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International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology (2001), 51, 2211–2219 Printed in Great Britain

New insights into the phylogenetic position ofdiplonemids: GMC content bias, differences ofevolutionary rate and a new environmentalsequence

1 Divisio! n de Microbiologı!a,Universidad MiguelHerna! ndez, 03550 SanJuan de Alicante, Spain

2 Equipe Phyloge! nie, Bio-Informatique et Ge! nome,UMR CNRS 7622, Ba# timentB, 6eme e! tage, Universite!Paris 6, 9 quai SaintBernard, 75252 Paris Cedex05, France

3 Laboratoire de BiologieMarine, UMR CNRS 7622,Ba# timent A, 4eme e! tage,Universite! Paris 6, 7 quaiSaint Bernard, 75252 ParisCedex 05, France

David Moreira,1,2 Purificacio! n Lo! pez-Garcı!a1,3

and Francisco Rodrı!guez-Valera1

Author for correspondence: David Moreira. Tel : ­33 1 44 27 32 53. Fax: ­33 1 44 27 34 45.e-mail : david.moreira!snv.jussieu.fr

The phylum Euglenozoa consists of three distinct groups: the euglenoids,diplonemids and kinetoplastids. The phylogenetic position of the diplonemidswithin this phylum remains unsettled, since both morphological and moleculardata produce weak and contradictory results. It is shown here that taxonomicsampling, GMC content bias, mutational saturation and differences ofevolutionary rate among lineages are major factors affecting the topologyof the small-subunit rRNA euglenozoan tree. When these problems areminimized by using a larger diplonemid sampling (including a sequence ofenvironmental origin) and correcting for GMC bias (by using both paralineardistances or an unbiased dataset), a diplonemidsMeuglenoids sisterhood isretrieved. Bootstrap support for this relationship is still moderate, but it isretrieved by all analysis methods, overcoming previously reporteddisagreements. In addition, the inclusion of a large number of euglenoidsequences in the analysis improves some phylogenetic relationships withinthis group. Some problematic taxa, such as the species Khawkinea quartana,are now placed with high bootstrap support and monophyly is found for twointeresting groups (the photosynthetic genera EutreptiaMEutreptiella and theloricate genera StrombomonasMTrachelomonas), although with weak statisticalsupport.

Keywords : Diplonema, Euglenozoa, molecular phylogeny, environmental sequences,G­C content bias


The diplonemids (containing the genera Diplonemaand Rhynchopus) constitute one of the three maingroups within the phylum Euglenozoa, together withthe euglenoids and kinetoplastids (Cavalier-Smith,1993; Simpson, 1997). Although the monophyly of theEuglenozoa is well established by both structural andmolecular data, the relationships among these threegroups are far from being resolved. All three groups


Abbreviations: BP, bootstrap proportion; COI, cytochrome-c oxidasesubunit I ; LBA, long branch attraction; ML, maximum-likelihood; MP,maximum-parsimony; NJ, neighbour-joining; SSU, small-subunit.

The GenBank accession number for the SSU rRNA sequence of thediplonemid clone DH148-EKB1 is AF290080.

are clearly distinct, but the diplonemids share a numberof characters with both the euglenoids and kineto-plastids, making it very difficult to assess their phylo-genetic position. Both their proximity to the euglenoids(Kivic & Walne, 1984; Willey et al., 1988) and theirstatus as an independent branch (Triemer & Farmer,1991) have been posited on the basis of morphologicaldata. However, morphological features appear to beinsufficient to bear out either of these possibilities.

Recently, molecular data have been used to addressthis problem. Sequences for only two markers, thesmall-subunit (SSU) rRNA and cytochrome-c oxidasesubunit I (COI), are available for the three eugle-nozoan groups. For both markers, maximum-like-lihood (ML) analysis groups the diplonemids andkinetoplastids whereas, in contrast, maximum-par-

