sara BA

Nichols, Joshua BBA

Nishimura, Jacob BSE/BA


Nobriga, Sthefany BA

Nop, Tiffany BA

Nwakama, Chibuzo BSE

Oberoi, A shay BA

Ogunwusi, Ayotoluwafunmi


Ojemudia, Michael BSE

Ola‐Buraimo, Oladele BSE

Oleson, Jace BSE

Olson, Melanie BA

Olveda, Natalie BS

Ong, Jennifer BS

Ong, Jia Ern BS

Orozco, Esmeralda BSE

Orozco, Joel BFA

Orozco, Leslie BA

Ortega, Jose BA

Or z, Eric BS

Or z, Sophia BA

Oseguera, Jasmine BA

Ostby, Bella BA

Osterheld, Suzanne BA

O o, William BA

Overstreet, Rauni BA

Overton, Dyamond BA

Owens, Marcus BA

Oxendine, Stanley BSE

Pacheco Lopez, Mariana BA

Packard, Kayla BA

Paintsil, Emeleeta BS

Pandian, Kathiresh BBA/BS

Pantoja, Yasmin BA

Park, Edward BA

Patel, Meera BS

Patel, Milan BA

Patel, Sonam BA

Pa erson, John BA

Pavon, Caleb BA

Perez, Olivia BA

Perez, Rosemary BSE

Perez‐Ullivarri, Laura BA

Persaud, Gabriel BA

Petersen, David BFA

Phan, Anthony BA

Phillips, Corbin BFA

Phillips, Halle BA

Pintor, Nicole BBA

Polanco, Diana BA

Ponnada, Sam Bharat Vijay Karthikeyan


Pride, Mariah BA

Prochnow, Ryanne BA

Puccia, Zoe BSE

Qiu, Siwei BSE

Quintero, Gavin BBA

Qureshi, Yasser BA

Rahayiroyi, Lucy BFA

Ramachandrula, Nikhita BA

Ramirez, Alexandria BA

Ramirez, Anna BA

Ramirez, Joana BA

Rao, Mina BS

Rasasy, Pa hana BA

Ratcliff, Charity BA

Razimoff, Meghan BA

Reed, Kayla BA

Rello, Lindsey BA

Restauro, Trina BSN

Reyes, Eileen BA

Reyes, Kris na BA

Richards, Miranda BA

Richter, Andrew BA/BS

Riedl, Haylie BA

Rivera Snyder, Victoria BBA/BA

Robert, Kai BA

Roberto, Natalie BA

Rodriguez Whalen, Kurt BA

Rodriguez, Amelia BA

Rodriguez, Charlton BSE

Rodriguez, Fabian BSE

Rodriguez‐Arzola, Daniel BS

Rodriguez‐Duran, Pedro BSE

Rodriquez, Benjamin BA

Rosa, Lianna BA

Rubio, Anllely BBA

Rukin, Samuel BA

Runia, Philip BA

Salcido, Valeria BA

Salmon, Genna BA

Samuel, Jordan BA/BS

Sanchez Garcia, Alexia BA

Sanchez, Jennifer BA

Sanchez, Karina BS

Sanders, Cur s BA

Sandvold, Olivia BSE

Sanford, Jonathan BA

Santos, Chanel Joyce BA

Santos, Jason BA

Santoyo, Carlos BBA

Sathe, Neha BA

Saucedo, Daisy BA

Saunders, Tia BS

Schabel, Nathan BA

Roth, Joseph BA

Undergraduate May 2020


Undergraduate May 2020

Schick, Makenzy BS

Schnoebelen, Megan BA

Sco , Makeda BA

Seline, Blake BBA

Senno, Isabella BA/BS

Senstad, Jacob BA

Seravalli, Carla BA

Sevillian, Alexis BA

Shaban, Mohamed BA

Shakir, Jasmine BA

Shallcross, Brian BS

Shan, Yifeng BSE

Shane, Samantha BA

Sharma, Simran BBA

Sheehan, Ma hew BA

Sheeran, Thomas BA

Shing‐Hon, Jamila BA

Shiwoku, Abdul‐Rahman BS

