Post on 31-Jan-2018

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1. A great many problems facing the developing

nations can be solved by the ---- between humanitarian actors and the governments of developed nations.

A) competition B) consciousness C) conflict D) escalation E) engagement

2. A dislike for religious authority may explain why the British are not so ---- concerning the arrival of the Pope in their country.

A) hostile B) enthusiastic C) populous D) critical E) sudden

3. In law, a landowner is not responsible for the furniture ---- left behind by a tenant as this is a sign that the item is no longer desired by the tenant.

A) intentionally B) conclusively C) relatively D) properly E) sincerely

4. She was able to afford a huge mansion as she was a wealthy woman who ---- a great deal of wealth from her rich husband after his demise.

A) funded B) delayed C) inherited D) destined E) prescribed

5. The newly-established news agency announced that they are not ---- any kind of governmental institution and will work completely independently.

A) affiliated with B) boastful for C) reluctant to D) exposed to E) imposed by

6. Within the western educational system, students, in theory, are instructed to ---- for their rights when confronted with any kind of unjust behaviour.

A) rely on B) back off C) deal with D) stand up E) fall in





7. When he ---- from the college towards the end

of coming June, Marcus ---- the first in his family to have a diploma.

A) graduated / would be

B) has graduated / will be

C) is going to graduate / has been

D) is to graduate / will have been

E) will graduate / is being

8. The present discussion in the USA is not about whether or not they ---- to Iraq in the first place, as it is known that a lot of the soldiers ---- there.

A) should have gone / would rather not have been

B) would rather have gone / must not have been

C) may have gone / could not have been

D) would rather go / might not have been

E) were going to go / need not have gone

9. Tsutomu Yamagochi is the only person ---- officially recognized by the government of Japan as ---- both Hiroshima and Nagasaki bombings.

A) being / to survive

B) has been / having survived

C) to be / being survived

D) having been / to be surviving

E) to have been / surviving

10. In a cage, with no escape path, cockatoos can be subjected ---- stress which often leads to feather loss as ---- many pet birds.

A) by / for B) from / in C) to / with D) through / off E) towards / on

11. Susan opted ---- a peaceful menial job at a coastal village, ---- the expense of earning more in a big urban centre.

A) along / out B) for / at C) about / beneath D) up / beyond E) among / across

12. Nobody was expecting the lead actress to deliver such a bad speech ---- the ceremony held in honour of the children who died in the disaster.

A) since B) while C) during D) that E) upon

13. The channel will air the documentary on dolphins again ---- the students miss it due to late broadcast hours.

A) in case B) despite C) however D) even though E) so that

14. The damages the employers will pay will continue to increase ---- 2 in 10 industrial accidents are due to fatigue caused by working extra hours.

A) in view of B) in order that C) much as D) since E) therefore

15. There is an increase in the short-term and long-term performance of firms ---- going public and introducing their shares to the stock market.

A) no sooner B) formerly C) only if D) but for E) subsequent to

16. While looking for a house to rent, you should tell the owner that you are ---- moving away after only one year ---- planning to stay more than five years.

A) neither / nor B) as / as C) so / that D) not only / but also E) both / and





Hawaiian Hula dancers often use their hands and (17)---- parts of their bodies to tell a story of Hawaii, such as their tales of kings, queens and native animals. Often, hula dancers show their audience (18)---- early Hawaiian life or civilization came to be. (19)----, Tahitian dancers often dance at a faster pace than hula and use more hip movements. Both dancers are graceful and well respected on the islands. Actually, dance in Polynesia is used (20)---- their long lasting ties with tradition and (21)---- for their own culture.


A) others B) other C) another D) the others E) each other


A) whichever B) how C) while D) that E) whose


A) Otherwise

B) Although

C) Consequently

D) On the other hand

E) To illustrate


A) to show B) to have shown C) having shown D) showed E) being shown


A) emergence B) betrayal C) disobedience D) evaporation E) appreciation




South Africa (22)---- by the English and Dutch in the seventeenth century. English domination of the Dutch descendants known as Boers resulted in the Dutch (23)---- the new colonies of Orange Free State and Transvaal. The discovery of diamonds in these lands around 1900 resulted in an English invasion which (24)---- the Boer War. Following independence from England, an uneasy power-sharing (25)---- the two groups held sway until the 1940's, when the Afrikaner National Party was able to gain a strong majority. Strategists in the National Party invented apartheid as a (26)---- to cement their control over the economic and social system.


A) had colonized

B) has been colonized

C) was colonized

D) colonized

E) would have been colonized


A) establishing

B) to have established

C) having been established

D) to have been established

E) to be established


A) harassed B) astounded C) scrapped D) implemented E) sparked


A) amongst B) for C) between D) beneath E) above


A) prominence B) submission C) relapse D) means E) direction




27. ---- the moment one is separated from the other.

