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Arab Barometer Wave V


Arab Barometer -Wave V Questionnaire

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Arab Barometer 5th Wave Source Questionnaire

INTRODUCTION (new): Good morning/afternoon/evening, My name is [INSERT FULL NAME] from [INSERT FIELD ORGANIZATION’S NAME]. We are conducting a survey on the opinions of citizens in [YOUR COUNTRY] on a variety of important social and economic issues. The survey is conducted on behalf of the Arab Barometer, a joint, academically driven initiative by universities across the Arab world and the United States. Your household has been randomly selected from a list of addresses and your participation is of great importance for the success of this project. The survey interview takes approximately 45 minutes. Your answers will be completely anonymous and will be kept absolutely confidential. All information collected in this survey will be used for scientific research purposes. RESPONDENT SELECTION (new):

Arab Barometer -Wave V Questionnaire

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Arab Barometer -Wave V Questionnaire

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SECTION I: CORE DEMOGRAPHICS Q1001. [PROGRAMMER: ALL] In what year were you born? __________________ [PROGRAMMER: ALLOW FOUR DIGIT INTEGER NUMBERS ONLY] 99999. Refused to answer [INTERVIEWER: DO NOT READ] Q1001gcc. [PROGRAMMER: IF COUNTRY == 9 AND Q1001 == 99999] Could you please tell me your approximate age? __________________ years 99999. Refused to answer [INTERVIEWER: DO NOT READ] Q1002. [PROGRAMMER: ALL] Gender [INTERVIEWER: DO NOT ASK, RECORD] 1. Male 2. Female

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SECTION II: STATE OF THE ECONOMY Q100. [PROGRAMMER: ALL] In general, do you think that things in [COUNTRY] are going in the right or wrong direction? 1. Going in the right direction 2. In between [INTERVIEWER: DO NOT READ] 3. Going in the wrong direction 98. Don’t know [INTERVIEWER: DO NOT READ] 99. Refused to answer [INTERVIEWER: DO NOT READ] Q2061a. [PROGRAMMER: ALL] What is the most important challenge facing [COUNTRY] today? [INTERVIEWER: READ RESPONSE OPTIONS] [PROGRAMMER: RANDOMIZE ITEMS] 1. Economic situation [INTERVIEWER: IF ASKED, POVERTY, UNEMPLOYMENT, INFLATION] 2. Financial and administrative corruption 3. Democracy and representation/governance 6. Internal stability and security 7. Foreign interference 8. Religious extremism 11. Fighting terrorism 12. Public services [INTERVIEWER: IF ASKED, HEALTH, EDUCATION, ETC.] 13. Security 14. Political/party issues 15. Others, specify: ________ 98. Don’t know [INTERVIEWER: DO NOT READ] 99. Refused to answer [INTERVIEWER: DO NOT READ]

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Q2061b. [PROGRAMMER: ALL] What is the second important challenge facing [COUNTRY] today? [INTERVIEWER: READ RESPONSE OPTIONS] [PROGRAMMER: RANDOMIZE ITEMS] 1. Economic situation [INTERVIEWER: IF ASKED, POVERTY, UNEMPLOYMENT, INFLATION] 2. Financial and administrative corruption 3. Democracy and representation/governance 6. Internal stability and security 7. Foreign interference 8. Religious extremism 11. Fighting terrorism 12. Public services [INTERVIEWER: IF ASKED, HEALTH, EDUCATION, ETC.] 13. Security 14. Political/Party issues 15. Other, specify: ________ 97. There is no second problem [INTERVIEWER: DO NOT READ] 98. Don’t know [INTERVIEWER: DO NOT READ] 99. Refused to answer [INTERVIEWER: DO NOT READ] Q101. [PROGRAMMER: ALL] How would you evaluate the current economic situation in your country? 1. Very good 2. Good 3. Bad 4. Very bad 98. Don’t know [INTERVIEWER: DO NOT READ] 99. Refused to answer [INTERVIEWER: DO NOT READ]

Q101a. [PROGRAMMER: ALL] How would you evaluate the economic situation in your country 5 years ago compared to the current situation? 1. Much better 2. Somewhat better 3. Almost the same 4. Somewhat worse 5. Much worse 98. Don’t know [INTERVIEWER: DO NOT READ] 99. Refused to answer [INTERVIEWER: DO NOT READ]

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Q102. [PROGRAMMER: ALL] What do you think will be the economic situation in your country during the next few years (2-3 years) compared to the current situation? 1. Much better 2. Somewhat better 3. Almost the same 4. Somewhat worse 5. Much worse 98. Don’t know [INTERVIEWER: DO NOT READ] 99. Refused to answer [INTERVIEWER: DO NOT READ] Q108. [PROGRAMMER: SEE SPECIFIC ITEMS] How serious a problem do you think the following issues are: Is [INSERT ITEM] a very serious problem, a somewhat serious problem, not a very serious problem, not at all a serious problem? [PROGRAMMER: RANDOMIZE ITEMS]

1 [PROGRAMMER: IF SPLITA == 1] Climate change 1 2 3 4 88 99

2 [PROGRAMMER: IF SPLITA == 1] Air quality 1 2 3 4 88 99

3 [PROGRAMMER: IF COUNTRY != 9; SPLITA == 1] Water pollution

1 2 3 4 88 99


1 2 3 4 88 99

1. A very serious problem 2. A somewhat serious problem 3. Not a very serious problem 4. Not at all a serious problem 98. Don’t know [INTERVIEWER: DO NOT READ] 99. Refused to answer [INTERVIEWER: DO NOT READ] Q109agcc1. [PROGRAMMER: IF COUNTRY == 9] Using a scale from 0 to 10, where 0 represents the worst possible place in which to live and 10 represents the best possible place, where on that scale would you rate [COUNTRY] as a place to live?

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 worst best

97. Unable to rate [INTERVIEWER: DO NOT READ] 98. Don’t know [INTERVIEWER: DO NOT READ] 99. Refused to answer [INTERVIEWER: DO NOT READ]

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Q109agcc2. [PROGRAMMER: IF COUNTRY == 9] And on the same 0 to 10 scale, where would you say [COUNTRY] stood one year ago?

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 worst best

97. Unable to rate [INTERVIEWER: DO NOT READ] 98. Don’t know [INTERVIEWER: DO NOT READ] 99. Refused to answer [INTERVIEWER: DO NOT READ]

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Q104. [PROGRAMMER: ALL] Some people decide to leave their countries to live somewhere else. Have you ever thought about emigrating from your country? 1. Yes 2. No 98. Don’t know [INTERVIEWER: DO NOT READ] 99. Refused to answer [INTERVIEWER: DO NOT READ]

Q104a. [PROGRAMMER: IF Q104 == 1] People want to emigrate for different reasons. Why have you thought about emigrating? [CHECK ALL THAT APPLY IN IRAQ] 1. For economic reasons [INTERVIEWER: IF ASKED INFLATION, UNEMPLOYMENT] 2. For political reasons 3. Religious reasons 4. Security reasons 5. Education opportunities 6. Reunite with family 7. Corruption 8. For other reasons, specify: ________ 98. Don’t know [INTERVIEWER: DO NOT READ] 99. Refused to answer [INTERVIEWER: DO NOT READ]

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Q104b. [PROGRAMMER: IF Q104a == 1] Which country are you thinking of emigrating to? [INTERVIEWER: DO NOT READ RESPONSE OPTIONS; CHECK ALL THAT APPLY] [PROGRAMMER: ORDER RESPONSE CATEGORIES ALPHABETICALLY AND FIX “OTHER”-CATEGORY AT THE VERY BOTTOM OF THE LIST] 1. Saudi Arabia 2. The United Arab Emirates 3. Qatar 4. Bahrain 5. Kuwait 6. Oman 7. Egypt 8. Jordan 9. Lebanon 10. Morocco 11. Algeria 12. Tunisia 13. Turkey 14. The United States 15. Canada 16. The United Kingdom 17. Eastern Europe 18. France 19. Germany 20. Spain 21. Italy 22. Other Western European countries 23. Sub-Saharan Africa 24. Other (please specify): ________ 98. Don’t know [INTERVIEWER: DO NOT READ] 99. Refused to answer [INTERVIEWER: DO NOT READ] Q104c. [PROGRAMMER: IF Q104a == 1] Would you consider leaving [COUNTRY] even if you didn’t have the required papers that officially allowed you to leave? 1. Yes 2. No 98. Don’t know [INTERVIEWER: DO NOT READ] 99. Refused to answer [INTERVIEWER: DO NOT READ]

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Q105. [PROGRAMMER: ALL] To what extent do you feel that your own personal as well as your family’s safety and security are currently ensured? 1. Fully ensured 2. Ensured 3. Not ensured 4. Not at all ensured 98.Don’t know [INTERVIEWER: DO NOT READ] 99.Refused to answer [INTERVIEWER: DO NOT READ]

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SECTION IV: TRUST AND GOVERNMENT PERFORMANCE Q103. [PROGRAMMER: IF COUNRTY != 9] Generally speaking, would you say that “Most people can be trusted” or “that you must be very careful in dealing with people”? 1. Most people can be trusted 2. I must be very careful in dealing with people 98. Don’t know [INTERVIEWER: DO NOT READ] 99. Refused to answer [INTERVIEWER: DO NOT READ] Q201a. [PROGRAMMER: SEE SPECIFIC ITEMS] I’m going to name a number of institutions. For each one, please tell me how much trust you have in them. [PROGRAMMER: RANDOMIZE ITEMS]

1 [PROGRAMMER: IF COUNTRY != 1; ALL] Government (Council of Ministers)

1 2 3 4 98 99

2 [PROGRAMMER: ALL] Courts and legal system 1 2 3 4 98 99


[PROGRAMMER: IF COUNTRY != 1; ALL] The elected council of representatives (the parliament).

1 2 3 4 98 99



1 2 3 4 98 99

41 [PROGRAMMER: IF COUNTRY == 7, 8, 13, OR 21; ALL] Regional government

1 2 3 4 98 99

42 [PROGRAMMER: ALL] Police 1 2 3 4 98 99

7 [PROGRAMMER: ALL] Civil society organizations 1 2 3 4 98 99

1. A great deal of trust 2. Quite a lot of trust 3. Not a lot of trust 4. No trust at all 98. Don’t know [INTERVIEWER: DO NOT READ] 99. Refused to answer [INTERVIEWER: DO NOT READ]

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Q201b. [PROGRAMMER: SEE SPECIFIC ITEMS] And how much trust do you have in… [PROGRAMMER: RANDOMIZE ITEMS]

6 [PROGRAMMER: IF SPLIT A == 1 & COUNTRY != 1 OR 9; ALL] The armed forces (the army).

