+ All Categories


Room No. 215-216, Second Floor, Kandla Port Trust,

Administrative Building, Sector-08, Gandhidham, Kutch – 370 201

Website: www.gpcb.gov.in



It is hereby informed that as per the Ministry of Environment, Forests and Climate Change

Government of India, New Delhi vide its Notification No. S. O. 1533 dated 14th

September, 2006

and its subsequent amendment thereof Public Hearing has been scheduled for M/s. ASR

Multimetals Pvt. Ltd., for Proposed Expansion of (A) (MS Mild Steel) [(1) Rods – 5000 MT/Month,

(2) Wires – 2500 MT/Month, (3) Flats -2500 MT/Month, and (4) Re-Rolled Steel Products of MS

(i.e. Channels, Angles, Bars, Round, Section & Profiles etc-2000 MT/Month,)] Total 12000

MT/Month to 36000 MT/Month, (B) Steel Billets/Ingots (Semi Finished Products) -12333

MT/Month to 36333 MT/Month, (C) Sponge Iron 5500 MT/Month to 20500 MT/Month, (D)

Power From AFBC Boiler (Coal Based) 4 MW to 21 MW and (E) Power Form WHRB (Waste Heat

Gases from Rotary Klin) 4 MW to 12 MW; at Vill : Chhadwada, Ta. Bhachau, Dist.: Kutch, (Gujarat)

which is covered under "Category–A" as mentioned in their request application.

A copy of the draft Environment Impact Assessment (EIA) Report and Executive Summary of Draft

Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) Report both in English and Gujarati were sent to the

following authorities or offices to make available for inspection to the public during normal office

hours, till the Public Hearing is over.

1. The District Collector, Bhuj, District Kutch,

2. District Development Office, Bhuj, District Kutch,

3. District Industry Centre, Bhuj, District Kutch,

4. Taluka Development Office, Bhachau, District Kutch,

5. Additional Principal Chief Conservator of Forests (c), Ministry of Environment, Forests and

Climate Change, Government of India, Regional Office (West Zone), Kendriya Paryavaran

Bhavan, E – 5, Arera Colony, Link Road – 3, Ravishankar Nagar, BHOPAL 462 016.

6. Regional Office, Kutch (East), Gujarat Pollution Control Board, Room No. 215-216, Second

Floor, Kandla Port Trust, Administrative Building, Sector-08, Gandhidham, – 370 201.

Executive Summary of Draft Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) Report in English as well as

Gujarati & Public Notice/Information regarding Public Hearing were also circulated to Gram

Panchayats that fall within 10 KM radius of study area for wide circulation.

Announcement of Public Hearing was also made though loudspeaker mounted on a vehicle in all

villages within 10 KM on 5/08/2018.

All local affected persons of the project were requested to remain present in the public hearing

or send their response in writing to Member Secretary, Gujarat Pollution Control Board before

the hearing date.

Other concerned persons having stake in the Environmental aspect were requested to send their

response in writing to Member Secretary, Gujarat Pollution Control Board before the hearing


The Public Hearing was conducted on 7/08/2018 at 11:00 Hrs. at Project Site, M/s. ASR

Multimetals Pvt. Ltd., NH-8 A, Near RTO Check Post, Vill : Chhadwada, Ta. Bhachau, Dist : Kutch,




As p€r the Ministry of Environment, Forest & Climate Change, Government of India, Neu' Delhivide its Notification no. S.O. 1533 dated Sept l4th. 2006 as amended till date; Public hearing hasbeenfrxedfor,eASRilultim€lalsprivateLimltodforPropo€ederp.nsionof(A)(1{SoUILDSIEEL)[(f)RODS$O(X, T/month, (2) \IYlie.-25{r0 uT,f,tonth (3} Fl.ts-2500 llT/$onth and (ia) Ro- Rolled St €l Production of,rS (i.o.Channols, Angol!, Bars, Rounds, Sectlone A Proflle€ ETC-200O MTn onth)l to 36qr0 lrT, onth, (B) SteslBlllet3rhgot! (Soml Finishod P,oductr).12333 ilTr onth to 36333 ilT/tlonlh, (C) Spongo lron-55l,0 trtLonthto 20500 fT/ onth (D) Poror form AFBC Bollor (Co.l Base)4 mW b 2l W, .nd € pow.r Fom tryHRB (W.!tsHcat G.393 F,om Rotary Klln).,1 lrlw io 12 llw at Vill: Chhadwada Ta: Bh.chau Dist Kulch, cove.ed undercatcgory 'A' as mentioned in their request application.

The statement showing panicipants pres€nt during the Public Hearing held on 07.08.2018 atl1:OO hrs. at ,s ASR ullirr|€lrb privat€ Limilod, National Highway-8A, Near RTO Check Post,Vill.Chhadwada, Ta: Bhacau, Dist. Kutch, Gujarat is as under:

o(?d r(?5r?ot| .rot u?llq?q. u{a scrLlle l-t ri ct.r, adl llc{l"tt tLleatqt 5{is A(.i, . 1u33 c(.,

lv.e.?oog i.qt qr*al.r,la ertrc{ Utn?t lroqa "rrt(qc{"j } l d. {.tr.utr. rre{llac{ utuia GIQ}s,

cr(r{:ors{st, dr.ar{6 u.srre 6t?r ar{6 u{ra (u) a{at{ rrocs rrla)t(l) flqn-uooo^{u, 1r1*ad-?r{oo lQsa"u{ul (3)i,aQn-?qoo lQsa"u{r{,ui (r) fl-Ac{ rlxrln rdla ulssqu (l"tct, {.otc{,qtd,?r6.s, ser"r qa ufgrdcq qcll-eooo lQsa"unnl;-Ect i?ooo lQs?4/{trt rll lsooolQse"u{n (cr) Clc{r O.Aqvocrqn tilrtt {t"0cs f,ss?n)-rrrar \Qga"uun d[ aErra

I0sa"uun, 1s1 r{-v r,uala.uuoo qQsa"u{rr dl ?ouoo lesa"u{rl tst tlf,$lldl qltlctl {iell

lLlc ts1<ru qttrLR.r)-y lcuqfe rII ar \atae lta (Oso(gflrrwo(l {irll l{qr 1ilafl ourxir(t

Qre 0a cln)-r lqrqla rll rr louqfa"u hr.trgt x)"0 g[{a u{alv+t (itga) }lct{t'rl" r,iacL.{

ir,rl"ft orruat ut"lduti uzttcrrrflu alsqar.re0 r,{ra Va securi r{ti d.

at{r,r o.gloczeorc "u r-It r{.lt} ttoo sc-u} {. ll.rl*ur. ,{cfllae( uoie [AQ}s, irraet aoi-crl, r,rLr.Cl.r,[. {g tiaa apg, nt{: otsqtst, dt. a(qt6, b.6i{9- 1c1vla1 uri ultt{a cds qat<rr0

€,?I4d err? ?iatt cls1"0 aLfl dl 5tcr 0.

Jj/iE[7"'L z-q'q %'1(7) Tnttze


&tr<t ral a\15


t {is

Name & Addressatt ui ur"url

Signature OR ThumbImpressionn0 r,raqr dctor"j liera

F--|---z. plScj oya1,,,,

drflr,{ oo,/0.,/?olc dr. r-I", qrl 11.00 scu} {. {.rle.utr. {cJllacq uLdia QR}s, ieraa orod-cQ,

ur.d[.r, . lg r[re <!Os, rrtq: orsqrsr, dr. arq(6, U.5{r- 1qnla1 wi ?rhla afs qat.rdl eoata

.:rtl tlat afsl"0 {rA "{tl 5tu B.

ラフ,、 ρ■ゞ


P軸め bЧ育ヘ ご∂貼り

P^I^Srtt\ ts, tU.f<s-2 $tsqa\"'-1


4tr*bz>ts// hot 勿 グレ Ctrズ



-n (l nt


drfl!{ o.9/oa,/?ol. "tr ?-i9r flqtl lroo 3eu} I. {.rln.r,ua. {cAlecrt uode QQ}s, istaq agi-c{,rut.J[.qf. fu rtrra <Us, rur{: orsqlsr, dr. arr{6, 9,3rrr- lcltetay uri qftrla eifs gataeft eeraL<

.srtt t.lat ctfsf"ft qtdl "[t{ gtu B.

{;t-rJt l<-,-n1 -2>-x]) r

)fl) dD t,t fqqltrn,J 7tlcttu) )

(■ Л び υヽ')


` _ノ 1_2/ゝ


劃ー21 Jhぃ .3 Qtan、 伍tめつ



Signatur(. ()R T1lrnbItrpr'e s sion+t{ ua.rL r,[cpr"j R:ta

dtflq og,/oc,/?olc "tt ?-ly ttqrl 11.00 5ctt3 d. {.{e.r,ut. xc{llaeit uttlde [d(l]s, ietact eLoQ-zQ,

r,(t?.4.i,{1. trs qfie a9s, crr}L elsqlst, dt. otqr6, u.s{r- lclvtta; wa qlrntra cts qtoQ(} errata

.srte elc-u alsl"{l qrdl .{li 5t<,r B.

23分潤ヽっにコagm切っ .翁ムゞ 固

轟 革…

_論 呻 m叫 呵.r (Bt\cr *.it.. Cc\\.nG.^t[b }J"Rヽ |

墨 ⊃ ¨









ala)a)I=2可 ~~~τ イ′

聞日[高li「 敵ヽ 詳



Signature OR Thumblmprgssiolt a

ir$ r,r€rqL d:lot.j Qeu.r


crflll os,ioa,/ao1( { ?-ly t{<u} i.1.oo s(-{r} d- rl.tq.{rr. rcdlacn utlQz @[d]s, ietaa.stttd-cQ,

r,(r.Jt.r, . trs Qra agrs, q.rt olscnsr, <n. 0r.{16, 9.sre- 1c1ttra1 uri. qlttlcr ctls qatee{} eerata

(srt? ?rlcn citsl.{l arll .{ll ltu B.

ハタ "え″2/″ lmんをじを髪`フ


PI」脇颯 ― ‐Pl″切υ″ol嘔携靡⊥鶏臓

」晨ンルレ“ |



SignaaS.e OR Tlumbtmpres$1orl

r.,.4 r,ra.n iclor"j [iru<

! o ,arr.51 ar&vl p:€ rr rcr D<


:ia-crtyfl J4rR?ttt h t\*. わ lsq(マ 、

、αヽR厖● 丈「

ユさ メ叫lCtぬ| -AtdD[Luta'i

-.9.n iar,r).rr-r1


d{lu og,/o.,,/?o1. "u ?-U, RC.u} n.oo gc{r} . Q.trt.r,ur. rrcJllacn uttlia RQ)s, irLaa &oi-ci,r*rr.dl.qf. trg ulp +!lg, q.rt(: ors4rsr., .t. orqt6, u.srr9- lcjnrt.ty uti altla afs qcttc{afl t?]a{ot

.srqrr egat als-I"{l ?rtfl dl{ 5ror E.


.Xl.rr a.r4,Onr cnlcr.r

R洗以ゝЧ 次ヽしり鋼`

εR9 決ピm`


r t9ζ


ゝヽヽ はル『υ



5ヽシロ よ。 ひ91■ハ


ヽ ヽヽ でι αl

5(9'G dor


は、い」 頭



勺 dヘ



Yaucri))lt>1 cir U

、1ゝ'Hン α lした

´ ′ aご 1


€t-rfqt ciol&ta'


I al rr 1 (-l.t'd)

И q〔η


ン引`ほη ttabθ ll諷 d、9 ιくり汐1印 lげ4



.tflu{ oo,/oc,/?o1c .u v i{qrl n.oo 5(r} {. t.tu.r,ttr. xcAlac urtria Q[d]s, ieraa oLoi-cQ,

utr.d[.tt]. {s ulre aug, qrq.: olsqlsr, <rL a{r6, U.3rr9- lcjtaray wi qfltaa a]s UatqQR E?}at"t

.ncn rictt ctlsl"0 atdl dli 5ra B.

uc41“ q 1^"n'Yctt )tbt titr.tL セユ“

2〆 へ

」専“Lへ 乙J領ぅ, レン¬ノス

"t,^iDtレll・ レ%っハ/′ .

体ででに スィnンJb l・ 1そ






留 r″マ| び手び/″ a)ツ′ c/・,2 ψ クで /

c2rrc-r?l ) Oヽql負 n,,"=cn \ I

ttknt dq b-'lX nt ct\q

'Tu.^ ) I --, VI''lvレノム

“タヽ プ多tmt l

at安 酬ついし

f.zz-r ,-..r .- ta ,^r/,'1t'. y<^aL

■S 0しfL′ハワ | 、,ヤのν′k

Name & Addlcssatu rei nratr3

i Sittaturc OR 篠 ■mbimprcs続o織‐.a uaqt uok6:l oatく






d.{lu{ oe,/o4,/?oL 'u ?-Iet +tqt} 11.oo sat} {. Q.{n.utl. xeJllac+r uroia OA}s, irLaet aoi-crl,

ur.dl.r,rl. {g Qre a!os, cu}L olsqlst, dL a({6, s.srre- 11tata) uti ql"dla afs q"uadl eeata

€tcrr e.lc{t alsf.{i qrdl "[{ gtu 0.


i t-. , r1 4t 1 .t-r tcr t o, *rrt 'r ft t cvro^

7■ 6 fl)t tq4t{ .}\ru rurrt

76St.SLrt { I 設 -{Ni"* i1- < きヽぃいヽい l19.ユ



fcllg ).iat'tu/l)Orfa, i I

″∠窃グ 嗚η

80 脚 `ル|

Ur t o,vl l/rrrtX I il!.4/

も |



F R frh'f

%2F"Ir cnn. ...JL. ヵtどン ♀が爆

3qZ" r'^ rn,r ^1r -O

<i^.ra)q 1

`m.(卦ヽ, ¨

もマ に

Ч・η・0,■と場,h4“ 140 一野

95 洸ル,れ,醐 t`′′6`al e' 0鳳哩L

%` d;r^. 9. a., . ,., ,(r r n-<rt- Oθ^

91 ″ …・′`n141tr 17 b,u- ro


cttfl!{ og,/oa,/?olc "u tlt i{qt} 11.00 sctt}

{r?.4.o . trg qfie aus, o[r{: otscust, dt.

.srtr rlat a1s1"{i urdt "{ll 5tor B.

{. {.tn.urr. {cJtlac uoia OA)s, irLda $ui-ca,arr{6, !).trrr- lcjnrtal uti qlrnla ctfg Udtqdl t?)eu't

ふ も,眼 1蓼 肛



嗚 γ 螺

,;trli Ecrrl fi', s,%m, O r( boor t

211! e )a^,t1? z1l ( 2、 卜、`。ヽZ“ |ご

ゝЭ ¨汐仁 ♀平Э %外


シ コつノジ

い のぎ


γし″み √℃


へ 、もキ、に


99Cη 'シ

マ ■1ヽ tヽ

M6D‐ 2

4r,tter,11e h-


<23 tr '' .,f

\sap I D-AL





dtflu og,/oa,/?ola "n ?-lv ttqr} t1.oo satt]

4r?.4.r4f. trg qfre 4us, crr{: arsqlst, <u.

s:rr r$<-u crlsl"0 ?ud[ dl 5na E.

I. r1.{rt.raLr. xc4laer utude [d0}s, iuaa eroQ-ci,

a({6, u.s:rr- 11rrta1 wl qlutra a} U"uqQ[l €?]qr"r



1 呼 赫


型_歴 |

― ―J

1ot(-t 1e/.I-/ tc) UIU 6t11tdl QjlS(trJ)

IYlttf -, *-[ _

u*u *, & tlcrr5 .1



l。 7lω′К劇′υ Q“ ′q。 t∫ α′j) L

卜J坐`塾つ イlン?n 121 6fゞ


l。 3



ぜィマnl、 、 RI,フ ィロ) 々 r,(l t々 げく′



噸 \'ra-lrry 1 1l e-oCCqt.\t

.-t a o-t'g. t4tsurJ /



+Lrl r4tt)― ―

Srglature OR Thurtblaprcssiorla.{ qEqr r,i1or.j litria


dr{h,{ oo,/oc,/?olc "u ? {l lt.oo sat} I. A.A.{.utt?. {c{llac{t uteia Gl[d]s, irtaa egi-c{,uur.ll.ail. {g Qra <$s, Jtt* alscnsl dt. a(i{6, !.sqr- 1:1nrta1 uui alrntrel ctls qat.rdl eruta

.:ttr tieit c.itsf"0 qt4 "0{ 1ta B.

1ヽ`L ′ /・・ヽ゛ く、、、Э7メ」、ぃコミ、 0,β OQ」



′′」 Q、 Q、メ 1. grr S urVl ′∫′じ


4 t u i-J ra■ s,9't alξ ″′s〕 Oりつ

、15βαマ′|浸スttイ ′ 9,tfdr.f)




戸盗 | ドリ名残%,t18


'\-\ q c nlar ttq11f,"1 ))-.'

1つ 。 ∠」患づhギw″〆 己“




1ム2 説 γVん ″ ・ ヾ 〃

123 ル・ の イ


dr{q o€,/oa,/?oL "r ?-hr rtqti tl.oo sat} {.,l.,ln.ur:. ,+e{llac+t utcia RO}s, ietaa etod-c{,r,ur.dt.d. trg Qre a!os, cttll ots.ttsl, dL a(r{6, u.trrr- 11nrLa1 uti qlrntrcr alg q+ee[ etrat<

.:ttt ticu cisl"0 ?.(dl "0{ 5va B.

1 2 Ll J m Qhs"t ダ、25

鳳 Qbと、Mぶヽkれ、ぃ、 む MmヽへT12` ら (1,ぢ;ぞl ヵノ′

~ラちノ ′



12■ 4$t t r- ctl *\ott 8,s9′ ⊇ |

128 On=ハいα

金 、 、4

3..'--n rr r;Q


|しノ′ ュ urと こ

tll sはヘ )


135Ч ιR_ズ


ζl 卜(イ ′■ 1

01ぐ co′ 、]

?orrp I


1t 4.I',lr( 4 ?t qtethS.?

3ヽ2 RIH tt Чae′ 冽7′〕~


133 毛Q吹1で =21{ o(",

1 3 CI く、w,¬_学,η ミミリ3ヽ, 攣

ρ多・ 3戸b・ ら′はヽ

drflrr{ oo,/oa,/?oL dr. ?-I9r rcn) 11.oo sc-t} . Q.rln.qr. rredllacn utoia OR}s, ietacl etui-ct,rnr.d[.r,rf. trg uf€ "rus, crrxi atsqrsr, dr. a(qt6,9.s:1r- llvrray utR q]rnla efs {<qa[ €?]aror

€tt? ?ic{ alsl4 qrdl .01 rjt<,r B.

3ヽG 1晩 レ..11レ ||

1う 年


l λO,6。 M^J マとくヽ 4


|′ 課ュ嘔 |

、 ι″



ー里L髪三二,勇 二 〕Zン イ




l Ll「

18`げ υC`し Bhご


い。}″桝ん` い′必江 rn a"oi-

( ..9"r1*cty I |メAもOgプニ

ー ー ー‐ ―

―― ― ―

― ― ■

― ― ―______

マいヽ4 ヽ"ヽ ちるス


らヽ 13

Nafie & Addressate r,ri ararl

I Sipatu“ oR Tllumb1lmpressI● n

ltn ua鑢 惧.k6ttt aQtt.t

aL{Ir{ oo,/oc,/?orc "t ?-Ir t{cn} 11oo s(.t} {. Q.rlur,nr. ,redllzcu uroia fclf{}s, irt.tq etoi-ct,r,ua.Jl.r,rf. trs ufra "tgts, rrr{: Brsqisl, dr. a(ru6, !l.s{r- lcltrra; uri .lhaat cits gatcr:[l etrata

atr rlat cits-Idl qrfl dl 5nr,r B.


ε′り 0(夕′ιlいtЧ l

2 ``4)ッ

6t ta .2 3tn12

″ ′ ルタ乞

象 ゛ ハ Q6Ct`15Ц(

ユ いヽつ '鶴 ち

(1ru..r "fq(-h

2っ ′にく



Narnc & Address

atr rli ululS i曇場13::電n °R Tlittllnb

ittn Чactl■●k6t10'u颯

|∫ 3 供ヽ物ヽ ミハつ



d{u{ ogzoa./?ola 4r ?-lr rtqr} 11.oo 3cu} d. {.tn.r,ue. {c{llacq utoia OQ)s, ietaa etoi-c{,r{r.dl.}rf. trs Qre a!ls, q.u{: orsc{.s(, d.. ar{r6, !l.Eqr- 1c1nrta1 uti qltrtra als gatcr:{] errata

are e$aL crlsf"{l a1r{l "0{ 5tc,r B.

l60l 2益 ?、_ハb"_Ψ″′/″″ マィc/

tC2 彫 nl(ヽ

ス¶ ヽ ぃ 、

6ヽ9(し n. だ 0 凛いつ ―ム壺望颯

、`Ll ユ1… Jd_夕10tιヽゞ

t tl


k一 乙/7盈三≧上&[釧 撃 `


文Чヽ4ゝ tЧ だいl1/a ct ΥI

{qr4 t{\ C t s4t5,A Hrtt 却 こt

も い いゼ Rι くPι′ 三 I…

(cat I q1(4/ ?r-l (ι′マlal′


.tg.rgs,\ )cr 姿

cttflui ogloz,/?o1..t ?-Iy t{cu} 11.00 sc{r} . rl.{n.r,ur. xclllacn uttlie [d(I}s, ittaa etgQ-zQ,

r,ur.A.r,rf. lg ulre <9s, cl.!r: Brsq,rst, dr. ar{6, U.8rs- pjtrray uri ?rlula c s gat<et elata.srtr rleu ctfs-ldl qrdl dli 5ta B.

蜘1■ う


叡 賀tl aЧ l 支1l us〕




夕|・上_偽1堵 1ム、



,C め llイ


118 」%づ3ゾ SHく`印 q


'trriM. 4latqtf. A.,f ' ft'

llD Jの 潔J¬ 斜ぜ′」り

3ヴ Q孵/り,〆

冽 υ

a{ r, l.( i-q r cat eJ

Name & Addrcss<tu rli ltatS 1認群糧|:n・

9R TllTb

i ttl uactl υおk6t電 Q,ttく


、Чミ、1蘇許 gttι




LレL螢 ο7_


.tflui ogzoa,/?ola ott ?-I"r rtqr} 1!..oo 5ct}l,ttl.4.41. {s t're aus, cu.{: gtsqrsr, ct.

(srt? ?$aL crlsldl e{dl "{ll lva D.

. Q.rlt.uLr. rc{lac+t uulia R(l}s, israq etuQ-c{,orrrt6, U.sue- lcjvrral uri *c,ltra als {"uc{a[ €?rar.r

"?-t'r r{t Crr r t/ 錮

e“ P"*r 9-."*lzt





′卜、へ、 Atg1c^t:/

alilb *l!I )

e(\/\ 5r^urtruA d\aAd,

gn_t′ m`じ

|ラ 竹 ハ lQく∩ψ.l/,apllhrejz


'a.r G-{ c\re-\.o e{err 6zri13t' ゾγィれ魔



匡勺|ハ リい剣




Na.ne &,{ddress.ur.r ui uat5

Signature OR Thumblmpressionn$ :eaq dlor'j Rtna



r ヽ


dt慟スoo/oこ /20に・tt a%uqt々 、ヽ。o3atL

Щta tミ3 Qe■υ3,ott■ 01S qtSt,こ l

●t%マ マさαt Ctl■ m at■ ■ミは%o3

{cAlacR ut6az [d(l)s, istaa .stuQ-ct,

1cltrra1 uri ?ilrnla a} gataeft e rrarad. Q.Qn.lur.

a{qt6, u.s}9-


)1rr, .t. aU.

Ytry,) 1. Q-r.,g^c/,s/

i' voil )^

つつりわ ′



||| |



\ame & Addrcssar:r ui n:atg

Slgnat!1r! ()R Thu|ir!Il,lipressiorl

r.{l taerqr r,i:1ot.j hqra

GUJARAT POLLUTION CONTROL BOARD Regional Office, Kutch (East), Room No. 215-216, Second Floor, Kandla Port Trust

Administrative Building, Sector-08, Gandhidham, Kutch – 370 201

Website: www.gpcb.gov.in

Page 1 of 37

Annexure –B (ENGLISH)

A Statement showing issues raised by the participants and responses by the

representative of the applicant during the Public Hearing

As per the Ministry of Environment, Forests and Climate Change Government of

India, New Delhi, vides its notification no. S.O.1533 (E) dated 14/09/2006 and its

subsequent amendment thereon, Environmental Public Hearing has been scheduled

for M/s. ASR Multimetals Pvt. Ltd., for Proposed Expansion of (A) (MS Mild Steel)

[(1) Rods – 5000 MT/Month, (2) Wires – 2500 MT/Month, (3) Flats -2500 MT/Month,

and (4) Re-Rolled Steel Products of MS (i.e. Channels, Angles, Bars, Round, Section &

Profiles etc-2000 MT/Month,)] Total 12000 MT/Month to 36000 MT/Month, (B)

Steel Billets/Ingots (Semi Finished Products) -12333 MT/Month to 36333 MT/Month,

(C) Sponge Iron 5500 MT/Month to 20500 MT/Month, (D) Power From AFBC Boiler

(Coal Based) 4 MW to 21 MW and (E) Power Form WHRB (Waste Heat Gases from

Rotary Klin) 4 MW to 12 MW; at Vill : Chhadwada, Ta. Bhachau, Dist.: Kutch,

(Gujarat), which is covered under CATAGORY “A” as mentioned in their request

application. The Environmental Public Hearing is conducted on dated 7/08/2018 at

11.00 am at Project Site, M/s. ASR Multimetals Pvt. Ltd., NH-8 A, Near RTO Check

Post, Vill : Chhadwada, Ta. Bhachau, Dist : Kutch, (Gujarat).

Smt. Remya Mohan, IAS, Collector and District Magistrate, Kutch supervised and

presided over the entire public hearing proceedings.

Shri K.B. Chaudhari, Regional Officer, Kutch(East), Gujarat Pollution Control Board, as

a Representative of the Member Secretary, Gujarat Pollution Control Board

welcomed all people present in the Public Hearing and with due permission of the

Chairman initiated the procedure of the hearing. He outlined the various provisions

of the Notification and briefed the procedural details for conducting this public

hearing including actions taken by GPCB for vide publicity of this public hearing and

the advertisement given earlier in the local daily newspapers. He announced that as

per the provision of notification, only locally affected persons will be allowed to

represent in the public hearing while others having plausible stake holders may give

their representation in writing which would be included in the proceedings.

With the due permission of the District Magistrate, he then invited the project

proponent to give their introduction and to make the presentation of their proposed

expansion project in Local Gujarati Language.

GUJARAT POLLUTION CONTROL BOARD Regional Office, Kutch (East), Room No. 215-216, Second Floor, Kandla Port Trust

Administrative Building, Sector-08, Gandhidham, Kutch – 370 201

Website: www.gpcb.gov.in

Page 2 of 37

Thereafter presentation in Gujarati language was given by Shri Pushpak Shah, as a

technical representative of proposed project covering introduction of the company,

project profile, places, features, planning and process route of production, major

production facilities, consumption of raw materials, requirement of utilities, present

environment status and Environmental Management System, green belt

development, existing financial and social condition and CSR activities carried out by


After the presentation by the project proponent, Regional Officer, Gujarat Pollution

Control Board with the due permission of the District Magistrate, opened the forum

for representations/ suggestions/ objections from the local affected people.

Regional Officer, Gujarat Pollution Control Board informed to presented people that,

before Environmental Public Hearing written representation of 9 (Nine) persons has

been received from (1) Shri Ashoksinh N. Zala, Member Nagarpalika, Bhachau, Vord

No. -6, Ex President, Bhachau Nagarpalika, office : Jayshakti Farm, Bhachau, Dist:

Kutch, (2) Shri Bharatbhai Jethabhai Bar, Vill. : Savarkundala, Ta. : Savarkundala, Dist.:

Amreli, (3) Shri Vaghela Sureshsinh kanubha, Vill: GEB Narol, Ta & Dist: Ahmedabad,

(4) Shri Dinesh V. Rana, Secretary, Human Welfare, Environments, Seafty Association,

Ankleshwar (National Level NGO All Kutch) (5) Shri Dharmendrasinh Dalpatsinh

Chauhan, Vill: Partappura, Ta. : Umreth, Dist.: Anand, (6) Shri Pareshbhai Bhavansinh

Jadav, Vill. Kanij, Ta. Mahemdabad, Dist : Kheda, (7) Shri Neel Vinjoda, In charge-

Kutch District, National Dalit Right Forum, (8) Shri Dharmeshbhai Mistry, Bharuch,

and (9) Shri Hasmukh Vora, Amroli, Surat, These written representations and written

reply from company will be included in this proceeding.

The issues/ suggestions/ objections/ opinions raised by the participants and

responses by the representative of the project during the Public Hearing are as




Name and Address

of the


Points Represented Reply given by the


Representative of the

Project Proponent

1 Shri Bharat Rama


Vill.: Samakhiyali,

Ta.: Bhachau,

Dist.: Kutch.

• He represented that, this

company spend very less

amount of CSR fund. As this

company has established in

our village priority for CSR

should be given to our village.

• Company’s

representative replied

that, company will

carry out CSR activity

of around Rupees 1

crore and 20 lakh in

GUJARAT POLLUTION CONTROL BOARD Regional Office, Kutch (East), Room No. 215-216, Second Floor, Kandla Port Trust

Administrative Building, Sector-08, Gandhidham, Kutch – 370 201

Website: www.gpcb.gov.in

Page 3 of 37



Name and Address

of the


Points Represented Reply given by the


Representative of the

Project Proponent

Company has helped in toilet

and pipeline. We will

welcome the company if it

will give assurance to us to

increase the CSR fund parallel

to the expansion of company.

next 5 years and

company has

prepared the list of

the activity to be

carried out by them

under CSR. Company

is committed to form

a committee of 2

representatives of

company, 2

representatives from

every village and a

representative of

Government and

carry out CSR activity

as per the

suggestion and


2 Shri Abdul Rauma,


representative of

Samakhiyali Gram


Vill.: Samakhiyali,

Ta.: Bhachau,

Dist.: Kutch.

• He represented that,

company representative

presented their power point

presentation of operating

project, in which many

technical matters has been

explained very well. I have

question related to same and

I had sent letter to you on

31/07/2018 in the same

regard. My village is within 3

km from the company the

dust in the environment of

the company affects the

farmers of our village and

human beings. The effect of

the dust on the farmers and

on the plantation in

• Company’s

representative replied

that, company has

provided cost of

construction of 3

temples of Ramdevpir

in Samakhiyali village,

computer for school

and qota stone of Rs.

1.50 lakh for temple

are given by


• Chairman stated to

company to provide

detail to people

regarding planning

of CSR activity to be

carried out by

GUJARAT POLLUTION CONTROL BOARD Regional Office, Kutch (East), Room No. 215-216, Second Floor, Kandla Port Trust

Administrative Building, Sector-08, Gandhidham, Kutch – 370 201

Website: www.gpcb.gov.in

Page 4 of 37



Name and Address

of the


Points Represented Reply given by the


Representative of the

Project Proponent

environment can be seen

directly. It is technical matter

but the level of the dust

particles can be measured by

examining the terrace of the

house daily. It is your duty to

supervise the loss due to this

company to the environment

in regards to farmer and

plantation. Your department

should cross-check whether

the activity mentioned in

presentation is how much

true and what will its effect?

After the survey of your

department if it is found that

there will be no effect due to

project then further

expansion to be allowed.

• As shown in the presentation

and represented by the

previous representative that

CSR fund is very low, which

was even asked by me

earlier. Population of

Samakhiyali village is of

around 15 to 20 thousand

people and what activities

have been carried out by you

for the development of. At

that time oral answer was

given and we all villagers are

not aware with that answer.

What activity has been

carried out by company in

company in future.

• Company’s


replied that, Rs. 1

crore and 20 lakh

has been allotted for

future CSR activity

and the same will be

carried out in

affected villages with

the suggestion of

representatives of

affected villages so

that no villages are

left out from the

benefits of CSR.

GUJARAT POLLUTION CONTROL BOARD Regional Office, Kutch (East), Room No. 215-216, Second Floor, Kandla Port Trust

Administrative Building, Sector-08, Gandhidham, Kutch – 370 201

Website: www.gpcb.gov.in

Page 5 of 37



Name and Address

of the


Points Represented Reply given by the


Representative of the

Project Proponent

last 13 years and what will be

carried out in the future for

development of Samakhiyali


3 Shri Babubhai



Social Worker,

Vill.: Samakhiyali,

Ta.: Bhachau,

Dist.: Kutch.

