1 Learning Skills Generic Skills Integration Project.

Post on 20-Dec-2015

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Learning SkillsLearning SkillsGeneric Skills Integration Project



Dependence v.s.


Directive v.s. Non-directive

Structured v.s. Unstructured

Surface v.s. Deep learningGensip – Learning SkillsTrinity College Dublin


Expectations Expectations



Complete assignments

Attend lectures &

tutorialsGensip – Learning SkillsTrinity College Dublin

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Model of Strategic Learning

Model of Strategic Learning




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Students must reflect on their own learning, on the relevance of what they are learning and on the nature of the subject.

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Process of learning

– Know oneself as a learner

– Know about tasks

– Know about context

Content of learning

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ExamplesExamples Planning

– Identifying purpose of academic task and selecting appropriate strategy

Monitoring & Evaluating– Asking self questions– Checking with peers

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Planning StrategiesPlanning Strategies

Goal setting

Good time management



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SMART Goal SettingSMART Goal Setting

S = Specific

M = Measurable

A = Action

R = Realistic

T = Time-based

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Time Management Strategies

Time Management Strategies

Prioritise Specificity Small bite-size pieces Use all available time Structure the environment Establish a routine Scheduling

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Scheduling TipsScheduling Tips

Time tables

To do lists

Prioritising system

Monitor, evaluate, reward

Relaxation time

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Overcoming Procrastination

Overcoming Procrastination

Take Action



Five Minutes

Related Tasks

Worst first



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Approaches to LearningApproaches to Learning

Surface Approach– Intention to reproduce,

memorise– Rote, passive

Deep Approach– Intention to understand, interact– Active processing, meaningful

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Examples of Active, Deep Processing Strategies

Examples of Active, Deep Processing Strategies

Discussion Visualisation Teaching someone/thing

else Diagrams Making associations Asking Questions

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Types of Cognitive Learning StrategiesTypes of Cognitive Learning Strategies




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Rehearsal StrategiesRehearsal Strategies

Mnemonic devices Reading material over again Writing material over again Repeating terms aloud Flashcards Underlining or highlighting

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Elaboration StrategiesElaboration Strategies Linking Frameworks Paraphrasing Summarising Analogies Asking questions Teaching material Applying knowledge

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Organisational StrategiesOrganisational Strategies Outlining Diagramming Classifying Categorizing Identify relationships Separate main ideas from

details Layout of material

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Learning ContextLearning Context

Environmental factors Departmental expectations &

requirements Assessment method Relevance of material for own use Other variables

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SummarySummary Strategic learners practice

reflection and self-regulation

Strategic learners use effective learning strategies

Strategic learners are aware of the learning context

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Purposes for ReadingPurposes for Reading Enjoyment Overview or gist of subject Gathering information, to

search Summarising main points Expertise or understanding Critique or evaluation

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Being SelectiveBeing SelectiveAsk lecturers/tutors what is most

relevantBe alert for hints and cuesAsk fellow studentsAsk students in the year aheadShare readingPreview or skim before reading in-


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Reading StrategiesReading Strategies Reflection Speed reading Ask questions Making notes Self Regulation Skimming or scanning

(preview) SQ3R

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ScanningScanning Useful for planning or previewing Glance at table of contents,

headings, index Read introduction and summary or

conclusion Spend only 5-10 minutes

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Purposes for NotetakingPurposes for Notetaking

Noting facts Contrast similarities and

differences Summarise main points Help pay attention Review or revision Record thoughts or brainstorm

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Types of NotesTypes of Notes

Prose or summary

Outline or skeleton

Mind maps

Cornell or Two Column

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Note Making StrategiesNote Making Strategies

Deep Processing Strategies– Summarising info– Seeking relationships– Asking & answering questions– Key words

Rehearsal strategies– Underlining & highlighting

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Notes from LecturesNotes from Lectures Active Listening Brief and Clear

Key wordsAbbreviationsExamples, illustrations

Organisation Review

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The Writing ProcessThe Writing Process Getting Started

– Understanding the task & the question– Creating an outline or mind map– Planning

Gathering Information Writing Drafts Feedback

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Getting StartedGetting Started Understanding task demands Understanding the question/topic Creating a mind map or skeletal


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Sample Marking CriteriaSample Marking Criteria Introduction Quality of argument Use of evidence Presentation Conclusions

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Planning AssignmentsPlanning Assignments Determine task demands Understand the question Brainstorm/reflect Determine information needed Create outline structure Gather information Start writing first draft Revising and editing References Proofreading SUBMIT!

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Writing DraftsWriting Drafts Structure Answer question

– First draft - get ideas down– Second draft - develop & support

argument Revise and edit Credit sources - references

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Structure of EssaysStructure of Essays

Introduction Overview of essay; how question will be


Main Body Answer question; develop argument

Conclusion Summary

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What? A main idea and an elaboration

How? Topic sentence Supporting sentences - explanation,

evidence, examples Linking sentences

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Critical ThinkingCritical Thinking? Identify and evaluate author’s

reasoning / argument? Evidence to support

? How valid & reliable? Biased

? Assumptions made? Valid conclusions

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Credit sources of information & ideas Reader can locate for further

information if required

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Direct quotes Paraphrases Statistics/Studies Theories Interpretations Facts

(Cottrell, 1999. p. 123)

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Emotions and Attitude

Impact our cognitions and behaviours

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Improving MotivationImproving Motivation Focus on Effort Alter Expectations Positive Self-Talk Rewards Goal Setting Positive language Visualisation

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Sources of Distractions Internal External

Control Distractions

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Controlling External Distractions

Controlling External Distractions

Structure study environment

Establish a routine Negotiate Physical

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Controlling Internal Distractions

Controlling Internal Distractions

List of concerns Worry time Mind wandering or

daydreaming Building up time Mental rehearsal More active in study process