12 Adar 5777 Light andles 5:35 pm Happy, Happy …...HAPPY PURIM! Rabbi erel Wein© 2017 4 Soille...

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In This Issue:

Calendar 2

Parshat Tetzaveh 3

The Soille Scene 4

Staff Spotlight 8

Preschool Pages 9-10

Community News 11

Soille San Diego Hebrew Day School Paula Tannen Preschool

3630 Afton Road · San Diego, CA 92123 · 858-279-3300 www.hebrewday.org

March 10, 2017 Shabbat Zachor Megillah Reading Parsha Tetzaveh 12 Adar 5777 Light Candles 5:35 pm

Happy, Happy Purim

What’s it like to be in a building with

370 very happy children having a

good time? Ask any of our

teachers, because the past 10 days

of school filled with Purim spirit and

Adar happiness have created just

such a place here at Hebrew Day.

In kindergarten, when asked to write

in Hebrew about what makes them

happy, we receive ‘Ani Sameach

B’Beit HaSefer’ – I am happiest when

at school!

Learning continues, with kids

working hard to write programs in

scratch, figure out multi part math

problems, and decode nuances of

meaning in Megilat Esther. All

infused with camaraderie and good

cheer, setting the stage for a

Wonderful Purim on Sunday, and our

finale on Monday when we celebrate

Shushan Purim. Chag Purim



Soille San Diego Hebrew Day School Kolenu March 10, 2017 - 12 Adar 5777

Calendar of Events

Head of School: Rabbi Simcha Weiser rabbiweiser@hebrewday.org

Assistant Head of School: Rabbi Meir Cohen rabbicohen@hebrewday.org

Director of School Operations: Estelle Workman eworkman@hebrewday.org

Director of Enrollment: Beth Licha blicha@hebrewday.org

Dean of Students: Giovanna Reinking giovanna.reinking@hebrewday.org

Preschool Director: Rachel Eden rachel.eden@hebrewday.org

Business Manager: Klara Lapp klapp@hebrewday.org

Director of Development: Joyce Arovas jarovas@hebrewday.org


Geoffrey Berg

Members at Large:

Josh Cohen Iliana Glovinsky

Moises Eilemberg Gavin Horn

Allen Gruber Hilary Kleinman

Yonina Kaplan Philip Silverman

Michael Leeman Yvonne Venger

Marilyn Williams Marcia Wollner

Missy Wrotslavsky Brian Zimmerman

Our Administrative Team: Board of Directors:

March April

March 13, 2017 9 am Start Shushan Purim 1 pm Dismissal Passover Candy orders due March 14, 2017 8th Grade County Science Fair Set Up March 16, 2017 8th Grade County Science Fair Awards Ceremony—SDSU March 17, 2017 K, 2nd & 4th Grade fieldtrip to JCC/Willy Wonka Play

March 20 - 29, 2017 ERB Testing for 3rd-8th grade students March 22, 2017 Fancy Nancy Presentation Pre-K - 2nd grade 2:30 pm March 23, 2017 County Spelling Bee—Tzvi Adato representing Soille March 28, 2017 Rosh Chodesh Assembly 2:50 pm March 29, 2017 5th grade Milestone event M&M Fair April 7 - 19, 2017 Peasach Break—No School

April 20, 2017 School Resumes 9 am Start June 4, 2017 Annual June Gala New Children’s Museum 5:30 pm


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Soille San Diego Hebrew Day School Kolenu March 10, 2017 - 12 Adar 5777

Parshat Tetzaveh OVERVIEW: Tezaveh (Exodus Ch 27:20 – 30:10): G-d tells Moshe to command the Jewish People to supply pure olive oil for the menorah in the Mishkan (Tent of Meeting). He also tells Moshe to organize the making of the bigdei kehuna (priestly garments): A breastplate, an ephod, a robe, a checkered tunic, a turban, a sash, a forehead-plate, and linen trousers. Upon their completion, Moshe is to perform a ceremony for seven days to consecrate Aharon and his sons. This includes offering sacrifices, dressing Aharon and his sons in their respective garments, and anointing Aharon with oil. G-d commands that every morning and afternoon a sheep be offered on the altar in the Mishkan. This offering should be accompanied by a meal-offering and libations of wine and oil. G-d commands that an altar for incense be built from acacia wood and covered with gold. Aharon and his descendants should burn incense on this altar every day. (C) 2017 Ohr Somayach International