• He represented that, I have

many suggestions for the

company regarding loss to

environment, health and

agriculture. This company has

been established under the

supervision of Government of

India. So we have many

expectations from officers of


• Company has applied for

expansion in 2015. So survey

was required to be carried

out of the company

surrounding by the ministry

of environment department

of Government of India and

Gujarat Government every

year from 2015 to 2018. Dust

can be observed after sitting

at bus stand in half an hour.

• Due to this company dust

particles spreads to the

nearby villages. Due to this

dust particles people suffer

from lungs, breath, skin, eye,

head ache and blindness

diseases. So survey of the

people regarding root cause

of all the disease in them

• Company’s


replied that,

company need skill

and unskilled

workers and priority

for the same are

given to locals.

Company also

registers in


exchange so that the

person who seeks

employment can

obtain employment

in company through

the same. Company

will provide

computer education

to the villages within

10 km radius by

setting up 5 to 10

computers with a

qualified teacher. So

that skill of the

people in computer

filed increase.

Further company

has tie up with

Sanand ITI to

provide ITI training

regarding plumbing,

GUJARAT POLLUTION CONTROL BOARD Regional Office, Kutch (East), Room No. 215-216, Second Floor, Kandla Port Trust

Administrative Building, Sector-08, Gandhidham, Kutch – 370 201

Website: www.gpcb.gov.in

Page 6 of 37



Name and Address

of the


Points Represented Reply given by the


Representative of the

Project Proponent

should be carried out by the

officer of Ministry of

Department of Government

of India or Gujarat and by this

company and other nearby

company. Other survey

should also be carried out.

Villages nearby company are

depend on agriculture and

animal husbandry. Dust

particles and iron dust

particles falls on crops and it

prevent it to grow and


• Company imposes many

conditions during recruiting

an employee i.e. ITI

employee are only required

or need limited employee in

some department. In fact in

this company there is need of

cleaning labour, colour labour

and other all types of labour.

Company recruits only in its

interest or to the outsiders.

Therefore discussion must be

carried out by Government of

India and Gujarat

Government considering

employment, environment,

health and crop issues. And

person like us be aware of

the true fact obtaining

information under RTI.

electric, etc. to the

people of nearby

villages of this

company. Villagers

will be employed in

the company after

providing 3 month

training in ITI


• Chairmen stated to

company to clarify

regarding black dust.

• Company’s


replied that, latest

technology tools

have been affixed

with every chimney

and online

monitoring system

has also been

installed and display

board of the same is

affixed at the gate of

the company.


monitoring of the

same are carried out

and level of Pm, Sox

and NOx can be

measured by it. And


monitoring of the

same are carried out

GUJARAT POLLUTION CONTROL BOARD Regional Office, Kutch (East), Room No. 215-216, Second Floor, Kandla Port Trust

Administrative Building, Sector-08, Gandhidham, Kutch – 370 201

Website: www.gpcb.gov.in

Page 7 of 37



Name and Address

of the


Points Represented Reply given by the


Representative of the

Project Proponent

• Government of India or

Gujarat should organize

employment hearing at every

5 year alike Public Hearing of

the company and record

must be kept of how many

people get the employment

and how many person’s have

obtained financial stability

through the same.

• Psychological survey

regarding the increase in the

negativity due to the

establishment of the

companies should be carried

out. There is prohibition of

liquor in India and Gujarat

and ratio of people from

other state consuming

alcohol and non-veg foods

have been increased. If the

data of Samakhiyali police

station, Lakadiya police

station and Bhachhau police

station will be collected by

the home department it can

be analyze that how many

liquor are caught before 2001

and after 2001.

• I have many suggestions for

the company, they said that

they are constructing toilet,

providing fodders to animals,

constructing cremation land,

but all this activities are of

by GPCB also. If the

levels of pollutants

increses, massage

are sent to the

officer of the

company and

immediate steps are

taken to control the

same. So there is

negligible effect on


GUJARAT POLLUTION CONTROL BOARD Regional Office, Kutch (East), Room No. 215-216, Second Floor, Kandla Port Trust

Administrative Building, Sector-08, Gandhidham, Kutch – 370 201

Website: www.gpcb.gov.in

Page 8 of 37



Name and Address

of the


Points Represented Reply given by the


Representative of the

Project Proponent

Government. Instead of that

training center should be

developed by the company in

the Bhachhau taluka from

CSR fund and training should

be given to local people, so

that employment can be

provided to the local people

as per the requirement and

qualification of the company

and medical center should

also be developed in this area

by the company.

4 Shri Khetsinh


Vill.: Samakhiyali,

Vill.: Bhachau

Dist.: Kutch.

• He represented that,

guidelines of the Supreme

court are implemented for

pollution control. Company

provides facility, but when

there is matter of public

interest, health and

education, company should

take care of human life.

• He submitted the sample of

water and dust affected plant

collected from the farm near

company and ask to examine

it in the laboratory outside


• Amiben who is living with us

has approached civil hospital

for treatment where doctor

said her that she is ill due to

pollution and advice her not

to work in the field near


GUJARAT POLLUTION CONTROL BOARD Regional Office, Kutch (East), Room No. 215-216, Second Floor, Kandla Port Trust

Administrative Building, Sector-08, Gandhidham, Kutch – 370 201

Website: www.gpcb.gov.in

Page 9 of 37



Name and Address

of the


Points Represented Reply given by the


Representative of the

Project Proponent

these companies.

• Whether the panchnama of

the sample presented by me

here will be carried out or


• Regional officer

informed that, no

decision will be

taken by this panel.

Your representations

will be recorded and

forwarded for

further proceeding

to the competent

authority. Sample

collected by you

alone cannot be

accepted, joint

sampling can be


• Chairmen stated

that, samples

brought by any

person from any

place cannot be

considered. Only

joint samples are

considered. During

Public hearing, it is

not possible to go to

collect samples

stopping other

people’s questions.

• Arrangement will be

done in future for

collection of joint

GUJARAT POLLUTION CONTROL BOARD Regional Office, Kutch (East), Room No. 215-216, Second Floor, Kandla Port Trust

Administrative Building, Sector-08, Gandhidham, Kutch – 370 201

Website: www.gpcb.gov.in

Page 10 of 37



Name and Address

of the


Points Represented Reply given by the


Representative of the

Project Proponent

samples. At this time

you submit your

sample, it will be

decided later

whether it should be

considered or not.

• Company’s


replied that, we

cannot accept the

samples presented

by the people are

not acceptable to

company because

our plant is zero

liquid discharge


5 Shri Ambavi

Bhurabhai Vaidya,

Vill.: Chadvada,

Ta.: Bhachau,

Dist.: Kutch.

• He represented that, my land

having survey number 401

paiki 2 is beside this

company. No one is ready to

purchase the crops of my

field at Rs. 25/- which was

sold in past at Rs. 100/- and

no labour is ready to work in

my field.

• With this he also presented

his written representation

which is annexed with this

minutes as Annexure-C-Q-12

• Chairmen replied

that, submit your

representation along

with the detail of the

survey number of

your land and the

same will be

forwarded to

Government of

India. No decisions

are taken here but

government of India

will examine it if it

will find it proper to

examine in the

survey number. .

6 Shri Vasant Bhavan


• He represented that, in my

village in 5 years around 7 to

• Company’s


GUJARAT POLLUTION CONTROL BOARD Regional Office, Kutch (East), Room No. 215-216, Second Floor, Kandla Port Trust

Administrative Building, Sector-08, Gandhidham, Kutch – 370 201

Website: www.gpcb.gov.in

Page 11 of 37



Name and Address

of the


Points Represented Reply given by the


Representative of the

Project Proponent

Representative of

Nava Chadvada

Vill.: Nava


Ta.: Bhachau,

Dist.: Kutch.

8 people have died due to

cancer. Many people fall ill it

short period of 2-3 months

and die due to dangerous

disease. But company has not

visited the village yet.

• Company has not provided

facility regarding cleanliness,

health and medical. Company

has not helped to village for

Rs.5/- till now. For animals.

My village is within 3 km

radius from this company and

my main question is

regarding dust.

replied that, you

village will also be

included in to the

villages in which CSR

activity is to be

carried out in next 5

years. CSR activity

will be carried out as

per the suggestion of

the representative of

your village.

7 Shri Harbam

Panchha Rabari,

Vill.: Chadvada,

Ta.: Bhachau,

Dist.: Kutch.

• He represented that, the milk

productivity of the cattle’s

are reduced to 50%.

• Rain was less in this area, due

to which cows are dying due

to hunger. Company should

provide fodders for cow till

the good rain in this area.

• People of 50 to 60 year age

out of the local people

employed in the company are

given less salary of Rs. 6000.

So there salary should be

increased and employment

should be provided to local

unemployed person.

• Company


replied that,

company is

providing fodders for

the cattle’s in the

gaushala of Rupees 7

lakh every year and

the acceptance of

the same is with the

company on the

letter pad of the


• Computer center will

be developed in the

Samakhiylai village

to develop the

skilled labour other

than this company

GUJARAT POLLUTION CONTROL BOARD Regional Office, Kutch (East), Room No. 215-216, Second Floor, Kandla Port Trust

Administrative Building, Sector-08, Gandhidham, Kutch – 370 201

Website: www.gpcb.gov.in

Page 12 of 37



Name and Address

of the


Points Represented Reply given by the


Representative of the

Project Proponent

has contracted with

ITI Sanand to

provide employment

to the local in the

company after

providing technical

training in such ITI.

There are many

vacancies in the

company. Those

who are willing to

work can register his

name to HR

department of the

company. Base line

study was carried

out by the


department of the

Gujarat government

and as per its data in

Chadvada village

farming was carried

out in 2837 hector

land in 2015 and in

2018-19 it increased

to 3905 hector. Due

to lack of water

some may not able

to farm but there are

30% increase in

farming in 2017 as

compare to 2015.

8 Shri Naran

Vinodbhai Mata,

Vill.: Chadvada,

• He represented that,

boundary wall of company

and my farm is same. My

• Company’s


replied that, there is

GUJARAT POLLUTION CONTROL BOARD Regional Office, Kutch (East), Room No. 215-216, Second Floor, Kandla Port Trust

Administrative Building, Sector-08, Gandhidham, Kutch – 370 201

Website: www.gpcb.gov.in

Page 13 of 37



Name and Address

of the


Points Represented Reply given by the


Representative of the

Project Proponent

Ta.: Bhachau,

Dist.: Kutch.

farm is within 100 meter

from this area. We are

producing jowar in farm since

last three year and the same

are purchased by Rapar

Gaushala and the payment is

given in cheque. A person

who wants to verify to verify

it can verify my bank account.

There is pollution of dust it

didn’t seems me that there is

reduction in productivity of

farm due to it.

• We do not facility of water

for farming we are farming

mainly one crop. If the

company will provide facility

of the water for farming then

it will be beneficial for us.

Survey numbers of my farms

are 333 paiki 2 and 336 paiki


salinity in

underground water

and water for

agriculture is not

available due to

which we are not

able to carry out

agriculture. Priority

to water and

irrigation are given

under CSR activities

carried out by the

company and will be

carried out in future.

Lake will be

constructed for the

storage of the water

in village for future

irrigation. Depth of

the current lake will

be increased. To

reduce salinity,

company will

prepare ground

water recharge

structure. Company

will fully co-operate

in providing water

for irrigation.

9 Shri Danagar



Vill.: Chadvada,

Ta.: Bhachau,

Dist.: Kutch.

• He represented that, my land

is besides company and its

survey number is 405 paiki 2.

He showing photo said that

due to the dust of the

company we are suffering the

loss of bajari crop. It is not of

• Regional officer

informed to the

representative to

submit all the photos

to support his


GUJARAT POLLUTION CONTROL BOARD Regional Office, Kutch (East), Room No. 215-216, Second Floor, Kandla Port Trust

Administrative Building, Sector-08, Gandhidham, Kutch – 370 201

Website: www.gpcb.gov.in

Page 14 of 37



Name and Address

of the


Points Represented Reply given by the


Representative of the

Project Proponent

consumable condition and

good rate in market of the

same is not available. Flower

grows in arenda crop but it

destroys due to dust. In 2015

due to the heavy rain wall of

the company broken and red

water of the company

entered into my land and

there was soil erosion of my

land. The photographs of the

same are submitted here.

Company have not

compensated for the same.

Boundary of ASR and Electro

Therm are the boundary of

my farm. Fodders of animals

didn’t grow due to pollution

and nobody is ready to

purchase the crop produce in

my farm and even cattle’s

didn’t eat it.

• Photos submitted by

representative and

his representation

are annexed with

this as annexure C-


• Company’s


replied that, in 2015

there was heavy rain

and due to it large

quantity of water

entered into the

company and wall of

the company

broken. To prevent

the same in future

company have

constructed pond in

the premises of

company to gather

the rain water and

that water is used in

the plant.

• There is high salinity

in the water and the

reason of the same

cannot be disclosed

yet. Pollution

released from the

company is under

control. So there will

be no effect on the

crop or human

GUJARAT POLLUTION CONTROL BOARD Regional Office, Kutch (East), Room No. 215-216, Second Floor, Kandla Port Trust

Administrative Building, Sector-08, Gandhidham, Kutch – 370 201

Website: www.gpcb.gov.in

Page 15 of 37



Name and Address

of the


Points Represented Reply given by the


Representative of the

Project Proponent


10 Shri Bhanjibhai


Bharat Mukti


Vill.: Samakhiyali,

Ta.: Bhachhau,

Dist.: Kutch.

• He represented that, many

affected persons have

represented regarding

pollution in this Public

Hearing. I am wishing this

proposed expansion of steel

plant of the ASR Company

even if the company expands

itself by 100%.

• There are steel plants of ASR,

Gallant and ET Company in

this area. They spread

pollution. I have photographs

regarding the same, I will

submit the same. He

submitting photographs

represented that, this photo

is of discharge of polluted

water by the company

behind it.

• He also presented the photo

regarding the employees

entering into company

without wearing helmet and

safety shoes.

• Also presented the

photographs of terrace of the

houses of the people residing

in front of the gate of


• He represented that, my

• Company’s


replied that, helmet

and safety shoes are

given to all the

employees working

in the company. If

they remove it then

company strictly

direct them to

comply. Time to

time training is given

to the employee of

the company

regarding safety


• Our plant is zero

liquid discharge

plant. We treat

domestic sewage

water also. There is

organic matter BoD

as a pollutant

parameter. The level

of the same in the

water is lowered

down to 20 ml gram

per liter in the

aeration tank by bio-

logical process and

that water is used

for gardening and

plantation. There are

no chemical in

GUJARAT POLLUTION CONTROL BOARD Regional Office, Kutch (East), Room No. 215-216, Second Floor, Kandla Port Trust

Administrative Building, Sector-08, Gandhidham, Kutch – 370 201

Website: www.gpcb.gov.in

Page 16 of 37



Name and Address

of the


Points Represented Reply given by the


Representative of the

Project Proponent

object is not to oppose

company. I am in support of

company and they develop

their company. But the issue

of the affected people

represented here should be

resolved first.

• Pollution spreads due to

company. Polluted water of

the company enters into

land. My farmers represented

that pollution affects to the

agriculture. I can also give

evidence regarding the

persons are affecting to the

disease i.e. breathing, skin

disease, eye disease, etc. due

to pollution and I have the

document of the same.

• Many times heavy sound

comes from the plant due to

sponge iron. Birds and

animals of this area are lost

due to air pollution.

• In which plant water

emerging from the

company’s plant is treated?

What is the capacity and

process of operation of the

ETP and STP plant in which

company’s water are


industrial waste

water. There is blow

down in the cooling

tower alike in the

sea water. This is

around 1500 ml

gram per liter. It is

neutralized and used

for sprinkling for

dust suspension,

gardening and


• Silencer has been

installed in our

power plant so there

is no noise pollution.

• Fly ashes emerging

from our power

plant are used for

making bricks and

are also used by the

cement industries

for preparing


• On behalf of the

company I am

assuring that,

medical camp will be

organized in the

villages. Medical

check-up are carried

out at every 6 month

for the employees

GUJARAT POLLUTION CONTROL BOARD Regional Office, Kutch (East), Room No. 215-216, Second Floor, Kandla Port Trust

Administrative Building, Sector-08, Gandhidham, Kutch – 370 201

Website: www.gpcb.gov.in

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Name and Address

of the


Points Represented Reply given by the


Representative of the

Project Proponent

• How are the waste i.e. slug,

fly ash, etc. emerging from

the company are disposed.

Lands are dig and wastes are

disposed in that land and

after that the land is leveled

which affect the land.

• Data of pollution should

make available to every

Panchayat offices.

• Since 2005 how many times

inspection regarding health

has been carried out?

• Local person who are not

talented are not employed in

company. Verification should

be carried out whether

outsider who are working in

the company posses the

essential certificate. I have

demanded the same from the

police station under RTI.

• I support to the expansion of

the companies but they

should first organize medical

camp in the nearby villages

and after that they should be

permitted for expansion.

• Honey bees are lost due to


working in the

company under the

companies factory

act and company

have the doctor

certificate regarding


• Since the company is

in operation 4 fatal

accident has been

recorded in the

company due to

human error and

victim were

compensated as per

the order of the High


GUJARAT POLLUTION CONTROL BOARD Regional Office, Kutch (East), Room No. 215-216, Second Floor, Kandla Port Trust

Administrative Building, Sector-08, Gandhidham, Kutch – 370 201

Website: www.gpcb.gov.in

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Name and Address

of the


Points Represented Reply given by the


Representative of the

Project Proponent

• How many accidents have

been recorded in company till

yet and how many deaths

occurred in the same?

• Application to the Collector,

Mamalatdar and TDO was

given by unemployed morcha

but till now nobody has been

employed by the company.

• My daughter is studying in

standard 9. There was

burning sensation in the eye

of my daughter. I approached

the doctor they said that it is

due to pollution.

• Today when I left the house I

got a massage of a Muslim

lady that, she also have

problem due to pollution in

eye and in other body.

• My wife is also affected by

the skin disease due to

pollution and water comes

out form her nose

continuously. I am submitting

the file of hospital regarding


• It is to inform to company

that they expand their

company but the

abovementioned problem

GUJARAT POLLUTION CONTROL BOARD Regional Office, Kutch (East), Room No. 215-216, Second Floor, Kandla Port Trust

Administrative Building, Sector-08, Gandhidham, Kutch – 370 201

Website: www.gpcb.gov.in

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Name and Address

of the


Points Represented Reply given by the


Representative of the

Project Proponent

should not arise.

• As the value of land has

increased, the brokers of the

land are also increased.

Brokers in the market have

been increased but no

brokerage should be done

regarding pollution. I want to

say to the people of the

affected area that, the

Government and company

together establish the plant

and spread pollution. Baba

saheb Ambedkar said that

this is democratic country.

Authority is in the hand of

people. If company will

spread pollution then we will

strictly revolt against the

same and the officers of all

departments have to come to

us for resolving issue. And

pollution spread by the

company will be prevented.

11 Shri Devendrasinh


Vill.: Samakhiylai,

Ta.: Bhachau,

Dist.: Kutch.

• He represented that, which

type of employment will be

provided to the company to

local people in the proposed

plant? Local people do not

have experience of steel


• Company’s


replied that, it will

take a year for

obtaining permission

and establishment of

the company and

around 400

vacancies will arise

from the same.

Company will

GUJARAT POLLUTION CONTROL BOARD Regional Office, Kutch (East), Room No. 215-216, Second Floor, Kandla Port Trust

Administrative Building, Sector-08, Gandhidham, Kutch – 370 201

Website: www.gpcb.gov.in

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Name and Address

of the


Points Represented Reply given by the


Representative of the

Project Proponent

develop computer

center in

Samakhiylai village

and appoint

qualified teacher for

the same.


opportunity will be

raised providing

computer education

to the local people.

Other than this

company have tie up

with the Sanand ITI

in which Electric,

Plumbing and plant

operation training

will be provided.

Company will send 2

to 3 persons every

year to develop their

skill and provide

employment to

them in the


12 Shri Bala Veljibhai


Vill.: Samakhiyali,

Ta.: Bhachau,

Dist.: Kutch.

• He represented that,

company have never

accepted the application of

local farmers. Why they

didn’t accept the application?

• Company’s


replied that, no

applications of the

farmers are received

by company. They

can give application

to company and

company will accept

those applications.


GUJARAT POLLUTION CONTROL BOARD Regional Office, Kutch (East), Room No. 215-216, Second Floor, Kandla Port Trust

Administrative Building, Sector-08, Gandhidham, Kutch – 370 201

Website: www.gpcb.gov.in

Page 21 of 37



Name and Address

of the


Points Represented Reply given by the


Representative of the

Project Proponent

• My village is within 3 km from

the company, so what activity

has been carried out by

company in my village?

Whether they have given

fodders for cattle?

• Since 2005 company

establish here, people of

nearby villages have co-

operated to the company for

its development and no

farmer or citizens of this area

have opposed the company.

But there is no benefit to the

farmer due to company or

neither medical facility has

been provided by the

company since last 10 years.

So I have to come here on

behalf of village. I am farmer

of Chadvada, Laniyana and

Samakhiyali village and my

land is behind the company.

The dust of the company

spread in the nearby farms

• Company has carried

out financial activity

other than this

keeping two

representative of the

village in the panel

of committee CSR

activity will be

carried out in the

Samakhiyali village

and other nearby

village as per the

suggestions of

priority of the work

by the decided by

the committee.

• Company assures

that, medical

examination in the

nearby villages will

be carried out soon.

GUJARAT POLLUTION CONTROL BOARD Regional Office, Kutch (East), Room No. 215-216, Second Floor, Kandla Port Trust

Administrative Building, Sector-08, Gandhidham, Kutch – 370 201

Website: www.gpcb.gov.in

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Name and Address

of the


Points Represented Reply given by the


Representative of the

Project Proponent

and causes lots of loss to

farmers. So we are .fully

opposing the proposed

project of the company.

• Company have never

organized medical check-up

or medical camp in

Chadvada, Laliyana and

Ambaliyara village.

• Company is not providing

employment to local people.

We co-operate to company

since 10 year but company

didn’t co-operate to us so

from now we will also not co-

operate to company.

• In company 10% of the

employees are local and

other are from other state

and they have to work

overtime. No facilities are

provided to them. So

company should provide

proper wages and proper

facilities to them and take a

work form worker for 8 hour

rather than 12 hour, it will

increase employment too.

• Company has not carried out

any work in my village and

• Company assures

that medical camp

will be organized in

mean time in nearby


• Company provides

employment to local

people at recent

time also. Those

villagers who want

to work in company

can approach HR

department of the

company with his


• In new plant 400 skill

and unskilled

employees will be


• Company has made

provision for

GUJARAT POLLUTION CONTROL BOARD Regional Office, Kutch (East), Room No. 215-216, Second Floor, Kandla Port Trust

Administrative Building, Sector-08, Gandhidham, Kutch – 370 201

Website: www.gpcb.gov.in

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Name and Address

of the


Points Represented Reply given by the


Representative of the

Project Proponent

even not provided fodders

for cattle.

• Company didn’t provide

employment to the local

people even though they

posses required qualification.

• At now how many vacancies

are there for ITI

accomplished persons.


• Farmers beside this company

suffer loss due to the dust

particles of the company, so

they should be provided

assistance from the company.

• Plantation should be carried

out by the company.

assisting the village

regarding health

activity and will

organize medical

camp in the village in

which it will be


• Company will give

priority to the local

in the employment

and if it will not get

proper qualified

person it will

employee the

person form other


• At this time 25 to 30

ITI accomplished

persons are


• Latest technology

tools for pollution

control are been

installed with every


• Company is to

develop 33% of

green belt in the

premises of the

company. If Gram

Panchayat will

provide place in

their village for

plantation then

company will carry

out the same.


GUJARAT POLLUTION CONTROL BOARD Regional Office, Kutch (East), Room No. 215-216, Second Floor, Kandla Port Trust

Administrative Building, Sector-08, Gandhidham, Kutch – 370 201

Website: www.gpcb.gov.in

Page 24 of 37



Name and Address

of the


Points Represented Reply given by the


Representative of the

Project Proponent

13 Shri Bhanjibhai


Bharat Mukti


Vill.: Samakhiylai,

Ta.: Bhachau,

Dist.: Kutch.

• He represented that, in

Samakhiyali village on dated

12/06/2017 resolution has

been passed in point no.10

that, local unemployed

people are not employed in

the company established in

the survey number under

Samakhiyali Gram Panchayat

and in point no.11 resolution

has been passed that,

companies nearby the

Samakhiyali village spreads

pollution. It is to intimate to

sarpanch of nearby village

that give NOC to the

company but not for

pollution and if the same is

given then it will not be



14 Shri Zala Gopalsinh,

Vill.: Ambaliyara

Ta.: Bhachau,

Dist.: Kutch.

• He asked that how the

company will carry out

medical treatment in the


• Company’s


replied that,

company will

organize medical

check-up in the

village nearby

company. Company

will help the people

to fulfill their


regarding land.

15 Shri Ramprasad

Baldevdas Sadu,

Vill.: Laliyana,

Ta.: Bhachau,

• He represented that, I am a

driver and I have ST Badge

license. When I approach any

company for employment

• Company’s


replied that, you

come to our


GUJARAT POLLUTION CONTROL BOARD Regional Office, Kutch (East), Room No. 215-216, Second Floor, Kandla Port Trust

Administrative Building, Sector-08, Gandhidham, Kutch – 370 201

Website: www.gpcb.gov.in

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Name and Address

of the


Points Represented Reply given by the


Representative of the

Project Proponent

Dist.: Kutch. they say that they don’t have

vacancy. Earlier I approached

Gallant metal and Electro

Therm and now I have

approached this company for

the same.

company with your


16 Shri Bharat Rama


Vill.: Samakhiyali,

Ta.: Bhachau,

Dist.: Kutch.

• He represented that, land

having survey number 355,

356, 366, 367 and 369/2 are

of mine and my father and is

about 50 acre beside the

Electro Therm Company.

Company’s polluted water

enters into my farm. We have

made bore well in our land

and my uncle uses that water

for growing crops. No canal is

there in this area. But he

takes 2 crops in season. One

from rain water and other

from company water which is

still continued. Our

Samakhiyali village is small

but there are around 700 to

800 cows in the village.

Company gives fodders for

the cattle’s but company

should increase the CSR fund

parallel to the expansion of


• Company’s


replied that,

company is

committed regarding

your suggestion.

17 Shri Neel Vijoda,

Rashtriya Dalit

Adhikar Manch,

Vill.: Samakhiyali,

Ta.: Bhachau,

Dist.: Kutch.

• He represented that, as per

the EIA notification 2016,

proceedings of Pubic Hearing

carried out should be

summarized and copy of the

same to be provided to us.

• Regional Officer

Replied that,

minutes of the

Public Hearing will

be available on the

GPCB web-site.


GUJARAT POLLUTION CONTROL BOARD Regional Office, Kutch (East), Room No. 215-216, Second Floor, Kandla Port Trust

Administrative Building, Sector-08, Gandhidham, Kutch – 370 201

Website: www.gpcb.gov.in

Page 26 of 37



Name and Address

of the


Points Represented Reply given by the


Representative of the

Project Proponent

18 Shri Ashoksinh


President of

Bhachhau Taluka


• He represented that,

company should contact local

unemployed person of the

nearby villages and provide

employment to them as it is

the issue of Bhachau Taluka.

We you have employed any

person in the company with

our reference and that

employ mis-behaves, than

intimate us about that we will

fire them from employment

before you. With the

expansion of the company

this area should also be

developed. Proper provision

to be done for the issue of

farmers, health issue or the

issues which has been

represented many times.

Issue of the farmers should

be resolve keeping them

together. I am member of

Lion’s club and we organize

medical camp in whole

Taluka then why the same is

not organized by company?

Company should form a

committee of the

representative of the villages

and issue of the people

regarding CSR fund should be

resolved and ask for

permission for double plan.

We will co-operate to the

company for its all

• Company’s


welcomed his


GUJARAT POLLUTION CONTROL BOARD Regional Office, Kutch (East), Room No. 215-216, Second Floor, Kandla Port Trust

Administrative Building, Sector-08, Gandhidham, Kutch – 370 201

Website: www.gpcb.gov.in

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Name and Address

of the


Points Represented Reply given by the


Representative of the

Project Proponent

expansions. Resolve the issue

of health, education,

gaushala and employment

and people will co-operate

with company.

19 Shri Zala


Representative of

Samakhiyali Truck


Vill.: Samakhiyali,

Ta.: Bhachau,

Dist.: Kutch.

• He represented that, there is

only one local transporter out

of 8 to 10 contractors given

contract of loading and

transporting by the company.

And if more local transporter

are given contract then

declare their name. Proper

reply is not given to the local

transporter when they

approach the company

regarding transportation

work. This company’s rate is

very low as compare to the

rate of other companies.

Samakhiylai truck association

has represented the company

regarding the same earlier

but the company didn’t gave

any reply for the same.

Whether contract to the local

contractor will be given by

the company in future or


• Company’s


replied that, all

transporter with the

company are local

and from Bhachau

taluka. Company

provides contract to

local contractors i.e.

Sangvari transport,

Rajvi transport,

Gujarat logistic,

Shreeji transport,

etc. There is a

association of these

transportation and

the rate is decided

by them and

company provided

that rate for to

transporter. So there

is no issue of low or

high rate. If you have

vehicle and capacity

to keep it in our

company on

contract, then you

can send your

quotation and

profile, we will

consider the same.


GUJARAT POLLUTION CONTROL BOARD Regional Office, Kutch (East), Room No. 215-216, Second Floor, Kandla Port Trust

Administrative Building, Sector-08, Gandhidham, Kutch – 370 201

Website: www.gpcb.gov.in

Page 28 of 37



Name and Address

of the


Points Represented Reply given by the


Representative of the

Project Proponent

20 Shri Mata



Vill.: Chadvada,

Ta.: Bhachau,

Dist.: Kutch.

• He represented that, my land

is beside company. Company

is established since 2004 and

its 2018 now. I have

photographs regarding the

activity of the company and

environment of the company.

He showing photo said that,

in my farm jowar, arenda and

mug are produced. Many

people said that there is

adverse effect on crops

growth due to fly ash but it is

not so in my farm.

• Photos submitted by

the representative

annexed as

annexure C-Q-44.

21 Shri Karsanbhai


Vill.: Samakhiyali,

Ta.: Bhachau,

Dist.: Kutch.

• He represented that, due to

the pollutions of the

companies I suffered a loss of

rupees 1.5 to 2 lakh of cattle

fodders as it ruin and even

cattle’s re not eating the

same. You say that you are

giving contract to local

transporter then why are you

not giving contract of

Ghanshyamsinh Zala.

Company is going to expand

its plant. Company’s conduct

is not proper as it is not

providing contract to local

transporter. Terrace of my

house turned into black due

to pollution which can you

see. We have to suffer many

losses due to it.

• Company’s


replied that, the

transporters in our

company are local

i.e. Sangvari

transporter, Rajvi

transporter, Anjani

Tranporti, Shreeji

transporter, Raveji

transporter, etc.,

and their vehicles

are also local.

Transporters are

increasing every year

and if you have

transporter then you

can represent

company for the

contract. During the

establishment of

company there were


GUJARAT POLLUTION CONTROL BOARD Regional Office, Kutch (East), Room No. 215-216, Second Floor, Kandla Port Trust

Administrative Building, Sector-08, Gandhidham, Kutch – 370 201

Website: www.gpcb.gov.in

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Name and Address

of the


Points Represented Reply given by the


Representative of the

Project Proponent

2 transporters and

now there are 9

transporters. There

are increase in

number of

transporters and

number of vehicle

with the


• At this stage

chairman informed

that, this issue of

transporter is not


environment so it is

not applicable for

public hearing and

for this issue you can

discuss with the

company separately.

• Company’s


replied that,

company didn’t

receive any

complaint regarding

the ruins of the

fodders of cattle’s. if

you have such issue

then come to the

company with the

Sarpanch of his

village and company

will resolve the


GUJARAT POLLUTION CONTROL BOARD Regional Office, Kutch (East), Room No. 215-216, Second Floor, Kandla Port Trust

Administrative Building, Sector-08, Gandhidham, Kutch – 370 201

Website: www.gpcb.gov.in

Page 30 of 37



Name and Address

of the


Points Represented Reply given by the


Representative of the

Project Proponent


22 Shri Devji Koli,

Vill.: Samakhiylai,

Ta.: Taluka,

Dist.: Kutch.

• He asked that, give detail of

the activity carried out by the

company in Samakhiyali

village. Give data CSR activity

carried out in Samakhiyali

village and how many fund

has been spent and under

whose supervision?

• Company talks to provide

employment for ITI turner

and fitter, so whether

company doesn’t require

labour? If it seems that local

labour are not working

properly then work can be

carried out by giving labour

contract to local contractor.

• Company wishes for

educated workers but there

is no ITI or technical college

near this area. So from where

will they get ITI accomplished

workers? How many local

people will be employed in

the proposed plant?


• Company will

provide employment

to 400 skilled and

unskilled workers. In

which priority will be

given to local people

and if company will

not get local skilled

labour then it will

employ to employee

from other state.

