© Stephen Bourne 2011Alternative Presentations v2 2-2011 Alternative Presentations … and their...

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© Stephen Bourne 2011 Alternative Presentations v2 2-2011

Alternative Presentations

… and their importance

© Stephen Bourne 2011 Alternative Presentations v2 2-2011

Why do a Presentation?

To show people how they can supplement or replace their present income in an enjoyable and stress free way

To show people how they can simply and enjoyably change their lifestyle to the one they have always wanted

To show people that FM Group is the best vehicle for them if they want either of the above

© Stephen Bourne 2011 Alternative Presentations v2 2-2011

Because we are all different

Our presentation is the instrument that will either excite or disappoint a prospective new member

We want to hit their `hot buttons’ as quickly as possible – if we know what their `hot buttons’ are!

WHY use an alternative presentation?

© Stephen Bourne 2011 Alternative Presentations v2 2-2011


Introduce and/or delete specific slides

Desktop Presenter:

Introduce and/or delete specific pages


Introduce `hot spot’ solutions into conversation/presentation

HOW to use an alternative presentation?

© Stephen Bourne 2011 Alternative Presentations v2 2-2011

Find out about their current job and why they are looking at FM Group

Ask if they have any previous experience in a home based business


“Roy, as we may be working together in the future it would be really great if you told me something about yourself. What sort of work do you do?”

WHEN to use an alternative presentation?

When you know something about the person (this is the benefit of qualifying people correctly)

© Stephen Bourne 2011 Alternative Presentations v2 2-2011

You have asked questions and found:

They are in another MLM company that you know something about (or can easily find out about)

They are in a dead end job

They are in a `burn out’ job (pressure is good – stress is not)

You know what they earn – not a lot

You know what they earn – they are financially wealthy but do not have the TIME to enjoy their wealth

When to use an alternative presentation?

When you know something about the person (this is the benefit of qualifying people correctly)

© Stephen Bourne 2011 Alternative Presentations v2 2-2011

remove slides re conventional marketing and, if possible, prepare and show comparison slides between FM and their current company

WHAT to alter in the normal presentation?

If already in MLM:

© Stephen Bourne 2011 Alternative Presentations v2 2-2011

COMPARISONS – already in MLMCOMPARISONS – already in MLM

Earn 33% to 35% commission on your PERSONAL sales

Earn 25% commission on your PERSONAL sales

You only need to sell £12 to earn total commission

You must sell a minimum of £78 to earn commission

Earn up to 21% extra commission on YOUR OWN SALES

Do not earn any commission on your own sales

Earn up to 21% on your team sales Earn up to 12% on your team sales

You only need to order £12 to get commission on team

You must have 5 team orders to get commission on team

You can share in 9% of company’s monthly worldwide turnover

No comparable plan

Easily achievable Mercedes car at all Leadership levels

Difficult car programme – very few achieved


© Stephen Bourne 2011 Alternative Presentations v2 2-2011

Toshiba Laptop for all Amaranth Leaders

No Toshiba Laptop for leaders

You can recruit Locally, Nationally and Internationally

You can only recruit your team in the UK

Lots of incentives including cash rewards

Minimum Sales leader incentives

Catalogues usually updated once or twice a year

Must buy catalogues every 3 weeks – could be expensive

All orders photographed before packing - no missing products

Problems with shortages, recharges and returns

You can sell locally, nationally or internationally

Your territory is allocated

Next day delivery - every day if you like

Delivery – once every 3 weeks


COMPARISONS – already in MLMCOMPARISONS – already in MLM

© Stephen Bourne 2011 Alternative Presentations v2 2-2011

Do not have to be a doctor

No fear of product legislation from Europe interfering with sales

No fear of utility prices becoming more and more competitive

Do not have to worry about selling a customer the wrong productYou do not have to listen to people’s health problems

You do not have to worry about competitor’s `next best’ juice



COMPARISONS – already in MLMCOMPARISONS – already in MLM

© Stephen Bourne 2011 Alternative Presentations v2 2-2011

Earn 33% to 35% commission on your PERSONAL sales

You only need to sell £12 to earn total commission

Earn up to 21% extra commission on YOUR OWN SALES

Earn up to 21% on your team sales

You need only to order £12 to get commission on team

You can share in 9% of company’s monthly worldwide turnoverEasily achievable Mercedes car at all Leadership levels


COMPARISONS – already in MLMCOMPARISONS – already in MLM

© Stephen Bourne 2011 Alternative Presentations v2 2-2011

Those already in MLM will want to know more about the comparison of pay plans

Stress BIG figures to BIG players

Show SMALLER figures to SMALLER players

If already in MLM:

What to alter in the normal presentation?