Sidhu, Rizwan BBA/BS

Silker, Samantha BA

Silva Trenkle, Aaron BSE

Simons, Abbie BS

Sirena, Paul BS

Sithonnorath, Denny BA

Situmeang, Ma hew BSE

Sivakumar, Sai BA

Smith, Alicia BS

Smith, Annika BSE

Smith, Irania BA

Smith, Jimmy BS

Smith, Lawrence BA

Smith, Lily BA

Snodgrass, Cailyn BA

Sobecki, William BBA

Soemadi, Arielle BA

Solis, Jazmine BA

Solomon, Bryan BA

Son, Trieu BA

Song, Hannah BFA

Sor llo, Kaley BA

Soto, Daniel BBA

Soto, Isaac BBA

Stanton, Connor BA

Starks, Teleigha BS

Steele, Alana BA

Steele, Kevin BSE

Stegall, Manny BS

Stovall, Javon BA

Stremel, Addison BA

Strom, Aus n BSE

Suarez Beltran, Pablo BS

Suarez, Alysen BBA

Swallow, Tiani BA

Swan, Jason BS

Syed, Burhanudin BSE

Tafolla, Grace BA

Taha, Shadi BA

Taha, Shahd BA

Talburt, Ciara BA

Tall, Fa ma BA

Talukder, Kamal BM/BA

Tambe, Aadit BA

Tang, Jie BBA

Tapia, Tania BA

Tate, Derek BA

Tate, Pearl BA

Tavarez Arias, Alexander BSE

Tay, Nicole BA

Taylor, Kyle BA

Teixeira, Jordan BA

Tello, Juancarlos BA

Tena Salais, Marco BSE

Tenney, Michael BSE

Tesfa, Nathan BS

Tewolde, Rita BA

Thangarajah, Sanjeev BS

Theut, Hugh BA

Thomas, Divya BS

Thomas, Kori BA

Thompson, Ashton BS

Thompson, Christopher BBA

Thompson, Darian BS

Thompson, Rachael BA

Tim, Rachel BA

Todd, Danita BA

Tokuyama, Emma BSE

Toro, Gabriela BSE

Torres, Irma BA

Torres, Jesus BA

Torrez, Lauren BA

Tovar, Emilio BA

Towar, Derick BS

Towne, William BBA

Trachta, Angel BA

Tran, Tammy BS

Tran, Tina BA

Tumbarello, Nicole e BA

Valdez, Jenifer BS

Valls, Madison BBA

Varadarajan, Shriram BSE

Vaughn, Briena BA

Vazquez, Louisa BBA

Velasco Palma, Erika BA

Velasquez, Jasmine BA


Velasquez, Yanet BA

Vencer, Kimberly BS

Villalobos, Jesse BBA

Virippil, Nitya BS

Vo, Kim BS

Von Boeckmann, Alyssa BA

Vu, Chris ne BA

Walker, Kierra BA

Walker, Samuel BSE

Walker, Shayn BA

Wang, Jing BSE

Wang, Ka e BBA/BS

Wang, Lynda BS

Wang, Pengyu BA

Wang, Zhonghua BA

Washington, Andrew BA

Weber, Charissa BBA

Weekley, Autumn BA

Weiss, Jesse BSN

Welzenbach, Kimberly BA

Wempen, Tyler BA

White, Forrest BA

Whited, Tia BA

Whi le, Ma hew BBA

Williams, Deja BA

Won, Jeffrey BSE

Wong, Brandon BA

Wood, Lauren BA/BFA

Woolery, Madeline BS

Wortherly, Faith BA

Wu, Aus n BA

Wu, David BSE

Wurth, Mike BA

Xayasene, Venia BA

Xiong, Youa BA

Xu, Weijin BBA

Xue, Jiarui BS

Yang, Zhongyu BS

Yem, Joshua BS/BA

Yoder, Demetria BS

York, Lisa BSN

Young, Devonte BA

Young, Taylor BA

Young, Toren BS

Zajdel, Kyle BS

Zeledon, Roxana BA

Zeller, Sydney BBA

Zhang, Hellen BA

Zhang, Jiahua BS

