1 Oktober / October 2015 Jr/Yr No.38

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1 Oktober / October 2015 Jr/Yr No.38


Please take note t h a t Ly d e n b u r g SAPS telephone number 013 235 2 2 2 2 i s N O T WORKING, and has been reported to Telkom. P l e a s e u s e alternative numbers as listed below:013 235 1311013 235 2223013 235 4552

Black mamba micro chipped

THERE are a lot of professionals in the Lydenburg area who are very dedicated to conservation. A 2.3 meter black mamba (Dendroaspis polylepis) was found in the Watervalsrivier-area outside Burgersfort hiding under a steel container. Mr Neels Bothma, well-known snake expert, was called into help. Before releasing the snake in a nearby nature reserve. Justine Dickinson (from a nature reserve) helped Neels to put a micro chip in the black mamba. Readers will note that this mamba has a dark grey/ brown colour. Mamba’s of this colour are often found and they are not always the blackish colour that we associate with them. A sender and scanner will soon be used to track the whereabouts of the mamba in a research project. ~ By Michelle BoshoffThe black mamba was handled in the correct, safe way before it

was micro chipped. Mr Neels Bothma is injecting the micro chip into the black

mamba while Justine Dickinson is assisting him.

Photo’s provided

Die amarillas is ’n skouspel in me. Elize Boshoff se tuin. Daar is nog ’n hele paar soorte wat gaan blom. Dit is elke jaar nóg mooier as die vorige jaar.

~ Michelle Boshoff

Die kleure van somer

Me. Hanlie Swanepoel van Lydenburg beskryf haar amarillas as ’n “geskenk van God.”

Tel: 013 235 3855 Cell: 071 316 2466pieterse.zelna@gmail.com

lydenburg-audiologist.co.zaOpposite Medical Centre - Lydenburg

Spraakprobleme • Gehoortoetse • GehoorapparateSpeech Problems • Hearing Tests • Hearing Aids

Lekker braai is regtig eie aan ons land. Die RusoordTehuis vir Bejaardes het op 24 September ook Erfenis-dag en Braaidag gevier. Daar is op grootskaal gebraai

vir al die inwoners. Dankie aan al die braaiers, die lekkerbykosse en almal wat die dag moontlik gemaak het. VF+ braai vir Lelievlei

MET Nasionale Braaidag het die VF+ ’n braai aangebied vir Lelievlei se inwoners. Frik Rousseau, VF+ Federale Nasionale Raadslid het tydens die geselligheid genoem dat die finansiële omstandighede in Lydenburg baie verswak het. Die VF+ se plaaslike

leiers het onlangs op ’n vergadering besluit om meer hulp aan behoefiges in Lydenburg te verskaf. Mnr. Chris Black, sekretaris van Lelievlei het die VF+ bedank vir die

gesellige byeenkoms.Op die foto verskyn van links na regs: Andre Olivier, Frik Rousseau, Corrie Cornelius,

Johan Van Zyl, Deon Erasmus, Zack Klein en Chris Black.

Braaidag al te jolig by Rusoord

Vote for best business in townisit www.lydenburgbusiness.co.za to vote online for the best business in town. V

When on the website and icon “Vote Online’ is top right on the screen. Click on ‘Vote Online. Register your details - only one vote per email.

Click on the pen icon the vote. Scroll off to the business that you want to vote form. The Business Chamber members are first on the list and then the other businesses. You can log in any time and change your vote. The closing date for votes are 31 October. Phone Ingrid de Wet, Administrator: 0826346473.


TIELMAN NIEUWOUDTCell: 083 227 4625




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Rusoord se Kermis beloof groot pret te weesO u d e r g e w o o n t e s a l d i e Rusoord Tehuis vir Bejaardes se kermis, met 'n optog afskop deur Lydenburg se strate.Die optog vind vanaf 12:30 op 2 Oktober plaas.Outydse motors, perde en ossewaens almal is welkomSaterdag 03 Oktober ONTBYT R30.00 BEGIN REEDS OM 7:00TEETUIN:Kom geniet 'n koppie tee en koek en lu ister na ons verskillende koor optredes begin om 9:00. Kom koop vleis by die grootste vleis en groente tafel ooit met die beste pryseBehalwe al die eetgoed en verversings sal daar 'n

naaldwerk, wit olifant en koektafel wees.Kompetisies:INSKRYWINGSGELD: R10Vier kompetisies, neem aan a l m a l d e e l : 1 . D i e oorspronklikste hoed; 2. Baba, kleuter en tiener; 3. Ouma en oupa; 4. Die man met die grootste maag.

N u u t o p o n s l y s : Hondekompetisie:• Inskrywingsgeld: R20.00 1. Die Mooiste, 2. Lelikste, 3. Dierbaarste, 4. en wie lyk die meeste na sy eienaar. • Potjiekoskompetisie.Stalletjies beskikbaar teen R50 per stalletjie. Skakel Jeanetta Kruger: 013 235 2146/082 579 2962.

KERMIS op Saterdag 3 Oktober by Rusoord

VIR die afgelope paar weke het daar ’n geweldige stank oor Lelievlei gehang. By nadere ondersoek het mnr. Frans Bloem, ’n bestuurslid van Lelievlei op die rioolstorting in die

Klipgatspruit agter Lelievlei afgekom. Dié spruit vloei onder andere deur die golfbaan, onder deur Viljoenstraat op pad silos toe, en verby Estralita. Mnr. Bloem het fotos geneem (bo) en dit vir ons gebring.Mnr Frik Rousseau, leier van die plaaslike

VF+, het die saak M a a n d a g o n d e r Thaba Chweu se aandag gebring.

