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Taxonomy and Implementation of Redirection Techniques forUbiquitous Passive Haptic Feedback

Frank Steinicke∗, Gerd Bruder∗, Luv Kohli†, Jason Jerald†, and Klaus Hinrichs∗

∗Visualization and Computer Graphics (VisCG) Research GroupDepartment of Computer Science

Westfalische Wilhelms-Universitat Munster, Germany{fsteini,g brud01,khh}@uni-muenster.de

†Effective Virtual Environments (EVE) GroupDepartment of Computer Science

University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, USA{luv,jjerald}@cs.unc.edu


Traveling through immersive virtual environments (IVEs) by meansof real walking is an important activity to increase naturalness ofVR-based interaction. However, the size of the virtual world of-ten exceeds the size of the tracked space so that a straightforwardimplementation of omni-directional and unlimited walking is notpossible. Redirected walking is one concept to solve this problemof walking in IVEs by inconspicuously guiding the user on a phys-ical path that may differ from the path the user visually perceives.When the user approaches a virtual object she can be redirected to areal proxy object that is registered to the virtual counterpart and pro-vides passive haptic feedback. In such passive haptic environments,any number of virtual objects can be mapped to proxy objects hav-ing similar haptic properties, e.g., size, shape and texture. The usercan sense a virtual object by touching its real world counterpart.Redirecting a user to a registered proxy object makes it necessaryto predict the user’s intended position in the IVE. Based on this tar-get position we determine a path through the physical space suchthat the user is guided to the registered proxy object. We present ataxonomy of possible redirection techniques that enable user guid-ance such that inconsistencies between visual and proprioceptivestimuli are imperceptible. We describe how a user’s target in thevirtual world can be predicted reliably and how a correspondingreal-world path to the registered proxy object can be derived.

Keywords: Virtual Reality, Locomotion Interface, Generic Redi-rected Walking, Dynamic Passive Haptics


Walking is the most basic and intuitive way of moving within thereal world. Keeping such an active and dynamic ability to navi-gate through large-scale immersive virtual environments (IVEs) isof great interest for many 3D applications demanding locomotion,such as in urban planning, tourism, 3D entertainment etc. Head-mounted display (HMD) and tracking system represent typical in-strumentation of an IVE. Although many domains are inherentlythree-dimensional and advanced visual simulations often provide agood sense of locomotion, most applications do not support VR-based user interfaces, least of all real walking is possible [33].However, real walking in IVEs can be realized. An obvious ap-proach is to transfer the user’s head movements to changes of the

virtual camera in the IVE by means of a one-to-one mapping. Thistechnique has the drawback that the user’s movements are restrictedby the limited range of the tracking sensors and a rather smallworkspace in the real world. Therefore concepts for virtual locomo-tion interfaces are needed that enable walking over large distancesin the virtual world while remaining within a relatively small spacein the real world.

Many hardware-based approaches have been presented to ad-dress this issue [1, 15, 16, 26]. Since most of them are very costlyand support only walking of a single user they may not get be-yond a prototype stage. However, cognition and perception re-search suggests that more cost-efficient alternatives exist. Psy-chologists have known for decades that vision usually dominatesproprioceptive, i. e., vestibular and kinesthetic, sensation when thetwo disagree [7]. While graphics may provide correct visual stim-uli of motion in the IVE, it can only approximate proprioceptivestimuli. Experiments demonstrate that the user tolerates a certainamount of inconsistency between visual and proprioceptive sensa-tion [28, 32, 17, 22, 18, 4, 24]. Moreover users tend to unwittinglycompensate for small inconsistencies making it possible to guidethem along paths in the real world which differ from the path per-ceived in the virtual world. This so-called redirected walking en-ables users to explore a virtual world that is considerably largerthan the tracked lab space [24] (see Figure 1 (a)).