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simony (MP) and distance (NJ) analyses favour theassociation of the diplonemids with the euglenoids(Maslov et al., 1999). In all cases, statistical support forthe different trees was very weak [bootstrap pro-portions (BP)! 50% for the nodes concerning therelationships among the three lineages and nosignificant differences between the alternative treetopologies]. This uncertainty probably comes from anumber of factors that affect the particular topology ofthe euglenozoan tree (see Fig. 1). Firstly, taxonomicsampling for the three lineages is unbalanced, es-pecially for the SSU rRNA. Taxonomic sampling is amajor factor affecting the reliability of molecularphylogenies (Lecointre et al., 1993). In the case ofeuglenozoans, the euglenoids are very well sampled,with a large number of sequences covering a widediversity of this group. However, kinetoplastidsequences, although abundant, seem to be less diversein terms of genetic distance, which results in a verylong unbroken branch at the base of this group. Sucha long unbroken basal branch also occurs in thediplonemids, for which, in addition, only two SSUrRNA sequences are available. Secondly, there areimportant differences of G­C content among thethree lineages, notably higher in euglenoids than indiplonemids and kinetoplastids, which can induce theartificial grouping of clades with similar G­C con-tents (see below). Finally, euglenozoans, in particularthe kinetoplastids and some euglenoids, are suspectedto be rapidly evolving organisms (Stiller & Hall, 1999).These differences in sequence richness, diversity, G­Ccontent and evolutionary rate among the three groupsmay induce phylogeny reconstruction artefacts, suchas the long branch attraction (LBA) (Felsenstein,1978), which could explain the instability of theeuglenozoan tree.

It is well known that phylogenetic reconstruction canbe improved by adding diverse sequences to alleviateproblems due to LBA artefacts (Hendy & Penny, 1989;Moreira et al., 1999). In this work, we have re-examined the conflicting phylogenetic position of thediplonemids, improving both the analyses to minimizesources of error (in particular G­C content bias) andthe diplonemid taxonomic sampling. To enlarge thetaxonomic sampling, we propose a new strategy basedon the use of ‘environmental sequences’ (i.e. sequencesamplified directly from the environment). This strategyhas been extremely useful in the analysis of thediversity and phylogeny of prokaryotes (Pace, 1997),but it has only very recently been applied to the studyof eukaryotes, including protists (Lo! pez-Garcı!a et al.,2001; Moon-van der Staay et al., 2001). Diplonemidsappear to be common inhabitants of deep-sea regions,in particular sediment ecosystems (Larsen & Patterson,1990). Recently, we carried out a survey of the protistdiversity existing at 3000 m depth in Antarctic watersusing molecular methods (amplification andsequencing of SSU rRNA genes) and we found asequence that branched close to the diplonemids(Lo! pez-Garcı!a et al., 2001). Phylogenetic analyses

show that this sequence emerges before the two otheravailable Diplonema sequences, therefore being usefulto break the long diplonemid branch. Using thissequence and different strategies to minimize LBA andG­C content bias, we have obtained congruent resultswith all phylogenetic analysis methods (NJ, MP andML), which yield trees where the diplonemids alwaysappear as a sister-group of the euglenoids. Thisrelationship was still supported by moderate bootstrapvalues (but higher than those reported by Maslov etal., 1999) and the preferred topologies were notsignificantly better than the alternatives (diplonemids­kinetoplastids or euglenoids­kinetoplastids assister-groups). However, since all methods give similarresults and our analyses suggest that artefacts such asG­C content bias or LBA are not responsible of thepreferred topology, we favour the phylogenetic pos-ition of the diplonemids as a sister-group of theeuglenoids.


Amplification of diplonemid SSU rRNA sequences from deep-sea samples. In order to characterize the diversity ofplanktonic eukaryotes in the deep ocean, a volume of 20 lseawater from a depth of 3000 m was prefiltered through anylon mesh and filtered through a filter (5 µm pore size) andthe remaining plankton was collected in 0±2 µm Sterivexfilters. After a proteinase K}SDS lysis step, nucleic acidswere extracted from the 0±2 µm filter as described previously(Massana et al., 1997). SSU rRNA genes were amplified byPCR using the specific primers EK-1F (CTGGTTGATC-CTGCCAG) and EK-1520R (CYGCAGGTTCACCTAC)under conditions described previously (DeLong, 1992).rDNA clone libraries were constructed using the Topo TACloning system (Invitrogen). After plating, positive trans-formants were screened by PCR amplification of insertsusing flanking vector primers. Amplicons of the expectedsize were subsequently purified using the QIAquick PCRpurification system (Qiagen). Purified PCR products werepartially sequenced directly in an ABI Prism 377 apparatus(Perkin Elmer ABI) using the ABI Prism dRhodamineterminator cycle sequencing ready reaction kit with primerEK-1F. All clones showed identical partial sequences andone of them (clone DH148-EKB1) was chosen for completesequencing. The insert was sequenced twice using both theflanking vector primers and the two primers EK-555F(AGTCTGGTGCCAGCAGCCGC) and EK-1269R (AA-GAACGGCCATGCACCAC), which were designed tocomplete and overlap the central insert sequence. Thesequence produced was 2001 nucleotides long.

