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Progress in Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy 51 (2007) 49–62

Application of magnetic resonance methods to studies of gene therapy

Po-Wah So a,*, Harold G. Parkes b, Jimmy D. Bell c

a Biological Imaging Centre, MRC Clinical Sciences Centre, Imperial College London, Hammersmith Hospital Campus, Du Cane Road,

London W12 0NN, United Kingdomb Institute of Neurology, University College London, London WC1N 3BG, United Kingdom

c Molecular Imaging Group, MRC Clinical Sciences Centre, Imperial College London, MRI Unit, Hammersmith Hospital Campus, Du Cane Road,

London W12 0NN, United Kingdom

Received 6 January 2006Available online 15 February 2007

Keywords: MRI; MRS; Gene therapy; Non-invasive; Gene expression


1. Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 502. Therapeutic genes. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 503. Gene therapy vectors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 514. Gene delivery devices . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 525. Role of MR methods in gene therapy studies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 526. Imaging delivery and targeting of gene therapy vectors and cells . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 547. MR-guided and enhanced gene therapy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 558. Imaging gene expression . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55



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8.1. Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 558.2. Choice of imaging modality . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 558.3. Basic strategy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 568.4. MRI-based systems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57

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8.4.1. Receptor-based reporter protein. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 578.4.2. Direct imaging of reporter protein . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 588.4.3. Enzyme based reporter protein . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 588.4.4. Epitope based reporter protein. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 598.4.5. Chemical exchange saturation transfer reporter proteins. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59

8.5. MRS-based methods of assessing gene expression . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59

9. Monitoring of therapeutic response . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60

10. Summary and future perspectives . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60Glossary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62

see front matter � 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


ding author. Tel.: +44 020 8383 1511; fax: +44 020 8383 3038.ress: [email protected] (P.-W. So).

50 P.-W. So et al. / Progress in Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy 51 (2007) 49–62

1. Introduction

Disease in an individual usually arises from a combina-tion of genetic status and environmental factors. Thegenetic status is considered to be immutable and therapeu-tic interventions have been to modify environmental fac-tors so as to alleviate symptoms. For example, patientswith familial hypercholesterolemia due to a heterozygousmutation in the low density lipoprotein receptor gene areadvised to give up smoking and treated with statins todecrease cholesterol synthesis. Such lifestyle changes, phar-macological and possibly surgical interventions, do notalways address the underlying genetic cause of disease. Itwas only until relatively recently that the possibility ofmodifying genetic status has been considered for curativetreatment of diseases, of which the underlying cause is pre-dominately genetic in nature. Advances in genetics and cellbiology have brought about this paradigm shift in diseasetreatment.

Gene therapy is defined as the genetic modification ofcells to produce a therapeutic effect [1]. There are twoapproaches to gene therapy, either involving the in vivogenetic modification of cells or the ex vivo genetic modifica-tion of patient cells and then its subsequent re-administra-tion back to the patient (Fig. 1). For patients withmonogenic genetic disorders, gene therapy can replacethe defective copy of the gene involved with a normal copy,e.g., replacement of the cystic fibrosis transmembrane reg-ulator gene in respiratory epithelium of patients with cysticfibrosis [2]. However, many diseases tend to be polygenic inorigin, and gene therapy is being employed towards pro-duction of a therapeutic effect rather than to replace defec-tive genes. For cancer therapy, tumour cell killing can beachieved by transfer of genes (i.e., transduction or transfec-tion) that express enzymes capable of catalyzing the forma-tion of cytotoxic metabolites from administered specificprodrugs into tumour cells, resulting in selective killing oftransfected cells, e.g., introduction of herpes simplex virusthymidine kinase gene (HSV-tk) and ganciclovir for the

In VivoGene Transduction

Ex VivoGene Transduction





GeneticallyAltered Cells

In vitro Expansion

Donor cells

Fig. 1. In vivo and ex vivo approaches to gene therapy.

cytotoxic treatment of cancer [3]. In neurological diseasessuch as Alzheimer’s disease, an ex vivo gene therapyapproach has been used to introduce the nerve growth fac-tor gene into the basal forebrain to rescue degeneratingcholinergic neurons in a phase I clinical trial [4].

Gene therapy involves three main interacting compo-nents: a therapeutic gene or similar (e.g., RNA moleculeor synthetic oligonucleotide), a vehicle (gene therapy vec-tor) to deliver the therapeutic gene to cells and a deviceto deliver the gene–gene therapy vector to the target organ.

As many terms used in this review may be unfamiliar tothe reader, these are briefly explained in the glossary.

2. Therapeutic genes

The genetic information for most forms of life is in theform of DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid). DNA is a polymerof deoxyribonucleotide units, each deoxynucleotide con-sisting of a nitrogenous base, deoxyribose and a phosphategroup. The nitrogenous bases are: adenine (A), thymine(T), cytosine (C) and guanine (G). The purine bases, Aand G, readily form hydrogen bonds with the pyrimidinebases, T and C, respectively. Thus, two strands of DNAwill pair if their sequences are complementary, to form atwisted ladder-like structure, i.e., a double stranded helix(Fig. 2). The helix is then wound around proteins, histones,which maintain structure and regulate gene expression, toform a chromosome. The collection of chromosomes in acell is referred to as the genome, e.g., the human genomecontains 46 chromosomes.

Genomic DNA sequences for many organisms – frommicrobes to plants to humans are now available [5] leadingto the identification of thousands of genes. These genes,carried on chromosomes, are the basic physical and func-tional units of heredity. A single gene typically consists ofseveral thousand base pairs (bp) with a total of 20–25K


























Initial Protein Formation



Nucleus Cytoplasm



ribosome,(rRNA and




Fig. 2. Deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) and gene expression.

P.-W. So et al. / Progress in Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy 51 (2007) 49–62 51

genes being found in the human genome [6]. When a gene isactive or ‘expressed’, the DNA strands separate and mes-senger ribonucleic acid (mRNA) is formed from theDNA template in a process known as transcription(Fig. 2). Transcription is catalyzed by RNA polymeraseand is initiated at a DNA sequence referred to as the pro-moter. Ribonucleic acid (RNA) is comparable to DNA butconsists of nucleotides in which the sugar is ribose, and thepyrimidine base, T, is replaced by another pyrimidine base,uracil (U), the latter lacking a methyl group. Transcriptioninvolves the ‘reading’ of the DNA strand in the 5 0–3 0 direc-tion such that purine and pyrimidines pair between theDNA template and the growing mRNA strand. ThemRNA strand consisting of a sequence of bases determinedby the DNA template may then be processed prior to trans-lation to proteins. Translation (Fig. 2) involves the use ofother RNA molecules, ribosomal RNA (rRNA) and trans-fer RNA (tRNA). The genetic code is a triplet code, thesequence of three bases in mRNA, the codon, specifiesone amino acid, the codon being translated by tRNA. Pro-tein synthesis occurs in ribosomes which are complexassemblies of rRNA and a range of proteins.