Besides natural navigation, multi-sensory perception of an IVEincreases the degree of presence [10]. Whereas graphics and soundrendering have matured so much that realistic synthesis of realworld scenarios is possible, generation of haptic stimuli still re-presents a vast area for research. Tremendous effort has been un-dertaken to support active haptic feedback by specialized hardwarewhich generates certain haptic stimuli [5]. These technologies suchas force feedback devices can provide compelling haptic feedback,but are expensive and limit the size of the user’s working space dueto devices and wires. A simpler solution is to use passive hapticfeedback: physical props registered to virtual objects provide realhaptic feedback to the user. By touching such a prop the user getsthe impression of interacting with an associated virtual object seenin an HMD [19] (see Figure 1 (b)). Passive haptic feedback is verycompelling, but a different physical object is needed for each virtualobject requiring haptic feedback [9]. Since the interaction space isconstrained, only a few physical props can be supported, thus thenumber of virtual objects that can be touched by the user is lim-ited. Moreover, the presence of physical props in the interactionspace prevents exploration of other parts of the virtual world notrepresented by the current physical setup. Thus exploration of largescale environments and support of passive haptic feedback seem to







(a) (b) (c)

Figure 1: Combining several redirection techniques and dynamic passive haptics. (a) A user walks in the physical environment on a path that isdifferent from the visually perceived path. (b) A user touches a table serving as proxy object for (c) a stone block displayed in the virtual world.

be mutually exclusive.Recently redirected walking and passive haptics have been com-

bined in order to address both problems [18, 28]. If the user ap-proaches an object in the virtual world she is guided to a corre-sponding physical prop. Otherwise the user is guided around ob-stacles in the working space in order to avoid collisions. Props donot have to be aligned with their virtual world counterparts nor dothey have to provide haptic feedback identical to the visual repre-sentation. Experiments have shown that physical objects can pro-vide passive haptic feedback for virtual objects with a different vi-sual appearance and with similar, but not necessarily the same, hap-tic capabilities [28] (see Figure 1 (b) and (c)). Hence, virtual objectscan be sensed by means of real proxy props having similar hapticproperties, i. e., size, shape and texture. The mapping from virtualto real objects need not be one-to-one. Since the mapping as wellas the visualization of virtual objects can be changed dynamicallyduring runtime, usually a small number of proxy props suffices torepresent a much larger number of virtual objects. By redirectingthe user to a preassigned proxy object that represents a virtual coun-terpart, the user gets the illusion of interacting with a desired virtualobject.

We present a taxonomy of potential redirection techniques whichguide users to corresponding proxy props, and we show how the re-quired transformation of virtual to real paths can be implemented.The remainder of this paper is structured as follows. Section 2summarizes previous work about redirection techniques and pas-sive haptic feedback. Section 3 provides a taxonomy of redirectiontechniques which can be used to guide users to registered proxyprops. Section 4 explains how a virtual path is mapped to a physi-cal path on which users are guided. Section 5 concludes the paperand gives an overview about future work.


Currently locomotion and perception in virtual worlds are in the fo-cus of many research groups. To address natural walking in IVEs,various prototypes of interface devices have been developed to pre-vent a displacement in the real world. These devices include torus-shaped omni-directional treadmills [1, 2], motion foot pads [15],robot tiles [14, 16] and motion carpets [27]. All these systems arecostly and support only a single user. For multi-walker scenarios,it is necessary to equip each user with a separate device. Althoughthese hardware systems represent enormous technological achieve-ments, most likely they will not get beyond a prototype stage in theforeseeable future due to the described limitations. Hence there isa tremendous demand for alternative approaches.

As a solution to this challenge, traveling by exploiting walk-like gestures has been proposed in many different variants, givingthe user the impression of walking. For example, the walking-

in-place approach exploits walk-like gestures to travel through anIVE, while the user remains physically at nearly the same posi-tion [13, 31, 27, 29, 34, 6]. Real walking has been shown to bea more presence-enhancing locomotion technique than any othernavigation metaphors [31].

Research has analyzed perception in both real as well as virtualworlds. For example, many researchers have described that dis-tances in virtual worlds are underestimated in comparison to thereal world [11, 12]. Furthermore, it has been discovered that usershave difficulty orienting themselves in virtual worlds [25].

Visual dominance over the proprioception has been examinedfor hand-based interaction tasks [4]. Redirected walking [24] is apromising solution to the problem of limited tracking space and thechallenge of providing users with the ability to explore an IVE bywalking. The technique redirects the user by manipulating the dis-played scene, causing users to unknowingly compensate by reposi-tioning or reorienting themselves.

