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PHYSICAL REVIEW B 00, 005400 (2014)1

Spin manipulation and spin-lattice interaction in magnetic colloidal quantum dots2

Fabrizio Moro,1,* Lyudmila Turyanska,1 Josef Granwehr,2 and Amalia Patane13

1School of Physics and Astronomy, The University of Nottingham, University Park, NG7 2RD, Nottingham, United Kingdom4

2Institute of Energy and Climate Research (IEK-9), Forschungszentrum Juelich, D-52425 Juelich, Germany5

(Received 4 June 2014; revised manuscript received 10 October 2014; published xxxxxx)6

We report on the spin-lattice interaction and coherent manipulation of electron spins in Mn-doped colloidal PbSquantum dots (QDs) by electron spin resonance. We show that the phase memory time, TM , is limited by Mn–Mndipolar interactions, hyperfine interactions of the protons (1H) on the QD capping ligands with Mn ions in theirproximity (<1 nm), and surface phonons originating from thermal fluctuations of the capping ligands. In the lowMn concentration limit and at low temperature, we achieve a long phase memory time constant TM ∼ 0.9 μs,thus enabling the observation of Rabi oscillations. Our findings suggest routes to the rational design of magneticcolloidal QDs with phase memory times exceeding the current limits of relevance for the implementation of QDsas qubits in quantum information processing.









DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevB.00.005400 PACS number(s): 75.50.Pp, 75.50.Tt, 76.30.Lh, 76.60.Lz15


In the last two decades the coherent manipulation of elec-17

tron spins in semiconductor quantum dots (QDs) has attracted18

continuously increasing interest for quantum information19

processing (QIP) applications [1,2]. A basic requirement for20

QIP is that the phase memory time (TM ) of the electron spin21

must be sufficiently long compared to the time required for22

computing [3]. Therefore an understanding of the sources of23

spin dephasing is necessary to design QDs with long TM .24

Although spin manipulation has been reported for electron25

spins confined in lateral [4] and magnetic self-assembled [5]26

QDs, it still remains largely unexplored in colloidal QDs [6,7].27

Nevertheless, significant advances in the synthesis of colloidal28

QDs have enabled the controlled doping of the QDs with mag-29

netic impurities (e.g., Mn) [7,8], flexibility in manipulating30

the QD surface and environment [8,9], and implementation of31

the QDs in hybrid nanocomposite device structures [9]. Thus,32

colloidal magnetic semiconductor QDs represent an excellent33

benchmark not only to study the dephasing effects of electric34

(phonons) and magnetic (nuclei and unpaired electrons) field35

fluctuations on electron spin coherence but also to explore36

promising routes to quantum technologies.37

Since the exchange of energy between the electron spin and38

the lattice unavoidably leads to spin dephasing, identifying the39

physical mechanisms responsible for the coupling between the40

electron spins and the phonon bath is crucial for achieving long41

phase memory times. The spin-lattice relaxation time constant,42

T1, provides an upper bound for the coherence time constant43

T2 (i.e., the lifetime for superposition of states) according to44

TM < T2 � 2T1 [10]. Therefore, knowledge of T1 provides the45

theoretical maximum value of the coherence time as well as46

the influence of spin-phonon interactions on the spin dynamics,47

which can take place either via one-phonon (direct) or two-48

phonon (Raman or Orbach) processes [11]. To date, the role49

*Corresponding author: [email protected]

Published by the American Physical Society under the terms of theCreative Commons Attribution 3.0 License. Further distribution ofthis work must maintain attribution to the author(s) and the publishedarticles title, journal citation, and DOI.

