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HEAD OFFICE:P.O. BOX 669, HERNDON, VA20172, USAwww.iiit.org


The International Institute of Islamic Thought (IIIT) is a private non-

profit, academic, and cultural organization concerned with issues of

Islamic thought. The Institute was founded in 1981 and is headquartered

in Herndon, Virginia, USA with branch offices in several major capitals

throughout the world.

The Institute is dedicated to promoting research, producing publications

and organizing conferences related to Islamic thought and contempo-

rary social sciences.

The IIIT seeks to integrate contemporary scientific methods and knowl-

edge within an Islamic framework through ijtihad in order to overcome

the intellectual and cultural crisis in which the Muslim world is mired

and thereby to reform and revitalize Islamic thought.

The Institute has become a forum through which Muslim scholars have

rekindled an ongoing debate on Islamic intellectualism and thought

through research, publications, conferencing and networking. IIIT has

published over 750 titles primarily in Arabic and English, as well as in

major languages such as French, Turkish, Chinese, Urdu, Farsi, Malay

and others.

The Institute also publishes two quarterly refereed academic journals:

- American Journal of Islamic Social Sciences (AJISS) – English

- Islamiyyat al-Ma’rifah: Journal of Contemporary Islamic Thought – Arabic

Book Catalogue2016IIIT

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Recent Publications 2

Contemporary Issues

and Islamic Thought 4

The Qur’an and Sunnah 9

Maqasid Al-Shariah 14

Selected Titles 17

Occasional Papers 21

Books-In-Brief 26

Other Publications 28

Major Distributors 32

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THE MIRACULOUS LANGUAGE OFTHE QUR’AN: Evidence of DivineOriginby Bassam SaehPB: 978-1-56564-665-0, $8.95Kindle/Google Play: $4.50

Pages/year: 104pp/2015

This study illustrates why the language ofthe Qur’an is miraculous, unique, andevidence of divine authority. The authorcompares the language of the Qur’an withthe language of pre-Islamic poetry, theProphet’s words (hadith), and the languageof the Arabs both past and present, todemonstrate that although the Qur’an wasrevealed in Arabic it was at the same timean Arabic which was entirely new. Originaland early Muslim audiences viewed this asmiraculous and responded to the Qur’an’swords, sounds, rhythms, etc. in a mannerconsistent with a deeper appreciation of itsbeauty and majesty which modern ears,trained by familiarity, and despite beingsurrounded by all manner of dictionariesand studies, are at a loss to capture.

The author attempts to remove this veil andpresent the Qur’an to readers as if hearingit for the first time, to bring to life some ofthis wonder. In doing so he guides readersto appreciate the beauty of the Qur’an, tobecome more immersed in it, and to have aclearer understanding of its structure andflow. Devoting special attention to Surah AlMuddaththir (Chapter 74), to underpin hisanalysis, Saeh thus brings the Revelationto life, to demonstrate that each surah hasdistinct features and characteristics thatmake it stand out uniquely within the designand sweep of the whole.








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EPISTEMOLOGICAL INTEGRATION: Essentials of an Islamic Methodologyby Fathi Hasan MalkawiPB: 978-1-56564-557-8, $18.95HB: 978-1-56564-569-1, $28.95Kindle/Google Play: $9.50 – Pages/year: 370pp/2014

Epistemological Integration: Essentials of an IslamicMethodology is a program which seeks to construct anintellectual framework for Islamic methodology with a view torealizing practical training in the thoughtful investigation ofissues related to knowledge in various fields. The book’s titleaffirms the distinctive types of integration that characterizeIslamic methodology, including integration of sources, means,and schools of thought, as well as existing realities withdesired ideals etc.

ETHICS OF ASSISTED REPRODUCTIVE MEDICINE: A Comparative Study of Western Secular and Islamic Bioethics by Sharmin IslamPB: 978-1-56564-561-5, $14.95HB: 978-1-56564-556-1, $24.95 Kindle/Google Play: $7.50 – Pages/year: 234pp/2014

Bioethics has developed over the last few decades into amajor field of inquiry. With advances in medicine progressivelytransforming our understanding of what constitutes life, thereis a need for medical ethics to address many of the issues andchallenges arising, particularly in the fields of genetics andreproduction. Of central significance are serious moraldilemmas confronting medical experts impact.

IN SERVICE OF GOD AND HUMANITY: The Legacy of Shaykh Muhammad Al-Ghazaliby Benaouda BensaidPB: 978-1-56564-663-6, $19.95HB: 978-1-56564-664-3, $29.95Kindle/Google Play: $9.95 – Pages/year: 282pp/2015

In his passionate devotion to the task of inviting others to Islam,Muhammad Al-Ghazali (1917-1996) presented Muslims with apowerful critique of themselves, not only in their endemicfailure to project Islam in the best, most reasoned light, but alsoin their betrayal of the Qur’an’s spiritual principles and thehighest standards set by the Prophet Muhammad. This workanalyzes Al-Ghazali’s critique of du’at (those inviting to Islam)and the practice of da’wah work itself (the call to Islam). It alsoexamines his methodology, various proposed solutions, andthe juristic responses to his perspective.


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t OBSERVING THE OBSERVER: The State of Islamic Studies in American Universitiesedited by Mumtaz Ahmad, Zahid Bukhari and Sulayman NyangPB: 978-1-56564-580-6, $18.95HB: 978-1-56564-581-3, $28.95Kindle/Google Play: $9.50 – Pages/year: 292pp/2012

A collection of papers that documents the study of Islam inAmerican Universities. Over the last few decades the UnitedStates has seen significant growth in the study of Islam andIslamic societies in institutions of higher learning fueledprimarily by events including economic relations of the U.S.with Muslim countries, migration of Muslims into the country,conversion of Americans to Islam, U.S. interests in Arab oilresources, involvement of Muslims in the American publicsquare, and the tragic events of 9/11.

MAPPING THE SECULAR MIND: Modernity’s Quest for a Godless Utopia by Haggag AliPB: 978-1-56564-593-6, $14.95HB: 978-1-56564-594-3, $24.95 Kindle/Google Play: $7.50 – Pages/year: 222pp/2013

The secular mind had a grand plan, to establish an earthlyparadise, a utopia of the here and now, a modern civilizationgoverned by human reason, rationality, and the triumph ofprogress. Away from the hype, emancipating humanity fromthe ‘shackles’ of God and religion has proved no easy matter. Mapping the Secular Mind examines issues of reason, rationality, and secular materialism, to explore howthese mental perceptions, or ways of mapping the world,have affected human interaction and sociological development.

CONTEMPORARY APPROACHES TO QUR’AN AND SUNNAHedited by Mahmoud AyoubPB: 978-1-56564-577-6, $18.95HB: 978-1-56564-578-3, $28.95Kindle/Google Play: $9.50 – Pages/year: 244pp/2012

The Qur’an and Sunnah are the two primary sources of Muslimfaith, life, law and morality. The Qur’an is for Muslims thefoundation of their faith and the Sunnah is the framework oftheir morality. Together they constitute the two sources of thelaw of God, a guide to prosperity and happiness in this life andto the bliss of the hereafter. Although the Qur’an and Sunnahare materially and formally two independent sources, they areinextricably bound in a dynamic relationship.