DRASHA: Although it is obvious from the context of the previous parts of the Torah that when the Torah states “and you shall command” the you referred to is Moshe, nevertheless the name of Moshe does not appear in this week's Torah reading. Many explanations, ideas and commentaries have been advanced over the ages as to why his name is absent from this portion of the Torah. His name is so intertwined with the Torah that he transmitted to us, that the absence of his name strikes a perplexing and even jarring note. Since there are no mere coincidences or accidents of language and style in the Torah, this issue of the absence of the name of Moshe in this week's Torah reading merits our attention and understanding. There is an element of Moshe’s phenomenal modesty certainly present here. Moshe strove all of his life to prevent Jewish belief from becoming the cult of the personality. Moshe always made it clear that he was only the conduit for the transmission of G-d's word to the people of Israel and that the Torah was of Heavenly origin and not the work of his mind and pen. Thus it would be completely in character for him to allow an entire portion of his teachings to Israel to appear without his name being attached to it. The Torah is represented by the great candelabra and the light that emanated from it. The fuel that fed that light – the pure olive oil, came from all of the Jewish people collectively and not from Moshe alone. It is completely understandable that the intrinsic modesty of Moshe would be reflected by the absence of his name being associated with this holy fuel and light. The Torah reading of this week coincides with the

Shabbat of Zachor. Amalek comes to destroy the Jewish people in their infancy as a nation. There has always been a tendency in the Jewish world to somehow ascribe the hatred of Jews by certain sections of the non-Jewish world to the acts, policies or personalities of the leaders of the Jewish people. In the story of Purim, the Jews of Persia blamed Mordechai for the decrees and enmity of Haman. But Haman certainly is not satisfied with destroying Mordechai alone. He meant to destroy Mordechai’s Jewish critics as well. To our enemies, the hatred is never exclusively personal. To them, a Jew is a Jew, no matter what or whom. Thus the fact that this week's Torah reading coincides with Shabbat Zachor indicates to us that the problem is not Moshe or any other leader or individual Jew. Even when Moshe and his name are absent from the scene, Amalek, and its hatred and violence towards Jews, is present and dangerously active. There is a tendency in the Jewish world to cast blame upon our leadership - national, organizational and religious - for all of the outside ills that befall us. Our leadership must always be held up to scrutiny and critical standards of personal behavior and national policy. However, the outside forces that arise in every generation to attempt to destroy us do so even when our leaders are blameless and even absent from the scene completely. Shabat shalom. HAPPY PURIM! Rabbi Berel Wein© 2017


Soille San Diego Hebrew Day School Kolenu March 10, 2017 - 12 Adar 5777

Adar Spirit Week


Soille San Diego Hebrew Day School Kolenu March 10, 2017 - 12 Adar 5777

The Soille Scene

Bringing Purim Home

Each of our kindergarteners left school today with a bag full of Purim Happy things: a personalized Megilah (concluding with the child's personal gratitude), a Grogger / Ra'ashan to make noise with, a Mishloach Manot to give to a friend, and a diorama with hand puppets to be able to perform the Purim story in their own words.

All lovingly prepared and supervised by Morah Liat Alon.

This week fourth grade got to work a clay wheel with a professional ceramic artist Linda Fuchs. Ms. Fuchs taught ceramic wheel work to adults at Ucsd and to students at several high schools in San Diego over the course of her career. What a treat to be taught by a professional. The fourth graders had a great time!


Soille San Diego Hebrew Day School Kolenu March 10, 2017 - 12 Adar 5777

The Soille Scene

This week the third graders and the amazing HDS parent Tova Goldscmidt, spent 2 hours making the most gorgeous hamantashen keychains for Purim. Stay tuned for the gluten free rice krispy treat hamantashen courtesy of Morah Judith and her creativity!!!

Third grade students used their coding skills to get their class robot, Sphero, to go through a maze. It was a

competition between the classes and they had a lot of fun!


Soille San Diego Hebrew Day School Kolenu March 10, 2017 - 12 Adar 5777

Save the Date-June Gala Soille Hebrew Day Gala—Sunday, June 4th Save the date of Sunday, June 4th for our annual Gala at the New Children’s Museum. We our honoring Mrs. Emily Einhorn for her leadership and devotion to the community. Mrs. Einhorn is a past parent (students Estee and Max) and Vice President of Hebrew Day, is a past Chair of the Jewish Community Foundation, and serves as Vice Chair of the Leichtag Foundation.

Selwyn and Hilary Isakow are Honorary Co-Chairs of the event.

Gala Underwriting Opportunities

Become a Gala Underwriter so that 100% of the Gala costs will be 100% underwritten and all Gala proceeds can go back to Hebrew Day. Contact Joyce Arovas, jarovas@hebrewday.org for information.

Tribute Journal Messages Start sending in your message for our beautiful Tribute Journal. The Journal is also a full calendar for next school year. Put in a message to your children, grandchildren or teachers. Buy an ad for your business and / or solicit ads from businesses you patronize. Ad Form is found in the back of this Kolenu.

