-1- Elias Athanasopoulos, ICS-FORTH Software Modeling WP3 Software Modelling WISDOM Simulator Elias...

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Software Modeling -1- Elias Athanasopoulos, ICS-FORTH


Software Modelling

WISDOM Simulator

Elias Athanasopoulos*, Antonis Krithinakis, George Kopidakis(FORTH)

contact: elathan@ics.forth.gr

Brussels, June 2008

Software Modeling -2- Elias Athanasopoulos, ICS-FORTH

Initial Goals

- Develop a modular software platform

- Model optical components and examine their behaviour

- Simulate constructs based on combinations of different components

- Model everything under time constraints

- Build a platform for SAPI development

Software Modeling -3- Elias Athanasopoulos, ICS-FORTH

Initial Version

Main EngineMain Engine



WModule()WModule() WModule()WModule().......


Software Modeling -4- Elias Athanasopoulos, ICS-FORTH

Provided Functionality


A: ...0111001011...

A: ...0111001011...

C: ...111111111...

B: 10101

Y: ...000001000...

Optical pattern matching,proposed by Rod Webb (UCC).






Bandpass filter


Software Modeling -5- Elias Athanasopoulos, ICS-FORTH

Closer Look

Software Modeling -6- Elias Athanasopoulos, ICS-FORTH


• Ability to simulate only the SOA-MZI device

• Not user-friendly, scripting (Ruby) is needed

• Not easy expandable for simulation of multiple devices

• No support for real-traffic

Software Modeling -7- Elias Athanasopoulos, ICS-FORTH

Major Action Point from 1st Annual Review

Simulate more complex optical circuits

Software Modeling -9- Elias Athanasopoulos, ICS-FORTH

New Features

• Ability to place multiple devices (scalability)

• User-friendliness

• More complex circuits (optical CRC)

• Real-traffic support

• Ability to simulate scenarios of the final demonstrator

Software Modeling -10- Elias Athanasopoulos, ICS-FORTH

Current Look

Software Modeling -11- Elias Athanasopoulos, ICS-FORTH

Current Look

Software Modeling -12- Elias Athanasopoulos, ICS-FORTH

Further Steps

• Paper submission to:

- HotNets 2008 (deadline: mid July)

- INFOCOM 2008 (deadline: mid August)

- (Focus in WISDOM simulator’s architecture)

Software Modeling -13- Elias Athanasopoulos, ICS-FORTH

5 Mins of Demo Time

Software Modeling -14- Elias Athanasopoulos, ICS-FORTH

Thank you!

Elias AthanasopoulosICS-FORTH


Software Modeling -15- Elias Athanasopoulos, ICS-FORTH

Backup Slides

Software Modeling -16- Elias Athanasopoulos, ICS-FORTH

Different Perspective

• Try to simulate more complex optical circuits• Try to develop abstract entities, which will serve as fundamental building components• Have the ability to build any optical circuit and stress it over time

Software Modeling -17- Elias Athanasopoulos, ICS-FORTH

The Proposed Scheme

• Introduction of the following fundamental components:• Network flows• Connectors• SOAs

• What we essentially want to do is:• Build the SOA-MZI module, by using only the logic of SOAs

Software Modeling -18- Elias Athanasopoulos, ICS-FORTH

sim = WSimulator.new()

SOA1 = WSOAModule.new(:operation,"SOA1")SOA2 = WSOAModule.new(:operation,"SOA2")

A = FlowtoSOAConnector.new(WNetworkFlow.new("SpecificSeqFlow", "1010"))C = FlowtoSOAConnector.new(WNetworkFlow.new(”InitToOneFlow”, nil))B = FlowtoSOAConnector.new(WNetworkFlow.new("RandomFlow", nil))

OutputConnector = GenericConnector.new(:output)SOA1.setPins(A, C, OutputConnector)SOA2.setPins(C, B, OutputConnector)



Software Modeling -19- Elias Athanasopoulos, ICS-FORTH


We still have no deep knowledge of how SOAs are used to produce complex circuits

Essentialy, we know:

Digital Gates (AND, OR, etc.) Digital Circuits

But, we don’t know:

SOAs Optical Circutis

Software Modeling -20- Elias Athanasopoulos, ICS-FORTH