Different approaches to redirect a user in an IVE have been sug-gested. The most common approach is to scale translational move-ments, for example, to cover a virtual distance that is larger than thedistance walked in the physical space. Interrante et al. suggest toapply the scaling exclusively to the main walking direction in orderto prevent unintended lateral shifts [13]. With most reorientationtechniques, the virtual world is imperceptibly rotated around thecenter of a stationary user until she is oriented such that no phys-ical obstacles are in front of her [22, 24, 18]. Then, the user cancontinue to walk in the desired virtual direction.

Alternatively, reorientation can also be applied while the userwalks [8, 28]. For instance, if the user wants to walk straight aheadfor a long distance in the virtual world, small rotations of the cam-era redirect her to walk unconsciously on a circular arc in the oppo-site direction in the real world. When redirecting a user, the visualsensation is consistent with visual motion in the IVE, but proprio-ceptive sensation reflects motion in the physical world. However,if the induced manipulations are small enough, the user has the im-pression of being able to walk in the virtual world in any directionwithout restrictions. Until now not much research has been un-dertaken in order to identify thresholds which indicate the tolerableamount of deviation between vision and proprioception [32, 28, 17].Redirection techniques have been applied particularly in the fieldof robotics for controlling a remote robot by walking [8]. For suchscenarios much effort has been undertaken to prevent collisions–sophisticated path prediction is therefore essential [8, 21]. Thesetechniques guide users on physical paths for which lengths as wellas turning angles of the visually perceived paths are maintained.Hence, omni-directional and unlimited walking is possible. How-ever, passive haptics feedback has not been considered in this con-text.

Active haptic feedback is often supported by expensive haptichardware, such as Phantom devices [5] or specialized data gloves,but only few devices can be worn comfortably without any wiresthat provide at least a sufficient sense of touch. Passive haptic feed-back has been used effectively to provide the natural sensation oftouch [10]. The main idea is to replicate counterparts of virtual ob-jects such as walls and tables in the physical space and to arrangethem correspondingly. It has been shown that this increases the im-mersion in the IVE significantly [31, 9]. As mentioned in Section 1,the mapping between virtual objects and proxy props need not nec-essarily be one-to-one. In this context McNeely has presented theconcept of robotic graphics [20]. The main idea is that a robot isequipped with a haptic feedback device attached to its end effector.The robot takes the device to the location where the haptic feedbackshould be presented. This concept has been extended by Tachi etal. with their Shape Approximation Device [30]. The device canexchange the surface touched by the user’s finger, and hence differ-ent shapes and textures can be simulated. Kohli et al. suggest theinverse idea [18]. They use a static proxy prop to provide passivehaptic feedback for several virtual objects. Their prototype setupwas limited to symmetrical cylinders, but recent research resultsindicate that visual and kinesthetic information may be discrepantwithout users observing the inconsistencies [28, 17, 4].

In summary, considerable effort has been undertaken in order toenable a user to walk through a large-scale IVE while presentingcontinuous passive haptic stimuli.


A fundamental task of an IVE is to synchronize images presentedon the display surface with the user’s head movements in such away that the elements of the virtual scene appear stable in space.Redirected walking and reorientation techniques take advantage ofthe imperfections of the human visual-vestibular system by inten-tionally injecting imperceivable motions of the scene. When a usernavigates through an IVE by means of real walking, motions arecomposed of translational and rotational movements. Translationalmovements are used to get from one position to another, rotationalmovements are used to reorient in the IVE. By combining bothtypes of movements users can navigate on curve-like trajectories.We classify redirection techniques with respect to these types.

3.1 User’s Locomotion TripleRedirected walking can be applied via gains which define howtracked real-world movements are mapped to the virtual environ-ment. These gains are specified with respect to a coordinate sys-tem. For example, gains can be applied by uniform or non-uniformscaling factors applied to the scene coordinate system. Previous re-search approaches suggest defining locomotion gains with respectto the user’s walking direction [13].