Phylogenetic analyses. Euglenozoan SSU rRNA sequenceswere retrieved from GenBank and the rRNA Database atthe University of Antwerp (http:}}rrna.uia.ac.be}). Theywere aligned together with the Antarctic DH148-EKB1clone sequence using (Thompson et al., 1994)and the resulting multiple alignment was edited manuallyusing the program from the package (Philippe,1993). Gaps and ambiguously aligned positions wereexcluded from the phylogenetic analyses and from the G­Ccontent calculations. NJ, MP and ML trees were respectivelyconstructed with the programs from the package(Philippe, 1993), 3.1 (Swofford, 1993) and fromthe 2.3 package (Adachi & Hasegawa, 1996). BP

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Phylogenetic position of diplonemids

Table 1. G­C contents (mol%) for the datasets studied in this work

Dataset Diplonemids Euglenoids Kinetoplastids Outgroup Max. ∆G­C*

Maslov et al. (1999) 48±95 52±47 48±36 48±45 4±11

Low-G­C outgroup (Fig. 1a, b) 48±95 52±47 48±36 43±29 9±18

High-G­C outgroup (Fig. 1c, d) 48±95 52±47 48±36 51±05 4±11

Homogeneous G­C (Fig. 3a) 48±17 49±75 48±64 49±12 1±58

*Maximum difference of G­C content among groups.

(a) ML tree, low-G+C outgroup (b) LogDet tree, low-G+C outgroup

(c) ML tree, high-G+C outgroup (d) LogDet tree, high-G+C outgroup


Fig. 1. ML and LogDet phylogenetic trees for euglenozoan SSU rRNA sequences constructed using low-G­C (a, b) orhigh-G­C (c, d) outgroup sequences. Numbers at nodes are bootstrap values. For the ML trees, ML (roman), NJ (italic)and MP (bold) BP are indicated for the node concerning the position of the diplonemids. A total of 1304 unambiguouslyaligned positions was used. Bars, 5 substitutions per 100 positions for a unit branch length.

were estimated by using 1000 replicates for the NJ and MPtrees and by using the RELL method (Kishino et al., 1990)on the 2000 top-ranking trees for ML trees. NJ trees applying

paralinear distances were constructed and bootstrappedusing the package (Xia, 2000). Saturation diagramswere constructed using the program j from the

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package (Philippe, 1993). Alignments, trees and a listof species used are available upon request.


We have analysed two different classes of datasets totest the possible impact of G­C content bias andtaxonomic sampling on the phylogenetic position ofthe diplonemids. Firstly, we have reanalysed thedataset used previously by Maslov et al. (1999) usingoutgroup sequences with low or high G­C content.Secondly, we have analysed a smaller dataset con-taining sequences selected to minimize the differencesof G­C content among lineages. In addition, we haveanalysed a dataset with a larger taxonomic sampling ofeuglenoids to study some aspects of the internalphylogeny of this group.

G­C content bias and the position of thediplonemids

A potential source of phylogenetic error exists whendifferent clades have sequences with significantlydifferent G­C contents (Embley et al., 1992; Hase-gawa & Hashimoto, 1993). Such a dependence oftree topology on the composition of the outgroupsequences has been reported for different groups(Tarrio et al., 2000). This may indeed be the case foreuglenozoans since, for the unambiguously alignedregions in the dataset published by Maslov et al.(1999), values range from 47±17 (Trypanoplasmaborreli) to 53±60 (Euglena gracilis) mol% G­C; thatis, a maximum difference of 6±43 mol%. Moreover,euglenoids show a mean value of 52±47 mol% G­C,kinetoplastids 48±36 mol% G­C and diplonemids48±95 mol% G­C (i.e. a maximum mean differenceof 4±11 mol% G­C between kinetoplastids andeuglenoids; Table 1). The mean value for the completeset of euglenozoans was 49±92 mol% G­C. To test thepossible influence of the observed G­C content biason the reconstruction of the relationships betweenthese three groups, we constructed two differentdatasets. In the first dataset, low-G­C-content out-group sequences were used (mean value of 43±29mol%). The resultingML tree showed the diplonemidsand euglenoids as sister-groups (Fig. 1a). In the seconddataset, high-G­C-content outgroup sequences wereused (mean value of 51±05 mol%). In this case, theresulting ML tree showed the kinetoplastids anddiplonemids as sister-groups (Fig. 1c). In both cases,NJ and MP trees were very similar to the respectiveML trees (not shown). This discrepancy between thetwo datasets seems to reflect the G­C contents of thedifferent groups. Thus, when using a low-G­C out-group, the ingroup clade with the lowest G­Ccontent, the kinetoplastids, appears to be attracted bythe outgroup. Conversely, when using a high-G­Coutgroup, it is the ingroup clade with the highest G­Ccontent, the euglenoids, that appears to be attracted bythe outgroup. In previous analyses of euglenozoanphylogeny (Maslov et al., 1999), the simultaneous use