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STUDIES IN ISLAMIC CIVILIZATION: The Muslim Contribution to the Renaissanceby Ahmed Essa with Othman AliPB: 978-1-56564-350-5, $18.95HB: 978-1-56564-351-2, $28.95Kindle/Google Play: $9.50 – Pages/year: 332pp/2010

Studies in Islamic Civilization draws upon the works ofWestern scholars to make the case that without thetremendous contribution of the Muslim world there wouldhave been no Renaissance in Europe. For almost athousand years Islam was arguably one of the leadingcivilizations of the world spanning a geographic area greaterthan any other. It eliminated social distinctions betweenclasses and races, made clear that people should enjoy thebounties of the earth provided they did not ignore morals andethics.

INTERFAITH DIALOGUE: A Guide for Muslims by Muhammad Shafiq and Mohammed Abu-NimerPB: 978-1-56564-369-7, $11.95HB: 978-1-56564-370-3, $21.95 Kindle/Google Play: $5.95 – Pages/year: 192pp/2011

Islam recognizes a plurality of religions and asks Muslims torespect other religions. The primary role of interfaith dialogueis to remove misunderstanding and accept difference, the aimbeing to generate a climate of peaceful coexistence andharmonious social relations. And this is perhaps more neededtoday than ever before, as mankind is increasingly called uponto exercise tolerance in a markedly volatile world, where livingand working together in diversity is fast becoming the norm.

ISLAMIC AWAKENING: Between Rejection & Extremismby Yusuf Al-QaradawiPB: 1-56564-428-X, $10.95HB: 1-56564-429-8, $22.00Kindle/Google Play: $5.50 – Pages/year: 194pp/2006

Under the extraordinary pressures of the economic andpolitical challenges of the modern world, it comes as nosurprise that many of our young Muslims have reacted bytreading the path of intolerance and rigid interpretation. In thisthoughtful and timely book the author examines the worldwiderevival of interest in Islam and articulates the wisdom ofunderstanding both the letter and the spirit of the Qur’an andthe Sunnah.


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RETHINKING MUSLIM WOMEN AND THE VEIL:Challenging Historical & Modern Stereotypesby Katherine BullockPB: 978-1-56564-432-8, $18.95HB: 978-1-56564-433-5, $31.95Kindle/Google Play: $9.50 – Pages/year: 328pp/2007

This book offers a powerful critique of the Western notion thatthe hijab, the veil, is a symbol of Muslim women’s oppression.The author examines the views of feminist scholars who offera variety of interpretations of the Islamic guidelines regardinghijab and discusses the view that women only wear hijabbecause they are being subjugated by men.

EPISTEMOLOGICAL BIAS: In the Physical & Social Sciences edited by Abdelwahab M. ElmessiriPB: 1-56564-416-6, $17.95HB: 1-56564-417-4, $25.00 Kindle/Google Play: $8.95 – Pages/year: 328pp/2006

This collection of papers emphasises the danger of makingthe West the ultimate point of reference and then trying tocontinuously play “catch up” with it. The book aims touncover some of the biases latent in our terminology,methodologies, research tools and conceptual principles andproposes alternative ones marked by a greater degree ofindependence and neutrality.

ISSUES IN CONTEMPORARY ISLAMIC THOUGHTby Taha Jabir Al-AlwaniPB: 1-56564-414-X, $18.95HB: 1-56564-415-8, $28.95Kindle/Google Play: $9.50 – Pages/year: 316pp/2005

This collection of papers presents a reformist project callingupon Muslim intellectuals and scholars everywhere tocomprehend the vast breadth and depth of the crisis engulfingMuslim though today and the necessity of solving this crisis toenable the Ummah to experience a revival and fulfill its roleamong the nations of the world.


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ISLAMIC THOUGHT: An Approach to Reformby Taha Jabir Al-AlwaniPB: 1-56564-426-3, $12.00HB: 1-56564-427-1, $22.00Kindle/Google Play: $5.95 – Pages/year: 192pp/2006

A passionate call to re-employ knowledge in relation to divinerevelation to challenge the worldwide positivism that hasgripped all curricula in universities, schools, and all areas ofeducation, and severed the relationship between the Creator,and His universe, driving a wedge between knowledge andGod.

FORENSIC PSYCHIATRY IN ISLAMIC JURISPRUDENCEby Kutaiba S. ChalebyPB: 1-56564-276-7, $15.00HB: 1-56564-277-5, $25.00 Kindle/Google Play: $7.50 – Pages/year: 220pp/2001

This is the first book in Forensic Psychiatry that focuses on theapplication of psychiatry to legal issues connected with Islamicjurisprudence. Holding a unique position amongst the world’sreligions in its containment of every aspect of humanexistence, it is openly natural for Islam to govern both thespiritual and legislative aspects of life. This book will appeal togeneral and academic readers, drawing important and wide-ranging conclusions relevant for many individuals andsocieties in the Islamic world.

PEACE AND THE LIMITS OF WARby Louay M. SafiPB: 1-56564-402-6, $6.00Kindle/Google Play: $2.99 – Pages/year: 64pp/2003

The author provides a systematic analysis of the Qur’anicreference and the prophetic traditions on peace and war. Acritical examination is given of the views of classical andmodern Islamic scholars in light of the original intent of theShari’ah. This analysis provides a balanced understanding of some of the most misunderstood concepts in Islam.


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CRISIS IN THE MUSLIM MINDby AbdulHamid A. AbuSulaymanPB: 1-56564-138-8, $12.00HB: 1-56564-137-X, $20.00Kindle/Google Play: $5.95 – Pages/year: 184pp/2004

Crisis in the Muslim Mind examines the intellectual andhistorical roots of the malaise that has overspread theUmmah and threatens to efface its identity. First published inArabic in 1991 this important work (in an abridged Englishtranslation) is designed to familiarize educated andconcerned Muslims with the nature of the crisis confrontingthem, and to suggest the steps necessary to overcome it.

SOCIAL JUSTICE IN ISLAMby Deina AbdelkaderPB: 1-56564-268-6, $14.95HB: 1-56564-274-0, $24.95 Kindle/Google Play: $7.50 – Pages/year: 216pp/2000

Western theoretical approaches of modernization,development, social progress and interaction, have failed tounderstand the dynamics of the Islamic revival. DeinaAbdelkader, in this seminal work argues that questions ofsocial justice are indelibly tied to the phenomenon ofcontemporary Islamic resurgence as the quest for socialjustice is in fact motivated by the Shariah – hence an integralpart of Islamic life and weltanshauung.

ISLAM AND THE ECONOMIC CHALLENGEby M. Umer ChapraHB: 0-86037-217-0, $25.00Pages/year: 450pp/1992

The ongoing revival in Islam in almost all Muslim countries has created the need for a clear, integrated picture of theprogramme that Islam has to offer to realize the kind of well-being that to envisages; and to encounter the differentproblems now facing mankind. Can the Muslim countriesformulate such a strategy with in the framework of thesecularist worldview of capitalism, socialism and the welfarestate? Can Islam help them realize their goals? If so, what kindof policy package do Islamic teachings imply? This book is aneffort to answer these and other related questions.