A) The particles constituting the early universe were given separate names to distinguish them

B) The twin babies born only a week ago to a poor Indian family begin to cry

C) All students taking part in the excursion complained about the food and the toilet on the bus

D) Anybody can make a delicious cake that does not contain animal ingredients

E) The positive and the negative poles of the Earth maintain a constant flow of magnetic current

28. With the object of cutting costs, ----.

A) the team was not expecting such a terrible defeat against the neighbour country’s weakest team

B) some of the houses in the earthquake region could no longer be sold due to huge damage

C) students may prefer to bring their own food to school only at times of contagious diseases

D) the principal is planning to invite parents to announce an extra reduction in the next year’s fees

E) NASA is planning to cancel some of the projects that have been on the table for years

29. ---- such that it was only after he was declared dead that the citizens could take a sigh of relief.

A) The fear the terrorist leader created upon the country was

B) The young man leading the company was to become a hero

C) Some of his supporters still believe that the kidnapped president is alive

D) King Charles was the only ruler to quit the throne after losing a war

E) The attackers in the shopping mall were finally arrested by the military forces

30. In contrast to the oil shocks experienced in 1970s, ----.

A) alternative fuels offer higher efficiency and more environmental-friendliness

B) Turkey’s potential oil reserves in the Black Sea seems to keep her hopes high

C) today’s high oil prices stem from a structural problem in the global economy

D) pollution due to car exhausts is as high as ever especially in the industrial countries

E) today’s consumer demands cleaner oil with less additives and still lower prices

31. ----, the banking sector is not happy to welcome the separation of its retail banking from its investment banking activities.

A) Because of the recent global climactic changes around the tropics

B) As soon as the insurance policy is approved by the governmental agencies

C) Wherever they may go to get more loans to pay back their mortgage

D) In spite of the benefit to individual taxpayers and customers

E) By the time we have decided to buy one more building to expand our operations in the Middle East


32. In the past few years countless small shops have been forced to close ----.

A) although we cannot deny that supermarkets do have certain advantages

B) since they provide a wide variety of goods at “unbeatably” low prices

C) despite their extensive losses in their operation in another country

D) because of changes in public shopping habits

E) that they create jobs for a greater number of people

33. ----, Natoo was a very rational person who could lead his native community towards a better future.

A) Not believing in any of the superstitions his peers do

B) Similar to many ancient tribes which disappeared after a major disaster

C) As many of the tribe’s members could understand the changes taking place around them

D) While sociology attempts to analyse the way human societies respond to their social environment

E) However unlikely it is for the board to accept that times have changed

34. Because we believe that it is in our best interest, ----.

A) it is scientifically not possible for a species to fully understand another with an acceptable level of empathy

B) we generally choose the activities that promise the highest amount of pleasure and happiness

C) pain and pleasure are two interrelated subjects that psychologists try to examine together

D) human beings should display agony and stress towards the loss of a loved individual

E) the crocodile cannot be kept as a pet to be teased within a residential house

35. ----, it may take the woman much longer to digest it.

A) Whereas women are more prone to get fat than men

B) Providing a woman experiences a significant change in her digestive system

C) Even if a man and a woman eat the same thing

D) Although male and female brains may respond differently to hormones

E) Though women experience pain more frequently than men when they eat fast

36. In spite of the deadly clashes taking place around the outer neighbourhoods of Damascus, ----.

A) Syrians are still leaving their country for relatively more peaceful areas

B) deadly nerve gas could be used against other targets in the Middle East

C) Israel is worried that the conflict may result in another border war for her

D) many journalists still want to go there to watch the events

E) holiday resorts in Indian Ocean are enjoying a better tourism season unusual for their location






37. She may have been offered various positions

in the firm but this did not prevent her from choosing another company with better retirement conditions.

A) Kendisine şirkette çeşitli konumlar teklif edilmiş olabilir ama bu onu daha iyi emeklilik koşulları vaadeden başka bir şirketi tercih etmekten alıkoymadı.

B) Daha iyi emeklilik koşulları vaad eden bir şirkete geçmesi yönünde onu engelleyen şey, bu şirkette kendisine sunulan alternatif konumların çok sayıda olması olabilir.

C) Kendisine şirkette çok sayıda konum vaat edilmiş olsa da, bu onu başka bir şirkette daha iyi emeklilik koşulları aramaktan alıkoymadı.

D) Şirkette ona çok değişik iş kollarında çalışması önerilmiş olabilir ama yine de bunlar arasında kendine en iyi emeklilik koşulları sağlayan tercih etti.

E) Kendisine sunulan onca iş arasından seçim yapmaktansa, başka bir şirkette daha iyi emeklilik koşulları altında çalışmayı tercih etti.

