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© 2010 ING België SA/NV

User's guide Home'Bank Content | I

© 2010 ING België SA/NV

What's new in Home'Bank....................................................................................................................... 1 Home'Bank main window ........................................................................................................................ 4 The first time you start up the Offline services of Home'Bank................................................................. 5 Category management ............................................................................................................................ 6

Creating a category...................................................................................................................................... 6 Editing a category ........................................................................................................................................ 6 Copying a category ...................................................................................................................................... 6 Removing a category ................................................................................................................................... 6 Apply a filter to the accounts and/or beneficiaries ........................................................................................ 7 Assigning an account to a category ............................................................................................................. 7 Assigning a beneficiary to a category........................................................................................................... 7 Assigning an international beneficiary to a category .................................................................................... 8

Local user management .......................................................................................................................... 9 Local user management............................................................................................................................... 9 Creating a local user .................................................................................................................................... 9 Duplicate a local user................................................................................................................................... 9 Remove a local user .................................................................................................................................. 10

Application settings................................................................................................................................ 11 Changing the user...................................................................................................................................... 11 Changing the language .............................................................................................................................. 11 Creating or changing the access key ......................................................................................................... 11 Restoring the initial settings ....................................................................................................................... 12 Saving data ................................................................................................................................................ 12 Restoring data............................................................................................................................................ 12 Changing a conversion rate ....................................................................................................................... 13

Your ING Card Reader .......................................................................................................................... 14 Creating a user........................................................................................................................................... 14 Adding a new Card ID ................................................................................................................................ 14 Changing the card details .......................................................................................................................... 14 Setting a default Card ID............................................................................................................................ 14 Removing a Card ID................................................................................................................................... 15 Modify your password ................................................................................................................................ 15

Connecting............................................................................................................................................. 16 Performing the Task list ............................................................................................................................. 16 Linking up with the ING's website .............................................................................................................. 16 Linking up with the On-line services........................................................................................................... 16

Managing your budget........................................................................................................................... 17 Your accounts ............................................................................................................................................ 17

Consulting the balance of your accounts.............................................................................................. 17 Printing the balance of accounts .......................................................................................................... 17 Consulting the entries of an account .................................................................................................... 17 Consulting the details of an entry ......................................................................................................... 17 Deleting an entry from an account........................................................................................................ 18 Adding a comment to an entry.............................................................................................................. 18 Changing a comment for an entry ........................................................................................................ 18 Deleting the comment to an entry......................................................................................................... 19 Consulting running entries.................................................................................................................... 19 Requesting a review of balances.......................................................................................................... 19 Finding an entry.................................................................................................................................... 20 Exporting account entries on the basis of a search .............................................................................. 20 Exporting account entries ..................................................................................................................... 21 Printing one or several entries.............................................................................................................. 21 Allocating a counterpart to a fictitious account ..................................................................................... 21 Checking the entries sequence ............................................................................................................ 22

The fictitious accounts................................................................................................................................ 22 Creating fictitious accounts................................................................................................................... 22 Deleting a fictitious account.................................................................................................................. 23 Changing a fictitious account................................................................................................................ 23 Adding an entry to a fictitious account .................................................................................................. 23 Changing a fictitious account entry....................................................................................................... 24 Deleting a fictitious account entry......................................................................................................... 24 Consulting the details of a fictitious entry ............................................................................................. 24 Allocating a counterpart on a fictitious account .................................................................................... 24 Deleting the allocation of an entry ........................................................................................................ 25 Deleting the allocation of headings....................................................................................................... 25 Changing the order of presentation of the fictitious accounts ............................................................... 25

User's guide Home'Bank Content | II

© 2010 ING België SA/NV

Groups and headings................................................................................................................................. 26 Creating a group................................................................................................................................... 26 Changing a group................................................................................................................................. 26 Deleting a group ................................................................................................................................... 27 Creating a heading ............................................................................................................................... 27 Changing a heading ............................................................................................................................. 27 Deleting a heading ............................................................................................................................... 28 Allocating an entry to a heading ........................................................................................................... 28 Allocating an entry to another heading ................................................................................................. 28 Breaking down an entry between several headings ............................................................................. 29 Allocating a counterpart on a fictitious account .................................................................................... 30 Deleting the allocation of an entry ........................................................................................................ 30 Deleting the allocation of an entry to a heading.................................................................................... 30 Changing the booking date of the headed entries ................................................................................ 31

Allocation rules........................................................................................................................................... 31 Creating an allocation rule.................................................................................................................... 31 Creating an allocation rule from an entry.............................................................................................. 32 Applying an allocation rule.................................................................................................................... 32 Changing an allocation rule .................................................................................................................. 32 Deleting an allocation rule .................................................................................................................... 32 Changing the order of priority of an allocation rule ............................................................................... 33

Analysing your budget................................................................................................................................ 33 Creating a budget analysis ................................................................................................................... 33 Generating a budget analysis............................................................................................................... 34 Changing a budget analysis ................................................................................................................. 34 Deleting a budget analysis ................................................................................................................... 34 Printing a budget analysis .................................................................................................................... 34 Exporting a budget analysis ................................................................................................................. 35

Settings ...................................................................................................................................................... 35 Checking the entries sequence ............................................................................................................ 35 Displaying/hiding an account................................................................................................................ 35 Displaying/hiding a fictitious account .................................................................................................... 36 Changing the name of an account........................................................................................................ 36 Changing the period of the account information loading ...................................................................... 36 Changing the fictitious account settings ............................................................................................... 37 Modify the account settings .................................................................................................................. 37 Determining how long information is stored.......................................................................................... 38 Changing the order of presentation of your own accounts ................................................................... 38 Changing the order of presentation of the fictitious accounts ............................................................... 38 Resetting the initial account labels ....................................................................................................... 39

Screen list .................................................................................................................................................. 40 Home’Bank – Budget............................................................................................................................ 40 Account settings ................................................................................................................................... 40 Account settings ................................................................................................................................... 42 Settings - History .................................................................................................................................. 42 The list of entries .................................................................................................................................. 43 The details of an entry .......................................................................................................................... 44 Creation of a fictitious account ............................................................................................................. 44 Fictitious accounts settings................................................................................................................... 45 Fictitious account settings .................................................................................................................... 45 Modification of a fictitious account........................................................................................................ 46 The list of fictitious account entries....................................................................................................... 46 New fictitious entry ............................................................................................................................... 47 The details of a fictitious entry .............................................................................................................. 47 Counterpart in fictitious entry................................................................................................................ 48 Search criteria for entries ..................................................................................................................... 48 Entry search result ............................................................................................................................... 50 Export of the entries ............................................................................................................................. 50 Headings and groups settings .............................................................................................................. 51 New rule ............................................................................................................................................... 52 Managing allocation rules..................................................................................................................... 53 Changing an allocation ......................................................................................................................... 53 Budget analysis .................................................................................................................................... 54 Analysis criteria .................................................................................................................................... 55 The list of analyses............................................................................................................................... 56 Exporting analysis data ........................................................................................................................ 56 The print settings window..................................................................................................................... 57

User's guide Home'Bank Content | III

© 2010 ING België SA/NV

Print settings of the budget analysis ..................................................................................................... 57 Configuration of the review of balances................................................................................................ 58

Manage your credit cards ...................................................................................................................... 60 Accessing the transactions list ................................................................................................................... 60 Displaying the detail of a transaction.......................................................................................................... 60 Printing the transactions list ....................................................................................................................... 60 Searching for a transaction ........................................................................................................................ 61 Adding a comment to a transaction............................................................................................................ 61 Deleting a comment from a transaction...................................................................................................... 61 Deleting a card statement .......................................................................................................................... 62 Deleting a transaction ................................................................................................................................ 62 Exporting transactions from a search......................................................................................................... 62 Exporting credit cards transactions ............................................................................................................ 63 Changing a comment for a transaction ...................................................................................................... 63 Retrieving information of Home'Bank in another program.......................................................................... 64 Settings ...................................................................................................................................................... 64

Changing the credit card settings ......................................................................................................... 64 Displaying/hiding a credit card.............................................................................................................. 64 Changing the description of a credit card ............................................................................................. 65 Forcing the statement load of the previous period................................................................................ 65

Screens list................................................................................................................................................. 66 The credit card windows....................................................................................................................... 66 Credit card setting ................................................................................................................................ 66 The transactions list.............................................................................................................................. 67 Detail of a transaction........................................................................................................................... 68 Printing the details of a transaction ...................................................................................................... 68 Transaction search criteria ................................................................................................................... 69 Search result for a transaction.............................................................................................................. 70 Transaction export................................................................................................................................ 70 Credit card - Print ................................................................................................................................. 71

Manage your transfers........................................................................................................................... 72 Entering a transfer with a European form................................................................................................... 72 Entering a transfer with a Belgian form ...................................................................................................... 72 Consulting/changing a transfer................................................................................................................... 73 Deleting a transfer...................................................................................................................................... 73 Finding a transfer ....................................................................................................................................... 73 Duplicating a transfer ................................................................................................................................. 74 Printing the list of transfers......................................................................................................................... 74 Saving a beneficiary................................................................................................................................... 74 Printing a transfer....................................................................................................................................... 75 Selecting a beneficiary ............................................................................................................................... 75 Changing the transmission priority of transfers .......................................................................................... 75 Display/Hide the review of transfers........................................................................................................... 75 Manage your beneficiaries ......................................................................................................................... 76

Managing the list of beneficiaries ......................................................................................................... 76 Selecting a beneficiary ......................................................................................................................... 76 Deleting a beneficiary ........................................................................................................................... 76 Saving a beneficiary ............................................................................................................................. 77 Creating a new beneficiary ................................................................................................................... 77 Printing the list of beneficiaries............................................................................................................. 77 Consulting/changing a beneficiary........................................................................................................ 78 Select the beneficiaries to send............................................................................................................ 78 Export one or more beneficiaries.......................................................................................................... 78 Import one or more beneficiaries.......................................................................................................... 78

Screen list .................................................................................................................................................. 79 Home'Bank - Multitransfers .................................................................................................................. 79 Transfer window for a European form .................................................................................................. 80 Transfer window for a Belgian form...................................................................................................... 81 Multitransfer European form - details ................................................................................................... 82 Multitransfer Belgian form - details ....................................................................................................... 83 Search criteria ...................................................................................................................................... 84 Search results ...................................................................................................................................... 85 Print transfer......................................................................................................................................... 85 New beneficiary.................................................................................................................................... 86 Beneficiary details ................................................................................................................................ 87 Print beneficiaries................................................................................................................................. 88 Selection of a beneficiary ..................................................................................................................... 88

User's guide Home'Bank Content | IV

© 2010 ING België SA/NV

List of beneficiaries............................................................................................................................... 89 Multitransfer - Settings.......................................................................................................................... 90

Manage your international payments .................................................................................................... 91 Entering an international payment.............................................................................................................. 91 Consulting/changing an international payment........................................................................................... 91 Deleting an international payment.............................................................................................................. 92 Finding an international payment ............................................................................................................... 92 Duplicating an international transfer........................................................................................................... 92 Printing the list of international payment .................................................................................................... 93 Saving a beneficiary................................................................................................................................... 93 Printing an international payment............................................................................................................... 93 Selecting a beneficiary ............................................................................................................................... 93 Changing the transmission priority of international payments .................................................................... 94 Display/Hide the review of international payments..................................................................................... 94 Manage your international beneficiaries..................................................................................................... 94

Managing the list of international beneficiaries..................................................................................... 94 Selecting an international beneficiary................................................................................................... 95 Deleting an international beneficiary .................................................................................................... 95 Consulting/changing an international beneficiary ................................................................................. 95 Saving an international beneficiary....................................................................................................... 96 Creating a new international beneficiary............................................................................................... 96 Printing the list of international beneficiaries ........................................................................................ 96 Select the international beneficiaries to send ....................................................................................... 97 Export one or more international beneficiaries ..................................................................................... 97 Import one or more international beneficiaries ..................................................................................... 97 Select a beneficiary bank ..................................................................................................................... 98 Delete a BIC code ................................................................................................................................ 98 Modify a BIC code ................................................................................................................................ 98 Create a BIC code................................................................................................................................ 98

Screen list .................................................................................................................................................. 99 Home'Bank - International payments.................................................................................................... 99 International payment window .............................................................................................................. 99 International payment details...............................................................................................................101 Search criteria .....................................................................................................................................103 Search results .....................................................................................................................................104 Print international payments ................................................................................................................104 International beneficiary details ...........................................................................................................105 Print international beneficiaries ...........................................................................................................106 Selection of an international beneficiary ..............................................................................................106 List of international beneficiaries .........................................................................................................107 Choosing a beneficiary bank ...............................................................................................................108 New International beneficiary ..............................................................................................................109 International payments - Parameters ..................................................................................................110

Manage your messages ...................................................................................................................... 112 Consulting a message...............................................................................................................................112 Reply to a message from the detail of a message window .......................................................................112 Creating a new message ..........................................................................................................................112 Searching for a message ..........................................................................................................................113 Printing one or several messages .............................................................................................................113 Printing one or several messages from search result ...............................................................................113 Deleting a message ..................................................................................................................................113 Deleting a message from a search............................................................................................................114 Screen list .................................................................................................................................................114

Message list ........................................................................................................................................114 Details of a message...........................................................................................................................115 Search criteria .....................................................................................................................................115 Search result .......................................................................................................................................116 Print settings for messages .................................................................................................................116

Contacting the help desk ..................................................................................................................... 117

User's guide Home'Bank What's new in Home'Bank? | 1

© 2010 ING België SA/NV

What's new in Home'Bank

What's new in this version of Home'Bank Offline? The ING Card Reader: from now on, you identify yourself and sign transactions with your ING bank card and your brand new ING Card Reader. Below, you will find a summary of how this change affects your everyday use of Home'Bank. Get acquainted with the ING Card Reader on www.ing.be/cardreader. You can find all the necessary info and even tutorials. The three most important changes are in the way:

• you identify yourself; • you sign transactions; • you manage your settings.

1. In the future, how to connect to the on-line services from the off-line services? Start the off-line services. To make a connection with the on-line services, go to "Services > On-line Services > Home'Bank". Identify yourself following these steps:

• Enter your Card ID, printed on your bank card. • Enter Your password that contains at least 8 characters • Insert your ING bank card in your ING Card Reader and press IDENTIFY. • Then enter your PIN and press OK. • The ING Card Reader shows you a RESPONSE, a code of up to eight digits. Copy this,

without the space, into the identification screen. • Finally, click on "Identify" and you can get started.

You normally identify yourself with your default ING bank card. You can change this in your settings.

User's guide Home'Bank What's new in Home'Bank? | 2

© 2010 ING België SA/NV

2. How to sign a transaction? When executing a transaction in Home'Bank, the way you sign also changes. Instead of just entering your password, you have to sign with your ING Card Reader. You also sign with your default bank card. You sign your transactions as follows:

• Insert your ING bank card in your ING Card Reader and press SIGN. • Enter your PIN and press OK. • Then you will see either one or two CHALLENGEs. Enter this on your ING Card Reader to

sign your transaction. o Do you see one CHALLENGE?

Enter the requested CHALLENGE on your ING Card Reader and press SIGN. o Do you see two CHALLENGEs?

Enter the first CHALLENGE and press OK. Enter the second CHALLENGE and press SIGN.

• Finally, click "Sign" and your transaction will be validated.

User's guide Home'Bank What's new in Home'Bank? | 3

© 2010 ING België SA/NV

3. How to manage your settings? Go to the settings to manage your bank cards in Home'Bank Off-line. You can:

• choose which ING bank card you use by default. This means you identify yourself and sign automatically with that bank card.

• add bank cards, so you can choose to identify yourself or sign with a different bank card. • delete bank card you no longer use or you have already replaced.

User's guide Home'Bank Home'Bank main window | 4

© 2010 ING België SA/NV

Home'Bank main window

This is the window displayed when you launch the Offline services of Home'Bank.

The top part of this window resumes the main menu bar. The Home'Bank menu let you access to the different modules of Home'Bank and to configure the different settings of the application. Underneath you will find the icons bar. This icons bar includes: buttons to browse the Online services

buttons to access the different modules of the Offline services of Home'Bank

By leaving your mouse a while on one of these icons, you will see the label of the function or the module you will access by clicking on it. In the window, the consulted web page will be displayed. This part behaves as a web browser. Click on the menus, links or pictures as a web page.

User's guide Home'Bank The first time you launch the Offline services | 5

© 2010 ING België SA/NV

The first time you start up the Offline services of Home'Bank

The first time that you use our Offline services, there are two important steps that you need to complete: 1. Create a user Once installation is complete, the Home’Bank icon will appear on your desktop. - Double-click on this icon to start up Offline services. You are asked to set up your user ID. - Click on "Create" and the "Security access identification" screen will be displayed. Here you enter your ING ID and then select your profile. - Click "Create" once again Once your user ID has been set up, you will be asked to re-start the Home'Bank Offline services. You are then given access to the identification window for Offline services. Select your subscription number in the field "ING ID". If you wish to secure to access to the Offline services you can choose an additional password. 2. Uploading your data After installation, you need to run the task list in order to upload your data. As this is the first time that you have accessed Offline services, when you run the task list it will also upload your personal data (such as your account information). - Select Services > Task list - Click on "Run" When you first see the screen: "Home'Bank – Identification using ING Card Reader", you need to enter the Card ID for your ING-Bank Card.

- Click on the "Edit" button - Enter your Card ID and you can enter a description if you wish. - Then click on the "Save" button. - Click "OK", or click "New" if you want to add another card.

You also need to create a password of at least 8 characters. This is a password you can choose yourself. The password is case sensitive. Then follow the instructions on the screen to get a "RESPONSE". When you get this "RESPONSE", you can enter it in the field provided. Once the "RESPONSE" has been entered, you can click on the "Identification" button. The system asks you for which period you want to upload information. By default you will be offered three months, but you can upload up to 12 months of account information. Subsequently the most recent information will be uploaded by default each time (you can adjust this setting via Home'Bank > Settings > Accounts > ING Accounts).

User's guide Home'Bank Category management | 6

© 2010 ING België SA/NV

Category management

Creating a category 1. Select the menu Home’Bank > Settings > Categories… 2. Choose the Categories option and then click the "Edit" button The category management window appears. You can also access this window by clicking the icon next to the filter menu. 3. Click the "New" button The window allowing you to set a category appears. Enter a name for this category. Then select the account(s) and/or beneficiary/beneficiaries you want to link to this category. 4. Click "Save" You return to the category management window. 5. Then click "Close" From now on, the new category will appear in the category drop-down list.

Editing a category 1. Select the menu Home’Bank > Settings > Categories… 2. Choose the Categories option and then click the "Edit" button The category management window appears. You can also access this window by clicking the icon next to the filter menu. 3. Double-click the category to be edited The window allowing you to set the categories appears. Make the desired changes (adding or removing an account or beneficiary). You can also access this window by selecting the category to be edited and then clicking the Details... button. 4. Click the "Save" button You return to the category management window. 5. Then click "Close"

Copying a category Rather than defining a completely new category, you can also start from an existing category and make the necessary changes in order to create a new category. 1. Select the menu Home’Bank > Settings > Categories… 2. Choose the Categories option and then click the "Edit" button The category management window appears. You can also access this window by clicking the icon next to the filter menu. 3. Select the category to be copied and then click the "Duplicate..." button The window allowing you to set the categories appears. Make the desired changes (adding or removing an account or beneficiary). 4. Click the "Save" button You return to the category management window. 5. Then click "Close"

Removing a category 1. Select the menu Home’Bank > Settings > Categories… 2. Choose the Categories option and then click the "Edit" button The category management window appears. 3. Select the category to be removed and then click the "Remove" button. 4. Then click "Close" The removed category disappears from the filter drop-down menu.

User's guide Home'Bank Category management | 7

© 2010 ING België SA/NV

Apply a filter to the accounts and/or beneficiaries If you have added accounts to a category, you can filter how the accounts are shown so that only the accounts included in this category appear. This option is available: 1. In the Budget window: the filter will only show the accounts (ING and/or fictitious) included in the

selected category. 2. In the Group Giro list: the filter will only show transfers of which the instructing party's account(s)

is/are included in this category. 3. In the transactions search window: by selecting a category, the accounts included in this

category are used as search criteria. 4. In the list of domestic and international transfers: the filter will be applied to just show transfers

of which the instructing party's account is included in this category. 5. In the window for editing (domestic or international) transfers. The filter will limit the drop-down

list of instructing accounts to ING accounts included in the selected category only. 6. In the window to select (domestic or international) beneficiaries. 7. In the Group Giro search window: the category filter will limit the drop-down list of instructing

accounts to ING accounts included in the category only. This drop-down menu in the various windows offers the following options: - [No filter]: this is the standard option. None of the filters are applied. This means that all accounts

are visible. - The descriptions of the categories you defined (See Creating a category). By filtering the accounts

with one of the categories, you limit the result to the accounts included in this category only. - [Without category]: only accounts not included in any category are shown. - The icon opens the category management window in which you can create, edit, copy or delete


Assigning an account to a category You can assign an account to a category that was already defined (see: Creating a category) in the Budget window showing all your accounts. 1. Click or select Services > Budget The Home'Bank - Budget window appears. 2. Right-click on the account you wish to add to a category. 3. Select Assign... from the context menu 4. Tick one or more categories to which you want to add the selected account(s) 5. Click the "OK" button to confirm.

Assigning a beneficiary to a category You can assign a beneficiary to one or more categories in the list of (domestic or international) beneficiaries. 1. Click on the icon or select Services > Group Giro The Group Giro window appears.

2. Click on in this window You can also select Collect Giro > Beneficiaries… The Group Giro - List of Beneficiaries window appears. 3. Select one or more beneficiaries you wish to add to the category 4. Click the "Categories" button and then select "Assign..." 5. Tick one or more categories to which you want to add the selected (international) beneficiary/beneficiaries 6. Click the “OK” button to confirm

User's guide Home'Bank Category management | 8

© 2010 ING België SA/NV

Assigning an international beneficiary to a category You can assign a beneficiary to one or more categories in the list of international beneficiaries. 1. Click the icon or select Services > International payments The International Payments window appears. 2. Click on the in this window You can also select International Payments > Beneficiaries… The International Payments - List of International Beneficiaries window appears. 3. Select one or more beneficiaries you wish to add to the category 4. Click the "Categories" button and then select "Assign..." 5. Tick one or more categories to which you want to add the selected (international) beneficiary/beneficiaries 6. Click the "OK" button to confirm

User's guide Home'Bank Local user management | 9

© 2010 ING België SA/NV

Local user management

This function is available only for the Home'Bank Plus environment.

Local user management In the Offline services of Home'Bank Plus, you can, as the Home'Bank subscriber (main user), define local users. As the main user, you define the module(s) that each user can access and the information that s/he can consult or update. Only the subscriber may identify him/herself On-line and sign transactions on ING servers. You can, for example, define a user who can consult the movements on your business accounts and prepare transfers without having access to your private accounts. The main user will have to sign and send the transfers and download of account information.

Creating a local user When you create a local user, you, as the Home'Bank subscriber, define the Home'Bank Plus modules and functionalities that this user can access. By default, a user has no rights when created. 1. Select Home’Bank > Settings The Home’Bank – Settings window appears 2. Choose the option “Local user” on the left side of the screen Note: The local profile management protects access to the program by requiring an access key. If you have not yet defined a key, the program will ask you to enter an access key. 3. Click on the button “Edit” and then on the button “New…” The Local user details window appears. 4. Enter the name, access key and choose the language for this user These data are compulsory to validate the entry of a new user. 5. Define the access rights for each module Note: by default, a new user has no rights. Click the "Full access" button to grant to this user update accesses for all modules and all information (accounts, credit cards, messages ...). 6. Click "Enter" The program will check for any inconsistencies and ask you to confirm the key of the newly defined local user. You then return to the local user list.

