IiPaM IiPaM.

Post on 18-Jan-2016

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3 PartsFundus- TopBody- Middle SectionPyloris- Inferior Portion

2 Sphincters – Circular muscles at the beginning and end of the stomach.Cardiac (esophageal) Sphincter – Prevents stomach contents from escaping back into the esophagus.

Pyloric Sphincter- separates the stomach from the small intestine.

Holds between 2-3 Pints of Fluid (about ½ gallon)

Thick Mucous Lining- protects tissues of the stomach from becoming “digested” What do you think would happen if this

mucous lining was not there?

Rugae- Folds in the inner lining of the stomach

Walls of the stomach hold various cells that produce stomach acid (HCl)

3 Glands Secrete:MucousHClPepsinogen (Pepsin)- Enzyme that

digests protein

Food is mixed in with gastric juices producing “Chyme” the consistency of “pea soup”.

Muscles – wave like contractions



Foods high in Carbs spend little time in the stomach while foods high in Protein spend a little more time.

Foods high in Fat spend the most time in the stomach because they trigger an enzyme to be released in the small intestine that slows stomach emptying.

Duodenum- (12) Jejunum- (empty) Ileum- (twisted)

Middle portion of small intestineVilli- (tufts of hair)Micro Villi

Secretes intestinal enzymes that further breakdown food.Intestinal AmylaseIntestinal ProteaseIntestinal Lipase

Begin absorption of nutrients

Last Portion of Small IntestineAbsorption of Nutrients (mostly)

Some enzymatic production

Colon-Absorption of water, ions, and some

vitaminsNo villiWaste becomes solid (feces)Contains bacteria that aid in the

breakdown of food and some B vitamins along with the production of vitamin K.

Liver Gall Bladder Pancreas

Functions (2 main)1. Glycogenesis2. Production of Bile

Aids regulating blood sugar levels in the body by storing glycogen when blood sugar is high, and converting glycogen into glucose when blood sugar is low.

Bile salts emulsify fats (makes them into little fat “droplets”).

Stores Bile

Makes Insulin (lowers blood sugar)

Pancreatic Enzymes:Pancreatic AmylasePancreatic ProteasePancreatic Lipase