38. The analysis has shown that fewer than one-third of all drivers involved in rear-end collisions had attempted to steer clear of the accident.

A) Analiz kazalara karışan bütün sürücülerin en az üçte birinin arkadan çarpmalara karşı bir hamle yapabildiğini ortaya koymuştur.

B) Analiz arkadan çarpmalı kazalara karışan tüm sürücülerin üçte birinden daha azının kazadan kaçmak için hamle yaptığını göstermiştir.

C) Arkadan çarpmalı tüm kazalara karışan her üç sürücüden birisinin bu kazayı atlatmak için bir şeyler yaptığı analiz tarafından ortaya konmuştur.

D) Analize göre, kendisine arkadan çarpanlardan kaçınabilmek için üç sürücüden en az birisi hamle yapacak fırsatı bulabilmiştir.

E) Analizin arkadan çarpmalı kazalara karışan bütün sürücülerin üçte birinin kazanın etkisinden kurtulabilmek için bir şeyler yapmayı denediğini açığa çıkarmıştır.

39. Nowhere in the world has violence been so deadly and destructive as in North Africa and East Asia under the colonial rule.

A) Dünyada hiçbir şiddet biçimi, koloni yönetimi altındaki Kuzey Afrika ve Doğu Asya’da olduğu kadar ölümcül ve yokedici bir şekilde ortaya çıkmamıştır.

B) Koloni yönetimleri altındaki Kuzey Afrika ve Doğu Asya dışında dünyanın hiçbir yerinde şiddet ölümcül ve yokedici şekilde görülmemiştir.

C) Dünyanın hiçbir yerinde Kuzey Afrika ve Doğu Asya’da olduğu kadar ölümcül ve yokedici bir şiddete tanık olunmamıştır ve bunun nedeni koloni yönetimleridir.

D) Şiddetin Kuzey Afrika ve Doğu Asya’da olduğu kadar ölümlü ve zarar verici sonuç veren bir biçimi dünyanın hiçbir yerinde koloni yönetimleri altında gerçekleşmemiştir.

E) Dünyanın hiçbir yerinde, koloni yönetimleri altındaki Kuzey Afrika ve Doğu Asya’da olduğu kadar ölümcül ve yokedici bir şiddet var olmamıştır.

40. Gerçek şu ki, yeterli bütçe bulunursa, sera gazları salımını tam olarak ölçecek bir teknoloji önümüzdeki 10 ile 15 yıl içerisinde geliştirilebilir.

A) The truth is that, a technology to exactly measure the greenhouse emissions could be developed in the next 10 to 15 years if sufficient funding is found.

B) It is a fact that the technology to precisely measure the level of greenhouse emissions can be improved in the coming 10 to 15 years as the necessary funding is obtained.

C) In reality, a technology to fully determine the exact greenhouse emissions could be developed in the next 10 to 15 years only if an adequately sized budget could be allocated.

D) If a sufficient budget can be created, the technology to measure the greenhouse emissions correctly can be put into reality within the following 10 to 15 years.

E) Should sufficient funds be allocated, a realistic technology to determine the greenhouse emissions may be developed between 10 to 15 years.


41. Çiçek hastalığı 1997 yılından beri doğal yollarla insanlara bulaşmadıysa da, son derece dikkatle kontrol edilen belirli laboratuvarlarda varlığını sürdürmektedir.

A) While polio has not been transmitted to humans by natural ways since 1997, it continues its existence in certain laboratories under extremely strict control.

B) Although naturally-transmitted polio has not been recorded in humans since 1997, some very carefully examined laboratories still maintain the virus.

C) Even if polio has not been seen in humans in its natural form since 1997, its continued existence in some of the laboratories is being kept under extremely strict control.

D) Polio has not been transmitted to humans in its natural form since 1997, yet its existence continues in some laboratories under close observation.

E) Though it has continued its existence in certain laboratories under exceptionally firm regulations, polio has not been transmitted to humans in its natural form since 1997.

42. Sahil açığında kurulu rüzgar enerjisi tesisleri daha yavaş bir hızla gelişmekte iken, kara üzerinde yeni kurulmuş rüzgar türbinleri ile ilgili olumlu gelişmeler istikrarla sürmektedir.

A) While the positive developments concerning the newly installed wind power turbines continue at a steady rate, offshore wind power plants improve at a slower pace.

B) Since the positive developments in the newly established land based wind turbines continue at an increasing rate, the marine based wind power plants follow them at a slower speed.

C) The positive developments in the newly installed wind turbines over land remain stable whereas offshore wind energy plants are growing at a slower pace.

D) As the developments in the newly installed land based wind turbines continue to be more positive than those for the marine based wind power plants, the latter cannot follow them at anything but a slower speed.