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hABU ZAYD AL-BALKHI’S SUSTENANCE OF THESOUL: The Cognitive Behavior Therapy of a NinthCentury Physicanby Malik BadriPB: 978-1-56564-599-8, $6.95Kindle/Google Play: $3.50 – Pages/year: 78pp/2013

Lying preserved in the Ayasofya Library in Istanbul is anastonishing manuscript. Written by the ninth century CEpolymath, Abu Zayd Al-Balkhi it tackles more than elevencenturies ago mental and psychological disorders whichseem commonplace to us today. Al-Balkhi explainssymptoms and treatments giving advice on preventivemeasures and how to return the body and soul to theirnatural healthy state. He displays a keen understanding ofthe human condition and the medical nature of the emotionalstate.

APOSTASY IN ISLAM: A Historical and Scriptural Analysis by Taha Jabir Al-AlwaniPB: 978-1-56564-363-5, $9.95HB: 978-1-56564-364-2, $19.95 Kindle/Google Play: $4.95 – Pages/year: 168pp/2011

What is the legally prescribed penalty, if any, for apostasy(al-riddah), and how does this relate to the demand forreligious tolerance as stipulated in verse 2:256 of the Qur’an“There shall be no compulsion in matters of faith”? It is anestablished fact that the Prophet never, in his entire life, putan apostate to death. Yet, the issue remains one of the mostcontroversial to have afflicted the Muslim world down thecenturies.

AL-SHURA: The Qur’anic Principle of Consultationby Ahmad Al-RaysuniPB: 978-1-56564-361-1, $12.95HB: 978-1-56564-362-8, $22.95Kindle/Google Play: $6.50 – Pages/year: 206pp/2011

Muslims remain largely unaware of the importance and valueof the Qur’anic principle of al-Shura (mutual consultation) andthe significant role it can play in the advancement and reformof Muslim society. In this work, the author attempts tointroduce and examine key meanings and practices of al-Shura, trace its historical evolution, and explore ways inwhich the principle can be introduced, institutionalized andapplied in Muslim societies.

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ISLAM: Religion, Practice, Culture & World Orderby Isma’il Raji Al FaruqiPB: 978-1-56564-587-5, $9.95HB: 978-1-56564-588-2, $19.95Kindle/Google Play: $4.50 – Pages/year: 114pp/2012

Professor Isma’il Raji Al Faruqi, Palestinian-Americanphilosopher, visionary, and an authority in comparativereligion, was one of the foremost Muslim scholars of the 20thcentury. In this study he presents the meaning and messageof Islam to the wider world community. Key elements of thefaith are summarized and explained in an overall theme ofseven parts consisting of 21 chapters.

TOWARD OUR REFORMATION: From Legalism to Value-Oriented Islamic Law and Jurisprudenceby Mohammad Omar FarooqPB: 978-1-56564-371-0, $18.95HB: 978-1-56564-372-7, $28.95 Kindle/Google Play: $9.50 – Pages/year: 346pp/2011

It is the author’s contention that at the heart of the Muslimpredicament lies ignorance and/or lack of commitment tocore Islamic values, thus what is advocated throughout thiswork is a return to what is termed a “value-oriented”approach.

AUTHENTICATION OF HADITH: Redefining the Criteria by Israr Ahmad KhanPB: 978-1-56564-448-9, $14.95HB: 978-1-56564-449-6, $24.95 Kindle/Google Play: $7.50 – Pages/year: 240pp/2010

In today’s complex and volatile world the consequences ofrelying on fraudulent and counterfeit Hadith to legitimiseextremist behaviour, issue violent fatwas, and justify blatantabuse, particularly of women, is not only far too easy but infact dangerous. Israr Khan addresses the sensitive topic ofHadith authentication, focusing on the criteria adopted byclassical scholars to maintain that concentration on thecontinuity and accuracy of the chain of narrators.


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ETHICS OF DISAGREEMENT IN ISLAMby Taha Jabir Al-AlwaniPB: 978-1-56564-359-8, $9.95HB: 978-1-56564-360-4, $19.95Kindle/Google Play: $4.95 – Pages/year: 158pp/2011

The Ethics of Disagreement may be perceived as anexplanation of the etiquette envisioned by Islam for all thoseengaged in discourse and intellectual dialogue. To a greatextent, the book is an exposition of the higher principles andpurposes of the Shari’ah which provide Muslims withperspectives far vaster than those afforded by pedanticdebate over points of law and procedure, or fine distinctionsbetween conflicting theological arguments.

ANTHROPOMORPHIC DEPICTIONS OF GOD: TheConcept of God in Judaic, Christian, and IslamicTraditions: Representing the Unrepresentable by Zulfiqar Ali ShahPB: 978-1-56564-575-2, $29.95HB: 978-1-56564-576-9, $39.95 Kindle/Google Play: $9.95 – Pages/year: 764pp/2012

This study examines issues of anthropomorphism in thethree Abrahamic Faiths, as viewed through the texts of theHebrew Bible, the New Testament and the Qur’an.Throughout history Christianity and Judaism have tried tomake sense of God. While juxtaposing the Islamic positionagainst this, the author addresses the Judeo-Christianworldview and how each has chosen to framework its encounter with God.

THE QUR’ANIC WORLDVIEW: A Springboard for Cultural Reformby Abdulhamid AbusulaymanPB: 978-1-56564-365-9, $12.95HB: 978-1-56564-366-6, $22.95Kindle/Google Play: $6.50 – Pages/year: 204pp/2011

This is a carefully reasoned, positive, and largely reflectivework. Looking back at the various stages of Islamic historicaldevelopment, AbuSulayman puts forward a thesis thatfocuses on the recovery of what is termed the Qur’anicworldview. By this is meant an ethical, monotheistic, andpurposeful perspective on the world and those within it. Ourfaith will only be complete when we have become utterlysincere in our love for God, a love expressed in a pure,passionate love for goodness and truth in this world.


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A THEMATIC COMMENTARY ON THE QUR’ANby Shaykh Muhammad Al-GhazaliPB: 978-1-56564-260-7, $27.95HB: 1-56564-261-9, $37.95Kindle/Google Play: $9.95 – Pages/year: 804pp/2005

A unique and modern contribution to understanding the

Qur’an, unlike traditional approaches because it focuses on

the organic unity of each surah, highlighting the logic or

inherent reasoning that courses through the surah and

unifies its various components and images.

Variant Readings of the Quran: A Critical Study ofTheir Historical and Linguistic Originsby Ahmad Ali Al-ImamPB: 1-56564-420-4, $15.00HB: 1-56564-421-2, $25.00 Pages/year: 188pp/2006

A study of the authenticity of the Qu’ran examining thehistory and evolution of the seven ahruf in which the Qur’anhas been revealed and the developments leading to thecompilation of the Uthmani mushaf, the origins of the qiraat,the signs of vocalization and dottings etc. and the surge inlinguistics which the Revelation set into motion.