Duplicate a local user By duplicating a local user, you can use the rights of a user as a model to define a new user by simply changing a few settings. 1. Select Home’Bank > Settings The Home’Bank – Settings window appears 2. Choose the option “Local user” on the left side of the screen Note: The local profile management protects access to the program by requiring an access key. If you have not yet defined a key, the program will ask you to enter an access key. 3. Click on the button “Edit” and then on the button “Duplicate” The Local user details window appears. 4. Enter the name, access key and choose the language for this user These data are compulsory to validate the entry of a new user. 5. Define the access rights for each module 6. Click "Enter" The program will check for any inconsistencies and ask you to confirm the key of the newly defined local user. You then return to the local user list.

User's guide Home'Bank Local user management | 10

© 2010 ING België SA/NV

Remove a local user

1. Select Home’Bank > Settings The Home’Bank – Settings window appears 2. Choose the option “Local user” on the left side of the screen Note: The local profile management protects access to the program by requiring an access key. If you have not yet defined a key, the program will ask you to enter an access key. 3. Click on the button “Edit” and select the user you wish to remove Note: you can select several users by keeping the CTRL key pressed when selecting each user. 4. Click "Delete" A window asks you to confirm that you wish to remove x user(s).

User's guide Home'Bank Application settings | 11

© 2010 ING België SA/NV

Application settings

Changing the user 1. Select Home'Bank > User data management > Change user... The identification window will be displayed. 2. In the ING-ID dropdown menu, select the one you want to work with 3. If appropriate enter the access key 4. Click on the "Continue" button

Changing the language 1. Select Home’Bank > Settings The Home’Bank – Settings window appears 2. Choose the option “User” 3. Click on the button “Edit” in the part “Language” In this menu, you have the choice between four languages (Français, Nederlands, Deutsch, English). The program's interface (menu, window, etc.) will adjust automatically to the language selected.

Creating or changing the access key

With this option you can create or change the access key to the Offline services. This is an optional code which you enter in the welcome window of the Off-line services. We wish to draw your attention to the fact that this key is not mandatory: it protects access to the program if several people use your computer. 1. Select Home’Bank > Settings The Home’Bank – Settings window appears 2. Click on the option “Security” 3. Click on the button “Edit” in the part “Change the Home'Bank key” The next window will open.

Note: this window is also accessible by clicking on the "Change" button in the welcome window of the Offline services. 4. Enter your current key in the key zone If you do not have a key at the present time, leave this zone blank. 5. Enter the new key of your choice in the "New key" zone If you no longer want to protect access to the Offline services of Home'Bank, leave both this zone and the next blank. 6. Enter this new key again in the second "New key" zone As the characters are hidden, this option will allow you to check whether you have made any typing errors. The program will indeed verify the contents of the last two zones.

User's guide Home'Bank Application settings | 12

© 2010 ING België SA/NV

7. Click on "Confirm" This new key is recorded and it is this key which you must now enter when you launch the Off-line services of Home'Bank or if you change users.

This key is totally independent from the password. Its only use is to access Offline services. It is your password which identifies you to ING's servers.

Restoring the initial settings

When using the Off-line services, you have the possibility of changing the size of columns and windows. With the option described here you can revert to the initial settings. 1. Select Home’Bank > Settings The Home’Bank – Settings window appears 2. Choose the option “User” 3. Click on the button “Edit” in the part “Settings” 4. Check the module(s) for which you want to restore the default settings 5. Click on "Save"

Saving data You can, at any time, save the information contained in Home'Bank. This function is particularly useful if you want to make a security copy of your information on another medium (backup) or if you want to retrieve your data on another computer. To retrieve your data, you can use the Restore data function. 1. Select Home'Bank > User data management > Save data... The Home'Bank program will present you with the ordinary window for saving a file. 2. Select where you want to save your data and provide it with a file name 3. Click on the "Save" button The program will save your personal data in a single file, and will present a window confirming the end of the operation.

Restoring data You have the possibility of restoring your data from the file generated via the Saving the data function. By this, you can retrieve your information following any problem on your computer, or to work with your information on another computer. 1. Select Home'Bank > User data management> Restore data... The Home'Bank program will present you with the ordinary window for selecting a file. 2. Select the file you created when you saved your data 3. Click on the "Open" button The program will decompress the data, and show you a warning window informing you that your current information will be replaced via by data saved.

All the information you have downloaded (Budget and Credit card modules and beneficiaries) and that you have changed (Multitransfer module) between saving and restoring the data will be lost. You can download account and credit card information again. On the other hand, the information of the Multitransfer module will be irretrievably lost

4. If necessary enter your access key to the Home'Bank program

This access key is the (optional) key which you enter when the program starts up. If you have not defined a key, leave this zone blank. This is not your password for accessing the Online services.

5. Click on "OK"

User's guide Home'Bank Application settings | 13

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Changing a conversion rate You have the possibility of importing the conversion rate of various currencies via the Task list. The currencies of the Euro zone are fixed. On the other hand, you can change the non-euro zone currencies by applying the required conversion rate. 1. Select Services > Budget The Accounts and Balances window will be displayed. 2. Select Budget > Settings... 3. Click on the button “Edit” in the part “Conversion rates” The Conversion rate window will be displayed. The Currency column gives the currency codes. 4. Double-click on the currency which conversion rate you want to change The window for the selected currency will be displayed and you can enter its conversion rate against the euro. Note: you can also select one of the currencies and then click on the "Modify..." button. 5. Click on the "Save" button 6. Click on "Close"

User's guide Home'Bank Your ING Card Reader | 14

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Your ING Card Reader

Creating a user You can add a new user to the Offline services if you wish. 1. Open Home'Bank Offline services. The "Home’Bank – Identification" window appears. 2. Click the "New" button 3. Enter your ING ID and choose your profile 4. Click the "Create" button The new user will come into effect after you have restarted Home'Bank.

Adding a new Card ID You can link several cards to your Offline services. This can be useful if you have several bank cards. 1. Choose Home'Bank > Settings The "Home’Bank – Settings" window appears. 2. Choose the "Security" option in the left column 3. Click the "Edit" button in the "ING Card Reader" section The "Your Stored Card Numbers" window appears. 4. Click the "New" button and enter the details

If you don't know where you can find your card number, you can click the . This will open a screen showing the location of the card number on the card. The "Name" field is optional, but is useful if you have several cards. The option "Set as default" is also not mandatory. 5. Click "Save". The "Your Stored Card Numbers" window appears. 6. Click “OK”

Changing the card details You can edit the entered card numbers and the names. You can also set a new card as the "Default". 1. Choose Home'Bank > Settings The "Home’Bank – Settings" window appears. 2. Choose the "Security" option in the left column 3. Click the "Edit" button in the "ING Card Reader" section The "Your Stored Card Numbers" window appears. 4. Click the "Edit" button Make the desired changes. 5. Click "Save". The "Your Stored Card Numbers" window appears. 6. Click “OK”

Setting a default Card ID If you have several cards and you have entered them in the Offline services, you will always have to select a card when executing a task list. To make things easier for you, you can set one card as the default card. When you have chosen a default card, this card will always appear as the default card in the relevant field when you execute a task list. Note: If you have set a default card, you will still have the option to choose another card when logging on.

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1. Choose Home'Bank > Settings The "Home’Bank – Settings" window appears. 2. Choose the "Security" option in the left column 3. Click the "Edit" button in the "ING Card Reader" section The "Your Stored Card Numbers" window appears. 4. Please select the card you want to set as your default card and click the "Edit" button 5. Tick the "Set as default" option 6. Click "Save". The "Your Stored Card Numbers" window appears. The card you have chosen as your default card will have a in front of the Card ID. 7. Click “OK”

Removing a Card ID 1. Choose Home'Bank > Settings The "Home’Bank – Settings" window appears. 2. Choose the "Security" option in the left column 3. Click the "Edit" button in the "ING Card Reader" section The "Your Stored Card Numbers" window appears. 4. Please select the card you want to set as your default card and click the "Edit" button 5. Tick the "Set as default" option 6. Click "Save". The "Your Stored Card Numbers" window appears. The card you have chosen as your default card will have a in front of the Card ID. 7. Click “OK”

Modify your password 1. Choose Security > Modify Password The “Home’Bank – ING Card Reader identification” window appears. 2. Enter your password and “RESPONSE” and click on “Identification” You are transferred to the Online services of Home’Bank. 3. Enter your current password in the first field 4. Enter your new password in the second field 5. Confirm your new password by entering it in the third field 6. Click on “Validate” 7. Enter your “RESPONSE” and click on the “Sign” button A new window must notify you that your new password is active

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Performing the Task list To perform the Task list, a connection must be established with ING. This connection will be established automatically. At this level, you must have a properly configured Internet connection. 1. Click on or select Services > Task list in the main window The Task list window with the various tasks which are possible during the connection will be displayed. 2. Select the tasks you want to perform during your connection 3. Click on "Perform" at the bottom of the Task list The program will automatically establish an Internet type connection according to your configuration. Once the connection has been established, the Task list will be performed. 4. Enter the "RESPONSE" received from the ING Card Reader You can monitor the progress of your connection in the Task list - Monitor window: - a task which has been performed correctly will be preceded by a green sign; - a task which has not been performed correctly will be preceded by a red sign. Note: the transmission of transactions includes an intermediate stage. A window will prompt you to sign your transactions. Click on "Sign" at the bottom of this window and enter the 1 or 2 CHALLENGEs to sign your transaction Once the Task list has been performed, the "Cancel" button in the bottom of the window (you can interrupt the performance of tasks at any time) will be replaced by the "Close" button. This button will close the Task list Monitor window.

Linking up with the ING's website From Home'Bank, you can easily access ING's website. On this site, you will find all the information on the services offered by ING. At this level, you must have a properly configured Internet connection. 1. Click on Services > On-line services > ING Website in the main window Your Internet browser (Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox, Safari ...) will be launched and, after a short while, you will be welcomed to ING's site.

Linking up with the On-line services To access the Online services, as to perform the Task list, a connection must be established with Home'Bank. At this level, you must have a properly configured Internet connection. 1. Click on Services > On-line services > Home'Bank in the main window 2. Enter the "RESPONSE" received from the ING Card Reader After a short while, you will be welcomed in the Online services. 3. When you have finished, click on "Quit the On-line services" (the last option in the menu part of the On-line services, on the right)

User's guide Home'Bank Managing your budget | 17

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Managing your budget

This is the window which will be displayed when you launch the "Budget" module. Note: We refer to "module", as this window has its own icon bar in the top section of the window. The different modules in Home'Bank are: Budget | Credit cards | Multitransfer | International payments | Messages From this window, you can:

Accessing the list of entries

Consulting today's entries

Consulting balance reviews

Defining account settings

Managing headings

Managing rules

Managing budget analyses

Finding one or several entry(ies)

Exporting one or several entry(ies)

Printing one or several entry(ies)

Your accounts

Consulting the balance of your accounts

1. Click on or select Services > Budget The Accounts and Balances window will be displayed. In the top section of this window you will see the list of (real and fictitious) accounts linked to your subscription with their balances.

Printing the balance of accounts

1. Click on or select Services > Budget The Accounts and Balances window will be displayed.

2. Click on the icon Note: any fictitious accounts you have created will be included in the printout.

Consulting the entries of an account

1. Click on or select Services > Budget The Accounts and Balances window will be displayed. 2. Double-click on the account for which you want to consult the list of entries

Note: you can also select the account in the list of entries and then click on the icon or select Budget > Details The list of account entries of the selected account will be displayed.

Consulting the details of an entry

1. Click on or select Services > Budget The Accounts and Balances window will be displayed.

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2. Double-click on the account for which you want to consult the details

Note: you can also select the account in the list of entries and then click on the icon or select Budget > Details The list of account entries of the selected account will be displayed. 3. Double-click on the entry for which you want to display the details The Details of an entry window will be displayed. Note: you can also select the entry in the list and click on the "Details" button.

Deleting an entry from an account

1. Click on or select Services > Budget The Accounts and Balances window will be displayed. 2. Double-click on the account whose entry you want to delete

Note: you can also select the account in the list of entries and then click on the icon or select Budget > Details The list of account entries of the selected account will be displayed. 3. Select the entry you want to delete Note: you can select several entries by also pressing CTRL as you select each entry. 4. Click on the "Delete" button A warning window will ask you to confirm the deletion. 5. Click on the "Close" button

Adding a comment to an entry

For each entry, you can make a comment, to enable you to better identify the type of entry (for instance, you can add a comment for a Mister Cash withdrawal).

1. Click on or select Services > Budget The Accounts and Balances window will be displayed. 2. Double-click on the account containing the entry for which you want to add a comment

Note: you can also select the account in the list of entries and then click on the icon or select Budget > Details The list of account entries of the selected account will be displayed. 3. Double-click on the entry to which you want to add a comment The Details of an entry window will be displayed. Note: you can also select the entry in the list and click on the "Details" button. You can enter free text or key words in the field. 4. Click on the "Close" button An icon will be displayed in front of the entry to indicate that a comment has been added to it.

Changing a comment for an entry

1. Click on or select Services > Budget The Accounts and Balances window will be displayed. 2. Double-click on the account containing the entry for which you want to change a comment

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Note: you can also select the account in the list of entries and then click on the icon or select Budget > Details The list of account entries of the selected account will be displayed. 3. Double-click on the entry for which you want to change the comment The entries to which you have already added a comment are identified by the icon in its. The Details of an entry window will be displayed. Note: you can also select the entry in the list and click on the "Details" button. Make your changes. 4. Click on the "Close" button

Deleting the comment to an entry

1. Click on or select Services > Budget The Accounts and Balances window will be displayed. 2. Double-click on the account containing the entry for which you want to delete the comment

Note: you can also select the account in the list of entries and then click on the icon or select Budget > Details The list of account entries of the selected account will be displayed 3. Double-click on the entry for which you want to delete the comment The entries to which you have added a comment are identified by the icon in its front. The Details of an entry window will be displayed. Note: you can also select the entry in the list and click on the "Details" button. 4. Select all the contained text in the zone Observation 5. Press the "Del" or backspace key 6. Click the "Close" button The icon will no longer be displayed in front of the entry, confirming that the comment has been deleted.

Consulting running entries

These are the transactions you carried out on the day you actually downloaded your information into Budget, but which ING has not yet booked. Booking occurs in the late afternoon. Such entries are indicated in bold in the list of entries and do not yet have a transaction number. The allocation rules have not yet been applied to these entries.

1. Click on or select Services > Budget The Accounts and Balances window will be displayed. 2. Click on The window with the relevant entries will be displayed with the relevant entries. This window is similar to the list of entries, with the same possibilities. However, running entries cannot be allocated to headings. Note: you can also select Edit > Running entries...

Requesting a review of balances

With the "Budget" module you can generate a review of the balances of one or several accounts. You can consult this review in the form of a list and/or a graph.

1. Click on or select Services > Budget The Accounts and Balances window will be displayed.

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2. Click on The configuration of the review of balances window will be displayed. Note: this window is also accessible by selecting the Edit > Review of the balances menu 3. Select the account(s) for which you want a review of the balances by means of the arrows You can also select an account by double-clicking on it. Note: fictitious accounts are also in the list of available accounts. 4. Select the period for which you want to consult the review of the balances You can choose between generic values in a dropdown list (previous week, previous month, previous quarter, previous six months, previous year) or a personalised period (between a start date and an end date which you enter in the relevant zones). You can also select a date from the calendar. 5. Click on "Show" The review of the balances will be generated. A window with the "Balances" and "Graph" tabs will be displayed. If you have selected several accounts, you can click on the "Next" or "Previous" button to browse through the list of accounts; likewise, you can globalise the balances of several accounts by clicking on the "Global" button. From this window, you can: - Print the review of balances - Export balances

Finding an entry

The Budget module keeps your information during a more or less long period (see Determining the duration of conservation of information). You can easily search the entries of your accounts which answer certain criteria.

1. Click on or select Services > Budget The Accounts and Balances window will be displayed. 2. Click on in this window The Budget – Search window will be displayed. Note: You can also select Edit >Find… 3. Define the criteria of the search and click the button "Searching..." The Budget – Search result window appears with the list of entries matching the search criteria.

Exporting account entries on the basis of a search

You can combine the strength of the function to search for entries with the export function. By this way, you can define precisely the entries to be exported.

1. Click on or select Services > Budget The Accounts and Balances window will be displayed. 2. Click on in this window The Budget – Search window will be displayed. Note: You can also select Edit >Find… 3. Define the criteria of the search and click the button "Searching..." The Budget – Search result window appears with the list of entries matching the search criteria. 4. Click on the "Export" button The window for Export of the entries will be displayed. 5. Select the fields you want to export and click on the "Export..." button The program will prompt you with a window for Saving the export file. Specify where you want to save this file and its name.

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Exporting account entries

The Home'Bank program enables you to export your account entries. Thus you can process your data in another application (spreadsheet or accountancy). You can export both the entries of real accounts and the entries of fictitious accounts. The function described below will export all the entries; you can refine the selection by exporting the entries resulting from a search.

1. Click on or select Services > Budget The Accounts and Balances window will be displayed. 2. Select the account for which you want to export the entries Note: you can select several accounts by pressing CTRL when selecting each account. 3. Click on the icon The window Export of the entries will be displayed. Note: you can also select Budget > Export... Note: you can also display the account details and click on the "Export..." button. 4. Select the fields you want to export and click on the "Export" button The program will prompt you with a window for Saving the export file. Specify where you want to save this file and its name.

Printing one or several entries

In Home'Bank, you can print one or several entries. You can also choose the sorting sequence when you print.

1. Click on or select Services > Budget The Accounts and Balances window will be displayed. 2. Double-click on the account for which you want to print the entries

Note: you can also select the account in the list of entries and then click on the icon or select Budget > Details The list of account entries of the selected account will be displayed. 3. Select the entry(ies) you want to print To select an entry, just click on it. To select several entries, hold CTRL down and click successively on the entries to be added to the selection. If you want to remove an entry from your selection, hold CTRL down and click on it. Note: by clicking on the "Searching..." button you can refine the selection by choosing entries which meet specific criteria, and then you can print them; with this function "Searching " you can also select the entries of several accounts (ING accounts or fictitious) which meet specific criteria and print them. (See finding an entry). 4. Click on the "Printing..." button The print settings window will be displayed. 5. Click on the "Printing" button

Allocating a counterpart to a fictitious account

From an entry, you can easily allocate a counterpart to a fictitious account. This counterpart represents the amount inverted by the entry. An entry of expense (negative amount) will be allocated as a receipt (positive amount) in the fictitious account and vice et versa. For example, the load of your Proton card represents an expense entry on your ING account. By allocating this negative entry as a counterpart to a fictitious account (for example "my electronic wallet"), the entry will be considered as a receipt. On base of this credit entry, on this fictitious account, you can add a movement of expense every time when you make a purchase with your Proton card. These options are accessible in the list of the account entries (see Consulting the entries of account) or in the list of entries resulting from a search (see Finding an entry).

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1. Select the entry for which you want to allocate a counterpart 2. Click on the "Splits..." button in the bottom left-hand corner of the window This button opens a menu. 3. Select "Create a countermovement" in this menu The window Counterpart in fictitious entry will be displayed. This window resumes automatically the information contained in the entry. 4. Select the fictitious account which the entry must be allocated to. 5. If necessary, modify the description of the entry 6. Click on the "OK" button You will go back to the list of entries.

Checking the entries sequence

With this option you can automatically view one or several missing entries, and if necessary you can download account information for the missing period.

1. Click on or select Services > Budget The Accounts and Balances window will be displayed. 2. Select Budget > Settings 3. Click on the button “Check” at the part “Entries” The Verification of the entries sequence window will be displayed. 4. Click on the "Check" button The program will search the database for all missing entries.

The fictitious accounts

Creating fictitious accounts

No Proton payments, cash transactions and/or transactions via non-ING accounts are downloaded from ING server in your budget. For this purpose, we have developed the system of fictitious accounts. These enable you to integrate information on non-ING accounts and on the payments you carry out otherwise than via your accounts in Home'Bank. As fictitious accounts can be incorporated in Budget analysis, you can compile an overview of your in-comings and of your outgoings. Fictitious accounts are similar to current accounts except that: - you record yourself the entries of these accounts; - you cannot make any payments; - you must convert them manually.

1. Click on or select Services > Budget The Accounts and Balances window will be displayed. 2. Select Budget > Settings 3. Click on the button “Edit” at the part “Fictive accounts” The Fictitious account settings window will be displayed. 4. Click on "New..." The window for creating a fictitious account will be displayed. 5. Click on "OK" You will go back to the window for managing fictitious accounts. From this window, you can also convert, change or delete a fictitious account. 6. Click on "Close"

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Deleting a fictitious account

1. Click on or select Services > Budget The Accounts and Balances window will be displayed. 2. Select Budget > Settings 3. Click on the button “Edit” at the part “Fictive accounts” The Fictitious account settings window will be displayed. 4. Select the fictitious account to be deleted 5. Click on the "Delete..." button A warning window will ask you to confirm the deletion of the fictitious account (and of the related entries, allocations, etc.) 5. Click on "Yes" The fictitious account will be deleted together with the allocation rules associated to it.

Changing a fictitious account

Once a fictitious account has been created (see Creating a fictitious account), you can at any time modify its settings.

1. Click on or select Services > Budget The Accounts and Balances window will be displayed. 2. Select Budget > Settings 3. Click on the button “Edit” at the part “Fictive accounts” The Fictitious account settings window will be displayed. 4. Double-click the fictitious account to modify Note: you can also select one of the accounts and then click on the "Modify…" button The "changing a fictitious account" window will be displayed. 5. Make your changes 6. Click on the "Save" button

Adding an entry to a fictitious account

1. Click on or select Services > Budget The Accounts and Balances window will be displayed. 2. Double-click on the fictitious account to which you want to add entries The account entries window will be displayed. Note: the fictitious account will be included in the list of accounts if the "Show fictitious account in Budget" option has been checked in the window for creating fictitious accounts. 3. Click on the "Add..." button The New fictitious entry window will be displayed. 4. Enter the information about this entry 5. Click on "OK" to return to the list of entries of this account or on "Save and new" to go straight to the creation of another entry

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Changing a fictitious account entry

1. Click on or select Services > Budget The Accounts and Balances window will be displayed. 2. Double-click on the fictitious account to display its entries The account entries window will be displayed. Note: the fictitious account will be included in the list of accounts if the "Show fictitious account in Budget" option has been checked in the window for creating a fictitious account. 3. Select the entry to be changed 4. Click on the "Modify" button The window for changing a fictitious account entry will be displayed, so that you can make your changes in the description of the entry. 5. Click on the "OK" button

Deleting a fictitious account entry

1. Click on or select Services > Budget The Accounts and Balances window will be displayed. 2. Double-click on the fictitious account whose entry you want to delete The account entries window will be displayed. Note: the fictitious account will be included in the list of accounts if the "Show fictitious account in Budget" option has been checked in the window for creating a fictitious account. 3. Select the entry you want to delete Note: you can select several entries by also pressing CTRL as you select each entry. 4. Click on the "Delete" button A warning window will ask you to confirm the deletion. 5. Click on the "Close" button

Consulting the details of a fictitious entry

1. Click on or select Services > Budget The Accounts and Balances window will be displayed. 2. Double-click on the fictitious account for which you want to consult the details 3. Double-click on the entry for which you want to display the details The details of a fictitious entry window will be displayed. Note: you can also select the entry in the list and click on the "Details" button.

