* A simile is a comparison using like or as. * It usually compares two dissimilar objects. *...

Post on 23-Dec-2015

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*A simile is a comparison using like or as.

*It usually compares two dissimilar objects.

* Example: Playing chess with Ashley is like trying to outsmart a computer.

*The activity “playing chess with Ashley” is being compared to “trying to outsmart a computer.” The point is that Ashley can think in a powerful manner that resembles the way a computer operates, not that she is like a computer in any other way.

*A metaphor states that one thing is something else. It is a comparison, but it does NOT use like or as to make the comparison.


Her hair is silk.

Her hair is being compared to silk. Meaning her hair is shiny and soft.

*The baby was like an octopus, grabbing at all the cans on the grocery store shelves.

*He was a tornado, blasting his way through the opposing team.

*As the teacher entered the room she muttered under her breath, "This class is like a three-ring circus!“

*The pillow was a cloud when I put my head upon it after a long day.

*The giant’s steps were thunder as he ran toward Jack.

*He was a lion in the fight.

*I feel like a limp dishrag.

*Those girls are like two peas in a pod.

*The fluorescent light was the sun during our test.

*Sam waited impatiently for his older brother to calm down. “Bill, I think you are acting like a baby,” he said.

*The bar of soap was a slippery eel during the dog’s bath.

*Ted was as nervous as a cat with a long tail in a room full of rocking chairs.

*Find a partner

*You will have 15 minutes to come up with as many similes and metaphors for the word I give you

*You will get 1 point for each simile and 2 points for each metaphor

*They must be written so that I can read them

*Make as many similes and metaphors as you can for this word!