The draft human genome was published in 2001 [5], andestimated to contain 30–40K genes. Relatively recently, thenumber of genes in the human genome has been revised tocontain only 20–25K genes [7]. Such a modest number ofgenes, despite the complex nature of the human body, sug-gest that it is not the genes themselves that gives rise to thepossibility of complex interactions within the body but theregulation of these genes. Indeed, only a subset of thesegenes is expressed at any instant in time. Gene expressionis the production of the specific protein or RNA from itsgene. When ‘expressed’ or ‘switched on’, genes are eithertranscribed into mRNA and then translated into proteins,or transcribed into types of RNA such as tRNA or rRNAand not translated to proteins (as described above). Manyphenomena, including cellular development, maturationand proliferation can be attributed to differential geneexpression. Thus, knowledge of the genetic sequenceper se is insufficient to determine the role of genes in healthand disease. The subset of genes expressed confers uniqueproperties to each cell type, and the subset may vary in

Table 1Comparison of commonly employed gene therapy vectors

Retrovirus Adenovirus

Gene insert size 6–7 (bp) 7.5 (bp)Genome ssRNA dsDNASite Genome EpisomeEfficiency Low ModerateCell proliferation Required Not requiredExpression Permanent TransientMajor


Relatively high transductionefficiency



Inflammatory and immuneresponse

response to certain stimuli and changing cellular require-ments. Gene expression is complex and highly regulated,such that genes can be switched on or off with varying lev-els of expression, allowing the cell to respond dynamicallyto environmental stimuli and/or changing cell require-ments. The challenge in the post-genomic era is to explorethe functions of candidate genes to shed light on the role ofspecific gene dysfunctions in the pathophysiology of dis-ease. Understanding such gene–pathophysiological interac-tions raises the possibility of identification of therapeuticgenes for the treatment of disease either arising from inher-ited or acquired genetic defects as well as developments inthe field of pharmacogenetics.

3. Gene therapy vectors

Gene therapy requires the introduction of genes intocells and the vehicle that packages the genes for transfer,denoted a vector, can be either non-viral or viral based.Table 1 compares the properties of some commonly usedgene therapy vectors. Vectors should protect genes fromdegradation before and after cell entry, facilitate entry ofgenes into target cells, and ensure gene transcription fol-lowing cell entry. Also, the ideal gene therapy vectorshould be easily produced in a pure form in high volumes,and be sufficiently large to carry the therapeutic gene insert,and efficiently and stably transduce non-proliferating cellswithout production of cytotoxic effects, inflammatory andimmune responses.

Non-viral based methods include the use of naked DNA[8], oligodeoxynucleotides [9] and lipoplexes and polyplexes[8]. The simplest form of non-viral gene transfer is theadministration of naked DNA plasmid (a circular unit ofdouble stranded DNA that replicates inside the cell, inde-pendent of chromosomal DNA). However, its low transfec-tion efficiency in vivo limits its use in gene therapyprotocols. Synthetic oligonucleotides such as antisense orsiRNA (short interfering RNA or silencing) have been pro-posed in gene therapy to inactivate genes involved in thedisease process but these are still relatively early days forsuch emerging technologies. Lipoplexes and polyplexesare synthetic vectors that have been developed for

AAV Herpesvirus Plasmid-liposomal

2–4.5 (bp) 10–100 (bp) UnlimitedssDNA dsDNA RNA/DNAEpisome/genome Episome EpisomeVariable Moderate Very lowNot required Not required Not requiredPermanent/transient Transient TransientRelatively high transductionefficiency, +/� genomic expression

Tropism Safe, cheap

Insertional mutagenesis, difficult toproduce

Difficult toproduce

Poor efficiency

52 P.-W. So et al. / Progress in Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy 51 (2007) 49–62

non-viral gene transfer [8]. Plasmid DNA covered with lip-ids in an organised structure such as a micelle or liposomeare called lipoplexes, and have been used in several clinicaltrials for disease treatment, including for cancer [10]. Poly-plexes are complexes of polymer and DNA and polymerscan include cationic polymers. Again, the drawback oflipoplexes and polyplexes is their relative short durationof gene expression [8] and hence, the consideration of viralbased therapy vectors. All viruses attack their hosts andintroduce their genetic material into the host cells as partof their replication cycle, resulting in additional copies ofthe virus and increased number of cells becoming infectedby the virus. Thus, if genetically modified to remove diseasecausing genes, viruses can be further modified to carry ther-apeutic genes for gene therapy. Commonly employed viralgene therapy vectors include: adenovirus, retrovirus andadeno-associated virus (AAV) and herpesvirus (Table 1).Viral vectors also have their disadvantages, mainly difficul-ties in large scale production and host immunogenicity.

Further to the consideration of the choice of gene ther-apy vector, is the requirement of actual gene expression inthe target organ. Selective, tissue- or organ-restricted genetargetting is desirable to enhance the safety and efficiencyof gene transfer in vivo. Targetting is dependent on the genevector, the genes themselves and mode of delivery of thegene therapy vector (see below). Certain gene therapy vec-tors exhibit a preference towards certain organs, e.g., theherpes simplex virus (HSV) is neurotropic, and this maydetermine selection of the gene therapy vector. However,modification of gene therapy vectors is the objective ofongoing research, either to alter their natural tropism orto increase targeting to specific organs. If we again considerHSV, although neurotropic, HSV has many propertiesideal for a gene therapy vector that can benefit non-neuralgene therapies. AAV is another gene vector that has manyfavourable gene therapy vector characteristics but limitedby its relative non-specificity, and attempts are ongoingto enable targeting to selected organs.

Selectivity of gene transfer can be programmed viasurface moieties on the gene therapy vector. Tissue tar-geting is based on the addition of a ligand to the surfaceof the gene therapy vector to achieve specific binding tothe desired tissues or cells [11–13]. Tissue specificity canalso be achieved by the use of tissue selective promoterswhich will only initiate transcription in specific tissues,e.g., the prostate-specific antigen promoter, for prostatespecificity [14]. The promoter for heat shock proteins(HSPs) activate gene expression in response to hyperther-mia [15] and the HSP70 promoter and local hyperther-mia has been proposed to control gene expression.Similarly, promoters containing hypoxia response ele-ments which induce gene activation in the presence ofhypoxia has been proposed [16]. Such selective inductionof gene expression in gene therapy have been recentlyreviewed elsewhere [17–20].

As yet, the ideal gene therapy vector does not exist andmuch development is required for determining the suitabil-

ity and development of individual gene therapy vectors inpreclinical and clinical trials.

4. Gene delivery devices

Gene vectors carrying genes to be transduced may beadministered systemically but a more common approachis to deliver the vector locally, circumventing the require-ment for targeting of gene therapy vectors. This can beperformed by direct injection into the target organ fol-lowing surgical exposure or percutaneously (injection totarget organ via needle puncture of the skin), or bycatheter-based delivery systems [21]. Direct delivery ofgene therapy vectors will aid locating of the vectors tothe target organ at concentrations high enough fortherapy.