E) Although the offshore wind power plants can develop at a slow speed, the positive developments concerning the newly established land power turbines continue at a steady rate.




Beautiful, peaceful music is thought to have a wonderful, even healing effect on man's mind and spirit. It is known to have a leading effect on the human soul, as it leads it to certain states, either joyful, or sad, more or less profound. The same thing is likely to happen to animals. You might have noticed your cat leaving the room when you listen to a hard rock piece, or see it relaxing on a chill out tune. So what is it with music and living creatures? If they like that particular music, animals would come closer to the source it produces it, in order to fully enjoy those pieces of art. Music can even have a soothing effect for a suffering, ill animal. The same thing is known to happen to plants, which can blossom to certain beautiful musical works. One explanation to this phenomenon might be that, since we as human beings, plants and animals are part of the same process, we are likely to respond to the same stimuli and to find peace, bliss, beauty and joy in the very same things. Apparently, tranquility inducing music can ease both physical pain in an animal, and psychological disturbances caused by abandonment, abuse, loneliness, sadness, different traumas or any other negative emotions.

43. According to the passage, music ----.

A) can be used to reveal one’s inner world to outside, thus aiding in diagnosing mental problems

B) may act as a means for humans to establish interspecies communication

C) is primarily used by religions and belief systems to reach the man’s soul

D) has an adverse influence on human mind as it may create conflicting states of mind

E) has the potential to direct and mold the human mind into different and even opposite moods

44. It is clearly stated in the passage that animals ----.

A) are overly sensitive towards and are influenced more by music

B) prefer relaxing on soft music to listening to hard rock as their owners do

C) might be confused by the contrasting effects of music played

D) may be calmed by the music if they have a health trouble

E) do have a soul which has similar qualities to that in humans

45. According to the writer of the passage, ----.

A) all living beings share the same essence, which explains why they are affected by the same music

B) the positive influence of music can be observed on plants much better than it does on animals

C) animals approach the works of art if they derive pleasure from them

D) humans, plants and animals have similar sensory organs that respond similarly to any external stimuli

E) music primarily produces positive effects on living beings

46. It can be inferred from the passage that ----.

A) animals treat each other the same way human beings do

B) music that has a calming effect on animals may have a different effect on other living beings

C) animals who are deserted by their owners suffer from psychological problems

D) plants who are abandoned may also display symptoms of trauma

E) physical pain in animals has different characteristics than it does in humans




Namaste has been the traditional Hindu greeting to both family as well as strangers. However, with cordiality escaping from our hearts, the use of the term is becoming more like a burdensome ritual, and at some instances the greeting is considered an inferior version of “Hi!” The biggest evidence comes from the fact that many Indians do not bother to reply back to a Namaste with a Namaste. Some would just nod, while others may simply ignore you. Though the ideal response to Namaste in Indian culture involves repeating the same term with folded hands, even if the initial greeting comes from a child or a financially disadvantaged person, some hesitate to use the greeting for even elder relatives. Because Namaste means “I bow to the Lord in you,” the few that do respond may not mean it when they utter it. In such an environment, has the greeting become obsolete? While this greeting is physically spoken to a human being, it is actually directed towards God, who resides in all and when your communication (or any other karma) is for the Lord, whether the person you communicate to reciprocates with a good wish should never be a concern.

47. In his discussion of the main issue, the writer generally ----.

A) informs the reader about the origins and the proper use of the term “Namaste”

B) talks about the loss of traditions and its negative outcomes

C) proudly describes the diversity of the society he lives in

D) complains about the gradual ignorance of the use of a traditional Hindu greeting phrase

E) mainly focuses on the practical aspects of the social interactions rather than verbal communication

48. The author of the passage makes the point that, ----.

A) the term “Namaste” has lost its original meaning and assumed a completely different one

B) people are no longer as polite and considerate as they used to be in the past

C) it is perfectly acceptable to respond to “Namaste” with a slight move of the head

D) “Namaste” can only be used to greet people in Hindu faith, not strangers

E) “Hi!” may be a more appropriate word to use while greeting people today in India

49. We learn from the passage that, when someone greets another saying “Namaste,” ----.

A) the age of this person determines the kind of response he ought to receive from the other

B) the response depends on the other’s financial and social status

C) it is acceptable not to say anything back

D) the other must nod first but may only say “Hi!”

