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I W Quadrangle Notes

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CONTENTS la* ,pad mm !Tf ri.p

1 R d i q . . . Bctwmn the Shecta by Ray P. Abq#Vrt

6 Letter of T m m i t t r l from the National Chairman - -

7 Latter of Acceptance h m the Dun of the Law School

8 1977 Law School Fund Repert

14 Law !khml Fund Contributors

20 A n n d 0 t h Chart +

29 Tope in Perctntw of Participation

30 1976-77 Compacilons by Region

32 In Memoriam I

-p - -- - -

33 Clam Summary of Gifts

35 Alumni New Notes


Aboolt Tblr h: Thir h u e of the t a w Quadmngle Notw is the seventeenth report of the LAW W o o l Fund. The Fund is under the direction of Pro- feuor Roy F. Proffitt; Mnr. Lois A. Richards is supervisor of the Fund and ir reapomible for gathering the names aud data used in this report. Law Q w h q g l e Notes publications chairman is Professor Yale Kamisar. It is d i t a i and daigeed by the Univemity Publications Office and printed by the Univenity of Michigan Printing Servicca.

V d o e c 22, Nomber 4 Summer 1978 Law Quahangla Notw, issued quarterly by The University of Michigan Law School. Second& postage paid at Ann Arbor, Michigan. bffia of publication, 109 E. Jefferson, Ann Arbor, MI 48109.

Scad Fona 3579 to: Law Quad Notes, Law School, Hutchins Hall, The Uni- venity of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI 48109.

The three pieces of art in this issue (cover, inside front cover, and page 13) are from three new serigraphs by the internationally known Ann Arbor artist Milt Kemnitz. The prints are in two colors in a limited edition of 90. The three piece set includes three views within the Law Quadrangldl) the Law Quad (cover) showing a portion of Legal Research, Hutchins Hall and the Dining hall (22" x 15"), (2) the Law Dorms (page 13) (15" x 1 I"), (3) the Law Cloister (inside front cover) (1 1" x 9%"). Mr. Kemnitz is selling the sets for $85.00, or you may purchase single prints, if you wish, for (1) $45.00, (2) $30.00 (3) $25.00. Each print will be individually numbered, titled and signed by the artist. If you are interested, write directly to Milt Kemnitz, Box 7390, Ann

B P -

Arbor, ~ i c h i ~ a n 48 107. His telephone numbcr b 313- V-L- 668-9895. &


The first thing we want to do is to say a sincere "Thank You!" to so many oJyou who helped to make 1977 another excel- lent year for the Law School Fund, both with your gifts, and, for many, your help with the solicitation.

This is not to suggest that your support in earlier years has not been strong, nor that it was unappreciated, but 1977 was a unique and special year that deserves an added word or two. As you know, during 1977 the Law School was actually con- ducting campaigns for two important pur- poses-the annual Law School Fund and the Capital Fund. The former enables us to meet some of our current needs that help io keep Michigan as one of the world's great law schools. The latter-the Capital Fund-is intended to raise a rather large sum of money, on a one-time basis, to build an addition to the library, to refur- bish the Lawyers Club after more than 50 years of wear and tear, for endowments for some professorial chairs, and a few other major projects.

Since you would be on the receiving end of both appeals, we were, quite frankly, a bit apprehensive, and concerned that the friendly competition between the two cam- paigns might erode the strength of each. But, of course, we hoped it would not, and it did not. By any standard you might use, 1977 was a good year for the Law School Fund and the Capital Fund.

The rest of this report is filled with de- tails of the Law School Fund campaign, so just a few highlights here:

Total dollars $527,999.06 (up 5.6%) Total gifts 5,493 (down 0.3%) Total donors 5,304 (up 0.3%) Alurnni participation 5,094 (up 0.93%)

When you consider inflation (as we all do) and the slow but steady increase in the size of our living alumni group these may seem to be modest changes, and indeed they are, BUT you should know, too, that during this same period of time, through the Capital Fund, the Law School Allinzni gave substantially, or pledged, or told the School that it is a named beneficiary in a trust, will, life insurance policy or other de- ferred gift for a total of $1,700,000. Nearly one-third of this total was received in cash. The combined support for the two funds- $2,200,000-IS an impressive figure.


Just a word more about this, since the success of each fund is of great importance to the School. O u r original goal was $10,000,000, and we are nearly there. Of this approximately $8,000,000 was ex- pected to take care of the addition to the library, but in spite of meticulous advance planning and "guesstimating" the lowest bid for that addition came in a t $9.2 mil- lion. The difference is apparent, but be- cause ( I ) construction costs increase at such a rapid rate, and (2) because the Uni- versity has confidence in you, the Regents authorized construction to start. It must be obvious that we still need help on this very important project. If you have not yet made your gift or pledge to the Capital Fund, won't you do so now? Content is more important than form-you can send your check, or your pledge, or a note tell- ing of any other plans for the Law School to: Capital Fund, University of Michigan Law School, Hutchins Hall, Ann Arbor, Michigan 48109. If you have questions a letter to the same address or a telephone call to 313-763-3018 will get you the information you need.

KUDOS It is risky business to single out specific

areas or classes for comment because or the very wide difference in size, numbers and previous levels of participation but a few noteworthy accomplishments would surely include:

(1) In the areas with a major number of alumni (e.g. 50 or more) Berrien County, Michigan under Creighton Klute improved its already outstanding mark, and re- ceived gifts from 87.6% (57 out of 65) alumni in the County to remain N U M - BER O N E in that category.

( 2 ) In t h e R E G I O N S , Region I1 (Eastern U.S, less New York and New England) chairman Warren Laddon and his team showed a 5.8% increase in the number of gifts, and a 48.4% increase in dollars. Six other Regions (IV, VI, X, XIII , XIV and XV) had better than a 10% increase in dollars.

(3) A substantial part of the Region I1 gain came from the District of Columbia, under Terrence Roche Murphy, where the gifts jumped from 236 to 257, and dollars from $18,300 to $40,384. W O W !

(4) Unfortunately no S T A T E had 100% participation this year but T H R E E states with relatively sniall Michigan numbers re- ported 80% or better participation-South Carolina 9 1.6%, North Dakota 88.890 and Arkansas 80%.

(5) Among the CLASSES 1962 moved to the top in two very important cate- gories-most dollars, and highest per- centage of contributors. Congratulations

to the members of '62 Law, and to L. Wil- liam Schmidt, J r . . who is the class agent.

Other results and leaders in a variety of categories are listed throughout the re- port. Our congratulations and thanks to all of you.


1 Having just shared such happy thoughts you may wonder how we can, at the same time, have problems of any magnitude. Our principal concerns can be stated in three words-LYBUNTS, S Y B U N T S and NEVER.

Ll'BL'hT This is an acronym for "Last Year B u t

Not This." Our goal is to reduce the num- ber of L Y B U N T S to zero, but we-still have some distance to go. In 1977 we slip- ped a bit in this department-to 13% o f t h e alumni who had participated in 1976. As a matter of fact, in the seven years we have been keeping this particular statistic this is one of our better marks. but the dis- turbing thing is that in spite of working on this problem there were still 655 alumni who had participated in the Fund in 1976 who for one reason or another did not do so in 1977. Each year our "team" of solicitors has a substantial drop-off to overcome before it can hope to move ahead.

You should have no trouble with this. It comes from "Some Year B u t N o t This" and describes a substantial and changing group of individuals who have partic- ipated in the Fund at least once, sometime in the past, but not during the current year nor at least the immediate preceding year. Some LYBUNTS drift into S Y B U N T S , but, happily, each year 450 to 525 SY- BUNTS again become participants. Total alumni participation during a single ),ear recently has been 44%, but approximately 213 of our living alumni have participated in the Fund sotnerinle. The difference- about 2,650 individuals (both L Y B U N T S and S Y B U N T S ) represents a challenge and a tremendous reservoir of potential support for the Fund in the years ahead- if we can solve the riddle of how to re- activate those who for some reason have chosen to de-activate themselves.

N E V E R This is shorthand Tor those who had

NEVER participated in the Fund. Simple arithmetic tells us this is about 113 of all our living alumni-3,800 persons. The Na- tional Committee is puzzled and con- cerned that the number is as large as it is. and we can only speculate why this is so. For many of the more recent graduates it may well be that "start-up" costs and pay- ments on student loans and other debts

make charitable contributions un~vise or impracticable. Some others have left the practice of law for business or otherwise, and ma) feel less concern about the inipor- tdnce of keeping Michigan among the leaders in legal education. A few have writ- ten to tell us that i t is just a matter of priorities. that their charitable dollars go elsewhere. And a very few have told us that their failure, or refusal, to give is inten- tional ilnd because of some problem they had or have with the Law School. that has not been settled to their satisfaction. For man) more the explanation ma)) be apathy. Whatever the reason. we urge those in the NEVER categor), to think seriously about contributing to the Fund this !ear.

We think i t is a fair statement that few, i f any, of us have paid anything like the full value of our Michigan legal education. We all are indebted to sorne extent to the generosity of those who preceded us. These debts we cannot repay, but each one of us can, through gifts to the Law School Fund, do something to assure that present and future generations of students and lawyers have a similar opportunity to receive a "Michigan quality" education.


During 1977 the Law School was the direct recipient of money as a beneficiary in the wills of the folloiving deceased alumni or in the wills of their widows:

Harold G. Cant, '05 Clifton G. Dyer, ' I 3 Harold S. Hampson, '29 Elroy 0. Jones. '14 Leger J . Metzger, '07 Clark B. Montgomery, '07 Seymour H. Person, ' O l Henrietta E. Rosenthal, ' I 8 Russell A . Searl, '26 Marion Lehr Simpson, na Ray William Smith , '03 Rosina Wolfson, na

S o m e of these bequests provided new student scholarship or student loan funds, the others permitted the money to be used within the discretion of the dean. These gifts are not reported with any other figures and statistics in the report because they were not the result of a donative in- tent in 1977, and because we thought the addition to the amount of the proceeds to the annual giving campaign would distort the direct results of that campaign.

These bequests serve as reminders of the truth and applicability of a statement pub- lished by one of our sister law schools to show the inter-relationship of its annual giving program and bequests to the school: "Annual giving to the Fund has improved steadily-but death terminates annual giv- ing. and annual givers musl become testators who remember the Law School in their wills."


We have noted before that it is not un- common to receive gifts of securities in lieu of cash. Such gifts are very welconle, and the securities usually are sold promptly and the proceeds are reflected in the cash figures that we report. Occasionally, how- ever. we receive gifts of real value, but a lit- tle less marketable than typical securities, that are not included elsewhere in the report. The past year was no exception. Six alumni who wished ultimately to assure a substantial gift to the Law School, but with a modest cash outlay now, either pur- chased a new policy or transferred owner- ship of an existing life insurance policy to the University for the benefit of the Law School Fund. Each will continue payment of the annual premium as they become due. Each of these alumni also became a member of the Presidents Club in this way.


As an encouragement to charitable giv- ing many companies and some law firms make matching gifts to the Law School Fund (as well as other donees). If you work for a company or perhaps sit on the board of directors you should check on its policy. In 1977 we received 147 matching gifts from 107 companies and firms.

Many other gifts from non-alumni are sent as memorial gifts (see details in an- other part of this report). A few other very substantial gifts come through. charitable foundations and trusts where our alumni have a role in advising the directors or trustees; and from time to time we receive a gift from an alumnus' individual client who wishes to make a charitable contribu- tion, and on the advice of the alumnus, considers the Law School Fund a worthy recipient. Perhaps you, too, represent a foundation, a trust, or other client that would appreciate knowing more about the Law School Fund.


During 1977 we again were able to as- sure alumni whose income is subject to the Michigan Income Tax that their gifts to the LAW S C H O O L or LAW S C H O O L F U N D D O Q U A L I F Y F O R T H E C R E D I T PROVISION I N S E C T I O N 260 O F T H E M I C H I G A N I N C O M E T A X STATUTE.

Thus, without trying to get too techni- cal here (obviously you will want to look a t the statute), within the limitations of the Act the taxpayer can receive credit equal to 50 per cent of the aggregate amount of all charitable contributions made by him or her to institutions of higher learning located within Michigan.

The section still provides that the credit cannot exceed 20 per cent of what would otherwise have been the Michigan Income Tax or $100, whichever is less for a single person, or in the case of a husband and

wife filing a joint return as provided in sec- tion 31 1 , $200, assuming again this sum does not exceed 20 per cent of what would otherwise have been the tax.

There is little doubt that many of our alumni took advantage of this tax credit provision to increase their contribution (or in some cases to make their initial con- tribution) to the Law School Fund. Many more of you can do the same. Since these charitable gifts also qualify as deductions on your Federal returns (as contrasted to the Michigan c r e d i ~ ) it means that many of you can make a substantial gift to the Fund, up to $200 or to $400 if you file a joint return, without a very large increase in your cash outlay.

Regardless of what you feel you can give, the happy fact is that for those of you subject to the Michigan Income Tax, you can increase the pleasure of your gift to the Law School Fund by the knowledge that you can "recover" a part of it through the Tax Credit allowance.


This is a personal recognition awarded those individuals, corporations or founda- tions who by their major gifts to the Uni- versity of Michigan permit the institution to implement facilities, programs, and services that enable it to maintain leader- ship among the universities of the world. Basic qualifications for such recognition is a gift of $100,000 in cash, or $150,000 in the form of a deferred gift.

M i c h i g a n B e n e f a c t o r s were f i r s t designated as such in 1974. Among those who have been so honored are the follow- ing members of the Law School "family," who either attended Michigan Law School or who are spouses of alumni:

Col. John L. Anderson Mr. Willard J . Banyon Mr. & Mrs. Henry Bergstrom Mrs. Roy E. Brownell Mr. W. Lawrence Clapp Mr . & Mrs. Malcolm Denise Hon. & Mrs. Ralph M . Freeman Mr . & Mrs. William B. Giles Mr . & Mrs. Jason L. Honigman Hobart D. & Willabelle Hoyt Mr. Clair B. Hughes Mrs. George M. Humphrey Mr. William A. L. Kaufman Mr. & Mrs. Robert E. Nederlander Mrs. Leo T . Norville Mr. Joseph H. Parsons Prof. & Mrs. Roy F. Proffitt Mr. & Mrs. John E. Riecker Mr. & Mrs. Calvin Souther Mr. Duane Stranahan, J r . Mr. & Mrs. Thomas E. Sunderland Hon. & Mrs. G. Mennen Williams

In Memoriam Clifton G . Dyer Trust J . H . Payne Ray William & Sarah Smith

THE PRESIDENTS CLUB The University cf Michigan Presidents

Club is one of the most respected organi- zations of its type in the country.

N o other public university and few, if any, private universities or colleges have the allegiance and backing of such a large number of people who support their insti- tution in one of the most effective ways- with dollars.

The Presidents Club has been enthusi- astically supported by many Law School alumni and a list of the Law members fol- lows. Law membership increased from 3 10 to 352.

How can you join? You may be closer to eligibility than you

are aware. All the gifts you have made to The University of Michigan over the 10 years prior to the date of acceptance of membership apply as credit toward your membership, including, of course, your gifts to the Law School Fund.

Gifts of cash, or property or deferred gifts may be used to fund your member- ship through one of the following means:

(1) A gift in cash, securities, real property, or gifts-in-kind-totaling $10,000 or more payable either imme- diately, at the rate of $1,000 a year for ten years, or within and over the next ten years; or, (2) A deferred gift of $1 5,000 or more payable through a bequest, a Unitrust agreement paying you life-time income, an insurance policy on the life of the donor (or spouse), a trust agreement, or any other deferred giving instrument acceptable to the University; or, (3) A cashlbequest combination of $5,000 outright or over ten years at a rate of $500 annually, and a minimum bequest of $7,500; or, (4) A matching gift arrangement where- by a gift of $7,500 by any individual is combined with a corporate matching gift of $7,500. Gifts to the University through the

Presidents Club qualify as charitable con- tributions entitling a donor to federal in- come, gift, and estate tax deductions as ap- propriate to type, amount and conditions of gift, age, and income of the donor, and state tax benefits where appropriate.

Gifts through the Presidents Club may be designated for the LAW SCHOOL FUND or any other Law School purpose; for information write or call:

The Presidents Club The University of Michigan 3540-C Student Activities Bldg. Ann Arbor. Michigan 48109 (3 13) 763-4788 or 764-41 08


Kazuhisa Abe 1939 William B. Acker 1975 Thomas H. Adams, Jr . 1960 James N. Adler 1961 Joseph A. Amter 1928 John H. Anderson 1951 John L. Anderson 191 1 Paul J . Anderson 1932 Victor C . Anderson 1930 Leonides H. Angelos 1966 Robert W. Appleford 1960 Richard J . Archer 1948 Jack G. Armstrong 1956 Clinton R. Ashford 1950 Alphonse H. Aymond 1939 Gerald L. Bader, Jr. 1959 Willard J . Banyon 1938 James M. Barrett, J r . 1918 Robert H . Bellairs 1948 Patrick Berardo 1970 Daniel B. Beresford 1962 Max H . Bergman 1958 Henry A. Bergstrom 1935 Charles W. Bishop 1933 L. Ray Bishop 1963 Harry N . Blum 1957 Gertrude Bock NA Joel M. Boyden 1962 Stewart Boyer 1924 John D. Boyles 1959 Alexander M . Bracken 1931 Ben P. Brasley 1906 A. Edward Brown 1931 Stratton S. Brown 1949 Martin R. Browning 1949 Frederick G. Buesser, Jr. 1940 Willis Bullard 1942 Lawrence L. Bullen 1954 Thomas N. Burnham 1973 Elden W. Butzbaugh, Jr . 1968 Chester J . Byrns 195 1 John J . Callahan 1952 Roy H . Callahan 1929 Paul B. Campbell 1954 Robert M. Campbell N A Stanley L. Caplan N A J . Bland Catlett 1917 H. Thomas Cavanaugh 1927 Lester L. Cecil 1917 Roy H. Christiansen 1957 W. Lawrence Clapp 1963 Stephen H . Clink 1936 Edward L. Cobb 1950 Jonas R. Cohler 1926 Avern Cohn 1949 Donald M . Cohn 1940 Irwin 1. Cohn 1917 Frederick Colombo 1940 Louis J . Colombo 1935 Alfred F. Conard N A William J . Conlin 1955 David J . Cooper 1960 Brooks Crabtree 1942 Richard E. Cross 1938 Wiliiarn B. Cudlip 1926 R. h4alcolm Cumming 1966 Lawrence E. Curfman 1932 Gilbert A. Currie 1949

1 C. Shelby Dale 1938

Malcolm L. Denise Dominick A. DeVarti Allen C. Dewey, Jr . John S. Dobson Clifford H. Domke Thomas J . Donnelly Albert F. Donohue Stuart G . Dow George S . Downey Raymond H. Dresser Daniel H. Dunbar Louis M. Dyll, I1 Emmett E. Eagan William G. Earle Albert D. Early John Elam Warren G. Elliott James L. Elsman Margaret H. Emery Fedele Fauri Domenic Federico Murray J . Feiwell John C . Feldkamp Robert L. Fenton C. Richard Ford Carl S . Forsythe Norman Freehling Ralph M. Freeman Walter Freihofer T . Patrick Freydl Thomas L. Freytag Abba I . Friedman Edward P. Frohlich John T. Frost John W. Galanis George H. Gangwere C . William Garratt Benton E. Gates, J r . Benton E. Gates, S r . Arthur R . Gaudi Samuel E. Gawne John G. Gent Charles H. Gershenson William B. Giles Jack Gindi Sanders A. Goodstein Norman Gottlieb Victor L. Graf H . James Gram John A. Grayson Thomas H. Green E. V. Greenwood Carleton Griffin William A. Groening, Jr . Boice Gross Carson C. Grunewald Harvey J . Gunderson Rockwell T. Gust, J r . William E. Guthner Cecil H . Haas Robert D. Handley Edward A. Hanson Arthur J . Hass James W. Haugh Robert C . C. Heaney Paul A. Heinen Boyd A. Henderson David Heroy Mrs. George H . Hill William H. Hillier Stuart T. K. H o