1 2 3 4 98 99

13 [PROGRAMMER: IF SPLIT A == 1; & COUNTRY != 9;ALL] Religious leaders

1 2 3 4 98 99

20 [PROGRAMMER: IF SPLIT A == 1 & COUNTRY != 1 OR 9; ALL] Political Parties

1 2 3 4 98 99

31 [[PROGRAMMER: IF SPLIT A == 1 & COUNTRY != 1 OR 9; ALL] President / Prime Minister

1 2 3 4 98 99


[PROGRAMMER: IF SPLIT A == 1 & COUNTRY != 1, 9 OR 10; ALL] Muslim Brotherhood / Ennadha / Major Islamist Movement

1 2 3 4 98 99

1. A great deal of trust 2. Quite a lot of trust 3. Not a lot of trust 4. No trust at all 98. Don’t know [INTERVIEWER: DO NOT READ] 99. Refused to answer [INTERVIEWER: DO NOT READ]

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[PROGRAMMER: IF SPLIT A == 2; ID COUNTRY != 9; ALL] Private hospitals [Different Arabic term IF COUNTRY == 10 OR 19]

1 2 3 4 98 99

38 [PROGRAMMER: IF SPLIT A == 2; ID COUNTRY != 9; ALL] Private banks

1 2 3 4 98 99

39 [PROGRAMMER: IF SPLIT A == 2; ID COUNTRY != 9; ALL] Private universities

1 2 3 4 98 99

32 [PROGRAMMER: IF SPLIT A == 2; ID COUNTRY != 9; ALL] Civil service / public administration

1 2 3 4 98 99

40 [PROGRAMMER: IF SPLIT A == 2; ID COUNTRY != 9; ALL] Domestic business people

1 2 3 4 98 99

1. A great deal of trust 2. Quite a lot of trust 3. Not a lot of trust 4. No trust at all 98. Don’t know [INTERVIEWER: DO NOT READ] 99. Refused to answer [INTERVIEWER: DO NOT READ] Q103. [PROGRAMMER: IF COUNRTY == 9] Generally speaking, would you say that “Most people can be trusted” or “that you must be very careful in dealing with people”? 1. Most people can be trusted 2. I must be very careful in dealing with people 98. Don’t know [INTERVIEWER: DO NOT READ] 99. Refused to answer [INTERVIEWER: DO NOT READ] Q513. [PROGRAMMER: IF COUNTRY != 1 OR 9] On a scale from 0-10 measuring the extent of your satisfaction with the current government’s performance, in which 0 means that you are completely dissatisfied with its performance and 10 means you are completely satisfied. To what extent are you satisfied with the current government’s performance?

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Completely unsatisfied

Completely satisfied

96. Not concerned/not interested [INTERVIEWER: DO NOT READ] 98. Don’t know [INTERVIEWER: DO NOT READ] 99. Refused to answer [INTERVIEWER: DO NOT READ]

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Q204a. [PROGRAMMER: SEE SPECIFIC ITEMS] How satisfied are you with the following? [PROGRAMMER: RANDOMIZE ITEMS]

1 [PROGRAMMER: ALL] The educational system in our country 1 2 3 4 98 99

2 [PROGRAMMER: ALL] The healthcare system in our country 1 2 3 4 98 99

1. Completely satisfied 2. Satisfied 3. Dissatisfied 4. Completely dissatisfied 98. Don’t know [INTERVIEWER: DO NOT READ] 99. Refused to answer [INTERVIEWER: DO NOT READ] Q204. [PROGRAMMER: SEE SPECIFIC ITEMS] I am going to ask a number of questions related to the current government’s performance in specific areas. How would you evaluate the current government’s performance on [INSERT ITEM]? [PROGRAMMER: RANDOMIZE ITEMS]

2 [PROGRAMMER: ALL] Creating employment opportunities 1 2 3 4 97 98 99

3 [PROGRAMMER: ALL] Narrowing the gap between rich and poor 1 2 3 4 97 98 99

11 [PROGRAMMER: ALL] Providing security and order 1 2 3 4 97 98 99

20 [PROGRAMMER: ALL] Keeping prices down 1 2 3 4 97 98 99

22 [PROGRAMMER: IF COUNTRY == 7] Educational needs 1 2 3 4 97 98 99

1. Very good 2. Good 3. Bad 4. Very bad 97. This is not the government’s responsibility [INTERVIEWER: DO NOT READ] 98. Don’t know [INTERVIEWER: DO NOT READ] 99. Refused to answer [INTERVIEWER: DO NOT READ]

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Q204b. [PROGRAMMER: SEE SPECIFIC ITEMS] And how would you evaluate the current government’s performance on [INSERT ITEM]? [PROGRAMMER: RANDOMIZE ITEMS]


[PROGRAMMER: IF COUNTRY != 1 OR 22; SPLITA==1] Establishing an appropriate environment for domestic and foreign investment

1 2 3 4 5 98 99


[PROGRAMMER: IF COUNTRY != 1 OR 22; SPLITA==1] Limiting the economic and political disparity between the regions

1 2 3 4 5 98 99

1. Very good 2. Good 3. Bad 4. Very bad 97. This is not the government’s responsibility [INTERVIEWER: DO NOT READ] 98. Don’t know [INTERVIEWER: DO NOT READ] 99. Refused to answer [INTERVIEWER: DO NOT READ] Q204c. [PROGRAMMER: SEE SPECIFIC ITEMS] And how would you evaluate the current government’s performance on [INSERT ITEM]? [PROGRAMMER: RANDOMIZE ITEMS]


[PROGRAMMER: IF SPLITA==1 & COUNTRY != 1 OR 9] Establishing an appropriate environment for investment

1 2 3 4 5 98 99


[PROGRAMMER: IF SPLITA==1 & COUNTRY != 1 OR 9] Limiting the economic disparity between the regions

1 2 3 4 5 98 99

1. Very good 2. Good 3. Bad 4. Very bad 97. This is not the government’s responsibility [INTERVIEWER: DO NOT READ] 98. Don’t know [INTERVIEWER: DO NOT READ] 99. Refused to answer [INTERVIEWER: DO NOT READ]

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Q205. [PROGRAMMER: SEE SPECIFIC ITEMS] Based on your experience, how easy or difficult is it to obtain the following services? [PROGRAMMER: RANDOMIZE ITEMS]



1 2 3 4 5 98 99


[PROGRAMMER: ALL] Help from the police when you need it [IF COUINTRY == 10 REPLACED BY “public security”]

1 2 3 4 5 98 99

4leb [PROGRAMMER: IF COUNTRY == 10; ALL] Internal Security Forces - Police 1 2 3 4 5 98 99

6 [PROGRAMMER: ALL] Registering a business 1 2 3 4 5 98 99

7 [PROGRAMMER: ALL] Getting a building permit 1 2 3 4 5 98 99

1. Very easy 2. Easy 3. Difficult 4. Very difficult 97. Never tried [INTERVIEWER: DO NOT READ] 98. Don’t know [INTERVIEWER: DO NOT READ] 99. Refused to answer [INTERVIEWER: DO NOT READ] Q214. [PROGRAMMER: ALL] Have you personally or any of your relatives or anyone you know been demanded to provide a permit or a certificate of good behavior from the security services (police for example) in order to obtain a passport or an identity card or any other document or paper from the government institutions in the region you live in? 1. Yes 2. No 98. Don’t know [INTERVIEWER: DO NOT READ] 99. Refused to answer [INTERVIEWER: DO NOT READ]

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Q211d. [PROGRAMMER: ALL] Some countries have introduced the ability to pay certain fees online. Would you be happy to pay fees for government services online? [DIFFERENT WORD FOR ONLINE FEES IF COUNTRY == 21 ( میلاعملاو موسّرلا )] 1. Yes 2. No 98. Don’t know [INTERVIEWER: DO NOT READ] 99. Refused to answer [INTERVIEWER: DO NOT READ] Q209b. [PROGRAMMER: ALL] To what extent do you agree with this statement: “Existing charitable and social organizations do everything they can to help provide our country’s citizens with necessary services.” 1. Strongly agree 2. Agree 3. Disagree 4. Strongly disagree 98. Don’t know [INTERVIEWER: DO NOT READ] 99. Refused to answer [INTERVIEWER: DO NOT READ]

Q210. [PROGRAMMER: IF COUNTRY != 1] To what extent do you think that there is corruption within the national state agencies and institutions in your country? 1. To a large extent 2. To a medium extent 3. To a small extent 4. Not at all 98. Don’t know [INTERVIEWER: DO NOT READ] 99. Refused to answer [INTERVIEWER: DO NOT READ]

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Q211. [PROGRAMMER: IF COUNTRY != 1 & Q210 == 1, 2 OR 3] In your opinion, to what extent is the national government working to crackdown on corruption? 1. To a large extent 2. To a medium extent 3. To a small extent 4. Not at all 98. Don’t know [INTERVIEWER: DO NOT READ] 99. Refused to answer [INTERVIEWER: DO NOT READ] Q211a. [PROGRAMMER: IF COUNTRY != 1 & Q210 == 1,2 OR 3] How widespread do you think corruption is in your local / municipal government. Would you say …? [IF COUNTRY == 21 (state government)] 1. Hardly anyone is involved 2. Not a lot of officials are corrupt 3. Most officials are corrupt 4. Almost everyone is corrupt 98. Don’t know [INTERVIEWER: DO NOT READ] 99. Refused to answer [INTERVIEWER: DO NOT READ] Q211b. [PROGRAMMER: IF SPLIT A == 1] In your opinion, to what extent do you think it is necessary to pay an unofficial fee (rashwa) to a civil servant in [COUNTRY] to receive better education services? 1. Highly necessary 2. Somewhat necessary 3. Somewhat unnecessary 4. Highly unnecessary 98. Don’t know [INTERVIEWER: DO NOT READ] 99. Refused to answer [INTERVIEWER: DO NOT READ]

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Q211c. [PROGRAMMER: IF SPLIT A == 2] In your opinion, to what extent do you think it is necessary to pay an unofficial fee (rashwa) to a civil servant [COUNTRY] to receive better health care services? 1. Highly necessary 2. Somewhat necessary 3. Unnecessary 4. Highly unnecessary 98. Don’t know [INTERVIEWER: DO NOT READ] 99. Refused to answer [INTERVIEWER: DO NOT READ] Q213b. [PROGRAMMER: ALL] Some people say that nowadays it is impossible to get a job without connections (wasta) while others say that jobs are only available to qualified candidates. Based on a recent experience (or experiences) you are personally aware of, do you think that obtaining employment through wasta happens…? 1. Often 2. Sometimes 3. Never 97. I do not know relevant examples [INTERVIEWER: DO NOT READ] 98. Don’t know [INTERVIEWER: DO NOT READ] 99. Refused to answer [INTERVIEWER: DO NOT READ] Q213a. [PROGRAMMER: SEE SPECIFIC ITEMS] For each of the following, please tell whether or not you would consider it a form of corruption. [PROGRAMMER: RANDOMIZE ITEMS]

1 [PROGRAMMER: ALL] Buying something knowing that it was stolen 1 2 98 99

2 [PROGRAMMER: ALL] A government official providing wasta for relatives 1 2 98 99

3 [PROGRAMMER: ALL] Making a small side payment to speed up a government service 1 2 98 99

1. Yes 2. No 98. Don’t know [INTERVIEWER: DO NOT READ] 99. Refused to answer [INTERVIEWER: DO NOT READ]

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Q209/Q216/Q218/. [PROGRAMMER: SEE SPECIFIC ITEMS] Do you agree or disagree with the following statements? [PROGRAMMER: RANDOMIZE ITEMS]

Q209 [PROGRAMMER: ALL] The government does all it can to provide its citizens with necessary services.