We introduce the user’s locomotion triple (s,u,w) defined bythree vectors: the strafe vector s, the up vector u and the directionof walk vector w. The user’s direction of walk can be determinedby the actual walking direction or using proprioceptive informationsuch as the orientation of the limbs or the viewing direction. Inour implementation we define w by the actual walking directiontracked by the tracking system. The strafe vector is orthogonalto the direction of walk and parallel to the walking plane. Sincefrom the user’s perspective the strafe vector points to the right, itis sometimes denoted as right vector. While the direction of walkand the strafe vector are orthogonal to each other, the up vectoru is not constrained to the crossproduct s×w. For instance, if auser walks a slope the user’s direction of walk is defined accordingto the walking plane’s orientation, whereas the up vector is notorthogonal to the tilted walking plane. When walking on slopeshumans tend to lean forward, so the up vector remains orthogonalto the virtual world’s (x,z)-plane. Even on tilted planes the user’s

up vector may be defined by s×w. This can be useful, for example,if the user is located in another reference system, such as driving acar. However, while walking the user’s up vector is usually givenby the inverse of the gravitation direction, e. g., the scene’s upvector.

In the following sections we describe how gains can be ap-plied to such a locomotion triple.

3.2 Translation gainsAssume that the tracking and virtual world coordinate systems arecalibrated and registered. When the tracking system detects achange of the user’s position defined by the vector translation =poscur − pospre, where poscur is the current position and pospre isthe previous position, translation is applied one-to-one to the vir-tual camera, i. e., the virtual camera is moved by |translation| unitsin the corresponding direction in the virtual world coordinate sys-tem. The tracking system updates the change of position severaltimes per second as long as the user remains within the range of thetracking system.

A translation gain gtrans ∈ R is defined by the quotient of theapplied virtual world translation translationvirtual and the trackedreal world translation translationreal, i. e., gtrans := translationvirtual


When a translation gain gtrans is applied to a translational move-ment translationreal the virtual camera is moved by the vectorgtrans · translationreal in the corresponding direction. This is par-ticularly useful if the user wants to explore IVEs whose size differssignificantly from the size of the tracked space. For instance, if auser wants to explore molecular structures, movements in the realworld must be scaled down when they are mapped to virtual move-ments, e. g., gtrans ≈ 0. In contrast, the exploration of a footballfield by means of real walking in a working space requires a trans-lation gain gtrans ≈ 10. Such uniform gains allow exploration ofIVEs whose sizes differ from the size of the working space, butoften restrict natural movements.

Besides scaling movements in the direction of walk, lateral andvertical movements are affected by uniform gains. In most VR-based scenarios users benefit from the ability to explore close ob-jects via head movements which may be hindered by scaling ver-tical or lateral movements, and therefore uniform gains are ofteninadequate. Non-uniform translation gains are used to distinguishbetween movements in the main walking direction, lateral move-ments and vertical movements [11]. Translation gains are definedwith respect to the user’s locomotion triple (see Section 3.1) andare designated by gtranss ,gtransw ,gtransu , where each component isapplied to its corresponding vector s, u or w.

3.3 Rotation gainsA real-world head turn can be specified by a vector consisting ofthree angles, i. e., rotation := (yaw, pitch,roll). The tracked orien-tation change is applied to the virtual camera.

Analog to translation gains, a rotation gain grot is defined by thequotient of the considered component (yaw/pitch/roll) of a virtualworld rotation rotationvirtual and the real world rotation rotationreal,i. e., grot := rotationvirtual

rotationrealand rotation ∈ {yaw, pitch,roll}. When a

rotation gain grotation is applied to a real world rotation α the vir-tual camera is rotated by grotation ·α instead of α . This means thatif grot = 1 the virtual scene remains stable considering the head’sorientation change. For grot > 1 the virtual scene appears to rotateagainst the direction of the head turn, and grot < 1 causes the sceneto rotate in the direction of the head turn. For instance, if the userrotates her head by 90◦ degree, a gain grot = 1 maps this motionone-to-one to the VE. The appliance of a gain grot = 0.5 meansthat the user has to rotate the head by 180◦ physically in order toachieve a 90◦ virtual rotation; a gain grot = 2 means that the userhas to rotate the head by 45◦ physically in order to achieve a 90◦











<(s,e) E









s+ e-











Figure 2: Generated paths for different poses of start point S and end point E.

virtual rotation. Again, gains are defined for each component of therotation, i. e., yaw, pitch, and roll, and are applied to the axes of thelocomotion triple.