E) the other is supposed to bring his hands together and say the same thing back

50. The writer makes the point that the importance of term “Namaste” ----.

A) lies in the fact that it is a unifying element in many cultures

B) resides in the fact that a bow accompanies it which shows utter respect for the addressee

C) comes from the fact that it is actually addressed to the God not to the addressee

D) comes from its meaning, which makes it a burdensome ritual that people begin to leave

E) is gradually decreasing, which is a positive development for a culture that is moving forward




Nations have begun signing a legally binding treaty designed to curb mercury pollution and the use of the toxic metal in products around the globe. Mercury can produce a range of adverse human health effects, including permanent damage to the nervous system. The UN treaty was formally adopted at a high level meeting in Japan. The Minamata Convention was named after the Japanese city that, in the 1950s, saw one of the world's worst cases of mercury poisoning. In January, four years of negotiations concluded with more than 140 countries agreeing on a set of legally binding measures to curb mercury pollution. UN data showed that mercury emissions were rising in a number of developing nations. One recent assessment said the concentration of mercury in the top 100m of the world's oceans had doubled over the past century, and estimated that 260 tons of the toxic metal had made their way from soil into rivers and lakes. Another characteristic, it added, was that mercury became more concentrated as it moved up the food chain, reaching its highest levels in predator fish that could be consumed by humans. Mercury is highly toxic to human health, posing a particular threat to the development of the unborn child and early in life.

51. It is clearly stated in the passage that, mercury


A) has been finally banned thanks to a recent treaty signed in Japan

B) was adopted as the common issue of a recent high level gathering on dangerous and toxic metals

C) may cause unwanted industrial outcomes especially in advanced industrial nations

D) is known to have irreversible detrimental effects on human nervous system

E) had been already banned in 140 countries that took part in the convention

52. It is clearly stated in the passage that, the Minamata Convention ----.

A) took its name from the city which was home to a disaster involving mercury toxicity

B) hosted the convention that took years and in which more than 140 countries participated

C) was first held in the 1950s in the city of Minamata

D) focused on the declining use of the mercury in a number of developing countries

E) was a manifestation of the world’s dwindling supply of mercury

53. The passage makes the point that ----.

A) 260 tons of mercury was wasted due to misuse of soil resources

B) the exact measurement of mercury in world’s seas could only be made within the past century

C) the top 100m of the world’s oceans now contain twice as much mercury as did 100 years ago

D) the Earth’s soil contains an abundant amount of mercury that slowly mixes with river waters

E) the primary cause of worry concerning mercury stems from the use of water contaminated with it

54. It is pointed out the passage that ----.

A) animals that eat other animals are less likely to suffer from mercury due to indirect intake of the substance

B) pregnant women are more vulnerable to the threat of mercury than do infants

C) higher concentrations of mercury in lakes and rivers may also contaminate animal habitats

D) the higher the elevation of the land where food is raised, the higher the amount of mercury it may contain

E) people may eat fish that have eaten other fish and thus increased the amount of mercury in their bodies




The English language that is spoken today is the direct result of the Norman Conquest that started in 1066. Modern English is vastly different from that spoken by the English prior to the Conquest, both in its vocabulary and its grammar. After the war, the Normans brought with them an alien culture and language. Add to this their social status as the new ruling class, and it is no shock to find that assimilation was slower, and the new society and language that emerged was so radically changed from that which they found when they arrived uninvited in 1066. English, which had been a written language since the conversion to Christianity, was rapidly dropped as the language for royal and legal charters and proclamations, not reappearing until 1258. The replacement language was usually Latin, though often duplicated in French. French was the language of the royal court, the legal system and the church. The use of French was reinforced by the fact that many of the new aristocracy and religious houses had extensive holdings in France. This state of affairs changed slightly in 1204 when King John lost Normandy, but did not really end until after the English were finally expelled from France at the end of the Hundred Years War in 1453.

55. According to the writer of the passage, the Norman invasion ----.

A) had a corrupting effect on the English language

B) was inevitable considering the fact that the British were attacking Normandy

C) changed the way English is written and the words it uses

D) brought the English language close to its origins as it purified it

E) led to the removal of a great number of Latin words from the English language

56. It is clearly stated in the passage that, the Normans ----.

A) already had cultural impact on the British Islands even before 1066

B) treated the British harshly as they found them primitive

C) tried to peacefully embrace the British culture but failed to do so

D) belonged to a different religious order, which made it impossible to adapt to the British society

E) could not blend in the British culture due to their social class differences

57. According to the information presented in the passage, English ----.

A) quickly lost its position to Latin and French as the official language

B) continued to be spoken and widely used among the aristocrats of British origin

C) was replaced by Latin, which was later replaced by French

D) continued to be used among the British men of religion

E) was brought back into daily use only after Latin took control of the French language

58. It is understood from the passage that the French language took hold in Britain ----.

A) mainly because of the ruling class’ keeping their ties with France for financial reasons

B) as it has great similarities to the English language in terms of both grammar and vocabulary