5. Role of MR methods in gene therapy studies

The observation of a nuclear magnetic resonance(NMR) signal in condensed phases was made indepen-dently by Bloch et al. [22] and Purcell et al. [23].Subsequently, NMR has played a major role in the non-destructive analysis of compounds in a range of applica-tions. However, NMR was not applied to biologicalsystems until Odeblad et al. [24] who made relaxation timemeasurements of protons of living cells and excised animaltissue. In the 1960s and 1970s, much work was publishedon relaxation, diffusion, and chemical exchange of waterin a range of cells and tissues. In the 1970s, in vivo NMRwas begun by the groups of Richards and Radda in Oxford[25] such that it is now possible to non-invasively assessin vivo the metabolism of various tissues in both animalsand humans, selected reviews include [26–29]. In view ofits use in the clinic, the term NMR has been replaced withmagnetic resonance spectroscopy (MRS) to overcome thenegative connotations implied in the term ‘nuclear’, andMRS will be used henceforth.

MRS in vivo allows the determination of various bio-chemical species within a defined volume or voxel. A spec-trum can also be obtained from a number of voxels in animage, known as spectroscopic imaging [30]. Spectroscopicimaging allows determination of the biochemical profiles ofa number of selected voxels.

Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is also based on thesame NMR phenomenon as MRS. However, it was notuntil the development of spatial encoding by Lauterbur[31] that MRI ‘came of age’. Previous to this, MR had beenone-dimensional, lacking spatial information as the originof the MR signal from the sample was unknown. By appli-cation of magnetic field gradients in three dimensions andcomputerized axial tomography-scan back projection(i.e., projection–reconstruction), Lauterbur [31] was ableto obtain the first MRI images of two tubes of water. Fromthese early days, MRI has been developed to be a majornon-invasive imaging tool for measurement of anatomical
























DTPA-DMA [Diethylenetriamino-pentaacetic acid bis(methylamide)]

DTPA-BP [N,N’-bis(2-pyridylmethyl)Diethylenetriamine-N,N’,N’’-triacetic acid]

CDTA [trans-1,2-diaminocyclohexane-N,N’,N’’,N’’’-tetraacetic acid]

DOTA [1,4,7,10-tetraazacyclododecane-N,N’,N’’,N’’’-tetraacetic acid]

DTPA (Diethylenetriaminepentaacetic acid)

Fig. 4. Structures of commonly employed gadolinium chelates for MRI.

P.-W. So et al. / Progress in Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy 51 (2007) 49–62 53

and functional parameters in a range of physiopathologicalprocesses in man and animals.

MRI is a powerful clinical tool, able to delineate normaland disease tissue arising predominantly from differences inT1 (spin–lattice or longitudinal) and T2 (spin–spin or trans-verse) relaxation characteristics. However, the overlapbetween the relaxation times of normal and disease tissuesare sufficiently large so as to decrease specificity of the tech-nique, and hence, the need to use contrast agents. Contrastagents attenuate T1 and T2 relaxation times to differingextents. Those that operate predominantly via T1 relaxa-tion usually lead to an increase in the MRI signal (positivecontrast) whereas those operating via T2, usually result in adecrease in the MRI signal (negative contrast). Basicparameters of MRI acquisition, repetition time (TR) andecho time (TE), ‘weight’ the MRI experiment to preferen-tially detect differences in T1 or T2 relaxation times of tis-sues, respectively (Fig. 3).

Positive contrast agents tend to be low molecular weightcompounds, commonly lanthanide chelates such as gado-linium diethylenetriamine pentaacetic acid (Gd-DTPA,Fig. 4). The lanthanide ion interacts with surroundingwater protons so as to enhance their T1 relaxation, leadingto increased signal intensity (positive enhancement) in T1-weighted MRI images. Free lanthanide ions are toxic [32]and hence, the requirement for the free ion to be chelatedfor use in biological systems. The use of T1-weightedMRI sequences emphasises differences between the T1

relaxation rates between the protons.Gadolinium chelates (>50,000 molecules) have been

incorporated into the outer layer of nanoparticles and filled

short TR long TRTR (ms)



long T1(e.g. water)

short T1(e. g. fat)


short TE long TETE (ms)


long T2(e. g. water)

short T2(e. g. fat)



Fig. 3. Differences in (a) spin–lattice, T1 and (b) spin–spin, T2 relaxationtimes enable generation of contrast by changing repetition time (TR) andecho time (TE), respectively.

with perfluorocarbons (PFC) to form PFC nanoparticles.Such particles may be imaged by both T1-weighted MRIand 19F MRI, the latter due to the presence of PFCs [33].PFCs are a special group of negative contrast agents, hav-ing no signal by 1H MRI but of course provide a 19F MRsignal. The 19F nucleus has 80% the sensitivity of the 1Hnucleus and has the advantage of no endogenous back-ground signal. The use of 19F MRI allows qualitative andquantitative imaging of PFC nanoparticles [34], contribut-ing to their advantage in molecular and cellular imaging.

Negative contrast agents induce a loss in MR signal, i.e.,results in negative enhancement in the MRI image, espe-cially when T2-weighted MRI sequences are employed.The most commonly used T2 relaxation agents are basedon monocrystalline iron oxide nanoparticles (MIONs):superparamagnetic iron oxide (SPIO), very smallsuperparamagnetic iron oxide (VSPIO) or ultrasmall super-paramagnetic iron oxide (USPIO), differing from eachother according to size (Fig. 5). These particles usuallyconsist of a crystalline iron oxide core surrounded by apolymer coating. The coating may be carbohydrate in

SPIO(e.g. Endorem,80 ñ 150 nm)

Magnetic Separation Particles

(e.g. Dynabeads, 2.8 μm)

VSPIO4 - 8 nm

SPIOe. g. Resovist,

60 nm

(20 - 40 nm)USPIO

Fig. 5. Monocrystalline iron oxide nanoparticles (MIONs) employed inMRI.

54 P.-W. So et al. / Progress in Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy 51 (2007) 49–62

nature, e.g., dextran, or consist of synthetic polymers, poly-cations or polyamines, determining the pharmacokineticproperties of the contrast agent. MIONS significantlydecreases the values of T2 of the surrounding water protonsbut also significantly affect local magnetic susceptibilityand so also decrease values of T �2. T �2 results from a sumof T2 relaxation and local susceptibility effects, and soMIONs are also readily imaged by gradient-echo basedMRI methods.

Another source of contrast aside from employment ofcontrast agents such as MIONs and gadolinium chelatesare chemical exchange saturation transfer (CEST) agents[35]. CEST agents have exchangeable protons e.g., –NHand –OH, resonating at specific chemical shifts distinguish-able from that of bulk water. Application of a radiofre-quency pulse of appropriate frequency and power leadsto saturation of the exchangeable protons, resulting intransfer of their magnetization to bulk water and attenua-tion of the water signal. CEST agents can allow contrast tobe switched ‘on’ and ‘off’ by simply changing the MRexperiment. Whilst several agents can produce a CESTeffect [36], the closeness of the chemical shifts of theexchangeable protons and bulk water renders specific satu-ration of the former difficult, such that the attenuation ofthe water signal may arise from either magnetization trans-fer or direct saturation. To overcome this limitation, para-magnetic CEST agents (PARACEST) may be employed,such agents are based on paramagnetic chelates withexchangeable protons. The presence of paramagnetic ionsshifts the chemical shift of the bound water away from bulkwater, allowing distinct saturation of the exchangeable pro-tons [37].