APPROACHING THE SUNNAH: Comprehension & Controversyby Yusuf Al-QaradawiPB: 1-56564-418-2, $16.95HB: 1-56564-419-0, $26.95 Kindle/Google Play: $8.50 – Pages/year: 234pp/2006

The Sunnah provides the stable moral framework enablingMuslims by formal rules and an inward sense to know rightfrom wrong. This book addresses the danger of simplisticallyviewed, misused and widely misinterpreted hadith. Hadithneed to be approached with wisdom and understanding. Theauthor examines what makes a hadith sound or weak, andhow certain hadith are being sensationalised withoutunderstanding their evolution and development.


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SOURCE METHODOLOGY IN ISLAMIC JURISPRUDENCEby Taha Jabir Al-AlwaniPB: 1-56564-404-2, $9.95Kindle/Google Play: $4.95 – Pages/year: 96pp/2003

Usul al-fiqh is a science which is deeply embedded in theIslamic experience and one which, thanks to its methods andconcerns, helped generate an empirical trend in Muslimculture, in turn benefiting Western thinking. Itself a creationof influences from within and without, al-usul, often called“the philosophy of Islam,” invites both reason and revelationto work for the harmony and well-being of human society.

AL-TAWHID: Its Implications for Thought and Lifeby Isma’il Raji Al FaruqiPB: 0-912463-80-5, $8.95HB: 0-912463-79-1, $16.00Kindle/Google Play: $4.50 – Pages/year: 256pp/2000

The subject of tawhid affords the reader not only a look at theaxial doctrine of Islam, but also allows the reader tounderstand that doctrine from a number of differentperspectives. The author touches upon a broad spectrum ofsubjects, drawing into his discussions elements from history,comparative religion, anthropology, philosophy, ethics,epistemology, archaeology, and other disciplines.


THE QURAN AND POLITICS: A Study of the Origins of Political Thought in the Makkan Qur’anby Eltigani AbdelGadir HamidPB: 1-56564-405-0, $18.95HB: 1-56564-406-9, $29.95Kindle/Google Play: $9.50 – Pages/year: 244pp/2004

This work is about the origins of political thought and a studyof the philosophy of politics. It examines the actions of thestate as the main power concerned with public affairs insociety, and enquires into which public action is consideredgood or bad in relation to other value systems endorsed byIslam.

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UNDERSTANDING MAQASID AL-SHARI’AH: A Contemporary Perspectiveby Musfir bin Ali Al-QahtaniPB: 978-1-56564-666-7, $14.95Kindle/Google Play: $7.50Pages/year: 212pp/2015

Dr. Musafir bin Ali Al-Qahtani’s workcontributes to the ever growing body ofscholarly literature in the field of maqasid al-Shari’ah (higher objectives of Islamiclaw). Understanding Maqasid al-Shari’ahcalls for the development of a juridicialsense that is finely tuned to the higherobjectives and purposes of Islamic rulings,the aims of which are the formulation of anew methodology in understanding therevealed texts and the reform of Muslimthought and its application. The authordraws attention to the importance ofunderstanding various levels of maqasid,including distinguishing between primaryaims (al-maqasid al-asliyyah) andsecondary aims (al-maqasid al-tabi’ah). Al-Qahtani asserts that a positiveunderstanding of the objectives of theShari’ah should produce affirming humanand cultural developments in Muslimsocieties. The real strength of this work,however, is in the author’s application ofhigher objectives and aims to differentareas of jurisprudence, such as in derivingand issuing religious rulings (ifta’). and toimportant social issues and problemspresent in Muslim societies, such asextremism, jihad, commanding right andforbidding wrong, social change, crisis ofMuslim thought, countering religiousexcessiveness, the need for recreation andleisure, citizenship and nation-belonging,spreading beauty and harmony in Islam,and the role of Muslim women in society.

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MAQASID AL-SHARIAH ASPHILOSOPHY OF ISLAMIC LAW: A Systems Approachby Jasser AudaPB: 978-1-56564-424-3, $18.95HB: 978-1-56564-425-0, $28.95Kindle/Google Play: $9.50Pages/year: 376pp/2008

In this pathbreaking study, Jasser Audapresents a systems approach to thephilosophy and juridical theory of Islamiclaw based on its purposes, intents, andhigher objectives (maqasid). For Islamicrulings to fulfil their original purposes ofjustice, freedom, rights, common good, andtolerance in today’s context, Auda presentsmaqasid as the heart and the veryphilosophy of Islamic law.

TOWARDS REALIZATION OF THEHIGHER INTENTS OF ISLAMIC LAW:Maqasid Al-Shariah: A FunctionalApproachby Gamal Eldin AttiaPB: 978-1-56564-437-3, $18.95HB: 978-1-56564-438-0, $28.95Kindle/Google Play: $9.50Pages/year: 312pp/2007

This book takes an important step to realizethe higher intents of Islamic law (maqasidal-shariah) by attempting to integratecontemporary values and worldviews intomaqasid terminology. It also tacklescomplex theoretical questions on the role ofmaqasid in ijtihad, juristic theorization(usul), and the Islamization of the human,social, and physical sciences.

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IMAM AL-SHATIBI’S THEORY OFTHE HIGHER OBJECTIVES ANDINTENTS OF ISLAMIC LAWby Ahmad Al-RaysuniPB: 978-1-56564-412-0, $25.00HB: 1-56564-413-1, $35.00Kindle/Google Play: $9.95Pages/year: 478pp/2005

A pioneering contribution presenting acomprehensive theory of the objectives ofIslamic Law in its various aspects, as wellas a painstaking study of objectives-basedthought as pioneered by the father ofobjectives-based jurisprudence, Imam AbuIshaq Al-Shatibi; in addition, the authorpresents us with an important study of Al-Shatibi himself which offers a wealth ofnew, beneficial information about the life,thought and method of this venerableimam.

IBN ASHUR: Treatise on MaqasidAl-Shariahby Muhammad Al-Tahir Ibn AshurPB: 1-56564-422-0, $25.00HB: 1-56564-423-9, $35.00Kindle/Google Play: $9.95Pages/year: 516pp/2006

Ibn Ashur’s famous and pioneering study ofthe Shariah’s higher objectives and goals.To restore the intimate contact betweenMuslims and the Qur’an scholarsdeveloped the study of the objectives ofIslam. The Shariah is marked by auniversal wisdom whereby every legalruling has a function which it performs, anaim which it realises, an intention which itseeks to fulfil and all of this in order torealise benefit to human beings or to wardoff harm or corruption.

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sTHE SOCIO-INTELLECTUALFOUNDATIONS OF MALEKBENNABI’S APPROACH TOCIVILIZATIONby Badrane BenlahcenePB: 978-1-56564-367-3, $18.95HB: 978-1-56564-368-0, $28.95Kindle/Google Play: $9.50Pages/year: 330pp/2011

Since the publication of SamuelHuntington’s “The Clash of Civilizations”concern about civilization has beenreintroduced into the debate on the worldorder. Malek Bennabi (1905–1973),prominent Algerian thinker and greatMuslim intellectual, intently focused onunravelling the causes of Muslim declineand the success of Western civilization andculture. The key problem he theorized laynot in the Qur’an or Islamic faith but inMuslims themselves.