Zhao, Jiaxing BBA

Zheng, Angela BA

Zheng, Yuxuan BS

Zimmerman, Joel BA

Zimmerman, Maria BA

Abarca, Tyler MD

Abdelgadir, Ahmed PHR

Aboye, Samuel MCS

Adam, Anece DNP

Adams, Melanie MFA

Adeola, Mofesola MSW

Aggarwal, Anjana MBA

Ajjarapu, Avanthi MD/MPH

Alsheikh, Mona PHR

Alvarado, Chelsie MA

Alvorez, Joanne MSW

Anwar, Sherezaad JD

Aranda, Adriana JD

Archambeau, Dominique MA

Graduate/Professional May 2020

Undergraduate May 2020

Arnold, Neala MA

Ayoub, Hadeal MD

Azpei a, Denys MSW

Balikai, Shilpa MME

Banda, Lesley MSW

Bannav , Moala MS

Barnes, Alyssa MSW

Benjamin, Brianne DNP

Benne , Lance MA

Bhakta, Rushabh JD

Bhardwaj, Raghu JD

Blakemore, Kalaiakea MA

Boge, Andrew MA

Bojang, Kebba PHR

Borbon, Tiffany MD/PHD

Boyd, Jeffery MFA

Bretl, Kris ne MA

Bui, Gabrielle MD

Bukkapatnam, Mahanthi MBA

Caldwell, Cheyenne PHR

Carrillo Lopez, Sindy DNP

Carter, Walter MA

Castaneda, Diego MS

Cas llo, Kimberly MA

Castro, Joao JD

Cervantes, Armando MD

Chamberlain, Julie e MA

Chandler, Heaven JD

Chase, Ranessa MSW

Chavez, Raemi MPH

Chen, Cameron MCS

Chen, Sean MD

Chiang, Kevin PHR

Choi, Allen MD

Chong, Jisoon PHR

Chong, Jiyun MAC

Chu, Jian MD

Chyi, Frankie DDS

Cogan, Amelia MPH


Colbrese, Daniel MA

Comella, Catherine MA

Cruz, Daisy JD

Cur s, Kristopher MPH

Davis, Nicole MFA

Desai, Shaan DDS

Diaz, Brian MS

Doornink, Yeabsira MSW

Dopp, Anthony JD

Dudley, Angela DNP

Durham, Katelin MD

Eastman, Jannet DNP

Elias, Andrew JD

Emanuel, Joseph MFA

Emmangelic, Epiphany MSW

Eribal, Christa MSW

Espanto, Callie DDS

Evans, Aron MD

Fassel, Mikenzy MD

Felo, Nouran MD

Fender, Celine MA

Figiel, Jennifer MA

Fitzgerald, Cassandra MPH

Flores, Adam MBA

Flores, Tammera MD

Frazier, Bo MFA

French, Lazarus MA

Ganda, Julia MSW

Garza, Alexander MD

Ginart, Monica MS

Goel, Harsh MD

Goswami, Monali MBA

Graves, Helaina MSW

Greene, Mikkisha MSW

Guzman, Alyssa MAT

Ha, Nancy MD

Hailu, Amanuel PHD

Haskins, Cole MD/PHD

Hatcher, Victor MD

Hayes, Cheryl MSW

Hayes, Donte' MFA

Heaney, John MHA

Hensler, Thomas JD

Herig, Shelby PHD

Hester, Melanie MA

Hill, Markeisha MFA

Ho, Michael MS

Hoang, Uyen PHR

Hua, Min MBA

Huang, Chengjie MBA

Huang, Philip MD

Huerta, Llaned JD

Hwang, Aaron MFA

Ilko, Steven MD

Jennings, LaShon MBA

Jensen, Cassandra MFA

Jian, Jing MFA

Jo, Hyunok MS

Jointer, Amber MSW

Jones, Sydnei JD

Kadaru, Tarun MD

Kasi, Elvis DNP

Kelley, Ma hew MFA

Khan, Wahida MD

Kim, Jiho DDS

Kim, Sang Hee MS

Krueger, Timothy MA

Kuennen, Liebana MSW

Kuntla, Purna Chandra MS

Kutsch‐Stanton, Eugenia MBA