Positive enhancement is the usual preferred option as itallows quantification of signal, not readily possible for neg-ative enhancement due to generation of signal voids. How-ever, T2 relaxation agents such as MIONS have theadvantage that detection of low concentrations in thenanomolar–micromolar range is possible as compared tothe gadolinium chelates, for which millimolar concentra-tions are required. Hence, the preferred use of MIONscompared to gadolinium chelates in molecular and cellularimaging. Molecular imaging may be defined as the ‘in vivo

characterization and measurement of biological processes at

the cellular and molecular level’. Cellular imaging may bedefined as the ‘non-invasive and repeated imaging of targeted

cell populations and cellular processes’. Often, for bothmolecular and cellular imaging, sensitivity is an issue.However, use of MIONs of 10–50 nm diameter, may pro-duce substantially enhance T1 relaxation, such that T1

rather T2 relaxation predominates [38]. Furthermore, anadvantage of using MIONs is that certain formulations,e.g., Endorem� have already been approved for clinicaluse and partly explain the popularity of MION usage inmolecular and cellular imaging.

Due to the popularity of the use of MIONs for molecu-lar imaging, and especially cellular labelling [39], there is adrive towards the ability to visualise MIONs by positive

contrast in the MRI image. A number of methods havebeen proposed including the off-resonance [40] and ‘whitemarker’ [41] methods. More recently, we have proposedthe use of MRI based on ultra-short echo time (UTE)methods [42] to detect MIONs [43]. Positive contrast pavesthe way towards the possibility of quantification of MIONenhancement.

Another common problem faced with the use of MIONsfor imaging is the difficulty experienced in determiningwhether the signal voids arise from MIONs, from bulk sus-ceptibility differences, (as occurs at air–tissue interfaces), orfrom haemorrhage. So far, of the MRI methods currentlyavailable, only the diagonal SPRITE (single point rampedimaging with T1 enhancement) methodology based onUTE techniques appears to be capable of discerning thesource of the signal voids in the MRI image [43].

Both MRS and MRI are non-destructive methodologiesand ideal tools for the non-invasive imaging of gene expres-sion in vivo, especially due to their ready translation to theclinic. The role of MR in gene therapy studies can bebroadly defined as:

(i) to monitor the delivery of gene therapy vectors to tar-get sites;

(ii) to target and enhance gene therapy;(iii) to image expression of the therapeutic gene;(iv) to monitor body response to gene therapy.

This article details the principles of MR-based strategiesfor application to gene therapy protocols.

6. Imaging delivery and targeting of gene therapy vectors and


As mentioned earlier, tissue- and organ-selectivity of genetherapy is essential to minimise toxicity and to increase genetransfer to target organs in vivo. Toward developing suchgene therapy protocols, it is a prerequisite that the deliveryof gene therapy vectors to the target organ has to be moni-tored. This can be achieved by ‘tagging’ the gene therapy vec-tors in such a way so as to be detectable by MR through theassociation of the gene therapy vector with a MR probe.Raty et al. [44] recently developed an avidin displaying bac-ulovirus which enables coating of the virus with biotinylatedMIONs for imaging by MRI. Whilst Allen et al. [45] used theprotein cage of Cowpea chlorotic mottle virus (CCMV) toconjugate >100 gadolinium chelate molecules to create amethod for tracking viral vectors as well as using viral pro-tein cages as a new platform for MR contrast agents. Simi-larly, Anderson et al. [46] conjugated >500 gadoliniumchelate molecules to MS2 capsids to enable MRI trackingof such viral particles. For liposomal vectors, gadoliniumchelates can be conjugated to lipids in the liposomal lipidlayer for subsequent detection by MRI [47,48]. Such gadolin-ium chelate–lipid conjugates consequently integrate into theplasma membrane leading to an increase in MRI signal of thetarget tissue.

P.-W. So et al. / Progress in Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy 51 (2007) 49–62 55

For ex vivo gene therapy approaches, genetically modi-fied cells may be tagged with MR contrast agents for imag-ing in vivo. Extensive research has been performed in thearea of cellular imaging and the reader is advised to referto such texts [39,49–51].

Alternatively, both gene therapy vectors and cells can betracked by imaging gene expression specific to them andstrategies will be described below.

7. MR-guided and enhanced gene therapy

MRI has been proposed to have a role in monitoringand enhancing gene delivery. A limitation of gene therapyprotocols currently available is the low efficiency of genetransfer at the target sites. For example, in vivo gene trans-fer in vasculature can be as low as 1% for non-viral vectorsand <5% for viral vectors [51,52]. In vitro studies have sug-gested that controlled heating can enhance gene transfer byfracturing tissues by heat, increasing plasma membranepermeability and cell metabolism, and/or increased activityof heat-sensitive heat shock proteins [53,54]. In practice,heating needs to be generated locally at the target siterather than over the whole body and this can be achievedby the use of a small internal heating device such as a loop-less MR attenna. Such a device allows generation of heatlocally as well as MR thermal mapping to monitor andcontrol heat distribution at the targeted vessels [55] andhas been shown to enhance gene transfer [56]. Monitoringof gene delivery can be simply performed by addition ofgadolinium chelate to the gene therapy dose [57].

Low frequency focussed ultrasound (FUS) has also beenproposed for enhancing gene transfer as such ultrasoundcan induce cell membrane porosity [58] However low fre-quency FUS does not provide high resolution imagingand so MRI has been proposed to guide FUS application(MRI-FUS). Reports of enhancement of gene expressionusing a heat-sensitive promoter by MRI-FUS has beenreported [59,60].

8. Imaging gene expression

8.1. Introduction

The success or failure of gene therapy protocols is deter-mined by whether the therapeutic gene is being expressedand performs its expected function. Conventional methodsof measuring gene expression include: microarrays; proteo-mics; reverse-transcriptase-polymerase chain reaction;RNA interference, differential analysis and use of reportergenes in both immunohistochemistry and histochemicalstaining, and in situ hybridisation. These techniquesinvolve measurement of the products of gene expression,either RNA or protein. Despite their success for determina-tion of gene expression, the methods suffer significant lim-itations when used in biomedical applications. Thesemethods are in vitro-based, either requiring death of theorganism studied or invasive sampling, thereby limiting

their use in time-course (and interventional) studies. Forhistological based methods of determining gene expression,chemical fixation of removed tissues is usually required.Observation of biological samples under such non-physio-logical conditions means generally the dynamics of cellularprocesses cannot be resolved. Also most importantly, it isvery difficult to generate quantitative three-dimensionaldatasets using conventional microscopy. Although the useof genetically encoded fluorescent tags has revolutionizedthe application of microscopy in biology, some of thedrawbacks remain. These include the problem of obtainingsamples for analysis and the inability to survey many or alltissues simultaneously within an organism, replete with itsmyriad of assorted cell–tissue interactions. Performingstudies in a whole body context, i.e., in vivo assessment,allows phenomena such as tolerance, complementationand redundancies in biological pathways to be studied[61] with respect to gene therapy. Hence, the necessity ofnon-invasive imaging modalities such as those based onMR to determine spatiotemporal expression of genesin vivo and providing information essential for developinggene therapy strategies.