The Auction Let’s make this year’s Auction a huge success. Ask the people you frequent for a donation to the Auction in support of Hebrew Day. We make packages, so no gift is too small. Think of gift certificates, items, services, jewelry, handbags, luggage, clothing, toys, etc. Auction forms are located at the end of this Kolenu. Contact Estelle Workman, eworkman@hebrewday.org or 858-279-3300, ext. 101 for more information.

Tribute Journal / Desk Calendar The Tribute Journal is a wonderful way to honor your children, grandchildren, teachers, staff and, of course, Soille Hebrew Day! Advertise your business, too! Tribute Journal forms are located in the back of the Kolenu and at the front desk. Questions? Contact Klara Lapp, 858-279-3300, ext. 105 or klapp@hebrewday.org.

Join a Gala Committee! Dinner

Ad Journal Auction Venue

We love hearing your ideas!

Contact Estelle, eworkman@hebrewday.org

for details


Soille San Diego Hebrew Day School Kolenu March 10, 2017 - 12 Adar 5777

Hebrew Day Staff Spotlight This week’s Staff Spotlight: Giovanna Reinking What is your role at Hebrew Day?

I am the Dean of Students for Kindergarten through Eighth Grade. As the Dean, my

goal is to ensure that all of our students at Hebrew day are thriving. I love what I do

and the students that I serve.

Tell us a little bit about your history such as where you grew up, brothers and

sisters . . .

I am a San Diego native and graduated from Scripps Ranch H.S. (go Falcons!). I

attended USD and CSUN where I pursued my love for vocal performance. After I

graduated I lived in the Southern French Alps, and in England for 5 years, where I

worked as a musician. I missed sunny San Diego so much that I had to return! When I

did, I followed a new dream of working with children.

What/who made the most impact on you during your school years?

I had a choir teacher in high school who taught me a lot about myself. Her name was Mrs Shirley and, looking back, she

was the most patient and kind person I had ever met. At the time, I didn’t realize how much she meant to me and how

much she helped me through those 4 years of high school. I heard she is still teaching choir locally. One day, I hope I run

into her so that I can tell her how much I appreciate everything she did for me.

What are some of your talents, activities or hobbies that occupy your time when not at work?

I have 2 small children so I have forgotten what hobbies are… One day, I look forward to being able to bake, nap and

exercise again!

Who is someone you look up to and why?

Someone I look up to, especially at this point in my life, is my mother. Now that I am a mom, I am so appreciative of the

way she raised me and the fact that she taught me empathy and appreciation for life at such an early age. Being a mom

isn’t easy, but having her as a role model gives me guidance. Even now, she continues to teach me and challenge me to

be the best version of myself possible. I don’t know if I will ever be as good as she is at being a mom, but I will try for the

rest of my life.

What do you like most about working at Hebrew Day?

What I appreciate most about this school is the community. Everyone is so loving and united by their shared values. I love

that when I walk through the door each morning, everyone has a smile on their face. Hebrew Day feels like one big family

and it is truly inspiring.

Tell us about a moment you had a great impact on students during your time as a teacher.

Being involved in the lives of our students from such a young age, and watching them grow into responsible, kind-hearted

young adults is such an amazing experience. When I am able to witness a 7th grader, who I have taught since they were in

2nd grade, take ownership of their learning, I am reminded of why I chose this path in life. It is my hope that I have, in

some small way, contributed to their ongoing success. Regardless, I know that the students certainly have had a

tremendous impact on my life.


Soille San Diego Hebrew Day School Kolenu March 10, 2017 - 12 Adar 5777

Preschool Pages


Soille San Diego Hebrew Day School Kolenu March 10, 2017 - 12 Adar 5777

Preschool Pages


Soille San Diego Hebrew Day School Kolenu March 10, 2017 - 12 Adar 5777

Community News Mazal Tov… ...Michelle and Lee Haripko on the birth of their son and to big sister in the Roly Poly class Brielle!

Recycle your ink cartridges Bring in your

used ink cartridges to Hebrew Day!

Join the Hebrew Day Legacy Circle

Legacy Donors are people just like you who are committed to

Jewish education and want to make sure that Hebrew Day

exists for future generations of Jewish children. Legacy Circle

member make a commitment to leave a gift to Hebrew Day in

their will or estate. We welcome all Hebrew Day legacy

donors into our Legacy Circle.

What does a Legacy Gift do?

Legacy gifts to Hebrew Day keep the school strong and secure

for the next generations of Jewish students in San Diego.