23 Shri Jadeja


Vill.: Samakhiyali,

Vill.: Bhachau

Dist.: Kutch.

• He represented that, as per

the rule of Government of

Indian Company have to

provide 60% employment

to local. Give the list of the

local person’s to whom

employment has been

• Company’s


replied that, since

2005 more than 75%

local employ of the

total employ are

worked in the


GUJARAT POLLUTION CONTROL BOARD Regional Office, Kutch (East), Room No. 215-216, Second Floor, Kandla Port Trust

Administrative Building, Sector-08, Gandhidham, Kutch – 370 201

Website: www.gpcb.gov.in

Page 31 of 37



Name and Address

of the


Points Represented Reply given by the


Representative of the

Project Proponent

provided by the company

since 2005 to 2018.

Whether company will

provide employment to ITI

accomplished unemployed

person as declared by


company and this list

of the same is

available at


exchange and at

labour office. You

can obtain list from

there. That list is

also available on

web-site and can

also be obtained

under RTI. At current

out of 450 employ

working in company

375 are local.

Employment in the

company will be

provided as per its


• As represented

earlier that there is

no ITI in this area so

from where local

people bring ITI

employees? For that

company have

signed contract with

Sanand education

trust to provide

training to the local

people at Sanand

and the cost of the

same will bear by

the company. Local

people can get

employment at


GUJARAT POLLUTION CONTROL BOARD Regional Office, Kutch (East), Room No. 215-216, Second Floor, Kandla Port Trust

Administrative Building, Sector-08, Gandhidham, Kutch – 370 201

Website: www.gpcb.gov.in

Page 32 of 37



Name and Address

of the


Points Represented Reply given by the


Representative of the

Project Proponent

proper place getting

proper training over

there. It is not

necessary that they

should work in ASR.

They can work in any


24 Shri Khetsinh


Vill.: Samakhiyali,

Vill.: Bhachau

Dist.: Kutch.

• He represented that, this

company is under section

4(A) of RTI act. So whether

the company will declare the

information regarding how

many workers out of total are

local and outsiders, salary

given to them? If company

cannot declare at this

moment then whether it will

declare later on in such a way

that it can be easily visible to


• Company’s


replied that, since

2005 more than 75%

local employ of the

total employ are

worked in the

company and this list

of the same is

available at


exchange and at

labour office. You

can obtain list from

there. That list is

also available on


25 Shri Bala Veljibhai


Vill.: Samakhiyali,

Vill.: Bhachau

Dist.: Kutch.

• He asked that, whether there

is any vacancy for civil

contractor and civil ITI in the

proposed project according

to the wages under

companies act?

• Company’s


replied that, no

worker working in

my company have

the wages less than

the wages fixed by

the Government of

India under

Minimum Wages


GUJARAT POLLUTION CONTROL BOARD Regional Office, Kutch (East), Room No. 215-216, Second Floor, Kandla Port Trust

Administrative Building, Sector-08, Gandhidham, Kutch – 370 201

Website: www.gpcb.gov.in

Page 33 of 37



Name and Address

of the


Points Represented Reply given by the


Representative of the

Project Proponent

• He on behalf of the affected

farmer represented that, due

to the pollute water and dust

of the company there is loss

to crops growing in farm. So

he must be compensated for

the loss suffered by him.

Act. Our company

has more benefits if

local contractor are

available. If you have

tools and skills then

you can obtain work

by submitting your

quotation and

details of

background to the

company. If you

don’t have

experience of work

then also company

will give you a

chance to work.

• Our plant is zero

liquid discharge

plant so there is no

possibility of loss

due to company.

Then also if he have

any issue then

represent it to

company, it will

consider it to


26 Shri Dinesh Rana,

Manav Kalyan

Suraksha Mandal,

Vill.: Lakadiya,

Vill.: Bhachau

Dist.: Kutch.

• He represented that, my

earlier written representation

has been included in

proceedings. Local people

should get employment by

the expansion of the

company. Local should be

given employment in

operating plant also. The

• Company’s


welcoming the

suggestion replied

that, we are

committed to

provide employment

to local people.

GUJARAT POLLUTION CONTROL BOARD Regional Office, Kutch (East), Room No. 215-216, Second Floor, Kandla Port Trust

Administrative Building, Sector-08, Gandhidham, Kutch – 370 201

Website: www.gpcb.gov.in

Page 34 of 37



Name and Address

of the


Points Represented Reply given by the


Representative of the

Project Proponent

source of local employment

will increase with the

establishment of this plant.

Nearby markets are have

high standard.

• As there is discussion of dust

and pollution, I want to say

that, we are opposing

everything. But the pollution

due to truck on toll gate,

R.T.O., check post and other

places are more which is also

dangerous for us so we

should oppose them too.

There will be no benefit of

opposing the companies only

because it will affect our

livelihood. If new plant will

establish then more

employment will be available.

I wish the company to

expand more and provide

more local employment so

that local people can get


27 Shri Lakad Govind


Vill.: Samakhiyali,

Vill.: Bhachau

Dist.: Kutch.

• He represented that, my land

bearing survey number 396 is

beside this company.

Company landfills the 5 to 6

canal which is within the

company, due to which water

gathers into my farm and

crops destroys.

• Company’s


replied that, there is

no nalah in our

company. Our plant

is zero liquid

discharge plant. If

you show us the

nalah, we will close

the same.

28 Shri Narendradan • He represented that, this • Company’s


GUJARAT POLLUTION CONTROL BOARD Regional Office, Kutch (East), Room No. 215-216, Second Floor, Kandla Port Trust

Administrative Building, Sector-08, Gandhidham, Kutch – 370 201

Website: www.gpcb.gov.in

Page 35 of 37



Name and Address

of the


Points Represented Reply given by the


Representative of the

Project Proponent


Member of Taluka


Vill.: Samakhiyali,

Vill.: Bhachau

Dist.: Kutch.

company is in Chadvada

revenue of my voting area.

This is Environmental Public

Hearing but very less people

asked about environment.

My representation is

regarding infrastructural

development and local

employment. I have total 4

questions and out that first is

regarding health. There are

16 affected villages in this

area and 3 companies. Two

divisions of this area to be

made and two ambulances,

one ambulance in one

division and other in another

keep taking rounds on

alternate days, so that the

requirement of the local

people can be fulfilled.

• If we talk about government

hospitals then, there are

three PHC’s in this area in

Samakhiyali, Jangi and

Lakadiya village and those

PHC’s are under construction.

Company should allot fund

for PHC from the CSR fund

which will be beneficial for

the people and they will be

happy too.

• If any waste water is entering

into this company, then any

farmer can store the water

and take it into the use of


welcoming the

suggestion replied

that, company is

planning to form a

committee including

the member of

village, but if the

committee is formed

including the

representative of the

nearby companies

and carry out health

activity and other

activities, then CSR

fund will be utilized

more and effectively

and we are ready for

the same.


GUJARAT POLLUTION CONTROL BOARD Regional Office, Kutch (East), Room No. 215-216, Second Floor, Kandla Port Trust

Administrative Building, Sector-08, Gandhidham, Kutch – 370 201

Website: www.gpcb.gov.in

Page 36 of 37



Name and Address

of the


Points Represented Reply given by the


Representative of the

Project Proponent

farming and company should

help for the same.

• 2 lakhs trees to be planted by

all the three companies

together in 16 affected

villages. Company should

expand and follow all the

rules and regulations and

increase its CSR fund which

will be 100% beneficial for

our area.

• Company’s representative

said that, they provide 75% of

employment to local people

and I want to say to company

that if it will provide 70% of

employment to local then

also we will be happy with


• If any person from any

affected village, is in need of

medical help and those who

are not under the Maa

Vatsalya scheme, then

company should help Village

sarpanch, village leader and

representative from CSR fund

, then it will be appreciated.

• Company should expand

more and provide more and

more employment to local

people. It is my wish to the

company that it progress,

expand and do good



Room No. 215-216, Second Floor, Kandla Port Trust

Administrative Building, Sector-08, Gandhidham, Kutch – 370 201

Website: www.gpcb.gov.in

Page 1 of 35

પ�રિશ�ટ -બી-૧

��к ������� ��� ����� ������� ���� ������� ���� ��� ���к��� �� ��!� ���� "#���

"�� �$%�&�

ભારત સરકારના પયા�વરણ, વન અન જળવા� પર�વત�ન મ�ાલય, નવી �દ"હ�ના $હ%રનામા &માક : એસ.ઓ.

૧૫૩૩ તા. ૧૪-૦૯-૨૦૦૬ અન તના પછ�ના 2ધારાઓના $હ%રનામા ના ક%ટ%ગર� “એ” હ%ઠળ આવર� લવાયલ

����' (.(�."�. �*�+���*� ��. ,����-.; ગામ : છાડવાડા, તા. ભચાઉ, <જ. ક=છ (?જરાત), ખાત (અ)

(એમ.એસ. માઇ"ડ Cટ�લ) [(૧) રોFસ- ૫૦૦૦ મH�ક ટન/માસ, (૨) વાયસ� -૨૫૦૦ મH�ક ટન/માસ, (૩)

JલKસ -૨૫૦૦ મH�ક ટન/માસ અન (૪) ર�-રો"ડ એમ.એસ. Cટ�લ LોડMKસ (ચનલ, એNગ"સ, બાસ�,

રાઉNડ, સકશન અન Lોફાઈ"સ વગર% -૨૦૦૦ મH�ક ટન/માસ)] – Sલ ૧૨૦૦૦ મH�ક ટન/માસ થી

૩૬૦૦૦ મH�ક ટન/માસ, (બ) Cટ�"સ UબલKસ/ ઇગKસ (સમી �ફનીVડ LોડકKસ) – ૧૨૩૩૩ મH�ક

ટન/માસ થી ૩૬૩૩૩ મH�ક ટન/માસ, (ક) CપોNજ આયન� ૫૫૦૦ મH�ક ટન/માસ થી ૨૦૫૦૦ મH�ક

ટન/માસ, (ડ) એ.એફ.બી.સી. બોઈલરમાથી પાવર (કોલસા આધાર�ત) - ૪ મગાવોટ થી ૨૧ મગાવોટ અન

(ઈ) ડબ"�.એચ.આર.બી. માથી પાવર (રોટર� ભWામાથી વCટ હ�ટ ગસ) – ૪ મગાવોટ થી ૧૨ મગાવોટના

િવCતરણ માટ%ની 2Uચત પર�યોજના અYસધાન પયા�વરણીય લોક 2નાવણી તા. ૭/૦૮/૨૦૧૮ ના રોજ

૧૧:૦૦ કલાક%, Lો\કટ Cથળ પર મસસ� એ.એસ.આર. મ"ટ�મટ"સ Lા. Uલમીટ%ડ, નશનલ હાઈવ-૮ એ,

આર.ટ�.ઓ. ચક પોCટ ન]ક, ગામ : છાડવાડા, તા. ભચાઉ, <જ. ક=છ, (?જરાત), ખાત યોજવામા આવલ છ.

સમ^ પયા�વરણીય લોક 2નાવણીની કાય�વાહ� 0�� � �-1�� ����,"3.(.(�. к��к�� ��� 45*��

��678-�0�, к9:�� સીધી દ%ખર%ખ તથા અ_ય`પણા હ%ઠળ યોજવામા આવલ.

0�. к-.;�. <=!�+, ��>-�шк ��!к��+, к9:(A B'), ?જરાત Laષણ િનય�ણ બોડ� તથા સcય સUચવdી,

?જરાત Laષણ િનય�ણ બોડ�ના Lિતિનિધએ પયા�વરણીય લોક 2નાવણીમા ઉપeCથત સૌન આવકાયા�,

તઓએ ઇ.આઇ.એ. નોટ��ફક%શન ૨૦૦૬ gત�ગત િવિવધ જોગવાઇઓ અન લોક 2નાવણીની L�&યા બાબત

સU`hતમા મા�હતી આપી. તમણ પયા�વરણીય લોક 2નાવણીની બહોળ� Lિસi_ધ gગ ?જરાત Laષણ િનય�ણ

બોડ� jારા કર%લ કાય�વાહ�ની મા�હતી આપી અન Cથાિનક દk િનક વત�માન પ�ોમા આપલ $હ%ર ખબર િવશ

જણાવલ. તમણ એ પણ જણાl� ક% નોટ��ફક%શનની જોગવાઇઓ અYસાર Cથાિનક અસર^Cત લોકો આ

પયા�વરણીય લોક 2નાવણીમા મૌUખક રmઆત કર� શકશ nયાર% અNય lયાજબી �હત ધરાવતા lય�કતઓ

તઓની રmઆત લUખતમા કર� શકશ \નો કાય�2Uચમા સમાવશ કરવામા આવશ.

oયારબાદ <જ"લા મ]CH%ટdીની પરવાનગીથી તઓએ કપનાના Lિતિનિધન Cથાિનક ?જરાતી ભાષામા

તમની 2Uચત પર�યોજના બાબતોY LઝNટ%શન રm કરવા માટ% જણાl�.


Room No. 215-216, Second Floor, Kandla Port Trust

Administrative Building, Sector-08, Gandhidham, Kutch – 370 201

Website: www.gpcb.gov.in

Page 2 of 35

oયારબાદ કપનીના તકનીક� Lિતિનિધ dી q�પક શાહ jારા કપનીનો પર�ચય, Lો\કટની rપર%ખા, Cથળ,

િવશષતાઓ, ઉoપાદનY આયોજન તથા માગ�, stય ઉoપાદન 2િવધાઓ, કાચા માલના વપરાશ, �ટ�લીટ�ની

જrર�યાત, હાલની પયા�વરણ પર�eCથિત તથા પયા�વરણ Lબધક Lોફાઇલ, ^ીન બ"ટ િવકાસ, હયાત આિથuક

સામા]ક eCથિત તથા એકમ jારા થતી સી.એસ.આર. Lvિતઓ િવગર%Y ?જરાતી ભાષામા LઝNટ%શન

આપવામા આl�.

Lો\કટના Lિતિનિધ jારા LઝNટ%શન qણ� થયા બાદ Lાદ%િશક અિધકાર�dી, ?જરાત Laષણ િનય�ણ બોડ� jારા

<જ"લા મ]CH%ટdીની મmર�થી Cથાિનક અસર^Cત લોકોની રmઆતો/વાધા/2ચનો રm કરવા માટ% મચ x"લો

sકવામા આવલ.

Lાદ%િશક અિધકાર�dી, ?જરાત Laષણ િનય�ણ બોડ� jારા ઉપeCથત જન સsદાયન જણાવલ ક% પયા�વરણીય

લોક 2નાવણી અગાઉ lયાજબી �હત ધરાવતા Sલ નવ (૯) lય�કતdીઓ \મા (૧) dી અશોકિસyહ

એન.ઝાલા, સદCય ભચાઉ નગરપાUલકા, વોડ� ન-૬, મા] Lsખ ભચાઉ નગરપાUલકા, ઓ�ફસ: જયશ�કત

ફામ�, ભચાઉ, ]. ક=છ, (૨) dી ભરતભાઈ \ઠાભાઈ બાર, ગામ: સાવરSડલા, તા. સાવરSડલા, <જ. અમર%લી,

(3) dી વાધલા 2ર%શિસyહ કYભા, ગામ : ].ઈ.બી. નારોલ, તા.]. અમદાવાદ, (૪) dી �દનશ વી.રાણા,

માનવ ક"યાણ પયા�વરણ અન 2ર`ા મડળ, ક=છ <જ"લા મહામ�ી, (૫) dી ધમ{N|િસyહ દલપતિસyહ ચૌહાણ,

ગામ: પરતાપqરા, તા. ઉમર%ઠ, <જ. આણદ, (૬) dી પર%શભાઇ ભવાનિસyહ $દવ, ગામ: કનીજ, તા.

મહ%મદાવાદ, ]. ખડા, (૭) dી નીલ િવyજોડા, રા�H�ય દલીત અિધકાર મચ, Lભાર� –ક=છ <જ"લો, (૮) dી

ધમ{શ િમ}ી, ભrચ, તથા (૯) dી હસsખ વોરા, અમરોલી, 2રત તરફથી લUખતમા રmઆત મળલ છ. આ

લUખત રmઆતના L~ તથા કપની તરફથી આપવામા આવલ લUખત જવાબન આજની Lોસડ�ગમા સમાવશ

કરવામા આવશ.

પયા�વરણીય લોક 2નાવણી દરિમયાન હાજર રહ%લ લોકો jારા કરવામા આવલ રmઆતો/વાધાઓ/2ચનો

અUભLાયો તમજ અરજદારના Lિતિનિધ jારા આપવામા આવલ જવાબો નીચ sજબ છ.

D� �E�" ���F� ���

��� ������

�E�" к�-� ����� к #���� �� ��!� �GH�

�#���� �$%�&�

૧ dી ભરત રામા ચાવડા,

ગામ : છાડવાડા,

તા. : ભચાઉ,

<જ. ક=છ

• તમણ રmઆત કરતા જણાવલ ક%,

આ કપની jારા xબ જ ઓછો

સી.એસ.આર. ખચ� કરવામા આવ

છ. આ કપનીની Cથાપના અમારા

ગામમા થયલી છ તો

• કપનીના Lિતિનિધdીએ

જણાવલ ક%, LઝNટ%શનમા

જણાl� તમ કપની jારા

આવનાર ૫ વષ�મા ૧ કરોડ

૨૦ લાખના સામા]ક-


Room No. 215-216, Second Floor, Kandla Port Trust

Administrative Building, Sector-08, Gandhidham, Kutch – 370 201

Website: www.gpcb.gov.in

Page 3 of 35

સી.એસ.આર. Lvિત માટ% અમન

LાધાNય આપવામા આવ.

કપનીએ ટોયલટ અન

પાઇપલાઇન વગર% \વા કામો

માટ% સહાય કર%લ છ. \વી ર�ત

hલાNટY િવC�િતકરણ કર% છ તવી

જ ર�ત સી.એસ.આર. ફડમા પણ

વધારો કરવામા આવ એવી ખા�ી

આપતા હોય તો અમ આ

Lો\કટન આવકાર�એ છ�એ.

આિથuક કાય� કરવામા

આવશ અન કપનીએ કયા

કયા કાય� કરવાના છ, તY

લીCટ બનાવલ છ. આ માટ%

કપનીએ પોતાના કપનીના

૨ Lિતિનિધ, દર%ક ગામના

૨ Lિતિનિધ અન સરકારના

Lિતિનિધ મળ� એક કિમટ�

બનાવી જrર�યાત sજબના

સામા]ક અન આિથuક કાય�

કરવા માટ% કટ�બ_ધ છ.

૨ dી અ�aલ રાઉમા,

સcય Lિતિનિધ

સામખીયાર� ^ામ


ગામ : સામખીયાર�,

તા. : ભચાઉ,

<જ. ક=છ

• તમણ રmઆત કરતા જણાl� ક%,

કપનીના Lિતિનિધ jારા \ હયાત

Lો\કટY LઝNટ%શન કરવામા

આl�, \મા ઘણી બધી ટ%કનીકલ

વાતો સાર� ર�ત sકવામા આવી

છ. અન તની સામ મારો એક L~

છ \ મ� તા. ૩૧/૦૭/૨૦૧૮ ના

રોજ આપ સાહ%બન પ� લખલ છ.

મા� ગામ કપનીથી ૩ �ક.મી.ના

gતર% આવલ છ અન આબોહવા

Lમાણ \ FCટની વાત છ ત

અમારા ગામના ખ�તો અન

માનવ]વનન અસર થાય છ. ત

સીધી ર�ત દ%ખાય છ; ક% ડCટના

કારણ ખ�તો અન પયા�વરણમા

v ારોપણ પર � Yકશાન થાય

છ. આ ટ%કનીકલ બાબત છ પણ

અમારા મકાનોની છત પર રોજ

સવાર% જોશો તો ડCટY Lમાણ

ક%ટ� છ ત દ%ખાશ. આ FCટથી

ખ�તો અન v ારોપણ બાબત \

પયા�વરણીય વાત કર� તના પર

� અસર થાય છ � નથી થતી ત

• કપનીના Lિતિનિધdીએ

જણાવલ ક%, સામખીયાર�

ગામમા રામદ%વપીરના ૩

મ�દરો બનાવવા માટ%નો

સહાય કર%લ છ. CSલમા

કો�h�ટરો આપવામા

આવલ છ અન ગામમા

મ�દર માટ% ૧.૫૦ લાખના

કોટા Cટોન આપવામા

આવલ છ.

• અ_ય`dીએ કપની

Lિતિનિધdીન કપનીના

ભિવ�યમા સી.એસ.આર.

Lvિતના hલાન�ગ િવશ

લોકોન જણાવવાY


• કપનીના Lિતિનિધdીએ

જણાવલ ક%, કપનીએ

આગળના પાચ વષ� માટ% ૧

કરોડ ૨૦ લાખ rિપયાના

બ\ટની ફાળવણી કર%લ છ.


Room No. 215-216, Second Floor, Kandla Port Trust

Administrative Building, Sector-08, Gandhidham, Kutch – 370 201

Website: www.gpcb.gov.in

Page 4 of 35

જોવાની જવાબદાર� આપની છ.

અમોન \ દ%ખાય છ ત આપની

સમ` sક�એ છ�એ. કપની jારા

LઝNટ%શનમા જણાlયા આl� તન

આપના ડ�પાટ�મNટ jારા &ોસ ચક

કરવામા આવ ક% આ લોકો \ કહ�

ર�ા છ તમા સoયતા ક%ટલી છ

અન તની અસરો � થઇ રહ� છ.

આ જોયા પછ� નવો Lો\કટ

આવતો હોય અન કોઇ અસરો ન

થતી હોય ત આપના

ડ�પાટ�મNટના સવ{ jારા આગળના

Lો\કટન વધારવામા આવ.

• \મ LઝNટ%શનમા C&�ન પર

બતાવવામા આl� અન આગળના

વકતાએ જણાl� હ� ક%

સી.એસ.આર. ફડ ઓ� છ. અગાઉ

મ� લUખત અન મૌUખક ર�ત qછ�

હ� . સામUખયાર� ગામની

gદા<જત વસતી ૧૫ થી ૨૦

હ$રની છ અન આપના jારા

સામUખયાર� ગામના સાવ�જિનક

િવકાસ માટ% � કરવામા આl�.

oયાર% મન મૌUખક જવાબ મળલ ત

બાબત અમો ^ામજનો અ$ણ છ.

કપની jારા છ"લા ૧૩ વષ�મા

સામખીયાર� ગામ માટ% કઇ કઇ

સી.એસ.આર. Lvિત કર%લ છ ત

જણાવ અન આ બાબત કપનીના

અિધકાર� ફકત અમારા

સામUખયાર� ગામના િવકાસ માટ%

� કરશ ત બાબત Cપ�ટ�કરણ કર%.

અન સી.એસ.આર. Lvિત

તમામ અસર^Cત ગામના

Lિતિનિધઓન સાથ રાખીન

કરવામા આવશ, \થી કોઇ

ગામ સી.એસ.આર.

Lvિતથી વUચત ન રહ�



Room No. 215-216, Second Floor, Kandla Port Trust

Administrative Building, Sector-08, Gandhidham, Kutch – 370 201

Website: www.gpcb.gov.in

Page 5 of 35

૩ dી બા�ભાઇ કચરાભાઇ


સામા]ક કાય�કર,

ગામ : સામખીયાર� ,

તા. : ભચાઉ,

<જ. ક=છ

• તમણ રmઆત કરતા જણાવલ ક%,

કપનીન મારા ક%ટલાક 2ચનો છ,

\ પયા�વરણ, આરો�ય અન

ખતીન થતા Yકશાન બાબત છ.

ભારત સરકારની દ%ખર%ખ હ%ઠળ આ

કપની બનલ છ. \થી અમાર�

અપ`ા સરકારના અિધકાર�ઓ

પાસ હોય છ.

• કપનીએ ૨૦૧૫ મા િવC�િતકરણ

માટ% રmઆત કર%લ હતી. ૨૦૧૫

થી ૨૦૧૮ ના �ણ વષ�ની gદર

દર વષ{ ભારત સરકાર અન

?જરાત સરકારના પયા�વરણ

મ�ાલય jારા ભચાઉ તા�કાના

આ કપનીના આmબાmના ગામોY

બ-�ણ બાબત સતત સશોધન

અન સવ{ થv જોઇ� હ� . ક%

સામUખયાર� ગામના Cટ%Nડ પર

અડધો કલાક બસવામા આવ અન

નાક છ�કવામા આવ તો કાળ�

FCટY Lમાણ જોવા મળ છ.

• આ કપનીન કારણ આmબાmના

િવCતારમા ડCટ આવ છ, ઝીણી

કરચ પણ ઉડ�ન આવ છ અન

તના કારણ લોકોન ફ%ફસાના રોગો,

�ાસના રોગો, ચામડ�ના રોગો,

�ખમાથી પાણી ઝરવાના રોગો,

માથાના aખાવા અન gધાપાના

રોગો થાય છ. તથી દર વષ{

ભારત સરકાર અન ?જરાત

સરકારના પયા�વરણ મ�ાલય

jારા અથવા તના અિધકાર�ઓ

• કપનીના Lિતિનિધdીએ

જણાવલ ક%, કપનીમા Sશળ

અન અSશળ કાર�ગરોની

જrર પડ% છ અન કપની

jારા ગામના લોકોન

LાધાNય આપવામા આવ

છ. કપની તના માટ%

એ�પલોયમNટ એ`ચNજમા

પણ ન�ધણી કરાવ છ તથી

\ લોકોન કામની જrર હોય

તઓ તના jારા કપનીમા

રોજગાર� મળવી શક% છ.

કપનીથી ૧૦ �ક.મી.

િવCતારમા \ ગામો છ તમા

કપની ૫ થી ૧૦ કો�પ�ટર

sક� િશ`ક સાથ Lિશ`ણ

આપશ. \થી લોકોની

કો�પ�ટરના `�મા

Sશળતા વધ. ત ઉપરાત

hલમબ�ગ, ઇલકH�શન \વા

તકનીક કામ માટ%ની

તાલીમ આmબાmના

ગામના લોકોન આપવા માટ%

આઇ.ટ�.આઇ. સાણદ સાથ

કરાર કર%લ છ. \મા ૩

મહ�નાની તાલીમ આપી

ગામજનોન કપનીમા

રોજગાર� આપવામા આવશ.

• અ_ય`dીએ કપનીના

Lિતિનિધdીન �લક ડCટ

બાબત Cપ�ટતા કરવા



Room No. 215-216, Second Floor, Kandla Port Trust

Administrative Building, Sector-08, Gandhidham, Kutch – 370 201

Website: www.gpcb.gov.in

Page 6 of 35

jારા આ કપની અન આસપાસની

કપનીઓ jારા આmબાmના

ગામોના લોકોY સવ{ થv જોઇએ

અન તના jારા આ િવCતારમા

કયા-કયા રોગોY Lમાણ ક%ટ� છ

તની ખબર પડ%. અન બીજો સવ{

એ પણ થવો જોઇએ ક%; કપનીની

આmબાmના ગામો ખતીવાડ� અન

પ�પાલન પર િનભ�ર છ. પાકો

પર ડCટ આવ છ અન તની સાથ

લોખડની ઝણી કરચો પણ ઉડ�ન

આવ છ. \ના કારણ પાક

ઉગવામા ક% િવકાસ થવામા

અવરોધ થાય છ.

• કપની jાર આmબાmના લોકોન

કામ આપતી વખત ક૫ની ક%ટલીક

શરતો sક% છ. \મ ક%;

આઇ.ટ�.આઇ. વાળા છોકરા જોઇએ

છ. અsક ડ�પાટ�મNટમા અsક

લોકો જ જોઇએ છ. ખર%ખર

કપનીમા સફાઇ કામદારથી લઇન

ચણતરકામ, કલરકામવાળ બધી

જ $તના લોકોની જrર�યાત હોય

છ. પર� કપની \ કોઇ ભરતી કર%

છ ત Cથાિપત હ�તોન _યાન રાખી

અથવા તો પરLાિતયોન લાવીન

કર% છ. એટલ રોજગાર�

પયા�વરણમા આરો�ય અન પાક

આ �ણય બાબતોન _યાનમા

રાખી અન આ બાબત દર વષ{

ભારત સરકાર અન ?જરાત

સરકાર jારા સમી`ા થવી જોઇએ.

\થી અમારા \વા લોકો

• કપની Lિતિનિધdીએ

જણાવલ ક%, કપનીમા દર%ક

ચીમની સાથ અoયત

આ�િનક Laષણ િનય�ણ

ય�ો લગાડવામા આવલ છ.

તમજ કપનીના મઇન ગટ

ઉપર ઓનલાઇન

મોનીટર�ગ સીCટમ

લગાડવામા આવલ છ. તY

સતત મોનીટર�ગ થાય છ

અન આનાથી ખબર પડશ

ક% PM, SOx અન Nox

ક%ટલી મા�ામા છ. અન

તY ].પી.સી.બી jારા પણ

સતત મોનીટર�ગ થ� હોય

છ. જો Laષકોની મા�ા વધ

તો કપનીના અિધકાર�ઓન

ત બાબત તરત મસજ $ય

છ અન તન િનયિ�ત

કરવામા આવ છ. \થી

પયા�વરણ પર નહ�વત

અસર થશ.


Room No. 215-216, Second Floor, Kandla Port Trust

Administrative Building, Sector-08, Gandhidham, Kutch – 370 201

Website: www.gpcb.gov.in

Page 7 of 35

આર.ટ�.આઇ.ના મા_યમથી

માગીન સાચી હક�કત � છ ત

$ણી શકાય.

• કપનીની લોક 2નાવણીની સાથ

સાથ રોજગાર�ન લગતી 2નાવણી

પણ દર પાચ વષ{ ભારત સરકાર

અથવા તો ?જરાત સરકાર jારા

યોજવામા આવ અન તના jારા

ક%ટલા લોકોન રોજગાર� મળ� અન

તના jારા ક%ટલા S�બોની આિથuક

પર�eCથિતમા 2ધારો આlયો તનો

tયાલ આવ.

• કપની આવી છ તની સાથ સાથ

ક%ટલીક ખરાબીઓ પણ આવી છ.

અન તY મનોવ�ાિનક સવ{ થv

જોઇએ. ભારત અન ?જરાતમા

દાrબધી છ. અન આ િવCતારમા

\ પરLાિતyય લોકો નોકર�એ

આવલ છ તઓ jારા દાr અન

માસાહાર ખાવાY Lમાણ વ_� છ.

જો આ બાબત સરકારdીના ?હ

િવભાગ jારા સામUખયાર� પોલીસ

Cટ%શન, લાકડ�યા પોલીસ Cટ%શન

અન ભચાઉ પોલીસ Cટ%શનના

�કડાઓ જોવામા આવ તો ખબર

પડશ ક% ૨૦૦૧ પહ%લા અન ૨૦૦૧

પછ� ક%ટલો દાr પકડાયો છ.

• કપનીન મારા ક%ટલાક 2ચનો છ ક%

તઓ એ બતાl� ક% ટોઇલટ

બનાવી ર�ા છ. ઘાસચારો આપી

ર�ા છ, Cમશાન બનાવી ર�ા છ,


Room No. 215-216, Second Floor, Kandla Port Trust

Administrative Building, Sector-08, Gandhidham, Kutch – 370 201

Website: www.gpcb.gov.in

Page 8 of 35

પણ આ બધી યોજનાઓતો

સરકારની છ. તથી કપની આની

��યાએ સી.એસ.આર. ફડમાથી

ભચાઉ તા�કામા એક H%ન�ગ

સNટર બનાવવામા આવ અન oયા

Cથાિનક લોકોન તાલીમ આપવમા

આવ \થી કર�ન આસપાસમા

આવલી કપનીઓમા જrર�યાત

અન લાયકાત sજબના માણસોન

જrર�યાત sજબ નોકર�મા રાખીન

Cથાિનક રોજગાર� qર� પાડ�

શકાય અન વ�મા કપની jારા આ

િવCતારમા મડ�કલ સNટર

બનાવવામા આવ તv મા� 2ચન


૪ dી ખતિસyહ માr,

મા�હતી અિધકાર સઘ,


તા. : ભચાઉ,

<જ. ક=છ

• તમણ રmઆત કરતા જણાવલ ક%,

2િLમ કોટ�ની ગાઇડલાઇન sજબ

Laષણ િનય�ણ માટ% કપની jારા

અમલવાર� કરવામા આવ છ.

કપની jારા 2િવધાઓ અપાતી

હશ, ત વાત અલગ છ પણ

$હ%ર�હતની વાત હોય ક% આરો�ય

અન િશ`ણની વાત હોય પણ

કપનીએ માનવ]વનY _યાન

રાખv જોઇએ.

• તમણ Laષણ બાબત કપનીની

ન]ક આવલ ખતરમાથી લીધલ

પાણીY સ�પલ અન ડCટ�ગવાળા

છોડY સ�પલ આપી તન ?જરાત

બહારની લબોર%ટર�મા ચકાસણી

કરવા જણાl�.