8.2. Choice of imaging modality

When considering imaging modalities for assessing geneexpression in vivo, they can be broadly based on MR tech-niques (mainly MRI), radionuclide (e.g., positron emissiontomography, PET) or optical (e.g., bioluminescence) meth-ods (Table 2). A major advantage of MRI is its potentialfor high resolution; resolution as high as 100 lm in animalsis routinely obtained as compared to mm resolution forradionuclide and optical based methods. Furthermore,MRI simultaneously provides anatomical/physiologicalinformation. However, MR-based methods may be limitedby their relative insensitivity compared to radionuclide andoptical based methods. Relatively greater amounts ofimaging probe must be present for detection and so, greateramounts of probe must be injected. Hence the drivetowards co-registration of datasets, especially of MRIand PET, or MRI and bioluminescence, combining thehigh spatial resolution and anatomical information pro-duced by MRI with the greater sensitivity of PET and bio-luminescence. Other advantages of MRI include its readytranslation to the clinic without the use of ionising radia-tion, whilst the former advantage is also true for PET,the use of ionising radiation for PET may be a concern,especially in time-course studies. As with MR-based meth-ods, optical based methods do not require use of ionisingradiation. Although easily accessible, cheap and directlytranslatable from optical microscopy methods, opticalimaging is limited to use in biological research only asstructures can be imaged only if less than a few mm deep,although sampling up to 10–15 cm deep is possible with theuse of near-infrared wavelengths [63]. The relativegreater sensitivity of radionuclide and optical imagingmethods compared to those based on MR renders the

Table 2Comparison of commonly employed non-invasive imaging modalities for the assessment of gene expression (modified from [62])



Depth Temporalresolution

Sensitivity Examples of imaging probes(amount of probe used)


Magnetic resonance based methods (non-ionizing radiation)

MRI 25–100 lm No limit Minutes–hours 10�3–10�5 M Gadolinium chelates,iron oxide nanoparticles (lg–mg)


Radionuclide based methods (ionizing radiation)

PET 1–2 mm No limit Seconds–minutes 10�11–10�12 M 18F, 11C, 124I isotopes (ng) +++SPECT 1–2 mm No limit Minutes 10�10–10�12 M 99mTc, 111In isotopes (ng) ++

Optical based methods (non-ionizing radiation)

BIL 3–5 mma 1–3 cm Seconds–minutes 10�15–10�17 Mb Luciferin (lg–mg) +�++Fluorescence 2–3 mm <1 cm Seconds–minutes 10�9–10�12 Mb Green fluorescence protein (lg–mg) +�++

Abbreviations: PET, positron emission tomography; SPECT, single photon emission computerized tomography; BIL, bioluminescence.a Resolution is 6depth.b Not well characterized.









Fig. 7. Methodologies for imaging gene expression by MR-based methods.

56 P.-W. So et al. / Progress in Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy 51 (2007) 49–62

non-MR-based techniques more rapid to perform in a pre-clinical setting. Thus, the imaging modalities are comple-mentary to each other and the choice of imagingmodality is dependent on the questions asked and the spe-cific issues being addressed regarding the models studied.

8.3. Basic strategy

All of the proposed methods for the assessment of geneexpression by MR are based on detection of the proteinproduct rather than the mRNA product. This is principallybecause more copies of proteins are produced than mRNAper cell, �100–1,000,000 proteins are produced as com-pared to only 50–1000 copies of mRNA.

Basic strategies for imaging therapeutic gene expressionby MR-based methods can be categorised into direct andindirect imaging methods (Fig. 6). Direct imaging methodsinvolve detection of the therapeutic protein itself or afterinteraction with a MR probe. Usually, the therapeutic pro-tein does not have endogenous contrast in the MRI imagenor is it detectable by MRS, and so needs to interact with aspecific MR probe to allow association of the probe withthe cell expressing the protein and hence, MR detection.The protein can be either on the cell surface or a receptor,and interaction with a MR probe leads to its retention onthe cell surface or internalisation into the cell (Fig. 7).Alternatively, the therapeutic protein can be inside the cellor more specifically an enzyme (Fig. 7). For the former, theprotein can interact with an imaging probe and lead to

Promoter Imaging Reporter gene Gene of interest

Promoter — DNA sequence enabling expression of gene


Reporter protein Protein


Fig. 6. Direct and indirect strategies for imaging therapeutic geneexpression.

retention of the probe within the cell and thus allowingthe cell to be imaged. For the latter, a special imagingprobe is used, more often referred to as a smart probe. Itis termed a smart probe as it cannot be visualised untilmetabolised in a reaction catalyzed by the enzyme to pro-vide a product that can be detected by MR methods.

More commonly, the therapeutic gene cannot be visual-ised and an indirect approach to imaging therapeutic geneexpression is required, through the use of reporter genetechnologies (Fig. 6). Reporter genes are routinely usedby molecular biologists to study endogenous gene expres-sion by fusing a reporter gene to the gene of interest andits promoter. As the therapeutic gene is being expressed,the reporter gene is also expressed. Conventionally, thereporter protein is monitored by immunohistochemistryor histochemical staining for the protein; in situ hybridisa-tion with probes targeted for the reporter gene mRNA; orblood sampling in which the reporter protein is a proteinsecreted in the bloodstream. For imaging gene expression,the reporter protein is imaged as it ‘reports’ on the expres-sion of the therapeutic gene. A fixed relationship betweenthe expressions of the gene of interest and the imagingreporter gene (IRG) should exist and this is possible bythe use of an internal ribosomal entry site (IRES). In thiscase, transcription of both genes (driven by the same pro-moter, i.e., genetic control element) leads to the productionof a single mRNA molecule.

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The IRG used for reporting on therapeutic gene expres-sion by MR methods needs to encode a protein that is MRdetectable. This is comparable to the above situationregarding imaging of the therapeutic protein (Fig. 7). Theprotein rarely has endogenous contrast but can interactwith imaging probes to be visualised (e.g., ferritin). As withdirect imaging of the therapeutic protein, the reporter pro-tein can be a protein on the cell surface, a cell surface recep-tor, or an enzyme (Fig. 7), and visualization is comparableto that for direct imaging of the therapeutic protein, involv-ing the use of exogenous administration of a MR probe.Most importantly, the reporter gene must encode for a pro-tein not normally expressed in cells or tissues to be studied,or be significantly expressed so as to be detectable abovebackground.

