1 Peter 3:15-16 But sanctify the Lord · ~ 2nd Corinthians 11:4 For if he that cometh preacheth...

Post on 18-Aug-2020

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Ø   What  this  is  NOT  

Ø   What  this  IS  

•  1 Peter 3:15-16 But sanctify the Lord God in your hearts: and be ready always

to give an answer to every man that asketh you a reason of the hope that is in you with meekness and fear: Having a good conscience; that, whereas they

speak evil of you, as of evildoers, they may be ashamed that falsely accuse your

good conversation in Christ. •  Hebrews 5:14 But strong meat belongeth

to them that are of full age, even those who by reason of use have their senses

exercised to discern both good and evil.

~ 2nd Corinthians 11:4 For if he that cometh preacheth another Jesus,

whom we have not preached, or if ye receive another spirit, which ye

have not received, or another gospel, which ye have not accepted,

ye might well bear with him. ~ Galatians 1:6 I marvel that ye are

so soon removed from him that called you into the grace of Christ

unto another gospel

-­‐  Chris4an  Science  -­‐  

Ø   The  Church  of  Christ,  

Scien4st  (CCS)  


Ø   The  Founder  

Ø   Mary  Baker  Glover  Eddy  

•  “As  patriarch  and  prophet  foretold  the  coming  of  Messiah,  so  did  Jesus  Himself  promise  a  future  and  further  unfoldment  of  the  truth  which  he  taught  and  demonstarted.  When  speaking  of  this,  he  used  the  

beau>ful  word  ‘Comforter’.  “And  I  will  pray  he  Father,  and  he  shall  give  you  another  Comforter,  that  he  


CHRISTIAN  SCIENCE.  THE  COMFORTER  which  has  brought  and  is  bringing  health,  joy,  good  success,  freedom  and  

peace  with  God  to  thousands  of  weary,  suffering  mortals  all  over  the  globe.’  

•  Chris4an  Science  Sen4nel  


Ø   The  Authori4es  

Ø   “Bible”  Ø   The  book  of  

‘Science&Health’    Ø   Manual  of  the  Mother  Church  



Ø   The  Message  


Ø   The  Doctrine  

•  God  is  infinite...and  there  is  no  other  power  or  source,  S&H,  471:18.  

•     God  is  Universal  Principle,  S&H  331:18-­‐19  •     God  cannot  indwell  a  person,  S&H  336:19-­‐20  •     God  is  the  only  intelligence  in  the  universe,  including  man  S&H  330:11-­‐12  

•     God  is  Mind,  S&H  330:20-­‐21;  469:13    •     God  is  the  Father-­‐Mother,  S&H  331:30;  332:4  •     The  Trinity  is  Life,  Truth,  and  Love,  S&H  331:26  •     Belief  in  the  tradi>onal  doctrine  of  the  Trinity  is  polytheism,  S&H  256:9-­‐11  


•     Christ  is  the  spiritual  idea  of  sonship  S&H  331:30-­‐31  

•     Jesus  was  not  the  Christ,  S&H  333:3-­‐15;  334:3  •     "Jesus  Christ  is  not  God,  as  Jesus  himself  declared..."  S&H  361:12-­‐13  

•     Jesus  did  not  reflect  the  fullness  of  God,  S&H  336:20-­‐21  

•     Jesus  did  not  die,  S&H  45:32-­‐46:3  •     The  Holy  Spirit  is  divine  science,  S&H  331:31  •     There  is  no  devil,  S&H  469:13-­‐17  •     There  is  no  sin,  S&H  447:24  

•       Evil  and  good  are  not  real,  S&H,  330:25-­‐27;  470:9-­‐14  •     Majer,  sin,  and  sickness  are  not  real,  but  only  illusions,"    S&H  335:7-­‐15;  447:27-­‐28.  •     Life  is  not  material  or  organic,  "S&H,  83:21  •     The  sacrifice  of  Jesus  was  not  sufficient  to  cleanse  from  sin,  "S&H,  25:6.  •     True  healings  are  the  result  of  true  belief,  "S&H,  194:6"  