Allocating a counterpart on a fictitious account

From an entry, you can easily allocate a counterpart to a fictitious account. This counterpart represents the amount inverted by the entry. An entry of expense (negative amount) will be allocated as a receipt (positive amount) in the fictitious account and vice et versa. For example, the load of your Proton card represents an expense entry on your ING account. By allocating this negative entry as a counterpart to a fictitious account (for example "my electronic wallet"), the entry will be considered as a receipt. On base of this credit entry, on this fictitious account, you can add a movement of expense every time when you make a purchase with your Proton card. These options are accessible in the list of the account entries (see Consulting the entries of account) or in the list of entries resulting from a search (see Finding an entry). 1. Select the entry for which you want to allocate a counterpart 2. Click on the "Splits..." button in the bottom left-hand corner of the window This button opens a menu.

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3. Select "Create a countermovement" in this menu The window Counterpart in fictitious entry will be displayed. This window resumes automatically the information contained in the entry. 4. Select the fictitious account which the entry must be allocated to 5. If necessary, modify the description of the entry 6. Click on the "OK" button You will go back to the list of entries

Deleting the allocation of an entry

You can delete the allocation of an entry at any time. If you have broken down the allocation of an entry between several headings, you can delete one allocation without affecting the other allocations.

1. Click on or select Services > Budget The Accounts and Balances window will be displayed. 2. Double-click on the account containing the entry for which you want to change the allocation Note: you can also select the account whose list of entries you want to see and then click on the icon

The list of account entries will be displayed. 3. Double-click on the entry whose allocation you want to delete Entries already allocated to a heading are identified by the icon in front of the entry. The details of an entry window will be displayed. Note: you can also select the entry in the list and click on the "Details" button. 4. Select the allocation to be deleted and then click on the "Delete" button in the middle of the window 5. Click on the "Close" button

Deleting the allocation of headings

By selecting an entry in the list of entries, you can easily delete its allocation to a heading. 1. Select the entry for which you want to delete the allocation Note: you can select several entries by also pressing CTRL. 2. Click on the "Splits..." button in the bottom left-hand corner of the window This button opens a menu. 3. Select "Delete allocations..." in this menu A warning window will ask you to confirm this deletion. 4. Click on the "Yes" button You will go back to the list of entries and the icon in front of the entry will disappear.

Changing the order of presentation of the fictitious accounts

Whether it is for your own accounts or fictitious account, you can modify the order of the account presentation for the list of accounts in the window Home'Bank – Budget.

1. Click on or select Services > Budget The Accounts and Balances window will be displayed. 2. Select Budget > Settings 3. Click on the button “Edit” at the part “Fictive accounts” The Fictitious account settings window will be displayed.

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4. Select the account for which you want to change the order of presentation Note: you can also click the Sort button. This button will allow you to quickly reorganise the list of your accounts by specifying a sorting key (based on the label or the account number) and the order (either ascending - from smallest to largest, or descending - from largest to smallest). 5. Click on the button "Down" to move the account downward in the list or "Up" to move the account upward in the list Note: when the account is the first in the list, the button "Up" is dimmed and thereby inactive. Also, when the account is the last one in the list, the button "Down" is greyed and thereby inactive 6. Click on the "Close" button

Groups and headings

Creating a group

In Home'Bank, you can determine groups which will enable you to combine a series of headings. These groups and headings can then be used in your budget analyses.

1. Click on or select Services > Budget The Accounts and Balances window will be displayed. 2. Click on the "Headings" icon The window for Managing groups and headings will be displayed. By default, 10 groups are available. Note: you can also access this window by selecting Budget > Groups and headings... 3. Select the first line of the list ("Group") The "New Group" button will be activated. 4. Click on the "New group..." button A window will ask you to enter the name of this group. 5. Click on the "OK" button to validate the name of this group It is not possible to allocate an entry to a group. This is only possible with headings. Therefore, the program will ask you if you want to associate a heading to this group. If you answer "Yes", the program will ask you for the name of the heading you want to associate to this group. Enter the name of the heading and click on the "OK" button. The group will be created. 6. Click on the "Close" button to close the window

Changing a group

You can change the name of a group and at the same time preserve its headings.

1. Click on or select Services > Budget The Accounts and Balances window will be displayed. 2. Click on the "Headings" icon The window for Managing groups and headings will be displayed. By default, 10 groups are available. Note: you can also access this window by selecting Budget > Groups and headings... 3. Double-click on the name of the group you want to change A window will ask you to change the name of this group. 4. Modify the name of the group 5. Click on the "OK" button to validate the name of this group 6. Click on the "Close" button to close the window

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Deleting a group

1. Click on or select Services > Budget The Accounts and Balances window will be displayed. 2. Click on the "Headings" icon The window for Managing groups and headings will be displayed. By default, 10 groups are available. Note: you can also access this window by selecting Budget > Groups and headings... 3. Click on the name of the group you want to delete 4. Click on the "Delete" button A window will ask you to confirm the deletion. If any entries have been allocated to any headings of this group, a window will offer you the possibility of re-allocating these entries to one other heading or to declare them "Not allocated".

If several headings are associated to this group, re-allocation will be global; in other words, all the headings of the group to be deleted can only be replaced by a single heading. Consequently, it is advisable to re-allocate the headings of a group before deleting the group (see deleting a heading).

In this same window, you can choose to change or to delete the rule associated with this group. 5. Click on the "OK" button to validate the deletion of the group 6. Click on the "Close" button to close the window

Creating a heading

1. Click on or select Services > Budget The Accounts and Balances window will be displayed. 2. Click on the "Headings" icon The window for Managing groups and headings will be displayed. By default, 10 groups are available. Note: you can also access this window by selecting Budget > Groups and headings... 3. Select the group to which you want to associate the heading The "New heading..." button will be activated. 4. Click on the "New heading..." button A window will ask you to enter the name of this heading. 5. Click on the "OK" button to validate the name of this heading 6. Click on the "Close" button to close the window

Changing a heading

1. Click on or select Services > Budget The Accounts and Balances window will be displayed. 2. Click on the "Headings" icon The window for Managing groups and headings will be displayed. By default, 10 groups are available. Note: you can also access this window by selecting Budget > Groups and headings... 3. Double-click on the heading you want to change Note: you can also access this window by selecting the heading then by clicking on the "Modify..." button. A window will ask you to enter the name of the heading.

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4. Click on the "OK" button to validate the name of this heading 5. Click on the "Close" button to close the window

Deleting a heading

1. Click on or select Services > Budget The Accounts and Balances window will be displayed. 2. Click on the "Headings" icon The window for Managing groups and headings will be displayed. By default, 10 groups are available. Note: you can also access this window by selecting Budget > Groups and headings... 3. Select the heading to be deleted 4. Click on the "Delete" button A warning window will ask you to confirm the deletion of the heading. 5. Click on the "Yes" button to confirm the deletion You will go back to the window for Managing groups and headings. 6. Click on the "Close" button

Allocating an entry to a heading

By selecting an entry in the list of entries, you can easily allocate it to a heading. 1. Select the entry you want to allocate to a heading Note: you can select several entries by also pressing CTRL. 2. Click on the "Splits..." button This button opens a menu. 3. Select "Assign to a heading..." in this menu The window for selecting a heading will be displayed. 4. Double-click on the heading of your choice An icon will be displayed in front of the entry indicating that the entry has been associated to a heading. Note: If the entry selected has already been allocated to a heading, the program will suggest you: - All the entries selected not yet assigned: only entries not yet allocated will be assigned to the heading you have selected; - The amounts not yet assigned of the entries selected: will allocate the balance not yet allocated to the heading selected (see Breaking down an entry between several headings); - All the entries selected (the part already assigned will be replaced): will allocate the entry in full to the heading selected.

Allocating an entry to another heading

You can change the allocation of an entry at any time. This change can consist in allocating the entry to another heading or in breaking down the entry between several headings.

1. Click on or select Services > Budget The Accounts and Balances window will be displayed. 2. Double-click on the account containing the entry for which you want to change the allocation

Note: you can also select the account in the list and then click on the icon . The list of account entries will be displayed.

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3. Double-click on the entry for which you want to change the allocation Entries already allocated to a heading are identified by the icon in front of the entry. The details of an entry window will be displayed. Note: you can also select the entry in the list and click on the "Details" button. 4. Select the existing allocation and then click on the "Modify" button in the middle of the window The Change an allocation window will be displayed. You can allocate the total amount of the entry to another heading. For this purpose, click on the "Assign to ..." button and then select the new allocation heading. You can also break down the amount of the entry between several headings, by changing the Amount to be allocated field and then selecting a heading. You can subsequently add a new allocation to the non-allocated balance of the entry. 5. Click on the "Save" button You will go back to the Details of an entry window. The allocation of the entry will be displayed in the corresponding zone. 6. Click on the "Close" button An icon will be displayed in front of the entry indicating that the entry has been associated with one (or several) headings.

Breaking down an entry between several headings

Usually, entries are allocated to a single heading. In particular when you apply a rule, it will allocate an entry to a single heading. You can however refine the management of your entry by allocating a single entry to several headings.

1. Click on or select Services > Budget The Accounts and Balances window will be displayed. 2. Double-click on the account containing the entry for which you want to breakdown the allocation The list of account entries will be displayed. 3. Double-click on the entry for which you want to change the allocation The details of an entry window will be displayed. Entries already allocated to a heading are identified by the icon in front of the entry. 4. Select the existing allocation and then click on the "Modify" button in the middle of the window The Changing an allocation window will be displayed. In the Amount to be allocated zone, enter an amount smaller than the Amount not allocated. If appropriated, change the selected heading. Note: if the entry has not yet been allocated, you must first click on the "Assign..." button and allocate part of the entry amount to a heading. 5. Click on the "Save" button You will go back to the Details of an entry window. The allocation of the entry will be displayed in the relevant zone. The remaining balance to be allocated will be displayed with the words Not allocated. 6. Click on the "Assign to..." button The New allocation window will be displayed. In the Amount to be allocated zone, enter an amount smaller or equal than the Amount not allocated. Select the heading to which you want to allocate the defined amount. 7. Click on the "Save" button Repeat stages 6 and 7 as many times as necessary. 8. Click on the "Close" button An icon will be displayed in front of the entry indicating that the entry has been associated with one or several headings.

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Allocating a counterpart on a fictitious account

From an entry, you can easily allocate a counterpart to a fictitious account. This counterpart represents the amount inverted by the entry. An entry of expense (negative amount) will be allocated as a receipt (positive amount) in the fictitious account and vice et versa. For example, the load of your Proton card represents an expense entry on your ING account. By allocating this negative entry as a counterpart to a fictitious account (for example "my electronic wallet"), the entry will be considered as a receipt. On base of this credit entry, on this fictitious account, you can add a movement of expense every time when you make a purchase with your Proton card. These options are accessible in the list of the account entries (see Consulting the entries of account) or in the list of entries resulting from a search (see Finding an entry). 1. Select the entry for which you want to allocate a counterpart 2. Click on the "Splits..." button in the bottom left-hand corner of the window This button opens a menu. 3. Select "Create a countermovement" in this menu The window Counterpart in fictitious entry will be displayed. This window resumes automatically the information contained in the entry. 4. Select the fictitious account which the entry must be allocated to 5. If necessary, modify the description of the entry 6. Click on the "OK" button You will go back to the list of entries.

Deleting the allocation of an entry

You can delete the allocation of an entry at any time. If you have broken down the allocation of an entry between several headings, you can delete one allocation without affecting the other allocations.

1. Click on or select Services > Budget The Accounts and Balances window will be displayed. 2. Double-click on the account containing the entry for which you want to change the allocation Note: you can also select the account whose list of entries you want to see and then click on the icon

. The list of account entries will be displayed. 3. Double-click on the entry whose allocation you want to delete Entries already allocated to a heading are identified by the icon in front of the entry. The details of an entry window will be displayed. Note: you can also select the entry in the list and click on the "Details" button. 4. Select the allocation to be deleted and then click on the "Delete" button in the middle of the window 5. Click on the "Close" button

Deleting the allocation of an entry to a heading

By selecting an entry in the list of entries, you can easily delete its allocation to a heading. 1. Select the entry for which you want to delete the allocation Note: you can select several entries by also pressing CTRL. 2. Click on the "Splits..." button in the bottom left-hand corner of the window This button opens a menu. 3. Select "Delete allocations..." in this menu A warning window will ask you to confirm this deletion.

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4. Click on the "Yes" button You will go back to the list of entries and the icon in front of the entry will disappear.

Changing the booking date of the headed entries

The booking date is the date which will be used in the analyses of budget. For example, let us suppose that your February salary is poured on March 1st instead of February 28. By default, the analysis of budget, will book two salaries for March and none for February. To correct this situation, you can modify the booking date of the entry representing the February salary (date of the entry on March 1st) to the date of February 28. By this way, the analyses of budget will present a more coherent evolution of your entries.

1. Click on or select Services > Budget The Accounts and Balances window will be displayed. 2. Double-click the account containing the entry for which you want to modify the booking date

Note: You can also select the account in the list and click the icon . The list of the entries of the account will be displayed. 3. Double-click the entry for which you want to modify the booking date

The booking date applies in budget only for headed entries, in other words entries preceded by the icon .

The detail of an entry window will be displayed. Note: you can also select an entry in the list and click the "Details..." button. 4. Modify the booking date in budget You can enter the date manually by entering the figures which correspond to the day, month and year. You can also click on to select a date from a calendar. 5. Click the button "Close" You will go back to the list of entries.

Allocation rules

Creating an allocation rule

With an allocation rule you can automate the allocation of entries. According to certain criteria you can define, you can automatically allocate an entry to a heading. Once the task list has been performed, the program will automatically allocate the entries according to the active rules.

1. Click on or select Services > Budget The Accounts and Balances window will be displayed. 2. Click on the "Rules" icon The window for Managing rules will be displayed. Note: you can also select Budget > Rules... 3. Click on the "New..." button The New allocation rule window will be displayed. Provide a name to this rule and define the criteria which must be met for this rule. Note: you can define a rule from an entry (see creating an allocation rule from an entry). The new rule thus created will include the various information of the entry in its criteria which you can adapt. 4. Click on the "OK" button You will go back to the previous window.

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Creating an allocation rule from an entry

With Home'Bank it is easy to create an allocation rule from an entry. By this way, Home'Bank will automatically include the data of the entry. All you will have to do is to refine the criteria of the rule. By selecting an entry in the list of entries, you can use it as a model for creating your own rule. 1. Select the entry you want to use as model Note: you can select several entries by also pressing CTRL. 2. Click on the "Allocation" button in the bottom left-hand corner of the window This button opens a menu. 3. Select "Creating a rule..." in this menu The window for creating a rule will be displayed. This window will automatically include the information contained in the entry. 4. Provide a name to this rule and make any adaptation 5. Select the heading to be taken into consideration when applying the rule 6. Click on the "OK" button The program will ask you if you want to apply the rule to the existing entries. If you click on "Yes", the program will apply the rule and return to the list of entries.

Applying an allocation rule

1. Click on or select Services > Budget The Accounts and Balances window will be displayed. 2. Click on the "Rules" icon The window for Managing rules will be displayed. Note: you can also select Budget > Rules... 3. Click on the rule you want to apply 4. Click on the "Apply Now..." button The program will allocate all the entries which match the rule and have not yet been allocated

Changing an allocation rule

1. Click on or select Services > Budget The Accounts and Balances window will be displayed. 2. Click on the "Rules" icon The window for Managing rules will be displayed. Note: you can also select Budget > Rules... 3. Double-click on the rule you want to change The Details of the allocation rule window will be displayed. Adapt the criteria as you wish for this rule. 4. Click on the "OK" button You will go back to the previous window.

Changing a rule does not affect the allocation of any entries which have already been allocated by this rule. If you want the already allocated entries to change according to the modified rule, you must Apply this rule.

Deleting an allocation rule

1. Click on or select Services > Budget The Accounts and Balances window will be displayed.

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2. Click on the "Rules" icon The window for Managing rules will be displayed. Note: you can also select Budget > Rules... 3. Click on the rule you want to delete Note: to select several rules, hold CTRL down and click on the various rules you want to select. 4. Click on the "Delete" button A message of confirmation will be displayed. Click on Yes to accept the deletion.

The entries allocated by this rule will not be changed.

Changing the order of priority of an allocation rule

When several rules can be applied to a same entry, it is the first in the list which will be applied when you load account entries. By default, the allocation rules will be sorted according to their order of creation. You can change this sequence by re-arranging the rules in the list of allocation rules.

1. Click on or select Services > Budget The Accounts and Balances window will be displayed. 2. Click on the "Rules" icon The window for Managing rules will be displayed. Note: you can also select Budget > Rules... 3. Select the rule for which you want to change the priority in the list of rules 4. In the "Priority of rules" box click on the button of your choice Move Up, increases the priority of the rule; the rule will move up in the list Move Down, decreases the priority of the rule; the rule will move down in the list.

Analysing your budget

Creating a budget analysis

With Home'Bank you can create budget analyses. These budget analyses provide you with a synopsis of your out-goings and in-comings in the form of figures and/or in the form of a graph. You can define analyses per group of headings or per heading, over a given period. The analysis settings will be saved. Thus, you can use them again.

1. Click on or select Services > Budget The Accounts and Balances window will be displayed. 2. Click on or select Edit > Analysis... The List of analyses window will be displayed. 3. Click on the "New..." button The window for creating a budget analysis will be displayed. 4. Enter the name you want to give to the budget analysis This field must be completed, and may not contain any spaces. 5. Specify the criteria of your choice for this analysis 6. Click on the "OK" button The program will generate the budget analysis and display it in the Analysis window automatically.

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Generating a budget analysis

When you have created a budget analysis, you can select it to see the result in the Analysis window. When you create or modify a budget analysis, it will be generated automatically.

1. Click on or select Services > Budget The Accounts and Balances window will be displayed. 2. Click on or select Edit > Analysis... The List of analyses window will be displayed. 3. In the "Existing analyses" box, click on the analysis to be generated and then click on the "Choose..." button The program will generate the budget analysis automatically and display it in the Analysis window.

Changing a budget analysis

1. Click on or select Services > Budget The Accounts and Balances window will be displayed. 2. Click on or select Edit > Analysis... The List of analyses window will be displayed. 3. In the "Existing analyses" box, click on the analysis to be changed, then click on the "Modify..." button The Analysis criteria window will be displayed. 4. Make your changes 5. Click on the "OK" button The program will generate the budget analysis automatically and display it in the Analysis window.

Deleting a budget analysis

1. Click on or select Services > Budget The Accounts and Balances window will be displayed. 2. Click on or select Edit > Analysis... The List of analyses window will be displayed. 3. In the "Existing analyses" box, click on the analysis to be deleted, then click on the "Delete..." button A warning window will ask you to confirm the deletion of this analysis. 4. Click on "Yes" The analysis will disappear from the list of Existing analyses. 5. Click on the "Close" button

Printing a budget analysis

1. Click on or select Services > Budget The Accounts and Balances window will be displayed. 2. Click on or select Edit > Analysis... The List of analyses window will be displayed. 3. In the "Existing analyses" box, double-click on the analysis you want to print The program will generate the budget analysis automatically and display it in the Analysis window. 4. Click on the "Printing..." button The print settings window will be displayed. Select the options to print your analysis report. 5. Click on the "Printing" button

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Exporting a budget analysis

The Home'Bank program allows you to export the entries of a budget analysis. Thus you can process your data in another application (spreadsheet or accountancy).

1. Click on or select Services > Budget The Accounts and Balances window will be displayed. 2. Click on or select Edit > Analysis... The List of analyses window will be displayed. 3. In the "Existing analyses" box, click on the analysis to be generated, then click on the "Choose..." button The program will generate the budget analysis automatically and display it in the Analysis window. 4. Click on the "Export..." button The window for Exporting analysis data will be displayed. Select the fields you want to export. 5. Click on the Export button The program will prompt a window for Saving the export file. Specify where you want to save this file and its name.


Checking the entries sequence

With this option you can automatically view one or several missing entries, and if necessary you can download account information for the missing period.

1. Click on or select Services > Budget The Accounts and Balances window will be displayed. 2. Select Budget > Settings… 3. Click on the button “Check” at the part “Entries” The Verification of the entries sequence window will be displayed. 4. Click on the button “Check” The program will search the database for all missing entries.

Displaying/hiding an account

This option is useful in case of accounts containing not enough entries for instance (blocked account for a renting guarantee) or for closed accounts. When you hide an account in the list of accounts, information about this account will not be loaded any more during the execution of the Tasklist. 1. Select Home'Bank> Settings… 2. Choose the option “accounts” in the left side of the screen 3. Click the “Modify” button 4. Select the account you want to hide or show Note: to modify the parameters of several accounts, press the CTRL key while clicking the accounts of the list 5. Click the "Modify..." button The setting of an account window will be displayed. When option "Show account in budget" is checked, the account will be visible in the list of accounts. If this option is unchecked, the account will be masked; in that case, a window warns you that the allocations of entries will not be resumed any more in the Budget analysis and option "Download account information" loading is automatically deactivated.

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6. Click on the "Save" button You will go back to the accounts setting window. 7. Click on the "Close" button

Displaying/hiding a fictitious account

You can hide a fictitious account or one of your own accounts in order to not display it anymore in the list of fictitious accounts in the window Home Bank - Budget. 1. Select Home'Bank> Settings… 2. Choose the option “Budget” in the left side of the screen 3. Click the “Edit” button in the "fictive accounts" part 4. Select the account you want to hide or show Note: to modify the parameters of several accounts, press the CTRL key while clicking the accounts of the list 5. Click the "Modify…" button The Settings of an account window will be displayed. When the "Show fictitious account in Budget" option is checked, the account will be visible in the list. On the opposite, if this Checkbox is unchecked, the account will be hidden; In that case, a window warns you that the allocation of entries will not be resumed anymore in the reports of budget and the "Account information loading" option is unchecked automatically. 6. Click on the "Save" button You will go back to the account settings. 7. Click on the "Close" button

Changing the name of an account

1. Select Home'Bank> Settings… 2. Choose the option “accounts” in the left side of the screen 3. Click the “Modify” button 4. Double-click on the account for which you want to change the settings The window with the account settings will be displayed. Note: you can also select one of the accounts and then click on the "Modify" button 5. Change the Description zone 6. Click on "Save" 7. Click on "Close" to quit the settings window.

Changing the period of the account information loading

The first time you use the Off-line services of Home Bank, the program suggests you to load your account information for a period of 3 months (by default). Afterward, every time you perform a tasklist, the program takes the date of the last tasklist to update the information of your accounts. Information about accounts can be reloaded on your computer for a period of maximum 12 months. 1. Select Home'Bank> Settings… 2. Choose the option “accounts” in the left side of the screen 3. Click the “Modify” button 4. Select the account for which you want to modify the loading period Note: to modify the parameters for several accounts, hold the CTRL key while clicking the accounts of the list.

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5. Click the "Modify..." button The window resuming the account settings will be displayed. In this window verify that "Downloading account information" option is well checked 6. Modify the start and/or the end date You can introduce the date manually or select a date from the calendar. Period cannot exceed 12 months. 7. Click on the "Save" button You will go back to the account settings window. The begin and the end date are adapted to the values which you introduced. 8. Click on the "Close" button The next Tasklist will load the account information for the specified period.