• તમન જણાl� ક% અમાર� સાથ



Room No. 215-216, Second Floor, Kandla Port Trust

Administrative Building, Sector-08, Gandhidham, Kutch – 370 201

Website: www.gpcb.gov.in

Page 9 of 35

અમીબન આવલ છ \ઓ બીમાર

છ અન તઓએ સીવીલ

હોeCપટલમા સારવાર લીધલ છ.

તઓન ડોકટર% જણાવલ ક%, તમન

Laષણન કારણ બીમાર� થઇ છ

તથી તમાર% આ કપનીઓ ન]ક

આવલ ખતરોમા કામ કરવા જv


• તમણ ક  ક% મારા jારા \ સ�પલ

આપવામા આવલ છ તY પચનાs

અહ� કરવામા આવશ ક% નહ�?

• Lાદ%િશક અિધકાર�dીએ

જણાવલ ક%, આ મચના

કાય�`�મા કોઇ િનણ�ય

લવાનો નથી. તમાર� \

કોઇ રmઆત હશ તની અમ

ન�ધ લીધી છ અન

િમનીટાઇઝ કર�ન આગળ

મોકલવામા આવશ. તમ

$ત \ પાણીના સ�પલ

લાવલ છ ત ન ચાલ,

જોઇNટ સ�પલ�ગ લવામા

આવલ હોય તન જ માNય

ગણવામા આવ છ.

• અ_ય`dીએ જણાવલ ક%,

કોઇપણ lયeMત ગમ oયાથી

સ�પલ લાવ તન ^ાહય

રાખી શકાય નહ�. જોઇNટ

સ�પલ�ગન જ માNય

રાખવામા આવ છ. લોક

2નાવણી દર�યાન બી$

લોકોના L~ન અટકાવીન

સ�પલ લવા ન જઇ શક�એ.

જોઇNટ સ�પલ�ગ લવા માટ%

પછ� lયવCથા કરવામા


Room No. 215-216, Second Floor, Kandla Port Trust

Administrative Building, Sector-08, Gandhidham, Kutch – 370 201

Website: www.gpcb.gov.in

Page 10 of 35

આવશ. હાલ તમ તમારા

સ�પલ રm કરો તન ^ાહય

રાખવા ક% નહ� તનો િનણ�ય

પછ�થી લવામા આવશ.

• કપનીના Lિતિનિધએ

જણાl� ક%; \ લોકો સ�પલ

લઇન આવલ છ ત અમન

^ાહય નથી. કારણ ક%

અમારો hલાNટ ઝીરો

લીકવીડ ડ�Cચા¢ છ.

૫ dી gબાવી £રાભાઇ વદ,

ગામ : છાડવાડા,

તા. : ભચાઉ,

<જ. ક=છ

• તમણ રmઆત કરતા જણાવલ ક%,

માર� જમીનનો સવ{ ન

૪૦૧/પી/૨ છ \ આ કપનીની

બાmમા આવલ છ. માર� જમીનમા

\ પાક થાય છ ત પહ%લા ૧૦૦

rિપયામા \ ધાણ વચા� હ� , ત

અoયાર% ૨૫ rિપયાએ કોઇ

ખર�દવા તયાર નથી તમજ કોઇ

મmર ખતર% કામ કરવા આવતા


• આ સાથ તઓએ તમની લUખત

રmઆત આપલ \ Uબડાણ-સી-

¤-૧૨ તર�ક% સામલ છ.

• અ_ય`dીએ જણાવલ ક%,

તમાર� જમીનના સવ{ નબર

સાથ તમાર� રmઆત આપી

દો. \ન ભારત સરકાર 2ધી

મોકલવામા આવશ. અહ�

કોઇ િનણ�ય કરવામા

આવતો નથી. તમોન \

સવ{ નબરમા તકલીફ છ ત

બાબત ભારત સરકારન

યો�ય લાગશ તો તન માNય

રાખી તપાસ કરાવશ.

૬ dી વસત ભવાન પટ%લ,

નવા છાડવાડા ^ામ

પચાયત સદCય, પટ%લ

સમાજનો આગવાન,

ગામ : નવા છાડવાડા,

તા. : ભચાઉ,

<જ. ક=છ

• તમણ રmઆત કરતા જણાવલ ક%,

લગભગ ૫ વષ�મા ૭ થી ૮

લોકોના ક%Nસરન કારણ so�

થયલ છ. �કા સમયગાળા ૨-૩

મહ�નામા બીમાર પડ% અન આવા

ભયકર રોગથી so� થયલ છ.

અન નવા છાડવાડામા આજ�દન

2ધી કપનીનો કોઇ માણસ આlયો

નથી ક% ગામની ન�ધ લીધી નથી.

• કપની Lિતિનિધdીએ

જણાવલ ક%, CવાC¥ય, 2ર`ા

ચકાસણી તથા ઘાસચારાની

\ વાત કર� તો અમ

અમારા આવનાર ૫ વષ�ના

સમયમા સામા]ક અન

આિથuક કાય� કરવાના છ

તમા તમારા ગામન પણ

આવર� લવામા આવશ.

તમજ તમારા ગામના એક


Room No. 215-216, Second Floor, Kandla Port Trust

Administrative Building, Sector-08, Gandhidham, Kutch – 370 201

Website: www.gpcb.gov.in

Page 11 of 35

• કપની jારા કોઇ Cવ=છતા ક%

CવાC¥ય બાબત મડ�કલની

જrર�યાત qર� કર%લ નથી

કપનીએ ધાસચારા ક% આજ2ધી

પાચ rિપયાની મદદ કર%લ નથી.

અમા� ગામ કપનીથી ૩ �ક.મી.ના

gતર% છ અન અમારો stય L~

ડCટનો જ છ.

Lિતિનિધન સાથ લઇ

તમના 2ચન sજબ

સી.એસ.આર. Lvિત

કરવામા આવશ.

૭ dી હરભમ પચા રબાર�,

ગામ : છાડવાડા,

તા. : ભચાઉ,

<જ. ક=છ

• તમણ રmઆત કરતા જણાવલ છ

ક%, અમારા ગામના ઘટા-બકરા

અન ગાયY \ aધ આપતા હતા

ત ડCટના કારણ ૫૦ ટકા \ટ�

ઓ� થઇ ગ� �. .

• અમારા અહ�ના િવCતારમા વ�

વરસાદ પડયો નથી અન તના

કારણ ગાયો £ખી મર% છ તથી

કપની jારા વરસાદ ન પડ% oયા

2ધી ગાય માટ% ઘાસચારો

આપવામા આવ.

• કપનીમા \ Cથાિનક લોકોન

રોજગાર� આપવામા આવલ છ

તમા ૫૦ થી ૬૦ વષ�ની ¦મરના

lય�કતઓ નોકર� કર% છ તઓન ૬

હ$ર \ટલો ઓછો પગાર

આપવામા આવ છ. તના પગારમા

વધારો કરવામા આવ અન \

છાડવાડા ગામના લોકો બરોજગાર

છ તઓન રોજગાર� આપવામા


• કપની Lિતિનિધdીએ

જણાવલ ક%, કપની jારા

છાડવાડા ગામાની

ગૌશાળાન દર વષ{ rિપયા

૭ લાખનો ઘાસચારો

આપવામા આવ છ અન ત

માટ%ની CવીSિત ગામ

પચાયતના લટરપડ પર છ.

• કપની Lિતિનિધdીએ

જણાવલ ક%, Sશળ

કાર�ગરોન ડ%વલોપ કરવા

માટ% સામUખયાર� ગામમા

કો�h�ટર સNટર ઉ£

કરવામા આવશ. ત ઉપરાત

કપનીએ સાણદ

આઇ.ટ�.આઇ. સાથ કરાર

કર%લ છ \થી Cથાિનક

લોકોન તકનીક� �ાન આપી

તઓન કપનીમા

રોજગાર�ની તકો

આપવામા આવશ. કપનીમા


Room No. 215-216, Second Floor, Kandla Port Trust

Administrative Building, Sector-08, Gandhidham, Kutch – 370 201

Website: www.gpcb.gov.in

Page 12 of 35

ઘણી રોજગાર�ની જ�યાઓ

છ \ લોકોન કામ કરv હોય

તઓ કપનીના એચ.આર.

ડ�પોટ�મNટમા પોતાY નામ

ન�ધાવી શક% છ. ?જરાત

સરકારના ખતી િવભાગ

jારા બઝલાઇન અcયાસ

કરવામા આવલ અન તના

ડ%ટા Lમાણ ૨૦૧૫ મા

છાડવાડા ગામમા ૨૮૩૭

હ%કટરમા પાકY વાવતર

કરવામા આવલ અન

૨૦૧૭-૧૮ મા પાકY

વાવતર lયાપ વધી ૩૯૦૫

હ%કટરમા વાવતર કર%લ છ.

કદાચ િસyચાઈના અભાવ

કોઈ ખતી ન કર� શકતા

હોય પણ ૨૦૧૫ થી ૨૦૧૭

મા ૩૦ ટકા \ટ� પાકY

વાવતર વ_� છ.

૮ dી નારણ િવનોદભાઇ


ગામ : છાડવાડા,

તા. : ભચાઉ,

<જ. ક=છ

• તમણ રmઆત કરતા જણાવલ ક%,

કપનીની અન મારા ખતરની

બાઉNડર� �દવાલ એક જ છ. અમ

અહ�થી ૧૦૦ મીટરના gતર% જ

મા� ખતર છ, તમા છ"લા ૩

વષ�થી mવાર ઉગાડ�એ છ�એ અન

ત mવાર રાપર ગૌ-શાળા જ

વચાતી લઇ $ય છ. \Y પમNટ

પણ ચકથી થયલ છ, \ લોકોએ

આ બાબત તપાસ કરવી હોય તો

મારા બ�ક એકાઉNટ ચક કર� શક%

છ. ડCટ છ ત વાત અલગ છ પણ

તનાથી પાક ઓછો થાય તv મન

લાગ� નથી.

• કપની Lિતિનિધdીએ

જણાવલ ક%, £ગભ�જળમા

સલીનીટ� છ અન િસyચાઇY

પાણી નથી મળ� એન લીધ

તમ ખતી નથી કર� શકતા.

તો કપનીએ ૫ વષ�મા \

સામા]ક કાય� કયા� છ અન

કરવાના છ. તમા પાણી

અન િસyચાઇન અ^તા

આપવામા આવલ છ. તમા

ગામમા વરસાદના પાણીના

િસyચાઇ માટ% તળાવ

બનાવવામા આવશ. હાલના

તળાવન ¦ડા કરવામા


Room No. 215-216, Second Floor, Kandla Port Trust

Administrative Building, Sector-08, Gandhidham, Kutch – 370 201

Website: www.gpcb.gov.in

Page 13 of 35

• અમાર% િસyચાઇ માટ% lયવCથા નથી,

અમ stયoવ એક જ પાક લઇએ

છ�એ. જો કપની jારા અમન

પાણીની સહાય કરવામા આવ. તો

અમારા માટ% સાર� વાત છ. મારા

ખતરનો સવ{ ન. ૩૩૩/પી/૨ અન

૩૩૬/પી/૧ છ.

આવશ. £ગભ�જળના

સલીનીટ�ન ઓછ� કરવા

માટ% £ગ�ભજળન ર�ચા¢

કરવા માટ%ના Cટકચરન

બનાવવામા આવશ \થી

ખતી માટ% જrર� પાણી મળ�

રહ% અન ત માટ% કપનીનો

qર%qરો સહકાર રહ%શ.

૯ dી ડાગર ગોપાળભાઇ


ગામ : છાડવાડા,

તા. : ભચાઉ,

<જ. ક=છ

• તમણ રmઆત કરતા જણાવલ ક%,

માર� જમીન કપનીની બાmમા

આવલ છ ક% \નો સવ{ ન.

૪૦૫/૨ છ. તઓએ ફોટા બતવતા

જણાવલ ક% આ ક૫નીની FCટન

કારણ બાજર�ના પાકન Yકશાન

થયલ છ તથી ત ખાવાલાયક

રહ%તી નથી અન તની બ$રમા

સાર� �કyમત પણ મળતી નથી.

એરડાના પાકમા પણ §લ આવ છ

પણ ત FCટન કારણ મર� $ય છ.

૨૦૧૫ મા અિતv �ટન કારણ

ક૫નીની �દવાલ �ટ� ગયલ અન

તના કારણ ક૫નીY લાલ પાણી

અમારા ખતરમા આવી ગયલ અન

ખતર પણ ધોવાઇ ગયલ. \ના

ફોટા^ાJસ અહ� રm ક� �.

કપનીએ ત માટ% કોઇ વળતર

આપલ નથી. માર% એ.એસ.આર.

અન ઇલMHોથમ બન કપનીની હદ

લાગ છ. Laષણન કારણ

ઘાસચારો પણ થતો નથી અન \

પાક% છ ત કોઇ લવા તયાર નથી

ક% અમાર� ગાય પણ ખાતી નથી.

• Lાદ%િશક અિધકાર�dીએ

રmઆતકતા�ન પોતાની

રmઆતન સમથ�ન કરતા

તમામ ફોટો રm કરવા


• અરજદાર jારા રm કરાયલ

ફોટો^ાફસ અન તમની

રmઆત સી-¤-૪૨ સાથ

સામલ છ.

• કપની Lિતિનિધdીએ

જણાવલ ક%, ૨૦૧૫ મા

અિતv �ટ થયલ તના લીધ

ઘ© પાણી ક૫નીમા પણ

આવલ અન તના કારણ

કપનીની �દવાલ �ટ�

ગયલ. ભિવ�યમા તવી

પર�eCથિત ફર� ન થાય ત

માટ% કપનીએ કપનીની

હદની gદર વરસાદ�

પાણીના સચય માટ% તળાવ

બનાવલ છ. ત પાણીનો

ફર� hલાNટમા ઉપયોગ

કરવામા આવ છ.


Room No. 215-216, Second Floor, Kandla Port Trust

Administrative Building, Sector-08, Gandhidham, Kutch – 370 201

Website: www.gpcb.gov.in

Page 14 of 35

• પાણીમા સલીનીટ� વ�

Lમાણમા છ અન તY

કારણ હાલ બતાવી શકાય

તમ નથી. આ કપનીમાથી

Laષકની મા�ા િનયિ�ત

Lમાણમા જ છોડાવમા આવ

છ. \થી કોઇ પાકન ક%

કોઇન Yકશાન ન થાય.

૧૦ dી ભાણ]ભાઇ �ગર�યા,

ભારત seMત મોરચા,

ગામ : સામખીયાર�,

તા. : ભચાઉ,

<જ. ક=છ

• તમણ રmઆત કરતા જણાવલ ક%,

ઘણા બધા અસર^Cત લોકોએ

લોક2નાવણીના મા_યમથી

Laષણ બાબત \ મા�હતી આપી

આ \ Cટ�લ hલાNટો બનલા છ.

તમા એ.એસ.આર. jારા \ 2Uચત

િવCતરણ કરવામા આવનાર છ ત

Lો\કટન માર� મગલકામના છ

અન �ભ=છા પાઠv �.

• આ િવCતારમા એ.એસ.આર.

ગલNટ અન ઇ.ટ�. કપનીના Cટ�લ

hલાNટો આવલા છ. તઓ jારા

Laષણ ફ%લાવવામા આવ છ. તના

ફોટો^ાJસ સાથના દCતાવજ માર�

પાસ છ. ત રm કર�શ. તમન

ફોટો^ાફસ રm કરતા જણાવલ ક%;

આ ફોટો^ાફ કપનીની પાછળના

ભાગ Laિષત પાણી છોડ% છ તનો


• કપનીના ગટમા gદર આવતા

કામદારો હ%"મટ ક% સફટ� �ટ

પહ%રયા� વગર gદર $ય છ. \ના

ફોટા તઓએ રm કર%લ.

• કપનીના ગટ બહારની

• કપની Lિતિનિધdીએ

જણાવલ ક%, \ સફટ�ની

વાત કર� તો, કપનીમા કામ

કરતા તમામ કામદારોન

હ%"મટ અન સફટ� �ટ

આપવામા આવ છ. જો

કદાચ તઓ કાઢ� નાખતા

હોય તો કપની તY સખત

પાલન કરાવ છ. કપનીના

સફટ� સાધનોના ઉપયોગ

િવશ કામદારોન

વખતોવખત તાલીમ

આપવામા આવ છ.

• અમારો hલાNટ ઝીરો

લીકવીડ ડ�Cચા¢ hલાNટ છ.

\મા અમ ઘરગ¥« 2એઝ

પાણીન H�ટ કર�એ છ�એ.

\મા ઓગ{િનક મટર

બી.ઓ.ડ�. પો"�ટNટ

પરામીટર તર�ક% હોય છ.

\ન એર�એશન ટ¬કમા

બાયોલો]કલ Lોસસથી

ર�sવ કર� બી.ઓ.ડ�.ની

મા�ાન ૨૦ મી.લી ^ામ

Lિત લીટર કરતા ઓછ�


Room No. 215-216, Second Floor, Kandla Port Trust

Administrative Building, Sector-08, Gandhidham, Kutch – 370 201

Website: www.gpcb.gov.in

Page 15 of 35

­પડ�પ®ીમા રહ%તા લોકોના

મકાનો છત પર \ Laષણ છ

તનો ફોટો^ાફ રm કર%લ.

• તઓએ જણાl� ક% અહ� મારો

ઉ¯Vય કપનીનો િવરોધ કરવાનો

નથી. કપની તના hલાNટન ૧૦૦

ઘણો વધાર% એમા ° સહમત �.

પર� અહ� \ અસર^Cત લોકો

jારા રmઆત કરવામા આવી તનો

Lથમ િનકાલ કરવામા આવ.

• કપનીના મા_યમથી \ Laષણ

ફ%લાય છ. \Y પાણી જમીનની

gદર $ય છ, \ બાબતની ઘણા

બધા ખ�તિમ�ોએ વાત કર� ક%

ખતીન Yકશાન થાય છ. બીm ક%

\ Laષણ jારા લોકોન

�ાસો�ાસની તકલીફો થાય છ.

ચામડ�ના રોગો, �ખના રોગો

થાય છ. તના ડો¤મNટ પણ °


• CપોNજ આય�નના લીધ ઘણી વખત

પાવર hલાNટની gદર અચાનક

અવાજ આવવા લાગ છ. હવાના

Laષણથી અહ�ની ]વ2 �ટન

જોતા લાગ છ; ક% અહ� પ�-

પ`ીઓ �hત થઇ ગયલ છ.

• hલાNટમાથી નીકળતા પાણીન કયા

hલાNટમા તન �_j કરવામા આવ

છ. ઇ.ટ�.પી. અન એસ.ટ�.પી. મા

\ પાણી �_ધ કર� ફર�

લાવીન ગાડ�ન�ગ અન

hલાNટ%શન માટ% વાપર�એ

છ�એ. ઔ²ોUગક પાણીમા

કોઇ ક%િમકલ રહ%� નથી.

Sલ�ગ ટાવરY �લોડાઉન

હોય છ તમા દર�યાના

પાણીમા \વા કલોરાઇડ

હોય તવા કલોરાઇડ હોય છ.

\ ૧૫૦૦ મી.લી. ^ામ Lિત

લીટર \ટ� હોય છ. તન

N�Hલાઇઝ કર� તનો

છટકાવ ડCટન સપર%શન

કરવા, ગાડ�ન�ગ/

hલાનટ%શન કરવા માટ%

ઉપયોગ કરવામા આવ છ.

• અમારા પાવર hલાનટમા

સાઇલNસર નાખવામા

આવલ છ \થી અવાજY

Laષણ થ� નથી.

• અમારા પાવર hલાNટન

CપોNજ આય�નમાથી \

ફલાયએશ ઉoપ³ થાય છ

તનો ઉપયોગ ´ટ

બનાવવામા થાય છ. ત

ઉપરાત તન સીમNટ

ઇNડCH�ઝ પણ સીમNટ

બનાવવા માટ% વાપર% છ.

• ° કપની વતી બાહ¬ધર�

આq � ક%, આmબાmના

ગામમા ક૫ની વતી

આરો�યના ક%�પ રાખવામા


Room No. 215-216, Second Floor, Kandla Port Trust

Administrative Building, Sector-08, Gandhidham, Kutch – 370 201

Website: www.gpcb.gov.in

Page 16 of 35

ઉપયોગમા લવામા આવશ તો ત

hલાNટની ક%પિસટ� ક%ટલી છ અન

તન કઇ ર�ત ઓપર%ટ કરો છો ત

જણાવો ?

• એકમમાથી નીકળતા વCટ \મ ક%

Cલજ, Jલાયએશ વગર% વCટનો

િનકાલ કઇ ર�ત કરો છો? \ વCટ

નીકળ છ તન આmબાmની જમીન

ખોદ�ન qરાણ કરવામા આવ છ

તનાથી ખતીન Yકશાન થાય છ.

• Laષણના �કડા દર%ક

પચાયતની કચર�મા હોવા જોઇએ.

• ૨૦૦૫ થી અoયાર 2ધી ક%ટલી

વખત આરો�ય માટ% ઇNસપકશન

કરવામા આવલ છ?

• અમારા \ Cથાિનક લોકો હોિશયાર

ન હોય તઓન ક૫નીમા નોકર�

આપવામા આવતી નથી. \

પરLાિતય લોકો કપનીમા કામ કર%

છ તઓ પાસ સટµફ�ક%ટ છ ક% નહ�

તની ચકાસણી કરવી જોઇએ. આ

કપનીમા ક%ટલા પરLાિતય માણસો

કામ કર% છ ત જણાવો. \ન મ�

આર.ટ�.આઈ.ના મા_યમથી

પોલીસ Cટ%શનમાથી માગણી કર%લ


• કપની િવC�તીકરણ કર% છ તન

મા� સમથ�ન છ, પણ આ

િવCતારમા આવલ કપનીઓ jારા

આવશ અન ફ%કટર� એકટ

Lમાણ ક૫નીની gદર

કપનીના તમામ કામદારોY

મડ�કલ ચકઅપ દર છ

મહ�ન કરવામા આવ છ

અન ત માટ%Y ડોકટર�

સટµફ�ક%ટ કપની પાસ છ.

• જયારથી કપની ચા� થઇ

છ oયારથી અoયાર 2ધીમા

કપનીમા Sલ ૪ ફ%ટલ

અકCમાત થયલ છ \

માનવ £લન લીધ થયલ

છ અન તઓન હાઇકોટ�ના

°કમ sજબ વળતર

આપવામા આવલ છ.


Room No. 215-216, Second Floor, Kandla Port Trust

Administrative Building, Sector-08, Gandhidham, Kutch – 370 201

Website: www.gpcb.gov.in

Page 17 of 35

પહ%લા આmબાmના ગામમા

આરો�ય ક%�પ યોજવામા આવ

અન oયારબાદ તન િવસ�તીકરણ

માટ%ની પરવાનગી આપવામા

આવ તવી માર� રmઆત છ.

• Laષણના કારણ મધમાખી �hત

થયલ છ.

• કપનીમા આજ 2ધીમા ક%ટલા

અકCમાત થયા અન તમા ક%ટલા

લોકો so� પા�યા ત જણાવો.

• બરોજગાર મોરચા jારા ડ%h�ટ�

કલકટર, મામલતદાર અન

ટ�.ડ�.ઓ. ન રોજગાર� માટ% અર]

આપલ છ પર� આજ 2ધી

કોઇપણ કપનીએ એકપણ ન

રોજગાર� આપી નથી.

• માર� છોકર� \ ધોરણ ૯ મા ભણ

છ તની �ખમા બળતરા થાય છ

અન પાણી આવ છ તથી ડોકટરન

બતાવલ અન તઓએ કહ%લ ક%

આv Laષણન કારણ થાય છ.

• આ\ સવાર% ઘર%થી નીક¶યો oયાર%

એક seCલમ મહ�લાનો મસજ મન

મ¶યો ક%, મન પણ �ખમા અન

બી] શાર��રક તકલીફો છ.

• માર� પoનીન પણ Laષણન કારણ

ચામડ�નો રોગ થઇ ગયલ છ અન

હમશા નાકમાથી પાણી નીકળ છ


Room No. 215-216, Second Floor, Kandla Port Trust

Administrative Building, Sector-08, Gandhidham, Kutch – 370 201

Website: www.gpcb.gov.in

Page 18 of 35

અન ૨૪ કલાક છ�કો આવ છ. ત

gગની હોeCપટલની ફાઇલ રm ક�


• કપનીના માUલકોન જણાવવાY ક%

આપ એક હ$ર ઘણો hલાNટ

વધારો અમારો કોઇ િવરોધ નથી

પર� \ સમCયાઓ થઇ રહ� છ ત

ન થવી જોઇએ.

• \ ર�ત જમીનના ભાવો વ_યા ત

ર�ત જમીનના દલાલો પણ વ_યા

છ. માક·ટમા પણ દલાલો વ_યા છ,

પણ Laષણની બાબત કોઇ

દલાલી કરવામા આવ. °

અસર^Cત િવCતારના લોકોન

જણાv � ક% જયાર% શાસન અન

Lશાસન સાથ મળ�ન hલાNટ

લગાડતા હોય અન Laષણ

ફ%લાવતા હોય તો \મ બાબાસાહ%બ

�બડકર% ક  છ ક% ભારત એક

L$Cતાક દ%શ છ. સ¸ા આપના

હાથમા છ. કપની jારા Laષણ

કરવામા આવ તો એક �દવસ માટ%

ઉ^ �દોલન કર�શો તો દર%ક

ડ�પાટ�મNટના અિધકાર�ઓએ

સમાધાન માટ% આવv પડશ અન

\ કપનીઓ Laષણ ફ%લાવી રહ�

છ ત Laષણન બધ કરવામા


૧૧ dી દ%વN|િસyહ ગોહ�લ,

ગામ : સામખીયાર�,

તા. : ભચાઉ,

<જ. ક=છ

• તમણ રmઆત કરતા જણાવલ ક%,

કપની jારા તના નવા hલાNટમા

�વાનોન કયા Lકારની રોજગાર�

આપશ? કારણ ક% અહ�ના લોકોન

• કપની Lિતિનિધdીએ

જણાવલ ક%, પયા�વરણ

મmર� મળતા અન hલાNટ

Cથપાતા એક વષ� થશ અન


Room No. 215-216, Second Floor, Kandla Port Trust

Administrative Building, Sector-08, Gandhidham, Kutch – 370 201

Website: www.gpcb.gov.in

Page 19 of 35

Cટ�લ કપનીનો અYભવ નથી. તમા આશર% ૪૦૦ નવી

રોજગાર� ઉભી થશ. કપની

jારા અoયાર% સામખીયાર�મા

કો�h�ટર સNટર ઉ£

કરવામા આવશ અન તમા

યો�ય લાયકાત ધરાવતા

િશ`કની િનમ©ક કરવામા

આવશ. આmબાmના

ગામના લોકોન કો�h�ટરY

િશ`ણ આપી રોજગાર�ની

તકો ઉભી કરવામા આવશ.

ત ઉપરાત કપનીએ

સાણદમા આઇ.ટ�.આઇ.

સાથ કરાર કર%લ છ તમા

ઇલકH�કલ, hલ�બ�ગ અન

hલાNટ ઓપર%શન \વા

કામોની તાલીમ આપવામા

આવશ. કપની તમા દર

વષ{ ૨ ક% ૩ ગામના લોકોન

તમની Sશળતા વધારવા

માટ% oયા મોકલશ અન

oયારબાદ કપનીમા તઓન

રોજગાર� આપવામા આવશ.

૧૨ dી બાળા વલ]ભાઇ


ગામ : સામખીયાર�,

તા. : ભચાઉ,

<જ. ક=છ

• તમણ રmઆત કરતા જણાવલ ક%,

કપનીએ અમારા ખ�તોની અર]

કયાર%ય Cવીકાર� નથી. તો કપની

jારા ક%મ અર] લવામા આવતી

નથી ત જણાવ.

• મા� ગામ કપનીથી ૩ �ક.મી.ના

િવCતારમા જ આવ છ તો અમારા

ગામ માટ% ક૫નીએ � કામ કર%લ

• કપની Lિતિનિધdીએ

જણાવલ ક%, ખ�તોની

અર]ઓ કપનીમા આવી જ

નથી. તઓ કપનીમા અર]

આપી શક% છ અન તઓની

અર] કપની jારા

Cવીકારવામા આવશ.

• કપની Lિતિનિધdીએ

જણાવલ ક%, કપનીએ કર%લ

આિથuક કામો ઉપરાત


Room No. 215-216, Second Floor, Kandla Port Trust

Administrative Building, Sector-08, Gandhidham, Kutch – 370 201

Website: www.gpcb.gov.in

Page 20 of 35

છ? કયાર%ક ઘાસચારો આપલ છ

ત જણાવ.

• કપની ૨૦૦૫ મા આવી oયારથી

આજ 2ધી આmબાmના ગામના

લોકોએ કપનીન Lગિત કરવામા

સાથ સહકાર આપલ છ અન કોઇ

પણ ખ�ત ક% આ િવCતારના

નાગર�કોએ કપનીનો િવરોધ કર%લ

નથી, પર� કપની jારા છ"લા ૧૦

વષ�મા નથી ખ�તોન કોઇ ફાયદો

ક% નથી મડ�કલનો કોઇ લાભ. \થી

માર% ગામવતી અહ� આવv પડ�

છ. ° પોત છાડવાડા, લણીયાણા

અન સામUખયાર� �ણયનો ખ�ત

ખાતદાર � અન માર� જમીન

કપનીના પાછળના ભાગ જ

આવલ છ. આ કપનીY ડCટ

આજબાmના ખતરોમા $ય છ

અન તનાથી ઘ© Yકશાન થાય છ

તથી અમ આ કપનીના િવCતરણ

Lો\કટનો qર%qરો િવરોધ કર�એ


• છાડવાડા, લલીયાણા ક%

�બલીયારા ગામમા કપની jારા

મડ�કલ ચકઅપ ક% મડ�કલ ક%�પ

આવનાર ૫ વષ�મા ગામના

૨ Lિતિનિધન કિમટ�મા

રાખી સી.એસ.આર.

Lvિતમા કયા કામોન

LાધાNય આપવાY છ ત

ન¹� કર� સામખીયાર� ગામ

અન આmબાmના દર%ક

ગામમા કામ કરવામા


• કપની બાહ¬ધર� આપ છ ક%,

આmબાmના ગામોમા

ન]કના સમયમા મડ�કલ

તપાસ કરાવવામા આવશ.

• કપની બાહ¬ધર� આપ છ ક%,

આmબાmના ગામોમા

મડ�કલ ક%�પ કરવામા



Room No. 215-216, Second Floor, Kandla Port Trust

Administrative Building, Sector-08, Gandhidham, Kutch – 370 201

Website: www.gpcb.gov.in

Page 21 of 35

યોજવામા આવલ નથી.

• કપની કોઇન રોજગાર� આપતી

નથી. અમ કપનીન ૧૦ વષ�

સહકાર આhયો પણ કપની અમોન

સાથ સહકાર આપતી નથી તથી

અમ પણ ક૫નીન સાથ સહકાર

આપી� નહ�.

• કપનીમા ૧૦ ટકા Cથાિનક લોકો જ

નોકર� કર% છ અન બાક�ના

પરLાિતય લોકો કામ કર% છ તની

પાસ ઓવર ટાઇમ કરાવવામા

આવ છ. તમજ તઓન કોઇ

2િવધા પણ આપવામા આવતી

નથી. તથી કપની તઓન યો�ય

પગાર અન qર%qર� સગવડ

આપવા સાથ ૧૨ કલાક ન બદલ

૮ કલાક નોકર� કરાવવામા આવ

તો રોજગાર�ની તકો વધશ.

• કપની jારા અમારા ગામમા કોઇ

કામ કરવામા આવલ નથી અન

ઘાસચારો પણ આપવામા આવલ


• કપની Cથાિનક લોકોન લાયકાત

હોવા છતા પણ રોજગાર� આપતી



• કપનીમા આ\ પણ Cથાિનક

લોકોન રોજગાર� આપ છ.

\ ગામજનોન કામ કરv

હોય ત પોતાની અર] લઇ

કપનીના એચ.આર.

ડ�પાટ�મNટન મળ� શક% છ.

• નવા hલાNટમા ૪૦૦ Sશળ

અન UબનSશળ કામદારોની

જrર પડશ.

• આરો�યન લગતી સહાય

કરવા કપનીએ જોગવાઇ

કર%લ છ અન \ ગામોમા

જrર�યાત હશ oયા મડ�કલ

ક%�પ કર� સહાય કરવામા


• કપની રોજગાર� આપવામા

Cથાિનક લોકોન જ LાધાNય

આપશ અન જો કોઇ

Cથાિનક Sશળ lયeMત ન

મળ તો બહારના લોકોન

રોજગાર� આપવામા આવશ.



Room No. 215-216, Second Floor, Kandla Port Trust

Administrative Building, Sector-08, Gandhidham, Kutch – 370 201

Website: www.gpcb.gov.in

Page 22 of 35

• હાલમા તમાર% ક%ટલા આઇ.ટ�.આઇ.