played by the phonon bath on TM in colloidal QDs remains 50

unknown. Understanding this important problem along with 51

the ability to manipulate coherent states is of fundamental 52

interest and essential for the design and utilization of QDs as 53

qubits in future applications. 54

Here we report on the spin-lattice interaction and spin 55

manipulation in Mn-doped PbS colloidal QDs by electron 56

spin resonance (ESR). These narrow band gap semiconductor 57

nanocrystals [12] may offer new opportunities for optical 58

control of exciton qubits due to strong electron and hole 59

confinement in the nanocrystal, optical emission tunable in 60

the near-infrared wavelength region, controlled incorporation 61

of Mn ions down to a few Mn atoms per QD [13], and 62

compatibility with other low-dimensional semiconductors, 63

such as graphene, to construct new hybrid functional devices 64

[9]. Our ESR studies allow us to shed light on the dominant 65

mechanism for spin-lattice relaxation and to identify the major 66

sources of spin dephasing in (i) Mn–Mn dipolar interactions; 67

(ii) hyperfine interactions of the protons (1H) on the QD 68

capping ligands with Mn ions in their proximity (<1 nm); 69

and (iii) surface phonons originating from thermal fluctuations 70

of the capping ligands. These phenomena could be observed 71

in other nanocrystals and indicate that the control of the Mn 72

content and position of the Mn ions within the nanocrystal 73

and the conformational rigidity of the QD capping ligands are 74

crucial for the rational design of QD qubits with TM exceeding 75

the current limits. 76


Colloidal Mn-doped PbS QDs with average diameter of 78

4.5 ± 1.2 nm were synthesized in aqueous solution with 79

Mn weight content, x, from 0.05% to 0.5 %, as detailed 80

in Ref. [14], which corresponds to a statistical number of 81

Mn ions per QD (Mn:QD) from 1:2 to 5:1 (Table I). Our 82

approach enables the incorporation of Mn2+ ions into QDs 83

and the controlled modification of their optical and magnetic 84

properties. Solutions were freeze-dried to produce colloidal 85

QDs powder samples for ESR studies. 86

Continuous-wave (CW) and pulsed-ESR experiments were 87

performed on a Bruker ElexSys E580 X-band spectrometer 88

with a dielectric resonator (MD5). Continuous-wave ESR 89

1098-0121/2014/00(0)/005400(6) 005400-1 Published by the American Physical Society


TABLE I. Estimates of the average number of Mn ions per QD (Mn:QD), average distance between Mn ions (d), magnetic dipolar field(Bdip), dipolar frequency (νdip), and spin-spin dipolar relaxation time (Tdip). For comparison, experimental values of T1, TSD, and TM at 5 K andB0 = 345 mT are also reported.

x % Mn:QD d (nm) Bdip (μT) νdip (MHz) Tdip (μs) TM (μs) T1 (μs) TSD (μs)

0.05 1:2 5.8 46 1.3 0.8 0.83 160 300.1 1:1 4.6 93 2.6 0.4 0.47 55 100.3 3:1 3.2 280 7.8 0.1 0.10 14 20.5 5:1 2.7 460 13.0 0.08 0.07 3 0.6

experiments were performed with magnetic field modulation90

amplitude and frequency of 0.1 mT and 100 kHz, respectively.91

Echo field-swept (EFS) measurements were studied using a92

primary echo sequence, π/2 − τ − π − τ − echo, with π =93

32 ns, τ = 200 ns, and shoots repetition time of 1048 μs. Echo94

decay traces were recorded by increasing the interpulse delay95

τ of the primary echo sequence [15]. TM was estimated by96

fitting the echo decay signal (I ) to the function:97

I (2τ ) = I (0) exp(−2τ/TM ). (1)

Electron-nuclear hyperfine interactions cause a modulation98

of the primary echo amplitude, which represents a two-99

pulse electron spin echo envelope modulation (2p-ESEEM)100

experiment. For a spin system with an electron spin S = 1/2101

and a nuclear spin I = 1/2, the modulation can be described102

by the analytical equation [15]:103

V2p(τ ) = 1 − k

4[2 − 2 cos(ωατ ) − 2 cos(ωβτ )

+ cos(ω−τ ) + cos(ω+τ )], (2)

where ωα and ωβ are the nuclear frequencies for the two104

ms manifolds, ω+ = ωα + ωβ and ω− = ωα − ωβ are the105

combination frequencies, and k is the modulation depth106

parameter describing the amplitude of the oscillations. The107

parameter k is a function of the angle θ between the direction108

of the applied static magnetic field, B0, and the interdistance109

vector, r, between electron and nuclear spin.110

Spin-lattice relaxation studies were carried out using an111

inversion recovery pulse sequence, π − t − π/2 − τ − π −112

τ − echo, with τ = 0.2 μs and variable t [15]. Spin-lattice113

relaxation time constants were determined from a fit of the114

echo recovery amplitude to the biexponential function:115

Iecho(t) = I1 exp(−t/T1) + ISD exp(−t/TSD), (3)

