10 reasons why I love AppAnnie by Mathieu Vaidis

Post on 14-Sep-2014

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#10 reasons why !

… AppAnnie! presented by Mathieu Vaidis

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License.

CocoaHeads Paris - Feb 13th 2014

I love Annie

#1 Annie gives me a lot of detailed stats on my app’s downloads

#2 Annie tells me how much I earn (well not for this app obviously 😉)

#3 Annie informs me about how I rank daily in all countries

#4 Annie keeps records of my rankings in all categories

#5 Annie keep records of all events affecting my different rankings + I can add some manually

#6 Annie regroups all reviews for me on one page

… but I also love Annie for market, competition or landscape analysis. !

(for me or my clients)

#7 Instead of switching to all stores or sticking to one store and getting this result:

… Annie can perform a search worldwide search for me:

#8 Annie remembers about deleted apps

#9 Annie has the rounded icon ready for me to copy paste in powerpoint (and screenshots too)

#10 Annie informs me about the category, ranking, release date & all subsequent updates (with the text)

Oh! and there the new DNA functionality

The Unified App feature allows you to check an app across stores, platform or language

The App Franchise feature allows you to check all the apps that belong to a franchise & across stores

And the Company features regroups publisher accounts across all stores


All of this for free!

Thank you Annie…I mean AppAnnie!

And as always I which you all the best for your marketing activities!