થયલ છોકરાઓની જrર�યાત છ

ત જણાવો?

• આmબાmના ગામના \ ખ�તો

ખતી પર િનભ�ર છ તમન

કપનીની ડCટથી Yકશાન થાય છ

\થી તમન સહાય આપવામા


• આવનાર hલાNટમા ૪૦૦માથી

ક%ટલા Cથાિનક લોકોન રોજગાર�

આપવામા આવશ?

• કપની jારા v ારોપણ કરવામા

આવલ છ?

• હાલમા આઇ.ટ�.આઇ. કર%લા

૨૫ થી ૩૦ \ટલા

છોકરાઓની જrર�યાત છ.

• કપની Lિતિનિધdીએ

જણાવલ ક%, કપનીમા દર%ક

ચીમની સાથ અoયત

આ�િનક Laષણ િનય�ણ

ય�ો લગાડવામા આવલ છ.

• કપની રોજગાર� આપવામા

Cથાિનક લોકોન જ LાધાNય

આપશ અન જો કોઇ

Cથાિનક Sશળ lયeMત ન

મળ તો બહારના લોકોન

રોજગાર� આપવામા આવશ.

• કપનીએ પોતાની

Lીમાઇસીસમા ૩૩ ટકા

^ીન બ"ટ ડ%વલપ

મકરવાની છ. જો ^ામ

પચાયત તમના ગામમા

અમન જ�યા આપશ તો

કપની oયા v ારોપણ કરશ.

૧૩ dી ભાણ]ભાઇ �ગર�યા,

ભારત seMત મોરચા,

ગામ : સામખીયાર�,

તા. : ભચાઉ,

<જ. ક=છ

• તમણ રmઆત કરતા જણાવલ ક%,

સામUખયાર� ^ામસભા તા.

૧૨/૦૬/૨૦૧૭ ના ઠરાવમા s ા

ન ૧૦ મા ઠરાવ કરવામા આવલ

છ ક% સામખીયાર� ગામ

પચાયતના ર%વN� સીમાડામા

આવતી ખાનગી કપનીમા

સામખીયાર�ના Cથાિનક

બરોજગારોન નોકર� આપવામા

આવતી નથી તમજ s ા ન. ૧૧




Room No. 215-216, Second Floor, Kandla Port Trust

Administrative Building, Sector-08, Gandhidham, Kutch – 370 201

Website: www.gpcb.gov.in

Page 23 of 35

મા સામખીયાર�ની આmબાm

આવલી કપની Laષણ ફ%લાવ છ

ત સામખીયાર� ^ામ પચાયતનો

ઠરાવ છ. આmબાmના ગામના

સરપચ છ તઓન એ કહ%વાY ક%

ક૫નીન એન.ઓ.સી. આપો પર�

Laષણ માટ% એન.ઓ.સી. આપશ

તો લોકો ચલાવી લશ નહ�.

૧૪ dી ઝાલા ગોપાલિસyહ,

ગામ : �બલીયારા,

તા. : ભચાઉ,

<જ. ક=છ

• તમણ રmઆત કરતા qછ� ક%,

કપની મડ�કલ સારવાર માટ%

લોકોન કઇ ર�ત મદદ કરશ?

• કપની Lિતિનિધdીએ

જણાવલ ક%, કપની

આmબાmના ગામોમા

મડ�કલ ચકઅપ કરાવશ

અન આરો�ય માટ% \ કાઇ

જrર�યાત હશ ત sજબ

કપની લોકોન મદદ કરશ.

૧૫ dી રામLસાદ

બળદ%વદાસ સા�,

ગામ : લલીયાણા,

તા. : ભચાઉ,

<જ. ક=છ

• તમણ રmઆત કરતા જણાવલ ક%,

° ºાઇવ�ગY કામ કr � અન

માર� પાસ એસ.ટ�. બ»ડ

લાયસNસ છ. ° \ કપનીમા $¦

� oયાથી મન એમ કહ%વામા આવ

છ ક% જ�યા ખાલી નથી. ° અગાઉ

ગલNટ મટલ કપનીમા અન

ઇલકHોથમ કપનીમા પણ ગયલ

� અન હાલ આ કપનીમા આવલ

• કપની Lિતિનિધdીએ

જણાવલ ક%, તમ તમાr

લાયસNસ લઇન કપની


૧૬ dી ભરત રામા ચાવડા

ગામ : સામખીયાર�,

તા. : ભચાઉ,

<જ. ક=છ

• તમણ રmઆત કરતા જણાવલ

ક%,ઇલકHોથમ કપનીની બાmમા

સવ{ ન. ૩૫૫, ૩૫૬, ૩૬૬, ૩૬૭,

૩૬૯/૨ વાળ� જમીન માર� અન

મારા િપતાના નામ ૫૦ એકર

જમીન છ. તમા કપનીY ખરાબ

પાણી આવ છ. અમ અમાર�

જમીનમા બોરવલ બનાવલ છ

અન મારા કાકાએ આ પાણીનો

• કપની Lિતિનિધdીએ

જણાવલ ક%, કપની jારા

તમારા 2ચન માટ% કટ�બ_ધ




Room No. 215-216, Second Floor, Kandla Port Trust

Administrative Building, Sector-08, Gandhidham, Kutch – 370 201

Website: www.gpcb.gov.in

Page 24 of 35

ઉપયોગ કર�ન પાકY વાવતર

કર%લ છ. આ િવCતારમા હ] 2ધી

નહ%ર આવલ નથી. પણ તઓ

િસઝનના બ પાકો લ છ. એક

વરસાદ� પાણી થી અન એક

કપનીના પાણીથી અન \ હાલમા

પણ ચા� છ. અમાr સામખીયાર�

ગામ નાY છ પર� ૭૦૦ થી ૮૦૦

ગાયો અમારા ગામમા છ. કપની

ઘાસચારો આપ છ પર� અમાr

એટ� કહ%v છ ક% કપની hલાNટ

િવકાસાવ તની સાથ સી.એસ.આર.

ફડમા પણ વધારો કર%.

૧૭ dી નીલ િવyજોડા, રા�H�ય

દલીત અિધકાર મચ,

ગામ : સામખીયાર�,

તા. : ભચાઉ,

<જ. ક=છ

• તમણ રmઆત કરતા જણાવલ ક%,

ઇ.આઇ.એ. નોટ�ફ�ક%શન ૨૦૧૬

sજબ આ લોક 2નાવણીની \

કાય�વાહ� થઇ તY વાચન કર�

તન $હ%રાત કરવામા આવ અન

ત મીનીટસની એક નકલ અમન

આપવામા આવ.

Lાદ%િશક અિધકાર�dીએ જણાવલ

ક%, લોક 2નાવણીની િમનીKસ

].પી.સી.બી.ની વબસાઇટ પર

sકવામા આવશ.

૧૮ dી અશોકિસyહ ઝાલા,

ભચાઉ તા�કા ક�^સ

Lsખ, અન નગરપાUલકા

qવ� Lsખ,

તા. : ભચાઉ,

<જ. ક=છ

• તમણ રmઆત કરતા જણાવલ ક%,

કપની jારા આસપાસના

આગવાનો સાથ સકલન કર�

Cથાિનક બરોજગાર લોકોન

રોજગાર� આપવામા આવ, અન

આ આખા ભચા¦ તા�કાની

સમCયા છ. કપનીમા જો અમાર�

ભલામણથી માણસોન રાખલ હોય

અન જો તઓ ગરવત�ન કર%

અમોન $ણ કરો અમ તઓન

નોકર�માથી કાઢ� sક��. કપનીઆ

hલાNટમા \ વધારો કરવામા

આવનાર છ તનાથી આ િવCતારનો

પણ િવકાસ થાય એમા અમ પણ

• કપની Lિતિનિધdીએ

જણાવલ ક%, આપY 2ચન

આવકાય� છ.



Room No. 215-216, Second Floor, Kandla Port Trust

Administrative Building, Sector-08, Gandhidham, Kutch – 370 201

Website: www.gpcb.gov.in

Page 25 of 35

આપણી સાથ છ. \ ખ�તોની

સમCયા છ ક% આરો�યની

સમCયાઓ છ \ બાબતની

વારવાર રmઆત કરવામા આવી

છ તના માટ% યો�ય આયોજન

કરવામા આવ. \ ખ�તોના L~ો

છ તઓની સાથ રહ�ન તનો

િનકાલ કરવામા આવ. ° લાયNસ

કલબનો મ�બર � અન અમારા

jારા આખા તા�કામા મડ�કલના

ક%�પો કરવામા આવ છ તો કપની

jારા ક%મ ન કરવામા આવ?

તમારા jારા \ સી.એસ.આર. ફડ

ફાળવવામા આવલ છ ત ગામના

આગવાનોન સાથ રાખી લોકોના

L~ો ઉભા ન થાય એની માટ% એક

ટ�મ બનાવો અન આપ આનાથી

પણ ડબલ hલાNટની મmર� માગો

અમ આપણી સાથ છ.

આરો�ય, િશ`ણ, ગૌશાળા અન

રોજગાર�ના L~ોY િનરાકરણ

લાવો, ગામ લોકો તમોન સહયોગ


૧૯ dી ઝાલા ઘનVયામિસyહ,

સામખીયાર� Hક



ગામ : સામખીયાર�,

તા. : ભચાઉ,

<જ. ક=છ

• તમણ રmઆત કરતા જણાવલ ક%,

આ ક૫નીમા ૮ થી ૧૦

કોNHાકટરોન લોડ�ગ HાNસપોટ·શન

ના કામ આપવમા આવલ છ. તમા

ફકત એક જ લોકલ HાNસપોટ�ર છ.

અન જો કપનીમા લોકલ

HાNસપોટ�રન કામ આપવામા

આવલ હોય તો તY નામ જણાવો.

લોકલ HાNસપોટ�રો કામ માટ% $ય

છ તો તઓન બરાબર જવાબ

આપવામા આવતો નથી. અન આ

• કપની Lિતિનિધdીએ

જણાવલ ક%, કપનીમા \ટલા

HાNસપોટ�ર છ ત તમામ

તા�કા ભચાઉના જ છ.

કપની લોકલ HાNસપોટ�રન

જ કામ આપ છ \મ ક%,

સાગવર� HાNસપોટ� , રાજવી

HાNસપોટ� . ?જરાત

લો]Cટ�ક, dી] HાNસપોટ�

વગર%ન કામ આપવામા

આવ છ. આ HાNસપોટ�રોY



Room No. 215-216, Second Floor, Kandla Port Trust

Administrative Building, Sector-08, Gandhidham, Kutch – 370 201

Website: www.gpcb.gov.in

Page 26 of 35

કપનીના બી] કપનીઓ કરતા

ભાડા પણ ઘણા ઓછા છ. \ માટ%

સામખીયાર� Hક એસોસીએશન

jારા કપનીન રmઆત કરવામા

આવલ છ પર� તઓએ ત બાબત

કોઇ જવાબ આપલ નથી. લોકલ

HાNસપોટ�રન કપનીમા હવથી કામ

આપવામા આવશ ક% ક%મ?

એક એસોસીએશન હોય છ

\ના jારા HાNસપોટ�ના ભાવ

ન¹� કરવામા આવ છ \

ભાવમા કપની તમામ

ગાડ�ઓ HાNસપોટ� માટ% રાખ

છ. જયા ભાવ ઓછા ક%

વધારાનો કોઇ L~ રહ%તો

નથી. ક%મ ક% બધા

HાNસપોટ�રોY એક િમ`

એસોસીએશન હોય છ. ત

ભાવ ન¹� કર% છ. જો

તમાર� પાસ ગાડ�ઓ હોય

અન અમાર� કપનીમા

sકવાની `મતા હોય તો

તમ કપનીન તમા� કોટ%શન

અન સાથ Lોફાઇલ મોકલી

શકો છો અમ તન જrરથી

_યાન લઇ�.

૨૦ dી માતા રણછોડભાઇ


ગામ : છાડવાડા,

તા. : ભચાઉ,

<જ. ક=છ

• તમણ રmઆત કરતા જણાવલ ક%,

કપનીની બાmમા માર� જમીન

આવલ છ. કપની ૨૦૦૪ થી

આવલ છ અન આ\ ૨૦૧૮ છ.

અન કપનીY કાય� � છ, એY

હવામાન � છ એ બધાના

ફોટો^ાJસ માર� પાસ છ. તમણ

ફોટા બતાવતા ક  ક%, અહ� મારા

ખતરમા mવાર, મગ અન એરડા

\વા પાક લવાય છ. ઘણા લોકોએ

ક  ક% Jલાયએશ થી Yકશાન

થાય છ તો મારા ખતરના

માલપાણીન ફલાયએશ ઉડવાથી

કોઇ Yકશાન થયલ નથી.

• તઓના ફોટો^ાJસ Uબડાણ

– સી-¤-૪૪ તર�ક% સામલ


૨૧ dી કરશનભાઇ આહ�ર,

ગામ : સામખીયાર�,

• તમણ રmઆત કરતા જણાવલ ક%,

ક૫નીઓના Laષણન કારણ મારો

કપની Lિતિનિધdીએ

જણાવલ ક%, અમાર�


Room No. 215-216, Second Floor, Kandla Port Trust

Administrative Building, Sector-08, Gandhidham, Kutch – 370 201

Website: www.gpcb.gov.in

Page 27 of 35

તા. : ભચાઉ,

<જ. ક=છ

૧.૫ થી ૨ લાખનો ઘાસચારો

ખરાબ થઇ ગયલ છ અન ત ગાયો

પણ ખાતી નથી. તમ કહો છો ક%

લોકલ HાNCપોટ�રોન કામ આપી

ર�ા છો તો તમ ઘનVયામિસyહ

ઝાલાન ક%મ કામ નથી આપતા.

હાલમા કપની hલાNટમા વધારો

કરવા જઇ રહ� છ. લોકલ

HાNસપોટ�રન કોNHાકટ ન આપી

ક૫ની ખો� કર� રહ%લ છ. બીm ક%

Laષણન કારણ મારા મકાનની

છત હાલમા પણ કાળ� પડ%લી છ

ત તમ જોઇ શકો છો. આના લીધ

અમોન Yકશાન થાય છ.

કપનીમા તમામ HાNપોટ�રો

Cથાિનક છ. \મ ક%

સાગવર� HાNસપોટ� , રાજવી

HાNસપોટ� , gજની HાNસપોટ� ,

dી] HાNસપોટ� અન રવ]

HાNસપોટ� વગર% આ તમામ

HાNસપોટ�રો Cથાિનક છ અન

તમની ગાડ�ઓ પણ

Cથાિનક છ. દર વષ{

HાNસપોટ�ર વધ છ જો

તમાર� પાસ વધાર% ગાડ�ઓ

હોય તો તમ કપનીન

કોNHાકટ માટ% રmઆત કર�

શકો છો. કપની જયાર% ચા�

થઇ oયાર% ૨ HાNCપોટ�રો

હતા, \ આ\ ૯ HાNCપોટ�રો

છ. મતલબ તની સtયામા

વધારો થયો છ અન સાથ

સાથ HાNCપોટ� માUલકોની

ગાડ�ઓની સtયામા પણ

વધારો થયલ છ.

• અ_ય`dીએ આ તબ¹

જણાવલ ક%, આ

HાNCપોટસ�ની બાબત

પયા�વરણ લોક2નાવણી ન

લગતી નથી. આ બાબત

આપ અલગથી કપની સાથ

ચચા� કર� શકો છો.

• કપની Lિતિનિધdીએ

રmઆત કતા�ન જણાવલ ક%

ઘાસચારો ખરાબ થઇ ગયો

હોય ત બાબત કપનીન કોઇ



Room No. 215-216, Second Floor, Kandla Port Trust

Administrative Building, Sector-08, Gandhidham, Kutch – 370 201

Website: www.gpcb.gov.in

Page 28 of 35

રmઆત મળલ નથી. જો

આવી કોઇ તકલીફ હોય તો

આપ ગામના સરપચ સાથ

કપનીમા આવીન જણાવો

તો ત બાબત કપની jારા

તY િનરાકરણ કરવામા


૨૨ dી દ%વ] કોલી,

ગામ : સામખીયાર�,

તા. : ભચાઉ,

<જ. ક=છ

• તમણ રmઆત કરતા જણાવલ ક%,

સામખીયાર� ગામમા કપનીએ �-

� કામગીર� કર� છ તની મા�હતી

આપ. સામUખયાર�મા \

સી.એસ.આર. Lvિતઓ કરવામા

આવલ છ અન ક%ટલા rપીયા ખચ�

કરવામા આવલ છ કોની

આગવાની હ%ઠળ કર%લ છ તના

�કડા આપો.

• તમ ફકત આઇ.ટ�.આઇ ટન�ર અન

�ફટરન જ રોજગાર� આપવાની

વાત કરો છો તો � કપનીન

લબરની જrર નથી પડતી? જો

Cથાિનક લબર આળસ કરતા હોય

અન કામ ન કર% તમ લાગ તો

Cથાિનક કોNHાકટરોન લબર

કોNHાકટ આપી કામ કરાવી શકો


• કપની િશU`ત કામદારોની આશા

રાખતી હોય તો અહ� ન]કના

િવCતારમા કોઇ આઇ.ટ�.આઇ. ક%

ટ%કનીકલ કોલજ નથી. \થી

ક૫નીન આઇ.ટ�.આઇ. કર%લ

કામદાર કયાથી મળશ. તમ

2Uચત hલાNટમા ક%ટલા લોકલ

કામદારોન રોજગાર� આપશો.



• કપની 2Uચત hલાNટમા

૪૦૦ Sશળ અન અSશળ

માણસોન રોજગાર� આપશ,

તમા સૌથી વ� Cથાિનક

લોકોન જ રોજગાર�મા

LાધાNય આપશ અન જો

કોઇ Cથાિનક Sશળ કામદાર

ન મળ તો બહારના લોકોન

રોજગાર� આપવામા આવશ.


Room No. 215-216, Second Floor, Kandla Port Trust

Administrative Building, Sector-08, Gandhidham, Kutch – 370 201

Website: www.gpcb.gov.in

Page 29 of 35

૨૩ dી $ડ%$ અm �નિસyહ,

ગામ : સામખીયાર�,

તા. : ભચાઉ,

<જ. ક=છ

• તમણ રmઆત કરતા જણાવલ ક%,

ભારત સરકારના િનયમ Lમાણ

કપનીમા ૬૦ ટકા લોકલ માણસો

ન રોજગાર� આપવાની હોય છ. તો

૨૦૦૫ થી ૨૦૧૮ 2ધીમા તમાર�

કપનીએ ક%ટલા Cથાિનક લોકોન

રોજગાર� આપી છ તY લીCટ

આપો. કપનીએ આઇ.ટ�.આઇ.

કર%લ બરોજગારન રોજગાર�

આપવાY જણાવલ છ તો �

કપની ત લોકોન રોજગાર�


• કપની Lિતિનિધdીએ

જણાવલ ક%, ૨૦૦૫ થી

અoયાર 2ધીમા કપનીમા

૭૫ ટકાથી વધાર% Cથાિનક

લોકો કામ કરતા આવલ છ.

\Y લીCટ એ�પલોયમNટ

એ`ચNજ અન લબર

ઓફ�સમા ઉપ"બધ છ.

oયાથી તમ લીCટ મળવી

શકો છો. ત લીCટ વબસાઇટ

ઉપર પણ ઉપ"બધ છ. અન

આર.ટ�.આઇ. કર�ન પણ

મળવી શકો છો. હાલ

કપનીમા ૪૫૦ \ટલા લોકો

કામ કર% છ તમાથી આશર%

૩૭૫ \ટલા Cથાિનક લોકો

કપનીમા કામ કર% છ.

રોજગાર� આપવાની \

L�&યા હોય ત sજબ

કપનીમા રોજગાર�

આપવામા આવશ.

• અગાઉ \ રmઆત કર� કર�

ક% અમારા િવCતારમા

આઇ.ટ�.આઇ. નથી, તો

આઇ.ટ�.આઇ. વાળા લોકો

કયાથી લાવી�? આ માટ% જ

કપનીએ સાણદ એn�ક%શન

HCટ સાથ ટાઇપ કર%લ છ ક%

અહ�ના લોકોન H%ન�ગ માટ%

સાણદ મોકલશ, \નો

qર%qરો ખચ� કપની

ઉપાડશ. oયા તઓ યો�ય

તાલીમ લઇન યો�ય



Room No. 215-216, Second Floor, Kandla Port Trust

Administrative Building, Sector-08, Gandhidham, Kutch – 370 201

Website: www.gpcb.gov.in

Page 30 of 35

જ�યાએ નોકર� મળવી શક%

છ. એv નથી ક% ફMત

એ.એસ.આર. મા જ નોકર�

કર%, તઓ ગમ ત જ�યાએ

કામ કર� શક% છ.

૨૪ dી ખતિસyહ માr ,

ગામ : સામખીયાર�,

તા. : ભચાઉ,

<જ. ક=છ

• તમણ રmઆત કરતા જણાવલ ક%,

આ કપની આર.ટ�.આઇ. ની કલમ

૪(અ) હ%ઠળ આવ છ તો � આ

કપની તના કામદારોની માહ�તી

\મ ક%, Sલ કામદારમાથી Cથાિનક

ક%ટલા અન પરLાિતય ક%ટલા છ,

કોન ક%ટલો પગાર આપવામા આવ

છ ત $હ%ર કરવામા આવશ? જો

હાલ $હ%ર ન કર� શક% તો કપની

પછ�થી ગામ લોકો જોઇ શક% ત

Lમાણ $હ%ર કરશ?

• કપની Lિતિનિધdીએ

જણાવલ ક%, તમ ૨૦૦૫ થી

અoયાર 2ધીમા કપનીમા

૭૫ ટકાથી વધાર% Cથાિનક

લોકો કામ કરતા આવલ છ.

\Y લીCટ એ�પલોયમNટ

એ`ચNજ અન લબર

ઓફ�સમા ઉપ"બધ છ.

oયાથી તમ લીCટ મળવી

શકો છો. ત લીCટ વબસાઇટ

ઉપર પણ ઉપ"બધ છ.

૨૫ dી બાળા વલ]ભાઇ


ગામ : સામખીયાર�,

તા. : ભચાઉ,

<જ. ક=છ

• તમણ રmઆત કરતા જણાવલ ક%,

કપનીના આ નવા hલાNટમા

Cથાિનક સીવીલ કોNHાકટરો અન

સીવીલ આઇ.ટ�.આઇ. કર%લ લોકો

છ તઓન કપનીના વતન Lમાણ

કોઇ જ�યા છ?

• કપની Lિતિનિધdીએ

જણાવલ ક%, ભારત સરકાર

jારા લ¼તમ વતન ધારા

હ%ઠળ \ વતન ન¹�

કરવામા આવલ છ તના

કરતા ઓછા વતનમા કોઇ

lયeMત અમાર� કપનીમા

કામ કરતી નથી. લોકલ

કોNHાકટરોન રાખવામા

આવ તો અમાર� કપનીન

ઘણો ફાયદો છ. જો તમાર�

પાસ ય�ો અન Sશળતા

હોય તો તમ કપનીન

કોટ%શન આપી તમાr

બક^ાઉNડ જણાવી કામ

મળવી શકો છો. જો તમાર�

પાસ કામનો કોઇ અYભવ

ન હોય તો પણ ક૫ની



Room No. 215-216, Second Floor, Kandla Port Trust

Administrative Building, Sector-08, Gandhidham, Kutch – 370 201

Website: www.gpcb.gov.in

Page 31 of 35

• તઓ jારા ગામના એક અસર^Cત

ખ�ત lયeMતના Lિતિનિધ તર�ક%

રmઆત કરતા જણાવલ ક%,

કપનીના Laિષત પાણી અન

ડCટથી તમના ખતરમા પાકન

Yકશાન થાય છ. તથી તમન તની

YકશાનીY યો�ય વળતર

આપવમા આવ.

તમન કામ કરવાની તક


• અમારો hલાNટ ઝીરો

લીકવીડ ડ�Cચા¢ hલાNટ છ

\થી કપનીના લીધ કોઇપણ

અસર થવાની શકયતા

નથી. છતા પણ તમની જો

કોઇ રmઆત હોય તો

કપનીન રmઆત કર% તો

તન કપની જrરથી _યાન


૨૬ dી �દનશ રાણા, માનવ

M"યાણ 2ર`ા મડળ,

ગામ : લાકડ�યા,

તા. : ભચાઉ,

<જ. ક=છ

• તમણ રmઆત કરતા જણાવલ ક%,

માર� અગાઉ લોકલ રોજગાર�ન

લગતી રmઆત હતી ત વચાણ

લીધલ છ. કપનીના િવC�તીકરણ

થી Cથાિનકોન લોકોન વ�

રોજગાર� મળ� રહ%. અoયાર%

હાલના hલાNટમા પણ Cથાિનકોન

વ� રોજગાર� મળ� રહ%. આ

hલાNટ આવવાથી Cથાિનક

રોજગાર�ના }ોત પણ વધવાનો

છ. અન આસપાસના માક·ટ જોવા

જઇએ તો તમામ Lકારની માક·ટ

¦ચી છ.

• બીm ક% FCટ અન Laષણની વાત

છ તો ° કહ%વા મા? � ક% આપન

દર%ક વC�નો િવરોધ કરતા હોઇએ

છ. પણ રCતા પર નીકળ�એ છ�એ

તો જોઇએ છ�એ ક% ટોલગટ,

આર.ટ�.ઓ. ચક પોCટ એવી

જ�યાઓ પર Hકોના વ� પડતો

�માડો થતો હોય છ એ પણ

આપના માટ% Yકશાન કારક છ. તો

• કપની Lિતિનિધdીએ

જણાવલ ક%, આપY 2ચન

આવકાય� છ, અન કપની

Cથાિનક લોકોની રોજગાર�

આપવા ક®ીબ_ધ છ.



Room No. 215-216, Second Floor, Kandla Port Trust

Administrative Building, Sector-08, Gandhidham, Kutch – 370 201

Website: www.gpcb.gov.in

Page 32 of 35

આપણ એનો પણ િવરોધ કરવો

જોઇએ. એકલો કપનીનો િવરોધ

કરવાથી કોઇ ફાયદો થશ નહ�,

ક%મ ક% એમા આપણી જ રોજગાર�

છ�નવાઇ જવાની છ. નવા hલાNટ

આવશ તો જ રોજગાર� મળશ. °

આ Lો\કટન અહ�થી �ભ=છા

પાઠv � ક% તમ વધાર% પડતા

hલાNટ લાવો, સાથ વધાર% પડતી

Cથાિનક રોજગાર� પણ આપો,

\થી લોકલ લોકોન રોજગાર� મળ�

રહ%, એવી માર� લાગણી છ.

૨૭ dી લાકડ ગોિવyદ ગણશા,

ગામ : સામખીયાર�,

તા. : ભચાઉ,

<જ. ક=છ

• તમણ રmઆત કરતા જણાવલ ક%,

ક૫નીની બાmમા જ મા� ખતર

આવલ છ \નો સવ{ ન. ૩૯૬ છ.

કપનીમા \ ૫ થી ૬ નાળા નાખલ

છ ત કપની બધ કર� નાખ છ,

\થી મારા ખતરમા પાણી ભરાઇ

છ અન ખતીનો પાક ન�ટ થઇ

$ય છ.

• કપની Lિતિનિધdીએ

જણાવલ ક%, અમાર�

કપનીમા કોઇ ના½ નાખલ

નથી. અમારો ઝીરો

લીકવીડ ડ�Cચા¢ hલાNટ છ.

જો તમ આવીન નાળા

બતાવશો તો અમ તન બધ

કર� દઇ�.

૨૮ dી નર%N|દાન ગઢવી,

તા�કા પચાયત સcય,

ગામ : સામખીયાર�,

તા. : ભચાઉ,

<જ. ક=છ

• તમણ રmઆત કરતા જણાવલ ક%,

મારા મત િવCતારના છાડવાડા

ર%વN�ની સીમમા આ કપની

આવલ છ. આ\ આ પયા�વરણીય

લોક2નાવણી છ પણ પયા�વરણ

બાબત બ° ઓછા લોકોએ qછ�

છ. માર� રmઆત માળખાક�ય

2િવધાઓ અન Cથાિનક

રોજગાર�ની છ. મારા Sલ ચાર

L~ો છ \મા Lથમ આરો�યનો

L~ છ. આ િવCતારમા Sલ ૧૬

અસર^Cત ગામો છ. આ

િવCતારમા Sલ �ણ કપનીઓ

આવલી છ આ �ણય સાથ મળ�ન

• કપનીના Lિતિનિધdીએ

જણાવલ ક%, ક૫ની તમારા

2ચનન આવકાર% છ. કપની

ગામના આગવાનોન સાથ

રાખી લોકલ કિમટ�

બનાવવા માગતા હતા એમા

ગામના સcયો હશ, પણ જો

આmબાmની કપનીના

Lિતિનિધ પણ સાથ મળ�ન

એક કમીટ� બનાવ અન

આરો�ય`� અન

બી$`�મા સામા<જક કાય�

કર% તો સી.એસ.આર. ફડ છ

ત ઘ© વધાર% અન સાર�



Room No. 215-216, Second Floor, Kandla Port Trust

Administrative Building, Sector-08, Gandhidham, Kutch – 370 201

Website: www.gpcb.gov.in

Page 33 of 35

બ એ���લNસ રાખ અન ૨

િવભાગ પાડ�ન આ અસર^Cત ૧૬

ગામોના બ િવભાગમા એક-એક

એ���લNસ રોજ રાઉNડ માર%

બી$ �દવસ બી] એ���લNસ

રાઉNડ માર% \થી \ માણસન \

જrર�યાત છ ત qર� પાડ� શક%.

• સરકાર� હોCપીટલોની વાત કર�એ

તો આ િવCતારમા �ણ

પી.એચ.સી. છ. \મા સામUખયાર�,

$ગી અન લાકડ�યા પી.એચ.સી.

આવલી છ. \Y બાધકામની

કામગીર� હાલ ચા� છ. કપની

સી.એસ.આર. માથી પી.એચ.સી.

માટ% પણ ફડ ફાળવ તો સો ટકા

માણસો માટ% સા� રહ%શ, અન લોકો

પણ રા] રહ%શ.

• આ કપનીમા જો કોઇ વCટવોટર

જ� હોય તો તન સ હ કર�

ન]કના કોઇપણ ખ�ત આ

પાણીન તના ખતરમા ખાડો કર�

લઇ શક% છ. ખ�ત આ વCટ

વોટરનો સ¯ ¾પયોગ ખતી માટ% કર�

શક% છ. એવી માર� લાગણી છ

અન આ માટ% કપનીએ એ તની

મદદ કરવી જોઇએ.

• આ િવCતારની �ણય કપની મળ�

તના jારા ૧૬ અસર^Cત ગામોમા

Sલ ૨ લાખ v ોY વાવતર

કરવામા આવ.

ર�ત વાપર� શકાય અન આ

કરવા માટ% અમ તયાર




Room No. 215-216, Second Floor, Kandla Port Trust

Administrative Building, Sector-08, Gandhidham, Kutch – 370 201

Website: www.gpcb.gov.in

Page 34 of 35

• \ ફડની વાત કરવામા આવી તો

કપની કોઇન Yકશાન ન થાય ત

ર�ત મોટ� થાય અન

નીિતિનયમોY પાલન કર�

િવC�તીકરણ થાય તો એમા

૧૦૦% અમારા િવCતારન ફાયદો


• કપનીના Lિતિનિધએ ક  ક% અમ

૭૫% Cથાિનક લોકોન રોજગાર�

આપીએ છ�એ તો ° તમોન ક° �

ક% આમાથી ૭૦ ટકા પણ જો

Cથાિનક લોકોન રોજગાર�

આપવામા આવશ તો પણ અમ

xશ છ�એ.

• કોઇપણ ગામના કોઇપણ lયeMતન

બહાર મડ�કલની જrર�યાત હોય

અન \ lય�કત મા કાડ�મા ન

આવી શકતો હોય તો તવા

lય�કતન કપનીએ સી.એસ.આર.

ફડમાથી ગામના સરપચ, ગામના

આગવાન અન Lિતિનિધ સાથ

રહ�ન મદદ કર% એ આપણા માટ%

સાર� વાત છ.

• કપની \ટલી મોટ� બન અન

અમારા Cથાિનક લોકોન વ�મા

વ� લોકોન રોજગાર� મળ તવી

માર� લાગણી છ. કપની થશ તો

રોજગાર� મળશ. કપની વ�

આગળ વધ, મોટ� બન અન સા�

કાય� કર% એવી માર� કપનીન

�ભકામના છ.