where I1 and ISD are amplitudes, and TSD is the spectral116

diffusion time constant, which is known to affect the inversion117

recovery sequence [16]. In Sec. III, only the slower component118

T1 is examined. Values of TSD are listed in Table I.119

Electron spin nutation experiments were performed with120

the pulse sequence, tp − t − π/2 − τ − π − τ − echo, where121

the nutation pulse length tp was varied, while t = 1 μs and122

τ = 0.2 μs.123


A. Continuous-wave ESR125

Room temperature CW ESR spectra reveal six lines126

superimposed onto a broad signal (Fig. 1). By decreasing x,127

the resolution of the six lines increases, and at x = 0.05%, 128

additional weaker and narrower features are observed. The six 129

line pattern is characteristic for isotropic hyperfine splitting 130

in Mn2+ (with an electron spin S = 5/2 and a nuclear spin 131

I = 5/2), thus indicating the incorporation of isolated Mn2+132

ions into the nanocrystals. The sextet is centred close to the 133

free electron g value, ge = 2.0025, with a hyperfine constant 134

A ∼ 9.3 mT. Similar values were reported for PbS:Mn QDs 135

in a glass matrix [17]. The six ESR lines are not exactly 136

evenly spaced and are significantly broadened compared to 137

those for Mn2+ in a hexagonal ZnO crystalline environment 138

[18]. These results suggest that the local symmetry of Mn2+139

ions is lower than cubic, as expected for ions located near or 140

at the surface of a QD, which experience strain and crystal 141

field anisotropies [17,19]. The additional broadening of the 142

linewidth for samples with x > 0.1% is likely caused by 143

increased dipolar interactions between Mn2+ ions [20,21]. 144

B. Mn concentration dependence of the electron 145

spin dynamics and 2p-ESEEM 146

At the maximum of the EFS intensity, B0 = 345 mT (see 147

Supplemental Material, S1 [22]), TM increases from �0.07 μs 148

to �0.8 μs with x decreasing from 0.5% to 0.05% [see 149

Figs. 2(a) and 3(a)]. The longest TM ∼ 0.9 μs is achieved for 150

x = 0.05% at 4.2 K, which is up to two orders of magnitude 151

longer than time constants previously reported for Mn-doped 152


. uni


FIG. 1. (Color online) Continuous-wave ESR spectra of PbS:MnQDs at different Mn concentrations, x. Inset: sketch of the PbS:Mncrystal lattice with substitutional MnPb.






. uni



. uni


FIG. 2. (Color online) Spin echo (a) and inversion recovery(b) measurements at different x at 5 K. The cyan curve in (a) is thesimulation to Eq. (4), as discussed in the text. Inset in (a) shows theESEEM spectrum and cartoon of the PbS:Mn QDs. Pulse sequenceschemes are also shown in (a) and (b).

