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Eschatology Teachings with Rev Chris Oyakhilome PHD. DSC. DD. /Transcribed by: Sis Chiagozie E-O 1


Transcribed by:Sis Chiagozie Efe-Ovririe (Christ Embassy Abuja Ministry Centre)

Compiled by: Bro Kola Oyegunsen

Eschatology Teachings with Rev Chris Oyakhilome PHD. DSC. DD. /Transcribed by: Sis Chiagozie E-O 2


Ephesians 6:16-You got to have faith because without faith you can't do anything.They're different kinds of prayer but in each pray in the spirit. It's important to pray in the spirit.

1 Corinthians 14:15

He priorities the praying in the spirit. To pray adequately and correctly, you pray in the spirit 1stand then in your understanding.

1 Corinthians 14:13-14Spiritual prayer or praying in tongues is important. Prioritize that.Satan is behind what's happening. Even the decisions made by the government.Satan knows It's not the solution. Because you can't stop airborne disease.

2 Corinthians 10:3- NIV:For though we live in the world, we do not wage war as the world does.

4 NIV:The weapons we fight with are not the weapons of the world. On the

contrary, they have divine power to demolish strongholds.5 NIV:We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge

of God, and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ.

The devil give people instructions. Yes he does. He did with Peter

Mathew 16:231 Chronicles 21:1

Satan wanted to destroy Israel,and he pushed David to carry out a census an that act vexed thelord. Satan moved David by giving him a thought.

Eschatology Teachings with Rev Chris Oyakhilome PHD. DSC. DD. /Transcribed by: Sis Chiagozie E-O 3

There's a spiritual dimension to all of this. What Satan has done with COVID-19

Just like what happened with David ,as he did that the devil sent pestilence and 70 thousandspeople died and David had to cry to God for mercy.

1)This is not God's time for judgement but for mercy. So God is not the one behind this butsatan2) it's the last days and Denmark passed a law that everyone had to be vaccinated on the righthand or forehead and when you deny it your disconnected from every economic activity,frombuying, selling, anything.

This not the time for that, Satan wants to move ahead with the mark of the beast. Satan likesmoving ahead of schedule. He likes it but the Bible tells us the only ones who can stop this isthe church.

2 Thessalonians 2:3-7We're the ones restraining evil today. We're holding it untill rapture. We must restrain him.This is not the proper time. We have to stop Him. That's why we pray in the spirit. Yes use yourauthority in the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ and change things.


Now that our Man of God has declared words of prayers which we participated in, what do wedo with the spoken words of power going forward?

1. Isolate yourself from news about the virus. (Everything we need to know, we already know).2. Do not look for additional information on the Internet, it would weaken your mental state,faith and could cause somatization and cause the words you heard tonight to be of non effectto you.3. Avoid sending fatalistic strings and messages. Some people do not have the same mentalstrength as you (instead of helping you, you could activate pathologies such as depression).Send words of power you received last night from our Man of God.4. If possible, listen to worship musics at home at a pleasant volume. We have enough GospelMusic Ministers in our Ministry you can listen to and CoDi is one of them.5. Maintain discipline at home by washing your hands this is also art of personal hygiene

Eschatology Teachings with Rev Chris Oyakhilome PHD. DSC. DD. /Transcribed by: Sis Chiagozie E-O 4

besides doing it because of COVID 19 which has been destroyed by the power of our words lastnight.6. Your positive mood will help protect your immune system, while negative thoughts havebeen shown to depress your immune system and make it weak against viruses.7. Most importantly, Believe firmly that this has passed and that the universe is created by ahigher being called God who is a God of love not of punishment, whom we prayed to last nightand He answered us.

God bless you


The Word of God has gone forth through the Man of God, Pastor Chris, at a meeting tag"GLOBAL DAY OF PRAYER" with Pastor Chris and Pastor Benny Hinn.

Anything that has no life of God is dead; therefore Covid-19 is dead because it has no life ofGod. Covid-19 is cut off from Nations of the earth. As a result:

We take over our Nations;We take over our churchesWe take over our streets;We take over our schools;We take over our cities;We take over our governmentsWe take over our social lives because social distance is antisocial.Glory to God, victory at last. Let's begin to celebrate God. Hallelujah.


Over 3 billion praying with PST Chris.

This is phenomenal....And for the Virus....the case is very simple....it is dead.......

Eschatology Teachings with Rev Chris Oyakhilome PHD. DSC. DD. /Transcribed by: Sis Chiagozie E-O 5

Your protection is VOICE-ACTIVATED~ Bishop Clarence McClendon


Our man of God declares prayer and fasting from tomorrowMarch 28th - April 3rd.Time: 6am-6pm daily.Pick any two 15-minute slots to pray during this time.

Thanks by Pastor ChrisThanks to all of you ministers of the gospel, and many wonderful saints of God for helping toorganize tonight’s extraordinary prayer meeting. We’ve made tremendous changes in the realmof the spirit. The Lord answered our prayers and blessed us all.

Over 3 billion people participated around the world; probably the largest online prayer meetingever. The testimonies are overwhelming. We’re receiving messages and testimonies from somany who had never been Christians, deeply impacted and received salvation in Christ tonight.The Lord be praised evermore.Watch out for the rebroadcasts, and as we said at the meeting, we’ll have live programs for youand with you everyday for the next 7 days beginning tomorrow

Remember the fasting and prayer from 6am to 6pm daily, be sure to indicate

which 15 min segment of any of these days you’ll be in the prayer chain, using the

link: http://prayer.yourloveworld.org Thanks again. The Lord bless you more and more, inJesus’ name. Amen.

Eschatology Teachings with Rev Chris Oyakhilome PHD. DSC. DD. /Transcribed by: Sis Chiagozie E-O 6


Excerpts from Your LoveWorld

If there were no answers to prayers, then prayers will be useless. When it concerns you, you can pray thefaith prayer once, but when it involves others, you must do it continuously, prevailing prayer.

1tim 2:1-4

God doesn't tell us to do something that doesn't have results.

Most of the problems in some countries is because the Christians there didn't pray as much as they shouldhave.

Learn to pray for your country, learn to pray for your city; for your community, otherwise you are going to letSatan exercise dominion where you should have.

Christianity is not a religion! When you understand the scriptures you’ll know that it is not a religion, it is theliving and pulsating life of God in you. If you have the Son of God, you have life. Not the biological type of life,the God kind of life.

Luke 22:52-54

Acts 26:15-17,

Col 1:12-13

Someone can have an agenda and make you do what you should never have done.

Timing is Important!! Question, what time is it now? What time are we living in now? What does the futurehold?

If God is going to do something with your life that would be beyond your local community, you have to havea vision that is beyond your local community. If you don’t have that care; that concern beyond your family,beyond your local community; your world will be small.

What time are we living in today? Can the Antichrist rule the world today? No, we(the church) will disallowhim.

John 2:1-4, 7:1-5

Luke 21: 20- Matt 24:1-3, 23:37-39

There is a time in God's plan that the gentiles will tread Jerusalem. The times of the gentiles are times theywill dominate Israel, they are times God uses them as judge, to carry out his plans in the Earth.

Eschatology Teachings with Rev Chris Oyakhilome PHD. DSC. DD. /Transcribed by: Sis Chiagozie E-O 7

The times of the gentiles started when a new pharaoh who knew not Joseph started ruling Egypt, whenIsraelites were made slaves.

Jesus gave us authority in His name and He told us to use it. We have to use his authority. We cannot beafraid of anything and that’s why we pray in the Name of Jesus and we command peace in our nation.

What's happening now is supposed to be in full action after the rapture of the church. The signs are thereeverywhere. We don't have so much time. The coming of the Lord is very near. It is so close, the things thatare being prepared now are supposed to be prepared after rapture.

In your life think of how to lift burdens. There are too many people suffering in the World. That’s why youhave to learn to pray for others and love others.”

We are closer to the Rapture of the Church and the Second Coming of the Lord Jesus like never before. In theTime Table of God, We should expect the rapture of the Church 2,000 years after Jesus ascended untoheaven..

Don't ever find yourself using your influence or affluence against the Church. God knows how to deliver HisChurch from every type of trouble. But those that put them into it, ....there is no telling of what will becomeof their future.” Study Mordecai, Haman and Esther. Be wise, keep your tongue, talent, treasure and timeaway from destroying God’s most precious treasure - THE CHURCH

The Bible does not leave us guessing... God's ways are not a mystery to his Children; they are only a mysteryto the world...It is given to us to understand the mysteries of the Kingdom.

The coming of the Lord is very, very near! Get ready now. Tomorrow, you'll learn how to prepare your lifeafter the pandemic.” ENSURE YOU PARTICIPATE AND HOOK UP AN ALL LIVE ON ANY OF THE LOVEWORLDNETWORKS!

Eschatology Teachings with Rev Chris Oyakhilome PHD. DSC. DD. /Transcribed by: Sis Chiagozie E-O 8


*The Antichrist will come and take charge of:*




*Absolute power corrupts absolutely.*

*The nations will give to the Antichrist their power and authority*

*Satan will give him authority*

*Satan will create his own trinity. Himself(the father), Antichrist (the son), the false prophet (the Holy Spirit)*

*This is a rehearsal, Satan is trying to do a phase 1.*

*There are many players in what is going on.*

*He may not be guilty but if he takes advantage of the crime then he is as good as guilty*

*Grassroots murderers Perpetrators and Collaborators. Desk murderers*

*One World Government sounds like a good idea but it all depends on who’s in charge.*

*They have no better time than now. Like 9:11 They will paved a way for some policies to change the worldforever, created a monster, lost a lot of liberty.*

*Now this is another opportunity. The idea for forced vaccination is dead, would not happen.*

*The Antichrist cannot show up yet because it’s not his time.*

*Reasons why their operations for a long time have failed because it is not their time.*

*The Church has 2 days (2000 years) since Jesus walked away, Hosea 6:1-3, Daniel 9:24*

*Jesus is coming back at the end of the Church age and the end of the Church age after two days (2000years)*

*“Revive them “ dry bones in Ezekiel 37:11

James 5:8*

Eschatology Teachings with Rev Chris Oyakhilome PHD. DSC. DD. /Transcribed by: Sis Chiagozie E-O 9

*“A day in the presence of God is a thousand years and a thousand years is as a day”*

*Some Christians will remain on the earth to meet the Antichrist and they will be the fierce preachers*


*There’s war in the world.*

*2 Thessalonians 2:3-6*

*He can’t show up because the fire power in us is too much!*

*1 Thessalonians 4:13-17

*1 Corinthians 15:51-56⚡ *

*The Antichrist is called the son of perdition and the man of sin*

*Until we leave, there can't be no One World, Religion, Government*

*John 16:33*

*1 John 4:1-4*

*Romans 5:17*

Eschatology Teachings with Rev Chris Oyakhilome PHD. DSC. DD. /Transcribed by: Sis Chiagozie E-O 10


There are already calls for One world govt by Gordon Brown and Tony Blair.

Recently to he UN Sec Gen called for a one world economy.

They are using the opportunity of the COVID-19 to call for this thing. They've been clamoring for this thing foryears but now their voice is stronger.

World Citizens Registry already exists.

People support things that they have no clue about.

If you were there in Jesus day, you may have joined those that condemned him.

These guys are finding it easy now through fear propaganda.

"A sustainable global economy must arise once the COVID-19 pandemic is reversed"... Statement by UN SECGen.

*So, how close are we to the coming of Christ?*

Right now, opposing voices are being silenced.

E.g. the president of Brazil was being accused of Misinformation. His post was deleted from Facebookbecause it was said to be misinformation.

BUT, who is the 'police' of information?

So, Facebook now reserves the right to decide what must be there or what must not be there.

There are several groups (leftist) that don't allow dissent or opposing ideas. Yet, they are the champions offree speech. Free speech is only great when it is for them. It's getting worse now.

There has been a recent discussion about the CAUSE of covid-19. It is interesting to note that the scientistscannot tell the origin of viruses. They have no clue.

Mr A, says he Knows. Mr. B says A is wrong. The only way to prove that A is wrong is to have EVIDENCE thathe is wrong.

So why delete someone's material if you have NO PROOF that he is wrong.

Their question is "why are people testing positive?"

Eschatology Teachings with Rev Chris Oyakhilome PHD. DSC. DD. /Transcribed by: Sis Chiagozie E-O 11

A Says something else is making them test positive which is not the virus. So why are people asymptomaticand called carriers?

That's why they are suggesting general vaccination.

They are saying people are testing positive because of 5G wireless network which is 5 times stronger than 4G.

While a writer whose clients are Microsoft, Samsung, etc is saying that it's wrong.

Google EMF research

Where was God when James was arrested by Herod and Killed?

The killing got the attention of the disciples.

It was not God that allowed it to happen.

Jesus had already given them all authority in his name before he ascended.

He said 'whatever you ask the Father in my name, He will give it to you'.

Meaning, it wasn't Jesus that allowed James get arrested; it was the believers fault.

That's why they Prayed ceaselessly once Peter got arrested.

*Col 4:3*

Why pray for a door of utterance to be opened for you when Jesus has already sent you to preacheverywhere? It's because there are adversaries.

Always pray for the Ministers of the gospel.

*Rom 15:30-31*

Struggle in prayer... INTENSE PRAYER... Because there is a war going on.

Paul was already praying Intensely concerning this trip, but he had to ask the Corinthian church to also prayfor him before he got there...so that they would receive the message.

Eschatology Teachings with Rev Chris Oyakhilome PHD. DSC. DD. /Transcribed by: Sis Chiagozie E-O 12

*2 Thess 3:1-2*

Just look at how many times a man of Faith is calling for prayer.

Don't just pray for only you and your family. Pray for Pastors, missionaries, evangelists, that the church inyour city and your pastors would be delivered from wicked and unreasonable men.

(Anybody that assaults a pastor is in danger. In more danger than the pastor. It's mostly people who say theyare Christians that fight Ministers of the gospel. They are bold to enter the church and arrest...but if you area pastor and get assaulted, don't feel bad because they did same to Jesus). Never condemn a pastor. Keepyour mouth closed.

*Pray Now:*

Every plan of Satan to dominate the church is destroyed NOW.

We are in d day of the church.

Pray against policies of Govt that seek to work against the church, for they will not be successful.

Pray that the gospel will have free course, be glorified and effective in your country.

Speak words of Faith and destroyed every evil work of darkness against the churches of Christ in your countryand every nation. Decree it for every nation.

Luke 20:17-18

There are many who would mistreat the church but Jesus said whoever falls on the church shall be broken.

This is the day of the church. The church is not supposed to go underground.

There is currently a lot of persecution going on in LAOS against Christians. They are being told to renounceChristianity or change to their native religion. They banish them into the forest.

*While you have your liberty to serve Christ is the right time to others who are being persecuted*. No oneis immune to persecution, but we can determine how far we allow it to go.

We must pray that the open door which God opens to us in every country, no man will be able to stop it.

Eschatology Teachings with Rev Chris Oyakhilome PHD. DSC. DD. /Transcribed by: Sis Chiagozie E-O 13


What is going on right now is beyond the Covid-19. Its something more sinister

We must be wise as serpents and harmless as doves.

In the days of Esther, everything looked good and fine. But there was a man who was friends with the king.

The Jewish people were at that time in some form of bondage, but enjoyed some form of liberty in a strangeland.

Sometimes, you enjoy liberty but forget you are in a strange place that is not home.

Like every Christian today, the bible says we are in a journey. We are pilgrims and strangers in the earth.

While we are here, we must remember our purpose.

*There's a reason why we are here, and it is for a time*.

*We don't belong in this system*.

The Jewish people were at ease and everything looked good, until Haman just didn't like a certain Jewish manthat he often met when he went to visit the king (Camcorder). So he decided it would be too disrespectful togo after just the one man.

Through his influence, He got the King to sign his decree.

Its amazing how much wickedness one person could execute.

The news got to the Jews, and they fasted, prayed and called to the God of heaven for deliverance. And Godheard their prayer and delivered them from the hand of wicked Haman.

These things have happened again and again.

There are places where Christianity is completely outlawed or forbidden. You find that those countries usedto have many churches before. You ask 'what happened'? And often, there are no answers because theyhadn't asked.

God would never orchestrate such a thing (anything that would forbid the gospel). Now such places peoplehide to talk about Jesus.


Eschatology Teachings with Rev Chris Oyakhilome PHD. DSC. DD. /Transcribed by: Sis Chiagozie E-O 14

*The Christians at that time in that nation were no watching*. They didn't do what Jesus said.

If the Jews in Shushan had no fasted and prayed, they would have also been destroyed.

The Christians in Jerusalem as well. If they had not prayed like they did, Peter would have been killed likeJames was killed.

Thank God for this time you are at home. Don't worry about the virus. God is just giving us TIME to pray. Hadthis not happened, we wouldn't have known all the evil works that had been going on. They think they haveus on lockdown, but NO, they have given us the opportunity to hear God and pray. This is not time forwasting. It is time for prayer because your LIBERTY IS AT STAKE. YOUR PERSONAL LIFE AND FREEDOM IS ATSTAKE. You are at that time when you will determine whether you will go to heaven or go to hell.

There is DANGER that's why we are praying and fasting. We are not ignorant.

That's why we must PRAY

Pray against the works of evil and the HATRED OF CHRISTIANS that has been brewing and seems to beclimaxing in many places now.

In the last few months, they have been talking about antisemitism (the hatred of Jews). Anytime you hearanything about antisemitism, just know the hatred of Christians is close by.

All these happening is just a cloak to cover the real plans of the adversary.

That's why we must pray because IT'S NOT TIME!!!

Daniel referred to the abomination of desolation. Jesus also referred to it.

2 people entered the temple and desecrated the temple by offering a pig to act like the Antichrist. But whenJesus came, he made them know that this 'phase 1' that the devil tried to play was not it.

Our fasting continues. By Friday, we will know if we will continue. But this thing....WE WILL DESTROY IT.

Where do Viruses come from? Scientists don't know because they don't exist in Nature. They are not livingthings. They don't reproduce, they only multiply inside their host.

They were not always there.

*Anything that doesn't exist in nature is MAN MADE*.

The worrisome thing for a lot of people is that they are expecting the academia to ask and answer suchquestions while they live in fear.

Eschatology Teachings with Rev Chris Oyakhilome PHD. DSC. DD. /Transcribed by: Sis Chiagozie E-O 15

If viruses are man made, where did this latest one come from? And why does it resemble the one that hadcome before??

Don't let anyone deceive you. Go online and check for yourself.

*Those who are against this evil having their websites and pages closed down*. YouTube, etc.

It is a war that has been declared by anyone who is against covid19.

Bill Gates said we will eventually have some digital certificates to know who has been vaccinated againstcorona virus. *An invisible "quantum dot tattoo" used to Identify vaccinated kids*.

Its actually a microchip.

Isn't this the Mark of the beast?

When the microchip was tested, the team did not allow TV cameras in that year at Davos.

*Now they have included these digital vaccinations into their 2020 SDGs.* They want to start with thepoorest countries like countries in Africa.

The 3 major thing they are working on;

1. One world Govt.

2. One world economy.

3. One world Religion.

They are trying to centralize everything.

This mark (microchip/digital ID) they want to put on people is not just a mark. It is an intelligent mark. TheBible says if anyone receives that mark, he is completely doomed. There is no forgiveness, or anything. Hewould have no place with God. It is the mark of a man.

There's a reason for it.

Through that mark, you can be controlled. They can control your thoughts.

The Nations that were destroyed in the old testament (e.g. Canaanites) were destroyed because they wereno longer normal human beings. Fallen angels had slept with them, and as such were descendants of thosebeings. They we're corrupted races. Their thoughts were thoughts of devils. They were full of wickedness.

The devil is trying to push his agenda before the rapture of the church that's why we must say NO. We mustpray. Don't assume another person is praying.

Eschatology Teachings with Rev Chris Oyakhilome PHD. DSC. DD. /Transcribed by: Sis Chiagozie E-O 16

When this happens, there is no reversal... That's why we have to Fight it.

Now they are saying "if you don't get this vaccine, you're going to die and you will affect other people". Thenthey will begin to round up the Christians who say they don't want the vaccine, and treat them the way theNazis treated Jews. Terrible.

*The Rapture of the church is the first thing that we should be expecting right now*. .. the church has only"2 days" to be in this world.

Matt 24: 32-34. A generation is about a hundred years according to scripture.

The fig tree is symbolic of the nation of Israel.

When it's branch is yet tender, you know that summer is near.

Matt 24: V29...

Jesus was talking about things that would happen in the last days after the tribulation. He was giving themthe SIGN of his coming.

The elect spoken about isn't referring to Christians.

Jump to Amos 8:1-2. Refers to a basket of Summer fruit. What does it mean?

It means the gathering.

He is saying he has another harvest. He won't be with them again. He leaves them.

Back toMatt 24:32-33 This just shows the timing.

The relationship between the fig tree and the summer fruit is THE GATHERING OF THE FRUIT. This is theperiod where God is with the Gentiles, gathering himself a people.

V34: this refers to the generation where the fig tree has it's tender branch

From 1948, Israel became a nation. Start counting the generation from there. Take a 100 years from there.This exactly also coincides with the '2 days' spoken of.

*During this 100 years from when Israel came back as a nation is when the Rapture, the middle East peacetreaty, the Russian allied invasion of Israel, the one world govt, economy and religion, the broken treatyand the great tribulation will take place*

Eschatology Teachings with Rev Chris Oyakhilome PHD. DSC. DD. /Transcribed by: Sis Chiagozie E-O 17


The nearest sign we have is the gathering of Israel as a nation in 1948. Now we are in Very critical time.

Any thing you want to do for God, do it now!!!!

But we won't allow them to carry out the things which should happen after the rapture Now.

Proverbs 10: 5. Summer is gathering time.


Israel is tender currently. They are still looking for help, because they know they are surrounded by enemies.

2 Thess 2:1. that's the rapture.


There is a difference between the rapture of the church, and the day of Christ.

It refers to the beginning of the millennial reign that starts with Judgement.

1 These 4:16. This is what will soon happen.

1 Cor 15:51.

We will be changed/transformed.

The world will still continue after the rapture. It's after the Rapture that they would implement their laws.

There will be Great Chaos and Judgement on earth when we get Raptured. Such that they will be so ready fora one world leader.

People are dying from covid-19 are dying because they are being left to die and not being given treatment.God will bring those who orchestrated this thing to book in Jesus name. Amen.


Daniel 7:8, 24; 8V23-26 (NIV)

Others will give him power and Satan will give him power too.

He will be the chief of Fake news. He will cause deceit to prosper. He will take a stand against Christ but hewill be destroyed.

Eschatology Teachings with Rev Chris Oyakhilome PHD. DSC. DD. /Transcribed by: Sis Chiagozie E-O 18

Rev 13:1, Dan 9:26-27... This suggests that Israel would have built the 3rd temple and would have begun tooffer sacrifices to God again. Israel would be at peace because of the 7 year treaty which they would signwith the ANTICHRIST. They won't know he is the ANTICHRIST. He would be a popular, well liked person. (first3 and half years)

Ezekiel 38: 10-12. Russia Iran, Persia, the King of the North African countries and their allies...are beingaddressed here prophetically. They would attack Israel and other nations will stand idly by, no one will cometo their aid, but God will intervene and deliver Israel.

After Russia and Co are defeated, the only super power would be Europe (the one that the ANTICHRISTwould be leading) Rev 13:1. Refers to the Mediterranean Sea.

He would be hailed as a great leader for solving the middle East problem. His only threat would be Russiabecause Russia won't support the treaty. So once Russia is defeated, Europe becomes the super power.

Rev 13:4-5

People will begin to praise him for his mighty works. He would exercise his global authority for 3&1/2 years.(The second half of the 7 years)... This is the actual time the GREAT TRIBULATION will start.

Rev 13:6-7

He will make war against the Christians and Jews who would be there at that time. He would be given powerto do that by the nations. (Even Satan can't give him authority to conquer Christians)

2 Thess 2:4 (one world religion)

Rev 13:8-15

The false prophet would even be given power to breathe life into the Antichrist.

V16-17: One world economy

In the Hebrew text, they can use Numbers to tell a name.

The Antichrist will only be revealed at the right time if we disallow him to be revealed before then.

2 Thess 2:5-10

Remember the Parable of the 10 virgins.

Remain afire for God all the time like the 5 wise virgins.

*Make yourself ready!*

Eschatology Teachings with Rev Chris Oyakhilome PHD. DSC. DD. /Transcribed by: Sis Chiagozie E-O 19


2 Chronicles 14:7-13.

1.3million chariots came against King Asa. He was completely outnumbered.

V11: God is greater than all the power of men.

We know what at different times in history happened to the church; when the church slept and the enemysnuck in.

But at any time the church was alert and prayerful, no enemy could succeed. Not once.

We cannot lose the liberty to preach the gospel, to gather in our number as saints. It took a lot for ourpredecessors to achieve this liberty for us. So, NO, we will not lose it.

We will use everything that we have and that we know to prosecute this matter. We will give no place to thedevil.

Instead, we will come out of this with greater liberty, ability and influence.

Pastor Benny


God revealed the power of the blood to Adam In Genesis.

Abel in Gen 4, understood that God would accept a blood sacrifice. God had respect unto Abel's offering.

Noah: unclean animals came in 2 by 2. Clean animals went in sevens... Why? Because of sacrifice.

When God gave Abraham the promise (Gen 12), He understood that the promises of God would not befulfilled without the shedding of blood.

Before God created angels, or the world, He had already spoken the crucifixion of his son. This was evenbefore TIME. God is eternity.

When God saw the blood of Animals shed, he saw the blood of his son (even though he knew the blood ofAnimals could not atone for sin)

Eschatology Teachings with Rev Chris Oyakhilome PHD. DSC. DD. /Transcribed by: Sis Chiagozie E-O 20

From the old Covenant, Adam to Jacob, they understood this relationship.

In Exodus 12: 1-13, 23, Moses was told to tell the people of Israel to shed blood for the Passover.

The lintel is the cross point on the door. (Upper point and 2 side posts)

Jesus also fulfilled the Passover on the cross.

Israel came out of Egypt as a result of the application of the blood.

In Hebrews, we see that we entered into the holy place through the blood of Jesus.

In Revelations, the saints overcome by the blood of the lamb and the word of their testimony.

Exodus 24:1-8; 25: . Moses built the first altar on the hill after they came out of Egypt. He sprinkled the bloodon about 3 million people.

In chapter 25, God then instructed that a Tabernacle be built. Rather than Moses going up and down themountain. After the sprinkling, he decided to dwell with the people.

Pastor Chris

2 Thess 2:3

The Rapture of the church, the second coming of Christ and the Day of Christ are 3 different things.

V4-7 (NIV/Amp)

What is holding the Antichrist back is the church, so that He will be revealed In his own appointed time.

Some say it is the Holy spirit that is the restrainer.

There are 3 restrainers of evil that the bible talks about.

1. Govt.

2. The holy spirit.

3. The church.

Among these 3, which is being referred to in the scripture above.

Definitely not the government

The phenomenon of governments will not be removed from the earth even after the Antichrist is revealed.

Eschatology Teachings with Rev Chris Oyakhilome PHD. DSC. DD. /Transcribed by: Sis Chiagozie E-O 21

2. Not the Holy spirit because... After the Antichrist is revealed, the holy ghost will still appoint 144 Jews , Hewill work through the 2 prophets, and then through the large number of people who will repent during thetribulation period.

3. Only the church would have been raptured before the Antichrist is revealed.

There are 5 different raptures.

1. Jesus and those who went with him to heaven

2. They that are Christ's at his coming (rapture we know)

3. Rapture or the 144 Jews

4. Rapture of the 2 witnesses who will rise from the dead and the whole world will watch them taken away

5. The great multitude of saints who were beheaded and persecuted who will join us just in time for themarriage supper of the Lamb.

The mistake the devil made is getting us upset/angry. Now we are taking action as the RESTRAINERS OF EVIL.

1 John 2:18.

Now, there are already the 'spirits of Antichrist' in the world and the spirit of lawlessness. Satan is alreadycarrying out evil works in the world.

But Greater is He that is in Us than he that is in the world.

No matter what policies they are crafting, only that which favors the righteous cause of the Lord will come topass.

We destroy those policies. We cut them off in Jesus name.

Every technological advancement that comes into play is subject to us. None will be used against us. Theexpectation of the wicked one is overturned in Jesus name

This is the day of the church, not of the Antichrist. We restrain him in Jesus name.

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Pst. Benny:

The doors of opportunities for the gospel will be amazing after this. We need to be prepared to use it.

Doctors are now on their knees praying. This has created a new season for us to preach and demonstrate thegospel with so much power. We have to go all out for the Lord NOW. We must finish strong in the little timewe have left. No distractions. Run the race with excitement, patience and Joy.

We also need to pray for Pastor Chris.

GLOBAL DAY OF PRAYER WITH PASTOR CHRIS - Day 7, April 3Faith comes by hearing God's word.

And we need Faith today...in a day of fear and panic all around the world. God's people can minister faith tothose who don't have it. You have that faith, but you must increase and strengthen it to deal with the issuesand crisis of life.