C) only after the end of the Hundred Years War in 1453

D) despite the alliance of the aristocrats and the clergy

E) owing to its close relationship with the Latin language




City of God is an exhilarating, fast-paced action film set in the oppressive confines of a favela in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. I love the way the movie depicts the slum because it compels viewers not just to confront the desperation, poverty and violence of life there, but to enter that nightmarish world so utterly for the duration of the film that leaving it at the end is a relief, and yet a wrench, making it impossible to forget. Directed by Fernando Meirelles, the 2002 film portrays life in the City of God, a favela known by the same name for over three decades, starting in the 1960s when it was a new housing project and its main characters were children and petty thieves, and ending in the early 1980s, by which time the slum is a war zone and most of the protagonists are either dead or engaged in a bloody war over drugs turf. Narrated by Rocket, a boy who dreams of becoming a photographer, the story focuses on the escalating battle between rival gangs led by the murderous Lil Zé and Carrot. The favela itself is a central character in the film, which traces its deterioration into anarchic bloodbath.

59. The writer of the passage likes the film City of God ----.

A) due to the fantastic elements it introduced into the harsh reality of favela

B) for its gripping realism in the portrayal of the Brazilian slum life

C) despite its trial to cover up the ugly sides of the favela life

D) for its focusing on boys of the favela rather than the other people

E) because of the way it justifies certain types of crimes people commit

60. According to the passage, the film ----.

A) describes life in a slum area in the early 2000s and how drug trade took over the region

B) predominantly talks about the war-time experiences of a group of young men

C) is told by a first-person narrator who spent some of his life in war

D) traces three decades in the life of some individuals living in a slum

E) is open-ended and leaves the end to the imagination of the audience

61. According to the passage, the plot of the film ----.

A) covers the rivalry between two gangs whose violence increases continuously

B) takes place in housing projects where Brazil’s well-to-do live

C) is based on a true story which the director himself has witnessed as a boy

D) also includes some autobiographical elements by the writer

E) contains some supernatural elements as it also has a religious dimension

62. The writer of the passage points out that ----.

A) the film starts marvelously but as time passes it goes worse and worse towards the end

B) he is happy to see that the two villains, Lil Zé and Carrot, die and order is restored

C) everybody’s life in the film goes worse and eventually the favela is destroyed

D) the favela in the film itself can be seen as a character which goes through changes

E) the final scenes depict incidents that seems to give hope for all the characters




63. Dennis:

- What do you think about your country’s future?


- ---- Dennis:

- I find this very strange as almost everybody else I talked about said positive things about it.


- I wish I could do the same but the internal ethnic differences are taking us to a point which I do not wish to be.

A) I am not so sure about such questions about a future which we cannot predict at the moment.

B) Sadly, the country is heading for a division in my opinion and we’ll all suffer from it.

C) As a matter of fact, I am quite optimistic about it and believe that it will be an example of stability.

D) Regrettably, we may experience an inflow of refugees from the wars in our neighbours.

E) The economy is doing well especially in the second quarter but it may not last long.

64. Ned:

- This columnist just gets on my nerves! The same conspiracy theory again and again every day.


- ---- Ned:

- Yes, it is and what’s more, this time he claims that our government is behind it all.


- I think he has lost all his ties with reality now.

A) Like it or not but his ideas concerning the economic frauds and crises are very credible according to many economists.

B) In our age, conspiracy theories are manufactured by the mass media to lead people into believing that everything around us is fake.

C) Yet, the probability that his theories are right is very high if you ask many people.

D) I personally believe that he may be right concerning the release of radioactivity from some of the power plants.

E) Is it about the idea that the recent earthquakes are actually performed by some people with strange powers?


65. Okan:

- Tell me one word in English that means something very special for you.


- ---- Okan:

- Sounds very melodic indeed and I got curious about that special reason now.


- It is very close to the concept of fate and coincidence with positive expectations.

A) I have always found the word “Kismet” very musical for no explainable reason whatsoever and use it as my bumper sticker.

B) I find the word “Chatoyant” very lovely and funny as it means “like a cat’s eye” and I am a cat-lover.

C) Without a second thought, “Serendipity” with all its harmony comes to my mind with a very special reason.

D) Well, not for me but my sister loves the word “Gossamer” and tries to use it whether it is relevant or not.

E) I cannot tell you for sure but I heard that the word “Mellifluous” means “sweet sounding” and may be the word you are looking for.

66. Ralph:

- The animals in captivity suffer immensely from stress and we must do something about it.


- We can start with our zoo and the Dolphin Show at the harbour then.


- ---- Walt:

- Yes, then a couple of more letters to the local newspapers will create some publicity for the case.

A) Dolphins are the animals that are most vulnerable to stress but many people think that they are always happy.

B) We must do more than writing letters and such passive things and instead prepare a demonstration in front of these places.

C) However, some of these animals can no longer survive in the wild once they are set free and this must be taken into consideration.

D) The latter is private and we may not have a chance but the former is a public institution and we can write to the local council.

E) All the zoos in the world must be abolished and the animals in them should be returned to their natural habitat as quickly as possible.