The sensitivity of MR-based methods to assess geneexpression is dependent on sufficient expression of theIRG or the therapeutic gene. The MR probes used needsto be specific and have high affinity to bind to the reporteror therapeutic protein. Obviously, the probe needs to inter-act specifically with the protein to be detected to preventgeneration of artefacts. MR probes consisting of antibodiesor antibody fragments (such as F(ab)2, minibodies) conju-gated to MR contrast agents are often employed so as toexploit the specificity of the antigen–antibody interaction.High affinity is also required of the ideal MR probe to pro-vide a robust interaction between probe and protein. Otherfactors regarding the choice of MR probe include its distri-bution inside the body as it is essential that the MR probecan access and interact with the reporter protein. Thus, thepharmacokinetics and ability of the MR probe to penetratebarriers, such as extravasation from blood capillaries andcrossing cell membranes (including the plasma membrane),needs to be considered for use in assessing gene expressionby MR methods.

MRI- and MRS-based systems to assess gene expressioncurrently available are explained in detail below.

8.4. MRI-based systems

Quite simply, direct imaging of therapeutic gene expres-sion is possible by the use of MR contrast agents conju-gated to antibodies to the therapeutic gene product to beimaged (Fig. 7). A prerequisite for this methodology is thatthe protein needs to be on the cell surface to allow recogni-tion of and binding to the specific antibody. Although thisstrategy has not been used to assess gene expression in genetherapy studies, it has been used to image a range of endog-enously expressed proteins for diagnostic and cell labellingapplications. By conjugating MION to F(ab)2 fragments ofa highly specific and high affinity anti-human E-selectinantibody, E-selectin expression was imaged both in vitro

[64] and in vivo [65]. Endothelial expression of integrinamb3, a marker of angiogenesis, was imaged by gadoliniumlabelled liposomes, targeted using biotinylated antibodiesto integrin amb3 conjugated to the liposomal surface via avi-din linker proteins [66]. Tumours can be imaged by using

MR contrast agents conjugated to antibodies reactive totumour specific antigens [67–75]. A similar method wasused by Artemov et al., to image the expression of HER-2/neu receptors in vivo, employing a two step approachinvolving initial labelling of HER-2/neu expressing cancercells with a biotinylated antibody to the receptor, and thenadministration of avidin conjugated to Gd-DTPA [76] orMION [77].

Cells have been labelled ex vivo by the use of magneticantibodies to epitopes expressed on the cell surface for celltracking in vivo by MRI [78,79]. The probe MION-46L-OX-26 was specifically internalised by transferrin receptorsexpressed on the surface of rat oligodendrocyte progenitorcells: MION-46L-OX-26 is an antibody to the transferrinreceptor (TfR) that is conjugated to MION and is interna-lised following interaction with the TfR [78]. The CD11cepitope expressed on dendritic cells was employed to labelsuch cells by the use of magnetic antibodies to CD11c [79].

As mentioned earlier, indirect imaging, or reporterbased methodology is required for imaging gene expres-sion. There are a number of reporter based systems thathave been proposed to report on gene expression byMRI. Such systems are commonly based on the same prin-ciples as the use of reporter based systems in conventionalmethods of assessing gene expression.

A number of reporter systems proposed for imaginggene expression exploits cellular mechanisms of regulatingand storing iron [80] as iron is capable of enhancing T2

relaxation and so, cellular accumulation of iron is readilydetectable by MRI. Iron is ferried in the blood circulationby association with transferrin (Tf), becoming halo-Tf.Halo-Tf carries two iron ions, and on binding to theTfR, the complex is internalised into an endosome. A feed-back mechanism operates such that when sufficientamounts of iron are present in the cell, TfR expression isdownregulated. Iron is released from endosomes andstored by ferritin which is non-toxic and provides a readysource of iron for the cell. Ferritin, a metalloprotein, iscomposed of 24 subunits of two types, the heavy subunitand the light subunit: different amounts of each subunittype give rise to isoferritins. Ferritin consists of an apopro-tein shell surrounding a core of up to 4500 atoms of iron inthe form of the mineral ferrihydrite although maximalrelaxitivity can be observed with only 13–14 iron ions. Fer-ritin shortens both T1 and T2 relaxation times such that theamount of ferritin-bound iron in pathologies such as Alz-heimer’s disease can be measured by MRI [81].

8.4.1. Receptor-based reporter protein

Weissleder et al. first proposed the use of an engineeredTfR (ETR) to report on transgene expression [82]. As withthe ferritin-based methods, it is based on the increasedtransport of iron into the cell, leading to negative enhance-ment by T2 weighted MRI. The method employs the use ofa modified transferrin receptor, ETR, which is insensitiveto changing levels of cellular iron. Thus, the negativefeedback mechanism is non-operational and no down

58 P.-W. So et al. / Progress in Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy 51 (2007) 49–62

regulation of TfR expression is observed despite increasingiron concentrations. Instead of depending on the usual ironcarrier, halo-Tf, to transport iron, the method uses Tf-MION which increases the sensitivity of the technique as2064 iron ions are internalised as compared too only twoin the case of halo-Tf, for a single endocytotic event,thereby giving rise to the possibility of single cell detection.Recently, expression of ETR has been shown to correlatewith therapeutic gene expression when both genes are inthe same vector [83].

8.4.2. Direct imaging of reporter protein

Recently, two methods exploiting ferritin (withoutadministration of a MR probe), to assess gene expressionby MRI have been proposed [84,85]. In these approaches,the over-expression of ferritin by cells generate negativeMRI contrast as a result of (i) increased ferritin storageof iron and (ii) increased entry of iron into the cells dueto upregulation of TfR resulting from the lowered labileiron pool arising from increased iron sequestration by fer-ritin. The advantage of such methods is that no administra-tion of an exogenous MR probe is required, i.e., they resultin the generation of endogenous contrast.

Genove et al. [84] genetically modified adenovirae tocarry either the genes for the light- or heavy-chain subunitsof human ferritin. The administration of both types ofgenetically modified adenovirae to cells (in a 1:1 ratio) leadto negative enhancement in the MRI image of ferritinexpressing cells, although iron supplementation wasrequired as insufficient amounts of iron was present inthe culturing media. Injection of such genetically modifiedadenovirae into the striatum of a mouse brain lead to theobservation of negative enhancement in that area arisingfrom ferritin gene transfer to cells in the area. Negativeenhancement was observed for as long as 5 weeks post-inoculation.

Cohen et al. [85] also proposed a ferritin-based reportersystem involving over-expression of the heavy subunit ofmurine ferritin. Their IRG was a fusion of the genes forthe heavy subunit of murine ferritin, engineered green fluo-rescent protein and haemagglutinin, enabling correlation ofMRI, optical and histochemical data, respectively. Theexpression of the fusion gene is under the control of tetra-cycline, this standard tetracycline-off gene control systemallows gene expression to be controlled by the use of tetra-cyclines such that in their presence the gene is switched off[86]. Over-expression of ferritin lead to increased iron (andferritin) content in vitro and negative enhancement in theMR image. Negative enhancement was also observed inthe tumour formed from implantation of such cells subcu-taneously in the flank of a mouse.

Both the ferritin-based reporter technologies mentionedabove leads to an overall increase in cellular iron concen-trations arising from increased storage by ferritin. Thesequestration of iron by ferritin alleviates the possible tox-icological (i.e., iron-catalyzed hydroxyl radical production

via the Fenton reaction) consequences of increased levelsof iron concentrations in the cell.