We won't fast tomorrow and Sunday, but we will fast from Monday.

What is going on around the world is something we must take very seriously.

The forces of darkness that we are contending with are very desperate.

We cannot sleep and let them have their way.

The gospel is too important for us to keep quiet and let them shut the door around us.

*Don't think that what is going on has anything to do with a virus.*


The world has chosen to be deceived as they have been deceived many times before.

When the Y2K propaganda machine went on around the world, and the year came and passed with manynation's spending and budgeting for what was to come, No one asked questions. People only updated theircomputers....but we had been told of catastrophic results if the nations did not update their equipment.Most spent money...couldn't meet up etc..but nothing happened.

This is not the first pandemic...but where went the other ones? No one is asking.

Anything that does not exist in nature has got to created by someone.

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It's a war that's been going on for long between the profession and the BUSINESS.

The medical profession and the MEDICAL BUSINESS are 2 different things.

Those who makes business of the profession are the ones who create opportunities to make more money.And the Love of Money is the root of all evil.

Those in the business are beclouding the professionals. The professionals know it is true but don't have theboldness to face the professionals...because the deep state (business) control the bureaucrats (professionals).

We have 2 types of research in the world.

Professional research and Business research.

The business research is done by these guys be) hiring professionals) to produce the result they want.

The lawmakers were brought into office to craft laws and regulations...but when they have good ideas,lobbyists and interest groups come up to influence decisions.

This is the reason why many countries have not developed in the last 20 years. (Africa's case is a completelydifferent ball game).

There is Nothing to fear. This is just a global siege of the nations. And because we are being orderly andrespectful, we obey but we are not stupid.

Imagine that now in the UK, they are rationing water. Some are rationing eggs, etc.

These things were foretold in the Bible. ...IF YOU WANT TO FIGHT WITH ANYBODY, FIGHT WITH THESCRIPTURE.

A ministers job isn't to engage the politicians or professionals but to tell the truth, pray and hear from God.

There are different interest groups in the world and it is obvious what they are interested in.

Do your research and Listen to BOTH SIDES!!!! Not just the side that says 'it is fine'. Get ALL THEINFORMATION.

It is very easy to know what it's all about.

(Video play from the KLA website. From the 7th minute. It's an interview of a well known doctor in Germany)

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The counter they use for this pandemic never stops. They never deduct the number of people who have beencured.

That's the WHO standard . They also don't state whether the victims had other underlying illnesses like Flu,etc... Once the person dies, they say it is Corona. The plan is to frighten the people. It's like the Resident Evillife.

But this is even the season of Flu, but because the whole world is focused on Corona they don't talk about it.

Fear weakens the immune system.

Doctors need to speak up.

China that is the city it came from, they live close together, produce a lot with cheap labor without masks etc,then they have the 5G trials there too.

It is always the Experts of the WHO that SPREAD fear and panic. From the time of the Swine Flu, Bird flu etc.They make fatal predictions just to keep people on edge.

Lockdown is hilarious, because you cannot lockdown a virus. We are constantly being fooled. Where does thetheory come from that the Virus makes us sick? It's just a plot to create vaccinations.

This should be rectified, but no one does it.

If as a doctor you speak up, you are labeled a conspiracy theorist or a mad man or your license is revoked.Sad!

Doctors are only learning theoretically.


Doctors go to the media to say 'we are in despair. We don't have masks and gears anymore' making everyonebelieve that it is blocking the virus. Crap!!!

The pharmaceutical companies were already producing vaccinations to combat the pandemic (big business)but it's either China was too early or the pharmaceutical companies were 2 months to late with theirproduction.

(Check out kla.tv)

Eschatology Teachings with Rev Chris Oyakhilome PHD. DSC. DD. /Transcribed by: Sis Chiagozie E-O 25

Pastor Chris:

The New world order has several groups interested in it. (This is what the ANTICHRIST will be pushing andriding on).

They have come up with a brilliant idea: ID2020. The main thrust is VACCINE. (Several groups are alsoinvolved in this. In some cases, if you don't study their documents properly , you won't know what they areabout). The goal was to do this in the year 2020.

They had 2 ways to do this.

1. Working through Health.... Set up a Pandemic (Covid-19)

2. Technology : Internet of Things (IOT), to make EVERYTHING THAT CAN BE CONNECTED, TO BECONNECTED. Outwardly, it looks like a very brilliant idea.... BUT....

they are not just trying to connect your devices, (e.g. connecting your house and your phone etc) ...they say'everything and anything that can be connected will connected)... They don't tell you that YOUR BODY CANBE CONNECTED. It is the science behind electromagnetism.

You become part of the connection of your house and devices but it doesn't stop there.

This is a great breakthrough in technology BUT once that happens, you can also be controlled as your devicesare controlled. Signals can be sent to your brain. This is pure science.

This is why God said, if anyone takes that mark of the beast, he is lost forever...because you are no longeryourself.

That's why they plan to start vaccinating children from a certain age.

They release the virus to create FEAR...and with the Fear, you would be willing to collect the vaccine.

They also want to use 5G which is 10times as powerful...which is to be sold in such a way that everyonewould embrace.

So they give us a virus to fear and a 5G to embrace.

Politicians are not doing research, they are just embracing the technology.

They DIDN'T TELL YOU that the Vaccines would be coming with Digital ID.

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In fact they are pulling down some of the articles off the internet and re-editing their previous articlesbecause many people are now researching it

As per covid-19, Saudi Arabia has approved the chloroquine treatment because they know that it works.

The COVID-19 doesn't kill people. But people are dying because they are being left to die. It is possible torecover from it just like the flu but the business groups don't want you to know that.

The ID2020 alliance targets poor countries. They are in partnership with Bangladesh. The want to leverageimmunization as an opportunity to establish DIGITAL IDENTITY. (Identity through numbers. Everyone wouldhave a personal number. You won't even need your passport. It's a number on your body)

They want to track Individuals. They updated their website 26th March.


Imagine that during this isolation period, THEY ARE SENDING PEOPLE TO LAY 5G FIBRE LINES SECRETLY INDIFFERENT LOCATIONS. (ignoring the social distancing talk...just to achieve their agenda). That's why theyneed everyone inside for weeks so that they can set up effectively. Scientifically, staying indoors is thestupidest thing ever.

Are these intended to scare you? NO.

This is NOT God's judgement of the nations. It's just the work of Satan who likes to work ahead of his time

Revelations 13:15-18

Some old manuscripts came up with the number 616 instead of 666. (Latin version of the name). People eventaught Caesar Nero who persecuted Christians, was the ANTICHRIST.

It's important to already study project within context. When a prophecy is fulfilled, it is accurate.

Some Christians would be wrong to assume that this is the era of the Antichrist, or that this is what issupposed to be happening now...but it is not time. That's why everyone should study and pray that things bealigned into God's perfect will.

The Antichrist may have structures but those structures cannot Lord it over us AT THIS TIME.

THAT'S WHY WE'VE GOT TO SAY NO. Can we really know the Bible and let those things happen to us? NOWAY!!!!

Eschatology Teachings with Rev Chris Oyakhilome PHD. DSC. DD. /Transcribed by: Sis Chiagozie E-O 27

EVEN during the tribulation to come, multitudes will refuse to take the Mark and God will accept them.

THIS DECEPTION is one of the worst the world has seen.


We want to make sure that things move in the direction of the spirit.

We must pray that this evil work of Satan be destroyed completely.

As we pray, we are using powerful weapons. No one is shielded from our prayer.

The church of Jesus Christ is delivered from wicked and unreasonable men.

Those that desire to create a luciferian society cannot Lord it over us in Jesus name.

The plan for this evil vaccine of control, we reject it absolutely in Jesus name.

If we are to allow this...this totalitarianism, What is meant to follow is the greatest persecution of God'speople everywhere.

Imagine the shutting down of churches so far.

Thank God some states have decided that they won't close the churches anymore.

Imagine that they aren't able to close mosques.

We are not saying they should close down the mosques but they should open churches as well. .it has beenproven that Churches HEAL PEOPLE. A serious nation should do their own research and leave churches alone.

Dan 12:1-2; 8:24-25. Matt 24:15-21. Rev 13:5-

We cannot keep quiet.

We can't allow him do this because we know what follows.

Those hospitals and isolation centres would be turned into prison camps by the ANTICHRIST. They would giveChristians a chance to renounce Christ before they kill them.

Pray with all the faith and wisdom you have.


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Eschatology Teachings with Rev Chris Oyakhilome PHD. DSC. DD. /Transcribed by: Sis Chiagozie E-O 29


Dan 8:23-25 NIV.

When they FEEL SECURE, He will destroy many.

Jesus called Satan the Father of lies and a Murderer. He is the very epitome of deception.

The power that the Antichrist wields is the power of Satan. He will lie and murder in deceit.

We are seeing this type of manifestation going on and we can't just close our eyes and say it is ordinary. No!We've got to stop the devil in his tracks.

He WILL DO ALL THOSE THINGS anyway, but it shouldn't be now.

We need to continue to pray till we have the consciousness that it is all done. We can't stop halfway.

We can't be like the king who struck only 3 times and stopped. It is better to overdo it and paralyze thepower of the enemy.

You are in Christ Jesus, and because you are in Christ, remember that Greater is he that is In you than he thatis In the world.

So many still need to come to Christ. We must prepare for the massive harvest that must take place beforethe rapture.

Pray for the nations of the world and the leaders for BOLDNESS to do what is right for their countries.

We have to look at Patterns set in the word of God.

It is never too much to pray. Take responsibility.

Whenever the Isrealites had a problem, everyone gathered including the children

God listens to even children and hears their voice when they pray.

We are praying that things happen inline with God's perfect will.

The Parable of the wheat and tares: while men slept, the enemy sowed tares.

Don't be found sleeping (not being spiritually alert)

This year 2020 was announced as the year of perfection and alignment. Bringing things to God's perfect orderand timing.

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The month of March, God told us it was the month of Knowledge.

We were so busy with God's work, not noticing what the one world Govt people were doing. Thank God thatso much knowledge has come to us on satanic works that have been happening.

That's the reason we are fasting and praying. We know we can't just be quiet of let things carry on.

They are those who think 'how can the whole world be deceived?'.

Remember Y2K.

All the governments of the nations were spending billions of dollars in preparation.

There was FEAR of what was going to happen. Everyday, analysts were on TV talking about all the things thatneeded to be done.

They never told us the truth that it was just a SMALL ADJUSTMENT that needed to be made in the date.

Guess what? Nothing HAPPENED.... and no one apologized or explained why nothing happened. Everythingjust went on as though all that propaganda never took place.

Why? Nations and governments were deceived.

Regarding this covid-19: People should get TREATED and not be left to die.

Sean Hannaty of Fox news gave a news report a day ago to call on Gov. Cuoma to stop preventing peoplefrom getting chloroquine treatment. He actually challenged the governor.

Many people have been successfully treated with the same drugs. The drugs have been tested and proven .

So, the idea that it is incurable till a vaccine comes is UNREALISTIC.

NOT EVERYBODY LIKES TO HEAR the truth. Some want the situation to remain like this, which is very unfair.

We are not crying WOLF where there is not.

There are clandestine plans to keep things this way so that they become what they call 'the new normal'.There are lies that would be given... E.g. some scientists are now publishing that the earth is no longershaking because of the lock down. If it is so good, why won't they suggest that we all remain on lockdown?

That's their strategy....

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If you live in the UK, visit change.org. Help them reverse the Corona virus bill that was passed last week. HCBill122... Go read and study it intelligently (Forced detention and isolation, lockdown powers will preventprotests etc.... Just read the horrible things being signed into law). You would think this was China.

Right now, they need 200,000 signatures to reverse that bill Urgently!

They rushed through it and passed the bill... WHILE MEN SLEPT.

If this is happening with US HERE, what will happen to this world when we are gone.

We are having evidence ... The time of the Lord's return is near.

All the incidents of the past and this one are just Satan's dress rehearsals.

We are in the last days.

Review the notes on the things that will shortly be.

Psalm 102:16-18

Build: raising children

Generation to come: The last generation (original translation).

Which is the last generation is THIS GENERATION that is on during the 70th week of Daniel's vision.

The people which shall be CREATED shall praise the Lord (as in marriage.... Original translation).

John the Baptist had spoken at the Jordan, "God is able to raise children out of these stones unto Abraham"...It was a prophecy, not a threat.

Dan 7:23-25 (that's 3 and half years)

In every crisis, there are those who have taken advantage to come up with laws and regulations that domore harm than good.

A lot of times, its not even the crisis itself that is the problem, but our response to the crisis which is moredevastating. Lives are lost, liberties reduced... So many things happen.

So, we are looking beyond the crisis itself. It is nothing compared to what it can be used for.

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It is the dangerous steps that could be taken by Governments and organizations.

Its the advice that many may be given as a fall out of those crisis. These are the things we are praying about.

The crisis in itself is nothing. Its what it could be used for.

E.g. at a crisis period like this, many governments apply "emergency rule". This means the Parliament ishardly needed at this time. They rule by 'decrees' and executive powers. The executive is given emergencypowers because there is no time for debate. No time for research. No.time to fins out whether the step to betaken is right or wrong.

Such times are very delicate because decisions could be made that are not right.

So we have got to pray.

History is replete with stories and stories of this.

Governments adopt a totalitarian rule. The question is... At a time like this...who is hearing from who?

At a time when nations are not sure of what to do... WHO ARE THEY LISTENING TO?

The WHO is supposedly an Organ of the U.N. It is defined as an agency of the U.N. What you would think isthat all the nations are involved in their decision making...but that is wishful thinking.

In the last decade, more than 70% of its income has come from organizations and private individuals. He whopays the Piper dictates the tune. Their autonomy has become questionable.

Do your research on where it gets its money from.

If its not coming from the countries, then the countries votes are minimized.

If an organization like that must be fair and pursue its mandate rightly, Then it should not be funded byinterest groups. It will seek to fund those interest groups.

Let's research on this.

E.g. The sugar industry approached congress in the USA as a pressure group to scrap funding to the WHO.Similarly the pharmaceutical industry which as major funders value profits over access to basic health...

Eschatology Teachings with Rev Chris Oyakhilome PHD. DSC. DD. /Transcribed by: Sis Chiagozie E-O 33

This is why we would have to pray with knowledge. We must pray that God will guide them to make the rightdecisions. Our role is to pray. Christian Politicians can argue in parliamentary. Everyone has a role to play.

Every law maker should read bills and do research before signing bills.

The next Phase of Prayer:

When Jesus wanted to cast out demons from the mad man of Gadara, they were negotiating to be driven toswine.

The devil is trying to negotiate forced vaccines on Children since adults have knowledge. This would makechildren properties of the state.

Spiritually, we must refuse Satan's negotiations.

Pharaoh was negotiating that the Israelites leave their children and cattle behind, but Moses Insisted thateveryone be let go.

Same way, we must pray that there would be no forced vaccination for children. We forbid it!!!

Pls download our LIVE TV Mobile APP.

The world is going to see a resurgence of Dictatorship as never seen before. They want to make the senateuseless.

There is a move by certain people to block dissent.. Free speech is only free when they are talking.

Remember what happened just before the 1st world war in Germany. People were happy looking forward tothe future. When war broke out, they went back into despair. Hitler began his evil work which eventually ledto the 2nd world war.

This time, it's somewhat different but we have the same feeling. No nation is at ease. When there are armedsoldiers on the street is NOT A SIGN OF PEACE.

Living for Jesus is not difficult at all.

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If you have not accepted Jesus into your heart, do so right now.

He told us about these days, and he said when we see things things happening, we should know that hiscoming is near.

Make a commitment to Jesus Christ.

Years ago we told people that what is happening RIGHT NOW is possible, they didn't believe it. .what'shappening is like reading a book or being a part of a film that you never rehearsed.


*SAY these words: "Oh Lord God, I believe in Jesus Christ the son of God. I believe he died to save my soul. Ibelieve God raised him from the dead and he is alive today. I confess with my mouth, Jesus Christ is Lord ofmy life from this day. I accept eternal life into my heart from this day. Thank you Father for I am born again.*

If you prayed this prayer with your heart, God heard you. Satan has no claims over you anymore. You belongto Jesus Christ. Praise the Lord.

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- PST. T.T. Edun:

Psalm 2:1-11

Why do the Heathen rage?

V4: He that sits in the Heavens shall laugh.

Proverbs 19:21 KJV, NIV

Prov.19.21 - There are many devices in a man's heart; nevertheless the counsel of the LORD, that shall stand.

It doesn't matter what anyone is trying to concoct or how they are trying to change seasons and times... Weare praying. Whatever they are imagining is a vain thing.

We will pray for leaders of municipalities. Some times the plans of God are opposed by mayor's officecities..but we are declaring that their plans will not prevail.

We are cutting down the influence of 'online influencers'. We cut off their power. Jesus is the greatestinfluencer.

Any one that exalts themselves against the power of God, we cut off their influence.

In scripture, in the time of Elijah, God told him he had 400 prophets who had not bowed themselves to Baal.

There are people in this world who are in support with our view points. We will pray for them to speak up,emboldened. People with voices in the realm of medicine, banking, etc... They are emboldened to speak upand cause the counsel of God to be established in the land in Jesus name.

Pastor Chris:

We started today's session in prayers and we will have some more time of prayer.

The Lord never asked us to pray in vain.

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He told us to pray, because he planned to answer.

Sometimes, we tend to leave things about our lives to other people because we think they know better sothey will do what is necessary..just like children. Little kids trust their parents and leave their decision makingto the parents.

Every Adult was once a child, so it's in each one of us to trust.

As a child, you trusted your parents to make decisions. And when they made decisions about things you likede.g. Sweets, games, candy... They could withhold them, and even if you cried, you had to submit to them.

As adults, when you've recognized a certain authority, you tend to leave decision making to them.

All over the world, we left decision making to the Government..the state.

And that's not a bad thing.

After all, governments of nation's are generally people who are part of the country. They are one with thepeople...so there is some measure of trust that is good.

What we are saying today is not so much a direction of duty by trusted govts... But if there is anyway todescribe what's going on right now...it's a STATE CAPTURE.

Because these countries are not being run right now by their governments. Sad to say.

It helps us to understand even better what the Bible says about the nations giving their power and authorityunto the beast. (In Revelations)

We can see it so easily.

E.g. the lock down of the cities and countries was not the plan of the countries. No parliament sat downtogether to discuss a lockdown. It just came out of a play book.

We pray guided with Information because God always wants us to be specific when we make requests

Interesting...in October 2019, there was a simulation titled EVENT201... A simulation of what is happeningright now. How could they have been so accurate? In that simulation, certain people in government andindustries were brought in...like a board meeting... To see how they would react if an actual pandemic wasimminent.

It's interesting because if the organizers of the event.

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Check centre for John Hopkins health security website. Read the information for yourself.

(Bill and Melinda gates were a part of this)

How could they be so ACCURATE???

The accuracy is suspect, knowing they are not prophets that give revelation.

This video was shown in October last year and a few months later, it goes everywhere.

The organizers of the event and the ones to be questioned.

The idea is STATE CAPTURE because even if the governments of the nations are not aware, they are currentlybeing told what to do... BY WHO??. That's why it has become really dangerous.

Every nation needs to do THEIR OWN RESEARCH.

Get your local associations to do their research and ask questions .

The WHO is more than. 70% funded by private individuals with their private interest.

Do your own study on the WHO and how it is run.

These same funders were part of this simulation. 6 months later, they give the same instructions.

The lock down is the most unscientific way to handle viruses. How can scientists come up to say these kind ofthings? That we are holed up in homes so that we will not be infected?

You cannot hide from a virus by hiding in your bedroom.

First, they said it is transferred by coughing or sneezing so we must wash our hands...and now it stays onsurfaces for 4 days...is that not the definition of being airborne? So what are we doing inside the house???

If most people affected by the virus will not get sick, why not allow people get exposed to the virus so thattheir immunity will be boosted.

If most people ARE GOING TO BE INFECTED like they are telling us... It means they will separate the infectedones from the other ones.

These people are pushing for a drastic reduction in population. So how can this pushing for drastic populationreduction produce a vaccine to help us???

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Pray...because the sinister plan is very terrible.

Just think... They come to your house, and there are 5 of you... They say they are testing. 2 kids are notinfected, but the parents are not. They separate parents from Kids and everyone is crying.

They would rather take the kids because they want to create a new breed of people.

Look at recent history. What happened to Chechnya, to Yugoslavia? Have we so easily forgotten thegenocide? Man's inhumanity to man is so easy to promote. When friends suddenly become enemies.

Have we forgotten Hitler's plan to separate the perfect race from all others?

It's the same devil. He uses the same method...just different ways.

John 8: 43-44

Satan is a murderer and a liar. He carries out deep deception.

God is not the author of this thing. Don't beg God.

Pray with words of Authority condemning it to a halt and to a stop.

God is not the killer.

Satan is.

Meanwhile, the DG of the WHO is not even a medical doctor because it is a political appointment. Experts aremeant to argue from a different view. It is wrong to silence dissenting voices. Let all sides present theirresearch.

As a fall out of Boris Johnson's ill health, WHO is now proposing that they move into families to removemembers. 'in a safe and dignified manner' Haaaaaa! A WHO official dropped that Hint so casually. Hmm.

It's like you are watching a film and you are forced to be a part of it.

This same official in the WHO was part of that simulation that held last year.

They already plan for the lock down to continue in rounds.... First round to reach June.

They want it to become THE NEW NORMAL.

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JESUS told us who the adversary is, and what he will make people do.

They are influencing governments to clamp down on dissenting vices, and putting soldiers in the streets.(Some countries are even now requesting soldiers to assist).


Matthew 8: 28-29.

If demons could negotiate with Jesus because it was not time, we also can RESIST because it is not their time.

Several days ago, one of the 'players' of the ID2020 Began to express that the next major place is going to beAFRICA and he said Many are going to die. So... What does that mean? If you know many are going to die,won't you do something to stop it? If you know that people are being infected in their homes, doesn't thatshow that the homes are not the best places to be? Can't they see the lock down isn't working?

This person is expecting hundreds of thousands of people to die in African countries.

If you area African and you're watching this, what are you going to do?

It's the same people that did that simulation that are saying this.


That God will give the various governments the courage to stand against this evil. We will pray that God willgive them COURAGE to turn down any offers they are given. To say NO to wicked and unreasonable men.


REV 14:

Imagine that if in 4G, you were able to connect 10,000 devices, with 5G, you can connect 3million.

The possibilities are extraordinary.

So if it's so wonderful, why are we against it?

God created us in his own image.... But he doesn't use his power to control our will. Instead, he comes to youwith his love...even though he made you

Satan is a Tyrant.

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God negotiated with you with his word.

He shows you what is right from what is not right. He still gave Israel the option to choose between life anddeath.

He never leaves you in the dark.

Jesus on earth never intimidated anybody, yet he was God in flesh.

Every time a man has had some power, he dominates other men.

5G network shows you how far men can go. Remember the tower of Babel. God said 'unless these men arerestrained, nothing would be impossible to them...even to their self destruction. If it takes them 10millionyears, they will still continue.

Point it... With the 5G, there's a lot of beautiful things BUT one of the things it does is ...it provides thatCAPACITY to provide a new 'creation' of man. It is the final union between Man and machines. A humanbecomes part man,part machine. His mind becomes 2 fold... A Human mind, and a Computer mind. This hasbeen the desire of science for so long.

God made a new man in Christ Jesus. Satan also wants to create a new man.

What's the big deal?

Think like this: You want money from an ATM, the machine already knows your mind and the funds aredrawn.


God is against the mark of the beast because you won't be a perfect human. Thoughts would be introducedinto their minds. Satan has to force men to obey his will.

He has always wanted worship.

We won't focus on the events that will happen after the rapture.

We have to pray to put things in their right place.

In Rev 14:9-11-

This is something to resist with all your life.

Jesus said Pray that you be counted worthy to escape these things.... The things that will happen after we aregone.

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This is the reason for the cashless society. Now they say we can transmit infection through cash. Scientificallystupid points. What about other things that we pass? Why cash? That's not the big thing. The big thing is thereason behind it.

We have a short time in this world where we must preach like never before. We need men to understandthat we are in the last days.

The devil is just a liar. We have been speaking to over 2billion people everyday. This has never happenedsince the beginning of the church till this day. People are listening from every nation.

Whatever is shared is thoroughly researched because of the crowd we are speaking to.

We have overcome them because Greater is he that is in us that he that is in the world.

1 John 4 :3-6 The spirit of Antichrist is already in the world and is carrying out his acts. God gives isdiscernment to know his devices. .

We hail from God and have overcome them.


We pray for all nations. The power of these virus is destroyed completely.

This evil spirit of killing and murder will not prevail in your country. Those plans are foiled by the power of theHoly ghost. The nations are delivered from this evil work.


Please remember to download the LIVE TV APP. some cities and nations may want to suppress the truth fromour programs. Just use the app and use your smart view and beam it on your TV set.

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This is a fasting and prayer program.

It's very important for us to pray in these times.

There are different seasons and times in life.

All the days are not always the same.

James 5:13-

This shows that there are different seasons. Sometimes for some reasons you may be heavy at heart. At suchtimes, you should pray and not complain.

If you are merry, sing Psalms.

So many things have happened in the last few weeks to different people. Think of what many have had to gothrough. It's almost unquantifiable what has happened all around the world. Some may never get theirbusinesses back. Some have lost so much money. Think of the fact that there are some who have lostrelatives. So many things!

And there are those wondering, 'how much longer will these things be'.. and that's why we are prayer. That itwill be shorter than anybody planned. That's why we pray.

..so that God will give the leaders of nation's the wisdom and the COURAGE to do what is right for theirdifferent countries.

Because the situation in each country is not necessarily the same... And that's why nations need to do theirown study and research.

People are bothered by 2 major things: the virus and 5G.

Do your own study. Don't rely on what some others may be telling you because... Just imagine ...what if theyare wrong???

We know that they've been wrong before. Is it impossible for them to be wrong?

After all, if you take the discipline to do your study and not just rely on what another organization is tellingyou (especially not those run by interest groups), you need to be sure.

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One thing formal education does for you is, it inspires in you the desire to learn. It increases that desire..andgives you that intelligence to sort out Information.

The idea that the public is always misled is unfair. That's why you need an educated society. If you have that,people can obtain knowledge by themselves. But if you have a certain group that decide anything that is notconsistent with their thought is wrong, then you are opening the door for a totalitarian system.

You can't support freedom and suppress dissent.

In history, some of the proponents of freedom, when they got into power became very repressive. If youbelieve in something, you aren't afraid for someone else to challenge your belief.

Jesus let people air their views and he responded. That's Jesus!

What if the other guy has access to information that you don't have access to. Isn't it possible?

What information do YOU Have? Does who have platforms to propagate other people's informationshouldn't censor it unless it is abusive.

Why would the ANTICHRIST want to have one world govt, economy and religion? He understands the powerof religion.

Religion is not only about a god you believe in. It may not be a god. Religion is about faith, belief, trust.... Andthese are synonymous with themselves.

If you tell.me something that I can't see with my optical eyes, I can believe or not believe. And to have meaccept your opinion, you have to make me believe you.

You can choose to believe or not to believe. It is the exercise of your human spirit.

The Bible says, with the heart, man believes unto righteousness. Believing is not with your brain. You believewith your heart/spirit. The more reason why the source of your information is important because you will beexercising your spirit to believe or not. You can believe something that's false.

There is an effect in your believing something that's right or wrong. It affects your person, life, emotions andfuture.

Your spirit has that compass that is directed with your believing.

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That's why God sent his holy spirit to help us. So that when we preach the word of God, he convicts men oftheir sinfulness. We can't do it ourselves.

If you go to Israel, there may be evidence that Jesus lived there, but they can't give you evidence that he wasborn of a virgin. Only Mary could know. What proof did she leave?

Or that He ascended to Heaven... Where is the proof? Enoch and Elijah were the only ones who had beencaught up before. In Elijah's case, other prophets didn't even believe.

To believe in Jesus Christ requires supernatural help... That's why God sent the holy Spirit to help us convictand convince men that Jesus is alive today, and that his name has power.

His word is his evidence.

His life is us is his evidence.

These are matters of Faith. It transcends religion. Believing or not is in everything about you. In every part ofyour life.

It's sometimes disturbing when you have those who want to enforce their own belief on others.

You should share the message/gospel and let them make up their minds.

It is possible to believe a lie, and you can disbelieve truth.

You can champion a lie all your life. .but YOU WILL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR WHAT YOU BELIEVE.

You can't blame someone else.

Jesus told the Jews 'SEARCH THE SCRIPTURES'.

Paul told Timothy " Study the word".

Go into the scripture yourself. Check!!!! That's the way it ought to be.

No one should be angry with anybody about those who believe 5G is good or not good.

It's unfair. Just do your own INDEPENDENT RESEARCH.

Ask questions from Independent professionals.... (Not the marketer of the product). Everything a marketerwill tell you will be good.

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Until you have Independent study, it is UNWISE to do something that is for the public that you don't haveenough information on.

There should be lot of scientists, engineers etc that can give information, who are not funded by those in theindustry.