1 2 3 4 98 99

Q216 [PROGRAMMER: ALL] Citizens must support the government’s decisions, even if they disagree with them?

1 2 3 4 98 99


[PROGRAMMER: ALL] Political leaders are concerned with the needs of ordinary citizens.

1 2 3 4 98 99


[PROGRAMMER: IF COUNTRY != 1, 10, OR 22] The state has the right to demand that citizens pay taxes without giving them a role in important state decisions.

1 2 3 4 98 99


[PROGRAMMER: ALL] Sometimes, politics are so complicated that I cannot understand what is happening.

1 2 3 4 98 99

1. Strongly agree 2. Agree 3. Disagree 4. Strongly disagree 98. Don’t know [INTERVIEWER: DO NOT READ] 99. Refused to answer [INTERVIEWER: DO NOT READ]

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Q501a. [PROGRAMMER: ALL] Have you volunteered for any local group / organization regardless of your status of membership? 1. Yes 2. No 98. Don’t know [INTERVIEWER: DO NOT READ] 99. Refused to answer [INTERVIEWER: DO NOT READ] Q266. [PROGRAMMER: ALL] In a typical month, do you donate money to a charity or those in need? 1. Yes 2. No 98. Don’t know [INTERVIEWER: DO NOT READ] 99. Refused to answer [INTERVIEWER: DO NOT READ]

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Q502. [PROGRAMMER: SEE SPECIFIC ITEMS] Here is a set of activities that citizens may take part in. During the past three years, did you ... [PROGRAMMER: RANDOMIZE ITEMS]

1 [PROGRAMMER: IF COUNRTY != 9; ALL] Attend a meeting to discuss a subject or sign a petition. 1 2 3 98 99

2 [PROGRAMMER: IF COUNRTY != 9; ALL] Participate in a protest, march or sit-in. 1 2 3 98 99

4 [PROGRAMMER: IF COUNRTY != 9; ALL] Used force or violence for a political cause 1 2 3 98 99

1. Once 2. More than once 3. I have never participated 98. Don’t know [INTERVIEWER: DO NOT READ] 99. Refused to answer [INTERVIEWER: DO NOT READ]

Q265. [PROGRAMMER: ALL] Which of the following statements comes closest to your view? Statement 1: The best way to reduce poverty is to increase your taxes so the government can help the poor through social spending. Statement 2: The best way to reduce poverty is to encourage people like yourself to pay more sadaqa for charitable distribution. 1. Agree with statement 1 2. Agree with statement 2 3. Agree with neither statement [INTERVIEWER: DO NOT READ] 4. Agree with both statements [INTERVIEWER: DO NOT READ] 97. My situation does not allow either [INTERVIEWER: DO NOT READ] 98. Don’t know [INTERVIEWER: DO NOT READ] 99. Refused to answer [INTERVIEWER: DO NOT READ]

Q263. [PROGRAMMER: ALL] Which of the following statements best describes you? 1. I prefer helping the poor, even at a large personal cost 2. I prefer helping the poor, even at a small personal cost 3. I prefer helping the poor, but if this costs nothing to me 4. I prefer not helping the poor 98. Don’t know [INTERVIEWER: DO NOT READ] 99. Refused to answer [INTERVIEWER: DO NOT READ]

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SECTION VI: ELECTIONS AND REPRESENTATION Q404. [PROGRAMMER: ALL] In general, to what extent are you interested in politics? 1. Very interested 2. Interested 3. Uninterested 4. Very uninterested 98. Don’t know [INTERVIEWER: DO NOT READ] 99. Refused to answer [INTERVIEWER: DO NOT READ] Q301a. [PROGRAMMER: IF SPLIT A == 1] Did you vote in the last parliamentary elections that were held on [INSERT DATE OF LAST PARLIAMENTARY ELECTION] 1. Yes 2. No 98. Don’t know [INTERVIEWER: DO NOT READ] 99. Refused to answer [INTERVIEWER: DO NOT READ]

Q301b. [PROGRAMMER: IF COUNTRY != 9 AND SPLIT A == 2] During the last national parliamentary election held on [INSERT DATE OF LAST PARLIAMENTARY ELECTION] many people could not or did not want to cast a ballot for many reasons. What about you? Which of the following statements best apply to you? [INTERVIEWER: PLEASE READ OUT ALL RESPONSES; NO OPTION 5 IN SUDAN] 1. I did not vote in national parliamentary election on [INSERT DATE OF PARLIAMENTARY ELECTION] 2. I considered voting, but did not this time 3. Usually I vote, but this time I did not 4. I am sure that I voted on [INSERT DATE OF PARLIAMENTARY ELECTION] 5. [INTERVIEWER: DO NOT READ, SPONTANEOUS:] I cast my vote by mail 98. Don’t know [INTERVIEWER: DO NOT READ] 99. Refused to answer [INTERVIEWER: DO NOT READ]

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Q303a. [PROGRAMMER: ALL] In general, how would you evaluate the last parliamentary elections? Was it… [INTERVIEWER: IF ASKED, THE LAST PARLIAMENTARY ELECTION HELD ON [INSERT DATE]] 1. Free and fair 2. Free and fair, with major problems 3. Not free or fair 98. Don’t know [INTERVIEWER: DO NOT READ] 99. Refused to answer [INTERVIEWER: DO NOT READ]

Q302. [PROGRAMMER: ALL] During the parliamentary election, did you attend a campaign meeting or rally? [INTERVIEWER: IF ASKED THE LAST PARLIAMENTARY ELECTION HELD ON [INSERT DATE]] 1. Yes 2. No 98. Don’t know [INTERVIEWER: DO NOT READ] 99. Refused to answer [INTERVIEWER: DO NOT READ]

Q503a. [PROGRAMMER: IF COUNTRY != 9 OR 10; ALL] Which party if any do you feel closest to? [Interviewer Coded]] 0. No party [INTERVIEWER: DO NOT READ] Party list [INTERVIEWER: DO NOT READ] 96. Other, specify:___________________ [INTERVIEWER: DO NOT READ] 98. Don’t know [INTERVIEWER: DO NOT READ] 99. Refused to answer [INTERVIEWER: DO NOT READ] Q505a. [PROGRAMMER: IF COUNTRY != 9; ALL] Which of the following two statements is the closest to your point of view? Choose statement 1 or statement 2 [INTERVIEWER: CONFIRM STRENGTH OF RESPONDENTS VIEW; DO YOU AGREE OR STRONGLY AGREE?] Statement 1: I prefer a religious political party over a non-religious political party. Statement 2: I prefer a non-religious political party over a religious political party. 1. I strongly agree with the 1st statement 2. I agree with the 1st statement 3. I agree with the 2nd statement 4. I strongly agree with the 2nd statement 98. Don’t know [INTERVIEWER: DO NOT READ] 99. Refused to answer [INTERVIEWER: DO NOT READ]

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Q301c. [PROGRAMMER: IF COUNTRY != 5] Did you vote in the last local elections that were held on [INSERT DATE OF LAST LOCAL ELECTION] 1. Yes 2. No 98. Don’t know [INTERVIEWER: DO NOT READ] 99. Refused to answer [INTERVIEWER: DO NOT READ] Q601a. [PROGRAMMER: ALL] Some people think in order to achieve fairer representation a certain percentage of elected positions should be set aside for women. To what extent do you agree with this statement? 1. I strongly agree 2. I agree 3. I disagree 4. I strongly disagree 97. Quotas are the wrong instrument to achieve fair representation [INTERVIEWER: DO NOT READ] 98. Don’t know [INTERVIEWER: DO NOT READ] 99. Refused to answer [INTERVIEWER: DO NOT READ]

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SECTION VII: VALUES Q516a. [PROGRAMMER: ALL] In the next few questions, I am interested how you think about the core values underlying any society. Which of these three statements is closest to your own opinion: 1. For people like me, it doesn't matter what kind of government we have 2. Under some circumstances, a non-democratic government can be preferable 3. Democracy is always preferable to any other kind of government 98. Don’t know [INTERVIEWER: DO NOT READ] 99. Refuse to answer [INTERVIEWER: DO NOT READ] Q515a2. [PROGRAMMER: ALL] If you have to choose only one of the statements below, which one would you choose as the most essential characteristics of a democracy? [INTERVIEWER: ENCOURAGE RESPONDENT TO SELECT ONLY ONE ANSWER] 1. Government ensures law and order. 2. Media is free to criticize the things government does. 3. Government ensures job opportunities for all. 4. Multiple parties compete fairly in the election. 98. Don’t know [INTERVIEWER: DO NOT READ] 99. Refused to answer [INTERVIEWER: DO NOT READ] Q511. [PROGRAMMER: ALL] Measuring the extent to which your country is democratic, on a scale from 0-10 with 0 meaning there is no democracy whatsoever and 10 meaning that it is democratic to the greatest extent possible. In your opinion, to what extent is your country democratic?

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 No

democracy Complete democracy

96. Not concerned/not interested [INTERVIEWER: DO NOT READ] 98. Don’t know [INTERVIEWER: DO NOT READ] 99. Refused to answer [INTERVIEWER: DO NOT READ]

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Q512. [PROGRAMMER: ALL] Now measuring the extent to which your democracy is suitable for your country, on a scale from 0-10 with 0 meaning that democracy is completely inappropriate for your country and 10 meaning that democracy is completely appropriate for your country. To what extent do you think democracy is suitable for your country?

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Completely unsuitable

Completely suitable

96. Not concerned/not interested [INTERVIEWER: DO NOT READ] 98. Don’t know [INTERVIEWER: DO NOT READ] 99. Refused to answer [INTERVIEWER: DO NOT READ] Q514. [PROGRAMMER: IF COUNTRY != 1 OR 9; SPLIT A == 1] Do you agree or disagree with this statement: “Political reform should be introduced little by little instead of all at once”? 1. I strongly agree 2. I agree 3. I disagree 4. I strongly disagree 96. Not concerned/not interested [INTERVIEWER: DO NOT READ] 98. Don’t know [INTERVIEWER: DO NOT READ] 99. Refused to answer [INTERVIEWER: DO NOT READ] Q514a. [PROGRAMMER: IF COUNTRY != 1 OR 9; SPLIT A == 2] There is talk about political reform in our country. Do you think we should introduce this little by little, all at once, or should there be none at all? 1. Little by little 2. All at once 3. None at all 98. Don’t know [INTERVIEWER: DO NOT READ] 99. Refused to answer [INTERVIEWER: DO NOT READ]

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Q516. [PROGRAMMER: SEE SPECFIC ITEMS] To what extent to you agree or disagree with the following statements? [PROGRAMMER: RANDOMIZE ITEMS]

1 [PROGRAMMER: ALL] Under a democratic system, the country’s economic performance is weak.