WHERE EAST MEETS WEST: Appropriating the Islamic Encounterfor a Spiritual-Cultural Revivalby Mona Abul-FadlPB: 978-1-56564-354-3, $9.95HB: 978-1-56564-353-6, $19.95Kindle/Google Play: $4.95Pages/year: 112pp/2010

The fate of civilization lies in the balance ofculture, not power. This Mona Abul-Fadlpenetrating work argues that the terms ofthe culture of our times will determine thefuture of politics and societies. Islamcontinues to be, as much as it was in thepast, at the hub and crossroads ofcontemporary civilization. The differencefrom a historical perspective, lies in theWest’s control of the political setting, theprimary factor in qualifying the terms oftoday’s civilization, and in setting its paceand direction accordingly.

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MUSLIM CONTRIBUTIONS TOWORLD CIVILIZATIONedited by M. Basheer Ahmed, Syed A.Ahsani, Dilnawaz A. SiddiquiPB: 1-56564-410-7, $14.95HB: 1-56564-411-5, $24.95Kindle/Google Play: $7.50Pages/year: 172pp/2005

This collection of papers aims to givereaders a brief introduction to theintellectual history of Muslims and thecontributions that eminent Muslim scholarshave made in certain specific fields ofknowledge including basic and appliedphysical and biological sciences, medicine,legal and political theories and practices,economic and financial concepts, models,and institutions, etc.

PARENT-CHILD RELATIONS: A Guide to Raising Childrenby Hisham Altalib, Abdulhamid Abusulayman, Omar AltaibHB: 978-1-56564-582-0, $39.95Kindle/Google Play: $9.95Pages/year: 528pp/2013

This comprehensive guide contains whatyou need to know on how to parent withconfidence. Packed with advice andpowerful tips, using the latest research onchild development and parentingtechniques, it offers a mine of informationon how to let children flourish, take thefrustration out of parenting, and develophappy family relations. Authors provideguidance on developing character,knowledge, values, and skills.

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WHOLENESS AND HOLINESS INEDUCATION: An Islamic Perspectiveby Zahra al ZeeraPB: 1-56564-280-5, $14.95HB: 1-56564-279-1, $29.95Pages/year: 186pp/2001

Critically examining the western, secularapproach to formal education, the authorcontests the value of an education systemfocusing solely on the intellectual andphysical aspects of human development.The author gives credence to theimportance of spiritual and religious factors,as well as scholarly ones, with the overallobjective of forming a whole and holyhuman being who, instead of resisting theparadoxes of life, uses theirinterrelatedness as a means of personaland societal development.


Psychospiritual Studyby Malik BadriPB: 1-56564-267-8, $13.95HB: 1-56564-273-2, $29.95Kindle/Google Play: $6.95Pages/year: 150pp/2000

The author endeavours to distinguishIslamic contemplation from other forms ofmeditation, comparing it to thinking andespecially transcendental meditation whichhas achieved much following in the West inrecent years. The author suggests thatwhen Muslims contemplate the creation, theself and the laws of the Almighty therein,they excel above other contemplatorsbecause they have higher incentives andexpectations from God.

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A GUIDE FOR AUTHORS, TRANSLATORS AND COPY-EDITORS: IIIT Style-SheetPB: 1-56564-282-1, $6.50Kindle/Google Play: $3.50 – Pages/year: 64pp/2002

A concise guide for authors, translators, revisers, copy-editors and proof-readers involved in the production ofmanuscripts for publication. A brief overview of successivestages in the production process is given along withguidelines on how to prepare and submit work. In addition to offering sound advice on dealing with some of thecommon difficulties and problems encountered in translatingmaterial from Arabic to English, it also highlights a strategyfor translation and defines the task of the author, translatorand copy-editor.

STRATEGIC PLANNING AND IMPLEMENTATIONFOR ISLAMIC ORGANIZATIONSby Rafik Issa BeekunPB: 978-1-56564-064-0, $18.95Kindle/Google Play: $9.50 – Pages/year: 220pp/2006

In this book the author shares over two decades of teaching,research, and strategic thinking with Islamic organizationsglobally. He describes the step-by-step processes ofstrategic planning and implementation, and asserts thatthese must be complemented synergistically by leadership,structure, culture, ethics and tawakkul (trusting in Allah) toproduce tangible, sustainable results.

TRAINING GUIDE FOR ISLAMIC WORKERS by Hisham AltalibPB: 1-56564-120-5, $25.00Kindle/Google Play: $9.95 – Pages/year: 416pp/2001

Now more than ever before, young Muslim men and womenneed to improve not only their personal skills but also theirgroup performances. This guide presents easy-to-followinstructions which can be used by those who desire toacquire these skills. It also concentrates on the trainingneeds of young Muslims by condensing the experienceacquired over the last several decades by Muslim leaders.

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l P



THE QUR’AN AND THE SUNNAHby Isma’il Al Faruqi and Lois Lamya Al FaruqiPB: 978-1-56564-655-1, $6.95Kindle/Google Play: $3.50 – Pages/year: 80pp/2014

The Qur’an signified the divine presence and commandedthe greatest honor. The Qur’an, Muhammad claimed withQur’anic approval, indeed dictation, is so beautiful that it isinimitable; it is so inimitable that it is miraculous. It istherefore not the work of humans but of God. In the Sunnahthe values of Islam were given form and became alive. Theythrobbed with moving power. The Sunnah supplied themissing link between thinking and doing, between ideationalapperception and action, between thought and life andhistory.

THE ARTS OF ISLAMIC CIVILIZATIONby Isma’il Al FaruqiPB: 978-1-56564-558-5, $4.50Kindle/Google Play: $2.50 – Pages/year: 34pp/2013

In dealing with any aspect of Islamic civilization, its finalraison d’etre and creative base must be seen as resting onthe Qur’an. Islamic culture is, in fact, a “Qur’anic culture”; forits definitions, its structures, its goals, and its methods forexecution of those goals are all derived from that series ofrevelations from God to the Prophet Muhammad.


SHARIAH AND THE HALAL INDUSTRYby Mohammad Hashim KamaliPB: 978-1-56564-555-4, $6.50Kindle/Google Play: $3.50 – Pages/year: 64pp/2013

When we think of the halal industry we normally think of meatand meat products. But there is far more to the industry thansimply this. The issue of halal touches many areas of Muslimlife, and because the industry is driven by profit and themarket realities of supply and demand, better understandingof Islamic principles is vital.

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APOSTATES, ISLAM & FREEDOM OF FAITH:Change of Conviction vs Change of Allegianceby AbdulHamid AbuSulaymanPB: 978-1-56564-554-7, $5.95Kindle/Google Play: $2.99 – Pages/year: 42pp/2013

In this new and important analysis of apostasy (al-Riddah),the author examines fundamental teachings of the Qur’an,the Sunnah of the Prophet, as well as historical as opposedto scriptural postulates, to uncover the origins of the debateand refute misconception.

THE ESSENCE OF ISLAMIC CIVILIZATIONby Isma’il Al FaruqiPB: 978-1-56564-582-0, $5.95Kindle/Google Play: $2.95 – Pages/year: 38pp/2013

There can be no doubt that the essence of Islamic civilizationis Islam; or that the essence of Islam is tawhid, the act ofaffirming Allah to be the One, absolute, transcendentCreator, Lord and Master of all that is. These twofundamental premises are self evident. They have neverbeen in doubt by those belonging to this civilization orparticipating in it.