Changing the fictitious account settings

1. Select Home'Bank> Settings… 2. Choose the option “Budget” in the left side of the screen 3. Click the “Edit” button in the "fictive accounts" part 4. Double-click on the fictitious account for which you want to change the settings The changing a fictitious account window will be displayed. Note: you can also select one of the accounts and then click on the "Modify..." button. Note: you can also select several accounts at the same time by pressing CTRL when selecting accounts. By then clicking on the "Modify..." button, you can change the view options in once for all the fictitious accounts selected. 5. Make your changes 6. Click on "Save" 7. Click on "Close" again to quit the settings window

Modify the account settings

1. Select Home'Bank> Settings… 2. Choose the option “accounts” in the left side of the screen 3. Click the “Modify” button 4. Double-click on the account whose settings you want to change The window with the account settings will be displayed. Note: you can also select one of the accounts and then click on the "Modify..." button. Note: you can also select several accounts at the same time by pressing CTRL when selecting accounts. By then clicking on the "Modify..." button, you can change the view options in once for all the fictitious accounts selected. 5. Make the change you want 6. Click on "Save" 7. Click on "Close" to quit the settings window.

The longer the information period you specify, the longer your connection will last. The time it takes to download also depends on the transmission speed of your modem and on the quality of your connection.

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Determining how long information is stored

You can specify the number of months you want to store your account information. By default, the information will be stored for 99 months (in other words, over 8 years). If you wish you can change this duration for your information storage.

1. Click on or select Services > Budget The Accounts and Balances window will be displayed. 2. Choose Budget > Settings… 3. Click the “Edit” button in the "Store period" part The Budget – History window appears You have the choice between: - Never delete entries; - Information to be stored for (Maximum of 99 months). 4. Enter the wished number of months 5. Click on "Save" Note: if you inadvertently lose any information on your accounts, you can retrieve it by changing the period for which you want to download your account information (maximum 12 months).

Changing the order of presentation of your own accounts

Whether it is for your own accounts or fictitious account, you can modify the order of the account presentation for the list of accounts in the window Home'Bank – Budget. 1. Select Home'Bank> Settings… 2. Choose the option “accounts” in the left side of the screen 3. Click the “Modify” button 4. Select the account for which you want to change the order of presentation Note: you can also click the Sort button. This button will allow you to quickly reorganise the list of your accounts by specifying a sorting key (based on the label or the account number) and the order (either ascending - from smallest to largest, or descending - from largest to smallest). 5. Click on the button Down to move the account downward in the list or Up to move the account upward in the list Note: hen the account is the first in the list, the button "Up" is dimmed and thereby inactive. Also when the account is the last one in the list, the button "Down" is dimmed and thereby inactive. 6. Click on the "Close" button

Changing the order of presentation of the fictitious accounts

Whether it is for your own accounts or fictitious account, you can modify the order of the account presentation for the list of accounts in the window Home'Bank – Budget. 1. Select Home'Bank> Settings… 2. Choose the option “Budget” in the left side of the screen 3. Click the “Edit” button in the "fictive accounts" part 4. Select the account for which you want to change the order of presentation Note: you can also click the Sort button. This button will allow you to quickly reorganise the list of your accounts by specifying a sorting key (based on the label or the account number) and the order (either ascending - from smallest to largest, or descending - from largest to smallest).

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5. Click on the button Down to move the account downward in the list or Up to move the account upward in the list Note: hen the account is the first in the list, the button "Up" is dimmed and thereby inactive. Also when the account is the last one in the list, the button "Down" is dimmed and thereby inactive. 6. Click on the "Close" button

Resetting the initial account labels

If you changed the names of your accounts you can at any time recover the name by default. The standard name corresponds to the first field of the Address space in the window Account settings. 1. Select Home’Bank> Settings… 2. Choose the option “accounts” in the left side of the screen 3. Click the “Modify” button 4. Select the account for which you wish to reset the initial name Note: to modify the settings of more than one account, hold down the shift key while clicking the accounts from the list. 5. Click the button "Reset the initial label" A window will ask you if "You are sure that you want to reset the label of this account to its initial value" 6. Click "Yes" to validate this operation You will return to the account settings window. 7. Click "Close" You will return to the list of accounts.

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Screen list

Home’Bank – Budget

This is the screen you receive when choosing the "Budget" option

This window provides you with the situation of your accounts.. From this window, you can:

Accessing the list of entries

Consulting today's entries

Consulting balance reviews

Defining account settings

Managing headings

Managing rules

Managing budget analyses

Finding one or several entry(ies)

Exporting one or several entry(ies)

Printing one or several entry(ies)

Account settings

This window displays the various accounts (ING accounts and fictitious accounts) and the credit cards linked to your Home'Bank subscription. From this window you can view the settings which are taken into consideration in the Home'Bank application.

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The ING-accounts The Category drop-down menu allows you to filter the display to only the accounts included in this category. - The first column gives the account number as well as the type of account and the currency of the account. - The column Description displays the account name. You can change this name to better identify your accounts. - The column identified by the icon indicates the visibility of the accounts in the windows of the Budget module. A in this column indicates that the account is visible in Budget. A cross in this column means that the account will not be displayed in the Budget module. You can change the account display settings. - The column identified by the icon indicates that the account may or may not be used as the originator account for domestic transfers. A in this column indicates that the account may be used as an originator account for domestic transfers. By contrast, a cross in this column indicates that the account will not appear in the list of originator accounts when a transfer is initiated. You can modify this list of originator accounts. - The column identified by the icon indicates that the account may or may not be used as the principal account for international payments. A in this column means that the account may be used as a principal account for international payments. By contrast, a cross in this column means that the account will not appear in the list of principal accounts when an international payment is initiated. You can modify this list of principal accounts. - The column identified by the icon shows whether or not the information on this account will be downloaded, when the next Task List is performed. A in this column indicates that the information will be downloaded the next time the Task List is performed. A cross in this column means that the account will not be downloaded the next time the Task List is performed. You can change this setting. - The Start and End columns relate to the previous column. They indicate respectively the date from which the information will be downloaded and until which date the information will be downloaded. These columns will be empty if the account information does not need to be downloaded the next time the Task List is performed. You can change this setting. - The Sort button allows you to sort the display of accounts in the "Budget" module. This button opens a new window enabling you to select the sorting criterion (by "Account label" or "Account number") in either ascending or descending order. You can assign one or more accounts to one or more categories by clicking the Categories button. To do this, select one of the accounts from the list, and click the Categories button and select Assign... In the "Categories" window, check the category or categories in which you wish to classify this account. Note: You can select more than one account by holding the Shift key down while clicking on each of the accounts. From this window, you can: - Restore the initial name; - Sort the accounts; - Assign an account to a category; - Change the settings of an account; - Change the order in which the accounts are displayed.

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Account settings

By double-clicking on one of your accounts in the list of the accounts settings, you can display and modify the settings of this account.

The zone Description allows you to enter a more explicit name for each of your accounts. The IBAN number (International Bank Account Number) is your account number for international payments. This is the account number that you must transmit to receive a payment from abroad. The BIC code (Bank Identification Code) or SWIFT code is a single number that identifies every financial institution in the world. The BIC code of ING Belgium is BBRUBEBB. When the "Show account in Budget" option is checked, this account will be visible in the list of your accounts. When this option is unchecked, account will be masked in the list of accounts. Furthermore, this account will not be loaded during the Tasklist (see Display/hide an account). When the "Downloading account information" is checked you can specify the start and end date for the account information loading. By default, value from the zone From is the date of your last connection while the zone To is the current date. You can modify these dates to force the load over another period (see Changing the period of the account information loading). When the option Use as domestic principal is checked, the account can be selected as the principal in the Multitransfer module. If, on the other hand, this option is unchecked, you cannot select it as the principal. When the option Use as international principal is checked, the account can be selected as the principal in the International payments module. If, on the other hand, this option is unchecked, you cannot select it as the principal. The drop-down button Categories allows you to directly assign the account selected to one of the categories. Only the accounts with the option Access to the accounts checked will appear in this drop-down button.

Settings - History

You can access the following window by selecting Budget > Settings followed by clicking on "Edit" in the Store period part of the Budget module.

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Check the option "Never delete entries" in order to keep all the entries of your accounts. If you want to change the storing period of your account information, check the option "Information to be stored for x months". Enter in this field the number of months your entries will be stored. Note: if you inadvertently lose any information from your accounts, you can retrieve it by changing the period for which you want to download your account information (maximum 12 months).

The list of entries

The list of entries gives the entries of the account selected in the main window. The top section of the window shows the generic data of the selected account (such as the name, the account number and type, the balance, etc). The entries are displayed in a similar form than your paper statements. The most recent entry is at the top of the list. For each entry, you will see: the transaction number, the accounting date (date on which the transaction has been processed), the description of the transaction, the value date as well as the amount of the transaction.

Additional information is available in the details of the entry. To access them, either select this entry in the list and click on the "Details" button at the bottom of the list, or double-click on the entry. Even if an entry does not contain any additional information and is therefore not preceded by this sign, you can access its details to add a comment or to allocate this entry to a heading.

The entry has a comment available. For each entry, you can enter a personal comment. Such comment can be considered in the criteria to search the entries.

This entry has been allocated to a heading (either in whole, or in part). From this window, you can: - Allocate an entry to a heading - "de-allocate" an entry, in other words return it to the "not allocated" status - create allocation rules - Allocate a counterpart on a fictitious account - display the details of an entry - delete an entry - find an entry - export one or several entries - print one or several entries

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The details of an entry

The top section of this window shows you the main information (such as the number of the entry, its accounting date, its value date, as well as a description) for the selected entry. The Details section includes additional information on the entry (such as the interest calculation, the content of a transfer, and so on). The Allocation section displays, when appropriate, the heading to which this entry is allocated (see Allocating an entry). When an entry has been allocated, you can change or delete its allocation or change its booking date). With the Observation section you can add a comment for the selected entry. A comment is a free text which can be used as a search criterion.

Creation of a fictitious account

- Enter the name you want to give to this account; - Select the currency of the account in the dropdown menu; - enter the starting date. You may not record entries prior to this date. On the other hand, you can enter a starting date in the past; - If necessary enter a starting balance. The "OK" button will be displayed, but it will be dimmed as long as all the fields have not been completed.

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- The "Show fictitious account in Budget" option will be activated by default. The Accounts and Balances window will then be split into two sections: the fictitious accounts will be indicated in the bottom part of this window.

Fictitious accounts settings

This window displays the various accounts (ING accounts and fictitious accounts) and the credit cards linked to your Home'Bank subscription. From this window you can view the settings which are taken into consideration in the Home'Bank application.

Fictitious accounts The drop-down menu allows you to filter the display to only the dummy accounts included in this category. - the first column includes the name of the account you gave when you when you created the

fictitious account; - the Currency column indicates the currency in which the account is expressed. You can convert a

fictitious account; - the third column named Active indicates the visibility of the accounts in the windows of the Budget

module. A in this column indicates that the account is visible in Budget. If this column has been checked the account will not be displayed in the Budget module. You can change the account visualisation settings.

Fictitious account settings

By double-clicking one of your accounts in the list, you can show and modify its settings.

The Account name field allows you to modify the name given to this fictitious account. Creation date, allows you to specify another date than the one given at creation of this fictitious account. If you specify a date posterior to the current date, entries between these two dates will be deleted. You can modify the initial balance of your fictitious account by specifying a new amount based on this new amount, the balance of your fictitious account will be directly calculated. When the option Show fictitious account in Budget is checked, this account will be visible in the list of accounts. When this option is unchecked, the account will be hidden in the list of accounts.

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The drop-down Categories button makes it easy for you to select the category in which you want to place the dummy account. Only the categories with the option Access to the accounts checked are listed in this drop-down button.

Modification of a fictitious account

- Modify the Name of the account; - Change the Creation date. The new date has to be before the old one; - The Starting Balance of the fictitious account can be modified; - The option Show fictitious account in Budget can be marked or unmarked.

The list of fictitious account entries

When you have created a fictitious account, you can double-click on the account name in the Accounts and Balances window. This window includes the list of all the fictitious entries you have entered.

From this window, you can: - Add an entry to the fictitious account; - Change the contents of a fictitious account entry; - Display the details of an entry; - Delete a fictitious account entry; - Find an entry ; - Export fictitious account entries; - Print entries; - Allocate a fictitious account entry to a heading.

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New fictitious entry

With this window you can enter a fictitious entry.

- With the Date zone you can define the date of the entry; you can either enter a date manually, or

select a date from the calendar. - the amount of the entry; - the type of the next entry whether it is an Incomings or an Outgoings. - enter the description of the entry (this is very important if you plan to incorporate these entries in

Budget analysis); you can insert 4 lines of 80 characters. With the "Save and New…" button you can go straight to the creation of a new entry. The "OK" button takes you back to the list of entries of this account.

The details of a fictitious entry

The top section of this window shows you the main information (such as the accounting date of the entry as well as a description) from the selected entry. The Allocation section displays, when appropriate, the heading to which this entry is allocated (see Allocating an entry). When an entry has been allocated, you can change or delete its allocation or change its booking date). When an entry has been allocated, you can change or delete its allocation or even change its booking date). With the Observation section displays, when appropriate, the heading to which this fictitious entry is allocated (see Allocating an entry).

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Counterpart in fictitious entry

In the dropdown menu, you can select the fictitious account for which you want to attribute a counterpart. You can restrict the display of this dummy account list by selecting a category. Only the fictitious accounts included in this category will be included in this list.

A create countermovement cannot be prior to the date of the fictitious account creation date (see Creation of a fictitious account).

The fields Entry of, amount and currency of the entry, type of the entry look in grey tint resuming the values of the entry. - By default, the entry of counterpart resumes the detail of the entry in the description of the movement (this last one is very important if you plan to integrate these entries into the Budget analysis); you can modify this description. The button OK brings you back to the list of the entries of this account.

Search criteria for entries

With this window you can specify the criteria to search the entries of your accounts. The program will add the criteria. In other words, if you check the Date and the Amount option, the program will search for all the entries which fulfil the chosen date AND the entered amount.

The left-hand part (Accounts available) lists all the different (ING and fictitious) accounts linked to your Home'Bank subscription. The right-hand part (Search in... ) lists all the accounts for which you want to perform the search.

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Select one or several accounts in this list (Accounts available), then click the arrow to move them to the right-hand part (Search in...). You can easily fill in the right-hand section while selecting the category of accounts on which devotes take the research. Note: you can move all the accounts from the list of accounts available to the right-hand list by clicking on this icon . The second box allows you to check the type of entry to search for: - Incomings: by checking this option, search will only concern the positive entries; - Outgoings: by checking this option, search will only concern the negative ones; - Incomings and outgoings : by checking this option, search will concern both positive and

negative entries. By checking the Date option, the program will activate the dropdown menu in which you can select among: - today: allows looking for the entries which you made in the day of the load of your account

information. This function is similar to the consultation of today's entries. - on: If you know exactly the date about which an operation was executed, you can use this criterion

; - before: search all the operations made before the specified date; - after: search all operations made after specified date ; - between: a second zone allows you to enter a second date; the program will look for all the

operations between these two dates. The first date field must be prior to the second one. You can enter date(s) manually by typing the figures which correspond to the day, month and year. You can also click on to select a date from a calendar.

By checking the Amount option, the program will activate the dropdown menu in which you can select among: - =: if you exactly know the amount of the entry you are looking for; - >: look for all the entries where the amount is strictly superior to the entered amount; - <: look for all the entries where the amount is strictly lower than the entered amount; - between: a second field allows you to enter a second amount; the program will look for all the

entries with an amount between these two values. The first amount must be lower than the second one.

The Heading option, allows you to search for an entry based on the allocated heading. You can choose among: - not assigned entries: will look for all the entries which are not allocated to a heading; - by clicking on the "Select…" button, you can select heading (or group) to which entries must be

associated. The Contents option allows you to enter text into the next field. For example, to find all the Proton loads made, you can indicate "Proton" in the field text. The option Search also in the details allows you to spread the search in details and comments (see Adding a comment to an entry).

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Entry search result

The Home'Bank program displays in this window all the entries which meet the criteria specified in the search window.

The top part indicates the search criteria you specified. The bottom part lists the different entries which match the specified criteria. From this window, you can: - Display the detail of an entry, if an entry has been selected; - Delete an entry, if an entry has been selected; - Export one or several entries; - Print the list of entries; - Allocate one or several entries to a heading; - Delete the allocation of one or several entries; - Create a rule from an entry; - Allocate a counterpart on a fictitious account.

Export of the entries

The left-hand part (Available data) lists the various fields which can be exported. The right-hand part (Selected data) lists the fields you have selected for exporting. Select one or several fields in the list, and then click on the arrow to move them to the right-hand part (Selected data). Note: to move all the fields to the right-hand part in once click on the double-arrow . Note: you can also double-click on one field, to move it from one list to another. When more than two fields have been selected in the Selected data list, you can change the export sequence. For this purpose, select one of the fields and click on the arrows or move the field up or down in the list. With the Export column headings option, you can include the name of the fields See also: - Retrieving Home'Bank data from another program

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Headings and groups settings

With this window you can manage groups and headings. These groups and headings are essential for the purpose of managing your accounts. You can use them to arrange your entries into logical units.

This window lists the various Groups. By clicking on one of these groups, indicated by , you will see the headings associated with this group. By default, eleven groups are defined. You can add as many groups and headings as you wish. The "New heading..." button will be activated when you select a group. When you create a new heading, it will be automatically added to this group. To create a new group, you must first select the title "Groups". The title of the button will adjust automatically to become "New Group...". The "Modify..." button will be activated when you select a group or a heading. According to what you select, you can change the title of the group or heading. With the "Delete" button you can delete a group or a heading according to what has been selected in the list. The "Standard headings" button let you include the initial list of groups and headings. This list will be added to the groups and headings you will have defined. With the "Rules..." button you can display the window for managing allocation rules and directly create a new allocation rule.

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New rule

In this window you can define the conditions an entry must meet to be allocated to a heading. If this rule is active, it will be applied automatically at the end of each task list.

You must specify a Name for this rule. This zone may contain up to 50 characters. If checked, the "Active" option will automatically allocate the entry to the specified heading after the task list has been performed. If not checked, you can always apply the rule manually. In the Conditions box, you can define the conditions which must be met for the entry to be allocated. Generally speaking, all the conditions you specify must be met for the entry to be allocated. You can specify the type of entry i.e. if the entry is an Incoming, an Outgoing. By default, the criterion is Incomings and Outgoings. The left-hand part (Accounts available) lists all the accounts (real and fictitious) linked to your Home'Bank subscription. The right-hand part (Account selected) lists all the selected accounts for the application of the rule. You can easily fill in the right-hand section by selecting the category of accounts to which the rule is to be applied. By means of the buttons between these two lists you can move an account from one list to another: this icon moves the selected account(s) from the list of Accounts available to the right-hand list. this icon moves the selected account(s) selected from list of accounts selected to the left-hand

list. Note: you can select several accounts at the same time by pressing CTRL when selecting accounts

By clicking on this icon, you can move all the accounts from the list of Accounts available to the right-hand list

By clicking on this icon, you can move all the accounts from the list of accounts selected to the left-hand list.

In the field Selection is based on you can enter the text which will be taken into consideration for the application of the rule. When we refer to contents, we mean the various lines of the title of an entry. Consequently, this can be a principal account number, an amount, a message, or even the principal's address. You can broaden the search to the details and comments by checking the Search also in details option. With the Select a heading box you can allocate all the entries which meet the specified conditions to a heading. By clicking on the Assign to... button, you will open the window where you can select the heading to which the entry will be allocated by the rule.

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Managing allocation rules

With this window you can manage the rules for allocating entries. These allocation rules constitute conditions which must be met for an entry to be automatically allocated to a heading.

This window lists the rules you have defined. The top box lists the existing rules and specifies whether they are active or not. When a rule is active, it will be automatically applied after the task list has been performed and your entries will be automatically allocated to the heading defined in the rule. You can change the Priority of rules. In other words, when an entry corresponds to several rules, you can determine which one will be applied. In the bottom box, you will see the conditions from the selected rule. From this window, you can also: - Create a new allocation rule - Change an allocation rule - Delete an allocation rule - Apply an allocation rule - Change the priority of the rules

Changing an allocation

With this window you can change to allocation of an entry to another heading and even break down the amount of the entry between several headings.

Only the Amount to be allocated field can be changed. The maximum amount you can enter is equal to the amount indicated as the Amount not allocated. If part of the Entry amount has already been allocated, the Amount not allocated will be adjusted automatically. Click on the "Assign to..." button to select the heading to which you want to associate the entry.

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Budget analysis

When you select an analysis, you will see the following window. Through several tabs, this window presents the evolution of your entries according to a number of headings or groups.

The Overview-table tab adds the amounts of each entry per group. By clicking on , you will see the total for each of the headings selected. The currency of the analysis will be displayed in the bottom part of the window. The Entries per heading tab groups the various entries by heading. The amount of the entry will be positive when it is an incoming and negative when it is an outgoing. The tree structure presents the group first, then the heading(s) selected, the account(s) involved in the analysis and lastly the entry(ies). You can view each aspect of the tree structure by clicking on the plus sign. The total is displayed for each aspect of the tree structure. The amounts are expressed in the analysis currency in one column, in EUR in another. The Trend-table tab shows the evolution over time. According to the period selected for your analysis, the evolution of your incomings and/or outgoings will be displayed for each of the selected headings. The total will be calculated on the basis of the synopsis requested (per month, quarter, six-months or year). If the selected period is long some of the totals might be hidden by the size of the window. Simply move the horizontal scroll bar to the right to see all the totals. The currency of the analysis will be displayed in the bottom part of the window. With the Trend-graph tab you can see a histogram representing the evolution over time for the selected headings. Under the histogram, you have three buttons: - one Next button which shows you the histogram of the next selected heading; - one Previous button which shows you the histogram of the previous selected heading; - one All Headings button. The histogram presents the percentage for each headings regarding in

the total for the period. The Overview-graph tab presents the percentage for each selected headings regarding the total either of Incoming, or of Outgoing. From this window, you can: - Select another analysis; - Export an analysis; - Print an analysis.

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Analysis criteria

To define a new analysis or to change an existing analysis, you can specify, in this window, the criteria which must be used. Once these criteria have been saved, you can select this analysis and watch now your budget evolve.

In the Name zone you must provide a name to this analysis. This zone may contain a maximum of 35 characters. In the Accounts to be analysed box, you must specify the accounts for which the entries should be included in the analysis. By default, the analysis will take All accounts i.e. both your real and your fictitious accounts. If you check the A selection of accounts option, the program will present you with a window where you can select one or several accounts. You can also access this account selection window by clicking on the "Choose..." button. In the Analysis box you can specify the type of overview. By default, the Per heading option is selected. The program will display the graphs of the analysis per heading. If you select the Per group option, the program will display the graphs of the analysis per group of headings. When you select one of these options, the titles of the next box will be adjusted automatically. With the Heading (Groups) to be analysed box, you can choose the headings (groups) which will be included in the analysis. By default, the All headings (groups) option is selected. If you select the A selection of heading (groups) option, the program will present you with a window where you can select one or several headings (groups). You can also display this window for selecting headings (groups) by clicking on the "Choose..." button. With the Period box you can specify the start and end dates for your analysis. By checking the For option, you can select the predefined periods in the dropdown menu. These predefined periods are: - the whole review : includes all the balances since the first time you used Home'Bank; - today - the current week - the current month - the current quarter - the current six months - the current year - the previous week - the previous month - the previous quarter - the previous six months - the previous year These periods are relative i.e. they automatically adapt to the date on which the analysis is made. Note: to ease selection, the program shows the limit dates for each of the predefined periods. With the From option, you can specify the period you want to view. You can thus enter manually the start and end dates or select them from the calendar. In the Total per box, you can select the period to globalise the evolution over time of your analyses

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The list of analyses

With this window you can manage your budget analyses.

The top Existing analyses box lists the analyses you have already created. By clicking on one of these analyses, its criteria will be displayed in the bottom boxes. From this window, you can: - Select an analysis to proceed and to display; - Create a new analysis; - Change an existing analysis; - Delete an existing analysis.