8.4.3. Enzyme based reporter protein

A commonly used reporter gene in assessing geneexpression by conventional methods is lacZ, whose proteinproduct is b-galactosidase. Gene expression can be assessedby assaying for enzyme activity by the use of chromogenicsubstrates such as 5-bromo-4-indolyl-b-D-galactopyrano-side (X-gal) which forms an intense blue precipitate whenhydrolyzed by b-galactosidase. These reporter genes canalso be used to assess gene expression in tissue specimensby the use of immunohistochemistry and histochemicalstaining. Such methodology has been adapted to allowMRI of gene expression by the use of a MR probe insteadof a chromogenic substance. The MR probe is often termeda ‘smart’ contrast agent as it is not MR detectable untilmetabolised by b-galactosidase to form a product that isdetectable. This was proposed by Louie et al. [87] using anew smart contrast agent called EgadME, consisting of achelated gadolinium caged by a galactopyranose residue.The chelator binds with high affinity to gadolinium, occu-pying eight of the nine coordination sites of gadolinium.A galactopyranose residue is positioned so as to blockthe access of a water molecule to the remaining coordina-tion site on gadolinium. This water-inaccessible conforma-tion is not MR active until the galactopyranose residue iscleaved by b-galactosidase, allowing water access to gado-linium and hence, increased signal intensity by T1-weightedMRI. The use of EgadME to image gene expression in vivo

was demonstrated in the Xenopus laevis embryo. At the twocell stage, both cells were injected with EgadME but onlyone cell received either the mRNA or the DNA codingfor b-galactosidase. The embryo was allowed to growbefore being imaged live by MRI and then chemically fixedand stained with X-gal for histochemical analysis. The line-age of the cells in the embryo is such that at the two cellstage, cells from one side are derived from one of the twocells, and cells from the other side, from the remaining cell.Thus, positive X-gal staining observed predominantly onone side of the embryo, correlated with high intensityregions of the MR image. Whilst imaging gene expressionis possible with this methodology, the technology requiresthe cellular entry of the smart contrast agent. Louie et al.were able to gain cell entry of the contrast agent by micro-injection into cells, which is unlikely to be possible for mostapplications. To facilitate the cell uptake of contrastagents, contrast agents may be modified by conjugationto membrane translocating peptides such as the tat peptidefrom human immunodeficiency virus [88–91].

Melanin, a biopolymer pigment, giving rise to colour inthe skin, eyes and hair in humans and animals, has a highaffinity for a variety of paramagnetic metal ions, includingiron [92]. The scavenging properties of melanin to formmetallomelanin explain the high signal intensity of mela-notic melanomas by T1-weighted MRI [93]. The enzyme,tyrosinase, catalyzes the rate-limiting-step in melanogenesis

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and its gene has been proposed as an IRG [94]. Increasedexpression of tyrosinase leads to increased production ofmelanin [95] and thus, transfer of the tyrosinase gene intocells generates increased signal intensity in the T1-weightedMR imaging [94]. Note that there is no requirement forexogenous administration of a MR probe for this reportingmethod.

Melanin, plays a major role in photo-protection but theprocess of melanogenesis produces toxic intermediates. Inthe body, this potential hazard is attenuated by the processbeing compartmentalized to special organelles (melano-somes) in melanocytes [95]. Thus, Alfke et al. [96] modifiedthe methodology by using the tetracycline-off gene expres-sion system to regulate tyrosinase expression. The induciblecontrol of tyrosinase expression by tetracyclines preventsthe continued production of melanin and so, potential cel-lular damaging effects of ongoing melanogenesis. Further-more, melanin is a stable molecule and will persist afterproduction and thus the methodology needs to be furthermodified such that a less stable end product is produced,allowing increased temporal resolution imaging of geneexpression.

8.4.4. Epitope based reporter protein

As mentioned above, gene expression of a therapeuticgene can be directly assessed by using MR probes consist-ing of the specific antibody conjugated to magnetic parti-cles. However, we proposed recently a modification tothis strategy to enable indirect imaging of the therapeuticgene by coupling the therapeutic gene to an IRG that codesfor an epitope or tag on the cell surface [97]. We employeda truncated form of the H2k antigen as a tag. The nativeH2k antigen is present on cells of certain murine strain,e.g., CBA mice. This modified form does not activate sec-ondary messenger systems in the cell following epitopeand antibody binding and hence, has minimal effects on cellmetabolism and function. Hela cells (human cervical can-cer cell line), transiently transfected with a plasmid carryingthe truncated H2k gene, were shown to give rise to negativeenhancement by T2-weighted MRI, consistent with thelower T2 values of the transfected cells.

Similar to our use of the truncated H2k antigen, Tan-nous et al. [98] suggested the surface expression of biotinas a tag for reporting gene expression. The biotin tag isroutinely employed in molecular biology and immunohis-tochemical techniques due to the versatility of the biotin–streptavidin or biotin–avidin system [99]: the interactionbetween biotin and streptavidin or avidin being almost asstrong as a covalent bond.

8.4.5. Chemical exchange saturation transfer reporter


Frequency selective contrast results from the transfer ofnuclear spin saturation from exchangeable protons of theCEST reporter protein to water protons (see above). Bio-logically exchangeable protons include the amide protonsof lysine, and researchers have synthesised a novel CEST

reporter protein that is rich in lysine residues, lysine-richprotein (LRP, [100]). This artificial reporter protein canprovide ‘on’ and ‘off’ contrast by application of a radiofre-quency pulse at the amide proton frequency. The technol-ogy provides the opportunity of simultaneous use ofmultiple contrast agents by frequency selective imaging,comparable to optical imaging methods in which opticalagents with different wavelength sensitivities can be used.

8.5. MRS-based methods of assessing gene expression

MRS methods of assessing gene expression are based onthe IRG product being an enzyme which catalyzes the con-version of substrate to a product with an unique chemicalshift value, i.e., different from that from the substrate andendogenous metabolites in the tissue. Kinases, arginineand creatine kinases (AK, CK), have been proposed as pos-sible reporter proteins [101,102], catalyzing the phosphory-lation of arginine and creatine, respectively.

AK is not present in mammalian tissues and infection ofskeletal muscle in mice with recombinant adenovirus carry-ing this gene from Drosophila leads to the phosphorylationof arginine to phosphoarginine (PArg). The formation ofPArg was monitored by in vivo 31P MRS, showing AKexpression persisted for at least 8 months after injection[101]. Similarly, CK can be used to report on gene expres-sion by the monitoring of phosphocreatine (PCr) forma-tion [102,103]. CK can be readily used to report on geneexpression in tissues not expressing endogenous CK, e.g.,in liver and kidney. However, by measuring the incrementin CK activity using magnetization transfer methods [104],CK can be used to act as a reporter in tissues expressingCK endogenously, e.g., skeletal muscle.