CdTe semiconductor bulk layers [23] for ZnSe/MnSe quantum153

wells [24] or for nonmagnetic In(Ga)As self-assembled QDs154

[25]. Our TM values are instead similar to those reported155

for Mn-doped ZnO colloidal QDs [6,7]. Also, we observe156

an ESEEM signal superimposed to the Hahn echo decay157

[Fig. 2(a)]. By subtracting the monoexponential decay and158

Fourier transforming the resulting curve, we extracted a159

characteristic modulating frequency at 14.3 ± 0.5 MHz160

[Fig. 2(a) inset]. This is close to the 1H Larmor frequency161

(ωI/2π = 14.69 MHz) and suggests coupling of electron162

spins to 1H located in the QD-capping ligands. The weaker163

spectral features at �3.1 MHz could be tentatively ascribed164

to interactions with 207Pb nuclei. A dominant contribution of165

1H nuclear spins to electron spin dephasing in comparison166

to other nuclear spins in the QD is ascribed to the larger167

gyromagnetic ratio (γ1H/γ207Pb ∼ 5 and γ1H/γ33S ∼ 13) and168

natural abundance (�100% for 1H, �22% for 207Pb, and169

�0.8% for 33S) of 1H.170

Since the excitation of the ESR peak at B0 = 345 mT171

mainly induces transitions between ms = ±1/2 quantum172

numbers, we can treat our spin system as a fictitious S ′ = 1/2173

and I ′ = 1/2 system. In this case a discussion of the ESEEM174

spectra can be based on Eq. (2). The unresolved ωα and ωβ 175

peaks at ∼14.3 MHz suggest that the isotropic electron–1H 176

coupling is weak; therefore, we can analyze our data assuming 177

that ωα ∼ ωβ ∼ |ωI |, and ω− ∼ 0. The sum frequency of the 178

1H signal, ω+ = 2|ωI | ∼ 29 MHz, is considerably weaker than 179

expected from the analytical expression for 2p-ESEEM with 180

ideal, nonselective pulses [15]. We ascribe this to the limited 181

excitation bandwidth of the refocusing π pulse (�31 MHz), 182

which only partially excites ω+. Thus we do not consider the 183

resonance at ω+ in the analysis. 184

We use Eq. (2) to model the 2p-ESEEM data. For a sample 185

with statistical distribution of θ and small modulation depth 186

k (k � 1), the τ dependence of the ESEEM signal can be 187

approximated by the equation: 188

IESEEM(2τ ) ≈ I (0)[1 + 〈k〉 cos(ωIτ )] exp(−2τ/TM ). (4)

The observed mean modulation depth 〈k〉 [26] repre- 189

sents an average of k(θ ) over the three-dimensional unit 190

sphere: 191

〈k〉 ≈⟨(



gμ0μB sin(2θ )


)2⟩= 6





, (5)

where r is the modulus of the electron-nucleus distance vector 192

r, μ0 is the vacuum permeability, and μB is the Bohr magneton. 193

With these assumptions, a mean distance 〈r〉 between an 194

electron and a nuclear spin from a statistical distribution of 195

electron and nuclear spin pairs can be obtained: 196

〈r〉 = 6




4πB0. (6)

The simulation of the echo decay for the sample with x = 197

0.05% provides an estimate for 〈k〉 = 0.08 ± 0.01, from which 198

we derive 〈r〉 = 0.28 ± 0.03 nm by using Eq. (6). This value 199

of 〈r〉 represents a lower limit for an electron spin interacting 200

with a single proton. Assuming that all the coupled protons 201

are at the same direction from the electron spin, which is 202

justified by the small value of 〈r〉 compared to the averaged 203

diameter of the QD, the integration of the product rule [26] 204

for several nuclei provides the distance distribution of a single 205

spin S ′ = 1/2 interacting with n 1H : 〈kn〉 = n〈k〉. Thus we 206

calculate that even for n = 4, the distance between electron 207

and nuclear spins only increases to 〈r4〉 = 0.35 nm and for 208

n = 20 to 〈r20〉 = 0.46 nm. These values are consistent with 209

the assumption of weak electron–1H coupling, implying Mn 210

ions close to the QD surface. For Mn ions located deeper in 211

the core of QDs, the Mn−1H interaction would be too weak to 212

modulate the echo decay, while for Mn2+ ions at the surface 213

and bound to the protons of the capping ligands, a nonvanishing 214

isotropic hyperfine interaction would enable to resolve ωα and 215

ωβ resonances. 216

The rate, 1/TM , increases with x [Fig. 3(a)], as expected 217

from the gradual decrease of the average Mn–Mn distance and 218

corresponding enhancement of the magnetic dipolar field. This 219

argument is supported by the broadening of the ESR linewidth 220

with increasing x. For a spherical QD with average volume 221

VQD, the number of Mn ions per QD is NMn = 4Nucx, where 222

Nuc = VQD/Vuc is the number of PbS unit cells with volume 223

Vuc = 0.209 nm3 per QD and 4 is the number of Pb atoms 224

per unit cell. Thus, the volume available for each Mn ion is 225





FIG. 3. (Color online) Dependence of 1/T1 (circles) and 1/TM

(stars) on the (a) Mn content and (b) temperature for x = 0.05%.Experimental errors are within the size of the symbols. The line in(a) is the calculated dipolar limit, 1/Tdip. The line in (b) is a fit to1/T1 = A1T with A1 = (6.44 ± 0.05) × 10−3 μs−1 K−1.

