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MGG5972Managing organisational change

Unit Guide

Semester 2, 2014

Copyright © Monash University 2014. All rights reserved. Except as provided in the Copyright Act 1968,this work may not be reproduced in any form without the written permission of the host Faculty andSchool/Department.

The information contained in this unit guide is correct at time of publication. The University has the rightto change any of the elements contained in this document at any time.

Last updated: 25 Jul 2014

Table of ContentsMGG5972 Managing organisational change - Semester 2, 2014...........................................................1

Mode of Delivery..............................................................................................................................1Workload requirements....................................................................................................................1Unit Relationships............................................................................................................................1


Chief Examiner(s)........................................................................................................................................1Campus Lecturer(s).....................................................................................................................................1

Gippsland.........................................................................................................................................1Your feedback to Us....................................................................................................................................1Previous Student Evaluations of this Unit....................................................................................................2

Academic Overview...................................................................................................................................3Learning Outcomes.........................................................................................................................3

Unit Schedule.............................................................................................................................................4Teaching Approach..........................................................................................................................5Assessment Summary.....................................................................................................................5

Second marking...................................................................................................................5Return of final marks............................................................................................................5Assessment criteria..............................................................................................................5

Assessment Requirements......................................................................................................................6Assessment Tasks...........................................................................................................................6

Assessment task 1...............................................................................................................6Assessment task 2...............................................................................................................6Assessment task 3...............................................................................................................6

Learning resources......................................................................................................................................6Feedback to you..........................................................................................................................................7Extensions and penalties.............................................................................................................................7Returning assignments................................................................................................................................7Referencing requirements...........................................................................................................................7Assignment submission...............................................................................................................................7

Hard copy submission.....................................................................................................................7Online submission...........................................................................................................................7Prescribed text(s) and readings.......................................................................................................7

Other Information......................................................................................................................................8Policies............................................................................................................................................8

Graduate Attributes Policy...................................................................................................8Student Charter...........................................................................................................................................8Student services..........................................................................................................................................8Monash University Library...........................................................................................................................8Moodle 2......................................................................................................................................................8Disability Liaison Unit..................................................................................................................................9

MGG5972 Managing organisational change - Semester 2, 2014

Examines change management from both theoretical and practical perspectives. Theory relating toemployee responses to change and promoting readiness for change. Organisation Developmentincluding characteristics of OD, process models, role of the practitioner, interventions; Organisationaltransformation including nature and characteristics, models, strategic change leadership and capability.

Mode of Delivery

Gippsland (Off-campus)

Workload requirements

Minimum total expected workload equals 144 hours per semester

Unit Relationships


Students must be enrolled in one of the following courses: 0105, 3164, 2099, 1822, 1679, 3848, 2778,1741 or seek approval from the Chief Examiner before undertaking this unit


MGX9720, MGX5972, MGG9720

Chief Examiner(s)

Professor Philip Taylor

Campus Lecturer(s)


Professor Philip TaylorCampus: Monash Off-CampusEmail: [email protected]

Your feedback to Us

Monash is committed to excellence in education and regularly seeks feedback from students, employersand staff. One of the key formal ways students have to provide feedback is through the StudentEvaluation of Teaching and Units (SETU) survey. The University’s student evaluation policy requires thatevery unit is evaluated each year. Students are strongly encouraged to complete the surveys. Thefeedback is anonymous and provides the Faculty with evidence of aspects that students are satisfiedand areas for improvement.


For more information on Monash’s educational strategy, see:

www.monash.edu.au/about/monash-directions/ and on student evaluations, see:www.policy.monash.edu/policy-bank/academic/education/quality/student-evaluation-policy.html

Previous Student Evaluations of this Unit

If you wish to view how previous students rated this unit, please go tohttps://emuapps.monash.edu.au/unitevaluations/index.jsp

MGG5972 Managing organisational change - Semester 2, 2014


Academic Overview

Learning Outcomes

The learning goals associated with this unit are to:

recognise the challenges and issues arising out of organisational change initiatives1. recall various change models and frameworks, their foundations and relative strengths andweaknesses


apply change models and concepts to real-life organisational change3. identify the skills and abilities required to be an effective change agent4. develop reflective and evaluative skills as a change agent.5.