Exporting analysis data

The left-hand part (Available data) lists the various fields which can be exported. The right-hand part (Selected data) lists the fields you have selected for exporting. Select one or several fields in the list, and then click on the arrow to move them to the right-hand part (Selected data). Note: to move all the fields to the right-hand part in once click on the double-arrow . Note: you can also double-click on one field, to move it from one list to another. When more than two fields have been selected in the Selected data list, you can change the export sequence. For this purpose, select one of the fields and click on the arrows or move the field up or down in the list. With the Export the column headings option, you can include the name of the fields. See also: - Retrieving Home'Bank data from another program

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The print settings window

When you click the "Printing..." button in the window of entries or after a search for an entry, you get an intermediate screen which allows you to specify the print settings.

This window allows you to choose between the selected entries or all the displayed entries. At the same time, you can check one or several options relative to the entries. The entry selected: by checking this option, you print only the entry(ies) you selected. All the entries shown: by checking this option, you print all the displayed entries. Displayed entries are those of the list from which you clicked the "Printing..." button. Note: by default, the program checks automatically the first option. You can also specify the sorting order you can choose between the ascending orders ("the most recent entry at the top") or the descending orders ("the most recent entry at the bottom"). You can choose to print additional information about every entry by checking one or several options: Print balances, with details, print with observations, print with headings and optionally the search criteria (if the list of activities is the result of a search). Note: In the printout, every entry distinguishes itself from the others by the + sign at its beginning.

Print settings of the budget analysis

With this intermediate window, you can specify the type of report you want to print. The more options you check, the more pages you will print.

By default, the Analysis criteria and Overview - Table options will be checked. Analysis criteria will print on the first pages the criteria you defined for the Analysis criteria window. Overview - table will print the total amount for each selected heading as well as the total of these various headings per group. The last line of this type of report sums the various totals to give a grand total.

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Entries per heading will print the full list of the entries for each heading and each account which were included in the analysis. For each entry, you will receive the date of the entry and the amount of the entry. Trend - table will print the total of the entries allocated to each heading for the period and the selected synopsis.

This option may require a lot of paper according to the period over which the analysis is made and according to the entry globalisation period.

Trend - graph will print the histogram of the evolution of the various headings selected. - If the analysis relates to groups, you can select the Per group option which will print one page per group included in the analysis or the All the groups option to print one page with a histogram indicating the percentage of each of the groups selected in the analysis. - If the analysis relates to headings, you can select the Per heading option which will print one page per heading included in the analysis or the All headings option to print one page with a histogram indicating the percentage of each of the headings selected in the analysis. Overview - graph will print a "pie chart" of incomings and of outgoings with the percentage of each of the headings (or groups) selected in the total.

Configuration of the review of balances

With this window you can select the accounts and the period for your balance review.

The left-hand part (Accounts available) lists all the (real and fictitious) accounts linked to your Home'Bank subscription. The right-hand part (Accessible accounts) lists all the accounts selected for your review of balances. You can easily fill in the right-hand section by selecting the category of accounts for which you wish to display the balance history. You can move an account from one list to another with the buttons between these two lists: this icon moves the account (s) selected from the list of accounts available to the right-hand list. this icon moves the account (s) selected from the right-hand list to the list of accounts available.

Note: you can select several accounts at the same time by pressing CTRL when selecting accounts.

You move all the accounts from the list of accounts available to the right-hand list. You move all the accounts from the right-hand list to the list of accounts available.

With the bottom box, you can define the period for which you want to view the review of balances. At this level you can choose between a predefined period or specify the dates for which you want a balance report. By checking the For option, you can select the predefined periods in the dropdown menu. These predefined periods are: - the whole review : includes all balances since the first time you used Home'Bank; - the current week - the current month - the current quarter - the current six months - the current year - the previous week

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- the previous month - the previous quarter - the previous six months - the previous year These periods are relative i.e. they automatically adapt to the date on which you request the balance analysis. Note: to ease selection, the program shows the limit dates for each of the predefined periods. With the From option, you can specify the period you want to view. You can enter manually a start date and an end date or you can select these dates from the calendar Note: when you create a review of balances, the program will store the various settings you have used. The next time you request a review of balances, the settings will be the same.

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Manage your credit cards

This is the window which will be displayed when you launch the "Credit card" module. Note: We refer to "module", as this window has its own icon bar in the top section of the window. The different modules in Home'Bank are: Budget | Credit cards | Multitransfer | International payments | Messages The top section of this window includes the icons of the Credit card module

Accessing the list of transactions

Finding one or several transaction(s)

Exporting one or several transaction(s)

Printing one or several transaction(s)

Accessing the transactions list When one of the cards is selected, the button becomes active allowing you to consult the list of transactions for this card. 1. Click on or select Services > Credit cards The Credit card window will be displayed. 2. Select the credit card for which you want to consult the transactions Note: a credit card is displayed in the list of Credit cards as far as the option "Show" has been checked in the credit card settings window. The list of the different statements is displayed in the lower section of the window. 3. Double-click the wished statement of the selected card in the bottom The transaction list will be displayed.

Note: you can also select a card statement and click on .

Displaying the detail of a transaction 1. Click on or select Services > Credit cards The Credit card window will be displayed. 2. Select the credit card for which you want to consult the transactions Note: a credit card is displayed in the list of Credit cards as far as the option "Show" has been checked in the credit card settings window. The list of the different statements is displayed in the lower section of the window. 3. Double-click the wished statement of the selected card in the bottom The transaction list will be displayed.

Note: you can also select a card statement and click on . 4. Double-click the transaction for which you want to consult the detail The details of a transaction window will be displayed.

Printing the transactions list 1. Click on or select Services > Credit cards The Credit card window will be displayed. 2. Click on in this window You can also select Credit cards > Print... The Credit card – Print window will be displayed. 3. Select the desired printing options and click on the "Print..." button

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Searching for a transaction The Credit card module keeps all your transactions statement. You can also delete one or several transaction statements. You can search easily transaction matching defined criteria. 1. Click on or select Services > Credit cards The Credit card window will be displayed. 2. Click on in this window or select Statements > Find... The Credit card – Search window will be displayed. 3. Define the search criteria and click the "Searching..." button The Credit cards – Search results window appears with the list of the transactions matching the search criteria.

Adding a comment to a transaction A comment associated to a transaction allows you to better identify a transaction. Furthermore, you will be able to use the content of remarks as criterion of search. 1. Click on or select Services > Credit cards The Credit card window will be displayed. 2. Select the credit card for which you want to consult the transactions Note: a credit card is displayed in the list of Credit cards as far as the option "Show" has been checked in the credit card settings window. The list of the different statements is displayed in the lower section of the window. 3. Double-click the wished statement of the selected card in the bottom The transaction list will be displayed.

Note: you can also select a card statement and click on 4. Double-click the transaction to which you want to add a comment The details of a transaction window will be displayed. 5. In the Comment field, you can add your own comment 6. Click the "Save" button You will go back to the transactions list. An icon is now visible in front of the column "Date Transaction", indicating that a comment is associated to this transaction.

Deleting a comment from a transaction 1. Click on or select Services > Credit cards The Credit card window will be displayed. 2. Select the credit card for which you want to consult the transactions Note: a credit card is displayed in the list of Credit cards as far as the option "Show" has been checked in the credit card settings window. The list of the different statements is displayed in the lower section of the window. 3. Double-click the wished statement of the selected card in the bottom The transaction list will be displayed. Transactions including a comment are identified by an icon in front of the "Date Transaction" field.

Note: you can also select a card statement and click on 4. Double-click the transaction for which you want to delete a comment The details of a transaction window will be displayed. 5. Select all the contained text in the field Observation

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6. Press the "Del" or backspace key 7. Click the "Save" button You will go back to the transactions list. The icon in front of the column "Date transaction" is not visible anymore, indicating that no comment is associated to this transaction.

Deleting a card statement 1. Click on or select Services > Credit cards The Credit card window will be displayed. 2. Select the credit card for which you want to delete the statement Note: a credit card is displayed in the list of Credit cards as far as the option "Show" has been checked in the credit card settings window. The list of the different statements is displayed in the lower section of the window. 3. Select the statement you want to delete 4. Select Statements > Delete A warning window asks you to confirm the deletion. 5. Click on the "Yes" button

Deleting a transaction 1. Click on or select Services > Credit cards The Credit card window will be displayed. 2. Select the Credit card for which you want to delete the transaction Note: a credit card is displayed in the list of Credit cards as far as the option "Show" has been checked in the credit card settings window. The list of the different statements is displayed in the lower section of the window. 3. Double-click the wished statement of the selected card in the bottom The transaction list will be displayed. Transactions including a comment are identified by an icon in front of the "Date Transaction" field. 4. Select the transaction to be deleted Note: you can select several transactions by pressing CTRL while selecting each transaction. 5. Click on the "Delete" button A warning window will ask you to confirm the deletion. 6. Click on the "Close" button

Exporting transactions from a search You can combine the power of the transactions search function and the export function. By this way, you can define exactly the transactions to export. 1. Click on or select Services > Credit cards The Credit card window will be displayed. 2. Click on in this window or select Statements > Find... The Credit card – Search window will be displayed. 3. Define the search criteria and click the Search button The Credit cards – Search results window appears with the list of the transactions matching the search criteria. 4. Click the "Export..." button The Export of the credit card transactions window will be displayed.

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5. Select the fields you want to export and click the "Export..." button The program will prompt you with a window for saving the export file. Specify where you want to save this file and its name.

Exporting credit cards transactions The Home'Bank program allows you to export the transactions of your credit cards. By this way, you can handle your data in another application (spreadsheet or personal accounting software). You can refine the selection by exporting transactions resulting from a search. 1. Click on or select Services > Credit cards The Credit card window will be displayed. 2. Select the credit card for which you want to export transaction Note: you can select several cards by holding the CTRL key during the selection of every account. 3. Click the icon The Export of the credit card transaction window will be displayed Note: You can also select Statements > Export... 4. Select the fields you want to export and click the button "Export" The program will prompt you with a window for saving the export file. Specify where you want to save this file and its name. Note: You can also display the detail of a credit card statement and click the "Export..." button

Changing a comment for a transaction

A comment associated to a transaction allows you to easily identify a transaction. Furthermore, you will be able to use the contents of remarks as criterion of search. 1. Click on or select Services > Credit cards The Credit card window will be displayed. 2. Select the credit card for which you want to consult the transactions Note: a credit card is displayed in the list of Credit cards as far as the option "Show" has been checked in the credit card settings window. The list of the different statements is displayed in the lower section of the window. 3. Double-click the wished statement of the selected card in the bottom The transaction list will be displayed. Transactions including a comment are identified by an icon in front of the "Date Transaction" field.

Note: you can also select a card statement and click on 4. Double-click the transaction for which you want to modify a comment The details of a transaction window will be displayed. 5. In the Observation field, make your modification 6. Click the "Save" button You will go back to the transactions list.

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Retrieving information of Home'Bank in another program When you use the export function (in the Budget, Transfer or credit card module), Home Bank saves your data in a text file. This text file includes the fields you selected and possible heading columns. The field's separator is the semicolon (;). From this text file, you can import data in another application (spreadsheet, database, personal, accounting program or text processing). Below, you will find explanations about how to import data in Excel™. For all other software, please refer to its documentation. 1. Launch the Excel™ program 2. Choose File > Open 3. Select "All files" (*.*) as the file type 4. Double-click the text file that you have created in Home'Bank 5. Select "Delimited" option 6. Click the "Next" button 7. Select "semicolon" option 8. Click again on the "Next" button 9. Click the "Finish" button Exported data are then resumed in Excel and you can handle them.


Changing the credit card settings

1. Select Home Bank > Settings The Home’Bank – Settings window appears 2. Choose the option “Credit card” on the left side of the window Note: You also have access to this menu by clicking on Credit cards > Settings… in the Credit Card module. 3. Click on the button "Modify" 4. Double-click on the Credit card for which you want to change the settings The Credit card settings list will be displayed. Note: you can also select a credit card and click the "Modify..." button. Note: you can also select several cards by pressing the CTRL key during the selection of cards 5. Make your changes 6. Click on "Save" 7. Click on "Close" to quit the settings window

Displaying/hiding a credit card

You can choose to hide a credit card in order to not display it anymore in the list of credit cards in the window Home'Bank – Credit cards. When you hide a card of the list of credit cards, the transaction of this card will not be loaded anymore during the execution of the task list. 1. Select Home Bank > Settings The Home’Bank – Settings window appears 2. Choose the option “Credit card” on the left side of the window Note: You also have access to this menu by clicking on Credit cards > Settings… in the Credit Card module. 3. Click on the button "Modify" 4. Select the card you want to hide or display The Credit card settings list will be displayed. Note: you can also select a credit card and click the "Modify..." button. Note: you can also select several cards by pressing the CTRL key during the selection of cards 5. Click the "Modify" button

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The Credit card settings window will be displayed. When option Show is checked, the card will be visible in the list of credit cards. On the opposite, if unchecked, the card will be hidden; in that case, the option Downloading statements is automatically deactivated. 6. Click on the "Save" button You will go back to the Credit cards settings window. 7. Click on the "Close" button

Changing the description of a credit card

1. Select Home Bank > Settings The Home’Bank – Settings window appears 2. Choose the option “Credit card” on the left side of the window Note: You also have access to this menu by clicking on Credit cards > Settings… in the Credit Card module. 3. Click on the button "Modify" 4. Double-click the credit card for which you want to change the description The Credit card settings list will be displayed. 5. Change the information in the field "Description" 6. Click on the "Save" button You will go back to the Credit cards settings window. 7. Click on the "Close" button

Forcing the statement load of the previous period

You can force the statement load of the previous period. 1. Select Home Bank > Settings The Home’Bank – Settings window appears 2. Choose the option “Credit card” on the left side of the window Note: You also have access to this menu by clicking on Credit cards > Settings… in the Credit Card module. 3. Click on the button "Modify" 4. Double-click the credit card for which you want to force the load The Credit card settings list will be displayed. Note: You can also select a credit card and click the "Modify..." button. Note: you can also select several cards by pressing the CTRL key during the selection of cards. By clicking the "Modify..." button, you can modify the load options in once for all the selected cards. In this window verify that option "Downloading statements" is well checked. 5. Check the option "Force the download of the previous statement" 6. Click on the "Save” button You will go back to the credit cards settings. 7. Click the "Close" button At the next task list execution, the information of the previous statement will be loaded.

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Screens list

The credit card windows

This is the window which will be displayed when you launch the "Credit card" module.

With this window you can view the situation of your credit cards. By default, all the credit cards linked to your Home'Bank subscription will be included in this window after your first connection. You can specify, in this window, the credit cards you want to hide. The top section of this window includes the icons of the Credit card module

Accessing the list of transactions

Finding one or several transaction(s)

Exporting one or several transaction(s)

Printing one or several transaction(s) Under this icon bar, you will see the list of the various credit cards linked to your Home'Bank subscription. The bottom part includes the accountancy periods of your credit cards. In the bottom left-hand corner of the window, you will see the date and time of the last update.

Credit card setting

By double-clicking one of the credit cards in the list of the credit cards setting, you can display and modify the settings of each of your cards.

The Description field allows you to enter a more explicit name for each of your credit cards and so, easily identify them in the list of credit cards.

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When the option Show is checked, this card is visible in the list of credit cards. When this option is unchecked, this card is hidden in the list of credit cards. Furthermore, the information of this credit card will not be loaded during the next task list execution (see Displaying/hiding a credit card). When option Downloading statements is checked, it allows you to load carried out transactions in every task list. Only transaction registered since the last task list are loaded. When option Force the download of the previous statement, is checked, the information of the previous statement will be reloaded (see Forcing the download of the previous period).

The transactions list

The Transactions list resumes transactions carried out with your credit card for a selected period. It looks like your monthly statement, but you can follow it on a daily evolution.

The top of the window resumes some information about the selected card (Card number, type of card, card's holder, account to be debited and limit of use) and available information for the selected statement (total of already made transaction, amount still available and date of the next closing period). The middle part of the window lists the already registered transactions. The first column is marked with an icon if a comment has been associated to a transaction (see Adding a comment). The column Transaction date indicates the date when the transaction has been carried out. The column booking date indicates the date when transaction has been debited from your credit account. The column Description generally resumes the beneficiary of the deal as well as the city and the abbreviation of the country. The (Transaction or Booked) Amount column gives you the amount of the transaction preceded by a minus sign, to indicate that it is a debit entry. The Previous and Next statement buttons show you the previous and following statement in the list. From this window, you can: - Display the details of a transaction; - Delete one or several transactions; - Search a transaction; - Export one or several transactions; - Print the list of transactions.

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Detail of a transaction

The "Transaction detail" window resumes at the top the card with which the transaction has been executed and the details of the transaction namely:

- Closing date: represents the date at which the statement of your card will be closed and the total

amount debited from your account.

- Transaction date: the date when the transaction has been carried out.

- Booking date: the date the transaction has been really booked. There can be a gap between the date on which the deal has been made and the date on which the transaction has been booked.

- The beneficiary of the transaction: shows the name, the city and the country of the beneficiary.

- The amount of the transaction. From this window, you can: - Display the detail of the following or previous transaction; - Print the details of the transaction; - Add a comment to the transaction.

Printing the details of a transaction

From the transactions list or in the search result window, you can print the details of one or more transactions, by clicking the "Printing..." button in the bottom of the window.

You can check the "The selected transaction" option to print the transaction you selected in the previous window. All the transactions displayed will print the details of all the selected transactions in the statement. You can specify the order in which the transactions will be printed. By checking the "print with observation" option, you can also print the comment you would have associated to the transactions (see Adding a comment to a transaction).

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Transaction search criteria

With this window you can specify the criteria to search for the transactions of your credit cards. The program will add the criteria. In other words, if you check the Date and the Amount option, the program will search for every transactions corresponding to the date AND the amount entered.

The left-hand part (Cards available) lists all the credit cards linked to your Home'Bank subscription. The right-hand part (Search in...) lists all the credit cards for which you want to perform the search. Select one or several of these credit cards in the list Cards available, then click the arrow to move them to the right-hand one (Search in...). Note: you can move all the Credit cards from the Cards available list to the right-hand list by clicking on icon. By checking the transaction Date option, the program will activate the dropdown menu from which you can select: - on: If you know exactly the date when an operation has been booked; - before: search for all the operations made before the specified date; - after: search for all operations made after the specified date ; - between: a second field allows you to enter a second date; the program will look for all the

operations which were booked between those two dates. The first date must be prior to the second one. You can enter date(s) manually by entering the figures corresponding to the day, month and year. You can also click to select a date from a calendar. By checking the Amount option, the program will activate the dropdown menu in which you can select among: - =: if you know exactly the amount of the transaction you are looking for; - >: look for all the transactions having an amount strictly superior to the entered amount; - <: look for all the transactions having an amount strictly lower than the entered amount; - between: a second field allows you to enter a second amount; the program will look for all the

transactions having an amount between those two values. The first amount must be lower than the second one.

The Contents option allows you to enter text in the next field. It concerns mainly the beneficiary of the transaction or the country. The Option Search also in the details allows you to spread the search to comments (see Adding a comment to a transaction).

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Search result for a transaction

The Home'Bank program displays in this window all the entries matching the criteria you specified in the search window.

The top part indicates the search criteria you specified. The bottom part lists the various transactions meeting the specified criteria. From this window, you can: - Perform a new search; - Display the detail of a transaction, if an entry has been selected; - Delete a transaction, if an entry has been selected; - Export one or several transactions; - Print transactions.

Transaction export

The left-hand part (Available Data) lists the various exportable fields. The right-hand part (Selected data) lists the fields to be exported. Select one or several fields in this list, then click the arrow to move them in the right-hand one (Selected data). Note: to move all the fields in the right-hand list at once, click the double-arrow . Note: you can also double-click one of the fields, to move it from one list to the other. When more than two fields are selected in the Selected data list, you can modify the order of export. To do this, select one of the fields and click the arrows or move the field down or up in the list. The Export the column headings option, allows you to resume the label of fields. See also: - Retrieving information of Home'Bank in another program

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Credit card - Print

The section "What do you want to print?" allows choosing one or several printing options: - The Details of the card: the program will print on the front page the information relative to the card such as the holder, the account to be debited, the card number, and so on. These data remain constant. - The statements represent the list of the transactions carried out during a billing period. - The selected statement(s) option is the checkbox marked by default when you selected one or several statements in the Credit card window. If no statement is selected in the Credit card window, this option is dimmed. - The last complete statement will print the last closed statement. It corresponds to the statement you receive by post. - All the statements, will print the list of all the statements. For a statement which is not closed yet, the program will show the available amount that is your utilisation limit minus the amounts of already carried out transactions. The frame "What kind of information?" allows you to choose among: - The balance: will print only the total of transaction of each statement; - The transactions: will print, for every statement (a statement by page), the detailed list of transactions. In that case, you can also print the observations you would have joined to the transaction (see Adding a remark to a transaction).

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Manage your transfers

This is the window which will be displayed when you launch the Multitransfer module. Note: We refer to "module", as this window has its own icon bar in the top section of the window. The different modules in Home'Bank are: Budget | Credit cards | Multitransfer | International payments | Messages With the icon bar you can:

Enter a new transfer (European form)

Enter a new transfer (Belgian form)

Consult/modify a transfer

Delete one or several transfers

Search for one or several transfers

Manage the list of beneficiaries

Display/hide the review

Print transfers

Change the transmission priority of transfers To the right of this icon bar, you have a drop-down menu allowing you to filter the history of your transfers on the basis of the categories that you defined. By selecting a category in this menu, you restrict the history display to the transfers in which the originator accounts are included in the accounts of this category. In this window, in the Multitransfer menu, you can also duplicate a transfer. In the bottom of this window, you can view the number of transfers (and the total amount) which will be sent the next time the task list is performed.

Entering a transfer with a European form You can enter an unlimited number of transfers from the list of transfers. You can send up to 30 transfers at the same time. 1. Click on or select Services > Multitransfer The Home'Bank - Multitransfer window will be displayed. 2. Click on A new transfer with a European form window will be displayed. Your cursor will be located in the "Memo date" zone. 3. Complete the various fields 4. Click on "Save" Your transfer will be displayed in your list of transfers.

Entering a transfer with a Belgian form You can enter an unlimited number of transfers from the list of transfers. You can send up to 30 transfers at the same time. 1. Click on or select Services > Multitransfer The Home'Bank - Multitransfer window will be displayed. 2. Click on A new transfer with a Belgian form window will be displayed. Your cursor will be located in the "Memo date" zone. 3. Complete the various fields 4. Click on "Save" Your transfer will be displayed in your list of transfers.

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Consulting/changing a transfer You can modify a transfer from the list of transfers or from the window with the search results (= you have the possibility to isolate the transfer(s) to be changed by means of specific search criteria). You can only change transfers with the status "Ready" or "Pending". 1. Click on or select Services > Multitransfer The Home'Bank - Multitransfer window will be displayed. 2. Double-click on the transfer you want to modify The transfer window to be modified will be displayed.

Note: you can also search for transfers according to your criteria by clicking on the icon in the search results; double-click on the transfer you want to change. Note: you can also select a transfer in the list and click on the icon or select Multitransfer > Open... 3. Make your changes and click on the "Save" button

Deleting a transfer You can delete a transfer from the list of transfers or from the window with the search results (you have the possibility to isolate the transfer(s) to be deleted by means of specific search criteria). 1. Click on or select Services > Multitransfer The Home'Bank - Multitransfer window will be displayed. 2. Click on the transfer you want to delete

Note: You can also search for transfers according to your criteria by clicking on the icon . In the search results, click on the entry you want to delete then on the "Delete" button. Note: to delete several transfers at once, press CTRL while clicking on the various transfers then click on the "Delete" button. 3. Click on the button (in the list of transfers) or on the "Delete" button (in the search results) A confirmation window "Are you sure you want to delete the transfer(s) selected?" will open. By clicking on "Yes", you will permanently delete the transfer(s).