1 2 3 4 98 99

2 [PROGRAMMER: ALL] Democratic regimes are indecisive and full of problems.

1 2 3 4 98 99

3 PROGRAMMER: ALL] Democratic systems are not effective at maintaining order and stability.

1 2 3 4 98 99

4 PROGRAMMER: ALL] Democratic systems may have problems, yet they are better than other systems.

1 2 3 4 98 99

1. I strongly agree 2. I agree 3. I disagree 4. I strongly disagree 98. Don’t know [INTERVIEWER: DO NOT READ] 99. Refused to answer [INTERVIEWER: DO NOT READ]

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1 [PROGRAMMER: ALL] Watching TV 1 2 3 4 5 98 99

2 [PROGRAMMER: ALL] Listening to the radio 1 2 3 4 5 98 99

3 [PROGRAMMER: ALL] Reading the print edition of a newspaper 1 2 3 4 5 98 99

1. Not at all 2. Up to 2 hours 3. Up to 5 hours 4. Up to 10 hours 5. 10 hours or more 98. Don’t know [INTERVIEWER: DO NOT READ] 99. Refused to answer [INTERVIEWER: DO NOT READ] Q409. [PROGRAMMER: ALL] On average, how often do you use the Internet [INTERVIEWER: THIS INCLUDES INTERNET USED ON SMARTPHONES AND TABLETS]? 1. Throughout the day 2. At least once daily 3. Several times a week 4. Once a week 5. Less than once a week 6. I do not use the Internet 98. Don’t know [INTERVIEWER: DO NOT READ] 99. Refused to answer [INTERVIEWER: DO NOT READ]

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Q424. [PROGRAMMER: IF Q409 == 1, 2, 3, 4, 5] How many hours on a typical day do you spend on social media platforms [INTERVIEWER: IF ASKED SPECIFY SUCH AS FACEBOOK, TWITTER, OR WHATSAPP]? 1. Not at all 2. Up to 2 hours 3. Up to 5 hours 4. Up to 10 hours 5. 10 hours or more 97. I don’t use social media [INTERVIEWER: DO NOT READ] 98. Don’t know [INTERVIEWER: DO NOT READ] 99. Decline to answer [INTERVIEWER: DO NOT READ] Q412a [PROGRAMMER: IF Q409 == 1, 2, 3, 4 OR 5] Which social media and text messaging services do you actively use? [INTERVIEWER: DO NOT READ, CHECK ALL THAT APPLY] [PROGRAMMER: ORDER RESPONSE CATEGORIES ALPHABETICALLY AND FIX “OTHER”-CATEGORY AT THE VERY BOTTOM OF THE LIST] 3. Facebook 4. Twitter 6. Instagram 7. YouTube 8. WhatsApp 9. Telegram 10. Snapchat 14. Other, specify: ____________________ [INTERVIEWER: DO NOT READ] 98. Don’t know [INTERVIEWER: DO NOT READ] 99. Decline to answer [INTERVIEWER: DO NOT READ] Q421. [PROGRAMMER: ALL] What is your primary source of information to follow the breaking news as events unfold? [INTERVIEWER: IF ASKED ABOUT BREAKING NEWS, A MAJOR POLITICAL EVENT, A NATURAL DISASTER, A CRISIS, ETC.] 1. Face-to-face conversations 2. Telephone conversations 3. Newspapers 4. Radio 5. Television 6. Social media [PROGRAMMER: IF Q409 == 1 OR 2 OR 3 OR 4 OR 5 ONLY] 7. Other, specify: ________________ [INTERVIEWER: DO NOT READ] 98. Don’t know [INTERVIEWER: DO NOT READ] 99. Decline to answer [INTERVIEWER: DO NOT READ]

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Q521. [PROGRAMMER: SEE SPECIFIC ITEMS] To what extent do you think that [INSERT ITEM] is guaranteed in your country? [PROGRAMMER: RANDOMIZE ITEMS]

1 [PROGRAMMER: ALL] Freedom to express opinions. 1 2 3 4 98 99

4 [PROGRAMMER: ALL] Freedom to participate in peaceful protests and demonstrations.

1 2 3 4 98 99

5 [PROGRAMMER: ALL] Freedom to join civil associations and organizations.

1 2 3 4 98 99

1. Guaranteed to a great extent 2. Guaranteed to a medium extent 3. Guaranteed to a limited extent 4. Not guaranteed at all 98. Don’t know [INTERVIEWER: DO NOT READ] 99. Decline to answer [INTERVIEWER: DO NOT READ] Q521a. [PROGRAMMER: SEE SPECIFIC ITEMS] To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statements. [PROGRAMMER: RANDOMIZE ITEMS]


[PROGRAMMER: ALL] I trust the information provided by social media [INTERVIEWER: IF ASKED SPECIFY SUCH AS FACEBOOK, TWITTER, OR WHATSAPP] more than that provided by newspapers or TV news programs.

1 2 4 5 98 99

4 [PROGRAMMER: ALL] In general, I am well informed about political events in [COUNRTY].

1 2 4 5 98 99

1. I strongly agree 2. I agree 3. I disagree 4. I strongly disagree 98. Don’t know [INTERVIEWER: DO NOT READ] 99. Refused to answer [INTERVIEWER: DO NOT READ]

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SECTION IX: WELLBEING Q852. [PROGRAMMER: IF SPLIT A == 2] The next few questions are about how you feel about yourself and your life. How positive do you generally feel about the way you look like? 1. Very positive 2. Somewhat positive 4. Somewhat negative 5. Very negative 97. Does not apply [INTERVIEWER: DO NOT READ] 98. Don’t know [INTERVIEWER: DO NOT READ] 99. Refused to answer [INTERVIEWER: DO NOT READ] Q853a. [PROGRAMMER: IF COUNTRY != 9 AND SPLIT A == 2 & Q1002 == 1] How important do you think it is for a man to live up to an ideal of the male body as presented by the media? 1. Very important 2. Important 4. Unimportant 5. Very unimportant 96. Respondent didn’t take question seriously [INTERVIEWER: DO NOT READ] 97. Does not apply [INTERVIEWER: DO NOT READ] 98. Don’t know [INTERVIEWER: DO NOT READ] 99. Refused to answer [INTERVIEWER: DO NOT READ] Q853b. [PROGRAMMER: IF COUNTRY != 9 AND SPLIT A == 2 & Q1002 == 2] How important do you think it is for a man to live up to an ideal of the female body as presented by the media? 1. Very important 2. Important 4. Unimportant 5. Very unimportant 96. Respondent didn’t take question seriously [INTERVIEWER: DO NOT READ] 97. Does not apply [INTERVIEWER: DO NOT READ] 98. Don’t know [INTERVIEWER: DO NOT READ] 99. Refused to answer [INTERVIEWER: DO NOT READ]

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Q854. [PROGRAMMER: IF SPLIT A == 2] To what extent do you agree with the following statement: “I feel I am free to make decisions for myself on how to live my life.” 1. I strongly agree 2. I agree 3. I disagree 4. I strongly disagree 98. Don’t know [INTERVIEWER: DO NOT READ] 99. Refused to answer [INTERVIEWER: DO NOT READ] Q855a. [PROGRAMMER: IF SPLIT A == 2] In the past six months, how often did you feel so stressed that everything seemed to be a hassle? 1. Never 2. Sometimes 3. Often 4. Most of the time 98. Don’t know [INTERVIEWER: DO NOT READ] 99. Refused to answer [INTERVIEWER: DO NOT READ] Q855b. [PROGRAMMER: IF COUNTRY != 9 AND SPLIT A == 2] Life is overwhelming at times. In the past six months, how often did you feel so depressed that nothing could cheer you up? 1. Never 2. Sometimes 3. Often 4. Most of the time 98. Don’t know [INTERVIEWER: DO NOT READ] 99. Refused to answer [INTERVIEWER: DO NOT READ]

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SECTION X: DOMESTIC VIOLENCE Q851e1. [PROGRAMMER: IF COUNTRY != 9; ALL] There is talk about people experiencing unwanted sexual remarks, whistling, or gestures in public places, such as on the streets, on public transportation, or in shopping malls. In the past 12 months, how often have you personally experienced this behavior? 1. Never 2. Rarely 3. Sometimes 4. Often 98. Don’t know [INTERVIEWER: DO NOT READ] 99. Refused to answer [INTERVIEWER: DO NOT READ] Q851e2. [PROGRAMMER: IF COUNTRY != 9; ALL] Some people have also experienced unwanted sexual advances, like being touched in public places. How often have you experienced unwanted sexual advances in public in the past 12 months? 1. Never 2. Rarely 3. Sometimes 4. Often 98. Don’t know [INTERVIEWER: DO NOT READ] 99. Refused to answer [INTERVIEWER: DO NOT READ] Q851a. [PROGRAMMER: IF COUNTRY != 9; ALL] People handle disagreements in many different ways. Apart from any punishment that might be used to discipline children when they misbehave, has anyone in your household ever experienced being physically abused by another member of your family? [INTERVIEWER: IF ASK, I MEAN PUSHED, GRABBED, OR SHOVED; HAVING AN OBJECT THROWN AT YOU; OR BEING SLAPPED] 1. Yes 2. No 98. Don’t know [INTERVIEWER: DO NOT READ] 99. Refused to answer [INTERVIEWER: DO NOT READ] Q851b. [PROGRAMMER: IF COUNTRY != 9 AND IF Q851a == 1] And have they experienced this type of behavior in the last 12 months? 1. Yes 2. No 98. Don’t know [INTERVIEWER: DO NOT READ] 99. Refused to answer [INTERVIEWER: DO NOT READ]

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Q851c. [PROGRAMMER: IF COUNTRY != 9 AND Q851b == 1] Is the person who experienced this type of behavior…? 1. Male 2. Female 3. both 98. Don’t know [INTERVIEWER: DO NOT READ] 99. Refused to answer [INTERVIEWER: DO NOT READ] Q851d. [PROGRAMMER: IF COUNTRY != 9 AND Q851a == 1 & Q851b == 1] From what you know, is the person who has experienced being physically abused by another member of your family likely to be able to receive assistance from any of the actors below? [INTERVIEWER: IF ASK, I MEAN PUSHED, GRABBED, OR SHOVED; HAVING AN OBJECT THROWN AT YOU; OR BEING SLAPPED – CHECK ALL THAT APPLY] 1. A female member of the family or other female relative 2. A male member of the family or other male relative 3. The local police 4. A clinic or hospital 5. A local organization 6. None of the above is likely to provide effective assistance or protection [INTERVIEWER: DO NOT READ] 7. Other specify: ______________ [INTERVIEWER: DO NOT READ] 98. Don’t know [INTERVIEWER: DO NOT READ] 99. Refused to answer [INTERVIEWER: DO NOT READ]