Unit Schedule

Week Activities Assessment

0 No formal assessment or activities areundertaken in week 0

1 INTRODUCTION TO MANAGING CHANGE Unit text Ch. 1. Burnes (2009), pp.328-355. Cooper Jackson, (2006), pp.1-12. Jick & Peiperl,(2011).

2 OD AS PLANNED CHANGE Unit text Chs. 1 (as a review) & 2. Brown& Harvey (2011), pp. 1-29. Dickens &Watkins (1999), pp. 127-140.Cooperrider & Sekera (2006).


Unit text, Ch. 3. Burke (2011), Ch. 13.Doyle (2002). Caldwell (2003),pp.285-293.

4 OD AS PLANNED CHANGE PROCESS Unit text Ch.5. Fordyce & Weil (2005),pp. 162-174. Palmer et al. (2009), pp.121-158.

5 OD INTERVENTIONS Unit text Chs 5 (as a review), 7 & 8.Burns (2004). Todnem By (2005),pp.369-380. Worley (2003).

6 THE HUMAN DIMENSION OF CHANGE Unit text Ch. 4. Pardo Del Val & Fuentes(2003), pp. 148-155. Coetsee (1999) pp.204-222. Kotter & Schlesinger (2008),pp. 130 -139. Dent & Goldberg (1999),pp. 25-44. Morrison & Milliken (2000),pp.707-725. Erwin & Garman (2010), pp.39-56.

7 THE HUMAN DIMENSION OF CHANGE continued See topic 6

8 MANAGING TRANSITIONS Smollan, (2006) pp. 143-158. Bridges,(2009) Marks, (2007) pp. 721-739. Fordet al. (2008), pp. 262-377. Dirks et al.(1996).


Unit text Chs. 9 & 10. Beer & Nohria(2000), pp. 133-141. Mento, Jones &Dirndorfer (2002). O'Reilly & Tushman(2004), pp. 74-81. Birkinshaw & Gibson(2004), pp. 47-56.

10 STRATEGIC CHANGE INTERVENTIONS Cascio, (2005) pp. 39-50. Schein (2009)pp. 105-122.


Unit text Chs. 9 (as a review) & 6.Carnall (2007). Spector & Davidson,(2006). Senge (1990) Easterby-Smith etal. (2004), pp. 371- 380. Amabile & MuktiKhaire (2008).

12 FUTURE OF CHANGE MANAGEMENT Unit text Ch. 12. Wall & Preston (2010),p.77. Sorensen, et al. (2010), p. 31.Bushe & Marshak (2009), pp. 348-368.



No formal assessment is undertakenSWOT VAC

Examination period LINK to Assessment Policy:http://policy.monash.edu.au/policy-bank/academic/education/assessment/assessment-in-coursework-policy.html

Teaching Approach

MGG5972 is run as an online unit through Moodle.

The Moodle site will provide teaching and learning information to students as well as access to the unitdiscussion board.

Assessment Summary

Within semester assessment: 100%

Assessment Task Value Due Date

Assignment 1 - Essay 30% End of week 6

Assignment 2 - Essay 30% End of week 10

Assignment 3 - Journal: Reflections on Change 40% End of week 12

Second marking

Where an assessment task is given a fail grade by an examiner, that piece of work will be marked againby a second examiner who will independently evaluate the work, and consult with the first marker. Nostudent will be awarded a fail grade for an assessment task or unit without a second examiner confirmingthe result.

Note: Exceptions to this are individual pieces of assessment contributing 10% or less of the final mark,unless the total of such pieces exceeds 30% of the final mark.

Return of final marks

Faculty policy states that 'the final mark that a student receives for a unit will be determined by the Boardof Examiners on the recommendation of the Chief Examiner taking into account all aspects ofassessment'.