Thus, generic gains for rotational movements can be expressedby grots ,grotw ,grotu , where the gain grotw specified for roll is appliedto w, the gain grots specified for pitch is applied to s and the gaingrotu specified for yaw is applied to u.

3.4 Curvature gainsInstead of multiplying gains to translational or rotational move-ments, they can be added as offsets to real world movements. Cam-era manipulations are applied if the user turns the head, but doesnot move, or the user moves straight without turning her head. Ifthe camera manipulations are reasonably small, the user will un-knowingly compensate for these offsets and walk on a curve. Thegains can be applied in order to inject rotations, while users virtu-ally walk straight, or they can be applied as offsets, while users onlyrotate their heads.

The curvature gain gcur denotes the bending of a real path. Forexample, when the user moves straight ahead a curvature gain thatcauses reasonably small iterative camera rotations to one side forcesthe user to walk along a curve in the opposite direction in order tostay on a straight path in the virtual world. The curve is determinedby a circular arc with radius r, where gcur := 1

r . The resulting curveis considered for a reference distance of π

2 meters. In the case thatno curvature is applied r = ∞ and gcur = 0, whereas if the curvaturecauses the user to rotate by 90◦ clockwise after π

2 meters the userhas covered a quarter circle and gcur = 1. Alternatively, a curvaturegain can be applied as translation offset while the user turns thehead and no translational movements are intended.

While the user turns, such a gain causes the camera to shift toone direction. This camera shift prompts the user to unknowinglymove into the opposite direction in order to compensate an unin-tended displacement in the virtual world. Potentially, such gainscan be applied to each permutation of axes of the locomotion triple.However, the common procedure is to enforce users to walk on acurve as described above.


In this section we present how the redirection techniques describedin Section 3 can be implemented such that users are guided to par-ticular locations in the physical space, e g., proxy props, in order tosupport passive haptic feedback. This is done by applying the gainsto tracked data as described in Section 2. Therefore, we explainhow a virtual path along which a user walks in the IVE is trans-formed to a path on which the user actually walks in the real world(see Figure 2).

4.1 Target PredictionBefore a user can be redirected to a proxy prop, the target in the vir-tual world which is represented by the prop has to be predicted. Inmost redirection techniques [21, 24, 29] only the walking directionis considered for the prediction procedure.

In contrast to these approaches our implementation also takesinto account the viewing direction. The current direction of walkdetermines the predicted path, and the viewing direction is usedfor verification: if both vector’s projections to the walking planediffer by more than 45◦, no reliable prediction can be made. Forshort-term path prediction in such a scenario the user seems to movearound without specific target. Hence the user is only redirected inorder to avoid a collision in the physical space or when she mightleave the tracking area.

In order to prevent collisions in the physical space only the walk-ing direction has to be considered because the user does not see thephysical space due to the HMD. Therefore redirection is not neces-sary in order to prevent collisions in the physical world.

When the angle between the vectors projected onto the walkingplane is sufficiently small (< 45◦), the walking direction definesthe predicted path. In this case a half-line s+ extending from thecurrent position S in the walking direction (see Figure 2) is testedfor intersections with virtual objects in the user’s frustum. Theseobjects are defined in terms of their position, orientation and sizein a corresponding scene description file. We use an XML-baseddescription as explained in Section 4.5. The collision detection isrealized by means of a ray shooting similar to the approaches ref-erenced in [23]. For simplicity we consider only the first objecthit by the walking direction w. We approximate each virtual objectthat provides passive feedback by a 2D bounding box. Since theseboxes are stored in a quadtree-like data structure the intersectiontest can be performed in real-time (see Section 4.5).

As illustrated in Figure 3 (a) if an intersection is detected, westore the target object, the intersection angle αvirtual, the distance tothe intersection point dvirtual, and the relative position of the inter-section point Pvirtual on the edge of the bounding box. From thesevalues we can calculate all data required for the path transformationprocess as described in the following section.