•  "Salva>on  lies  in  bringing  oneself  into  harmony  with  one's  true  nature  as  God's  reflec>on,  through  good  works,  pa>ence,    meekness,  love,  watchfulness,  prayerful  

gra>tude,  devout  obedience  in  following  Christ's  example.  There  are  two  basic  commandments:  that  one  turn  only  to  God,  perfect  Mind,  for  guidance-­‐-­‐the  Mind  that  was  also  in  Christ;  and  that  one  'love  thy  neighbor  as  thyself.'  Healing  and  immortality  are  realized  by  becoming  conscious  that  the  only  true  reality  is  God,  which  is  Love,  and  that  one's  true  and  only  nature  is  in  God's  likeness.  As  one  realizes  the  error  of  belief  in  the  reality  of  suffering  and  evil,  these  images  of  thought  impressed  upon  the  mortal  mind  can  be  altered,  thus  banishing  sickness,  death,  and  sin-­‐-­‐tes>mony  

to  the  power  of  faith  in  God,  of  Mind  over  majer."    


Ø   The  Ordinances  

Ø   Prac&ce  what  Eddy  wrote!  



Ø   The  Structure  


Ø   The  Officers  


Ø   The  Purpose  


Ø   The  Finances  


Ø   The  Atmosphere  

-­‐  Mormons  -­‐  

Ø   The  Church  of  Jesus  Christ  of  LaVer-­‐Day  Saints  (LDS)  


Ø   The  Founder  

Ø   Joseph  Smith  Ø   His  wife  &    

brothers  (Hyrum  and  Samuel)  

Ø     Oliver  Cowdery  Ø *Brigham  Young  


Ø   The  Authori4es  

Ø   “Bible”  Ø   Book  of  Mormon  

Ø   Pearl  of  Great  Price  



Ø   The  Message  


Ø   The  Ordinances  

Ø In  the  Church,  an  ordinance  is  a  sacred,  formal  act  performed  

by  the  authority  of  the  priesthood.  Some  

ordinances  are  essen>al  to  our  exalta>on.  These  ordinances  are  called  saving  ordinances.  They  includebap>sm,  confirma>on,  ordina>on  to  the  Melchizedek  Priesthood  (for  men),  the  temple  endowment,  and  

the  marriage  sealing.  With  each  of  these  ordinances,  we  enter  into  solemn  covenants  with  the  



Ø   The  Structure  

Ø   Bap&sm  Ø   Lord’s  Supper  Ø   Ordinance  of  

Humility  (Preparatory  Ordinance)  



Ø   The  Officers  

Ø Bishop  is  the  highest  priesthood  office  of  the  Aaronic  priesthood  in  the  

Lajer  Day  Saint  movement,  and  is  leader  of  the  Aaronic  

priesthood  in  a  given  ward  or  congrega>on.  It  is  almost  always  held  by  one  who  already  holds  

the  Melchizedek  Priesthood  office  of  high  priest  and  who  serves  as  

the  leader  of  a  local  congrega>on  of  church  



Ø   The  Purpose  


Ø   The  Finances  


Ø   The  Atmosphere  


Ø   The  Doctrine  

• Do  Mormons  consider  Lucifer  (Satan)  and  Jesus  to  be  “Brothers”?  -­‐-­‐-­‐>  YES.  


The  Mormon  teaching  that  Jesus  and  Satan  are  brothers  is  based  on  their  concept  of  God  being  the  Father  of  all  pre-­‐existent  spirits.  Since  Jesus  is  the  son  of  the  Father  and  all  other  spirits,  including  Satan,  are  sons  and  daughters  of  the  

Father,  then  all  are  brothers  and  sisters.      