MAQASID AL-SHARIAH, IJTIHAD AND CIVILISATIONAL RENEWAL by Mohammed Hashim KamaliPB: 978-1-56564-579-0, $4.95Kindle/Google Play: $2.99 – Pages/year: 60pp/2015

This paper develops the idea of a maqasid-based frameworkfor ijtihad and civilisational renewal (tajdid hadari), a broadand engaging prospect that also involves a review andreappraisal of the methodology of Islamic jurisprudencerelating to both the maqasid and ijtihad.

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THE PEOPLE ON THE EDGE: Religious Reformand the Burden of the Western Muslim Intellectualby Abdelwahab El-AffendiPB: 978-1-56564-357-4, $6.50Pages/year: 46pp/2010

Are western Muslims an endangered species, or are they thefuture of Islam? The accelerated adaptation and changewestern Muslims are pushed to make in order just to survivehas galvanized them into a serious effort of rethinking andreflection.

TOWARDS A FIQH FOR MINORITIES: Some Basic Reflectionsby Taha Jabir Al-AlwaniPB: 978-1-56564-352-9, $6.50Kindle/Google Play: $3.50 – Pages/year: 68pp/2010

Towards a Fiqh for Minorities is an important subject and amuch needed contribution to an area of fiqh that has becomeessential for the well being and development of Muslimcommunities living in the West.

THE ISLAMIC VISION OF DEVELOPMENT IN THELIGHT OF MAQASID AL-SHARIAHby Mohammad Umer ChapraPB: 978-1-56564-441-0, $5.95Kindle/Google Play: $2.95 – Pages/year: 56pp/2008

In this paper Dr. Chapra explores the Islamic vision ofdevelopment in relation to maqasid al-shariah maintainingthat Islam has emphasised all the ingredients of humanwellbeing, including the human self, faith, intellect, posterityas well as wealth for society to flourish.

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MAQASID AL-SHARIAH: A Beginner’s Guideby Jasser AudaPB: 978-1-56564-440-3, $5.95Kindle/Google Play: $2.95 – Pages/year: 72pp/2008

There is a lack of consideration and functionality of theoverall purposes and underlying principles of Islamic law asa whole. These misapplications lead to a lack of spirituality,intolerance violent ideologies, supressed freedoms, andauthoritarianism. Thus, a maqasid approach takes juridicalissues to a higher philosophical ground, and encourages amuch-need culture of conciliation and peaceful coexistence.

MAQASID AL-SHARIAH MADE SIMPLEby Mohammad Hashim KamaliPB: 978-1-56564-442-7, $5.95Kindle/Google Play: $2.99 – Pages/year: 32pp/2008

This paper focuses on a general characterisation of maqasid al-shari’ah and its origin in the Qur’an; the classification ofmaqasid; historical developments and the contributions ofsome of the leading ‘ulama’ to the theory of maqasid; thedifferential approaches the ‘ulama’ have taken toward theidentification of maqasid; and finally the relevance ofmaqasid to ijtihad and the ways in which maqasid canenhance the scope and calibre of ijtihad.

REVITALIZING HIGHER EDUCATION IN THE MUSLIM WORLDby AbdulHamid AbuSulaymanPB: 1-56564-430-4, $6.50Kindle/Google Play: $3.50 – Pages/year: 48pp/2007

This paper calls for reforming our approach to educationparticularly through the Islamization of Knowledge so thatboth divine and human sources are integrated into a powerfulwhole with Revealed Knowledge providing a comprehensive,spiritual and moral guidance in the sphere of human action,universal laws, and scientific and technological knowledge astools for that action.

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MARITAL DISCORD: Recapturing Human DignityThrough the Higher Objectives of Islamic Lawby AbdulHamid AbuSulaymanPB: 978-1-56564-446-5, $3.50Kindle/Google Play: $1.99 – Pages/year: 36pp/2008

This paper examines the issue of marital discord with a deepsensitivity to the perspective of women and the need forfamily harmony. Criticising an approach to the Qur’an that ismisogynistic rather than emancipatory the paper moves thedebate forward by introducing an alternative interpretation ofthe Qur’anic text.

MISSING DIMENSIONS IN CONTEMPORARY ISLAMIC MOVEMENTSby Taha Jabir Al-AlwaniPB: 1-56564-061-6, $5.00Kindle/Google Play: $2.99Pages/year: 64pp/1996

THE ISLAMIZATION OF KNOWLEDGE: Yesterday and Todayby Taha Jabir Al-AlwaniPB: 1-56564-058-6, $4.00Kindle/Google Play: $1.95Pages/year: 48pp/1995

TOWARD GLOBAL CULTURAL RENEWAL: Modernity and the Episteme of Transcendenceby Mona M. Abul-FadlPB: 1-56564-055-1, $4.00Kindle/Google Play: $1.95Pages/year: 44pp/1995

ISLAMIZATION: Reforming Contemporary Knowledgeby AbdulHamid A. AbuSulaymanPB: 1-56564-054-3, $4.00Kindle/Google Play: $1.95Pages/year: 58pp/1994

LAXITY, MODERNISM AND EXTREMISM IN ISLAMby Aisha B. LemuPB: 0-912463-95-3, $4.00Kindle/Google Play: $1.99Pages/year: 48pp/1993

IJTIHADby Taha Jabir Al-AlwaniPB: 1-56566-405-1, $4.00Kindle/Google Play: $1.95Pages/year: 44pp/1993

THE QUR’AN AND THE SUNNAH: The Time-Space Factorby Taha Jabir Al-Alwani and Imad al Din KhalilPB: 0-912463-91-0, $5.00Kindle/Google Play: $2.50Pages/year: 82pp/1995

ISLAMIZATION OF KNOWLEDGE: A Methodologyby Imad Al Din KhalilPB: 0-912463-75-9, $3.00Pages/year: 44pp/1995

OUTLINES OF A CULTURAL STRATEGYby Taha Jabir Al-AlwaniPB: 0-912463-58-9, $3.00Kindle/Google Play: $1.50Pages/year: 36pp/1995

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AL-SHURA: The Qur’anic Principle of Consultationby Ahmad Al-RaysuniPB: 978-1-56564-559-2, $4.50Kindle/Google Play: $0.99 – Pages/year: 28pp/2012

ANTHROPOMORPHIC DEPICTIONS OF GOD: The Conceptof God in Judaic, Christian, and Islamic Traditionsby Zulfiqar Ali ShahPB: 978-1-56564-559-2, $4.50Kindle/Google Play: $0.99 – Pages/year: 80pp/2012

APOSTASY IN ISLAM: A Historical & Scriptural Analysisby Taha Jabir Al-AlwaniPB: 978-1-56564-559-2, $4.50Kindle/Google Play: $0.99 – Pages/year: 28pp/2012

AUTHENTIFICATION OF HADITH: Redefining The Criteriaby Israr Ahmad KhanPB: 978-1-56564-559-2, $4.50Kindle/Google Play: $0.99 – Pages/year: 28pp/2012