Music on Heritage DayLocal musicians and music lovers came together at The Music Shop in Lydenburg on

Heritage Day to ‘jam together’. It was a great opportunity for young artists to showcase their talent.

vir Gemeenskapsjoernalisteof Community Journalists



Highlands Panorama

News holds

accredited membership

of the following bodies /

Highlands Panorama Nuus is ’n geakkredi-teerde lid van die

volgende organisa-


Copyright exists on all materialpublished in the

Highlands Panorama. Written permissionmust be obtained touse it in any form.Kopiereg bestaan

op alle materiaal in die Highlands Panorama.Skriftelike toestemmingmoet vir enige gebruikdaarvan bekom word.

Owners/Eienaars: Highlands

Panorama cc/bk. (CK 2006 / 199045/23)

Office/Kantoor:65 Viljoen-Str/str 65

(C/o - h/v Viljoen- & Jansen-Str’s/str’e);

PO Box/Posbus 4418,



Member of

Director / Direkteur: Andre Coetzee -

083 626 6305Editor / Redakteur:Michelle Boshoff -

Nuus: 082 450 4876Advertensies / Advertising:

Reinet Bell082 450 4875

Rekeninge / Accounts:Jill Du Preez - 013 235 2287

Grafies / Graphics:Joseph Wyngaard -

013 235 2287Website / Webtuiste:

Tienie SteynEmail: info@



Printed by Lowveld Media,

12 StinkhoutCrescent,Nelspruit

DIE reuse migrasie van mense wat vlugtelingstatus aanvra is besig om Europa te verswelg. Die wêreld se nasies is planloos en al wat ’n aktivis is, pleit nou by die Europese lande om die mense te “aanvaar”. Dit is ’n ramp wat reuse langtermyn gevolge gaan inhou. Uiteenlopende kulture word oornag in ’n smeltkroes gegooi. Meeste van dié lande het nie soos Suid Afrika ’n 400 jaar geskiedenis van diverse kulture wat (soms) saamwerk nie. En ten spyte van ons geskiedenis sukkel ons. Ek praat nie van apartheid, rassisme of politiek nie, hoewel dié elemente altyd daar sal wees. Ek praat van in relatiewe harmonie oorleef. Ons

behoort vir die wêreld ’n leermodel te wees. Die invloei uit Zim en Mosambiek het in ’n kort tyd hier by ons gelei tot xenofobie wat nie oor kleur gegaan het nie. Vreemdelingehaat is so oud soos die sigeuners en die uitwissing van mijoene Jode deur Nazi Duitsland. Dit is in mense se gene ingebore.Hierdie bom gaan die hele Europa tref. Mens sien dit in Londen, waar ’n Engelsman nie meer die plek ken nie. Rassisme het vanaf 1994 in Suid Afrika toegeneem, die afskaffing van apartheid ten spyt. Rassisme is nie noodwendig xenofobie wat min tussen velkleur onderskei nie.Dié sosiale probleme word deur onbeholpe regerings veroorsaak, wat soveel foute maak dat hulle mense gatvol raak en hulle frustrasie op

mekaar uithaal. In SA is dit soms tussen wit en swart, maar kyk na die huidige protes hier by ons. Dit word meestal deur swart mense teen hulle “eie” swart regering gevoer. Die midde oosterse krisis duur al jare. Aangevuur deur onverdraagsame ekstremistiese religieuse groepe, wat die wortel van die kwaad is, is geen gewone mens veilig nie. Behalwe in Israel, waar ’n sterk regering sy land se mense se volle steun het. Vergrype deur despote in Afrika teen hulle mense gaan ongesiens verby en wanneer daardie mense begin vlug, moet iemand vir hulle pa staan. Maar die EU, die AU en die VN is blind en handel nie met die oorsaak nie. So in die midde ooste. Die sterk lande moet effektief handel met sulke regerings, as ’n land se mense te slapgat raak om die regering uit te haal. Jy handhaaf net vrede as jy ’n bakleigat uithaal of isoleer. Zimbabwe sou ’n vooruitstrewende land wees as Mugabe lankal uitgehaal was. Maar nee, daar moet ’n diplomatieke oplossing kom. Diplomasie werk nie. Almal lieg vir mekaar om polities korrek op te tree en niemand handel met die werklike (klein) probleem nie.Hou Europa dop. Die moeilikheid begin nou en dit gaan vinnig ons probleme na ’n vulletjie laat lyk.


ESEGIËL 22:29: Die burgers van die land verdruk en beroof mense. Hulle buit armes en mense in nood uit en hulle verdruk die vreemdeling asof daar geen reg bestaan nie.

Gun my, Michelle Boshoff as redakteur, om tog een van ons mooi taal se pragtigste gedigte

prontuit te plaas. Dit kan nie meer gepas wees nie en

is tog so bekend aan ons almal - deur C. Louis Leipoldt

Dit is die maand Oktober! Die mooiste, mooiste maand!