Robert Santos

Sid F r a n k

Ira Rose

Henry M. Hogan William L. Holloway Allen C. Holmes Jason L. Honigman Joseph C. Hooper, Sr. Milton M. Howard James L. Howlett Hobart D. Hoyt Ralph F. Huck Gordon W. Hueschen Richard M. Hughey Charles J . Hurbis Ralph J . Isackson Joseph H. Jackier Betty N. Jansen William J. Johnson David R. Johnston Charles E. Jones Robert A. Jones Russell S. Jones Thomas B. Joseph Seigel W. Judd Richard Katcher William A. L. Kaufmann R. Kenneth Keim Robert Kelb John W. Kelly John B. Kemp Cornelia Kennedy James P. Kennedy Robert M. Kerr Roger G. Kidston Charles C. Killin Raymond E. Knape Walter 0 . Koch Reino Koivunen Joseph F. Kosik Thomas V. Koykka Milton A. Kramer Walter G. Krapohl Robert B. Krueger Samuel Krugliak John R. Laird Lou L. Landman L. Bates Lea Ronald Y. C. Lee John F. Leggat William G. Lerchen, Jr. Joel A. Levine Stanley K. Levison Dean S. Lewis Robert Libner Lawrence Lindemer Charles R. Linton John M. Longway Thomas L. Lott Jonathan D. Lowe Jerry Luptak David R. Macdonald Edward P. Madigan Clayton K. Mammel William J. Marcoux Albert D. Matheson Carney D. Matheson Carey H. May Richard H. May Robert A. May C. Blake McDowell, J r . Mrs. Forest E. McKee Joseph E. McMahon Archie A. Messenger William H. Messinger Jack E. Mitchell

Winston C. Moore David J . Morgan Cyril Moscow Thomas Munson Richardson Nahstoll Robert E. Nederlander Edward J. Neithercut Virginia S. Nicklas Marvin Niehuss Arthur H. Northrup Bartlett E. Nutter Jesse R. O'Malley Frank J . Ortman Gerald W. Padwe Robert J. Paley Robert A. Palmer L. Beaumont Parks Joseph H. Parsons Sanford H. Passer Brian P. Patchen Clarence K. Patterson Peter A. Patterson Walter E. Pear Walker Peddicord David Pence John S. Pennell Beahl T. Perrine Robert V. Peterson John H. Pickering M. Harry Piper James J . Podell Richard W. Pogue Ray L. Potter Alan E. Price Roy F. Proffitt Benjamin M. Quigg, Jr. Elmer Radka, Jr. Joseph S. Ransmeier Dean E. Richardson John E. Riecker Wallace D. Riley Richard J . Riordan Thomas Roach Frank H. Roberts Robert S . Rosenfeld Harold Rosenn A. D. Ruegsegger Joseph F. Ruwitch Theodore J . St. Antoine Robert L. Sandblom Richard C. Sanders F. Roland Sargent James E. Sauter William M. Schlecte Thomas P. Scholler John L. Schwendener John F. Scott, Jr. Floyd A. Sergeant Morrison Shafroth Harold M. Shapero Nelson A . Sharfman Wayne E. Shawaker Jack H. Shuler Forrest W. Simmons George A. Skestos George Slykhouse Francis Small, Jr. Allan F. Smith Bruce M. Smith Jerome Smith N. Richard Smith Carl A. Sorling Herbert Sott

Calvin N. Souther Craig Spangenberg John R. Sparks George A. Spater George E. Sperling William H. Spitalny Charles R. Sprowl Irving Stenn, Sr . Irving Stenn, Jr . James L. Stokes Duane Stranahan, Jr . Edgar A. Strause Thomas E. Sunderland William P. Sutter Theodore W. Swift Roy E. Takushi Joel D. Tauber Hobart Taylor Robert L. Taylor Bruce T. Telfer John S . Tennant B. James Theodoroff Milton M . Thompson John D. Todd Earl C. Townsend John F. Townsend Emmett E. Tracy Paul R. Trigg, Jr. John T . VanAken Wayne VanOsdol Philip VanZile Howard Vielmetti Harold S . Voegelin Theodore R . Vogt John F. Wagner Robert E. Walsh Byron D. Walter W. Gerald Warren James Waters Mrs. Maurice Weigle Leonard H . Weiner William P. Weiner Howard A. Welch Frank M. Wheeler James J. White Carroll V. Williams G. Mennen Williams Bruce 0. Wilson John P. Wilson, Jr. Lewis D. Wilson Myron Winegarden Henry S. Wingate John M . Winters, J r . Francis M . Wistert Philip Wittenberg David P. Wood, Jr . E. Lisk Wyckoff, J r . Williams T . Yorks Richard W. Young Jack Y. H . Yuen Louis Zanoff Bruce Zenkel Norman A. Zilber Frederick W. Ziv Richard R. Zukowski


Do you work for a company that has a matching gift program? If you do, your gift to the Law School Fund can usually be matched dollar for dollar by your com- pany. All you need to do is obtain a match- ing gift form from your employer, fill it out, and send it to us with your donation to the Law School Fund. It will be processed here, returned to your company, and your gift will become doubly valuable.

Matching Gifts

Aetna Life & Casualty Airproducts & Chemical,

Inc. Alcoa Foundation Allied Chemical Corporation Allis Chalmers Foundation,

Inc. Allstate Foundation American Home Products

Corporation American Motors Corporation American National Bank &

Trust Co. AMOCO Foundation, Inc. Amstar Corporation Arthur Anderson ARMCO Foundation Atlantic Richfield Foundation BankAmerica Foundation The Bankers Life Becton Dickinson Foundation Bendix Corporation Bethlehem Steel Corporation Bristol-Myers Company Brunswick Corporation Cabot Foundation, Inc. Chase Manhattan Bank Foundation Chicago Title & Trust Co.

Foundation Chrysler Corporation Fund The CIT Foundation, Inc. Clark Equipment Company The Cleveland Trust Company Columbia Gas System Service

Corp. Connecticut General Insurance

Corp. Continental Bank Foundation Covington & Burling Cutler-Hammer Foundation Dana Corporation Foundation Dart Industries, Inc. Deere & Company DeKalb A. B. Dick Foundation Dow Chemical Company Eaton Corporation The Equitable Life Assurance

Society Esmark Inc. Foundation EXXON Education Foundation EXXON U. S . A. Foundation Federal Mogul Corporation Firestone Tire & Rubber


First National Bank of Chicago Foundation

Ford Motor Company Fund General Electric Foundation Gulf Oil Corporation The Hanna Mining Company The Hartford H. J. Heinz Company Foundation Hercules, Inc. Heublein, Inc. HeWitt Associates The Hoover Company Houghton Mifflin Company I C I United States, Inc. I L E Holding Company, Inc. Illinois Tool Works Foundation International Business Machines

Corporation International Paper Company Irving One Wall Street

Foundation, Inc. I U International Johnson & Higgins Johnson & Johnson Kennecott Copper Corporation Kirkland & Ellis Koppers Foundation Kraftco Corporation Lybrand Foundation Manufacturers Hanover Trust

Company Foundation Marathon Oil Foundation, Inc. Minneapolis Star & Tribune

Company Minnesota Mining & Manufacturing

Company Mobil Foundation, Inc. Monsanto Fund Northern Natural Gas Company Northwestern Mutual Life

Insurance O'Melveny & Myers Owens-Illinois Pfizer, Inc. Philadelphia Bethlehem & New

England Railroad Pillsbury Company Foundation P.P.G. Industries Foundation Prudential Insurance Company

of America Pullman Inc. Foundation The Quaker Oats Foundation Rockwell International Corporation Scott Paper Company Foundation Seattle First National Bank S C M Foundation Squibb Corporation Standard Oil Company (Ohio) Stauffer Chemical Company Sun Oil Company (SUNOCO) Sybron Corporation Tenneco, Inc. Travelers Insurance Company T R W Inc. United Airlines U.S. Gypsum Company United States Trust Company The UpJohn Company Westinghouse Electric Company Whirlpool Corporation Wilmer Cutler & Pickering Arthur Young Foundation


















C A B L E : A B O G A D O T E L E X : 2 5 - 4 4 2 5

(312) 5 6 5 - 0 0 2 5

May 1, 1978












Dean Theodore J. S t . Antoine U n i v e r s i t y of Michigan Law School Hutchins H a l l Ann Arbor, Michigan 48109

Dear Ted :

We are happy t o r e p o r t t o you t h a t 1977 was a s u c c e s s f u l year f o r t h e Michigan Law School Fund, p a r t i c u l a r l y i n l i g h t of t h e f a c t t h a t t h e 1977 campaign was c a r r i e d on s imul taneous ly w i th t h e f i r s t year of t h e C a p i t a l Campaign.

1976 1977 T o t a l Amount Contr ibuted $500,010.39 $527,999.06 T o t a l Number of G i f t s 5,512 5,493

, The p r i n c i p a l cause of succes s , of course , r e s u l t s from t h e gene ros i t y of our alumni. This g e n e r o s i t y is g r e a t l y enhanced by t h e p r i d e t h a t they f e e l i n being a s soc i a t ed w i t h t h e Law School ' s cont inued h igh q u a l i t y of l e g a l educat ion. A t t h e same time we a l l must recognize an applaud t h e e f f o r t s of t h e i n d i v i d u a l members of our dedica ted Michigan Law School Fund team who are t h e backbone of t h e Fund. Without t h e i r devot ion, t h e r e s u l t s could n o t have been achieved. Spec i a l r ecogn i t i on , of course , must a l s o go t o P r o f e s s o r Roy P r o f f i t t , Lois Richards, Alene Smith and Wenda Richmon of our permanent s t a f f who i n v a r i a b l y perform above and beyond t h e c a l l of duty.

One i d e a t h a t ha s been g e s t a t i n g f o r some t i m e appears t o be a r r i v i n g a t implementation through t h e e f f o r t s and e n e r g i e s of Roy P r o f f i t t and Fund Vice-Chairman B i l l Groening. This w i l l be a q u i e t bu t concerted e f f o r t t o encourage more alumni t o remember t h e Law School through t h e i r w i l l s o r o t h e r e s t a t e p l ans . Even a modest bequest t o a "Law School Fund Endowment," f o r example, w i l l permit a p r e sen t donor t o cont inue h i s o r he r annual suppor t of t h e Fund i n t o p e r p e t u i t y . A l l of u s hope and b e l i e v e t h a t t h i s e f f o r t by B i l l and Roy w i l l p l a n t a seed t h a t may be f r u i t f u l t o Law School Fund Campaigns i n t h e y e a r s t o cone.

W e are looking forward t o t h e forthcoming 1978 campaign.

S i n c e r e l y ,

David R e Macdonald





June 30, 1978

David R. Macdonald, Esq. Baker 6 McKenzie P r u d e n t i a l P laza Chicago, I l l i n o i s 60601

Dear Dave :

I c o u l d n ' t imagine a happie r n o t e on which t o end my deansh ip t han your r e p o r t of y e t ano the r record-breaking yea r f o r t h e Law School Fund. The exper ience of o t h e r s choo l s t h a t have run bo th annua l g i v i n g and c a p i t a l campaigns a t t h e same time had r econc i l ed u s t o a t l e a s t a moderate drop from l a s t y e a r ' s l o f t y ha l f -mi l l i on d o l l a r l e v e l . You de f i ed t h e precedents , however, and l e d t h e 1977 Fund d r i v e p a s t t h e ha l f -mi l l i on mark aga in , w i th some $28,000 t o spare . The v e r y modest drop i n t h e t o t a l number of g i f t s i s f u l l y expla ined by t h e competing c la ims of t h e c a p i t a l campaign. The h e a r t f e l t g r a t i t u d e of t h e Law School f a c u l t y and s t u d e n t s goes ou t t o you, your r e g i o n a l , s t a t e , and l o c a l chairmen and a g e n t s , and t o a l l our alumni and f r i e n d s who have once more demonstrated t h e i r l o y a l t y and devot ion t o Michigan.

I n t h i s l a s t acknowledgment t h a t I s h a l l make a s dean of t h e suc- c e s s of an annual Law School Fund campaign, i t would seem e s p e c i a l l y f i t t i n g f o r me t o j o i n you i n s a l u t i n g t h e e x t r a o r d i n a r y c o n t r i b u t i o n of t h e permanent Ann Arbor s t a f f , Lo is Richards , Alene Smith, and Wenda Richmon, and t h e i r i n i m i t a b l e l e a d e r , P ro fe s so r Roy P r o f f i t t . Even w i t h such sp lendid people t o work w i th a s you and t h e o t h e r a lumni v o l u n t e e r s , o rgan iz ing and coo rd ina t i ng a major fund- ra i s ing e f f o r t on a yea r - i n , year-out b a s i s i s no t t h e most p l e a s a n t , i n t e l l e c t u a l l y appea l i ng , o r spo t l i gh t - ca t ch ing of endeavors , p a r t i c u l a r l y i n an academic s e t t i n g . It is merely i nd i spensab l e -- p a r t i c u l a r l y i n an academic s e t t i n g . Roy and h i s p e e r l e s s crew have b u i l t themselves a monument i n t h i s i n s t i t u t i o n , which every one of us h e r e r e a l i z e s even i f we do n o t always a r t i c u l a t e i t .

It is perhaps symbolic, a s I d e p a r t t h e deansh ip , t h a t I should l e ave t h e Fund i n t h e hands of t h e f i r s t Nat iona l Chairman t o come from a c l a s s more j un io r than my own '54 aggrega t ion . Those g i a n t s of an o l d e r gene ra t i on , t h e Sunderlands, t h e Denises , and t h e Krugl iaks , w e r e towers of s t r e n g t h t o m e du r ing my tenure . And now, t o j o i n a new dean, a new gene ra t i on of alumni s t e p s forward t o h e l p c a r r y on t h e Michigan t r a d i t i o n of exce l l ence .

Again, thank you f o r every th ing , and a l l b e s t wishes f o r t h e f u t u r e .

S i n c e r e l y ,

Theodore J. S t . Antoine Dean

1977 Law School Fund Report


REGION I I. Scott Bass




Counties Albany Broome Chatauqua Chemung & Steuben E r ~ e Jefferson Klngs & Richmond

Manhattan: Downtown-Bronx Manhattan: Mid-Town Monroe Nassau N~agara One~da Onondaga Ontario Orange Oueens Rockland Schenectady Suffolk Warren Wayne Westchester

I. Scott Bass Frances Eve Bilmes

Cornelius D. Murray Robert Eckelberger. Jr R. Bard Schaak

- Alan Flink Robert E. Wagenfeld Bruce F. Howell E. Roger Frlsch Jonathan H. Trost H. Lee Blumberg -

Frances Eve Bilmes Robert A. Butler Frances Eve B~lmes -

Valentine F. Parker

Thomas W. Biddle Ira B. Rose


'Does not Include alumnt In listed cities, counties or areas.

William A. Groening, Jr.





Delaware District of Columbia Maryland New Jersey Pennsylvania

Central Harrisburg Central Clearf~eld North East Area North West Area South East Area South West Area

Virginia West Virginia

Warren M Laddon Jerome B L~bln Wlll~amson P Donald Terrence Roche Murphy Steven D Shattuck Vlctor E D K ~ n g R~chard A Levlck Charles E Thomas. Jr R~chard A Bell Wllllam C Cassebaum Dan~el L R Mlller Alan G Choate Rea P M~ller. Jr James N Chr~stman Mlchael T Chaney


REGION IV Jon M. Sebaly

REGION Ill Mark J. Levick



Jon M. Sebaly 13' 4 5 13500 REGION Ill Mark J. Levick Charles E. Robinson John H. Morrow Marion B. Burton Charles E. Robinson Robert H. Miltenberger. II Edward A. Whlte Charles J. Averbook. Sr. Willlam E. Doster John Radey Robert W. Beaudry Michael F. Nuechterlein Davld M. Schraver Steven E. Fox George E. Dudley Jacques L. Wlener Alfred A. Levingston Hubert E. Seymour. Jr. J. Ktrkland Grant Barry F. White Edward McCampbell

REGION I V (Ohio) Counties Allen Hardln VanWert Ashland Auglalze Mercer Shelby Belmont Butler Warren Clark Fayette Greene

Champaign Madlson Cllnton Brown Clermont Columblana Carroll Coshocton Guernsey

Tuscarawas Crawtord Rlchland Morros Cuyahoga Geauga Def~ance Henry Wood

Pauldlng Wlll~ams Erle Huron Sandusky Frankl~n Falrfleld Ham~lton Hancock Putnam Jefferson Harrlson Lake Ashtabula Ltckrng Perry Knox

Musk~ngum Loratn Lucas Fulton Mahonlng Medlna Surnmlt Mlarnl Darke Montgomery Preble Ottawa Seneca Wyandot Stark Trumbull Portage Un~on Delaware Logan Marton Wayne Holmes

Donald J. Wltter 12 8 330 00 0 Joseph Murray 3 3 95.00 Edward S. Noble 5 4 100 00 Mtchael R. Thomas 5 4 135 00 Robert A. Vaughn 6 3 120 00 Robert A Vaughn 17 8 280 00

Alabama Arkansas Florida

Southeast Area Northeast Area South Area East Central Area Northwest Area Southwesl Area West Central Area South Central Area

Georgia Kentucky Louisiana Mississippi North Carolina South Carolina Tennessee

Robert A. Vaughn 2 2 35 00 J. Mlchael Kapp 4 4 11500 Van Blanchard 7 1 75 00

F Loyal Bemlller 10 2 35.00 Irwin J. Dlnn 241 153 14.930 63 Jon M. Sebaly 16 8 665 00

Mlchael R Fegen 1 1 7 520 00 Joseph Lonardo 117 51 2.900.00 Jay A. Rosenberg 87 52 3.050 00 Jon M Sebaly 5 5 375.00 William J. We~nman 2 2 75.00 Davld S. Jacobson 4 2 60.00 Thomas E. Norpell 6 4 120.00


Danlel A Cook Just~ce G. Johnson. Jr. Albert J. Ortenz~o Jon M. Sebaly Robert S. Mlller Jon M. Sebaly Douglas 0 . Meyer James D. Supance John D. Jolllfle Bernard W. Rosenberg Joseph B. Grlgsby John C. Johnston

Totals 899 515 546.488 13

REGION V David S. Allen

'Does not Include alurnnl In listed cities, counties or areas



REGION V (Indiana) David S. Allen Stephen Goldsmith

Cities Bloornington East Chlcago Elkhart Goshen Nappanee

Wakarusa Evansville Boonville Fort Wayne Woodburn Gary Gr~ffith Whlting Harnrnond Indianapolis Lafayette LaPorte Mlchigan City M~shawaka Muncte Anderson Richmond South Bend Notre Dame Terre Haute

Philip C. Thorpe Samuel J. Goodman Robert A. Plan

Jerry P. Baugh Joseph W. Klrnrnell. I1 Samuel J Goodman Samuel J. Goodman Stephen Goldsmith Louis Pearlman. Jr. Danlel E. Lewis. Jr.

-- - -


REGION V l (Illinois) Charles L. Michod. Jr. Cornellus J. Sulllvan

First Appellate District Cornellus J. Sulllvan 708 407 536.794.06 Second Appellate Districl Thomas J Strelt 84 44 5.239.00 Thlrd Appellate Dtstrlcl Willlam E. Arnold 44' 20 955.00

Peorta County Robert C. Strodel 23 1 1 590.00 Fourth Appellate District Robert E. Gtllespie 57 34 2.010 00 Fifth Appellate Dislrtct Ronald W. Perlard 15 9 390.00

R. Wyatl Mick. Jr. Gregory A. Huffman Robert G. Burton Richard B. Urda. Jr. Myrl 0. Wilkinson

- -- Totals 931 525 $45.978 06 Totals

'Does not include alumni in llsted cities -- -

'Does pot include alumn~ In l~sted county.