1710 320 620 920 120

Inferred substitutions (ML)



ed d





Fig. 2. Saturation diagram for the euglenozoan SSU rRNAsequences shown in Fig. 1. The number of observed differencesbetween pairs of sequences is shown on the y-axis. The numberof substitutions between the same pairs of sequences inferredby ML is shown on the x-axis. The diagonal represents the idealcase of no more than one substitution per sequence position.

of outgroup sequences with low (Saccharomycescerevisiae, 44±88 mol%) and high (Physarum poly-cephalum, 52±03 mol%) G­C content may haveinduced biases that are very difficult to predict.

We analysed this problem using a double strategy.Firstly, we reconstructed phylogenetic trees for thedifferent datasets by applying paralinear distances,which are designed to cope with unequal G­Ccontents among lineages (Lake, 1994) (Fig. 1b, d). Thishad especially significant effects on the high-G­C-outgroup dataset, since the diplonemids now appearedas a sister-group of the euglenoids (Fig. 1d). Thissuggested strongly that G­C content is indeed animportant factor in determining the euglenozoanphylogeny. However, this distance method may bevery sensitive to other reconstruction problems, inparticular mutational saturation and differences ofevolutionary rate among lineages producing LBAartefacts. In fact, the euglenozoan dataset exhibits asevere degree of mutational saturation (Fig. 2). Thesaturation diagram (Philippe et al., 1994) shows twoclouds of points ; a first cloud close to the diagonal,which represents the ideal case of sequences with nomore than one substitution per position, and a secondcloud clearly distant from the diagonal. The firstcorresponds to intra-group sequence comparisons,while the second corresponds mostly to inter-groupsequence comparisons. This second cloud reveals astrong saturation between the different groups, whichis not surprising when the long distances separatingthem are taken into account. These distances are evenlonger than those separating groups as distant asmetazoans and red algae (see Fig. 3). Mutationalsaturation combined with differences of evolutionaryrate among lineages make phylogeny reconstructionmethods prone to artefacts such as the LBA.

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Fig. 3. ML phylogenetic trees inferred from exhaustive analysesof datasets with SSU rRNA sequences showing homogeneousG­C content, including (a) or excluding (b) the new diplo-nemid DH148-EKB1 sequence. Subtrees marked with boldlines were retrieved with high bootstrap values (BP " 95%) inunconstrained ML, NJ and MP analyses and were constrained inthe exhaustive ML analysis to reduce the number of possibletrees. Numbers at nodes are bootstrap values. ML (roman), NJ(italic) and MP (bold) bootstrap values are indicated for thenode concerning the position of the diplonemids. A total of1236 unambiguously aligned positions was used. Bars, 5substitutions per 100 positions for a unit branch length.

In order to minimize the effects of both G­C contentbias and LBA, we applied an alternative strategy forthe study of the relationships among the three eugle-nozoan groups, based on analysis by ML (the methodless sensitive to LBA) of datasets with a G­C contentas homogeneous as possible and similar numbers ofsequences for the different groups. We analysed severaldatasets containing combinations of sequences thatexhibit similar G­C contents. These different datasetsyielded similar results. Fig. 3(a) shows the ML treederived from a dataset containing the three avail-able diplonemid sequences, three kinetoplastids(Leishmania major, Rhynchobodo sp. and Trypano-plasma borreli) and three euglenoids (Peranema tricho-phorum, Eutreptiella gymnastica and Eutreptiella sp.CCMP389). Mean G­C contents for this dataset were48±17 mol% for diplonemids, 48±64 mol% for kineto-plastids and 49±75 mol% for euglenoids (i.e. a maxi-mum difference of 1±58 mol% G­C, less than half thedifference observed for the previous, larger dataset ;Table 1). The mean G­C content for the complete setof euglenozoans was 48±85 mol%. To minimize biasfurther, we selected an outgroup with a similar andhomogeneous G­C content (49±12 mol%), resultingin a dataset containing 13 sequences (Fig. 3a).