•  In  the  Discourses  of  Brigham  Young,  on  Pg.53-­‐54  he  lets  it  be  known  that  Lucifer  is  the  second  son,  

the  one  known  as  "Son  of  the  Morning."  "Who  will  redeem  the  earth,  who  will  go  forth  and  

make  the  sacrifice  for  the  earth  and  all  things  it  contains?"  The  Eldest  Son  said:  "Here  am  I";  and  then  he  added,  "Send  me."  But  the  second  one,  which  was  "Lucifer,  Son  of  the  Morning,"  said,  

"Lord,  here  am  I,  send  me,  I  will  redeem  every  son  and  daughter  of  Adam  and  Eve  that  lives  on  the  

earth,  or  that  ever  goes  on  the  earth."    

•  James  E.  Talmage  in  his  book,  "Jesus  the  Christ,"  on  Pages  132  &  133,    “Christ  may  not  have  remembered  the  part  He  had  taken  in  the  great  council  of  the  "Gods"  where  the  Firstborn  Son's  plan  was  chosen  and  Lucifer,  the  rebellious  and  rejected  

son's  plan  was  refused.”  •  "The  effrontery  of  his  offer  was  of  itself  diabolical.  Christ,  the  

Creator  of  heaven  and  earth,  tabernacled  as  He  then  was  in  mortal  flesh,  may  not  have  remembered  His  preexistent  state,  nor  the  part  He  had  taken  in  the  great  council  of  the  Gods;  while  Satan,  an  unembodied  spirit  -­‐-­‐  he  the  disinherited,  the  rebellious  and  rejected  son  -­‐-­‐  seeking  to  tempt  the  Being  

through  whom  the  world  was  created  by  promising  Him  part  of  what  was  wholly  His,  s>ll  may  have  had,  as  indeed  he  may  yet  have,  a  remembrance  of  those  primeval  scenes.  In  that  distant  past,  anteda>ng  the  crea>on  of  the  earth,  Satan,  then  Lucifer,  a  son  of  the  morning,  had  been  rejected;  and  the  Firstborn  Son  

had  been  chosen.  


• Spencer  W.  Kimball,  LDS  Prophet,    Conference  Report,  April  1964,  Pg.95  •  "There  is  another  power  in  this  world  forceful  and  vicious.  In  the  wilderness  of  Judaea,  on  the  temple's  pinnacles  

and  on  the  high  mountain,  a  momentous  contest  took  place  

between  two  brothers,  Jehovah  and  Lucifer,  sons  of  Elohim."  


•  Spencer  W.  Kimball,  LDS  Prophet,  “The  Miracle  of  Forgiveness”,  Pg.216,  ‘The  Savior's  Example’  

"Thus  when  the  Father  presented  his  own  plan  in  the  pre-­‐existent  council,  he  asked  for  volunteers  from  whom  he  could  choose  a  Redeemer  to  be  born  into  mortality  as  the  Son  of  God.  Lucifer  offered  to  become  the  Son  of  God  on  condi>on  that  the  terms  of  the  Father's  plan  were  modified  to  deny  men  their  agency  and  to  heap  inordinate  reward  upon  the  one  working  out  the  redemp>on.  Christ,  on  the  other  hand,  accepted  the  Father's  plan  in  full,  saying,  "Father,  thy  will  be  done,  and  the  glory  be  thine  forever."  Our  Lord  was  then  foreordained  to  a  mission  which  in  due  course  he  fulfilled,  which  mission  enabled  him  to  make  salva>on  available  to  all  men.  (Moses  4:1-­‐4;  Abra.  3:22-­‐28.)"  


•  "The  importance  of  not  accommoda>ng  tempta>on  in  the  least  degree  is  

underlined  by  the  Savior's  example.  Did  not  he  recognize  the  danger  when  he  was  on  the  mountain  with  his  fallen  

brother,  Lucifer,  being  sorely  tempted  by  that  master  tempter?  He  could  have  

opened  the  door  and  flirted  with  danger”  by  Bruce  R.  McConkie,  Mormon  

Doctrine,  Pg.67,  AUTHOR  OF  SALVATION    

•  Do  Mormons  believe  in  Polygamy?          -­‐-­‐-­‐>  YES.  (When  convenient)  J  