Dan is die dag so helder, so groen is elke aand,

so blou en sonder wolke die hemel heerlik bo,

so blomtuin vol van kleure die asvaal ou Karoo,

so blomtuin vol van kleure die asvaal ou Karoo.

Dit is die maand Oktober! Die varkblom is in bloei;

oor al die seekoeigate is kafferskuil gegroei;

die koppies, kort gelede nog as 'n klip so kaal,

het nou vir welkomsgroetnis hul mooiste voor gehaal;

het nou vir welkomsgroetnis hul mooiste voor gehaal.

Dit is die maand Oktober! Die akkerboom is groen;

die bloekoms langs die paaie is almal nuut geboen;

en orals in die tuin rond ruik jy sering en roos,

jasmyn en katjiepiering, lemoen en appelkoos,

jasmyn en katjiepiering, lemoen en appelkoos.

Dit is die maand Oktober! Ek dink die mense vier

vir ewig in die hemel Oktobermaand soos hier!

Wat wens jy meer as blomme, as helder dag en nag?

Wat kan jy beter, mooier of heerliker verwag?

Wat kan jy beter, mooier of heerliker verwag?

Wat gee ek om die winter? Wat praat jy nou van Mei?

Wat skeel dit as ons later weer donker dae kry?

Ek is nou in Oktober, die mooiste, mooiste maand,

met elke dag so helder, so pragtig elke aand!

Met elke dag so helder, so pragtig elke aand!

DN Makelaars wen goudD N M a k e l a a r s ( ’ n Goedgekeurde Finansiele Dienste Verskaffer), voorheen bekend as Gawie Grobler Makelaars, het weereens ‘n goue toekenning gewen, hierdie keer in die Agri Afdeling. Hierdie toekenning is deur Mutual en Federal oorhandig vir besonderse groei in 2014. Wessel Davel en Gerhard Nel bedank graag die lojale kliënte en bekwame span wat help om hierdie makelary van krag tot krag te laat gaan

F o t o l i n k s :A g t e r : D e b b i e Cushway

(Mutual & Federal), Wessel Davel, Retha Page (Mutual

& Federal), Louise van Staden, Amanda Nel en

Lelanie PotgieterVoor: Leandri Lange, Sarah Modiba en Petro Warricker

Op 3 Oktober vier die parkrun hul eerste verjaardag met ’n groot dag by die Visserye in Lydenburg. Dit is vir enige ouderdom en vlak van fiksheid. As jy 25 keer help kry jy ’n Volunteer T-hemp. Kinders onder 18 kry na 10 keer ’n sertifikaat. Almal kry na 50,100 en 250 keer 'n T-hemp. Dit is 'n 2.5km baan wat twee keer gedoen moet word. Kontak Mariaan by 084 806 0946 of registreer by www.parkrun.co.za


Cansa Relay For Life: Lydenburg Primary School - 23 October 2015 - From 18:00 Until Saturday 06:00. Team Registrations: Conrad Langenegger, Tel 071 890 2915 Email: info@longtomcs.co.zadonations/sponsors: Liza van Rhede, Tel: 082 381 6745 Email:lizavanrhede@vodamail.co.zaContact Isobel at 074 661 0003 to participate. Sponsors are needed.

Ons Vader, gee dat wet en orde herstel sal word - Amen.

Rusoord Tehuis vir Bejaardes het dekens

(gekwilt en gebrei) aan hul wenners oorhandig. Die

wenners was baie ingenome en baie bly oor hul pragtige nuwe dekens.

Hier is van linksmnr. Rudi Sneyders, me.Quinette Sneyders (wenners), me. Franci

van Niekerk (wenner) enAndrea Coetzee

(Rusoord)Me. Franci van Niekerk wys hoe mooi haar

deken werklik is.

Open from 07:00.

Call us on


Monday - Thursday8:15am - 5:15pm

Friday8:00am - 12:15pm1:30pm - 5:15pm

Saturday8:15am - 1:15pm


RAMABrick 500g


Heritage Day was celebrated in a traditional, colourful way, representing the whole spectrum of our rainbow nation at ASA Metals. The employees dressed up in their traditional attire.

The Chief Executive Officer, Mr Kleinjan du Toit spoiled his employees with a nice braai, to celebrate numerous milestones they achieved in the various departments.



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ON 26 September Limpopo saw the first ever event where sound, speed and beauty regarding cars were on display at the Tubatse Crossing Mall. Sponsored by Payless Mags & Tyres and NB Fitment Centre, the organisers got IASCA and Speed & Sound involved as well.The results were as follows: Truck / Pickup 11. 118.4 Deon vd Merwe2. 118.4 Dayalen ChettyHatchback / Wagon 11. 134.1 Christopher Raath2. 134.0 Hennie Fourie3. 133.5 Cornelius HelgrynHatchback / Wagon 21. 139.4 Dayalen Chetty 22. 138.1 Emile DrysdaleHatchback / Wagon 31. 143.5 Obert Multrie2. 142.2 Edward RyanAdvanced 11. 148.5 Reinhardt Ehlers2. 134.0 Noori Mia3. 128.8 Bennie jv VuurenStreet Stock 11. 134.3 Louis PieterseStreet Stock 21. 134.0 Abdullah AmodTaxi Street1. 139.8 Simon LingwatiBantamweight1. 118.2 Dayalen ChettyFeatherweight1. 136.9 Dayalen ChettyOverall 1st Reinhardt Ehlers 148.52nd Obert Mutrie 143.53rd Edward Ryan 142.2Time 2 Shine Dyno Results0 - 16001st Hennie Fourie 113nm 66kw4 Cyl - K041st Jean van Wyk 314nm 181kw