CONTEMPORARY APPROACHES TO THE QUR’AN AND SUNNAHby Mahmoud AyoubPB: 978-1-56564-559-2, $4.50Kindle/Google Play: $0.99 – Pages/year: 38pp/2016

EPISTEMOLOGICAL BIAS IN THE PHYSICAL AND SOCIAL SCIENCESedited by Abdelwahab M. ElmessiriPB: 978-1-56564-559-2, $4.50Kindle/Google Play: $0.99 – Pages/year: 32pp/2012

EPISTEMOLOGICAL INTEGRATION: Essentials of an IslamicMethodologyedited by Fathi Hasan MalkawiPB: 978-1-56564-559-2, $4.50Kindle/Google Play: $0.99 – Pages/year: 52pp/2015

ETHICS OF ASSISTED REPRODUCTIVE MEDICINE: A Comparative Study of Western Secular and IslamicBioethicsby Sharmin IslamPB: 978-1-56564-559-2, $4.50Kindle/Google Play: $0.99 – Pages/year: 32pp/2015

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IBN ASHUR: Treatise on Maqasid al-Shariahby Muhammad Al-Tahir Ibn AshurPB: 978-1-56564-559-2, $4.50Kindle/Google Play: $0.99 – Pages/year: 28pp/2013

IMAM AL-SHATIBI’S THEORY OF THE HIGHER OBJECTIVESAND INTENTS OF ISLAMIC LAWby Ahmad Al-RaysuniPB: 978-1-56564-559-2, $4.50Kindle/Google Play: $0.99 – Pages/year: 28pp/2013

RETHINKING MUSLIM WOMEN & THE VEIL: ChallengingHistorical & Modern Stereotypesby Katherine BullockPB: 978-1-56564-559-2, $4.50Kindle/Google Play: $0.99 – Pages/year: 34pp/2010

STUDIES IN ISLAMIC CIVILIZATION: The Muslim Contribution to The Renaissanceby Ahmed Essa with Othman AliPB: 978-1-56564-559-2, $4.50Kindle/Google Play: $0.99 – Pages/year: 32pp/2012

THE QUR’ANIC WORLDVIEW: A Springboard for CulturalReformby Abdulhamid AbuSulaymanPB: 978-1-56564-559-2, $4.50Kindle/Google Play: $0.99 – Pages/year: 28pp/2013

THE SOCIO-INTELLECTUAL FOUNDATIONS OF MALEKBENNABI’S APPROACH TO CIVILIZATIONby Badrane BenlahcenePB: 978-1-56564-559-2, $4.50Kindle/Google Play: $0.99 – Pages/year: 30pp/2013

TOWARD OUR REFORMATION: From Legalism to Value Oriented Islamic Law and Jurisprudenceby Mohammad Omar FarooqPB: 978-1-56564-559-2, $4.50Kindle/Google Play: $0.99 – Pages/year: 48pp/2015

UNDERSTANDING MAQASID AL-SHARI’AH: A Contemporary Perspectiveby Musfir bin Ali Al-Qahtani,PB: 978-1-56564-559-2, $4.50Kindle/Google Play: $0.99 – Pages/year: 28pp/2015

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1. A Young Muslims Guide to Religions in the World, Syed Sajjad Husain, IIIT Pakistan,

1992, 264pp.

2. Civilization and Society, Syed Sajjad Husain, 1994, 314pp.

3. Madina Society at the Time of the Prophet, Akram Diya’ al Umari, (2 Parts in one

volume), 2nd ed., 1995, 472pp.

4. Proceedings of the IIIT Lunar Calendar Conference, 2nd ed., Imad-ad-Dean Ahmad,

1998, 76pp.

5. Role of Private and Public Sectors in Economic Development in an Islamic Perspective,

Ehsan Ahmad (ed.), 1996, 184 pp.

6. Economic Growth and Human Resource Development in an Islamic Perspective, Ehsan

Ahmad (ed.), published jointly with the Association of Muslim Social Scientists (AMSS),

1st ed., 1993, 107pp.


1. Indexation of Financial Assets: An Islamic Evaluation, S.M. Hasanuz Zaman, published

jointly with the Islamic Research Institute (Pakistan), 1993, 120pp.

2. The Making of a Religious Discourse: An Essay in the History and Historiography of the

‘Abbasid Revolution, Muhammad Qasim Zaman, IIIT Pakistan, 1995, 112pp.

3. Origin and Development of Experimental Science, Muin-ud-Din Ahmad Khan, IIIT

Pakistan, 1997, 90pp.

4. Social Laws of Islam, Shah Abdul Hannan, BIIT, 2nd ed., 1997, 37pp.

5. Islam and the Middle East, Mona Abul-Fadl, 1990, 100pp.

6. Sources of Scientific Knowledge: The Geological Concepts of Mountains in the Qur’an,

Z. R. El-Naggar, 1991, 100pp.


1. Knowledge: An Islamic Perspective, Bakhtiar Husain Siddiqui, 1991, 22pp.

2. Islamization of Knowledge: A Critical Overview, Seyyed Vali Reza Nasr, 1992, 28pp.

3. The Challenge of Pluralism and the Middle Way of Islam, Jeremy Henzell- Thomas,

2002, 18pp.


1. Leadership: Western and Islamic, Muhammad Anisuzzaman, Md. Zainul Abedin

Majumder, BIIT, 1996, 67pp.

2. Islamic Business Ethics, Rafik Issa Beekun, 2006, 80pp.


1. Nationalism and Internationalism in Liberalism: Marxism and Islam, Tahir Amin, IIIT

Pakistan, 1991, 106pp.

2. Theories of Islamic Law: The Methodology of Ijtihad, Imran Ahsan Khan Nyazee, 2nd

ed., joint publication with the Islamic Book Trust, Malaysia, 2004, 344pp.







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3. The Socio-Political Thought of Shah Waliallah, Muhammad Al-Ghazali, IIIT Pakistan,

2001, 335pp.


1. Business Ethics in Islam, Mushtaq Ahmad, published jointly with the Islamic Research

Institute (Pakistan), 1995, 211pp.

2. Qur’anic Text: Towards a Retrieval System, Hani Attiyah, 1996, 288pp.

3. Teachers’ Training: The Islamic Perspective, M. Zafar Iqbal, published jointly with the

Institute of Policy Studies (Pakistan), 1996, 300pp.

4. Economic Doctrines of Islam: A Study in The Doctrines of Islam and their Implications for

Poverty, Employment and Economic Growth, Irfan Ul Haq, 1996, 296pp.

5. Working Principles for an Islamic Model in Mass Media Communication, Suhaib Jamal al

Barzinji, 1998, 94pp.

6. Through Muslim Eyes: M. Rashid Rida and the West, Emad Eldin Shahin, 1993, 92pp.


1. I am a Muslim: A Modern Storybook (kindergarten), Susan Douglas, published jointly with

Kendall/Hunt Publishing Company, 1995, 142pp.

2. Eid Mubarak! Islamic Celebration Around the World (1st grade), Susan Douglas,

published jointly with Kendall/Hunt Publishing Company, 1995, 108pp.