VQD/NMn, and the average distance between Mn ions is d =226




, which corresponds to the diameter of a sphere with227

volume VQD/NMn. The results reported in Table I show that228

the Mn average distance increases from �2.7 nm to �5.8 nm229

for x decreasing from 0.5% to 0.05%, respectively.230

From the classical dipolar field, Bdip = μ0[3(μ · d)d −231

μd2]/4πd5, where d is the interdistance Mn–Mn vector and232

the resonance condition Bdip = hνdip/gμB , we estimate the233

lower limit for the decoherence rate, νdip, set by the magnetic234

dipolar field, i.e., νdip = 1/Tdip = μ0g2μB

2Sx/3hVuc, where235

Vuc is the volume of a PbS unit cell and S = 5/2 (Table I).236

We find that the values of 1/TM at different x are close to the237

dipolar rate, 1/Tdip, and follow the expected linear dependence238

on x [Fig. 3(a)]. Also, 1/TM does not reach a plateau at the239

lowest x, indicating that the dipolar coupling is a limiting240

factor for TM .241

The role played by phonons in the Mn-spin dynamics was242

inferred from the study of the spin lattice relaxation time243

constants, T1 [Fig. 2(b)]. The rate of change of 1/T1 as function244

of x [Fig. 3(a)] flattens for x < 0.3% and increases at larger245

x. The coupling mechanisms responsible for the increase of246

1/T1 are magnetic dipolar interactions between neighboring247

magnetic ions and interactions of the magnetic ion with the248

crystal field [15]. Since the crystal field interacts directly only 249

with the orbital motion of the electrons, the latter mechanism 250

requires magnetic ions with orbital moment L �= 0. On the 251

other hand, we deduce that L is quenched from the isotropic 252

(nearly free) electron g value (as found from the CW ESR 253

studies) and the half-filled d orbitals for Mn2+ ions in the 254

6A1 ground state [11]. Thus, we exclude this mechanism and 255

notice instead that lattice waves could modulate the distance 256

between nuclear or electron spins and, hence, spin-spin dipolar 257

energies and anisotropic magnetic interactions. For a large 258

Mn–Mn separation (i.e., d > 5 nm and x < 0.1%), 1/T1 is 259

independent of x [Fig. 3(a)]. For short Mn–Mn distances (i.e., 260

d < 5 nm and x > 0.1%), 1/T1 strongly depends on x, which 261

is consistent with Mn–Mn dipolar interactions modulated by 262

lattice waves, thus shortening T1. 263

C. Temperature dependence of the electron spin dynamics 264

The temperature variation of 1/TM [Fig. 3(b)] for x = 265

0.05% is a clear manifestation of the link between T2 (and 266

hence TM ) and the lattice, which contributes to electron spin 267

dephasing through thermal fluctuations of the surrounding 268

spins. The weak and linear temperature dependence of 1/T1 269

[Fig. 3(b)] indicates that the exchange of energy between the 270

lattice and the Mn electron spin is mediated by one-phonon 271

processes [11] at temperatures T < 10 K. This spin-lattice 272

interaction occurs only when the frequency of the lattice 273

oscillations matches the Larmor frequency of the electron spins 274

[15]. Because of the long phonon wavelength (λ ∼ 300 nm at 275

10 GHz) and small size of our nanocrystals (d ∼ 4.5 nm), we 276

ascribe lattice vibrations to surface phonons originating from 277

fluctuations of capping ligands with low steric hindrance [27] 278

rather than to QD core lattice vibrations [16]. For T > 10 K, 279

1/T1 shows a faster increase with temperature, suggesting 280

that other relaxation mechanisms become dominant, e.g., two 281

phonon Raman processes involving the excitation of virtual 282

states [11]. The large energy separation (� ∼ 2.4 eV) between 283

the ground state (6A1) and the excited state (4T1) for Mn2+284

in octahedral environment allows one to exclude Orbach 285

processes involving the excitation of a state at energy � 286

above the ground state [21]. We observe a similar temperature 287

dependence of 1/T1 and 1/TM for a sample with larger 288

Mn content, x = 0.5% (see Supplemental Material, S2 [22]). 289

This observation confirms that similar spin-lattice relaxation 290

processes occur at different Mn concentrations, which we 291

identify in the thermal motion of the capping ligands. 292

D. Rabi oscillations 293

The feasibility of quantum algorithms with spin-qubits 294

depends on the number of driven coherent oscillations, as 295

expressed by the figure of merit QM = �RTM/π [28], where 296

�R is the nutation (Rabi) frequency. Electron spin oscillations 297

are shown in Fig. 4(a). We observe that the fast damping of 298

the quantum oscillations is highly nonmonoexponential (see 299

Supplemental Material, S3 [22]), likely due to an inhomo- 300

geneous B1 across the sample. This can also be ascribed 301

to a distribution of Mn electron spin coupling parameters 302

due to strains caused by the proximity of the Mn2+ ions to 303

the QD surface [29,30] as well as to changes of the dipolar 304



0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 0 20 40 60 80 100








o in


ity -



tp ( s)