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SECTION XI: LIST EXPERIMENT Q860a. [PROGRAMMER: IF COUNTRY != 9 OR 22 & IF SPLITB == 1] I’m now going to read to you a list of behaviors. Please tell me how many of these behaviors you would generally approve of. I do not want to know which ones, just how many. [PROGRAMMER: RANDOMIZE ITEMS] ● A husband divorcing his wife ● Marriage of girls under the age of 16 ● Abortion of an unwanted child ● Committing suicide ________________________[NUMBER BETWEEN 0 AND 4] 98. Don’t know [INTERVIEWER: DO NOT READ] 99. Refused to answer [INTERVIEWER: DO NOT READ] Q860b. [PROGRAMMER: IF COUNTRY != 9 OR 22 & IF SPLITB == 2] I’m now going to read to you a list of behaviors. Please tell me how many of these behaviors you would generally approve of. I do not want to know which ones, just how many. [PROGRAMMER: RANDOMIZE ITEMS] ● A husband divorcing his wife ● Marriage of girls under the age of 16 ● A same sex romantic relationship ● Abortion of an unwanted child ● Committing suicide ________________________[NUMBER BETWEEN 0 AND 5] 98. Don’t know [INTERVIEWER: DO NOT READ] 99. Refused to answer [INTERVIEWER: DO NOT READ]

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Q860c. [PROGRAMMER: IF COUNTRY == 5 OR 7 & IF SPLITB == 3] I’m now going to read to you a list of behaviors. Please tell me how many of these behaviors you would generally approve of. I do not want to know which ones, just how many. [PROGRAMMER: RANDOMIZE ITEMS] ● A husband divorcing his wife ● Marriage of girls under the age of 16 ● Female Genital Mutilation ● Abortion of an unwanted child ● Committing suicide ________________________[NUMBER BETWEEN 0 AND 5] 98. Don’t know [INTERVIEWER: DO NOT READ] 99. Refused to answer [INTERVIEWER: DO NOT READ]

Q860d. [PROGRAMMER: IF COUNTRY != 5, 7, 9, OR 22 & IF SPLITB == 3] I’m now going to read to you a list of behaviors. Please tell me how many of these behaviors you would generally approve of. I do not want to know which ones, just how many. [PROGRAMMER: RANDOMIZE ITEMS] ● A husband divorcing his wife ● Marriage of girls under the age of 16 ● Honor killings ● Abortion of an unwanted child ● Committing suicide ________________________[NUMBER BETWEEN 0 AND 5] 98. Don’t know [INTERVIEWER: DO NOT READ] 99. Refused to answer [INTERVIEWER: DO NOT READ]

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SECTION XII: IDENTITY AND RELIGIOUS PRACTICE Q1012. [PROGRAMMER: IF COUNTRY != 9; ALL] What is your religion? 1. Muslim 2. Christian 3. Jewish [INTERVIEWER: DO NOT READ] 4. No religion [INTERVIEWER: DO NOT READ] 5. Other [INTERVIEWER: DO NOT READ] 99. Refused to answer [INTERVIEWER: DO NOT READ] Q1012a. [PROGRAMMER: IF COUNTRY != 9; ALL] What is your religious denomination? [INTERVIEWER: DO NOT READ, LOG ANSWER] [PROGRAMMER: ORDER RESPONSE CATEGORIES ALPHABETICALLY AND FIX “OTHER”-CATEGORY AT THE VERY BOTTOM OF THE LIST] 1. Maronite 2. Orthodox 3. Catholic 4. Armenian 5. Sunni 6. Shia 7. Hanbali 8. Shafi’i 9. Ja’fari 10. Druze 11. Ahmadiyya 12. Mozabite 13. Just a Muslim 14. Alawi 15. Other, specify: ______________ 98. Don’t know [INTERVIEWER: DO NOT READ] 99. Refused to answer [INTERVIEWER: DO NOT READ]

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Q609. [PROGRAMMER: IF COUNTRY != 9] In general, you would describe yourself as religious, somewhat religious, or not religious? 1. Religious 2. Somewhat religious 3. Not religious 98. Don’t know [INTERVIEWER: DO NOT READ] 99. Refused to answer [INTERVIEWER: DO NOT READ]

Q609a. [PROGRAMMER: IF COUNTRY != 9] How often do you pray? 1. Never 2. At least once a month 3. Once a week 4. Several times a week 5. Once a day 6. Five times a day 98. Don’t know [INTERVIEWER: DO NOT READ] 99. Refused to answer [INTERVIEWER: DO NOT READ]

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Q610. [PROGRAMMER: SEE SPECIFIC ITEMS] Do you always, most of the time, sometimes, rarely, or never [INSERT ITEM]? [PROGRAMMER: RANDOMIZE ITEMS]

8 [PROGRAMMER: IF COUNTRY != 9 & Q1012 == 1 & Q609a != 1] Pray fajr on time.

1 2 3 4 5 98 99

5a [PROGRAMMER: IF COUNTRY != 9 & Q1012 == 1] Attend Friday prayer

1 2 3 4 5 98 99

5b [PROGRAMMER: IF COUNTRY != 9 & Q1012 == 2] Attend Sunday services

1 2 3 4 5 98 99

6a [PROGRAMMER: IF COUNTRY != 9 & Q1012 == 1] Listen to or read the Quran daily?

1 2 3 4 5 98 99

6b [PROGRAMMER: IF COUNTRY != 9 & Q1012 == 2] Listen to or read the Bible daily?

1 2 3 4 5 98 99


[PROGRAMMER: IF COUNTRY != 9 & Q1012 == 1 & Q609a != 1] Before making a key decision, do you pray istikhara

1 2 3 4 5 98 99

1. Always 2. Most of the time 3. Sometimes 4. Rarely 5. Never 98. Don’t know [INTERVIEWER: DO NOT READ] 99. Refused to answer [INTERVIEWER: DO NOT READ]

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SECTION XIII: CULTURE Q601. [PROGRAMMER: SEE SPECIFIC ITEMS] The following questions are your personal opinions about the principles that should determine the behavior and situation of women in our society. For each of the statements listed below, please indicate whether you agree strongly, agree, disagree, or disagree strongly with it. [PROGRAMMER: RANDOMIZE ITEMS]

1 [PROGRAMMER: ALL] A woman can become President or Prime Minister of a Muslim country.

1 2 3 4 98 99

3 [PROGRAMMER: ALL] In general, men are better at political leadership than women. 1 2 3 4 98 99

4 [PROGRAMMER: ALL] University education for males is more important than university education for females.

1 2 3 4 98 99

7 [PROGRAMMER: IF COUNTRY != 7, 11, 21 OR 22; ALL] It is permissible for a woman to travel abroad by herself.

1 2 3 4 98 99

14 [PROGRAMMER: ALL] Women and men should have equal rights in making the decision to divorce.

1 2 3 4 98 99

18 [PROGRAMMER: ALL] Husbands should have final say in all decisions concerning the family.

1 2 3 4 98 99

9 [PROGRAMMER: IF COUNTRY != 9 & SPLITA == 1] Women’s share of inheritance should be equal to that of men. 1 2 3 4 98 99

9a [PROGRAMMER: IF COUNTRY != 9 & SPLITA == 2] Women’s inheritance should be equal to that of men. 1 2 3 4 98 99

1. I strongly agree 2. I agree 3. I disagree 4. I strongly disagree 98. Don’t know [INTERVIEWER: DO NOT READ] 99. Refused to answer [INTERVIEWER: DO NOT READ]

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Q602. [PROGRAMMER: SEE SPECIFIC ITEMS] For each of the following types of people, please tell me how much you would like having people from this group as your neighbors. [PROGRAMMER: RANDOMIZE ITEMS]

1 [PROGRAMMER: IF COUNTRY != 9] People of a different religion 1 2 3 4 5 98 99

2 [PROGRAMMER: IF COUNTRY != 9] People of a different race or color 1 2 3 4 5 98 99

3 [PROGRAMMER: IF COUNTRY != 9] Immigrants or foreign workers 1 2 3 4 5 98 99

4a [PROGRAMMER: IF COUNTRY != 9 & Q1012 == 1] People of a different sect of Islam

1 2 3 4 5 98 99

4b [PROGRAMMER: IF COUNTRY != 9 & Q1012 == 2] People of a different Christian denomination

1 2 3 4 5 98 99

1. Strongly dislike 2. Dislike 3. Neither dislike, nor like 4. Like 5. Strongly like 98. Don’t know [INTERVIEWER: DO NOT READ] 99 Refused to answer [INTERVIEWER: DO NOT READ]

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Q604a. [PROGRAMMER: SEE SPECIFIC ITEMS] To what degree would each of the following factors be an obstacle to accepting the marriage of a close female relative? [PROGRAMMER RANDOMIZE ITEMS]

1 [PROGRAMMER: IF COUNTRY != 9 & SPLITA == 1] One who does not pray

1 2 3 4 98 99


[PROGRAMMER: IF COUNTRY != 9 & SPLITA == 1] One who comes from a family with a lower social status

1 2 3 4 98 99

1. Constitute an obstacle to a large degree 2. Constitute an obstacle to a moderate degree 3. Constitute an obstacle to a small degree 4. Constitute no obstacle at all 98. Don’t know [INTERVIEWER: DO NOT READ] 99 Refused to answer [INTERVIEWER: DO NOT READ] Q604b. [PROGRAMMER: SEE SPECIFIC ITEMS] To what degree would each of the following factors be an obstacle to accepting the marriage of a close male relative? [PROGRAMMER RANDOMIZE ITEMS]

1 [PROGRAMMER: IF COUNTRY != 9 & SPLITA == 2] One who does not pray

1 2 3 4 98 99


[PROGRAMMER: IF COUNTRY != 9 & SPLITA == 2] One who comes from a family with a lower social status

1 2 3 4 98 99

1. Constitute an obstacle to a large degree 2. Constitute an obstacle to a moderate degree 3. Constitute an obstacle to a small degree 4. Constitute no obstacle at all 98. Don’t know [INTERVIEWER: DO NOT READ] 99 Refused to answer [INTERVIEWER: DO NOT READ]

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Q606. [PROGRAMMER: SEE SPECIFIC ITEMS] How much do you agree or disagree with each of the following statements? [PROGRAMMER: RANDOMIZE ITEMS]


[PROGRAMMER: IF COUNTRY != 9] Religious leaders [INTERVIEWER: IF ASKED IMAMS, PREACHERS, PRIESTS] should not interfere in voters’ decisions in elections.

1 2 3 4 98 99

2 [PROGRAMMER: IF COUNTRY != 9] Your country is better off if religious people hold public positions in the state.

1 2 3 4 98 99

3 [PROGRAMMER: IF COUNTRY != 9] Religious clerics should have influence over the decisions of government.

1 2 3 4 98 99

4 [PROGRAMMER: IF COUNTRY != 9] Religious practice is a private matter and should be separated from socio-economic life.

1 2 3 4 98 99

8 [PROGRAMMER: IF COUNTRY != 9] Today, religious leaders are as likely to be corrupt as non-religious leaders.