3. Muslims in Our Community & Around the World (2nd grade), Susan Douglas, published

jointly with Kendall/Hunt Publishing Company, 1995, 68pp.

4. Traders & Explorers in Wooden Ships (5th grade), Susan Douglas, published jointly with

Kendall/Hunt Publishing Company, 1995, 72pp.

5. Islam & Muslim Civilization (6th grade), Susan Douglas, published jointly with

Kendall/Hunt Publishing Company, 1995, 106pp.

6. Muslims Cities Then & Now (3rd grade), Susan Douglas, published jointly with

Kendall/Hunt Publishing Company, 1996, 288pp.

7. Introduction to Geography: Where in the World Do Muslims Live? (4th grade), Susan

Douglas, published jointly with Kendall/Hunt Publishing Company, 1996, 147pp.


1. Islamic Law of Business Organization Partnerships, Imran Ahsan Khan Nyazee, 2nd ed.,

published jointly with The Other Press, Malaysia, 2002, 366pp.

2. Islamic Jurisprudence, Imran Ahsan Khan Nyazee, 2nd ed., published jointly with The

Other Press, Malaysia, 2002, 405pp.

3. Al-Zakah, M. Zohurul Islam, BIIT, 1999, 232pp.

4. Islamic Law of Business Organizations, Imran Ahsan Khan Nyazee, 1998, 205pp.


1. Muslim Understanding of Other Religions: A Study of Ibn Hazm’s Kitab Al-Fasl fi al-Milal

wa al-Ahwa’ wa al-Nihal, Ghulam Haider Aasi, published jointly with the Islamic Research

Institute, Pakistan, 2000, 231pp.

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2. Trialogue of the Abrahamic Faiths, Ismail Raji al Faruqi (ed.), published jointly with

Amana Publications (USA), 4th ed., 1995, 118pp.


1. Toward Islamization of Disciplines, 1989, 555pp.

2. Toward an Islamic Theory of International Relations: New Directions for Methodology

and Thought, Abdulhamid A. Abusulayman, 2nd ed., 1993, 240pp.

3. Islam and Economic Development, M. Umer Chapra, published jointly with the Islamic

Research Institute (Pakistan), 2nd ed., 1997, 166pp.

4. An Introduction to Islamic Economics, M. Akram Khan, 1997, 153pp.

5. Guidelines to Islamic Economics: Nature, Concepts and Principles, M. Raihan Sharif,

1996, 199pp.

6. Islamization of Academic Disciplines, 1997, 96pp.

7. The Foundation of Knowledge, published jointly with the International Islamic University

Malaysia, Louay Safi, 1997.

8. Contribution of Islamic Thought to Modern Economics (Vol. 2), Misbah Oreibi (ed.), 1998,


9. Islam and Other Faiths, Ismail Raji al Faruqi, published jointly with The Islamic

Foundation, UK, 1998, 370pp.

10. Islamization of Knowledge: Conceptual Background, Vision and Tasks, Salisu Shehu, IIIT

Nigeria, 1998, 84pp.

11. Islamization of Knowledge: Historical Background and Recent Developments, Danjuma

Abubakar Maiwada, IIIT Pakistan, 1999, 42pp, $4.00.

12. Economic Guidelines in the Qur’an, S.M. Hasanuz Zaman, BIIT, 1999, 398pp.

13. Islamization of Knowledge: A Research Guide, Bashir Shehu Galadanci (ed.), IIIT

Nigeria, 2000, 90pp.

14. Islamization of Knowledge: Background, Models and the Way Forward, Sa’idu Sulaiman,

2000, 59pp.

15. Transition to a Riba-Free Economy, Waqar Masood Khan, 2002, 144pp.

16. Towards Islamic Anthropology: Definitions, Dogma, and Directions, Akbar S. Ahmed,

1986, 80pp.

17. Toward Islamic English, Ismail Raji al Faruqi, 2nd ed., 1986, 64pp.

18. Qur’anic Concepts of Human Psyche, Zafar Afaq Ansari, 1992, 118pp.

19. Islam: Source and Purpose of Knowledge, 1988, 368pp, HB.

20. The Organization of the Islamic Conference (OIC): An Introduction to an Islamic Political

Institution, Abdullah al Ahsan, 1988, 156pp.

21. Resource Mobilization and Investment in an Islamic Economic Framework, Zaidi Sattar,

1990, 207pp.

22. Modeling Interest-Free Economy, Muhammad Anwar, 1987, 138pp.

23. Islamization of Attitudes and Practices in Science and Technology, M. A. K. Lodhi (ed.),

published jointly with the Association of Muslim Scientists and Engineers (AMSE), 1989,


24. Islamization of Knowledge: General Principles and Work Plan, International Institute of

Islamic Thought, 3rd ed., 1995, 144pp.

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1. The Education Conference Book: Planning, Implementation, Recommendations and

Abstract of Papers, Fathi Malkawi, Hussein Abdul-Fattah (ed.), 1992, 185pp.

2. Where East Meets West, Mona Abul-Fadl, 1992, 119pp.

3. Islamic Thought and Culture, Ismail Raji al Faruqi (ed.), 1982, 121pp.

4. Essays in Islamic and Comparative Studies, Ismail Raji al Faruqi (ed.), 1982, 120pp.

5. Proceedings of the Twenty First Annual Conference Association of Muslim Social

Scientists, Mona Abul-Fadl (ed.), published jointly with the Association of Muslim Social

Scientists (AMSS), 1993, 589pp.

6. National Security and Development Strategy, Arshad Zaman, published jointly with the

Islamic Research Institute, Pakistan, 1990, 119pp.

7. Man And Universe, Major Md., Zakaria Kamal G., BIIT, 225pp.

8. The Question of Culture, Malik Bennabi, 2nd ed., published jointly with The Other Press,

Malaysia, 2003, 132pp.

9. Islamic Banking and Finance: General Framework and Case Studies, eds., Sa’idu

Sulaiman & Bashir S. Galadanci, IIIT Nigeria, 2003, 192pp.

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HEAD OFFICE:P.O. BOX 669, HERNDON, VA20172, USAwww.iiit.org


The International Institute of Islamic Thought (IIIT) is a private non-

profit, academic, and cultural organization concerned with issues of

Islamic thought. The Institute was founded in 1981 and is headquartered

in Herndon, Virginia, USA with branch offices in several major capitals

throughout the world.

The Institute is dedicated to promoting research, producing publications

and organizing conferences related to Islamic thought and contempo-

rary social sciences.

The IIIT seeks to integrate contemporary scientific methods and knowl-

edge within an Islamic framework through ijtihad in order to overcome

the intellectual and cultural crisis in which the Muslim world is mired

and thereby to reform and revitalize Islamic thought.

The Institute has become a forum through which Muslim scholars have

rekindled an ongoing debate on Islamic intellectualism and thought

through research, publications, conferencing and networking. IIIT has

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major languages such as French, Turkish, Chinese, Urdu, Farsi, Malay

and others.

The Institute also publishes two quarterly refereed academic journals:

- American Journal of Islamic Social Sciences (AJISS) – English

- Islamiyyat al-Ma’rifah: Journal of Contemporary Islamic Thought – Arabic

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