- - - - - - - - -- - -

REGION VII Edgar H. Bittle

Suzy vonEnde, Mark Levick, and Carl vonEnde TOTAL TOTAL TOTAL


Karen and Don Shaffer and Harry Piper


Iowa Cedar Rap~ds Des Molnes

Kansas Wlchlta

Minnesota Duluth-Northern Area M~nneapol~s Area St Paul Area Southern Area

Missouri Kansas C~ty St LOUIS

Nebraska Llncoln Omaha

North Dakota South Dakota Wlsconsln


Edgar H Blttle Duane llvedson LeRoy H. Redfern LeRoy H. Redfern James L. Krambeck Phil l~p S Frick Phillip S. Frlck James W. Brehl Rlchard R. Burns Gordon 8. Conn. Jr. Geoffrey P. Jarpe Robert G. Johnson Kent E. Wh~ttaker Kent E. Whittaker Thomas E. Allen Dav~d M. Pedersen David M. Pedersen David M Pedersen Duane llvedson Roy E. Willy Oulnn W. Martin Oulnn W. Martin


'Does not Include alumn~ in l~sted cities, counties or areas.

REGION Vlll James E. Griffin

Clare and Bob Vaughn and Roy Proffitt


REGION Vll l Alaska Colorado

Boulder Denver

Idaho Montana Nevada Oregon

Portland Utah Washington




James E. Griffin Sheila Gallagher Anthony vanwestrum Anthony vanwestrum Anthony vanwestrum Paul C. Keeton George T. Bennett John J. McCune Ronald Marceau Stephen Moore DeLyle H. Condie Norman L. Winn

- - - - Dave Macdonald, Rob Jones, and John Dewane Tacoma - 15 7 445.00

Eastern-Central Area - 7 3 165.00 Western-Northern Area - 18 4 125.00 Western-Southern Area - 14 2 150.00

Wyoming - 10 4 95.00 - -- Totals 563 198 $1 1.797.00

'Does not Include alumni in llsted cities

REGION X Henry Earle, Ill


REGION IX (California) Rlchard W. Odgers Michael Barber Charles F. Niemeth

Northern Area Adamont N. Georgeson 30' 8 $ 21 1.00 San Francisco & Bay Area J. Bruce McCubbrey 252 108 7.742.35 Sacramento Roger Gambatese 20 8 201.00 San Franc~sco Peninsula James L. Copeland 63 26 3.920.05 Valley Area Paul F. Mordy 8 3 90.00

Southern Area Beverly Hills Long Beach Los Angeles

Orange County Pasadena San D~ego County Santa Barbara Area

Charles F. Niemeth William E. Kerstetter. Jr. Clark Heggeness Charles E. McCormick Frederick W. Lambert Conrad G. Tuohey Ronald L. Olson Thomas F. Melchior Wendy C. Wilner

- -- - Totals 863 373 $47.702.40

'Does not include alumni in listed cities, counties or areas.


REGION XI (Michigan) Counties Bay Arenac Genesee Lapeer Huron San~lac Tuscola Lenawee Ltv~ngslon Macomb M~dland Monroe Sag~naw St Clarr Sh~awassee Washtenaw

Ann Arbor Yps~lant~

REGION XI Edward H. Powers


Edward H Powers

Robert D. Sarow Robert L. Segar Karl K . Kraus R~chard C Elcon~n Mart~n Sm~th Norman G. Peslar R~chard W. Barker R~chard C. Elcon~n Valorte J. Anderson S Ketth Bankson Mart~n Sm~th


Robert E Guenzel 338 133 12.41137 Robert E Guenzel 45 14 1.13500

- --


REGION X (Michlgan) Wayne County Henry Earle. Ill Allen Park Dearborn Detro~t Hamtramck Highland Park Garden City lnkster Grosse Ile Grosse Pointe Harper Woods Lincoln Park River Rouge L~vonia Northv~lle Plymouth Taylor Trenton Flat Rock Wayne Westland Wyandone Southgate

Oakland County Sidney L. Frank Robert P. Hurlbert

Ferndale Hazel Park Madison 17 10 485.00 He~ghts Oak Park

Berkley B~rmtngham Huntington 136 75 8.458.20 Woods Pleasant Ridge Royal Oak

Bloomf~eld H~lls Clawson Troy 132 69 7.314.44 Rochester

Beverly H~l ls Farmington Franklin 220 120 12.401.60 Nov~ Southf~eld

Clarkston Drayton Plains Holly 52 20 680.00 Lake Or~on M~lford Orchard Lake Pont~ac South Lyon Waterford West Bloomfield

- -- Totals 1.589 812 t103.556.14

Dave Macdonald and Bill Groenina

Totals 812 326 $29.238.77

REGION XIV Ralph E. Mahowald

REGION XI1 John E. Dewane




REGION Xli (Michigan) John E. Dewane W. E. W~sner


Phoenix Area Tucson

New Mexico Albuquerque

Oklahoma Oklahoma City Tulsa

Texas Dallas Houston San Anton10

Ralph E. Mahowald Ralph E. Mahowald 29'

82 20 23' 19 25' 19 21 42' 39 56 8

Counticm Muskeaon Kent lnaham Calhoun Jackson Berr~en Kalamazoo Van Buren Cass Branch

St Joseph H~llsdale Ottawa Allegan lonta Cllnton Barry Eaton Mason Lake Oceana Newaygo Mecosta lsabella Grat~ot

Montcalm Leelanau Benz~e Grand

Traverse Manlstee Wexford M~ssaukee Roscommon Osceola

Clare Gladw~n Antr~m Otsego Crawford

Kalkaska Montmorency Alpena Oscoda Alcona

Ogemaw losco Mack~naw Emmet Cheboygan

Charlevo~x Presque Isle Alger Marquette Luce

Schoolcraft Ch~ppewa Menom~nee Delta

Keweenaw Houghton Ontonagon Iron Gogeb~c Baraga D~ck~nson

Robert 0 Chessman Boyd A. Henderson Allan Claypool E Robert Blaske Willlam J Marcoux Cre~ghton F Klute Ronald B Stephens Herbert E. Ph~ll~pson.

62 336 29 1

56 75 65

123 Jr. 48

Hannes Meyers. Jr 32 Lester T. Tooman 12 T M~chael Doyle 32 Robert D Andrews. Jr 24 Steven W Mart~neau 42

Totals 383

'Does not Include alumn~ In listed cities

Lawrence I. McKay. 111 60

James V Rutledge 10

Ralph Jackson 7

Wllliam P. Jennings 13

Dav~d M Savu 56

Dav~d J Lori 15

Totals 1.379


REGION XV Warren Ell~ott W ~ l l ~ a m G DeLana George J Caspar. Ill M~chael R Lev~n James E R~ce Ell~ott C M~ller R~chard Snyder George B Hefferan. Jr John Hodgson

dge Charles DeGrand~re

Mervyn S. Gerson Connecticut

Br~dgeport Hartford New Haven

Maine Maseachuretta

Boston-Cambr~ New Hamprhlre

Keene Manchester Rochester

Rhode Island Vermont


Alan D. Overton John P Meaker

Totals REGION Xll l (Hawaii) Cities H ~ l o Honolulu Kaneohe Wa~pahu HanalP~ LlHue Wa~luku

Mervyn S Gerson

3 2 $ 11000 82 47 5.625 00

2 1 25.00 1 - - 1 - - 2 1 50.00 2 5 73361 - --

Totals 93 56 5 6.543 61 -- -

'Does not Include alumn~ In l~sted c ~ t ~ e s

'..kwr,~.s# Z19mss 1. Co ~ n m C. K E r . , ambh .h@q&,d @. Caphi . .him F. Ju@ R ~ k r l P. l$mlanB' MM4?kii m. D;1s.MIl Ram &. ~Edwwt @. ~ y b k m Jr. Cmmd l i w w @#tit8 8arbmrm 3uhn H. Anderran ,A*Y P, f 3 O ~ d i ' b w n m D. Bl~mrn Jmm R, GsMw ~ m l Rmtb Hastan

Phaaath~o ic Trust loha S. ~aRnd Edward S ~ h r a v John W. Watltng gmam Wdtar A. Buthrie '

QalM P.uk Robert 8. Anderson C. Rvls~~ll King %.ntr,Rorr Jxrscph P. Muwhy. Jr. SPlu~o Georgc H. T o b i Blndord Joel R. kd~quist SWEMon ,Roble E George Paul F. L;lordy

~ o ~ ~ . Brown

T r w J. Kingsley Chadasyne T m k Air F~lcn lw Edward J. Qbim, Jr. TUltEn James C. Booth V H d w . Edward L, Lascher Bruce Leaat Roger W. Wilner W6dy C. Wilner WlibwGimb Gerald A. Buckask y John F. Powell Wtp.keWl1.g. Robert S. Juhl wmnrbum Henry J. Koehlcr. IV WoedbndfWWk Alan 1, Epaein

COLORADO Alrmou 0. John Kuenhold Arvmdm Franz A. Burnier Christy L. Chandler Ampm George E. Lohr Bouldor Jack E. Ford

J& M. S45fh WdUL t 6, Skriod~e~ M"rc)rae! Towff A a t b q ~inWammn Gilbert M. PWa ,

. - P V ~ o p h i n s - l o h W. Sze1nhaursr

%;luwrrws FlgnLl T. MoyC, Jr.

. $a C o 1 ~ Joseph Z Carroll -- Citorge M. kaddin akolwolldQClRly Kenneth T. Jah~sarr, I!. ~J~ Kirk E. Rider w Carl M. Shinn Llil --s. FtdESlek

, - h w m w A. Backug David K. Rankin

. wareus 0. Shlnrers, Jr. h w n d Byron H.-Findllpg

&=el E Oldham

GWW€CTN69T HooinlMI Dand C. Khm - J a m R. Frederick General Elccbric Foundation James E. Ricx Thomas P. Sewrsor CremuUll James E. Pendcrgrast

Jeffrey A. Frant Daniel H. Israel Tom W. Lamm Mr. & Mrs. James C. Ruh Norton L. Steuben Colordo Sprlngm Peter W. Booth Cortland N. Cool Jerry A. Donley Robert Dunlap Denver Joseph A. Amter Joaeph A. Amter Foundation Anonymous Gerald L. Badcr, Jr. William J. Baum Frederick T. Berhenke John E. Boyd Douglas M. Cain Kenneth G. Christianssen Frderic K. Conover, 11 Wilbur F. Dcnious. Jr. Spencer T. Dmison Roben H. Durham, Jr. Robert J. D er, 111 David M. ELI Charles R. Frcderickson. I I I Paul E. Goodspd Stuart S. Gunckel James E. Heiser Edward M. Heppcnstall Sanford B. Hertz Oene M. Hoffman

DMhI Carleton H. Griffin James K. Watkhs, Jr. EnlNmdk Juke Laag FdM8m Jahn R. McCarthy FvndlnsRn George J. Caarpar. 111 Hetabbin Foundqtion, Inc. G m w w Carl S, Fars the ~cr twrvc . koumn RoM 0. Shcpkr )Irrl(ard Aetna Life bt Cae~alty Chailos T. Alfano Lynn A. Brooks Connecticut General

Insurance Coqaration St. Cfair 0, Dan& William 0. Debna W a r n G. Eniotr James C, Ervin, Jr. Wald GarfECtd The Hartford rnruranct Orau

Foundatbn, IIEC. J&n L. Hay= L ~ l t A. Yi,ghmark, Jr. Ke~th B. Hook Kenneth A. Jacobson Michael R. Levin Ram F b Ndgiin Elliott C. Miller Raymond J. Pa ne

, ~ ~ h n S. Piarr, Willard F. Pinmy, Jr. Norman H. Ruos Rob@ L. RUSG William T. Sdla 'ebn F. sirm. j!. Elhalkth L. Ssl~Qcr Thorn- 0. Thmbury Robert E. Thornc

@he T m ' v ~ b Cor mlh" nomw F. M a L. Tmebnor bnb W. Va~BlrErikl~

I $lam H. Wfnkkr wml mrlee Kdom

Howntd A. Jarofis .Garaid #. &ha P a w A. Kdiy Emw W. W h l Clcol~dad J, Rim. Jr. B. Lanw Saucrteig R'i~d, K. fnydcr Ckcevcr Tyler lYowrJlt William F. Hulihy Lawmw HScICh ~~ Lconad M. Saari Trving Sliflain Rrejs Vaknrlne mtlwm Nicholas I(;. Lmgo -he9 Bernard Segall st"?-' hvd F. Bnrbson, Jr. Michwl B. MzLeam Ronald J= St. Ongc Frank J. Smonh Jr. John F. Spindler W a f M.rqw'd Paul Rtmus

E-nning J. Marshall Hamilton Geome A. Wright. Jr. wntan Julian A. Gregory. Jr.

DEUWMIE -g.toar R W L. Halbrook, Jr, Qnmvlfk Henry W. Bryan Wmmrk Mewell R. Washbud W @ Q W Columb~a Gas System Service John P. Daky Williahsoa P. Donald John T. Gallagher Herculeo Incorporated George H. Hopkins ICI United States, Inc. Van Ltichliter, Jr. Frank B. McDonald John H. Mtchell Lewis Neilson Robert J. Reichert John F. Sitsaa John M. Stull Herbert W ol fson William T. Wood, Jr.

WUHINQTON, D.C. Robert S. Adkr Randolf W. Aim Har L. Albrccht

la Aronoff Trust CJ Martin J. Aronoff Mrs. Sd Aronoff Joan V. Arrowsmith Susan J. Atkinson Richard A. Baaen Nora A. Baiky Jack C. Barthwtll. I11 John C. Bata. Jr. Leonard J. Baxt DEnnis P. Bedell Alexander E. Bennett Monw L. meld Kenneth H. krnstein Ma F. Berry s ~ X - F. 81ack ~ i c R u d I. B C O C ~ Susan Low Block William C. Brasham Nathaniel is. Brecd, Jr. William M. Brodhead Nancy Barbrow Broff Herbart H. Brown James L. Brown Phili M. Browning. Jr. ~ a l ~ [ E. Burr Lew~s Carroll

hw 1 PpJQmrn " Sw&$g C. DB&

Bonbt P. @ ~ r ~ t . wtorr $. Ouffmt, lr.

anc"orf"b:~S. !?ItLsGll E.cuI 4 1 i e M k. Eark Tbrnas l. Emtmt, ICoM &. Eiflw - Erk A, Eirtn Rqha M. 61:llat. Jr. BnanC. @IM . Bum I). 'Falkaon ,E-rrdrary 0. Faomon ik8bH 4. ram LBWG Fu FeMmin PCaiBp A. Fleming Mi&& R. aymr FlotreFt l. Fmdman Dortiel S. Fddme Marion D. $fiend Gary 9. fdnk

0. Fswrth R. i&~dQadbaw sbv'

- John A. Galbraith LdaY#l¶ G. GcFdntr Runnld R. Okna R ~ T M, G01dm Leslie 3. GoIdman Edward C. Gray


Warrca S,- G r i m Dare1 1. G M d . . Richard J, Bn~uwae , Tht- Oambrm Fmmdation Mr. a Mra. W awcy Gunderow pad A, -t@Wi8 , Jak M. Bmater Psllrip S Heat% Jam* &. &1way Raymohd E. iM R. M m . C2%%r, Red. H d m N t ~ admi Lzotv E frah William A. Invim R h I % 13. JWFy, II JUpLtb W. lakaron Wd%am A o M H. a. Xapp Jtmcs

Hon. 6bbo K.ohiwe Plotmt Kazdrer Sa@ Katmff I. &yea Kam~q& J a m H. Wwver

, Michca L KGIla b a d L, Wuirallrh kal@ t. Kitaick Roarl4 Khpner Jams M. h a i t Juhn L. K ~ M I Rmaid M. lmdmur la: D, b e d pIyr I, Lee Hcsly w. Leals award &. kavy J m m 9% Lbm Kennath H. L W , Frank Lipwa J d f F. t im , 1Ohn7. Lia Jams W. Uttl.mW ?

Joama Londoh Ed;wrd L. LuCIin 1 S i d K. Zucha;, . ~rms k. Lwic

, Lwy A. M a l l i m .3*kmas 6 Mamn

' 'David. 8. Marbbtene . DawE4 H, Marlhr

, ,Cliu* N. M a h l l - ' + C. Raymtmd MaruJn ' '

. Ih-s W. ~ h 4 ~ 6 ' , J w . E. HcMahm , '' ' - ma&r

1 LawrenccO: M*.r. "

. )

r ' ,

R;abru A, Wfl lcn~a ufl k. Miller I@lW C. Miller Bobm J. Millslonc WlsmQ, Mo#m ' a. Atan ;.IIon-n ChorJEl O. Mbm . 'Fsrrrlloc R e Muwhy ~E~ W y m *

JW M. Nan* , Hden Wilpw, N w W d m P. NoTlh Pwl T. N o d , Jr. Wad H. Odupnn l b g ~ C. QhrrzGh Dime f . Qllraa

deffkey M. fmnsh 'Wd F. Prma?~lllryer JoZFn H. Pi&&

W. ~ickaaY Lloyd W. Paguc Ma& F. 'Pomu@i~tz Mary L. R a m Alra Ra wid ,

W r d c 1 Rdf l m a l Jtn0R;ettrmm JO~PD~ RMJ Jufia S. R. W&&ff john 1.. piff?cf . ad Rlkble #dm P. Rowma C ~ H K m rt Fun& LC.

z,",ogm LewrbtIoe J. mm AtJan A. RuMn Jerry W. Ryanf Drou ro S. .Scar8 F d d I C. iw'@iek Hawad W. ?Wrndtaaa James F. Sehggner J a m s E, SmU ~jckrk ma &FY k Sdlm U m n m 4. illhixms~

en S d 4 s R, Shmk

I L. awlr Harvey J. Shu1m.n Rant&! A, S1qc1 Stcvtn S3iweqms Richad F. SdvcPtFi Rlo k C S i m m a J$N. Barbra M. Sircl~m Maton L. Sliono .

Y. smith Timathy hid R. S. %i& Smith

Josrn M. !splmcm &p?m d. Spuw P a d a Robdm H. B. SmR St-

drr L. Tmmbum '

Widtiam K. Tdn, Jr, David W. Tdmn Philip 8%. 'Felieu Hen. N o n r n 0. TScrjens David C. Fsdd 3 q c e Ehrnc Tkimrpk Thomar A. Tmyw Slm Twut#mis Stefan F. Tuder Sfrin UUrnrn om9$ I. WaK* ~ J Q ~ I I I I ~ M. W.1-

, *vid A. Wlatts Rebad J. W 1 k William R. ?abet b v i d N. Wuman SunTond 8. Wcindtcin ktrtliur M, *&bud A. Duncna Whitakeq

- Sharon 2. White ' . , - Wikna tutier 3t P-irktrE:! ' ' 4dn ti ~Wilsm : '-

Sstu 0. Winkteri ' -' '-.

we- Cykt.n Memorid d&'~ Willtam E, C F O C ~ ~ ~ S h i 43, FukwBa

Q. PRcup -l'kmh~ It. s*t t i ~ d J. Tyler. ME #rsftrd#, LCt0plrt.d J. EkGktF klll0.d h q B. PeamZ1 WYithm hurk W. h a m , Jg. lElaam EhmwW W. Eov&;Cdi

WiIIlam 8. k h . M 4 & P. IF- WPFim M. aiwkl

CmmmMm Nawy E. W~kr Evmtt I)~MIBB~ -w E*s& M. Rbgch knWWI Lzo W1. J a m - L e N . &ms

I kaimr k, Adatma C?mrl@ F. Adla; Sr. $hfjStk Louise klbtigbt Tbmas B. AW &bald A. k m b r c J1a- M. A d hmwiwa Iktknr~t Bank &

T ~ M ' eo- AMmQ F o d t i o a , Cm. <Da~id H. PcrmWag

., 1: Prrrrrrncr Bar- J a m C. BjgrWs Chad+ J. larnftikl. Jr. m mrYIa)w

&i Bas8 Edwin R, Bates

_' I. 1 .