Lang, Kaymi DNP

Larios, Celina MA

Laroia, Ruchira DDS

Lee, Catherine JD

Lee, Peter JD

Lee, Sal JD

Lemieux, Camille MA

Lensing, Jonathan MD

Leonor, Joshua JD

Le‐Sweatman, Victoria MA

Li, Melvin MFA

Liu, Guang Hao MD/PHD

Liu, Kan MBA

Locke, Thomas MD

Lopez, Mayra MSW

Lopez, Salvatore MHA

Ma, Ke MCS

Mai, Anthony MD

Mainali, Sandhya MD

Manorot, Amanda MD

Marin, Joseph JD

Marquez Ponce, Leonor MA

Marroquin Perez, Maria MA

Marshall, Leigh MFA

Mar nez, Andres MBA

Mayse, Amy DDS

McClure, Karli MSW

McCorvey, Jus n JD

McFarland, Zachary JD

McKee, Sarah MA

McKenna, Mireille MBA

Means, Bri any MFA

Mendoza, Juan DMA

Menge, Maryanne PHR

Graduate/Professional May 2020


Metzger, Tanzeh MD/MPH

Miller, Kylie MD

Miller, Sylvia MPH

Mims, Jeremy MA

Mino, Ashley MBA

Miyakusu, Kristopher PHR

Molano de Pena, Ilonka MME

Molano, Jessica JD

Munoz Rocha, Guadalupe MS

Naqvi, Sana JD

Ndemo, Amanda JD

Nesbi , Donte DDS

Newman, Mark MS

Nguyen, Aileen JD

Nguyen, Thanh DDS

Nguyen, Vu‐Thuy PHD

Nnabuo, Laurel MS

Nor, Felipe MS

Norman, JaNaye MBA

Ocampo Landa, Raul MD

Oest, Sarah MD

O'Harrow, Tristan MS

Oke‐Agbo, Oussa MS

Olivas, Karla JD

Olson, Kelsey DNP

Osman, Fadumo PHR

Pan, Leon MFA

Parker, Onae MA

Passawe, Fama a JD

Patel, Eesha PHR

Patel, Iva PHD/MFA

Patel, Meghal PHR

Patel, Priyanka DDS

Penney, Journey MS

Pierro , Daniel MA

Plathe, Jennifer MSW

Porter, Bryan JD

Rahatbeck, Kubat MD

Ra liffe, Maliya JD

Ray, Elaine MFA

Raya, Anselmo MBA

Reddi, Chandini MD

Re enmaier, Leigh MD

Richardson, Julia MD

Riggleman, Natasha JD

Rivera Gallinat, Octavio MBA

Rodriguez, Irvin MSW

Rodriguez, Samantha MSW

Rojas, Edward MD

Rothmiller, Shamire PHD

Rush, Roma PHD

Saco, Alexa MHA

Salazar, David MBA

Salih, Mohamed MD

Sanchez, Julio PHD

Sanchez, San ago MFA

Schmidt, Aus n DDS

Schneider, Aaron PHD

Schwartz, Chris ne MD

Sco , Eddie PHD

Sekhon, Morgan MD

Shah, Jay MHA

Shan, Kuangda MD

Sharif, Ayman MS

Sharma, Saurabh DDS

Sharma, Suchitra DDS

Shin, SuYeong MS

Shumpert, Camiella MBA

Siddiqi, Humaa JD

Simmons, Immanuel MA

Simmons, Tobi MSW

Singh, Amarleen MSW

Smith, Jason MA

Smith, Terrell MFA

Stewart, Darius MFA

Stone, Carolyn PHR

Swaka, Louis PHR

Takanami, Erika DDS

Tatum, Kyna MBA

Tomiyama, Joshua‐Michael MS

Tong, Guiling DNP

Torres, Michael MD

Tran, James MA

Trevino, Olivia MS

Tucker, Tiffany MFA

Vaid, Shru JD

Valdes, Peggy PHD

Vanavasam, Sreenivasa MS

Vather, Naomi MD

Vereen, Alonzo MFA

Villanueva, David DNP

Virani, Billal MBA

Wang, Junnan MS

Washington, Khadidra PHD