67. Brigitte:

- My son just does not listen to me and I don’t know what to do! He has a problem with authority.


- It’s all normal at this age, unless it leads to some sort of a legal problem.


- ---- Swan:

- If so, you may seek some professional assistance and I can give you a number to call.

A) That’s the problem; he has just been suspended from school for one month for unruly behavior.

B) Thank you for the advice but the school advisor and the social workers told me that it is not that serious.

C) I am already talking to a lawyer to solve the problem with that principal who suspended my son.

D) Teenagers in our age are misled by their peers and they can easily commit crimes.

E) He said he was the victim of bullying at the school but the problem has been solved.


68. Upon my return from abroad, my mother smiled

as though she was amused at seeing me as a grown up man.

A) I don’t quite know why but I guess my now being a grown-up man was the reason why my mother was laughing at me as I returned from abroad.

B) It was probably seeing me as an adult man that made my mother smile when I came back home from abroad.

C) As soon as I returned home from abroad, my mother met me with a smiling face, which meant that she was happy to see me as an adult now.

D) As she greeted me when I arrived back from abroad, my mother had a smiling face due to my now being a fully grown-up man.

E) My mother was smiling when I returned from abroad because she couldn’t believe that I was an adult now.

69. The troops entered the city hoping that none of

the residents had any weapons to shoot at them at close range.

A) The citizens of the city were lurking in the shadows of the city to shoot at the troops by directly aiming at them and the soldiers were not expecting this.

B) It was expected by the soldiers, as they were entering the city, to be met by armed citizens who were willing to kill them by shooting from very close distances.

C) The troops hoped that people in the city dropped their weapons and were hiding and were not able to fight against them in the closed buildings.

D) Troops had been expecting the people in the city had none of the weapons they had but may be able shoot at them using small weapons.

E) Moving in to the city, the troops wished that the city people had no weapons to attack them from short distances.


70. As is the case with many people who start a new job, Marilyn was also welcomed by a small party followed by a bad joke.

A) When Marilyn started her new job, her colleagues threw her a party and made a bad joke after it since this is the company tradition.

B) A bad joke made after a small party is what awaits many new employees but for Marilyn this was not the case.

C) It is customary to greet a new recruit to a company with a bad joke after a small party and Marilyn was no exception.

D) On Marilyn’s first day at her new job, she was surprised to see a party prepared for her but the following bad joke reminded her that she is just like anybody else in the company.

E) The habit of greeting new employees with a bad joke made during a small party was also practiced for Marilyn as her case made this necessary.

71. As far as we can tell, taxation began in Sumeria

around 5,000 years ago and it seems to have been a creation of the combination of religion and government.

A) We know that the Sumer was the first civilization to develop a tax system which both addressed the needs of their religion and political system at around 5,000 years ago.

B) Approximately 5,000 years before the present, the Sumer emerged and began to practice taxation together with the development of their religious and political systems.

C) It looks as if the Sumer were the first people to use taxes in the maintenance of their religious and political bodies founded 5,000 years ago but this is a bit questionable.

D) As far as known in history, taxation emerged in the Sumerian civilization nearly 5,000 years ago and it appears that the clergy and the government created it as a practice together.

E) Sumeria was the birthplace of what we today call taxation and in human history their clergymen and rulers were the first to use it as a combination method almost 5,000 years ago.



72. During the late twentieth century, a dominant

aim of the historical profession was to write deeper and more nuanced social histories. ---- In the history study outside Europe, the profession retreated from imperial history, replacing it with an ‘area studies’ approach. Historians now drew their inspiration from indigenous language sources and local colonial archives.

A) Well before world history or global history became recognised courses in American universities, Robin Palmer had written of The Age of Atlantic Revolutions.

B) This was done through studies of localities and institutions and by revealing the experience of people ‘without history’ or ‘people without power’.

C) Perhaps the ‘revolutionary age’ in history was a truly global phenomenon with causes and consequences in Asia, Africa and the Pacific.

D) The present day seems a good time to direct more of the profession’s energies to the study of global connections and comparisons such as these.

E) The American civil war, for instance, was a unique event, not really comparable with contemporary rebellions and wars in Europe.


73. A new paper published in the USA argues that dinosaurs must have been warm-blooded like birds and mammals--and not cold-blooded like reptiles, as many scientists believed in years past. Why is that? ---- However, they dominated over mammals in terrestrial ecosystems throughout the Mesozoic and to do that they must have had more muscular power and greater endurance than a crocodile-like physiology would have allowed.

A) Modern birds are fundamentally different from non-avian dinosaurs in terms of abdominal soft-tissue morphology, and they cannot be modified dinosaurs.

B) The dinosaur mouth was too small compared to their body and their teeth also weren’t very long which meant chewing was tough practice for them.