W M Paqa ,L (L.PP... . J d e i M. Perld& - h m C. F4Unrsn

I D. Hwce n P b l M

rthw C. Prine, Jr. Tho Prudential hrurance

3 Company of America Pullman Inoorporated Fuundation SP@UE~ A. P u m The Quakar data Foundation Richard I, Ratcliff Jask 5. Redwhe hanit P. Red, 11 Fmfk G, Raader Alnn J. Reich R, Ian Reicin Thomas A. Reynolds, Jr. CMstine bl. Phode Richard A. R~nclla Jerome J. Roberts Wehard b. Rogers Robert Rownman Peter Rosenthal

, "David J. Rosso Alexander D. Roth Paul F. Russell Frank B. Sanders Hanry T. Sanders Richard M. Sawdey James E. Scanlon E;: i.zK; Roger C. Siske Stephen L. Smay Bruce M. Smith Duetan T. Smith Thomas H. Snyder David M. S tor C h ~ j k s R. &owl Jam- G. Staples Miriam B. Steinberg Irving Stenn, Jr. Irving Stmn, Sr. Robert D. Stone R. Lawrence Storms Kenneth A. Stoumen Eileen L. Strana Stanl S. StroTip ~ o m 3 u s J. Sull~van William P. Sutter Thomas E. ~wanev Allan J. Sweet - ' Thomas D. Terpstra Bruce H. Thombson John H. ~homsbn William G. Thursby James M. Tra p George S. TNLW Stuart C. Unger. Jr. United Air Lines Foundation United States Gy um Company Theodore M. utcrm Donald E. Vacin Mr. & Mw. John T. VanAken Roy M. VrnCleave George E. Verhage Larry Victorson Gtorge A. Vin aid Richard F. vittus Daniel W. Vittum, Jr. John C. Walker Richard J. Walsh Lamont M. Walton Jamcs D. Wangelin Michael A. Warn& William R. Warnock Jsck L. Watson Rainer R. Weigel Mr & Mrs. Eugene A. Weinberg Stanley R. We inb~~pr LcRoy R. Weiss Howard A. Welch. Jr. Jane S. Whitman R o h B. Wilcox David G. Williams Lloyd E. Williams, Jr. Jamcl 0. Wilson Samuel W. Witwcr Jr. Jeffrey K. ~ohlsta&trr Robe0 J. Wojcik David P. Wood, Jr. Michael H. Woolcver Kenneth J. Wysoglad Samwl Zell 0- Paul D. Harrington


C ~ C L u b w u I . Richsd C. McUughJEn

~ W m Y ~ o Y y ~ i n Richard R. Zukowskj b.cmrp Gbcn A. F#thtmtun Thomm V. Firchcr Michael J. Kchart Donald E. Nardlund R o k t D. Owen Roswell C. Prince E. Raymond Stanho Albert 0. Webbr, Iff! Robert D. Winters b.n(wd John 1$. Bure HeWat Amiater J. Ethan J a m b Richard F. Kohn D.l(rlb Bruce P. Bickner The DeKab AG Research

Foundation D8SPWmr Edward M. Grabill Jeffrey Small Ou Pludn Walter W. Naumer. Jr. EmlMdl~ Marvin L. Schragcr UPOoHa Robert W. Winaton E r n John J. Brittain Warren Carbary LeRoy A. Mate John S. Page Dan B. Withers, Jr. Clarence F. Wittenbtrom Evmdan Robert E. Ackerberg Mrs. Earle E. Ewins William F. Krahl, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Paul M. Lurie Sh~rle Partridge John H. Porter Miohael C. Weston aalmu Jama J. Nack Louis A. Nack James W. R~chardson 0.w Willlam K. Richardson Qknoocl Robcrt A. Holstein Dorothy W. Ragland Qkn E l m Walter H. Lindsay. Jr. - . Qknrkw Donald W. Carlin Louis J. Hellerman Robert G. Johnson Stephen P. Kikoler Kraft. Incorporated Chi En Liang John C. Tower John T. Veraeer H.nW Robert T. Swengel " w 9 " d C H W~lltam E. Bronner David L. Canmann Canmann Family Foundation Mr. & Mrs. Walter J. Rubiner Hinmdrnk Jon D. Carlson Jamcs W. Coultra~ twfhnME0l.t.r Richard Whittier Ylonnrrood Michael A. Tyrrell JBdmonrflfr Theodore C. Rammelkamp JolM Frank H. Masters, Jr. Mfmg, Charles Adamek Lori Adamck L m I l r m P H Mrs. Frodnick R. Shearer uk# Fomr James B. Henderson Unadn Dick H. Woods, Jr. Mdioon David R. Stewart Mdlm John Dare Foundation Jamcs A, Harper L. Ronald Modlin Curtis L. Trevor M- Ralph Butler

R0bCr-t J. Clendenin R e h H. Jhword G. Ourbin R a m

Z a lac.

E Z P " T k a l Wannl Jamm H. Wiles umulmob n e Alhtate Foundation James A. hvcngood John H. PWt, Jr. Myron J. Ranick W a m l I I H Dean E. Snyder OilLPHk David G. Strom - C11flord A. L h n Pwfi Roben L. Gibson

IlfD"X~y-n Sue E. Halvemon Alan R. Kidston Pd€m John R. Baglsy korfr Jorsph F. Barthy, Jr. Robert L. lurhans Ra mond J. Fmrer wrh ard B. Gukins Roy P. Hull Fred&& D. Johnson John C. Parkhurst Robert C. Strodel John A. Whitncy Walter W. Winget, I1

~ ~ r o s b o l l Pmntb Alonro W. Clay. Jr. Crhabn Harvey D. Trimbk Qdney Thedore G. Housc William 0. Mays Rodrlord John W. Hallock Peter C. Kostantacos Jahn C. McCarthy, Jr. John F. McNamara Clifford A. Pddemn Elmer C. Rudy Ralph S. Zahm Rock Edward C. Sch& Franklin S. Wallace --"9 Jon E. Morla slrolrk The Brunswick Foundatia Lawrence N. Halptrin Spencer Ed lrons Donald J. Spcro sprhrslk# Charles A. Chapin John R. Cha in L a W. ~ n v r Philip E. Hanna Kenneth H. Ottcn Carl A. Sorling Robert A. Stuart Jarnw M. Winninr. - k%% E. Arnold Kennard J. Besx

~ ~ S ? H t m v e r Ronald W. Pcriard W d W Evan A. Gilchtist W d . g m Thomas W. Diver N d L. Fisher Mark R. Lidschin Michael K. Noonan Gkm K. Scidmfckd wumae William H. Klcin Mr. at Mrs. Charles M. Lawren# W. M a d wknr(k. Margaret H. Emery Patrcck J. Kurney. Heten M. V d a

INDIANA Brook Donald L. Lawrence CoSumblm Cky Benton E. Gates, Jr. Btnton E. Gates. Sr.

OlmsH. J. Gordon Gibbs D.ufur Harry W. Scots

UUWt Harrbon A. Church George E. Fl~bot R o k I A. Pfaff Richrd H. S mull ~ h o m u E. &rick Ira- Jer P. bugh ~roabrick P. Bambwger Rabert M. k k c r Morton W. Newman Louis W. Ritz Robert F. Srayman rrrnldarl Fred W. Campbdl Henry Y. Morrison Fp.nldln Robert M. Branigin Brian J. Deppe -ws)nw Jama M. ~h . Jr. Jam= M. Barrett. 111 O m s E. Beers Larry J. Burke Barbara Bun J. Philip Burt Carl E. Chlckdantz William E. Harris Nathan T. Horton. 11 Jack D. Hunter William G. Keane Joseph W. Kimmell. I f Mentor A. Kraus Dahon C. McAlister David H. Miller Jmcs M. 0 'Harra Maclyn T. Parker Gordon C. Reeves James V. Schibley Carl J. Sudhoff, Jr. William L. Sweet, Jr. Qup Frulcrick M. Stults, Jr.

John R. Lutz J. Eartc Rome n.nqnond Calvm E. Bellamy Akx A. Bochnowski Morton L. Efron Geo e J. Glendenin ~ud&h ~anasijevid HMMurd Samuel J. Goodman Palmer C. Singleton, Jr. W w n ~ o n

in, Inc. Theodore L. Bendall, Jt. William S. Gordon IndkMpoUr David S. Allen Charlcs C. Ardcry, Jr. William C. Barnard Richard V. D. Ilextcr James W. Batty Jerry P. Belknap Donald P. Bennat Leonard J. Betley Mitihael H. Boldt Alan W. Boyd F. Emerson Boyd Omar S. Bnuner. Jr. Dixon B. Damn Donskl D. Davis Murray J. Feiwell Iwi -1. Fink ~ t q y e n Goldsmith John A. Grayson Ralph F. Hall Edward W . Harris. I11 Douglas J. Hill Will~am R. Hue , Jr. Francis M. HU&S W. Lmer lrons H. William Irwin Robert P. Johnstone

Nien Howard Kahlenkk. Jr. John B. Kin Mi$acl R. hainc Dand M. Martingly Jama A. McDermott Daniel W. McGill Robert L. Mctaughlin Norman P. Mcttger Philip A. Nice1 William M. .Cdorn Henry J. Pncc James W. Riley, Jr. John C. Rothhaar Henry C. Ryder

Fred E: Schlcgel Sally Subr Bruce E. Smith Donald W. Smith Jndc R. ba den Barton T. Jpmngcr Earl C. Townwnd, Jr. William H. Vobach Hugh Watroa B#I J. Waver William F. Welch William P. Woodm -- Wyman Rnlcy -@m- Robert W. Bibler Louis Pearlman, Jr. Gwrge A. Rinkcr

Jack P. Dunten b- W ~ l k m A. Elliott Daniel E. h i + Jr. David R. &born -- Tom F. Hirschauer n-cnr klvin D. Bliadbn b. Jerrold Winski Mlmhlwdu Thomas P. Loughlin R. Wyatt Mi&, Jr. kluwm William H. B a l e Jr. Alenenk M. %rackmi Earl G. &Fur Bemad W. Fmnd G q ~ r y A. Huffmam John R. Manhall N.pp.nw Joseph W. Kindig PWnlMd Charles W. Campbell Aldmond Willard G. Bowen Robert G. Bunon Andrew C. Caoere Paul 9. Mendenhall George R. Reller Willism H. Reller - James N. Matchett souw..nd Bruce Bancroft Louis R. Coffman Shepard J. Crumpacker. Jamw F. Holdan kbc Humich Brian 3. Lake Roland Obenchain, Jr. George P. Roberts Richal 8. Urda. Jr. Torre Hmuh Benjamin G. Cox George 0. Nichols Robert S. Ratctiffe Myrl 0 . Wilkinson Wlm(mtn Peer L. Rocener



Leo J. Casscl Amvr Craig R. Hastings c.d.cFIPk R. William Merner LeRoy H. Redfwn -.R.pM, John R. Carpenter Frank E. Csynar Lynne F. Linn John K. volcLadum. Jr. Chrr##l Albert V. Hass Clulnd. Paul W . Jones hnnpor t John A. ~ e l l d r o k . DuMoIMI The Bankers Life Carlaan D. Beh, Jr. David W. felin Edgar H. Eittle John G. F letchcr Albett J. Greffenius Kenneth H. Haynie ~cob ' o r c M. Wulchison James L. Krambcc'k Stepha W, Robens James L. Rogew- Robert L. Sandbtdm A. Raga Witkt

Ebm #tiEs& Q. Kml F d m T. Y J p l r

.- J a m ~ lE. MoPP G'rrdUlulBI Jam- (P. ~wket l3m-l- C. E f n m Brics Gklrl lni Ri&rd.E, Robinsan Cbkrr. Paw C. Flintoft John P. Ksurrh W I % m J. Rademacher Clrw R Q ~ R H. Campbell O k m m Gerald McNally GlmnDn kirrol E. Hwter elk 2

Rondd J. Bmwer Cdlrr.kr Richard F. &ringer kn'amin W. Rqips.' Jr. ~ r t L r G. Lyon

C. RQ~FI~z Cqq?, Jr. William K. Davenport Robart E. Eptm Ford Motor Company Fund Thomas M. Fonnan Ralph W. Ooodall Donald 8. Jolliffs David Krufman Rodney C. Linton Wiltirm H. Norman F. J. Osueh Foundation Jtan M. Brchlik William J. Sikkenga J. David Voss Jamm G. Wells L. Michml Wicks Ronald G. toflars

WWdl Dcnnis M. Aaron John S. Abbott Bunad Abrms Robert M. Abrems Alan T. Ackerman Earl P. Ar&mibek Joel S. A d 6 b n Markin J. Addman Am&m Notam Ca Anhut Andmm d

Com ny Fdn. - B u I M n ~ A n d I

Harry 8. Amnw Jobn C. Awld Jesrc R. ltcrlb John GJ Pncon Wl W. h i l t Jr. Timm D. ahw win Michael L. IaJous John L. Barkai William G. Iarris W. Arthur Batten Ruben J. Battksta William F. h v i n ~ Charles M, B wiiiim A. BTII Allan W. Bm Francis E. Bcnslty Ldie D. loom Wmam Lag@ & End R. Bm~tra ~uha L. b f h , I1 P a l D. Barman Robert R. Bowera Mr. & Mrs. bewan R. W e Tenrnak K. Bqle E. M*el Brady RichnrrJ F. Brennan, Jr. Frgdrrick W. l+ia, Jr. J. Shsrrnan Brmrbrg N o m n 1. Brwk Wilber M. l&n~ker, Jr. Jamcs C. h a o William B. Bnrsstar. Jr. Anthony C. Bucrsar

~Wridr'4. Bn~secr, Jr.' SeMtay A; Byffa C. Cianit1 $ ~ ~ l n g Bdn Bur ytlC ~ h w t e s Rleigh. Jr. .. f i lows N. Burnham Clamrrce M. Burton Mmorial Fdrr.

imda W . ~ s n d l k Jr. ~ a h n K. Cannon bmce U. Csrey A. Nds CarJkon Thdmas a. Carney Jean L, Carpenter Timothy K. Carroll Harry A. & Cynthia 8. Carson DavU E. Cary Robert L. Cavalier4 Jobn M. Chaw, Jr. Kobm A. Choate Chryder Co ration Fund James C. C% I. William Cohcn Mr. dk Mrs. Avsrn C ~ h a Invm I . Cohn Foundation Jamcs W. Collier Addiron D. Connor Laurence D. Connor Gogr A. Cwney. Jr. ~ a v f i . Cmper William L. Cooper Dennis B. Cotter William A. Cougklin Hor. George W. Crocluett. Jr. Richard E. Crow

William Danhof Charles D. Daniel Frdcnck 8. Darden John P. Davis Rmald V. D e h a Philip C. Dickinwn Dickinson Wright McKean Cudlip L Moon

Gordon W. Didiir Ralph Dhterle John F. & Marian H. Dodge Jobn C. Donndly lama W. Drapcr Marvin Dubrineky Seymour N. Dubrinsky Lee B. Durham. Jr. Rex Emss Henry Eark. 111 Herbera M. E i p Eileen R. English John A. Ewcthahs Jerome S. Fanger Cime A. Farbcr F r d Fwhheimer Federal-Magul Corporation James P. Fenny Won. Jahn Feikurs Frederick L. FsMkamp Lloyd C. FeIl J. Kay Felt Robert L. Fenton kalph P. Fidtner John H. Fiidew Janet Findlater h l i e W. Fkming Edward J. Fletcher Donald R. Flinteman Jane Forbes Richard Ford Jotrtl 1. Fosttr John C. Frakcl, dr. William H. Francis Mr. & Mrs. !,4qrnour Frank Leo I. Franklin OscPr F r a - HOR. Ralph M. Freeman Mr. & Mrs. Edward P. Frohlkh Connn R. Gale Edgar 0. Galloway Eidwad J. G~nrbk Jeha 6. Gadhghoase Charles W. G m l t ERust Gctz Rabcrr E. Gilbert Ronald R. Gilbert William 8. Gilcs G. N m e n Garno- H a . Horace W. GiYmre Hon. William J . Giovan Jorl 'S. OoMdn Alan P. Goldstein Charles. L. Oddst* Nnthanttl H. Ooldst~ck

Moms H Goodman H, Jam* Gram. Jr. Carl 8. Orawn Saul A., Gmn N ~ c y N. Grekin Michael W. Grioe Thomas L. Griem Charitable Trurt U JW

Rdde Grow$cck. Duxd leroftle C. Orqman h4. 431mn Grouman Frederick H. G r u b Hon. Lawreace Gulrow Richard 8. Gushee Hon. Ral h B. Guy, Jr. Mr. &I A s . Emin H. Haass DonneIlly W . Hrdden Dennis M. Ham$ Patrick HIirley Edward C. Honpctn Hugh G. Hamems Conn e Y. Harper Ira C! Harris Edward Hamison Witliam J. Hartmn, Jr. Eugene L. Hartwig Arthur J. H a s Neil 0. Hayes Anthony J. Hu?komtyer Picrre V. Heftier Jphn D. Hcprty Paul A. Hanen M. Monuel Nelfman J. Walker Henry Jay A. Herbst Stuart E. Hemberg Jeffmy G. Heutr Daniel Wodnma~t William D. kod~rnan Arthur M. Hoffeins Michael A. ljolmeq Honigman Foundat~on. Inc. J m n I. Hon~grnan Wdfgang Hoppe Thornton Wo son Timothy H. fiowlat Hobart D. Hoyt Thomas J. Hlr$hes Linn A. Hy& Joel G. Jacob John E. Jacobs Ira J. J~ f f e Robert J. Jay Edward C. Johnsan Reginald S. Johnsan Richard A. Jones JefFem t. Jordan William A. Joselyn John M. Kamins Chester E. Kasiboroki Chester E. Kasibrski, Jt. Dtdais S. K? es Jacob L. ~ e & n Donald W. Koim Michael V. KcPl Charles E. Kcller H a . k e l i r G. Kennedy John T. Kennq Frederick R. K del Edward F. Ki&n Barry 1. King John L. King Wren& $. King Eugene D. Kirkby Richard L. Kozhowski I]. Michael Kratchman Conrad Kreger John A. Kml. br.