Watkins, Jorrell MFA

Wa , James MBA

Wendland, Rion MS

West, Alexis MSW

Wi, Caren PHR

Woodruff, Katharine MS

Wright, Rebekah MSW

Wu, Daniel MD

Yamsani, Sampath MBA

Yang, Tsistas MSW

Yen, Emily MSW

Yen, Flora DDS

Graduate/Professional May 2020


Zambrano, Mayela Andreina PHD

Zhang, Ada MFA

Zhang, Anna MD

Zheng, Rong DDS

Schwartzhoff, Patrick BS

Singh, Sydney BA

Stokes, Darcell BA

Strader, Sierrah BA

Winter, Monica BA

Zhou, Ying BA Undergraduate August 2020

Graduate/Professional August 2020

Alva, Chris an MBA

Anand, Sonia PHD

Bansi, Guntas DDS

Bixler, Marcelina MA

Galindo, Samuel MA

Han, Grace PHR

Kota, Sirisha MBA

Mar n, Kevin MHA

Mera, Calvin PHD

Nandi, Suparno PHD

Newhall, Barbara MS

Parra, Julia DNP

Pearson, Annemarie PHD/MFA

Pham, Aurora PHD

Schick, Thomas MAC

Sidhu, Shabana MBA

Wirtz, Andrew MA

Wise, Sara PHD

Yeung, Chi PHD

Graduate/Professional May 2020

Acuario, Bianca BA

Alphonse, Stephania BBA

Anklewicz, Kristen BA

Bensellam, Nora BA

Betancourt, Ricardo BA

Caldwell, James BA

Cas llo, Romilia BS

Chen, Yuanqi BBA

Detlefsen, Magan BS

Djeugang, Bradarie BBA

Downey, Mathew BBA

Driscoll, Elleh BA

Espinoza, Ernesto BS

Gales, Connor BA

Gonzalez, Carter BA/BS

Grabski, Amanda BS

Hughes, Katherine BA

Juarez, Miranda BA

Kriegl, Emily BA

Kuku, Badri BA

Kulam, Nawfal BBA

Mallinson, Ma hew BA

Mar nez, Gloria BA

Mathew, Avery BA

Miller, Cal BA

Morrow, Ashley BA

Munoz, Anna Victoria BA

Nzau Tsasa, Eugene BSE

Pham, Kathie BA

Quackenbush, Deion BS

Robinson, Rita BA

Schnurr, Tyler BA

The  Cen te r   f o r  D i ve r s i t y  &  En r i c hmen t    

Gradua t i on  P l ann i ng  Commi t t e e  

Sarah Lambert, Chair, Center for Diversity & Enrichment 

Alexandra Deisbeck, Student Athlete Academic Services 

Jennifer Eimers, College of Liberal Arts & Sciences

Haley Kamps, Center for Diversity & Enrichment

Liz Lara, Office of Graduate Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion , Graduate College

Gordon Louie, College of Education 

Mike Meginnis, Center for Diversity & Enrichment

Steven Wehling, Equal Opportunity & Diversity

Debora Tiemens, Office of the Provost (ex officio)

Students ,    

thank  you   for  a  great  year !   

This event is sponsored by:  Division of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion 


Special thanks to: Katie McCullough 

Division of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion

Erica Aguiar 

Machen Florida Opportunity Scholars Program

University of Florida

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