C) As the number of carnivores in a community increases, they eat more and more of the herbivores, decreasing the herbivore population.

D) Good eyesight, a keen sense of smell, and a large brain to plan hunting strategies were very important for successful hunting for a dinosaur.

E) Because if dinosaurs had been cold-blooded, they wouldn't have had enough muscle power to capture their prey and be the dominant animals of their time.

74. In the middle of the twentieth century universities attempted to divide physics and mathematics. ---- Whole generations of mathematicians grew up without knowing half of their science and, of course, in total ignorance of any other sciences. Since scholastic mathematics that is cut off from physics is fit neither for teaching nor for application in any other science, the result was the universal hate towards mathematicians.

A) The consequences of the divide turned out to be catastrophic.

B) Mathematics is the part of physics where experiments are cheap.

C) The construction of a mathematical theory is exactly the same as that in any other natural science.

D) It is obvious that in any real-life activity it is impossible to wholly rely on such deductions.

E) Calculus is a subject many students complain about in their first years at college.

75. ---- It allows artificial light to shine outward and upward into the sky, where it's not wanted, instead of focusing it downward, where it is. Ill-designed lighting washes out the darkness of night and radically alters the light levels and light rhythms to which many forms of life, including ourselves, have adapted. Wherever human light spills into the natural world, some aspect of life for other beings, such as their migration, reproduction and feeding is affected.

A) For most of human history, the phrase "light and sound painting" would have made no sense.

B) In most cities, the sky looks as though it has been emptied of stars, leaving behind a vacant haze.

C) We've lit up the night as if it were an unoccupied country, when nothing could be further from the truth.

D) A relatively recent development, light pollution is largely the result of bad lighting design.

E) Scientists have shown that long artificial days and artificially short nights induce early breeding for many birds.





76. (I) In early 1930, George Beauchamp, a Hawaiian

guitar player and Adolph Rickenbacker, an electronics engineer, met at the Dopera Brothers guitar manufacturer in Los Angeles. (II) Together, they eventually developed the schematic for a revolutionary idea: an electronic guitar. (III) The premise was simple: by fitting the guitar with two magnets, a magnetic field was created which could pick up the vibrations from a string and transfer it to a resonating wire coil. (IV) In a Jazz setting, the guitar was purely for rhythm: the volume of an acoustic instrument other than a piano could never outplay the cries of a full brass section. (V) By allowing an electric current through, the magnets could pick up vibrations and then send it through the coiled wire and through separate resistors for tone and volume to a loudspeaker.

A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V

77. (I) Shakespeare wasn’t exactly a horror writer, but he was rather fond of using ghosts in his plays. (II) Poe was a master of the horror tale too, and some of the ghosts in his stories are so vivid in our brains that we just couldn’t leave them out. (III) To our minds, the King Hamlet is by far the creepiest ghost in drama, sneaking up on Hamlet with blood trickling from his ear, demanding revenge. (IV) Is he a “spirit of health or goblin damned” or is he a figment of Hamlet’s twisted imagination? (V) We’ll never truly know, but he always makes us shudder throughout the play.

A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V

78. (I) The beauty of making pickles at home is that you can tailor them to suit your tastes, making them sweet or sour, and adding as much or as little flavoring as you wish. (II) The trick with pickling is to create an environment that is inhospitable to harmful bacteria while preserving the integrity of the vegetables. (III) The acid environment in pickles keeps away the bacteria which otherwise cause the food to decay. (IV) Blanching, that is briefly cooking the ingredients in boiling water, is the first step to make delicious and healthy pickles. (V) The 1:1 ratio of vinegar to water keeps vegetables crisp in the fridge, but is also acidic enough that they can be canned safely if you choose to.

A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V

79. (I) Many people resolve for some reason that they can swim to shore after an accident at sea. (II) The number one cause of fatalities in boating accidents is capsizing. (III) It is normally the result of improper loading or overloading, but also can be caused by other things such as foul weather. (IV) When a boat capsizes, the occupants should stay with the boat as most boats float upside down, or full of water, even with outboard motors attached. (V) The upturned vessel can easily be seen from the air or as you draw near and the victims can quickly be rescued.

A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V


80. (I) The Bangladesh garment industry is the largest employer of women in the formal manufacturing sector. (II) The workplace owners have been described both as risk-taking entrepreneurs of a modernizing economy and as oppressors of women in exploitative sweatshops. (III) The conditions of the 1971 war, in fact, created the proto-capitalists, and the post-1975 economic policies of the military regime enabled them to become capitalists. (IV) The reason is that, women from various class backgrounds are employed because they can be molded into compliant workers. (V) Further, the multi-class character of the workforce combined with the threat of layoffs prevents solidarity and makes unionization of female workers difficult.

A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V