E. Kuehn H. Lackey

Kernah J. Lamotte Rthctd J. Lang Chester C. L a w m .Patrick J. LeelwMgc StcptpIrar N. @uchtmm hvld B. Lewls Pamela J LI Stuart M: a d a n

John J. ~ y n d . I11 DdnaM D. MmFarkme Kmmh H. Ma~Lean. 5r. John M. MacMEtlaa P r d M a l ~ ~ 11 l3. CkrrEa Mueson Micbal V. MaWm Rabert S. M m Cha&abYc

Foundation f rust Tmothy W. Mat% . Alan A. May Joseph F. M ~ ~ l t , It. Ralph A. M a w

Smucl E. h d d a ~ Jack H. Shulcf Francis W. McCaulcy Joseph Shulmam Patrick 8. McCauSey Samuel I. Shaman Xichard J. McClear Henry If. Sillsl Stwm E. MeFaddcn Erwin %: Si-mon # o r E. MeKcon, l l Stuart S1na1 ~ a d f . MCKMW Thomas E. Sizemore Samattl J. McKim, 111 John Sklar C h w k W. McLaughlin h i s M. Slatcr J. Donald McLcod Roberl A. Sloman Robert C. McLmvy, I 1 J. Fa11 Smith. Ruuell A. McNair. Jr. J a m A. Sm~th Hudson Meod k m a d Smith Mi&sel 3. Mehr Geo e M. Smrtka Ellis B. Mer Mr.% Mn. Gcwgc I. Snider Vir 'nia F. $etz Lawrence K. Snider A. gwip & Margaret M. M i k d l R o k n 0. Sornson J. P. M~kcsell Philip Soriroff Millcf Cantieid Paddock Herbert Sott

& s t m Herbert Sott Company Donald B. Miller Theodore Souris Donald J. 8 Jvlarine J. Miller H e r b Spamw. 111 George D. MaUar, dr. Elliott A. S on JdCmy M: Miller Midad l). Eaebler Morris M~lmst Sally W. Stocbler Jd'Cmy H. Mlro 'Irving M. Stahl Hon. James Monrsnte Benjamin C. Stamczyk Charles R. Mmn, Jr. Moms W. Stein John J. Mooncy. Jr. Wilfred A. Stunex, Jr. Jamcs M. M o . 0 ~ Gillian Steinhauer Cyril Moscow John A. Stevens Hon. Joseph A. Noynihan, Jr. Ccorge T. Stmeneon Thoam L. Munson Robert B. Stevencon Rodm~n N. Myers Jama E. Stewart National Bank of Detroit Gerald L. Stoazer George G. Newman Bradfad Stone Fr~ncie J. Newton. Jr. Robert A. W. Strow John A. Nire Earl D. Sullivan John H. Norris Mal.oalm J. Sutherland Thomes S. Nowinski Thomas F. Swseney Rosut A. Obringer Thomas J , Tallerico Martin C. betting Jomathan S. Taub Thomas M. O'Leary Jay C. Taylor Stwrt D. Qrmon Td-Mape. incorporated Joseph F. Page. 111 Paul 8. Tcranw Geo e E. Parker. IS1 Mr. $ Mrs. B. James Thdoroff Jor3 H. Parsons Milton M. Thornpron David H. Pawch Ro a1 E. Thompso~ Reymont Paul wilhrn P. Thwp Painsular Fams Charles H. Tobias Chrencr L. Pozza, Jt. Charles D. Todd. I1I Hon. Philip R#t Roy M. Tolleson, It. Howard 9. Pridmorc Richard J. Tonkin Roland P. Prokop James D. Tracy Victor F. Ptruznik Paul R. Trigg, Jr. John Quifin Gerald Tuchow Richard E. Ra4bideau Janieg A. Tuck Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Raisch' Allan H. Tushman David H. Raitt Steven Udac Sylvan Rapaport Nancy J. VanLopik 50ugl.s J. Rasmursen Lawrence R. VenTil Richard E. Ramsel Gerald W. VanWyke Frmkfn J. Rauner Michael 6. Ymmian Marshall S. Rsdman John M. Yeale 0. Neil Reid Robert M. Vercruysec Oaorge Redel . I 1 l Harvey B. Wallace Stuart J. R i a William d. Joan C. Richards DeanIC E. R ~ a d w n Cdrvc A. Rlcfiner, Jr. Alaa R. Waterstone James D. Ritchie Ma7 M. Watmtonc Thomas A. Rotch Willtam 1. Waugarnan Richard D. Rohr Reuben D. War Barbara Rom Robert C. Wcinbaum David 1. Rosin Alan M. Weinburger Aaron R. Ross *nard H. W e k r A. D. RY scggct Herbert N. Weingarten Harold ~%wmaapp Jowph M. W e i y Jr. Robcrt G. Russell R o k n L. Weyhing , . awarii A R ckt Jarnu M. Wknnw thcodorr 3.& Sag: Foundation Jerome M. $Plk Richard C. S m n b Herman J. Suulm M p n H. Savidge Wrllhrn M. SYxton . Dofl A. ~ ~ ~ f i Laur&& 1. Schifl Jarris a. Schmidt li6tlaM A. Sckneide Rabert R. S&mW Arthur J. M u c k

' % 8 , '


.::: 4 y ,-.- I,--** , I > k J b - :g.* . - Percentage Figures I n d i i a i t

1 .@? 5. R Dollars Frcnm the Previous Year j'.,. .me- , . - ~ '.I :.,> ., ,*7;,-: I

. . .- .... .. ' . . ~.>. -' i.. I -

*'- w gdrl V B son -Philip t . L n

rzizz Leit.

Robert A'. Ftsher Qlw William F. Braeuninger

M i c W G. Hamison amdwh Harold How Bourke C. Wilrnot Faris A. Howmi . A. R u d l Localio- William R. Dickey James Marsball Thomas R. Reinsma k n i s E. Mcfiinty John P. VanEencnaam

' Joha R. Schoonmaker Henry L. Schranl, Jr. --

William R Davis. JR. Gwge R. Thomton Louis E. Wirbel Richard R. Weircr

' L u l T 8 w n 6k.nbR.016 E~@enc hlkcrna

'rhomas B. Wuck Fred R. Alhbert ,E.Orvbl Peter J. Armstrong .Thomas L. BIOIC~ Richard 8. Butcr Jamerr P. Chamkis James P. 8. Beckcti Nicholpd P. Chapckip Alan C. Bcnnett Robert J. DcGrand Victor H. Bcrgstrom Hjalmar 5. # t a m FasdQrick J. Boneha Robcrt W. Pfensley Gordon 8. Booztr Arthut A. Naiman Jod M. Boyden Robert S. Rosemurgy John D. 60 1% P~mhm- Conrad A. $radshs* Charles S. Bishop Karl E. BrrntnrchnrklLkr James B. Dunkel, J Collins E. Brooks Lyle H. Long Roberl D. Browtr. JE. Peter R. Scullen James R. Brown Ernest R. Vdlwilcr Thomas A. Brown c wHI.I John E. Buchanan Jo-poi jack R. Clary Arthur W. Hanlon Geo e R. Cook Hon. M . w ~ t a. ~ w n a r R, ~ a k o l m ~ u m n i q Teresa E. &hafer John W. Cummiskay Marvia S. Shwadrt Timothy J. Curtin John H. Wilson John E. Damon . FmmlH. Hcn B. h v t , f r.

J. Edward Hutchinson chars E. b y . JI. hatam John M. ReVries Albert H. Callahan Charles N. t?cwey. JF. mnt Jon F. IhWlbt Phiti M. Ambrose William W. DtWiU asi if F. Baker Donald J. DeYoung RFhard M. Barmn Howard F. &Young Richard 3. &hna A l M R. DiCley Robert #. &Ilairs Thomas L, Drenth L. Keith Borgerson Robert J. Dugan Earl 9. Borradaile Richard A. DurcM Thomqr E. Chittk Charks L. Outcheso Mark A. Clodfetter Rokst Elweld Robert A. Collins Albtn J. Eirpl. Jr. Matthew Davioon. Jr. Donald C. Exalby Max Dcan William S. Farr; Jr. Michael W. Evanofl' Raymond F. Fix Marvin t. gaiter James M. Fla gert ohn J. Fi~geraM Mr. L Mrs. d a ~ t c r 8. W

Ehnald S. Gardner ormen N. Gottlicbq Geoffrey L. Gilliis

Robert A. Grimes. Jr. - Earl f. Glocheski Henry M. Hanflik Rqbcrt E. G-ch Clifford H. Wart Mlchirol C. Harne3 Edward Honnekc dok r l N. PDammond

-' L. James Hicks. JF. David 0. Haugfwy David R. Johnston Mconey Chatitable Fdn.

loyd A. Headkrson Ranid B. Hoe hu81as W. Htllman Willlam R. Hinelinc William F. Wodgkins, Ja.

- Thomas 6. Koerrrke Pembr J. Kok Jwl E. IGrissoff Gsfdon R. &is John, H. Logik

8 Ehrrlb C . Lundstrom jl&d D. Luymdyk

: Rohrt P. M c k i n F. Wittiah MclCpt, I I

RE?&?. x:23E. Hsrbcrl J. Ranta William G. Rmmen Hmld W. Reick Jtrdd J. Wtmbga Robert W. U c b d m n Cord V. Rogoff Gary A. Rowe Walter J. Ruescll Rosemar Scott Jwph C? Scov1~1e Thomas c. Shcarcr A. Braoks Smith. Jr. Mr. tk Mm. Jerome M. Srnjth H. David Ssct Dan V. Saukr Fmnk S. Sph J e w L. Dokcs l&d J. Timmar Larry J. Tiley John D. tully John H. Uhl Kent J. Vana William K. Van't Hof Cornelius VanValkcnburg Lconaid 0. Verdier, Jr. James 1. W~rnstllom Gardon 8. Wheeler John L. Wiennpd Jr. +hornas R. Uci~gujsl Fhilip F. Wood , Wmdwab Jamc6J.N ptr ~ o k n J. 8 a w

EZt price Ik

Stewart G. Smith 8-Mnk Makohn L. Denise R&n E. Fanner

RYE F C n W. Brace Krag Robert Nlegimity EIijqh hxuon Ledbe C. Putnam Yatcs G. Smith ~ C o b r L , F ~ Charles W. Bisho Walter 0. ~onnoyly Mrs. FrrrnkS. C o w Stuart G. Dim Irtarcald 0. 01-n Mon.. & Mrs. G. Mennen

Williams *hder Edward S. Wunsdr

O r a r n ~ C R k J. Thmlrs Dasef !kth M. Lfoyd Robert W. Molloy Mark S. Smallwood Brorrmnrn w- George k l a r a , Sr. Ronald R. ffanloa -mm@ Hugh B. McVlckcr. Jr. It.ry Walter A. Urick

~E2YsieBe1 ))#.I Cmk Hazel Park Harness Rrccway HWhdrk Sheldon M. Ellis Lawre- I. Hay+ Ir. Wrllranr MasRitehw &nneth G. Prettk

J a m A. lido! Peter S. Bater Ronald 2. Dalman. Sr. Borcakl M. Hann WiPiam J. Heuphy Walter J. R v r Richard G. Swaaey Vernon D. TenCate Mr. 6 Mrs. James E. Towffscnd Oerald J. VanWykc - Carl 0. Bay

d J ~ h n M. McCarthy Dale Nkholb n m d l Lawrence W. Konc~pka. Michaaf F. Mcrritr w-- Roy W. Christia?scn Mrs. Carl Gussln Richard 9. K q # s Jonalham €3. Lowc Rokrt M. Petteys lunta E)ougla& R. Wdch

frcwc3lmmlM Emm w. BEmiu

J . LQF~ I-- J. Rsymund O a h , mwma William e. Clarm 'rhormmo James P.'Clancry W&CF L, PIamm BaM M. Saw H~nry L. Seitz Jub.n Rapend V. #Pa.old Alphonae H. Aymmd Chtrlw EE. Aymod 3nddL .kwn ,

JanmC. Emman -

t a w ~ L . B u k - Alvin G. Dahlcna Mr. & Ma, Mibrd H. Domke Jam& B. F * h Benjamin J. Glar$ow Jamas M. Jacksan Kc@meth B. l o h n ~ n T*q J. KbasQn Lawrence 8. Lindemo~ ' Mr. % Mrs. William J, PQarcoux Clarence E. Merrirt David A. Mikelonis Phili M. Moilam

es A. Ndwn (ha{ 0. K. Petmm George E. Psttsf Richard z. R d d $ Ruad T. Walker WIliah E. Wi*ne~ IW#uwo Albert H, Adams John W. Allm Robert A. A r m i r e Wiiliam S. Baid John H. BaudkBe~f Ronald J. Bkke Be ood H. Mawhard R& Bo* Eric V. &own, JP. Philip Ek. Care h v i d avido ox Nad W. Dcming Donald E. E~icksan , , Eugene Fkl$ Harold E. Fischer. L. Henry Fad. III Jamco S. HilboMt Edward M. Hindart Gordon W. Huwhen Richatd M. Hughey Kamn H. Jacobs Donald E. James Jose J . Jerkins oo$n n. Krickard John R. La arl George H. Lnnon, I11 Dean $, Lewis Terrence J. Lilly Timothy K. Mcllirlow~ 11,

Jerry L. Miller Richard H. Morrir Charles MuUtn, Jr. Robert W. Newlrmt Maid A. O'Toalc Robert A. Palmer Walter R d , Jr, Jobn L. Schwendancr Lowdl M. 9qburn James B: Slanlwy Charles E St&6k Ronald B. S t c p h s g q t E i 2 0 w r

n C m a Y John N. Vlschas Austin A. Webb hme C. Wertin Lloyd fX Ymm

Z Z G L y k e Lrlnprrkrl P ~ n l h. ALm$ m Hugh B. Anderson Lynwoad E. &&man Mr. & Mra. Patrick J. Bern&

R. Black Jarnee W. BWss John 0. Brattin George M. Brookow Clinton Canady, EIZ Mickcl E. Cavnaaugh Allan J. Claypool David C. Coey Harry 8. Cgmmifis Hon. Robm J. Daahof John W. Davis John J. Dwd

' T. Michael *lDoyb P#er L. Dun@ . Charlotte C. R u m @ d ~ Stuart J. Dunrri* Jf. Rodger T. Edqer Gcor M. Elworth . John% . FIwnald . &a.C, Fo@w, Jr, @p~~ld B. P-r ~ R s k d B. FQltpr. Jr. DmJM Gb Eta

Robert E. Hollenrkd W i F. I m &eWth h i n ~ Jr. -Pet& 0, bndy h m T. N T a a ~ R O W J. MaCullen Rrvid W McK Richard b. M S G ton C. M s L d hwr P. MclYcnly a J. MCREY

i alaJ.lafibs w';g Ro(lor A. badham Alvin A. N d k Fd. C. Wawmnn Jehn E. NivnIa

' J a b R. Nugsbaumsr Ronald I. hntscoat Geergc J. PhwMe

Do& &. ads* J o b E. Rgrmyk TIldare p. Ryan

2 2 P. Sabhch d J. Schhmdm

&njm 0. s.C:hwmdma, JaRn N. &%rnrUI Jam* L. Shonkwilsr, Sr. W656 A. Smith

K. Sobkowpki - LZd I a. Spiabo

E d w d 1. Spcnct R&FT W.'§tockar, If RofiaM J. Styka _ T h d o n W. SwiR Jemcs M, T m o Albert J. Thorburrn Eu6m F. Tmmnd. Jr. Jameta E. Vgardehte David VailderHaq$tu R o w E. W e M m l'ho~nrr C. Walsh MarPya R. Wongcr J. Michael W m n Wiltiarn F. Weimr Judron M. W~helow William C. Whir- Greg M. White James A. White n o m m E. wood& 111 Harw J. Zrliff kpLr Thomas #. 6uttezfidd

. Midiaal L Carter ~ e a ~ a r ~ % e B. ~ u t x

. R i m a n L.(IIIR Harry J. Sdz , St. -- Charles F. Stanton uwml Hon, Raina Koiwncn w Rwhard P. Rionhn t m a h W. RmaM Bashear William C. Fried Rdmy 6. Kropf Harry t. T atigan lYBdlnillon R o w 0. Anrtreors.3t. Ror#rl$ K. Johnson Jlck L. R m u r s n m-mfw James C. Hadkgr slanton G. Rourch MmWm John R. BeVriwt F@"- Wrtiram F. H o d ~~ L r b W. Webb


J L B I W ~ ~ ~ W a l k s M. Gefmain lknrwYfin H. k ~ ~ a s klsdtlb

';IPnlmOR Piolr M. ~ i & ~ c i n iklrrrLay I~ra W. Levy -CI$ kbert M. Eckdtaerpr klb&Isrrr Rr J m h M. Ldmh

*ou&L*.. IdP Jmes a. Zulaman

m. Archie A. Mawryr Ira I). RON LmmOn Richard N. Lcia mreikkrsh JamsrV. Gtrgan -

Shaack mmaa Ira J. Leftan mm Emma Rae Man Jon-

, Hwh M. JBnes, Jr. RnncL Thomss W. Wdk mw J. Marlin Cornell Arthur E, Monk~ff -w@- H w M M. Bulin FMw vwk h E k n ~ ~ B. Aham $em L. Abrom J. Phillip Adam Barry A. Adahan Amwian H.oanc Products

C~rprahon A l n m Copration John D. Appd Jon Y. Arnason William T. Atki?mn H a m D. Baldwm

~ & n D. Bwkm Jamld J. Bcnavie Carl D. IkmtEhr Robert J. EemaGin Geo b. Btr* H P C Z E. smHt Rind& L. bk&i


Ronald E. Brt@kctt Hulbnr J. Brandl Edward, Btawilm William H. Eaun, Jr. The Briaballklyens Fund PFlltp C. Broughton W s o n G. B r m Lawrcnoc I. mwn Neal A. h w a Paul C3. bum& Jr. W6Rn The mpac Mrnhettm BEnk The €2.1.7'. Foundation, Inc. Miclracl J. C h

Gars W-& > $4-1. C. ' k v . RoJbq4 iG. Bi*th X W F . ~ & a n ~ m a wip G#d@u L, Eli&@

W 4. Ed&mn *C s. .ma #

Midmdl B, EwofT W M k!&mthnn~hwldrtmn iChs'~pta Fmmmw Martin V F i M RaQlort B. Fidrr. Jr. Bamy I. F e r i r k ~ Alan G. Frrodman -

E. b g w Srirdr J@rner T. Erorr Jahn R, Gfln Fmr P. G8tr.m Patsr J. (E~dasld Eliot B. Gsdmr Tba bLbr Gnrbtr Trust 111-QF A. Goldma Danald S. Oolar Ja. Gamey hi N. Grabel J. G m ~ b . ~ l l l Maurioe C. Gracnbaum Sanutsl N. Greeaipom Robert T. Oreb Mr. B Mn. Robsrt R. Grew Edward A. Grommann Wayne M. G n d i A f W L, Hallher, Jr. Edward A. Hanan Paula Mouwr Hwbimn R h ~ 1 W. #amon Arnold Hedon Richard Hwrmann tkichard J. HWn8 Bmrry Hirsch Mwin H. Harhbqg Randall D. Holmes Arnr Hovhvbn Edwin A. Howc, Jr. Bnrce F. Nowall Rabrt A. How= Bernard Hufkowar Jwph J. H. Humphrey WEt1mm f. Haton International Paper Corn

Foundat ion lrrinn Onc Wall S t m

~oin&tica Inc. Wtlliam J. Iseacson Chpld A. Jibilian Bnrcc C. Johnson Roger W. Ka p s.Qgmt ~ . d H m e o Kaufman Richard L. Kay Amlya L. Iceem K m n m Coppl~r Corporatiofi Lisa Kennedy Marc J. Kmncdy Robert J. K k l @run J. Kirchcn Marc S. Kinckncr John C. Kprsrcr Homer Krlpke William Kntpman Robert G. Kuhbacb Stanley Kurt Diane A. LcbdM Evdyn J. Lchmrn Stanley T. Lcrwsr Mi&& J. Levin J a m K. Lindsay Dale I. Lieohm William R. Lunw Lybrand ~ounda6on William J. MocNrwghton Manufactuprs H118arcr

Foundat~on Leah R. Mdcs Harry Martens Malcolm E. Martin Mbcn.el 1. Metthew# Mobil Foundatian, Ine. Edward T. M m , I I William M. Moldoff W i i l i S. Maocly RMcllla Gra Muun Rich& 0. Amn Charla A. Moron G. A I M Mutl#t Charts Mynadm Godon L. N a I 6r%gor N. MsEf Timatby A. NJm Benrkl A. Ntlmn

ifimmr, lnc. ~ c a i M, R n t ~ Chaflm Plattu §all Oiaeoag P a p E. &ii& h ~ t k III Stuart H. Pniogk, Jr. John C. Pmwidc Thomas P. Qmina. Jr. John S. Rsdpeth J a m A. Ric* Kurt &. li&fcr i3wy1id Roanberg Im Rk Crrl$. %m Midrod 3. R @n L W r n r d - 5 b 2*& John T. Sohmidt J a m H. $tzIma?t, I1 Wdliaan J. Schcenk, 3r. Calvin P. Sdtmtcnbar Robarc. G. Schirur Adre A. S d ! w W David fikhnmz Fouadation. Inc. J ~ C I M. Scbwrrtz Max 1. f kwartz SCM Fou&in, lac. Arthur A. $@I AlEn C. &ward. I11 Ralph Sga iro Robon R. hearer Alvin V. Shoaaakat ?km X. Sickingrr Milton D. Solomon Ronald P. $oftman Sgibb Corporation Enk J s t per h n i d H . Tteici~ Konncth D. Stsin Lyle B. Stewart Frank 3. Stone Aollye L. Stor Ronald F. ~ c u & l ehvid W. Swanwn Gordon E. Swam Karen Mav Swift

John S. 'linnant - Afie R. Thrlpekas Michad J. Thomas hwrcnoe C. Tondd. William M. Twmaj~an Jerome S. Traum

Robert M. Vorsnnger Bhili L. Wei~wtein st= ten A. weimtein R O & ~ P. W-ly John M. Walker, Jr. Jerome K. WalQ Dbnald M. Wilkinm, Jr. Henry S. Wingate Arthur M. Wiwhart Kurt J. Wolff Kathryn D. Wriston E. Lisk WyekoPF, Jr. The Arthur Younr Foundation Mr. & Mrs. ~ r u & Zenkcl John F. Zulack

E Z E H ~ I ~ ~ o-lnm M o n A. McKun

Jacob Bermtin

m Pime. Jr.