T a



- o


R/2 (MHz)

tp /2 echo


FIG. 4. (Color online) (a) Rabi oscillations and (b) fast Fouriertransform for PbS:Mn QDs with x = 0.05% at various values ofB1 = 0.2 − 1.6 mT at T = 5 K and B0 = 345 mT. The nutationpulse scheme, the electron-1H nutation frequency (red dashed line)and the Rabi frequencies (arrows) are shown.

couplings occurring over the long nutation pulse [31]. The305

Fourier transform of the data recorded at different microwave306

powers (Pmw ∝ B21 ) show that the nutation frequency peaks307

shift from �R/2π ∼ 8 MHz to 50 MHz with increasing B1308

[Fig. 4(b)]. This demonstrates electron spin Rabi oscillations309

in a rotating frame of reference induced by the on-resonant310

irradiation of B1 [15]. For B1 = 1.6 mT, we estimate a figure311

of merit QM ∼ 100.312

We note that the peak centered at �14.3 MHz is inde-313

pendent of the microwave power [Fig. 4(b)], thus indicating314

that it originates from coherent electron-1H oscillations. These315

results support our 2p-ESEEM studies [Fig. 2(a) inset] and316

suggest that Mn ions are weakly coupled to 1H spins on the317

QD surface. The intensity of the peak at 14.3 MHz reaches the318

maximum value at B1 ∼ 0.6 mT, where the electron nutation319

frequency and Larmor frequency of 1H spins are matched, i.e.,320

both oscillate at the same frequency [32]. This condition also321

corresponds to the maximum number of quantum oscillations322


Our findings allow us to suggest the following design rules 324

for the chemical engineering of QDs with longer TM and 325

higher QM : (i) overgrowing magnetically doped QDs with 326

a diamagnetic shell to reduce hyperfine interactions between 327

the Mn ions and the protons of the capping ligands; (ii) 328

deprotonation of the capping ligands and of the solvent 329

molecules could increase the TM value by up to a factor of 35 330

[16], in the limit of very high dilution where electron-electron 331

dipolar interactions becomes negligible; (iii) the use of rigid 332

capping ligands to minimize nuclear spin diffusion; and (iv) 333

the dilution of the QDs in a diamagnetic matrix to minimize 334

interparticle Mn–Mn dipolar interactions. 335


We have reported on the spin-lattice interaction and spin 337

manipulation by pulsed ESR of isolated, spatially confined 338

Mn ions in PbS colloidal QDs and presented a protocol based 339

on 2p-ESEEM to estimate the location of the Mn dopants. We 340

found long phase memory times, which enabled us to coher- 341

ently drive Rabi oscillations of Mn electron spins in the Bloch 342

sphere. Moreover, we shed light on the dominant mechanisms 343

responsible for spin-lattice interactions and identified the main 344

sources of spin dephasing. A source of spin dephasing was 345

found in surface phonons originating from fluctuations of the 346

QD capping ligands. This phenomenon could be observed in 347

other QDs and highlights the complexity of the mechanisms 348

responsible for spin dephasing in nanostructures. Our findings 349

allow us to propose the rational design of QD qubits with 350

longer phase memory time constants. In addition, the large 351

value of T1 could lead to long exciton- and Mn-related 352

optical emissions mediated by sp−d interaction in the QDs 353

[13], offering prospects to initialize, manipulate and read out 354

spin-qubits [33,34]. 355


This paper is supported by The University Of Nottingham, 357

The Leverhulme Trust, Grant No. RPG-2013-242, The Photon 358

Science Institute and the Engineering and Physical Sciences 359

Research Council (EPSRC) multifrequency Electron Param- 360

agnetic Resonance (ESR) national facility at The University 361

of Manchester. We are grateful to Dr. A. Fielding, Dr. W. 362

Kockenberger, and Prof. N. R. Thomas for helpful discussions. 363

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