Finding a transfer You can easily search for transfers you have recorder in Home’Bank and which meet certain criteria. 1. Click on or select Services > Multitransfer The Home'Bank - Multitransfer window will be displayed. 2. Click on in this window You can also select Edit > Find... The Multitransfer - Search window will be displayed. 3. Define the search criteria and click on the "Find" button The Multitransfer - Search results window will be displayed with the list of the transfer(s) meeting the search criteria. From this window, you can: - Display the details of a transfer; - Delete a transfer; - Print the list of transfers.

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Duplicating a transfer Through Home'Bank you can duplicate a transfer that was already used. By duplicating a transfer you will use that transfer as a model for your new one. All the information will stay so that you just need to modify the old data with the new one (e.g. changing memodate, changing the amount, …) 1. Click on or select Services > Multitransfer The Home'Bank - Multitransfer window will be displayed. 2. Click on the transfer you want to duplicate. 3. Select Multitransfer > Duplicate… The Multitransfer – details window appears with the information of the old transfer. Just change the information that needs to be changed. 4. Make the modifications, if there are modifications to make 5. Click on "Save" The new transfer will be added to the list of transfers.

Printing the list of transfers In the "Multitransfer" module, you have the possibility to print a list of transfers, a list of detailed transfers or a selection of transfers. You can also search for the transfers meeting certain criteria and then print them (see Finding a transfer). 1. Click on or select Services > Multitransfer The Home'Bank - Multitransfer window will be displayed. To print a transfer, select it. To print several transfers, hold CTRL down while clicking on the various transfers. If you want to print the list of all transfers (those already sent and those which are Ready or Pending), click on the "Display the review" button (see Display/hide the review of transfers). Otherwise, if you only want to print transfers which have not been sent yet, click on the "Hide the review" button). 2. Click on in this window The Multitransfer - Print window will be displayed. You can also click on to find the transfers meeting certain criteria. Once, the search completed, the Multitransfer - Search results window will be displayed, with the list of transfers meeting the search criteria. In this window, click on the "Print" button. The Multitransfer - Print window will be displayed. 3. Select the option you want in the Multitransfer - Print window 4. Click on the "Print" button

Saving a beneficiary If the beneficiary of the transfer you are completing is not recorded yet, you can save it directly from the current transfer (see Entering a transfer). Likewise, you can save the beneficiary of a transfer who has already been recorded (see Consulting/Changing a transfer). 1. Click on the "Save beneficiary" button in the transfer window For this button to be activated, the Beneficiary account zone must be completed. The Multitransfer - New beneficiary window will be displayed with the data from the current transfer. The insertion point will automatically go to the "Description" field. 2. Enter the description This name enables you to easily identify the beneficiary in the list of beneficiaries. The name is mandatory. 3. Make any changes The Beneficiary account and Description fields required, you can leave fields in blank. If you leave any fields blank, you must enter them manually when you record the transfer. 4. Click on "Save" to save the beneficiary in your list You will go back to transfer window.

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Printing a transfer When you enter a transfer or when you consult it, you have the possibility to print it straightaway. 1. Click on the "Print..." button in the transfer window

Selecting a beneficiary From a transfer window, you can easily select a beneficiary from your beneficiary list. By this way, all the information related to this selected beneficiary will be automatically filled in the transfer window. 1. Click on in the transfer window The Multitransfer - Choosing a beneficiary window will be displayed. 2. Click on the type of account you want By selecting one of your own accounts, you will access to the dropdown menu with the list of the accounts linked to your Home'Bank subscription. By selecting a predefined beneficiary, you will access to the list of beneficiaries you have recorded (see Entering a beneficiary) 3. Select one of your own accounts in the dropdown menu or a predefined beneficiary in the list 4. Click on the "Select" button Note: you can also double-click on a predefined beneficiary to select it From this window, you can: - Create a new beneficiary

Changing the transmission priority of transfers With the arrows of the button bar in the Multitransfer window, you can change the order of the transfers in the list. By default, the first of the list will be sent first, then the second, etc. This possibility to arrange transfers is interesting. If, for instance, you are not sure that the balance of your account is sufficient to carry out all the transfers of the list, we advise you to place the most urgent transfers at the top of the list. 1. Click on or select Services > Multitransfer The Home'Bank - Multitransfer window will be displayed. 2. Select the transfer whose priority you want to change 3. Click on one of the arrows or

moves the transfer up and therefore increases its transmission priority; moves the transfer selected down and therefore decreases its transmission priority.

Display/Hide the review of transfers

All the transfers recorded in Home'Bank are included in the review. By default, transfers transmitted for execution are no longer displayed in the review. To display or hide the review of transfers, click on the icon . By sliding the cursor on the button , you will see the title of the button which will tell you what the program will do when you click on it (either display or hide the review according to the status). Displaying the review You will see the transfers that have already been sent as well as those which are Ready or Pending. Hiding the review You will hide all the transfers that have already been sent.

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Manage your beneficiaries

Managing the list of beneficiaries

When you regularly make transfer in favour of a beneficiary, it is interesting to add it to your list of beneficiaries. When you subsequently make transfers in its favour, simply select it from the transfer window and the corresponding data will be displayed automatically. 1. Click on or select Services > Multitransfer The Home'Bank - Multitransfer window will be displayed. 2. Click on in this window The Multitransfer - List of beneficiaries window will be displayed. From this window, you can: - Create a new beneficiary - Consult/Change a beneficiary - Delete a beneficiary - Print the list of beneficiaries - Synchronise the beneficiaries; - Import a beneficiary list; - Export a beneficiary list; - Assign one or more beneficiaries to a category.

Selecting a beneficiary

From a transfer window, you can easily select a beneficiary from your beneficiary list. By this way, all the information related to this selected beneficiary will be automatically filled in the transfer window. 1. Click on in the transfer window The Multitransfer - Choosing a beneficiary window will be displayed. 2. Click on the type of account you want By selecting one of your own accounts, you will access to the dropdown menu with the list of the accounts linked to your Home'Bank subscription. By selecting a predefined beneficiary, you will access to the list of beneficiaries you have recorded (see Entering a beneficiary) 3. Select one of your own accounts in the dropdown menu or a predefined beneficiary in the list 4. Click on the "Select" button Note: you can also double-click on a predefined beneficiary to select it. From this window, you can: - Create a new beneficiary

Deleting a beneficiary

1. Click on or select Services > Multitransfer The Home'Bank - Multitransfer window will be displayed. 2. Click on in this window The Multitransfer - List of beneficiaries window will be displayed. 3. Select the beneficiary to be deleted Note: by pressing CTRL you can select several beneficiaries at the same time. 4. Click on the "Delete" button A confirmation window "Are you sure you want to delete the beneficiary(s) selected?" will open. By clicking on "Yes", you will permanently delete the beneficiaries.

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Saving a beneficiary

If the beneficiary of the transfer you are completing is not recorded yet, you can save it directly from the current transfer (see Entering a transfer). Likewise, you can save the beneficiary of a transfer who has already been recorded (see Consulting/Changing a transfer). 1. Click on the "Save beneficiary" button in the transfer window For this button to be activated, the Beneficiary account zone must be completed. The Multitransfer - New beneficiary window will be displayed with the data from the current transfer. The insertion point will automatically go to the "Description" field. 2. Enter the description This name enables you to easily identify the beneficiary in the list of beneficiaries. The name is mandatory. 3. Make any changes The Beneficiary account and Description fields required, you can leave fields blank. If you leave any fields blank, you must enter them manually when you record the transfer. 4. Click on "Save" to save the beneficiary in your list You will go back to transfer window.

Creating a new beneficiary

You can enter a beneficiary from the list of beneficiaries. We advise you to enter your regular beneficiaries before starting your transfers. Then when you complete transfers, you will only have to select the beneficiary from the list. The data will be automatically indicated in the relevant fields of the transfer window. Furthermore, if you have not yet recorded the beneficiary of the transfer you are completing, you have the possibility to record it while completing the transfer (see Entering a transfer). 1. Click on or select Services > Multitransfer The Home'Bank - Multitransfer window will be displayed. 2. Click on in this window The Multitransfer - List of beneficiaries window will be displayed. 3. Click on "New..." in the list of beneficiaries The Multitransfer - New beneficiary window will be displayed. Note: you can also access this window by clicking on the "Save beneficiary..." button in a transfer window. The program will then record the data from the current transfer window. This form is just like an ordinary transfer, except the unneeded zones to record a beneficiary. You will be in the "Description" zone. 4. Click on "Save" to save the beneficiary in your list You will go back to the list of beneficiaries. The main data of the beneficiary will be automatically indicated in the list. The next time you enter a transfer for this beneficiary, you will be able to select the particulars of this beneficiary from the Beneficiary's account field of the transfer.

Printing the list of beneficiaries

1. Click on or select Services > Multitransfer The Home'Bank - Multitransfer window will be displayed. 2. Click on in this window The Multitransfer - List of beneficiaries window will be displayed. Select one or several beneficiaries. 3. Click on the "Print..." button The window Multitransfer - Print will be displayed. 4. Select the option you want in this window 5. Click on the "Print" button

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Consulting/changing a beneficiary

1. Click on or select Services > Multitransfer The Home'Bank - Multitransfer window will be displayed. 2. Click on in this window The Multitransfer - List of beneficiaries window will be displayed. Select one or several beneficiaries. 3. Double-click on the beneficiary to be changed The Multitransfer - Details of the beneficiary window will be displayed. Note: you can also select the beneficiary to be changed in the list of beneficiaries and click on the "Details..." button. Make your changes. 4. Click on "Save" to save the changes

Select the beneficiaries to send

1. Click on or select Services > Multitransfer The Home'Bank - Multitransfer window will be displayed. 2. Click on in this window The Multitransfer - List of beneficiaries window will be displayed. 3. Select the beneficiary to send to the server Note: Keep the CTRL pressed to select several beneficiaries concurrently. 4. Click on the "Synchronisation" and select the wished option - "To send"/"Do not send" - "To delete On-line"/"Do not delete On-line"

Export one or more beneficiaries

Home'Bank enables you to export one beneficiary or the entire beneficiary list. This function is particularly useful if you wish to work with Home'Bank on another computer. More specifically, you can keep the beneficiary list already entered on an external medium. Then, you need only to import the beneficiary list on the other computer. 1. Click on or select Services > Multitransfer The Home'Bank - Multitransfer window will be displayed. 2. Click on in this window The Multitransfer - List of beneficiaries window will be displayed. 3. Select the beneficiary you want to export and click the "Export" button An intermediate window offers you the option of exporting either the selected beneficiary, or all the beneficiaries already entered in the list. 4. Click OK In the window that appears, specify the location where you want to save the export file and its name (default: "Beneficiary <ING ID>"). Note: the export file from a Windows PC can be imported in the Home'Bank program under Mac OS and vice-versa.

Import one or more beneficiaries

If you have exported one or more beneficiaries from Home'Bank, you can easily recover them. This function is particularly useful when you install your Home'Bank subscription on another computer. It prevents you having to enter your beneficiaries all over again on this new computer. 1. Click on or select Services > Multitransfer The Home'Bank - Multitransfer window will be displayed.

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2. Click on in this window The Multitransfer - List of beneficiaries window will be displayed. 3. Click the "Import" button Select the file to import and click "Open". Note: if you have already saved beneficiaries in Home'Bank, some may be identical. The program will inform you in such a case.

Screen list

Home'Bank - Multitransfers

This is the window which will be displayed when you launch the Multitransfer module.

With the icon bar you can:

Enter a new transfer (European form)

Enter a new transfer (Belgian form)

Consult/modify a transfer

Delete one or several transfers

Search for one or several transfers

Manage the list of beneficiaries

Display/hide the review

Print transfers

Change the transmission priority of transfers To the right of this icon bar, you have a drop-down menu allowing you to filter the history of your transfers on the basis of the categories that you defined. By selecting a category in this menu, you restrict the history display to the transfers in which the originator accounts are included in the accounts of this category. In this window, in the Multitransfer menu, you can also duplicate a transfer. In the bottom of this window, you can view the number of transfers (and the total amount) which will be sent the next time the task list is performed.

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Transfer window for a European form

The transfer window will present you with the various zones to be completed in order to send a payment instruction to ING.

In the Memo date box you can enter the date on which the payment is to be transmitted. When the beneficiary account is an ING account, the beneficiary will be credited on the same day. Otherwise, the beneficiary will be credited at the latest three working days after the memo date. You can enter the date manually by entering the figures corresponding to the day, month and year or click on to select a date from the calendar. In the Amount field, you can enter the amount of the transfer. Under the Account to be debited you can apply a filter to a category. The drop-down menu below lists the various accounts associated with this category. If no filter is applied, this menu will display all of the accounts associated with your subscription. By selecting one of these accounts, the Name and address of the account to be debited will be filled automatically in. Under the Beneficiary account title enter the beneficiary account manually or select it (your own accounts or your predefined beneficiaries) by clicking on . If you enter the beneficiary account number manually, you must also complete the Name and address in the beneficiary fields. You can enter a message in the Message box. According to the option you choose, this message can be: - Ordinary text: check this option in order to send a text message. In that case you will have two lines of 53 characters. - Structured i.e. a sequence of digits given by the beneficiary. Type your message in the form 123/1234/12345. - VAT: when the beneficiary account is a VAT account, the program will automatically activate this option, so that you can enter your VAT number (9 or 10 digits). The Transfer ready for transmission option is checked by default. When this option is checked, the current transfer will be indicated with the status "Ready" in the list of transfers. In that case the transfer will be sent automatically the next time the task list is performed. The field Principal Reference is a free area of up to 35 characters that may contain the reference of your choice. This reference will be shown in your account statements, as well as in the beneficiary's own account statements.

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From this window, you can: - Save the beneficiary; - Print the transfer.

Transfer window for a Belgian form

The transfer window will present you with the various zones to be completed in order to send a payment instruction to ING.

In the Memo date box you can enter the date on which the payment is to be transmitted. When the beneficiary account is an ING account, the beneficiary will be credited on the same day. Otherwise, the beneficiary will be credited at the latest three working days after the memo date. You can enter the date manually by entering the figures corresponding to the day, month and year or click on to select a date from the calendar. In the Amount field, you can enter the amount of the transfer. Under the Account to be debited you can apply a filter to a category. The drop-down menu below lists the various accounts associated with this category. If no filter is applied, this menu will display all of the accounts associated with your subscription. By selecting one of these accounts, the Name and address of the account to be debited will be filled automatically in. Under the Beneficiary account title enter the beneficiary account manually or select it (your own accounts or your predefined beneficiaries) by clicking on . If you enter the beneficiary account number manually, you must also complete the Name and address in the beneficiary fields. You can enter a message in the Message box. According to the option you choose, this message can be: - Ordinary text: check this option in order to send a text message. In that case you will have two lines of 53 characters. - Structured i.e. a sequence of digits given by the beneficiary. Type your message in the form 123/1234/12345. - VAT: when the beneficiary account is a VAT account, the program will automatically activate this option, so that you can enter your VAT number (9 or 10 digits). The Transfer ready for transmission option is checked by default. When this option is checked, the current transfer will be indicated with the status "Ready" in the list of transfers. In that case the transfer will be sent automatically the next time the task list is performed.

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The field Principal Reference is a free area of up to 35 characters that may contain the reference of your choice. This reference will be shown in your account statements, as well as in the beneficiary's own account statements. From this window, you can: - Save the beneficiary; - Print the transfer.

Multitransfer European form - details

You can consult the contents of a transfer at any time. If the transfer has not been sent yet, you may change its contents. Otherwise, you can consult the data of this transfer, print it or save its beneficiary. By double-clicking on a transfer, the following window will open.

If the transfer has already been sent, all the data will be dimmed and can no longer be changed. If the transfer is "Ready" or "Pending", you may change its contents (see Changing a transfer). In the Memo date box you can enter the date on which the payment is to be transmitted. When the beneficiary account is an ING account, the beneficiary will be credited on the same day. Otherwise, the beneficiary will be credited at the latest three working days after the memo date. You can enter the date manually by entering the figures corresponding to the day, month and year or click on to select a date from the calendar. In the Amount field, you can enter the amount of the transfer. Under the Account to be debited you can apply a filter to a category. The drop-down menu below lists the various accounts associated with this category. If no filter is applied, this menu will display all of the accounts associated with your subscription. By selecting one of these accounts, the Name and address of the principal will be filled automatically in. Under the Beneficiary account title enter the beneficiary account manually or select it (your own accounts or your predefined beneficiaries) by clicking on . If you enter the beneficiary account number manually, you must also complete the Name and address in the beneficiary fields. You can enter a message in the Message box. According to the option you choose, this message can be:

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- Ordinary text: check this option in order to send a text message. In that case you will have two lines of 53 characters. - Structured i.e. a sequence of digits given by the beneficiary. Type your message in the form 123/1234/12345. - VAT: when the beneficiary account is a VAT account, the program will automatically activate this option, so that you can enter your VAT number (9 or 10 digits). The Transfer ready for transmission option is checked by default. When this option is checked, the current transfer will be indicated with the status "Ready" in the list of transfers. In that case the transfer will be sent automatically the next time the task list is performed. The field Principal Reference is a free area of up to 35 characters that may contain the reference of your choice. This reference will be shown in your account statements, as well as in the beneficiary's own account statements.

Multitransfer Belgian form - details

You can consult the contents of a transfer at any time. If the transfer has not been sent yet, you may change its contents. Otherwise, you can consult the data of this transfer, print it or save its beneficiary. By double-clicking on a transfer, the following window will open.

Note: you can also access this window by selecting a transfer in the list and then by clicking on to display its details. If the transfer has already been sent, all the data will be dimmed and can no longer be changed. If the transfer is "Ready" or "Pending", you may change its contents (see Changing a transfer). In the Memo date box you can enter the date on which the payment is to be transmitted. When the beneficiary account is an ING account, the beneficiary will be credited on the same day. Otherwise, the beneficiary will be credited at the latest three working days after the memo date. You can enter the date manually by entering the figures corresponding to the day, month and year or click on to select a date from the calendar. In the Amount field, you can enter the amount of the transfer. Under the Account to be debited you can apply a filter to a category. The drop-down menu below lists the various accounts associated with this category. If no filter is applied, this menu will display all of the accounts associated with your subscription. By selecting one of these accounts, the Name and address of the principal will be filled automatically in.

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Under the Beneficiary account title enter the beneficiary account manually or select it (your own accounts or your predefined beneficiaries) by clicking on . If you enter the beneficiary account number manually, you must also complete the Name and address in the beneficiary fields. You can enter a message in the Message box. According to the option you choose, this message can be: - Ordinary text: check this option in order to send a text message. In that case you will have two lines of 53 characters. - Structured i.e. a sequence of digits given by the beneficiary. Type your message in the form 123/1234/12345. - VAT: when the beneficiary account is a VAT account, the program will automatically activate this option, so that you can enter your VAT number (9 or 10 digits). The Transfer ready for transmission option is checked by default. When this option is checked, the current transfer will be indicated with the status "Ready" in the list of transfers. In that case the transfer will be sent automatically the next time the task list is performed. From this window, you can: - Display the details from next transfer in the list. By clicking on this button, you display the details

of the next transfer in the list. If the current transfer is the last in the list, this button will be dimmed and therefore inaccessible.

- Display the details of the previous transfer in the list. By clicking on this button, you display the details of the previous transfer of the list of transfers directly. If the current transfer is the first of the list, this button will be dimmed and therefore inaccessible.

- Save the beneficiary; - Print the transfer.

Search criteria

With this window you can specify the criteria needed to search for Home'Bank transfers. The program will add the criteria. If you check the Date of transmission option and the Amount option, the program will search for all the transfers corresponding to the date AND the amount entered.

By checking the Date option, the program will activate the dropdown menu in which you can choose between: - on: if you know the date on which you sent the transfer; - before: searches for all the transfers sent before the specified date; - after: searches for all the transfers sent after the specified date; - between: a second field where you can enter a second date; the program will search for all the

transfers sent between these two dates. The first date must be prior to the second one. You can enter the date manually by entering the figures corresponding to the day, month and year or click on to select a date from the calendar.

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By checking the Amount option, the program will activate the dropdown menu in which you can choose between: - =: if you know the amount of the transfer to be found, you can use this criterion; - >: searches for all the transfers of an amount strictly higher than the entered amount; - <: searches for all the transfers of an amount strictly lower than the entered amount; - between: a second field where you can enter a second amount; the program will search for all the

transfers for an amount between these two values. The first amount must be smaller than the second one.

The second list allows you to select the currency. The choice « *** » makes it unnecessary to specify a currency. The search is then performed on the amount without taking the currency into account. With the Principal account option, you can specify the account from which the transfer was issued. The dropdown menu lists all your own accounts linked to the selected category. The category allows you to filter the accounts to be displayed. If the drop-down menu of the category displays [no filter] the drop-down menu will list all of the accounts associated with your subscription. By checking the Beneficiary account option, you can enter the account number of the beneficiary. You have the possibility to enter the beneficiary account manually or to select a beneficiary (your own accounts or a predefined beneficiary) by clicking on The option Message gives you the possibility to enter a part of the message you had entered in the transfer.

Search results

The Home'Bank program displays in this window every transfers meeting the criteria you specified in the search window.

From this window, you can: - Display the details of a transfer, if a transfer has been selected; - Delete a transfer, if a transfer has been selected; - Print the list of transfers.

Print transfer

With this intermediate window you can choose the options for printing Multitransfers.

In this window, you can choose between: The list of transfers: will print the transfers as a list with the fields Status, Principal, beneficiary's name, the amount (and the currency), the memo date and the date of transmission as column headers. This option will be activated by default when you have not selected any transfers in the list of transfers. The detailed list of transfers: will print each transfer from the list like the transfer window with all the information.

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The details of the transfer selected: will print the selected transfer window. If you have selected several transfers, the title will change accordingly. This option will be activated by default when you have selected one or several transfers.

New beneficiary

When you regularly make payments in favour of a beneficiary, it is interesting to add it in your list of beneficiaries. When you subsequently make payments in its favour, simply select it from the transfer window and the corresponding data will be automatically displayed.

Description: the Description of a beneficiary is the personal name you associate to it. The beneficiary will be indicated under this title in your list of beneficiaries. Therefore, you better choose a description facilitating the selection of this beneficiary. This field is mandatory. Amount: if the amount for this beneficiary is a set amount, you can enter the amount of the transfers for this beneficiary. Beneficiary account: this field is mandatory. Name and address of the beneficiary: these fields are optional. They show, on three lines of a maximum 35 characters, the particulars of the beneficiary. Within the Message box, you can enter a message which will be indicated in all the transfers to this beneficiary. You can enter a message in the Message box. According to the option you choose, this message can be: - Ordinary text: check this option in order to send a text message. In that case you will have two lines of 53 characters. - Structured i.e. a sequence of digits given by the beneficiary. Type your message in the form 123/1234/12345. - VAT: when the beneficiary account is a VAT account, the program will automatically activate this option, so that you can enter your VAT number (9 or 10 digits). The drop-down Categories button allows you to easily select the category under which you want to classify the beneficiary. Only the categories with the option Access to the beneficiaries checked are listed in this drop-down button. The "To send" option in the "Synchronise on-line" menu will enable you to send this beneficiary to the ING server when carrying out the next task list.

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Beneficiary details

When you regularly make payments in favour of a beneficiary, it is interesting to add it in your list of beneficiaries. When you subsequently make payments in its favour, simply select it from the transfer window and the corresponding data will be automatically displayed.