~ i k o f f M(Ilm R o w P. Luiam cmlkrh Frmm E. Bilmes Qmnr Grqory Owlfand - John G. Brummcr Donald M. Cohrr William M. Colby. Ra ond E. Comtiiw ~ h r I F i b i G&L 6. Fiacke Jama, 8. Gray. Jr. Do les I Ha e m3a i. HHX S u m L. Hauwr

Mtnu n M. Kioll Paul i. L a p Jamm A. Lab. 111 DMnis J. tulndes Hoa. Hymen T, kbw W l F. MW#M flbtings Adarr I o r t ~ n X . Rolrz#

7;s J. % b a n SGIu6fk.r

i t idad. B. % ~ ~ l t Thorn& A. Wbrg Sy6mn Coqmation koaad W. Trcorh, Jr. JonetLn H. Trm Bany R. Witmen Harry A. Woad William Howard 7. J. Youngman Yorks

kmw fillip F. Alup ltollp Glean Dodman RcRirnkhlgM* Herbert W. Solomon - d Y - Calvin B. 43amberQain knmRm Irving M. Edelbcrg knrdd. Fnnfw C. Galloway Eugene H. Lsttin robmclrdy William Colub mmmmid= John H. Hawkins s t r ~ ~ Othullo D. Tbornpron

John A. Beach Alan S. Bumein Donald P. Coldla David L. Oawson Richprd A. Koptk 'Travis H. Lewin Gaor A. Mathewson a v i f ~ . M b w Barbara T. Walzcr TAOY! Alvin 0. Sabo Wor Francisco Pen bcrthy WImmPkhv M~nhall t. Goldstein Daniel R. Johnson kichsrd A. McDonough, II.1 Richard A. Shapiro William H. Spitalny roclka8 John R. Nolon

NORTH CAROLIWA CluCIIW JOK@ J. Kalo John H. Martin clurldt. John E. McDonald. Jr. William S. Michael Charlee B. Perk. 111 Ourhm Michael B. Brougb Mr. .10 Mrs. Douglas A. Kahn iwduwwm Albert E. Pstormann, Jr.

a. "ester, Jr.

E Z e hloiald. Jr. molhmskm Perry T. Gawa zv Hart 1 m M m Allan 8. Gltm Barbara Gittcr %mud G. Wdlmn


E z . Wish& 9knurcL Robeft 0. Wefald - Dou Ias R. Herman ~ a r a f Andms Herman Dune H. Illoedron John D. Kdley John 6. NilIes Mim Herseil L. Merchke

UJUO adm Daniel I. Gu Eugcnt! N. danwn men RemM C. Allan Clafcnm L. Backer Hugh M. Colo Allan R. Diea~aoh Gco A. Dlstnch ~hF&stone Tire. Rubber Company

Linda 8. K d t r Rokrt K. Lewis, Jr. C. EJakc M ~ D o d l , C. %lake McDowell, Jr. A&ew Michaels Duane Moms Philip W. M u m y J a w Old& Sr. JmC$ s. P d k t Evan J. R d George T. Roderick Timothy F. ScanIan John W. Solomon John L. Wolfc Arr)lBoYI HaroM H. Piassman M l b d Joseph Murray Kenmath 3. Nordctrom William D. VanTilburg kMrbvk LM~RW T. Carlirk. Jr.

%w-ickdng J a w R. R ~ b s n ~ n ~~ William F. Aigler m-mr- Daniel W. Reddin, EII Evelyn R a n m. Thomas c.ypkl K. J. Kavoklia Clnson Shenwood Ake Roy H. Batista John F. Buchmm, ill LeRoy J. Contie, Jr. George H. Dcubk: Foundation Anthony E. & Sarah lld. Eframoff John D. Jollifi s m u c i Ek Iiak Richard ~%&skq",<p?!$$ John R. Mill' an. Jr. @ " @ '

F. Stuart wiiins. sr. Eark.E. Wire CdIM Mark V . Klortcr.man William M. Maklc Ghm@rlnFrlk Charles P. Dvgan CMInMw Gebrge W. Alltn John W. Baler Richard W. BPrrctt Dcnnis J. lhmrn Barry M. l4lodc Rokn W . Buechncr A I M €3. Cuh Joseph M. Coolley Wilham H. Cotdes Scott 8. Crooks R o m A. Dimling David D. Dodge Jam= W. Dorr Stepaim S. Ebetly Kenneth R. Faller Susan G. Faller John W. Fiber, Ill Hilliard 4. F'ord E O ~ W M. hankel Mcll Gamin Thomas J. Ovrdaet Lmtis G. Gat& Howard Gould f hornas M. Garrtd b n u l GrpCn Thomas A. Hmya Thomas D. Heckin R h A. dohwon . Jerome li. Kcamr **A. Leonard *

Pder F. Levin M k b l A. Marmo Hdn. William A, McCloid ; ' ' ' - Edward W. Metkc!, Jr. Gail F. Miiller . ,,,': Midrad E, Ntitteiutl' !&onal R. &cwbmkr daha a. P k d l . Jr.

GqlkCIbn Harold E. Hunt -Yw Richard F, Carlib William L. Can , mcm L. adl Tkomats C. Cedi William A, Clark Robert )K. Cowin' PcW IC. Okavss Thomas 0, Kensrsdy Pltw M. Knowlton Alfred L. MrCray Samuel A. McQa Alan F. ~WkSttaK James T. MecF John R. Nkwlip b n E. Qliw Brian K. Bofler Rant~ld S. P-kin , ~

Gerald D. Rapp Jan M. !Waly Willis 0, !3m Edward La Shank JeFfrar I%. Sblman F r d r ~ e L. Si&r Howard N. ThiaZc, Jr. fhfmwm Fred R. Wkkbm -- J. Michael Ka p 2ackm.n S. godw - Julian E. Clark E* John 62. Toner a ~ b Jatnes Christie Kemeth C. Hamiser Charks M. Hymarr J. C. Wilham Tattersall tammu Karl F. WetttauTer . m d . y Charles R. Bmwn Marathon ($1 Foundation, Rkhrrrd E. MOFW Pa#ori. Frank J. Kin@

R k k d E. Hols t- Biavid N. M&wa kmrdrr; William 4ACouB~ap bBM#ll ",I

Jackfan C. k@p w R J a ~ t W Weaver Limo J. 'FMmmas Gummy Lee 6. Vankgam DmalltS J. WEtYer a m hntrld A. Lewis

Edward A. Farshew -mb- Jkmm Lh.ovon Mmmlb Balm? N, Drake Themes E. Mrpcll James W. Fylc npmm H o c d A. MiUr LI#MR bs- Jam@ E: Wallcr ~ 1 C B l W N The Hoovcr Company Sliaek#lc Mihael R. FEW einrwl Rohrb FI. Fmvcr

I .

biz3x'hnwa Lyinan F. Spikzw ' nsw hdetick R F d Jack L. Nwcnechwande lor) Cllmtm bough 0. Moysr -?-- Calvin C. dohmos Bah L. SiJ8iff a M C h w b

Kraig E. Noble a. Murn - Melvyn J. ~ t a u ~ r William C. Steuk

i E Z X S b r Q Emanuel M. Hecht Kenneth F. Sn der Stanley A. wi6m 8-Y William R. Morris sp.mmllk George J. Bowers *- Rabart C. Acton Howard R. Eckels Robert A, Vaughn George M. Winwood, I1

Michael C. Clemente Tlmn Paul R. Ebel Paul E. Gillmor James D. Sumnce Tokdo Stewart H. Aron Richard S. Baker D. Robert Bastian Howard W. Boas John H. Boggs Ralph S. Boggs Htnry J. b u r uignon George S. ~ka!lcy Harland M. Britz Charles E. Brown Arnold F, Bunge. Jr. John H. Burson John J. Callahan Joseph A. Cannon Robert G. Clayton Joseph N. ~r&ley, Jr. Thomas L. Dalrymple Dana Corporation

Foundation Gary R. Di~~ing Robert B. D~xon Edwin G. Emerson Richard A. Entenmann Raymond G. Esch. Jr. Eden S. Fcldste~n Austin M. Frwe Francis J. Gallaher Jack E. Gallon Paul D. Giha Jack A. Green Lynn H. Grcssley Frank D. Guthrie Edward E. Hictt Ronald C. Hud#ens Frank D. Jacob Marvin K. Jacobs Jamills G. Jamra Justice 6. Johnson. Jr. Jerome F. Ka p Robert A. r e k Donald J. Keune Roger P. Klec James L. Knight Mr. & Mrs. Joel A. Lcr William E. Longthorm Theodore Markwood Michael F. McCarthy Larry W. McConnack Chsrles A. McKcrmy Mary L M c b nobnt j. w. M%q G. Gng Mishacl The M L M Charitable

Foundat ion John H. Moor Harry W. Morgan. Sr. John f i . Morgan James M. Morton

Jmes A. Wmnk u. st~lhl Durrnc Strmbxhan, Jr. Ham C. S t a b J~IJ Tc *ad Rkdm.~ . Pork& T k d d ~ e v08t RoBwz k. Weiwnbu~gcr David 6. Wise ~ d d #ddrb CharlCs J. Silverman . ucp.r- Robert E. H d w- Charles 8. English M u l wm't Charles E. Baldwin James W. Child8 WwPrn David R. Chenoweth Donald R. F e d William R. Hwitf Fderick H. Loamis. Jr. Robert S. MtGeough John T. Mi'lligan Bernard W. Roaenberg Michael W. Rosenberg w*viw. William L. Bush -"w+n Frcdw~ck J. BuclPlb Samuel M. Kenrfman Kaufman's Syndicate Sbr W& Walter C. Grosjean John C. Johnston, Jr. Don L. Reynold5 "7 R~char K Elliott Narman T. Smith Xmi. Robert A. MiUer William A. Miller yeuAg.lwm Stanky M. Eppstein William E. Fowler. Jr. Arthur N. Friedman Charb P. Henderson Eradric A. Kannrmohn John A. Kicz Robert A. Manchester W. Stephen Meloy M ron Nadler AIL rr J. Ortenzio William E. Pfau. Jr. John W. Bowers- Warren H. Pritchrd Lawrence R. Springer Georgc B. Woodman

OKLAHOMA I m i h v l R . Lois S. Johnson Mr. & Mrs. Richard Kan Frank M. Laccy Lloyd A. Rowland

=Adair Hon. Jossph W. Morris Namml Frank Elkwri Frederick Elbridge Phelps H. Miller

William J. Sh&y O r i ~ m C k l y Allen D. Evans Arnold T. Flei Lon Foster. I 1 f Richard D. Harrison James F. Hartmmn. Jr. J m e L. Hcmry Fred J. McDonald J. Larry Nichols Richard A. R i g p smmm V a m H. Frid TvYw William C. Anttcnon John R. l a r k a . 0. Hapdm Crawford, Jr. OFor S. Downey

cr C. Killin chx

' John -lid. ,Wlnbysi Jr. W W '

- kipbad S. Rdmm Qlrns 0. Wallar~

- mEBm .l#wnGrPs . R O W H. M&wdk@

k r ~ R m l d t. Marhey

ML &chard E, ~Yler Cmig A. Smil'h Edward P. Thampmn, Jr. lbcl.li#mul#r R o h t S. Thomspon '

M d k d Rwroll W. DeFomt J l n R. Dellenback John E. Ferris P U t W Anthon J. Lrker John d Berman Keith T. Borman 'J. Rion Bourgeois David F. Cargo Michael J. Gentry William N. Groes James 1. Miller Robert M. Kerr Jarnos Lei k D@s J. findsay Cbarlw M. Lovetl Ste hen R. Moore ~ic[ardlon W. Nahstoll

; Forrest W. Simmone Calvin N. Souther

Jio)m~~n & Hi&@m~ of Immia, lac.

l ~ m r Jenwer J. Kildmk David N. K n i p l W a r n M. Lddm J e L H, M y Wilbm H. L ~ ~ m i y David S. Michrds Donald F. Patmm Hwmrd Pete- A n d m S. P r k Bqjarnim M. Quiqg. Jr. Mw~n C. U ~ U I W JP- W, Rich. Jr. J a m s J. R&m

&B. G l m w d W. Rouse Edward A. S~1Pkll Scolt Papa Company Fdn. Stm Cornpan he. n. WiiIim J iy~o r CLbtopher Waltrrs Willinn Y. Webb Ral@ G. WQhyron - A k a Pbundatim Mr. & Mrs. Joelr €3. Armstrong l3eqy&m F d a t i m H A.ikG&rnm h3 D. Itrimenstein I ; b d L. Burkhrd JolPn M. BurkofT ThPmas H. C h r m M h Thomas f. Cochran. Jr. Chrrtm C. Cohm Anthony S. DcFradk T h m a s J. bond W a r y W. Enlt. 111 Mr. & Mrs. Gem& E. Ewing John P. F d c r R*t G. Gemewrn

S"P" OEl i OJI Foundrt~on of W w a f t !

3&@ M. #&!a %r. , l w d c . tzrrna T b m A* l d u w d . A h Z. ips- &t@ A. Lgdlr 3&a A. @@%MI w. Jwwa *W~icir My lrva !kw%"r" ~ h ~ m e H. w a s 9 W. Fail%-. JF, asp P, hdrm, 8r. ~hbrlr &. Mpmia Rk3hm.d J. M d C r u r h r. myr~p K. 'W Mmnain ~11~rm"J;. N w q P&*r & C ~ E R I C Y b m m C Prkar v i ri & a m iirennetb *. PeppemGy urta, e. ehi&p P8;k 9. m114W P31 idwtricr F m d k ~ h w m m N. Wick Eric P. R6f 'llnmrur J. W6inIZ&ler. Jr. Charles 0. Sdmmz ~~y A. Sk*

W i t t i i 0. satam Willhm D. S n w W. mcv Thornof J o b C. Unkovic Joseph ManBuokirk John M. W1%, Wrerin syee E4umtConel Fdn. nidal$o. ziQs1m Scat F. Zimwrman ib.dRls W$ligim 19. Fotry James M. P a w W r e y M. Sbudt Jemcs V. Slopldt

mam Henry M. Ekkcr

. &nard GoMstonr - Glenn E. Mpnwr bmamH James F. her George A. P ~ n o 1 md)oMI Aaron C. F. Finkbinat, 181

v.arip.rp. A I M C. M d i n viuenow &njrmin K. Harris Howard R. Lurk wdmam W a r d H. Owkn mmaw5am HsmM Rmnn mol.wBnrr Jahn H . Witkcrspoen, wY=- Aar D. Kmnaly. Jr.

: WymmwBia Ndmn A. Shrdman

FPEE7Znma. W d RoCRs13. Stwatt


-. lotrn H. Bltsh Robert C. Brwns Rdml W. @wards. Jt. EU e v nqm o i i z ,&,,a

J.mrof f, Kelly John K. MalFyre R o M w. p &bwrsrdM. rtwM

uamtlilril John W . D m W~Minm 1;. Kmmy WntlPUlLCw Cydl L. Kendrll ='m' P h l p Wittaberg

rrwrkmk Roy E. Wrlly vwamml Jw#c A. J Q ~ E O ~ *- Frsanc C. Bum~


Murphy. dr. Dav@ 1. T ~ I P C

&2E&. bbm L. *#"men KrmmD M o w n L. Rtch, ;IV W a r n W. Kgln~rly Jackson C. Krromer AFckk D. McDondd John L. S & i i . Jr. cavrvrnl M o r e F. Drming -nw@ Henry H. Mancack W. Jamas Ellism Edward W. Kuhn J h n C. Oldenburg Fernon C. Sewell Barry F. Wkite cllrrhdlk L a w t t m E. Ltvim Nashvilk W i a Pduc t s

MI . Co., tw. ~ a v 2 ~ . Rollin8

F U U B a- Frank O'Briw. : Auwn Owch T . Kirt$ley Luis F. Rdrigudz bwmoni Jtames b. MeMLhdas

El 50rd Y, 8- William C. O d W Parfeir M. Hiearan WILirsa a IQpgps CWk E , W w * dr. Lg.anc 8.1dhnr~er R. W~rtlh -1 Knrl E. &SIR %Ill W. b y Oo(r M W Murk E. Rlu$isrrw R d m l e. a2b

Tmmcm* Iacwpwatd Ratand % Yo I E&vh Cha* #. W e . fr. blrce C. WinOkwrcer Ve& C. Wtrhrm - John 9. W8fl w-- R1C1196d W. Harnk&way IU- Erwin A. Hias

UTAH k l f ulu CtQ Harold G. Chrisl~tWn Rabm R. Finch John E Gates Orval C. Harrison Gmrge D. MdEing. Jr. Osfrr W. Moyk. Jr. Elliott 2. Pratt William V W

VERMONT 8nttkboro William B. Price B l e ~ o n Stewart H. McConaughy E#.x Jundbn Alan D. Overton Gregg H. Wilson MCddhbury Walter T. Dunn Mantpdkr Charles E. Gibson, Jr. N-port Paul B. Wolfe RuHlnd Robert E. Brodcrick Saint Alb.m Robert H. Brown SQUlh Burllnglo- Tiptori S. Ross w.t.rbwy John P. Meakc

@dm J a m t. BUMOR John K. IdkLay. Jr. Louis M. DyM Frederick W. Fratey. I I I Thomas L Preytag Fr+daisSc 1. Hamtic Miehrel 5. Knuths Lsanun V . Lamon f h9t166 0. Nicksoa Lawrench S. Pallock, ar.

& Frmily- Edwatd A. Porta Ro R Ra RL-F. Ritehie Hat& E. Rude1 Walter L. Suurm. Jr. Frmk k. Wkjerkr . - Harry L. Hrll I P.n J&n 8. Chapman tilsurton Milton I. B'zud

EXXOW U.S:A. Fwndaliun Arehtbld D. @my, Ir.