That God for what is happening with the Corona virus now. The figures that were estimated for death, arenow pretty less.

All kinds of conditions were being locked together as the figures for the virus.

15 hours ago, this information was confirmed by Birk.

The most official figures provided for this are provided by John Hopkins centre which were part of thesimulation last year. How???

The other organization collating figures is sponsored by one of the players who participated in the simulation.

You can't look at such things and close your eyes. You should ask 'what is this'?

It's important to study WHAT IS KILLING PEOPLE ENMASSE? Every country will have different answers.

It's important to investigate.

We will continue to pray. The nations will continue to ask THE RIGHT QUESTIONS.

2 Years ago, Angel Merkel suggested that for there to be peace, nations would need to cede control tomultilateral organizations.

But that time has not come.

This was a global siege. Over 180 countries took the instruction to shut down, and almost none did a researchbut took the advice because they were scared.

Their plan is that life should never return to normal 'pre covid-19 life'. They plan to put policies in place toensure that.

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A former Senator who was co-chair on the council of foreign relations (one of the organizations sponsoringthe new world order) said after 9/11 that there is a chance for the president of the USA to use the disaster tocarry out a new world order.

In this case, they didn't flatten the COVID-19 curve, they flattened the markets/the economy.

We must use this opportunity to research.

YouTube has banned all videos which talk about the harm of 5G.

They are a private organization, so they can ban anyone they want to. But it's not right to ban dissentingvoices on their platform. (That in a sense is Religion).

They are just like a church who wouldn't allow a preacher who doesn't believe their doctrine to preach ontheir platform.

We can't be angry about that. They should just not give the impression that they are a 'free' platform.

It's important to know what you stand for.

There is nothing wrong with criticism. You should be happy. It means you are worth criticizing. Jesus wascriticized. Even God gets criticized. Lol.

There is a cure for covid-19... A medical cure. Some don't like it that Hydroxychloroquine is working forseveral thousands of people (not self medication) it's not wise to do self medication. It is both preventativeand curative. That's what we are hearing. For Christians, the biggest way is the name of the Lord Jesus.

We will pray for the nations that they will be opened.

That leaders will have boldness over covid-19..

Fear and confusion is gone.

They will have their lives back. We will defeat this thing and it is crumbling already.

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Prayer can be very effective and prayer can be mere religion.

There are people who don't expect an answer to prayer. To them prayer is just a part of religion .

But God never told us to pray for nothing..to Him, prayer is real communication.

You're actually talking to someone that is listening to you, talking to you and is ready to answer you.

God knows your mind before you ask him. So why do you have to pray?

Because God operates in legality, in spite of the fact that he loves you. He operates with laws that he put inplace.

The Bible says, he gave the earth to Humans to live and to run it, so he requires their invitation to intervenein their circumstances.

If you have a landlord and you are living in his house and pay your rent, he can't just come into your housewithout an invitation because you a legal custodian of that house for that period.

That's how it is with God.

There are different types of prayer and they all have different rules.

Read the books : praying the right way, how to pray effectively.

These are important materials to get and study. They will help you immensely.

In the next few days we will learn about praying in the spirit. It is a way to pray to be effective. What are yougoing to say to a God who knows everything? The holy ghost would have to put sanctified words into yourmouth to speak to God...that's a higher level.

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- Pastor Chris.

Today we will look at some questions that some have sent.

If you've been watching the programs since last week, there are several questions that have already beenanswered.

Just in case you didn't understand it, if we have touched on it previously, we will try to touch on it againtonight.

1. Q: Dear Pastor Chris.... Where was Satan and his demons during the days of Noah when Goddestroyed the whole world with the flood? Why didn't God destroy Satan and his demons since he isresponsible for all the evil in the world?

Ans: The flood dealt with the physical world as it was known then.

There is a time set when the devil will be destroyed. God is orderly and when that time comes, Satan will bedestroyed.

Q: You discussed the second coming of the Lord. What can I do to get myself ready for the first flight?

A: first, a person must be born again. Then. You must live for Jesus Christ and be found constantly growingunto Maturity. Study the word, go to church, fellowship withe holy ghost. You must also be marked as aChristian, Winning souls.

God has given man choice. People will not just be given the mark... They will RECEIVE the mark of the beast.Wickedness and evil is a choice. People choose to yield to wicked nudgings of the devil

Gal 5:19- speaks of the works of the flesh. Those who yield to the works of the flesh will not inherit thekingdom of God. .

Getting raptured is an access we received as an inheritance as long as we walk by the spirit. If we walk in thespirit, we won't yield to the flesh. The same life in the vine, is the same life in the branch. So, naturally youshould produce the fruit of the spirit. Gal 5: 16-24

Its just to make a decision.

Start from your mouth so that your life will follow it. It brings it to your consciousness.

Say 'I walk in the spirit'.

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Train yourself to not go in the wrong direction

There could be wrong desires, but don't let them lead you.

You have learned Christ in a particular way. Follow that way which you have learnt in Christ.

The devil won't be finally destroyed until everyone has been given THE CHOICE to make Jesus their Lord.

Q: Could you please explain your opinion on 5G.

A: video playback from yesterday. (Kindly refer to notes of yesterday if you can't stream)

You have to understand how things work in the system. E.g. imagine the pharmaceutical industry comes upwith a drug ad they say to a country 'we have this drug for this disease', then the Govt represented by theregulators would review the product and decide how they will use it in their environment. They wouldsubject it to tests and research before they say 'it would work.. We want it in our country'.

On the other hand, they could after testing say 'this isn't good for us'.

In Nigeria, some years ago, the DG of NAFDAC, said she found out that some of the drugs that were cominginto the country were not acceptable. The regulators did not accept the drugs, and yet it came in, so she hadto investigate. She then took actions against those who were importing those drugs.

Same way, our research has yielded tremendous results. In looking through what the regulators in theUSA/UK/EU... And what independent researchers (scientists and doctors) who were concerned about healthhad to say. These independent experts provided their own papers to these regulators and demanded to seewhat research they had seen before attempting to roll the 5G. Strangely NONE of the regulators provided anyindependent research to support their action.

These guys then presented their documents and requested that the Government should put out amoratorium on the roll out until the regulators can prove that it is not harmful to health.

Pastor is not just a minister of the gospel but. Into healing... So no matter how enthusiastic we are about the5G because of its benefits, we would put health first.

Pastor just got concerned that our regulators didn't do their research on it.

We just want that if there are health risks, THEY SHOULD BE FIXED before it is implemented.

It will be dumb to go into any project like that without considering the implications.

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Q: since I got born again, I have heard conflicting messages about the eternal security of the Christian. Isit just to confess Jesus and that's it? Is a Christian required to do anything else?

A: the confession of the Lordship of Jesus brings you into a relationship. And it must be nurtured. That makesyou be joined with Gods spirit. That alone would 'seem enough'

But, There are some people in scripture who were saved but went back into the world.

A Christian must be one in spirit and in truth. There would be a union of that testimony in your actions. Itsbetter to Concentrate on the assurance that God is able to keep you from falling instead of researching onhow possible it is to fall away. (E.g. apostasy)

It IS POSSIBLE to lose your salvation.

2 peter 1:5-11. That's the summation of it all.

Eternal security is real. But conditioned on living the life of eternal Security. No one is able to pluck you out.Jesus is your protector. He keeps you... BUT your life is full of choices. Make the choice to live for himcontinually.

We have a life that's given to us and God wants us to live according to his word. It's the simplest and mostnatural thing to do...you would have to be TEMPTED to do wrong.

The Christian life is not possible without the holy ghost. That's why you MUST receive the Holy spirit.

We are in a period where if someone gets sick, going to the hospital is almost like certain death because ofthe virus which they are not treating.

That's why your faith needs to be working NOW.

This program basically addresses those who already believe in Jesus Christ.

You can only know the things of God by the Holy spirit. He becomes your teacher. He guides you to know thetruth. Some Christians and preachers don't know the truth. Its not about being called a pastor... You've got toserve Christ. You must think and act as a christian. You must study the scripture like any Christian should.

It was the religious leaders who were supposed to know the scriptures that were the first to condemn Jesus.

We are all sent differently for different important things.

The parable of the sower: seeds on the wayside never produced because the devil stole the word...why? Theydid not understand.

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Always ask questions and make sure you understand so you don't lose it.

Second group: roots didn't get deep. When crisis came the word withered away. They received the word fullof Joy but they didn't meditate on it. Don't just be excited about the word. Give the word an opportunity togo deep inside through meditation. Don't treat the word like a newspaper you read yesterday. Think throughthe word and let the love of God be strong in you. If you love Jesus, You will do his word..whatever he tellsyou. Secondly, learn to talk about your love for Jesus. In your personal prayer and when you talk to others,talk about your love for Jesus. The more you talk about it, the stronger it builds. So when difficult times come,without a deep love for Jesus, it will wither.

Third group : Received seeds among thorns. The seeds grew but they had other desires, the deceitfulness ofriches. The desire to be like the world. This causes the word to be choked... And unfruitful.

4th Group: They received the word on GOOD GROUND and it produced lasting results.

God wants you to be this 4th one. You will find your life from glory to glory.

As a ministry, we received CHILLING WORDS in February, that have led us to pray for us to be in sync with thewords written in the books of Zechariah, Ezekiel, Daniel and Revelations.

Jesus said He was the light of the world. When he went away, the world was still in darkness. His disciplestook over...and now we are on the scene as the light of the world. We must take our place and shine brightlyas the light.

The world is in a situation today different from where it has ever been.

Prince Charles in Davos, was calling for a new world system which he hoped would become effective in 2030.There are others like him speculating that by that date they should have a one world economy.

At the beginning of the 70th week, the one who would be the Antichrist will sign a treaty of peace with Israel.And that would fall just around that time.

The TIME IS SHORT. LET NO MAN DECEIVE YOU...No matter what technology comes in, we will use it for thegospel. But before they start going crazy with it, I'm going to be gone.

The rapture will be the most notable event the world has ever known.

Rev 13: 16-18. The mark, OR the name of the beast... OR..the number of his name.

The beast will forbid anyone who doesn't have that mark to buy or sell. I.e. be cut off from the economicsystem of the world.

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Q: I am a cyber security manager. What is the way forward for Christians when some scenarios come upregarding the vaccination certificates which are expected to come up e.g. getting a new passport, of newJob?

A: if you are left behind, by then, it would be compulsory. It could even lead to imprisonment or death.Before the second half of the 7 years, it may look like 'you need it to get a Job, etc'.. But by the

Second half, the Christians would be isolated.

In fact, there may even be some Christians that would be helping the implementation of this system becausethey don't know the scriptures.

There is so much ignorance among Christians about the end times. Many ministers don't talk about thecoming of Jesus Christ.

Most don't know!!!

2 Thess 2:3- Before the Antichrist is revealed, there will be a falling away/ the predicted great falling away ofthose who profess to be Christians (NIV).

Before the Antichrist is known, the structures for the one world govt would be in place.

What can bring such a falling away? The cares of this world, the deceitfulness of riches, etc.

Its so important that you live your life stronger and stronger in Christ, so that you don't fall away.

Imagine if a large sum of money is offered to you to allow a process that's not okay to go through. .would youcollect it? Would you sell your conscience as a Christian?

Some people do things to save their life. Or to get more comfort.

What's the price you would be willing to pay?

Give your life to Jesus now.

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-Pastor Chris:

Its a very special time in Gods kingdom, and only through the spirit can we discern the times. We are in aspecial season both in God's kingdom and in the world.

Things are shifting but not in the direction that Satan was planning.

I showed you a clip from February 2nd communion service, we will watch it again to help you get someimportant messages to help you understand what's going on in the spirit. Things are happening in the spiritand we are very much involved.

Remember when the year began, through the spirit, we declared a prayer chain (pray-a-thon 2020). Westarted first week in January in different groups all over the world . and we coordinated the exercise to have15 min sessions of prayer each, throughout the day and night.

God never intervenes in this world without people.

When we started, we probably didn't know the implications. But we prayed for ministers, and nations andGods people because changes were about to take place in the spirit. In the earth, changes were brewing. ButGod always needs his children to effect his own work.

Daniel, having being in exile with other Israelites, through the writings if Jeremiah the prophet, he found out70 years were determined for them to be in that captivity. He could see things weren't changing, So he wentinto prayer and fasting so that things would fall in line with Gods timing.

*Timing is important*.

When Jesus came and carried out his ministry in Israel, he wept over Jerusalem and he said they didn't knowthe TIME of their visitation. The Lord they were waiting for had come to them but they didn't know.

Not many understand how the kingdom of God works. Life is not all about the things you want from God...Money, a house, a job. Life is far beyond that.

People are the same irrespective of their condition.

The poor and the rich are exactly the same unless there's a transformation in their heart.

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The difference in circumstance is that when he was poor, he didn't have the resources to carry out the evilthat was in his heart. Money is an amplifier of character. Whatever you would have been you will be.

God wants a change in your heart. Except there is a change in your heart, you will also carry out the evilthings in your heart

That's why God puts his kingdom and his love first in your heart. Then from your heart, it will flow out toothers. If you don't have it in your heart, you can't give it to others.

We are rounding this phase of the fast. Tomorrow we begin a phase of praise and worship. Because, thewicked and evil spirit that was responsible for the evil work around the world...I can tell you WE HAVEBROUGHT HIM DOWN. WE HAVE DESTROYED HIS SEAT.

This thing was never about human beings. Human beings can be used. Whatever role anybody played, goodor bad, they probably didn't know.

Eph 6:10-12 we fight against wicked spirits in the heavenly realms.

This is what has been happening. It is US that do the wrestling. The Bible tells us what we have to confront.

2 Cor 10: 3-5

Though we live through our physical bodies, the warfare we are engaged in, is not physical.

In the book of Judges. Several kings made war with Israel, in the days of Jabin. The captain of his host hadallied forces, but the Prophetess Deborah said to Barak, God says 'I will pull Sisera and his armies into thevalley and deliver him into your hands'.

And something amazing happened..

They invaded Israel...

The Bible tells us, the Kings fought... WHAT KINGS????

KJV Judges 5:19-

This fight was in the heavenlies, while the one on the ground was going on. The real fight in the heavenliesdetermined what happened on ground.

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The ground became marshy, torrential rains came down from heaven, everyone died save for Sisera whoescaped and a woman killed.

Life is spiritual... That's why we needed to fast and pray.

Satan doesn't really care about what is happening in the world.

Nothing satisfies him.

You can't give him ANY CHANCE.

THE kingdom of God is like a man saw a treasure in a field, and Bought the whole field just for it. The treasureis the church. Jesus died for the that treasure. That Was the price he paid.

As the anointed cherub, Satan had some insight into Gods plans.. But he just didn't know how it was going tocome.

That treasure was going to share Gods name, his seat.. It identified so much with God that Satan wanted it.

Before Jesus came. His authoritative name was reserved. He didn't know the name but he wanted it anddidn't know how it would come.

All these many years with Satan's destructive activities. *He's been after ONE THING ONLY: THE CHURCH*.

Don't look at the church as an organization. Its more than that. *It is the BODY OF CHRIST*.

Jesus has been given a name that's above EVERY NAME

Phil 2: 9-10,5-9

Jesus got the name through humility and obedience while Satan was trying to get that name through prideand arrogance.

God gave the name to Jesus, and Jesus gave the name to us.

He said 'whatsoever you do in word and deed, do in the name of Jesus'.

He gave us the legal authority to use his name.

Satan hates the church and always tries to see how he can hurt the church.

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No matter how you are in your city... Always think about the church/God's church (the body of Christ). This iswhy we break bread. He said 'you are all one bread'. He said 'do this in remembrance of me'.

Then, the bible tells us he took the cup and said 'This cup is the new testament in my blood'.

A new will/testament had come in.

And we live on the basis of that testament. Yet there are many Christians who don't know about thattestament.

By that testament, whatever we bind on earth. Is bound in heaven.

We are sent by God to enforce his will on the earth.

We represent him.

When we speak, our words are not empty. They are spirit and they are life.

That's why when you are born again, the life that you have is not the human life that you had of your mother.Your life is supplanted. You are not ordinary. You have no business being afraid of some virus, sickness ordisease or anything.


Life is spiritual.

Exodus 14:21

The children of Israel were to go through the red sea...God caused the waters to congeal on both sides whilethe Egyptians watched.

The Egyptians probably thought they were easy prey since the sea had divided. BUT... the lord Got involved inthe fight (v24-28). He troubled the host of the Egyptians and took off their chariot wheels... (They got stuck.The horses had a hard time pulling the chariots. They also couldn't run away because they were smack in themiddle of the red sea). .

God spoke to Moses to stretch his hand... God always needs us. Because it is TEAM WORK.


There are times when the war that is brought to you is too much for you and you have to call the heavenlyhost.

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Exodus 14:13-14.

Something is happening in the world. There is a CHANGE but not like Satan envisaged.

Daniel 10: 1-15, 20- 11:1

The angel that had Daniel's answer was withstood for 21days by the Prince of Persia. The Kings of Persia inthis scripture were spirit beings. In the earth realm, there was a kingdom of Persia. But in the spirit realm, thePrince of Persia and his beings controlled what was happening on the earthly Persia.

Even after the angel delivered the message, he had to go back to fight because another Grecian kingdom wascoming.

(There was a transformation from Persia to Greece which happened in the spirit realm first).

This same Angel Gabriel continues in chapter 11. He confirmed and Strengthened the Human King, Darius themede (he wasn't a Jew).

Remember King Darius made decisions that Favored Israel.

We have powerful Angels in the heavenly realms who are working on our behalf.

In their minds, they had said 'No more church gatherings'. They imagined a vain thing.

What??? That we will not gather? When God inhabits/lives in the gathering of his people? Yes we can meetonline, but it is not the same.

*Who is he that speaketh when the Lord commandeth it not?*

You will yet see the gathering of Gods people. All over the world you will see them!!!! By the power of God'sspirit, you will see them.

From day 1, I knew that was their dream, that's why I said 'let's pray'. Satan can't win.

The weapons of our warfare are not carnal but Mighty through God... Pulling down imaginations andstrongholds.

That's why we pray!!!

Jesus told us *WATCH AND PRAY!!!*

Already, there are several cities that have opened and have asked Churches and Religious groups to reopenand have their meetings.

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We will pray for all churches that are meeting in whatever cities that they are. Whatever the devil proposesto do is turned upside down. The church is not a place of sickness. No evil that is planned will prosper. As youmeet, God will bless. And if any one sick comes in, they will be well because they came. All over the world.Amen

The best thing in any government is to leave the church alone. Wise leaders understand that. But when youtrouble the church....

If you collide on this stone, you will be broken but whoever the stone falls upon, it will grind u to powder. Justleave the church alone.

There are those who through history planned for the complete extermination of the church. It neverhappened and will never happen. It is not possible to defeat the church.

When we pray, God hears. .that's why we are always very peaceful. .because *when you have power, you willbe peaceful*. The one in us is greater than he that's in the world.

He told us 'I will build my church and the gates of hell can never prevail'.

If you belong in the church of Christ, there are not enough demons to destroy you.

Flesh and blood are not your enemy. Your adversary is the devil.

Jesus said 'in my name, you shall cast out demons'.

We have broken the power and influence over the nations of the world. We have cut him off.

Everyday, we pray 'In the name of Jesus, Satan we cut you off the nations, the governments, our streets'...*And God said CONTINUE....MOUNT THE PRESSURE*.

You can only understand these things if you are spiritual.

1 Cor 2: 11-14.

The wisdom of God is speaking and working through us. And all Satan's intrigues have failed.

Psalm 53: 1-5

*V5*... Powerful.

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Psalm 34:1-8

The weapons of our warfare are Mighty in the Holy ghost. They are mighty in the pulling down of strongholds.

James 4:6-7

The Lord gives more grace. Thank God!!!

Resist the devil, and he will flee.

We don't resist the devil with muscles or earthly things because he is a spirit being. And the word says if weresist him, he will flee.

He wasn't referring to smaller demons.... If we resist *THE DEVIL HIMSELF, he will run away as in flight andfright*. Imagine if the 'biggie' is scared, what will happen to the smaller demons?

We have exercised our dominion in Christ. He is afraid of the name of Jesus.

I have shown you how to take our lives seriously, how to respond spiritually, how to pray. When we pray,something happens. And whenever the URGE to pray, PRAY!

EVERYONE WHO HAS THE HOLY SPIRIT WILL HAVE THE URGE TO PRAY. He is the spirit of prayer. He stirs ourhearts to pray. He puts words in our mouths.

Every Christian should be yielded to the Holy spirit. From now, start living a spirit-led life. The coming of theLord is near. Not much time left. The time is short. Everyday counts.

You need to have the coming of the Lord in your heart from now on. This is a great reminder if the day inwhich we are living. Now you have to consider that you are living for the Lord. Let him be first in your life. Heshould be your focus in ALL THINGS. The days of living for yourself as though you are a non christian are gone.The days of hiding your identity as a Christian are gone.

If you can hide your identity as a Christian, your faith is weak.

It is an exercise of your faith to demonstrate his Lord ship in your life.

Change how you've been doing things..

Prioritize your life from now on. It has to be different.

Start learning to share the gospel with others.

Talk to others about Jesus.

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Become prayerful.

Have a plan of prayer.... Otherwise you won't pray.

There are so many activities (useful and useless) that could occupy your time and you wont pray.

Prayer is not about asking for something you want.

You've got to have such tines where you are talking to God and not others.

Plan your prayer life. When are you going to pray. Set your phone alarm. If you are serious about it, theremust be a way. Ask the Lord to guide you in planning your *PERSONAL PRAYER SCHEDULE*. and its better ifyou do it EVERYDAY.

Have a schedule for everyday. Its better because it helps you have a spiritual consciousness everyday.

You may ask 'how long should I pray'?

You will know if you are not praying enough because it is a relationship with God.

Spend time praying and SAYING THE RIGHT THINGS.

The more time you spend in prayer, the more helpful it is to you. There is the edification of your spirit andeducation of your spirit that you get in prayer.

No one educates you like the Holy spirit. He teaches you and brings you information.

He enlightens you and guides you.

When you pray, keep writing materials close to you because he talks all the time and tells you what to do.God considers it important. You wouldn't want to lose what he says.

It may not happen everyday, but when he does, you will need to write it down.

The Holy spirit is real. Take what he tells you seriously. If you will, he will talk to you.

Tomorrow we will fast from 6am to 6pm, but we will enter a phase of praise and worship.

On Sunday, we have a special Easter broadcast 6pm to 9pm showing on all stations.

We will start having a GLOBAL PRAYER DAY every quarter. Next one will be in June.

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-Pastor Chris:

Today we are going to worship and praise in prayers and songs.

Psalm 33:1-22.. Praise is comely for the upright.

Worship (Eben)

At the Centre of it all.

Jesus how I love you

God all by yourself

Shepherd of my soul

Prince of Peace (Worthy is the lamb that was slain)

Prayer session: Esteemed Pastor T.T Edun


Sovereign God (Eniola)

More than the world (Joe Praise)

Prayer session: Esteemed Pastor Deola Philips

Pastor Chris:

It's important that whenever any major thing happens in your life, consult the word of God. Never use yourown understanding. He tells us 'lean not to your own understanding'. Consult the word for guidance. TheLord gives us wisdom.

When there's a major crisis in the world, don't look at things the way others do. You are not of this world. Seewith the eyes of the spirit, then you would know the type of response you should have.

All these years, no matter what country or city you're in, that you have had liberty to worship God and praisehim in a church... To attend crusades, beautiful meetings... How do you think they came about?

They came through a deep struggle; prayers, faith, determination, passion of other men and women.

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So we inherited liberty to worship God, to gather and serve him in the great congregations and sing his praise.

Those who fought to make this happen, even died doing so

The Christianity that we have today, didn't come on a platter of Gold. .not only did Jesus give everything andsacrifice himself for us, I'm talking of those who communicated his message to us down through the years.

Read church history and find out what the church went through. How did this message of Jesus Christ get toyou? It got to you through the blood, sweat, tears and passion of other men and women because theybelieved it with all their heart and nothing was going to stop them from giving it to the next generation...thesame faith that they received.

It takes spiritual dullness to not know what is going on in the spirit. To think that there was no problem... Itwas just about a virus...

No major crisis takes place in the world without spiritual undertone. Don't deceive yourself.

2 Chronicles 20: 1-

Jehoshaphat was the King of Judah at the time. When he heard the news, he called for fasting and prayers forhelp from the Lord.

(That's why we have been consulting the biggest and the greatest- GOD HIMSELF)

God gave us the liberty to worship him and freedom to gather and we can sense that some want to take itaway from us. So we began to pray and call on God.


Praise is fitting.

We give the Lord praise for his Mercy endures forever

The scriptures cannot be broken and it's before the Lord that we rejoice and give praise. The whole Earth...allthe nations..belong to God. Power belongs to Him.

He hears and answers prayer.

We prayed... He heard and the enemy was discomfited.

Remember the prince of Persia... The devil appoints princes over nations. But God also has his own princes.

The prince who the devil placed in charge of this has been brought down. He is unable to carry out his work.He and all the princes that worked with him. ... And He can't rise again till we are done. His work has beenutterly shattered.

The earth is the Lord's and the fullness thereof. The whole world belongs to Jesus Christ.

That's why we are praising God. For he alone is worthy of praise and adoration.

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He alone is God.

The faithful God.

The only true God. There's none but Him.

Worship session: Eben

We worship your name.

Without Borders.

Tomorrow we fast for the final day.

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G L O B A L E A S T E R S E R V I C E : D a y 7 , A p r i l 1 2 .

- Pastor Chris:

The Jesus we talk about is alive.

You heard the words of the angels when they spoke to the women and said 'He is not here. He is risen as hesaid'.

The angel asked ' why do you seek the living among the dead'?.

At Easter time, we celebrate the death, burial and resurrection of our Lord Jesus. Because that's when ithappened. So, every year we celebrate it.

At this time, I want us to remember many of God's people around the world who are persecuted for theirfaith in Jesus Christ.

You know we are in a very special period. Just yesterday in Kansas, there was a judgement given forbiddingchurches in that state from meeting because of the covid-19.

The issue is the threat that came from the judgement. That if anyone went to church, he could be given a Jailterm of One year or more.

That should say something.

If the Governor and those with her are thinking about jailing someone for going to church for a term of atleast one year.... What does that tell you about what they think about going to church post covid-19. Thismeans they are don't plan for churches to meet .

But we are not ignorant of the devil's devices. .

That case was not necessary but they wanted a place to start. The legislators were even ready to settle out ofcourt, but the Governor knew she could get a judgement on her side because of how the court is constituted.

She took it to the state supreme court and got the judgement.

That judgement will become a reference for other states...but in the name of Jesus, that case will besquashed. It will not survive. It is only for a time.

The devil wants to take advantage of this situation. Let us not sleep as do others.

Where is the true church? It's times like this that prove and when you discover the true church.

Who thinks that this is good? Vs who is seeing with the eyes of the spirit? That's how you know. Its notdifficult.

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Those without the true spirit of Christ are never persecuted. Often they would be on the same side as theperpetrators, so they become collaborators.

Today, we will pray for those being persecuted. Today ends a phase of the fast, so we will still celebrate ourvictories.

Isaiah 62:1-6-7

We are not dealing with Israel or Jerusalem physically. We are looking at it spiritually.

Years ago, as a teenager, I would pray with these scriptures for the church of Jesus Christ around the world.This is so important. What we are seeing today is a reminder of many things that the Lord has told us in hisword.

From this Wednesday, all pastors and ministers will fast and pray for the churches of Christ around the worldand for ministers of the gospel around the world for 7 days.

The bible talks about the apostasy that's coming and the great falling away of the faith. So we need to fastand pray.

Pray for Gods people.

Pray for Gods church..

Nothing will dampen their faith.

They will be strengthened and encouraged by this message of resurrection.

Nothing will weaken them.

There are some people who have never heard of the Rapture of the church.

Today we will discuss it from a certain perspective.

Someone said they heard the Rapture is a Hoax. All they read in the Bible was about Jesus coming again.

We have a lot of Christians today who really never studied the bible. They just use the search Engine.

You will not find the word 'Rapture' in any verse.

1 Cor 15:51-

Paul is writing to the Corinthian church. Most don't understand this because its a mystery: divine revelationsand esoteric revelations that Paul brought to the church.

In the days of Jesus in the earth, the disciples knew nothing about the gentiles coming into Christ. In all thediscussions that Jesus had with them, they didn't have a clear understanding that it would happen. There

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were many things that Jesus didn't talk about. He said 'I have many things to tell you but you can't receivethem now, but when the Holy spirit of truth comes, he will teach you all things'.

He said he would build his Church but the disciples thought it was. Jewish church. To the point that thedisciples were angry with Peter when he went to the house of Cornelius. He had to explain to them hisexperience with the spirit. He explained how the Holy spirit came upon the gentiles while he was speaking tothem without his permission.

James dug out the first clue that the prophets of old spoke of it.

It was only Paul that was given this full revelation.

Paul called the Rapture a mystery. Its going to happen so fast. You won't have time to prepare for it becauseyou would have been preparing for it all your life.