On Thursday, March 23rd, the San Diego Jewish Community

Foundation is hosting a community event for Legacy Donors

from all of the Jewish organizations in San Diego. If you are a

current Legacy Donor, you are

invited to attend. If you intend to

become a Legacy Donor and / or

would like more information about

the community event, contact Joyce

Arovas, jarovas@hebrewday.org or

858-279-3300, ext. 107.

Remember on Wednesdays… Breakfast cart from 7:30 a.m. to 8:30 a.m.

Soup during lunch: Upcoming soup: Yummy Tortilla Soup for $3 per cup. Order take-out for $6.

Order Challah by Wednesday @ noon for delivery to Hebrew Day on Friday. Click here to order.

Order delicious homemade salads for Shabbat by Wed. @ 5 p.m. Contact Vicki Rosenberg, soillesaladqueen@gmail.com

Order your Pesach Candy! Order Bartons Passover Candy from Hebrew Day

Deadline: March 13th

Parve & Dairy Selections Available

(many prices have been reduced!

Two Ways to Order:

Order Form: See a Hebrew Day student with the catalog and order form

Online: Go to www.misschocolate.com; Online Store; Go to Customer-Guest Login and register. On the left sidebar go to “Passover” and start your order. At checkout, put the Hebrew Day code #: 704640 in the Student ID section.

All orders will be shipped in time for Pesach! For further information contact Louisa Liebman, lfliebman@gmail.com.

Whether you treat others or treat yourself, indulge in a box of

fine chocolates & candies!


You will help support the

Grade Israel Trip! 8


Prices have been reduced on the Dairy Free

(pareve) and Milk Chocolate Selections. To order:

or Go online to misschocolate.com

“Passover” on the left

sidebar. Order, & then @ Checkout use Student ID Code:


For More Info. Email:


register as Guest Login: Click,


Green Salad

& Yam: with a full Salad bar,

Student Name: _________________________ Grade: _______ Teacher: __________________ Student Name: _________________________ Grade: _______ Teacher: __________________ Student Name: _________________________ Grade: _______ Teacher: __________________

Circle the days of care needed above

Total Days: ________ X $40 = ___________ Sibling: ________ X $35 = ___________ Total Cost: $________________________________ Check or Cash Only. Must pay for camp before the first day in order to save your child’s spot.

Everyday send the following with your child: 2 snacks (1 for AM and 1 for PM) Hefty Lunch Sunscreen Jacket/Sweatshirt Closed toe shoes and socks

Parents: Still have to work even though your child has no school? Do you need care for your child so you can cook and clean for Pesach? Need somewhere safe and fun

for your children to go? Come have fun with Morah Estelle & Morah Gigi!!

(Note: No Preschool care the 13th & 14th, only Day School)

Offered to Kindergarten - 5th grade $40 a day first child/$35 for siblings. Daily Fieldtrips!

Sign up with Estelle Workman in the school office. Space is limited!

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday

3 4 5 6 April 7th 8 am - 2 pm

April 10th 8 am - 2 pm

11 No School/Camp

12 No School/Camp

April 13th 8 am - 3:30 pm

April 14th 8 am - 2 pm

17 No School/Camp

18 No School/Camp

April 19th 8 am - 3:30 pm

20 9 am Start of School


Soille San Diego Hebrew Day School A Blue Ribbon School of Excellence

3630 Afton Road | San Diego, CA 92123 | www.hebrewday.org

Re: Request for a tax-deductible donation

Dear Community Relations Team:

We know you get asked all the time to donate to help a good cause, but that’s because your donation really makes a difference! I am writing on behalf of Soille San Diego Hebrew Day School to ask you to please consider giving a tax-deductible dona-

tion for our Chinese auction at our 54th Annual Fundraising Gala on June 4, 2017. We anticipate 350 guests at this for-

mal event with families from throughout San Diego.

Marketing Exposure for you!

To acknowledge your generosity and give your business exposure, all Chinese Auction donors will be recognized in our

event program, on our website and your business name and any marketing materials you provide will be prominently

displayed at the auction.

About Hebrew Day School

Since 1963, Hebrew Day School has offered a challenging academic and Jewish education for preschool through eighth

grade. We attract families from throughout the county from Chula Vista to Carlsbad and to La Mesa. To keep a

values-based, private school education affordable, we charge less in tuition than what it actually costs to provide an

outstanding education. Your contribution to our Chinese Auction helps us raise much needed funds!

Soille San Diego Hebrew Day School

Tax ID # 95-2305570 (we will send you a tax deductible donation receipt)

Attn: Estelle Workman / Chinese Auction Committee

FAX: 858-279-3389

3630 Afton Road

San Diego, CA 92123

Thank you so much! For questions please call Estelle Workman at

858-279-3300 ext. 101 or eworkman@hebrewday.org

Very Truly Yours,

Estelle Workman, Annual Gala Event Planner