Room No. 215-216, Second Floor, Kandla Port Trust

Administrative Building, Sector-08, Gandhidham, Kutch – 370 201

Website: www.gpcb.gov.in


A statement showing response and comments received in written format from all

concerned persons in the Environment aspects for M/s. ASR Multimetals Pvt. Ltd.,

for Proposed Expansion of (A) (MS Mild Steel) [(1) Rods – 5000 MT/Month, (2) Wires –

2500 MT/Month, (3) Flats -2500 MT/Month, and (4) Re-Rolled Steel Products of MS

(i.e. Channels, Angles, Bars, Round, Section & Profiles etc-2000 MT/Month,)] Total

12000 MT/Month to 36000 MT/Month, (B) Steel Billets/Ingots (Semi Finished

Products) -12333 MT/Month to 36333 MT/Month, (C) Sponge Iron 5500 MT/Month to

20500 MT/Month, (D) Power From AFBC Boiler (Coal Based) 4 MW to 21 MW and (E)

Power Form WHRB (Waste Heat Gases from Rotary Klin) 4 MW to 12 MW; at Vill :

Chhadwada, Ta. Bhachau, Dist.: Kutch, (Gujarat), Before and During Public Hearing

held on 7/08/2018 at 11:00 Hrs. at Project Site, M/s. ASR Multimetals Pvt. Ltd., NH-8

A, Near RTO Check Post, Vill : Chhadwada, Ta. Bhachau, Dist : Kutch, (Gujarat).



Comments received in writing from Concerned



During Public




Shri Ashoksinh N. Zala, Member Nagarpalika,

Bhachau, Vord No. -6, Ex President, Bhachau

Nagarpalika, office : Jayshakti Farm, Bhachau, Dist:




2 Shri Bharatbhai Jethabhai Bar, Vill. :

Savarkundala, Ta. : Savarkundala, Dist.: Amreli,

Before C-Q-2

3 Shri Vaghela Sureshsinh kanubha, Vill: GEB Narol,

Ta & Dist: Ahmedabad,

Before C-Q-3


Shri Dinesh V. Rana, Secretary, Human Welfare,

Environments, Seafty Association, Ankleshwar

(National Level NGO All Kutch)



5 Shri Dharmendrasinh Dalpatsinh Chauhan, Vill:

Partappura, Ta. : Umreth, Dist.: Anand,

Before C-Q-5

6 Shri Pareshbhai Bhavansinh Jadav, Vill. Kanij, Ta.

Mahemdabad, Dist : Kheda,

Before C-Q-6

7 Shri Neel Vinjoda, In charge- Kutch District,

National Dalit Right Forum

Before C-Q-7

8 Shri Dharmeshbhai Mistry, Bharuch Before C-Q-8

9 Shri Hashmukh Vora, Amroli, Surat Before C-Q-9

10 Shri Nagabhai Vajubhai Mata, Vill : Chaadawada, Ta.

Bhachau, Dist : Kutch

During C-Q-10


Shri Bharatbhai Chhaganbhai Thakkar, Leader of

Opposition Party, Bhachau Taluka Panchayat,






Room No. 215-216, Second Floor, Kandla Port Trust

Administrative Building, Sector-08, Gandhidham, Kutch – 370 201

Website: www.gpcb.gov.in



Comments received in writing from Concerned



During Public



12 Shri Ambavi Bhura Vaid, Vill : Chaadawada, Ta.

Bhachau, Dist : Kutch

During C-Q-12


Shri Devendrasinh Ajitsinh Jadeja, Member

Ambaliyara Gram Panchayat, Ta. Bhachau, Dist :




14 Shri Ambaliyara Gram Panchayat, Vill: Ambaliyara,

Ta. Bhachau, Dist: Kutch,

During C-Q-14

15 Smt. Nagalben Amrabhai Bala, Member, Jilla

Panchayat, Samkhiyali

During C-Q-15

16 Shri Dayaram Premdas Sadhu, Vill : Chaadawada, Ta.

Bhachau, Dist: Kutch

During C-Q-16

17 Smt. Vejiben Ganeshabhai Udariya, Member, Jilla

Panchayat Kutch, Bhachau

During C-Q-17

18 Smt. Chaanga Jivatiben Valabhai (Ahir), Sarpanch,

Vondhada Gram Panchayat

During C-Q-18

19 Chaadawada Villagers, Vill : Chaadawada, Ta.

Bhachau, Dist: Kutch

During C-Q-19

20 Shri Khimaji Vasta Jiva Gami, Vill : Chaadawada, Ta.

Bhachau, Dist: Kutch

During C-Q-20

21 Shri Khimaji Vasta Jiva Gami, Vill : Chaadawada, Ta.

Bhachau, Dist: Kutch

During C-Q-21


Shri Dangar Ramji Devkaran, Sarpanch, Chaadawada

Gram Panchayat, Vill : Chaadawada, Ta. Bhachau,

Dist: Kutch




Smt. Bala Satiben Lakhabhai, Sarpanch, Shri

Samakhiyali Gram Panchayat, Vill : Samakhiyali, Ta.

Bhachau, Dist: Kutch



24 Shri Karshanbhai Becharbhai Ahir, Vill : Samakhiyali,

Ta. Bhachau, Dist: Kutch

During C-Q-24

25 Smt. Nangalben Valjibhai, Sarpanch, Gharana Gram

Panchayat, Vill : Gharana, Ta. Bhachau, Dist: Kutch

During C-Q-25

26 Smt. Manuben Hira, Sarpanch, Shri Laliyana Gram

Panchayat, Vill : Laliyana, Ta. Bhachau, Dist: Kutch

During C-Q-26


Smt. Manka Khimaiben Lagadhirbhai, Sarpanch, Shri

Rampar Gram Panchayat, Vill : Rampar, Ta. Bhachau,

Dist: Kutch




Shri. Savabhai Harajibhai, Sarpanch, Shri Vijpasar

Gram Panchayat, Vill : Vijpasar, Ta. Bhachau, Dist:






Room No. 215-216, Second Floor, Kandla Port Trust

Administrative Building, Sector-08, Gandhidham, Kutch – 370 201

Website: www.gpcb.gov.in



Comments received in writing from Concerned



During Public



29 Shri Velji Vershi Bala, Vill : Samakhiyali, Ta. Bhachau,

Dist: Kutch

During C-Q-29


Shri Sonara Gaangabhai Vasabhai, Sarapanch,

Ambaliyara Gram Panchayat, At : Ambaliyara, Ta.

Bhachau, Dist : Kutch



31 Smt Rajiben Kanji, Sarapanch, Vondh Gram

Panchayat, At : Vondh, Ta. Bhachau, Dist : Kutch

During C-Q-31


Shri Dangar Ramji Devkaran, Sarpanch, Chaadawada

Gram Panchayat, Vill : Chaadawada, Ta. Bhachau,

Dist: Kutch




Shri Sonara Gaangabhai Vasabhai, Sarapanch,

Ambaliyara Gram Panchayat, At : Ambaliyara, Ta.

Bhachau, Dist : Kutch



34 Santshri Sandhyagiri Bapu Gau-Shala Trust,

Samakhiyali, Ta. Bhachau, Dist : Kutch

During C-Q-34

35 Smt Rajiben Kanji, Sarapanch, Vondh Gram

Panchayat, At : Vondh, Ta. Bhachau, Dist : Kutch

During C-Q-35


Shri Bharwad Dharabhai Kalabhai, President

Shri Vagad Manav Vikas Trust –Gaagodhar (Kutch

Division) Vill: Gaagodhar, Ta. Rapar, Dist: Kutch



37 Shri Girnari Education & Charitable Trust, Vill :

Samakhiyali, Ta. Bhachau, Dist: Kutch

During C-Q-37

38 Shri Barot Dilip (Dalabhai), Vill : Samakhiyali, Ta.

Bhachau, Dist: Kutch

During C-Q-38

39 Shri Rauma Aamin Alimamad, Vill : Samakhiyali, Ta.

Bhachau, Dist: Kutch

During C-Q-39

40 Smt. Rudiben B. Patel, President, Jagruti Mahila Vikas

Trust, Vill: Juna Katariya, Ta. Bhachau, Dist : Kutch

During C-Q-40

41 Shri Nagabhai Vajubhai Mata, Vill : Chaadawada, Ta.

Bhachau, Dist : Kutch

During C-Q-41

42 Shri Dangar Dayabhai Dhanabhai, Vill : Chaadawada,

Ta. Bhachau, Dist : Kutch

During C-Q-42

43 Shri Adam Husainbhai Rauma, Vill: Jangi, Ta.

Bhachau, Dist : Kutch

During C-Q-43


Photographs Received form Shri Mata Ranchhod

Karshanbhai, Vill : Chaadawada, Ta. Bhachau, Dist:





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iseuQltie,q6l.rdl0cdcr- rer-c

c(tlltu {-s rrr.

Qミa卜αu6dlq5t.tt,tSCttaat●tad魚・ tlada tu_マ哄。セd3■・lln■ ttttRvi、単uatat43aanaγ .ttaneta3tuaaqt4dt:0/ι /tOtι■tn3さ4o


nfd"r,ra',1gaa.*.,1Uurk(ltuu"Qairrqri<r"jk at,6cei<rar.n6.uqst"iiots<tticnu"[t+t

{r{ii,{rQc.{lQ.rlu. }urur. d

3Ч4maca13、 atqttctuatttR3ctl■ a`。%aγ。し。聴utSCtt4はさttautミdaaD、セ■ana

■a■aⅧ■etol● 4マn3tヽ3■4uaマι飾■・ tl、γ長漁 RtЦ maくtma3αaa%。taunα atot5凛 3uaびtaD

■3Ч4■魚a¨ t3と、にR.tctaaqtm、γ長マa、 マ5c_tt33マ υad3t■ 3マtaaa.in、Ч5■■γ

長R3tac電、a●tl勲.tatttttD Щちu4Qd4X・tЩ■りЦts`o%

a■aa%。 tta■ atsctt4ぉ _tt%

d■aa%。tta.n、 tも 3aЧ tttЧ4亀 .tび]¨ t3a気 マta%ЭЦマut4・tca13c‐ta%ottitnutsrtt43t

oCti■観56stclltaD R3atuRtttttatutiaaqt』 un..崚R3aat8tactiЧ etaota4,tD

ItLЧ4nstttaveateマRatam■■qtじ 3taЧ .t,qt●マ3t』マn3=Ч .ti、■Ctマ Чl■aミ、,っ

Typewritten Text

q可`ЩとЦ。マは tヽOtutQ(aaotし a、δЩ二ヽ4ゝ長、尊Чマqt・tt3,aqutヽ、ε、単じα4,a3二

u4Qミ惣ЧcttЦndttヽ■avξ、qζaαマ、,Q・tuqαЭ“aa.tm a、γutし、d14晨 3ヽ,v3颯na

n■3Qu●t3tマ 3うし3●44■は_Щミ・tldЩ 申ヽ15tmunotat3 utqnctl、 t・t_

、は、もnυ■銀aqtmutnttЧ尊。お,●nЩan.41ea)Щ 3.4暉■.t13、4む Rぃ■颯

QЦ弧魚ЩミЩu・ttnda■気a39.tl』nミaau、・ te■ 3tt・ta6嗜Ч3D

ミat颯。Чctatcttt66ι n3Qau31DЧセ」ЩζucttЩQ3tdt4■●■■3neaδЧa■%

ttく Щヽ QtOt3aヒn3- ■mttt、_■13ミanttun4st5ti3tq4‐め

a■,めtiЧ■■Щ●・tt2nCtびaa:。/ι/,o、ιも咀魚umqマЧ、そ無Щとしaαい 気o無魚ЩOlt


utrruguq"jarts rqrri+{Rsclsf iat6tasult$r1tcu {lg{luLs cn ui"{d[rarQa]rqtQsQ r-I

rarla rruiQqalii r.jenar <dlrrdt alat'-


Qdl.iri*uqc"u <r,raitidtdgvcraet{lnaa rdhEil.



・・ ●tSr・t,■・ tt・・

(■)3a糞 ,3'n― qγ

(2)く tヽICti■ t・tЧ■

(Gujarati to English Translation- C-Q-1)

From :Ashoksinh N. Zala

Member, BhachauNagarpalika Ward No.6,

Former President, BhachauNagarpalika

Office : Jay Shakti Farm, Bhachau, Kutch

Date : 10/07/2018


The Regional Officer

Gujarat Pollution Control Board

Room No. – 215,216

Kandla Port Trust Administrative Bldg., Sector – 8, Gandhidham,


Subject : Regarding postponing public hearing dated 07.08.2018 of A.S.R. MultimetalPvt. Ltd.

located in Chhadvada Gram Panchayat of BhachauTaluka due to problem of excessive

pollution and local employment

This is with reference to the above subject matter. This is to inform you that M/s ASR

MultimetalPvt. Ltd. located at Chhadvada Village of Bhachau Taluka, Kutch, have promised to

provide 80% local employment but they have not kept their word.

As the company is employing labours from other states, scenario of local unemployment is

becoming dangerous.

The company is violating labour law by compulsorily making labour work for 12 hours a day and

exploiting the labour.

The Company is providing only 1% employment instead of 80%. The company is making joke of

labour law by providing employment through contractor and not directly. The company is not

taking care of the most important safety matter thus not violating the safety law. The company is

emitting raw smoke through the stack during the production which can be proved dangerous for all

the living beings. This company is making pollution more than permitted limit. As per information,

the company has not installed pollution control machines. The black dust is such harmful that all

the trees around the company have turned black. As leaves of these threesare being eaten by the

cattle, they suffer from serious disease. As wastewater of this company is being flown in

surrounding farms in monsoon, farmers are facing huge loss.

Many a times farmers agitated against the Company and company’s owner are acting as per their

mood and office of Gujarat Pollution Control Board is not hearing to the matter.

Further, show in person the trees planted for environmental protection from the establishment of

the company to 07.08.2018.


Unemployed locals and farmers will agitate in public hearing on 07.08.2018 if they will not get

compensation and matters like mitigation of pollution and local employment must be addressed.

Government will be entirely responsible for any mishap.

Yours faithfully,

Ashosksinh Zala

Copy to :

1. Collector Office, Bhuj

2. All the news paper


q2dqtも をδtqt`6tt,

。tt■―Cttull i`■ o■ OtR

utqマ :もくt

at un2ζ`eLo・

D4■ d`■r―セ9マ 3ヽ t0302

at■ ■,0。 72。 1こ



金e aqQ■.t、iマ もiSこ ututマ 5Rどt

,,電しFntバtぬ [


R、■.■れ・・tt、 ■diこc ttt ctl ζ■■ ‐tl aけ。。


た。■ζ‐tt i%utagd%.、.tqel

tヽSヽqt qtoid

lti・tl■ ■1

γ■qι2t uta%ヾtttqti l dt10。 |。とにOヽこ■tt%・9ttu・ 2ttt■Cal iact,tCtl i ・`tl

■ %堤itqtt d疇 tFctも 、3tetlt■23tt4 3`■`ι

・laも ,ここ■0ヾt‐tt atF・ts Ctti lt

0ヽ006ヽこtヽet qЧ食2、■ta■.t■ ..軋 ■nct 3を .t゛I「IS Ct11■ i%。しし■utヽ qt・ tt

qはt62d ut`ヽ■ ctヽt atR■ 1哺 、こo■■1■ ■■、電・9tttt Sut■i atac 3

二、・tl`Rt,9咤ι■ 文乳、りqは6'■Rt■iO`■■Jo Cat●■uta畿`taCtl aqtt

d■t■ntく tマ 9ヽt aqt咀 じqt・i q7Jldt,93t tq%%tu■10こ■ι二ヽ・tl ttnt ua

a卜tこ。咀、et、 B ltlも dヽtヽ喩ι■υt・・taミ D・tncう 、ぇ、マtOt(■ tゞ1■tセえtet■ taヽ tマRt

ht2■i■もヽet,6ttイl,D■tS■ FCtit、 tel d`qt■t utaう u■ttt uttt Ri a6t、 d■1

3■■ ■t`t■ 6■ ■tu」 l uplla■ tにrtl aOlち、こうD2t嗅t,t¬Rt it'adt a6■ ■

■2qH01%tt 324■かλ%tt tЧ t a・4■ tマ1マ たヽ Ctl≧ 5■ao it R3・n ai.咀

Gatti■1%4■ RtЧt・31も■・・tt■1■■12t10b■■t atF●`又

R「‐tM Itにd

i3■6Ret t st〔 3■ 2C■t3dヽt、いtqt`%ttq`t,t■ 5a■``RIに

、電tも C` t9 a

・ItuЧta ut・ t cttt lt。 lCt i q,qtti・・tta a F・4R.i動たヽ1■ 31ε ■t%qt■ attaぅ



Typewritten Text

iril ur.rr .,til ,t.tiqrefl.t ,,t-t +ttrttos trrli 6tot1l srttl i {.il 't .;tE+t'{t-lttil 'tt'tt't"il tuLltqtti "{tai .tuL "r.tl.ti,teil ?r, llqtti ,,tti. r4l rqtfi3 e'tr'[ 'tL t'tqLz & * 't "tL'ttclrua tt +ictt-t i qi.ttL.t &.

lai { [ir-Lret -t ,.u,{ , ,,t..ttr-{-a ,5-lcr1l ) stiqju 'rLqi, qkqt u'i 'tt)

qL'tlatir ris"ttil

Gtoi[ ri.tqt ri:Lit t4+.tLlqll gr titqt "u ltt'ti t'ati ai ltil t'rtltttell 1L 5iqtti

,at{ i i[ ,,t,tti[ tx,als.

qa( slqt-il 4iclt tte rqtFtsi 'ti i'rs.. ...

い ヽ は と`

ottoott6 '&atott6 otu


(Gujarati to English Translation- C-Q-2)

Bharatbhai Jethabhai Bar

Village: Hathsani Road, Shreejinagar

Savarkundla, Ta: Savarkundla, Dist.: Amreli

M.: 9723510302

Date: 11/07/2018


Member Secretary

State Level Environment Impact Assessment Committee

Pollution Control Board

Gandhinagar, Gujarat

Sub.: To cancel public hearing of ASR multimetal Private limited company scheduled on


Respected Sir,

To inform you with jay Bharat , Please stop the public hearing of the ASR Multi-Metal Private

Limited Company on immediate date 09/08/2018. More than 1000 submissions of local people for

the pollution caused by the company have come to us, in which the company, which talks about

providing employment to the local people, has been proposed for the injustice done to the locals.

The pollution of the company is also in great proportion. Due to the company being connected to

steel production and power plants, air pollutants are very dangerous and the company is located

less than 5 km from the school and hospital. Water is released without any processing function in

the sources of conventional water and in the desert area. Our fellow friends have worked in the

company as Labor and have collected accurate information about this. The permission of the

polluting units of such pollution should be canceled only until the production work should be

discontinued as long as it develops environment-friendly technology. In this regard, the local

representatives of our organization are working on collecting information and doing a basic

complaint by Pareshbhai Jadav, in the situation if you do not take any action, we are prepare to go

to court.

Therefore, the company raising such many environmental and social questions should not allow

expansion and the public hearing should be cancel. This is the voice of the local people which is the

contribution of the entire Gujarat organization.

Our humble request to cancel the public hearing until questions are not resolved, the use of

environment-friendly technologies, the employment generation at village level for the women, and

until the unit is moved away from the residential area.

Expect to do needful of a servant of locals

Bharatbhai Jethabhai Bar


tLieu qittRte slotr

"LLIL- O.6.r,i] .tLf'te

dt.,g: r't{6tqt6

dr.1?/o9 /l.otz,r-'t. cc?\910\7,t

ria4il{"'tr. iiiarlnquet Ft.iaeL uii.{,4tqler otq.t, iisar rc ,ji.

.ritil-rcrl , lzlrd

Rw:- ot{t6 .ttgsr'ti otstttt ttt{ aL'rA riinuL*t(el ize ct cil 3'{'[t 'itz't1'tLtc[l ?6 5ic1l 6tt"tct.

,rL.t.tll.r all

z,r Brr.L-t +,iLt verruL'j i 'ii'ilt',tL'- {eil izq }tL.Q1l. iq't'[ n1l %'r'U't[qqtl '-e s'-'tL'ti

uLi.t,rr llttfis'r .u ]nh,i [i{3icL rlqr1ti ura.!\-t1 atrt,{, qlq[l { a,.teti.j,rtctt uq

-tr,il .tqt +ettFtr ciLri rEuL.t tl'rL z.tr "isrcLlel qr Gtctil "tti r]'

),uc.t \t{ic{lqt'j [:t!et rta'tLr i$ti'i t"{{'t't'tl re"t ttj [itttLl}ti rjg $iet ud "rit'

!r{-t1 gt?.t't erLl:tri i rtztttil r,ttqqtli )'tti. d't 'tj lr'{it{lcL 'tt rL'ret"it'j l{te't ttL'{ E

[irktLr.tll eo z .tkil "i.il ,ai uluLcrt {t (,l(ltttq {L +is./tl{ei] t} aLi i,t.t:l atlt

gis,rr.ti ,,tt.r.u lqRd qrqlt u-r sc{r ]rg\ct il ultil ,atL ta'l il r'il't u'i '{Lc[[ 'tt

,ri',rltcLa tai.ti \il q{l ?€l &.

,at ,igt atlt 3ttqcrtti 4ao 6T L6'ji ri '{qr '{tli[!'ti t} jL}tpi eLi'rLiI tli i'tL +qie &

ii'tlt u.ti-tl -u F{.ih t} i %{t'ttqc[l 16 stc{t}t[ !4t4.

ltssrr-it uiai +ts

S.t( V'l3\e-)ur.uier liuRie rlou

Typewritten Text

xFr4i.t",tr iiaillr3et ti raer .iL iqqiqrq ,l,t't, itre-,- ro ',t.,titit.trri , ,lzr,r.r

,{q,rr tli.rrlie r.tqr

'111 1rl.'il 11:.1t1

rlr-.?: i'tltt' l'{ I t4t.1.-lo0 i7a\a

. \,.'r-lrl?'l'r\7 l/:.,,rrr31

2o1lL:rcc Ccnlro dliillIT:Cf lVED ON I

[q.rrr:,trrti, .trcrit-ti rruqt4t ilt]i ",11!-.r <,1:rn,rt'-

"r.t1'ttt.r[l i,t, 5tq t /tr4.t.

lu.r.i[{ ,jl

..r'{ ft{tr t1t?i "lqtiqqt.l i ,{.,rrr-.il: .1.i I .i,il rr1il lqil it 'd.liJ-lr,.,il ,L '."r'1r)ari ,r4r rqr[;i5t .u xaii t-tu5i,t li,tPti '{t'{.r\'i[ 6t1t \r{iqiqil'l st'tzLi'i 'trcr'r T


'tsil aqr t{tt:tt (,itt't i.trttd !?-qt ?t.tl .ixrtlt:t \'- 5ldil r,rtQ d.

i,nqr L{{iq?qr i [ire-i tra-tL.l I'ts,tt.l 'r1il 'r,L.ii ?,tl rti t'ixrrrqi '-,.'iii 1l],cr at\ zii.

irtil attt .t ut[.r I .t ,.1'a:Lr{i .-lt\qr\i ],ilq ri 1 n1 '1'1'lqr-'1 'lMqtt":t{ 'ltq't 'tt'l'v

[iktrril. gr:, ;: q+.0 ','r.it

.a-t ,rt1\tct.r .r ./rqi1t{ "tq ris'Lrrcil rl arLi tq'il ;t:-t

reiJqrqi inrqdl x!t\( \r,lil i4n r1.(t JrL'{ I 'tll il'il 4{i ';t.tf il "r'il'r r't'r 'rtoil -rt

\i{rLcLd l-jL.tr \{ q (l iril te.

r4q :i51 61;-1 iitqqt{i :4rii( 1;;ur,.ir ,ti ,1,1 ''it,[i.."t 19

j1.-'i1j[ g1r'-q f i[ 1[ir ,t'tr t't"e ii{l ,a,rh-it {x tit.it;r ,} i ,r-tX-u<,til lt, !t.{l\i 4ta.

+rd-!t?il i{qetr .riLt,

S k Vo.3\-'e\t1

■d i2く 又tこ [ ;Ч・tl ‐tt

(uac1t {j,1t:is !S,tt

(Gujarati to English Translation- C-Q-3)

Vaghela Sureshsinh Kanubha

Village: G.E.B. Narol

Ta., Dist.: Ahmedabad

Date: 12/07/2018

M.: 9925710545


Member Secretary

Pollution Control Board

Environment Bhavan, Sector 10-A

Gandhinagar, Gujarat

Sub.: To cancel public hearing of ASR Multi Metal Private limited company at village chhadvada


Respected Sir,

It is to inform you with jay Bharat that public hearing of ASR Multi Metal Private limited company

should be cancel and issues of locals should be resolved. Company doesn’t follow the

environmental laws and as local people go to request, they land on Hooliganism.

If these units are disposed of, then it will be difficult to stay in the area. Neither the locals are

employed by the company nor are the laws of the environment complied. When 70% of the area is

engaged in farming and animal husbandry business, direct impact of polluted water and air

pollution released by the company is falling on the sources of agricultural land and water.

The EIA also has deficiencies in this unit. The misleading approach is clear. Therefore, it is our

humble request that the public hearing should be canceled.

With expectation of cooperation

Vaghela Sureshsinh Kanubha


Re9d No F′ 1027′BHARUCH(1950)GU」 ′1038′BHARuCH′(1860)

Phone 9825977941,9714627480

酬ldC Φ酬 l υl…


erl y彊



Redg Ottce :


7, Gajanand Society, Ankleshwar - 393 001 Dist. Bharuch (Gujarat)

Lakadiya - 370145

E-mail: dineshrana9'l [email protected]


]Jer?rd u5qqt aai,tg o s,

3{ "f- ?1'{,?1s,

iscu u1l a€, q6lqdl OcJIct- rr-c


li\err orr{L6 d.qStotl t9tsc{t?l

iu,{lqf aRt t{A uguqt ui ut"[ls afs-Ii

utftrg iqQctal Qe-Iu afuq qtr'ra;


1■) 2● 1%′

■ ■Щadm utad a na Щt vt6aa n

a%o(aa eta3マ 以A aqt』 at:o/こパ。`ι・tt

'⌒ un.ta γa mod ЩユCuatt Rミ a una%qtqtiじ 30 ecc.tt4 α■6 dt■3t4

0SCtlマ t。■■・tl n■ ■utactl aょこ‐マリtn3■4na ab、Ⅲo(Ⅲ■a a03a■a

ι。%aγ oЦ Q tt ЩSCtta“さua Щミd a4o utta R。■a■c.ca■■dュ attQQ δ Щ

3、■“a ttnott■ %Qaa ttun aq』 Ct13ct aa%oua ЦR αat・t343Ц aδ ta 3・ tl

3●■■■1強t3a ttR Щαn aCttm・ %Qta、 R3Ct13 3マ υ4d3t■ 3tt4a a.■ 11、尊3■

■%長R31aCtt■a‐■dot amマ可δ Щ tЧ4 talt■・tЩ4りЩOこ。%Ct■■aa%。ta

.aЧ sctt■ %Щ %ヽCtl■aa%。 (a■aЩもδ a Чq3Ч4 taび ]《 t3emマ ta%oLマ Щ■a

a3a aκ OLa■a Щsctt■ 3tacti■颯3 6st4 Qa 3ミ3aiコ■口t・tマЩd・t acttm uQ

ゃaミ 3act1 3taCti ЧЧ d。は■,可 δ■ 3●■ ■Sttta veЩ ιRRata■■4 Cttじ 31ミ

. ЧЩ■●tl。23ta ta δ?、・

ta ЧェctRq oa■■■υq」ヽЩじЦdRt uЩ・tunda4無じ

a、 δ ‐ 3●■ Ч長ヽ 単 ヽRCtt4 3Ra q■ヽ りiヽ単 Cヽに4Qa3 3・ 4 QR ttqctlヽ nd

Typewritten Text

I{.tc.sc l+ qa{q?q ui qazu riso

s rg Rc<u rrorrtli

.."*sfr:i ffil;'Natrirrai


3Ⅲ■a vi、Ч`actt、

oQ4 Ч堅“)ttact.tm a■%ut3Чdm反 3ヽマ%311 aad■ 3'u●t3t,3

3b3■■4‐uЩ■■ dЩ■■n3tQ Чn O14 3‐ぃ ●lⅧ・tua Ч■■Щd aCtl』

Чもη鴻■Ч α43マ ぬЩa■ ut4マaδ ‐ 3Ч4m■ ‐ 3■41,Rdヽ t颯 ■ЩЩ■

■■Щu・tl ida■ 颯a38cttm iミna、Щ・ te■3ua a6電 Чゝ DRミa tttt q・ ld Щotγ

66tOl e nau 3■ 3 ЧQ」 ut3Ч4・tt ЩQ3 Qm■ ■●tЩ■ 3a Rtt δ a■%Щ 3Ч■■

瓢 u・tt m aSa d:。 /ιノtOtι 咀ヽ颯Ч■Ctt尊 、マЩЩとしこctl ttR qtctCtl■ ●ll颯 湘

訥Щ uaa、n4●ta気 、、RttR3aqn4 4:o/ι /QOt`4a%3・t3鴻 い・ tdtqqt

■■彎 印`l Ret3'qua uR3a■ a dc8tQ3 QQQ a%。 ta■ a Щsctt■ cta Щa

aさЩ03 aaγ Эn“ tマtua nミ ma a■・ I ctodt・ ta■a a ctt卜 oO/Oι/QO■`■


さ減 。t・ttaγ aa%ota ua■ミュ`t,t ctt natt 3。

qt■ ЩCta ttЩ u nt a4 9、19

ЧЦ qaCtq・ta e■ ■ヾ %cttacta u,3tO■ マさa

●●・ t3Ct t Ctt●1・



(Q)aЩ■qdЩ・ t■l烈

urual [Quq


(Gujarati to English Translation- C-Q-4)

From : Dinesh V Rana

Human Welfare, Environment & Safety Association

7, Gajanan Park Society, Ankleshwar – 393 001, Dist. :


Date : 12/07/2018


The Regional Officer

Gujarat Pollution Control Board

Room No. – 215,216, Kandla Port Trust Administrative Bldg.,

Sector – 8, Gandhidham, Kutch

Subject : Regarding postponing public hearing dated 07.08.2018 of A.S.R. MultimetalPvt. Ltd.

located in Chhadvada Gram Panchayat of Bhachau Taluka due to problem of excessive

pollution and local employment

This is with reference to the above subject matter. This is to inform you that M/s ASR

MultimetalPvt. Ltd. located at Chhadvada Village of Bhachau Taluka, Kutch, have promised to

provide 80% local employment but they have not kept their word. As the company is employing

labours from other states, scenario of local unemployment is becoming dangerous. The company is

violating labour law by compulsorily making labour work for 12 hours a day and exploiting the


The Company is providing only 1% employment instead of 80%. The company is making joke of

labour law by providing employment through contractor and not directly. The company is not

taking care of the most important safety matter thus not violating the safety law. The company is

emitting raw smoke through the stack during the production which can be proved dangerous for all

the living beings. This company is making pollution more than permitted limit. As per information,

the company has not installed pollution control machines. The black dust is such harmful that all

the trees around the company have turned black. As leaves of these threes are being eaten by the

cattle, they suffer from serious disease. As wastewater of this company is being flown in

surrounding farms in monsoon, farmers are facing huge loss.

Many a times farmers agitated against the Company and company’s owner are acting as per their

mood and office of Gujarat Pollution Control Board is not hearing to the matter. Further, show in

person the trees planted for environmental protection from the establishment of the company to


Unemployed locals and farmers will agitate in public hearing on 07.08.2018 if they will not get

compensation and matters like mitigation of pollution and local employment must be addressed.

Government will be entirely responsible for any mishap.