1 Thess 4: 16-17

Same trumpet referred to in 1 Corinthians.

We will be caught up together with him. We will be snatched away. Raptured! No matter where you are, thepower of God will snatch you away from this world.

Christians who have died will be resurrected first. Then we will join up and meet the Lord in the air.

When will it take place? ANYTIME SOON. Its closer than its ever been.

The church of Jesus Christ was given 2 days... That's 2000 years. The scriptures are so clear (someone wouldhave to pay you NOT to see it). Find out if there are any scriptures that contradict what was taught earlier.

All those who are in Christ Jesus will be caught up.

John 15:1-8. To be in Christ, you abide in him and be fruit bearing. Make up your mind that you will be a fruitbearing branch. Jesus is coming for every branch that remains in the vine, because anyone that is not bearingfruit will be cut off.

Who is going to be at the Marriage supper of the Lamb.

Rev 4:1-

Jesus opens chapter 4 with this (after closing the monologue on the church in chapters 1-3 of revelation). Youdon't see the discussion of the church mentioned again until towards the end of revelation. From Revelation4 to 19, the church is not there. They are in Heaven.

We do have the tribulation saints which will join the body during the period of the tribulation.

In chapter 18, the destruction of religion (Babylon, the mother of Harlots) is shown.

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Rev 19: 1

Next week we will discuss 'mystery Babylon'.

If you knew what Religion and Religious people have done to the church over the years....

Most don't know the history of the church.

In Rev 19, John is seeing what is happening in Heaven

V9 -10.

Who is this Bride?

Rev 21:1-2, 9-

In chapter 4, the church is taken away.

In chapter 5, we see preparations..

From chapter 6, we see the horrendous things that will take place.

The church is not the body of Christ, not the bride of Christ. The bride of Christ is a City and the church is apart of the bride of Christ.


The Lamb's book of life is the same as the Book of life. .Moses referred to it. Several books of scripture referto it.

In Christ is salvation. The old testament saints have gone to heaven. They were in Hades when they died(Abraham's bosom). The only 2 that never went there were Enoch, Elijah and Moses. Even though Mosesdied, God took him to Heaven because he came from Heaven to visit Jesus at the Mount of transfiguration.

Matt 27:51-53

When Jesus died, he broke into Hades and set the old saints all free. .

When He ascended, he took them to Heaven.

He was received by a cloud.... Same cloud referred to in Hebrews as the cloud of witnesses.

(Refer to scripture in Psalm regarding 'lift up your head oh ye gates').

Jesus was the first to come out of death.

(Imagine that David saw all that revelation before it ever happened)

Rev 19:10; 21:27; Hebs 12:22-24. Hebs 11:8-16.

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This is the same city that we will be in. The heavenly Jerusalem.

During the second half of the tribulation is when the 'second flight' will take place.

Rev 7:9-17... At this time, Jesus had not returned to the earth, so when did they go to heaven???

Rev 15: 2-4, 20:4

Marriage supper of the lamb takes place before Jesus returns to the earth.

Those who went during the ascension are there.

Those who went during the rapture are there.

Those who did not worship the beast during tribulation are there.

Rev 19:11-16

we are in Heaven at this time; we have been at the marriage supper of the Lamb

Jesus comes out of Heaven and transforms from a bridegroom into a man of war.

Why does Jesus take the robe dipped in blood? Its a sign of the purchase he made with his blood for the soulof every man on earth. We were not bought with silver, gold or precious stones. We were bought with a price.

We are dressed in linen (the righteousness of saints - Christ's righteousness) as we follow him.

Jude 1:14-15. The Lord is coming to end that tribulation on earth because they come to war over Jerusalem. .

Matthew 24: 29-30.

He comes out of heaven

Zech 14:1-5.

Jude 1:14-15 you will give account for the ungodly words you spoke against Jesus.

The Rapture is so close. We were not given a time for the Rapture but he gave us a timing for the secondcoming...and we know the rapture will take place before the second coming.

*In the Rapture, Jesus doesn't come to the earth ... we meet him in the air. In the Second coming He comeswith us to the earth to execute Judgement.*

The Holy Ghost is ministering all over the world at this hour, calling men to salvation.

He calls all men to repentance, into his salvation.

Accept Christ into your heart. Walk in his light.

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This is your hour. This is your moment.

Ask him to come into your heart. Its time to put away sin from your heart. Its time to serve him.

Pst. Benny:

I want to encourage you all because I believe 2 things are going to happen soon.

There's no doubt in my mind that persecution is coming to many parts of the world soon. .we will see a greatfalling away and as well, a great move of God in the church. It will be so powerful that what happened in Acts5 will happen again. In the world we will see darkness we have not seen before and in the church, we will seegreat glory.

The Rapture must happen before wrath comes upon the earth.

I believe its time we all become very focused and very connected to our heavenly calling and be disconnectedto this earth, and our past and what this earth represents.

Now we are all rejoicing about the victory of Calvary and the resurrection of Jesus which is the foundation ofour life

Hebs 11:8-10, 13-16

Here is an amazing revelation of what Abraham was looking towards.

For all of us, its time for us to press towards the same goal.

We have to start seeing the heavenly. Seeing who we are. Seeing what God has promised us and seeingourselves as strangers in this earth.

Start declaring that you don't belong here.

Abraham stopped being connected to his 'home country'.

Yes, persecution may even start sooner than expected but what do we do as believers when this happens?What do we do when the great falling away starts?

The true church will NEVER walk away.

Any individual who ever had a face to face encounter with the Living Christ could never walk away.

We are to set our affections on things above. That's the only way to survive the coming days.

Abraham was a rich man, but was willing to live in a tent away from his country... Because he was looking fora heavenly city.

The bible describes that city as 15,000 miles in every direction.

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We are strangers here.

1 Peter 1:1.

Psalm 102: 25-27

2 Pet 3:4

People would say 'things are the same, nothing has changed.. ' but they should remember this:

The world was once destroyed by flood. .. One day it will be destroyed by fire.. And only those who are inJesus will endure.

Mankind will be placed in 2 classes.

1. Those who live to fulfill their desires

2. Those who live to fulfill the plan of God.

When we begin to see ourselves as strangers, knowing all these things are coming... How are we preparing?We are heavenly and must not see ourselves as people who belong to this world.

2 Peter 3:11-12

1. We should live holy lives.

2. We should be a forward looking people. Looking towards the appearing of the Lord. Call for his coming.We must keep preaching and teaching this.

Titus 2: 13.

3. We shouldn't be a passive people waiting for zero hour. We are to be BUSY declaring the word of God likenever before. Occupy!!! Be actively involved in ministry.

Because we are a heavenly people rescued from the dominion of darkness and entered into the the kingdom,we are the heavenly colony on earth. Our thinking must become dominated by Heavenly things/Unseenworld. 2 Cor 4:18.

We must start this NOW.

We must stop looking at the things which are seen and begin looking at the things which are not seen.

Acts 26:19

We have to be so captured by heaven that we begin living on earth, the Heavenly life. Begin living yourheavenly life in this life.

Don't be MINDFUL of earthly things.... DISCONNECT!!!

Salvation is our heavenly call and vision.

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Phil 3:12-14.

We are to press towards the goal with everything within us.

Forget everything that is behind.

Press with everything within you.

Press and take hold of the prize: gaining the fullness of Jesus. .

Don't be distracted. Don't look at things that don't help you.

Look at the scriptures like never before.

Embrace Heaven!

Pst. Chris:

Today, we have 3.25 billion people connected to this broadcast. Excluding those watching on 400 TV stations.

Let Christ rule in you.

There are those who are not so proud to identify themselves with the Lord.

In 2nd Thess 1:10. The day is coming when Jesus will be admired. We will be so proud of him. He is coming ingreat glory. Others will be terrified of him because he will come for Judgement for them.

Make sure you download the LIVE TV MOBILE APP.


Don't forget your Rhapsody of Realities too.

We also have other books for the children.

You take on the character of what you watch and listen to.

Be careful of what you allow your children watch. Don't feed them with Netflix.

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- Pastor Chris:

Today's program is a very special one.

For Pastors and Ministers of the gospel, we began another phase of fasting and praying for 7 days from today.

We would pray specially for saints of God all around the world

The first responsibility is given to us as ministers.

It is not an unusual call. Its a demand from the Lord.

Samuel said 'God forbid that I should sin against the Lord by not praying for you'

What's happening around the world is of top significance. We have to pray for Gods people. Jesus said toSimon Peter " Satan has desired to have you that he might sift you as wheat, but I have prayed for you that'syour faith fail not...and when you are converted, strengthen your brethren ".

Very moving words from Jesus.

This is how we have to pray for Gods children. That's their faith fail not. In times like these, there areChristians who could be deceived or swept away by the current..some because of ignorance, could getconfused. Some don't know who they should be listening to.... So we have to pray for them that their faith bestrengthened.

That's why we do these programs; to help build your faith; to encourage you.

Remember. The lord never asked us to pray in vain. He asked us to pray because he planned to answer....andwe are making REMARKABLE IMPACT.

There are many things to talk about but we have matters to settle in the spirit. We have something in frontof us. We may agree on something or disagree on something. Some opinion or the other... But THIS IS NOTTHE TIME FOR THE DETAILS. LET'S DEAL WITH WHAT'S IN FRONT OF US. Let's put things in the rightperspective.

Remember, Gods word is the final arbiter. It doesn't matter what we think..what matters is... WHAT DOESTHE BIBLE SAY?

Many ministers and saints around the world are praying.

Don't listen to those who tell you 'there's nothing to bother about'.. They are ignorant.

Didn't Jesus have the power? Then Why would he pray for Peter?

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People out of ignorance say a lot of things but don't be moved by their ignorance. Look at the bible foryourself. Study the scripture for yourself.

We were taught on the importance of prayer. Fasting, intercession...Jesus told us 'watch and pray'. He told usabout the things that would happen in the last days, and he said to PRAY THAT WE BE COUNTED WORTHY TOESCAPE THESE THINGS.

For Jesus to tell us that, it means it is possible to escape them.

It means your eyes will not see or experience those things.

The Bible says in those days, men will seek death and not be able to find it.

For those who want to argue and have worldliness on their minds... Ask yourself 'how spiritually minded isthis person? Is he preparing for the coming of the Lord'. A deluded person would want to deceive others butdon't let anyone deceive you.

Let's pray for Gods people, the churches s of Christ, the ministers of the gospel around the world. That atthis Time their faith would be strengthened by the spirit. They will not be deceived or lukewarm. They willbe hot and burning for the Lord.

Today, we will try to look through some questions sent in from around the world.

Q: according to Romans 8:9, the scripture says 'if any man hath not the spirit of Christ is none of his'.Does this mean every Christian has the Holy ghost? Does this mean every Christian with the spirit willget raptured?

A: 1 Cor 3:12- No one can say JESUS IS LORD without the spirit..by one spirit have been been baptized. Hethat is joined with the spirit is one spirit with him. Everyone who is born again has the spirit, but there is alsothe infilling of the spirit. Its very important so a Christian fulfills his ministry.

Once you hear about the infilling of the spirit, you should desire to receive him and receive him.

A lot of times, people get born again and filled the same day.

There are others to whom the matter is never addressed and they don't get filled.

The Christian life is not possible without the Holy spirit.

Once you declare consciously that JESUS CHRIST IS THE LORD OF MY LIFE, the Holy spirit responds instantly.You are instantly immersed in Him.

If you ask 'if I'm not a serious Christian will I go to heaven'?, the fact that you have this chance to ask, meansyou have the chance to change and become a serious Christian. Why would you want to live any other wayapart from pleasing him. Eph 1:13-14.

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Part of the ministry of the Holy spirit is to keep you from falling. Without him, You stray. You would beworldly. 1 Cor 2:11-12. There is a spirit that causes people to be worldly. All they think about is this life. Butthe holy spirit teaches you the things that God has given to you. Without him, you argue with what you aretaught. But he is the spirit of truth.

1 Cor 2:13-15.Worldly people compare spiritual things with worldly things.

A natural man isn't born again. He doesn't even understand anything of the spirit. The spiritual man judges allthings spiritually and cannot be understood by Natural things.

Q: kindly explain to me the One world economy. What are the advantages and disadvantages?

A: We have learnt about this in the previous lessons. Its all about control.

The one world economy is an economic system. Right now, there are economic systems within their countryor region. E.g. through a single currency or laws that help them carry out commerce. With the one worldeconomy, the whole world would operate one system of finance, trade and economic structures. It MAY evenbecome one currency. Already, no matter where you go, you can use your card.

But this is about an economic state that is unified everywhere... This would also require tracking (though theydon't like to talk about it).

Years ago, we used to tell people you're going to have martial law... Most of the world today is underdisguised martial law (emergency rule) right now; With a slight difference... Those who are running thesystem are civilians. This means civil liberties are completely streamlined. Most civil liberties are set aside.This also means, that during that time, the country is partially being run by a new system of laws. Its likewhen the Military takes over a government, they suspect some aspects of the constitution which wouldinterfere with how they want to run the country. The emergency governance/disaster rule etc... are justnames...which mean that the executive at that time run the the country with decrees, or orders.

If you read the Decrees that have come up now, you would be shocked that its nothing different than whatyou would have under martial law. .

That's why we are praying because Satan likes to take advantage of such scenarios to make such thingspermanent. He wouldn't want the civil liberties to come back.

The eroding of civil liberties is one huge disadvantages of such one world systems.

Depending on who is running it, every economic system depends on interpretation. Systems don't make men.Men make systems. Governments don't create people. People create governments.

Why do you have courts if all laws are interpreted the same way?

Interpretation is key.

Years ago, I used to tell people that the most important people in a government system are the Judges.Because at the end of the day, its their interpretation of the law that counts. Judges are important.

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The advantages are simple and Huge. They make your economic life (trade) easy and fast. It doesn't makeyou richer or poorer. But it makes it easy and fast.

Q: You talked about fruit Bearing. What does it mean to bear fruit?

A: it is an important part of being a Christian. Every branch in Christ must bear fruits of righteousness. Soulsare fruits that we bear. Our worship, Thanksgiving, service in His house, offering and tithes.

It means the Lord receiving glory for your life. People should look at your life and be thankful to God for whatis happening in their lives.

Q: As we are admonished to set our affections on things above, how to we balance it with those desireswe already had e.g. having big businesses, a good life on earth etc?

A: We are in the world, but we are not of the world. What is the reason for what you are doing/desire?Maybe balance isn't the right word. It is perception. You should know who you are. You don't try to balanceyour gender with your work. There are things that are natural. Your perception is from that perspective.

Whatever you do in word or deed, do in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, giving glory to the Father by him.

Why do you want to have a lot of money or a beautiful house or traveling around the world, or a vacation...WHY??

PURPOSE/THE WHY OF LIFE is what matters.

Is your purpose consistent with Gods plan for your life?

Why would you want to live an empty life if your pursuit is inconsistent in life.

The most important thing in your life is discovering your purpose and fulfilling it...otherwise you would havelived for nothing.

Q: who is Satan?

A: Satan is derived from Hebrew. Its not an English word.

Satan is a word that originally means 'to attack. To accuse. To oppose. To resist.' It describes one word: Anadversary.

He is the adversary who does all the above. That's his nature. That's what he became. He wasn't originallymade to be so. But he fell because of his unlawful desires. He used to be a good Angel but he fell out withGod and took a different direction.

Luke 17: 26-27. Life continued normally until the day that Noah entered into the ark.

Don't listen to those who tell you 'don't worry, everything is normal'. The day is coming when the church willbe taken out of this world.

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Noah was a preacher of righteousness. He kept warning them. They didn't listen to him. But the same daythat Noah entered, Judgement started. The rains fell and did not stop.

V28- 29.

Economic life was going on in the days of Lot. But the SAME DAY that Lot went out of Sodom, Judgementbegan with fire and brimstone. Satan cannot be allowed to bring his evil work into the world at this time. Weare praying so we can have more time to save more souls.

There is a current world population site that keeps increasing by the second. In an hour and half, there is anincrease of over 300k births. The death rate is increasing too at a much slower rate.

The coming of the world is so close. Jesus said we should take the gospel to everyone AS A WITNESS. If theybelieve it, its for their good. If they don't, its for their judgement.

Satan has no sense. What happened in the world in the last few weeks gave us a huge opportunity to reachover 3bn people with the gospel. Never in the history of this world have BILLIONS of people been holed up intheir homes at this time. With a single device, a whole family is gathered. We have the largest distributionnetwork in the world, but we will never tell you how. We are making progress... But there's much more to do.We should try to reach 5billion.

But even if you preach to 7billion people and your life isn't going in the right direction, it makes no sense.

We need to set our sights on reaching 5billion people with the gospel...and it shall be done. Amen!!!!

Once the church is out of this world, Judgement will begin. These are the last days; you must prepare yourself.

The gospel is moving fast without you knowing. Sleeping Christians will be saying 'we can't reach the world. Itwill take a long time' but the more people we win to Christ, the better.

We preach the gospel because we don't want anyone to be left behind.

Let's work hard to reach 5Bn. Jesus deserves it.

Jesus said 'while men slept, the enemy sowed tares among the wheat'.

So we too, while they are sleeping, we are working. We are praying. The wisdom of God and insights of thespirit is being ministered to us right now.

Make up your mind, for the life you want to live. THE TIME IS SHORT. ALL THE SIGNS ARE AROUND US.

1 John 2:18

The Antichrist means 'against Christ' or 'in place of Christ'. These are the 2 things the Antichrist does.

The bible tells us the various things that will happen. While the church is here, the Antichrist cannot berevealed.

Revelations 5: 1-

Eschatology Teachings with Rev Chris Oyakhilome PHD. DSC. DD. /Transcribed by: Sis Chiagozie E-O 79

The Angel didn't even know what was in the book because it was sealed.

V6. The beast in the Greek means a living being. The description couldn't have a name. Some translations callthem 'awe inspiring creatures'. Not the same 'beasts' referred to in chapter 4.

V8: the odours that came up from the vials are the prayers of saints. That's amazing!

V9: when Jesus took the book, the 4 awe-inspiring creatures and 24 elders fell before the lamb and Sang anew song... This suggests that they were human beings.

We will continue tomorrow.

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- Pastor Chris:

I would like to encourage all ministers of the gospel to give half an hour in every day to join our prayer chainduring this phase of the fasting. Please indicate online.

Q&A Session.

What we are discussing in the book of Revelation is so important. Apart from when certain references aremade in the book of Revelation, its very rare to have someone take you through the book of Revelation.

I'm doing this now because this is even more urgent. We are speeding much closer to the coming of the lord.

Q: What is Judgement day? When will it take place? Will it be after the saints return to the earth? Whowill be Judged?

A: Its a day of reckoning of activities and you will be given your just reward.

The judgement of sinners will be because of what they didn't do (not accepting the Lord Jesus).

Revelation 20:7-13

It takes place after the millennial reign of Christ, after Satan is loosed.

While we are here on earth living for the Lord, there are different Judgements. God tells us if we would judgeourselves, we would not be judged. He tells us to examine ourselves if we are in the faith. He expects us tojudge ourselves and get in line. Jesus was Judged for the world and you believed him, so you accepted hisJudgement on your behalf... So there is no Judgement for you. But that presupposes that you walk in the light.

The Christians have 2 phases of Judgement.

1. The Judgement seat of Christ- We are before the Lord and he determines our rewards. We are all going tobe praised but some more than others.

He will also judge our motives. If our works stand the test of fire, we would be rewarded ..if not, we sufferloss.

2. The Judgement of Sinners: We will be with the Lord Judging all the sinners. We will be sitting on thronesalong with Jesus.

We will also judge angels. And when we are done, all those whose names are not in the book of life will becast into the lake of fire.

Q: will the earth be the same countries during the 1000 years? Will we recognize ourselves after therapture?

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What will the elect be doing on earth in the 1000 years?

A: We will be reigning together with Christ as kings on earth.

The earth will be the same. Same countries. Etc.

We will recognize ourselves after the rapture.

Q: Is there a specific number of people that will make the first flight?

A: God knows everything and is very organized but since it is not revealed, we leave that to him.

Q: why did Jesus tell Nicodemus to be born again when he had not died and risen?

A: Jesus will not require us to do something that is not possible for us to do.

As at when Jesus was here, no one could receive eternal life because he had not yet resurrected.

John 3:3. He was letting the man know about the kingdom of God, not instructing him.

Q: Please explain further on how to present ourselves a living sacrifice unto God.

A: What do you exist for? Set your affections on things above. We no longer live for ourselves. 2 Cor 5:14.

Our thoughts and actions must align with the word of God and our purposes must align with God. Even Jesuswhen praying wanted the cup to pass over him, but ended by saying 'let your will be done'. Same way wehave the mind of Christ and not a will of our own.

Q: I'm having challenges in the Love walk especially in relating with my husband. I find it difficult not toanswer back to him. I feel it will prevent me from joining the first flight.

A: Roms 12:1 (MSG). Consecrate everything that has to do with you to the lord. Do EVERYTHING in the nameof the Lord.

Renew your mind, take on the language of God and answer properly. Hold yourself in. Eph 4 shows severalthings we should do. It gives amazing latitude to the ability of the spirit filled Christian to do the right thing.

While we are on earth we are being trained on the eternal principles of faith hope and love. This is a phase ofthat training... To imbibe the principle of loving her husband.

She should also listen to messages/the word of God. Give the word attention. It will help you mold yourcharacter. You will just notice that the things that used to upset you have no effect on you. Since you havewisely identified it as a problem, meditate on the word and practice acting on the word. It will build yourspirit .

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Q: When we use Man's calendar to calculate the time spent/remaining, will it tally with Gods calendar.E.g. Caesars calendar and the Gregorian calendar

Among the sequences if Rapture, will this timing be enough to destroy the mosque standing in the city ofDavid to rebuild the temple?

A: You cannot calculate the day. Because of the approximate nature of the dating. E.g. how can you be sureof the day Jesus left the temple and made that proclamation?

When you're estimating, don't try to figure out the exact day. You'll miss it.

Yes, the temple will be rebuilt.

Every 3 days, we have close to a million new births. Deaths are about a third of it.

Currently we are an estimated 7.7bn on earth.

We have an enormous work to do in reaching our world for Jesus Christ. How many really know who Jesus is?We are saying Jesus is coming again... Some don't know that he came the first time.

Who is Jesus? He is the son of God. It is an extraordinary statement. Jesus said so himself and when othersreferred to him as 'Son of God', he didn't deny it.

What is the meaning of God?

It doesn't mean one that is born by God. It means GOD IN HUMAN FLESH.

That's why the Jewish people who knew exactly what he was talking about were angry with him and pickedup stones to try to kill him.

Jesus proved this by the resurrection from the dead.

God became a human being and lived among us to save us. He brought us salvation and life eternal life; Sothat we could be in fellowship with him. Jesus made it possible. He brought us into a union, friendship andrelationship with God. Imagine having a friendship with the Great God who made everything.. Sun, moons,several stars which are a thousand times larger than the earth!

There is only ONE BOOK that tells us the actual origin of creation.

Genesis 1:14-16. These are absolutes.

God is so Great! How could sinful man talk to God? He is too holy for us to approach him.

That's why he came in Jesus Christ and redeemed us from Sin by the sacrifice of Jesus on the cross. Jesus gaveus newness of life and now we can talk to God.

This is why we are bold and confident in his presence.

Jesus also told us that He would come back for us.

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He tells us if we would believe in him, his death on the cross and that he alive today, and if we would declarethat with our mouth, then his life will be awakened in our spirit and we come into fellowship.. Awakened tothe fatherhood of God.

Book of Revelation Continued

Revelations has 22 chapters.

1 is the introduction.

2&3: warnings to the churches. Those churches were real churches on earth but Gods word is eternal. Youcan tell as an individual or as churches if the word applies to you.

4: The rapture has taken place. So chapter 4 verse 1 to chapter 6 shows activities in Heaven

6-18: everything is happening on Earth (diagram to be described later).

We will begin with chapter 6 today.

7 seals, 7 trumpets, 7 plagues.

What are they?

In the book of Revelation, there are a lot of symbols. You need to know when something is a symbol andwhen something is definite description.

Rev 6:1-

When we are raptured from this world, the Judgement begins. The world will never be the same.

V 2: when the first seal was opened, there was a white horse. He had a seal and a bow.

White Horse: was it Jesus? No. Jesus doesn't use a Bow. He uses a sword.

2. A crown was given unto him. Jesus is already king of kings.

3. He went forth conquering and to conquer: Jesus will only battle the nations at his second coming.

This is not Jesus. It is the Antichrist

The first thing that happens on the earth is the revealing of the Antichrist.

Notice: He had a bow without arrows. How will he conquer without arrows? He will do it with 'peace',without war. Nations will give him their power without him having to fire a single shot.

Daniel 9:27. 8:23-24

1st seal is the revealing of the Antichrist

Eschatology Teachings with Rev Chris Oyakhilome PHD. DSC. DD. /Transcribed by: Sis Chiagozie E-O 84

(Please note, on earth they won't see him on a white horse)

Rev 6:3- 4- This is terrible.

A man on a red horse who takes peace from the earth.

Once the church is gone, no more peace on earth. There will be Mass killings and murders.

Matt 24:7, 10.

Neighbors will betray one another. Report each other to the police.

Rev 13:15. Life will become so cheap at that time.

The signing of the peace treaty with Israel begins the 7 year period (Daniels 70th week)

Rev 6:5-6

3rd Seal: A period of Inflation and Famine.

Lamentations 4:4-9 This is a description of famine and hunger at that period

Ezekiel 4:10-11, 17AMP.

No Government can solve this level of famine and hunger and drought coming. Even the Antichrist will makepromises but won't be able to solve it.

Rev 6:7-8.

The 4th Seal (this will happen in the 2nd three and half years):

Death for 25% of the earth's population. There will be war. (Killing with the sword)

Matt 24:21

The Antichrist comes.

Signs the peace treaty.

Rebuilds the temple (demolishes the mosque).

Israel will love him because he will seem as a man of peace.

Ezekiel 38&39- Russia and Allies will invade Israel when they are at rest. (Other nations will stand by)

But they will be defeated by Israel.

The Antichrist at this time wouldn't be controlling the world. The UN will like him because he is solving theworlds problem

(Seals 1-3 are broken).

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The Antichrist and his European allies will become the sole world power. .

The Antichrist, being angry with Israel, will then break the treaty.

Dan 9:7. As at this Time, the temple had already been built and is worshiping God... But when the Antichristis angry, he breaks the treaty and moves his headquarters to Israel/Jerusalem... And he moves into theTemple (afterall, he helped them to build it)

Dan 11:45

Now what happens from here is terrible. Its called the Time of Jacobs trouble.

Dan 9:27, Matt 24: 15,2 Thess 2:3-4

There have been 'types' of the Antichrist spirit. 150 years before Jesus came, one Attipus came into thetemple and offered pigs.

Matt 24:16-22

Fierce persecution begins.

God raises 144,000 Jews to preach the gospel.. And the 2 witnesses.

Rev 14:1-5. Once the 144k men complete their work, they are raptured.

Rev 6:9-11

The 5th Seal:

When a man dies, he goes to Heaven, and his soul is without a body. God clothes him with a spiritualgarment until the resurrection. At the resurrection, you get a body.

These souls here were slain during the tribulation. They are like sacrifices offered to God at the altar becausethey refuses to worship the beast and were killed for it. They come to heaven as souls with no bodies.

They will cry out for vengeance to the Lord.

God tells them to rest for a while until the others are killed too.

Rev 14:6,14-16

the gospel message intensifies. More people will believe in Jesus at this time. There will be a great harvest.The tribulation saints are ready to be raptured.

6th Seal

This seal closes the tribulation.

Rev 6:12-17. Acts 2:17-20. Matt 24:29

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An earthquake that will shake the world.

What the bible tells us is TRUTH. The signs given for the entry of these things are all around us. The only thingwe are waiting for is the rapture of the church.

If you have friends who are not born again, begin to intercede earnestly for them.

Get yourself ready. If you've not been living right, its time to live for the Lord. There's no other way. Jesussaid Heaven and earth shall pass away but my word shall never pass away.

To be continued tomorrow. To pick a 30 minute prayer slot, please visit prayer.yourloveworld.org

Eschatology Teachings with Rev Chris Oyakhilome PHD. DSC. DD. /Transcribed by: Sis Chiagozie E-O 87


-Pastor Chris:

The book of Revelations is a complex but very interesting book. This is an opportunity to understand it.


Q: 1Thess 4:16 talks about the sound of the trumpet. Will it be audible to believers or everyone? Willwe hear it by Faith?

A: It will be Audible to Christians. Its for those who will be caught up and those who are dead in Christ. Ourlives as believers is by Faith, so it will be by faith. You trust that when it sounds you will hear it because theword of God told you so. Faith comes by hearing.

John 17:14-15. Jesus was specifically praying for the disciples here. Not the church.

For the Rapture, Jesus is coming for us.

Q: For one to be on earth you need a human body. When we return after the tribulation, will we havenew bodies or the ones we had from birth?

A: We will have a glorified body. Our bodies will be changed. 1 Cor 15:51-52.