2nd Christopher Raath 283nm 162kw4 Cyl - Open1st Shandre Taylor 321nm 212kw2nd Reinhardt Ehlers 232nm 108kw6 Cyl - Open1st Gideon Coetzee 261nm 114kw2nd Phillip Bosch 183nm 79kw8 Cyl - n/a1st Deon vd Merwe 507nm 275kw2nd Koos Ludeke 452nm 252kw3rd Deon vd Merwe 409nm 222kwFotos en Storie Reinet Bell

Kia display

Jessica Bell competed in the sound off.

Bennie JV Vuuren

Louis PieterseBestuurder NB Fitment Centre

Simon Lingwati

Hennie Fourie

Reinhardt Ehlers

Gideon Coetzee

Deon VD Merwe

Deon VD Merwe (2)

BORGWARD, the German automobile manufacturer most famous for the Isabella and the P100, has been revived after fifty-four years thanks to the financial backing of Chinese owned Foton Motors and its first effort is this; the BX7 Crossover SUV.Despite pioneering innovations such as pneumatic suspension and automatic transmissions the German brand, under supposed poor financial supervision, was unable to compete with Volkswagen and Opel and was thus forced into bankruptcy. But the brand’s revival was announced in 2008 by the grandson of the original founder and now the BX7 has been revealed.The seven-seater SUV will be equipped with a 2,0 liter four-cylinder turbocharged petrol engine developing 165 kW. This unit is coupled with a seven-speed dual-clutch automatic transmission. The BX7 will also feature an all-wheel drivetrain with an electronic multi-plate clutch developed by the American based BorgWarner.Borgward has also announced a 295 kW plug-in hybrid variant of the BX7 with an electric-only range of up to 55 km. The hybrid will also feature an all-wheel drive setup with the petrol engine managing the front wheels and the electric motor controlling the rear.The Borgward will receive features such as a 12,3-inch infotainment system, Wi-Fi hotspot support, 360-degree camera, adaptive cruise control, braking assistant with pedestrian protection and a collision assistance.carmag.co.za

THE all-new Toyota Aygo made its first local public appearance before a crowd of 18 000 at the 2015 Red Bull X-Fighters event held at the Union Buildings in

Tshwane on Saturday, September 12.Toyota says it features bold styling and incorporates a prominent "X"-motif in the front grille which extends upwards to the A-pillar and side mirrors to create a unique identity and strong road presence.The result is a decidedly cheeky, five-door hatch which exudes a sporty, youthful and energetic image and is perfectly suited to conquer the urban jungle, adds its maker.Under the bonnet lurks a characterful 51kW 1.0-litre three-cylinder engine. It does the 100km/h sprint in sub-15sec and has a claimed 4.4 litres/100km in the combined cycle.Toyota says: "Without giving away too much, the newcomer gets the 'Full Monty' treatment when it comes to specifications, boasting standard features such as display audio, Bluetooth functionality, auto-door lock, front power windows, air conditioning and a full suite of safety kit."Local introduction of the Aygo has been confirmed for October 2015 with full specification details to follow prior to market introduction.Wheels24.co.za

E R F N R AD G AA U DE -C R8 Breytenbach Street, Lydenburg013 235 1086degraaflydenburg@webmail.co.za

HONDA's Ballade sedan range expands locally with the addition of a new Executive version as the automaker's new flagship. The new Executive derivative is a product of customer demand for an even higher-specced version than the current Elegance variant. The new derivative adds several new features to the Elegance's already extensive features list.Most notable from the outside are the larger 16" alloy rims, shod with 185/55 R16 tyres, which immediately distinguish the new Executive.Included are exterior mirrors which now feature integrated indicators for added visibility and safety while chromed door handles underline the car's smart appearance, says the automaker.The Ballade Executive also receives full leather upholstery, while the steering wheel is now adjustable for reach and height.The flagship uses Honda's 1.5 litre i-VTEC four-cylinder engine and a re-engineered, more efficient constantly variable Transmission (CVT). The model is equipped with steering column-mounted shift paddles. Honda's "Econ" button on the CVT model adjusts throttle mapping, shift patterns and cruise control operation.The new sedan has a multi-function steering wheel, cruise control, Bluetooth and an 18cm touchscreen display.The new Ballade offers class-leading levels of active and passive safety. Like the rest of the range, the new Executive is equipped with six airbags - front, side and curtain - as well as

seat belts with pre-tensioners and load limiters. The Ballade is available in five colours - white, silver, titanium metallic, brown and red.All units will be sold with a three-year or 100 000km warranty and a four-year or 60 000km service plan. Prices: From R208 900 to R273 000 - Wheels24.co.za

Tel: 013 235 0144Eddie: 072 868 8314

Next to PG Glass, Lydenburg


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Juandre Taylor

Robert (Boelie)

Edward Ryan

Robert (Boelie)

Marius Kleinhans vanLydenburg Auto Clinic

Rudi VD Merwe

Koos Ludeke

Performance team with Bilal

Arbee and Noori Mia.

Elaine from IASCA and Yaseen

Essack (Kia).Yaseen was also the announcer.