Yours faithfully,

Dinesh V Rana, Secretary-Kutch,

Human Welfare, Environment & Safety Association

Copy to :

1. Collector Office, Bhuj, 2. All the news paper


qd-i[+ie e(q.tQie qiercL

ru.t r{idt',tt?.t

dt.6r1i5 ,U: rdL':[€,

dr..11io9 i?o1a


tyIマ 逮2■


■ヽtq2et qq.t,■622■ o―■⌒ 。1■■。t2,0略 tヽa

Fqlt、■dt■00ノ0ごハζ■ta%q.to.1、 3ttiり q`tqt O軋ミ・・tna■■■.t、 ■d tac

,tctl i、■ ■ %■、in電1 26 6utr.tt6tt

■t・t‐tt● ■

%ヽ qt2d uta 2は嗅ql■ 1■れ utミ Жヨ 12く ,ld]、■・ll%■、itqel ooァ●ιハ`

it 2略 軌円10こ`さ

u、[utao 3■ti、.l dttt 6■qt■ i・2ttqttヽ■■R91■ xt、ot ul


`■■マ■もt■ta aqR3ヽctO i、・tl attt■Oet6ut■i・・ttQ 3 dヽt■通ヽ と

tヽRIゆl`し tヽ utRL uq腐 6、ぃこta■ itちtqtt a tqtqqt・ i ula 3

qtRIL・t・tRa t`61■dt・tl qは ,電 32qt・tt t吼魁dじ6■ uttctt 3、γ2ttt■ t■口


⌒ nt tt%.咀 d6■ tCt 3 att a■ it uqt%a tqtqt■ in%■a3


■■1 31ttl Q4■ミo、■q、11■,■ 1■103,atn3、 t、a l Чti■i tt■ 3■●l■

%■ iヽtqヾa t sut■ i・ 2tta●.tもatb■ ■i、q γ ut峨 式 こヽ(3a動中Чは。■咀

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atF・tl■ t、ス・tt utヽ■qむRI`t■ tt・■la Чt■■iCttl aCt Ⅲlat uc



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」、ルノ併比 |(1)´1:′ 』


qi.r.Qiu [cr\a Rie .itertt




(Gujarati to English Translation- C-Q-5)

Dharmendrasinh Dalpatsinh Chauhan

Village: Partappura

Ta.:Umreth, Dist.: Anand

Date: 12/07/2018


Member Secretary

Pollution Control Board

Environment Bhavan, Sector 10-A

Gandhinagar, Gujarat

Sub.: To cancel public hearing of ASR Multi Metal Private limited company scheduled on


Respected Sir,

To tell you with jay Bharat that ASR Multi-Metal Pvt. Ltd theCompany’s public hearing has been

organized on 07/08/2018. We have studied the environmental pollution and social impact of this

company. Pollution is done by the company and noise of local people is suppressed by corporate


The Indian Constitution has given the fundamental right to present itself to everybody. In Gujarat,

there is no rule of companies alone. There is democracy. Therefore, it is wrong to suppress people's


Considering the environmental, social, economic impacts arising from the company, cancellation of

the company's public hearing and there are many deficiencies in the EIA, the study should be done

again and with local people's participation this new study process shell be completed and the

public hearing shell be canceled until it is done.

Co-op expected to consider locals questions and environmental laws

Dharmendrasinh Dalpatsinh Chauhan


,iirr({ri (\qr.tliiil'ztt,q

:,tt\ r-il'l.l i. !,t\t-lq ?-

.| \t,.(,a i_ar'l I,r L. e,,zr!ft2 r,r cu


5r{ire? ,itrzz c.rqcr .i-qr.{ir.ti.e rj,q r;,aa+i -z rir ir illli.q'd r-r.r

[ci\,{: otrrt! drcJ!l.ti t9rlqt,t:1ri,11.i i,ili )4r;i{rrrt- {(A 'tecr rt.ril. .,\.il 'il

Z-l?(-ltctriil ,-t- 5iql rl.rt $r.il t'{rtr\t';-r.r .rt ,i;.rr.1,il .1 ,trrqr qt,.r.r.

.[-t-ilq r.il

?,1 qttrt ttti %qttqt'! i(,r.{(11 cul5r'ri Stiqrrt :,x1 r,114 :a1{ ,,i,,rx,,{rz ,1(zl rz<r ur.rrl.

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;11i1q q;-q11cil ,ri zrriqrr q,ri,,.ililq rt..r-r.i rtrcrl r,r.il ltrr i:,<rtti :,1.t( -rrit.

,aqr,ti,t-z Gq,{i-x -il {i(iii \r(.r -r 4( (rq nqr a.rpir .ri i iq.il -t.,1!rqr-r.r

tt) q;-qt-rlil ,,1qqr\i ),1c(it ,rt ,rqiqi,l1 I:ilr.r rLil 1.tri. ,,t-.r pr.ii-e ,i lz .

-.r [q:.rtr.ir (iri,.i ,.('.t; t'rl1l.,r -r. 1r.4rr ..... ,. ,

\,{'rqi!it{ (qr aorrl, i r4r{ir.-

1. Ulcr K1-a {l,itit,-il ,it r.: li,L.i,ri ,,nq 4 ,,r.t r;xr,rrr_ -r:l ,ri,t il.i[ ,ri .rcr-;

,4.i rki tlirl\ ltle qrz ,,,.t,i( r,, qet l.{.5i1:..ii la,r,:r -il .rrzt ,1'1 rr ,rtr r,,irlqr*r,r .1) ,riqt-triL r,{r\(t }ir.,r,rt il {r,tt q\ei.


iTIiLnco,rr,ueiAecrtveo crx


r ? JUL 2018

Typewritten Text

i. j\it it ngr !r,tfl.tr {i\:l)i,\- ,.uq ,r qrrdr n qr,,tr ,.r.r,ii ;. i ]l]i I .,

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_ {l!.iqt^%,{h rr,,1,;;,'l;, ..',,;:,;rii

q'tir ['*rr:rr '1:<.rrri r,i1rr1s11 ..,,q.1 ,,..,

,r ,q.rl .rl ."rrr,.t.r ,1,it .rl .{l-nr{r ql\.1r,r.rra.r \r,t;t1a6:-l! ' '! rt;l i'll .1i'il :i. 9rt-r,l,,rr

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.,, ,,,,.r.rqz ry.qri,i.r q,rrrr.rqt\iqrti r,r({.tl aa i

' '' tr rLar'l ltq 'rti-: rrz 'i:.1q1 <srrqr.o ..r

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xg\,r i(lr,{.rLi ,,iii i {iqin,ir :l:l :i:11 xr..r'15 ',,,;,,.'t.r'-r,.l,iil,l,' '

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1?. tqil i ,(t,rt.tt 15P11 r-;; {l:al.11: ,,r.,1 tr,rl unr Mr.-d r,.ri[ .,tlr .rr.rr

-ttt.'.lCr.".ir l.rtrit ,uir ;t .1.,{.:i ;..,qr '1,.1.q ,1.r.-r l.t,r,r.rar tir(r.


i(rt[3dsrqr {rz irr!.r tlrl ,rortir qicr -r,it.,tq rJ,,itr!,irti ,rqt a r,[jt'titr,r,11,r'r.6{ r_1 ri-( -rz[1.

13. i\-il \i nt lidr q? ri[r,r r'{ir'u 5n,i Rtui.ri r.Lli, irqt,,L q'{ rq z.r[u<t qr-q11 \r? \irr \ 1srl r}.

:,p11 61i1 ,4ni1,a1;- l\il atfr ,"tr) iCct r,riq,.,:i[,r it,rtpir-tt.,rrL -,r.::r,il ri[,r,r ltlr;.g\lliilcil i (r:-1L,.JV;\l ir \:tqr L4 trq 'v ,trir i,til i scirtu alrit 111,1 .r

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!t,i ,'i'r 5?,t,1t\i :,[q (rrrr r',+il 1r ".ir\( i.. r rLr-r.i ,trir-r llqPri 'l -nrq ,,li rt'il

6arte,-r 4'{ ?rirqqr\i r,rrq .

(qt * i\-r:l ,rj(i,it \,{[q;-,]il,r 5rr.p,i1.j q:-:,u,i u.rzr.it \:.qrs !r{i.rJr.- C((i'4.1 ri.ile't{ ,i],t.||' i ultqr.rr-t .it,rlqr-trtl ,ar,.il -tqr ,{,ii !t,'u qri. i{t .u.:rR15 ),ttri,il

!u-{t -i[ ",rr1-ur,riL rs srqr -it "s,r rr-qr {4it.t.

-{rRr x[i,{ril .riar tru..

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-tsq ?-qtit:.

L.c. t%rr.t nr-q':r Gt.in'?r 'iri rritil-r:ri

2-=れ、哺 ,■え(■‐`ぎ

1■ L(じ・1● :,ぃ こLt ・tl Чtt

3-■■,1■口、●tt`く ;、■1


(Gujarati to English Translation- C-Q-6)

Pareshbhai Bhavansinh Jadav

Village: Kanij


Date: 10/07/2018

M.: 7046587565



State level Environment Impact Assessment Authority


Sub.: To cancel public hearing of ASR Multi Metal Private limited company at village chhadvada Ta.-

Bhachau and not to allow company expansion.

Respected Sir,

To inform with jay Bharat that ASR Multi Metal Pvt. Ltd. at Chadwada village of Bhachau Taluka

Dated by company on 07/08/2018, public hearing has been held for expansion of steel plant which

should be canceled. The company does not comply with the environmental conditions outlined in

the agreement given by Moef on 31/08/2008. If the company does not comply with the conditions

of environment clearance and the company will be allowed to expansion, then the environment will

be eradicated. Environment Act, EIA Notification 2006, as well as the coal handling guide line are

not followed and people in the area have to face extreme hardships.

Environmental and Social Effects:

1. The steel plant comes in the CBCB's red category and the Gallantt and Electrotharm steel

plants are located in five km of SR, so that the amount of pollution in the area is high,

allowing the expansion will increasethe pollution.

2. The traditional sources of water near the company are there, the direct impact of the

company's pollution is on it, the drinking of water that has a negative effect on animal health

is evident.

3. The company's polluted water is being exposed in open areas near Chadwada so that the

amount of soil pollution is increasing.

4. The farming land is around the company, the flying dust from the company damages the

crops and the production of the crop decreases and the company does not provide

compensation to the farmers.

5. The company has not even provided monitor on the main gateto see the quantity of


6. According to the WHO report, the question of drinking water in this area is severe, why

should it be allotted excess water? Why the company is not using air-cooled technology for

its power plant?

7. The amount of respiratory diseases in the area has increased due to fumes from fly ash and

chimneys and the primary health center is located at a distance of 3.2 km of the plant. If such

a pollution company is permitted, then the problem of patient will increase.


8. Schools are located around the company so there will be adverse impact on the health of the

children and due to the coming in the company's work, the provincial laborers remain in the

vicinity, due to the increase in the number of unexpected incidents. Then there will be a

question of safety of the girls and its direct impact on their education. In an area like Kutch,

when efforts are made to increase the education of girls, this process should be stopped so

that there is no increase in such a situation by the companies.

9. The area comes in an earthquake zone. In 2001 it has been experienced.In such a situation,

such businesses should be kept away from human habitations.

10. The company has been talking about the employment of the local people in the EIA, but

contract labor is kept by the company. Locals do not get sufficient employment. It is clear

from the sisters in the area that they are protesting on the job question against the


11. The company has shown in the EIA that if women are not employed, they will create new

opportunities, why did not the company have been able to do so in these years?

12. The company is to be used under 2% CSR in its profits, but the company is misleading the

people by giving small amounts, there are no substantial steps for the development of the

area and the empowerment of the people, and in the EIA it has not presented a concrete


13. While working in the company, due to the provincial labor, the amount of alcohol in the area

has increased, which is a big challenge for women's safety.

We have filed a written complaint of the violation of Environmental Laws by the ASR Company,

with the evidence of GPCB dated -19.05.2018, and we have sufficient evidence that the company

should be given a closure, taking action against the company and stop the production process. The

production shell be stopped until every condition given in the EC is fulfilled.

And new questions will be raised by allowing expansion of the company to violate environmental

laws without first complying. So urgent request to cancel the company's public hearing with

immediate effect.

Co-expectation of judicial process.

Pareshbhai Bhavansinh Jadav

Copy Sent to:

1. Gujarat Pollution Control Board- Gandhinagar

2. MoEF and CC Regional office- Bhopal

3. ASR Multi Metal Company

Reg. Date.1)` 1瀾 r`

k触 1,

■'イlta ntytiィ tq q[,

、■■21、■■i2■ tO.■,


.、tЧ:.1盤滞L‖略ムTI∬棚棚臨 織覗Ottl・ ti

4rt.tt tЧ 、RI■n Ct油 嗜._れ ,wH咆 l=●~"山

品1041=威 りに.■ ■Щ■■n゛ 匈盛判陀 Qユlビ。%Ⅲ■

=,■ `無■

、■熟n3.|」、.ta■■ ,la tlit“γ露:■ 21・t■


器 Ⅷ 鵠

キ靱 紺i弊押業#鶏Ч猟糧∫鳳ユ」肌鵠Wl

‐:tR=ヤ 0ヽ"ぬ」、“q口 1■■,n a ntR,

卜oO′ O`′ 20(と .tt、 3●=こ

Ч腱Dl it i%Ool■ c・t65 otit・IRR(“成 ■lλ■_tl a、 .1 1ネッ■i■ _t

t,■ 黎Rt C,All■ Rql、 1● 1■1,II Чta■Чa(1,.1″ 、ψ qin etti ttlt_t・tc αヽ t・tF〔 t

■●に■ Rこ1

r.i[ dtg, "l-ca? @.t eir-€r rrg ward ir;rrrr i;rrzr di , tl i'



Typewritten Text

i,u\.ri [iicru

l.*-ilrr [i"rLst

ruil,r aP,r.a r+F*n ,Fr

5zr3 [iy<<11 1c,r.1il

...tt<t 1qgat .

(1) ,ala? rr)it - o1i/

(?) .utt ci{rfll'r'.({j ;;-;d' i -r,,,, "i'{\s{,

"'loi/ - "''' t/l:-r''4yrU ,y.r, '' 9 ra ftrt'r sa-a


(Gujarati to English Translation- C-Q-7)

Date: 12/07/2018


Pollution Control Board

Environment Bhavan, Sector 10-A


Sub: The matter regarding postpone public hearing on 07/08/2018 of ASR Pvt.Ltd.

companies in Chhadwada Panchayat of Bhachau Taluka due to over-pollution and

the question of employment of local people.

It may be mentioned that the ASR Pvt Ltd, located in the Chhadvada village of Bhachau Taluka of

Kutch district, has given the obligation to provide 80% employment to the local people at a public

hearing, but the rule is openly breaking. Local unemployment is taking a very dangerous form due

to the company maintaining the lenders of other states. Since the contracts are running in these

companies, the labor laws are being violated by open labor laws by exploiting them for 12

hours.The company provides employment to 1% instead of providing employment to 80% of the

people according to their own rules, and the company is also mocking the law of providing local

employment by employing new contracts. Safety is also being violated as the safety law is not taken

into consideration. This company is releasing raw smoke in the chimneys during the manufacturing

process, which can prove to be a threat to the environment and to the entire ecosystem. This

company is spreading more pollutants than permitted. The company, which is known about the

company has not equipped the pollution control machine, and the black particles of this company

are so damaging that all the trees surrounding the company have turned black.Due to these leafy

leaves of these trees, there are also serious diseases in animals. This company gets contaminated

water in the surrounding fields in the monsoon, which also causes farmers to suffer a lot. Farmers

have often raised the voice, but the owners of this company are doing their own thing and the

Gujarat Pollution Control Board- Gandhidham's office is ignoring all these.

If the pollution is not resolved and the local people are not provided immediate employment, then

the local unemployed and the farmers will not get their compensation, on the date of 07/08/2018

of the public hearing, Jigneshbhai Mevani-MLA Vadgam and his team and Alpeshbhai Thakor-MLA

And their team and the unemployed and farmers will fiercely protest, whose special note should be

taken. Whatever incident will happen in which the full responsibility of the government will


Yours faithfully

Nil Vinjoda, Rashtriya Dalit Adhikar Manch

Kutch District In-charge

Copy Sent to

1. Collector Office- Bhuj,

2. All Newspapers

3. Labor and Employment Minister

4. Gujarat Pollution Control Board- Gandhidham


M Cmき il ROGPCB EASTKUTCHく olpcbeastkuchomttcOm)

AS R MI“ ti Metal Pvt Ltrl Public hcaring letter‐ Dharmesh Mistry

Mlslry D in rstr,,, ' ( 0 va r.o (( n' tvton Ar.g ,,. 2018 al 12:23 PMTo Ms-gpcf <nrs pd,(igua,a go! n: rnrle ( ..etarr. tr.r)(ia r...r1conr" <membersecretarygocb@gma lcom>logpcb.eds kulc !, t.ra, .co,r1 :r...,c .,.: lk .i. q.gmail.i ,n. ' 'i, ullh. [email protected]" <publichea [email protected]>

Plz F.nd a lachrj .,il

BharucrrM 999?6 )9't'


Typewritten Text

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煎 さ命 司哺 缶誦 哺時甲楡



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0籠 訳 :翡 輛 莉相 爺

-1(可。R‐ 。R― RoRミ ミ可 Rヽ

‐oヽ RoRO蓄 )

(12)章甫 希キ 11"莉 岬・q"響Ч~鷲 諭 q、ぃきい 蒻 誦 商 誦資 oTrtt t

補 諭 鋼閥 鏑 衝 鏑

'齢諭 何赫 |

(13)岬●00悧 羊咄6く 幸嘲 莉薇 ■Ⅲ さ命蒻諭馬w― 薇 ヨt赫諭てれ商

晰持 qⅦ 和白t綸 諭調閥 奇討 さ奇課浦・中。鋪 命鏑'H、

o¬甫 諭


(14)Ψ¶mRⅢ ,嘲¨呵qtt H」Ч奇希 ミH■R可 」中期●さ● q:3驚卜靡前 1

…象 H押 諭希 希 されま専締き鏑 -1

o00‐ NABET諭 悌輸 撫

コ くさ姉 でヽ (輔 )希 sЧく、■‐き qマ心

鏑 論 鏑

'む諭 何捕 |


■Net,缶 a● 朝。くヽ 前■ Functional Area Exper)甲

ボ q"‖ f赫 Eヽいmお 調 前 、囀 (て硼 訳)訳 輌 aき3語計,m爺 諭 節 甫

(17)師■鮨 0中 飾語可籠鏑 き可で檎さ調面偽π l可喩¥価て¬耐赫 tt南・qI調諭

飾 1哺喩 れ 脚 繭 Ⅶ きOm鋪 ふ鏑

'れ1頭厳 Rn■ 懸商

赫 赫 ヽ劇ⅥきT

81 SLEAC諭 0中 ミ帝哺 諭 鍮 撃 TOR tt Com●●nce ttF摘■400哺瑯 可ヾ"き


輸 Tヽ「1171`11

9)SLEAC tt qくψミ申哺 奇 m R ToRtt Com口 ねnce諭 ~100-劇"さ

鋪 や中甫師面'Hヽ


eo― 希調 ,輛 鏑 ■ 鏑


(21)輌捕 ιヽ 哺 輌 潮 誌 繭 哺 ―



l H‖ Чで顧 可

'や諭 m甫 1

2η 柿 蓼 赫 捕 載 赫 iヽ相 聰 た ヽ頭 赫 械

'爺翻 85¬価 du耐

繭 諭 嗣 漱 i諭 1

(23)事甫羊鋼 Ⅲ lGPCB諭 0、ぃミ申■t戴 諭誦漁冷'Ⅲ


れ 卿 帥 蒻'wml硼

赫 卿 綸 羊腋 体で輸 赫 希引"呵

鏑 粛 鏑


0■ 何椅 1● II― く知ヽ

'tR帥翔 お 諭 中ヽH

7al燎 諭 」中oそれ 衝 鈷

'0諭缶輸 |

(24)●Nにモ `OCl‐NABETキ ё沿乗金田 燎獅■淀 (H¶ЧЧ")¶

aお 腋 諭 て 鋼 鎌

輛 ヽ 円ヾ"¶

q'由 哺

■ ■ゃo(輛)鏑 命鏑'て

0諭 停疏



0耐 可― ―

晰 綸 前 赫 ,爺 硼 討

'面ヽ 劇Ч゛

鋪 勲 赫 1

にの 平條巾 赫 wデ ,酬 wホ純'(“

0耐 莉MFI¬商捕 喩 諭

師 ヽ前'て

前 mて¬綸 諭缶赫 |

Pη 測 園 希wm繭 鋼 Ⅷ ぉⅦ.引、さ3輸 ― |

に助 聰 菊 喩 希 釧 輌 蒲 `コ 耐 F櫛 赫 鏑 i鏑'む

鏑 |

P9)●l―録弧帝赫 諭■爺囁。日■m鋪浦き奇釧m―um市 mヽ―Oo)Rポ朦 ¥歯由 鋼田雨 ― ヽ輸命哺酬 輔 ヽ市中燻介奇 HゞЧミ,申哺


・‐фlく 前 」中劇■■ま0円 ミW面 0■同副 itta希 .M柿 翔

詢甫 希―

師痛オ 莉 ゛ 絆 画 鏑 奇 鈷


、。囀 ■ 行赫 1

●1)蒻 廠 お謙赫T(Nu蒻 は ヽ輌 ¶。、ヽ ぜn画 ホ甫 ぉ市中両衝 奇 HttЧ

ミ,事甫椰爬面ミ稀0■ Hゃ く莉毬ゅ即"捕詢 ■ヽ


き鎌 章甫可申哺ヽ偽節F― 昴清粛莉QttTT鏑 命鏑



●21 雨ポ凛 ミ押四M― お赫 奇n II輛 希赫 奇 HttЧ ミ偽爺哺H¨К莉

tや Hヾ劃 市 中N。モt諭 帥 赫 竜可 捕 図 ■ ゛ ―“N・ 市n前 俸 愉 |

(33)都 0` q蜘 節 面 引 輌 爺 ネ 田 派 πN面 Чit希 ¶ヽ 可Щ 爺 館 R=円―

(34)モ前 捕 ι、市 町 で晰 補 an aき mて ,和 青可 ■ 蒻 前 司昭 粛 1

β動 佃 赫 輛 蒻い 嚇 赫 ,¬輌 ― む

oo w輸 命輌 統 隔命赫 わ sЧ悧和国楡 ― シ

137)― Чl、 莉詢


ぼ HI…く悧¶む

o輔 樹 lヽⅢ Ⅲ 希 希 ミさ'前

■希弧 31■ 希 ミ雨 ,●lHヾ…


09)詢 甫 押 時 雨 羊 HヾЧ 莉

澪 in、 前 可 鎌 3思栞 aで浦 前 楠

0■ Чに'誡

輔 市輌 駅,さ れ論諭―

144)輔 軒 1'希ミfmm澱 譴ね む衆 電 ,



π鰊ョぃ。さ翻n-1143)al― キ市 お尋命哺


ンq"嘲 |やく引きよ洋哉'楡

派 き,


雨ポれ ヽヽ


■赫 諭さ命粛漁耐

口。マ画 Rさ蒻命き可■ ?

51●哺 中熙→ 雨ホ逮 ヽマ銀nm力 而 ,瓢調 輔 諭さ奇粛卜で面

Ⅲ 輌コマさW輸き命3昭,― ぃ。H謙中q¶ 羊了耐席Ⅷ¬粛ミ|


146)R廠 `輸 択口国 師 ヽビn奇 翻 事甫、市楠廊鋪哺 HTЧ ミ,申哺

鋼田国さ闘 ■月中K刺 」劇■熟 奇中哺 ■―

n・ 動 爪書命眸画 命粛

希w前 ■鋼可詢面ヽ― 輛輛蔵可市mm ttn鏑 ,Httq綸 諭

ml(47)雨廠 `ヨ詞|●l― mヽ 昧祠 qは キ舗 硼 申甫キー 希HTЧ ミ,

和甫輌膠朦ミ闘 綸H中К莉」中劇■1前 nホ甫諭―

市命輛 ゛梓画 欄

ヽ翻 命ゃqゃ「回 さ鎌 嗜哺 可帝哺 ヽ両―

赫 輌命藤画 鋪 命鏑

,H地o載 1

(48)Rポ 朦 ■ o川H赫 赫 竜 ヽ何頭・ ―

訳 ボ さ奇・・

引 HH円 鏑 奇 鏑

てヽ0諭舗疏 1

れ :買●o罰 Hぃく



希煎 粽綸 :

(Hindi to English Translation- C-Q-8)

Dharmesh Mistry,

Block No.14, House No.1340, Narmada Appartment,

Opp. Mamlatdar Office, Bharuch,


Sub : Public hearing Comments and suggestions of M/s. ASR Multimetals Pvt. Ltd. (Dist:


1. Request regarding Information about approved Functional Area Experts from QCI-NABET of

the company Consultant with Name, Area and time period, signature, stamp along with


2. Information about approved Functional Area Expert employee of Company Consultant from

QCI NABET has on regular employee or not.

3. Empanelled Functional Area Expert approved by QCI NABET has been taken from the

Company Consultant and copies of the MoU between Consultant and Empanelled Expert.

4. Information sought from the Empanelled Functional Area Expert approved from QCI-

NABET employed at various companies and their input and signed in the draft EIA/ EMP


5. Information sought for payment about approved empanelled Functional Area Expert from

QCI- NABET of the Consultant Company.

6. What responsibilities consultant has been assigned for this particular public hearing?

7. Information sought regarding payment between Company and Consultant and copy of MoU

between them.

8. Is the Accreditation certificate of Consultant Company submitted in the EIA Report is valid?

If so, the same may be signed and sealed by the Authorized Signatory of the Company.

9. Include the Certified Accreditation Certificate by QCI-NABET in the MoM.

10. The name of the Person, Designation, Company Name, Address, copy of ID Proof and

authorized Govt. I.D. Proof who gave the public hearing presentation is included in the MoM.

11. Provide the information of the companies for which Draft EIA/ EMP report has been

prepared by the Consultant (01.01.2013 to 25.207.2017).

12. Request to put Show cause notice and closure notice issued from GPCB in Gujarat State to

Company in MoM.

13. Request to put Show cause notice and closure notice issued from PCB in case outside

Gujarat State to Company in MoM.

14. Information to be provided what harm to human health can occur due to this unit.

Information sought that what disease can occur in human and environment.

15. Information about payment to be done by consultant to QCI-NABET and its receipt with

stamp in MoM.

16. How many EIA Reports have been signed by Empanelled Functional Area Expert as per QCI-

NABET Scheme of Consultants in a year?

17. How many plants have been planted till date? From where water have been supplied for

plants? If water is purchased, provide the bills in MoM. Also provide digital photographs

with date.

18. Compliance of ToR granted from SEAC is 100% True or not? Give details?

19. Company should assure in written that Compliance of ToR granted from SEAC is 100 % True

or not?

20. Name of land lossers Address from MOM.


21. Kindly give the written proof that company has given 85% employment to the local people?

22. Company should display the list of name of all the employers outside the gate and also give

employment to 85% local people.

23. If any other unit of the company get the closure notice from the GPCB then how company

would get revoke? Kindly give the details. Also, kindly keep all the documents, papers and

copy of penalty fee receipt submitted to government department in MoM.

24. Kindly keep the copy of application and all other documents in MOM presented for getting

Accreditation certificate in QCI- NABET by the consultant.

25. In which date, month and year, the person giving the presentation of the EIA report has

joined the company? Give details.

26. Give all the details of the responsibilities of the person give the presentation during

Environment Public hearing of EIA report presentation.

27. How many influenced people have knowledge of English language? Give details.

28. The method of keeping the total settlement information in the MoM according to the

affected area.

29. According to the different villages in the affected area the total settlement information and

the method of keeping it in MOM?

30. Under this project, the affected people and the employees of the company will have suffer

the loss of any kind from the company due to pollution, the company will be responsible and

it is requested that the responsibility of the company will be guaranteed by giving

undertaking duly notarized in the name of company or responsible person and undertaking

of companies will be presented in MOM.

31. Under this project, except affected area if the outsiders of the company will suffer any loss

due to the company’s pollution, then the company will be responsible and this should be

mention in undertaking duly notarized in the name of company or responsible person.

32. The people affected by this project and the employees of the company had any kind of loss

due to the pollution, whether or not the consultant‘s responsibility is made of the request

to submitted full information.

33. What you are going to do to the contaminated water should not go outside of the plant

during rain?

34. 85% of the locals in the company have given jobs or not, their information?

35. What are you doing to do in Corporate Social responsibility?

36. What is the use of by product?

37. Have you approved plant drawings from Industrial Safety Department?

38. What are the company’s Anti dots? In which hospital you are going to make it available,

outside the company?

39. Company is going to give the insurance during the case of emergency to nearby villagers and

affected peoples.

40. There are chances to get disease for working in this company for long time.

41. Which pre-medical tests are going to be done in your company and why?

42. How many land users can get employment in the company? Give details?

43. How to give information about what to do during the Off- Site emergency to the people of

the surrounding villages?

44. If the company consultant has made a mistake in making EIA report of the project then

police can be prosecuted or not?

45. If the company consultant has made a mistake in making EIA report of the project then

police can be prosecuted or not? Please give the information according to the rules and



46. Under this project, the affected people and the employees of the company will have suffer

the loss of any kind from the company due to pollution, the company will be responsible and

it is requested that the responsibility of the company will be guaranteed by giving

undertaking duly notarized in the name of company or responsible person and undertaking

of companies will be presented in MOM.

47. Under this project, except affected people if the outsiders of the company will suffer any loss

due to the company’s pollution, then the company will be responsible and this should be

mention in undertaking duly notarized in the name of company or responsible person.

48. If all the projects have been done industrial purposes for non- agriculture so its proof should

be kept in MOM.

Note: please reply in Hindi Language.

s/d. Dharmesh Mistry


Regarding the Public hearing of ASR Multimetals Pvt Ltd, Kutch

Hasmukh Voraく hasu vora320@gmaiLcom>

MOnもイヽ1と013 8127 PI´

T./Ralesh4 V PaO(GoG‐ GPCB Dept)く Uh 9pcb‐ ph@911arat 90V i,,I

ccKanu B Chaudhan(GoC― G'C3Dept)<ro‐ 9p〔 b~kuteo9ularat govin)l ms-9p(bく lη S‐ 9pCb(ω 9ulalat gcⅣ ln>:(oledo■ kutく colector

kutOgularat90V n>'

O latta(hine,lts“ 15K3)

ASRヽИukimeta sい A Ltcl tett● r o6 08 2018 p(11

Dear S,`

Kindly ind the attached nle forthe purpose of Publc Hear ng vvhich is to be xheduled by 07/08/2018 for M/s ASR Mult metals ht Ltc,


Kindlyinclude the same in MOM


Hasmukh Vora


Typewritten Text

Fwi Regarding the Pub‖ c hearing Of ASR Multimetals Pvt Ltd′ Kutch

RaJesh4 V Patel(GoG^GPCB Dept)

Tue 8′′2018 1030 AM

:`Kanu B CI)aし dhal(GoC―GPC3 Depl)く rO-9pc)‐ ktite@9ularat,OVin)'

0 1 3118Chrrent,(41う K3)

ASR lvlu timeta s Pvt ttd tetter 06 03 2018 ptl`

From: Rajesh4 V Patel(Goc,6pcB Dept.)S€fi: 07 Auglst 2018 07:00To: Prafullkuma.2 J Vachhani(GoG-GpCB Dept.); prafullkumar3 j Vachhani(GoG-GpCB Dept.)Srbiect: Fwi Regarding the Public hearing ofASR Multimetals pvt l-td, Kutch

Sent from my Huawei Mobile

- - Original Message ---..Subject: Regarding the Public hearing of ASR Mu16metals pvt Ltd, KutchFrom: Hasmukh VoraTo: "Rajesh4 V Patel(GoG-GPC8 Dept.),,CC: "(anu B Chaudhari{GoG-GPCB Dept.),, ,ms-gpcb ,collector-kut

Dear Sir,(indlv find th€ attached file for the purpose of Public Hearin8which is to be scheduled byoT/08/2018 for M/s AsR Muttimetats FM Lrd, xurlh.Kindly includethe same 1n MOM.


て,■●t t attt,

マtt,iⅢ(lt u・ll● tゼ t,

り〕ZtrIIε l`|`,し 1コ|(,



t‐tt・ :0●``セ

CI■ 71ll l


Regiona1 0fFicer,

Cuiarat PO‖ ution Control Board,

Katira Commelcial Conlplex‐ 1

Near Manglaln Char Rasta.

Sanskar Nagar,Nearincome‐tax Offlce,


tht● 6Ч,1● RЧ性・I‐ 42t art al::御 lγ〕q¬ ttL qに44■ tt it■■■11,■■●1■ νウt■tt

、l・■1■ ■■tqt,‐ t・tl L缶 lπヒ|■ 1■ t tt■ La‐tit l,t33(6),it 17′ C″′cら t●11■ tЧじlttせt虔 l

を■1ょ う・t it 3CtO(1),こ う1111C。 7●・■油山ム・・l‐t att■=二

l■とo■ t・tセ RFtt/`,も tt■ :

A.:.1:t, dtql : oprt5, Grc<ir : :rrr, .o.ttit .{[fra.<t-Z .tL [:ratqr ir.lL i,i i {dar.S .iE tara{i .t.cslc(F-o7. .tL ii".r ir,,rlt ti qtiq tg. ai :,iri :{ruil efi{.r j[r-llt {p[[ r.6d !+: ,.J.

1l 1[',u $r4 {ii[ i:zil rtl arr r:.rri[ rri,uil r-u *ri +r ipL +L diur ',t<eL.i[


2) ■■ta・tt・と 1ヽ・ar2tR・ tl■1■1しとol・4釧 ι・ t礼礼tζ?Lと qι 電 L札・ tt■a乳■tζ ?

ira izcj lura,. utueL rri rat'l! rl?

3) `‐``′

l・lq Ⅲだt■‐`よ

qイt=豪14● 4t襲■■1に、14■nl■ lntヽ l■i‐lq

r<ihor,. .iilltt -i.l .trq MOM ri t ..il.

4) :il■・Jこれ11'1=Ч・ti lγ 2れ'L`

lI F・I■,lЧ`1lt a七

41● |・|■ 1ヽ1■th■ atit,

.ir.ila. aar ,<ii."/i ir.ita MoM lii tt.it.