4.2 Path TransformationIn robotics techniques for autonomous robots have been developedto compute a path through several interpolation points [21, 8]. How-




predicted path






(a) Virtual environment

real pathuser

dreal=|real path|





(b) Real environment

Figure 3: Redirection technique: (a) a user in the virtual world ap-proaches a virtual wall such that (b) she is guided to the correspond-ing proxy object, i. e., a real wall in the physical space.

ever, these techniques are optimized for static environments, andhighly-dynamic scenes, where an update of the transformed pathoccurs approximately 30 times per second, are not considered [29].Since the XML-based description contains the initial orientation be-tween virtual objects and proxy props, it is possible to redirect auser to the desired proxy prop such that the haptic feedback is con-sistent with her visual perception. Fast memory access and simplecalculations enable consistent passive feedback.

As mentioned above, we predict the intersection angle αvirtual,the distance to the intersection point dvirtual, and the relative posi-tion of the intersection point Pvirtual on the edge of the boundingbox of the virtual object. These values define the target pose E,i. e., position and orientation in the physical world, with respect tothe associated proxy prop (see Figure 2). The main goal of redi-rected walking is to guide the user along a real world path (from Sto E) which varies as little as possible from the visually perceivedpath, i. e., ideally a straight line in the physical world from the cur-rent position to the predicted target location. The real world pathis determined by the parameters αreal, dreal and Preal. These pa-rameters are calculated from the corresponding parameters αvirtual,dvirtual and Pvirtual in such a way that consistent haptic feedback isensured. Due to many tracking events per second the start and endpoints change during a walk, but smooth paths are guaranteed byour approach.

We ensure a smooth path by constraining the path parameterssuch that the path is C1-continuous, starts at the start pose S, andends at the end pose E. A C1-continuous composition of line seg-ments and circular arcs is determined from the corresponding pathparameters for the physical path, i. e. αreal, dreal and Preal (see Fig-ure 3 (b)). The trajectories in the real world can be computed asillustrated in Figure 2, considering the start pose S together withthe line s through S parallel to the direction of walk in S, and theend pose E together with the line e through E parallel to the direc-tion of walk in E. With s+ resp. e+ we denote the half-line of sresp. e extending from S resp. E in the direction of walk, and withs− resp. e− the other half-line of s resp. e.

In Figure 2 different situations are illustrated that may occur forthe orientation between S and E. For instance, if s+ intersects e−and the intersection angle satisfies 0 < ∠(s,e) < π/2 as depicted inFigure 2 (a) and (b), the path on which we guide the user from S to Eis composed of a line segment and a circular arc. The center of thecircle is located on the line through S and orthogonal to s, its radiusis chosen in such a way that e is tangent to the circle. Dependingon whether e+ or e− touches the circle, the user is guided on a linesegment first and then on a circular arc or vice versa. If s+ does notintersect e− two different cases are considered: e− intersects s− ornot. If an intersection occurs the path is composed of two circulararcs that are constrained to have tangents s and e and to intersect inone point as illustrated in Figure 2 (c). If no intersection occurs (seeFigure 2 (d)) the path is composed of a line segment and a circulararc similar to Figure 2 (a). However, if the radius of one of thecircles gets too small, i. e., the curvature gets too large, an additionalcircular arc is inserted into the path as illustrated in Figure 2 (e).All other cases can be derived by symmetrical arrangements or bycompositions of the described cases.

Figure 3 shows how a path is transformed using the describedapproaches in order to guide the user to the predicted target proxyprop, i. e., a physical wall. In Figure 3 (a) an IVE is illustrated. As-suming that the angle between the projections of the viewing direc-tion and direction of walking onto the walking plane is sufficientlysmall (see Section 4.3), the desired target location in the IVE is de-termined as described in Section 4.3. The target location is denotedby point Pvirtual at the bottom wall. Moreover, the intersection angleαvirtual as well as the distance dvirtual to Pvirtual are calculated. Theregistration of each virtual object to a physical proxy prop allowsthe system to determine the corresponding values Preal, αreal and



obstacle c



Figure 4: Corresponding paths around a physical obstacle betweenstart- and endpoint poses S and E.

dreal, and thus to derive start and end pose S and E are derived. Acorresponding path as illustrated in Figure 3 is composed like thepaths shown in Figure2.