Stam R. Orodalr Louis G. ~ e r r a n l ~ r . Wolf H a k Dwiptrt C. Hair Donrld 2. Hmh J ~ h n E. HowU James K. Jwkson Douglas E. McKinley Christine W. Peterson Todd D. Petenon Larry C. Willey

JohnC. Ba ell Lackland ffiHoom. Jr. Guide Camti. Jr. Herbert A. Goldsmith, Jr. AMis Lapins .Lorum €3. McCoy dames T. Warns ChM@kb~rllk Carol K. t io lknshd NeiCl H. Holleashead C i i % E ' t T ~ r a h . Jr. rrltb.s Ga Da&i~#er ~ i % t m - K . h y F*cwrch . Douglas N.. Jones Winston S: Moore Eophe I(. Snyder lay L. Wilkin *YS* Roben Q; T,iy"Terr *

- Goy 'SlandcrJqf? - ihmpt.. I

C-harks M . Stewiirc 8 . .

. :,kilnspok, Roy .L. ,Steinhtimer. St.

., YrL- ' Bruce M. Chsdwick . ~Bu~ton L. Wutchinas ,

I WilCiam K. King Joseph L. Mayberry. JP. Garo A. ?attoyan Hans M. Rothenbubler Howard E. Wahmbrock

-Mwhk C h a k P. Kaufmsn Harry Pincus, Jr. - Lucll 1. b u r t a l e d F. S o m e ? J a m N. Chrirtman Monon N. Ecdd *Ibir#lu lamer B. Oalw~ne

WASHlWdTON oauovum Roy E. Mattern. Jr. Claim S. Thomas

E U T A n d a a n

Hilfer c- Harold E. hi ly

%!%I. Walker y.rcwklsnrt H. Dale Meredith ollmlll. Gayer G. Dominick anma James C. Rurum Alan L. Axelrod Thomas R. & ide William C. Blanchad J. Henry Btockhaus William H. Burkhart Pcttr D: B m u L a m M. Caner ~ o & r t B. Duna Stephen C. Eltis Ronald M. Gould David C. Groff Lawrence E. Hard Malcolm S. Harris Kenyon P. Kelloggl. Jr. John F. Kruger Theodore A. LcGros h r e M. Mack ~ o n a b 1. Meltzer S t en Paul Mom WiUiam N. Moloney Stevan D. Phillip Geo e W. Schoonmaker scatre First National Bank Paul W. beme Edward F. Stern

r - Philli L. Thom ~ i n s i i p A. T d . Jr.

' ' William, S. ,Waver John D. Wllson. Jr.

v ' Norman L. Winn * John F. Youn

- Jay H. ~ u l a u f ;.1 sparun

Hatvey W. Clarke Charles A. Jens

. .: Irving Paul . . T- I . - Denis Binder - 3

# - Rokrt E. Cooper - CharlgsW.Johnson

I!. John C. Kouklis . - Claude M. h m n +i. , William I. Rainey !, . Y, Stanley P. Wagner. Jr. 1, , '4, id;, Mdl . William C. Fork ~;.i$;.~ . .

, . .r , a*-*- L

wegt *nm~l& G h a h h n Clement R. Bassott Michael T. Chrrmey Lois 8. %hem H- Nye Ki- mmsryl James F. Companion J. Donald Eall

WISCONSIN AOpklon Robkrt W. Swain. Ir. ChlmmeFlilr David E. Prasch J#rrrH#. James R. Crip R h n C. ~ovqjoy

=curry. 111 Mdl#rr C. Vernon Howard. Jr. Richard Z. Kabaker Donald L. Ma er Mark E. mid Natalie A. Smith Loonard S. Somowski Sewad It. S t m d

Z M . Omker Mlhwkn William J. Abmham. Jr. ' $enjamin J. Abrohams ,

Nelson G. klston Irving T. Babe Darryl S. &I1 David A. Benner William E. Beringer Hwh R. Braun pad D. Braun Howard G. Brown Martin R. B~owning John A. Camy Jamca t. Crane, 111 Cutler-Hammer Foundation Steven R. Duback . Scott H En ~ t e ~ h r n . ~ . %ter Henry E. Fuldner John W. Gahnis Benjamin F. Garmer! Ill Jose h A Gemlgnarr~ m L y ):(id . Thomas W. Gzk," Robert H. Gorske Michael W. Grebe Guy F. Guinn Charles Hansm John A. Mazekood Edward J. Hciscr. Jr. Michael J. Herbert Gary A. Hollman f hornas W. Hoya Arthur F. Lubke. Jr. William J. Mantyh Thomas J. Mffiinn Earl L. Meixner Richard H. Norris, I11 Northwestern Mutual Life Ins. Stanley R Pa

J. i0deW.l William L. all John M. Reinhart Benjamin: f. Saltatein Barr E. Sammons ~ o d o n H. Smith. Jr. Harncy 0. Stover. Jr. Michael P. Sullivan Stephen Z. Sunidge Ronald L. Walter Clay R. Wiliiams J@ J. Ziim a#hhdi John E. Dcmpsey Harry E. Merer. Jr. R;rch; Herbcrt E. Hoxie Roger L. McMmus SlwkrlOln Joseph. H. Ptrers S ~ M ~ John 0. Baker W m n w Byron E. Bronston, Jr. Arnold J. Kibun ill w- Brwcc N. Pstterwn wnt Wlfm AllisChalmen Foundation. Inc.

' WVOWUlo .; ,, 1

C h l m m Hon. Clarence A. W~rnmer. Jr. WiilEam A, hainson mmrlduh - David B. Kenn#lly


Carl H. Amon. 111 Herbert K. Ans ch Richard C. hr!&u Btelk C. Bureh David J. Cohan Daniel F. Couglilin, Jr. Alan P. Giles- Robert S. Ga David B. +far!# My;* *flung

%\ia?+.'~&um6, kh E. Klein Hans Christian Kru-r Dr. Felix Losnter William C. Loud, Jr. Geo e P. Madonald J O S ~ ~ G. Mamn John D. Miller' J. Thomas Mullen, George A S ter nolnas c?. #$by Alexander K.' 6'eber Robert C. Wells

TOPS IN PERCENTAGE OF PARTICIPATION DISTRIBUTION OF GIFTS (States, Cities, Areas, or Subregions of less than 20 Alumni)

Area Participation $1,000 and over 55 $140,720.91 500 to 999 94 51,925.87

Schenectady County, New York Warren County, New York Wayne County, New York Ashland County, Ohio Clinton Brown Clermont Counties, Ohio Columbiana, Carroll Counties, Ohio Hancock, Putnam Counties. Ohio Jefferson, Harrison Counties, Ohio Wayne, Holmes Counties, Ohio Michigan City, lndiana Terre Haute, lndiana New Haven, Connecticut South Carolina Trumbull. Portaqe Counties, Ohio - North Dakota Manchester, New Hampshire Broome County, New York Elkhart Area, lndiana Keene, New Hampshire Arkansas Auglaize, Mercer, Shelby Counties, Ohio Belmont County, Ohio

TOPS IN PERCENTAGE OF PARTICIPATION (States, Cities, Areas, or Subregions of more than 20 Alumni)

Area Participation

Berrien County, Michigan Delaware Hartford, Connecticut Mahoning County, Ohio South West Area, Pennsylvania Montgomery, Preble Counties, Ohio Stark County, Ohio Cuyahoga, Geauga Counties, Ohio Tulsa, Oklahoma North West Area, Pennsvlvania Milwaukee, Wisconsin *

Hawaii Hamilton County, Ohio 4th Appellate District, Illinois Omaha, Nebraska North East Area, Pennsylvania St. Paul, Minnesota New Hampshire Fort Wayne, lndiana 1st Appellate District, Illinois St. Louis, Missouri Des Moines, Iowa Monroe County, New York Oklahoma

. - -

200 to 499 100 to 199 50 to 99 25 to 49 11 to 24 10

Less than 10 Insurance Gifts-in-Kind


Yvonne and Horace Rodgers

Tom Koykka and Jean Proffitt

National Committee, Law School Fund Front row (I to r): Alene Smith, Lois Richards, Tom Koykka, Bill Groening, Dave Macdonald, Roy Proffitt, Don

Shaffer, Mike Quinley 2nd row: Terry Sandalow, Carl vonEnde, Barbara Kacir, Mark Levick, Henry Earle, Elden Butzbaugh, Jr. 3rd row: Marilynn Cason, Ted St. Antoine, Chris Cohen, Ira Rose 4th row: Bob Vaughn, Rob Jones, Richard Elconin, Jon Sebaly, Robert Santos 5th row: Warren Elliott and Harry Piper

1976-77 Comparisons by Regions

Area Number of Alumni Number of Gifts Total Dollars 1976 1977 1976 1977 1976 1977

Region I Region II Region Ill Region IV Region V Region VI Region VII Region Vlll Region IX Region X Region XI Region XI1 Region Xlll Region XIV Region XV U.S. Possessions Foreign

'Doe5 nnf include fo r~ la r , oraduate alurnn~ llv~nq abroad


C~ty ana state Amount City and State Amount

Detroit, Mi. Chicago, II. Los Angeles, Ca. Washington, DC Sumner, Md. New York, NY Cleveland, Oh. Phoenix, Az.

Milwaukee, Wi. St. Joseph, Mi. Philadelphia, Pa. Midland, Mi. St. Louis, Mo. Dallas, Tx. Seattle, Wa. Hartford, Ct.

Ann Arbor, Mi. 11,760 Monroe, Mi. 1,795 Warren Elliott and Terry Sandalow Grand Rapids, Mi. 11,151 Miami, FI. 1,764 Southfield, Mi. Pittsburgh, Pa. Akron, Oh. Birmingham, Mi. San Francisco, Ca. Lansing, Mi. Tucson, Az. Canton, Oh. Honolulu, Hi. Kansas City, Mo. Bloomfield Hills, Mi. Flint, Mi. St. Paul, Mn. Toledo, Oh. Muskegon, Mi.

Saginaw, Mi. Rochester, NY Grosse Pointe Farms, Mi. Erie, Pa. Fort Wayne, In. Wichita, Kn. San Diego, Ca. Troy, Mi. Portland, Or. Santa Barbara, Ca. Louisville, Ky. Grosse Pointe, Mi. Minneapolis, Mn. Buffalo, NY Farmington, Mi.

Denver, Co. 3,915 Ypsilanti, Mi. 1,135 Fred and Sarah Steingold Dearborn, Mi. 3,825 Tulsa, Ok. 1,090 McLean, Va. Houston, Tx. Indianapolis, In. Jackson, Mi. Aurora, II. Cincinnati, Oh. Columbus, Oh. Kalamazoo, Mi.

Des Moines, la. Burlingame, Ca. Appleton, Wi. Carmel, Ca. Paris, Ky. Palo Alto, Ca. Battle Creek, Mi. Fullerton, Ca.


Contributors Gifts Dollars Ted St. Antoine and Michael Quinley

Memorials 6 1 69 $ 39,822.06 Matching Companies and Firms 107 147 19,697.50 Foundations and Trusts 9 9 31,000.00 Other 34 47 12,601.21

IN MEMQRlAM During the 1977 Law School Fund Year, gifts were received by the

Law School Fund in memory of the following alumni:

1874 1922 1940 Clarence M . Burton Earle E. Ewins Charles E. Humphrey, Sr.

1878 E. B. Stason

Clarence Darrow To all deceased Members 1942 Harry M. Nayer

1880 1923

Frank H. Shaffer Chris M . Youngjohn 1949

1925 Henry M. Campbell 1896 Ari BeGole Jerry McCroskey Leo T . Butzel To all deceased Members

1901 1926

Edson R . Sunderland Arthur M . Smith 1950 Albert Manion

1902 1927

Oscar W. Baker, Sr . Edgar C. Howbert 1954 J . Don Lawrence William S . Frank

1904 Emory J . Hyde 1928 1958

Frederick L. Leckie Benjamin Jaffe Brian J . Newman-Crawford To all deceased Members Ned Mellen

Sigmund A. Robinson 1963 1908

1930 Chester Skinner Clyde A. DeWitt George Ragland, J r . 1965

1912 1931 Harold B. Zanoff Beverly Blair Vedder

William M. Emery 1913 Carl Gussin 1967

Burke Shartel John Nostwich Frederick Shearer 1932

Paul G. Kauper 1971 1914 Leo Norville Jane L. Mixer ('68-'69)

Lyman Hulbert To all deceased Members 1934 1973

Frank E. Cooper Stephen Blackwell 1916

John Scott 1936 1976 Stanley Schlee Alan Precup

1917 Wendell F. Crockett 1937 1978

Forest McKee Kenneth K. Luce Sally J. Fergusson ('76-'77)

From alumni end friends in memory of these non-alumni

Stanley Akers Oscar Lawler Dean Emeritus Henry M. Bates Frank N. Newman Cynthia G. Blondy Alan Polasky Phil Cherrin Dr. Irwin B. Posner Arthur M. Cohn Sol Rubin Edgar Durfee Ednah Scott Mrs. Edgar Durfee Abram W. Sempliner Richard H. Gottesman Mrs. Burke Shartel Carl Gould David A. Shifman Mrs. Edward Griggs Ida Silverman Kate Harris Marion L. Simpson Lewis & Sarah Honigman Joann Singer Delmar Hoobler Harold Stern Robert Kapetansky Mrs. Edson R. Sunderland Dorothy Karbel Jack Wainger Sheldon Klein Hessel Yntema Sheldon B. Krause Mrs. Hessel Yntema Philip Krawitz

- 1 i


Class Summary of Gifts

No. of Gifts No. of No. in Average % of Class Total Amt. Class Class Agent in 1977 Contributors Class Gift Contributing Rec'd in 1977

1900 Richard H. May 1901 1902 ,I

1903 1905 1906 1907 1908 1909 1910

191 1 1912 1913 1914 I

1915 ,! 191 6 , I

1917 1918 1919 Charles L. Goldstein

1920 Richard H. May 1921 1922 1923 1924 Stewart R. Boyer 1925 Fred R. Allaben 1926 Frederick Bamberger 1927 Benjamin Safir 1928 A. D. Ruegsegger 1929 Calvin N. Souther

1930 Harvey J. Gunderson 1931 Lewis D. Wilson 1932 Sherwood Ake 1933 John B. Luyendyk 1934 Cornellus VanValkenburg 1935 Oscar W. Baker 1936 Robert E. Hensel 1937 Elijah Poxson, Jr. 1938 Gerald L. Stoetzer 1939 Douglas K. Read~ng

1940 H. James Gram 1941 William H. Hillier 1942 Howard A. Crawford 1943 John F. Sisson 1944 JohnC. Mason 1945 Alice G. 2. Greene 1946 Edward S. Noble 1947 Robert R. Day 1948 Helen Wilson Nies 1949 Robert A. Fisher

Class Summary of Gifts

Class Class Agent No. of Gifts

in 1977 No. of

Contributors No. in Average Class Gift

O/O of Class Contributing

Total Amt. Rec'd in 1977

1950 Charles M. Bayer 1951 Horace J. Rodgers 1952 Burton L. Ansell 1953 Clifford A. Dean 1954 Leonard Kravets 1955 Donald G. Black 1956 M. Harry Piper 1957 Donald J. DeYoung 1958 Jerome F. Prewoznik 1959 Edward M. Heppenstall

1960 Kent E. Whittaker 1961 William S. Farr, Jr. 1962 L. William Schmidt, Jr 1963 JohnGalanis 1964 Thomas E. Palmer 1965 Terrence Croft 1966 John C. Cook 1967 Christopher 6. Cohen 1968 Allen D. Field 1969 W. Timothy Baetz

Neill H. Hollenshead David LeFevre Terrence G. Perris Frank Jackson Thomas F. Koernke Terrence G. Linderman Pamela Hyde George A. Vinyard


Total Non-Alumni Gifts




Contributions 103,110.77

'F~gures do not include lorelgn graduate alumni llvtng abroad


Highest Highest Percentage Most Donors Most Dollars Average Gift of Contributors

Alumni News Notes At the annual meeting of the State Bar of Michigan in September, 1977, the follow- ing Michigan alumni were honored for 50 years in the practice of law.

From the Class of 1926 Law: S. Brooks Barron G . Norman Gilmore Harry W. Jones Rogers I . Marquis

From the Class of 1927 Law: A. George Abbott Clark J . Adams Richard C . Annis James E. Duffy James J . Dunn William J. Eggenberger Herbert M . Eiges William B. Giles Erwin H . Haass William B. Hartman Freeman W. Haskins Stuart D. Hubbell Sidney J. Karbel Lawrence S. King C. Bryan Kinney Walter A. Kleinert J . P. Mikesell Bartlett E. Nutter Joseph H. Parsons Cyrus M . Poppen Leslie C . Putnam James R. Ramsey Benjamin J . Safir Fred J . Schumann John Sklar Albert M . Stern Laurent K. Varnum John Homer Witherspoon Frank Landon Young

A r t h u r E . M o o r e , r e t i r e d 725 Oakland County (Mich) circuit court judge, was honored at a testimonial dinner in April, 1977. Although retired he continues to be very active and interested in the welfare of children and was in- strumental in organizing Camp Oakland which caters to the special needs of children.

Ben S. Wendelken received the award of merit of the Colorado Bar Association at its annual meeting in Colorado Springs in October, 1977.

927 Wayne S h a w a k e r of T o l e d o handled the golden anniversary ar-

rangements for his class reunion in April, 1977. In June he was honored by the Toledo bar for 50 years of practice.

728 John Panchuk has retired as secretary and general counsel of

Federal Life & Casualty Co., and is presi- dent of the newly-organized U-M Ukrai- nian Alumni and Student Association.

John F. Wagner was elected chairman of the board of Dearborn (Mich) Federal Savings and Loan Association. H e has been a director for 20 years.

930 S t a n l e y S. , G i l b e r t , a f t e r a vaned career In private law prac-

tice, a lawyer with the U S Army JAG, and 28 years in the retail clothing business, is once again practicing law in South Bend, Ind. He also teaches Business Law at In- diana U at South Bend.

931 Wayne County Circuit Judge George T. Martin was re-elected

by his colleagues on the bench as chief judge pro-tem in December, 1977.

732 Ch,arlotte C. Dunnebacke has retlred from her position as head

of the Government Libraries Program at the Michigan State Law Library after 43 years of service.

Ephraim R. Gomberg of Palm Springs, Cal. has been named an honorary fellow of the American Psychiatric Assn. He was cited for his contributions to the field of mental health at the annual meeting of the association in May.

933 H o n . Timothy C. Quinn was commended by Michigan's gover-

nor for an outstanding record in 25 years of service on the Michigan bench. Judge Quinn retired from the Michigan Appeals Court effective December 3 1 , 1977.

735 Louis J . Co lombo, J r . was honored for 30 years of volunteer

service with the Red Cross in May of 1977. He is a partner in the Birmingham (Mich) firm of Colombo and Colombo.

Nelson A. Sharfman retired at the end of 1977 as president of Transource, Inc. vice president of Edwards and Kelcey, Inc., and vice president of Wyer, Dick & Co. He has moved to Lee, Mass., in the Berkshires.

1136 Donald E. Adams retired from the Oak land County (Mich . )

Probate bench on July 31, 1977, a post he held since 1961.

John S. Black, Jr. retired as president of the American Society of Corporate Secretaries, Inc, on July 1, 1977, a post he had held since 1970.

William A. Groening, Jr. retired as vice president and special counsel of Dow Chemical Company in Midland (Mich.) in November, 1977.

Robert E. Hensel retired from Crane CO. as director of taxes at the end of 1977. He and his wife have moved to Upper San- dusky, Ohio, where he will work as a tax consultant in his retirement.

Frank G. Theis is now the chief judge of the U.S. District Court for the District of Kansas.

937 Eiijah Poxson retired as presi- dent of Michigan Mutual Liability

Co. in Detroit in June of 1977.

939 T h o m a s D. Baldwin is chief patent counsel in the patent office

of Chrysler Corp., Detroit.