Cytosine deaminase (CD) is a microbial enzyme, absentin mammalian cells, that catalyzes the conversion of 5-flu-orocytosine (5-FC) to the toxic metabolite, 5-fluorouracil(5-FU). 5-FU is an antimetabolite which is incorporatedinto DNA and RNA, forming fluorinated nucleotides thatlead to cell death by cell cycle arrest and apoptosis. 5-FU isused in cancer chemotherapy but dosage is limited by itssystemic toxicity which may be overcome by the transduc-tion of CD only in cancer tissues and the use of 5-FC ratherthan 5-FU [105]. No fluorinated endogenous metaboliteswere detected by 19F-MRS in vivo. Thus, CD can be usedas a reporter protein as well as a therapeutic protein since5-FC, 5-FU and fluorinated nucleotides have different 19Fchemical shifts which may be monitored by 19F MRS[106]. Stegman et al. [107] demonstrated the use of in vivo19F MRS to non-invasively monitor the metabolism of 5-FC and to quantify CD expression in animals bearing sub-cutaneous tumours expressing CD.

b-Galactosidase is also being developed as a reporterprotein for MRS. This requires development of MR probeswhich are substrates for this enzyme, generating a productwith characteristic chemical shift(s). A prototype MR b-galactosidase sensitive molecule, 4-fluoro-2-nitrophenyl-b-D-galactopyranoside (PFONPG), has been reported

60 P.-W. So et al. / Progress in Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy 51 (2007) 49–62

recently [108]. Employing 19F MRS, the relative geneexpression of cells transfected with the lacZ gene was deter-mined by monitoring formation of the product aglycone,PFONP, from the PFONPG substrate, catalyzed by b-galactosidase. However, use of PFONPG is limited dueto the toxicity of PFONP but this does raise the possibilityof PFONPG use in cancer chemotherapy as inducedexpression of b-galactosidase by tumour cells can lead toPFONP formation in these cells and so killing of cancercells. Compared to EgadMe as a MR probe, PFONPGdoes have the advantage that it readily penetrates the cellmembrane for catalysis by b-galactosidase and is also a bet-ter substrate for the enzyme. However, specific spatialinformation may be limited due to a lack of trapping ofthe product PFONP within cells.

Polyphosphate (polyP) is a linear polymer of orthophos-phate residues linked by high energy phosphoanhydridebonds found in all organisms but at lower levels in highereukaryotes, and has been proposed as a reporter moleculefor assessing gene expression [109]. In yeast, levels of polyPare controlled by the genes VTC1 and VMA2, encoding thevacuolar transporter chaperon (Vtc) [110] complex and vac-uolar H+-ATPase (V-ATPase [111]), respectively. Quantifi-cation using 31P MRS showed correlation of polyP levelswith expression of VTC1 or VMA2. However, VTC1 ortho-logs have not been identified in mammals and VMA2 ortho-logs cause genetic disease in humans [112,113] so analternative exogenous MRI reporter is needed for use inmammalian systems. Preliminary unpublished results [109]suggest that the Escherichia coli PPK1 gene is a possiblecandidate. The PPK1 gene encodes a polyP kinase and con-verts the terminal phosphate of ATP to polyP [114].

9. Monitoring of therapeutic response

An important aspect in the development of any thera-peutic strategy is the need to objectively and reproduciblyassess its clinical usefulness. In the case of gene therapy, itis essential that once the therapeutic gene has been trans-ferred to the target cells/tissue and it has been shown(in vivo or in vitro) to be expressing its product at therequired level and intensity, it is of the essence that its phys-iological and clinical effectiveness be routinely monitored.Clearly this cannot be readily carry our by invasive tech-niques such as tissue biopsies, hence the need for non-inva-sive techniques such as MRI and PET. One of the mainadvantages of MRI, over other imaging methods, is its abil-ity to not only detect gene transfer and expression in vivo,but also to produce high resolution anatomical and func-tional images. MR imaging and spectroscopy are thereforeunique approaches that allow researchers and clinicians todirectly assess morphological, functional and metabolicchanges directly and longitudinally throughout the lifetimeof the patient, if necessary. In the field of cancer therapy,MRI and MRS can be used to determine temporal changesin tumour size, cellular dynamic, tissue perfusion, bioener-getics and metabolism associated with gene therapy [115].

Similarly, in gene therapy for cardiovascular diseases,MRI can be used to determine tissue perfusion and elastic-ity in order to assess the overall and regional recovery of tis-sue function. In neurological diseases and skeletal muscledisorders, a combination of tissue perfusion, morphologicalmeasurements, MR angiography, vascular remodelling andmetabolic measurements would be invaluable tools for thelong term assessment of the efficacy of gene therapy [116].Indeed, this may be particularly important for rescuing dys-trophic muscle in children with muscular dystrophy.

10. Summary and future perspectives

As well as revealing gene activity in vivo, MRI is likely toplay a major role in the development and implementation ofgene therapy, especially as this begins its slow, yet firm, trans-lation from the pre-clinical setting, to its application to manyforms of disease in humans. It is expected that in the next dec-ade or so, the use of gene therapy, at least in monogenic dis-orders will become a reality, which in turn will make furtherdemands on faster and more accurate in vivo methodologiesfor determining the long term consequences and benefits ofsuch therapies. Also, imaging techniques such as MRI andPET may potentially greatly benefit from the gene targetingmodalities being developed in gene therapy, making it a real-ity to be able to combine therapy with targeted contrastagents thus enhancing the specificity and capability of bothMRI and MRS methodologies.


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Antigen: A substance (usually a protein) which can trigger the release ofantibodies as part of the body’s immune response

DNA: Deoxyribonucleic acid, molecule that encodes genetic informationEpisome: A genetic particle of certain cells that can exist either autono-

mously in the cytoplasm or as part of a chromosomeEpitope: The surface portion of an antigen capable of eliciting an immune

response and of combining with a antibodyGene: DNA sequence that is the basic physical and functional unit of

heredityGene expression: Process by which the encoded genetic information is

converted into RNA or proteinGene product: RNA or protein resulting from gene expressionGenome: The complete set of genetic information of an organismImmunohistochemistry: Antigen is identified by allowing reaction with its

specific antibody and antibody is linked to a marker that can bedetected

IRG: Imaging reporter geneMolecular imaging: In vivo characterization and measurement of biological

processes at the cellular and molecular level

Monogenic: Single gene involvementOthologs: Genes in different species which evolved from a common

ancestral genePET: Positron emission tomographyPharmacogenetics: Study of the genetic response to drugsPolygenic: Two or more genes involvedPromoter: DNA sequence to which RNA polymerase binds to initiate

transcriptionProtein: Polymer of amino acids in a specific sequence, and which per-

forms cellular functions as well as a major constituent of cellsReporter gene: Gene that encodes for a detectable proteinrRNA: Ribosomal RNA, part of the machinery involved translationRNA: Ribonucleic acid; transcribed from DNA and may be translated for

protein synthesisSequence: Order of nucleotides in DNA or RNA, or amino acids in

proteinsTransduction: DNA transfer from one bacterium to anotherTransfection: Transfer of exogenous DNATransgene: Foreign gene transferred into cells or tissuesTranscription: Production of RNA from DNA templateTranslation: Production of proteins from mRNA templatetRNA: Transfer RNA; transfers individual amino acids to the growing

protein chain

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