4.3 Physical ObstaclesWhen guiding a user through the real world, collisions with thephysical setup have to be prevented. Collisions in the real world arepredicted similarly to those in the virtual world based on the direc-tion of walk and ray shooting approaches as described above. A rayis cast in the direction of walk and tested for intersection with realworld objects represented in the XML-based description (see Sec-tion 4.5). If such a collision is predicted a reasonable bypass aroundan obstacle is determined as illustrated in Figure 4. The previouspath between S and E is replaced by a chain of three circular arcs:a segment c of a circle which encloses the entire bounding box ofthe obstacle, and two additional circular arcs c+ and c−. The cir-cles corresponding to these two segments are constrained to touchthe circle around the obstacle. Circular arc c is bounded by the twotouching points, c− is bounded by one of the touching points and Sand c+ by the other touching point and E.

4.4 Score FunctionIn the previous sections we have described how a real-word path canbe generated such that a user is guided to a registered proxy propand unintended collisions in the real world are avoided. Actually,it is possible to represent a virtual path by many different physicalpaths. In order to select the best transformed path we define a scorefunction for each considered path. The score function expresses thequality of paths in terms of matching visual and vestibular/proprio-ceptive cues:First, we define

scale :=


−1, if dvirtual > drealdreal

dvirtual−1, otherwise

with the length of the virtual path dvirtual > 0 and the length of thetransformed real path dreal > 0. Case differentiation is done in orderto weight up- and downscaling equivalently. Furthermore we definethe terms

t1 := 1+ c1 ·maxCurvature2

t2 := 1+ c2 ·avgCurvature2

t3 := 1+ c3 · scale2

where maxCurvature denotes the maximal and avgCurvature de-notes the average curvature of the entire physical path. The con-stants c1, c2 and c3 can be used to weight the terms in order toadjust the terms to the user’s sensitivity. For example, if a user issusceptible to curvatures, c1 and c2 can be increased in order togive the corresponding terms more weight. In our setup we use

. . .<worldData>

<o b j e c t s number =” 3 ”><o b j e c t 0>

5 <boundingBox>

<v e r t e x 0 x=” 6 . 0 ” y=” 7 . 0 ”></v e r t e x 0>

<v e r t e x 1 x=” 6 . 0 ” y=” 8 . 5 ”></v e r t e x 1>

<v e r t e x 2 x=” 8 . 5 ” y=” 8 . 5 ”></v e r t e x 2>

<v e r t e x 3 x=” 8 . 5 ” y=” 7 . 0 ”></v e r t e x 3>

10 </boundingBox>

<v e r t i c e s >

<v e r t e x 0 x=” 6 . 1 ” y=” 7 . 1 ”></v e r t e x 0>

<v e r t e x 1 x=” 6 . 1 ” y=” 8 . 4 ”></v e r t e x 1>

<v e r t e x 2 x=” 8 . 4 ” y=” 8 . 4 ”></v e r t e x 2>

15 <v e r t e x 3 x=” 8 . 4 ” y=” 7 . 1 ”></v e r t e x 3>

</ v e r t i c e s >

</ o b j e c t 0>

. . .<b o r d e r s>

20 <v e r t e x 0 x=” 0 . 0 ” y=” 0 . 0 ”></v e r t e x 0>

<v e r t e x 1 x=” 0 . 0 ” y=” 9 . 0 ”></v e r t e x 1>

<v e r t e x 2 x=” 9 . 0 ” y=” 9 . 0 ”></v e r t e x 2>

<v e r t e x 3 x=” 9 . 0 ” y=” 0 . 0 ”></v e r t e x 3>

</ b o r d e r s>

25 . . .

Listing 1: Line-based description of the real world in XML format.

c1 = c2 = 0.4 and c3 = 0.2. With these definitions we specify thescore function as

score :=1

t1 · t2 · t3(1)

This function satisfies 0≤ score≤ 1 for all paths. If score = 1 fora transformed path, the predicted virtual path and the transformedpath are equal. With increasing differences between virtual andtransformed path, the score function decreases and approaches zero.In our experiments most paths generated as described above achievescores between 0.4 and 0.9 with an average score of 0.74. Rotationgains are not considered in the score function since when the userturns the head no path needs to be transformed in order to guide auser to a proxy prop.