Q: what will happen on the day we are raptured?

A: That day is not going to be such a beautiful day for a lot of people. For some it is a blessing; for others it isa curse. Any christian who is left behind is simply because he wasn't for the Lord but for himself. Period.

Its one way or the other.

Anyone left behind will have to go through the tribulation.

Luke 21: 31-36.

Q: what kind of body is the glorified body? When we come back for the millennial reign, Will it be withangelic bodies without feelings?

A: A glorified body is a celestial body...its the same like Jesus has now. The bible says when we see Jesus weshall be like him.

The terrestrial body is limited to this earth. It relates to our 3 dimensional world.

The glorified body has come into the power and glory of the kingdom of God and has the capacity to functionin the heavenlies. It goes beyond the terrestrial atmosphere.

Jesus walked through the walls. He ate with the disciples. Jesus Body when he died was covered with clothingmaterial... But he folded the clothes when he ressurected...Yet the disciples saw him DRESSED. he didn't go to

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his house to get clothes. When Mary saw him, he was going to the Father to present his blood but he was in abody. When he came back to meet his disciples in Galilee, they touched him. They felt his glorified body.


We got to the 6th seal yesterday.

Dan 11:45

The Antichrist breaks his treaty and moves into the temple by force.

Rev 6:12-17. (The result of the 6th seal)

Prior to this 6th seal some things happened

The 144k Jews, the Sun Clothed woman and the 2 witnesses come into play at the second 3 and half years.

Pls note that some parts in the book are not in Chronological order.

Chapter 7:1. *This is right after the 3rd seal...* (Chapter 7 is not chronologically after chapter 6. It is aparenthetical narrative)

The 3rd seal was the black horse. Inflation and destruction of plants.

7v1-3 is what was causing it.

V3: who are these servants of God which suddenly emerge?

(When you are born again, once you receive the holy spirit. You are sealed by the Holy Ghost).

V4- 8 - 144,000 were sealed from the 12 tribes if Israel. They are carrying out ministry preaching to the Jews.

When fierce persecution begins, they are taken away.

V9-15, 14:1-6. The 144k were raptured to heaven

More souls are saved on earth as preaching intensifies.

14: 14-16 (this period is close to the end of the second 3 and half years. The tribulation saints get rapturedhere). This is the reaping of the saints/multitudes seen in Chapter 7:9. It is not a sickle of Judgement.

James 5:7-8. Rev 7: 9-14.

There's a huge difference between these ones and the souls which were under the altar without robes. Theseare resurrected and translated souls.

Rev 14:17-19

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Jesus had the 1st sickle.

An Angel has the second sickle. He has power over fire. This is different.

This is very close to the end of the three and half Years. That's the period that some of the most devastatingthings will happen on this earth.

Chap 8: 1

The Seventh Seal

There was silence in heaven for half an hour.

Is it figurative? (Note the consistency with a prophets language and consistency. E.g. Daniel used weeks ofyears. When you Study Daniel you must study his other writings to understand. John's timing relates moredirectly with ours. But the slight difference is that at the time, One year was 360 days... While we have 365days in a year. So when you want to calculate for John, you use 360 days for a year).


The silence in heaven for half an hour was not figurative.


(John picks up the narrative from Chapter 6 on the opening of the seals)

The seven Trumpets

All the prayers of saints was on the altar of God with the Angel's incense.

V5-7 -12

Judgement on the earth. One third of the trees and all green grass are burnt up.

God is taking vengeance for all the sins committed, wickedness done, and rejection of Christ.

1/3 of sea turns to blood.

1/3 of fish die.

1/3 ships destroyed.


(The event in Russia isn't it at all)

V13: After the 4 trumpets had sounded, this Angel was saying the last 3 would be worse. They arewoes/curses.

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Revelation 9:1..

With the sounding of the 5th trumpet, the Armageddon begins.


Locusts that sting like scorpions (evil spirits from the bottomless pit)

When evil spirits or demons operate, they work from the background. Humans don't know what isresponsible for what's going on.

These locusts will hurt men for 5 months. Men who don't have Gods seal on them.

V 11-12: Abaddon means Destruction.

Apollyon means Destroyer.

This is the King of the bottomless pit.

They are behind what is going to be happening in the world. People will be in pains for 5 months withoutrespite.


V 13- 21

These 4 angels were bound in the River Euphrates. Yes there are spirits that function in the water. Some arebound there. E.g. these 4.

These 4 would slay 1/3rd of human population with a 200 million army.

Still, the men left on earth will not repent. Despite all these woes. Why? They CAN'T... THEY TOOK THE MARKOF THE BEAST!!!!

At this point. Only 2 witnesses will be left preaching .

Revelation 10:1-

(This is another parenthetical discussion)

V6: time no longer (KJV) means, 'no more delay'.


Eating that word was bitter in his belly because of the Judgement contained.

Rev 11:1- (a parenthetical chapter as well)

The 2 witnesses are the last to be left on earth for 3 and half years. They will preach in mourning and sadness.

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no one can hurt them. They have power over the rain, to breathe fire, etc

V7- They will be killed by the beast that will come out of the bottomless pit (this is different from the angelabbadon that leads the locusts out of the bottomless pit). This beast is the spirit behind the Antichrist andSatan will give him more authority to do wickedly.

The bodies of these 2 witnesses will lie in the streets for 3 and half days...and everyone will see it. (Alreadywe can view what happens in d world at the same time through the TV.)

People will watch them lie there with cameras and celebrate their death.

V11- 12.while the whole world watches, they will resurrect by the power of the holy ghost and great fear willfall on everyone...and they will watch ascend in the cloud. They will rapture.

V13-end... Seventh trumpet/3rd woe.

There is celebration in Heaven at this time, but on earth, it is the final woe.

Chapter 12: 1- (another parenthetical discussion)

V1- this sign isn't literary.


The sun clothed woman. (Israel)

The red dragon with 7 heads and 10 horns. (Satan and his demons)

The Christ is the Man child. Only Jesus and his Church are to rule with the rod of iron.

Israel delivered this Man child.

V6- this happens at the Beginning of the second 3 and half years.

V 7-10

all this time, we haven't seen the devil (just his demons) because he has been engaged in war with Michaelthe arch Angel.

Angels function according to Gods will. When we pray, Gods mercy is released and angels are dispatched.

V11- 12. Now the devil doesn't have a place in the heavenlies. He can only stay on earth for a short time. Andhe is very angry.

The woman is hidden from Satan for 3 and half years.

V17- the remnant of her seed ( all through history, Israel always has a remnant when they have beenoverpowered by another kingdom and cease to be a nation).

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Lucifer joins the war in the earth. .

The Jews who had been converted by the 144k will be persecuted by the serpent.

Side note:

How do you know which spirit is behind what action? How do you know? And what response should youhave? Especially with regard to what the nations are doing now.. So many civil liberties are being erodedbecause Nations are being led in the dark. How do you put your life and hope with the government thatdoesn't know what to do or have a compass to know what will work? Nations are just copying others. Theleaders are so scared to touch one another right now.

They are even still studying the virus and coming up with new assumptions.

Better trust God for your life!!!!

Jesus told us to pray so that we may be counted worthy to escape these things. No matter what they aretrying to replicate from the future.

This is not their time, so we are praying.

If we would pray, the work of the Lord will continue unhindered. .

2 Thess 3:1.

There were cities in those days where they were not allowed to talk about Jesus.

Satan is not after bars, clubs and social gatherings... He is after the church. That's why we must Pray and notsleep like others do. We must use what we have... All the wisdom, knowledge, influence etc that God hasgiven us. We must use ALL WE HAVE IN THIS CRISIS TIME.

We trust God that we will have one more sweeping move of the gospel around the world. It may happen in away that we didn't plan, but it will happen because God knows.

As a church of Jesus Christ, we will never be disadvantaged.

There is no enchantment against Jacob

Human beings will never amass the wisdom to destroy us. No technology is strong enough.

Pray. Thank God for his ministries and churches around them world. Pray for your relatives and friends thatthey will accept salvation. The time for games is over.

The coming of the Lord is near....at the doors. We've gotta prepare ourselves for his coming.

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- Pastor Chris:

God's grace is at work in this house, in this church. Satan will not lord it over us. He will not determine howand when we worship. HE WILL NOT.

The virus has expired!

If they let the people go out and enjoy simple sunshine, you will see it.

When we are through with this week that we are into, there are certain things that will begin to happen.Those things are just waiting for us to conclude this week.

The Lord Jesus gave us all authority over demons to cast them out and cure diseases. And we decreecleansing into every nation. Cleansing by the Holy ghost of the virus. We cleanse the air of this evil pollution.We destroy it's works and it's effects in the name of Jesus Christ.

If you suffered some symptoms in your body, DON'T FEAR. The symptoms are gone from you in the name ofJesus.

Christ has given us Dominion over all things.

These things are not natural . They are not the works of God either. But Jesus gave us power...and we have touse that power. Infact, we are using it right now.

When Jesus confronted the demons in a man that was possessed, they spoke to Jesus 'we know who you are.Have you come to torment us before the time?'.

They made a legal plea. Trying to stop the Master.

That's what they do. They like moving before their time. Like now, we are seeing the manifestation of theANTICHRIST spirit. It is not difficult to see his works.

Today, we will study from chapter 13 and see what the Bible says about the ANTICHRIST.

We have to be wise, with the wisdom of God. The wisdom of men is foolishness before God. Christ is made tous wisdom from God.

When Pilate and Herod spoke to Jesus asking 'are you a king?' Pilate felt he had the power to release Jesus orcondemn him to death.

Jesus response was amazing. He was cool, calm and quiet.

He said 'you don't have any power over me at all. The father gave me power to lay my life down and take itup again'.

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To think that this Jesus was God manifested to us in flesh....he knew what was in Pilate, in Herod ...but yet hewas quiet.



Yesterday, we talked about the 144k Jews, the sun clothed woman and the 2 witnesses.

From chapter 10 to 11:14 is all a parenthetical discussion. It is not chronologically contiguous with chapter 9.It's like a side talk.

A complex area is the 6th seal because when it is open, it actually is the end of the tribulation period. Whathappens from then on is severe Judgement.

God's wrath is poured out on the earth. From then on, the people cannot repent. The more the Judgement,the more they hated God. By then, all God's preachers and saints are gone.

E.g. the Armageddon begins from the 5th trumpet and it's not a one week fight. That period will be full ofwars. The Antichrist, even though he would be in the world, he wouldn't really be ruling everyone like that.He would have some opposition and infact, that would be the reason for the war.

Revelation 12:1-6

This was a sign/symbolic.

Red dragon: Satan

Woman: Israel

Male child: Christ (Jesus and his church)

Satan wanted to destroy the church but he couldn't. (Parenthetical narrative).

V9-12 : Satan has no more place in the heavenlies. He is cast out though He used to function as the prince ofthe power of the air.

What happens in the earth has a lot to do with what happens in the heavenlies.

Don't forget, early in the 1st 3 and half years, there was a war with Russia against Israel (the farthest Northfrom Jerusalem).

Matt 24:15

When the Antichrist breaks the treaty and moves to Jerusalem,

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REV 12: 13-16.

While persecuting the Jews, it seems like they get some sympathy from others. The earth helped the womanby swallowing up the flood. This makes Satan angry and he makes war with the remnant of her seed.

So much is going on at the same time... Religious, governmental, etc

Dan 11:40-..? The Antichrist moves to Jerusalem.

Don't forget. . those attacked earlier still have claims to Jerusalem.

The king of the south: Egypt.

The king of the North: Russia

The Antichrist has Europe backing him. He is mad because some nations absorbed the Jews away from hisclutches.

Dan 11:40-

You need to notice when the prophecy moves from the immediate future, to the last days.

(You know prophecy interpretation by the Holy Ghost)

V40... This is just the beginning of the Armageddon (endless wars)

Edom, Moab and Ammon are in Jordan. The Antichrist Will not take over Jordan.

He will gain control over Egypt.

V44... What reports from the East and the North?

He will hear that China and Russia are planning an attack, and with Fury, he will destroy many and fully settlein Jerusalem.

Yet he will come to his end.. (the seas are the dead sea and the Mediterranean Sea).


(This is another parenthetical narrative)

A beast rises up out of the sea with 7 heads and 10 horns.... These heads don't have crowns.. it is the hornsthat have crowns.


Remember Daniel 10...while Daniel fasted....the angel referred to the prince of Persia. The ruling worldempire at the time. The prince of Persia was a spirit being in control.

After Angel Gabriel delivered the message, He had to go back to the war in the heavenlies. Persia was beingbrought down according to the plan of God.. the Grecian empire.

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God also has angels over nations and kingdoms.

Back to Rev 13: 2 The beast from the sea... Refer to Dan 7:4-6, 15-18

1st was like a Lion with Eagles wings. (Babylon)

2nd like a Bear (Medo-persian)

3rd like a Leopard (Grecian)

The 4 beasts are 4 kings

Rev 13:2... This beast had elements of Babylon , Medo-persian, but looks like a Grecian

V5: He is given power for three and half years.

After the 1st three and half years which coincides with the 6 seals, the world sees that the ANTICHRISTdoesn't have the solutions promised, so he changed into his real nature.

(Beware of political speeches and Messianic politicians. There is only one Messiah: Jesus)


Dan 8:20-22 (past history.. Alexander the great's kingdom referred to as the goat kingdom. He was in his 30swhen he died. 4 kings came out of there)

V23- 24 (this is a far future)

The Antichrist is the one referred to as a king of fierce countenance, understanding dark sentences.

(God measures the cup of inquiry/transgression till it's full)

V25- deception in political leadership and government is a sign of the Antichrist. It will get worse when theAntichrist is unleashed.

The ANTICHRIST is ever against Jesus. He hates Jesus. He will take a stand against the prince of princes(legislation against the things that concern Jesus).

Everywhere the Bible talks about the Antichrist, he never stops until he concludes the future of theANTICHRIST... *He will be destroyed!!!!*

Rev 13:7 (this is a synetopy: an expression where a whole is being used for a bit... E.g. 'everyone in town istalking about it'... But it doesn't mean so literally)


At this point, the 144k Jews and witnesses are still around preaching etc... While the Antichrist is making lifedifficult for them.( Remember the r d horse... Once it went out, there was no peace in the earth anymore...Earthquakes that would cause the earth to bounce, fear, death etc).

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V11- this is another beast of the same kind. I.e. if the first beast was Human, this second one is also human.

He is the False prophet. The spokesman and 'miracle worker'. He gets people to worship the Antichrist.

V15- 16

This is massive surveillances.

Already in China, crosses are taken down. Only the picture of the President is taken above

In the last days, with the 5G technology, they can do surveillances to know those who don't bow to theimage of the beast.

It will be a completely policed state with absolute surveillance.

Think of it... It's already being done in China for China. They have so many cameras.

It will be worse in future .

An image of the beast will be seen everywhere before which they would have to bow.

The Image would talk back to you... (Artificial Intelligence: A.I. )

Imagine being in the street, and it appears to you and you must bow to it... And it will respond. If you don't,you would be killed. It wouldn't be optional.

We have been preaching this for years but in our Today, we can see the possibility so clear.

Bill gates is pushing for digital certificates to be implanted in everyone to know if they are vaccinated againstdiseases or not. (Just imagine).

It's after the rapture that they can do that...not right now.


*In some of the emergency disaster laws that have come out , there are hidden laws... The possibility of anofficial of the government to come to your house and determine that you are infected by a virus or'suspected to be infected' , or suspected to have been in contact with someone who has been infected.... Andis authorized to forcefully take you to a detention centre; then has 48 hours to detain you on that suspicionwhile obtaining legal documents to incarcerate you...and they are fully indemnified in case you want to suethem for how they treat you.* (HORRIBLE!!!)


REV 14:8-10.. (this part is connected to chapter 17&18)

Rev 14: 11-

Once you take that mark of the beast, YOU CAN BE REMOTELY CONTROLLED.

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You will never go to Heaven, but you will go to hell and in the Lake of Fire.

The Book of life is not a book where your name is written down when you choose to serve God. Every livingperson is in that book... But if you sell your soul to Satan, your name is wiped out. The Bible only speaks ofwiping out from the book.

The Antichrist is called the man of perdition (lawlessness). His laws are lawless. He causes deceit to prosper.

If someone takes the mark of the beast, it is impossible for him to be saved.

Revelations chapter 15 & 16 is another digression.

E.g. the tribulation saints are Raptured in chapter 14, and in chapter 15, they are in the presence of God.

15 v1-5

When the 7th trumpet sounds, ,heaven opens.

V6 The 7 plagues come out in quick succession.

V7-16:2... To be continued tomorrow.

The essence of this series is to help you prepare yourself for the coming of Christ. Each day that passes is aday closer.

It's our responsibility to preach the gospel to the world and that's what the devil wants to stop by paralyzingthe countries. BUT SATAN CANNOT WIN.


We are triumphant over Satan.

He will not determine how, where and when we serve God.

Jesus alone is the one who can determine how we live and where we go and how we serve him

The influence of darkness in this world is destroyed in the name of Jesus. We are winning by the Spirit of God.

Pray and talk to the Lord wherever you are!!!!♀.

Please download our LIVETV app on your phone to connect to all our online platforms.

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We are still in a period of deep prayer and fasting for Ministers of the gospel.

Jesus taught us to pray and have results.

In every crisis of life, we must always apply what we are taught in the word,And the ministry of the Holy spirit.And only through the word and the ministry of the holy Spirit can we know what's from God and what's notfrom him.

Sometimes we are even more direct in our prayer cos there are times when you pray that the Holy spiritdirects your heart about things to deal with.

Remember in the Bible when there was an insurrection in Israel in the time of David. It happened that it washis son, Absalom that stirred up this insurrection against him. David was praying hoping for God tointervene... And every day he learnt about some new group that had joined the other side... He was notmoved...until he heard of one man who was related to be the wisest man in Israel. When that man spoke, hisword was taken as though it was God's word even though he was not a prophet. And that man, Ahitopheljoined Absalom. David felt it so deeply. So, David prayed and said 'Oh God, turn the counsel of Ahitophel intofoolishness'. And God heard his prayer.b

Sometimes, we might be in a situation where those we relied upon would actually be on the other side.

In recent history, there was a Dr. Death in UK, USA and Australia.... (Not Dr. Kevorkian) whose patients weremysteriously killed. Think about it....when your own doctor is the killer.

We cannot forget such realities.

That's why I still maintain that every nation should carry out his own research. E.g. U.K has decided to fundtheir own vaccine research by themselves.

Every other nation can be that smart.

Why would any other country rely on a vaccine coming from somewhere else and not have it's ownregulators look into it.

We need to also have a debate about vaccines.

Science is discovery that is continually evolving. It must not be relegated to the choices of certain people. It isabsolutely wrong for the WHO or any other body to hold nations to random by their own decisions.

There are many doctors and scientists that DO NOT AGREE that vaccines are even helpful.

Research historical records.

Everyone is free to come up with something that can be tested to work.

E.g. The Hydroxychloroquine and Zithromycin which some said will work was opposed by others who aresaying we should wait for 18 months for their vaccine to be perfected. How can a nation just be

Eschatology Teachings with Rev Chris Oyakhilome PHD. DSC. DD. /Transcribed by: Sis Chiagozie E-O 100

WAITING ...for what? You may just be waiting for those whose desire is population reduction. It doesn't makesense.

Most Pharmaceutical companies are just in a race to make more money than others. How do they get it? Themore sick people there are, the more money they make.

Just like the media that says 'we don't make good news ..we only report good news'.

At this point, it's not about parties .. it is about asking yourself serious questions not about getting others tobe happy with you.

Now people are saying the virus 'escaped' from a lab... How? Anyway, the president of the USA is carrying outinvestigations on the $3.7m grant sent to a lab in Wuhan China in 2015.



We seem to have forgotten that Since the early church, there has been persecution of Christians. You will beshocked. It's almost 2000 years since then.

Read up about the Christian Martyrs who were killed for standing their ground for Christ. Some were burnedat the stake. Some were beheaded. Some we're used for games... Christians were brought out and fed toLions. Some were buried alive. These were gruesome.

But many don't know where the church has come from.

They were not just persecuted, but they were violently killed for their faith in Jesus Christ. Fellow mencommanded their death.

That spirit has not left the world.

Some think it's a distant thing... No it's not.

Even before Covid-19, some Christians were placed in concentration camps... Laos, Eritrea...they may even beworse than North Korea but we won't know.

Christians have been reported to be the most persecuted in the world..

Fact is... The message of Jesus Christ is WORTH EVERYTHING.

These guys gave up everything else and stayed in Christ.

On one occasion, about 6,600 men were slaughtered for their faith in Christ...and they were soldiers. Whowould do such a thing? But it was done.

We need to realize that the message of Christ that we have is important and whatever happens we muststay...unless we believed in vain.

Revelations 13: 1-4,7-8

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All that dwell on the earth will worship the beast.

There are some whose names will be blotted out of the book of life...but there are some whose names werenever written in the book of life.


1. human cloning. (They are currently at an advanced stage...but after we are gone, there will be massivemanifestations of cloned persons)

2. Eugenics: 2 Greek words 'Eu' and 'Genos'. The research was about trying to separate the best breed.(Reminds you of Hitler and his special Aryan clan).

Francis Gaunten came up with an idea of how the world would come up with a superior set of humans, andthe rest considered to be poor breed, would be destroyed.

This is the thinking of certain classes of people.

They have also gone very far. They are ready to go.

If the population of the world can be cut down drastically, they say there is a plan to reproduce the Earth'shighest quality breed. There are some who accept this idea from Hell..

Man is a spirit..not a body or an idea.

These 'products' would be very smart, but very EVIL.

The best suggestion given so far for such an annihilation is THE VACCINES.

this is not a conspiracy theory. These are FACTS!!!

There are many things we refrain from discussing...we would rather pray. Because God leads us on what todo, and how to respond in every case.

Only God's word can show you what's happening and what the result will be. That's why the knowledge ofGod's word is important.

Rev 13:3 One of his heads was wounded as though it was slain.

And all the world wondered at the beast because of the deadly wound that was healed.

Those heads represent kings/ kingdoms. The ANTICHRIST revived a kingdom that was supposedly extinct.

V4: They worshiped Satan.

(In our day, we are already witnessing the rise of Satanism.)

They worshiped the beast why? His image would be everywhere, and the false prophet would give his imagea voice. People would be able to speak to the image and get feedback (A.I). He would make promises topeople and make sure they get it through inter-connectivity (internet of things)

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Even in today, Banks and some institutions, know how to send personalized mails with ID numbers to all theirclients. (Artificial intelligence is already working)

Just think this is possible already with your 2/3/4G....

How much more with the extra supersonic 5G?

The image will be talking to people and giving them details about their lives as though it was revelation.

I told you something yesterday... about the earthquake that would hit this world and cause it to bounce.

Isaiah 24:19-22 ESV. God would pour out his wrath in this world and avenge the slain Christians.

Revelations 16: 1-

1. Sores

2. Death in the sea

3. All Sources of water turn to blood.

4. Men scorched with Heat so much that they blaspheme God, but still could not repent.

5. ANTICHRIST headquarters attacked with pains and sores

6. River Euphrates dries up so that the way of the kings of the east is prepared (China). (Rev 9:13- The 4fallen angels that were bound in River Euphrates would be released to prepare 200m soldiers for war).

This is not the first place China is written in the Bible...

(Isaiah 49: 12 it states China AMPC).

Does China have an army of 200m??

May 21, 1965, Times Magazine article.... As at this time, they had 200m militia soldiers.

(How did John Know that there would be 200m soldiers from the East)

Rev 16:13-14... Prep for the Armageddon (remember from Yesterday, how the beast hears about the kings ofthe east and south coming for battle and how he becomes very angry).

The hill.of Meggido is where the battle of Armageddon takes place..

This is the next world war...and it will come.


7th vial.

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Never an earthquake like this in the whole Earth. Cities will fall with Hail. God is angry with Great Babylonbecause of the killing of Christians and shedding of Blood that took place there.

(Where is Great Babylon?)

You can't live your life carelessly anymore.

You are not your own.

You are bought with a price.

You belong to Jesus Christ.

The sooner you realize that, the better for you.

Find out your purpose and fulfil it.

What is God's purpose for you? It's not about your plan for your life.

There is a life to live.

Imagine...all man's structure and cities would be destroyed.

Solomon built God the most beautiful temple ever which was greatly celebrated.

God blessed him even though he doesn't live in temples made with hands.

But once they started serving Baal... God destroyed that Beautiful temple

God doesn't care for earthly things. It always all belonged to him.

There is nothing that you want to give to him or that you want to own, that was not already His.

Everything you will ever have in the world comes from something that was already Here.

Why not serve God with your life.?

Study the Bible.

Use this period to get some quiet and study the Bible.

If you don't have a Bible, let us know...we will send you a physical Bible or downloadable one.

Also study the Rhapsody of Realities.

Every day there is a guide and a portion of scripture that you can study.

You can download Rhapsody of Realities app on your device. It also has a Bible so you can make easyreferences.

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You need to learn how to live as a Christian. Don't let the world carry you away in their stream. The worldwas not always like this. There's been a whole lot of changes. Our world has seen judgments, and seenempires rise and fall.

Look at the economies of the world right now. Some countries have completely collapsed.

It is our prayer that this lockdown won't continue because some nations will not survive because theireconomies will completely collapse.

The Government will seize all people's funds in the banks to repay their loans.

Hyper inflation will set in.

Cash Will be canceled overnight.

Food would be rationed. (Some countries are already experiencing this)... And we are not yet in the era of theANTICHRIST.


This is not yet the time for Satan to implement this. It is still a few years away. That's why we are praying tomake sure it doesn't happen.

Jesus is the only way...and the only time left is the time for preparation. Time to win more souls.

The gospel will be preached AS A WITNESS even if they don't believe, so that they won't have an excuse.

Make the decision to live for Jesus Christ today.

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Pastor Chris:

We are still in an attitude of prayer and deep meditation. And while we pray and talk to the Lord, we arelistening for his guidance and everything he tells us or signals to us.

Jesus gave us power over all devils and he told us "Cheer up! I have overcome the world". He overcame theworld and its systems for us.

In this earth his name is the most powerful. It had all authority.

We are going to use everything that God has given us (knowledge, authority)... And Satan has no chance. Hecan't win! We proclaim the name of the Lord Jesus!

At his name, every knee should bow of things in earth and under the earth and every tongue should confessthe Lordship of Jesus to the glory of God the father.

We declare that the word of the Lord will have free course in every nation by the power of the Holy Ghostand every hindrance and barrier is destroyed in the name of Jesus.

The Lord has placed before us an open door and no man can shut it.

He already notified us when he said, we wrestle not against flesh and blood but against principalities, powers.Rulers of darkness, spiritual wickedness in the heavenly realms. Therefore put on the whole armor of God soyou can stand in the evil day.

This is one of such times that the word described as the evil day; the day which evil seeks the opportunity tocreate havoc, destroy lives and frustrate the work of the gospel

But he also told us to take unto us the sword of the spirit along with all the weapons he asked us to take withus. With the sword of the Spirit, we can cut the devil down.

We are using that sword (Gods word in our mouth), Satan cannot resist it.

We cut him off of our nations and government.

And nothing he throws at us can work, because with the shield of faith we neutralize everything that hethrows at us.

We are putting out his fiery darts. Everything he threw against the church is neutralized by the power of theHoly spirit.

Q&A section.

Q: All of my Christian life, I have believed that we the church are the bride of Christ. Some days ago, you saidwe are NOT the bride of Christ, please explain.

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A: There is a city that was described as the bride of Christ. In that city, we have different groups and theChurch is PART of the Bride of Christ; The heavenly Jerusalem which has all saints of all ages in there. (Listento the rebroadcast of the previous messages)

Q: Can the Mark of the Beast be given before rapture

A: Its not supposed to happen because the False prophet is revealed after the rapture. But Satan likes to dothings before the right time that's why we are praying.

Q: What will happen to the Kids whose parents are not born again?

A: The children of people who are born again are sanctified. Those whose parents are not born again are liketheir parents.. And only those who are in Christ will be raptured. So, According to the wisdom of God and notthe feelings of men...this is so. Everyone is born of sin into the world but those born of Christians aresanctified.

If a child at the age of accountability decides to get born again, even if his parents are not, is also sanctified(and vice versa). Romans 7:9. Sin revived (it did not just come. It is the consciousness of sin that brings death)

Q: If Gods only creation were Adam and Eve, where did the women who the children married come from?

A: Adam and Eve must have had more children because God told them.to multiply. So they intermarried andat that time it was not improper.

Q: Why is it that the man Child of Rev 12 is not part of the 144,000? In Rev 9:4, does it mean that therewere some who had the seal on their heads?

A: when we read about the child, we noted that it was a SIGN. it was something that happened PRIOR TO thesecond half of the tribulation period. The 144k were there during the second half of the tribulation.

Rev 9:4- You would think that this means that there were others that had the seal of God... The emphasis ison those who DO NOT HAVE THE SEAL. It doesn't mean that there are those who have the seal at that time

E.g. Rev 16:2 (This is after the 7th trumpet. The tribulation saints and 2 witnesses are also gone.) At this pointall humans and the Antichrist are being Judged.