1 2 3 4 98 99

1. I strongly agree 2. I agree 3. I disagree 4. I strongly disagree 98. Don’t know [INTERVIEWER: DO NOT READ] 99. Refused to answer [INTERVIEWER: DO NOT READ]

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Q607. [PROGRAMMER: SEE SPECIFIC ITEMS] Today as in the past, Muslim scholars and jurists sometimes disagree about the appropriate interpretation of Islam in response to present-day issues. For each of the following statements, please indicate whether you strongly agree, agree, disagree, or strongly disagree with the interpretation of Islam that is presented. [PROGRAMMER: RANDOMIZE ITEMS]


[PROGRAMMER: IF COUNTRY != 9 & Q1012 == 1] Islam requires that in a Muslim country the political rights of non-Muslim should be inferior to those of Muslims.

1 2 3 4 98 99

6 [PROGRAMMER: IF COUNTRY != 9 & Q1012 == 1] A woman should dress modestly, but Islam does not require that she wears a hijab.

1 2 3 4 98 99


[PROGRAMMER: IF COUNTRY != 9 & Q1012 == 1] In order to meet the demands of the modern economy, banks should be allowed to charge interest.

1 2 3 4 98 99

1. I strongly agree 2. I agree 3. I disagree 4. I strongly disagree 98. Don’t know [INTERVIEWER: DO NOT READ] 99. Refused to answer [INTERVIEWER: DO NOT READ] Q605. [PROGRAMMER: IF COUNTRY != 9 AND Q1012 == 1] From your point of view, should the laws of our country… 1. …entirely be based on the sharia; 2. …mostly be based on the sharia; 3. …equally be based on sharia and the will of the people; 4. …mostly be based on the will of the people; or 5. …entirely be based on the will of the people? 98. Don’t know [INTERVIEWER: DO NOT READ] 99. Refused to answer [INTERVIEWER: DO NOT READ]

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Q605a. [PROGRAMMER: SEE SPECIFIC ITEMS] Here is a list of things some people say about Shari’a. How much do you agree or disagree with each of the following statements? Shari’a government means: [PROGRAMMER: RANDOMIZE ITEMS]


[PROGRAMMER: IF COUNTRY != 9 AND SPLITA == 2 & Q1012 == 1] A government that provides basic services such as health facilities, schools, garbage collection, road maintenance.

1 2 3 4 98 99

2 [PROGRAMMER: IF COUNTRY != 9 AND SPLITA == 2 & Q1012 == 1] A government that does not have corruption

1 2 3 4 98 99


[PROGRAMMER: IF COUNTRY != 9 AND SPLITA == 2 & Q1012 == 1] A government that uses physical punishments [INTEVIEWER: IF ASKED, STONING, CUTTING OFF OF HANDS, WHIPPING] to make sure people obey the law. [INTERVIEWER: IF ASKSED, CONFIRM THESE ARE “HUDOUD IN ISLAM”]

1 2 3 4 98 99


[PROGRAMMER: IF COUNTRY != 9 AND SPLITA == 2 & Q1012 == 1] A government that restricts women’s role in the public [INTERVIEWER: IF ASKED, WORKING, ATTENDING SCHOOL, GOING OUT IN PUBLIC].

1 2 3 4 98 99

1. I strongly agree 2. I agree 3. I disagree 4. I strongly disagree 98. Don’t know [INTERVIEWER: DO NOT READ] 99. Refused to answer [INTERVIEWER: DO NOT READ] Q605b. [PROGRAMMER: IF COUNTRY != 9 AND SPLITA == 2 & Q1012 == 1] Which of these four aspects do you think the most essential aspect of shari’a government? [INTERVIEWER: CHECK ONE ITEM ONLY] 1. A government that provides basic services such as health facilities, schools, garbage collection, road maintenance. 2. A government that does not have corruption 3. A government that uses physical punishments [INTEVIEWER: IF ASKED, STONING, CUTTING OFF OF HANDS, WHIPPING] to make sure people obey the law. [INTERVIEWER: IF ASKSED, CONFIRM THESE ARE “HUDOUD IN ISLAM”] 4. A government that restricts women’s role in the public [INTERVIEWER: IF ASKED, WORKING, ATTENDING SCHOOL, GOING OUT IN PUBLIC]. 98. Don’t know [INTERVIEWER: DO NOT READ] 99. Refused to answer [INTERVIEWER: DO NOT READ]

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SECTION XIV: INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS Q700a. [PROGRAMMER: SEE SPECIFIC ITEMS] Now I would like to ask you questions about the Arab world and international relations. Do you prefer that future economic relations between your country and [COUNTY]… [PROGRAMMER: RANDOMIZE ITEMS]

1 [PROGRAMMER: ALL] The United States 1 2 3 98 99

2 [PROGRAMMER: ALL] Saudi Arabia 1 2 3 98 99

8 [PROGRAMMER: ALL] Russia 1 2 3 98 99

9 [PROGRAMMER: ALL] Qatar 1 2 3 98 99

4 [PROGRAMMER: ALL] Turkey 1 2 3 98 99

3 [PROGRAMMER: ALL] Iran 1 2 3 98 99

13 [PROGRAMMER: ALL] China 1 2 3 98 99

12 [PROGRAMMER: ALL] The United Kingdom 1 2 3 98 99

1. Become stronger than they were in previous years 2. Remain the same as they were in previous years 3. Become weaker than they were in the previous years 98. Don’t know [INTERVIEWER: DO NOT READ] 99. Refused to answer [INTERVIEWER: DO NOT READ]

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Q701c. [PROGRAMMER: SEE SPECIFIC ITEMS] Do you want foreign aid from [COUNTRY] to increase, decrease, or remain the same in the future? [PROGRAMMER: RANDOMIZE ITEMS]

1 [PROGRAMMER: IF COUNTRY != 9; ALL] The United States

1 2 3 98 99


1 2 3 98 99

2 [PROGRAMMER: IF COUNTRY != 9 OR 22; SPLIT A == 1] The European Union

1 2 3 98 99

4 [PROGRAMMER: IF COUNTRY != 9 OR 22; SPLIT A == 1] Saudi Arabia

1 2 3 98 99


1 2 3 98 99

6 [PROGRAMMER: IF COUNTRY != 9; SPLIT A == 2] The United Kingdom

1 2 3 98 99

1. Increase 2. Decrease 3. Remain at its current level 98. Don’t know [INTERVIEWER: DO NOT READ] 99. Refused to answer [INTERVIEWER: DO NOT READ]

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Q701f. [PROGRAMMER: SEE SPECIFIC ITEMS] To what extent does each of the following actors benefit from Western foreign aid? [PROGRAMMER: RANDOMIZE ITEMS]

1 [PROGRAMMER: IF COUNTRY != 9; ALL] Charities and Civil Society Organizations

1 2 3 4 98 99

2 [PROGRAMMER: IF COUNTRY != 9; ALL] Ordinary Citizens

1 2 3 4 98 99

3 [PROGRAMMER: IF COUNTRY != 9; ALL] The government of your country

1 2 3 4 98 99

1. To a large extent 2. To a medium extent 3. To a small extent 4. Not at all 98. Don’t know [INTERVIEWER: DO NOT READ] 99. Refused to answer [INTERVIEWER: DO NOT READ]

Q701g. [PROGRAMMER: SEE SPECIFIC ITEMS] For the following items, please tell me whether you think it represents a motivation for Western countries to give foreign aid to your country: [PROGRAMMER: RANDOMIZE ITEMS]

1 [PROGRAMMER: IF COUNTRY != 9; ALL] Economic development in your country 1 2 98 99

2 [PROGRAMMER: IF COUNTRY != 9; ALL] Internal stability in your country 1 2 98 99

3 [PROGRAMMER: IF COUNTRY != 9; ALL] Empower civil society organizations in your country 1 2 98 99

4 [PROGRAMMER: IF COUNTRY != 9; ALL] Improve life of ordinary citizens in your country 1 2 98 99

5 [PROGRAMMER: IF COUNTRY != 9; ALL] Gaining influence over your country 1 2 98 99

1. Yes 2. No 98. Don’t know [INTERVIEWER: DO NOT READ] 99. Refused to answer [INTERVIEWER: DO NOT READ]

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Q701h. [PROGRAMMER: IF COUNTRY != 9; ALL] And which of these do you think is the main motivation of Western countries giving foreign aid to your country? [INTERVIEWER: ONE ANSWER ONLY; PLEASE ASK ABOUT MAIN MOTIVATION] 1. Economic development in your country 2. Internal stability in your country 3. Empower civil society organizations in your country 4. Improve life of ordinary citizens in your country 5. Gaining influence in your country 98. Don’t know [INTERVIEWER: DO NOT READ] 99. Refused to answer [INTERVIEWER: DO NOT READ] Q703. [PROGRAMMER: IF SPLIT A == 1] Is it better for your country…? 1. To open up to the outside world to a greater extent 2. To maintain the current level of openness to the outside world 3. To decrease its level of openness to the outside world 98. Don’t know [INTERVIEWER: DO NOT READ] 99. Refused to answer [INTERVIEWER: DO NOT READ]

Q705. [PROGRAMMER: IF SPLIT A == 2] Some people attribute the lack of development in the Arab world compared to other parts of the world to external factors, while others blame internal factors. In your opinion, which is more important in causing the lack of development in the Arab world? 1. Internal factors 2. External factors 3. Both are equally important [INTERVIEWER: DO NOT READ] 98. Don’t know [INTERVIEWER: DO NOT READ] 99. Refused to answer [INTERVIEWER: DO NOT READ] Q706a. [PROGRAMMER: IF COUNTRY != 9; ALL] To what extent do you agree with the following statement: “Violence against the United States is a logical consequence of their interference in the Arab region.” 1. Strongly agree 2. Agree 3. Disagree 4. Strongly disagree 98. Don’t know [INTERVIEWER: DO NOT READ] 99. Refused to answer [INTERVIEWER: DO NOT READ]

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Q706b. [PROGRAMMER: IF COUNTRY != 9; ALL] Which of the following statements describes your view best? [INTERVIEWER: ENCOURAGE RESPONDENT TO PICK ONE] 1. Violence against the United States may be justified because of their actions in the Arab region. 2. Violence against the United States is never justified. 97. None of the statements [INTERVIEWER: DO NOT READ] 98. Don’t know [INTERVIEWER: DO NOT READ] 99. Refused to answer [INTERVIEWER: DO NOT READ] Q707. [PROGRAMMER: IF COUNTRY != 9; ALL] Do you agree with the following statement: “Irrespective of US foreign policies, most ordinary Americans are good people.” 1. Strongly agree 2. Agree 3. Disagree 4. Strongly disagree 98. Don’t know [INTERVIEWER: DO NOT READ] 99. Refused to answer [INTERVIEWER: DO NOT READ]

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Q707gcc. [PROGRAMMER: SEE SPECIFIC ITEMS] Irrespective of the foreign policy of their governments, would you say that most people from the following countries are very good people, good people, bad people, or very bad people?” [PROGRAMMER: RANDOMIZE ITEMS]