Bilal Arbee (BMW M3 Fully

Customised) and Noori Mia (Mercedes

A45 AMG with software).

h Pr pert Sh pT e o y oSONE: 082 898 5272VERHURINGS

www.deovolenteproperties.co.zaFacebook page : Deo Volente PropertiesTel: (013) 235-1102, deovolprops@lantic.netErich Venter : 082 904 8587 Bcom Regte(UP) NQF 5

motorhuis - R8600

*3 Slaapkamer huis met 2 badkamers, sitkamer, eetkamer. tv kamer, kombuis, buite geboue, buite toilet, groot erf en dubbel motorhuis - R9800


*2 Slaapkamer meenthuis met 2 badkamer, sitkamer, eetkamer, kombuis en dubbel toesluit afdak - R4500 water ingesluit

*3 Slaapkamer huis met 2 badkamers, studeerkamer, sitkamer, eetkamer, kombuis, opwas, erf en dubbel

* 2 slaapkamer woonstelle, 1 badkamer, kombuis, tv kamer, 1 motor afdak. Beskikbaar vanaf R4200 water ingesluit*3 Slaapkamer meenthuis, 2 badkamers, TV kamer, kombuis, dubbel toesluit motorhuis, erf - R6500 water ingesluit*3 slaapkamer huis, 2 badkamers, groot kombuis, opwas, TV kamer, Eetkamer, addissionele vertrek, 1 motorhuis, dubbel motor afdak, groot erf R7300 water ingesluit*3 slaapkamer huis, 2 badkamers, TV kamer, sitkamer, eet kamer, kombuis met gas en elektriese stowe, binne braai en buite braai, dubbel motorhuis en erf - R9600 water ingesluit


PRICE REDUCEDLooking for a spacious family home..? Then this is just for

you. Property consists of 2 living areas, 4 bedrooms,

2 bathrooms, double lock-up garage and a well maintained

garden. Added bonus is a sparkling swimming pool for those sunny summer days. Call our agent today to view

this property.

IDEAL STARTER HOMEBrand new modern townhouse offering an open-plan kitchen

leading to the living areas, 3 bedrooms main en-suite, 2 bathrooms, double lock-up garage and a small private garden. Don't miss out on this once in a lifetime offer, call our agent today to view

this property.

LYDENBURG R1 150 000 LYDENBURG R1 200 000 LYDENBURG R870 000


Low maintenance neatly built home is situated in a

established area. Property consists of an open-plan lounge and dining room,

modern kitchen with cherry wood cupboards,

3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms and a double lock-up garage.

A must see.

Contact: Office 013 235 2653

RE/MAX - 013 235 2653YVONNE: 079 290 4090

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RE/MAX - 013 235 2653ELSKE: 072 696 7982


R 1 250 000.An opportunity like this

does not cross your path every day.

This property is situated on one of the main roads

in Lydenburg.Just right for a

business or family home. Spacious

bedroom and two bathrooms. Very neat

kitchen with a laundry.

Spacious study, living room and dining room. The main attraction of this

property is the size of the stand, a whole

1428 m². A garage and two secure

parking's. Mariska Grobler 074 589

0204, deovolprops@lantic.net

Lydenburg: 013 235 1102.

By Megapaints wen jy groot!!Megapaints Burgersfort en Steelpoort het met hul gelukkige trekking vir hierdie

braaier net voor Nasionale Braaidag Ambrosio se dag gemaak. Op die fotois links Willie Joubert, Bestuurder van Megapaints, Burgersfort en die wenner

(regs) Ambrosio Nhantumbo.

Megapaints het Donderdag die groot braaier oorhandig aan mnr. Pieter Krügel. Die kompetisie was geloods vir die Lydenburg-, Burgersfort-, en

Steelpoorttakke waar hulle twee van hierdie fantastiese braaiers weggegee het aan die gelukkige wenners, net voor Nasionale Braaidag / Erfenisdag. Op die foto is die

Megapaints Lydenburg span saam met mnr. Pieter Krügel (middel).

Tel/ Faks: 013 235 2622 / Eleen Nel: 082 896 3908 Dries: 082 462 7723 / Buhrmanstr 32, Lydenburg

TE HUUR:• 3 Slk, 2 badkamers, 2 mot - • 3 Slk woning, baie groot en netjies - • 2 Slk woonstel - • 3 Slk woningl op plot, 2 badkamers, 2km uit dorp. - TE KOOP: • Baie netjiese 3 slk woning in stil omgewing, 2 badks, ruim woonarea's/kombuis, omhein, afdakke vir 4 mot - • 5 Slk woning met 3 badk en 2 slk w/stel, sentraal geleë - • Boomryke erf 5 Slk. Goeie woonarea, 3 badk, oopplan woon • Pragtige groot erf in The Heads -



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R500 000

Be the proud owner of this lovely cluster home,

2bedrooms, bathroom and garage, modern kitchen

and bathroom

FANIE 072 317 3959


R800 000

This sectional title property is in a secure complex and just a stone throw from Lydenburg

CBD. Neat 3 bedr, 2 bathr apartment with spacious open plan dining, living room and

kitchen. Small garden / courtyard. One lock up garage.

