1/18 CMMI Risk Management Jense Seurynck Daan Van Britsom Risk Management.

Post on 02-Jan-2016

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CMMIRisk Management

Jense SeurynckDaan Van Britsom

Risk Management


Risk ManagementPurpose

At least be ready for the problems you can anticipate, so you’ll be able to handle the one’s you can’t.

Risk Management


Risk ManagementSpecific Goals

SG 1 Prepare for Risk Management SP1.1 Determine Risk Sources and Categories

One team has decided to divide the risks based onthe components.

SP1.2 Define Risk Parameters All the teams use the same (mandatory) categorization for their

risks,namely: Very Major, Major…

SP1.3 Establish a Risk Management Strategy Mandatory minimal Risk Management effort. Off the record it is commonly accepted that when a Very Major

risk occurs, at least half the team ought to be working on it.

Risk Management

[1] Trac Risk List

[2] Technology Innovation Risk Levels


Risk ManagementSpecific Goals

SG 2 Identify and Analyze Risks SP2.1 Identify Risks

Risks are identified through brainstorming and individualsuggestions.

SP2.2 Evaluate, Categorize, and Prioritize Risks Categorization by team knowhow. Prioritization by project impact. Risks are evaluated before and during review sessions.

Risk Management

[1] Trac Risk List

[3] Review Meeting Risk Overview

[1] Trac Risk List


Risk ManagementSpecific Goals

SG 3 Mitigate Risks SP3.1 Develop Risk Mitigation Plans

Mitigation plans are developed through brainstorming. People are assigned responsibility for a risk. No contingency plans were found.

SP3.2 Implement Risk Mitigation Plans Every two weeks (review session) the risk status is updated.

Risk Management

[4] Risk Mitigation Plan

[3] Review Meeting Risk Overview


Risk ManagementGeneric Practices GG 2

GP2.1 Establish an Organizational Policy The organizational policy had been suggested during the

introduction lesson.

GP2.2 Plan the Process One team uses Trac tickets for risks as well as standard


GP2.3 Provide Resources Powerpoint (all teams) + Trac (1 team) -> “Risk database”

Risk Management

[2] Technology Innovation Risk Levels

[6] Risk Trac Ticket

[3] Review Meeting Risk Overview

[5] Risk List Template

[1] Trac Risk List


Risk ManagementGeneric Practices GG 2 (2)

GP2.4 Assign Responsibility During the team meetings people are assigned to the

different risks.

GP2.5 Train People Some training was provided during the introduction session

and Softwaremanagement classes.

GP2.6 Manage Configurations Trac / Powerpoint overview

Risk Management

[1] Trac Risk List[3] Review Meeting Risk


[5] Risk List Template

[1] Trac Risk List[3] Review Meeting Risk



Risk ManagementGeneric Practices GG 2 (3)

GP2.7 Identify and Involve Relevant Stakeholders Professor Gielen = “Quality assurance team” Project Supervisor(s) = “Customer(s)”

GP2.8 Monitor and Control the Process One team monitors risk mitigation effort.

GP2.9 Objectively Evaluate Adherence Professor Gielen

GP2.10 Review Status with Higher Level Management Review meetings

Risk Management

[3] Review Meeting Risk Overview

[6] Risk Trac Ticket

[3] Review Meeting Risk Overview

[3] Review Meeting Risk Overview


Risk ManagementGeneric Practices GG 3

GP3.1 Establish a Defined Process Introduction lesson.

GP3.2 Collect Improvement Information Thanks to this exercise all projects receive feedback

and are capable of improving the Risk Management activities in their project.

Risk Management


[5] Risk List Template


Risk ManagementProcess Assets

Risk Management

[1] Trac Risk List


Risk ManagementProcess Assets

Risk Management

[2] Technology Innovation Risk Levels


Risk ManagementProcess Assets

Risk Management

[3] Review Meeting Risk Overview


Risk ManagementProcess Assets

Risk Management

[4] Risk Mitigation Plan


Risk ManagementProcess Assets

Risk Management

[5] Risk List Template


Risk ManagementProcess Assets

Risk Management

[6] Risk Trac Ticket


Risk ManagementFindings

Strengths Organisational Risk Management Strategy: Continuously

monitoring of risks.

Opportunities for Improvement Automated risk management and alerts.

Proposed Actions Trac risk tickets for effort monitoring + automatically

generated warnings if too much effort is being spent. (i.e. The risk is getting out of control.)

Risk Management


Risk ManagementGlossary

CMMI Capability Maturity Model Integration

RSKM Risk Management

Risk Management


Risk ManagementReferences

CMMI for Development version 1.2http://www.sei.cmu.edu/publications/documents/06.reports/06tr008.html

Portal for the Software Development Project of Group 1 http://hadra.stoneship.org/trac/hadra

Portal for the Software Development Project of Group 2https://

Portal for the Software Development Project of Group 3http://bellerophon159.test.atlantis.ugent.be/

Portal for the Software Development Project of Group 4http://bellerophon162.test.atlantis.ugent.be/trac/main/

Risk Management