1 [PROGRAMMER: ALL] The United States 1 2 3 4 98 99

2 [PROGRAMMER: IF COUNTRY == 9; ALL] Saudi Arabia

1 2 3 4 98 99


1 2 3 4 98 99


1 2 3 4 98 99


1 2 3 4 98 99


1 2 3 4 98 99


1 2 3 4 98 99

8 [PROGRAMMER: IF COUNTRY == 9; ALL] The United Kingdom

1 2 3 4 98 99

1. Strongly agree 2. Agree 3. Disagree 4. Strongly disagree 98. Don’t know [INTERVIEWER: DO NOT READ] 99. Refused to answer [INTERVIEWER: DO NOT READ]

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Q725. [PROGRAMMER: SEE SPECIFIC ITEMS] Do you think the foreign policies of [INSERT LEADER] have been very good, good, bad, or very bad for the Arab region? [PROGRAMMER RANDOMIZE ITEMS]

1 [PROGRAMMER: IF COUNTRY != 9] United States’s President Donald Trump 1 2 3 4 5 98 99

2 [PROGRAMMER: IF COUNTRY != 9] Russian President Vladimir Putin 1 2 3 4 5 98 99

3 [PROGRAMMER: IF COUNTRY != 9] Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan 1 2 3 4 5 98 99

1. Very good 2. Good 3. Neither good nor bad [INTERVIEWER: DO NOT READ] 4. Bad 5. Very bad 98. Don’t know [INTERVIEWER: DO NOT READ] 99. Refused to answer [INTERVIEWER: DO NOT READ] Q709b. [PROGRAMMER: IF COUNTRY != 9] Several countries in the Arab region seem to have established stronger ties with Israel. To what extent do you agree with the following statement: It is good for the Arab region that countries started coordinating their foreign policies with those of Israel. 1. Strongly agree 2. Agree 3. Disagree 4. Strongly disagree 98. Don’t know [INTERVIEWER: DO NOT READ] 99. Refused to answer [INTERVIEWER: DO NOT READ]

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Q7141a. [PROGRAMMER: IF SPLIT A == 1] What country poses the greatest threat to stability in your country? [INTERVIEWER: DO NOT READ RESPONSE OPTIONS] [PROGRAMMER: ORDER RESPONSE CATEGORIES ALPHABETICALLY AND FIX 0-CATEGORY AT THE TOP AND OTHER CATEGORY AT THE VERY BOTTOM OF THE LIST] 1. There is no country that poses a threat 2. The United States 3. The United Kingdom 4. Israel 5. Iran 6. Turkey 7. The European Union 8. Saudi Arabia 9. The United Arab Emirates 10. Syria 11. Russia 12. Libya 13. Yemen 14. Qatar 15. Other, specify: ___________ 98. Don’t know [INTERVIEWER: DO NOT READ] 99. Refused to answer [INTERVIEWER: DO NOT READ]

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Q7141b. [PROGRAMMER: IF COUNTRY != 9 &SPLIT A == 2] What country poses the greatest threat to wellbeing in your country? [INTERVIEWER: DO NOT READ RESPONSE OPTIONS] [PROGRAMMER: ORDER RESPONSE CATEGORIES ALPHABETICALLY AND FIX 0-CATEGORY AT THE TOP AND OTHER CATEGORY AT THE VERY BOTTOM OF THE LIST] 1. There is no country that poses a threat 2. The United States 3. The United Kingdom 4. Israel 5. Iran 6. Turkey 7. The European Union 8. Saudi Arabia 9. The United Arab Emirates 10. Syria 11. Russia 12. Libya 13. Yemen 14. Qatar 15. Other, specify: ___________ 98. Don’t know [INTERVIEWER: DO NOT READ] 99. Refused to answer [INTERVIEWER: DO NOT READ] Q833. [PROGRAMMER: ALL] How concerned are you that sectarian division is growing across the Arab region? 1. Concerned to a great extent 2. Concerned to a medium extent 3. Concerned to a small extent 4. Not concerned at all 98. Don’t know [INTERVIEWER: DO NOT READ] 99. Refused to answer [INTERVIEWER: DO NOT READ]

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Q841. [PROGRAMMER: IF COUNTRY != 9] Some people say that tensions in the Arab region are due to a religious divide between the Shia and the Sunnis. Others believe that tension are due to a political divide between politicians. What do you think, are tension due to the religious divide or due to politics? 1. Political divide between politicians 2. Religious divide between Shia and Sunni 3. Both of these divides [INTERVIEWER: DO NOT READ] 4. Neither of these divides [INTERVIEWER: DO NOT READ] 97. There are no tensions [INTERVIEWER: DO NOT READ] 98. Don’t know [INTERVIEWER: DO NOT READ] 99. Refused to answer [INTERVIEWER: DO NOT READ]

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SECTION XV: DEMOGRAPHICS Q1003gcca. [PROGRAMMER: IF COUNTRY == 9; ALL] How many years of schooling have you completed? ________________ [RECORD UP TO 20 YEARS] 98. Don’t know [INTERVIEWER: DO NOT READ] 99. Refused to answer [INTERVIEWER: DO NOT READ] Q1003. [PROGRAMMER: ALL] What is your highest level of education? 1. No formal education 2. Elementary 3. Preparatory/Basic 4. Secondary 5. Mid-level diploma/professional or technical 6. BA 7. MA and above 98. Don’t know [INTERVIEWER: DO NOT READ] 99. Refused to answer [INTERVIEWER: DO NOT READ] Q1020jo. [PROGRAMMER: IF COUNTRY == 8; ALL] What is your country of origin? 1. Jordanian 2. Palestinian 3. Other 99. Refused to answer [INTERVIEWER: DO NOT READ]

Q1001a. [PROGRAMMER: ALL] Which governorate are you from? [IF COUNTRY == 19 “STATE”] 1. List varies by country 999997. I am not from your country specify country of birth: __________ [INTERVIEWER: DO NOT READ] 999998. Don’t know [INTERVIEWER: DO NOT READ] 999999. Refused to answer [INTERVIEWER: DO NOT READ]

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Q1001b. [PROGRAMMER: IF COUNTRY != 9] How many years have you lived in the area you live now? ____ years [PROGRAMMER ALLOW INTEGER NUMBERS ONLY] 998. Don’t know [INTERVIEWER: DO NOT READ] 999. Refused to answer [INTERVIEWER: DO NOT READ] Q1001c. [PROGRAMMER: IF COUNTRY != 9] How would you describe the neighborhood where you live? Is it… 1. …an area that consists primarily of richer people; 2. …an area that consists primarily of poorer people; or 3. …an area that includes both richer and poorer people? 98. Don’t know [INTERVIEWER: DO NOT READ] 99. Refused to answer [INTERVIEWER: DO NOT READ] Q1001d. [PROGRAMMER: IF COUNTRY != 7 OR 9] Which of the following statements best applies to you? Statement 1: “If I could afford it, I would move to a richer neighborhood.” Statement 2: “Even if I could afford it, I would rather stay in my current neighborhood.“ 1. Would move to a richer neighborhood. 2. Would rather stay in my current neighborhood. 98. Don’t know [INTERVIEWER: DO NOT READ] 99. Refused to answer [INTERVIEWER: DO NOT READ] Q1001pal. [PROGRAMMER: IF COUNTRY == 15; ALL] Some people say the new city of Rawabi is a valuable development for richer families. Others believe Rawabi is not a valuable development because it will separate richer Palestinians from poorer Palestinians. What opinion is closer to your own perspective? 1. Rawabi is a valuable development 2. It is not a valuable development because it attempts to separate richer Palestinians from poorer Palestinians 98. Don’t know [INTERVIEWER: DO NOT READ] 99. Refused to answer [INTERVIEWER: DO NOT READ]

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Q1005. [PROGRAMMER: ALL] Are you…

1. Employed 2. Self-Employed 3. Retired 4. A housewife 5. A student 6. Unemployed or looking for work 7. Other, specify: ___________ 98. Don’t know [INTERVIEWER: DO NOT READ] 99. Refused to answer [INTERVIEWER: DO NOT READ] Q1006. [PROGRAMMER: IF Q1005 == 1 OR 2] Do you work full time or part time? 1. Full time (30 hours or more a week) 2. Part time (Less than 30 hours a week) 98. Don’t know [INTERVIEWER: DO NOT READ] 99. Refused to answer [DO NOT READ]

Q1006a. [PROGRAMMER: IF Q1005 == 1 OR 2] And what sector do you work in? Do you work in the… 1. …public sector 2. …private sector 3. …other, specify: _______________ [INTERVIEWER: DO NOT READ, SPECIFY IF RESPONDENT SPONTANEOUSLY SAYS OTHER] 98. Don’t know [INTERVIEWER: DO NOT READ] 99. Refused to answer [INTERVIEWER: DO NOT READ]

Q1006c. [PROGRAMMER: IF COUNTRY != 9 & Q1005 == 1 OR 2] Which of the following best describes your position at work? [INTERVIEWER: IF RESPONDENT HAS MORE THAN ONE JOBS, RECORD MAIN OCCUPATION] 1. Senior executive/official 2. Manager 3. Professional 4. Skilled worker 5. Clerical 6. Manual labor 7. Other, specify: _______________ [INTERVIEWER: DO NOT READ, SPECIFY IF RESPONDENT SPONTANEOUSLY SAYS OTHER] 98. Don’t know [INTERVIEWER: DO NOT READ] 99. Refused to answer [INTERVIEWER: DO NOT READ]

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Q1006cgcc. [PROGRAMMER: IF COUNTRY == 9 AND Q1005 == 1 OR 2] Which of the following best describes your position at work? [INTERVIEWER: IF RESPONDENT HAS MORE THAN ONE JOBS, RECORD MAIN OCCUPATION]

1. Manager, director, official 2. Professional (engineer, doctor, lawyer, teacher, accountant, computer programmer, pilot, journalist) 3. Technician 4. Clerk (secretary, cashier, office assistant) 5. Service or sales worker 6. Craft or trade worker 7. Plant/machine operator or assembler 8. Business person or entrepreneur 9. Member of armed forces or the police 10. Agricultural worker or fisherman 11. Other, specify: _______________ [INTERVIEWER: DO NOT READ, SPECIFY IF RESPONDENT SPONTANEOUSLY SAYS OTHER] 98. Don’t know [INTERVIEWER: DO NOT READ] 99. Refused to answer [INTERVIEWER: DO NOT READ]

Q1006cggc1. [PROGRAMMER: IF COUNTRY == 9 AND Q1005 IF Q1005 == 1 OR 2] In which of the following industries are you employed? 1 Oil and gas 2 Construction and utilities 3 Wholesale and retail trade 4 Manufacturing 5 Education 6 Health care and social work 7 Information technology and communications 8 Transportation and storage 9 Finance, insurance and real estate 10 Government, public administration and defense 11 Professional, scientific and technical activities 12 Tourism, arts, entertainment, recreation 13 Other, specify: _______________ [INTERVIEWER: DO NOT READ, SPECIFY IF RESPONDENT SPONTANEOUSLY SAYS OTHER] 98. Don’t know [INTERVIEWER: DO NOT READ] 99. Refused to answer [INTERVIEWER: DO NOT READ]