STEPHANIE072 155 0761


R2 650 000

Substantial family home in quiet part of town. Open plan,

tv room and entertainment area with modern kitchen, Lounge, 4 sunny bedrooms of which 2 are en suite and 5 double garages

FANIE 072 317 3959

57 Kerk St Lydenburg013 235 4132 / 013 235 2555

082 883 5342

After Hours: 076 053 7178

STERKSPRUITVeterinary Clinic


Dr. David Huchzermeyer; Dr. Philippa Colly;Dr. Anthony Davis; Dr. Jac Brink;

Dr. Brian Chester -Brownewww.sterkspruitveterinaryclinic.co.za


LAUNDRY/ WASSERY - A1 . 013 235 3976.

A1 LOCK & KEY. Centurion gate motors & remotes & security - 013 235 3976.

KWAGGA VERVOER. Vir enige vervoerwerk, 4 ton trok. Kontak Nico: 082 563 4592, Charlotte: 072 865 6424.

AK JEWELS 013 235 1075

N O O D H U L P ? V U R E ? Slange? Opleiding word ook verskaf. 082 730 3047

BOUPLANNE JC Potgieter SACAP Reg: D0011. 082 769 3615

A L L - I N - O N E h o m e i m p r o v e m e n t s , p h o n e Matthys 061 214 9342


HIGH PROTEIN diet & blood g r o u p . L y d e n b u r g , Burgersfort, Steelpoort. 082 833 0323

CREATIVE NAIL DESIGN BY CHRISTELLE - Training & Nails. 081 016 0469


SKOONMAAK VAN MATTE, m e u b e l s , m o t o r s e n droogsuig van oorstroomde matte. Martie 082 951 7494

No 1 CLEANING SERVICES 072 610 5105

TOP 2 BOTTOM Lorraine 073 722 7913/ 079 066 8545


I.T.@Large - for all pc repairs & maintenance, updating hardware and software, virus removals, networks, call outs etc. Jacques 071 268 9211 / Pierre 079 881 1932


A T L A S P A N E E L - KLOPPERS- Geakkrediteer. Kontak: 013 235 3423/ 082 454 8382

GS AUTO Electrical & Mechanical repairs. 013 235 3086/ 082 457 5727


I BUY VEHICLES for cash. 082 646 6735

EK KOOP BYNA ALLE motors, bakkies, kombi’s & dubbelcabs vir kontant. Ek is bereid om op te tel. Skakel Unis 082 959 9120/ Aflam 072 203 1614


LYDENBURG VEHICLE HIRE- car & van rentals. 013 235 1780


ENIGE KONTANT NODIG? Kontak LDR Pawn SHOP 074 897 9768 / 078 467 0954 / 076 483 1234 / 013 235 4843

Instandhouding & Verbetering

Fanus Potgieter 083 454 1167fanus@scubarebels.co.za

Verf - Teël - Dakke Seel - Bou

Rotte - Termiete - Kokkerotte - Vlooie

Fanus Potgieter 083 454 1167fanus@scubarebels.co.za

BEN 082 408 2798SOPHIA 076 677 7362







Lydenburg 013 235 1233Burgersfort 013 231 7329

• Tiles • Baths• Taps • Toilets

Lydenburg 087 802 7054

(Reg No: NCRDC 487)

Registered DebtCounsellor

Burgersfort 087 151 1034

082 924 9292

Venster GlasVeiligheidsglas

Aluminium RameSkuif & Stort Deure


Fanie Maritz: 082 490 9805Phillip Warricker: 082 499 5432


Lydenburg 013 235 1233Burgersfort 013 231 7329

• Blinds • Vinyl • Laminate • Carpets

Herstelwerk op alle huishoudlike

toestelle, soos yskaste, stowe,

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instalasies van persele. verkope van elektriese goedere.

Gerrie082 898 0563

39 RensburgstrLydenburg

Wooden FlooringWall to Wall Carpets

Blinds • CurtainsTiles • Loose & Logo Carpets

Under Carpet HeatingJohann 083 600 4231smit.4@hotmail.com

Tel : 013 235 1711 * Faks: 013 235 3107Posbus 1159 Kantoorstraat 24 Lydenburgwww.ganda.co.za

e-pos: gertandreelek@lantic.net

Installering, Instandhouding, Herstel van Huishoudelikeware,Huisbedrading, Pompe en Elektriese groothandelaar

Pallet Wendy’s3m x 3m=50003m x 4m=5500

For more info contact: Joe: 072 155 3949

We deliver everywherewww.jjwendyhouses.co.zajoe.log.homes@gmail.com

GEELMIELIES R125/ 50kg. 076 139 7540


PETS CORNER - 013 235 2658

DOGGY IN THE WINDOW Parlour - Rowena 083 326 0941


HOUSE FOR SALE: New 3 bedroom, double bathroom, single garage house in Central. R900 000. Call Johan 076 371 6706


3 BEDROOM FLATS to let, Lydenburg. From R5000 / month. Contact 082 460 3000

SHOPS TO LET Lydenburg. R6000. Contact 082 460 3000

HOUSE TO LET 3 bedroom, double bathroom, double garage in Sterkspruit. R7500 per month. Call Johan 076 371 6706

BACHELOR WOONSTEL R2500 p/m. 079 624 9486

1 SLAAPKAMER woonstel, Lydenburg. W+L ing. Geen honde en kinders R3500 p/m. Lorraine 082 582 7100/ Irene 082 346 4177

E N K E L W O O N S T E L R3000pm met krag. 50% deposito 072 762 8562


KLITZ GRAS CHALETS Accommodation, Chapel & venue facilities, Boma/ braai. 013 235 2758