© Stephen Bourne 2011 Alternative Presentations v2 2-2011

State that most people who join an MLM company leave early once they realise that they will initially pay out more than they are going to earn, possibly on products that they have never used before – health supplements, etc

Ensure you stress the value and importance of only needing to spend under £12.00 month to qualify with FM

Ensure you stress the fact that everyone uses our type of products

Put the above information into a slide!

If already in MLM:

What to alter in the normal presentation?

© Stephen Bourne 2011 Alternative Presentations v2 2-2011

If you have knowledge of their current job – NOT EARNING A LOT:

Show advantages of our business over the way they currently earn their income

What to alter in the normal presentation?

Remember: MOST people will INITIALLY want to SUPPLEMENT their income – not replace it

© Stephen Bourne 2011 Alternative Presentations v2 2-2011

Work the hours you want


You are helped and encouraged to go up the ladder of success

Holiday whenever you want – as often as you want

Earn up to 21% on your team sales

You can work full time or part time to earn the income you want

You can share in 9% of company’s monthly worldwide turnover

Easily achievable Mercedes car at all Leadership levels


9-5 job … whether you like it or not

Only chance of promotion is when someone dies or moves on

You are told when you can go on holiday – and for how longYou never get a bonus based on the success of the company

What are the chances of you ever getting a Mercedes car of your own?You do not get paid for helping others succeed

If you do not work the hours designated – you will be sacked

Work the hours you want



© Stephen Bourne 2011 Alternative Presentations v2 2-2011

show value of TRENDS

Talk about burnout, stress or lack of job satisfaction

Highlight deficits of their current position to benefits of joining FM

Talk about what they, with their experience, could bring to the business – high profile image, ego, etc

What to alter in the normal presentation?

If you have knowledge of their current job – FINANCIALLY WEALTHY:

© Stephen Bourne 2011 Alternative Presentations v2 2-2011

Work the hours you want



You create leaders who take control of their businesses

You are under constant pressure to reach ever-increasing targets

You decide on your daily, weekly, monthly and yearly targetsYou can work full time or part time to earn the income you want

You can share in 9% of company’s monthly worldwide turnover

Easily achievable Mercedes car at all Leadership levels


9-whenever … whether you like it or not

You create leaders who want to take over your position

You are told when you can go on holiday – and for how longYou never get a bonus based on the success of the company worldwide

What are the chances of you ever owning a Mercedes car of your own?


You decide where, when and how often you take your holidays

Your job is temporary – take a year off and see if you still have it!

© Stephen Bourne 2011 Alternative Presentations v2 2-2011


At the end of the Second World War, the troops all over the world returned home to their loved ones

There was an explosion of births after this and from 1944 to 1962 these babies grew up to be known as the Baby Boomers

These Baby Boomers changed forever the way businesses grew by creating new TRENDS and the NEED for new products

© Stephen Bourne 2011 Alternative Presentations v2 2-2011


Baby FoodsDisposableNappiestoys

Pop MusicFast FoodSports Cars

Health ClubsHealth ClubsComputersComputersVideosVideos



School & Universityexplosion

50’s 60’s 70’s 80’s 90’s 2000+

© Stephen Bourne 2011 Alternative Presentations v2 2-2011

What to alter in the normal presentation?

If Stay-at Home-Parent

Show them that their lives are not finished when they become parents

Show them that they can be as active in the adult world as they were before

Show them that they can have whatever they want by working part-time around their family needs

© Stephen Bourne 2011 Alternative Presentations v2 2-2011

Meet new friends and have fun at the same time


Keep you and your mind active … whilst children are sleeping

You feel you are known only as a parent – not a person

Be recognised as a leader by the company and your team

You can lead an active, financially productive life around your family

Spend your free time introducing FM products and opportunity


No adult conversation all day – waiting for partner to come home

You feel stifled and bored … whilst children are sleeping

No money for you … children's’ needs come firstYour life is put on hold for at least 20 years

You spend all day cleaning and cooking


Stay-at-Home parents can earn more than Go-to-Work partners


© Stephen Bourne 2011 Alternative Presentations v2 2-2011

Explain that this presentation was produced

especially for them …

makes them very, very important!