The final mark for this unit will be released by the Board of Examiners on the date nominated in theFaculty Calendar. Student results will be accessible through the my.monash portal.

Assessment criteria

Assessment Criteria Grading Descriptors available at:http://www.buseco.monash.edu.au/esg/agu/policies/assessment.html.

Unit Schedule


Assessment Requirements

Assessment Tasks

Assessment task 1

Title:Assignment 1 - Essay

Due date:End of week 6

Details of task:See Moodle site for details.


Estimated return date:3 weeks

Assessment task 2

Title:Assignment 2 - Essay

Due date:End of week 10

Details of task:See Moodle site for details.


Estimated return date:3 weeks

Assessment task 3

Title:Assignment 3 - Journal: Reflections on Change

Due date:End of week 12

Details of task:See Moodle site for details.


Estimated return date:3 weeks

Learning resources

Monash Library Unit Reading List (if applicable to the unit)http://readinglists.lib.monash.edu/index.html


Feedback to you

Types of feedback you can expect to receive in this unit are:

Graded assignments with comments•

Extensions and penalties

Penalties for late lodgement of assignments:For information regarding extensions of time, please refer tohttp://www.buseco.monash.edu.au/student/policy-procedures/special-consideration-student-procedures.html

A maximum penalty of 10 per cent of the mark allocated to this assessment task willbe deducted for each day that the ROC journal is late. Students should note that aweekend is two days and will be treated as such when penalties are calculated.After 10 days late assignments will be accepted but will not be given a mark. Allextensions of time are required to be supported by a Special Considerationapplication – please refer to the relevant section on Special Consideration.Returning assignments

Assignments will be returned within three weeks of the due date or date ofsubmission, whichever is the latter.Referencing requirements

See student Q Manual.

Assignment submission

Hard copy submission

See Moodle site for submission details.

Online submission

See Moodle site for submission details.

Prescribed text(s) and readings

Organisational Change: Development and Transformation - Dianne Waddell, Andrew Creed, Thomas G.Cummings, Christopher G. Worley, CENGAGE, 2014

Assessment Requirements


Other Information


Monash has educational policies, procedures and guidelines, which are designed to ensure that staff andstudents are aware of the University’s academic standards, and to provide advice on how they mightuphold them. You can find Monash’s Education Policies at:www.policy.monash.edu.au/policy-bank/academic/education/index.html

Key educational policies include:

Student Academic Integrity Policy and Student Academic Integrity: Managing Plagiarism andCollusion Procedures ;

Assessment in Coursework Programs;• Special Consideration;• Grading Scale;• Discipline: Student Policy;• Academic Calendar and Semesters;• Orientation and Transition; and• Academic and Administrative Complaints and Grievances Policy.•

Graduate Attributes Policy


Student Charter


Student services

The University provides many different kinds of support services for you. Contact your tutor if you needadvice and see the range of services available at http://www.monash.edu.au/students

Monash University Library

The Monash University Library provides a range of services, resources and programs that enable you tosave time and be more effective in your learning and research. Go to www.lib.monash.edu.au or thelibrary tab in my.monash portal for more information.

Moodle 2

All unit and lecture materials, plus other information of importance to students, are available through thevirtual learning environment Moodle site. You can access Moodle via the my.monash portal.

Where to go for helpIf you're stuck, confused or simply not sure how to approach Moodle, there are a number of Moodleresources that you can tap into.


Disability Liaison Unit

Students who have a disability or medical condition are welcome to contact the Disability Liaison Unit todiscuss academic support services. Disability Liaison Officers (DLOs) visit all Victorian campuses on aregular basis.

Website: http://www.monash.edu/equity-diversity/disability/index.html• Telephone: 03 9905 5704 to book an appointment with a DLO;• Email: [email protected]• Drop In: Equity and Diversity Centre, Level 1, Building 55, Clayton Campus.•

Other Information


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