HUIZEMARK EIENDOMME benodig die dienste van Eiendoms Agente met enige ve rkoopsonde rv i nd ing . Opleiding word verskaf. Slegs kommissie basis. Eie laptop. Ouderdom bo 30 jaar. Stuur asb u CV en kopie van u I D d o k u m e n t n a aefourie@huizemark.com


INDIEN DIE VOLGENDE VOERTUIG nie binne 21 dae vanaf eerste publikasie datum (3 September 2015) afgehaal en ten volle betaal word nie, sal dit verkoop word om kostes te dek. Mercedes Benz 1419 Truck. REG No: BDK 787 N Chassis No: 39701665125933 . Navrae: Lydenburg Auto Clinic 013 235 3545

IN THE MAGISTRATE'S COURT FOR THE DISTRICT OF LYDENBURG HELD AT LYDENBURG Case number: C00782/2014 In the matter between: TIM TRADING (PTY) LTD t/a HANA'S MICA B U I L D P A I N T & HARDWARE EXECUTION CREDITOR and ODEN ZIN M I N E E N G I N E E R I N G LYDENBURG EXECUTION DEBTOR NOTICE OF SALE I N E X E C U T I O N I n pursuance of a Judgment granted by the above H o n o u r a b l e C o u r t o n

24/04/2014 and Warrant of Execution issued in the above court the under mentioned goods have been attached, and will be sold in execution for cash or Bank Guaranteed cheque to the highest bidder Wednesday 21 October 2015 at 10:00 at the the premises being BUILDING NR. 3 , 10 B H U R M A N S S T R E E T, L Y D E N B U R G : 1 X WOODEN KITCHEN ROBE, 1 X HYDRAULIC PRESS, 2 X SCOOP BAKKE, 1 X 2 TON CRANE, 1 X STEEL TABLE WITH BENCH, 1 X S C R A P S T E E L W I T H STEEL SHELVES, 1 X LOBBY DESK, 1 X DESK, 1 X PLASTIC FILE CABINET, 6 X SMALL DESKS, 4 X 4 DRAWER STEEL CABINET, 1 X WOODEN FILING CABINET, 4 X OFFICE CHAIRS, 2 X COMPUTERS, 1 X MICROWAVE OVEN, 2 X FANS, 1 X FORK LIFT NON WORKING, 1 X FUSO FM 14-213 TRUCK REG NR. HDC 545 MP, 2 X MILLING MACHINE, 2 X LARGE METAL LATHE, 1 X SMALL METAL LATHE 4 X TROLLIE JACKS, 3 X CUTTING T O R C H E S , 1 X COMPRESSOR. SIGNED at LYDENBURG on the 14th day of SEPTEMBER 2015. A T T O R N E Y F O R EXECUTION CREDITOR VA N R E N E N H E Y N S INCORPORATED LEO FORUM 72 KANTOOR STREET LYDENBURG, 1120 Tel: 013-235 1625 Docex: 5 LYDENBURG E-m a i l : thelma@vanrenenheyns.co.za Ref: RH/tk/AL4964


•Anglican Church Lydenburg. Sun. 08:30. Tel. 013 235 1919.• Gereformeerde-kerk Lydenburg. Sondae 09:30. Te l . 0 1 3 2 3 5 4 3 9 1 . •Hervormde-kerk Lydenburg. Son. 09:30 en 18:00. Tel. 013 235 3554 • Methodist Church Lydenburg:Sunday service 08:30, Sunday School 08:30 Tel. 013 235 2936 • NG M o e d e r - g e m e e n t e Lydenburg. Sondae 09:30. Tel. 013 235 3101.• NG-kerk Lydenburg Suid. Sondag 09:00. Tel. 013 235 3329. • Vo l l e E v a n g e l i e - k e r k . Sondae: Oggenddiens met kinders 10:00, Aanddiens 18:00. Woensdae 19:00 midweekdiens, Jeugdiens Saterdae 18:00. Tel. 013 235 2711/ 084 688 5007. Past. Andre Hanekom. • Die Gemeente van Christus Rensburg-str.41,Lydenburg. Woe.19:00 Biduur,Vry.19:00 jeug Sondagskool 10:00, diens Sondae 10:00 en 18 :00 . Pas too r Nee l s Barnardo 079 814 4845 • New Apostolic Church. Sun. 09:00 Wed. 19:30. Grant Roode 082 886 2934 • Rehobot Gemeente (AGS van SA). Sondae 09:30 (kinderkerk),18:00 (Engelse diens) Di. eugsel 19:00 Woens. sel 19:00, jeug by kerk 18:30. Vry. Jeug 18:30. Kerkkantoor: 013 235 4905. • Lewende Woord Lydenburg. S o n d a e 0 9 : 0 0 . Nuwekerkgebou langs Laske Nakke 013 235 2463. • Mooi Hawens Evange l isas ie Sentrum (PPK). Wo. 10:00 vrouediens, biduur 19:00. Sondagskool 08:45, diens So. 10:00 en 18:00. Past. Wouter Deysel: 072 183 0004 en past. Jaco Deysel: 082 338 1570. • Lydenburg Baptist Church / Baptiste Kerk co / hv Simmond en De Souzastrate Pastor / Ds Kallie Fourie 082 9285075 lydenburgbaptiste@isat.co.z