Description: the Description of a beneficiary is the personal name you associate to it. The beneficiary will be indicated under this title in your list of beneficiaries. Therefore, you better choose a description facilitating the selection of this beneficiary. This field is mandatory. Amount: if the amount for this beneficiary is a set amount, you can enter the amount of the transfers for this beneficiary. Beneficiary account: this field is mandatory. Name and address of the beneficiary: these fields are optional. They show, on three lines of a maximum 35 characters, the particulars of the beneficiary. Within the Message box, you can enter a message which will be indicated in all the transfers to this beneficiary. You can enter a message in the Message box. According to the option you choose, this message can be: - Ordinary text: check this option in order to send a text message. In that case you will have two lines of 53 characters. - Structured i.e. a sequence of digits given by the beneficiary. Type your message in the form 123/1234/12345. - VAT: when the beneficiary account is a VAT account, the program will automatically activate this option, so that you can enter your VAT number (9 or 10 digits). The drop-down Categories button allows you to easily select the category under which you want to classify the beneficiary. Only the categories with the option Access to the beneficiaries checked are listed in this drop-down button. By selecting the "To send" option in the dropdown list "Synchronise On-line", you can store this beneficiary on the ING server by performing a task list. When the beneficiary has already been sent to the ING server, you can choose in the same dropdown list the option "To delete On-line" to delete it from the On-line beneficiaries list at the next task list execution.

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Print beneficiaries

With this intermediate window you can choose the options for printing Beneficiaries.

In this window, you can choose between: The list of all beneficiaries will print the beneficiaries as a list with the fields Status, Principal, beneficiary's name as column headers. This option will be activated by default when you have not selected any beneficiary in the list. List with the details of all the beneficiaries will print each beneficiary from the list in the form of a beneficiary window with all the information. Details of the beneficiaries selected will print the beneficiary selected. If you have selected several beneficiaries, the title will change accordingly. This option will be activated by default as soon as you have selected one or several beneficiaries.

Selection of a beneficiary

To make the recording of your transfer easier, Home'Bank offers you the possibility to quickly retrieve a beneficiary's particulars. In the transfer window, click on the icon to display the following window:

In this window, you can choose between: One of your accounts lists the accounts linked to your Home'Bank subscription. To select one of your accounts, select it in the dropdown menu, and then click on the "Select" button in the bottom part of the window. A predefined beneficiary i.e. a beneficiary you have recorded (see Entering a beneficiary or Saving a beneficiary). In the fields below you can enter the first letters of the title; By this way, you can quickly select your beneficiary. You can filter these drop-down menus One of your accounts and the "predefined beneficiaries" on the basis of a category. Next to this field, you have the possibility to create a new beneficiary by clicking on the "New beneficiary..." button. This button displays the Multitransfer - New beneficiary window.

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To select a predefined beneficiary, double-click on the beneficiary in the list or click on the beneficiary then click on the "Select" button.

List of beneficiaries

When you regularly make transfer in favour of a beneficiary, it is interesting to add it in your list of beneficiaries. When you subsequently make payments in its favour, simply select it from the transfer window and the corresponding data will be displayed automatically.

The list of beneficiaries will display all the beneficiaries you have recorded. This list is in alphabetical order according to the Description you allocated when you recorded the beneficiary. This icon before the description indicates that the beneficiary will be sent to the ING server, to be stored in the on-line beneficiary list, when carrying out the next task list. Next to this field, you can filter the display of beneficiaries on the basis of a beneficiary category that you defined. An icon ( or ) may appear at the beginning of the line to indicate that the beneficiary will be sent (or deleted) on the ING servers, when the next task list is performed. There is no icon by default. To send a beneficiary in the list of beneficiaries On-line, select one beneficiary (or more) from the list, then select the drop-down button Synchronisation the option To send. To delete a beneficiary from the list of beneficiaries On-line, select one beneficiary (or more) from the list, then select the button list Synchronisation the option To delete On-line. The Categories button allows you to directly assign on ore more beneficiaries selected to one or more categories by selecting Assign.... By selecting Edit... in this same drop-down button, you can access the category management window. With the New... button you can create a new beneficiary. When a beneficiary is selected, the Details button will be activated and you can consult or modify it. With the Delete button you can delete one or several beneficiaries. The Import... button allows you to import a list of beneficiaries that was exported beforehand by the Home'Bank program. After the file to be imported has been selected, the program combines your current list of beneficiaries with the imported list of beneficiaries. The Export... button allows you to export the list of beneficiaries. You can choose to export only one group of beneficiaries by selecting one or more beneficiaries (holding down the "Shift" key while making the selection) before clicking the Export button... Similarly, you can select a category to export only the beneficiaries in this category. This combination makes it easy for you to transfer your beneficiaries. With the button Print... you can print the list of beneficiaries.

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Multitransfer - Settings

You can access the window below by selecting Multitransfer > Settings... These settings essentially make it easier to enter new payments by defining certain default options.

To avoid having to select the principal account when creating a new transfer, you can specify a default Principal account. When creating a new transfer, this account will then automatically be indicated as the principal account. To facilitate the selection of a default principal account, you can filter the accounts on the basis of one of the categories that you have defined. Note: if you want to select the account to be debited for each transfer, select the first line of the drop-down menu ("None"). This is the default setting. You can also define the Status of a new transfer. By default, when you save a new transfer, it is Ready to be sent. This means that the next time the task list is performed, the transfer will automatically be sent to the bank. If, on the other hand, you want to postpone sending your transfers, you can define the status of a new transfer as Waiting. Transfers with this status will not be displayed in the Task list window. To display such transfers in the Task list, you must check the option Transfer ready to be sent in the transfer form. For a better identification of your accounts in the list of your payments, you can select the presentation you want in the Principal account column field: - Number: displays only the numbers of accounts to be debited; - Name: displays only the name of the principal account when the payment is sent. If necessary,

you can change the name of your accounts. - Number and name: combines the number and name of the account. By default, information will be stored continuously for the Transfer module. If you wish you can change the length of time your information is stored. The review will be expressed in months. To define a storage period, click on the button in front of the Months zone, and enter the number of months you want. The option Do not inherit the principal's account category to the beneficiary is unchecked by default. If you select a category when entering the beneficiary account, it is this same category that will be active when you select a beneficiary account. When this option is checked, the selection of a category for the principal account does not involve the selection of the same category in the selection of beneficiaries.

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Manage your international payments

This is the window which will be displayed when you launch the "International payments" module. Note: We refer to "module", as this window has its own icon bar in the top section of the window. The different modules in Home'Bank are: Budget | Credit cards | Multitransfer | International payments | Messages With the icon bar you can:

Enter a new international payment

Consult/modify an international payment

Delete one or several international payments

Search for one or several international payments

Manage the list of beneficiaries

BIC code management

Display/hide the review

Print transfers

Change the transmission priority of international payments To the right of this icon bar, you have a drop-down menu allowing you to filter the history of your payments on the basis of the Categories that you defined. By selecting a category in this menu, you restrict the history display to the international in which the principal accounts are included in the accounts of this category. In this window, in the International payment menu, you can also duplicate an international payment. In the bottom of this window, you can view the number of international payments (and the total amount) which will be sent the next time the task list is performed.

Entering an international payment You can enter an unlimited number of international payments from the list of international payments. You can send up to 19 international payments at the same time. 1. Click on or select Services > International payments The Home'Bank - International payments window will be displayed. 2. Click on or select International payments > New A new international payment window will be displayed. Your cursor will be located in the "Payment type" zone. 3. Choose the payment type and complete the various fields 4. Click on "Save" Your international payment will be displayed in your list of international payments.

Consulting/changing an international payment You can modify an international payment from the list of international payments or from the window with the search results (= you have the possibility to isolate the international payment(s) to be changed by means of specific search criteria). You can only change international payments with the status "Ready" or "Pending". 1. Click on or select Services > International payments The Home'Bank - International payments window will be displayed. 2. Double-click on the international payment you want to modify The international payment window to be modified will be displayed. Note: you can also search for international payments according to your criteria by clicking on the icon

in the search results; double-click on the transfer you want to change. Note: you can also select an international payment in the list and click on the icon or select International payments > Open... 3. Make your changes and click on the "Save" button

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Deleting an international payment You can delete an international payment from the list of international payments or from the window with the search results (you have the possibility to isolate the international payment(s) to be deleted by means of specific search criteria). 1. Click on or select Services > International payments The Home'Bank - International payments window will be displayed. 2. Click on the international payment you want to delete Note: you can also search for international payments according to your criteria by clicking on the icon

. In the search results, click on the entry you want to delete then on the "Delete" button Note: to delete several international payments at once, press CTRL while clicking on the various international payments then click on the "Delete" button. 3. Click on the button (in the list of international payments) or on the "Delete" button (in the search results) A confirmation window "Are you sure you want to delete the international payment(s) selected?" will open. By clicking on "Yes", you will permanently delete the international payment(s).

Finding an international payment You can easily search for international payments you have recorded in Home'Bank and which meet certain criteria. 1. Click on or select Services > International payments The Home'Bank - International payments window will be displayed. 2. Click on in this window The International payments - Search window will be displayed. Note: You can also select Edit > Find... 3. Define the search criteria and click on the "Find" button The International payments - Search results window will be displayed with the list of the international payment(s) meeting the search criteria. From this window, you can: - Display the details of an international payment; - Delete an international payment; - Print the list of international payments.

Duplicating an international transfer Through Home'Bank you can duplicate a transfer that was already used. By duplicating a payment you will use that payment as a model for your new one. All the information will stay so that you just need to modify the old data with the new one (e.g. changing memodate, changing the amount, …) 1. Click on or select Services > International payments The Home'Bank - International payments window will be displayed. 2. Click on the payment you want to duplicate. 3. Select International payment > Duplicate… 4. Make the modifications, if there are modifications to make 5. Click on "Save" The new transfer will be added to the list of International payments.

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Printing the list of international payment In the "International payments" module, you have the possibility to print a list of international payments, a list of detailed international payments or a selection of international payments. You can also search for the international payments meeting certain criteria and then print them (see Finding an international payment). 1. Click on or select Services > International payments The Home'Bank - International payments window will be displayed. To print an international payment, select it. To print several international payments, hold CTRL down while clicking on the various international payments. If you want to print the list of all international payments (those already sent and those which are Ready or Pending), click on the "Display the review" button (see Display/hide the review of international payments). Otherwise, if you only want to print international payments which have not been sent yet, click on the "Hide the review" button). 2. Click on in this window The International payments - Print window will be displayed. You can also click on to find the international payments meeting certain criteria. Once, the search completed, the International payments - Search results window will be displayed, with the list of international payments meeting the search criteria. In this window, click on the "Print" button. The International payments - Print window will be displayed. 3. Select the option you want in the International payments - Print window 4. Click on the "Print" button

Saving a beneficiary If the beneficiary of the international payment you are completing is not recorded yet, you can save it directly from the current international payment (see Entering an international payment). Likewise, you can save the beneficiary of an international payment which has already been recorded (see Consulting/Changing an international payment). 1. Click on the "Save beneficiary" button in the international payment window For this button to be activated, the Beneficiary account zone must be completed. The International payments - New beneficiary window will be displayed with the data from the current international payment. The insertion point will automatically go to the "Description" field. 2. Enter the description This name enables you to easily identify the beneficiary in the list of beneficiaries. The name is mandatory. 3. Make any changes The Beneficiary account and Description fields required, you can leave fields in blank. If you leave any fields blank, you must enter them manually when you record the international payment. 4. Click on "Save" to save the beneficiary in your list You will go back to international payment window.

Printing an international payment When you enter an international payment or when you consult it, you have the possibility to print it straightaway. 1. Click on the "Print..." button in the international payment window

Selecting a beneficiary From an international payment window, you can easily select a beneficiary from your beneficiary list. By this way, all the information related to this selected beneficiary will be automatically filled in the international payment window. 1. Click on in the international payment window The International payments - Choosing a beneficiary window will be displayed. 2. Click on the type of account you want

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By selecting one of your own accounts, you will access to the dropdown menu with the list of the accounts linked to your Home'Bank subscription. By selecting a predefined beneficiary, you will access to the list of beneficiaries you have recorded (see Entering a beneficiary) 3. Select one of your own accounts in the dropdown menu or a predefined beneficiary in the list 4. Click on the "Select" button Note: you can also double-click on a predefined beneficiary to select it. From this window, you can: - Create a new beneficiary

Changing the transmission priority of international payments With the arrows of the button bar in the International payments window, you can change the order of the international payments in the list. By default, the first of the list will be sent first, then the second, etc. This possibility to arrange international payments is interesting. If, for instance, you are not sure that the balance of your account is sufficient to carry out all the international payments of the list, we advise you to place the most urgent international payments at the top of the list. 1. Click on or select Services > International payments The Home'Bank - International payments window will be displayed. 2. Select the international payment whose priority you want to change 3. Click on one of the arrows or

moves the international payment up and therefore increases its transmission priority; moves the international payment selected down and therefore decreases its transmission priority.

Display/Hide the review of international payments

All the international payments recorded in Home'Bank are included in the review. By default, international payments transmitted for execution are no longer displayed in the review. To display or hide the review of international payments, click on the icon . By sliding the cursor on the button , you will see the title of the button which will tell you what the program will do when you click on it (either display or hide the review according to the status). Displaying the review You will see the international payments that have already been sent as well as those which are Ready or Pending. Hiding the review You will hide all the international payments that have already been sent.

Manage your international beneficiaries

Managing the list of international beneficiaries

When you regularly make international payment in favour of a beneficiary, it is interesting to add it to your list of beneficiaries. When you subsequently make international payments in its favour, simply select it from the international payment window and the corresponding data will be displayed automatically. 1. Click on or select Services > International payments The Home'Bank - International payments window will be displayed. 2. Click on in this window The International payments - List of beneficiaries' window will be displayed. From this window, you can: - Create a new beneficiary - Consult/Change a beneficiary - Delete a beneficiary - Print the list of beneficiaries - Synchronise the beneficiaries;

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- Import a beneficiary list; - Export a beneficiary list; - Assign one or more beneficiaries to a category.

Selecting an international beneficiary

From an international payment window, you can easily select a beneficiary from your beneficiary list. By this way, all the information related to this selected beneficiary will be automatically filled in the international payment window. 1. Click on in the international payment window The International payments - Choosing a beneficiary window will be displayed. 2. Click on the type of account you want By selecting one of your own accounts, you will access to the dropdown menu with the list of the accounts linked to your Home'Bank subscription. By selecting a predefined beneficiary, you will access to the list of beneficiaries you have recorded (see Entering a beneficiary) 3. Select one of your own accounts in the dropdown menu or a predefined beneficiary in the list 4. Click on the "Select" button Note: you can also double-click on a predefined beneficiary to select it. From this window, you can: - Create a new beneficiary

Deleting an international beneficiary

1. Click on or select Services > International payments The Home'Bank - International payments window will be displayed. 2. Click on in this window The International payments - List of beneficiaries' window will be displayed. 3. Select the beneficiary to be deleted Note: by pressing CTRL you can select several beneficiaries at the same time. 4. Click on the "Delete" button A confirmation window "Are you sure you want to delete the beneficiary(s) selected?" will open. By clicking on "Yes", you will permanently delete the beneficiaries.

Consulting/changing an international beneficiary

1. Click on or select Services > International payments The Home'Bank - International payments window will be displayed. 2. Click on in this window The International payments - List of beneficiaries' window will be displayed. 3. Double-click on the beneficiary to be changed The International payments - Details of the beneficiary window will be displayed. Note: you can also select the beneficiary to be changed in the list of beneficiaries and click on the "Details..." button. Make your changes. 4. Click on "Save" to save the changes

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Saving an international beneficiary

If the beneficiary of the international payment you are completing is not recorded yet, you can save it directly from the current international payment (see Entering an international payment). Likewise, you can save the beneficiary of an international payment which has already been recorded (see Consulting/Changing an international payment). 1. Click on the "Save beneficiary" button in the international payment window For this button to be activated, the Beneficiary account zone must be completed. The International payments - New beneficiary window will be displayed with the data from the current international payment. The insertion point will automatically go to the "Description" field. 2. Enter the description This name enables you to easily identify the beneficiary in the list of beneficiaries. The name is mandatory. 3. Make any changes The Beneficiary account and Description fields required, you can leave fields in blank. If you leave any fields blank, you must enter them manually when you record the international payment. 4. Click on "Save" to save the beneficiary in your list You will go back to international payment window.

Creating a new international beneficiary

You can enter a beneficiary from the list of beneficiaries. We advise you to enter your regular beneficiaries before starting your international payments. Then when you complete international payments, you will only have to select the beneficiary from the list. The data will be automatically indicated in the relevant fields of the international payment window. Furthermore, if you have not yet recorded the beneficiary of the international payment you are completing, you have the possibility to record it while completing the international payment (see Entering an international payment). 1. Click on or select Services > International payments The Home'Bank - International payments window will be displayed. 2. Click on in this window The International payments - List of beneficiaries' window will be displayed. 3. Click on "New..." in the list of beneficiaries The International payments - New beneficiary window will be displayed. Note: you can also access this window by clicking on the "Save beneficiary..." button in an international payment window. The program will then record the data from the current international payment window. This form is just like an ordinary international payment, except the unneeded zones to record a beneficiary. You will be in the "Description" zone. 4. Click on "Save" to save the beneficiary in your list You will go back to the list of beneficiaries. The main data of the beneficiary will be automatically indicated in the list. The next time you enter an international payment for this beneficiary, you will be able to select the particulars of this beneficiary from the Beneficiary's account field of the international payment.

Printing the list of international beneficiaries

1. Click on or select Services > International payments The Home'Bank - International payments window will be displayed. 2. Click on in this window The International payments - List of beneficiaries' window will be displayed. Select one or several beneficiaries. 3. Click on the "Print..." button The window International payments - Print will be displayed.

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4. Select the option you want in this window 5. Click on the "Print" button

Select the international beneficiaries to send

1. Click on or select Services > International payments The Home'Bank - International payments window will be displayed. 2. Click on in this window The International payments - List of beneficiaries window will be displayed. 3. Select the beneficiary to send to the server Note: Keep the CTRL pressed to select several beneficiaries concurrently. 4. Click on the "Synchronisation" and select the wished option - "To send"/"Do not send" - "To delete On-line"/"Do not delete On-line"

Export one or more international beneficiaries

Home'Bank enables you to export one beneficiary or the entire beneficiary list. This function is particularly useful if you wish to work with Home'Bank on another computer. More specifically, you can keep the beneficiary list already entered on an external medium. Then, you need only to import the beneficiary list on the other computer. 1. Click on or select Services > International payments The Home'Bank - International payments window will be displayed. 2. Click on in this window The International payments - List of beneficiaries' window will be displayed. 3. Select the beneficiary you want to export and click the "Export" button An intermediate window offers you the option of exporting either the selected beneficiary, or all the beneficiaries already entered in the list. 4. Click OK In the window that appears, specify the location where you want to save the export file and its name (default: "Beneficiary <ING ID>"). Note: the export file from a Windows PC can be imported in the Home'Bank program under Mac OS and vice-versa.

Import one or more international beneficiaries

If you have exported one or more beneficiaries from Home'Bank, you can easily recover them. This function is particularly useful when you install your Home'Bank subscription on another computer. It prevents you having to enter your beneficiaries all over again on this new computer. 1. Click on or select Services > International payments The Home'Bank - International payments window will be displayed. 2. Click on in this window The International payments - List of beneficiaries' window will be displayed. 3. Click the "Import" button Select the file to import and click "Open" Note: if you have already saved beneficiaries in Home'Bank, some may be identical. The program will inform you in such a case.

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Select a beneficiary bank

Using an international payment form, you can easily select the BIC code (or SWIFT address) of the beneficiary bank. 1. Click in the international payment form The International payments – List of BIC codes window will be displayed. 2. Click the desired bank in the list You can easily select an account by typing the first letters either of the BIC code or of the name of the beneficiary bank, depending on the option you selected in the drop-down menu. 3. Click the Choose button Note: you can also double-click the line containing the beneficiary bank in order to select it.

Delete a BIC code

The BIC is a single number that identifies any bank in the world. 1. Click on or select Services > International payments The Home'Bank - International payments window will be displayed. 2. Click the icon The list of BIC code will be displayed. 3. Select the BIC code to be deleted and click the "Delete" button. Note: You can select more than one BIC code by holding down the CTRL key while making the selection. 4. Click "Yes" to confirm that you want to delete the BIC code Return to the list of BIC code.

Modify a BIC code

The BIC is a single number that identifies any bank in the world. ING includes a series of BIC in the program. For your convenience, you can change the name. For the BIC codes that you have created, you can change both the name and the address. 1. Click on or select Services > International payments The Home'Bank - International payments window will be displayed. 2. Click the icon The list of BIC code will be displayed. 3. Double-click the BIC code to be changed Note: You can also select a BIC code and click the "Modify…" button. 4. Make the desired changes and click "Save" Return to the list of BIC code.

Create a BIC code

The BIC is a single number that identifies any bank in the world. 1. Click on or select Services > International payments The Home'Bank - International payments window will be displayed. 2. Click the icon The list of BIC code will be displayed. 3. Click "New…" In the field, enter the BIC code of the beneficiary bank. In the name field, enter the easiest name to remember in order to identify the BIC code. 4. Click "Save" The beneficiary bank you have just entered will be included in the list, preceded by the icon .

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Screen list

Home'Bank - International payments

This is the window which will be displayed when you launch the International payments module.

With the icon bar you can:

Enter a new international payment

Consult/modify an international payment

Delete one or several international payments

Search for one or several international payments

Manage the list of beneficiaries

BIC code management

Display/hide the review

Print transfers

Change the transmission priority of international payments To the right of this icon bar, you have a drop-down menu allowing you to filter the history of your payments on the basis of the Categories that you defined. By selecting a category in this menu, you restrict the history display to the international in which the principal accounts are included in the accounts of this category. In this window, in the International payment menu, you can also duplicate an international payment. In the bottom of this window, you can view the number of international payments (and the total amount) which will be sent the next time the task list is performed.

International payment window

The international payment window will present you with the various zones to be completed in order to send a payment instruction to ING.

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Select the Payment type and the Destination country for the International or European payment, which means the country where the money needs to be transferred to. In the Memo date box you can enter the date on which the payment is to be transmitted. When the beneficiary account is an ING account, the beneficiary will be credited on the same day. Otherwise, the beneficiary will be credited at the latest three working days after the memo date. If you choose for an International payment, you will have the possibility to mark the option Urgent. This way the beneficiary bank will receive the money one day sooner than a standard payment. You can enter the date manually by entering the figures corresponding to the day, month and year or click on to select a date from the calendar. Fill in the Amount of the transfer and the currency if applicable. Under the Account to be debited you can apply a filter to a category. The drop-down menu below lists the various accounts associated with this category. If no filter is applied, this menu will display all of the accounts associated with your subscription. By selecting one of these accounts, the Name and address of the principal will be filled automatically in. Under the field Beneficiary you will have the option to choose between an IBAN and a Free format. We advice you to use the IBAN-number. This will simplify the automatic process and you will not be charged for extra manual efforts. When you do not know the IBAN number of the beneficiary, you are free to fill in his national account number while selecting the Free format. You can fill in the IBAN number or Free account number of the beneficiary manually of by choosing an International beneficiary by clicking on . If you enter the beneficiary account number manually, you must also complete the Name and address of the beneficiary as well. You can choose how the Cost distribution is handled. Generally, it will be by agreement between yourself and the beneficiary. All costs paid by the principal: The charges relating to the issue and to the receipt of the international payment are to be borne by you. Shared Costs: The charges relating to the issue of the international payment are to be borne by you, whilst those relating to the receipt of the same payment are to be borne by the beneficiary. For outgoing international payments in one of the EEA's currency and inside the EEA zone, charges must always be shared. (EEA-zone: European Economic Area, i.e. European Union plus Norway, Liechtenstein and Iceland.) All costs paid by the beneficiary: The charges relating to the issue and to the receipt of the international payment are to be borne by the beneficiary. The field Message gives you the possibility to enter a message for the beneficiary. You have 4 fields of 35 characters each. Depending on the country and bank this message can be shortened. The Beneficiary's bank field gives you the possibility to fill in a BIC-code or a free format. The BIC-code, also known as SWIFT address represents a unique code for identifying any bank or financial institution anywhere in the world. This representation of the account promotes the automatic processing of payments and, consequently, allows for cheaper charges. If you do not know the BIC-code, you can always enter the name and address of the beneficiary's bank. You can also choose a BIC code by clicking on the icon. The Transfer ready for transmission option is checked by default. When this option is checked, the current transfer will be indicated with the status "Ready" in the list of transfers. In that case the transfer will be sent automatically the next time the task list is performed. The field Principal Reference is a free area of up to 35 characters that may contain the reference of your choice. This reference will be shown in your account statements, as well as in the beneficiary's own account statements. From this window, you can: - Save the beneficiary; - Print the international payment.