Satanism has been on the rise for quite a while now.

What is it about?

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There are people who truly worship Satan; who believe that Satan is good, and that the rest of us are told liesagainst him....when the very meaning of his name is bad. He is the adversary. That name originally comesfrom the Hebrew language.

The other part of it is Humanism... The idea that man should run his own life without God. They've beenthere but they are coming out to the surface boldly.

This shows a lot more of demonic influence. This is why we must be more prayerful.

All these rose because of the church that was less prayerful and more committed to earthly things.

We will deal with in-house matters later. But there is matter to deal with.

There is a repentance that Gods people and ministers need to have...of worldliness and earthly things.

Rather than get on TV and tell ministers what they should have done, I thought I should pray for them instrong intercession. This is not the medium for me to bring up any such issues because at this time, whatGod's people need is intercession.

If Daniel could pray for the children of Israel which were in exile, we also should pray for God's people.

After we have straightened out this stuff (Covid/lockdown), We can make some VERY NECESSARYCORRECTIONS because the Lord is coming soon. Not too far away.

Revelation 17:1

Notice what it says and what it does NOT say...because we may see something else that may be a bitconfusing later.

Notice where the great whore is sitting: On many waters.

V2: This is talking about the corruption of religion; the mixture of religion. Something that gets people awayfrom God into serving other gods. Its shows that there was a knowledge of God by the whore as it were.

V3: To show John this whore, He shows John a revelation in the spirit... A woman on a scarlet colored beast,full of names of blasphemy with 7 heads and 10 horns (as seen in Rev 13)

V4-5.. He is a seeing a vision meaning that what he is seeing is symbolic of whatever truth would becommunicated.

V6-8... The beast Was, and IS NOT, and will ASCEND from the bottomless pit (Only demons ascend from thebottom less pit. Not humans). This beast is an evil spirit.

When those who are there then see this beast, they will marvel because they will recognize him as one thatWAS, and us not and yet is.

V9-10; the 7 heads= 7 Mountains.Which woman is sitting??

The one in the vision is sitting on a beast. So which woman is this?

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What did John see that shook him? Why did he marvel? *He was stunned because he knew something aboutit!!!!*.

The 7 mountains are also 7 kings.

5 have fallen.

Refer back to the times of the Gentiles.

Luke 21:24



Babylon (days of Daniel)



Rome (Days of John)

Revised Rome.

Refer back to the Image of Nebuchadnezzar's dream.

In the days of Daniel, the Babylonian empire was on...

2 had passed.

The legs were of iron represented the Roman empire.

The feet were a mix of iron and Clay. Which represents strong and weak nations. (Europe and Allies)

Remember a stone was thrown without hands and destroyed the feet.

Daniel said..in the days of the last kings (iron and clay), the God of Heaven would destroy them and all theHuman structure would be brought down and be replaced by a kingdom that would not pass away.

In the chart of the times of the gentiles,

10 kings will come from the former Roman empire to try and form the new world power.

In Rev 17:10... John was at the Roman empire period. (The one that Is)... The last one has not yet come(Europe and Allies)

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V6: in the spirit, John was shocked to see what God was showing him. All those who had been killed.. He sawwho was responsible. MYSTERY, BABYLON THE GREAT ..

Because in Greek Mythology which He was acquainted with, the Greeks had talked about Zeus who wassupposedly a god, who saw a beautiful Lady called Europa who was sitting on a beach looking beautiful, soZeus transformed himself like a beast/a bull...and Europa rode on him and Zeus sped off through the watersand raped Europa and took her to Crete. Europa eventually gave birth to a child that was Half Bull, HalfHuman... Then she dies supposedly and translated to heaven and honored as the Queen of Heaven.

Now God was showing John that this was story of a demon/evil spirit (Zeus)... It was a story of deception.

This beast, was, is not ,and comes out of the bottomless pit.

This so called beautiful woman, was the devil behind the slaughtering of Gods people. She was responsiblefor the blood of saints that had been shed.

Remember the beast had 7 heads, 10 horns.

Rev 13:1: this one comes out of the sea.... A man...and the spirit by which he worked and functioned andmoved was the spirit in Rev 17. (Notice the descriptions are almost the same).

Satan would give this one his authority.

Rev 11: 6-7... Now we know who is responsible of the death of the 2 witnesses. He was introduced herebriefly, then more is known in Chapter 17./

Satan himself doesn't possess an individual but he introduces what he has into that person through an evilspirit. E.g..

Satan is not inside the beast, but he gave him his power

Rev 17: 11-

This beast was in the bottomless pit during the Roman empire when John was alive... He will come out of thepit, and will create a structure of his own as an 8th empire....even though he is also one of the 7 empires.

So how do we identify him?

Roms 13:1-4. Dan 7:4-6

Leopard: Grecian

Medo-perLion: Bear

Babylon: Lion

We are seeing a Grecian body, but the support is from Persia (feet)

Eschatology Teachings with Rev Chris Oyakhilome PHD. DSC. DD. /Transcribed by: Sis Chiagozie E-O 110

The spirit of Europa is coming back. Born by that evil Grecian spirit, supported by Persia.

Europe got its name from Europa. Go to Strasbourg, Berlin etc... You have everywhere the woman on thebeast in their currency, etc

(They may be ignorant, or they may be defiant about it)

In Rev 2:12-13... This was a warning to the church in *Pergamos* before the rapture. The location wasdescribed as where Satan's headquarters is. There the blood of many martyrs was shed.

Years ago, an excavator was able to find the altar of Pergamo.( In Turkey). He carried that altar to Berlinwhere he was celebrated and built a new Pergamos museum with all the weird images of ChristianPersecution displayed.

It is one of the most terrible things that ever happened to Europe.

Rev 17:11

The beast had Persian support....but the mouth of a lion... He spoke withe message and ideology of Babylon.

Why is that so important?

Now you understand why Europe finds it difficult to go against Iran no matter Iran does. No matter whatpolicies they come out with are designed by that Evil spirit.

You can't live in this world with your Brain... Its not good enough. You require divine revelation to walk intruth.

Rev 17:12- in the days of John, those 10kings had not received kingdoms as at yet. The new structure wouldbe the 8th...

V13: these 10 kings are of one mind who will give their power to the beast.. (The 8th).

Observation: Does it mean anything? Maybe not yet, but it's worth looking into.

HOWMANY MONARCHS ARE IN EUROPE TODAY? 10. (Actually 12 in total, but 2 are elective and don't fallinto the class). And one of them has a strange name.

There is an existing law in Europe with a title of 'King of Jerusalem' held by King Phillipe of Spain (But it wasnot given to them by Israel).

A day will come when someone will lay claim to that title... We know because its in the book.

Strangely, these 10 monarchs are all supporters of certain policies...

Very interesting....

This is just an observation.

Eschatology Teachings with Rev Chris Oyakhilome PHD. DSC. DD. /Transcribed by: Sis Chiagozie E-O 111

Why 10? In the place the bible talks about? Right now they are harmless... And we know the Antichrist won'tforce them because they will give him their powers... Somewhat weak power which will be turned into anextraordinary authority.

Rev 17V15-

Waters and seas often refer to peoples, nations...

So, that woman was sitting on nations.

V16-18. The woman in the vision is a city? This is a dichotomy of spiritual communication.

One is a spiritual reality another is a political structure. There is a religious place here and a spiritual forcebehind it.

The woman riding the beast is behind the political structure (Europe/Babylon)

The woman on many waters is the religious one...which is a city... Which is Rome/Mystery Babylon.

Why? Because Nations were controlled religiously.

Amazing reality! Amazing what's happening to our world. What's going on in Europe...and other regions ofthe world. Not very different from what's going on in Europe.

As you think about these things, ask yourself one question...'how prepared am I for the coming of the lord?What's my relationship with God today?'

Are you moving with the wind? With the trend of the world?

May God open the eyes of your spiritual understanding that you may comprehend these things and live asChrist would want you to. That Christ would dwell in your heart by faith.

*If you have not been living right, ask the Lord to purify your heart today. Let all those wicked things be takenaway from your heart today: lying. Deception. Stealing. Wickedness.*

*You may have killed, murdered and you didn't seem to care. You didn't think it mattered...but it does*.

The bible says the blood of Human beings has a voice. It cries out against the murderer.

*You need to get right with God. You can't tolerate hatred in your heart and be accepted of the Lord*.

Let the Lord change your life. It can happen now if you want it. You can't make it happen by yourself.

*If you want the righteousness of God in your heart, say the prayer of salvation the bible way and mean themfrom the bottom of your heart, and God will hear you.*

If you gave your life to Christ, please let us know. Send us a message.

Please remember to download our LiveTV app on your mobile device.

Eschatology Teachings with Rev Chris Oyakhilome PHD. DSC. DD. /Transcribed by: Sis Chiagozie E-O 112


- Pastor Chris:

Faith comes by hearing God's word.

And we need Faith today...in a day of fear and panic all around the world. God's people can minister faith tothose who don't have it. You have that faith, but you must increase and strengthen it to deal with the issuesand crisis of life.

We won't fast tomorrow and Sunday, but we will fast from Monday.

What is going on around the world is something we must take very seriously.

The forces of darkness that we are contending with are very desperate.

We cannot sleep and let them have their way.

The gospel is too important for us to keep quiet and let them shut the door around us.

*Don't think that what is going on has anything to do with a virus.*


The world has chosen to be deceived as they have been deceived many times before.

When the Y2K propaganda machine went on around the world, and the year came and passed with manynation's spending and budgeting for what was to come, No one asked questions. People only updated theircomputers....but we had been told of catastrophic results if the nations did not update their equipment.Most spent money...couldn't meet up etc..but nothing happened.

This is not the first pandemic...but where went the other ones? No one is asking.

Anything that does not exist in nature has got to created by someone.

It's a war that's been going on for long between the profession and the BUSINESS.

The medical profession and the MEDICAL BUSINESS are 2 different things.

Those who makes business of the profession are the ones who create opportunities to make more money.And the Love of Money is the root of all evil.

Those in the business are beclouding the professionals. The professionals know it is true but don't have theboldness to face the professionals...because the deep state (business) control the bureaucrats (professionals).

We have 2 types of research in the world.

Eschatology Teachings with Rev Chris Oyakhilome PHD. DSC. DD. /Transcribed by: Sis Chiagozie E-O 113

Professional research and Business research.

The business research is done by these guys be) hiring professionals) to produce the result they want.

The lawmakers were brought into office to craft laws and regulations...but when they have good ideas,lobbyists and interest groups come up to influence decisions.

This is the reason why many countries have not developed in the last 20 years. (Africa's case is a completelydifferent ball game).

There is Nothing to fear. This is just a global siege of the nations. And because we are being orderly andrespectful, we obey but we are not stupid.

Imagine that now in the UK, they are rationing water. Some are rationing eggs, etc.

These things were foretold in the Bible. ...IF YOU WANT TO FIGHT WITH ANYBODY, FIGHT WITH THESCRIPTURE.

A ministers job isn't to engage the politicians or professionals but to tell the truth, pray and hear from God.

There are different interest groups in the world and it is obvious what they are interested in.

Do your research and Listen to BOTH SIDES!!!! Not just the side that says 'it is fine'. Get ALL THEINFORMATION.

It is very easy to know what it's all about.

(Video play from the KLA website. From the 7th minute. It's an interview of a well known doctor in Germany)

The counter they use for this pandemic never stops. They never deduct the number of people who have beencured.

That's the WHO standard . They also don't state whether the victims had other underlying illnesses like Flu,etc... Once the person dies, they say it is Corona. The plan is to frighten the people. It's like the Resident Evillife.

But this is even the season of Flu, but because the whole world is focused on Corona they don't talk about it.

Fear weakens the immune system.

Doctors need to speak up.

China that is the city it came from, they live close together, produce a lot with cheap labor without masks etc,then they have the 5G trials there too.

Eschatology Teachings with Rev Chris Oyakhilome PHD. DSC. DD. /Transcribed by: Sis Chiagozie E-O 114

It is always the Experts of the WHO that SPREAD fear and panic. From the time of the Swine Flu, Bird flu etc.They make fatal predictions just to keep people on edge.

Lockdown is hilarious, because you cannot lockdown a virus. We are constantly being fooled. Where does thetheory come from that the Virus makes us sick? It's just a plot to create vaccinations.

This should be rectified, but no one does it.

If as a doctor you speak up, you are labeled a conspiracy theorist or a mad man or your license is revoked.Sad!

Doctors are only learning theoretically.


Doctors go to the media to say 'we are in despair. We don't have masks and gears anymore' making everyonebelieve that it is blocking the virus. Crap!!!

The pharmaceutical companies were already producing vaccinations to combat the pandemic (big business)but it's either China was too early or the pharmaceutical companies were 2 months to late with theirproduction.

(Check out kla.tv)

Pastor Chris:

The New world order has several groups interested in it. (This is what the ANTICHRIST will be pushing andriding on).

They have come up with a brilliant idea: ID2020. The main thrust is VACCINE. (Several groups are alsoinvolved in this. In some cases, if you don't study their documents properly , you won't know what they areabout). The goal was to do this in the year 2020.

They had 2 ways to do this.

1. Working through Health.... Set up a Pandemic (Covid-19)

2. Technology : Internet of Things (IOT), to make EVERYTHING THAT CAN BE CONNECTED, TO BE CONNECTED.Outwardly, it looks like a very brilliant idea.... BUT....

they are not just trying to connect your devices, (e.g. connecting your house and your phone etc) ...they say'everything and anything that can be connected will connected)... They don't tell you that YOUR BODY CANBE CONNECTED. It is the science behind electromagnetism.

Eschatology Teachings with Rev Chris Oyakhilome PHD. DSC. DD. /Transcribed by: Sis Chiagozie E-O 115

You become part of the connection of your house and devices but it doesn't stop there.

This is a great breakthrough in technology BUT once that happens, you can also be controlled as your devicesare controlled. Signals can be sent to your brain. This is pure science.

This is why God said, if anyone takes that mark of the beast, he is lost forever...because you are no longeryourself.

That's why they plan to start vaccinating children from a certain age.

They release the virus to create FEAR...and with the Fear, you would be willing to collect the vaccine.

They also want to use 5G which is 10times as powerful...which is to be sold in such a way that everyonewould embrace.

So they give us a virus to fear and a 5G to embrace.

Politicians are not doing research, they are just embracing the technology.

They DIDN'T TELL YOU that the Vaccines would be coming with Digital ID.

Infact they are pulling down some of the articles off the internet and re-editing their previous articlesbecause many people are now researching it

As per covid-19, Saudi Arabia has approved the chloroquine treatment because they know that it works.

The COVID-19 doesn't kill people. But people are dying because they are being left to die. It is possible torecover from it just like the flu but the business groups don't want you to know that.

The ID2020 alliance targets poor countries. They are in partnership with Bangladesh. The want to leverageimmunization as an opportunity to establish DIGITAL IDENTITY. (Identity through numbers. Everyone wouldhave a personal number. You won't even need your passport. It's a number on your body)

They want to track Individuals. They updated their website 26th March.


Imagine that during this isolation period, THEY ARE SENDING PEOPLE TO LAY 5G FIBRE LINES SECRETLY INDIFFERENT LOCATIONS. (ignoring the social distancing talk...just to achieve their agenda). That's why theyneed everyone inside for weeks so that they can set up effectively. Scientifically, staying indoors is thestupidest thing ever.

Are these intended to scare you? NO.

This is NOT God's judgement of the nations. It's just the work of Satan who likes to work ahead of his time

Eschatology Teachings with Rev Chris Oyakhilome PHD. DSC. DD. /Transcribed by: Sis Chiagozie E-O 116

Revelations 13:15-18

Some old manuscripts came up with the number 616 instead of 666. (Latin version of the name). People eventaught Caesar Nero who persecuted Christians, was the ANTICHRIST.

It's important to already study project within context. When a prophecy is fulfilled, it is accurate.

Some Christians would be wrong to assume that this is the era of the Antichrist, or that this is what issupposed to be happening now...but it is not time. That's why everyone should study and pray that things bealigned into God's perfect will.

The Antichrist may have structures but those structures cannot Lord it over us AT THIS TIME.

THAT'S WHY WE'VE GOT TO SAY NO. Can we really know the Bible and let those things happen to us? NOWAY!!!!

EVEN during the tribulation to come, multitudes will refuse to take the Mark and God will accept them.

THIS DECEPTION is one of the worst the world has seen.


We want to make sure that things move in the direction of the spirit.

We must pray that this evil work of Satan be destroyed completely.

As we pray, we are using powerful weapons. No one is shielded from our prayer.

The church of Jesus Christ is delivered from wicked and unreasonable men.

Those that desire to create a luciferian society cannot Lord it over us in Jesus name.

The plan for this evil vaccine of control, we reject it absolutely in Jesus name.

If we are to allow this...this totalitarianism, What is meant to follow is the greatest persecution of God'speople everywhere.

Imagine the shutting down of churches so far.

Thank God some states have decided that they won't close the churches anymore.

Imagine that they aren't able to close mosques.

We are not saying they should close down the mosques but they should open churches as well. .it has beenproven that Churches HEAL PEOPLE. A serious nation should do their own research and leave churches alone.

Dan 12:1-2; 8:24-25. Matt 24:15-21. Rev 13:5-

Eschatology Teachings with Rev Chris Oyakhilome PHD. DSC. DD. /Transcribed by: Sis Chiagozie E-O 117

We cannot keep quiet.

We can't allow him do this because we know what follows.

Those hospitals and isolation centres would be turned into prison camps by the ANTICHRIST. They would giveChristians a chance to renounce Christ before they kill them.

Pray with all the faith and wisdom you have.


Eschatology Teachings with Rev Chris Oyakhilome PHD. DSC. DD. /Transcribed by: Sis Chiagozie E-O 118

Eschatology Teachings with Rev Chris Oyakhilome PHD. DSC. DD. /Transcribed by: Sis Chiagozie E-O 119


- Pastor Chris:

Faith comes to us through the word.

You can't get faith any other way.

Prayer is important and it's in prayer that we make connection to align ourselves with Gods will.

The whole earth belongs to God..and not just in a casual expression or in a mere genericexpression. It truly belongs to him. The nations of the world belong to Him. On the outside itmay not look so, because in many places he is not honored or recognized, but it belongs tohim...and one day He will show that it all belongs to him.

One of these days, Jesus will come back.

He said 'Heaven and earth will pass way, but my word will not pass away'. The certainty of hisword is superior to anything else you could ever imagine.... Anything in life, including thesureness of the appearance of the heaven and the earth.

You can bet on his word! It will never pass away. NEVER!!!

We are in the times of the signs(of the end times). There's no doubt that the Heavens are inpreparation for the coming of the Lord.

The scriptures tell us that first, the church will be caught away from this earth, and then theman of lawlessness will be revealed (The Antichrist).

So that day is not far and one of the things you have to understand about the catching away ofthe church is that, it was one of the extraordinary mysteries given to the Apostle Paul.

Remember, even the mystery of the gentiles coming into salvation was unknown to the closestdisciples of Jesus. ..so much so, It was a major debate when the apostles and elders cametogether to consider the matter..they had no idea.

Matt 24:1-3

The disciples asked the Lord those three questions (v3)

Eschatology Teachings with Rev Chris Oyakhilome PHD. DSC. DD. /Transcribed by: Sis Chiagozie E-O 120

If you look at those 3 questions carefully, they surrounded only the information that Jesus hadgiven to them.

When Jesus said 'I will build my church...' They knew that Israel was the church in thewilderness...but they know that the Gentiles would be brought in.

Jesus gave the ministry to Paul to take to the gentiles even though it was inaugurated by Peterin the house of Cornelius.

In Acts 15, they debated, they weren't sure that the gentiles were to come into salvation.

There are certain mysteries in the scripture. It doesn't mean it is completely unknown. Its justrevealed to a select few.

E.g. it was James who went back into scripture to show them that the Gentiles would come intosalvation.... And then they accepted that truth.

Col 1:26-27.

1 Cor 15:51-53-55... In that one moment...so fast... We shall be changed into immortal beings inour physical bodies.

The nature that he gave us in our spirits, will swallow up the totality of our physical bodies.

The rapture will happen WHEN THE TRUMPET SOUNDS.

1 Thess 4:16-17.

One of the way we will know that the rapture of the church is very near is that the church willbe preparing for it...the church will be conscious of it...

And there has never been a time in the history of this world that the church has been preparingfor this. The message is going around the world to get Gods people for the coming of the lord.


This was Gods amazing opportunity!!!!

Eschatology Teachings with Rev Chris Oyakhilome PHD. DSC. DD. /Transcribed by: Sis Chiagozie E-O 121

Was there ever a time when so many people were holed up in their homes...and most to hearthe gospel or Jesus Christ?

As we rebroadcast it again and again, people are hearing.

People are telling their friends and relatives...JESUS IS COMING.

We have never been as stirred as it is today. Get yourself ready. He will certainly come back.

He said he would.

When he shows up in Heaven, others will not see him...but we who are born again, will hearthat trumpet and be caught up with him in the air, and go with him to Heaven...to come backwith him...

Don't deceive yourself that 'Oh, we've been hearing this for long'. It is much closer now thanever. You don't want him to find you not living for God. Its time to live for Jesus.


On Tuesday, we identified the woman on the water and the woman on the beast.

The focus in Rev 17:1, was the JUDGEMENT of the woman, which was why John was given therevelation.

(Kindly Refer to Tuesday Notes, Day 7, Phase 3)

Today, the European Union has reorganized itself to present its identity, not only in name asEuropa, but with the very revelation and representation as shown to John.

These things are very important.

One of the things that Europe stands for today, is what you can call from the Bible, areconstruction of the tower if Babel.

(See picture of poster used several years ago to represent Europe. Captioned: EUROPE: MANYTONGUES, ONE VOICE)

Eschatology Teachings with Rev Chris Oyakhilome PHD. DSC. DD. /Transcribed by: Sis Chiagozie E-O 122

God confounded the construction of the tower of Babel through language. They stopped thebuilding... Now look at the design of the EU building... As an unfinished building... To say 'Yes,we may have many tongues, but we have one voice'. Clear Defiance.

Europe bought into the Greek Mythology and said 'Yes that's us'. If Europe is Europa, the bibleidentifies Zeus as the beast from the bottomless Abyss (A demon).

Europe is declaring a descent of demonic origin...so you see the hatred for God. For Jesus.

Why would you have policies that are completely Antichrist in nature? Its because of this origin.

Remember the Roman Empire covered Europe mostly.

If you want to know TRUTH, look into the scriptures.

What we are seeing today is the confirmation of the preparation for the platforms of theAntichrist.

Please note, the Antichrist will not have control OVER ALL THEWORLD.


In the last few verses, there was rejoicing over the destruction of the whore.


V 1-6

There is great rejoicing in Heaven.

Several times, the Bible tells us of the burning of that city.

Europe will destroy the Vatican (the city) at that time.

Europe will set up a new world wide religion, so they would have no reason to have achurch...so they will destroy the first thing that stands as the church in Europe.

Eschatology Teachings with Rev Chris Oyakhilome PHD. DSC. DD. /Transcribed by: Sis Chiagozie E-O 123

19: 7...

Those in Heaven are

The 4 awe-inspiring creatures (4 beasts according to KJV)

The 144,000

The saints who ascended with Jesus

The tribulation saints

The 2 witnesses

In heaven there are 2 groups.... (All the above)... And All the saints who died and went toHeaven BEFORE the rapture of the tribulation saints. (Their souls were seen in Heaven... Saintswho were beheaded, etc). Remember there was an earlier group of them who called on God toavenge them.

On Earth you've got..

All the wicked who don't believe in Jesus.

1. Those who have /received the Mark of the beast

2.Those who didn't receive the mark of the beast because they were in regions that theAntichrist didn't have power over.

3. Children of Israel: God intends to fulfil his word to them as promised to Abraham Isaac andJacob, as a people.

In Heaven there is a Party ... The marriage supper of the Lamb is about to take place.

On Earth, there are wars

* Europe destroys the city

*The king of the south battles the Antichrist for Jerusalem.

(The devil is mad because he knows his time is short. Just 3 and half Years)

Eschatology Teachings with Rev Chris Oyakhilome PHD. DSC. DD. /Transcribed by: Sis Chiagozie E-O 124

Daniel 11:40-

It appears that they don't happen to win this war at this time.

V41- 43 the Antichrist moves from Europe to his headquarters in Jerusalem.

V44: He will hear news from the East (China) and the North (Russia) that will annoy him.. Whichwill cause him to annihilate many.

Rev 16:12-14

They (China and Russia) set out to attack the Antichrist in Jerusalem...

He hears news about their coming..

He gets mad, moves his HQ to Jerusalem...

They (China and Russia)come through, gain momentum....

V16- They gather for a final war showdown at Armageddon (the Hill of Meggido).

Simultaneously in Heaven, Rev 19:7 is on.

V8: the fine linen is the righteousness of saints.

Psalm 45: 1-4.-13

Teach thee terrible deeds= Display awesome deeds (NIV)

This psalm is talking about a king well dressed for war, who had the Queen at his right hand.

He goes to the war having taken his bride.

He is talking about what happens immediately after the marriage supper of the Lamb.

Rev 19:8-

Some think there would be 'other invitees' to the wedding. They think the church is the bride,and other groups of righteous people are the invitees.

But they are wrong. Its not the individual saints that are the bride of Christ. It is the CITY. thosewho are called, are the individuals in the city.

Eschatology Teachings with Rev Chris Oyakhilome PHD. DSC. DD. /Transcribed by: Sis Chiagozie E-O 125

Rev 19:10-13

This is JESUS...

Notice he is already crowned.

Notice he isn't wearing a red robe, but a robe DIPPED in blood.

(Compare to the former being on a white horse that we studied earlier)

We were bought with a price. When you want to lay claims to what you bought, what do youtake? A receipt.

The receipt is the BLOOD.

(Not a red robe)

Rev 17:3-4

Jesus robe is proof that he bought the whole field. The robe dipped in blood is proof of thepurchase.

Jesus paid for your life.

Rev 19:14-16-

V 17: (What kind of a being can stand on the sun, and still can be seen?

Everything about God is Glory upon glory)

V 19: Those on earth had been fighting, but they don't know that God drew them together toexecute Judgement on them.

As they See Jesus coming, they all Unite to fight the one coming from Outer space.

Rev 6:12-17

Remember the opening of the 6th seal...

This scripture was at the end of the tribulation.

Matt 24: 29-30 (These are the words of Jesus himself)

Eschatology Teachings with Rev Chris Oyakhilome PHD. DSC. DD. /Transcribed by: Sis Chiagozie E-O 126

This is what concludes the 7 year period.


Zechariah 14:1- 16(This is the prophet's description as seen from Long ago)

Revelation 19:19-

V20: The beast was captured

He was thrown alive into the lake of fire STRAIGHT!!!! Direct Entry! Haha!!!!

Daniel also saw this...

Daniel 7:11 -14.

Matthew 24: 30, 31-

Who are the elect?

There is one more group that he seeks to save: Israel as a Nation!

He destroyed their enemies to save them.

He fulfills the promise.

There are some things you see in the Bible and you just see the mercy of God.

Isaiah 11:11-12

Remember after the first dispersion of the Jews, Daniels vision, then they were gathered backbefore the time of Jesus.

Then Jesus prophesied again about their dispersion. He said not one stone would be left uponanother

In 70 AD it was fulfilled.

They were carried to all nations and scattered.

In 1948, their homeland were settled...Jews have been returning home..but there are moreoutside present day Israel than inside.

Eschatology Teachings with Rev Chris Oyakhilome PHD. DSC. DD. /Transcribed by: Sis Chiagozie E-O 127

But on that day, he will gather all of the remnant back to Israel... And Jesus will Judge all nationsfor what they did to Israel.

Romans 11:26- 28 All Israel will be saved as a nation.

All Israel will gather with their little ones and they will weep and repent for what they did toJesus.

Matthew 25:31-

V33- this scripture isn't referring to Christians and Unbelievers. This is not our judgement. Wewill come down with him.

V34- 40

This is referring to the nations that persecuted the Jews.

In Germany, the Jews were so hated.

Antisemitism hasn't stopped in the world.

Its a demonic thing that causes hatred.

Anyone that hates Jews, hates Jesus.

There are even some Christians that hate Jews because of the stories they heard.


This is not the Judgement yet.

If you are not living for Jesus Christ, receive Eternal life TODAY.

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- Pastor Chris:

I hope you have been praying your 15 mins segments daily. It did not end with the fast.

I would suppose that during this period. You've gained a new inspiration of prayer. Jesus taughtthat men ought always to pray and not faint.

Prayer is about bringing his will into life's situations with prayer. We pray the will of God. Wemake his will happen.

That's an aspect of prayer that makes it exciting because we watch things change in ourdirection as we pray.

What we have been sharing about in the book of revelation has helped us to have a focus in lifeand to prioritize our goals.

Psalm 41: 1

There are many people who get into trouble and they don't get God's ear. Why? Because theynever considered the poor.

Psalm 49:1-20

V11: some people name streets after them, thinking to immortalize their names.