All three analysis methods, NJ, MP and ML, retrievedidentical relationships among the lineages and, asevidence that the G­C bias was reduced effectively forthis dataset, no different tree topologies were retrievedby applying paralinear distances (not shown). In allcases, the diplonemids emerged as the sister-group ofthe euglenoids. This sisterhood was also retrieved inan exhaustive ML analysis, carried out imposingconstraints (to the ingroup nodes that showed aBP" 95% for all analyses) to give a manageablenumber of possible trees (Fig. 3). This congruence wasremarkable and was difficult to attribute to G­Ccontent bias, since the two sister-groups were thosewith the most different values. Nevertheless, statisticalsupport remained moderate (BP of 88% for NJ, 82%for MP and 62% for ML). In this sense, the differenceof likelihood between the preferred topology(diplonemids­euglenoids) and the two alternativeswas not significant under a Kishino–Hasegawa test(Kishino & Hasegawa, 1989). However, it is interestingto note that rejection was stronger for the topologydiplonemids­kinetoplastids [∆lnL¯ 1±01 standarderror ()] than for the topology euglenoids­kinetoplastids (∆lnL¯ 0±25 ), which is in disagree-ment with previous analyses (Maslov et al., 1999).

In order to test the effect of the addition of the newdiplonemid sequence DH148-EKB1, a dataset exclud-ing this sequence was constructed. All reconstructionmethods, including an exhaustive ML search (Fig. 3b),once again retrieved the sisterhood of diplonemids andeuglenoids. However, support for this node was, withthe exception of the NJ analysis, weaker than in theprevious analysis : BP of 93% for NJ, 78% for MP and49% for ML. In addition, rejection of alternativetopologies decreased under the Kishino–Hasegawatest ; ∆lnL was only 0±06 for the kinetoplastids­euglenoids topology and 0±98 for the kinetoplastids­diplonemids topology. All this suggests a stabilizing,although not definitive, positive effect of the additionof this sequence upon the euglenozoan phylogeny.

Relationships within the euglenoids

In addition to the study of the phylogenetic relation-ships between the three euglenozoan lineages, we havetaken advantage of the number of euglenoid sequencesdetermined recently to analyse the internal phylogenyof this group. Despite promising results on the use ofnew ultrastructural traits, such as pellicle patterns orflagellar structure (Leander & Farmer, 2000; Linton &Triemer, 2001), recent articles have discussed thelimitations of morphological data for the determi-nation of evolutionary relationships within this group(Linton et al., 1999, 2000). For instance, phylogeneticanalyses of 20 euglenoid SSU rRNA sequencessuggested strongly that the genera Phacus and Lepo-cinclis are polyphyletic and are intermixed withEuglena species (Linton et al., 2000). The phylogeneticpositions of certain species, such as the osmotrophKhawkinea quartana, remained uncertain, while some

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Fig. 4. ML phylogenetic tree of euglenoid SSU rRNA sequences.Numbers at nodes are bootstrap values. For several nodes ofinterest, ML (roman), NJ (italic) and MP (bold) bootstrap valuesare indicated. A total of 1023 unambiguously aligned positionswas used. The outgroup branch (containing the diplonemidsDiplonema sp. and Diplonema papillatum, the environmentalsequence DH148-EKB1 and the kinetoplastids Rhynchobodo sp.,Leishmania major and Trypanosoma borreli ) is not shown. Bar,5 substitutions per 100 positions for a unit branch length.

important genera, such as Strombomonas and Tra-chelomonas within the order Euglenales, were notrepresented.