4.5 Virtual and Real Scene DescriptionIn order to register proxy props with virtual objects we represent thevirtual and the physical world by means of an XML-based descrip-tion in which all objects are discretized by a polyhedral represen-tation, e. g., 2D bounding boxes. The degree of approximation isdefined by the level of discretization set by the developer. Each realas well as virtual object is composed of line segments representingthe edges of their bounding boxes. As mentioned in Section 2 theposition, orientation and size of a proxy prop need not match thesecharacteristics exactly. For most scenarios a certain deviation isnot noticeable by the user when she touches proxy props, and bothworlds are perceived as congruent. If tracked proxy props or reg-istered virtual objects are moved within the working space or thevirtual world, respectively, changes of their poses are updated inour XML-based description. Thus, also dynamic scenarios wherethe virtual and the physical environment may change are consideredin our approach.

In Listing 1 part of an XML-based description specifying a vir-tual world is shown. In lines 5-10 the bounding box of a real worldobject is defined. The borders of the entire tracking space are de-fined by means of a rectangular area in lines 19-24.

In Listing 2 part of an XML-based description of a workingspace is illustrated. In lines 5-10 the bounding box of a virtualworld object is defined. The registration between this object and

. . .<worldData>

<o b j e c t s number =” 3 ”><o b j e c t 0>

5 <boundingBox>

<v e r t e x 0 x=” 0 . 5 ” y=” 7 . 0 ”></v e r t e x 0>

<v e r t e x 1 x=” 0 . 5 ” y=” 9 . 5 ”></v e r t e x 1>

<v e r t e x 2 x=” 2 . 0 ” y=” 9 . 5 ”></v e r t e x 2>

<v e r t e x 3 x=” 2 . 0 ” y=” 7 . 0 ”></v e r t e x 3>

10 </boundingBox>

<v e r t i c e s >

<v e r t e x 0 x=” 1 . 9 ” y=” 7 . 1 ”></v e r t e x 0>

<v e r t e x 1 x=” 0 . 6 ” y=” 7 . 1 ”></v e r t e x 1>

<v e r t e x 2 x=” 0 . 6 ” y=” 9 . 4 ”></v e r t e x 2>

15 <v e r t e x 3 x=” 1 . 9 ” y=” 9 . 4 ”></v e r t e x 3>

</ v e r t i c e s >

<r e l a t e d O b j e c t s number=” 1 ” ob j0 =” 0 ”></ r e l a t e d O b j e c t s >

. . .

Listing 2: Line-based description of virtual world in XML format.

proxy props is defined in line 17. The field relatedObjectsspecifies the number as well as the objects which serve as proxyprops.


In this paper we presented a taxonomy of redirection techniques inorder to support ubiquitous passive haptic environments. Further-more, we have described how we have implemented these concepts.When our redirection concepts are used in our laboratory environ-ment, users usually do not observe inconsistencies between visualand vestibular cues.

Currently, the tested setup consists of a cuboid-shaped trackedworking space (10× 7× 2.5 meters) and a real table serving asproxy prop for virtual blocks, tables etc. With increasing number ofvirtual objects and proxy props more rigorous redirection conceptshave to be applied, and users tend to recognize the inconsistenciesmore often. However, first experiments in this setup show that itbecomes possible to explore arbitrary IVEs by real walking, whileconsistent passive haptic feedback is provided. Users can navigatewithin arbitrarily sized IVEs by remaining in a comparably smallphysical space, where virtual objects can be touched. Indeed, un-predicted changes of the user’s motion may result in strongly curvedpaths, and the user will recognize this. Moreover, significant in-consistencies between vision and proprioception may cause cybersickness [3].

We believe that redirected walking combined with passive hap-tic feedback is a promising solution to make exploration of IVEsmore ubiquitously available, e. g., when navigating in existing ap-plications such as Google Earth or multiplayer online games. Onedrawback of our approach is that proxy objects have to be associ-ated manually to their virtual counterparts. This information couldbe derived from the virtual scene description automatically. Whenthe HMD is equipped with a camera, computer vision techniquescould be applied in order to extract information about the IVE andthe real world automatically. Furthermore we have to evaluate inhow far visual representation and passive haptic feedback of proxyprops may differ.


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