1 Classroom management and partnerships Working in partnership with parents/carers.

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Classroom management and partnerships

Working in partnership with parents/carers


“Some parents were assertive and had learned painfully through dealing with bureaucracies to make demands and… not to take ‘no’ for an answer, but there were others who confessed to being too intimidated to approach the school and ask for help.

Some who themselves had a bad experience at school, said they lacked confidence to deal with teachers and drew attention to the imbalance in the power relationship.”

MacBeath, J and others, The costs of inclusion, 2006


Parents of disabled children

Face higher costs

More likely to be in/on the margins of poverty

Lower levels of maternal employment

Higher levels of marital breakdown.


Learning outcomes

You will:

understand the importance of effective communication with parents/carers and their knowledge of their child’s learning

know how to involve parents/carers in their child’s education both in school and at home


Learning outcomes (continued …)

You will:

understand how to develop positive channels of communication between home and school, and

be aware of the statutory responsibilities and rights of parents/ carers and teachers, and the boundaries of the two roles.


Activity 1

Learning outcome

You will be aware of the range of activities that contribute to positive partnerships between parents/carers and schools.


Activity 2

Learning outcome

You will understand how to build positive partnerships between parents/carers and schools.


Activity 3

Learning outcome

You will understand the positive impact of parents/ carers being involved in their child’s education.


Parental involvement in their child’s education

Positive impact in the early years

Positive effects on reading at primary stage

Impact at secondary school weaker, but still significant

Some effects more significant for pupils performing below expected level for their age.


Home and home-school schemes


EarlyBird programme



Activity 4

Learning outcomes

You will understand:

the impact of different ways of conducting meetings with parents/carers, and

key elements in conducting successful meetings with parents/carers.


Structuring the meeting

Allow enough time for discussion

Prepare any materials needed

Invite a parent/carer’s friend or the ‘named person’ if appropriate

List action points

Schedule a time for review.


Effective meetings

Adopt a friendly and business-like approach – ready to do what needs to be done

Value parent/carer/pupil’s contributions

Choose language carefully, especially jargon

Consider parent/carer’s access needs, eg. in terms of language, communication.


Activity 5

Learning outcomes

You will:

be aware of the role of schools and local authorities in parent partnership, and

understand that statutory requirements and guidance are designed to inform, support and involve parents/carers.


Education Act 1996

Requires schools to:

use their best endeavours to make appropriate provision for pupils with SEN

publish and review SEN policy

inform parents/carers of provision being made

‘have regard’ to the SEN code of practice.


Parents/carers and SEN procedures


can request a statutory assessment

must be consulted about statutory assessment

can submit their views

can ask for a school, and

can appeal against the decision of the local authority.


Disability Discrimination Acts1995 and 2005

Schools and local authorities must:

promote disability equally

not treat disabled pupils less favourably

make reasonable adjustments for disabled pupils, and

draw up and implement a disability equality scheme.


Disability Discrimination Acts1995 and 2005

Parents can:

take claims of discrimination to the SEN and Disability Tribunal (www.sendist.gov.uk), and

seek mediation to resolve disputes.


Duties on local authorities

To identify assess and provide, where necessary

To provide and publicise a parent partnership service

To have regard to the SEN code of practice.


Duties on local authorities (continued…)

To publish the respective responsibilities of schools and the local authority for funding provision for SEN

To provide education for pupils with SEN in mainstream schools, except under certain conditions.

A local authority need not place a child with a statement in a mainstream school if it is:


Outside mainstream education

Against their parents wishes, or

Incompatible with the efficient education of other pupils (and there are no reasonable steps that could be taken to prevent this).

Outside mainstream education (continued…)

Where a parent asks for a particular maintained school (mainstream or special) the local authority must name it in the pupil’s statement unless it would:

Unsuitable for the pupil’s age, ability, aptitude or SEN

Be incompatible with the efficient education of other pupils, or

Be an inefficient use of their resources.



Activity 6

Learning outcome

You will learn how to produce parent-friendly information.


Information for parents/carers

Should include:

key information

parent-friendly language

design and layout that makes it accessible

how parents/carers will give feedback on the leaflet, and

first contact point for further information.


Activity 7

Learning outcomes

You will:

reflect on your learning, and

identify points for action.


The case for positive partnership with parents/carers


Practical benefits


Practical benefits

School draws on parent/carer’s knowledge of their child

Earlier identification of pupils’ needs

Better informed response to needs

Joint approaches between home and school

Improved teacher and parent/carer confidence

Better outcomes.