Thomas K. Munson was recognized for his 10 years of service as a member of T h e Detroil News "Secret Witness" advisory committee.

742 Richard B. S tephens re t i red from active law teaching and ad-

ministration at the University of Florida College of Law. A scholarship has been es- tablished in his name by alumni of the University of Florida for graduate stu- dents.

747 Ann Fagan Ginger is associate d e a n a n d p r o f e s s o r of c o n -

stitutional law and labor law at New Col- lege of California School of Law in San Francisco. She has recently published jury SELECTION IN C R I M I N A L T R I A L S and T H E L A W , T H E S U P R E M E C O U R T A N D T H E P E O P L E ' S RIGHTS, 2nd ed.

Cornelia Croefsema Kennedy became the chief judge of the U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of Michigan on November 24, 1977. She is the first woman in Michigan and the first in the nation to serve as chief judge in a federal court.


Charles H. Mullen, Jr . was appointed to the Kalamazoo County (Mlch) C~rcu l t Court to f i l l the vacancy created by the death of Judge Raymond W Fox, J D '33.

948 R,ichard McCormack retired as vlce president and general counsel

of the Clark Equipment Company In Buchanan. Mich. in June 1977.

Albert Rendlen has become a judge on the Missouri Supreme Court.

Irking Slifkin became general counsel of Condec Corporation in Old Greenwich, Conn. on September 1 , 1977.

749 John S. Crandell was selected as an administrative law judge

with the Social Security Administration in Detroit.

Datid A. Nichols was sworn in on May 23, 1977 as the seventh justice of the Maine Supreme Court . Prior to his appointment he was a justice on the Superior Court .

James A. Sprunk is vice president, general legal counsel and now, secretary of Owens- Illinois in Toledo.

951 A l a n C . B o y d i s a s s i s t a n t general counsel for Owens-Illinois,

Inc. in Toledo.

B. James George, Jr., former professor and director of Wayne Sta te University Center for the Administration of Justice assumed the presidency of the Southwestern Legal Foundation in Dallas, Tex. on August I, 1977.

Thomas J . O'Toole has joined the law firm of Stevens Schuler Johnson Hipkiss P i a s e c k i K n o w l t o n & O ' T o o l e in Muskegon, Mich.

William R. Sturtz became a county court judge for Freeborn County, Minnesota in June 1978.

752 Ernest Bell of Keene, N .H. is the president-elect of the New

Hampshire Bar Association.

Peter P . Cobbs of Detroit was appointed to serve as the attorney representative on the Stare Board of Marriage Counselors by Michigan's governor.

Wallace D. Riley former president of the Sta te Bar of Michigan has been elected to the board of governors of the American Bar Association.

Richard D. Simons of Rome, N Y was re- elected to a second 14-year term on the New York Supreme Court. H e also serves as an associate justice of the Appellate Division, 4th Dept., by designation of the governor.

753 Dean E. Richardson was awarded the Sta te of Israel's highest civilian

award, the Distinguished Service Award, on October 30, 1977. He is chairman of the board and chief executive officer of Manufacturers National Bank of Detroit and Manufacturers National Corporation.

Frank L. Zagelmeyer was elected as presi- dent of the Detroit chapter of the Federal Bar Association in June 1977 for the cur- rent year.

754 Professor Bradford Stone was named Director, Legal Drafting

Program at Detroit College of Law in December, 1977.

755 David R. ~Macdonald became a director of the Chicago City Bank

and Trust Co. in July 1977. M r . Mac- donald formerly held the position as Under Secretary of the Navy from September 1976 to February 1977. During his tenure he was awarded the Defense Dept.'s Medal for Distinguished Public Service for his work on shipbuilding issues. H e served as Assistant Secretary of the Treasury for Enforcement, Operations and Tariff Af- fairs before assuming the Navy position. H e is a partner in the Chicago law firm of Baker & McKenzie. H e is also the National Chairman of the U-M Law School Fund National Committee.

William C. Becker was named 756 vice president for external affairs of the B. F. Goodrich Chemical Division in Cleveland in June of 1977. Prior to the ap- pointment he was assistant general counsel and assistant secretary of the European section of BPG's law division in The Hague, Netherlands.

John N. Brown retired in January 1977 from the Michigan State Police and is cur- rently on the faculty of Lansing Com- munity College teaching in the law en- forcemen t program.

William J. Cowlin is serving his third term as state's attorney for McMenry County, Ill. H e is also a board member of the McHenry State Bank and he returned last fall from a trip to the USSR.

Dieter L. Hoegen, Dr. iur. of Karlsruhe, West Germany, reports he became a judge on the Bundesger ichtshof ( G e r m a n Supreme Court in civil and criminal law cases) in December of 1974.

757 Robert G. Butler h a s been elected corporate secretary of

Becton, Dickinson & Co. in Rutherford, N.J .

R. Patrick Donahue was appointed to the Common Pleas Court in Detroit in May of 1978. His term will run until January 1, 1979.

Thomas W. Watkins was appointed assis- tant general counsel of General Motors Corp. effective September 1, 1977.

Robert B. Weaver captured the leading ac- tor award for his role as Tevye in Fiddler on the Rooffrom Encore Theatre and Ami Tellers of Dramatics in Lima, Ohio, and the audience award as best actor in the role of Henry VIII in Anne of rhe Thousand Days. H e practices in Leipsic, Ohio.

758 Eugene C. Penzien is president of t h e P r o s e c u t i n g A t t o r n e y s

Association of Michigan for the current year.

960 Thomas R. Beierle was named gene ra l a t to rney for Paci f ic

N o r t h w e s t Bell T e l e p h o n e f o r t h e Washington-Idaho area in May of 1977.

Clifford H. Hart of Flint was elected as president of the Michigan Trial Lawyers Association for 1977-78 on July 1, 1977.

961 Donnelly W. Hadden became president of the Detroit chapter of

the Association of Trial Lawyers in America on October 7, 1977.

Joseph J. H. Humphrey has joined U.S. Trust Co. of New York as a vice president in the banking group.

962 Paul Teranes was honored by being named the "Professional

Man of the Year" by his alma mater, the Univers i ty of De t ro i t High Schoo l . Teranes is currently serving as assistant prosecutor in Wayne County.

1163 Richard C . Al len, D e a n of Hamline University Law School in

S t . Paul, Minn. was appointed chairman of the Minnesota Supreme Court Commis- sion on the Mentally Disabled and the Courts.

John G. Dalessio has been named director of the Peace Corps in Fiji. H e previously practiced law in Los Angeles and was director of the Greater Los Angeles Urban Coalition.

Gary Frink of Washington, D.C. an- nounced the formation of a new firm on August 1, 1977 of Moss Frink & Franklin.

Sandor M. Gelman is a partner in the firm of Gelman & Hand, P C in Troy, Mich. He was recently elected a second vice presi- dent of Family & Children Services of Oakland County and has been appointed as a referee for the Michigan Civil Rights Commission.

John Kirkendall of Ypsilanti, Mich. was elected president of the Greater Ypsilanti Area Chamber of Commerce in June 1977.

Richard A. Solomon of Detroit has been appointed as special assistant attorney general for the State by Michigan's at- torney general. He will assist in matters dealing with antitrust.

764 John R. DeVries was appointed P r o b a t e J u d g e f o r Man i s t ee

County (Mich) effective April 10, 1978. His term will run until January 1, 1979.

Ina and Terry Sandalow

Richard Elconin and Elden Butzbaugh, - Jr.

Barbara Kacir and Freddy Koykka

Stephen D. Stitt was named Teacher of the Year in the College of Law at the Univer- sity of Florida where he is an assistant professor of law.

Steven H. Winkler has been elected assis- tant Connecticut state counsel for Lawyers Title Insurance Corp. He is the chief legal officer for the Hartford (Conn.) branch.

David R. Woodward became a partner in the Washington office of Sutherland Asbill & Brennan in March 1977.

972 Michael Hardy is a member of the board of advisers of the Har-

vard Environmental Law Review and a partner in Guren Merritt Sogg & Cohen, Cleveland. Ohio.

Wayne A . McCoy became a member of the Chicago firm of Schiff Hardin & Waite in January 1978.

Morton M. Rosenfeld was elected to partnership in the firm of Agnew Miller & Carlson of Los Angeles, Cal.

Peter R. Scullen has joined Michigan Bell's law department succeeding Charles H. Kivett (JD '58) who is now with the legal staff of American Telephone and Telegraph Co. in Bedminster, N.J.

Robert H. Vollmar, 11, has joined the legal staff for the Veterans Administration in Detroit.

973 Robert M. Bellati opened his own law practice in Springfield,

Ill. on September 1, 1977 with James P. Baker and became "of counsel" to the law firm of Bellatti Fay Bellatti & Bone in Jacksonville. Ill.

Frank W. Jackson, as Captain, USAR, has become commanding officer of the 424th Personnel Services Co., a support unit of the Army's 300th Military Police Command, headquartered in Livonia, Mich.

Blondell L. Morey became an assistant U.S. attorney for the Eastern District of Michigan in February 1978. He previously had served with the U.S. attorney general's office in the Virgin Islands.

Plinn F. Morse 11, is legal officer at Manufacturers Bank in Detroit.

Roger and Wendy Wilner of Ventura, Cal. report that Roger has opened his own law office and Wendy and Edward L. Lascher (JD '53) have formed Lasher & Wilner, P.C.

974 Alan S. Miller is the recipient of a Fulbright Scholarship to Mac-

quarie University of New South Wales, Australia.

P. Frederick Pfenninger, J r . is a marketing analyst with Eli Lilly & Co. of In- dianapolis, Ind.

Richard D. Price, J r . has been made a partner in the firm of Cassidy Cassidy & Mueller of Peoria, Ill. He is the president of the U-M Club of Peoria.

Lt. F. Wallace Strong, Jr . was transferred from Portsmouth, Va, to the Naval Legal Service Branch Office in Rota, Spain in December. He has been on active duty with the Navy JAG Corps since gradua- tion.

Robert Haviland was sworn in 975 as an assistant U S . attorney in December 1977 and will serve in the criminal division of the U.S. Attorney's Office for the Eastern District o f Michigan.

976 Kent G. Knutson of Moorhead, Minn. announced the opening of

his offices at 32 N. Foss Lane.

977 Barbara Ruga Etheridge is now wlth the law firm of Varnum Rid-

dering Wierengo & Christenson of Grand Rapids, Mich.

Gerald R. Parker was appointed to the position of Associate Minister at the First United Methodist Church in Ann Arbor. In 197 1 he received the "Outstanding Young Men of America" award. He was ordained in June of 1973.

Mary Sobkowski is clearking in the law of- fice of Sid Brockley (JD '66) in Oregon City, Ore.

George A. Vinyard is now associated with the Chicago law firm of Sachnoff Schrager Jones & Weaver, Ltd. He was elected to a 3-year term on the Illinois Wesleyan University's board of trustees.

DECEASED '02 Harry E. Hobart, d. 1977 in Ponca

City, Okla.

Benjamin H . Kizer, d. April 9, 1978 in Spokane, Wash.

Herman L. Stevens, d . March 20, 1978 in Port Huron, Mich.

'03 John Franklin Kuniler, d. October 4, 1977 in Toledo, Ohio

'05 Arthur E. Fixel, d . unknown in Florida

William F. Moyar, d. June 5, 1977 in Oil City, Pa.

Clarence M . Russell, d. March 1, 1977 in Jackson, Mich.

'07 Saul Kaye Bernstein, d. March 29, 1973 in Oklahoma City, Okla.

'08 Oscar Leslie Boose, d . December 1977 in Sunnyside, Wash.

'09 Hubert A . Brennan, d . March 20, 1977 in Chicago, Ill.

Ralph Emerson Horner, d. December 25, 1976,in Winamac, Ind.

Thaddeus B. Taylor, d. May 10, 1978 in Grand Rapids, Mich.

Ulysses S. Weary, d . July 20, 1977 in Junction City, Kans.

'10 Earl W. DeLano, d. place and date unknown

'11 Clarence J . Agnew, d . February 13, 1978 in Rockford, Ill.

,Henry A. Bundschu, d. May 4, 1978 in Kansas City, Mo.

'13 Arthur V . Brown, d . unknown, in Los Angeles, Cal.

Neuman A. Cobb, d. Sept. 2, 1977 in Battle Creek, Mich.

'14 Thomas E. H . Black, d. October 30, 1977 in South America

Arthur D. Kehoe, d. May 3, 1978 in Shelby, Ohio

John R . Ober, d. October 28, 1977 Oakland, Cal.

William F. Spikes, d . February 17, 1977 in Des Moines, Ia.

'15 Thomas E. Agee, date and place un- known

Ward H . Peck, d. October 18, 1977 in Detroit, Mich.

Will R . Roberts, d. October 13, 1977 Jackson, Mich.

'16 Lyle Minar Clift, d. March 22, 1977 place unknown

Floyd L. Young, d. January 29, 1978 in Vincennes, Ind.

'17 Wendell F . Crockett, d. May 17, 1977 in Wailuku, Hawaii

Lloyd J . Curby, d. December 14, 1977 in Whitman, Mass.

Harry N . Deyo, d. November 28, 1977 in Plymouth, Mich.

Wayland H. Sanford. d . May 3, 1978 in Dallas, Tex.

Oscar Carl Satlinger, d. August 27, 1977 in Beverly Hills, Cal.

Fred Searl, d. January Grand Rapids, Mich.

'18 Sam G . Pickus, d. February 11, 1978 in Sioux City, Ia.

'19 Philip A. Hadsell, d. November 25, 1977 in Niles, Mich.

Clarence Augustus Reid, S r . , d . January 7, 1978 place unknown

Lester B. Vincent, d . February 25, 1977 in Seattle, Wash.

'20 Ben B. Mathews, d. October 24, 1977 in Scottsdale, Ariz.

'21 Melvin J . Cassidy, d . March 8, 1977, place unknown

Reginald M. Cobbs, d . date and place unknown

Thurman B. Doyle, d. May 10, 1974, place unknown

Henry W. Smith, d. November 3, 1977 in Pine Bluff, Ark

'22 John C. Cary, d . June 1, 1977 in Grand Rapids, Mich.

Harry C . Daley, d. May 8, 1977 in Evanston, Ill.

'23 Franklin B. Hettinger, d. November 30, 1976 in Hutchinson, Kans.

Christian M. Youngjohn, d. August 5, 1977 in Grosse Pointe Park, Mich.

'24 Jesse W . Bollinger, d. May 15, 1977 in Ft. Lauderdale, Fla.

Harvey A. Fischer, d. September 17, 1977 in Ann Arbor, Mich.

Harry A. Hall, d . February 25, 1978, in Lake Lotawana, Mo.

Norman Lattin, d. April 29, 1978 in Sun City, Ariz.

Ray E. McCall, d. March 17, 1978 in Mesa, Ariz.

'25 Harry S. Manchester, d. December 1977 in Youngstown, Ohio

Joseph W. McAuliffe, d. June 17, 1977 in Phoenix, Ariz.

Duke Moyer Patrick, d. March 19, 1978 in Washington, D.C.

James Boswell Young, d . September 25, 1977 in Louisville, Ky.

'26 Jonas Robert Cohler, d. March, 1978 in Palm Desert, Cal.

Henry J . Freud, d. April 9, 1978 in Ann Arbor, Mich.

G. Norman Gilmore, d. July 7, 1978 in Detroit, Mich.

Charles C . Hamill, d. March 25, 1978 in Pasadena, Cal.

Louis C . Harnish, d. June 24, 1977 in Lancaster. Pa.

'27 Benjamin V . Halstead, d. date and place unknown

William B. Hartman, d . January 29, 1978 in Bloomfield Hills, Mich.

E l l e n L y d i a N . W h i t s e t t , d . November 4, 1977 in Evanston, Ill.

John Homer Witherspoon, d. April 24, 1978 in Mt. Clemens, Mich.

'28 William H . Aubrey, d . unknown, in Jackson, Mich.

John Martin Bennett, d. October 1, 1975 in Johnstown, Pa.

Ralph B. Brody, d. July 6, 1977 in Chicago, Ill.

Everett E. Hitchcock, d , date and place unknown

Julius Jacobs, d. July 9, 1977 in Toledo, Ohio

John F. McCarthy, d. September 1 , 1977 in Los Alamitos, Cal.

Carl J. Riddering, d. September 17, 1977 in Grand Rapids, Mich.

Sigmund A. Robinson, d. date un- known, in Indianapolis, Ind.

'29 Arch E. Ekdale, d. date unknown, in San Pedro, Cal.

William E. Hamaker, d. June 1 1 , 1977 in North Carolina

Peter A. Lee, d. July 29, 1977 in Honolulu, Hawaii

Emory L. Morris, d. December 25, 1977 in San Mateo, Cal.

'30 Thomas E. Fiske, d. August 6, 1977 in Coronado, Cal.

'31 William L. Colden, d. August 3, 1977 in Detroit, Mich.

Paul R. Ebel, d. April 10, 1978 in Tif- fin, Ohio

'32 Wentworth T . Durant, d. March 8, 1977 in Dallas, Tex.

Herbert E. Varnum, d. February 12, 1975 in Sun City, Ariz.

'33 Hayden H. Dadd, d. February 28, 1978 in Attica, N.Y.

Raymond W. Fox, d. June 20, 1977 in Kalamazoo, Mich.

John H . Groves, d . March 7, 1977 place unknown

Joseph Patrick Sullivan, d . December 1, 1976, place unknown

'34 Roland J . Stanger, d. April 21, 1978 in Capetown, South Africa

'35 Frederick P. Clohset, d. February 2, 1978 in Manistee, Mich.

Clay F. Olmstead, d. April 28, 1977 in Ludington, Mich.

'36 Bernard H . Davidson, d. October 2, 1977 in Ishpeming, Mich.

Floyd J . Poole, d. April 13, 1977 in Jackson, Mich.

Marion Dever Slavens, d. July 14, 1977 in Jackson, Ohio

John Thompson Spence, d. December 21, 1975, place unknown

George William Tanner, J r . , d . December 21, 1976 in Uniontown, Pa.

Marion H. Yoder, d. November 3, 1977 in Northport, Mich.

'37 Kenneth Luce, d . May 1977 in Milwaukee, Wisc.

'38 John G. Starr, d. June 18, 1977 in Grand Rapids, Mich.

'39 John H. Bryant, d. October 5, 1977 in Grand Rapids, Mich.

Russell L. Carr, date and place un- known

'39 Guy C. Conkle, J r . , d. February 13, 1978 in Boyne City, Mich.

'40 Donn D. Parker, d. April 1977 place unknown

Thomas W. Thompson, d. February 14, 1978 in Detroit

'42 Willis C . Bullard, d. July 5, 1978 in Detroit, Mich.

'46 Edward P. Jackson, d. August 28, 1977 in Louisville, Ky.

'47 Charles Edwin Carraher, d. April 1977 place unknown

Joseph N . Morency, Jr. , d. December 30, 1976 in Chicago, Ill.

John F. Sullivan, Sr. , d. March 1978 in St. Joseph, Mich.

Philip Woodworth, d. May 17, 1978, place unknown

'48 David H . Belt, d. October 12, 1977 in Pittsburgh, Pa.

Cary E. Landis, d. October 2, 1977 in Weisbaden, Germany

'50 Lawrence Gubow, d. March 26, 1978 in Detroit, Mich.

'51 James L. Rogers, d. July 3, 1978, in Des Moines, Ia.

'53 Charles D. Newton, d. date and place unknown

'58 Richard B. Warner, d . August 2, 1977 in Pittsfield, Mass.

'63 Bernie Ray Burrus, d. August 1977 in Washington, D.C.

'66 Edward L. McCampbell, d. date and place unknown

'67 S . John Nostwich, d. September 1977 in Akron, Ohio

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