a Sunday mornings 09:30 Sondag oggend 09:30. • Shalom Church Centre. Se rv i ces Coromande l . Sunday School 10:00, church service 11:00. Skhila Sunday School 10:00 and church se rv i ce 11 :00 . Pas to r Johannes Ramashala: 073 569 0635 or 073 420 7954. • A . G . S S t e e l p o o r t . Sondagoggend 09:00, aande 18:00, Woensdae selgroep 18:30. Past Beukes: 083 2918005/ kerkkantoor:087 8 0 8 5 6 0 4 . • S e w e d a g A d v e n t i s t e K e r k -S a t e r d a g o g g e n d e , M e t h o d i s t e K e r k , Burgerstraat Lydenburg. Bybelstudie 09:15, erediens 11:00. Navrae 084 922 4444.• Volle Evangelie Kerk - Burgersfort . Diens Tye - 9:00 Sondae Oggende Aand Diens - Op Aanvraag Kontak - Pastoor Pieter Grundlingh 082 724 4499/ 076 533 7836 • B u r g e r s f o r t A G S Gemeente, elke Sondag om 0 9 : 0 0 , s e l g r o e p e l k e Wo e n s d a g o m 1 8 : 0 0 . Pastoor Leon Labuschagne 084 512 9046 Kerkkantoor 087 808 5604. • Lewende Waters Pinkster Bediening. Sondae:09:00 Sondagskool, 10:00 Oggenddiens, ou k e r k i e b y W e n a k k e r , Kerkstraat Lydenburg, Past Skeen 083 294 3878.

We supply quality Wendy houses to your doorstep.

2x2 - R2500 3x3 - R3700, 3x4 - R4500 3x6 - R6500,4x6 - R8500. Louver wood,

knottypine and logs.


Contact Rose 073 583 5551 / 071 717 0276 rosemakhanda@gmail.com

LydenburgT: 013 235 1486

BurgersfortT: 013 231 8008


Stable small company is looking for a Section 13 Qualified electrician. 5 years experience. Able to work underground. HT and conveyor belt experience will be advantageous. Medically fit. Drivers license. Verifiable references. Copy of Trade Certificate for verification purposes. Please fax a CV to: 086 532 0513 or email: rethabotha@nashuaisp.co.za. Closing date 5 October 2015. If you have not been contacted by 9 October, please accept that your application was unsuccessful.


Nege van Lydenburg Akademie vir CVO leerlinge het aan die

landloop deelgeneem by Marble Hall. Van links (agter): Monica van den Berg, Francois Venter en Johanne Lund; (middel): Anneke Lund en Reinhardt Wolmarans; (voor): Darren Dicks, Hanru Vermaak en

Ruhardt Vermaak.Makyla Lourens het ook

deelgeneem maar was afwesig met die neem van die foto.

Al die leerlinge het gekwalifiseer vir die landswye landloop

byeenkoms wat gehou was in Carolina op 19 September. Die

skool wens hulle baie sterkte toe!

Medaljes vir CVO se langasems

A total of 61 schools participated in the Mpumalanga leg of the Spur Schools MTB League this year in an attempt to qualify for the national finals at Bekker School in Magaliesberg from 3-4 October to compete for the coveted Spur Schools MTB League trophy and top spot on the provincial log.Once again Hoërskool Lydenburg has completely dominated the league and wrapped the season as Mpumalanga champions with 728 points. They are ahead by almost as much as Uplands College (363 points) and Nelspruit Hoërskool (337 points) earned to put them in the second and third positions. Lydenburg High School has also been the proud winners of the “geesbeker” at the Spur High Schools MTB Final two years running.The Spur Schools Mountain Bike League was launched in 2009 as a joint initiative between Amarider and Spur Steak Ranches and saw 900 riders participating in only 20 events. Following a phenomenal year-on-year growth the 2015 season is set to reach close on 10 000 riders who competed across Sub-Saharan Africa, including South Africa and neighbours Zimbabwe and Namibia. The Mpumalanga team is: Hoërskool Lydenburg: Mignon Black, Sune Booyse, Constant Furstenberg, Keegan Clark, Joshua Schülz, Donald Hlase, Bongani Ngwana, Stephnie Fritz, Nathan Kurensky, Rikus Booysen, Kaylee Lindeque and Henyo

Kruger.Conventional mountain biking can be a lonely adventure over terrain that non-cyclists consider dangerous, but the aim of the Spur Schools MTB League is much broader. Promoting cycling as a school sport is part of the deal, so the routes try to balance skill and

fitness with fun.A natural progression of the development of the league has been the establishment of South African Schools Cycling (SASC) headed up by Deon Steyn, as national governing body of the sport. Apart from the further development of regional

structures, the major drive for SASC is to lobby with the Department of Education to accredit mountain biking as an official schools sport.For further information, follow us on @ S p u r M T B l e a g u e , l o g o n t o SpurSchoolsLeague on Facebook or visit www.spurmtbleague.co.za.

Keegan Clark of

Lydenburg finished

third in the youth men 16 category in the MPU

leg of the Spur

Schools MTB


Youth men in action during the MPU leg of the Spur Schools MTB League season.