Q: The woman On the water that we talked about in Chapter 18, does she bear the samename as the woman on the beast? Are they both called Great Babylon? Rev 17:18,, Rev 18

A: Revelations 17:3-5

The woman on the water was also called 'Babylon the great' *same as the woman on thebeast*.

Eschatology Teachings with Rev Chris Oyakhilome PHD. DSC. DD. /Transcribed by: Sis Chiagozie E-O 129

That was a smart question.

Rev 14:8.

The woman riding the beast was not called a city, even though she was called "Babylon thegreat". (Remember Babylon not a city, but was an empire with several cities.. it was a system).But this time he was dealing with something much more than a system..

The great city that we are introduced to in Rev 17:18 is called Babylon.

Go back to 14:8. This is the same description as the woman on the water.

In 17:1, she is just called the great Whore... Later on, she was described as the great city.

Remember I said when we studied chapter 17,

*The Political Babylon will destroy the spiritual Babylon*.

Rev16:19 - this is at the time of Judgement when cities were being destroyed. Godremembered Babylon *the City*.

18:2- This was the woman on the water.

So the woman on the water is called Babylon the Great.

What's the relationship between the 2 women? The woman in the water, was the city Rev17:8

The woman riding the beast is a spirit/demon called Europa.

And that demon was known to the Greek empire.

Many of them believed they were descendants of Europa.

They worshiped Europa as the 'Queen of Heaven' who was supposedly honored at her death.

But they were wrong. Europa was an evil spirit.

Zeus, the beast, is also an evil spirit.

Eschatology Teachings with Rev Chris Oyakhilome PHD. DSC. DD. /Transcribed by: Sis Chiagozie E-O 130

We find that there's a history and that's why God used that name. That was why that imagerywas shown to John in the Revelation, even though Babylon if the Roman empire was long gone.

God was saying ...the same spirit that was at work in Babylon transformed themselves and arecontrolling the the woman that was upon the water and the spirit that came out of thebottomless pit (Humans don't come out of the abyss. Only evil spirits do).

The Spirit, Zeus, came out the Abyss... That spirit was the same spirit at work in Greece. Hehelped them formulate that Myth that Zeus was a god.

She had been there sitting on 7 mountains

(Please Refer to previous notes)

Mountains refer to authorities and powers

And what does the Bible tell us about the Red dragon?

The red dragon also had 7 heads, 10 horns. He had manifested himself in Human governmentsat different times.

That same evil spirit that had been there at different times is the name spirit reorganizing theforces of Europa, (Europe- the European Union)

This is human life now... And they didn't check the Bible for it... Or did they? And chosedefiance??? maybe

Its got nothing to do with how good you are, or not good... It's like some of the things I told youin the past few weeks, scientists are now discovering.... They are speaking up now.

They are showing that what I told you was factual.. with real data.

Here's another thing.

The relationship between the spirit that came out of the abyss, that's called the beast... and theone that came out of the sea also called the beast.

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Let's look at it. It's very much like we just talked about Babylon the great. There is the spirit andthere's activities.

Rev 13:1-2

This beast evidently having the body and head of a leopard (Greece) and the feet of a bear(Persia) and the mouth of a Lion (Babylon). This was to show a certain type of identity.

This one was A MAN with certain characteristics gotten from a spirit that had been there inGrecia, Persia and Babylon.

He uses the same name.

He operates through the Antichrist.

In Rev 12:3&4

One third of the angels (stars) followed this dragon.

Rev 17:7-8

Sea refers to humanity/people. The one from the sea is among human beings.

The beast from the bottomless pit is the same beast that gets into the one in the sea.

So, On the outside, you see a man. In the spirit, you see the beast from the bottomless pit.

The man (beast of the sea) took on THE CHARACTER of the beast that came up out of thebottomless pit.

Dan 10: 12-13

The Persian empire was on at this time. Daniel was living there. He prayed and an angel wassent with a message for Daniel but was withstood.

If the Prince of Persia withstood Daniel/the Angel from God, it was obviously an evil Angel.


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Notice the term changed in the B part, to the 'kings of Persia' meaning that they were *demonlords over Persia responsible for the activities in the kingdom of Persia*.

Kingdoms and nations can have evil spirits that set their agenda against those nations.

God also has angels who work on behalf of his people. That's why we pray for our countries.God won't send an Angel to a location just because... Even if the devil sends his angels there. Heonly does it because of his own people.

God responds to his children's request and to their needs.

Recognize how God works!

E.g. Micheal was assigned to the Nation of Israel.... Gabriel said so.

Dan 10:14-15, 19-20

Why was Gabriel going back to fight?

He doesn't have to go through that route. He could go back to heaven any other way...but hehad to go back to the fight.

Because God was bringing the Persian empire to an end.

Once the prince of Persia is toppled in the spirit, on earth the Persian empire is defeated andthe Grecian empire comes. That was what played out.

That's just to show us what happens in the spirit. Like now what's happening is not aboutscience, but it's about some Spirits that are working in the world and taking charge of nation'sand driving their agenda.


Being nice and good doesn't mean that you are spiritually alert.

There's an agenda by some spirits to control the world and If you study your Bible right, youwould see it.

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Again and again remember the Bible says, we wrestle not against flesh and blood but againstprincipalities...

Eph 6:10-11

You've got to be STRONG in the Lord.

It's not about the human beings or human structures.

It's just like the days of Daniel. He was a prince in Persia and he knew that his physicalgovernment did not withstand Gabriel, but there was a war going on in the heavenlies.

He understood it had to be a spirit beyond the atmosphere.

There is an order of spirit. Thrones, dominions, powers.

There are different levels in the hierarchy of spirits.

V13- 18

In a day like this, when fear is being sold everywhere, You must be able to STAND.

V17-18 You must have the Rhema of God in your mouth as a sword.

And you must pray always.

Ezekiel 28:1-9, 11-

He is talking to the PRINCE OF TYRUS...who is a man. (Like a Governor). His city is Tyrus.

He had become so boastful and proud that he declared himself to be God.

He believed he was wiser than Daniel. He was so rich.

V 10- God was saying 'when you are killed, they will all know you are a man, and not God'.

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V 12:

Now this is a message to the *KING OF TYRUS*.

He had been in Eden the garden of God (the only ones we know who were there are Adam, eveand the One that came into the garden through the serpent). So who is he referring to? Let'scontinue....

V13- it is a CREATED BEING

V14- He was an anointed cherub (Very High Angel... Protectors of the throne room)

This was Lucifer himself.

He was in the place of power and authority in the Holy Mountain of God. He wasn't just anAngel.


His Judgement is being pronounced. .

Satan sends out spirits from himself; that carry his personalities, traits and character.

THINK ABOUT IT... The things that this spirit said (king of Tyrus), aren't they so similar to whatthe Governor said? See how he was so puffed up...


Satan sends out spirits from himself. He himself doesn't possess people.

Those spirits enter into people and reproduce in those people whatever Satan wants them todo.

So we see how someone else was setting the agenda of the Governor in the City of Tyrus.


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That's what we must pray for governments. Its not about science. Science is telling us that thisis Crazy!!! But why aren't the leaders listening??? *Because Men have been deceived by an evilspirit*.

An evil spirit is misleading people today.

Revelations 16:13:

The dragon is Satan.

The false prophet was a man, but an evil spirit had entered into him and was using him for thethings he was doing.

Same as the Antichrist.

(The beast from the bottomless pit entered into them)

Rev 11: 3-7

Remember the 2 witnesses (2 olive trees or 2 lamp stands)

It is the beast that ascends out of the bottomless pit that overpowers them and kills them...How will this spirit do it? *Through the Antichrist.*

Rev 16:13- the unclean spirits were like frogs.

Don't be deceived by the size of any physical representation that you see. When we deal withspirits, Its not about size.

It doesn't matter what they look like.

I told you....

Satan releases demons.

Now even the beast released demons.

Just 3 demons assembled the whole world to Armageddon!!!! Just THREE!!!!!

Rev 16:13-14....

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Imagine ...just 3 demons organize the whole world to the battle of Armageddon

Off course they would have other spirits working with them. But they are just 3.

(Remember the swarm if locusts (demons) that come out of the pit that will blacken the sun?WHY? Because of the number of demons that come out that place. Have you ever seen aswarm of Bats come out at the same time? The sky looks dark )

Just one evil Prince gets the world to this frenzy

But by the power of the Holy Ghost, we have brought him down. You'll see!!!

Hallelujah! Blessed be God!

REVELATIONS 19:20 Continuation...

At the battle of Armageddon, they stop fighting themselves and focus on Jesus. Then the beastwas captured.

The beast and the false prophet were CAST ALIVE into the lake of fire. *They are Humans*.

HE WAS CAPTURED... (Why couldn't he just kill himself?)

You Know, Jesus also has the Keys of Death.

They couldn't kill themselves in his presence. In those days, people will ask for death and notfind it.

V21. Words from Jesus slew them.

Revelations Chapter 20:1-

Just ONE ANGEL laid hold of the dragon...with ONE HAND....

Because he was holding a chain on one Hand.

God describes the dragon clearly for us here.

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The devil is then bound for 1000 years. (What a time to be in prison!!)

Only one angel does all this!

V4: (KJV)

Who sat upon the thrones????* The verse looks incomplete. Read the verse slowly so you canget it. Don't speed read.

Something is missing....

There is no context in the verses before.

So what's he talking about?

Go back to the original manuscript to check....

The words 'I saw' were not in the original manuscript. (The words 'I saw' are in parentheses inKJV)

They thought that including 'I saw' would help...but it confuses the writing.

The Latin original doesn't have 'I saw'.

There is also no semi colon or comma there.

(Latin was the language spoken in Rome at the time of Jesus).


The souls referred to here, are the souls that were seen at the breaking of the 5th seal.

These particular group of people were beheaded.

Why is that important?

That was Rome's wicked capital punishment for criminals. It came from a religious thinking. Thiswas believed to be a final preventive measure for criminals to reincarnate in any form or to beforgiven in the life after. They did this to Christians.

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These were the souls we spoke of before, who called for vengeance...whom God told to waitfor others.

Now these souls were together with those who were giving Judgement on the throne.

Dan 7v11-

(referring to a spiritual body). The physical body cannot endure hell. This is a vision.

(John says they were cast alive.... )

Remember those that were beheaded did not have their spiritual bodies and were found naked.

V18,27... The saints shall take the kingdom.

Prophet Isaiah also saw this.

Isa 24:21-22

These demons shall be gathered together in the pit.

So, The millennium begins and the saints possess the kingdom.

Dan 7:21-22.

Judgement was given to the saints of the Most high.

This is what we see in Revelation 20:4-5

The first resurrection is for all the saints that will be found in the new Jerusalem.

All those who lived before Christ in the old testament who were brought out of Hades, andthose saved after Christ ascended. The tribulation saints, the 144k...

They will move into the millennial reign and we will have the Jewish nation.


What is the second death?

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Is there a second resurrection? Absolutely Yes.

This happens after 1000 years of peace.

The first ressurection has a series of ressurections and raptures.


Satan is released out of his prison after 1000 years.

V8: Gog and Magog- The farthest North. ( this is not the same encounter captured in Ezekiel38/39)

1. Very likely, the attack comes from the North.... From the same area that the previous onecame.

2. It also shows the result... What they are going to face. DEFEAT.

In using Gog and Magog he is referencing their terrible defeat.

V9- they are devoured with Fire.

V10- This time, Satan isn't kept in prison. He is cast straight into the lake of fire to join theAntichrist and the False prophet.

V11- Now Here is the great white throne Judgement (the most terrifying of them all).. What didthe earth see that it couldn't stand... that they fled???

(Ref Dan 12:1-2)

V12: This is the second ressurection.

It doesn't matter what you do; your works are written down.

Every man was judged according to their works

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There are several books. We are not the first to read books. Books were in heaven before wehad sense to invent them

There was ANOTHER book.


It doesn't matter how the person dies...whether cremated or anything...

*Human beings are not bodies*.

Death and Hell was cast into the LAKE OF FIRE. (This is worse than Hell).

In the second death, the man doesn't go extinct. There is no cessation of the life.

It is a continued, never ending death. The horror of darkness never stops. IT NEVER ENDS.



That's why Jesus came.

It was never prepared for man, but for the devil and his angels.

There is no possibility of ever coming out.

*Whosoever was not found written in the book of life was cast into the lake of fire*.

Does it matter what people think about you in this earth?

Does it matter what you possess or what position you occupy?

Remember Psalm 49.

Rich, poor, small and great were Judged according to their works.

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At the end of the day, Only one thing mattered...

Was your name written in the book of life???

At the end of the day, their good works could not save them..

Their charity works could not save them...

Their tears could not save them.

What mattered was the name being written in the book of life.

That's what counts.


Make a decision to receive this salvation In Jesus Christ.

There is no future in any religion.

Jesus is not a religion.

But, there is a future in Jesus Christ.

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- Pastor Chris:

Welcome to today's program.

I trust that you had some time of meditation and prayer today, and to view some of the thingswe have been discussing in the last weeks.

Gods word is truth. Absolute truth.


One of the things I tried to get across to you the last couple of weeks is the REALITY OF THESPIRIT REALM.


A lot of people admit that it's real but don't live like it is. They see everything from the humanperspective. They don't believe that its spiritual.


From the outside, the girl didn't look different from other people. She looked normal likeeveryone else.

It looked like there was nothing wrong with what she said.

The interesting thing is...she did this for several days.

But Why was Paul grieved in the spirit? Because His spirit recognized something that otherswho were listening to the girl didn't understand. They didn't have spiritual understanding.

Paul addressed the spirit by which the girl was speaking.

Would you know when a statement you are hearing that sounds nice/true is not from God???

Would you know when an announcement is made that sounds nice is not from God but thedevil???

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*All you see is not all there is!*

Even though we have a material world, there is a spiritual world that dominates the physical.

And when it comes to nations, we have to recognize that this things are real.

When Jesus was arrested by the authorities what did he say? He said 'when I was out teachingin the temple, you didn't do anything... But THIS IS YOUR HOUR AND THE POWER OFDARKNESS'.

When it was not their moment, they couldn't take him. It was not their time.

Would you know when the forces of darkness are up against you?

Would you know when Satan is in operation in your city, country, the world; Would you know???

Without the knowledge of the word of God. You won't know. All you'd have is speculation.

God said 'My people are destroyed for the lack of Knowledge'.

Some Christians say 'well, there is a normal life'. What is that?

You are either in God or with the devil. There is no middle ground.

That's why Jesus said 'You MUST be born again. That which is born of the flesh is flesh. And thatwhich is born if the spirit is spirit'.

God takes only those who have received his salvation.

Remember what we read yesterday

"And anybody whose name was not found in the book of life was cast into the lake of fire".

As an individual, you can believe what you want to believe... But at the end of the day, whatyou believe or don't believe will determine your fate.

Thank God for the bible that teaches and informs us.

The bible says 'Prove all things...hold fast to that which is good'.

When you haven't proved it, you may have some thoughts about 'what if'?

Let no one deceive you with Vain words. For there are many deceivers.


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Yesterday, we talked about the Judgement. We got to Revelation chapter 20 and saw somereally important things.

Jesus comes from Heaven to the battle of Armageddon... They then turn from each other toface him in battle.

Jesus and his saints descend from Heaven in glory and power.

The fight was fruitless for those in the earth.

Revelations 1:4-

V6: This is not a promise or something that will happen in the sweet by and by. .

V7: Up till now, Jesus has got holes in his hands where the Romans nailed him. He also has aterrible scar hole on his side where they pierced him with a sword and blood and water gushedout.

The whole earth will mourn and wail because of him... Many will suddenly remember.

The Antichrist would make people believe a lie about Christians after they are raptured...

(Just like now...

There are people who have died in hospitals and couldn't go home because they died. There isno autopsy, the family may not find out...but the record would say he died of corona virus... Bythe new laws drafted.)

But they will find out that everything they heard about Christ is true. And that the rapture istrue.

Those who remember the truth will begin to cry.

There are many Jews who believe in Jesus Christ. But as a nation, they haven't accepted him.(National salvation vs Individual salvation).

Zechariah 12:8- 13:1 begins to take shape.

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Why does God love Jerusalem so? Because of the Fathers. The patriarchs.

V10: Even though they had rejected him, God will pour out the spirit of Grace on them. All ofIsrael will be full of tears and crying. They will realize that this Jesus was the Messiah which thegentiles had been preaching.

What a day that would be!!!

The Antichrist and the False prophet will be thrown in the lake of fire for 1000 years beforeSatan joins them afterwards.

The Judgement:

Matthew 25:32-46

This is the Judgement of nations.

Jesus promised to Judge them for what they did to Israel; for their evil works.

Look at the United Nations today. How many times do they make decisions against Israel.

Why did the Brothers of Joseph hate Joseph? He did nothing wrong. He was just blessed.

Why do they hate Israel so much?

Why is Jerusalem always an issue?

There was a plan sometime ago for Jews to relocate to Uganda/Hitler wanted them to go toMagadascar. Why?

The prophetic word was given.. They hated him without a cause.

Revelations 20:10 - This is after the millennial reign of Christ. (1000 years of peace)

Why is Satan going to deceive the nations AGAIN?

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In the 1000 years of Peace, people are being born. The sheep had been separated from thegoats. The sheep are the ones continuing... They are NATIONS that are called righteous becauseof their good works.

Remember, this is the salvation of nations.

(Nations consist of families, clans, countries)

During the millennial reign, any nation that doesn't come to Jerusalem for the feast ofTabernacles, there will be no rain on their land. (Not the whole nation. This is representational)

Satan was not there during the millennial reign to deceive the new generations being born.

Satan is released, he deceives those that can (a large army) and tries to fight again. (V7-9)

Rev 20:11.

Where are the natural people right now??? On earth

We who are raptured already are in a 'celestial space'. We already have that celestial ability. E.g.If we need to go to Jerusalem, we just appear there.

(Since not all the natural people would be in the defeated army, the other natural people wouldbe in their different nations)

V 11: the earth shakes and the people on the earth have no place to hide.

V12-13: This is the INDIVIDUAL JUDGEMENT. Everyone who had died, will rise.

Those alive will also stand.

Where can you hide from Gods presence?

This is the first phase of the Judgement.

God is very legalistic about the details.

He wouldn't want anyone to be said to be judged without cause.

Every tear is recorded

Every action.

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Every strand of our hair is numbered.

There is no detail of our lives that God isn't aware of.

V14; What is DEATH???

Death is a spirit.

Death is a force.

Death is a power.

The Antichrist, the false prophet, Satan, Death and Hell... Will be in the lake of Fire...

And WHOSOEVER was not found written in the book of life was cast in the lake of fire.

The Overwhelming evidence is there in the bible... About the book of Life.

The first time it is mentioned in the bible was by Moses.

Exodus 32:32-33.

Moses knew by Revelation.

Moses wrote the book of genesis.

He KNEW his name was in the book.

It was never about putting people's names in... It was about blotting it out.

Do sinners have their names in God's book?

Psalm 69:18-28.

Referring to enemies of the righteous.

Notice verse 28. That means their names are in the book of the living/life (NIV)

You can't take out their names if their names aren't there.

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Daniel 12:1-: Everyone that shall be found written in the book.

Its the same book...

This book has been there since the old testament!!!

(Some say that it is when you get born again that your name gets written in the book, but that'swrong)

(Philippians 4:3, Hebrew 12:23. Revelations 3:5, Rev 13:7; Rev 20:12; 21:27)

In all the scriptures read, we see that no ones name was added. Only some were blotted out.

(Some days ago, we discussed those cloned beings whose names were never there.)

The book of life belongs to the Lamb (Jesus)

Revelations 20:15

Remember those people who were destroyed in the second battle that Satan mobilized? Thosepeople were all of those people who could not accept salvation.

Remember there were nations who could not take the mark of the beast and who did not alsobelieve in Jesus because they were not under the domain of the Antichrist.

We the saints, will be part of those judging with Jesus.(ref 1 Cor 6:2-3)

If your name was never in the book of life, it would be wring to check if your name was there. .

Whosoever was NOT FOUND... these are those whose names were there before.

It is those who were never there that followed Satan to attach the holy city. And they were alldestroyed.

NIV Dan 7:9-10

This is God Almighty. This description is just like the description of Jesus in Revelations.

This is when the saints take over.

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The thrones are set!!!

If you have been a Christian a long time, it doesn't matter the persecution you have faced. Orthe insults. It is worth it!*

Just keep pushing! Keep going! The glory ahead... Aaah!!! Haha!!!

One of these days he will come back for us. Keep pushing.

Revelations 21:1-


God himself is moving in...

Just like Grandpa moving in...who has got everything!!!.

What do you want?

V6: It is done... That means SETTLED. .as far as God is concerned, you can bet your life on it. Itsa done deal.


V9- 14

One more time, the bride of Christ is being explained. . the Lamb's wife/the bride of Christ is ACITY.

All those invited to the marriage supper of the Lamb are the individuals in the city.

15-21: the city is a four square city. The length and breath are equal. .the distance of one side islike a three and half hour flight. Not less than 570 miles per hour.

What a Beautiful City!!!

V 22-23: There is no temple or church inside. God and Jesus are the divine presence.

V24-27: the nations of them which are saved (the natural people who were saved...the sheepnations). They will walk in the light that is coming out of our city. No need for the sun or themoon. Their leaders and reps will bring their glory and honor to it.

The gates will always be open because there is no enemy. There shall be NO NIGHT there.

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Who are those in this city? Those who are at the marriage supper of the lamb!!!

At this time, Gods original plan for man has worked. He has natural humans and he has the newcreation.

All this, is about Jesus and what he came to do.

If you didn't know this, you'd find that you may have a lot of Hope but it may not be goodenough.

You must have THIS HOPE all the time.

This is why we are the way we are... As passionate as we are. Because of these truths.

You can't know this and live life in an Ordinary way.

This is why we preach the gospel..this is why everyday I've endeavored to preach the word toyou.

Say the salvation prayer with us and mean them from the bottom of your heart and God willhear you.

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- Pastor Chris:

The church is marching on.

The gates of Hell shall not prevail.

The church is marching on.

The gates of Hell shall not be able to withstand the church.

Welcome to today's program.

In the days of Jesus ministry in the earth/in Israel, He had spiritual adversaries and then he hadthe religious folks who were after him because of their selfish ambitions.

Then also, was the earthly structure set up by Satan; the earthly government that was socorrupt that Jesus talked about.

Its the same today!

I said that for a reason.

In the earth, there are often 2 groups... Same as the Heavens.

When we look at what happened in the days of David as a young man when God chose him tobe king while Saul was still alive, Saul wanted to kill him because he realized Gods hand was onDavid and his dream to maintain a lasting dynasty was failing. But it didn't work.

Finally he died...but his house continued to persecute David because of their ambition.

The bible says 'there was a long war between the house of David and the house of Saul'. Thehouse of David was the house appointed by God. The house of Saul was of sin and selfishambitions

But *the house of Saul grew weaker and weaker, but the house of David grew stronger andstronger*.

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The house of Saul was a head and shoulders government. A house of the flesh. Though chosenby God, was not listening to God. Towards the end of his life he even went to the witch ofEndor to consult. He became a politician. He was more concerned about what the peoplethought than what God thought...but he was deceiving the people too.

That has not changed.

Sometimes people are chosen of God, but over time they stop listening to God but listen topeople, the polls ...which are also deceived by misinformation.

As a child of God it matters what you are listening to. If you listen to only information from theworld/flesh...Satan transmits deception.

As a child of God, BE DISCERNING.

Those who are after the flesh mind the things of the flesh...and those who are after the spirit,The things of the spirit

After this whole thing, there is a lot that we will address in-house. For now, we need to keepour eyes on the ball.

As long as you are praying for this situation. Don't be distracted and moved by what some otherChristian leaders or organizations say.

We have dealt with the issues.

Things are not going in the direction that they had planned before.

But when we finish, we will look inwards and see how to fix things in-house.

The bible says Judgement must begin in the house of God.


General Titus was the one who invaded and carried out destruction of the Jerusalem in 70 AD.Not the Turks.

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Yesterday, I was telling you about the Great white throne Judgement in Revelation 20, afterSatan was captured a second time.

God destroyed those armies completely.

Rev 20:10... Three so far in the lake of fire.

V11- We the saints, are on one side with the Lord, and the rest of Humanity on the other side.

The earth, with the living people in it, couldn't escape anywhere.


They are not going to judge a man twice for the same offenses...and if his life is not done, he isnot going to be judged. The Judgement is ONCE.

In front of the Lord at this time, was all the living people WHO HAD NEVER BEEN JUDGEDBEFORE. All others had perished.

What about the "Goat Nations"?

Where were they sent to


Usually when a nation is captured, you take their leaders and princes away.

During the Judgement of the nations, its the leaders that will come...

Its about what they did to Israel that was wrong that they are being judged for.

Matt 25:31-32

This is the Judgement of Nations, not individuals...

The Judgement of individuals is in Revelation 20... At the end of the millennium.

Zechariah 14:1-... This Armageddon comes at the end of the second three and half years ofDaniel's seventieth week.

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That second half is referred to as 'the time of Jacobs trouble'

(Ref- Jeremiah 30: 2 - *7*- 11). What days was he talking about?

Matt 24:15-22,

It moves from a terrible time...to a MOST TERRIBLE TIME.

Luke 21:20-24

This is referring to a different time. One part is the near future, the other part is the distantfuture.. But he tells them it is NEAR.. this happened in 70AD, when the Romans invaded over arevolt.

(V21: What Desolation was this? The abomination that causes desolation as spoken by Daniel)

V23: which people? The Jewish People. .

V24 happened just as Jesus said.

One group after another came into Jerusalem... Foreign nations possessed Jerusalem.

The times of the Gentiles: the period between the 69th week and 70th week.

Isaiah 66:7

You need to know what this scripture was primarily written about.

BEFORE she travailed (Not when), she brought forth.

V8: when Zion travailed she brought forth her CHILDREN. (That's different)

v7 Interpretation:

BEFORE JACOB'S TROUBLE, ISRAEL WOULD DELIVER THE MAN CHILD. (Remember the propheticsign John saw in Rev 12:1-6. This is Before the tribulation will starts... The 1,260 days are thethree and half years of the great tribulation)

Dan 7:25- Same three and half years referred to.

Dan:12:1,5-7: same period referred to.

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This would be a time of trouble as there never was as a nation. This would be worse than theHolocaust, or any other persecution Israel has ever faced.

(Another reference: Rev 12: 8-17)

During the tribulation period it will be very difficult to be a Jew or a Christian. The one worldreligion would be declared already. The one world Govt, generally speaking, would also be inplace. Same as the one world economy.

These are calls that have already been made. When nations get weaker, they accept anything.

E.g. one of the ways to cancel CASH in any economy is to propagate information that the cash isone way to transmit the virus or disease.

Or any government could say, every employer must register their organization with Test Kits totest their employees daily and send the monitoring report to the Govt.

Because they would want to save their Jobs, everyone would become a policeman on behalf ofthe Government. Its already happening in some places in the United States.

Just imagine now, Grandparents greet their grand kids from afar, because they have been toldthey are the easiest people to contract the disease. So sad.

Now you understand why we are praying. It is not difficult to know where this is coming from.

They don't want us to lay hands on the sick anymore. They would start doing 'contact tracing'instead of finding out who got healed.

The plans of Satan are so evil.

You've got to pray. You cannot rely on those who make decisions on the basis of how muchmoney they got. Think about it.

We are far more effective in prayer than most people realize. That's why we pray. . I just wantto guide your prayers. E.g.

There's no point praying for the virus because that's over and done with.

Zechariah 14:4-9,11,16

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V16- There will be people who are left in the earth because not all will be at the war ofArmageddon.

Every year, they will go to worship the king (as nations)

V17: He is not looking at Individuals... It is the judgement of Nations. If they are not represented,they would not see rain..

V18-19... Family, refers to nation. Even a plague is promised as punishment to those nationsthat don't attend the feast if tabernacles.

Jesus won't tolerate any rebellious nation during the millennial reign.

Psalm 9:17 goat nations will be turned into Hell

Isaiah 14:4-9. (The leaders of Nations, for the things that they did at national level, will bethrown into hell).

Rev 20:13-15

Later Hell will bring them all out to face Judgement as individuals, not as nations.

We are praying and God is hearing us.

This is our responsibility as the children of God, to see with the eyes of the spirit and pray thewill of the father into the nations of the world.

Greater is he that is in us than the devil that is in the world.

It doesn't matter what forces are working against the kingdom of God. What matters is whetherthose of us in the kingdom are using our authority in the name of Jesus. ....

And we are using it.

This world will be stirred up in our direction, by the Holy Ghost that dwells in us. .this world willhave no rest unless and until the will of the Father is brought to bear upon the nations of theworld.

Even in this time and this day, THEY WILL NOT PREVAIL.

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The word already told us that we do not war according to the flesh. Our weapons are mightythrough God to the pulling down of strongholds.

These weapons are in action right now!

AMPC 2 Cor 10:3-5

We lead every thought and purpose of agents of darkness away captive into the obedience ofChrist.

