13 colonies FINAL

Post on 22-May-2015

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Thirteen Original Colonies

Lacie Blankenship

New England Colonies

1. Connecticut

2. Massachusetts

3. New Hampshire

4. Rhode Island

New England Colonies

• Some people came to New England to

make money while the majority were

pilgrims who were looking for religious


• Those who came to make money

benefitted from the subsistence farming

and fishing communities

New England Colonies

• The people who settled there made

their own clothes/shoes and grew the

majority of their food. What food

they did not grow on their own was

imported from England

New England Colonies

• Boston (Massachusetts) was the

major port of New England.

Shipbuilding was popular because of

the large easily navigated ports of


New England Colonies

• Mercantilism: the idea that a nation

should export more than it imports and

how well this balance is kept determines a

nation’s wealth and power

• The idea of mercantilism was brought

about as the New England Colonies


Middle Colonies

1. Delaware

2. New Jersey

3. New York

4. Pennsylvania

Middle Colonies

• People came to the Middle Colonies

looking to practice their own religion

(mostly Pennsylvania) or to make


Middle Colonies

• The Middle Colonies were the most

diverse in terms of economics,

culture, ect.

Middle Colonies

• The Middle Colonies were part

agricultural and part industrial. The

colonies grew grains and produced

iron, paper and textiles. The trade

within the Middle Colonies was


Middle Colonies

• The Middle Colonies appealed to

Quakers (religious group against

violence/war) because of it’s fertile

soil and religious toleration

Southern Colonies

1. Georgia

2. Maryland

3. North Carolina

4. South Carolina

5. Virginia

Southern Colonies

• People came to the Southern

Colonies to make money

Southern Colonies

• The Southern Colonies relied mainly

on agriculture. Families lived on big

plantations and grew crash crops.

• A cash crop is a crop grown to make

money (cash) off of

Southern Colonies

• Slaves would live on the plantations

of their owners and work for them

• The topic of slavery is what split the

Carolinas into North and South

Carolina (1729)

Southern Colonies

• James Oglethorpe established the

colony known as Georgia which was

were debtors could go and eventually

pay off their debts to who they owe

without having to go to prison

Effects of Triangular Trade

In Africa:

• Depopulation- Africans were taken and used as

slaves, slaves were killed, wars broke out

• Fall in the economy- workers were taken as

slaves, trade was changed

• Violence- slaves were abused, kidnapped and

killed, slave trade, wars

Effects of Triangular Trade

In America:

• Change in everyday life and culture- slaves

were used to accomplish daily activities, African culture


• Slaves- slaves were brought on a ship to serve the


• Change in the economy- plantations, money in

exchange for exports

Effects of Triangular Trade

In Europe:

• Change in the economy- new goods were

brought in,

• Struggle for power- colonies were developing

in the Americas

• Change in culture- different ideas were


Effects of the Great Awakening

The Great Awakening was the religious reform in the

American Colonies. Christians began to turn away from

the way of the churches and changed the way they

worshiped. The Awakening is said to help people express

how they feel in ties to having a greater relationship with

God. The Awakening prepared America’s mindset for

independence and revolutions. The Awakening proved

that religious practices and power was up to each

individual’s preference or each religion.

Effects of Enlightenment thinking on the development of the

colonial governmentThe Enlightenment encouraged

individuals to branch out and to take a

stand for their beliefs. The effect of

this is that the colonial government

develops into a democracy- a

government for the people.