Anupdated dataset of euglenoid SSU rRNA sequencesincludes 34 sequences (Fig. 4). When very similarsequences were found in databases (e.g. Euglenagracilis and Euglena sp. UTEX364, with 99% ident-ity), only one representative was included in our studyin order to accelerate the very time-consuming MLanalyses. The topology of the ML tree obtained fromthese 34 sequences was basically congruent with thatpresented by Linton et al. (2000), except for somesignificant differences. Thus, the support found for theemergence of Khawkinea quartana at the base of agroup comprising Euglena gracilis, Astasia longa andEuglena agilis was notably increased from a BP of62% to a current BP of 93%. Also noticeable was thechange in the position of Euglena anabaena, whichformerly emerged in a very basal position, precededonly by Eutreptiella sp., Peranema trichoporum andPetalomonas cantuscygni (Linton et al., 2000). Usingthis larger taxonomic sampling, this species brancheswith a BP of 70% close to a group composed of Phacuspyrum, Phacus megalopsis, Phacus splendens and Lepo-cinclis ovata. Therefore, its basal position was mostlikely due to an LBA artefact, as proposed previously(Linton et al., 2000). This LBA problem has been

attenuated by the addition of new sequences. Euglenaanabaena was proposed to belong to the Catilliferae,together with Euglena gracilis and Euglena agilis(Pringsheim, 1956). However, its relatively well-supported distance from the other members of theCatilliferae makes this grouping uncertain. Therefore,the structural characteristics that promote this clade,i.e. shield-shaped chloroplasts containing a doublepyrenoid and lens-shaped paramylon caps, likely aroseseveral times within the euglenoids or were ancestralcharacters lost in the remaining species. Given thetopology of the euglenoid tree, this latter hypothesisrequires a large number of independent losses, so wefavour the first possibility.

The ML tree shows two remarkable clades for severalspecies not included in previous studies. Firstly, themonophyly of Eutreptia and Eutreptiella species isweakly supported (BP of 29%). However, the top-ology of the ML tree suggests that the genusEutreptiella may be paraphyletic. More importantly,the species of the genus Distigma (Distigma curvataand Distigma proteus), also proposed to be members ofthe Eutreptiales (Leedale, 1967), branch far from theEutreptia­Eutreptiella clade, with strong statisticalsupport. They instead form a group with Gyropaignelefevrei (BP of 100%), a member of the order Rhabdo-monadales. These data challenge the proposal for anorder Eutreptiales including the genera Distigma,Distigmopsis, Eutreptia and Eutreptiella (Leedale,1967). Nevertheless, both Distigma species show verylong branches (i.e. extremely fast evolutionary rates),so the possibility that their emergence earlier than theother Eutreptiales could be due to an LBA artefactcannot be discarded. A second interesting groupencompasses the genera Strombomonas and Trachelo-monas, also with weak support (BP of 31%). Bothgenera possess characteristic lorica, which aremineralized with ferrous and manganic compounds(Conforti et al., 1994; Kudo, 1966). Lorica maytherefore be a valuable phenotypic character thatunifies the two genera.


Different problems work against the resolution of thephylogeny of the euglenozoans, which remains prob-lematic, especially for the relationships among theirthree main clades, the euglenoids, kinetoplastidsand diplonemids. These problems are biological(differences in evolutionary rate among species,different G­C contents) and technical (unequal taxo-nomic sampling for the different groups). Our analysesshow that these problems are significant in shaping theeuglenozoan tree. We have applied a novel approachto try to minimize sampling bias : the search forsequences obtained directly from environments ofinterest without previous isolation of organisms. Thus,we have obtained a new diplonemid sequence that,indeed, helps to break the long branch of this group. Inaddition to taxonomic sampling, G­C content alsoseems to be a very important source of uncertainty,

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determining the order of emergence of clades ac-cording to theG­Ccontent of the outgroup sequencesemployed (see Fig. 1). When this problem is correctedby using a less biased species sampling, we foundsupport for a diplonemids­euglenoids sisterhood.Although bootstrap support for this relationship wasmoderate (88% for NJ, 82% for MP and 62% forML), the incongruities between the different methodsreported in previous analyses, which supported analternative diplonemids­kinetoplastids sisterhood(Maslov et al., 1999), were not observed. Therefore,although the phylogenetic position of the diplonemidsshould still be considered an open question, thecongruence of our different analyses makes us favourthe sisterhood of the diplonemids and euglenoids.