Go ahead and pray right now.

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- Pastor Chris:

Welcome to today's program.

Thank God for the understanding that he gives us in his word and in things that concern thekingdom of God....in preparing us for what he has prepared for us.

He never left himself without a witness.

Through the Holy spirit, his word is made known..and wherever you are today, that presence ofthe Holy spirit is there with you....To give light, hope, courage...to be your strength.

Revelations 22:1

Who is the He?

Rev 21:9...

The Angel in this verse continues to speak.

When studying the bible, the context, the style of the writer and the message that the writerprojects and the use of language in the time of writing matter. Otherwise, you would be forcedto follow whatever the translators say.

The English version that Most of us have was, translated from Greek.

E.g..Every time you see Angel in the Book of Revelation, don't just think of your usual Angel inEnglish (e.g. Angel s with wings flying. angel Michael etc).

For example... Case in point...

Revelations 1:18-

Jesus was telling John to write..

V20: He said the stars where the Angels of the 7 churches.

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If those 7 stars were angels of the 7 churches... and the candlesticks were the churches.. Ifthese churches had people, then the Angels would be people.

A lot of times, prophetic signs could be mysteries requiring decoding by the spirit who gavethem in the first place.

Just in case, this example didn't get down well with you, let's look at Rev 2:1*

If this was an Angel in Heaven, how come John was going to write him a letter???

The word Angel could be translated as 'Messenger' in those scriptures. Which would mean, heis the Pastor of the church.

Using Jesus principle, he wouldn't breach his teaching of entering a sheepfold without goingthrough the Shepherd (the pastor). That was Jesus style. That's how we know the 'Angel' was aman.

Those 7 churches were there at the time!

Back to Rev 21:9-

Before we continue...

In Hebrews 9:14-15

V15: By means of his own death...

A lot of people don't get the man that is born again.

Christians were not the ones Jesus died for...they are the RESULT of his death..not the FOCUS.

He died for the whole world.

They which are called.... Which were in the old testament

1. Those before the testament.

2. Those in the testament.

3. Those in the new testament.

His death covered everything!!!

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In Heaven AT THE MOMENT, we have 2 groups

1. Those who are there in their celestial bodies (those who resurrected with Christ)

2. Those without celestial bodies.

(those who died since after the ascension of Jesus)

When you get into that glorified state, you are not just there... You begin a new ministry.

Revelations 22:1

V2: when you see verses like this, stop using your brain. There are things you can only relatewith, with your spirit.

... Its not the same river being spoken about in Ezekiel 47: 2,7-8.

(Stop asking 'how can one tree be on both sides of the river? With your brain. Just say 'Praisethe Lord'. You don't know everything. Imagine when it was said that a virgin would give birth...)

(Rev21:1, Isa 65:17, 66:22-24 reference to the new heaven and new earth)

(Isa 66:24

Do you know from time to time, when we are in Heaven, we could go and have a look at thosewho go to Hell? )

Rev 22:3- The throne of God and of the Lamb is ONE THRONE. Jesus will be sitting on theFather's throne. (Colossians 1:19, 2:9.. The totality of divinity dwells in Jesus bodily. He is theembodiment of Deity).

22:5 - This description is about the City; the new Jerusalem as we discussed yesterday. Thiswould be our new headquarters; our real one world government... Not the perverted versionthat the devil wants to bring in.

V6: The Angel said the words are FAITHFUL AND TRUE. They will surely happen.

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V7: This is the voice of the Master now. (When we prophesy, we can start anyway, andsuddenly we start speaking in the first person...so this is not unusual).


V8: Now John speaks

V9: The Angel rebuked John for trying to worship him. This was an Angel of the Lord, BUT was aglorified person like the rest of us. He was one of those who had passed on into a new level ofglory and ministry. ("...I am thy fellow servant, And of thy brethren the prophets...")

He told him to worship God.

Rev 5:6-9... Remember the Lamb was also worshiped in this scripture. Remember, at this time,old saints had RESURRECTED with Jesus and were already in Heaven in glorified levels with newministries. "Thou hast redeemed US to God, by the blood"... Was what they said as theyworshiped.

(Watch for Bible translations that have missing verses. Sometimes they twist verses based ontheir theology or background... That's why we must know TRUTH beyond the letters).

Rev 19:8-10... This Angel also warned John not to worship him...Angels does have thetestimony of Jesus! The testimony of Jesus is the purpose of the prophecy. The Angel was also aman who had passed into the Heavens.

Those in the old covenant, looked forward to the redemption until Jesus came. That's why theyare part of the bride of Christ, Just like us. That's what Jesus Blood was for.

Rev 22:10-11WHAT A WARNING!

V12: Jesus will reward every man according to his works.


Luke 14:14 when you do good things and people pay you back with evil...don't worry. He willpay you at the resurrection of the righteous.

2 Cor 5:10-11 we will receive our reward One by one for what we have done...good or bad.

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Since you have been born again, what have you done in the body? Be careful what you in thebody of Christ. It matters. You have been in that body since day one that you got born again.

(Other references: Romans 14:10-12, 1 Cor 4:5... We are *ALL* going to be praised even thoughit is a judgement. Not one will be condemned in Christ. *So what about the bad thingsChristians may have done?*

I Cor 3:10-15 every bad work will be burned. But the individual will be saved. Thank God. ... Butits not enough to just get in. Do more for God. Serve him with wholehearted devotion not justto get in, but because you Love him.

Romans 8:1-2 There is no Judgement because of what Christ did. You became death free andsin free.

John 5:24- when you're born again, you are translated from spiritual death into the life of God.There is no Judgement for you. You HAVE everlasting life. .. On such, the second death (eternalfire) hath no power.

Revelations 22: 13-

V16: another mystery.. How is Jesus the father and son of David?

V17: what an invitation for salvation for everyone who hasn't known Jesus.

V19: Gods plan originally was to have all of us with him. How could he take away someone'spart if of wasn't there before..

22: The end.

Matthew 25:41

Everlasting fire was never prepared for Human beings. God doesn't want anyone to go there.That place was designed for the devil and his angels.

When does God removes one's name from the book of life? No idea. There is no scripture toprove that it is only at death.

In Exodus 32:32-33, death was not referred to. He didn't say whether the sinner would die first.


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He also said 'My spirit shall not always strive with man...' If he keeps pushing, at some point, hemay just not bother anymore.

2 Cor 5:14-15.

Now that you know that he died for all of us, live for him.

I invite you to receive this precious salvation from Jesus. On your own, you can't live this life. Hedoesn't want you struggling to live for him.

Ask him into your heart so he will impart your spirit with the life and nature of God.

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- Pastor Chris:

The weapons of our warfare are not carnal but they are mighty in the Holy Ghost.

Welcome to today's program.

We have some important things to look at today.

We'll be looking at the scriptures and discussing the Prophecy of the book of Revelation.

There's so much to learn from it.

You don't learn until you put your knowledge to work.

There are a lot of things that we've been teaching the body of Christ for many years now, andthese have been times to exercise the knowledge of God.

The Kingdom of God is a kingdom of light, of blessing, of truth, and Jesus came to this world toset up that kingdom .. Its called the Kingdom of Heaven. It is that part of the Kingdom of Godthat Jesus came to set up in the earth.

Its called HEAVENS GOVERNMENT in the earth.

Jesus gave us the power of attorney to use his name. He said, 'I have overcome the world ".

Jesus called Satan, " the Prince of this world" and then he said "I have overcome the world"....Meaning Jesus overcame the Prince of this world and his governmental structure.

Remember Daniel's vision and the message given to him by Angel Gabriel about the Prince ofPersia and Grecia.

Satan is the Prince of this world.

Satan has a structure.

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In Revelations we saw lots of beautiful angelic structures in Heaven...

But the bible also shows us how this world is run by the forces of evil, and how and whenangelic forces of God intervene... Because they do.

I'll start from the bottom so you'd understand.

Ephesians 6:12...

He is showing you a structure of devilish forces and you need to understand this.

We are engaged in conflict that is not with Human beings... But against..

1. Principalities

2. Powers

3. Rulers of the darkness of this world

4. Spiritual wickedness in High places

These are Ranks.... They are all wicked spirits.

They function in this world...including the ones in the heavenlies.

Their focus is man.

If you are not conscious of these things, they would run your life .

(Satan's Incognito... Where demons function as if they are not real.)

If you didn't know about this conflict in life you probably have been a victim of it.

Just because you didn't know about it doesn't mean its not real.


Ignorance of it makes you a victim, and makes you ineffective as a Christian. It causes you tonot be dressed for warfare.

Most didn't even know when the evil day came because they were victims.

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After engaging the adversary well dressed, you remain unscarred and unscathed.


Build your faith. Your faith is your shield that helps you neutralize all the fiery darts of thewicked.

This is one day of evil that the church is facing.

If you don't know this, you would think everything happening is normal.

(Video playback of prophecy of last year about position and alignment and order. Where the Holy spiritwill be much more real to the believer. The mountain of the lords house will be established upon themountains . we are approaching a time, a moment, an hour where the perfection of Gods spirit isbrought to bear. A period of supernatural interventions like the world has never known.. And theprayer of many saints will be answered at this time. There is a changing of order in the spirit. Somewill think the wind of the Holy spirit is blowing in differently. But its a point if intersection wheremans work that has advanced both positively and negatively will come into collision with Gods work.There have been such times in history and we are coming again to such a time. There will be asupernatural collision and at that point, men will see the power of God. It is called a time of testimony,because the testimony of the church will be heard in a way that's different. The Lord will introducehimself. He was known as a silent God by many, but this is a period of change where he breaks thesilence. There was a time he broke the silence in Egypt but he told Moses ,I was quiet for over 400years but tell Pharaoh I'm not going to be quiet anymore. The time had come. We are moving to a settime...not because it's a 2020 in the Gregorian calendar, but because it is a set time in the spirit. ServeGod with Joy. Let nothing discourage you. You are doing the best Job in the world...serving Jesus.)

There is a collusion in the spirit and we only win.

The wicked shall bow at the gates of the righteous... And that is where are right now.

There are people who had no clue. They didn't even know what Satan's work was.

But I knew, because the spirit's witness.

But when you are ignorant, your information only comes from the media. You believe that allyou see is all there is.

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Ephesians 6:14-16

Your Faith is important! Your faith is a shield.

There are fiery darts, but with your faith, you will be able to quench them.


Observe again in verse 12 where he gives you the hierarchy of spirits.

Colossians 1:16

He is writing to the Colossians using another terminology

1. Thrones

2. Dominicans

3. Principalities

4. Powers.

Here, he is not giving it to us in Order... Because he says 'whether'.

Ephesians 1: 19- 21 Far above...principality, power, MIGHT (ability), Dominion...

Here, he is not dealing with rank.

Power and Might means... Authority and the power behind that authority. (Exousia andDunamis)

Why is this so important?

Because it helps you understand what goes on around you, in your life...city, country.. Andaround the world .

You know how to use what God has given to you and how to use it.

The lowest Ranking of demons in their structure is Legion .. They are 'heads of legions'...

They head legions of demons

(RefMark 5:8-13... This was his name, title and rank. The man had One major spirit withdemons that were subject to him living in the man. Imagine the demons entered into 2,000swine)

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A legion is in thousands.

Next to Legions is the Principalities: These control local authorities and institutions.

In Ranking, They are first in the order.

Satan is interested in Human organizations. That's his business in the earth. While you areorganizing people he is organizing his own structure. And there are more demons than humans.

Next to Principalities, are POWERS; This Rank control Federal authorities, powerful NGOs thathave the capacity of nations, very powerful cults, Nations..

It could be financial might or military might that they have (that's what Paul was talking about).They have the authority and the wherewithal to wreak havoc.

When you are listening to any government authority...always listen beyond him or her to thespirit behind him

(Remember when the Rulers asked Jesus 'By what authority do you do these things?)

2 Chronicles 18:18-

2 kings wanted to go to war.

They decided to consult with the prophet whether to go or not to. One wasn't really interestedbecause he already had prophets around him who serve the appetites of men. (There are someprophets that like people of power ... Not necessarily false prophets).

Now after these political prophets finished. king Jehoshaphat was still not satisfied and askedfor the prophet that the king didn't like....

This prophet was called and broke forth into a prophetic revelation (like a sign with a clearmessage)

V18- 21

It showed that God wanted the fall of King Ahab.

There was a spirit that was to lead Ahab into that War so that he would fall and there would bea change in the Kingship. In the realm of the spirit, Ahab was not discerning. He didn't knowwhat was pushing him. He made consultation with the prophets (it can be political leaders.Friends. Cabinet).

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If a lying spirit could do that....how much more men who have no discernment.

(So many men would say, I spoke to experts, etc... Just so as to feel good about a decision eventhough in their hearts they know the decision is wrong.

NGOs are very powerful and could lead nations to destruction.)

( E.g. Revelations 17:3.

Leaders would give their power to the Antichrist because they can.)

Next Level:

Rulers of Darkness: Dominions that function behind the scenes.

These control the deep state.

They control profession cults. Industry cults.

You could be in an industry and before you know it, it metamorphoses into a cult and you can'tcontrol. It controls everything and around you and even seeks to control a country. These areforces beyond the government. Controlling Federal authorities.

They control the powers, Principalities etc.

How do you know they have become a cult? Because of their activities. They make decisionsthat can affect human lives and they don't care.

The devil is a thief and a murderer..

When you find that an organization which you belong to is leading to loss of property and lossof lives, know that you are not in the right place.

Revelations 13:1-2

The deep state have no respect for God or the things of God. They take actions that have norespect for God. They are blasphemous.

Satan/the dragon gave him his power, His seat, and his authority.

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Ezekiel 28:11-14

Tyrus is TYRE. In the days of Ezekiel, it was flourishing...

This was referring to the actual ruler of the darkness of Tyre.

In Greek Mythology, Europa was born in Tyre. No wonder Satan had his seat in Tyre.

There are forces behind your elected officials that do things that even the government is afraidto do, and Government can't touch them...why? Because they are placed there by Rulers ofdarkness of this world.

Rev 2:11-13.. Think about it. A city where Satan has his throne... What evil would be going on?

Killings, Mysterious deaths. (A trademark of the deep state)

Satan had his throne in Pergamon...just like he did in Tyre.

Jesus said 'watch and pray'.

Be sensitive to the Holy Ghost and to the time you are living in.

Learn to listen to the Spirit No matter what activity you may be involved in.

Make sure your spiritual atmosphere is NOT NOISY. Learn to always be attuned; to filterthrough noise and listen to God.

Next Level:


They control the dominions of darkness.

its like someone who has several groups.. but is hands on. Satan has his own structure but hehas one that he handles directly.

This level controls Global markets and forces.

God said 'My people are destroyed for the lack of knowledge' .

In the spirit don't find yourself sleeping.

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No, my brothers and sisters.

We are soldiers in the Lords army. Soldiers of his eternal kingdom.

And he put us here to extend the Kingdom of Heaven in the earth.

Its our Job.

And we see things like this happen we have to understand where the problem is.

When you have government authorities (doesn't matter even if they came in by rigging or by acoup)... As long as they have gained the authority, What the bible tells us is to first recognizethe authority..

Because they can't have the authority unless God gives it to them.

So in our spirits, we are listening and yielded as long as they recognize the power that put themthere...then we are at peace.

But when they don't realize Gods power, you must utilize the power that God has given you inprayer.

E.g. a believing wife is meant to be lovingly submitted to her unbelieving husband, BUT whenhe gives instructions that are rebellious to God, she has to pray so that the power controllingthe husband will submit to the name of Jesus.

Christians need to learn how to pray.

Every prayer is not prayer.

Jesus taught the disciples HOW to pray (the format/manner)

We must study that format and pray accordingly...not to recite the prayer. (Even some parts ofthat prayer have been fulfilled)

We are in the final lap.

This is a call of the spirit.

There is so much more to tell you.

Prayer of salvation.

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- Pastor Chris:

Today Concludes this phase of this program.

We will have something next week.

But we have made tremendous impact by the power of the Spirit of God.

We have set a lot of things in motion.

The church of Jesus Christ is marching forward.

Sunday is the special Communion Service, so we will have a live program. Plan for that.

I told you to download the LiveTV mobile app, Just in case your TV goes off.


We have stirred up a lot of conversation around the world.

Scientists, doctors etc are all coming out and speaking up about the things I told you before.

I told you that what was going on was not science.

Just a few days ago, Switzerland found out that children under 10 cannot infect others with thevirus. Interesting!!! Isn't that the same virus that's supposed to stay on dry surface on 4hours?

I told you of the plan of vaccinating the young generation.

This vaccine has been ready since, but they are lying and saying 'we are working on it...its hard...Etc'. They would keep using their playbook to manipulate the nations.

When you read the bible you can read everybody and their role.

As Christians, Pray everywhere.

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I'll tell you the truth before it happens

Did you hear of Covid-19 compliant churches? Or Covid-19 Free churches?

If you allow yourself labeled with that name you are nor the church of Jesus Christ.

Is the church not meant to be a place of healing??

If you are a pastor that likes to roll with the government, you would want to seem compliant.

It is coming...but I pray you don't let it happen in your country. You may not understand it. Butthis is where it was going all the time.

In different countries, before the lockdown, the government had meetings with church leaders.Why didn't they ask for a few days to go and pray? Because they were not praying churchesbefore.

Do you know what it means to shut down the congregations of the Lord?

It never meant anything to you!!!!!

There were Pastors that were sending strong warnings to others not to enter or openchurches....its obvious that Christ was never their Lord or the centre of their lives. They neverreally knew him.

Imagine the Government consulted you but you didn't call for prayer... You just said 'Oh Yes'because for some there was going to be some compensation for the period of the Lockdown.

What compensation is enough to replace the praise and worship of the saints???

Hope you enjoyed it so far, when only you did online service???

Thank you very much for what you did with the house of God.

Now they will meet you again to consult with you to use you to set up "test centres forchurches"

What they are using to test, do you know what it is? Do you know why it reads positive ornegative for a virus 'they are still studying'???

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Now they are saying they can have a vaccine in July? For a vaccine they are still studying?

We already know what's killing the people.

A pastor last week was sick of some ailment that they had been managing for some years. Afterhe died, the authorities came there dressed in hazmat suits in pretense that the person thatdied was a covid19 patient. But it was a LIE.

Where was the autopsy report????

What they didn't realize was that His mother was a Nurse who KNEW that he didn't have Covid-19.

Why couldn't the Government do an autopsy?

I've told you about the lawless one that's coming. What we are seeing is the harbinger of thelawless one playing out around the world.

They want to rank up the numbers.

In several of the new lawless laws, it is actually stated there that AUTOPSY IS NOT REQUIRED.

That's absolute lawlessness.

How can people die and there is no reason for their death? And you are not allowed tochallenge it? This is CRAZY!!!

For those who are passing these laws that they never read... I feel sorry for you. God will holdyou accountable at the proper time.

No matter how urgent, ensure you read it. And of you don't agree with it, don't vote for it.

Truth is they already declared a state of emergency so they don't need the vote. They want thestate of emergency to continue so that the executive won't need your permission.

This is a siege! Some of you didn't realize it.

The bible says 'the whole world wondered after the beast'... They worshiped the Antichrist.

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What is happening right now, is the spirit of Antichrist. This is not the beast himself. This justanother prince of darkness trying to see if they can start ahead of time and destroy the world asmuch as they can for a longer period (since God would only give the devil Three and half years)


Social distancing...

Let's see the reason for it. It is for the destruction of families.

Satan hates man.

Angelic beings are not a race. Each one of them is different. They don't have that fellowship orrelationship like we do.

And that's what they want to bring to the world and make us estranged to each other. That'swhy they have tried to introduce the word 'the new normal'.

Plato is recognized as the Father of today's university system. He pioneered the "Academy'.

He created an idea... The community/communism of wives.

This is the ideology that a certain man brought into the church at a time (the doctrine of thenicolaitans...which Jesus says he HATES). It was about the destruction of families.

He came up with the idea that Public officials should not have families because of what theyhave to do on service to their country. That having families would make them have the dreamof having properties and planning for their future and that it would be a distraction for them.

He suggested that they would have a 'community of wives' to mate with any of them to havechildren who would not have recognition of any parentage, so that they would be free, childrenof the state.

Then they can have a generation that is detached from family demands and desires.

(See how they started with the gradualism... Public servants).

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Destruction of families is what the social distancing is about.

We start practising not to hug one another even though we are not in the same house.

This was Plato, the extraordinary philosopher recognized in Greece.

Several universities are named after Greek gods, mythology, etc. And they don't know why.

A lot of people are victims not even realizing that they are.

YOU can be deceived if you choose to be. It's very easy to be deceived.

Yesterday i told you, Satan has a structure.

Matt 12:25-26.

Jesus, by implication, stated that Satan has a kingdom.

Jesus referred to him as the prince/god of this world.

(2 Cor 4:4)

He became so, because Adam sold out to him.

He set up his system which he is running.

We have to be wise enough with the wisdom of God.

The character of Satan is manifested again and again with what's going on. (John 8:44).

The devil is a native liar. When you see deception and killings, just know that he is in operation.

Remember the city of TYRE... Satan was running their lives. Several people of Tyre moved toreside in Judah and Jerusalem... And began to sell things to people on the Sabbath to lure themto defy Gods rule about the Sabbath and attract Gods judgement.

There are people who refuse to recognize the day of worship... That's Satan's manifestation.

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How you hear Truth from the world? How do you expect to build your faith? You use what theworld is telling you to question the information from Church. They are reproducing themselvesin you without you realizing.

1 Chronicles 21:1

This is what devils/demons do.

How would they know they are being incited by Satan?

Satan was after Israel, so he incited the king.

Imagine this was David!!!!


Joab knew that the action was not consistent with Gods plan even though taking a censusseemed harmless.

V7. God punished Israel...not David.... And this was Satan's plan all along. 70,000 men diedbecause of this mistake of the king.

Understand Satan's character of DECEPTION.

Something also happened in the days of Solomon...

Things happen in nations today. (E.g. the altar that was moved from Pergamon to Berlin, theeastern gate that was moved as well to Europe. Is there any wonder that Europe is anti Godtoday?)

1 Kings 11:1-12

God had warned them that SURELY they would turn away their hearts... But Solomon marriedthose strange women.

And at the the end of his life, Solomon started following their gods, and even built high altarsfor those gods/demons for his strange wives....in JERUSALEM!!!!

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Solomon did all these atrocities even after being visited by God twice!!!! He didn't keep Godsword. So sad and troubling.

Bringing those idols was just the outward side of it...but what Solomon did was to bringDEMONS INTO ISRAEL... that's what Satan wanted... Because once the demons came in, theybegan to run things.

Angels, God, Satan always needs man's Cooperation to carry things out in the earth.

Satan needed Davids actions so he could carry out his work.

This is what we pray.

When satan gets into a city or country, usually he is in collusion with a person in that place. Ittakes time to break that influence because of the human involvement.

That's why Gods people need to understand their authority in Christ.

Know what Gods word says.

What can you really do?

What are the things you need to have a lot of intercession about in order to be effective?

All these answer are in Gods word and without understanding them, you can't go very far.

After Solomon brought in demons, after he died, His Son Rehoboam could not keep theKingdom because of the demonic forces who were suggesting things to him.

E.g. he didn't even take advice from the elders who tried to steer him right from the errors hisFather had made.

He took advice from his young friends who didn't know how Solomon started and his love forGod, but knew his missteps.

As he followed their advice, the kingdom split and he lost it.

2 Thessalonians 2: 1-11

V7: the Antichrist spirit is already in operation.

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V9-11. If you don't receive the truth. You will believe a lie, There is no middle ground.

It is those who are perishing that will really be deceived.

If you love the truth, the truth will deliver you.

Daniel 8:25 TLB

The bible says the Antichrist will be a master of deception. He will catch people off guard andmake them bask in false security.

This demon that is his forerunner is doing the same thing.

This is just a sign that the Lord is coming soon... GET READY!!!

If.you think there is FAKE NEWS now, just imagine in the last days, there will be STAGED NEWS.

(Already look at what the FBI did to General FLYNN. There is evidence to that conspiracy now.That was the work of the deep state. A manifestation not satanic involvement in HumanGovernments)

For example, one might belong to a 'labour congress' where you are told that when you jointhey will fight your cause for you.

Any wonder why when you take someone from those congress/cults to become a minister orpresident, You would think your industry would get better off since he knew what yourcolleagues went through but they don't get better off because he is under the ruler of thedarkness of this world.

The world is moving to a situation very soon where you will not be allowed to say anythingagainst Satan..or they will block you from public speaking.

The time to preach the gospel is NOW.


Satanists are getting bolder now. They have some of their members in office in the open. Andthe hatred for the church of Jesus is increasing.

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Its us who are preaching Jesus that would be called Cults (already happening now).

The time for STRONG PRAYING and to engage them in the spirit is now. So that the littlewindow we have left to preach and win souls, we can utilize effectively.

Daniel 7:24-25

This shows the Antichrist spirit that is going on right now.

He shallwear out the saints of the most high.

Currently, the demons are trying to wear out the saints in this present time... One law andproblem after the other... To make you fed up and tired. You find yourself having prayer afterprayer.

He will have a bill to change times and laws. To change the way/structure of life (the newnormal).

These bills coming out now are their intention to change the norm. Its not to keep peoplehealthy or safe.

As the church we have authority. We are seated together with Christ in a place far above allprincipality.

But if we don't use our authority, they will move far and we will be be playing 'catch up'.

As of now, because we were praying, the forces have COLLIDED in this spirit. Our intercessiondidn't stop and we have been releasing fire power in the spirit so it has been very difficult forthe devil.. (And we are not done with him yet)

Daniel 10:13,20

A spirit being withstood Angel Gabriel. A top prince in Heaven. A high Angel. There was war inthe heavenlies.

At that time, HEAVEN WAS RESPONDING to the Prayer of Daniel!!!!

God responded in the spirit. He sent angels to topple the Prince of Persia in the spirit.

This is symbolic to us and the kind of things happening right now.

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There are changes in the spirit right now.

Daniel 11:1

There are angels sent to strengthen leaders to carry out the works of God.

Revelations 17:1-6

Many righteous men were slain by this wicked spirit. This spirit will also be responsible for thekilling of many more in the future.

These are things that going on right now. There are several groups in play. China, the deep state(a different group with a different agenda), Europe, Russia and Islamic allies, United states,Satan (Pergamos and Tyre).

China today is the test ground for globalism.

It used to be New Zealand and Australia. They shifted because those countries are too intoDemocratic ideologies and it would be too slow for the deep state. They would need atotalitarian system of Government. China doesn't even know they are a guinea pig. China ishelped with technology etc. China is never condemned for whatever they do. So China is activenow.

Meanwhile. China has its own dreams. They won't be part of the one world government. (This isone of the reasons Germany is suing China over the Covid-19. They know China won't come onboard)

The purpose of our discussion is so we know where we are in Bible days of Prophecy.

We must realize it.

Open our hearts to Gods word studying it like never before and take our hands away from sin.

Next week we will share on what type of life God wants us to live.

You have to live the life of righteousness. It is a life of right standing with God that producesright living.

Eschatology Teachings with Rev Chris Oyakhilome PHD. DSC. DD. /Transcribed by: Sis Chiagozie E-O 182

True righteousness produces RIGHT LIVING.

Its about making up your mind to live for him.

We are in bible days, and we are all part of this AMAZING DRAMA.

But this is the victory that overcomes the world, even our faith

We have overcome this world and we insist on it. we decree and proclaim it. We are victors andSatan can't lord it over us.

The wisdom of God is at work in us

By the power of the spirit we are disconnecting Satan and his works in our nations and hecannot proceed.

The weapons God has given us are mighty through God that no matter what theories orwritings he has put out there, the words that come out of us are so powerful to neutralize theeffects of Satan's agenda.

We have overcome the Antichrist spirit, their falsehood, their distraction.

"Greater is he that is in us than he that is in the world".

Let's stretch our hands towards the Map of the nations on the screen .

Satan has no authority!!!

The power of the Holy Ghost fills these nations.

The Lord has established his church in the earth.

We know at what point the saints will be given into the devil's hands as shown in Daniel andRevelation, *So he cannot wear us out or overcome us now. No!!!

We declare that we have power over the nations because they belong to Jesus Christ

We declare his glory, his word and his name over the nations.

Eschatology Teachings with Rev Chris Oyakhilome PHD. DSC. DD. /Transcribed by: Sis Chiagozie E-O 183

The knowledge of the Glory of the Lord shall cover these nations as the waters cover the sea,and IT SHALL BE SO.

And the open door of the gospel that has been given to us, NO MAN SHALL SHUT IT.

These doors shall remain open for the gospel in the name or Jesus and by the power of the holyGhost.

And those ones that seemed closed shall be made open by the power of the Holy Ghost.

And the name of Jesus Christ shall be glorified in all the earth. Hallelujah!!!

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We will start the next phase of our broadcasts from next week Tuesday, specially designed toget you prepared for the coming of the Lord.

Christ is coming soon!!!

Don't let him find you sleeping.

Prepare for his coming.

Transcribed by:

Sis. Chiago

Abuja Ministry Centre.

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