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Q1006d. [PROGRAMMER: IF COUNTRY != 9 AND Q1005 == 1] And have you got a work contract for your current position? [INTERVIEWER: IF RESPONDENT HAS MORE THAN ONE JOBS, RECORD MAIN OCCUPATION] 1. Yes 2. No 98. Don’t know [INTERVIEWER: DO NOT READ] 99. Refused to answer [INTERVIEWER: DO NOT READ] Q1006e. [PROGRAMMER: IF COUNTRY != 9 AND IF Q1005 == 1 & Q1006d == 1] And is this contract temporary or permanent? 1. Temporary 2. Permanent 3. Other, specify: ____________ [INTERVIEWER: DO NOT READ, SPECIFY IF RESPONDENT SPONTANEOUSLY SAYS OTHER] 98. Don’t know [INTERVIEWER: DO NOT READ] 99. Refused to answer [INTERVIEWER: DO NOT READ] Q1006f1. [PROGRAMMER: IF COUNTRY != 9 AND Q1005 == 2, 3, 4, 5, 6] Have you had been employed in the past? 1. Yes 2. No 98. Don’t know [INTERVIEWER: DO NOT READ] 99. Refused to answer [INTERVIEWER: DO NOT READ] Q1006f. [PROGRAMMER: IF COUNTRY != 9 AND IF Q1005 == 1 & Q1006d == 2 OR IF Q1006f1 == 1] Have you had a work contract in the past? 1. Yes 2. No 98. Don’t know [INTERVIEWER: DO NOT READ] 99. Refused to answer [INTERVIEWER: DO NOT READ]

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Q1006g. [PROGRAMMER: IF COUNTRY != 9 AND IF Q1006f ==1] And has this past work contract been temporary or permanent? 1. Temporary 2. Permanent 3. Other, specify: ____________ [INTERVIEWER: DO NOT READ, SPECIFY IF RESPONDENT SPONTANEOUSLY SAYS OTHER] 98. Don’t know [INTERVIEWER: DO NOT READ] 99. Refused to answer [INTERVIEWER: DO NOT READ] Q1010. [PROGRAMMER: ALL] What is your current social status? 1. Single/ Bachelor 2. Living with a partner [INTERVIEWER: DO NOT READ] 3. Engaged 4. Married 5. Divorced 6. Separated 7. Widowed 99. Refused to answer [INTERVIEWER: DO NOT READ] Q1010c. [PROGRAMMER: IF COUNTRY != 9 AND Q1010==2, 3, 4 & Q1002 == 1] Does your spouse wear the hijab? 1. Yes 2. No 3. Niqab [INTERVIEWER: DO NOT READ] 98. Don’t know [INTERVIEWER: DO NOT READ] 99. Refused to answer [INTERVIEWER: DO NOT READ] Q1010b1. [PROGRAMMER: IF Q1010 != 1 OR 99] Do you have children? 1. Yes 2. No 99. Refused to answer [INTERVIEWER: DO NOT READ] Q1010b2. [PROGRAMMER: Q1010B1 = 1] How many children live at this household? ____ number of children [PROGRAMMER: INTEGER VALUES ONLY] 999. Refused to answer [INTERVIEWER: DO NOT READ]

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Q1018. [PROGRAMMER: ALL] many people living at this household have a disability that has lasted six months or more? ____ number of people [PROGRAMMER: INTEGER VALUES ONLY] 98. Don’t know [INTERVIEWER: DO NOT READ] 99. Refused to answer [INTERVIEWER: DO NOT READ]

Q1018a. [PROGRAMMER: IF Q1018 == 1 & Q1018 != 98 OR 99] Thinking about this person, how would you describe their disability? Is it… 1. …a hearing disability 2. …a visual disability 3. …an ambulatory disability 4. …a cognitive disability 5. Other, specify: _____________________ [INTERVIEWER: DO NOT READ] 98. Don’t know [INTERVIEWER: DO NOT READ] 99. Refused to answer [INTERVIEWER: DO NOT READ] Q1018b. [PROGRAMMER: IF Q1018 >1 & Q1018 != 98 OR 99] Thinking about the person with the most challenging disability, how would you describe their disability? Is it… 1. …a hearing disability 2. …a visual disability 3. …an ambulatory disability 4. …a cognitive disability 5. Other, specify: _____________________ [INTERVIEWER: DO NOT READ] 98. Don’t know [INTERVIEWER: DO NOT READ] 99. Refused to answer [INTERVIEWER: DO NOT READ] Q1018c. [PROGRAMMER: IF Q1018 == 1 & Q1018 != 98 OR 99] And how easy is it for this person to do everyday tasks inside the house, such as washing themselves? 1. They can easily do everyday tasks 2. They can do everyday tasks, but with some difficulty 3. They can do everyday tasks, but need medical aid [INTERVIEWER: IF ASKED, A WHITE CANE, CRUTCHES, WHEELCHAIR] 5. They cannot do everyday tasks, but need assistance from another person 6. They cannot do everyday tasks, but need assistance by trained medical staff 98. Don’t know [INTERVIEWER: DO NOT READ] 99. Refused to answer [INTERVIEWER: DO NOT READ]

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Q1018d. [PROGRAMMER: IF Q1018 >1 & Q1018 != 98 OR 99] And once again thinking about the person with the most challenging disability, how easy is it for this person to do everyday tasks inside the house, such as washing themselves? 1. They can easily do everyday tasks themselves 2. They can do everyday tasks, but with some difficulty 3. They can do everyday tasks, but need medical aid [INTERVIEWER: IF ASKED, A WHITE CANE, CRUTCHES, WHEELCHAIR] 5. They cannot do everyday tasks, but need assistance from another person 6. They cannot do everyday tasks, but need assistance by trained medical staff 98. Don’t know [INTERVIEWER: DO NOT READ] 99. Refused to answer [INTERVIEWER: DO NOT READ] Q1018e. [PROGRAMMER: IF Q1018 == 1 & Q1018 != 98 OR 99] And how easy is it for this person to do everyday tasks outside the house, such as going to the supermarket? 1. They can easily do everyday tasks 2. They can do everyday tasks, but with some difficulty 3. They can do everyday tasks, but need medical aid [INTERVIEWER: IF ASKED, A WHITE CANE, CRUTCHES, WHEELCHAIR] 5. They cannot do everyday tasks, but need assistance from another person 6. They cannot do everyday tasks, but need assistance by trained medical staff 98. Don’t know [INTERVIEWER: DO NOT READ] 99. Refused to answer [INTERVIEWER: DO NOT READ] Q1018f. [PROGRAMMER: IF Q1018 >1 & Q1018 != 98 OR 99] And once again thinking about the person with the most challenging disability, how easy is it for this person to do everyday tasks outside the house, such as going to the supermarket? 1. They can easily do everyday tasks 2. They can do everyday tasks, but with some difficulty 3. They can do everyday tasks, but need medical aid [INTERVIEWER: IF ASKED, A WHITE CANE, CRUTCHES, WHEELCHAIR] 5. They cannot do everyday tasks, but need assistance from another person 6. They cannot do everyday tasks, but need assistance by trained medical staff 98. Don’t know [INTERVIEWER: DO NOT READ] 99. Refused to answer [INTERVIEWER: DO NOT READ] Q1014a. [PROGRAMMER: ALL] How many adults living in your household work? [INTERVIEWER: IF ASKED, SPECIFY EITHER FULL-TIME OR PART-TIME] ____ number of adults in household working [PROGRAMMER: INTEGER VALUES ONLY] 999. Refused to answer [INTERVIEWER: DO NOT READ]

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Q1015a. [PROGRAMMER: ALL] Is your net household income less than or greater than [MEDIAN INCOME IN LOCAL CURRENCY]? 1. Less than [median] 2. [Median] or more 98. Don’t know [INTERVIEWER: DO NOT READ] 99. Refused to answer [INTERVIEWER: DO NOT READ]

Q1015b. [PROGRAMMER: IF Q1015a == 1] You said your total household monthly income is less than [MEDIAN INCOME IN LOCAL CURRENCY], is it… 1. Less than X 2. X 3. X 4. X 5. X 6. X to less than [median] 98. Don’t know [INTERVIEWER: DO NOT READ] 99. Refused to answer [INTERVIEWER: DO NOT READ] Q1015c. [PROGRAMMER: IF Q1015a == 2] You said your total household monthly income is [MEDIAN INCOME IN LOCAL CURRENCY] or more, is it… 1. Less than X 2. X 3. X 4. X 5. X 6. X or more 98. Don’t know [INTERVIEWER: DO NOT READ] 99. Refused to answer [INTERVIEWER: DO NOT READ] Q1016. [PROGRAMMER: ALL] Which of these statements comes closest to describing your net household income? 1. Our net household income covers our expenses and we are able to save. 2. Our net household income covers our expenses without notable difficulties. 3. Our net household income does not cover our expenses; we face some difficulties. 4. Our net household income does not cover our expenses; we face significant difficulties. 98. Don’t know [INTERVIEWER: DO NOT READ] 99. Refused to answer [INTERVIEWER: DO NOT READ]

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Q1017. [PROGRAMMER: IF COUNTRY != 9 SPLITA == 2] Does your family receive remittances from someone living abroad? 1. Yes, monthly 2. Yes, a few times a year 3. Yes, once a year 4. We do not receive anything 98. Don’t know [INTERVIEWER: DO NOT READ] 99. Refused to answer [INTERVIEWER: DO NOT READ]




T h e A r a b B a r o m e t e r i s a n o n p a r t i s a n r e s e a r c h n e t w o r k t h a t p r o v i d e s i n s i g h t s i n t o t h e s o c i a l , p o l i t i c a l , a n d e c o n o m i c

a t t i t u d e s a n d v a l u e s o f o r d i n a r y c i t i z e n s a c r o s s t h e A r a b w o r l d .

W e h a v e b e e n c o n d u c t i n g r i g o r o u s , a n d n a t i o n a l l y r e p r e s e n t a t i v e f a c e - t o - f a c e p u b l i c o p i n i o n s u r v e y s o n

p r o b a b i l i t y s a m p l e s o f t h e a d u l t p o p u l a t i o n s a c r o s s t h e A r a b w o r l d s i n c e 2 0 0 6 . T h e e r r o r m a r g i n i s ± 3 p e r c e n t .

T h e A r a b B a r o m e t e r i s t h e l a r g e s t r e p o s i t o r y o f p u b l i c l y a v a i l a b l e d a t a o n t h e v i e w s o f m e n a n d w o m e n i n t h e M E N A r e g i o n . O u r

f i n d i n g s g i v e a v o i c e t o t h e n e e d s a n d c o n c e r n s o f A r a b p u b l i c s .

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