The sisterhood of the diplonemids and euglenoids is inagreement with previous morphological observations(Simpson, 1997; Willey et al., 1988). Nevertheless, thealternative diplonemids­kinetoplastids sisterhoodalso seems to agree with some biological features thatunify these two groups, such as the presence of theunusual base β--glucosyl hydroxymethyluracil (alsocalled base J) in their genomes (van Leeuwen et al.,1998). However, this base has recently also been foundin the euglenoid Euglena gracilis, so it appears to be auniversal character among euglenozoans (Dooijes etal., 2000). More interesting is the occurrence ofcharacteristic 39-nt 5« mini-exon genes involved intrans-splicing in both kinetoplastids and diplonemids(Campbell et al., 1997). Euglenoids also processmRNAs by trans-splicing, but have a distinctive 22-nt5« mini-exon gene. However, since trans-splicingoccurs in all euglenozoan groups, it is not an adequatecharacter to elucidate inter-group relationships. Infact, trans-splicing was very likely already present inthe common ancestor of this group. This means that,independent of the type of 5« mini-exon gene present inthat ancestor, at least one size change (from 22 to 39 ntor vice versa) should have occurred during the diversi-fication of the three lineages of euglenozoans. There-fore, if the diplonemids­euglenoids sisterhood iscorrect, it implies that the ancestor of euglenozoanshad 39-nt 5« mini-exon genes, which were reducedto 22-nt 5« mini-exon genes in euglenoids. Thesame picture would be deduced from a putativekinetoplastids­euglenoids sisterhood but, in this case,nothing could be said about the precise nature of theancestral 5« mini-exon genes. Finally, phylogeneticanalysis of mitochondrial COI sequences was alsofound to support a kinetoplastids­euglenoids sis-terhood, although with weak statistical support(Maslov et al., 1999). However, only single sequencesare available for both euglenoids and diplonemids. Asin the case of SSU rRNA, a larger dataset is necessaryin order to obtain a more confident phylogeny fromthis marker.

In the case of the intra-group phylogeny of euglenoids,the main problems appear to stem from taxonomicsampling and differences of evolutionary rate amonglineages. Both can be alleviated by the addition of new

sequences (Hendy & Penny, 1989). In this work, wehave analysed a large number of euglenoid sequencesavailable in databases. The increase in taxonomicsampling appeared to improve the euglenoid phy-logeny. Nodes that previously lacked good statisticalsupport (e.g. the one of Khawkinea quartana) orbranches likely affected by LBA problems (e.g. that ofEuglena anabaena) turn out to be better supported inthe tree when a larger taxonomic sample was used (Fig.4). Moreover, interesting relationships are found,such as the monophyly of the genera Eutreptia­Eutreptiella and Strombomonas­Trachelomonas.

Despite this improvement, potential artefacts couldstill confuse the euglenoid phylogeny. One example isthe very low support for the relationships among thegroups in the apical part of the tree (BP between 12 and70%). This may be due to insufficient information inthe SSU rRNA sequence. However, an alternativeexplanation could be a rapid diversification of thesegroups, since radiation processes are usually reflectedin this lack of resolution (Philippe & Adoutte, 1998). Ifthis is the case for euglenoids, it means that their verydiverse structural and adaptive traits evolved in arelatively reduced time-span. This kind of rapiddiversification phenomenon seems to be common invarious eukaryotic groups, such as the alveolates(Lo! pez-Garcı!a et al., 2001). The species Euglenamutabilis represents another problem. Its position atthe base of the apical part of the euglenoid tree is wellsupported (BP of 99%). However, it seems to be a veryfast-evolving species and the possibility that its earlyemergence is due to LBA, as in the case of the Distigmaspecies discussed above, should not be excluded.

LBA may also affect the basal region of the euglenoidphylogeny, which is highly asymmetrical, in contrastto the highly symmetrical apical region. Asymmetrical(i.e. ladder-shaped) trees are often the result of theLBAartefact (Moreira et al., 1999; Philippe & Laurent,1998; Philippe et al., 2000). The very fast-evolvingsequence of Euglena mutabilis may be a clear example,although it is likely that this phenomenon affects alltaxa in this basal region, since it is populated by longbranches. The addition of new sequences from basaltaxa, such as the orders Eutreptiales, Heteronematales,Sphenomonadales and Rhabdomonadales, will benecessary in order to ascertain the reliability of thispart of the euglenoid tree.


We thank Visitacio! n Conforti for information about loricateeuglenoids. This work was supported by the EuropeanCommission MIDAS project.


Adachi, J. & Hasegawa, M. (1996). version 2.3: programsfor molecular phylogenetics based on maximum likelihood.Comput Sci Monogr 28, 1–150.

International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology 51 2217

D. Moreira, P. Lo! pez-Garcı!a and F. Rodrı!guez-Valera

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