5) i rit ti. r{r ?i[ (i,rd ,r{ 1 }.-,r-r [a,.i.{r 4i! aq ,il ;itz,. irilir .{'n.r (it';

,ir ir-il ,,r. tiiu rdt it-a {'r1:,i 4 t114111i1. aar {iir :zar rLL2 ti,q rri-+L,i[ -tL aqt]t

,r"rn--L MOM qiIr1L

6) '1 iizr- (F,ri.44 q.,- i?t'4 .,r-r: ,ir:,rl.r) 4.'-, 't ! 9 r , i'r lt 3 l(,,t) k',("t1:_q 14 re1-2 .t ,larz ltil lr.i \rr.i aqu.ir;la MOM qi t!.it.

7 ) Kindly provid e the data tbr the existing plart for the period of lan-201B to lul-2018 for the consunlption of water in MLD issued from the6ujarat Water Infrastructure Lin)ited.

z Also include the copy of month-wise paynlent to the GWIL.

Bl Be pleased to disclose the list wilh designatior of Fire-Fighter'pelsonnei dcployed by the employer.

9J Be pleased to disclose the name of Factory lvledical Officer deployedby the employer.

101 MoEF, Regional Otfice, Bhopal has issued compliance report videdated 07 /07 /2015.

K:nd:y provide the compliance report.

Place : Surat

Date | 07 /OB/201a

llasmukh Vora


(Gujarati to English Translation- C-Q-9)

Hasmukh Vora,

25, Gopinath Soc.,

Chaparabhatha Road, Amroli,

Surat, 394107

Ph. No.: 07990264252


Regional Officer,

Gujarat Pollution Control Board,

Katira Commercial Complex-1

Near Manglam Char Rasta,

Sankar Nagar, Near Income-tax Office,

Bhuj – 370001

Sub.: Comments on M/ s. ASR Multimetal Pvt. Ltd. Environmental Public Hearing

Under the above subject matter, It is to inform you sir that the Government that Ministry of

Environment, Forest and Water Change, Government of India, New Delhi, Notification No. SO 1533

(E), dated 14/09/2006 and the amended number SO 3067 (E), dated 01/12/2009 Environmental

hearing on the expansion of proposed plant by M / s. ASR Multimetal Private Limited, Village:

Chhadwada, Taluka: Bhachau, District: Kutch Held on 07/08/2018. We are about to present our

written comments.

1) Working in a factory for a longer time, tell the type of disease that a person is likely to suffer


2) How many accidents have occurred in the existing plant? How many people have died? How

much compensation has been given?

3) Copy of the Closure Notice given to the existing unit of the company from the Office of

Industrial Safety and Health, in the MOM.

4) The Show cause notice and Closer Noticeissued by Gujarat Pollution Control Board in the

MOM of the remaining units of the Company.

5) If the closure notice received from the pollution control board for the remaining unit from

the start of the company, then how the company got the revoke thatinformation. And put all

the papers in the MOM of the procedure done for the revoke.

6) According to Section 33 (A) of The Water (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act, 1947,

put all the notice received to the existing plant in the MOM.

7) Kindly provide the data for the existing plant for the period of Jan-2018 to Jul-2018 for the

consumption of water in MLD issued from the Gujarat Water Infrastructure Limited.

� Also include the copy of month-wise payment to the GWIL.

8) Be pleased to disclose the list with designation of Fire-Fighter personnel deployed by the



9) Be pleased to disclose the name of Factory Medical Officer deployed by the employer.

10) MoEF, Regional Office, Bhopal has issued compliance report vide dated 07/07/2015.

Kindly provide the compliance report.

Place : Surat

Date : 07/08/2018

Hasmukh Vora


att?ft? t-rlqnll:-

at{lu:-a'l- a.- r-

.rrllo d qlord rdr,

{. au ots<tst,dr. orur6(s.o)

ec?v3 1ZoUl

コrd』 ,

、ス )

l. arior,

fUorq, ttrrollt<l ala ux'l 1l,l Blsqlsl al rdlrr ui O1a altotdq!o(d ur<fl 4 utell atotur uu i....

ue'i otut6 dr(tatdt ,tttt otsqtstdl rllaai ail oiolr ror, de'gl Eser

?-ro-uc- <rtr uil 'ior'r ros, delc Eszr t-st-oo qtsfl icll"ll tll"r qrrdl*

dli. qrr{l xrdl4dt ut Oari.fl r,lXri {.in.arrr. ae{l lecr vr.dl. iq"flurQcr D.

d.e)$.urr. aedl lect vt.c{|. lltt ?dllqlldil ll*atrni gu t u-5uet

*.o,ri u,.Il'ioq B. iotr stlel ztattt iara'i iJlh lerear u?lol Ed rd A'

",,';ra q,., ti*r m grtstu) ols'ttui qt'{l reqt -8, ui ur qrtstul "ttsrrul ur rrllaat utao{l 1e-tcat u?lol qd 'licr B, ui irat 4trt ul gxlslr'il,iin' r'.'"i1"i 4rd 8", a 6ct qtrai crt'll rat 6ot'i vrs urrd Eer arq E,

ori a"ri i, gr,tt ar rirr:) ql 6o) ur* vgu) vet utd qtsat atll <ri vdlar*ni

"io,a iri rE.{l " aell. ut gatst ai trre) uutrt utx"tt 5i vet

,qra ar r'lril etA<r O. ul l4lstr Stefcr vet ztt utO rg rltr d.

iat q'iut*tt at lq erhrrtd uatlt al'iJl atgai utlcr q'isrtai iuolto,., ,,i o,

".rri oa urtot vtu0 q'isrtai staqtui r'rrQ

-8, oli ul urtq vtefl

li,rrrr Oarhi ot?td rrdt mfla dl 1el<at u) vts "fl auar riael vu'l "tttutqqd ,ra(r 0.

ut ottqi urr'li ur iuo{l vri uefl <tr ll6utai r?tr, vi6 iu'l uat{lsldqpr qra aqti Oat olell. utdl ut ottoti q']'q ittfqtdl aqt urt{l ar ztrtB.

rtfser urEq,s<)sz? li{l qY,$a-5?,tr.

Itrrq :-

l\stet ,-

r) idrot u <tqt z-u at 6antzl'l

r) l3lscr gtdcr dl arcr

(r) uguer fari>rer ot'14,

sur [\cr:r,gt-84{,

urr{l arc{lCl"fl Octl"fl r{laJl olgri utlcrel.*a.urr. rc-{l lzn vr.c{1, dqnll (ttt srqtrtiutdl rEct vsuur orrot<t.


q'lrq uotrr,ll ulett ao,

"`″`4つ “


Typewritten Text
Annexure C-Q-10

.><'..' ou?a ltgteGovdr'.nod o{ lndis


i* n r! Dos o:ro:,,,r6s


qt?-I r,{ttlt?, qt{ rlilctrrt


i{L ?.ltzr l..li{€ r,{lulutql f .iU 1 l!.Unique ld€dirrcelion Althonty oi lndra

]Fnd. Ada orerd x.."dr'.

,'o,,6 cnnrts. o,a ]roro

55881961 7212


rr ltlJ l{ao. No. :

lmnl'lrlon :

鳥!ξ甜密へnirθrp 0Age 48 Y sex F


Phone i::!:1:,ξ


Date l ′′/1/'ノ

∈CC No ″`'


Consultant Physician

斗←RAJKOtt CANCER SOCIETY→ 姜Sllrcc N P Canccr lnstitutc

Shrec G TShcth Callcer Hospital

_ ‐ ANDVR Dcsal Canccr Rcscarch Ccntrc

Snlt A:lilabcn Kantilal Kothan Callccr Chikitsa BIlavan,

1,Tirupati Nagar・ Opp Nillllala Convcnt School,RaJkot 360 007






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◎ISO,001 2001



Reg No


/t r.lvanced Lab sgstemsIkshar Houscl SouihwnS lo2, rnnFl@L RajOUt Pra itu.n nod,

N.ar ahlr Kh$r Chowk, S.jkd 360@l T02312227117

H IIlllllllll cil)J'″ / 7(- . ' )(-er: 1'051000466

:Amlben Nag3bhJ Mata A3● ハ ex:43 Ycars/F


: NATHALAt,AR〔 KH CANC[R〔 NSTruI RttKOr 982569`=3] 02812S12326

Colected :16,Иav 201,11:05

ReceiVed 1 16 Mav 2017 11:05


2d :16 Mav 2017

0,olo91(ill Rrfe c,ce lnte,v,|

Prin'ary Sample Typc :

T3 - Tn-rodothyroninel

TSH Ultro― Thyrold stimulatin9 HormOne o 648

′イe″ ,Od i Ct′4 t_

力str●●le″ =3算盤霧規留路α。・″4



0,,‐ 4 78

Sample stat(,s: sample received from n。 。‐o8PL D● At S iocat。 ,is Ourlab w‖ 1 0c respOn,|lle o、 ly for t,c an口 lytita1 1,■ ,1

Ctr&.lsllo{b Uie

Pr.g n..., Rer€ cE. R.ns. Tr rri.aoddhyontr ra.Thybi..




6.90 L__-


2“ T― ste,

084 213●υ耐 '0 147り ′`[102 261■


70 147●91dし

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(1lt,′ 11,1

ISH Thγ 7●

`s師●hJ● 9H。 _●●0

020‐ 470。 lul悧

030 4 ,O olty●|

040 270 olu′ ml議服窯:.。.ぉぃE認∝●」爵f糧写lm。,.畿tW翌1■










xor@r rhyrord rurcrion (Eu,orhyroidt


Saco.d.ry Hypanhroidism

No4 rhyro'dJ hes. (NTD,subcLnrcrr









..-----End Ol R.po.r-----..- IhB ir an dertronrcaly althenbot.d Epdr. G€neBted : l6.tlay-2017 l2j05

Or Jav ParlkhMD `M(r。 〔,o:o9y)

1` ti t■ 1

0i D R RatI,odll l `「 ‐|‐ ,

|11■・Dr K R BhattMD.DNB(Potl,) Dr R V Кhakhar

MD DNB(p.th) Or ]G Bh

a{i .& { ?rt z:@ `趣境,枠躊1瑚酬粘£鵠:」: 轟¨

fi. k Er. m giFd b €ia.E dr r, r.crr., hdo,B rk @id.b dr.d trhC. r, d! mlqlJih iht n e.


呼田 和″ 5sHREE Nぷ器 ぶ 醤「 :淵 憩 :NS■T謂

賜淵 )駕識露


1.■ rupa“ Naga嘔 Opp Nirmala Convent SchoOL RAJKOT-360007

E-mail : vriceeadl@bsnl in, Website : rajkotcancersociety org

agc :

Ref Ay :

Patient Id :

IPD No :

Report Tlm€ :






48 Vears Female

or or manOj mehta



D No e/o cervical lymphadenopathy.

> Both lobes & isthmus olthytoid gland appear enlarged in-size & showirregular nodular outline with lew colloid Lysts n'ithin,

D Great vessels ofneck appear normal.

Y Both parotid & submandibular glands appear normal in size &echotexturc.


`″′″0″″/rJr g″″ι4

Dr.Divya Kantesaria

M D Radiol。 9v

Ccns●′t●at Rodlof● 9おtThanks for Reference.







837+〔 %]109‐ 1%102 1%]48 [%104 [%〕

15/05/2017 10:51:32

Female 8irth: 481Age)

PatentlD 1700566





859-27231 7











[10A3′ uL]



|1lst lD:xs_8001^65755







1 ,Ti.upatinagar, Opp Nirmala Convent School, Raikol

Sample lD




Rer Dr




48 Year(s)

Palrenl lD

Sample Type

Colleclioo Dale

Reg. Dale



15‐ May‐2017

15‐ May_2017

Sr.No. Test Resu t Flag




B‖ rubin TOtal

Bl rubifl D「 ect

B‖ rubin lndirOct



029 mg′dl

031 mg′ dl


000 200 mg′ dl

l100 020 m9′dl

010 0 90 rng′ dl

00 450U′ L


Complerion Dare 15 May-201t 11:37

Noto I Tesls have ben porlormed on iuly aulomalcd anatyzer. EM 2oo Plnt Date 15 1´ ay 2017 11,43 Page l ol,

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Ilcaction レぐtt




lle il blorrti cells


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4ヽonilia ArL I e 'rlSpcInLttozou hl.5 e-''rl

柱、Lら t,n十

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ID ■700566 o3.llS2017 0


Diasnosis :


RC卜 `'|


48 Y Sex 「


I door No t( l< t ra-

Opcrrtion Ik,|n,\c(l :

(lhlcl (loDplain. :

I I/o Fcv.r :_-JUo ('oughIl/1) (lhest PaiD I H,ro Brealhl

H/o Sputum

cssncss:_H′ O COll、 ulsio11:

P`lst 1lh、 cssi TB′ DM ′l itr′ :HD′ JAUN DiCr′ c()PD/cヽ し、

Thyroid / Erilcpsy :

r'.,\, ( 'pcrJr,o,, AnJc.ri!\ir L- q \-] lr h q^ {-

1)Rtl(;iliヽ ]()itヽ



IJuilt : \* I

Scicm: P`

■tcth: 0

Nails :

Tnsmus: ・0


l Ni

Paticnrs Phvsical status′ 、sA C'

PRE OPERATIVE ADVICEl. Nill by Mouth fiom I t0:00 p nr.2- Pleasc take written coDscnr :

卜ヽヽ I::ヽ lI(「ヽ′、、1:ヽ ′、1,()ヽ ヽ






vtrAl. t>A.t A t4LTemp.: A,/ "6:

Pulse 7, /MinB・

mm Ы ‖8lR R: ′J ′M11

R'卜 ‐ 卜 ●K~~う ち 。レヨ

?-ar"e,4r "e!-J \ trar-.^e-.d

な ぃ ヽ.


Date l1



Sisn. Nuse :

lNVitヽ 11`:Al:(,Nヽ

l il,lo ヽ

131t力 じn'`

S. ( rdxrrnu,c q q,iRl'S iυ ユ´う 1■ ,s

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|マ “

レ“口“″^sHREE NATttλ

Ⅲ ぶ :長]翠 鷲[I NsT「 u提

いう5占2“ 拉 ■

SHREE CULABCHAND TALAKCHAND SHETH CANCER HOSPITALSmt Anilaben Kantilal Kothari Cancer Chikitsa Bhavan,

'1, Tirupati Nagar, Opp. Nirmala Convent School, RAJKOT - 360 007.

E-mail : vrdceeadl @bsnl.in, Website : rajkotcancersociety.org



i\ornrul LV siz.e unl s)'stolic frurction.Owrull I-VE l' 64".No RWMALV Diostolic funclion is nornrul.R l, Rl urc ttrtnn in si:r.RVSP: 14 mtn HG , No TR , No PAH.All t,oh,cs urc ttormal.No clot, thntnhus, cffusion.



′ο″JVο R NMA.ドOrD4r/:

( M.D. Medicinc )

ζ 、

Licence.No. : GB/158and lssue Report . . a

Patant Name .

H6tiH :

AFnding Consullant :



Ward / Be{ No..

lssuo No.

48 00 Y Female PatientlD: 2125



L No 2125 PATIENT A30 1

1Ssue Date′ ■me



B4 Ve



B +ve12′05′2017 09:45:AM

Request DaO′ Tmel

Request Type l

11′05/201706i33:58 PM

Date&T,me Done by


∪nI No

Se9ment No


03897′ 17R0225013

Tapp ●1

Exp Dl

Crossmatch DetaitCOmp



Rmarks r anソ :


Gmlnl 1)SooErnldffs are notdelecled b, lhe Eslcanied oLrl like window period infeclions, occult inleclions & in,eclion due io rare varianls,

1l :ffltr:.T: ::T TL.l F rrly br_d W q"{ bank excepl in cenein cqlditrons. 3) Btoodrcomponenh jssued only atler vhud inspecrion4, ts€IolB 0lo0(' llihslu$m malcn all lhe inlomelon o{ oalenl wrlh crossmato tepon & un -lab€r. 5) Btood/componenr shoutd not be used it here i; any s,g. ot

H*:P-*.11-Y..1lM:r:o' 7) use $e.re tdnslusion sd *rn r'rr"i orp.p",riL"iri rr,u,"o[ni s) rn case or any srn srop rne rransir:sirr-morm ne pnygoon am tn€ d6d bank immedialetv.WB/RCC ' ' MdnEn ropefcdd cnam Empera;re dudng transpo.tauol (2'c lo 10. c )edstoragq2. c rc6. c). . Erjng lhe unil al oom temgature beto.et'ans[6in. - . SlEle g€fiy bero.e us€. . C.o.npEE rranstu$or] *rr,ii I h*o d"*r._""

-Pl&|.!:a o(r€ is$€d,Ila1slus€ as €ary & possble _.. Nevfl retng€rale or,reeze o aatetets can be givat acrcs ,ABO,

systenFFP : . Trrrdrro as.ely as 06stL. prclerabaty within t hou,s o Once ta*et Ao not,e,reeze. " \ - -*..




16′ 04′2017






Compatb e


11′05′201706i47 PM

l1705′201706 47 PM



Red Cross Bu‖ ding,lst Floor,Suchak Road

Nr Kundaliya CO‖ege,Ralkot‐ 1(Gularat)

No : +9'l-281-2466260 I 2920S4S Emergency No. : +91_990_9695100


Licence No. : GB/158

AMIBEN N MATAAge/Gender: 48.00Y Female patien D : 2125


2125 PATIENT A80 1

硼脚脚‖ⅧⅧ‖Ⅲ Issue Date′ T,me




B ,ve11′05′20,7 07:00:PM

Ward / B€d tlo.:

lssue No. :



Request Dale / Time:

Request Type i

Crossmalch Delail










05′20170613358 P

Done by


28′ 05′2017







1′057201706 47 PM


ハヽPatent′%b,ve SOnature

Signalure (PREMILA)





輌a m ttШ ttberore

臨 鮮

9 Va.… ABOヽγ輸

― ―




N" レ __. . ling,lst F:。。r,suchak Road

Licence N。 GB/158●● ● omponen

Patieni Name l


Allendmg Consullanl l


NCER HOsRttL― RAJ」 1lry_Ilglare patient ro: 212s

● ● ●

Age′ cen僣:

Ward′ Bed No「

ISSue No :




Dale & Iirne D00e by


lSSue Date′ ■me:‖‖‖‐‖‖||‖

旦 +Ve13/o5/2o17 04 091PM

Requesl Dale / .l.ilne


REuesl Type :

Crossmitch trebjJ











PREMILスRema“ s,F._ny, /


Pate■ Rea,ve sona“ に


げ ■



― ―

丁unI No Tapp. Dt.



レ鷺 %5/1716′04ノ2017




Patient iDl1 700566


13/05/2017 10127:47

Femaie 3irth: 481Age)





296 1%]


829 _ 〔fL〕26 9 1pg]324 1g′ dL]252 1l oA3′ utl502 〔fL]174+〔%l109 〔fL〕10 7 1fL〕

288 [%l027 1%〕

1198+ [l oA3′ uL]084- 140A3/uL]002 [l oA3/uLI031 〔l oA3/uLI0 03 1l oA3/uL〕







lnst lD:xs_800iA65755





1 .Trrupalrnagar, Opp Nrrmala Convent School. Ralkot

Sample lD




R€f. Dr




48 Yea「(s)

Patieni iD

Sample Type

Collection Date

Reg. Date



13 May 2017

13‐ May-2017

Sr No Test Flag

B‖ i「ubin Total

B‖irubin Di「 ect

B“ i「ubin lndirect


064 mg/dl

032 mg/dl


140 υ′L

000 200 mO′dl

T 000‐ 020m97dl

010‐ 090 mg′dl

00‐ 450U′L




Com●elon Date 13 May 2017 12 04

Nole Tesls have bean pcrlormed on lully automaled analy2e. . EM 200 P●nt Date 13 May 2017 12 1l P39e 1 0:1





RAJKOT CANCER SOCIETYShree N P Cancerinsttute Shree G T She:h Cancer rbsptal

lT,upa10agar Opp N,`malo Coovent School Ralko1 360 007 Phooe 2582326727



Reponot Vr\"l'IAge/Sex 48 (Fl



Serum Sodium

Serum Potesium

' Serum Chlonde





m Eq′ L 135‐ 148

m Eq′L 35‐ 53m Eq′し 98‐ 107


Nors: hdMdual r.boratory rnvesl€alons ale never conclueve bel shoold be us€dabngw h televad cld'c'll'ndmgs and olher neesl€alo's lo

i"jr,i". rra o,ig-"" Th;,esox;oIa rao nvesnsaron are dep€ndenl on lh€ assav p'oc€dure us€d 'nd

are slot6d lo ns hmianons


RAJKOT CANCER SOCIETYTrtst Lcgd. No.: I_t,I. Rrjkot-

Shrcc N.P. Crncer I.stiiutc, Shr.. G.T. Shttt Crnccr Hospil't &Smt. v.R D.sii Crnc.r Rs'ercl C'trtr'

Convent School R11。 1-3`0つ 071

Far:(0281) 25827?5

Date ofrccciving 03/05/2017

Datc ofrerrorliig 10′ 05ノ2017


Nanrc AMIBEN NACABHAI MATAAgc/Sexllill ii0

clinicalIう ,Consultant I/C1」 (ン 171RlIP no869/1718Section no.

Site of biopsy Ccrvical growth of uterus.

Cross乳網淵電:f疏 “


Microscopy ll&ll stained sections studied sl

in glands along with malignantcnlarged, hyperchromatic and

eosinophilic to pale vacuolatedinflammation.

ts measuring 1.5 x o.Bcm in aggregate-

show malignant epithelial cells arrangedsquamous component. These cells havepleomorphic nucleus with abundant

cytoplasm. l'he stroma shows moderatepleomorphic nucleus with abundant

or. RJkesh Dha

Assistant Pathologist cyneac llistoPathologYConsultant Pathologist

NOT〔 :The above resu t,are Sublo(tto Varatわ o,doe tO tech■ 1● l limitation`he● re“"費

ぬtiOn wth`inical● =ditt and otheri●vest蟷 ュ:o●






Bleeding time, Clotting time & Blood group Report(Pathology Department)

Opp. Nirnala Convenr Schoot, Rqik,,t-1OOOOZPhi 2 0^ 2582326 2582327 F ,58,775

Patient ID lマ 00'CC′ヽ η ちヽcぃ Oヽαo Ьlno、 田ataName

Agc/ SexSample CollectionDatc 31,11■


≡硫 温 平呼 :Clottins'[-intc- つ Minutc ムo second {Jpto 9 rnins







Agcr ScrSample Collection

RA,IIく()1(:` (ヽlt iく ``'(lr l l

3151′ 千



l) rtc

-I'osts Ilcsrrlls N ormal range

HIV人品bjtti罵 雨 J扁〕d百雨 2 語:■ilttπttNst而蒟


県 1業¶ 凛

]駆濡 を 1_Aば 脚 W ЧmメC“

嗣 Cm

いlot ______― ――~~―~~ ~~~~~~ ~

AllStl‐ alia Antigc■ :満 締 繊 (薫下― ―― ―



8Tl‖「 ∬ 露 駐


川 l rca“ vc Samメ CS ShOdd bC

cOn5日ncdly lΨ l■lp型り工SL_______― ―~~

l'r'othrttntbin'I inlr:

lc:1( (rtlllol

Iilt io

l Nll` ヽ



卜 〇

n with clinicnl

l nl.,r:. dr,o u'he' "r\<'rrfJrr''r 'h^"r'l r"'Jur (

. la,rt) 5 A("




1.T rupalinagar Opp Nrrmala Convenl School, Rajkol

Sample lD




Ref Dr




43 Vear(S)

Palient lD

Sample Type

Colleclion Date

Reg Date




03 1И ay_2017

Sr No Test Rosun Flag



Random Blood Sugar

Blood Urea

Serum Crealinine

1027 mg′ dl

234 m9′ dl

099 m9′dl

740-1000 mO′ dt

150‐ 430 mg′ dl

060-120 m9′dl

Compleri@ Dare 03-May-:,O17 1.! 48

Note r Tests hare been perlormed on rulty automated analyze.: EM 2OO Pant Date 03 May 2017 14 1● 6 Pag0 1 o千 1


/ 員3Υ;::3PDヽ″



Pat entlD 1700566


03′05′2017 1518:59

sex: Female Birthi 48(Age)



‐ I%]‐

[fL]‐ Ipg]









110A3′ uL〕










Inst lD:xs_300A65755




itA.;K()1(Aヽ (lt iく St'(lLlヽ1!‖ 、{lt t■ tI No:[111、 RH,ム

`tヽ (て ヽ l.(■ ぃ、t l‖、 oに h`「tt(; | hヽtthく ontci H・ Pヽ'い |ヽ

1ヽ11 ヽlt i)(、 ti( 11!〕 ((l lくでヽ ctl rt'| ( t i111(

l'llrcnl ll)

\!. \. \

\.rrrllri. ( tili.cl (,Ll

I r LL l' N.urr. ()lft, Nimrhla ConleD( School. IR11ヽ 01 360(X'7

Ph: 2573136 268 2582327 Fax 1)2582775

1 110。 アヽ `


'I csts l{csulls1)IIヽ lヽ( LヽI:ヽ rヽ 1ヽ1ヽ FヽI()ヽ

Volu me o 'nr I

Ilansprrlcnl{cact ion

Colourl)cnos it

(lHI]ヽ‖(ALI:A lburr in

Bile Pigmcnts1311cヽ alts

lヽl(lR()ヽ (()PI( liXA卜lINA‐I10Nl{ctl blootl ee llslll,ithclial ccns

A nrolphoLrs clepositTrichomonas

( rr stals

ll acl c-ria

PLrs cellsYcitst cclls

Mon iliacrnnalozoa


NlLrc us 十

に憔 n

\(lTL. I r(,th,,\. .\r r\,1 ( \r h.J rr' r,!, ll (nsLt,,( rot.rhnicrt l, r,r.r ,,u,t,"n.,.*l"rur,,rrt,.t,,rU


lrf ),\j1 1 trotr:.\ql(|′ らノ |¬






Fax:(p231)2582775 RA」 KOT CANCER SOClETY PhOne(0201)2573136


SHREE CULABCHAND TALAKCHAND SHETH CANCER HOSP:TALSmt Ani:aben Kanti:a!Kothari Cancer Chikitsa Bhavan,

1, lirupati Nagar, Opp. Nirmala Convent School, RA.TKOT - 360 007'

E-mail : [email protected], Website : raikotcancersociety.org

Patient rd: 17● 0566

1PD No: 0

RePort Date: 04/05/2017

RepOrt rine: 16135


48 Ycars Female





Techniq ue:l'lat nDl t,.! no" r Dk ..rtdt td,^ Ji thc d.lo"t v.re p.4btrtut v h5 n orut nro.topttit r..rto"s ot iitx ts.dn,.r l\)s1 t.hhnst o\,(t.t \ o! tak n * nh i nn slic. thi.*a$ dntt a.9 r?d dato r,u\ r.rndt!.d ol nrtnt,l. tkh.\


FINDINGS:-A well defincd inhomogcnaousll enhoncing htpodensa moss of size oppro-t6.3x.1.5x4.3 c'm is tr<ttad orising lrom lhe cen'i-r.This nruss is causittg invtsion of the upper l,/3rd ofvagino.Anteriorl-y il is abuttitU! the poslerior wo!l of'udjacent urinary blotlder,inytsion is lass likel)..A lugc nohothiotr Jblliclc o! siza 27x20 nur is troted in the posterior lip of( f/l'l:\'.No c/o c.\lansiot, oJ t,tuss inh the cither side of paronrclriuru.Pelic side u'olls oppcar nonnal.No e/o exlcrnal contpression or invasion of either urelers.

LIVER,l yelt clefi4e! nypqlqryg !9qiory of sizc oppro.r 7.2x6.4 cm is noted in rhcseg.nrent VII of right lohc of livcr-Posl controst stud! shov's noduhr dystontineous peripherol enhoncementwith centripetol in fillitrg in the deloyetl phnsc of images.16 /o-s!!!41gJ!sJlt9!!t!!ts!e!! u.is normal in size, contour, a enuation and enhuncement pattern.No intrahepatic biliary dilatation. pV and CBD appear)tormol.Gall bladder is well distended. No peri gall blacliir collection. No calculi.Spleen is normal in size, shape, contour, attenuation an<j enhancementpaltern. No focal lesions.Poncreas is nonnql in size. shape, contour, attenuation and enhancementpattern. No focal lesions.

υ231)2582775 RA」 KOT CANCER SOCIETY PhOne:(0281)2573136


SHREE GULABCHAND TALAKCHAND SHETH CANCER HOSPiTALSmt ′、nHaben Kantilal Kothari Cancer Chikitsa Bhavan,

1,■rupal Nagar.Opp Nirmala Convent School,RA」 KOT‐ 360007E―ma‖ :v「dceeadl@bSni n,Webshe:ralkotcancersociety org

Patient Namc: Mrs A“ IBEN NACABHAl MATA

Age: 48 Years Fefi,● le


InWard No: 43526

Patient ld: ェアoo566

1PD No: o

Report Date: 04/05/2017

RepOrt Time: 16135

Btlh the kidne.l's are ttorDui in size, shapc. ct)nk) r, altenuation.ulcl.nhantemott petlenr A'o calculi or hydtortapltnt; i.t.Afol densil-y lesion of size 10xI0 ntm is,nta in thc lrostcrior q)rte.)c ofinterpolor ragion of rigltt kidnc), likely lilxttua.('otttrust opacifiecl hotrcl loops ot.a norn?ql in dfienuatiotl.A lcft connrcn iliac l.1'nqthnotlc nrcasuring 9-rS nrm is noled.Ilrintr-l: blotttlcr is r;.ell distendcd. Normal. No intraluninal /illing defects.llterus - Bod.y, of uterus isbulkt,tn ontcrionn).ontctriat fihroid of size t7xt6mm is rtotad, ET-9 nuu.Bollt ovuri?s.trc tlontul in d cru!u/iott uncl attltctttccD.k,tlt p.l crnNo cvitlentt' o/ fi-ec.fltrit! in peritoncal urit,,,.


ful:!,rroS:,r":lr!t!! enhonci4g rttuss itrvolvin11 thc ccrli-t und uppcr l,/3rd ofvoBind os drs<.rihad ohora I' Molignant.

S ug g est ed h i stopa th o I o gi col co rre ! o t i o n.

Snrull lefl conmrcn iliac 1.1'mplt1111de.

A lorge liter lesiort vith crthtutccnrcnt feotures s/o cot'ernous hocnmngionut.

-EDr. Divya Kantesaria

M O Radiolo9v


d′ο′o91stThanks for Rcfercn.e.

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(Gujarati to English Translation- C-Q-10)


Nagabhai Vajubhai Mata,

Resident At Village Chhadvada

Tal. Bhachau (Kutch)

Date / /2018

Mob. No. 99253 18051


(1) Collector (2) Pollution Control Board

Collector Office Bhuj Kutch Department

Bhuj-Kutch Bhuj-Kutch

Sub : Pollution created by A.S.R. Multimetals Pvt. Ltd. in our ownership agriculture land

Respected Sir,

With Jay Bharat state that it is humble request of Nagabhai Vajubhai Mata, resident of

Village Chhadvada and farmer.

I am holding agriculture land bearing Survey. No. 402, admeasuring Hectare 2-40-79 and

Survey No. 403, admeasuring Hectare 2-32-70 in Village Chadvada, Taluka Bhachau. Near our

agriculture land is A.S.R. Multimetals Pvt. Ltd. company.

A.S.R. Multimetals Pvt. Ltd. is doing pollution in nearby areas, due to which our agriculture

land quality is getting bad. This company is releasing poisonous smoke, and due to this smoke

cultivation quality of this land is spoiling. And due to this smoke getting attached to standing crops,

these crops are getting spoiled. And due to this some animals are also not able to eat this standing

crop, then how can we eat the same. Due to this smoke nearby farmers are also facing disease of

breathing. Copy os medical file is submitted herewith.

Also during monsoon season in pond nearby our agriculture land garbage and waste water

is dumped by them, and as this waste water is filled in our agriculture land quality of land and

cultivation is completely destroyed.

In this regard we have many times made submissions to company, but they are not taking

into consideration any matter. So in this matter requested to do needful proceedings.

Yours faithfully

With expectation to get proper co-operation

Nagabhai Vajubhai Mata

Encl :

1. Village Form No. 7 and 8-A

2. Copy of Medical File

or?doud oaroroud 6ss?ftz'lquadr ior{l

nur6 <r r<1sr iu rrr.r

u)Qa r ru, rrrga)u, rrerrJl [\tcr:, otnr6-cro. n). ezrr{t ueerrEmail : [email protected]

t. J.

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(Jtl(l(rl IJtrr'loqarat Jot

r0 oi G drgll liulad

'orrd ossr


Typewritten Text
Annexure C-Q-11

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