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International payment details

You can consult the contents of an international payment at any time. If the international payment has not been sent yet, you may change its contents. Otherwise, you can consult the data of this international payment, print it or save its beneficiary. By double-clicking on an international payment, the following window will open.

Note: you can also access this window by selecting an international payment in the list and then by clicking on to display its details. If the international payment has already been sent, all the data will be dimmed and can no longer be changed. If the international payment is "Ready" or "Pending", you may change its contents (see Changing an international payment). Select the Payment type and the Destination country for the International or European payment, which means the country where the money needs to be transferred to. In the Memo date box you can enter the date on which the payment is to be transmitted. When the beneficiary account is an ING account, the beneficiary will be credited on the same day. Otherwise, the beneficiary will be credited at the latest three working days after the memo date. If you choose for an International payment, you will have the possibility to mark the option Urgent. This way the beneficiary bank will receive the money one day sooner than a standard payment. You can enter the date manually by entering the figures corresponding to the day, month and year or click on to select a date from the calendar. Fill in the Amount of the transfer and the currency if applicable. Under the Account to be debited you can apply a filter to a category. The drop-down menu below lists the various accounts associated with this category. If no filter is applied, this menu will display all of the accounts associated with your subscription. By selecting one of these accounts, the Name and address of the principal will be filled automatically in. Under the field Beneficiary you will have the option to choose between an IBAN and a Free format. We advice you to use the IBAN-number. This will simplify the automatic process and you will not be charged for extra manual efforts. When you do not know the IBAN number of the beneficiary, you are free to fill in his national account number while selecting the Free format. You can fill in the IBAN

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number or Free account number of the beneficiary manually of by choosing an International beneficiary by clicking on . If you enter the beneficiary account number manually, you must also complete the Name and address of the beneficiary as well. You can choose how the Cost distribution is handled. Generally, it will be by agreement between yourself and the beneficiary. All costs paid by the principal: The charges relating to the issue and to the receipt of the international payment are to be borne by you. Shared Costs: The charges relating to the issue of the international payment are to be borne by you, whilst those relating to the receipt of the same payment are to be borne by the beneficiary. For outgoing international payments in one of the EEA's currency and inside the EEA zone, charges must always be shared. (EEA-zone: European Economic Area, i.e. European Union plus Norway, Liechtenstein and Iceland.) All costs paid by the beneficiary: The charges relating to the issue and to the receipt of the international payment are to be borne by the beneficiary. The field Message gives you the possibility to enter a message for the beneficiary. You have 4 fields of 35 characters each. Depending on the country and bank this message can be shortened. The Beneficiary's bank field gives you the possibility to fill in a BIC-code or a free format. The BIC-code, also known as SWIFT address represents a unique code for identifying any bank or financial institution anywhere in the world. This representation of the account promotes the automatic processing of payments and, consequently, allows for cheaper charges. If you do not know the BIC-code, you can always enter the name and address of the beneficiary's bank. You can also choose a BIC code by clicking on the icon. The Transfer ready for transmission option is checked by default. When this option is checked, the current transfer will be indicated with the status "Ready" in the list of transfers. In that case the transfer will be sent automatically the next time the task list is performed. The field Principal Reference is a free area of up to 35 characters that may contain the reference of your choice. This reference will be shown in your account statements, as well as in the beneficiary's own account statements. From this window, you can: - Display the details from next international payment in the list. By clicking on this button, you

display the details of the next international payment in the list. If the current international payment is the last in the list, this button will be dimmed and therefore inaccessible.

- Display the details of the previous international payment in the list. By clicking on this button, you display the details of the previous international payment of the list of international payments directly. If the current international payment is the first of the list, this button will be dimmed and therefore inaccessible.

- Save the beneficiary; - Print the international payment.

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Search criteria

With this window you can specify the criteria needed to search for Home'Bank international payments. The program will add the criteria. If you check the Date of transmission option and the Amount option, the program will search for all the international payments corresponding to the date AND the amount entered.

By checking the Date option, the program will activate the dropdown menu in which you can choose between: - on: if you know the date on which you sent the international payment; - before: searches for all the international payments sent before the specified date; - after: searches for all the international payments sent after the specified date; - between: a second field where you can enter a second date; the program will search for all the

international payments sent between these two dates. The first date must be prior to the second one. You can enter the date manually by entering the figures corresponding to the day, month and year or click on to select a date from the calendar. With the option Payment type you can refine the search by that particular type of payment. Through the same way you can, by marking the option Destination country, narrow down the search by a specific country that you can find in the dropdown list.

This list contains all countries and doesn't change after choosing a Payment type.

By checking the Amount option, the program will activate the dropdown menu in which you can choose between: - =: if you know the amount of the international payment to be found, you can use this criterion; - >: searches for all the international payments of an amount strictly higher than the entered

amount; - <: searches for all the international payments of an amount strictly lower than the entered amount; - between: a second field where you can enter a second amount; the program will search for all the

international payments for an amount between these two values. The first amount must be smaller than the second one.

The second list allows you to select the currency. The choice « *** » makes it unnecessary to specify a currency. The search is then performed on the amount without taking the currency into account. With the Principal account option, you can specify the account from which the international payment was issued. The dropdown menu lists all your own accounts linked to the selected category. The

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category allows you to filter the accounts to be displayed. If the drop-down menu of the category displays [no filter] the drop-down menu will list all of the accounts associated with your subscription. By checking the Beneficiary account option, you can enter in the field Account number the IBAN-number of the beneficiary of a Free format. In the field Name you will perform a search on the fields Name and address of the international payment. You have the possibility to enter the beneficiary account manually or to select a beneficiary by clicking on . The field Message provides you with the possibility of entering free text so that you can search on almost everything (e.g. the name of the beneficiary, the address of the beneficiary, the message you entered for the payment …). The Principal reference field gives you the possibility to search the on your personal reference you added to the payment. In the last frame you will have the possibility to sort your search results. If you have marked this option you can sort your results by any way you want. Depending on the type of sorting you have chosen, you then can choose if you want your result to be shown Ascending (the largest first or alphabetically) or Descending (the largest first or reversed alphabetically)

Search results

The Home'Bank program displays in this window every international payments meeting the criteria you specified in the search window.

From this window, you can: - Display the details of an international payment, if an international payment has been selected; - Delete an international payment, if an international payment has been selected; - Print the list of international payments.

Print international payments

With this intermediate window you can choose the options for printing International payments.

In this window, you can choose between: The list of international payments: will print the international payments as a list with the fields Status, Principal, beneficiary's name, the amount (and the currency), the memo date and the date of transmission as column headers. This option will be activated by default when you have not selected any international payments in the list of international payments. The detailed list of international payments: will print each international payment from the list like the international payment window with all the information.

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The details of the international payment selected: will print the selected international payment window. If you have selected several international payments, the title will change accordingly. This option will be activated by default when you have selected one or several international payments.

International beneficiary details

When you regularly make payments in favour of a beneficiary, it is interesting to add it in your list of beneficiaries. When you subsequently make payments in its favour, simply select it from the transfer window and the corresponding data will be automatically displayed.

Description: the Description of a beneficiary is the personal name you associate to it. The beneficiary will be indicated under this title in your list of beneficiaries. Therefore, you better choose a description facilitating the selection of this beneficiary. This field is mandatory. Amount: if the amount for this beneficiary is a set amount, you can enter. Beneficiary account: this field is mandatory. Name and address of the beneficiary: these fields are optional. They show, on three lines of a maximum 35 characters, the particulars of the beneficiary. Within the Message box, you can enter a message of which will be indicated in all the payments to this beneficiary. You can enter a message in the Message box. You have 4 lines of 35 characters each at your disposal for the message. Depending on the country, it is possible that only a part of the message is sent to the beneficiary. The Beneficiary's bank field gives you the possibility to fill in a BIC-code or a free format. The BIC-code, also known as SWIFT address represents a unique code for identifying any bank or financial institution anywhere in the world. This representation of the account promotes the automatic processing of payments and, consequently, allows for cheaper charges. If you do not know the BIC-code, you can always enter the name and address of the beneficiary's bank. By selecting the "To send" option in the dropdown list "Synchronise On-line", you can store this beneficiary on the ING server by performing a task list. When the beneficiary has already been sent to the ING server, you can choose in the same dropdown list the option "To delete On-line" to delete it from the On-line beneficiaries list at the next task list execution.

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Print international beneficiaries

With this intermediate window you can choose the options for printing the International beneficiaries.

In this window, you can choose between: The list of all beneficiaries will print the beneficiaries as a list with the fields Status, Principal, beneficiary's name as column headers. This option will be activated by default when you have not selected any beneficiary in the list. List with the details of all the beneficiaries will print each beneficiary from the list in the form of a beneficiary window with all the information. Details of the beneficiaries selected will print the beneficiary selected. If you have selected several beneficiaries, the title will change accordingly. This option will be activated by default as soon as you have selected one or several beneficiaries.

Selection of an international beneficiary

To make the recording of your international payment easier, Home'Bank offers you the possibility to quickly retrieve a beneficiary's particulars. In the international payment window, click on the icon to display the following window:

In this window, you can choose between: One of your accounts lists the accounts linked to your Home'Bank subscription. To select one of your accounts, select it in the dropdown menu, and then click on the "Select" button in the bottom part of the window. Select a beneficiary i.e. a beneficiary you have recorded (see Entering a beneficiary or Saving a beneficiary). In the fields below you can enter the first letters of the title; by this way, you can quickly select your beneficiary. Next to this field, you have the possibility to create a new beneficiary by clicking on the "New beneficiary..." button. This button displays the International payments - New beneficiary window. To select a predefined beneficiary, double-click on the beneficiary in the list or click on the beneficiary then click on the "Select" button.

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List of international beneficiaries

When you regularly make international payment in favour of a beneficiary, it is interesting to add it in your list of beneficiaries. When you subsequently make payments in its favour, simply select it from the international payment window and the corresponding data will be displayed automatically.

The list of beneficiaries will display all the beneficiaries you have recorded. This list is in alphabetical order according to the Description you allocated when you recorded the beneficiary. This icon before the description indicates that the beneficiary will be sent to the ING server, to be stored in the on-line beneficiary list, when carrying out the next task list. Next to this field, you can filter the display of beneficiaries on the basis of a beneficiary category that you defined. An icon ( or ) may appear at the beginning of the line to indicate that the beneficiary will be sent (or deleted) on the ING servers, when the next task list is performed. There is no icon by default. To send a beneficiary in the list of beneficiaries On-line, select one beneficiary (or more) from the list, then select the drop-down button Synchronisation the option To send. To delete a beneficiary from the list of beneficiaries On-line, select one beneficiary (or more) from the list, then select the button list Synchronisation the option To delete On-line. The Categories button allows you to directly assign on ore more beneficiaries selected to one or more categories by selecting Assign.... By selecting Edit... in this same drop-down button, you can access the category management window. With the New... button you can create a new beneficiary. When a beneficiary is selected, the Details button will be activated and so you are able to go consulting or modifying. With the Delete button you can delete one or several beneficiaries. The Import... button allows you to import a list of beneficiaries that was exported beforehand by the Home'Bank program. After the file to be imported has been selected, the program combines your current list of beneficiaries with the imported list of beneficiaries. The Export... button allows you to export the list of beneficiaries. You can choose to export only one group of beneficiaries by selecting one or more beneficiaries (holding down the "Shift" key while making the selection) before clicking the Export button... Similarly, you can select a category to export only the beneficiaries in this category. This combination makes it easy for you to international payment your beneficiaries. With the button Print... you can print the list of beneficiaries.

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Choosing a beneficiary bank

To make the encoding of your international payments easier, Home'Bank provides you with the option of easily showing the data of a beneficiary bank (BIC code). In the international payment form, click the icon to display the following window:

In this window, you will find the list of various BIC codes associated with the bank's name. These BIC codes may be of 3 types, represented by 3 different icons:

: the list of BIC codes with which ING is connected in the Home'Bank program; : these are BIC codes to which ING is connected in the Home'Bank program, but you have changed

their names. : these are BIC codes you have created.

To facilitate the display, you can filter the BIC code by selecting the desired option in the drop-down menu Display the BIC codes. This limits the display to only the type of address desired. To facilitate the selection of a BIC code of which you know either the BIC code or the name, you can choose the desired option in the drop-down menu Sort and search and type the first letters of the address or the name. The selection will automatically lead to the BIC code corresponding to what you already typed. To select a BIC code, double-click the BIC code in the list or click the BIC code and then click the Modify button (Return). From this window, you can: - Create a new BIC code

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New International beneficiary

When you regularly make payments in favour of a beneficiary, it is interesting to add it in your list of beneficiaries. When you subsequently make payments in its favour, simply select it from the transfer window and the corresponding data will be automatically displayed.

Description: the Description of a beneficiary is the personal name you associate to it. The beneficiary will be indicated under this title in your list of beneficiaries. Therefore, you better choose a description facilitating the selection of this beneficiary. This field is mandatory. Amount: if the amount for this beneficiary is a set amount, you can enter. Beneficiary account: this field is mandatory. Name and address of the beneficiary: these fields are optional. They show, on three lines of a maximum 35 characters, the particulars of the beneficiary. Within the Message box, you can enter a message of which will be indicated in all the payments to this beneficiary. You can enter a message in the Message box. You have 4 lines of 35 characters each at your disposal for the message. Depending on the country, it is possible that only a part of the message is sent to the beneficiary. The Beneficiary's bank field gives you the possibility to fill in a BIC-code or a free format. The BIC-code, also known as SWIFT address represents a unique code for identifying any bank or financial institution anywhere in the world. This representation of the account promotes the automatic processing of payments and, consequently, allows for cheaper charges. If you do not know the BIC-code, you can always enter the name and address of the beneficiary's bank. By selecting the "To send" option in the dropdown list "Synchronise On-line", you can store this beneficiary on the ING server by performing a task list. When the beneficiary has already been sent to the ING server, you can choose in the same dropdown list the option "To delete On-line" to delete it from the On-line beneficiaries list at the next task list execution.

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International payments - Parameters

You can access the window below by selecting International payment > Settings... These settings essentially make it easier to enter new payments by defining certain default options.

In this window, you can define the default Payment type which will be used when a new payment is entered. The default payment type is the European payment. For international payments and checks, you can choose how to distribute the costs between the principal and the beneficiary. You can define the desired default distribution when entering these types of payments. To avoid having to select the principal account when creating a new payment, you can specify a default Principal account. When creating a new payment, this account will then automatically be indicated as the principal account. To facilitate the selection of a default principal account, you can filter the accounts on the basis of one of the categories that you have defined. Note: if you want to select the account to be debited for each payment, select the first line of the drop-down menu ("None"). This is the default setting. You can also define the Status of a new payment. By default, when you save a new payment, it is Ready to be sent. This means that the next time the task list is performed, the payment will automatically be sent to the bank. If, on the other hand, you want to postpone sending your payments, you can define the status of a new payment as Waiting. Payments with this status will not be displayed in the Task list window. To display such payments in the Task list, you must check the option Payment ready to be sent in the payment form. For a better identification of your accounts in the list of your payments, you can select the presentation you want in the Principal account column field: - Number: displays only the numbers of accounts to be debited; - Name: displays only the name of the principal account when the payment is sent. If necessary,

you can change the name of your accounts. - Number and name: combines the number and name of the account. By default, information will be stored continuously for the International payments module. If you wish you can change the length of time your information is stored. The review will be expressed in months. To define a storage period, click on the button in front of the Months zone, and enter the number of months you want.

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The option Do not inherit the principal's account category to the beneficiary is unchecked by default. If you select a category when entering the beneficiary account, it is this same category that will be active when you select a beneficiary account. When this option is checked, the selection of a category for the principal account does not involve the selection of the same category in the selection of beneficiaries.

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Manage your messages

This is the window which will be displayed when you launch the "International payments" module. Note: We refer to "module", as this window has its own icon bar in the top section of the window. The different modules in Home'Bank are: Budget | Credit cards | Multitransfer | International payments | Messages This bar of icons allows you:

Creating an new message

Consulting a message

Deleting a message

Searching a message

Printing one or several messages

Consulting a message 1. Click on or select Services > Messages The list of messages will be displayed. 2. Double-click the message you want to consult The Detail of a message window will be displayed. Note: you can also select the message to consult and click or select Message > Open. Note: According to the type of message (received or outgoing) and its status (Ready, to be sent or Waiting) you can reply the message or modify it. If the message has been already sent, you can only consult to it.

Reply to a message from the detail of a message window When you display the detail of a message, you can directly reply to it. In the window Message details, 1. Click the "Answer" button The window Reply to message will be displayed. This window displays the subject of the original message preceded by "RE". 2. Enter you response This field is compulsory. You dispose of 1600 characters (about a half A4 page) to draft your message. 3. Click on the "Save" button to save your message If the "Message ready to be sent" option is checked, the message will be sent during the next execution of the task list. If you uncheck it, the message will not be sent until you check this option.

Creating a new message 1. Click on or select Services > Messages The list of messages will be displayed. 2. Click the icon The Messages - New window will be displayed. Note: You can also select Message > New message… 3. Enter the subject of the message This field is mandatory. 4. Introduce the body of the message This field is compulsory. You dispose of 1600 characters (about a half A4 page) to draft your message. 5. Click on the "Save" button to save the message If the "Message ready to be sent" option is checked, the message will be sent during the next execution of the task list. If you uncheck it, the message will not be sent until you check this option.

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Searching for a message 1. Click on or select Services > Messages The list of messages will be displayed. 2. Click on The Messages - Search window will be displayed. 3. Define the search criteria 4. Click on the "Searching..." button The Message – Search results will be displayed.

Printing one or several messages 1. Click on or select Services > Messages The list of messages will be displayed. 2. Select the message you want to print Note: you can select several messages by holding the Ctrl key and by clicking the various messages. 3. Click the icon The Print settings window will be displayed. Note: you can select Messages > Print 4. Select the printing options and click the "Print..." button

Printing one or several messages from search result When you perform a search, you see the list of all the messages matching the specified criteria for the search. From this list, you can print one or several messages. 1. Select the message you want to print Note: you can select several messages by holding the Ctrl key and by clicking the various messages. 2. Click the "Print..." button The Print settings window will be displayed. 3. Select the printing options and click the "Print..." button You go back to the Search result window. 4. Click the "Close" button to go back in the messages list

Deleting a message 1. Click on or select Services > Messages The list of messages will be displayed. 2. Select the message you want to delete Note: you can select several messages by holding the Ctrl key and by clicking the various messages. 3. Click the icon A warning window asks you to confirm the deletion of message(s). Note: you can select Messages > Delete 4. Click on "Yes"

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Deleting a message from a search When you perform a search, you see the list of all the messages matching the specified criteria for the search. From this list, you can delete one or several messages. 1. Select the message you want to delete Note: you can select several messages by holding the Ctrl key and by clicking the various messages. 2. Click the button "Delete" A warning window asks you to confirm the deletion of message(s) 3. Click on "Yes" You go back in the Search result window. 4. Click the "Close" button to return to the List of messages

Screen list

Message list

This is the window which will be displayed when you launch the "Message" module.

This window displays the received and outgoing (or to be send) messages. The top of this window resumes the icons of the Messages module; this bar of icons allows you:

Creating an new message

Consulting a message

Deleting a message

Searching a message

Printing one or several messages Below this icon bar, you will find the list of received messages. The bottom section groups messages to be sent, the sent messages and the answers to the messages you received. In the left-hand lower corner of the window, you see the date and the hour of the last update.

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Details of a message

This window allows you to consult the content of a message and to print it. This window is displayed when you consult the details of a received or outgoing message. Only the messages which were not sent yet or which are ready to be sent can be modified. The first field presents the subject of the message. This subject begins generally with "RE" when you reply to a message or when ING answers to one of your messages. The date indicates the date and the hour of the message last modification. When ING sends you a message, it is the date the message was saved on your computer. In the case of an outgoing message, it is the date when the message has been sent or the date of last modification if the message is pending. If the message has not been yet sent, you can check the option "Message ready to be sent". The message will be then sent during the next task list execution. The body of the message is limited to 1600 characters (about half A4 page). From this window: You can consult the details of the following message in the list by clicking the button "Next" or the details of the previous message in this list by clicking the "Previous" button. - print a message; - reply to a message in the case of a received message.

Search criteria

This window allows you to define the search criteria for messages.

The first section allows you to search for incoming messages, outgoing messages or both. By default, the option Incoming and outgoing is checked. By checking the Date option, the program is going to activate the drop-down menu from which you can choose between: - on: if you know exactly the date when a message has been sent, received or modified; - before: search for all the messages modified before specified date; - after: search for all the messages modified after specified date;

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- between: a second field allows you to enter a second date; the program is going to search for all the messages modified between these two dates. The first date must be previous to the second one. You can enter date(s) manually by introducing the figures which correspond to the day, month and year or click to select a date from a calendar.

The Contents option allows you to enter free text into the field. This will look in the text from the subjects of message. If you also check the option Search also in the message body, the search will spread to the body of the messages.

Search result

The Home'Bank program displays in this window all the messages matching the criteria you specified in the search window.

The top section displays the specified search criteria. The bottom section resumes the various messages matching the specified criteria. The Date column indicates the date the message has been modified. From this window, you can: - Display the details of a message, if a message has been selected; - Delete a message, if a message has been selected; - Print a message.

Print settings for messages

This window allows you to choose the options which will be used to print messages

The first section "Print messages" allows you to choose messages to be printed: - The List of all messages option will print the list of messages with the subject, the modification

date and the status.

- The Content of all messages option will print moreover the content of each message.

- The Content of the selected messages option will only print the messages you selected in the previous window (See The message list and search result list).

The bottom section of the window let you choose the type of messages to be printed: You can select either: the incoming messages, the outgoing messages or both.

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Contacting the help desk

If you have a problem when installing or using our Home'Bank program, please do not hesitate to contact with the Home'Bank Helpdesk at Phone'Bank: - 02/464 60 01 (in Dutch) - 02/464 60 02 (in French) - 02/464 60 03 (in German) - 02/464 60 04 (in English) The Home'Bank Helpdesk is available from Monday to Friday from 8 am to 10 pm and on Saturday from 9 am to 5 pm. You need your ING-ID and your Phone'Bank secret code (available at Self'Bank: option 6 Self'Service ING or within the on-line services of Home'Bank: Info > Helpdesk > Phone'Bank Secret code).