 “If  any  man  espouse  a  virgin,  and  desire  to  

espouse  another,  and  the  first  give  her  consent,  and  if  he  espouse  the  second,  and  they  are  virgins,  and  have  vowed  to  no  other  man,  then  he  is  jus>fied;  he  cannot  commit  

adultery.  And  if  he  have  ten  virgins  given  unto  him  by  this  law,  he  cannot  commit  adultery”-­‐  

Doctrines  and  Covenants-­‐  132:61,62    

•  Do  Mormons  believe  in  Polygamy?                                                                    -­‐-­‐-­‐>  YES.  (When  convenient)  J  

President  Gordon  B.  Hinckley,  prior  president  of  The  Church  of  Jesus  Christ  of  Lajer-­‐day  Saints  made  the  following  statement  in  1998  about  the  Church’s  

posi>on  on  plural  marriage:  “This  Church  has  nothing  whatever  to  do  with  those  prac>cing  polygamy.  They  are  not  members  of  this  Church....  If  any  of  our  members  are  found  to  be  

prac>cing  plural  marriage,  they  are  excommunicated,  the  most  serious  penalty  the  Church  can  impose.  Not  only  are  those  so  involved  in  direct  viola>on  of  the  civil  law,  they  are  in  viola>on  of  the  law  of  this  


•  Do  Mormons  believe  in  Polygamy?                                                                    -­‐-­‐-­‐>  YES.  (When  convenient)  J  

President  Gordon  B.  Hinckley,  prior  president  of  The  Church  of  Jesus  Christ  of  Lajer-­‐day  Saints  made  the  following  statement  in  1998  about  the  Church’s  posi>on  on  plural  

marriage:  “At  various  >mes,  the  Lord  has  commanded  His  people  to  prac>ce  

plural  marriage.  For  example,  He  gave  this  command  to  Abraham,  Isaac,  Jacob,  Moses,  David,  and  Solomon  (

Doctrine  and  Covenants  132:1).  At  other  >mes  the  Lord  has  given  other  instruc>ons.  In  the  Book  of  Mormon,  the  Lord  told  the  prophet  Jacob  “for  there  shall  not  any  man  among  you  have  save  it  be  one  wife:  and  concubines  he  shall  have  none...  for  if  I  

will,  saith  the  Lord  of  Hosts,  raise  up  seed  unto  me,  I  will  command  my  people;  otherwise  they  shall  hearken  unto  these  

things  (Jacob  2:27-­‐30).”  

•  Do  Mormons  believe  in  Polygamy?                                                                    -­‐-­‐-­‐>  YES.  (When  convenient)  J  

President  Gordon  B.  Hinckley,  prior  president  of  The  Church  of  Jesus  Christ  of  Lajer-­‐day  Saints  made  the  following  statement  

in  1998  about  the  Church’s  posi>on  on  plural  marriage:  In  this  dispensa>on,  the  Lord  commanded  some  of  the  early  Saints  to  prac>ce  plural  marriage.  The  Prophet  Joseph  Smith  and  those  closest  to  him,  including  Brigham  Young  and  Heber  

C.  Kimball,  were  challenged  by  this  command,  but  they  obeyed  it.  Church  leaders  regulated  the  prac>ce.  Those  entering  into  it  had  to  be  authorized  to  do  so,  and  the  

marriages  had  to  be  performed  through  the  sealing  power  of  the  priesthood.  In  1890,  President  Wilford  Woodruff  received  

a  revela>on  that  the  leaders  of  the  Church  should  cease  teaching  the  prac>ce  of  plural  marriage  (

Official  Declara>on  1).  

•  Do  Mormons  believe  in  Polygamy?          -­‐-­‐-­‐>  YES.  (When  convenient)  J  


“The  Lord’s  law  of  marriage  is  monogamy  unless  he  commands  otherwise  to  help  establish  the  

House  of  Israel”  (see  Encyclopedia  of  Mormonism  Vol.  3,  pp.  
